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„Be Pro on the United Kingdom
and the United States"

Instrukcja dla uczestnika konkursu:

Sprawdź, czy zestaw pytań zawiera 8 stron z zadaniami do

wykonania. Ewentualny brak stron lub inne usterki zgłoś

1. Na tej stronie wpisz swoje nazwisko i imię

2. Czytaj uważnie wszystkie zadania.
3. Rozwiązania zapisuj długopisem lub piórem z czarnym
Czas pracy:
tuszem/atramentem. Nie używaj korektora. 60 minut
4. W zadaniach I oraz V odpowiedzi zaznaczaj krzyżykiem.
W razie pomyłki błędną odpowiedź otocz kółkiem.

5. W zadaniu II odpowiedzi zapisz czytelnie i starannie

w wyznaczonych miejscach. Pomyłki przekreślaj. Liczba punktów
do uzyskania – 85
6. W zadaniach III, IV i VI odpowiedzi wpisz
w odpowiednie kratki. Pomyłki przekreślaj.

Treść merytoryczna przedstawiona w niniejszym materiale jest objęta prawem autorskim
i podlega ochronie na mocy Ustawy o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych z dnia
04.02.1994 r. Kopiowanie, przetwarzanie, rozpowszechnianie tych materiałów w całości lub
w części bez zgody autora jest zabronione.
Autor wyraża zgodę na użytkowanie materiałów w celach edukacyjnych nie komercyjnych.
Anna Mądry
All rights reserved
I. Choose the correct answer (a, b lub c):

1. Britain is the name of the island that includes ___

A. England, Scotland and Northern Ireland
B. the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland
C. England, Scotland and Wales
2. The City is the financial centre in….
A. Edinburgh
B. Glasgow
C. London
3. ___ is a very popular sport in Great Britain. It’s the third national sport for
A. cricket
B. squash
C. golf
4. All English monarchs have been crowned in ___
A. Buckingham Palace
B. Westminster Abbey
C. Windsor
5. Soho in London is famous for its ___
A. beautiful parks
B. high buildings
C. international restaurants
6. Eton is the most famous public ___
A. opera house
B. school
C. museum
7. Hadrian’s Wall which was built by the Romans in AD 122 runs across ___
A. the north of England
B. the north of Wales
C. the north of Scotland

8. There was an English king famous for his quarrel with the pope. His name was
A. Charles I
B. Edward IV
C. Henry VIII
9. The name of the Queen’s official residence in London is ___
A. Kensington Palace
B. Buckingham Palace
C. St James Palace
10. William Shakespeare was born in ___
A. Stratford
B. London
C. Oxford
11. The national emblem of Wales is ___
A. a shamrock
B. a rose
C. leek and daffodil
12. Hercules Poirot is the detective from crime stories written by___
A. Agatha Christie
B. Arthur Conan Doyle
C. R. Chandler
13. “Ivanhoe” is a historical novel, which was written in 1819 by ___
A. Robert Burns
B. Thomas Hardy
C. Sir Walter Scott
14. Belfast is the capital of___
A. the Republic of Ireland
B. Northern Ireland
C. Wales
15. The Face of the man who invented steam engine can be seen on the Scottish
one pound note. His name is ___
A. James Watt
B. James Watson
C. James Whitson

16. Burns Night on 25th January is the celebration of the birth of ___ poet.
A. Scottish
B. Welsh
C. Irish
17. ___ is a city at the River Thames. It’s castle is a royal residence.
A. London
B. Windsor
C. Liverpool
18. In Britain children start school at the age of___
A. seven
B. eight
C. five
19.Peers and hereditary peers are members of ___
A. the House of Commons
B. The House of Lords
C. the Government
20. The first underground railway system in the world was opened in London in
A. 1900
B. 1924
C. 1863
21. In British Parliament there are ___ Chambers.
A. three
B. four
C. two
22. The first people who introduced the name Britannia were ___
A. the Romans
B. the Celts
C. the Saxons
23.London taxi cars are also called ___
A. black cabs
B. black caps
C. black cops

24. There are circa ___ centimeters in a foot.
A. fifteen
B twenty six
C. thirty
25. The Welsh flag is also called ___
A. the Welsh Jack
B. the Welsh Dragon
C. the Welsh Cross
26. In 1888 a series of horrific murders happened bringing panic in London.
The murderer ‘s true identity was never discovered but he was given a nickname
A. Jack the Cutter
B. Jack the Slaughter
C. Jack the Ripper
27. Highlands and moorlands are parts of ___
A. England
B. Wales
C. Scotland
28. The religious head of the Church in Britain is:
A. the archbishop
B. the pope
C. the Queen
29. The most famous British department store owned by Mohamed Al- Fayed is
A. Camden Lock Market
B. Marks and Spencer
C. Harrods
30. Each Scottish clan has its own ___
A. patron saint
B. tartan
C. tattoo
31.Stonehenge is the name of a prehistoric monument in:
A. Salisbury Plain
B. Lowlands
C. Lake District

32. The Globe theatre was built in ___ by Shakespeare's playing company
A. 1589
B. 1599
C. 1579
33. The husband of the Queen Elisabeth II- Prince Philip was born in ___
A. England
B. France
C. Greece
34. A cabbie is a driver of ___
A. a double-decker bus
B. an underground train
C. a London taxi
35. In the centre of most British towns there is a main street with lots of different
shops. This street is usually called ___
A. The Kings Street
B. The High Street
C. The Regent Street
36. MPs is the abbreviation used to mean ___
A. Members of Politics
B. Members of Parliament
C. Members of Parties
37.The British Parliament is opened every autumn by ___
A. the Queen
B. the Prime Minister
C. the Lord Chancellor
38. Elisabeth II the Queen of England came to the throne in….
A. 1965
B. 1949
C. 1953
39. Plaid Cymru is the name of the Welsh…
A. national dish
B. national political party
C. festival

40.Hamleys is the name of the biggest shop in the world selling….
A. jewellery
B. second-hand clothes
C. toys

___/40 points

II. Complete the sentences with the correct information:

1. A leather bag worn by Scottish men in front of a kilt is called _______________
2. The name of the present royal family is _______________
3. The day of elections in Great Britain which takes place on Thursday is called
4. The flag of the UK is _______________
5. Another name of New Year’s Eve in Scotland is _______________
6. The most popular name for the London Underground is _______________
7. Britain’s highest mountain is _______________
8. Britain’s longest river is _______________
9. A unit of measurement which equals 2.54 cm is called _______________
10. A Scottish popular musical instrument similar to Polish ‘dudy’ is _______________
___/10 points

III. Match the terms from A column to the proper ones from B column. There is
one extra term in B column.:

1. The Canary Wharf a. Museum
2. Madame Tussauds b. College
3. Millenium c. Tower
4. Eton d. National
5. Grand e. Dome
f. Palace

1 2 3 4 5

___ /5 points

IV. Match the terms from A column to the proper ones from B column:

1. Prince Charles a. was the first British Prime Minister
2. Sir Robert Walpole b. governed Britain during World War II
3. Queen Victoria c. had a love affair with Camilla Parker
4. Princess Diana Bowles
5. Winston Churchill d. was the longest-ruling monarch in
e. died in August 1997

1 2 3 4 5

___ /5 points

V. Choose the correct answer:

1. Which state is known as the land of 10 000 lakes?

A. Dakota
B. Nevada
C. Minnesota
2. The Declaration of Independence of the USA was written by for example ___
A. Thomas Jefferson
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. George Washington
3. ___ city is often referred to as the “City That Never Sleeps”.
A. New York
B. Chicago
C. Los Angeles

4. When was Washington D.C. established as the capital of the USA?
A. 1780
B. 1800
C. 1700
5. Which US president never lived in the White House?
A. Abraham Lincoln
B. George Washington
C. John Adams
___/5 points
VI. Match the things/people/places together

a) Capitol 1. JFK
b) New Orleans 2. ship that took the first English settlers to America
c) Greenwich Village 3. Afro-American rebel
d) Tiffany, Victoria's Secret 4. the seat of US Congress
e) 5th Avenue 5. a protest against a British tax
f) Mayflower 6. Pierre
g) Nashville 7. theatre
h) Nat Turner 8. Dream Factory
i) California 9. first settlement
j) Golden Gate 10. country music
k) Yellowstone 11. Manhattan
L) Broadway 12. art centre
m) Plymouth 13. bridge in San Francisco
n) Hollywood 14. National Park in Wyoming
o) Uncle Sam 15. voodoo rituals
p) Chocolate City 16. gold rush
q) Kennedy 17. famous shops
r) Boston Tea Party 18. street with most expensive shops
s) Herman Melville 19. American Government
t) Central Park 20. Washington D.C

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 20.

___ /20 points

Klucz: „Be Pro on the UK and the USA”
1. C
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. A
11. C
12. A
13. C
14. B
15. A
16. A
17. A
18. C
19. B
20. C
21. C
22. A
23. A
24. C
25. B
26. C
27. C
28. C
29. C
30. B
31. A
32. B
33. C
34. C
35. B
36. B
37. A
38. C
39. B
40. C


1. Sporran
2. Windsor (family)
3. (a) rolling day
4. The Union Jack
5. Hogmanay
6. The Tube
7. Ben Nevis
8. The Severn
9. (an) inch
10. Bagpipes


1. C
2. A
3. E
4. B
5. D


1. C
2. A
3. D
4. E
5. B


1. C
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. B


1. Q
2. F
3. H
4. A
5. R
6. S
7. C
8. N
9. M
10. G
11. T
12. L
13. J
14. K
15. B
16. i
17. D
18. E
19. O
20. P


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