Extreme Adj

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Vocabulary and listening Extreme adjectives 1 @ 1.13 Match the extreme adjectives below with adjectives 1-10. Then listen to the conversations and cheek. awful brillant exhausting fascinating freezing hilarious huge terrifying thrilling - unforgettable good brilliant frightening cold memorable interesting exciting funny tiring bad 10 dig eesaugune 2 Complete the responses with an extreme adjective. 1 Was it frightening? Yes, it was. terrifying 2. Was the journey tiring? Yes, it was 3 Was the baok boring? No, it was 4 Is the sea warm? No, it’s Was your holiday memorable? Yes, it was 6 Was the film good? No, it was «EEN 3 @114 Listen and check your answers to exercise 2. Notice the intonation, Then listen again and repeat exam 4 Read the list of Top Ten Things to do before you're 30. Have you ever tried any of the activities? Compare your experiences with a partner, using adjectives from exercise 1. I've never done a bungee jump. Have you? No, | haven't. It looks terrifying 5 115 Listen to three conversations. What exciting activity has each person done? 1 Dan 2. Rashid 3 Anna fC EE (== oR tase Postrace haces Dietatenrome nC hty Cite Meera a Sumer Caceres ROT RUC TL) visit the Grand Canyon SCC Oe Leo Cees CoC Cron nkosi coe ~ CLT Cats ag Boeoyveoan ap 6 @115 Listen again and complete the chart. Dan Rashid Anna when? Saturday ‘ 7 who with? ‘Sam Peter * jonofthe exciting, 5 amazing activity (two? “ 2 adjectives) ' Prat finishers Write your opinions about the Top Ten activities using extreme adjectives. I think that doing a bungee jump looks terrifying. Qwerksoor pages

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