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a rule against doing or
saying something in a particular
culture or religion

1. Bila nampak biawak lintas jalan, ada mara bahaya di depan
(When a monitor lizard crosses the road, there’s danger ahead)

2. Jangan nyanyi kat dapur, nanti dapat laki tua

(Don’t sing in the kitchen, you’ll end up marrying an old man)

Chinese Indians
Gifts The "Evil Eye"
Certain gifts are seen as The Nimbu-Mirchi Totka (lemon and chillies
inauspicious. For example, never give being tied together at the doorway), is used
to ward off the “Evil Eye”, which can bring in
a clock, watch, or pocket watch as a
gift because "to send a clock" ( ,
a negative to the household.

sòng zhōng) sounds like "the funeral It is believed that the Nimbu-Mirchi-Totka is
ritual" ( , sòng zhōng). According there to keep Alakshmi, sister of Goddess
Lakshmi away. Alakshmi is believed to bring
to Chinese taboo, clocks symbolize
poverty and misery, and likes sour, pungent
that time is running out. and spicy things. The lemon and chillies are
tied outside so she stays there to satisfy her
hunger, and then walks away without casting
her evil eye into the house.

Iban Kadazan
TABOOS FOR PREGNANCY & BIRTH: 1. Moths/ Butterfly fly into the house
They must not cut creepers which a spirit of their recently departed
grow over water and roads as it relatives coming for a visit. The old
will mean that the wife will suffer folks will advise not to chase the
from hemorrhage while giving moth out from the house or kill it
The wife is forbidden to pour oil 2. Hunting in Borneo Jungle
on her palms for oiling her hair when a man is going for hunting in
for it means that her child will Borneo Jungle for food, he will
have overflowing ears as in ear need to be very careful when
infections. having spotted a snake because
Both husband and wife are meeting a snake is a bad sign
prohibited from wedging the
handle of a knife (ngemalau
duku) otherwise their child will be
born deaf.

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