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Fact Sheet August 2015

Adolescent Pregnancy and Its Outcomes

Across Countries
• Contraceptive use among adolescents is • Among the 21 countries with liberal Slovakia to 69% in Sweden. In the United
increasing in many countries, as is age at abortion laws and complete teen preg- States, 26% of adolescent pregnancies
first marriage. Rates of adolescent child- nancy estimates for 2008–2011, the end in abortion.
bearing have also dropped significantly in lowest adolescent pregnancy rate is in
many countries and regions over the last Switzerland (8 in 2011), followed by the THE UNITED STATES IN CONTEXT
few decades. Netherlands and Slovenia (14 in 2008 and • The adolescent pregnancy rate in the
2009, respectively). United States has declined considerably
• In some regions of the world, however, (by 51%), from a peak of 117 per 1,000
early childbearing remains common: In • In the majority of the 16 countries with women aged 15–19 in 1990 to a 30-year
2008, adolescents aged 15–19 in devel- trend data available, adolescent pregnan- low of 57 in 2010. However, the United
oping countries had an estimated 14.3 cies have declined since the mid-1990s. States has one of the highest known
million births and 3.2 million abortions. The steepest decline occurred in Estonia, rates of adolescent pregnancy and births
followed by Slovenia and Hungary. in developed regions.
• Teen pregnancies are associated with
poor social and economic conditions and • Only in Belgium and Sweden has the • Information on the proportion of
prospects for women, potentially compro- adolescent pregnancy rate increased since pregnancies that are unintended is not
mising their educational and economic the mid-1990s. Still, current rates in consistently available across developed
opportunities. these countries are low, at 21 (in 2009) countries. In the United States, an esti-
and 29 (in 2010), respectively. mated 82% of adolescent pregnancies are
• Among 35 developed countries for IN DEVELOPED REGIONS • Compared with young people in the
which adolescent pregnancy rates could • According to a recent review of 35 de- Netherlands, who have the second lowest
be calculated, Romania has the highest veloped countries, the highest adolescent adolescent pregnancy rate in Europe,
rate (61 per 1,000 women aged 15–19 abortion rates are in England and Wales U.S. adolescents are faced with greater
in 2011). Abortion data for Romania are and Sweden (20 per 1,000 women aged societal disapproval regarding adolescent
incomplete; therefore, the true pregnancy 15–19 in 2011 and 2010, respectively). sexuality, less-consistent provision of sex
rate (calculated based on births, abor- education, and greater socioeconomic
• The next highest rates are in Estonia
tions and miscarriages) in this country inequalities that underlie higher adoles-
(19), New Zealand (18), and Romania and
may be even higher than estimated. cent pregnancy rates among the most
Scotland (both 17), all in 2011. The true
• Despite considerable declines in recent abortion rate in Romania is likely higher disadvantaged groups.
decades, the U.S. adolescent pregnancy than reported.
rate, at 57 per 1,000 in 2010, is the ABORTION IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA
• Switzerland has the lowest adolescent
highest in the developed world outside For the first time, estimates of adolescent
abortion rate among countries with com-
the former Soviet Bloc. The next highest pregnancy and abortion rates are avail-
plete abortion data (5 in 2011). The next
rate is in New Zealand (51 in 2010). able for four countries in Sub-Saharan
lowest rates are found in Slovakia (6 in
• In Europe (excluding the former Soviet 2011), the Netherlands (7 in 2008) and Africa: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya and
Bloc), the highest adolescent pregnancy Slovenia (7 in 2009). Malawi. Adolescent abortion rates for
rates are found in England and Wales (47 these countries come from hospital-based
• The proportion of adolescent pregnan- studies.
in 2011) and Scotland (46).
cies that end in abortion varies widely
across developed countries, from 17% in
Adolescent Pregnancy Outcomes Across Countries This fact sheet draws on adolescent
pregnancy data, primarily for 2008–
Abortion, birth and miscarriage rates vary widely by country. 2011, for countries in which complete
or incomplete data on the rate of
*United States 15 34 8 abortions was available at the time
of writing. Information on rates of
New Zealand 18 26 7
abortion, birth and miscarriage were
England and Wales 20 21 6 used to calculate pregnancy rates.
Thus, for countries with incomplete
Scotland 17 23 6 abortion rate data, pregnancy
estimates are also incomplete and
Estonia 19 19 6
likely to be an underestimate.
Hungary 16 18 5
The data come primarily from Sedgh
Slovakia 6 22 5 G et al., Adolescent pregnancy,
birth, and abortion rates across
Iceland 15 11 4 countries: levels and recent trends,
Journal of Adolescent Health, 2015,
*Sweden 20 6 3
56(2):223–230. For additional
Spain 13 10 3 references, please see the HTML
version at http://www.guttmacher.
France 15 7 3 org/pubs/FB-Adolescent-Pregnancy-
8 13 3

Israel 8 13 3
This research was funded by the
13 8 3
Births Centers for Disease Control and
Norway 13 7 3 Prevention, through a cooperative
Miscarriages agreement between the Office
*Belgium 8 10 3 of Population Affairs at the U.S.
Department of Health and Human
14 5 2
Services and the Guttmacher
Singapore 8 5 2 Institute, and by a grant from the
Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
*Netherlands 7 5 2

*Slovenia 7 5 2

Switzerland 5 2 1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
No. per 1,000 women aged 15–19

*All estimates are for 2011 except the Netherlands (2008), Belgium and Slovenia (2009), and Sweden and the United States (2010).

• Adolescent pregnancy rates this region, early marriage and • Recent evidence from Europe
are far higher in these four early start of childbearing are and the United States also indi-
Sub-Saharan African countries common. cates that the provision of free
than in developed countries. or subsidized contraceptives is
They range from 121 per 1,000 FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH associated with relatively low
women aged 15–19 in Ethiopia
rates of pregnancy and birth.
• Across developed countries,
to 187 per 1,000 in Burkina
there is relatively little differ- • High adolescent birthrates in
Faso (both in 2008).
ence in levels of sexual activity some former Soviet countries
• In these four countries, where among adolescents, but there is have been attributed to barriers
abortion is largely illegal, substantial variation in levels of to contraceptive access, such as
adolescent abortion rates range contraceptive use. parental consent requirements,
from 11 in Ethiopia (2008) to high cost of contraceptive sup-
• Changing social attitudes,
38 in Kenya (2012). plies and prescription require- 125 Maiden Lane
including greater acceptance
ments for some methods. New York, NY 10038 USA
• In Sub-Saharan Africa as a of adolescent sexuality and Tel: 212.248.1111
whole, about 35% of pregnan- increased expectation that ado- • In addition, adolescent birth-
cies among 15–19-year-olds lescents will practice contracep- rates appear to be higher in
in 2007 were unintended. In tion, have been linked to higher countries where income inequal-
levels of contraceptive use. ities are relatively large.
August 2015

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