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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

1. In each of the following, complete the table according to the given equation.
(a) y = x + 5
x -1 0 1 2

(b) x = 2 - y

y -2 0 2 4

(c) x + y = 2
x -1 0

y 0 -3

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

2. According to each of the following tables, find four sets of solutions of the given equation and
express your answers as ordered pairs.
(a) x + 2 y - 1 = 0
x -5 -1

y 0 -1

Consider the equation x + 2 y - 1 = 0.
When x = -5,

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

(b) 2 x - y = 6
x -2 2

y -6 6

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

(c) x + 2 y = 5
x -1 7

y 4 0

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

3. In each of the following, complete the table according to the given equation. Then draw the graph
of each equation on a rectangular coordinate plane.
(a) y = x + 2
x -4 0 3

-4 -3 -2 -1 O 1 2 3 4

(b) y = -1
x -3 3 6

-3 -2 -1 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(c) y = (9 - x)
x -1 1 11

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

4. The figure shows the graph of the equation x - 2 y + 4 = 0 from x = - 6 to x = 4 .


x - 2y + 4 = 0
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 O 1 2 3 4 5

(a) Does (2, 3) lie on the graph?

(b) If the graph cuts the x-axis at A(a, 0), find the value of a.

(a) (2, 3) on the graph.
(b) The graph cuts the x-axis at ( , 0).
\ a=

5. Does A(2, 1) lie on the graph of the equation y = 5 x - 7?

Substitute x = and y = into the equation,

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

6. Does B(8, 1) lie on the graph of the equation 3 y = x - 5 ?

Substitute x = and y = into the equation,

7. If P(3, p) lies on the graph of y = 5 - 2 x, find the value of p.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

In each of the following, write down the solution of the simultaneous equations from the given graphs.
(Give your answers correct to 1 decimal place if necessary.) (1 - 3)

ì3x - 2 y - 4 = 0
1. í
î2 x + 3 y - 20 = 0
3x - 2y - 4 = 0
2x + 3y - 20 = 0
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

In the graph, the two straight lines intersect at ( , ).

\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = , y= .

ì x + y = -5
2. í
î x - 5 y = -5
x + y = -5
-11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 O 1 2
x - 5y = -5

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

ì x + y = -2
3. í
îx - 2 y - 2 = 0
x + y = -2
-2 -1 O


x - 2y - 2 = 0


4. (a) Complete the following tables according to the given equations.

(i) x + y = 6
x 0 3 6

(ii) x - 4 y = - 4
x 0 4 8

ìx + y = 6
(b) Hence solve the simultaneous equations í graphically.
î x - 4 y = - 4

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

5. (a) Complete the following tables according to the given equations.

(i) x + 3 y = -16
x -1 2 5

(ii) 2 x - y = 10
x 0 3 5

ì x + 3 y = -16
(b) Hence solve the simultaneous equations í graphically.
î2 x - y = 10

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

Solve the following simultaneous equations by the method of substitution. (1 - 8)

ì y = 2x
1. í
îx + y = 6

ì y = 2 x ................ (1)
î x + y = 6 ............ (2)
Substitute (1) into (2),

ìx = y - 1
2. í
îx + 2 y = 8

ì x = y - 1 .............. (1)
î x + 2 y = 8 ........... (2)
Substitute (1) into (2),

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

ìx + 3 y = 5
3. í
îx = 1 + y

ìx + 3 y = 9
4. í
îy = 3 - x

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

ìx + y = 1
5. í
îx + 2 y = 3

ìx - 2 y = 5
6. í
î3x + y = 1

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

7. 3x + 2 y = x - 2 = 0

8. 4 x + y = 3x + y - 1 = 2

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

Solve the following simultaneous equations by the method of elimination. (1 - 8)

ìx - y = 3
1. í
î x + y = -1

ìx + y = 1
2. í
îx + 2 y = 3

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

ìx + y = 4
3. í
î2 x - y = 5

ì5 x + 3 y = 16
4. í
î5 x + y = 12

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

ì2 x - 7 y = 16
5. í
î2 x - y = 4

ìx - y = 3
6. í
î2 x + 3 y = 16

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

7. 2 x + y = 3x + 2 y = 3

8. x + 2 y - 5 = 3x - y - 8 = 0

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

1. If x is 3 times of y, and x is greater than y by 10, find the values of x and y.

2. The sum of two numbers is 12 and their difference is 2. Find the two numbers.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

3. Mandy and Nancy have altogether 26 candies. If Mandy has 10 more candies than Nancy, how
many candies does each of them have?

4. The perimeter of a rectangle is 24 cm. If the length is 3 times the width, find the length and width
of the rectangle.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

5. The total height of John and Terry is 294 cm. If the height of Terry is of John’s, what is the
height of each of them?

6. Mary bought 2 packs of chocolate and 5 bottles of apple juice for $138. It is given that the selling
price of a pack of chocolate is $27 higher than that of a bottle of apple juice. What is the selling
price of each item?

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

7. The difference between the ages of David and his son is 30. After 2 years, his age will be 4 times
his son’s. Find the present age of David.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

Skills Consolidation Worksheet 2A

1. (a) y = x + 5
x -1 0 1 2

y 4 5 6 7

(b) x = 2 - y
x 4 2 0 -2

y -2 0 2 4

(c) x + y = 2
x -1 0 2 5

y 3 2 0 -3

2. (a) Consider the equation x + 2 y - 1 = 0.

When x = -5,
-5 + 2 y - 1 = 0
2y = 6
\ (-5, 3) is a solution.
When x = -1,
-1 + 2 y - 1 = 0
2y = 2
y =1
\ (-1, 1) is a solution.
When y = 0,
x + 2( 0) - 1 = 0
x =1
\ (1, 0) is a solution.
When y = -1,
x + 2(-1) - 1 = 0
\ (3, -1) is a solution.
\ (-5, 3), (-1, 1), (1, 0) and (3, -1) are four sets of solutions required.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

(b) Consider the equation 2 x - y = 6.

When x = - 2 ,
2(-2) - y = 6
- y = 10
y = -10
\ (-2, -10) is a solution.
When y = - 6,
2 x - (- 6) = 6
2x = 0
\ (0, - 6) is a solution.
When x = 2 ,
2(2) - y = 6
-y = 2
y = -2
\ (2, -2) is a solution.
When y = 6,
2x - 6 = 6
2 x = 12
\ (6, 6) is a solution.
\ (-2, -10), (0, -6), (2, -2) and (6, 6) are four sets of solutions required.

(c) Consider the equation x + 2 y = 5.

When y = 4,
x + 2( 4) = 5
x = -3
\ (-3, 4) is a solution.
When x = -1 ,
-1 + 2 y = 5
2y = 6
\ (-1, 3) is a solution.
When y = 0,
x + 2(0) = 5
\ (5, 0) is a solution.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

When x = 7 ,
7 + 2y = 5
2 y = -2
y = -1
\ (7, -1) is a solution.
\ (-3, 4), (-1, 3), (5, 0) and (7, -1) are four sets of solutions required.

3. (a) y = x + 2
x -4 0 3

y -2 2 5

-4 -3 -2 -1 O 1 2 3 4

(b) y = -1
x -3 3 6

y -2 0 1

2 y= -1
-3 -2 -1 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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(c) y = (9 - x)
x -1 1 11

y 5 4 -1

-2 -1 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
-2 y= (9 - x)

4. (a) (2, 3) lies on the graph.

(b) The graph cuts the x-axis at (- 4, 0).

\ a = -4

5. Substitute x = 2 and y = 1 into the equation,

L.H.S. = 1
R.H.S. = 5( 2) - 7
! L.H.S. ¹ R.H.S.
\ (2, 1) does not satisfy the equation.
i.e. A(2, 1) does not lie on the graph of y = 5 x - 7.

6. Substitute x = 8 and y = 1 into the equation,

L.H.S. = 3(1)
R.H.S. = 8 - 5
! L.H.S. = R.H.S.
\ (8, 1) satisfies the equation.
i.e. B(8, 1) lies on the graph of 3 y = x - 5.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

7. ! P(3, p) lies on the graph of y = 5 - 2 x.

\ Substitute x = 3 and y = p into y = 5 - 2 x,
p = 5 - 2(3)
= -1

Skills Consolidation Worksheet 2B

1. In the graph, the two straight lines intersect at (4, 4).
\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = 4 , y = 4.

2. In the graph, the two straight lines intersect at (-5, 0).

\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = -5, y = 0.

3. In the graph, the two straight lines intersect at (- 0.7, -1.3) (corr. to 1 d.p.).
\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = - 0.7 , y = -1.3.

4. (a) (i) x + y = 6
x 0 3 6

y 6 3 0

(ii) x - 4 y = - 4
x 0 4 8

y 1 2 3

4 x - 4y = -4
-1 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

In the graph, the two straight lines intersect at (4, 2).

\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = 4 , y = 2.

5. (a) (i) x + 3 y = -16

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

x -1 2 5

y -5 -6 -7

(ii) 2 x - y = 10
x 0 3 5

y -10 -4 0

(b) y

2 2x - y = 10
-2 -1O 1 2 3 4 5 6
-8 x + 3y = - 16

In the graph, the two straight lines intersect at (2, - 6).

\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = 2 , y = - 6.

Skills Consolidation Worksheet 2C

ì y = 2 x ................. (1)
1. í
î x + y = 6 ............. (2)
Substitute (1) into (2),
x + 2x = 6
3x = 6
Substitute x = 2 into (1),
y = 2( 2)
\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = 2 , y = 4.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

ì x = y - 1 .............. (1)
2. í
î x + 2 y = 8 ........... (2)
Substitute (1) into (2),
( y - 1) + 2 y = 8
y -1+ 2y = 8
3y = 9
Substitute y = 3 into (1),
x = 3 -1
\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = 2 , y = 3.

ì x + 3 y = 5 ........... (1)
3. í
î x = 1 + y ............. (2)
Substitute (2) into (1),
(1 + y ) + 3 y = 5
1 + y + 3y = 5
4y = 4
y =1
Substitute y = 1 into (2),
x = 1+1
\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = 2 , y = 1.

ì x + 3 y = 9 .......... (1)
4. í
î y = 3 - x ............ (2)
Substitute (2) into (1),
x + 3(3 - x) = 9
x + 9 - 3x = 9
-2 x = 0
Substitute x = 0 into (2),
y = 3-0
\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = 0 , y = 3.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

ì x + y = 1 ......................... (1)
5. í
î x + 2 y = 3 ....................... (2)
From (1), x = 1 - y ........... (3)
Substitute (3) into (2),
(1 - y ) + 2 y = 3
1- y + 2y = 3
Substitute y = 2 into (3),
x = 1- 2
= -1
\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = -1, y = 2.

ì x - 2 y = 5 ...................... (1)
6. í
î3x + y = 1 ....................... (2)
From (1), x = 5 + 2 y ........ (3)
Substitute (3) into (2),
3(5 + 2 y ) + y = 1
15 + 6 y + y = 1
7 y = -14
y = -2
Substitute y = -2 into (3),
x = 5 + 2(-2)
\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = 1, y = - 2.

7. Rewrite the simultaneous equations as follows:

ì3x + 2 y = 0 .................... (1)
î x - 2 = 0 ........................ (2)
From (2), x = 2
Substitute x = 2 into (1),
3(2) + 2 y = 0
2 y = -6
y = -3
\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = 2 , y = -3.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

8. Rewrite the simultaneous equations as follows:

ì4 x + y = 2 .......................... (1)
î3x + y - 1 = 2 ..................... (2)
From (1), y = 2 - 4 x ........... (3)
Substitute (3) into (2),
3 x + (2 - 4 x) - 1 = 2
3x + 2 - 4 x - 1 = 2
-x = 1
x = -1
Substitute x = -1 into (3),
y = 2 - 4(-1)
\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = -1, y = 6.

Skills Consolidation Worksheet 2D

ì x - y = 3 ........................... (1)
1. í
î x + y = -1 ......................... (2)
(1) + (2),
( x - y ) + ( x + y ) = 3 + (-1)
x- y+x+ y =2
2x = 2
x =1
Substitute x = 1 into (1),
1- y = 3
-y = 2
y = -2
\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = 1, y = -2.

ì x + y = 1 ............................ (1)
2. í
î x + 2 y = 3 ......................... (2)
(2) - (1),
( x + 2 y) - ( x + y) = 3 - 1
x + 2y - x - y = 2
Substitute y = 2 into (1),
x + 2 =1
x = -1
\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = -1, y = 2.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

ì x + y = 4 .............. (1)
3. í
î2 x - y = 5 ............ (2)
(1) + (2),
( x + y ) + (2 x - y ) = 4 + 5
x + y + 2x - y = 9
3x = 9
Substitute x = 3 into (1),
3+ y = 4
y =1
\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = 3, y = 1.

ì5 x + 3 y = 16 ......... (1)
4. í
î5 x + y = 12 ........... (2)
(1) - (2),
(5 x + 3 y ) - (5 x + y ) = 16 - 12
5x + 3 y - 5x - y = 4
2y = 4
Substitute y = 2 into (1),
5 x + 3(2) = 16
5 x = 10
\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = 2 , y = 2.

ì2 x - 7 y = 16 ......... (1)
5. í
î2 x - y = 4 ............. (2)
(1) - (2),
(2 x - 7 y ) - (2 x - y ) = 16 - 4
2 x - 7 y - 2 x + y = 12
- 6 y = 12
y = -2
Substitute y = -2 into (1),
2 x - 7(-2) = 16
2x = 2
x =1
\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = 1, y = - 2.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

ì x - y = 3 ................................ (1)
6. í
î2 x + 3 y = 16 .......................... (2)
(1) ´ 2, ( x - y ) ´ 2 = 3 ´ 2
2 x - 2 y = 6 .......... ... (3)
(2) - (3),
(2 x + 3 y ) - (2 x - 2 y ) = 16 - 6
2 x + 3 y - 2 x + 2 y = 10
5 y = 10
Substitute y = 2 into (1),
\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = 5, y = 2.

7. Rewrite the simultaneous equations as follows:

ì2 x + y = 3 ................................ (1)
î3x + 2 y = 3 .............................. (2)
(1) ´ 2, (2 x + y ) ´ 2 = 3 ´ 2
4 x + 2 y = 6 .......... ... (3)
(3) - (2),
(4 x + 2 y ) - (3 x + 2 y ) = 6 - 3
4 x + 2 y - 3x - 2 y = 3
Substitute x = 3 into (1),
2(3) + y = 3
y = -3
\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = 3, y = -3.

8. Rewrite the simultaneous equations as follows:

ì x + 2 y - 5 = 0 ................................ (1)
î3x - y - 8 = 0 ................................ (2)
(1) ´ 3, ( x + 2 y - 5) ´ 3 = 0 ´ 3
3x + 6 y - 15 = 0 ............. (3)
(2) - (3),
(3 x - y - 8) - (3 x + 6 y - 15) = 0 - 0
3 x - y - 8 - 3 x - 6 y + 15 = 0
-7 y = -7
y =1

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

Substitute y = 1 into (1),

x + 2(1) - 5 = 0
\ The solution of the simultaneous equations is x = 3, y = 1.

Skills Consolidation Worksheet 2E

1. Accordingly,
ì x = 3 y ................. (1)
î x - y = 10 ........... (2)
Substitute (1) into (2),
3 y - y = 10
2 y = 10
Substitute y = 5 into (1),
x = 3(5)
= 15

2. Let x be the smaller number and y be the larger number.

ì x + y = 12 .......... (1)
î y - x = 2 ............ (2)
(1) + (2),
( x + y ) + ( y - x) = 12 + 2
x + y + y - x = 14
2 y = 14
Substitute y = 7 into (1),
x + 7 = 12
\ The two numbers are 5 and 7.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

3. Let x and y be the numbers of candies Mandy and Nancy have respectively.
ì x + y = 26 ................ (1)
î x - y = 10 ................ (2)
(1) + (2),
( x + y ) + ( x - y ) = 26 + 10
x + y + x - y = 36
2 x = 36
x = 18
Substitute x = 18 into (1),
18 + y = 26
y =8
\ Mandy has 18 candies and Nancy has 8 candies.

4. Let x cm and y cm be the length and width of the rectangle respectively.

ì2 x + 2 y = 24 ............ (1)
î x = 3 y ...................... (2)
Substitute (2) into (1),
2(3 y ) + 2 y = 24
8 y = 24
Substitute y = 3 into (2),
x = 3(3)
\ The length of the rectangle is 9 cm and the width is 3 cm.

5. Let x cm and y cm be the heights of John and Terry respectively.

ì x + y = 294 .......... ... (1)
í 3
ïî y = 4 x .......... .......... (2)

Substitute (2) into (1),

x + x = 294
x ´ 4 + x ´ 4 = 294 ´ 4
4 x + 3 x = 1 176
7 x = 1 176
x = 168

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Effective Learning Mathematics Skills Consolidation Worksheet | S2A Chapter 2

Substitute x = 168 into (2),

y = (168)
= 126
\ The height of John is 168 cm and the height of Terry is 126 cm.

6. Let $x and $y be the selling prices of a pack of chocolate and a bottle of apple juice respectively.
ì2 x + 5 y = 138 .................. (1)
î x = y + 27 ....................... (2)
Substitute (2) into (1),
2( y + 27 ) + 5 y = 138
2 y + 54 + 5 y = 138
7 y = 84
y = 12
Substitute y = 12 into (2),
x = 12 + 27
= 39
\ The selling price of a pack of chocolate is $39 and the selling price of a bottle of
apple juice is $12.

7. Let x and y be the present ages of David and his son respectively.
ì x - y = 30 ........................ (1)
î x + 2 = 4( y + 2) ............... (2)
From (1), x = y + 30 ......... (3)
Substitute (3) into (2),
( y + 30) + 2 = 4( y + 2)
y + 32 = 4 y + 8
-3 y = - 24
y =8
Substitute y = 8 into (3),
x = 8 + 30
= 38
\ The present age of David is 38.

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