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Ryza Jade S.

12 STEM Diocles

Module Activity
Guide Questions ( Prelude)

1. What is a prelude? Why is that the title of the story?

 A prelude is an introductory passage to literature or music that will lead to a longer or much
larger section. This is the title of the story because the story is presented as a simple story but as
the reader expands and understands more about the story, the reader will find it thrilling and
find there is more to it than that.

2. What does Nenita feel for her husband? Why do you think she feels that way? Cite textual
 “Beneath the benign facade beats the heart of a wronged “At first, Nenita appears to be a
loving, caring and considerate wife to her husband. But in reality, Nenita’s behavior hides more
than is revealed.

3. What does her herbalista friend feel about Nenita’s husband?

 The herbalist is angry with Nenita’s husband because of what her husband keeps doing to
Nenita. That is why, Nenita’s herbalist friend was guilty because he was the one who gave her
the poisonous plant

4. Who was the man that died in the first paragraph?

 The man who dies in the first paragraph is Nenita’s husband.

5. How do you think he died? What clues in the text helped you to reach that conclusion?
 think he died because of singing 3 songs and considering the temperature was hot, it will be
harder for him to breath and also hot enough to pop veins that may cause his death.

6. What is the importance of the dried purple leaves? Do you think that these were used in the story?
 The dried purple leaves will serve as the poison that will kill her husband. She never used it in
the story, she just keep it in her pocket. It was evident because she just let her husband die due
to the hot temperature.

7. Who killed the man? Explain your answer.

 No one killed the man, he died because of unavoidable occurrence of stroke or any sickness
related to very hot temperature. It was also seen that no other person physically killed him.

8. The story ends with the feeling of heat. What are the many meanings of heat in the story?
 Heat stands for passion, anger, and the oppressiveness of life, which requires continual
escapism. The story begins and ends with heat, and Delgado illustrates how heat presents itself
both physically and emotionally.
9. Why is it ironic that the widow was married to a judge?
 The judge is described as being displeased by his community. He’s not a good husband , because
he cheats on his wife and also misuses money . This is different between how you would expect
a judge to act and how the judge actually act.

10. Do you think, with what happened, that some kind of justice was served? Why or why not?
 We might see it as a kind of justice that he is punished for his real unfaithfulness. By a real
death, while Nenita escapes unscathed for her imaginary adultery with tv host Willie Revillame.
Ryza Jade S. Torres
12 STEM Diocles

Module Activity
Guide Questions (Lengua Para Diablo)

1. What does Lengua symbolize?

 Basically, the word Lengua symbolizes a Spanish word known as “Tounge” In the story which
entitled as Lengua Para Diablo, this word symbolizes the words eaten by the devil or it further
explains the father’s humanity that has been taken away from him. In connection to cuisine, it is
a dish mixed with onion and other seasonings then put into a boiling pot

2. What did the father mean by “The devil ate my words”? What happened to him that made him say
 The father implies that because of what happened to him, he couldn’t fulfill his promises
anymore. So, he made to say that kind of words since he was unemployed and can’t give a
wonderful life to his family. Also, the phrase “the devil ate my words reflects to the father’s
insights such as “I couldn’t complain since the devil ate my words” and “Maymay didn’t say
anything since people we’re feared that the devil may have eaten their words.

3. What does this tells us about Philippine society?

 It tells us that unemployment can affect the society as a whole. As we can see in today’s
generation, the father is dumbed as the role model or founder in the family. He is the one who
mold his members to become a better person always: Then, it is truly accepted that if he is
unemployed then it affects the humanity. Nowadays, people are so malignant because there are
some individuals especially fathers who have some difficulties in finding a job. Otherwise, we
can’t deny the fact on why some Filipinos are jobless after they’re graduated so they sacrifice
their selves to go abroad to sustain the needs and wants of their families

4. Does the little girl understand what her father means? Why do you say so?
 In my own perspective, I believe that the little girl doesn't understand on what her father means
since she critically thinks that his father's tounge was really eaten by the devil. I can say so
because it is clearly stated in the story that the little girl didn't understand what her father really

5. How does the girl misinterpret?

 The girl misinterprets her father's words by keep on believing to herself that her father didn't do
anything for the goodness of their lives. Also, according to her, she sigh that her father forgot on
what he wanted to say to his daughter.

6. In the end, when she is describing the Lengua, How do you think she feels? Why does she feel this
 In the conclusion of the story, her daughter describe the Lengua when she keep on wishing that
she could prick her father's tongue to go back on his speech about their worse situation.
Because of that, I think that she felt like a hopeless person because from the starting point of
the story she never understands on what is really happening on their family. Instead, she keeps
on enunciating to his father for not giving them a luxurious life.

7. Why is it necessary to talk about Spaniards, when this is a story that takes place in the Philippines?
What is their significance in the story?
 When we based historically, Spaniards colonized us for 300 years and beyond. That' why, it is
necessary to talk about them since they did a lot of good and bad things in our country. These
are the importance of religion, how to develop friendship with China and to adapt Colonialism
Their significance in the story is about the trust that the Spaniards broke to his worker and
explains how Spaniards impose the attitude traitorous"

8. What does the girl wish for in the end? Why does she wish for it?
 The girl wishes that she could turn back her father's tongue back to his speech and hunger. I
think the reason on why she like to wished like this way because she wants her father to learn
from the hardships that they're dealing with and cares for her father's goodness.

9. What do you feel toward the little girl? What do you feel toward the father?
 I feel anger to the little girl since she always keep on delineating that his father is useless and
can’t provide a better life to them in contrast, I feel pity to her father because he did a lot of
things but then her wife keep on arguing and urged him to fight with her.

10. What do you think the story is trying to say?

 The story tells us that father is the role model in the society and clearly imply that if who is
powerful, who is richer, who is older in the society can speak out and the younger ones should
just keep their mouth shut and just follow what these higher ups want. Apart from that, without
the father’s compassion or fulfilment to his duty, his family develops a sense of being inferior.
Moreover, it shows how impecuniosity and unemployment greatly affects the situation of the
family as well as in its environment. Furthermore, it greatly depicts that no matter how rowdy
the situations we are facing with, we should respect and understand it always because nothing
is permanent.
Ryza Jade S. Torres
12 STEM Diocles

Module Activity
Guide Questions (The Safe House)

1. What is the dictionary meaning of "safe house"?

 A house in a secret location, used by spies or criminals in hiding

2. What is the double meaning of the title The Safe House? Why do you think this was used for the
 The Safe House can have double meaning in both idiomatic and literal explanation. For the
Literal one, it refers to an actual place where a person resides and finds comforts. The person
may have a emotional attachment to it for it to be considered his/her safe house. Another
meaning of an actual Safe House is where you keep your valuable things.

 The Idiomatic one is where it is considered as an expression, where it doesn’t actually refer to a
thing or place. But might refer to a person that gives a protecting vibe that a person will feel safe
around him/her. The Safe House used as a title because place where one finds safety and
protection he/she will be kept from harm from the outside world or from the people around

3. Why did the narrator feel unsafe?

 The narrator feels unsafe because the grown up looks like they are planning on doing something
bad. Aside from that, there are also instances where traumatic events have occurred.

4. What makes you feel safe? Can you relate to the narrator? Why or why not?
 I only feel safe when everyone around me is at peace and is quiet. Aside from that, I also feel
safe whenever I am with my parents and older siblings. Personally, I cannot relate to the
narrator because the narrator is surrounded with troublemakers.

5. Why did the man in the story have band aids instead of nails? What does this imply about the
visitors in the house?
 Because in the past, removing nails is a way of torture. The man was obviously tortured. For me,
the visitors imply about the Military in martial law who thinks they’ve got the power to harm the
civilians. Some of the Militaries took advantage while they were close and the president needed

6. Do you sympathize more with the visitors or the narrator? Why do you feel this way?
 Both, I equally sympathize with them because they are both victims against the Marcos
government during martial law.
7. Why did the mother leave? Do you understand this decision? Would you have left as well? Why or
why not?
 Once a mother has given birth, a mother has to support that child until her death. No, I don’t
understand that very well having a child was literally your choice. No, I wouldn’t because no
matter what tough times might flow in, you have to keep fighting and don’t ditch them

8. How does the narrator’s view of martial law differ from her father’s view? Why does she have a
different point of view?
 From the line “What they do bring is locked inside their heads, the safest of all places” we can
see that the little girl is not fully aware of what martial law is, compared to his father who
experiences the cruelty of Marcos’ authorities ruthlessness. She has a different point of view
because she is just a 5-year-old girl who has no clue of what is really going on at that time.

9. What effect does reading this story have on you? How does it affect the way you look at martial
law? What did you feel about it before you read the story, and after you read the story?
 Well, it affects my perspective on the martial Law especially to the people who are against on it,
just like the father, he is willing to sacrifice himself just for the freedom of our country. At first, I
thought it’s literally a safe place where you are safe and protected. But after I read the story, I
feel sad for the girl because her home is not a safe place anymore.

10 Why was it necessary for the narrator to tell us that she locks the door against the visitors
nowadays? What does this symbolize? Do you agree with the narrator? Why or why not?
 It is possible that the narrator senses danger lurking around. It can be her gut feeling telling her
that she needs to be vigilant and to never be too trusting Locking the door doesn't just signify
safety but it also marks boundaries on your territory or your property. She may be feeling
something negative about the visitor
Ryza Jade S. Torres
12 STEM Diocles

Module Activity
Guide Questions (Apo on the Wall)

1. How would you describe the persona and the persona’s father? How would describe their
relationship? Would you say that your relationship with your father is similar or different? Explain.
 The persona is a child that is curious about the picture of Apo on the wall. His father is strict and
works for the government (he’s a soldier). Their relationship is like a boss and employee because
the persona needs to follow what his father wants in order for his father to become happy. Our
relationship with my father is similar but it’s just that my father is not strict.

2. In lines 12-13 in the poem, there is the use of the words “snappy” and “snapped”, respectively.
What do these words mean? How do they add to the poem in terms of sound? How do they add to
your understanding of the relationship between the father and the son?
 Snappy means to be able to move quickly while being marked by vigor. On the other hand,
snapped means to utter sharp biting words. These other words add to the poems sound by
providing words that seem to be sounding similar. They aid me to understand that the father
was rigorous even to his son by being particular about following the rules.

3. Who is Apo in the poem? Cite evidence to support your answer.

 Apo was the boss of child’s father in the poem from lines 7 to 9 (To prove that he works hard, he
also brought a photo of his boss whom he calls Apo, so Apo could). Apo is powerful and he is
none other than the famous Dictator himself, Ferdinand Marcos.

4. How would you describe the relationship between the persona’s father and Apo? What does this
tells us about the father’s perspective about martial law?
 The relationship between the persona’s father and Apo is that of loyal servant and a king. This
tells us that whatever Apo decided to do, the persona’s father will surely follow.

5. What kind of values does the persona’s father want to teach to his child, specifically, about what it
means to be a man? Do you agree with this values? Why or why not?
 The values that the father want to teach his child is discipline and respect to the elders and to
those who are much higher than you, even if they are not around. Yes, I will agree with these
value because if we respect others, they will also respect us back. We need to follow the people
who have authorities to avoid being reprimanded.

6. Why is Apo compared to the “scary” Jesus in the hallway? What do they seem to have in common?
 Apo, who is Ferdinand Marcos, is compared to the “scary” Jesus in the hallway because they are
both powerful. “His eyes are following me like he was that scary Jesus in the hallway saying I
know, I know what you are doing,” is the line that shows how powerful Apo is.
7. What do the father, Apo, and the “scary” Jesus have in common?
 Father is a snappy and loyal person to his Apo who is Ferdinand Marcos. Ferdinand Marcos is
like Jesus who knows everything we do because of his power.

8. Read the last line of the poem. What does it mean? How does this regulate the persona’s behavior?
 This connotes the feeling of the Filipinos who were afraid over the power and authority
Marcos’s dictatorship. Their fear is self-imposed prison that kept them from having their human
rights, freedom of speech and voice of justice.

9. Do you think the persona’s perspective about martial law is the same as his father’s? Why or why
 No, the narrator was clearly juvenile and shallow. His curiosity was all in. His father once told
him: that was no place for a boy, only men. The narrator thought, it means so he doesn’t roam
around and touch his father’s things that may injure him. But by analyzing that statement, it
probably means more than that, isn’t it? At his young age, he can’t fully understand what his
father was really trying to mean, he can only interpret them literally

10. How does this poem provide the reader a glimpse of what martial law was like? How did the poem
make you feel?
 It is a reflection of the scenario of what and how the Filipinos experienced the tragic and
traumatic event throughout the dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines. Apo on the
wall shows the real situation concerning with the different perspective between millennial and
those who lived through Martial Law
Ryza Jade S. Torres. 21st Century Literature
12 STEM Diocles

• Motivation (The Safe House)

1. What are you willing to sacrifice for the good of the nation? Would you be willing to die for
your country?

- I think I will be willing to sacrifice my time and service for the good of the
nation. As an aspiring allied health professional, I believe that I could help my country by
treating and curing sick people in the near future. Aside from that, I also think that I will be
willing to die for my country. This is because Philippines is my one and only home and I
cannot let anything happen to it.

2. If you had children, do you think your decision would still be the same? Why or why not?

- If I had a children, I think that my decision would change. Although I love my

country, I cannot bear to see my children be lonely and heartbroken when I have gone
away. It is very gut-wrenching scene to imagine them growing old without any guidance and
presence of their actual mother.

3. When parents decide to be part of a revolution, how do you think this would affect their
children? Explain your answer.

- I think that a parent being a part of the revolution would affect children in so
many ways both positively and negatively. Looking in a positive direction, this can spark
more awareness to cruelty and can develop a perceptive intelligence. For the negative part,
being involved in a revolution can torment children into acquiring traumas and fear of a
horrible scenario that may happen to them.

• Motivation (Lengua)
1. Why are so many Filipinos poor?

- I believe that the reason why many Filipinos are poor stems from the lack of
education in our country. For a very long time, the Philippines' has always suffered from
lack of support and accessibility for children to avail formal education. This issue in return
brings many problems not only to our economy but also to many families. As such, children
are hampered in following their dreams and becoming professionals in real-life. Aside from
that, they are also put in a disadvantage when they strive to elevate their socioeconomic
status and become more successful.

2. When males lose their job in the Philippines, does it mean they lose their manhood?

- No, I would never agree with this thinking because nothing can define a
person’s worth based on a single thing only. Losing a job does not mean that he is a total
failure. It is just a normal scenario that could happen in real-life. If a financial problem
occurs in a family setting, he could still find other jobs or his partner could provide in

3. Why are so many people numb to the fact that many Filipinos are starving? How do you feel
about beggars on the street? Why do you feel that way?

- I think that many people are numb to the fact that many Filipinos are starving
because it is a relevant occurrence that we can encounter in our daily life. Just by walking or
commuting, we can already see a number of street beggars everywhere. Personally, I feel
sad and curious at the same time. Seeing them, I feel sorry and also pity that they could not
experience the luxury and security in life. In addition, I am also curious about what and how
they ended up in their present situation.

• Motivation (Preludes)

1. Why do people get addicted to playing video games?

- People get addicted to playing video games because it provides a great source
of entertainment and an instant way to fight boredom. It also provides a safe space for
people to relax and escape away from a stressful situation or event. Aside from that, it also
allows people to interact with different person online.

2. Have you ever felt that the world of the video game is more real or more important than the
real world? Why or why not?

- I have experienced a scene where I believe that the world of video games is
much more real and important at the moment. I was a lot younger back then and I thought
that playing a character in the game is worth more than studying for school. I reasoned that
building and leveling up my points is better than dealing with my boring and mundane life as

3. Why do some people prefer a video game’s reality to the reality that they live in?
- Sometimes people prefer video game’s reality to reality because it gives them
easier control on how they want to receive or achieve something. When we also compare
the two, the video game’s reality has more advantages and less difficulty compared the
present world that we live in. Thus, being a factor why they would prefer spending their
lives in a video game rather than facing the harsh and cruel world that we are in.

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