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1. For me family is my everything.

I am with them since I was

born until now that I am 19 years old. They are the ones who
comforts me whenever I am sad or when I am facing a
problem. We are also together in celebrating my joyous
moments in life. And most importantly, they are always at my
side to guide me and teach me valuable lessons for me to
become a better human being.

2. Sometimes we go on small fights because of

misunderstandings that are common and normal in life. But
after that we always find ways be okay again after some time
because we believe that family comes first always.

3. Guide our way, Lord, as we go on with our lives today. Also, be

our shield as we go back home later. May you always preserve
the bond that we have as a family, and may we look forward to
seeing each other once again at home. Guard our home as well,
God, that no harm will fall on it as we are away. May it continue
to be a sanctuary of blessing, comfort, and love for each one of
us. Let it always be a restful place for our tired bodies at the
end of the day. Amen.

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