Past Tenses

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1 Past tenses
Name No. Class: Date

1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1.1 By the time Erika at the conference about cultural diversity some of the students .
a. had already arrived… left b. arrived… had already left c. had arrived… were leaving
1.2 When I in the USA and to my cousin’s place, I that I my lucky charm.
a. arrived… headed… had realised… lost c. was arriving… headed… realised… lost
b. arrived… was heading… realised… had lost
1.3 Sarah up her bag, put on her coat and the house, but as soon as she on
the train she realised that she off the stove.
a. was picking… left… got… hadn’t switched c. picked… left… got… didn’t switch
b. picked… left… got… hadn’t switched
1.4 Shioban see that the blond girl difficulties making herself understood, so she
to help her. After all, a lot of people her during her first days in the USA.
a. could… was having… decided; had helped c. could… was having… had decided; helped
b. could… had… had decided; helped

2. Complete the following story with the most suitable form (past simple, past
continuous and past perfect).
It was a beautiful sunny Saturday, the sun
a. (shine) and Tim b.
(be) about to embrace a new life project. He
c. (feel) very excited when he
d. (arrive) at the airport. He
e. (wait) a long time for this day and
he f. (start) to realise that he was going
to leave his country and family. He g.
(accept) a job in one of the most important European
Tim was really used to travelling. His mother is a former diplomat and during his childhood they
h. (have) to move to lots of different places.
He i. (get) on the plane at LAX Airport. Shortly after the plane
j. (take) off the crew k. (tell) the passengers that they
had to return to the airport. For the first time he l. (start) to feel nervous and
while he m. (try) to look out of the window, his heart n. (beat)
fast. Some moments later he o. (see) the lights of the airport, a lot of emergency
vehicles and he p. (can) also see some smoke, but he q.
(not know) where it r. (come) from.
Suddenly, Tim s. (feel) a hard bump and the plane t. (stop).
Some passengers u. (cry) but, fortunately, the plane v. (land)
without any problems. Nothing like that had ever happened to him before!

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