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How I imagine the world will be in 2080.

The world changes every day. We get older, our young children become adults very quickly, they go
to college, form their own families. Civilization is developing at an extraordinary pace and constantly
surprises us. Everything is constantly changing. Sometimes we - ordinary people do not keep up with
these changes. unfortunately, the world is constructed in such a way that it is often desired by
random people who want power or simply have money.

In my opinion, the world in 2080 will become even more motorized and mechanized. We can already
see in stores that the cash registers are self-service. I think that in 2080 there will be no more
employees in stores. More and more people are investing in cryptocurrencies. I think that in 60 years
there will be no more money in banknotes and coins. All operations and payments will be made with
newer phone models. I hope that finally by 2080 a cure for cancer will be invented and it will already
be a flu-like disease.

The world is facing war, so the future is a great unknown. However, we must hope that the changes
that will take place will be changes for the better. There will be no war, no racism problems and
everyone will know an additional language that will allow them to communicate freely in the world.

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