Science PT

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Republic of the Philippines

Region 1
Schools Division of Candon City
Patpata Elementary School


Name: ______________________________ Score: ___________

Grade/Section:________________ Parent’s Signature: ___________

Directions: Read carefully the following questions then answer. Write the letter that
corresponds to the BEST answer on the line provided before the number.

_____1. What is the external male organ with a tip called glans?
A. epididymis B. penis C. scrotum D. testes
_____2. Which of the following part of the male reproductive system produce the sperm cells

and male sex hormone?

A. Cowper’s gland B. penis C. prostate gland D. testes
_____3. Which is NOT a part of the female reproductive system?
A. cervix B. epididymis C. fallopian tube D. uterus
_____4. Jolina, a 12-year-old girl notices a growing hair on her private part. What will Jolina
A. Jolina will go to a doctor.
B. Jolina will be conscious with herself.
C. Jolina will just ignore the pubic hairs.
D. Jolina will apply moisturizers to the pubic hairs.
_____5. Merida is turning thirteen. She noticed that her breasts are growing and her hips
enlarging. What shall Merida do?
A. Merida should stay inside her room and observe the growth of her breasts and her
B. Merida shall use tight fitting clothes to prevent the growth of her breasts and
enlargement of her hips.
C. Merida should tell her mommy to take her to the doctor because of the growth of
her beast and enlargement of her hips.
D. Merida should stay calm, the growth of her breasts and enlargement of her hips
are part of growing up and have nothing to worry about. She should act as a lady
and be aware of her hygiene as always.
_____6. Why vagina is called the birth canal?
A. It is pyramid in shape. C. It is where the urine passes
B. It receives the sperm. D. The new born baby passes out from it.
_____7. Which best describe the ovaries?
A. the outside passage way of the baby
B. hallow, pear-shaped organ with a muscular wall and a lining
C. located in lower portion of the uterus that opens into the vagina
D. oblong-shaped and located on the left and right side of the uterus
_____8. You notice the body changes of Samantha. Every time she walks, many boys are
looking at her. As her friend, how do you protect her?
A. I will tell Samantha to fight with them.
B. I will tell Samantha that just ignore them.
C. I will tell Samantha that they are just envious.
D. I will tell Samantha that she must be careful in choosing clothes to wear.
_____9. What is the first menstrual bleeding of a woman?
A. menarche B. menses C. ovulation D. period
_____10. Which of the following phases of menstrual cycle that starts on the first day of

menstruation, but ends up to the thirteenth day of the menstrual cycle?

A. Follicular Phase C. Menstrual Phase
B. Luteal Phase D. Ovulation Phase
_____11. Anita, a high school student experiences absence of menstruation for 3
months. What will Anita needs to do?
A. Anita needs to avoid stress.
B. Anita needs heavy exercises.
C. Anita eats more preserved foods.
D. Anita waits until her menstruation occurs.
_____12. Fatima always feel severe menstrual cramps. This pain really interferes with school

works. What should she do?

A. Fatima should see her doctor.
B. Fatima should take medicines.
C. Fatima should endure the pain.
D. Fatima should never mind what she feels.
_____13. A grade five pupil named Myra has her menstruation. A lot of blood is coming out
from her vagina because it is her second day. This leads a blood stain on her skirt, but
she still needs to report on school because its their final exam. What should Myra do?
A. Ignore the stain.
B. Do not report on school.
C. Bring extra sanitary napkins.
D. Just change her pad when she got home.
_____14. At what period do girls are capable of reproduction?
A. becomes 12 years old
B. becomes 20 years old
C. when she reaches adulthood
D. when she starts menstruating
_____15. Which is TRUE about sexual reproduction in animals?
A. It has only one parent.
B. It promotes differences.
C. Animals cannot be born alive.
D. Young animals do not resemble each other.
_____16. Which of the following is TRUE about the heat cycle in cats?
A. Cats stay in heat about 10-30 days.
B. Cats in heat are moody towards people.
C. Cats in heat are quiet and like to lay down.
D. Cats in heat make more noise, louder, and more frequent.
_____17. You see two dogs mating. As a Grade 5 pupil, what are you going to do?
A. pull them apart
B. throw them a stone
C. wait them to separate naturally
D. call other friends and watch them
_____18. At night, you hear a cat’s noise become louder and louder. What is the cat doing?
A. The cat is crying.
B. The cat has enemy.
C. The cat can’t sleep.
D. The cat is undergoing heat cycle.
_____19. You see two mosquitoes together. What are they possibly doing?
A. they are courting
B. they are planning
C. they are quarrelling
D. they are sharing foods
_____20. Chicks are hatched from eggs. Goats are born alive and appear like their parents.
Frogs undergo many changes as they grow. What are you able to infer from these
A. all animals are born alive
B. all animals are hatched from eggs
C. different animals move in several ways
D. different animals reproduce in numerous ways
_____21. Which of the following plant parts is situated either at the soil surface or
underground that contains nodes from which roots and shoots originate?
A. Bulbs B. Rhizomes C. Suckers D. Tubers
_____22. Which of the following plant parts are swollen, modified roots where buds develop
at the base of the stem and then grow into new plants?
A. Plantlets B. Rhizomes C. Suckers D. Tubers
_____23. Your teacher asks you to bring a flower that has a complete part. What flower will
you bring?
A. Bougainvillea B. Camia C. Gumamela D. Rose
_____24. You see a butterfly above the flower. What does the butterfly do?
A. The butterfly is smelling the flower.
B. The butterfly is attracted to the flower.
C. The butterfly is collecting pollen grains.
D. The butterfly is accidentally landed above the flower.
_____25. You notice that your banana tree has upright shoots that grows beside the mother
plant. What do we call this?
A. buds B. runners C. suckers D. tubers
_____26. The following statements are functions of a flower. Which one is NOT?
A. It traps the pollen grain.
B. They absorb water needed for production.
C. It develops into plant sperms or male sex cells.
D. They protect the parts of the flower that makes the seeds.
_____27. What do you call a process by which plant produce their offspring without seeds?
A. fertilization C. sexual reproduction
B. pollination D. asexual reproduction
_____28. Which of the following are the reproductive parts of a plant?
A. flowers and roots C. pollen and nectar
B. petals and sepals D. stamen and pistil
_____29. Lola Bambina wants to propagate her roses. Which of the following can Lola
Bambina do?
A. Cut the roots and plant it.
B. Cut the leaves and plant it.
C. Cut the stems and plant it.
D. Cut the flowers and plant it
_____30. Your teacher asks you to find katakataka leaf and place it to your book. What will
happen to the katakataka leaf after putting in your book?
A. The katakataka leaf will be rotten.
B. The katakataka leaf will disappear.
C. The katakataka leaf will grow juicy herbs.
D. The katakataka leaf will grow roots on the edge of its leaf.
_____31. You see the different colors of the flowers of the bougainvillea of your neighbor,
but there is only one stem. You want also to have that kind of plant. What will you do?
A. cutting B. grafting C. budding D. layering
_____32. You notice that your fern plants reproduce very fast. How these plants reproduce?
A. by means of spores
B. by means of cutting
C. by means of grafting
D. by means of replanting
_____33. What type of pollination happens when pollen grains are transferred from anther of
a flower to the stigma of another flower in the same plant?
A. cross- pollination
B. imperfect- pollination
C. perfect - pollination
D. self- pollination
_____34. Which statement describes cross-pollination?
A. The production of seeds in a flower.
B. The union of the sperm and the egg cell.
C. The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of another flower of the same
D. The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of another plant but of the
same kind.
_____35. How do we identify Natural Vegetative Reproduction?
A. It produces the next generation that is generally identical to the parent.
B. It is a form of asexual reproduction occurring in pants in which a new plant grows
and develop naturally without human action.
C. It has two methods of asexual reproduction in plants are natural vegetative
reproduction by structure modification such as runners, bulb, tubers, rhizomes,
suckers, and plantlets.
D. It is a method of propagation that encourages new roots to form on branches that
are still attached to the parent-plant. The stem is covered with soil until it grows
_____36. An estuary is another kind of habitat. Which of the following describes an estuary?
A. Land area that drains water into a lake, river or pond.
B. Underground system that provides drinking water to an area.
B. Large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth’s surface.
D. Area where a river meets the ocean, where in mixing of freshwater and saltwater
_____37. How do organisms exposed to air be able to prevent drying out?
A. They seal completely their shells
B. Organism store much water in their bodies
B. They move up to zones that have plenty of water
C. Organism feed on other organisms that are watery
_____38. As you are walking in the market, you see a product made from endangered marine
animals. What will you do?
A. I will patronize their products.
B. I will report them to the authorities.
C. I will help them to sell their products.
D. I will encourage them to make more of these products.
_____39. You go boat riding with your friends what will you do so that you won’t disturb or
damage the marine life?
A. I will dump your trash overboard.
B. I will sail on the sensitive areas like seagrass beds.
C. I will not install marine sanitation devices on boat.
D. I will regularly check the boat’s engine to reduce oil leaks.
_____40. If the planktons are removed from the estuary, what may happen to the estuarine
food web?
A. Planktons are producers so their removal may not have an effect.
B. The other animals in the estuary will have to find other food sources.
C. Removal of any organism like the plankton will greatly affect the ecosystem.
D. Filter feeders like oysters and clams don’t depend on the presence of plankton.

_____41. How do coral reefs contribute to the survival of fishes?

A. fishes fly in coral reefs
B. fishes play in coral reefs
C. fishes swim in coral reefs
D. fishes get food and shelter from coral reefs
_____42. How do organisms use the areas under the mangrove trees?
A. as fuel C. as forest
B. as foods D. as breeding grounds
_____43. What will happen to the ecosystem if more garbage will be dumped at the
A. It becomes polluted.
B. It becomes attractive.
C. It helps the corals become healthy.
D. It helps produce large number of fish.
_____44. How does cleaning the coastal areas affect the ecosystem?
A. It gives jobs to people.
B. It destroys the environment.
C. It contributes a small number of fishes.
D. It provides sustainable shelter to organisms.
_____45. Which of the following activities is the MOST environmentally friendly?
A. building dams along the river
B. dumping chemicals into bodies of water
C. commercially developing coastal watersheds
D. restoring coastal watersheds from damages.
_____46. Which of the following can you do to maintain the ecosystem and to have a safe
home for the organisms?
A. Get the organisms in the estuaries.
B. Use insecticides and synthetic fertilizers.
C. Do not throw garbage on bodies of water.
D. Throw plastic bags and cups to bodies of water.
_____47. You are a leader in the community. What would be the title of the project that you
will implement about conservation of bodies of water?
A. Live, Wild and Free
B. Stay Safe and Healthy
C. Live the Life You Choose
D. Save Water and Save Life
_____48. Camila is one of the YES-O officers. In what way she can protect estuaries and
intertidal zones?
A. practice actions and other household waste on waterways
B. dispose oil and other household waste on waterways
C. take part on coastal clean-up drives and disseminate information on the proper
care of estuaries
D. join more organizations that promote conversion of estuaries and intertidal zones
to commercial areas.
_____49. How can you become a good steward of mother nature from the following?
I. Follow safety practices imposed by the authorities.
II. Avoid using reusable materials at home.
III. Encourage neighbors to plant beautiful but non-native plants.
A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
_____50. Why is there need to protect the estuaries and intertidal zone?
A. It is our property.
B. It helps us come up with lessons to discuss in class.
C. It is God gifts to us; thus, we ca do anything to it for our own benefits.
D. It provides vital nesting, breeding, and feeding habitats for many species.
1 B 11 A 21 D 31 A 41 D
2 D 12 A 22 A 32 A 42 D
3 B 13 C 23 C 33 A 43 A
4 D 14 D 24 C 34 D 44 D
5 D 15 B 25 C 35 B 45 D
6 D 16 D 26 D 36 D 46 C
7 B 17 C 27 B 37 A 47 D
8 D 18 D 28 D 38 B 48 C
9 A 19 A 29 C 39 D 49 A
10 A 20 D 30 D 40 C 50 D

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