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Science Multiple Choice Questions

Structure of Atom

1. What did Democritus describe an atom as?

a) Indivisible
b) Aqueous
c) Huge

2. What did the Law of Conservation of Mass state?

a) Mass can change form after an experiment.
b) Mass is neither created nor destroyed during a chemical reaction.
c) Mass increases after the chemical reaction.

3. What is meant by an element?

a) Substances made up of two or more same/different atoms.
b) Substances with different numbers of protons.
c) Substances made up of one kind of atom.

4. What did Joseph Proust do in one of his experiments?

a) He broke copper carbonate into its elements.
b) He shot alpha particles at beryllium atoms.
c) He combined carbon and oxygen to form two gasses.

5. Which of the below is a false point from Dalton’s atomic theory?

a) Atoms in an element have the same mass/properties.
b) The atoms in a compound are in whole numbers.
c) Atoms cannot be divided.

6. Who presented the first atomic model?

a) J.J Thomson
b) John Dalton
c) Ernest Marsden

7. Which of the following is the Plum Pudding Model?

a) c)

8. What does the cake mix represent in the plum pudding model?
a) Protons
b) Electrons
c) Shells

9. What did Ernest Rutherford find out about radiation?

a) There are 3 types of radiation; alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma
b) Radiation comes from a source and travels around space.
c) Neutrons are ionizing radiation.

10. According to Rutherford, why did the alpha rays deflect?

a) The gold sheet might be too thick.
b) The rays might be bouncing off something in the atom.
c) There must be a lot of empty space in the atom.

11. Which sentence describes Rutherford’s Atomic Model?

a) Electrons revolve around a positively charged nucleus.
b) Electrons orbit around a nucleus containing protons and neutrons.
c) An atom contains mostly empty space with electrons revolving around a
positively charged nucleus.

12. How is electrostatic force in an atom created?

a) When electrons move around very fast.
b) When protons collide with neutrons.
c) When protons and electrons attract.

13. Which structure of sodium is correct?

a) c)


14. What is the formula for taking out the number of atoms per orbit?
a) 2(n2)
b) 3(s5)
c) At.Wt -

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