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ISSCC 2023 / SESSION 19 /5G AND SATCOM: RECEIVERS AND TRANSMITTERS / 19.4 19.4 A Small-Satellite-Mounted 256-Element Ka-Band CMOS Phased-Array Transmitter Achieving 63.8d8m EIRP Under 26.6W Power Consumption Using Single/Dual Circular Polarization Active Coupler ‘Dongwon You',XiFu', Xizolin Wang’, Yuan Gao, Wengian Wang’, Jun Sakamak, Hans Herdian', Sena Kato, Michhiro Ide, Yuncheng Zhang}, ‘Ashbir Aviat Fadia, Zheng Li. Chun Wang, Yun Wang’, Jumpei Sudo, ‘Makoto Higak, Nahoka Kawaguch, Masaya Nit, Soichiro Inoue, ‘Takashi Eishima®, Takashi Tomura, Jian Pang, Hiroyuki Saka’, Kenichi Okada’, ‘Atsushi Shirane’ “Tokyo institute of Technology, Tayo, Japan, “Axlopace, Tolyo, Japan Environmental monitoring, the eath-obsarvaton, and nor-erestil networis using ‘mall satelite conetalstione have become promising pace applications for nxt gevaratin soiely. Thee are three kay detign consdertonsin al satelite aysts. “tis the imitation of power consumption dus te nat cyt mies energy rom soar panalsbut also eevere thermal managsmentin space. Scand ie he ragurament of beam ‘serail with large equirdentiotropicaly radiated power (EIP] to communicate from SO0km to 2000km in ow earth ortit (LEO). Active phased-aray technology is 2 prominent seal raster (TX) solution, When te element numba increases by N {imes,zingle-powsr-ampifer (PA) output power and toil power coraumption can be reduced by N"ties and times, respactely. under the constant IAP condition. Thus, ‘reducing PA ouput power and increasing the numberof elements ae the most een esign strategies for lowaing power consumtion. This i usta in the upper let ‘raphe in Fg. 194.1. Ta third consideration is thatthe stelle TXneads to genrala ‘2ecutta single and dual circular polarization (C) signals for several situations: single alrzation for polaizaton-mltiplesing under amuliessalite eronment; ducer polarization for high data tiraughput downlink. Especial in both Polarization disecmination (XPD), which opresonts the accuracy of CP, ‘require performance to avid sent betwsen two satlite communication systems ‘and/or inersrarce batueen tue sgrale na singls exalts communication sytem 2: ‘he aceario ie demonstrated inthe upper eght Bgure in Fig. 19.41 ‘cent pubicaions have demonstrate te implamentaon of ingleldus-CP in phased- ‘ray transmits (TK) in various ways [1-3] 2s described grapticaly inthe ower table ‘nig, 194.1. Like mast setelit systems uizing circular antennas sin [1], OP patch sntennas are used for phasec-aray implementation. Hower, circularly polarized patch ‘antennas have eritcal problem of difiuty in wide bandwith implemantation and iow ‘XPD caused by prooass vation. For wisband and high XPD implementation of a ‘Stel polaries phared-araypass-ehitre (PS) are uae to gonarte 200" fat betwean H- and V-pathe [2], However, this type of CP ganaraion by tha PS cannat (generat dul-CP and i required totum an bth H- and V- pst fr eingl-CP, while ‘Soneuming éauble power eaneumption compres with he CP antenna implementation (1 Inti work, 2 Kaand 256-lemant dal radar polarized CMOS active phasedaray ‘TXis implomented to break though the aformertiond issues. Supported by 2 nova ‘Sngltual CP active coupler, th proposed TX reais 1) low power consumption, 2) high XPD in single-CP mods, and 3) Singl/Dual polaraton (SP/DF) mode ‘coniguabliy. system back agra is shown nig. 1942 Ina.sing chip, sight pas of single TA ar integrate. Four single TK ae forcing the pars of du lnsarypolazed psteh antennas, and th ather four single TA are for diving the \V.pors of the patch. Each TX wis 2 variabe-gain amplifier (VGA) and PS in a cantralznd and distributed path (C1D.). A VBA anda PS in C-path ae adopted fo calibrate XPD in dua OP moda independeiyof beam stewing, whichis sa bya VOA and aPSin D-pth. Asan ofthe Hp single TAs and ona oth Vath TX form one pair, two pats are coupled by the proposed sngleldal CP active counlarbetwesn [OVA and power amplifier (PA) To buildup complete phased-aray male 8 chips are sldeed onto a 256 sleentshasec-eray PCB. H-pth inputs andV-pth np of ‘he 64 chips are cstributed bya 4-way T-junction power vider, respective. Various CP operetan maces by the proposed snglfal GP active coupe ae aso shown in Fig. 1942. Here, the right-handed circular polrzation (RHCP) signal path is dented by bie oubine,lef-handed circular plranton(LHCF) by aed outine, and duaCP {GothLHCP and RHCP by a purpeoutine. As SP mode's swiched on alte precading ‘tages rom the O-VGAin Vath (gy out) are tured of. Ths may indus of chip frequency convarsin and adional gain stages. The qurteraraelangth grounded coplanar mevouie (GCEW) shits the coupled spa by 90 to dra the Vor ofthe ‘ach antenna The powar breakdown table supports how the proposed singjléual CP ‘chve coupler can e2v power consumption in SP mods. 28% of OC power consumption canbe saved compared fo th conventional single-OP generation mathod. IF of chip [powsr-consuring lacks reconsidered, then far mar powar willbe saved. n DP mode, ‘wo coupled driver amplifers (QA) ae tured of and swlches are also shored tothe ‘grand. Then, the shunt quarer-wavelength GCPWs acts open crits: thus, two ‘Hand V-pats ae isolated. “Tofurther explain hs polation eateton mathodolegy in SP mods, ecu diagrams sand masaured rau ars shown ia Fig. 1043. The ints of H-path coupled DA and ‘path direct DA are shorted fo the ground thus, the two DAs now have the rale of ‘aractor by changing ther bias (phase-compansating DAs) The measured gain and [hase by sweeping capacance contol yliage of ghase-compensaing DAs are shown ‘on th upper right sie in Fig. 194.3, The result shows wide phase coverage while the ‘amplitude verias ony 48, To calibrate the 38 ampitude varaton, OAs on signal paths ‘an be used as arplitus tuners. The gan and pes are measured and shown inthe \migight graph to evalu he amplitude and pase tuning perormance between He and ‘Woutputs. From the gain and phase offset measured data the XPD also cleulated in ‘a loner right grap nF, 194, While the XPD ic oniy near 10d8 when eto phase- ‘compensating DAs are turned of, 36.848 of maximum XPO is achieved ater the cairn ‘Figure 194.4 demonstrates measured single TX S-parametercesuits and measured ‘single tone perormances; beam patirn, XPD in SP mode, and EIRP under swept input ‘power. The S-parameter results show thatthe proposed TX fully covers the cathe ‘eploration-satlite-serie(EESS) downlink band. Even withutintrslement ampitude ‘and ghasecabation, the bear-patom measurement shows clear beam patterns. ‘The measured XPD resis in the lower lft graph in Fig. 194.4 srengthen the idea af ‘he proposed single-CP calibration technique To ealuais CP calibration perfomance, ‘Vector Telecom's VIZ60CPHATSKR (RHOP) and VTZ60GPHATSKL (LHOP) ae used for seceiver (RX) antennas. After the proposed CP caliration, the measured KPO atthe ‘oresight angi improved io 43.268 om 16.948, Over the scan renga from 50" 10450", ‘more than 2548 XPD ic achioved “Th last raph in Fig. 19-44 dessbes how the proposed sngllduel CP active cousler ‘works efcenty in SP made. As a comparison target, the same methodology of CP ‘generation asthe method in [2 and [3] is used and divs the proposed TX The apparent ‘urrent saving is shown in the graph wih -36% ofthe maximum power consumption saving Two ctferent CP generations actiea the same saturated EIRP of 63.8 dBm ‘For afurtersomprehencivesvaluton of wrelets communication with CP trnarting, rar-vector-magrtude (EVM) i also messucedover-fieair (TA). AG4+element aay is used inthe TX configuration, and Veciar Telacom'scirulat hom antenna is weed on ‘the AX side at 2m away from the TX Th upper able in Fi. 184.5 dencrves singl-CP ‘EVM reals. The proposed TX achieved -3.708 EVM with « OPSK 2GHz signal. Ala, “32.348 EVM with 256APSK 26H is achieved as wel. EVM analysis under dual GP ‘ransmission configuration is shown in a lowe table in Fig, 1945, A-30.108 ofthe ‘maximum EVM under DP condition is achioved with 230M OPSK signal and 27.108 EVM with 256APSK moculation with fe proposed ghased-array TK. ‘Figure 194.6 summarizes the performance ofthis work and compares it with other [blished satlite communication (GATCOM) and 56 phasad-aray TX. Ths work resents te K-band singlldl CP phasecary transmitter mounted toa smal stlte ‘wih low power consumptan and high XPO. The proposed TX achieves 63.Bd8m EIRP ‘with 26.60 power consurstion, which is @ 2% reducton compared to the state-of ‘theeart TX [4] with the same lve of EIRP. The propased singl/dul CP active couner ‘not onl lowers the power consumption but ls improves the XPD as high 2s 358 by ‘uring the phase feet between Hand V-pths, Ths sis misrogreph is shown in i “10.67. The proposed phasod-aray chp is abriatad in a 65nm blk CMOS prooass wih 2‘: wate-lvel hip-2enepasiage (WLCSP)n 4 4mm.<2 5mm as te Acknowledgement: This work is parialy supported by IST ASTEP (JPMJTRZN1D), MICISCOPE 192703002 and #192103008), 18S (JP20H00236), MIC (24000254), NICT(OO00 + ‘and OOBD1), STAR, and VDECn colaboraon with Cadenos Design Syste, Inc, Manioe ‘Graphic, ine, and Keysight Technologie Japan, Lid. References: [1] X Luo et a, “A Scalable Ke-Band 1024-Bement Transmit Oua-Circulay Polarized ‘Para Phased fray for SATCOM Application,” (EEE Access, vol 8, pp. 150084-150085, 200 [R)K KW. Low eta “A 27-21-GHz 1024-Bament Ka-Band SATCOM Phaced-Array “Tansctar With £0.5-d80 Pook SIRP 8 AR, and 270° Beara Scanning,” IEEE TMTT, ‘ol 70,no.3.pp. 1757-1768, March 2022. |BJD. Youstal, “AK Band Dual roulary Polarized CMOS Tranemiter with Adaptive ‘Sean Impedance Tuner and Aeive PO Caibration Teshnique for Satelite Terminal,” “EEE REC, pp. 15-18, 2022, 298 + 2023 IEEE International Solié-State Circuits Conference 978-1-6654-901 6-0/29/831.00 ©2023 IEEE ISSCC 2023 / February 21, 2023 / 4:45 PM i tae = Fa al fern | QE ‘coanewvocnnene “Hwee swe aa a” Qs ae mo aoe ms aes Te nae? Pa Traquaney FHS) eal Elena tanten Figure 19.4.4: paremetor of single path andoverthe-sr maseuremaat ummary: igure 10.4.3: Circuit dagrams of proposed singleéual circular polarization active Beam patern, XPD, Power consumption eomparison between proposed and coupler, eeular polarization calibration, and messured results. ‘conventions cieulr polarization. ‘ane Singhs GP OTA a wih 2052 BA esulaion | oPac | StAP=K | ssarei ‘tient Bia CPTAMGws i 00H 84 ae ‘aoa sare mae i Soe Figure 19.4.5: EVM results for single and dual circular polarization. Figure 19.4.6: Pertormance comparison of Ka-band phased-array transmitters. DIGEST OF TECHNICAL PAPERS + 299 ISSCC 2023 PAPER CONTINUATIONS ‘AdgtionslRaterenee: [JKC K.WeiLowstal, “A Seuebe Citeusy Polarized 56-ClemantKe-Band Phassé- OOCOTVOOCe: Fast Baam-Swiching Suppor or >30.000 Beams,” ISSCC, pp. 496-47, Feb. 2000 Figure 19.4.7: Dia micrograph. + 2023 IEEE Intemational Solid-State Circuits Conference 978-1-6654-9016-0/29/821.00 ©2023 IEEE

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