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Title: “Analysis of Ensembled Learning using Classical and Quantum Boosting Approaches for

Diabetes Mellitus Prediction”: Insights from Previous Research


Over the course of my post graduate course is the thesis work where I submitted my research s is
associated with an intelligent healthcare system. The prime objectives of the research work are to
enhance the capacity of binary classification and diagnosis of chronic diseases like diabetes, by
implementing the hybrid model that is optimum in performance and has the quantum speedup in
execution. The hybrid model is the ensemble of classical algorithms and QPU based algorithm, and the
hybrid model can run on the quantum hardware system (basically an annealing device) due to which
it has exceptionally high speed in execution. I have aimed to enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and
versatility of Quantum machine learning. This statement provides an overview of the key aspects of
my previous research and highlights the contributions made in the field of Quantum machine learning.

Exploring Quantum Algorithm:

One significant area of investigation in my previous research involved studying contrast to classical
computation, quantum computation makes use of both quantum information theory and quantum
mechanics. It possesses quantum mechanical characteristics like superposition, entanglement, and
tunneling. Through experiments and fine-tuning techniques, I was able to improve the generation
process, resulting in contextually accurate responses.

Enhancing Quantum algorithm Comprehension:

Experimental finding demonstrates that the QPU-based Qboost algorithm performed

exceptionally well in terms of execution time, which is expected but it lags the performance
metrics compared to the classical algorithms. In order to improve the performance matrices,
the hybrid model is built with the ensemble of classical model and quantum based model.
This research contributed to the model's ability to perform exceptionally well in terms of
timing whereas, the performance matrices falls within acceptable range.
Impact statement:

The developed hybrid algorithm enhances the performance score of QPU based model in
terms of accuracy, precision, recall, f1 score, and AUC score, the hybrid model is built which
inherent the quantum speed as well as an optimum performance score, the hybrid model has
an accuracy of 0.89, ROC AUC score of 0.964, and the time taken to solve in qpu solver is 0.346
seconds and in google collab is 32 seconds (qpu time + queuing+ internet latency). Compared
to Adaboost which accuracy is 0.95, AUC score 0.986 and the runtime is 224 seconds. So, it is
observed that by sacrificing the 5 % of accuracy, 0.18 of AUC score, one can gain multiple times
more speed up. The paper analyzed the classical and quantum-based boosting approach in
order to harvest the optimum advantage of a classical and quantum algorithm.
Future Directions:

The proposed model can be further extended to find the different types of prediction of the
diseases like Cancer, Respiratory Infection, Hypertension, Lung Infection and many more.The
future direction of this work will include the advanced paid version of quantum hardware,
which definitely enhance the performance of the QPU based algorithms.

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