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B. L. Crowder and F. F. Morehead Jr.

Citation: Applied Physics Letters 14, 313 (1969); doi: 10.1063/1.1652664

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Volume 14, Number 10 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 15 May 1969

characterizing the doping characteristics of ion- 4C. E. Jones, Jr., and A. R. Hitton, J. Electro-
implanted silicon as well as other impurities in chern. Soc. 113, 504 (1966).
gallium arsenide. As an example of these, prelim- 5D. R. Heath, P. R. Selway, and C. C. Tooke,
inary results with ion-implanted carbon into semi- Brit. J. Appl. Phys. 1, 29 (1968).
insulating gallium arsenide show it to be an accep- 6S. M. Sze and J. C. Irvin, Solid State Electron.
tor with fairly low doping efficiency. 11, 599 (1968).
7 J. M. Whelan, J. D. Struthers, and J. A. Ditzen-
berger, in Proceedings of the International Con-
ference on Semiconductor Physics, Prague, 1960,
lW. J. Kleinfelder, Stanford University Technical p. 943 (unpublished).
Report No. K701-1 (unpublished). 8 J. Lindhard, M. Scharff, and H. Schiott, Kgl.

2N. Goldsmith and W. Kern, RCA Rev. 28, 153 Danske Videnskab Mat.-Fys. Medd. Selskab 33
(1967). (1963).
3G. R. Cronin and R. W. Haisty, J. Electrochem. 9 J . W. Mayer, O. J. Marsh, G. A. Shifrin, and
Soc. 111, 874 (1964). R. Baron, C. J. Phys. 45, 4073 (1967).


B. L. Crowder and F. F. Morehead, Jr.
IBM Watson Research Center
Yorktown Heights, New York 10598
(Received 24 February 1969; in final form 14 April 1969)

Investigations of the conditions under which the donors, P, As, and Sb, are incorporated into Si by
by ion implantation (260-300 keY) in an electrically active form are reported. Above a critical
dose, room-temperature implantations followed by a 600°C post anneal are substantially more ef-
fective than implantations at 600°C.

A major factor in the rapid growth of research study, the total concentration profiles of P and As
in ion-implantation doping of semiconductors is the in ion-implanted Si were investigated, utilizing
potential of this technique in the fabrication of elec- neutron activation and anodic oxidation stripping
tronic devices. The conditions under which a ma- techniques. 3 In the present work, we have concen-
jority of implanted ions can be obtained in an elec- trated on the electrical properties (resistivity, Hall
trically active form are of considerable importance. coefficient) of the implanted layers. In many cases
Heavy ions produce clusters of grossly damaged room-temperatul'e implantations followed by a post
material in addition to point defects around the anneal at a given temperature (e.g., 600°C) may be
periphery of the gross damage. 1 If the damage is more efficacious in producing electrically active
not annealed during the implantation, a layer of species than an implantation conducted at that tem-
amorphous Si is formed when the individual dam- perature.
age clusters overlap. The elimination of radiation The Group V ions were implanted into Si samples
damage and the incorporation of the implanted spe- using a Cockcroft-Walton accelerator operating
cies on electrically active sites (generally substi- between 260-300 kV. The ions P and As were ob-
tutional positions), uncompensated by defects, are tained from gaseous species (PF s , AsH3) in an os-
of primary concern in achieving optimum electrical cillating electron source of our design. 4 An Ar
activity in the implanted layer. plasma was used to heat solid Sb in a quartz cru-
Previous investigations 2 of the electrical activity cible suspended inside the same source, thereby
of implanted donor species in Si have implied indi- obtaining a sufficient vapor pressure of Sb. The ion
rectly that the conditions under which radiation beam was focussed, mass analyzed magnetically,
damage is annealed during the implantation (e.g., and scanned uniformly over the sample (4cm2).
at implantation temperatures greater than 450°C The Si substrates were (100) oriented, boron-doped,
in Si at the dose rates usually employed) are to be and had a resistivity of 1 O-cm. It was possible to
preferred to implantations at room temperature heat the samples as high as 700°C during implanta-
which produce enough damage to create overlap of tions. The total dose was obtained by integrating
damage clusters and the formation of an amorphous the current from the samples (room-temperature
layer. implantations) or from a beam profile monitor
We wish to report on investigations of Si doped (high-temperature implantations). The currents
with the donors P, As, and Sb by ion implantation were measured with a Faraday cup. Dose rates
in the energy range 260-300 keY. In a previous were typically 1-5 I1A/cm 2.


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Volume 14, Number 10 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 15 May 1969

Table I. Electrical characteristics of donor species ion implanted into silicon.

Donor Energy Total dose Implantation Electrical properties after post anneal"
(keV) cm- 2 temperature None 600°C
(OC) Electrons p's Electrons p's
cm- 2 n/D cm- 2 n/D
Sb 260 3x 10 15 30 3 X 10 15 38
Sb 260 3x 10 15 500 0.7 X 10 15
Sb 260 3x 10 15 600 0.4 X 10 15 167
As 280 3x 10 15 30 3X 10 15 29
As 260 2.5 x 10 15 600 0.14 X 10 15
133 0.14 x 10 15 133
P 300 3X 10 15 30 0.9 X 10 15 74
P 300 3X 10 15 600 0.16 X 10 15 175 0.16 x 10 15 175
P 300 6X 1014 30 1X 1014 290
P 300 6X 1014 600 0.7 X 10 14 290 0.7 x 1014 290

"The samples implanted at room temerature were given a post implantation anneal for
30 min under a nitrogen atmosphere. The samples implanted at elevated temperatures
were studied with no post implantation annealing and, in some cases, after a 600°C
post implantation anneal. The data are from Hall and sheet resistivity measurements.

To facilitate good electrical contact to the im- implanted dose is relatively high. The dependence
planted regions, the wafers had prediffused contact of this phenomenon upon total dose was investigated
pads (As-doped). Clover-leaf van der Pauw 5 con- for As and P implantations conducted at room tem-
figurations were obtained by etching techniques. perature. Isochronal annealing studies (t-h time
Conventional dc potentiometric techniques were periods) were conducted. Figure 1 shows the re-
used to measure resistivities and Hall voltages. sults for P implantations at 280 keY. In this figure,
A summary of typical results obtained for room- we are plotting the fraction of the total dose im-
temperature implantations followed by a t-h anneal planted which is electrically active as determined
at 600°C and for implantations conducted at 600°C from the sheet Hall coefficient as a function of the
is given in Table I for P, As, and Sb implants in Si.
lt is readily apparent that a higher degree of elec-
trical activity is achieved in the former case if the



'~ .8

~ .6
~ , 0
o I
Ii .4 I
-f /

3.10 13/

.2 ,
________ e ________ e
~oo 500 900

Fig. 1. The ratio of electrons/cm 2 (obtained

from sheet Hall coefficients) to implanted Fig. 2. The sheet resistivity of As- implanted
atoms/cm 2 for P implantations into Si as a layers in Si as a function of the isochronal
function of the isochronal annealing temper- annealing temperature. The total number of
ature. The total number of P ions/cm 2 im- implanted As ions/cm 2 is shown for each
planted is indicated for each curve. The im- curve. The energy of the As ions was 280
plantation energy was 280 ke V. The duration keY. The duration of annealing at each tem-
of annealing at each temperature was 30 min. perature was 30 min.


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Volume 14, Number to APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS IS May 1969

isochronal annealing temperature. 6 Substantially and Sb ions. The annealing characteristics of the
complete electrical activity of the implanted dose room-temperature implantations of these ions be-
results from 600 0 e post annealing for doses greater low the critical dose is also unexpected. There is
than 10 15 cm- 2 and less than 3 x 10 13 . This result evidently much more to be learned about the nature
agrees with that of Gibson et ai.,7 who did not study and location of the damage centers produced in Si
the intermediate doses. It is also consistent with by heavy ion bombardment.
the more complete data of Vasil'ev et ai. 8 reported
for 50-kV P implants in Si.
The data for As implantations are presented in 10. J. Mazey, R. S. Nelson, and R. S. Barnes,
a different form in Fig. 2, which is a plot of the Phil. Mag. 17, 1145 (1968).
sheet resistivity of the implanted layer as a func- 2J. W. Mayer, O. J. Marsh, G. A. Shifrin, and
tion of the isochronal annealing temperature. For R. Baron, Can. J. Phys. 45, 4073 (1967).
these As implants, a large fraction of the As ions 3J. M. Fairfield and B. L. Crowder, AIME (to be
implanted are electrically active after a 550 e an- 0
neal for total doses of 3 x 10 14/cm 2 and above (elec- 4B. L. Crowder and N. A. Penebre, Rev. Sci.
trons/cm 2:As/cm 2 ~ 1). Instr. (to be published).
Two facts are immediately obvious from these 5 L. J. van der Pauw, Philips Res. Rept. 13, 1
figures: (1) Above a certain critical dose, a large (1958).
fraction of the implanted ions can be made elec- 2
6 The number of carriers/cm determined from
trically active and uncompensated at a fairly low the sheet Hall coefficient is only an apprOXimate
post-annealing temperature (e.g., 550 0 e). Below measure of the total number of carriers which are
this critical dose, only a small fraction of the im- electrically active. The sheet Hall coefficient is an
planted ions are electrically active after a 550°C average which weights the carriers of higher mo-
post anneal. This critical dose is 1 x 10 15/cm 2 for bility more heavily, leading to a smaller value than
P implantations (280 keY) and 3 x 1014/cm2 for As the true number of carriers/cm 2. In extreme cases
implantations (280 ke V). (2) Below the critical (Ref. 2), the sheet Hall coefficient may give carrier
dose, the higher the dose, the higher the tempera- concentrations/cm 2 which are only 50% of the true
ture required to obtain a given fraction (e.g., 0.50) values. Stripping studies, in progress, indicate that
as electrically active 9 and uncompensated. the discrepancy is usually less than this for our
In the case of the Group V donors, P, As, and implantations (70-95%).
Sb, at the critical dose and above, a completely 7W. M. Gibson, F. W. Martin, R. R. Stensgaard.,
amorphous layer of Si is formed which includes the F. Palmgren Jensen, N. I. Meyer, G. Galster, A.
implanted ions. 7 The recrystallization of this gross Johansen, and J. S. Olsen, Can. J. Phys. 46, 675
lattice damage in Si occurs in the region of 500°- (1968).
600°C and results in the incorporation of the im- 8 V. K. Vasil'ev, E. t. Zorin, P. V. PavlOV, and
planted ions on substitutional sites such that they D. I. Tetel'baum, Fiz. Tverd. Tela 9, 1905 (1967)
are electrically active and uncompensated. 7 Although [English transl.: Soviet Phys.-Solid State 9, 1503
the damage produced by doses too low to render Si (1968)].
amorphous anneals at much lower temperatures 9 This fact is not so obvious for As implants from
and apparently incorporates the ions substitution- Fig. 2. The ratio of electrons to implanted As does
ally, as do the high-temperature implants lO , much exhibit the type of dose dependence as shown for P
higher annealing temperatures are required to pro- in Fig. 1.
duce a high fraction of the implanted ions in an un- 10 L. Eriksson, J. A. Davies, N. G. E. Johansson,
compensated and electrically active form. This is and J. W. Mayer, J. Appl. Phys. 40, 841 (1969);
an unexpected result and indicates a complex inter- R. Baron, G. A. Shifrin, O. J. Marsh, and J. W.
action between the damage and the implanted P, As, Mayer, J. Appl. Phys. (to be published).


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