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Philippians 4: 6 ,7 - Do not be anxious about anything,

but in everything, by prayer and petition, with

thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

This Bible verse means that God commands us to

pray about everything and bring all of our worries
to Him. He tells us to be grateful throughout our
prayer time because He understands the
effectiveness of praying in the anticipation of God's
favor and grace. God wants us to rely on Him for
support, and prayer provides us the chance to share
our burdens with Him. Prayer encourages us to
depend on and have faith in God. By praying, we
strengthen our belief in God's ability and
willingness to assist us. And when God responds to
prayer, it shows forth His might and glory. God is
always with us through the up and downs of our
lives. We should learn how to rely on Him because
He will surely guide us overcome any challenges or
problems that comes.

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