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Pertemuan 11: Noun Clause

A noun clause is a clause that functions as a noun. It is used in a sentence as either an object
of a verb, an object of a preposition, the subject of the sentence or predicative complement:
 I know when he will arrive.
object of verb
 I am concerned about when he will arrive
object of preposition
 When he will arrive is not important.
 I don’t know whether or not I will go shopping.
object of verb
 I wonder if he could do the test yesterday.
object of verb
 That he stole his mother’s money is the fact.
 The problem is that your friend always plays truant.
predicative complement

A. Do the exercise as given in the example

Example: Where did he go? I know ...................
Your Answer: where he went

1. Who will be elected president? I’m not sure …………………………….

2. Whose book is it? They haven’t discovered …………………………….
3. How much will it cost? The shop keeper told me ……………………….
4. How was the murder committed? The police are still investigating …….
5. Where did they spend the vacation? Ira told me …………………………

B. Do the following exercises

1. ________ Java man, who lived before the first Ice Age, is the first manlike animal.
(A) It is generally believed that (C) Generally believed it is
(B) Believed generally is (D) That is generally believed
2. ____________ the formation of the sun, the planets, and other stars began with the
condensation of an interstellar cloud.
(A) It is accepted that (C) Accepted that
(B) It accepted that (D) That is accepted
3. I wonder where ____________
(A) He did go (B) Did he go (C) He went (D) Went he
4. It is not clear whether the subdivisions of the neocortex __________ units.
(A) individual (C) are individual
(B) they are individual (D) individually
5. Based on the premises that light was composed of color, the Impressionists came to
the conclusion ___________ not really black.
(A) which was that shadows (C) was shadows which
(B) were shadows (D) that shadows were
6. We do not__________ the bow drill was first developed for woodworking or fire
making. (A) whether it (C) know whether it
(B) know whether (D) sure whether
7. No single factor explains why ________ vary so greatly among individuals.
(A) aging affects (C) aging has an effect
(B) the effect of aging (D) the aging effect
8. I didn’t hear __________when he gave us the task.
(A) what the lecturer says (C) what does the lecture say?
(B) what did the lecture say (D) what the lecturer said
9. Minute Man National Historical Park is a monument to where _______
(A) the beginning of the Revolutionary War
(B) in the beginning of the Revolutionary War
(C) the Revolutionary War to begin
(D) the Revolutionary War began
10. The doctor told his receptionist that he would return _____________
(A) as early as it would be possible
(B) at the earliest that it could be possible
(C) as soon as possible
(D) at the nearest early possibility
11. The doctor insisted that his patient _____________
(A) that he not work too hard for three months
(B) take it easy for three months
(C) taking it easy inside of three months
(D) to take some vacations for three months
12. I am not certain_____________
(A) if I should go (C) I if should go
(B) go if I should (D) should I go?
13. _______ affect a person’s body has long been known by doctors.
(A) Emotional disturbances (B) As emotional disturbances
(B) If emotional disturbances (C) That emotional disturbances
14. ___________ is the fact.
(A) He didn’t conduct the research (C) Didn’t he conduct the research
(B) That he didn’t conduct the research (D) He didn’t conduct the research that
15. In a Rorschach test, the subject describes _________ sees in a series of inkblots.
(A) he or she (C) seeing he or she
(B) what he or she (D) that he or she
16. We are concerned about__________ will do the work.
(A) which (B) when (C) where (D) who
17. About 4000 B.C., humans discovered that ________ obtained from special rocks
called ores.
(A) metal could be (C) possibly metallic
(B) the ability of metallic (D) could metals be
18. We know________ the world is round.
(A) what (B) if (C) that (D) so that
19. It is now known that Saturn_________ not the only planet in our solar system with
rings. (A) which (B) be (C) so (D) is
20. ___________surprised me.
(A) What she says (B) What she said
(B) What does she say (D) What did she say
21. The North Platte River ____________ from Wyoming into Nebraska.
(A) it flowed (B) flows (C) flowing (D) with flowing water
22. The tetracyclines, __________ antibiotics, are used to treat infections.
(A) Are a family of (C) Being a family
(B) A family of (D) Their family is
23. Potassium has a valence of positive one because it usually loses one electron when
___________ with other elements.
(A) does it combine (C) it combines
(B) in combining (D) combination
24. Scientists are now beginning to conduct experiments on __________ trigger different
sorts of health risks.
(A) noise pollution can (C) that noise pollution
(B) how noise pollution (D) how noise pollution can

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