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Group-IV ,Final Year

Final Year Project Report

Final Report(Work in Progress)

Project Title : Tour & Travel Website

Group Member : i) Rozy Begum, ii) Pritty Sagar Yadav, iii) Dipkinkar

A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the award of degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Computer Science
Supervisor: Munmun Paul

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Birbhum

Institute of Engineering and Technology

December 02,2023
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This report has been prepared on the basis of our own work.
Where other published and unpublished source materials
have been used, these have been acknowledged.

Group Name : Group-IV

Date of Submission : 02.12.2023


I. Rozy Begum
II. Pritty Sagar Yadav
III. Dipkinkar Bhowmik
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Table of Contents

Project Specification........................................................................4
Conclusion 11
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As the name specifies “Tour & Travel Website” is a software developed

for managing tour booking. Identification of the drawbacks of the existing
system leads to the designing of computerized system that will be compatible
to the existing system with the system Which is more user friendly and more
GUI oriented. We can improve the efficiency of the system, thus overcome the
drawbacks of the existing system.·

Less human error·

Strength and strain of manual labor can be reduced·

High security·

Data redundancy can be avoided to some extent·

Data consistency·

Easy to handle·

Easy data updating·

Easy record keeping·

Backup data can be easily generated.

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Project Specification:

To develop a web application that provides real-time weather information

through a user-friendly and fully responsive interface.



Backend ( Database, MySQL, jQuery)







Hosting on the localhost Server


Responsive design

Implement responsive web design for compatibility across desktop, tablet, and
mobile devices.

Utilize media queries to ensure optimal user experience on various screen

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The Tours and Travel Management System is a web based application. The
main purpose of “Tours and travels management system ” is to provide a
convenient way for a customer to book hotels, flight, train and bus for tour
purposes. The objective of this project is to develop a system that automates
the processes and activities of a travel agency. In this project, We will make an
easier task of searching places and for booking train, flight or bus. . In the
present system a customer has to approach various agencies to find details of
places and to book tickets. This often requires a lot of time and effort. We
provide approach skills to critically examine how a tourist visits and its ability
to operate in an appropriate way when dealing with the consequences of
tourism, locally, regionally, and nationally including visitor security and
ecological influences. It is tedious for a customer to plan a particular journey
and have it executed properly. The project ‘Tours and Travels Management
System’ is developed to replace the currently existing system, which helps in
keeping records of the customer details of destination as well as payment
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Technology Overview:

1. . HTML

HTML, or Hyper Text Markup Language, serves as the backbone for

structuring the content of the Fully Responsive Weather App. It provides
the necessary markup elements to organize and present information in a
logical and hierarchical manner. HTML5 features are leveraged to ensure
semantic and accessible document structure. As such the following
standard styles have been defined
2. CSS

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is employed for styling and presentation.

It dictates the visual aesthetics of the application, defining layouts,
colors, fonts, and responsive design principles. CSS3 features, including
Flexbox and Grid, contribute to a modern and visually appealing user

3. JavaScript


 JavaScript was designed to add interactivity to HTML pages

 JavaScript is a scripting language
 A scripting language is a lightweight programming language
 JavaScript is usually embedded directly into HTML pages
 JavaScript is an interpreted language (means that scripts execute
without preliminary compilation)
 Everyone can use JavaScript without purchasing a license [36]

4. jQuery


jQuery is a fast, small, cross-platform and feature-rich JavaScript library.

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It is designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. It makes

things like HTML document traversal and manipulation,animation, event
handling, and AJAX very simple with an easy-to-use API that works on a
lot of different type of browsers.

5. PHP


PHP is an open-source, interpreted, and object-oriented scripting

language that can be executed at the server-side. PHP is well suited
for web development. Therefore, it is used to develop web
applications (an application that executes on the server and generates
the dynamic page.).
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About IDE

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is the chosen integrated development

environment for the Full Unit - Final Report project. It offers a
lightweight, yet powerful, code editor that supports a wide range of
programming languages and provides a plethora of features to enhance
the development workflow.

Key Features:

1. Intuitive Interface: VSCode provides a clean and intuitive user

interface, making it easy for developers to navigate and manage their
projects efficiently.

2. Extensions Ecosystem: The extensive library of extensions allows

developers to customize and extend the functionality of VSCode
according to their specific needs. This includes extensions for HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, and various other languages.

3. Integrated Terminal: The built-in terminal within VSCode eliminates

the need to switch between the editor and external terminals. It
streamlines the development process by allowing developers to execute
commands directly within the editor.
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User Interface
Home- Website's main page, which acts as the site's beginning point
and where visitors can find links to other pages on the site.

Tour- An Information hub for prospective travelers planning a getaway. Today,

people travel for a range of experiences—staycations, voluntourism or leisure
—We name it. So, provide as much relevant information as possible to help
users plan their trips.

Contact us - provides guidance for existing customers

and offers an overview of your brand for new visitors. A
strong Contact Us page should contain several elements,
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such as a phone number and links to social media

channels. It should also be easy to navigate, as this
makes for a positive customer experience.
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Travellers continue to seek authentic experiences. The tools

they use to research and book these experiences are constantly
changing due to innovations in technology. Destinations are
also challenged by limited financial resources and strong
competition for tourist dollars from other iconic and even lesser
known locations. The personalisation of travel suggests that
independent travel will have a stronger presence than group
travel, however, we must always consider the type of traveller.
The travel services sector is being forced to innovate at a
startling rate.

In the past, face to face consultations with a travel agent was

paramount for booking both leisure and business travel.
Technology and global circumstances, such as pandemics,
financial collapses, and terrorism, have put pressure on tourism
and travel services. With the development of OTAs and
emerging and disruptive technologies, the travel services
landscape is constantly changing.

Thank You

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