Osp Planes

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Reference: Planes (Datums)

CAD software will always provide 3 default Planes (sometimes called workplanes or datums). OnShape names the planes Front,
Right and Top. There is two main ways in which users can create secondary planes by (NOTE: Onshape provides more than
these 3 that will be shown in this reference guide)

1. Offset Planes
2. Angle Planes

Plane (datum) Icon

Show/Hide Planes: Planes and Features can be hidden by placing cursor over the plane feature in the model tree > Left Click on
Eyeball to hide

Select Eyeball to Hide Select Eyeball with line to Show

Plane Properties Window

Name: Recommend
ange name to Plane Creating Options
thing more
Flip Direction when
setting distance

1. Offset Planes: Users can create offset Parallel Planes based on an existing Datum or a Surface
a. Select Plane Icon > Set Plane Type to Offset > Select Surface or Datum > Type in Offset Distance > Green
Check to Accept

Select Plane Tool

Plane Type:

Select Plane or Surface

to Offset off of

Set Offset Distance

Select Surface
2. Angle Planes: To create an angle datum the user needs a pivot line/reference line and a surface to base the angle off of
a. Sketch Line or Select an existing edge to Pivot Off of > Select Plane Tool > Change Plane Type to Line Angle >
Select Line or Edge > Select Surface To angle off of > Set Angle

Set Angle Draw Pivot Line > Select Line

Select Plane

Select Edge

Draw Pivot Line > Select Line

Select Surface to
Angle off of

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