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JANUARY / 2023





PART I.......................................................................................................................................1

1.0 LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LMS)..........................................................1

1.1 Benefit of Learning Management System (LMS).......................................................1

1.2 Types of Learning Management Systems (LMS).......................................................2

1.3 Preferred Learning Management System (LMS) for Organization.............................2

1.4 Feature of the Learning Management System (LMS).................................................2

1.5 Summary of Learning Management System...............................................................3

2.0 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (HRMS)......................................4

2.1 Benefit of Human Resource Management System......................................................4

2.2 Role of Human Resource Management System Administrator..................................4

2.3 Challenges of Human Resource Management System................................................4

2.4 Features of Human Resource Management System....................................................5

2.5 Summary of Human Resource Management System (HRMS)...................................6

3.0 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS).......................................................7

3.1 Core Concept of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)..........................................7

3.2 Applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)............................................8

3.3 Summary of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).................................................9

PART II....................................................................................................................................10

ONLINE COURSE PARTICIPATION...............................................................................10





A learning management system (LMS) is a powerful piece of software for training
and professional development that companies can use as part of their onboarding process. It
combines database management with a digital system to assist with managing curriculum,
training materials, evaluation tools, course scheduling, regulatory compliance, and more.
LMS software can help businesses keep track of their employees' learning, development, and
training while setting clear goals for their progress. Learning management systems (LMS) are
becoming more and more popular in schools, universities, coffee shops, and even multi-
billion dollar companies. Learning management systems (LMS) are software programs that
are used to organize, document, track, report, automate, and deliver learning and
development programs, training programs, materials, and courses.
Online learning began in the early 20th century with the use of audio-video
communication for remote or distance learning. In the 1980s, computers began to be used in
delivering learning materials and assessments. In the 1990s, the internet allowed for more
sophisticated lesson delivery, drill and practice programs, and individualized instruction. An
LMS is a digital learning platform that lets employees and students access an internal
knowledge base, take tests, and do practical assignments. It lets administrators keep track of
user information and course enrollments, organize content into full training programs, and
control how learners move forward in their training. It also collects statistics, runs reports,
and automates grading, streamlining the entire training process.

1.1 Benefit of Learning Management System (LMS)

The most obvious benefit of the LMS is that it helps both learners and employees
learn more. First, an LMS gives a company a place to keep all of its training and development
materials in one place. The same program may be used to save, manage, modify, and remove
it. To keep the information current, a variety of people may have contributed to the creation
of the material. As conventional training methods like seminars and training days have a
direct financial effect on the business, using an LMS also saves money. Users of an LMS
have access to their learning environment from any location. Learning may occur whenever it
suits the student, at their own speed, without using up business resources or costing money
for travel. For big businesses that often hire temporary workers and must conduct training on

a regular basis, the use case for an LMS becomes extremely compelling. Such firms may
operate more effectively with an LMS.

1.2 Types of Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Learning management systems (LMSs) are a broad term that can be used to describe a
number of different tools. They are different in important ways and are used by different
people, like a university LMS and a software company LMS. The type of LMS you need will
depend on things like cost, functionality, and user experience. The tools and features of a
corporate LMS and an education or academic LMS are different. A corporate LMS is often
updated and improved with new features. It also has options like white-labeling and
integration with other tools. An academic LMS doesn't add new features often and probably
doesn't allow integrations.

1.3 Preferred Learning Management System (LMS) for Organization

When choosing a learning management system (LMS), it is important to consider the
qualities, features, and flexibility that best suit the company's requirements. Current LMS
systems are capable of more than simply creating and delivering courses, and should focus on
feedback, built-in course authoring, cloud-based LMSs, peer learning abilities, peer review,
discussion forums, and course development. It is also important to set up systems that allow
team members to exchange information and educate themselves.

1.4 Feature of the Learning Management System (LMS)

When looking for the best LMS vendors, it is important to ensure a return on
investment (ROI) and build a better business case. To do this, L&D professionals should
know their company's training goals and how to help achieve them. They should also find a
platform with must-have features such as integrations, data tracking, personalized user
experience, offline learning trackers, automated alerts and notifications, centralized learning
materials, flexible reporting and analytics, visual representations of learner data, and
customizable reports. An LMS should also be able to store videos, slide presentations, textual
instructions, and other learning materials in one place that is easy to use.
Remote or mobile-workforce ready learning management systems (LMSs) are
essential for multinational corporations to offer on-site training. They must be remote- or
mobile-ready to guarantee that learners have constant access to content and that businesses


can educate their employees. To protect the company, a good LMS should be able to track
and record training activities and send out alerts when problems arise. Assessment tools,
smart scheduling tools, test-out options, hosting options for maximum security, and protocols
for data security should be put in place to keep sensitive information safe. LMSs should also
support a wide range of assessment tools, exam engines, simulations, and branching
scenarios, and provide instructors with a smart scheduling tool that lets them offer their
students more
than one date and
time for training
Security Protocol Data Tracking


Training Module Personalization

Test-Out User
Figure 1: Experience Features
Diagram of

Offline Learning
Smart Schedule


Alert &

Compliance & Learning Material

Policy Store

Remote Reporting &

Workforce Analysis

Management System (LMS)

1.5 Summary of Learning Management System

In summary, a learning management system (LMS) is a piece of software that lets you
make, share, and manage learning materials over a network. It makes it easier for teachers to
plan online learning and makes it easier for students to get to lecture materials or content.
Blackboard, Moodle, Google Classroom, Canvas, Moodle, and Schoology are all examples of
LMS apps. But it is still hard to help professors and students talk to each other in real time.
HR management systems (HRMS) are important for managing a large team because
they give a single view of employee data and cut down on the amount of work that needs to
be done by hand. As opposed to what most people think, not all HR management systems are
expensive or strict, and there are a lot of different options. Human Resource Management
System (HRMS) is a group of programs that help HR staff take care of their most valuable
assets. It can save time, cut costs, and help you run your business better. Depending on your
needs, HRMS can handle administrative tasks like employee management, leave
management, etc., or it can focus on strategic areas like training and development,
performance management, and recruitment.

2.1 Benefit of Human Resource Management System

HRMS are important for organizations that want to improve their HR function and act
more strategically. They provide improved data management, employees do their own work,
central storage, less to keep track of, employee development, reporting on demand, figuring
out how well a program works, and data about hiring. HRMS systems can be used to set up
and keep track of programs, manage turnover, new hires, compensation, management, benefit
costs, and other costs.

2.2 Role of Human Resource Management System Administrator

The role of administrators of human resource management systems (HRMS) is to take
care of the systems, software, and databases used for HRM. They are in charge of looking at
how well HRIS works, managing user accounts, and fixing problems. They also have to come
up with and put into place new HR management processes and systems. For someone to be
successful as an HRMS administrator, they should have a lot of experience managing HRIS
systems in a similar role. A good HRMS administrator will combine their knowledge of IT
with their knowledge of human resources to help an organization's HR practices run as
smoothly as possible. Their jobs include looking at how well HR systems work, collecting
information about users, and keeping an eye on performance metrics. They may also train
people on how to use HRIS.

2.3 Challenges of Human Resource Management System

The HRMS is no different from other systems in that it has its own problems, such as
cost, complexity, integration with other systems and employees, and upgrading and
maintenance. HR leaders should research the best software for their company and set aside


enough funds to maintain the system in the long run. Establishing and using software can be
tough, especially for organizations that don't have a great deal of IT resources or know-how.
It can be hard to get people to use the system, and it needs to be updated and maintained
regularly to keep up with new rules and regulations.

2.4 Features of Human Resource Management System

A human resource management system (HRMS) is a software program that automates
many business tasks, such as payroll and benefits administration, tracking employee absences
and time sheets, and setting up pay raises. It also has features that can be changed to fit the
needs of the business, such as recruitment administration and off-boarding, applicant tracking
systems, and workforce management. HRMS platforms must have a feature that lets
companies keep track of their employees from the time they are hired to the time they retire
and should show in real time which functions employees are qualified for and let them be
sorted by their functional needs. Workforce Upskilling can be done through a configurable
AI-powered upskilling platform that works with learning management systems, learning
experience platforms, and employee experience platforms.
Employers should look at how their workers are doing on a regular basis to make sure
the workplace is productive and friendly. A good employee experience can be made with the
help of an HRMS platform that has a module for employee rewards and recognition.

Figure 2:Diagram of Human Resource Management System


2.5 Summary of Human Resource Management System (HRMS)

A Human Resources Management System (HRMS) is a digital personal assistant that

helps manage employee tasks like figuring out and letting people know about time off, filling
out paperwork for new employees, and keeping track of employee performance. It is an
important part of keeping the human resources department and the business as a whole
organized and running well. HRMS lets businesses automate many processes and cut down
on mistakes. This gives them an edge over the competition and gives them more time to do
important tasks. More and more businesses are utilizing HRMS to enhance the hiring process,
hasten the onboarding of new employees, and generally make employees happier and more
productive. HRMS helps the human resources department of an organization by automating
manual tasks, keeping employee information organized, and making reports that are based on
data. It can work with other data management programs if the company needs it to.

Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system for collecting, storing,
checking, and showing data about places on Earth's surface. It can use anything that tells
where something is, like latitude and longitude, an address, or a ZIP code. GIS technology is
essential for spatial data infrastructure, which is the technology, policies, standards, human
resources, and other things that are needed to get, process, distribute, use, maintain, and save
spatial data. GIS technology lets people compare and contrast different types of information,
such as population, income, or education level. It can also have information about the land,
like streams, plants, and soil, as well as the locations of factories, farms, and schools. With
GIS technology, people can compare where different things are to figure out how they are
connected. For instance, a single map could show both places that cause pollution and places
that are affected by it, like wetlands and rivers, to help people figure out where water supplies
are most at risk.

Figure 3: Source by: GISGeography

3.1 Core Concept of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Geographic information systems (GIS) have been around for a long time. It was first
used in a general way when two maps about the same subject were put together to look for
changes. But improvements in computer technology have made it possible to look at large
areas often and with more data for less money. A GIS is kind of like a big board with a bunch


of open boxes of the same shape, with each box representing a certain part of the earth's
surface. As each piece of information about a certain attribute is found, it can be put in the
box that goes with it. After giving the box system a small number of attributes, a set of
mapped information has been created. This information can be layered on top of each other to
show spatial relationships between the different attributes, such as dangerous events, natural
resources, and socioeconomic phenomena.
A computer-based GIS can organize data in either a raster or a vector format. Raster-
based systems use grid cells to store and look up information, but the coarser resolution that
comes with using a cell structure makes it harder to get accurate information about where
things are. Vector data are a closer translation of the original map; they reference all
information as points, lines, or polygons and assign a unique set of X and Y coordinates to
each attribute. Vector system software programs have the capability to enlarge a small
portion of a map to show greater detail or to reduce an area and show it in a regional context.
Vector systems require highly skilled operators and may also require more time and more
expensive equipment, particularly for output procedures. It is up to the planner or decision-
maker to choose which system is most appropriate.

3.2 Applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is used to find solutions to real-world
problems in the spatial domain. For example, it is used to make sure that resources are shared
fairly, to track and understand how things are spread out in space, to find differences between
places, to understand how things work in the natural and human environments, and to make
plans for keeping the environment clean and safe. It can be used in many different areas, like
spreading information about the environment, natural resources, possible disasters and risks,
and planned urban routes. People and organizations can use GIS to make geological
observations and look at spatial data in a granular way. Every day, more and more people
find ways to use it.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are used to predict future businesses based on
how they will be located. GIS has been used to make business plans, evaluate people who
want to get insurance, and find locations for retail chains. It has also been used to do
demographic analysis, find services, see how the market is doing, and look at information
about competitors. GIS technologies have been used in location-based services (LBS) and
telecommunications. They have also been used for outside engineering planning, wireless
engineering, operation support system, marketing and sales, customer relationship


management, and networking. Geography is something we deal with every day, and GIS
technology gives us powerful tools for analyzing geography in almost any academic field.
It also has tools for exploring information through maps and pictures, which can help
curious people see things in a different way. GIS is an important part of environmental
management because it links geographic and attribute data. This lets the user monitor and
simulate the situation on-site, predict future changes for planning and compliance, and map
vegetation, clean-up sites, manage waste, and manage groundwater. GIS databases have been
used for decades to help institutions and businesses collect and analyze information so they
can make better decisions. It is very important for managing emergencies, keeping people
safe, and keeping property and infrastructure safe. GIS helps health organizations do a lot of
important things, like find existing trade or service areas, assign marketing and sales
territories, and make maps of where people, places, and things are.
GIS technology helps with three different kinds of transportation needs: managing
infrastructure, managing fleets and logistics, and managing transit. It can be used to map the
water distribution systems and define each part, such as reservoirs, pipe segments, services,
and system accessories. The spatial selection and display tools in GIS let users see planned
work, ongoing activities, maintenance problems that keep coming up, and information from
the past. In natural resources, GIS is mostly used for agriculture, forestry, marine and coast,
mining, earth sciences, and managing oil and gas. GIS technologies help to build web-based
services that make it easier to exchange and share geospatial information and give the public
access to tools for spatial analysis.

3.3 Summary of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

There is more knowledge available about the world we live in thanks to science. This
means that we have to find a way to sort information. In GIS, all of the different parts that
can help analyze the geographic information of a region quickly and effectively This
information about geography has a spatial element. This can also be learned from the item's
location and attributes, which give more information about the item. A man on the street is
also an example of a spatial coordinate. Using GIS makes it much easier to see how
information looks on a map. Almost all projects and searches for geographic information are
done with GIS today. GIS has become an important tool for everything from transportation
companies to figuring out how the environment is affected.

No of words: 2857


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