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How philosophy changed me as a person

Jean Camden Punzalan

I used to be really narrow-minded when I was younger; I would only listen to

and believe what I wanted to hear. I constantly tried to force my own thoughts on others
and was highly intolerant of other people’s viewpoints. But when I got into studying
philosophy, I realized that there are always two sides to every story and that there is never
a single “right” response. I also came to see how crucial it is to be able to hear and
comprehend the viewpoints of others, even when I disagree with them. I’ve grown more
tolerant and open-minded as a result of philosophy.

I was immediately taken aback by philosophy’s uniqueness from other academic

disciplines when I Initially started studying it. The entire perspective on the world was
different, not simply the disagreements over concepts and arguments. Philosophy forced
me to examine presumptions that I had never even considered before and to think
critically and creatively about things. My perspective on the world has drastically changed
as a result of this new way of thinking. I now perceive the world as a place where nothing
is ever certain and everything is always changing. Although this can be a frightening way
to view the world, it also inspires optimism in me; because if nothing is certain, then
anything is possible.

I used to think philosophy was a lifeless, dull subject with no practical

implications. However, I came to the conclusions that philosophy is actually pretty
intriguing and helpful after enrolling in a few classes and conducting my own independent
research. We can improve our decision-making skills and develop a more critical
perspective on the world around us by embracing philosophy. Additionally, it has
improved my understanding of both myself and other people. All in all, Philosophy has
altered the way I see the world.

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