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As an engineering student, I can say that environmental engineering plays a vital role in my course.

Environmental engineering can be applied in everything that we see in our surroundings. Also, all of the
main fields of civil engineering are connected to the environment. Especially in our modern times that
climate change, global warming and other problems are very prominent and they can be key factors for
the future engineers. That is why it is very important to study it in our course.

Our impact on the environment is becoming more and more clear, from the constant accumulation of
waste on land and in water to the over use of our diminishing natural resources. Civil engineers need to
build structures that prioritizes minimizing air, water and soil pollution. Additionally, they work to
safeguard people from the increasingly severe weather occurrences that occasionally endanger inland
buildings like homes and businesses as well as coastal towns. This includes earthquakes, floods,
tornadoes, hurricanes, and fires. That is why environmental engineering is very essential in making these
goals possible.

The need for solutions to protect natural resources is more urgent than ever. Therefore, studying
environmental engineering as a civil engineer is a must to learn proper sustainability of infrastructure
designs that are helpful and safe both for us and the environment.

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