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Oda class

Worksheet Name: Co-Ordinate Standard: 9th Subject: Mathematics



Consider the above image for the passage. One of the greatest mysteries of bird life is travelling. Every year during autumn and
early winter, birds travel from northern regions of Asia (point P), Europe and America to the southern warmer lands (point T).
They make the return journey again during spring and early summer. They are punctual unless they are delayed by bad weather.
They face many dangers and hardships while travelling long distances through the air, over hills, forests, plains and large
stretches of water. Sometimes sudden storms arise and drive them far out of course (point Q). Often they are blown right out to
sea and are drowned in the wild waves (point R). Based on the above information, answer the following questions.
1. What are the coordinates of P?
1. (1, 1)
2. (1, 0)
3. (2, 1)
4. None
2. What are the coordinates of Q?
1. (-3, 3)
2. (-3, 0)
3. (3, 0)
4. None
3. What are the coordinates of wild waves?
1. (2, -3)
2. (-2, -3)
3. (-3, 2)
4. (2, 3)
4. What are the coordinates of T
1. (4, 2)
2. (-4, -2)
3. (4, -2)
4. None
5. What are the coordinates at which birds are at danger?
1. (-3, 0) and (-3, -2)
2. (-2, -3) and (-4, -2)
3. (1, 0) and (-3, 0)
4. (-3, 0) and (-2, -3)
1. (a) (1, 1)
2. (b) (-3, 0)
3. (b) (-2, -3)
4. (c) (4, -2)
5. (d)(-3, 0) and (-2, -3)

Q2. Plot the points A(1, -1) and B(4, 5):

1. Draw a line segment joining these points. Write the coordinates of a point on this line segment between the points A and
2. Extend this line segment and write the coordinates of a point on this line which lies outside the line segment AB.
In point A(1, -1), x-coordinate is positive and y-coordinate is negative, so it lies in IV quadrant. In point B(4, 5), both coordinates are
positive, so it lies in I quadrant. On plotting these point, we get the following graph.
1. On joining the points A and B, we get the line segment AB. Now, to find the coordinates of a point on this line segment between A
and B draw a perpendicular to X-axis from x = 2 and 3. [since, x = 2 and 3 lies between A and B] say it intersect line segment AB at
P and p’. Now, draw a perpendicular to Y-axis from P and p’, they intersect Y axis at y = 1 and 3, respectively. Thus, we get points
(2,1) and (3, 3) which lie between line segment AB.
2. Extent the line segment AB. Now, draw a perpendicular to X-axis from x = 5, say it intersects extended line segment at Q. Again,
draw a perpendicular to Y-axis from Q and it intersects Y-axis at y = 7. Thus, we get the point Q(5,7) which lies outside the line
segment AB.
Q3. Write down the coordinates of each of the following points A, B, C, D, and E.

Draw the perpendiculars from the AF, BG, CH, DI and EJ on the x-axis.
1. The distance of A from the y-axis = OF = -6 units
The distance of A from the x-axis = AF = 5 units
Hence, the coordinate of A are (-6, 5)
2. The distance of B from the y-axis = OG = 5 units
The distance of B from the x-axis = BG = 4 units
Hence, the coordinate of B are (5, 4)
3. The distance of C from the y-axis = OH = -3 units
The distance of C from the x-axis = HC = 2 units
Hence, the coordinate of C are (-3, 2)
4. The distance of D from the y-axis = OI = 2 units
The distance of D from the x-axis = ID = -2 units
Hence, the coordinate of D are (2, -2)
5. The distance of E from the y-axis = OJ = -1 unit
The distance of E from the x-axis = JE = -4 units
Hence, the coordinate of E are (-1, -4)
Thus, the coordinates of A, B, C, D and E are respectively, A(-6, 5), B(5, 4), C(-3, 2), D(2, -2) and E(-1, -4)


Consider the above image for the passage. One of the greatest mysteries of bird life is travelling. Every year during autumn and
early winter, birds travel from northern regions of Asia (point B), to the southern warmer lands (point A). They make the return
journey again during spring and early summer. They are punctual unless they are delayed by bad weather. They face many
dangers and hardships while travelling long distances through the air, over hills, forests, plains and large stretches of water.
Sometimes sudden storms arise and drive them far out of course (point D). Often they are blown right out to sea and are
drowned in the wild waves (point E). Based on the above information, answer the following questions:
1. Evaluate the distance travelled by the birds if there were no dangers and hardships while travelling long distances.
1. √72
2. √52
3. √102
4. √70
2. What is the difference of the ordinates and abscissa of the southern warmer lands?
1. 4
2. 5
3. 6
4. 7
3. Where does the sudden storms arise and drive birds far out of course?
1. (2, 6)
2. (-2, 3)
3. (6, 2)
4. (3, -2)
4. From where, do the birds start to travel?
1. (2, 6)
2. (-2, 3)
3. (6, 2)
4. (3, -2)
5. In which quadrant, do birds are often blown right out to sea and are drowned in the wild wave?
1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV
1. (a) √72
2. (d) 7
3. (c) (6, 2)
4. (b) (-2, 3)
5. (c) III


Consider the above image for the passage. There are 200 students enrolled in geometry at West Peninsula High School. Of
these students trying to construct a rectangle by acrobatic formation, 64 freshman students stand in a line AB as shown in the
above figure, and 82 sophomores students stand in a line BC. The length of AB and BC are given as 5 units and 3 units
respectively. The students from dance club stood at line CD and drama club stood at line AD accordingly. Based on the above
information, answer the following questions.
1. Coordinates of B?
1. (-4, 2)
2. (1, 2)
3. (1, -1)
4. None
2. Coordinates of D?
1. (-4, 2)
2. (1, 2)
3. (1, -1)
4. None
3. Coordinates of C?
1. (-4, 2)
2. (-4, -1)
3. (1, 2)
4. (1, -1)
4. Coordinates of A?
1. (-4, 2)
2. (1, 2)
3. (1, -1)
4. None
5. Difference between the lengths of dance club students and drama club students?
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
1. (a) (-4, 2)
2. (c) (1, -1)
3. (b) (-4, -1)
4. (b) (1, 2)
5. (b) 2


Consider the above image for the passage. In a tournament, two teams (Red and Blue) were playing a match of batminton with
y - axis as a divider on the coordinate plane shown above. Each team has two members. Team Red were on the side of II
qudrant while Team Blue were on I quadrant in the playground. Based on the above information, answer the following
1. Name a member in team Red.
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. None
2. Name the members in Team Blue.
1. D, C
2. A, D
3. A, C
4. None
3. Distance between the members of the team Red?
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
4. Which members have same abscissa?
1. D, C
2. A, D
3. A, C
4. None
5. Distance between the members of the team Blue?
1. 3
2. 6
3. 9
4. 12
1. (a) A
2. (b) A, D
3. (c) 3
4. (b) A, D
5. (a) 3

Q7. Read the Source/ Text given below and answer these questions:

Arun is participating in an 8 miles walk. The organizers used a square coordinate grid to plot the course. The starting point is at
A (3, 1). At B (3, 4), there's a water station to make sure the walkers stay hydrated. From water station, the walkway turns right
and at C (6,4) a garden is situated to keep walkers fresh. From the garden, the walkway turns left and finally, Arun reaches at
destination D to complete 8 miles.
1. How far is the water station B from the starting point A?
1. 4 miles
2. 3 miles
3. 1 mile
4. 5 miles
2. How far is the water station B from garden C?
1. 3 miles
2. 4 miles
3. 1 mile
4. 5 miles
3. What is the abscissa of destination point D:
1. 3
2. 5
3. 3
4. 6
4. What is the ordinate of destination point D?
1. 3
2. 2
3. 6
4. 5
5. What are the coordinates of destination point D?
1. (5, 6)
2. (6, 5)
3. (3, 9)
4. (6, 6)
(i) (b) 3 miles
(ii) (a) 3 miles
(iii) (d) 6
(iv) (c) 6
(v) (d) (6, 6)


Consider the above image for the passage. A tall, dark-haired lady named Miss Selena Graci usually visited her salon at point B
(0, 4) as shown in the image. She was on her way to work at C (-4, 0) but drove staright to buy some stationaries at Targate,
which is represented as point D (0, -4). She was hoping to go to her friend's house in the evening at A(4, 0). Based on the above
information, answer the following questions.
1. What is the distance between Miss Selena Graci's friends house and office?
1. 6
2. 7
3. 8
4. 9
2. Miss Selena Graci's friends house and office are in the same quadrant. (T/ F)
1. True
2. False
3. What is the distance between salon and targate?
1. 5
2. 6
3. 7
4. 8
4. Salon and office are in the same quadrant. (T/ F)
1. True
2. False
5. Salon and Targate are in the same quadrant. (T/ F)
1. True
2. False
1. (c) 8
2. (b) False
3. (d) 8
4. (b) False
5. (b) False


Consider the above image for the passage. A man in his geometry class observe that - "If both abscissa and ordinate, co-
ordinates are positive, then points lie in I quadrant. If abscissa is negative and ordinale is positive, then point lies II quadrant. If
both co-ordinates are negative then point lies in IlI quadrant. If abscissa is positive and ordinate is negative, then point lies in IV
quadrant." Based on the above information, answer the following questions:
1. The coordinate of C is?
1. (-1,3)
2. (-3,1)
3. (3,-1)
4. (1,3)
2. The point identified by the coordinates (-2, 3) will be?
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
3. The ordinate of ____ is same as abscissa of ____.
1. B, C
2. A, D
3. B, E
4. None
4. The abscissa of E is?
1. 0
2. -1
3. -2
4. -3
5. Which point lies in the same quadrant?
1. B, E
2. C, E
3. A, D
4. A, C
1. (c) (3,-1)
2. (b) B
3. (a) B, C
4. (d) -3
5. (d) A, C

Consider the above image for the passage. Three families work in the same town at places P, Q and R. Place P is a school while R
is a law court. Families working at P and R have a dinner appointment at place Q, which is a famous restaurant. Family working
at Q is a common friend of families working at P and R. Based on the above information, answer the following questions.
1. Location of restaurant is?
1. (7, 4)
2. (4, 0)
3. (0, 3)
4. (3, 0)
2. Location of law court is?
1. (7, 4)
2. (4, 0)
3. (0, 3)
4. (3, 0)
3. Location of school is?
1. (7, 4)
2. (4, 0)
3. (0, 3)
4. (3, 0)
4. Perpendicular distance of restaurant to the school's axis?
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Perpendicular distance of law court to the school's axis?
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
1. (c) (0, 3)
2. (a) (7, 4)
3. (b) (4, 0)
4. (c) 3
5. (d) 4


Consider the above image for the passage. A table in the corner of a restaurant is in trapezium shape and glasses are kept on a
side AB which overlaps with the x - axis. The salt is placed at C and pepper shaker is be placed at D corner of the table. Based on
the above information, answer the following questions.
1. Difference between the abscissa of the points of the side overlapping on x axis is?
1. 11
2. 12
3. 13
4. 14
2. Perpendicular distance from the pepper shaker to the side overlapping on x axis is?
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
3. Perpendicular distance from the salt shaker to the side overlapping on x axis is?
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
4. Perpendicular distance from the salt shaker to the y axis is?
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Perpendicular distance from the pepper shaker to the y axis is ?
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
1. (a) 12
2. (b) 2
3. (b) 2
4. (b) 2
5. (b) 2

Q12. From the answer the following:

1. Write the points whose abscissa is 0

2. Write the points whose ordinate is 0
3. Write the points whose abscissa is -5
1. Clearly, the distance of points A, L and O from y-axis is 0. So, A(0, 3), L(0, -4) and O(0, 0) are the points whose abscissa is 0.
2. Clearly, the distance of points G, I and O from x-axis is 0. So, G(5, 0), I(-2, 0) and O(0, 0) are the points whose ordinate is 0.
3. Clearly, the distance of points H and D from y-axis is 5 units and both lien in second and third quadrants respectively. So, (-5, -3)
and D(-5, 1) are the points whose abscissa is -5.

Q13. Plot the following points and check whether they are collinear or not:
(1, 1), (2, -3), (-1, -2)
Plotting the points P (1,1), 0 (2, -3) and R (-1, -2) on the graph paper and join these three points, we get three lines i.e., the given
points do not lie on the same line. So, given points are not collinear.

Q14. Plot the following points and write the name of the figure obtained by joining them in order:
P(-3, 2), Q(-7, -3), R(6, -3), S(2, 2).
Let X’ OX and Y’ OY be the coordinate axes and mark point on it. Here, point P(-3, 2) lies in II quadrant, Q(-7, -3) lies in III quadrant,
R(6, -3) lies in IV quadrant and S(2, 2) lies in I quadrant. Plotting the points on the graph paper, the figure obtained is trapezium

Q15. The distance of the point P(4, 3) from the origin is:
1. 4
2. 3
3. 5
4. 7
3. 5
Point P(4, 3) and Origin O(0, 0)
Required distance = OP = √(0 − 4) 2
+ (0 − 3)
(by distance formula)
= √16 + 9

= √25

= 5

Q16. The points (-5,3) and (3, -5) lie in the.

1. Same quadrant.
2. II and III quadrants respectively.
3. IV and II quadrants respectively.
4. II and IV quadrants respectively.
4. II and IV quadrants respectively.
II and IV quadrants respectively, as in II quadrant abscissa is negative and ordinate in positive, on the other hand in IV quadrant
abscissa is positive and ordinate is negative.

Q17. Points (1, -1), (2, -2), (4, -5), (-3, -4).
1. Lie in IV quadrant.
2. Do not lie in the same quadrant.
3. Lie in III quadrant.
4. Lie in II quadrant.
2. Do not lie in the same quadrant.
In points (1, -1), (2, -2) and (4, -5) x-coordinate is positive and y-coordinate is negative, So, they all lie in IV quadrant.
In point (-3, -4) x-coordinate is negative and y-coordinate is negative. So, it lies in III quadrant.
So, given points do not lie in the same quadrant.

Q18. If x-1 if the factor of p(x)= x3 - 23x2 + kx -120, then the value of 'k' is:
1. 120
2. 124
3. 142
4. 140
3. 142
If x - 1 is a factor of p(x), then
p(1) = 0
(1)3 - 23 (1)2 + k(1) - 120 = 0
1 - 23 + k - 120 = 0
1 - 143 + k = 0
-142 + k = 0
k = 142

Q19. The distance of the point (-6, -2) from y-axis is:
1. 2 units
2. 6 units
3. 38 units
4. 8 units
2. 6 units
Distance from y-axis is the x co-ordinate of another given point,
So, distance = 6, (since distance cannot be negative)

Q20. P(5, -7) be a point on the graph. Draw the PM ⊥ y-axis. The coordinates of M are
1. (-7, 0)
2. (0, -7)
3. (-7, 5)
4. (0, 0)
2. (0, -7)
Here, PM Perpendicular to y-axis.
So point M lies on the y-axis, and for any point on y-axis always the value of x = 0.
So, Co-ordinate of M = (0, -7).

Q21. In Figure, coordinates of P are.

1. (-4, 2)
2. (-2, 4)
3. (4, -2)
4. (2, -4)
2. (-2, 4)
Here, given point P lies in II quadrant, so its abscissa will be negative and ordinate wilt be positive. Also, its perpendicular distance
from X-axis is 4, so y-coordinate of P is 4 and its perpendicular distance from Y-axis is 2, so x-coordinate is -2. Hence, coordinates of P
are (-2, 4).

Q22. Write the correct answer in the following:

If P(-1, 1), Q(3, -4), R(1, -1), S(-2, -3) and T(-4, 4) are plotted on the graph paper, then the point(s) in the fourth quadrant are:
1. P and T
2. Q and R
3. Only S
4. P and R
2. Q and R
We know that quadrant IV consists of the all points (x, y) for which x is positive and y negative. So, the points in the fourth quadrants
are Q(3, -4) and R(1, -1).

Q23. The perpendicular distance of the point A(3, 4) from the y-axis is:
1. 3
2. 4
3. 5
4. 7
1. 3
The perpendicular distance of the point A(3, 4) from the y-axis is 3 units.

Q24. Write the axis on the given point lies.

(0, -1)
(0, -1) lies on the y-axis as the co-ordinates of every point on the y-axis are of the form (0, y).

Q25. Which of the following points does not lie in any quadrant?
1. (3, -6)
2. (-3, 4)
3. (5, 7)
4. (0, 3)
4. (0, 3)
The abscissa of point (0, 3) is 0. Hence, it lies on y-axis.

Q26. The perpendicular distance of the point P (4, 3) from x-axis is:
1. 5
2. 4
3. 3
4. None of these.
3. 3
The perpendicular distance of any point from x-axis is always equal to the value of ordinate.

Q27. The perpendicular distance of a point P(3, 8) from x-axis is:

1. 5 units
2. 11 units
3. 8 units
4. 3 units
3. 8 units
The distance of any point from x-axis is the y-coordinate of a given point,
Here, the value of y-coordinate is 8
Hence, distance = 8 units

Q28. The perpendicular distance of a point Q(4, 7) from y-axis is:

1. 7 units
2. 4 units
3. 11 units
4. 3 units
2. 4 units
Distance of point from y-axis is x -coordinate of given point,
So, since, value of x-coordinate is 4
So, distance = 4 units

Q29. The perpendicular distance of the point P(3, 4) from the y-axis is:
1. 7
2. 3
3. 5
4. 4
2. 3
We know that abscissa or the x-coordinate of a point is its perpendicular distance from the Y-axis.
So, perpendicular distance of the point P(3, 4) from Y-axis is 3

Q30. If P(5, 1), Q(8, 0), R(0, 4), S(0, 5) and O(0, 0) are plotted on the graph paper, then the points on the x-axis are.
1. P and Q
2. Q and O
3. R and S
4. Q only
2. Q and O
Co-ordinate of any point on x-axis is (x, 0)
And, we have point O and point Q with such co-ordinate so point O and Q will lie on x-axis.

Q31. The distance of the point (2, 3) from the y-axis:

1. 5 units
2. 13 units
3. 3 units
4. 2 units
4. 2 units
The distance from y-axis is equal to the x-coordinate, so distance = 2 units

Q32. Write the correct answer in the following:

The point which lies on y-axis at a distance of 5 units in the negative direction of y-axis is:
1. (0, 5)
2. (5, 0)
3. (0, -5)
4. (-5, 0)
3. (0, -5)
Given the point lies on Y-axis this shows that this x-coordinate is zero. Also it is at a distance of 5 units in negative direction of Y-axis,
so its y–coordinate is negative. Hence, the required point is (0, -5).
Q33. The point (0, 9) lies.
1. On the positive direction of y-axis
2. In quadrant III
3. On the positive direction of x-axis
4. In quadrant IV
1. On the positive direction of y-axis
Any point Pin co-ordinate plane is written as P(x, y)
When the value of x-coordinate is equal to zero then the point Plies on y axis.
Since,here x = 0 so,point lies on y-axis
And the value of y is positive so,
Points lies in the positive direction of y-axis

Q34. The co-ordinates of a point below the x-axis lying on y-axis at a distance of 4 units are.
1. (0, 4)
2. (4, 0)
3. (-4, 0)
4. (0, -4)
4. (0, -4)
Since, it lies on the y-axis so abscissa = 0
And since it lies 4 unit below x-axis so the value of ordinate = -4.
Thus, point will be (0, -4)

Q35. A point of the form (0, b) lies on:

1. Quadrant I
2. x- axis
3. y- axis
4. Quadrant III
3. y- axis
Let P be any point whose co-ordinate be P(0, b)
Then, if the value of x-coordinate or abscissa is zero then the point P lies in y-axis.

Q36. Points (-4, 0) and (7, 0) lie:

1. On x-axis.
2. Y-axis.
3. In first quadrant.
4. In second quadrant.
1. On x-axis
In (-4, 0) and (7, 0),
measure of ordinate = 0
That means, intercept on Y-axis = 0
So, points lies on X-axis.

Q37. The measure of the angle between the coordinate axes is:
1. 0º
2. 90º
3. 180º
4. 360º
2. 90º
The angle between the co-ordinate axes is 90º because X − axis ⊥ Y − axis.

Q38. If (x, y) = (y, x), then.

1. x + y = 0
2. x - y = 0
3. x ÷ y = 0
4. xy = 0
2. x - y = 0
If (x, y) = (y, x),
It means abscissa =ordinate or, x = y
So, X - Y = 0 {since x = y}

Q39. Which of the following points lies on the line y = 2x + 3?

1. (2, 8)
2. (3, 9)
3. (4, 12)
4. (5, 15)
2. (3, 9)
For the point to lie on the line y = 2x + 3, it has to satisfy the equation of the line.
Putting x = 2, in y = 2x + 3, we get y = 2(2) + 3 ⇒ y = 7
But y = 8.
So, the point does not satisfy the equation and hence does not lie on the given line.
Putting x = 3, in y = 2x + 3, we get y = 2(3) + 3 ⇒ y = 9
So, the point satisfies the equation and hence lies on the given line.
Putting x = 4, in y = 2x + 3, we get y = 2(4) + 3 ⇒ y = 11
But y = 12.
So, the point does not satisfy the equation and hence does not lie on the given line.
Putting x = 5, in y = 2x + 3, we get y = 2(5) + 3 ⇒ y = 13
But y = 15.
So, the point does not satisfy the equation and hence does not lie on the given line.

Q40. The distance of the point P(4, 3) from the origin is:
1. 5
2. 7
3. 3
4. 4
1. 5
Using pythagorous theorem: OP
2 2 2
= OQ = QP
2 2 2
OP − 4 + 3
OP = √16 + 9 = 5

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