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My speech is called Thinking is the art of perspective.

The statement
“There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so” refers to the
fact that, in most of the times, a person’s overthinking about a certain
thing or a certain goal of theirs can seriously ruin their motivation to
continue to work hard in order to achieve it.

A pertinent example is what most of the kids or teenagers think about

the educational system nowadays, especially in our country. Many of
them consider school a waste of time, energy and teaching of useless
information, not wanting to finish it at all, but at the same time, most of
them think of the school as a place where they make new friends,
develop social skills, and learn stuff they are interested about, thus
making them more determined. This happens due to several factors
including the grades they get at school, that can be either good or bad,
depending on their learning rhythm, or how they adapted to the
environment there, to the schedule or to the atmosphere

Another example, more accurate to the real life is when most of the
people are interested in trying new things that are out of the ordinary,
such as bungee-jumping. When in reality it’s just an extreme sport that
is done only by the most courageous and overall makes you more
confident, some people that are too afraid of doing it are completely
against it, while most of the others who’ve done it believe that
everyone can do it, and they try to motivate them into trying it, without
taking into account that some simply do not want to try.

In the end, thinking is a very subjective matter, that easily divides

humans into different groups, but after all of this, it’s all up to you. One
last question I would like to ask to you: Will you try to achieve your goal
and get to stand into the hall of fame among other famous people, or
will you just live in your own bubble your whole life without trying to
get out of it?

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