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I want to write kotlin function in different file and want to merge in fun main()

To merge Kotlin functions from different files into the main function, you can
follow these steps:

Create separate Kotlin files for each function you want to define. Let's assume you
have two files: File1.kt and File2.kt.

Define your functions in each file. For example, in File1.kt, you might have the
following function:

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fun greet() {
println("Hello, world!")
And in File2.kt, you might have another function:

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fun calculateSum(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
return a + b
In your main function, import the functions from the respective files using the
import statement. For example:
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import packageName.File1.greet
import packageName.File2.calculateSum

fun main() {
greet() // Call the greet function from File1.kt
val sum = calculateSum(2, 3) // Call the calculateSum function from File2.kt
println("Sum: $sum")
Note: Replace packageName with the actual package name in which your files are
located. If you are not using any package, you can skip the packageName part.

Compile and run your Kotlin program. The main function will execute, and the
functions from the other files will be merged and called accordingly.
By organizing your code in separate files and importing the required functions, you
can keep your codebase modular and manageable.

Like class in java what call it is in kotlin

In Kotlin, the equivalent of a Java class is called a "class" as well. You define a
class using the class keyword, and it can contain properties, methods, and other
members. Here's an example of how to define a class in Kotlin:

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class MyClass {
// Properties
var name: String = ""
var age: Int = 0

// Methods
fun printInfo() {
println("Name: $name, Age: $age")
In the example above, we defined a class named MyClass with two properties (name
and age) and a method (printInfo). You can create instances of this class using the
val or var keywords and call its methods or access its properties.

Here's an example of how to use the MyClass in the main function:

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fun main() {
val myObject = MyClass() // Create an instance of MyClass = "John" // Access and modify properties
myObject.age = 25
myObject.printInfo() // Call a method
When you run the main function, it will create an instance of MyClass, set its
properties, and call the printInfo method, which will print the object's

In addition to regular classes, Kotlin also provides other constructs like data
classes, abstract classes, sealed classes, and more to handle various scenarios.

function vs class in kotlin

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In Kotlin, functions and classes are both fundamental building blocks of the
language. Here's a comparison between functions and classes in Kotlin:


Functions are blocks of code that perform a specific task or operation.

Functions can be defined inside a class or at the top-level (outside any class).
They are reusable and can be called from other functions or classes.
Functions can have parameters (input) and return values (output).
Kotlin supports top-level functions, extension functions, and higher-order
Examples of functions: main function, utility functions, calculation functions,

Classes are blueprints for creating objects, representing entities, or modeling

They encapsulate properties (attributes) and behavior (methods) into a single unit.
Classes can have constructors to initialize the properties when creating an object.
Objects created from a class are instances of that class.
Classes can have inheritance, allowing for the creation of class hierarchies.
They can also implement interfaces to provide a common set of methods.
Examples of classes: data models, utility classes, GUI components, etc.
In summary, functions are standalone blocks of code that perform specific tasks,
while classes are a way to define object-oriented abstractions with properties and
behavior. Both functions and classes play crucial roles in developing applications
in Kotlin, and they often work together to build robust and organized code

How to write different function in different file in kotlin

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To write different functions in different files in Kotlin, you can follow these

Create separate Kotlin files for each function you want to define. For example,
let's assume you have two files: File1.kt and File2.kt.

Define your functions in each file. For example, in File1.kt, you might have the
following function:

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// File1.kt
fun greet() {
println("Hello, world!")
And in File2.kt, you might have another function:

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// File2.kt
fun calculateSum(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
return a + b
Use these functions in your code. In the file where you want to call these
functions (e.g., main.kt), you need to import them from their respective files. For
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import packageName.File1.greet
import packageName.File2.calculateSum

fun main() {
greet() // Call the greet function from File1.kt
val sum = calculateSum(2, 3) // Call the calculateSum function from File2.kt
println("Sum: $sum")
Note: Replace packageName with the actual package name in which your files are
located. If you are not using any package, you can skip the packageName part.

Compile and run your Kotlin program. The functions defined in the separate files
will be accessible and can be called from the file where you imported them.
By organizing your code into separate files, you can maintain a modular and
organized structure for your functions. This approach helps improve code
readability and maintainability, especially for larger projects.

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