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Gently: calmly, kindly, or softly: He lifted the baby gently out of its crib. to
smile/laugh/blow gently. without force or strength: The door closed gently

Quarrel with: discutir con

Grasp of: Comprension/dominio de algo

Joe man

Hatred for: Odio por

Hairdryer man= te grita mucho tu jefe, entrenador manchester united

Embedded: inscribirse

Well-know = bien conocido

Genuine: autentico, genuino

bid verb (OFFER) to offer a particular amount of money for something when competing
against other people to buy it= licitación

Heartburn is a burning feeling in the chest caused by stomach acid travelling up towards
the throat

Bring up:to bring to maturity through care and education. bring up a child. 2. : to bring to
attention : introduce.

Glaring:muy evidente

come around: to change your opinion of something, often influenced by another person's

hoax: bulo

bummer: a disappointing or unpleasant situation or experience.

"the party was a real bummer"
In North American is mean a loafer or vagrant.
Mala suerte

Trays: bandejas

Swung: ast simple and past participle of swing. SMART Vocabulary: related words and
phrases. Shaking, swinging and vibrating. o move easily and without interruption backwards
and forwards or from one side to the other, especially from a fixed point, or to cause
something or someone to do this

not a dime: ni un centavo

turf: césped

accomplish: cumplir


leverage: to provide (something, such as a corporation) or supplement (something, such as

money) with leverage. also : to enhance as if by supplying with financial leverage. 2. : to use
for gain : exploit. El apalancamiento es la relación entre capital propio e inversión total en
una operación financiera. A mayor crédito, mayor apalancamiento y menor inversión de
capital propio. En otras palabras, el apalancamiento es simplemente usar endeudamiento
para financiar una operación.

Flurry: agitar, ráfaga.

Darn: maldito

Ground: tierra break the ground= romper un record

FORFEIT: perder

What does Whatnot mean in slang?

Other forms: whatnots. Whatnot is another word for odds and ends. Whatnot also means
etcetera, so it often comes at the end of a list. On top of a dresser, there might be souvenirs,
snow globes, a collection of porcelain pigs, and whatnot.

spare bedroom: habitación de invitados

waxes: cera

thrilled: emocionado

slipup: Lapsus/ resbalon

behove: corresponde

gimmick: estratagema/truco

What is the definition of a harbor?

: a part of the ocean, a lake, etc., that is next to land and that is protected and deep
enough to provide safety for ships. 2. : a place of safety and comfort : haven — often used
in the phrase safe harbor.

Shove: empujon
What does Sliz mean in slang?
I don't remember this scene or the context, but I know "sliz" to be slang for a vagina. Like a
combination of "slit" and "sniz."

Chop-chop: hurry

Dozzy: alucinante

Slack: flojo

Sliz: vagina

Staff up: contratar

Stud: clavo, o semental

Bounce: to leave and go do something better, go somewhere else.

Lets bounce outta here.

Harness: aprovechar

Paradigma : el concepto de paradigma es utilizado comúnmente como sinónimo de “ejemplo”

o para hacer referencia en caso de algo que se toma como “modelo". En principio se tenía en
cuenta en el campo, tema, ámbito, entre dos personalidades u otros..., gramatical y se
valoraba desde la retórica.

Impeachment: is a process by which a legislative body or other legally constituted tribunal

initiates charges against a public official for misconduct. It may be understood as a unique
process involving both political and legal elements.

Rip off: estafa, pagar un sobreprecio

Slouch: encorvado, jorobado

Array: matriz, variedad

Buzz me in: informal déjame entrar

Crap: shit

Shallow: superficial, poco profundo

Parole: libertad condicional EEUU




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