Data Interpretation Answer

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Data Interpretation


To find the average number of boys enrolled in all the sports in the year 2011, you need to sum the
number of boys enrolled in each sport in that year and then divide by the number of sports. In this
case, there are 5 sports. Here's the calculation:

Average number of boys in 2011 = (7.2 + 13.3 + 15.5 + 12.6 + 2.7) / 5

Average number of boys in 2011 = (51.3) / 5

Average number of boys in 2011 = 10.26 thousand (rounded to two decimal places)

So, the average number of boys enrolled in all the sports in the year 2011 is 10.26 thousand.


To find the average number of defective items from Unit II for the given years, you
need to sum the number of defective items from Unit II for each year and then divide
by the number of years. In this case, there are 6 years. Here's the calculation:

Average number of defective items from Unit II = (12 + 10 + 18 + 15 + 13 + 22) / 6

Average number of defective items from Unit II = (90) / 6

Average number of defective items from Unit II = 15

So, the average number of defective items from Unit II for the given years is 15

To find the ratio of the total number of articles manufactured by Unit III to that by Unit V for all the
years together, we first need to calculate the total production for each unit across all the years and
then compare those totals.

Here's the breakdown:

Total number of articles manufactured by Unit III:

- For 1996: 76

- For 1997: 45

- For 1998: 55

- For 1999: 57

- For 2000: 82

- For 2001: 38

Summing these values:

Total number of articles manufactured by Unit III = 76 + 45 + 55 + 57 + 82 + 38 = 353 thousand

Total number of articles manufactured by Unit V:

- For 1996: 46

- For 1997: 36

- For 1998: 34

- For 1999: 48

- For 2000: 58

- For 2001: 60

Summing these values:

Total number of articles manufactured by Unit V = 46 + 36 + 34 + 48 + 58 + 60 = 282 thousand

So, the ratio of the total number of articles manufactured by Unit III to that by Unit V for all the years
together is 353 : 282.

Therefore, option A, "353 : 282," is the correct answer.

To find the percentage of defective articles with respect to the number of articles manufactured by
all the units together in the year 2001, you need to calculate the total number of defective articles in
2001 and the total number of articles manufactured in 2001, and then find the percentage.

Total number of defective articles in 2001:

= (D in Unit I + D in Unit II + D in Unit III + D in Unit IV + D in Unit V) for the year 2001

= (15 + 22 + 32 + 15 + 11) for the year 2001

= 95 thousand defective articles in 2001

Total number of articles manufactured in 2001:

= (M in Unit I + M in Unit II + M in Unit III + M in Unit IV + M in Unit V) for the year 2001

= (44 + 56 + 38 + 40 + 60) for the year 2001

= 238 thousand articles manufactured in 2001

Now, calculate the percentage of defective articles in 2001:

Percentage of defective articles in 2001 = (Total defective articles in 2001 / Total articles
manufactured in 2001) * 100%

Percentage of defective articles in 2001 = (95 thousand / 238 thousand) * 100%

Percentage of defective articles in 2001 = (0.3987) * 100%

Percentage of defective articles in 2001 ≈ 39% (rounded off to the nearest integer)

So, the percentage of defective articles with respect to the number of articles manufactured by all
the units together in the year 2001 is approximately 39%.

To find the year when the percentage increase/decrease in manufacturing from the previous year
was the highest for Unit I, we need to calculate the percentage change in production for each year
compared to the previous year for Unit I. Then, we can identify the year with the highest percentage
increase or decrease. Here are the calculations:

Percentage change from 1996 to 1997 for Unit I:

= [(M in 1997 - M in 1996) / M in 1996] * 100%

= [(49 - 53) / 53] * 100%

= (-4 / 53) * 100% ≈ -7.55% (rounded off to two decimal places)

Percentage change from 1997 to 1998 for Unit I:

= [(M in 1998 - M in 1997) / M in 1997] * 100%

= [(50 - 49) / 49] * 100%

= (1 / 49) * 100% ≈ 2.04% (rounded off to two decimal places)

Percentage change from 1998 to 1999 for Unit I:

= [(M in 1999 - M in 1998) / M in 1998] * 100%

= [(65 - 50) / 50] * 100%

= (15 / 50) * 100% = 30%

Percentage change from 1999 to 2000 for Unit I:

= [(M in 2000 - M in 1999) / M in 1999] * 100%

= [(70 - 65) / 65] * 100%

= (5 / 65) * 100% ≈ 7.69% (rounded off to two decimal places)

Percentage change from 2000 to 2001 for Unit I:

= [(M in 2001 - M in 2000) / M in 2000] * 100%

= [(44 - 70) / 70] * 100%

= (-26 / 70) * 100% ≈ -37.14% (rounded off to two decimal places)

The highest percentage decrease in manufacturing from the previous year for Unit I occurred from
2000 to 2001, with a percentage decrease of approximately -37.14%.

So, the correct answer is:

B. 2001


To determine the year when the largest percentage of articles were defective out of the articles
manufactured by Unit IV, we need to calculate the percentage of defective articles for each year and
then identify the year with the highest percentage.

For Unit IV in each year:

- In 1996, Unit IV manufactured 56, and 21 were defective. So, the percentage of defective articles in
1996 is (21 / 56) * 100% ≈ 37.50%.

- In 1997, Unit IV manufactured 63, and 24 were defective. So, the percentage of defective articles in
1997 is (24 / 63) * 100% ≈ 38.10%.

- In 1998, Unit IV manufactured 68, and 30 were defective. So, the percentage of defective articles in
1998 is (30 / 68) * 100% ≈ 44.12%.

- In 1999, Unit IV manufactured 54, and 19 were defective. So, the percentage of defective articles in
1999 is (19 / 54) * 100% ≈ 35.19%.

- In 2000, Unit IV manufactured 48, and 27 were defective. So, the percentage of defective articles in
2000 is (27 / 48) * 100% ≈ 56.25%.

- In 2001, Unit IV manufactured 40, and 15 were defective. So, the percentage of defective articles in
2001 is (15 / 40) * 100% = 37.50%.
The highest percentage of defective articles out of the articles manufactured by Unit IV occurred in
2000, with a percentage of approximately 56.25%.

So, the correct answer is:

D. 2000

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