OL (Southern Civil - Stations and Tunnel) - PA Schedule 10 - Review Procedure (Execution Version)

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Ontario Line – Southern Civil, Stations and Tunnel Project Agreement – Schedule 10

Execution Version





1.1 The provisions of Part A of this Schedule 10 shall apply to the Design Development Submittals,
the Construction Document Submittals, the Design Data and any and all items, documents and
anything else required or specified by the Project Agreement, including all Works Submittals listed
in Appendix A to this Schedule 10, in respect of the Works to be submitted to, reviewed or
otherwise processed by Contracting Authority in accordance with the Review Procedure prior to
Substantial Completion, or after Substantial Completion in respect of the completion of Section
Minor Deficiencies or Minor Deficiencies, and in respect of the rectification of any Works, the
Project Co Infrastructure, and the New Third Party Infrastructure, including any and all subsequent
revisions, amendments and changes thereto (individually, “Works Submittal” or collectively
“Works Submittals” as applicable in this Schedule 10).

1.2 For clarity, the provisions of Part A of this Schedule 10, including any deadlines for submission or
review set out herein, shall not apply to any processing or review of any Permit, Licence, Approval,
or Agreement.

1.3 Subject to Section 1.2, if the City of Toronto or the TTC fails to meet the timelines set out in this
Schedule 10 with respect to its review of any Works Submittals, such failure shall be deemed to be
a failure by Contracting Authority to comply with the timelines set out in this Schedule 10.

1.4 Project Co may submit an advanced Works Submittal with respect to Items A-201 (Stations –
Support of Excavation) to A-202 (Tunnel Launch Sites) as set out in Appendix A to this Schedule
10 (an “Advanced Works Submittal”). An Advanced Works Submittal shall be used for a discrete
element of Project Co Infrastructure that must be constructed in advance of the remaining Project
Co Infrastructure in order to achieve the Proposed Works Schedule.

1.5 Where an Advanced Works Submittal is used, Project Co shall still complete a Design
Development Submittal and a Construction Document Submittal for the remaining associated
Project Co Infrastructure prior to commencing the remaining Works.

1.6 For each Advanced Works Submittal, Project Co shall provide a description of the submittal content
to Contracting Authority for review and agreement prior to the submittal.

1.7 Each Advanced Works Submittal shall follow the relevant provision for Works Submittals of this
Schedule 10 unless stated otherwise, including those set out in Appendix A to this Schedule 10.


2.1 The Baseline Works Schedule shall allow:

(a) for each Works Submittal relating to Project Co Infrastructure, a period of twenty (20)
Business Days (or such longer period as may be agreed between Contracting Authority and

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Execution Version

Project Co) from the date of receipt, for Contracting Authority’s review of and response to
such Works Submittal;

(b) for each Works Submittal relating to New City Infrastructure, a period of twenty (20)
Business Days (beginning five (5) Business Days after receipt of such Works Submittal,
provided that Contracting Authority has determined, with assistance from the City of
Toronto, and notified Project Co that such Works Submittal is complete within such five
(5) Business Days), plus an additional five (5) Business Days (or such longer period as
may be agreed between Contracting Authority and Project Co) for Contracting Authority’s
review of and response (in concert with the City of Toronto) to each Works Submittal for
New City Infrastructure;

(c) for each Works Submittal relating to New TTC Infrastructure, a period of twenty (20)
Business Days (beginning five (5) Business Days after receipt of such Works Submittal,
provided that Contracting Authority has determined, with assistance from the TTC, and
notified Project Co that such Works Submittal is complete within such five (5) Business
Days), plus an additional five (5) Business Days (or such longer period as may be agreed
between Contracting Authority and Project Co) for Contracting Authority’s review of and
response (in concert with the TTC) to each Works Submittal for New TTC Infrastructure;

(d) for each Works Submittal for New Third Party Infrastructure that is not New City
Infrastructure or New TTC Infrastructure, a period of twenty (20) Business Days (or such
longer period as may be agreed between Contracting Authority and Project Co) following
receipt of the applicable Works Submittal for Contracting Authority’s review of and
response to the applicable Works Submittal;

(e) for each Works Submittals related to Works impacting CN Rail infrastructure, a period of
thirty (30) Business Days (beginning five (5) Business Days after receipt of such Works
Submittal, provided that Contracting Authority has determined, with assistance from CN
Rail, and notified Project Co that such Works Submittal is complete within such five (5)
Business Days), plus an additional five (5) Business Days (or such longer period as may
be agreed between Contracting Authority and Project Co) for Contracting Authority’s
review of and response (in concert with CN Rail) to each Works Submittals impacting CN
Rail infrastructure.

(f) for all other Works Submittals that are not captured in Sections 2.1(a), 2.1(b), 2.1(c), 2.1(d)
and 2.1(e) (including, for clarity, each Project Works Schedule, Quality Plan, the
environmental submittals listed in item S-172 (Environmental Submittals) of Appendix A
to this Schedule 10, System Security Plan, Emergency Response Plan, Stormwater
Management Plan, PLAA Plan and Traffic and Transit Management Plan), twenty (20)
Business Days (or such longer period as the Parties may agree) following receipt thereof
for each other Works Submittal; and

(g) for each Advanced Works Submittal, the period of ten (10) Business Days prior to any
submission (or such longer period as may be agreed between Contracting Authority and
Project Co) for Contracting Authority to review the content of the Advanced Works
Submittal, to determine that the submittal will contain sufficient information to complete
the review. Project Co may engage with Contracting Authority at any time prior to this
period to agree on the content of an Advanced Works Submittal.

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Execution Version

2.2 If, at any time,

(a) Project Co submits an unusually large number or volume of Works Submittals not
contemplated by the Baseline Works Schedule; or

(b) a Works Submittal was, or Works Submittals were, received for review later than indicated
in the Baseline Works Schedule, such that the Contracting Authority Representative cannot
review the Works Submittal or Works Submittals within the time permitted in the Baseline
Works Schedule,

then the Contracting Authority Representative shall, within five (5) Business Days following
receipt of such Works Submittal or Works Submittals, provide Project Co with a reasonable
estimate of the time necessary for processing such Works Submittal or Works Submittals.

2.3 If, pursuant to Sections 2.1(b), 2.1(c) or 2.1(e), Contracting Authority fails to notify Project Co that
a Works Submittal is complete, or notifies Project Co that a Works Submittal is incomplete, within
five (5) Business Days of receipt, such Works Submittal shall be deemed to have been assigned a
“REVIEWED AS NOTED – MAJOR ISSUES” comment, and the provisions of this Schedule 10
relating to any Works Submittal that has been assigned a “REVIEWED AS NOTED – MAJOR
ISSUES” comment shall apply


3.1 Unless otherwise specified by the Contracting Authority Representative, Project Co shall issue
three printed copies of all Works Submittals to Contracting Authority together with an electronic
copy in the format set out in Appendix A to this Schedule 10, or as prescribed by Contracting
Authority acting reasonably, including an electronic copy in native file format if requested by the
Contracting Authority Representative and one printed copy of each Works Submittal to the
Independent Certifier.

3.2 All Works Submittals shall be in English.

3.3 All Works Submittals required by the Project Agreement or by Applicable Law to be signed or
sealed by persons with professional designations (including, where applicable, by registered
professional engineers, professional geo-scientists or architects) shall be so signed and sealed.

3.4 All Works Submittals shall:

(a) include copies of all documents to be reviewed; and

(b) clearly identify the purpose of the Works Submittal, Project Co’s proposed course of action
relating to the Works Submittal and the Works that are the subject of the Works Submittal.

3.5 All Works Submittals shall, where applicable, refer to and be in accordance with:

(a) the relevant provisions of the Output Specifications, any other applicable Schedule to the
Project Agreement and to any Design Data that has previously been subject to review; and

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(b) the relevant provisions of Appendix A to this Schedule 10 for Design Development
Submittals and Construction Document Submittals.

3.6 Each Works Submittal shall be clearly identified as a Works Submittal and shall be delivered with
appropriate covering documentation, submitted in both soft copy and hard copy which shall include
a list of all attached Works Submittals and, for each Works Submittal:

(a) identification of whether the Works Submittal contains Project Co Infrastructure or New
Third Party Infrastructure;

(b) identification of whether the City of Toronto Submittal has been submitted pursuant to
Appendix B to this Schedule 10;

(c) identification of whether the Works Submittal has been submitted pursuant to Appendix A
to this Schedule 10;

(d) the document number(s) or drawing number(s);

(e) revision numbers;

(f) document or drawing title(s);

(g) name of entity that prepared the Works Submittal;

(h) name and signature of the Key Individual(s) responsible for content of the Works

(i) the Works Submittal history, including reviewer and checker initials, date and delivery
information, log number of all previous submissions of that Works Submittal, Project
Agreement provisions, comments from reviewers from the previous Works Submittal, all
outstanding comments, and responses to addressing those comments, all submitted in a
format determined by Contracting Authority; and

(j) identification of any previous Works Submittal superseded by the current Works Submittal.

3.7 To facilitate Contracting Authority’s distribution of Works Submittals to the City of Toronto, all
Works Submittals that are to be reviewed by the City of Toronto, in accordance with Appendix B,
shall be separated accordingly and submitted individually, to the extent possible.

3.8 Each Works Submittal shall be organized and shall have indexes and sectional dividers. Each
Works Submittal shall contain pertinent correspondence, shall be arranged by subject matter in
chronological order, and shall include the final calculations, reports and backup information. All
Works Submittals shall include copies of all final approvals by the applicable third party, design
reports, correspondence and calculations, in both electronic and hard copy.

3.9 All Works Submittals shall include sufficient information to demonstrate that Project Co has met
its obligations with respect to the Output Specifications.

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3.10 If a Proposal Part corresponds to a Works Submittal, then Project Co shall ensure that its initial
submission of such Works Submittal in accordance with this Schedule 10 is substantially the same
content and level of detail as the corresponding Proposal Part. For clarity, this requirement shall

(a) lessen, reduce or otherwise modify or amend Contracting Authority’s rights under the
Project Agreement to review each Works Submittal in accordance with this Schedule 10;

(b) constitute acceptance or comment by Contracting Authority of any Proposal Part or any
Works Submittal in accordance with this Schedule 10.


4.1 The Contracting Authority Representative shall respond to each Works Submittal within the time
periods set out in Section 2.1 by assigning one of the following comments and returning each Works
Submittal to Project Co with a copy to the Independent Certifier:




4.2 The Contracting Authority Representative shall assign a comment to each Works Submittal in
accordance with the following rules:

(a) The Contracting Authority Representative shall assign a “NO COMMENT” to each Works
Submittal in which Contracting Authority has not identified any deficiencies or non-
conformances during the course of its review of the Works Submittal.

(b) The Contracting Authority Representative shall assign a “REVIEWED AS NOTED –

MINOR ISSUES” to each Works Submittal that, in the opinion of Contracting Authority,
considering the totality of the Works Submittal, generally conforms to the requirements of
the Project Agreement but contains one or more insignificant deficiencies or insignificant
non-conformances. Contracting Authority shall provide reasons for the comment, with
reference to the applicable Section(s) of the Project Agreement.

(c) The Contracting Authority Representative shall assign a “REVIEWED AS NOTED –

MAJOR ISSUES” to each Works Submittal that, in the opinion of Contracting Authority,
considering the totality of the Works Submittal, either or both does not generally conform
to the requirements of the Project Agreement and/or contains one or more significant
deficiencies or significant non-conformances. Contracting Authority shall provide reasons
for the comment, with reference to the applicable Section(s) of the Project Agreement.

4.3 Following receipt of a “REVIEWED AS NOTED – MINOR ISSUES” for a Works Submittal,
Project Co shall correct the Works Submittal to ensure that the Works Submittal conforms to the
requirements of the Project Agreement prior to implementing the Works Submittal. If the
Contracting Authority Representative assigns to a Works Submittal the additional comment “RE-

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SUBMIT”, Project Co shall correct and re-submit such Works Submittal to the Contracting
Authority Representative,

(a) no later than ten (10) Business Days after the comment has been provided to Project Co;

(b) within the time period set out in Schedule 12 – Works Schedule Requirements in the case
of a resubmission of a Progress Works Schedule; or

(c) within such longer time period as determined by the Contracting Authority Representative,
acting reasonably and as set out in writing.

4.4 If, a Works Submittal that has been assigned a “REVIEWED AS NOTED – MAJOR ISSUES”

(a) Project Co shall carry out the correction and re-submittal process set out in Section 4.3
until the Works Submittal has been assigned a “NO COMMENT” or a “REVIEWED AS

(b) Project Co shall not implement any Works Submittal that has been assigned a
“REVIEWED AS NOTED – MAJOR ISSUES” comment until Project Co has corrected
such Works Submittal in accordance with this Section 4.

4.5 If, at any time, it is discovered that Project Co is advancing or has implemented a Works Submittal
that has been assigned a “REVIEWED AS NOTED – MAJOR ISSUES” comment and that has not
been corrected by Project Co in accordance with Section 4, then,

(a) this circumstance shall be a Proceeding at Risk Matter in accordance with Section
14.6(a)(ii) (Proceeding at Risk) of the Project Agreement; and

(b) Project Co shall be solely responsible for modifying and correcting the associated Works,
including any Project Co Infrastructure or New Third Party Infrastructure, to ensure that
the Works comply with the Project Agreement.

4.6 If, at any time after assigning a comment to a Works Submittal, Contracting Authority or Project
Co discovers any deficiencies or any failure to conform to the requirements of the Project
Agreement, the Contracting Authority Representative may revise the comment assigned to any
Works Submittal. If the Parties agree or if it is determined in accordance with Section 5 that the
revised comment is correct, Project Co shall make all such corrections to the Works Submittals and
the Works in accordance with this Section 4.

4.7 For the purpose of facilitating and expediting the review and correction of Works Submittals, the
Contracting Authority Representative and the Project Co Representative shall meet as may be
mutually agreed to discuss and review any outstanding Works Submittals and any comments

4.8 If a Works Submittal is voluminous, the Contracting Authority Representative at his or her
discretion may elect to issue the appropriate comment only to the cover page or first sheet of the
Works Submittal, if any, and return to Project Co the cover page or first page together with
individual pages or sheets on which comments are made, together with an explanation of the status

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of all pages not returned to Project Co. Any pages returned without such an explanation as to their
status shall be deemed to be “NO COMMENT” by Contracting Authority.

4.9 In lieu of returning a Works Submittal, the Contracting Authority Representative may, by letter,
notify Project Co of the comment assigned to the Works Submittal and if such comment is a
ISSUES”, the letter shall contain comments in sufficient detail for Project Co to identify the
correction sought.

4.10 Project Co shall perform the Works in accordance with Works Submittals that have been reviewed
by Contracting Authority in accordance with this Schedule 10, provided that Project Co has
corrected all deficiencies and non-conformances contained in such Works Submittals prior to

4.11 For clarity, no extension of time will be given or additional compensation paid with respect to any
of the processes set out in this Section 4.


5.1 If Project Co disputes any act of Contracting Authority or the Contracting Authority Representative
in respect of a Works Submittal under Part A of this Schedule 10, Project Co shall promptly notify
the Contracting Authority Representative, the CDB and the Independent Certifier of the details of
such Dispute and shall submit the reasons why Project Co believes a different comment should be
assigned, together with appropriate supporting documentation. The Contracting Authority
Representative shall review the Works Submittal, the reasons and supporting documentation and
within five (5) Business Days after receipt thereof shall either confirm the original comment or
notify Project Co of a revised comment. If the Contracting Authority Representative confirms the
original comment, Project Co may refer the matter for determination in accordance with Schedule
27 – Dispute Resolution Procedure.

5.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5.1, the Contracting Authority Representative may direct
that Project Co revise the Works Submittals in accordance with the comments of the Contracting
Authority Representative and proceed to perform and complete the Works on the basis of such
revised Works Submittals. For clarity, Project Co may refer such direction for resolution as a
Dispute in accordance with Schedule 27 – Dispute Resolution Procedure.


6.1 Any review and comment by Contracting Authority or the Contracting Authority Representative
of any Works Submittals are for general conformity to the obligations and requirements of the
Project Agreement, and any such review and comment shall not relieve Project Co of the risk and
responsibility for the Works and for meeting all of Project Co’s obligations under and requirements
of the Project Agreement, and shall not create any new or additional obligations or liabilities for
Contracting Authority. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing any and all errors or
omissions in Works Submittals or of any review and comment shall not exclude or limit Project
Co’s obligations or liabilities in respect of the Works under the Project Agreement or exclude or
limit Contracting Authority’s rights in respect of the Works under the Project Agreement.

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7.1 At any time, the Contracting Authority Representative may, acting reasonably, require Project Co
or any Project Co Parties, including Project Co’s consultants and any other relevant personnel, at
no additional cost to Contracting Authority, to explain to the Contracting Authority Representative
and Contracting Authority’s advisors the intent of Project Co’s Works Submittals, including in
relation to any design and any associated documentation and as to its satisfaction of the Output
Specifications or any other Schedule to the Project Agreement, as applicable. Project Co shall
provide the explanation to the Contracting Authority Representative within five (5) Business Days
(or such longer period as the Parties may agree) from the date of receipt of the request from the
Contracting Authority Representative.


8.1 Project Co shall ensure that Works Submittals keep the same, unique reference number throughout
the review process, and that subsequent revisions of the same Works Submittal are identified by a
sequential revision number. Correspondence related to such Works Submittal shall reference the
reference number and revision number.

8.2 Re-submittals shall clearly show all revisions from the previous Works Submittal. For printed
copies, bound documents, including reports and manuals, shall contain a preface that clearly states
how revisions are marked and the previous revision number against which the revisions have been
marked. Project Co shall use a consistent format for mark-ups of documents (for example, deletions
struck out and additions underscored). Project Co shall clearly mark revised portions of drawings
(with appropriate means to visually distinguish between the parts of the drawing that are revised
and the parts that are not revised) and shall include the revision number and description of the
revision on the drawing.

8.3 Re-submittals shall include all required revised documents, all documents submitted in the previous
Works Submittal that do not require revisions and all responses to comments provided by
Contracting Authority associated with the Works Submittal.

8.4 Project Co shall ensure that all revisions on print media be initialled by hand by the individual
designer, design checker and, where applicable, by the drafter and the drafting checker and identify
the persons who initialled the Works Submittal. Electronic versions of the Works Submittal shall
identify the persons who initialled the revisions to the printed version of the Works Submittal. All
such revisions must be able to be integrated into the Record Drawings.

8.5 Project Co shall keep all Design Data current, including a current set of the most recently issued
submittal documents available on Site in the construction trailer for use by Contracting Authority
and the Contracting Authority Representative. If any Design Data is revised as part of a Works
Submittal, all other Design Data relying on or based on that Design Data shall also be revised
accordingly. All such revised Design Data shall also be submitted with the Works Submittal to
which it relates.

8.6 Works Submittals that are replacements in kind shall keep the original submittal number with the
next sequential revision number.

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9.1 Without limiting any other right under the Project Agreement, the Contracting Authority
Representative shall have the right to audit all Works Submittals, including comparing all Works
Submittals to previous Works Submittals.

9.2 If during an audit or at any other time it is discovered by Contracting Authority or Project Co (or
resolved pursuant to Section 9.3) that any Works Submittals were not correctly implemented,
Project Co shall at its sole cost immediately take all necessary steps to correct and modify the
applicable Works Submittals and the Works to which they relate and shall advise the Contracting
Authority Representative of all such corrections and modifications.

9.3 Any Dispute concerning the implementation of a Works Submittal, subject to Section 5.1, shall be
referred for resolution in accordance with Schedule 27 – Dispute Resolution Procedure.


10.1 No alteration or modification to the design, quality and quantity of the Works arising from the
development of detailed design or from the co-ordination of the design in connection with any
Works Submittal shall be construed or regarded as a Variation.

10.2 If, having received comments from the Contracting Authority Representative on any Works
Submittal, Project Co considers that compliance with those comments would amount to a Variation,
Project Co shall, within fifteen (15) Business Days following receipt of and before complying with
the comments, provide written Notice to Contracting Authority of the same and, if it is agreed by
the Parties that a Variation would arise if the comments were complied with, Contracting Authority
may, at their election,

(a) issue a Variation Enquiry (and it shall be dealt with in accordance with Schedule 22 –
Variation Procedure); or

(b) amend their comment on the Works Submittal.

If the Parties do not agree that a Variation would arise if the comments were complied with, either
Party may proceed to resolve the matter in accordance with Section 5.2, including for clarity, the
exercise by Contracting Authority of its rights under Section 5.2. Subject to the foregoing sentence,
any failure by Project Co to notify Contracting Authority in accordance with this Section 10.2 that
Project Co considers that compliance with any comments of the Contracting Authority
Representative would amount to a Variation shall constitute an irrevocable acceptance by Project
Co that any compliance with the Contracting Authority Representative’s comments shall be without
cost to Contracting Authority and without any extension of time.


11.1 The following additional provisions shall apply to the Works Submittals of Project Co designated
in Appendix A to this Schedule 10, which Contracting Authority intends to provide to RSSOM
Project Co to be reviewed for integration purposes (“Integration Works Submittals”, and each
an “Integration Works Submittal”), including any further Works Submittals referred to in or

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arising from, all items and documents set out in, and any subsequent revisions, amendments and
changes to such Integration Works Submittals.

11.2 Each Integration Works Submittal shall:

(a) reference any provisions set out in Schedule 45 – Integration with RSSOM Project, which
Project Co considers relevant to Contracting Authority’s review of such Integration Works
Submittal; and

(b) set out any amendments to be made to the Output Specifications pursuant to Section 11.8
if such Integration Works Submittal is finalized as submitted and assigned a “NO
COMMENT” by Contracting Authority in accordance with Section 11.8, without limiting
the amendments that will be deemed to be made pursuant to Section 11.8; and

(c) specify the requirements which Project Co will incorporate into RSSOM Project Co’s
Requirements Management database, pursuant to Section 11.14 if such Integration Works
Submittal is finalized as submitted and assigned a “NO COMMENT” by Contracting

11.3 Each Integration Works Submittal shall be clearly identified as an Integration Works Submittal and
shall be delivered with appropriate covering documentation, submitted in both soft copy and hard
copy. All Integration Works Submittals shall be separated accordingly and submitted individually,
to the extent possible.

11.4 Project Co acknowledges and agrees that Contracting Authority may provide Integration Works
Submittals in confidence to RSSOM Project Co for review and take any comments made by
RSSOM Project Co into account in determining Contracting Authority’s response to such
Integration Works Submittals.

11.5 Each Integration Works Submittal shall be submitted no later than the date specified for such
Integration Works Submittal in the Baseline Works Schedule or deemed to be included in the
Baseline Works Schedule, pursuant to the ICDs and other Integration Works Submittals, after a
“NO COMMENT” has been assigned by Contracting Authority.

11.6 Nothing in this Section 11 limits the obligations of Project Co to participate in Design Review
Meetings under Section 11.3 (Design Workshops) of the Project Agreement or to participate in the
Design Integration Working Group and the Construction Integration Working Group, prior to the
commencement and until the completion of the review of each Integration Works Submittal, for
the purpose of facilitating and expediting the review of such Integration Works Submittal by
Contracting Authority and by RSSOM Project Co.

11.7 Project Co shall continue to submit each Integration Works Submittal for review by Contracting
Authority until a “NO COMMENT” has been assigned to such Integration Works Submittal by
Contracting Authority or it is determined, pursuant to the Dispute Resolution Procedure, that a “NO
COMMENT” should have been assigned to the applicable Integration Works Submittal.

11.8 The then current requirements of Schedule 12 – Works Schedule Requirements, the Output
Specifications, and any other applicable requirements of the Project Agreement (as they may have
been previously amended or changed pursuant to the Project Agreement, including the provisions

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of this Section 11 or Schedule 22 – Variation Procedure) shall be deemed to be amended consistent

with each Integration Works Submittal to which a “NO COMMENT” has been assigned, without
cost to Contracting Authority and without any extension of time. Each such Integration Works
Submittal shall be deemed to form part of the Output Specifications and, in the event of any
ambiguity, conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of any such Integration Works
Submittal and the Output Specifications, the provisions of such Integration Works Submittal shall
govern to the extent of such ambiguity, conflict or inconsistency.

11.9 Section 11.8 shall not apply (and Contracting Authority shall not be bound by its provisions) to
the extent that any Integration Works Submittal to which a “NO COMMENT” has been assigned
was not in conformity with, or was outside the scope of, the requirements of Schedule 12 –
Works Schedule Requirements, the Output Specifications or any other applicable requirements of
the Project Agreement as of the date the applicable Integration Works Submittal was submitted.

11.10 Project Co may dispute any failure of Contracting Authority to assign a “NO COMMENT” to an
Integration Works Submittal pursuant to Section 5.1 of this Part A of this Schedule 10 on the basis
that such Integration Works Submittal satisfies the applicable requirements of Schedule 45 –
Integration with RSSOM Project.

11.11 If Project Co disputes any failure of Contracting Authority to assign a “NO COMMENT” to an
Integration Works Submittal pursuant to Section 5.1 of this Part A of this Schedule 10, the
Contracting Authority Representative shall have five (5) Business Days in addition to the period
set out in Section 5.1 to review the Integration Works Submittal, the reasons and supporting
documentation provided by Project Co, and Contracting Authority may, in its sole discretion,
request RSSOM Project Co to participate in any such review. Within a total of ten (10) Business
Days after receipt of such Project Co dispute, Contracting Authority shall either assign a “NO
COMMENT” or continue to withhold the assignment of a “NO COMMENT”. If the Contracting
Authority Representative continues to withhold the assignment of a “NO COMMENT”, Project Co
may refer the failure of Contracting Authority to assign a “NO COMMENT” to such Integration
Works Submittal for determination pursuant to Section 5.1, provided that any such Dispute may be
designated as an Integration Dispute and decided in accordance with the Integration Dispute
Resolution Procedure pursuant to the RSSOM Interface Agreement, including where such Dispute
arises from a comment made by RSSOM Project Co.

11.12 Any Dispute pursuant to Section 5.2 of this Part A of this Schedule 10 with respect to an Integration
Works Submittal may be designated as an Integration Dispute and decided in accordance with the
Integration Dispute Resolution Procedure pursuant to the RSSOM Interface Agreement, including
where such Dispute arises from a comment made by RSSOM Project Co.

11.13 Without limiting any other rights of Contracting Authority under Schedule 22 – Variation
Procedure, Contracting Authority may at any time, in its sole discretion, initiate a Variation and
require Project Co to execute a Variation Confirmation, or issue a Variation Directive, confirming
the manner in which the requirements of the applicable RSSOM Infrastructure Technical
Specifications and Critical RSSOM Infrastructure Data are deemed to have been amended
pursuant to Section 11.8, without cost to Contracting Authority and without any extension of

11.14 For any Integration Works Submittal to which a “NO COMMENT” has been assigned which has
been deemed to amend the then current requirements of Schedule 12 – Works Schedule

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Requirements, the Output Specifications or any other applicable requirements of the Project
Agreement (as they may have been previously amended or changed pursuant to the Project
Agreement) pursuant to Section 11.8, Project Co shall promptly cause to be incorporated into
RSSOM Project Co’s Requirements Management database any requirements specified in such
Integration Works Submittal in accordance with Section 11.2(c), including details with respect to
the manner in which the requirements of the Project Agreement have been deemed to be amended.

11.15 In addition to Integration Works Submittals, Contracting Authority may provide other Works
Submittals to RSSOM Project Co to be reviewed for integration purposes, including the following
Items in Appendix A to this Schedule 10:

(a) S-107, S-114, S-137, S-138, S-139, S-154, S-166, S-176 and S-253.

11.16 Contracting Authority may take into account any comments received from RSSOM Project Co in
determining Contracting Authority’s response to any Works Submittals.

11.17 Without limitation, Contracting Authority may assign a “REVIEWED AS NOTED – MAJOR
ISSUES” to any Works Submittal which will have a material adverse impact on RSSOM Project
Infrastructure or the successful integration of the Ontario Line Subway System.


12.1 Any capitalized terms used in the appendices to this Schedule 10, that are not defined in this
Schedule 10 or in Schedule 1 – Definitions and Interpretation, shall have the meanings given to
them in the Output Specifications or Schedule 17 – Environmental Obligations.

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1.1 The review procedure set out in this Part B of this Schedule 10 (“RSSOM Infrastructure Works
Submittal Review Procedure”) shall apply to the review by Project Co of the items and documents
set out in Appendix D to this Schedule 10 to be prepared by RSSOM Project Co and provided to
Project Co by Contracting Authority and includes any and all subsequent revisions, amendments
and changes thereto (“RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittals”) for the purpose of providing
comments to Contracting Authority on the conformity between such RSSOM Infrastructure Works
Submittals and the requirements for the applicable Critical RSSOM Infrastructure Works to be
Built to Specification and Design in accordance with Schedule 45 – Integration with RSSOM


2.1 Contracting Authority shall provide each RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal not later than the
applicable date set out in Appendix D of this Schedule 10, and Project Co shall include all such
dates in the Baseline Works Schedule.

2.2 The Baseline Works Schedule shall allow a period of twenty (20) Business Days from the date of
receipt by Project Co for Project Co’s review of and response to each RSSOM Infrastructure Works

2.3 Contracting Authority may, at any time and in its sole discretion, extend the time for Project Co to
review any RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal, and Project Co shall complete its review
within such time. For clarity, Project Co shall not be entitled to any claims for additional costs or
delay in respect of an extension of time for review of any RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittals
pursuant to this Section 2.3.



3.1 Unless otherwise specified by the Contracting Authority Representative, Contracting Authority
shall provide the following to Project Co in respect of each RSSOM Infrastructure Works

3.2 All RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittals shall be in English.

3.3 All RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittals shall:

(a) include copies of all documents to be reviewed by Project Co that are received by
Contracting Authority from RSSOM Project Co; and

(b) clearly identify the RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal that is the subject of the

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4.1 The Project Co Representative shall respond to each RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal
within the time period set out in Section 2 by assigning one of the following comments and
returning such RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal to Contracting Authority:

(a) “NO COMMENT”; or


4.2 The Project Co Representative shall assign a comment to each RSSOM Infrastructure Works
Submittal in accordance with the following rules:

(a) The Project Co Representative shall assign a “NO COMMENT” to each RSSOM
Infrastructure Works Submittal in which Project Co has not identified any deficiency or
non-conformance which, in the opinion of Project Co, would result in the applicable
Critical RSSOM Infrastructure Works not being Built to Specification and Design if such
Critical RSSOM Infrastructure Works are built in accordance with such RSSOM
Infrastructure Works Submittal (“BSD Non-Conformance”).

(b) The Project Co Representative shall assign a “REVIEWED AS NOTED” to each RSSOM
Infrastructure Works Submittal that, in the opinion of Project Co, contains one or more
BSD Non-Conformances. Project Co shall:

(i) provide reasons for the comment, including the changes that would be required in
such RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal to remove such BSD Non-
Conformances, with specific reference to the applicable requirements of Schedule
45 – Integration with RSSOM Project of the Project Agreement, including the
applicable RSSOM Infrastructure Technical Specifications and Critical RSSOM
Infrastructure Data; and

(ii) set out any changes which Project Co considers necessary to the applicable
RSSOM Infrastructure Technical Specifications and Critical RSSOM
Infrastructure Data, in the event that changes are not made to such RSSOM
Infrastructure Works Submittal.

4.3 Project Co acknowledges and agrees that Contracting Authority may provide any comments
received from Project Co to RSSOM Project Co for review and take any comments made by
RSSOM Project Co into account in determining Contracting Authority’s response to Project Co.

4.4 Following receipt of a “REVIEWED AS NOTED” for a RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal,
Contracting Authority may re-submit such RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal to the Project
Co Representative with revisions, amendments or changes thereto,

(a) no later than thirty (30) Business Days after the comment was provided to Contracting
Authority; or

(b) within such longer time period as the Contracting Authority Representative may determine,
acting reasonably, and set out by Notice in writing.

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4.5 Contracting Authority may continue the re-submittal process set out in Section 4.4 for any RSSOM
Infrastructure Works Submittal, in Contracting Authority’s sole discretion, and Project Co shall
continue to respond to each such re-submittal in accordance with Sections 4.1 and 4.2.

4.6 Nothing in this RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal Review Procedure limits the obligations
of Project Co to participate in the Construction Integration Working Group and the Design
Integration Working Group, as required by the RSSOM Interface Agreement, prior to the
commencement and until the completion of the RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal Review
Procedure for each RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal, for the purpose of facilitating and
expediting the review of RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittals. The Contracting Authority
Representative and the Project Co Representative shall also meet, as may be mutually agreed, to
discuss and review any outstanding RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittals and any comments

4.7 If a RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal is voluminous, the Project Co Representative may,
with the consent of the Contracting Authority Representative, issue the appropriate comment only
to the cover page or first sheet of the RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal, if any, and return to
Contracting Authority the cover page or first page together with individual pages or sheets on which
comments are made. Any pages returned without comments shall be deemed to be a “NO
COMMENT” by Project Co.

4.8 In lieu of returning a RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal, the Project Co Representative may,
by letter, notify Contracting Authority of the comment assigned to the RSSOM Infrastructure
Works Submittal and if such comment is a “REVIEWED AS NOTED, the letter shall contain
comments in sufficient detail for Contracting Authority to identify the information required
pursuant to Section 4.2.

4.9 For clarity, no extension of time will be given or additional compensation paid with respect to any
of the processes set out in this Section 4.

4.10 If the Project Co Representative fails to respond to a RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal in
accordance with this RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal Review Procedure within the time
period set out in Section 2, such RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal shall be deemed to be
assigned a “NO COMMENT”. Such deemed assignment of a “NO COMMENT” to a RSSOM
Infrastructure Works Submittal shall be final and not subject to the Dispute Resolution Procedure.


5.1 Contracting Authority, in its sole discretion, may refuse to accept any “REVIEWED AS NOTED”
comment assigned by the Project Co Representative in respect of any RSSOM Infrastructure Works
Submittal and give written Notice to Project Co that such RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal
is deemed to be assigned a “NO COMMENT”.

5.2 Within ten (10) Business Days after receipt of such Notice from Contracting Authority, Project Co
may refer the matter for determination in accordance with Schedule 27 – Dispute Resolution
Procedure, provided that any such Dispute may be designated as an Integration Dispute and decided
in accordance with the Integration Dispute Resolution Procedure pursuant to the RSSOM Interface

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5.3 Any failure by Project Co to Dispute deemed assignment of a “NO COMMENT” to a RSSOM
Infrastructure Works Submittal shall constitute an irrevocable acceptance by Project Co that such
RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal contains no BSD Non-Conformances and that compliance
with such RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal shall be without cost to Contracting Authority
and without any extension of time.


6.1 For RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal Items set out in Table D-1 of Appendix D to this
Schedule 10, upon completion of this RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal Review Procedure
for a RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal, the assignment or deemed assignment of a “NO
COMMENT” for such RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal by the Project Co Representative
or pursuant to a Dispute under Section 5 shall constitute an irrevocable acceptance by Project Co

(a) the applicable RSSOM Infrastructure Technical Specifications and Critical RSSOM
Infrastructure Data shall be deemed to be amended consistent with such RSSOM
Infrastructure Works Submittal, without cost to Contracting Authority and without any
extension of time;

(b) such RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal shall be deemed to form part of the RSSOM
Infrastructure Technical Specifications and Critical RSSOM Infrastructure Data and, in the
event of any ambiguity, conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of any such
RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal and the RSSOM Infrastructure Technical
Specifications and Critical RSSOM Infrastructure Data, the provisions of such RSSOM
Infrastructure Works Submittal shall govern to the extent of such ambiguity, conflict or

(c) such amended RSSOM Infrastructure Technical Specifications and Critical RSSOM
Infrastructure Data shall apply for the purposes of any Dispute by Project Co under
Schedule 45 – Integration with RSSOM Project, including any Dispute as to whether the
applicable Critical RSSOM Infrastructure Works is Built to Specification and Design, and
Project Co shall not be entitled to claim in any such Dispute that such RSSOM
Infrastructure Works Submittal contained BSD Non-Conformances; and

(d) Project Co shall be required to perform the Works on the basis that the definition of Built
to Specification and Design has been amended, and the RSSOM Infrastructure Technical
Specifications and Critical RSSOM Infrastructure Data have been modified, in accordance
with such RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal.

6.2 Section 6.1 shall not apply (and the Parties shall not be bound by its provisions) to the extent that
any RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal was not in conformity with or was outside the scope
of the requirements of the RSSOM Infrastructure Technical Specifications and Critical RSSOM
Infrastructure Data, as of date the applicable RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal was

6.3 For RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal Items set out in Table D-2 of Appendix D to this
Schedule 10 only:

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(a) Sections 4.2, 5.3, 6.1 and 8.2 of this RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal Review
Procedure shall not apply.

(b) Without limiting any other rights or obligations of Project Co under the Project Agreement,
including Schedule 45 – Integration with RSSOM Project, Project Co shall review such
RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittals for the purposes of identifying the following for
Contracting Authority’s consideration:

(i) any conflicts or inconsistencies between such RSSOM Infrastructure Works

Submittal and,

(A) any RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal Item set out in Table D-1 of
Appendix D to this Schedule 10; or

(B) any other RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal Item set out in Table
D-2 of Appendix D to this Schedule 10,

to which a “NO COMMENT” has been assigned or deemed to be assigned; and

(ii) any material adverse impacts which the implementation of such RSSOM
Infrastructure Works Submittal could have on:

(A) Project Co Infrastructure or New Third Party Infrastructure;

(B) the successful integration of the Ontario Line Subway System; or

(C) the ability of Project Co to perform the Works.

(c) The Project Co Representative shall assign a comment to such RSSOM Infrastructure
Works Submittals in accordance with the following rules:

(i) the Project Co Representative shall assign a “NO COMMENT” to each RSSOM
Infrastructure Works Submittal in which Project Co has not identified any concerns
pursuant to Section 6.3(b) of this RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal Review
Procedure; and

(ii) the Project Co Representative shall assign a “REVIEWED AS NOTED” to each

RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal in which Project Co has identified any
concerns pursuant to Section 6.3(b) of this RSSOM Infrastructure Works
Submittal Review Procedure and shall:

(A) provide reasons for the comment;

(B) include any changes that would be required in such RSSOM Infrastructure
Works Submittal to address the concerns that Project Co has identified
pursuant to Section 6.3(b) of this RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal
Review Procedure, with specific reference to any applicable requirements
of Schedule 45 – Integration with RSSOM Project, including the

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applicable RSSOM Infrastructure Technical Specifications and Critical

RSSOM Infrastructure Data; an

(C) set out any changes which Project Co considers necessary to the applicable
RSSOM Infrastructure Technical Specifications or Critical RSSOM
Infrastructure Data in the event that changes are not made to such RSSOM
Infrastructure Works Submittal.


7.1 At any time, the Project Co Representative may request Contracting Authority to provide further
information as to the intent of a RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal, including in relation to
any requirements of Schedule 45 – Integration with RSSOM Project, as applicable. Contracting
Authority may provide such explanation to the Project Co’s Representative (directly or in concert
with RSSOM Project Co) in Contracting Authority’s sole discretion.

7.2 At any time, the Contracting Authority Representative may, acting reasonably, require Project Co
or any Project Co Parties, including Project Co’s consultants and any other relevant personnel, at
no additional cost to Contracting Authority, to explain to the Contracting Authority Representative
and Contracting Authority’s advisors the intent of Project Co’s comments on RSSOM
Infrastructure Works Submittals, including in relation to any requirements of Schedule 45 –
Integration with RSSOM Project, as applicable. Within five (5) Business Days (or such longer
period as the Parties may agree) from the date of receipt of such request from the Contracting
Authority Representative, Project Co shall provide such explanation to the Contracting Authority
Representative (which may be shared with RSSOM Project Co, in Contracting Authority’s sole


8.1 Project Co shall not be entitled to any Variation in connection with RSSOM Infrastructure Works
Submittals to which Project Co or the Project Co Representative has assigned or is deemed to have
assigned a “NO COMMENT” and no alteration or modification to the design, quality and quantity
of the Works arising from the development of detailed design or from the co-ordination of the
design in connection with any such RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal shall be construed or
regarded as a Variation.

8.2 To the extent that it is determined pursuant to a Dispute under Section 5 that any RSSOM
Infrastructure Works Submittal contains a BSD Non-Conformance, Project Co shall be entitled to
a Variation subject to and in accordance with Schedule 22 – Variation Procedure unless Contracting
Authority withdraws such RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal, in its sole discretion.


9.1 Except as expressly set out herein, nothing in this Part B of this Schedule 10 shall modify any of
the obligations or rights of the Parties under the Project Agreement.

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1.1 The following is a breakdown of the contents of each Works Submittal as well as the format for each. Project Co shall submit each Works
Submittal in accordance with the following:

(a) three sets of all Works Submittals shall be submitted in hard copy, and included in 3-hole ring binders;

(b) large format drawings (ANSI D size) shall be provided separately (bound) in reduced format (11” x 17”), and included in a 3-hole
ring binders. Unless otherwise noted below under the heading “Format”, all drawings shall be provided in half size format. All other
Works Submittals that are not drawings shall be submitted in 8.5” x 11” black and white format, unless otherwise specifically noted

(c) all Works Submittals shall be uploaded to Contracting Authority’s Common Data Environment (CDE);

(d) all Works Submittals shall be forwarded to Contracting Authority at the same time that the Submittals are uploaded to Contracting
Authority’s Common Data Environment (CDE); and

(e) All Works Submittals shall be provided in accordance with Appendix W – Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) to the Output

1.2 All Works Submittals shall also be provided in the format and Works Submittals breakdown set out in Section 2 of this Appendix A.


2.1 The following is a detailed list of the minimum Works Submittals that Project Co is required to provide to Contracting Authority for review
and comment in accordance with this Schedule 10. Each Works Submittals shall be delivered with appropriate covering documentation in
the format set out in Section 3.6 of this Schedule 10.


A – Advance Works Submittal

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I/S – Works Submittal

2.2 Additional Works Submittals may be requested by the Contracting Authority Representative at any time in order to understand the Works,
and Project Co shall be required to provide same to Contracting Authority for review in accordance with this Schedule 10. A description of
the minimum content of each Works Submittal provided is set out in this Section 2 of this Appendix A.

2.3 Works Submittal deliverables that are applicable to satisfying the requirements of multiple Works Submittal items are permitted to be re-
used in other Works Submittals, provided that such re-used deliverables meet all the requirements of each Works Submittal item they are
applied to.


3.1 Project Co shall prepare for and present a three stage design charette with Contracting Authority for the development of design excellence
approach and strategies as input to this Schedule 10. The purpose is to resolve the obligations in Appendix E-4 (Ontario Line Design
Guide – Colour and Finish Schedule) to the Output Specifications.

(a) Workshop 1: The Workshop purpose is to confirm an initial schedule of colours and finishes for all Project Co Infrastructure.
Project Co shall present three options for each material that requires the selection of a colour or finish, with supporting concept
sketches and illustrations to support the selection process. Project Co shall submit presentation material a minimum of five (5)
Business Days prior to the proposed design charette.

(b) Workshop 2: The Workshop purpose is to confirm selection of a final schedule of colours and finishes. Project Co shall present
development of design components, provide physical material samples, such as colour and material swatches, and a minimum of
three photorealistic renderings in context of each of the proposed materials, with a minimum of one rendering showing the night
lighting condition. Project Co shall submit presentation material a minimum of five (5) Business Days prior to the proposed
design charette.

(c) Workshop 3: A final Workshop to close out comments and actions from Workshop 2.

(d) Project Co may request further meetings to close out selection of colours and finishes.

3.2 The design charette process is intended to be completed as an input to the Works Submittal item S-140 Design Excellence of Appendix A
to this Schedule 10.

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Item # Description of Infrastructure Data Integration

I-200 Interface Management Plan
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit an Interface Management Plan in accordance with Section 1.5 of the
Output Specifications, no later than forty (40) Business Days following Financial Close.
(2) Project Co shall submit updates to the Interface Management Plan every design phase or every 6 months.
I-201 Interface Matrix and Interface Register
I-201A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit an Interface Matrix and Register, no later than forty (40) Business Days
following Financial Close.
I-201B (1) Project Co shall submit an updated Interface Matrix and Interface Register at each release of the Interface
Management Plan; and
(2) Prepare and submit an Interface Management Status Report on a monthly basis, presenting the following:
(a) a high-level summary of the status of interface documentation;
(b) tables or graphics outlining the number of interfaces as different stages (e.g. identification, definition,
resolution, closed, etc.);
(c) a table or graphic showing the progression of interface development and resolution;
(d) identify any planned activities, issues or risks in managing the interfaces for the next month; and
(e) an update of the planned activities, issues or risks in managing the interfaces from the previous month.
The submittal shall demonstrate the proactive actions being taken to resolve all interface issues and highlight any
risks to the Works Schedule.

I-202 Critical Infrastructure Data Documents

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit the following Critical Data in sufficient detail that permits RSSOM
Project Co to submit Design Development Submittals that relies upon the information provided. The content
of the Design Development Submittals from the RSSOM Project Co is set out in Appendix D to this Schedule

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Item # Description of Infrastructure Data Integration

I-202A Tunnel & Guideway Geometrics X
(1) Preliminary plan, profile and cross section drawings for all geometries equivalent to those for Design
Development Submittals stage, presenting at a minimum the following:
(a) Tunnel alignment;
(b) clearances for Systems and all other equipment within the Tunnels and along Guideways,
(c) areas or zones safeguarded for RSSOM Project Co Infrastructure, presented on the drawings to at least the
same standard as the drawings in the Output Specifications Appendix A, with the addition of dimensions
specific to Project Co’s design;
(d) Drainage paths and sumps;
(e) conduit and raceways required for Tunnel jet fans; and
(f) Station structures (boxes/caverns/platforms) and Guideways (bridge decks/slabs and retaining walls).

Project Co shall commence design based on information in Output Specifications Section and Appendix
J. Information exchange from RSSOM Project Co in I-102A is not a dependency for I-202A.

The submittal shall contain any feature that RSSOM Project Co are required in interface with as they progress
their Track Alignment and Track Structure design from a geometric design perspective. Platform layout shall be
sufficient to enable preliminary design of PSDS location, including Platform End Doors.

I-202B Equipment Room Layout X

(1) Initial layout drawings for the Equipment Rooms, as set out in Table Station Specific Space
Requirements of the Output Specifications, including:
(a) context plan showing location within Station or other Facility (scale: 1:1000)
(b) dimensioned floor plan of room (scale: 1:200), showing:
a. access doors and equipment delivery routes;
b. hoist beams;
c. conduit and raceway entry points (including details of connection to manholes that provide access
to the Guideway);
d. structural loading constraints that may restrict placement of RSSOM Project Co equipment;

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Item # Description of Infrastructure Data Integration

e. schematic design of the Project Co Infrastructure for electrical and mechanical systems, including
small power and data points.
(2) Project Co shall identify any constraints that limit placement of RSSOM Project Co equipment into the rooms.
I-202C Electrical Power X
(1) A subset of S-113 Stations and Facilities – Electrical, a report with schematic design and tabulated detail of
the electrical power load for all Project Co Infrastructure, including each Station and Facility, sufficient for
RSSOM Project Co to correctly size the Traction Power Sub Stations and Station Power Sub Stations for their
Design Development submittal.
I-203 Interface Control Documents (Project Co to RSSOM Project Co)
I-203A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit Interface Control Documents addressing Project Co-to-RSSOM Project
Co topics including but not limited to the those outlined in the Output Specification, Appendix B – Contract
Interface Definitions, Tables 1 to 7, including the following:
(a) Tunnels to Trackwork
(b) Tunnels to FLS
(c) Tunnels to TPS
(d) Tunnels to OCS
(e) Tunnels to Rolling Stock
(f) Trackwork to Civil Works & Drainage
(g) Civil Structures to TPS
(h) Civil Structures to OCS
(i) Civil Structures to FLS
(j) Civil Structures to Trackwork
(k) Stations to Vehicles
(l) Stations to TPS
(m) Stations to S&TCS
(n) Stations to Platform Screen Doors
(o) Station room layouts and locations
(p) Stations to SCADA

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Item # Description of Infrastructure Data Integration

(q) FLS to Platform Screen Doors
(r) FLS to Vehicles
(s) Signage
(u) Grounding & Bonding
(2) Project Co shall include detailed specifications, requirements, and provisions where available.
(3) Project Co shall include a schedule and processes for providing all additional information and activities.
(4) ICDs shall include evidence of coordination and agreement on content from both interface partners, Project
Co and RSSOM Project Co, in accordance with the obligations set out in Schedule 39 – Form of RSSOM
Interface Agreement.
I-203B (1) Project Co shall submit updated documentation of all ICDs. Prepare and submit any new ICDs, as required.
(2) Project Co shall include detailed specifications, requirements, and provisions in sufficient detail to advance
and complete all Design Development Submittals.
(3) ICDs shall include evidence of coordination and agreement on content from both interface partners, Project
Co and RSSOM Project Co, in accordance with the obligations set out in Schedule 39 – Form of RSSOM
Interface Agreement.
I-203C (1) Project Co shall submit updated documentation of all ICDs previous submitted. Prepare and submit any new X
ICD, as required.
(2) Project Co shall include detailed specifications, requirements, and provisions required for construction,
installation, and Test & Commissioning.
(3) Project Co shall include deadlines and processes for all subsequent activities.
(4) ICDs shall include evidence of coordination and agreement on content for start of Construction from both
interface partners, Project Co and RSSOM Project Co, in accordance with the obligations set out in Schedule
39 – Form of RSSOM Interface Agreement.
Additional updates are required through the Construction Period, including updates and agreement from both
interface partners at:

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Item # Description of Infrastructure Data Integration

(a) Start of Installation Phase, including closure of interfaces that are validated during the installation
(b) Start of Testing and Commissioning Phase;
(c) Before start of Trial Runs, to close all interfaces validated by testing and commissioning processes;
(d) Before the start of Revenue service, to close all interfaces validated by O&M-related activities
completed during Trial Run.
I-204 Internal ICD (Internal to Project Co)
I-204A (1) Interface control documentation addressing the internal interface topics between disciplines.
(2) Project Co shall include detailed specifications, requirements, and provisions where available.
(3) Project Co shall include processes for providing all additional information and activities. For clarity, this
information is for process confirmation only. Contracting Authority will not be reviewing the Internal ICDs
for technical conformance, any conformance review would be completed as part of other Work Submittals.
Project Co include but not limited to the following interfaces:
(a) Tunnel and Guideway to Stations
(b) FLS to Tunnel
(c) FLS to Stations/Building
(d) Mechanical Systems to Architecture/Building
(e) Electrical Systems to Architectural/Building
(f) Station to Sub Surface; geotechnical, utilities
(g) Tunnel to Sub Surface; geotechnical, utilities
(h) Guideway to Drainage
(i) subsystems to subsystems
I-204B (1) Updated documentation of all ICDs. Prepare and submit any new ICD as required.
(1) Submissions shall include detailed specifications, requirements, and provisions required for the design.
(2) Agreement from both interface partners for Design stage.

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Item # Description of Infrastructure Data Integration

I-204C (1) Updated documentation of all ICDs. Prepare and submit any new ICD as required.
(2) Submissions shall include detailed specifications, requirements, and provisions required for the design.
(3) Agreement from both interface partners for start of Construction stage
(4) Closure of interfaces that are fully verifiable during only the design phase.
Additional updates are required through the Construction Period, including updates and sign-off from both
interface partners at:
(a) Start of Installation Phase, including closure of interfaces that are validated during the installation
(b) Start of Testing and Commissioning Phase;
I-205 External ICD (Project Co to Third Party)
I-205A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit Interface documentation addressing the Third Party interfaces, including
but not limited to:
• Early Works
o Exhibition Station to downtown tunnel portal west
o Don Yard Portal
• Preparatory Activities
(2) Submissions shall include detailed specifications, requirements, and provisions where available.
(3) Submissions shall include a schedule and processes for providing all additional information and activities

I-205B (1) Updated documentation of all ICDs, submissions shall include detailed specifications, requirements, and
provisions required for the design
I-205C (1) Updated documentation of all ICDs. Prepare and submit any new ICD as required.
(2) Submissions shall include detailed specifications, requirements, and provisions required for the design.

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Item # Advanced Works Submittal

A-201 Stations – Support of Excavation
To complete for any excavation including Support of Excavation (SOE), earthwork and placement of engineered fill,
ground improvement, building foundations, and retaining structures for a Station, Project Co shall prepare and submit at
least the following content, as applicable:
(1) Design Development Submittal of:
(a) Design of Civil Structures and Tunnels (S-107), Civil Structures (S-114), and Stations Structural (S-111); sufficient
information to inform how underground structures interface with the SOE, including for Station Caverns, Cut & Cover
(b) Architectural and Urban Design Quality (S-110), sufficient information to demonstrate the overall space requirements
for the Station in order to size the SOE, retaining structures, and foundations.
(c) TOC – Technical Interface Parameter Document (S-142); Where the Station is located adjacent to or beneath a TOC,
the submission shall include:
(i) Structural Interfaces including physical interface drawings, foundation arrangements, support of excavation
systems, below-ground construction methodology, structural and geotechnical loads, support stiffnesses,
movement, settlement and vibration of station at interface, connection details.
(ii) Sufficient information to demonstrate all other space requirements for TOC have been accounted for.
(d) Workplan for Additional Subsurface Investigation (S-123)

(2) Construction Submittal

Project Co shall submit any updates to the Design Development Submittal for item A-201(1) and will submit the following
for the Construction Document Submittals with respect to the SOE for the Station concerned:
(a) Design of Civil Structures and Tunnels (S-107), Civil Structures (S-114), and Stations Structural (S-111);
(b) Stations Structural (S-111) where permanent structure is part of the SOE or vice versa; and
(c) Geotechnical Design relevant to the elements of the Advanced Works (S-124 to S-131).

A-202 Tunnel Launch Sites

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit an Advanced Works Submittal for the Design Development Submittals stage in
accordance with Section 1.5 of the Output Specifications, including the following submission criteria:

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Item # Advanced Works Submittal

(a) Design of Civil Structures and Tunnels (S-107) sufficient information to inform how tunnels interface with the SOE for
the launch site;
(b) TBM Specification (S-117); and
(c) Workplan for Additional Subsurface Investigation (S-123).
(2) Project Co shall submit updates of the Design Development Submittals for the Construction Document Submittals stage.
(a) Geotechnical Data Report for Additional Subsurface Investigation (S-124)

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-001 Document Control and Security Protocol
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit the Document Control and Security Protocol in accordance with the
requirements set forth in the Project Agreement.
S-100 Quality Submittals
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit all submittals related to quality management, including Quality
Documentation and changes, additions or revisions thereto, in accordance with the requirements set out in
Schedule 11 – Quality Management.
(2) Project Co shall submit updates to all quality management submittals in accordance with the requirements set
out in Schedule 11 – Quality Management.
S-100A Quality Manual
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Quality Manual in accordance with Schedule 11 – Quality Management,
no later than thirty (30) calendar days following Financial Close.
S-100B Design Quality Management Plan
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Design Quality Management Plan in accordance with Schedule 11 –
Quality Management, no later than forty-five (45) calendar days following Financial Close.
S-100C Construction Quality Management Plan
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Construction Quality Management Plan in accordance with Schedule 11
– Quality Management, no later than ninety (90) calendar days following Financial Close.
S-100D Project Co Quality Audit Reports
Project Co shall prepare and submit a Project Co Quality Audit Program Plan in accordance with Schedule 11 – Quality
Management. Each submitted within five (5) Business Days following the applicable Closing Meeting.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-100E Monthly Quality Management System Reports
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit Monthly Quality Management System Reports in accordance with Schedule
11 – Quality Management within ten (10) Business Days of each month (in respect of the previous month).
S-100F Intentionally Left Blank
S-100G Project Schedules Management Plan
Project Co shall prepare and submit a Project Schedules Management Plan in accordance with Schedule 12 – Works
Schedule Requirements, no later than thirty (30) calendar days following Financial Close.
S-100H Quality Audit Program Plan
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Quality Audit Program Plan in accordance with Schedule 11 – Quality
Management, no later than thirty (30) calendar days following Financial Close.
(2) Project Co shall submit updates at quarterly intervals following Quality Audit Program Plan submittal.
S-100I Intentionally Left Blank
S-100J Intentionally Left Blank
S-101 System Engineering Submittals
S-101A System Engineering Management Plan
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) in accordance with Section
1.5 of the Output Specifications, no later than sixty (60) calendar days following Financial Close.
S-101B System Integration Management Plan
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a System Integration Management Plan (SIMP) in accordance with Section
1.5 of the Output Specifications.
S-101C Intentionally Left Blank
S-101D Requirements Management Plan

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Requirements Management Plan (RMP) in accordance with Section 1.5 of
the Output Specifications.
S-101E Requirements Management and V&V Status Report
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Requirements Management Status Report in accordance with the Output
Specifications, presenting the following:
(a) A monthly report providing a high-level summary of the status of Requirements Management and the
Verification and Validation Process
(b) Provide tables or graphics outlining the number of requirements being managed, and their status as applicable
and according Requirements Management Plan and Verification and Validation Plan
(c) Provide a table or graphic showing the number of requirements associated with different Verification and
Validation Methods, in accordance with the Verification and Validation Plan (e.g. design, testing and
commissioning, installation, etc.)
(d) Provide tables or graphics showing the progression of requirement management and V&V management over
the past twelve months
(e) Provide tables or graphics providing details of requirements management on subsystem-by-subsystem or
discipline-by-discipline basis
(f) Identify any planned activities, challenges, concerns, regarding requirements for the next month
(g) Provide an update of the planned activities, challenges, or concerns from the previous month
(h) Provide information on any non-compliances, engineering change requests, variations received Contracting
Authority, or other activities/events on the basis of how they impact Requirements Management activities.
S-101F Verification and Validation Plan
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Verification and Validation Plan in accordance with Section 1.5 of the Output
S-101G Configuration Management Plan
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Configuration Management Plan in accordance with Section 1.5 of the Output
S-101H Security Plan

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a security plan in accordance with Schedule 29 – Safety, System Assurance
and Security, no later than sixty (60) calendar days following Financial Close.
S-102 Pandemic and Epidemic Response and Mitigation Plan
(1) Project Co shall submit a Pandemic and Epidemic Response and Mitigation Plan in accordance with Section
11.34 (Pandemic and Epidemic Plans) of the Project Agreement, no later than ninety (90) calendar days
following Financial Close

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-103 Design Brief
(1) Project Co shall submit a design brief for the Design Development Submittals and Construction Document
(a) each design brief shall include a detailed table of contents with tabs provided for major sections (i.e. Systems,
architectural, Landscape, civil, utilities, interiors, structural, Trackwork, geotechnical, geo-environmental,
(b) each design brief shall include a written narrative and analysis that coincides with the completion
requirements defined in this Schedule 10.
(c) each design brief shall include a narrative on contract interface issues presenting the following:
(i) list of interface issue and classifications; and
(ii) analysis of critical issues.
S-104 Utility Infrastructure

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-104A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Utility Infrastructure submission for the Design Development Submittals
stage in accordance with the Output Specifications including (where appropriate the following information may
be provided in the design brief):
(a) utilities reports and drawings, to a scale of 1:250 with clearly defined match lines, including:
(i) a preliminary Utility Infrastructure Relocation Plan, including all requirements of Section of
the Output Specifications;
(ii) a workplan and schedule that addresses all elements and work set out in the Utility Infrastructure
Relocation Plan, including:
(A) durations and timelines for each utility relocation and or other strategies, by location;
(B) identifying dependencies and conflicts with the applicable Project Works Schedule;
(iii) a combined written Traffic and Transit Management Plan and schedule including traffic management
and construction staging by location for each piece of Utility Work in the Utility Infrastructure
Relocation Plan, from Utility Work start to finish;
(iv) preliminary composite Utilities drawings and specifications for existing and proposed Public Utilities
Infrastructure, including plan drawings, profile drawings and key sections for each location,
including permanent and temporary Public Utility Work that address the recommendations in the
Utilities Infrastructure Relocation Plan; and
(v) preliminary individual Utilities design drawings and specifications by Utility Company including
plan drawings, profile drawings and key sections for each Utility based on the preliminary composite
Utilities drawings and specifications noted above and that address the recommendations in the
Utilities Infrastructure Relocation Plan.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-104B (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Utility Infrastructure submission for the Construction Document
Submittals stage in accordance with the Output Specifications including:
(a) Updates to all utilities submissions as part of the preliminary Design Development Submittals, including
(i) Update to all utility reports and drawings, to a scale of 1:250 with clearly defined match lines,
(C) final composite drawings and specifications, including plan drawings, profile drawings and
key sections for each location, including permanent and temporary Public Utility Work that
address the recommendations in the Utilities Infrastructure Relocation Plan;
(D) documentation of all communications, coordination and submissions as required to fulfil the
approaches described in the Utility Infrastructure Relocation Plan; and
(E) final individual Utilities design drawings and specifications by Utility Company including
plan drawings, profile drawings and key sections for each Utility based on the final design
composite drawings and specifications noted above and that address the recommendations in
the Utilities Infrastructure Relocation Plan.
S-105 Traffic and Transit Management Plan
S-105A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Traffic and Transit Management Plan (TTMP) for the Design Development
Submittals stage in accordance with the requirements outlined in Section 3.2.8 of the Output Specifications,
(b) all associated subplans; and
(c) preliminary PHM-125 drawings for signal design.
S-105B (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Traffic and Transit Management Plan (TTMP) for the Design Development
Submittals stage in accordance with the requirements outlined in Section 3.2.8 of the Output Specifications,
(a) all associated subplans; and
(b) final PHM-125 drawings for signal design.
S-106 Traffic Control Plans and associated Sub-plans

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(1) Project Co shall provide site specific Traffic Control Plans in accordance with the requirements outlined in
Section 3.2.8 of the Output Specifications, including,
(a) all associated subplans; and
(b) Temporary Traffic Signal Design Layout drawings and associated PHM-125 drawings.
S-107 Design of Civil Structures and Tunnels
S-107A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit preliminary design reports for the Design Development Submittals stage in
accordance with the Output Specifications, which include design narratives, assumptions, calculations, and other
relevant information for all structures.
(2) Project Co shall prepare and submit design drawings for the Design Development Submittals stage for
Temporary Structures and Permanent Structures as identified in the Output Specifications, including:
(a) Site plan with project limits;
(b) Plan and profile of guideway and tunnel alignments;
(c) Cross section for all geometries;
(d) Combined services sections;
(e) Space and clearances for systems and equipment;
(f) Support of Excavation for all Shafts and tunnel portals;
(g) Permanent Structures for cut and cover boxes, portals, headwalls, and u-walls;
(h) Caverns and appurtenant structures;
(i) Waterproofing and drainage details;
(j) Emergency exit buildings, connecting access and ventilation tunnels, and all other part of the Works;
(k) Initial support and Final Linings of all underground structures;
(l) Drainage paths and sumps;
(m) Reinforcement layouts and details;
(n) Structural connections and seismic joints;
(o) Instrumentation and monitoring details;

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(i) Convergence and surface settlement measurement and PZOI contours;
(ii) Instrument monitoring frequency and outputs including alert and action levels;
(iii) Groundwater inflow measurements;
(p) Utility Infrastructure; and
(q) Structural drawings of ancillary buildings and any other structures as part of the Works.

S-107B (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit final structural design reports for the Construction Document Submittal in
accordance with the Output Specifications including:
(a) Design narratives, assumptions, and other relevant information for all structures.
(b) Calculations:
(i) detailed calculations for all structures; and
(ii) independent design check calculations;
(c) For Project Co Infrastructure that requires check category 3 Independent Check in accordance with the
requirements in Section of the Output Specifications, Project Co shall prepare and submit an
independent design check report containing a thorough and complete check from first principles
including, at minimum:
(i) independent analysis of the structure using the geometry as shown in the plans;
(ii) identification of the critical load path and design of elements on that load path whose failure may
imperil the safety of the structure; and
(iii) check for conformance with the relevant design requirements.
(2) Project Co shall prepare and submit final structural design drawings and specifications for the Construction
Document Submittals stage for Temporary Structures and Permanent Structures as identified in the Output
Specifications, including:
(a) Drawings and documents updated to the Construction Document Submittal:
(b) structural drawings of SOE for launch, extraction and maintenance Shafts;
(c) structural drawings of permanent structures for concrete boxes, portals, headwalls, and u-wall structures;
(d) structural drawings of tunnels and caverns; waterproofing and drainage drawings and information;

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(e) structural drawings of ancillary buildings and any other structures as part of the Works;
(f) construction specifications including;
a. cut and cover Support of Excavation-guide walls, secant piles, slurry walls, mud slabs, base slabs,
walers, struts, tieback, anchors, ground improvement, groundwater inflow control, instrumentation
and monitoring;
b. SEM Mined Structures: Initial Support, waterproof membrane, Final Lining, reinforcement, shotcrete
test panels, shotcrete and concrete mix components, construction tolerances, 3D total station surveys,
instrument layouts, convergence monitoring; and
c. TBM Bored Structures: precast concrete segments, ring layouts, reinforcement, bolts and dowels,
guide rods segment taper, segment transport and stacking, circumferential and radial joints,
component fixtures, gasket water-tightness and compressibility, gasket protection, segment
fabrication and installation tolerances, annulus grouting, TBM manufacturer general arrangement

S-108 Temporary Power and Electrical Systems

S-108A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit:
(a) a preliminary temporary power supply and distribution systems design for the Design Development
Submittal in accordance with the Output Specifications; and
(b) a preliminary electrical system design report for the Design Development Submittal in accordance with
the Output Specifications.
S-108B (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Construction Document Submittal.
S-109 Temporary Mechanical Systems

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-109A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit:
(a) a preliminary mechanical design basis for the Design Development Submittal in accordance with the
Output Specifications.
(b) a mechanical system drawings schematics for:
(i) ventilation of Tunnel;
(ii) drainage of Tunnel and Shafts; and
(iii) water supply for Tunnel; and
(iv) a draft Tunnel Safety Plan and a Fire Safety Plan in accordance with the Output Specifications.
S-109B (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit:
(a) a final mechanical design basis for the Construction Document Submittals stage in accordance with the
Output Specifications;
(b) final mechanical system drawings and specifications for:
(i) ventilation of Tunnel;
(ii) drainage of Tunnel and Shafts; and
(iii) water supply for Tunnel; and
(iv) a final Tunnel Safety Plan and a Fire Safety Plan in accordance with the Output Specifications.
S-110 Architectural and Urban Design Quality

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-110A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Station design report for each station which includes the following
(a) description of the overall facility design, addressing both functional and technical requirements
(i) a 500-word statement of the design concept;
(ii) a detailed written, illustrated and annotated statement outlining the design approach and strategies for
achieving the principles and requirements of the Appendix E – Ontario Line Design Guide;
(iii) a demonstration of how systemwide elements will be applied to all Facilities;
(iv) exterior perspective renderings of each Facility, illustrated in three dimensions, clearly indicating
materiality with annotation of material codes consistent with the Appendix E – Ontario Line Design
Guide, building massing and shown in context (articulate all integrated finishes, amenities and
elements including, furniture, signage and wayfinding, landscape and station identity);
(v) interior perspective renderings of the main entrance, vertical circulation spaces, concourse and
platform illustrated in three dimensions, clearly indicating materiality and lighting strategy (articulate
all integrated finishes, amenities and elements including, furniture, signage and wayfinding, station
identity, advertising and fare equipment integration);
(vi) description and illustration of how colour/pattern is systematically applied across the line;
(vii) an eye-level video walk-through illustrating a typical customer’s experience both entraining
and detraining, from the site approach to the entrance to boarding the OL Train (articulate all integrated

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finishes, amenities and elements including, furniture, signage and wayfinding, landscape, station
identity, advertising and fare equipment integration);
(b) an Accessibility Compliance Report;
(c) sustainability;
(d) material performance;
(e) life cycle approach to all building components, systems and major pieces of equipment including:
(i) building envelope and exterior finishes;
(ii) interior finishes; and
(iii) mechanical and electrical equipment;
(f) code analysis addressing both building and fire/life safety issues;
(g) passenger flow modelling and study, including integrated stations with TTC and GO Transit
(i) software modeling program;
(h) room data sheets and room schedules;
(i) retail tenant guidelines;
(j) general urban design and landscaping description including reference to:
(i) overall urban design and landscaping approach for the Ontario Line corridor;
(ii) urban design and landscaping approach on a station specific basis;
(iii) functional and technical requirements of the Output Specifications; and
(2) Drawings: Project Co shall submit updated concept plans, drawings, materials and specs for the Design
Development Submittal to illustrate their design compliance with the station specific requirements, space data
sheets, the Output Specifications and Schedule 17 requirements, including:
(a) context plan (scale: 1:1000)
(b) floor plans (scale: 1:200), showing all rooms/areas numbered;
(c) reflected ceiling plans
(d) roof plans
(e) exterior building elevations
(f) interior building elevations
(g) building sections

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(h) typical details including doors, windows, interior glazing, exterior wall assembly, integration of
structural, mechanical, electrical
(i) entrance connections to existing buildings / stations, where applicable
(j) perspectives – minimum of six images
(k) Fit and Finish details and samples
(l) List of Construction Specifications
(m) a CIBSE AM 10 compliant Dynamic Thermal Model, demonstrating that each Station maintains the
specified comfort criteria.
(n) Elevator traffic analysis report
(o) Elevator and Escalator drawings and submittals shall be provided in accordance with the following, as a
(i) General layout arrangements;
(ii) Details of areas where the work joins the work of other trades;
(p) Machine room and control room layouts showing the location of the equipment;
(q) Escalator layouts drawings including the truss and pits and supporting details;
(r) Elevator hoistway layouts drawings including the overhead, pit, car, frame and Entrances details;
(s) Elevator cab details including the cab shell, Platform, interior panels, ceiling, Entrance, lighting and
finishes, lanterns and position indicators;
(t) Details of control panels such as hall stations, car stations, central control consoles or fire control panels
showing the layout and detailing the design of switches and indicator lights;
(u) Details of any display devices complete with examples of proposed displays, symbols and layout; and
(v) Details of frames, doors, sills and supports, lanterns and gongs, including views showing the
relationship of hall stations, lanterns and Entrances on the general arrangement or separately.
S-110B All documents as presented in the Design Development Submittals updated for the Construction Document X
Submittals stage, as well as:
(1) Detailed design drawings for each station including:

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(a)context plan (scale: 1:1000);
(b)floor plans (scale 1:200), showing all rooms/areas numbered;
(c)reflected ceiling plans (scale 1:200);
(d)roof plans (scale 1:100) and details to-scale;
(e)doors, windows, sidelights and interior glazing and details (scale 1:20);
(f)all FF&E, including all room accessories, fare collection equipment lay-outs, Designated Waiting
Areas, and all furniture;
(g) integration of structural, mechanical, electrical, and information / communications systems into
columns, service shafts, risers, etc. integration of structural, mechanical, electrical, and information
and communications technology systems in terms of columns, service shafts, risers, etc. to
demonstrate functional and net area requirements are compliant;
(h) entrance connection(s) to existing buildings and strategies for the protection of connections to future
(i) exterior building elevations (scale 1:200):
(i) all building elevations including all hidden or partial elevations with a legend describing the
extent of all glazing and cladding materials; and
(ii) overall urban design and landscaping approach;
(j) exterior building elevations (scale 1:200):
(k) exterior wall assembly details (scale 1:10), as required to demonstrate components of exterior
(l) perspectives – minimum of 6 exterior perspectives in full colour describing the developed exterior
with context:
(m) exterior perspective day and night views at eye level showing each Entrance (as applicable);
(n) exterior perspective day and night views from bird’s eye view showing the total extent of the
Facility; and
(o) exterior perspective day and night views showing total extent of the Facility from street;
(p) perspectives – minimum of interior perspectives per Station, in full colour:
(2) interior perspective view taken at eye level of the platform level; and
(3) interior perspective of each Entrance interior (as applicable);

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(a) interior elevations (scale 1:50) of all Public Areas of all Stations indicating finishes and all amenities
and elements; and
(b) details of FF&E, materials and finishes:
(4) sample boards of all exterior and interior finish materials; and
(5) stairs, escalator, and elevators, benches, waste receptacles, bike racks, ornamental features, lighting and all
other security, electrical and mechanical items;
(6) a CIBSE AM 10 compliant Dynamic Thermal Model, demonstrating that each Station maintains the specified
comfort criteria.
(7) Construction Specifications, including details on the following:
(a) interior finish schedules;
(b) door, frame, room and hardware schedules;
(c) windows and glazing schedule;
(d) lighting fixture schedules;
(e) exterior wall sections and cladding details;
(f) stair plans, sections and details;
(g) washroom plans and details;
(h) hardware details; and
(i) spaces, including Room Data Sheets.
S-111 Stations – Structural
S-111A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit structural design brief for each Station which includes the following:
(a) description of the structural systems addressing the technical requirements in Output Specifications
(b) design standards
(c) material properties for design
(d) design loads (dead load, live load, soil, wind load, seismic load and other design loads)
(e) for Exhibition Station only, provide technical report utilising wind tunnel analysis to address
(i) pedestrian wind comfort in Public Areas;
(ii) wind on primary structural elements and secondary cladding elements;
(iii) wind induced noise; and

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(iv) snow on roof and Public Areas including sliding snow, accumulable snow and ice, and wind
driven snow and rain
(f) Third Party design loads (CP Rail, CN Rail, TTC, and GO Transit, as applicable)
(g) serviceability (deflection limits, lateral drifts and vibration effects)
(h) durability report
(i) building expansion joints
(2) Project Co shall prepare and submit structural design drawings for each Station for the Design Development
Submittals stage for each Station which includes:
(a) structural floor plans (prepared at 1:200 scale) of every level and roof(s) showing;
i. Foundation plan showing preliminary locations, sizes and elevations
ii. Structural system and framing layout
(b) general and design notes;
(c) typical concrete reinforcing cross sections; (scale 1:20);
(d) typical structural steel details; (scale 1:10);
(e) typical connection details; and (scale 1:10); and
(f) structural specifications.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-111B (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit documents as presented in the Design Development Submittal stage
updated for the Construction Document Submittals stage which includes:
(a) finalized general and design notes
(b) finalized typical details
(c) finalized summary of structural loads
(d) finalized foundation plans and details (scale 1:200)
(e) finalized structural framing plans on all levels including roof(s) (scale 1:200)
(f) finalized concrete reinforcing section details on foundation and on all floor levels including roof(s)
(scale 1:20)
(g) finalized structural steel details (scale 1:10)
(h) column schedule (includes size, reinforcement and design loads)
(i) shear wall schedule (includes size and reinforcement)
(j) reinforcement plans on all levels (scale 1:200)
(k) structural elevations (scale 1:50)
(l) detailed design calculations ;
(m) construction staging and temporary work, where required; and
(n) structural specifications.
S-112 Stations and Facilities – Mechanical
S-112A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a preliminary design brief which includes:
(a) drawings;
(b) system schematics;
(c) schedules for major equipment selections and power requirement (coordinated with electrical);
(d) layout of mechanical rooms to confirm special requirements and incoming and outgoing services;
(e) main ductwork (double lined ductwork drawings) and piping routes with required intakes, shafts,
wall openings and fire separation penetrations;
(f) individual system control logic and schematics;
(g) materials to indicate compliance to energy efficient design;
(h) schedule of rooms with applied HVAC design criteria; and
(i) list of construction specifications.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-112B (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit documents updated for the Construction Document Submittal, as well as: X
(a) calculations;
(b) finals detailed design drawings; and
(c) construction specifications.
S-113 Stations and Facilities – Electrical
S-113A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a preliminary design brief which includes:
(a) drawings;
(b) power single line diagrams and drawings;
(c) schedules for all normal and emergency loads;
(d) power requirements for all building systems and equipment;
(e) plans, sections and/or details showing locations, elevations and clearance space requirements for all
electrical equipment and panels;
(f) lighting design with layout plans, typical details, and selection of lighting equipment
(g) noise and vibration control design criteria and preliminary measures; and
(h) riser diagrams and details of other electrical systems including lighting control, lightning protection,
grounding, motor control, corrosion control, snow melting (if any electric), fire detection and alarm
Calculations and Studies
(a) Short-circuit analysis;
(b) Arc-flash analysis;
(c) Protective device coordination study;
(d) Power Quality and Harmonic analysis;
(e) Load flow analysis including voltage drop and motor starting study,
(f) Lighting analysis, including calculations and heat maps for each area (Lighting Calculation Summary),
(g) Lightning protection study, including calculations, and
(h) List of Construction Specifications.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-113B (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit documents as presented in the Design Development Submittal for the
Construction Document Submittals stage, as well as:
(a) calculations;
(b) finals detailed design drawings; and
(c) construction specifications.
S-114 Civil Structures – Bridges, Retaining Walls, Box Culverts

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S-114A Project Co shall prepare and submit a design brief for the Design Development Submittal stage which includes:
(a) List design assumptions;
(b) Interpretation of design criteria;
(c) Load and material information;
(d) Analysis methods and design philosophy;
(e) Approach to interfaces;
(f) Structural Drawings;
(g) Site Plan (showing existing conditions);
(h) General Notes
Loading Information;
Material Information;
(i) General Arrangement Drawing(s) (final configuration), including plan, profile, and typical sections(s)
Vertical and horizontal clearances to roadways, railways, sidewalks and paths
Vertical and / or horizontal clearances to critical utilities and properties.
Cross section dimensions, non-structural elements (trackwork, railings/curbs, walkways, systems
components, vehicle clearance envelope), relevant dimensions of structural and non-structural elements,
relevant clearances from non-structural elements to track centerline
Locations where support of excavation is required.
(j) Foundation Layout with existing and proposed utilities
(k) Substructure Details
Abutment and pier concrete outlines
(l) Superstructure Details
Girder layout and typical sections drawings
(m) Drainage Details (conceptual)
(n) Construction sequence / temporary works schematics
(o) Retaining Walls: Wall plan and profile sheets, typical section(s); Architectural treatments (conceptual)
(p) List of Construction Specifications

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-114B Project Co shall prepare and submit documents as presented in the Design Development Submittal updated for the
Construction Document Submittals stage, as well as:
(a) Detailed design drawings including:
(i) Title sheet
(ii) Index of drawings
(iii) Geotechnical borehole log and data
(iv) Foundation details
(v) Substructure details with all reinforcement
(vi) Support of excavation details (if required)
(vii) Superstructure details with all reinforcement, post-tensioning
(viii) Bearing layout and details
(ix) Expansion device details
(x) Deck details / typical cross section(s) with reinforcement
(xi) Approach slab layouts and details, if applicable
(xii) Barrier walls, walkways, pole bases, track fixation and other details required for the
completion of the work
(xiii) Utility conduit details
(xiv) Aesthetic treatments and architectural details
(xv) Retaining walls: all wall details with reinforcement
(b) Calculations
(i) detailed calculations for all structural components and structural systems
(ii) independent design check calculations for elevated guideways and retaining walls
(c) Construction Specifications
S-115 Tunnel Lining Durability Report
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Tunnel Lining Durability Report, including the following:
(a) Durability assessment of each structural element in Underground Structures;
(b) Design Life analysis such as that set forth in ACI 365 Service Life Prediction;
(c) Demonstration that Design Life will be achieved in ground and groundwater conditions;
(d) Assessment of lining material life and potential deterioration mechanisms;

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(e) Assessment of gasket and membrane water tightness and fire resistance;
(f) Description of concrete and shotcrete components, admixtures and reinforcement;
(g) Structural steel minimum concrete cover and protection from direct fire exposure;
(h) Verification that a fire event does not cause failure, lining collapse or unstable condition;
(i) Spalling reduction measures such as mono-filament polypropylene micro fibers;
(j) Demonstration of 2 hour minimum Final Lining fire resistance durability;
(k) Requirements for pre-construction shotcrete field test panels for testing (vertical and overhead positions); and
(l) Requirements for shotcrete equipment, workmanship and material quality in underground conditions.

S-116 InSAR Survey Reports

Project Co shall prepare and submit an Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Survey Reports including
the following:
(a) coverage of project area within 100 m horizontal distance of Guideway alignment
(b) commercially available InSAR data obtained from satellites
(c) vertical movement measurements to ± 3 mm accuracy
(d) 1 m by 1 m ground pixel resolution or better
(e) executive summary (1 page), color images and vertical settlement contour plots
(f) analysis by a satellite interferometry specialist firm
(g) processing using multi-image processing algorithms
(h) coverage start at least 3 months before start of Underground Structures construction
S-117 TBM Specification
S-117A (1) If a TBM is used, Project Co shall prepare and submit a TBM Specification for Design Development with the
(a) TBM status new or rebuilt (remanufactured or refurbished);
(b) Manufacturer and TBM type (earth pressure balance, mixed shield, slurry);
(c) Compliance with Ontario Occupational Health & Safety Act;
(d) Cutterhead design and cutting tools;

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(e) Main drive and face support systems;
(f) Ground conditioning, shields and seals systems;
(g) Propulsion and steering systems;
(h) Precast concrete segmental lining erection system;
(i) Tail void, secondary and tertiary grouting systems;
(j) Muck transport system from TBM cutter head to surface;
(k) Weight metering system for excavated material;
(l) Guidance and data acquisition systems;
(m) Ventilation and groundwater systems;
(n) Probe hole drilling system;
(o) Plants, haulage, spare parts;
(p) any items determined necessary by Project Co; and
(q) TBM general arrangement drawings (plans, cross sections, long section) from manufacturer showing cutters,
cutter head, conditioning, thrust, articulation, guidance, steering, drive, airlock, mucking, drainage, main
bearing, tail seals, grouting, gas monitoring, ventilation, fire suppression, schematic electrical, segment
erector and muck transport.
S-117B (1) All documents as presented in the Design Development updated for Construction Document Submittal.
S-118 Underground Structures Construction Plan
S-118A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit an Underground Structures Construction Plan for Design Development with
the following:
(a) Organization chart, personnel qualifications and chain of responsibility;
(b) Compliance with Ontario Occupational Health & Safety Act;
(c) Construction schedule with critical path, float and third party interfaces;
(d) Traffic management and road closures;
(e) Plan drawings of work areas to support underground construction;
(f) Excavated material transport underground, on surface and to disposal facilities;
(g) Locations and hours of operation of disposal facilities for excavated material;
(h) Environmental permits required to comply with all relevant legislation;

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(i) Measures to maintain structural integrity of Utility Infrastructure and Third Party Facilities;
(j) Corrective actions at surface settlement and groundwater instrument response levels;
(k) Emergency procedures for a fire event or other emergency underground; and
(l) Communications, lighting and ventilation to facilitate safe egress in emergencies.
S-118B (1) All documents as presented in the Design Development updated for Construction Document Submittal.
S-119 TBM Tunnel Construction Plan
S-119A (1) If a TBM is used, Project Co shall prepare and submit a TBM Tunnel Construction Plan for Design Development
with the following:
(a) TBM mobilization to site, setup, assembly, launch, receiving and disassembly;
(b) TBM proving trials at manufacturer's facility and on site after TBM launch;
(c) Tunnelling methodology with planned maintenance and emergency stops;
(d) Precast concrete segment manufacture requirements including tracking, installation and annulus grouting;
(e) Quality control procedures for tolerances, segment damage and lining repairs;
(f) Weight and volume metering of excavated material;
(g) Transport to surface and disposal of excavated material;
(h) Volume and pressure monitoring of tail void, secondary and tertiary grouting;
(i) Ground conditioning, guidance, line and grade surveys;
(j) Monitoring of volume loss at face, convergence, surface settlement and water inflow;
(k) Monitoring of ventilation, airflow, air quality, noxious gas, noise and vibration;
(l) Hot works performed in hyperbaric conditions if applicable;
(m) Power supply, water supply, water treatment and discharge;
(n) TBM and backup equipment maintenance; and
(o) Contingency plans for lining cracks, annulus grouting deficiency, obstruction removal, excessive ground loss,
excessive ground water inflow, equipment break-down, deviations from design line and grade, power loss,
fire, flooding, and deleterious gas accumulation.
S-119B (2) All documents as presented in the Design Development updated for Construction Document Submittal.
S-120 TBM Tunnel As-Built Drawings

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(1) If a TBM is used, Project Co shall prepare and submit the TBM Tunnel As-Built Drawings with the following:
(a) Convergence, settlement and groundwater inflow measurements;
(b) 3D total station survey of all TBM Mined Structures;
(c) As-built records and color photographs of segmental precast concrete lining;
(d) QC records and strength measurements of precast lining concrete and grout samples;
(e) Repairs of damage and defects to lining and gaskets;
(f) Measurement of post-construction groundwater flow; and
(g) Proof of water tightness conformance with the Output Specifications.
S-121 SEM Cavern and SEM Tunnel Construction Plan
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a SEM Cavern and SEM Tunnel Construction Plan for Design Development
with the following:
(a) Geological mapping of ground conditions encountered in SEM Mined Structures;
(b) Daily review procedures to evaluate ground performance during construction;
(c) Initial Support appropriate to the encountered ground conditions;
(d) Probing to check ground conditions ahead of the excavation face;
(e) Measurement of advance rate and lining quality (profile, thickness, strength);
(f) Measurement of convergence, settlement, water inflow, face loss and over-break;
(g) Measurement of air quality, noxious gas, ventilation airflow, noise and vibration;
(h) Ground movement adversely impacting lining structural integrity;
(i) Repair of damage and defects to lining and waterproof membrane;
(j) Safety tool box measures, guidelines and PPE quantities on site;
(k) 3D total station survey of all SEM Mined Structures; and
(l) Actions required by owners of Utility Infrastructure.
(m) Contingency plans for, but not limited to, excessive ground loss, excessive ground water inflow, Excavation
face or excavation perimeter instability, equipment break-down, deviations from design line and grade,
power loss, fire, flooding, deleterious gas accumulation, removal of obstructions, excessive cracking and
lining deformation.
(1) All documents as presented in the Design Development updated for Construction Document Submittal.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-122 SEM Cavern and SEM Tunnel As-Built Drawings
(1) Project Co shall prepare and the SEM Cavern and SEM Tunnel As-Built Drawings with the following:
(a) Geological maps for each round of excavation of excavation face, wall and roof;
(b) Convergence, settlement and groundwater inflow measurements;
(c) 3D total station survey of all SEM Mined Structures;
(d) As-built records of Initial Support, waterproof membrane and Final Lining;
(e) Color photographs of Initial Support, waterproof membrane and Final Lining;
(f) Strength measurements of shotcrete and concrete core samples;
(g) Waterproof membrane manufacturer certification to meet Design Life;
(h) Repairs of damage and defects to lining and waterproof membrane;
(i) Measurement of post-construction groundwater flow; and
(j) Proof of water tightness conformance with the Output Specifications.
(k) Contingency plans for excessive ground loss, excessive ground water inflow, Excavation face or excavation
perimeter instability, equipment break-down, deviations from design line and grade, power loss, fire,
flooding, deleterious gas accumulation, and removal of obstructions.
S-123 Workplan for Additional Subsurface Investigation
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a workplan for each Works Submittal or Advanced Works Submittal 30
calendar days prior to start of the additional subsurface investigation.
(2) The workplan shall be prepared in accordance with Section 3.1.10 of the Output Specifications, including the
following, as a minimum:
(a) number, location, and depth of the planned boreholes;
(b) number, location, and depth of the planned in-situ tests (e.g., CPTu, PMT);
(c) planned methodology for drilling of the boreholes and execution of other elements of filed work (e.g.,
in-situ tests);
(d) details of the planned laboratory tests;
(e) details of the planned geophysical survey;

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(f) a description of the plan and timeline to execute the additional geotechnical investigation;
(g) site plans showing the location of the planned investigation such as boreholes, in-situ test, geophysical
surveys, etc.; and
(h) site access and permit requirements.
S-124 Geotechnical Data Report (GDR) for the Additional Subsurface Investigation
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit GDR for each Works Submittal or Advanced Works Submittal 30 calendar
days prior to the Construction Document Submittal.
(2) Factual data report providing all the results of the Additional Subsurface Investigation, including but not limited
(a) an executive summary;
(b) a description of purpose and scope of the report;
(c) all results and factual data collected:
(d) borehole logs, including details of the installed piezometers and monitoring wells;
(e) laboratory test results;
(f) in-situ test results;
(g) as-built survey locations of all the boreholes, test pits, probes, and other in-situ tests; and
(h) a description of site conditions, geology, inferred subsurface stratigraphy and groundwater levels.
S-125 Ground Improvement Design Report
(1) Project Co shall submit a Ground Improvement Design Report for each Works Submittal or Advanced Works
Submittal describing all aspect of a proposed ground improvement work including:

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(a) objective of the ground improvement;
(b) ground improvement type and methodology;
(c) anticipated post-improvement properties;
(d) field verification to confirm the effectiveness of the ground improvement;
(e) workplan for the implementation; and
(f) examples of the successful use of the method for the anticipated objective by the contractor.
S-126 Geotechnical Design Report
S-126A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a preliminary Geotechnical Design Report for each Works Submittal or
Advanced Works Submittal in accordance with Section 3.1.10 of the Output Specifications, including the
following, as a minimum:
(a) an executive summary;
(b) a description of the purpose and the scope of the report;
(c) a description that demonstrates how Project Co’s design conforms to the geo-engineering requirements of
the Output Specifications;
(d) an outline of design codes, criteria, parameters and philosophies applied in the report;
(e) assessment and interpretation of inferred subsurface geotechnical and hydrogeological conditions and
geotechnical/hydrogeological design parameters applicable to each component of the Works. Basis for
selection of the design parameters and groundwater. Interpreted stratigraphic profiles;
(f) methodologies, references and descriptions of all computer models used;
(g) discussion of the geotechnical/hydrogeological design and construction issues, and the
geotechnical/hydrogeological approach to developing the Project Site and the facilities to meet
performance requirements;
(h) results of all geotechnical and hydrogeological analysis and recommendations in support of the design and
the construction. At a minimum, Project Co shall address the following:
(i) the site preparation and proposed treatment to achieve design grades and total and differential
settlement tolerances within the Works;
(ii) uplift and buoyancy;
(iii) frost protection;

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(iv) Site seismic classification and seismic response study. The seismic performance and design
(v) Ground-structure interaction analyses and applied earth pressures. Assessment of TDD Swelling of
the bedrock and associated pressures included in the design;
(vi) the foundation design for each component including vertical and lateral load capacity;
geotechnical resistances of shallow and deep foundations; settlement predictions during the design
life of the applicable facility;
(vii) consideration of differential settlement within and along structures and the guideway
between various components; and
(viii) recommendations for mitigative measures, where required, to ensure satisfactory
performance throughout the design life of the applicable facility;
(i) the recommendations for quality management testing of all geotechnical aspects of the Project Works, such
as static and dynamic pile testing, and for quality management testing of any other ground support or
improvement systems;
(j) the geotechnical design of embankments and retaining structures, including stability, geotechnical
resistances, settlements during construction and during the design life of each of the components,
consideration of long-term settlements and methods to mitigate any such settlements;
(k) Slope stability and assessment of the stable top of slope limits, including erosion setback;
(l) the subsurface and site drainage requirements;
(m) the design and installation of any underground facilities;
(n) the recommendations for all fill material specifications and placement; and
(o) the recommendations on all geotechnical aspects of the construction, including temporary excavation and
shoring design, tieback/anchor design, staged excavation and fill placement, and dewatering;
(p) hydrogeological impact assessment and associated risk assessment including anticipated groundwater
control strategy, analysis for anticipated inflow and drawdown, anticipated impact (e.g., settlement and
migration of contamination) and mitigation measures.
(q) recommendations for any additional geotechnical investigation, testing, or analysis required to address any
insufficiency in the information and data regarding the Project Site available to Project Co; and
(r) drawings showing the proposed geotechnical designs;
(s) Details of any proprietary geoengineering systems; and
(t) Design for vapour barriers, sub-slab depressurization, and venting system.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-126B (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a final Geotechnical Design Report for the Construction Document
Submittals stage. The final submission shall include and use the complete results of the additional subsurface
S-127 Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring Plan
S-127A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a GIMP design report for each Works Submittal or Advanced Works
Submittal containing all of the following 30 calendar days before commencement of the instrument installation
in accordance with the Output Specifications:
(a) requirement of Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring Plan (GIMP) as defined in Section
of the Output Specifications;
(b) pre-construction condition surveys;
(c) a response action plan; and
(d) a specific instrumentation and monitoring details for protecting Existing Adjacent Structures (EAS) as
defined in Section 3.1.10 of the Output Specifications.
(e) drawings showing the proposed location of each instruments;
(f) number of each type of instruments;
(g) noise and vibration control plan;
(h) monitoring frequencies and durations;
(i) instrument decommissioning schedule; and
(j) data acquisition, receiving, transmitting, collecting, and visualization system;
(k) data management protocol details; and
(l) automatic notification shall be issued by the data management protocol if any trigger level is reached.
S-127B (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a GIMP as-built containing all of the following for the Construction
Document Submittal in accordance with the Output Specifications:
(a) a Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring Plan;
(b) technical specifications and details for data management protocol;
(c) list of instruments and general details, as a minimum:
(i) instrument number
(ii) type

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(iii) coordinate of instrument
(iv) nearest or relevant address
(v) closet chainage
(vi) installation date
(vii) climate condition
(viii) a photograph of each instrument
(d) installation details and instrument information such as dimensions, type, drilled depth, ground
stratigraphic and installation depth;
(e) calibration document, where applicable (e.g. VPZ);
(f) data retrieval method for each type of instrument;
(g) specification documents for each type of instruments installed;
(h) baseline dates and baseline reading;
(i) site plan showing the location of all instruments;
(i) one site plan for all the instruments
(ii) one site plan for each type of instrument
A digital format of the above information (e.g. spreadsheets, CADD drawings) shall be included.
If new instruments are installed after issuance of this report, a new version of the report shall be submitted.
S-128 Construction Impact Assessment Report
S-128A Project Co shall prepare and submit an Existing Adjacent Structures verification study in accordance with Section of the Output Specifications, a minimum of 100 calendar days before start of the construction for each
portion of the Works.
S-128B Project Co shall prepare and submit a Level-1 Construction Impact Assessment Report (CIAR) and Impact
Mitigation Plan for each Works Submittal or Advanced Works Submittal in accordance with Section of the
Output Specifications, a minimum of 90 calendar days before start of the construction for each portion of the Works.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-128C Project Co shall prepare and submit a Level-2 and Level-3 Construction Impact Assessment Report (CIAR) in
accordance with Section of the Output Specifications, a minimum of 30 calendar days before start of the
construction for each portion of the Works.
S-129 GIMP Monthly Reports
Project Co shall provide comprehensive reports in PDF format on a monthly basis during construction and every two
(2) months after completion of construction until no additional movement is recorded for a minimum of three (3)
months after completion of all the Construction Activities which could potentially affect the instruments. Reports
will include the following:
(a) list of instruments indicating:
(i) instrument number
(ii) instrument type
(iii) installation and baseline dates
(iv) review and alert levels
(v) latest reading and date
(vi) whether review and alert levels have been exceeded
(b) drawing showing instruments location
(c) list of construction activities and those carried out since the last monthly report issued, including, but not
limited to; approximate depth of excavation in all different areas, work fronts and specific activities
(d) schematic drawing showing the construction activities in the list above
(e) record of any cracks or damage to any Existing Adjacent Structures (EAS) as defined in Section 3.1.10 of the
Output Specifications.
(f) graphs of instruments readings. All graphs shall be type scatter with markers and lines. All graphs shall be in
SI units and include lines to represent trigger levels
(g) list of instruments where Review and Alert Levels are reached.
(h) description and conclusions when a response action plan has been triggered and implementation of a
mitigation measure has been necessary.
(i) If a during-construction condition survey is required, in accordance with Section of the Output
Specifications, the associated report shall be attached to the GIMP Monthly Reports.
A digital format of the above information shall also be submitted in conjunction with the PDF report.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-130 Post Construction Geotechnical Submittals
Project Co shall submit the following after completion of the Construction Activities for the Works or any portion of
the Works as completed:
(a) Decommissioning and reinstatement plan in accordance with Section of Output Specifications 60
calendar days before commencement of any decommissioning activity for any instrument and monitoring
(b) post-construction condition survey in accordance with Section of Output Specifications 60 calendar
days after completion of the Construction Activities.
(c) a report of all the remedial actions to remedy all damage caused by Construction Activities associated with
the Works in accordance with Section of Output Specifications.
(d) geological mapping of the exposed bedrock for all the open excavations in conjunction with photographs.
The geological mapping shall be conducted as minimum for 50% of the perimeter walls of the open
excavations and shall include two perpendicular walls of each excavation. The geological mapping shall be
conducted in accordance with ASTM D 4879-08 – Standard Guideline for Geotechnical Mapping of Large
Underground Openings in Rock. In addition, the mapping shall include the following information for the
joints and any other discontinuities of the bedrock: orientations and dips, length, spacing, opening/separation,
filling, persistence, description of joint surface (e.g., waviness, roughness), and stereonet. The geological
mapping shall be submitted within 30 calendar days after completion of each open excavation.
S-131 Intentionally Left Blank
S-132 Intentionally Left Blank
S-133 Intentionally Left Blank
S-134 Intentionally Left Blank
S-135 Intentionally Left Blank
S-136 Fire & Life Safety Strategy Report
Project Co shall submit a Fire & Life Safety Strategy Report in accordance with the requirements in Section 3.1.21 of
the Output Specifications and Schedule 29 – Safety, System Assurance and Security.
The Fire & Life Safety Strategy Report shall incorporate the following:

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(a) System-wide Approach to Fire Life Safety Systems
a. Submit proposed software
b. Include CFD Criteria and Assumptions
c. include 1-D Criteria and Assumptions
(b) Emergency Egress Design Basis Report
a. Submit proposed software
b. Include Egress Modelling Criteria and Assumptions
c. Include Emergency Exit Signage Strategy
(c) Fire Alarm System Basis of Design Report
(d) Fire Protection Basis of Design Report
(e) Mechanical Tunnel Ventilation Design Basis Report
S-137 Fire/Life Safety Reports

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S-137A The Civil Contractors’ responsibilities related to inputs to the Fire/Life Safety Management Plan in accordance with
Schedule 29 – Safety, System Assurance and Security, including Fire Safety Plan as per Ontario Fire Code (OFC),
Division B, Part 2, Section 2.8.
Project Co shall provide preliminary design reports and design calculations of the Design Development Submittals in
accordance with the requirements in Section 3.1.21 of the Output Specifications and be accompanied by supporting
information as appropriate which includes:
(a) Input parameters and assumptions used as the basis for the design;
(b) Interpretation of design criteria, codes and standards
(c) Functional Descriptions;
(d) System Block Diagrams;
The design submittal shall also comprise a series of reports, calculations and other supporting information including
operational modes consisting of the following:
1) Fire Protection and Alarm System Design Report for each Station and line wide integration
2) Systemwide 1-D Tunnel Ventilation Analysis Report
3) Line Stations CFD Smoke Management Analysis Report for each Station
(i) Confirmation of applicable codes and standards;
(ii) tenability criteria, time/zone of tenability;
(iii) operational assumptions;
(iv) boundary condition derivation approach;
(v) fan on-time ramp up timing;
(vi) fire scenario locations;
(vii) fan failure assumptions; and
(viii) method of analysis.
4) Emergency Evacuation Analysis Report for each Station and Tunnel segments
(i) OBC/NFPA 130 Calculations in accordance with the requirements in Section 3.1.21

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(ii) Emergency Exit Signage Plan
(iii) Emergency Evacuation Modeling Analysis for each Station
a. Document input assumptions, egress scenarios, software description and applicability,
methodologies including a comparative analysis to CFD results, rationale, and references.
5) Interchange Stations CFD Analysis Reports
(i) Exhibition Station
(ii) Osgoode Station
(iii) Queen Station
6) Smoke Re-Circulation Study Reports
(i) For each Stations
(ii) Portal Re-circulation Study
7) Sound Level Calculations within Stations and to local sensitive receptors.
8) Tunnel Ventilation Control System Report- LCP Interface for each Station and line wide integration
9) TVS Reliability Analysis
10) Smoke Control Systems Calculations
11) Structural Fire Resistance Analysis Report for each Station and Tunnel segments.

S-137B All documents as presented in the Design Development Submittal updated for the Construction Document Submittals
S-138 Fire/Life Safety Design

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-138A Project Co shall provide preliminary design drawings and technical specifications as part of the Design Development
Submittals in accordance with the requirements in Section 3.1.21 of the Output Specifications. Drawing shall
coordinate basic details of spatial requirements from structural, electrical, communications, and other interfacing
systems. Plans shall include drawings that identify all systems, subsystems, equipment, or other elements such as
architectural and structural backgrounds and opening to demonstrate adequate space of all components of the Works.

Clearly identify the function of each system, sub-system, and equipment and specify the interfaces between each
element. Drawings – Plans and sections, including support details that incorporate information such as, system
schematics, typical elevations, equipment layout plans, service routings, structural penetrations, system schematics,
ventilation modes, schedules for major equipment selections and power requirements.

The design drawings, specifications and supporting information shall consist of the following plans and schematics for
each Station and Facility locations as well as schematics for line wide integrated design:

(a) FLS Systems Drawings;

(b) FLS Systems Calculations;
(c) Fire Protection System Design Drawings;
(d) Fire Protection System Calculations;
(e) Local TVSC Drawings;
(f) Fire Detections and Alarm System Drawings;
a. detailed drawings for the FDAS on a site-specific basis, which shall include, but not be limited to:
b. FDAS complete drawing sets for all locations. Completed drawing sets shall include, but not be limited to,
plan drawings showing all equipment locations and conduit connections, network diagrams, wiring
diagrams, cable plans, plans and elevations of FDAS enclosures, cabinets, power supply diagrams,

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

interface control documents describing the method of interface to other required systems, typical
installation details for all components, conduit schedules and cable schedules.
c. updated FDAS detailing functionality description of the monitoring station including all graphical displays,
icons and controls for the fire alarm monitoring station provided at the OCC/BOCC.
d. FDAS network drawings showing how all locations shall communicate with one another.
e. prior to the start of the factory testing, FDAS Application software listing for each processor shall be
prepared and submitted
(g) Fire Detection and Alarm System Calculations;
(h) Construction Specifications;
(i) Acceptance Testing and Verification Plans;
(j) Equipment and Material Information;
(k) Support Calculations;
(l) Catalogue Cuts and Samples.

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S-138B All documents as presented in the Design Development Submittal updated for the Construction Document
Submittals stage, as well as:
(a) 1-D and 3-D Analysis models
(b) Working Drawings
(i) layout drawings of fire system and components.
(ii) floor plans to indicate final locations showing address of each addressable device.
(iii) grounding schematic and single-line connection diagram.
(iv) FACP panel layout and details.
(v) FACP field wiring and interconnection diagrams
(vi) vendor design package for the fire alarm system, sub-system, or fire alarm components. The package
shall include the quantities, locations, and settings of fire alarm components.
(c) TVS FAT Program
(d) Local Site Acceptance Testing Program
(e) All required approvals and reviews by third-party governmental jurisdictions
(f) Certificates of Verification of compliant installation and warranties
(g) O&M Manuals
(h) Training Manuals
(i) Civil Contractors’ responsibilities related to Tunnel and Systemwide Testing and Commissioning Program,
as defined in Schedule 14, and Section 3.1.21 of the Output Specifications, including:
(i) Tunnel Site Acceptance and Integration Program;
(ii) Testing and commissioning specifications, including pass/fail criteria and data to be measured during
(iii) listing of all equipment, systems, and interfaces to be commissioned;
(iv) field instrument calibration certificates;
(v) System Verification Checklists (SVCs) for each type of equipment and system being commissioned;
(vi) Functional Performance Test (FPT) checklists for each different system being commissioned.
S-139 Code Compliance Summary Preliminary Plans

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-139A Project Co shall provide preliminary Design Development Submittals in accordance with the requirements in Section
3.1.21 of the Output Specifications and be accompanied by supporting information as appropriate which includes,
1) Code Plans and Life Safety Analysis, including supporting calculations, drawings and narratives. The plans
shall specifically identify any approved alternative solutions and criteria exemptions.
2) Code Compliance Site Plan.
S-139B All documents as presented in the Design Development Submittal updated for the Construction Document Submittals
stage as required for permitting by the Ontario Building Code and Ontario Fire Code.
S-140 Design Excellence

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(1) Project Co shall provide a submission that set outs details on how Design Excellence requirements of the
Ontario Line Subway shall be delivered on a line-wide basis, including:
(a) a detailed written and illustrated document, including drawings, that outline the design approach and
strategies for achieving the principles and requirements of Design Excellence, as set out in the
Output Specifications and Appendix E;
(b) a demonstration of how consistent design language will be applied across each type of Facility;
(c) exterior perspective renderings of each Facility type, in three dimensions, showing the building
massing and context to surroundings. The rendering shall capture and annotate all elements of each
Facility type, including materials, finishes, amenities, furniture, signage and wayfinding and
(d) interior perspective renderings of the main entrance, vertical circulation spaces, concourse and
platform at a typical Inline Station and at each Interchange Station illustrated in three dimensions.
The rendering shall capture and annotate all elements of each Station type, including materials,
finishes, amenities, furniture, signage and wayfinding, lighting, advertising and fare equipment;
(e) illustration of how colour/pattern is applied across the line;
(f) an eye-level video walk-through or Virtual Reality (VR) experience of three typical conditions:
Inline Stations, TTC Interchange Stations illustrating a typical customer’s experience both entraining
and detraining, from the site approach to getting on the Ontario Line Subway. The video/VR shall
illustrate all elements as noted in item (c) and (d);

For Clarity, S-140 is not required to provide a design of each Facility but shall contain information
that illustrate how Design Excellence will be applied to each type of Facility. The submittal shall be
scheduled to precede S-110A, such that the content for S-140 can be incorporated into each S-110A

S-140.1 Mock-ups

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(1) For the purposes of demonstrating conformance of Project Co Infrastructure as it relates to S-140 Design
Excellence, Project Co shall provide the following mock-ups prior to commencement of Construction Activities
for the item under review.
(2) Project Co shall provide the physical mock-ups and virtual mock-ups as specified below, for review by the
Contracting Authority. The physical mock-ups can be provided either on the Site (On-Site) or at another Project
Co facility (Off-Site) within the GTHA.
(a) Project Co shall identify and allocated space in each mock-up where RSSOM Project Co Infrastructure
would be incorporated as part of the Ontario Line Subway.
(b) All mock-ups shall be full scale unless otherwise noted.
(c) On-Site physical mock-ups can be incorporated into Project Co Infrastructure provided it doesn’t result in
additional joints, a visual appearance or finish that is inconsistent with the other constructed Works, or results
in an inferior performance.
(a) Project Co shall provide a mock-up to demonstrate the materials, finishes and integration of elements,
components, devices and systems that represent Project Co Infrastructure for a typical Station Entrance.
(b) The mock-up shall be of a height that replicates the typical ceiling within the public facing areas of a Station
(c) The mock-up shall be of sufficient width to include the Station Entrance doors and canopy, at least one full
glazing panel either side of the doors and curved corner.
(d) The mock-up shall be of sufficient depth to include a further glazed panel from the curved corner and any
additional panels required to demonstrate other exterior finishes that may be applied to the Station Entrances,
including terracotta panels, exterior wall rainscreen system and louvres.
(e) The mock-up shall include:
(i) Enclosure systems: mullions, glass panels (with interlayer and frits), curved glass corner,
transoms, terracotta panels, louvres, wall base and roof cornice;
(ii) Entrance elements: functioning entrance doors, entrance canopy, station identity signage,
wayfinding signage, and a utility portal on the interior side;
(iii) Structural elements: structural column adjacent to the entrance enclosure and ceiling support

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(iv)Ceiling elements: lighting fixtures and acoustic treatment; and
(v) Adjacent finishes: porcelain metal panel interior wall and interior floor finishes, and exterior floor
finishes at least 500mm outside of the enclosure.
(f) The mock-up shall include functioning light fixtures so that illumination level, glare control, accessibility
requirements and signage legibility can be assessed for conformance.
(g) The mock-up may be located Off-Site.
(a) Project Co shall provide a mock-up to demonstrates the materials, finishes and integration of elements,
components, devices and systems that represent Project Co Infrastructure for a typical Station Platform.
(b) The mock-up shall be approximately 15 meters long with a width and ceiling height that replicates a typical
Station with a Centre Platform.
(c) The mock-up shall include:
(i) wall/finishes above PSDS, including any louvres;
(ii) ceiling system and associated lighting, signage and other devices;
(iii) floor finish up to and including tactile strips and the interface with PSDS;
(iv) a typical Designated Waiting Area (DWA); and
(d) The mock-up shall include functioning light fixtures so that illumination levels, glare control, accessibility
requirements and signage legibility can be assessed for conformance.
(e) The mock-up may be located Off-Site.
(a) Project Co shall provide a mock-up to demonstrates the materials, finishes and integration of elements,
components, devices and systems that represent Project Co Infrastructure for the most typical concourse
section/ configuration across all Stations.
(b) The mock-up shall be of sufficient length to include three wall panels installed from floor to ceiling system;
(c) The mock-up shall include:
(i) wall finish panels/ system, bases and ceiling transitions;

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(ii)ceiling system including lighting and signage;
(iii) floor finish including curb/ transition at concourse opening; and
(iv) a representation of an opening in the concourse floor with a guardrail system.
(d) The mock-up shall include functioning light fixtures so that illumination level, glare control, accessibility
requirements and signage legibility can be assessed for conformance.
(e) The mock-up may be located Off-Site
(a) Project Co shall provide mock-ups to demonstrate the materials, finishes and integration of elements,
components, devices and systems that represent Project Co Infrastructure for Exhibition Station.
(b) Project Co may provide a detailed virtual mock-up building S-140 (1) (f) VR experience, combined with
individual or groups of physical mock-ups as an alternate to a single full-scale mock-up of all the items listed
for Exhibition Station.
(c) A Platform mock-up that includes a typical column that supports the concourse, associated concrete base and
connections for the columns, adjacent platform finish, platform soffit system and associated lighting.
(d) A Concourse mock-up that includes:
(i) Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel concourse roof structural support column including
bracing elements
(ii) ETFE pillows above curved roof beams connected to the concourse column/ bracing elements.
(iii) roof gutters between pillows, grating, fall protection
(iv) lighting fixtures
(v) CCTV and PA system devices provided as Project Co Infrastructure
(vi) concourse service trough/ bulkhead and/or exposed ductwork
(f) Mock-ups shall include functional lighting to review the impact of the selected lighting fixtures on
accessibility, illumination level, glare control, signage legibility.
(g) The mock-up may be located Off-Site. For clarity, major structural components may be provided for
inspection at a manufacturer’s facility.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(a) Project Co shall provide for inspection a 1500mm x 1500mm On-Site physical mock-up of all Public Area
finishes where not already included in other mock-up. The mock-up shall including joints and transition with
adjacent finishes.
(a) Project Co shall provide mock-ups to demonstrate the materials, finishes and integration of elements,
components, devices and systems that represent Project Co Infrastructure for a typical Escalator and a typical
Elevator unit. The mock-ups are not required to provide a functional Escalator and Elevator unit, but shall be
assembled in a manner that permits a conformance review of the materials and finishes. Escalators do not
need to be in their installed position but be arranged to allow all visible components to be viewed.
(b) The Elevator mock-up can be off-site and part of Factory Acceptance Testing. It shall include all visible
components, including:
(i) elevator glazed enclosure, hoist and enclosure support structure including corners;
(ii) elevator signage; and
(iii) finished elevator cab.
(c) The Escalator mock-up can be off-site and part of Factory Acceptance Testing. It shall include all visible
components, including:
(i) escalator steps, side enclosure and soffit cladding including floor connection;
(ii) lighting and any acoustic treatment at soffit;
(iii) escalator handrail, glass infill panels, guards;
(d) Public stair mock-up can be off-site or on-site. It shall include a section or flight of stair that represents:
(i) treads and riser finishes including nosing;
(ii) railings and guardrails; and
(iii) stair soffit.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(a) Project Co shall provide mock-ups to demonstrate the materials, finishes and integration of elements,
components, devices and systems that represent Project Co Infrastructure.
(b) Mock-up may be combined with one of the previously listed mock-ups for the Stations. It shall include:
(i) wall finishes including transitions to adjacent floor and ceiling finishes;
(ii) glazed service window and associated communication provisions/ equipment;
(iii) signage;
(iv) Station Ambassador Office interior finishes visible to Public Area;
(v) Station Ambassador Office interior and ambient station environment lighting;
(vi) represent the Fare Gate location (Fare Gates not to be included in the mock-up); and
(vii) at least two panel length of the barrier that demarcates Paid Fare Zone and Non Paid Zones.
(c) Mock-up shall be reviewed for accessibility and permit the review of the lighting fixtures for illumination
level, glare control, signage legibility.
(d) The mock-up may be located Off-Site.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-141 Wayfinding and Signage Report
(1) Wayfinding and Signage Report shall include, as a minimum:
(a) Drawing Details for items not found within the MX DS-09. Details shall contain the following:
(i) Materials and Methods
(ii) Typography
(iii) Sign Elevations, Plan Views, Sections
(iv) All dimensions and mountings
(v) Electrical and Data connections
(b) Sign Location Plans shall contain the following:
(i) Plans depicting all sign locations with sign location number and sign type identified
(c) Wayfinding and Signage Plan for Exhibition Station
(d) Sign Message Schedule shall include the following:
(i) Sign Location
(ii) Sign Type
(iii) Sign Message
(iv) Sign Mounting
(v) Sign Electrical and Data
(e) Specifications with references to Metrolinx and other Contracting Authority design documents

S-142 TOC Technical Interface Parameters Document

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-142A (1) Where the Station is located adjacent to or beneath a TOC, Project Co shall produce a preliminary Technical
Interface Parameters Document (TIPD). The TIPD shall be suitable for inclusion in a development agreement
between TOC Contractor and Project Co and fully describe the technical interfaces between the Station Building
and TOC, including but not limited to:
(a) Structural Interfaces including physical interface drawings, foundation arrangements, support of
excavation systems, below-ground construction methodology, structural and geotechnical loads,
support stiffnesses, movement, settlement and vibration of station at interface, connection details;
(b) Mechanical, Electrical, Drainage and Plumbing Interfaces including utilities connections,
penetrations, drainage, earthing points, grounding and lightning protection conductors, fire alarm
system, Building Automatic Control System (BACS), ventilation shafts and air intake/exhaust
louvres arrangement and station’s air conditioning condensers location;
(c) Fire Engineering and Means of Escape;
(d) Security and Access Interfaces;
(e) Architectural Interfaces including façade interfaces, tanking and waterproofing; and
(f) Operations and Maintenance.
S-142B Project Co shall submit all TIPD documents updated for the Construction Document Submittals stage.
S-143 Temporary Works Submittals
S-143B Project Co shall prepare and submit a design brief which includes:
Site Plan (showing existing conditions)
General Arrangement Drawing(s) (showing proposed shoring)
(i) plan
(ii) profile
(iii) typical section(s)
S-143C Project Co shall submit all documents updated for the Construction Document Submittal stage, as well as:
(a) detailed design drawings;
(b) where applicable, confirmation of review of temporary works impact to permanent work by Project Co; and
(c) Construction specifications.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-144 Proprietary geo-engineering systems
(1) Project Co shall submit detail of any proprietary geo-engineering systems. Project Co shall demonstrate a
minimum ten (10) years of successful performance at a minimum of three (3) projects of such geo-engineering
S-145 Impact Mitigation Plan
(1) Project Co shall provide an Impact Mitigation Plan in accordance with the requirements outlined in Section of the Output Specifications. Impact Mitigation Plan shall be submitted a minimum 30 calendar days
before the start of construction.
S-146 Intentionally Deleted
S-147 Intentionally Left Blank
S-148 Intentionally Left Blank
S-149 Intentionally Left Blank
S-150 Intentionally Left Blank
S-151 Legal Surveys
In conjunction with the Design Development Submittals, Project Co shall submit draft Reference Plans in accordance
with the requirements set out in Section of the Output Specifications.
Not later than 90 calendar days after the Final Completion Date, Project Co shall submit final Reference Plans in
accordance with Section 3.1.9 of the Output Specifications.
Not later than 90 calendar days after the Final Completion Date, Project Co shall submit Surveyor’s Real Property
Reports in accordance with the Section 3.1.9 of the Output Specifications.
S-152 Urban and Landscape
S-152A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a preliminary arborist reports for the Design Development Submittals stage
in accordance with the Output Specifications and Schedule 17 – Environmental Obligations.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(2) Project Co shall prepare and submit preliminary design drawings and specifications for the urban and
landscape elements of the Works for the Design Development Submittals stage.
(3) Project Co shall prepare and submit a design brief for each Station which includes the following components:
(a) general urban design and landscaping description including reference to:
(i) overall urban design and landscaping approach for the Ontario Line corridor;
(ii) urban design and landscaping approach on a station specific basis; and
(iii) functional and technical requirements of the Output Specifications;
(b) an accessibility compliance report;
(c) sustainability;
(d) material performance;
(e) stormwater drainage strategy; and
(f) design life approach to all Landscape components, and equipment including:
(i) site furnishings
(ii) vegetation; and
(iii) paving.

(4) For each Station, Project Co shall prepare and submit concept plans, drawings, materials and specs for the
Design Development Submittal to illustrate their design compliance with the Output Specifications and
Schedule 17 requirements, including:
(a) site plan (scale: 1:1000 to 1:2000);
(b) Landscape and streetscape plan (scale: 1:200 to 1:400);
(c) lighting plan, to match scale of Landscape plan;
(d) planting plan , to match scale of Landscape plan;
(e) soil plan, to match scale of Landscape plan;
(f) irrigation plan, to match scale of Landscape plan;

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(g) roof plans, to match scale of Architectural plan;
(h) sections and elevations to illustrate Plaza / Forecourt / Streetscape conditions, where applicable (scale
1:50 to 1:100) – minimum of four per Station;
(i) details and locations of signage, where applicable; and
(j) perspectives – minimum of six images.
(5) Project Co shall provide two Landscape maintenance plans:
(a) A Landscape maintenance plan for Metrolinx Lands, which shall include as a minimum:
(i) watering schedule;
(ii) mulch schedule;
(iii) pruning schedule;
(iv) fertilization;
(v) spring/fall clean up; and
(vi) winterization.
(b) A Landscape maintenance plan for City Lands (as defined in Schedule 35 – Lands), which shall include
as a minimum:
(i) watering schedule;
(ii) mulch schedule;
(iii) pruning schedule;
(iv) fertilization;
(v) spring/fall clean up; and
(vi) winterization.
S-152B All documents as presented in the Design Development Submittals updated for the Construction Document
Submittals stage, as well as:
(1) Project Co shall update and submit final arborist reports for the Construction Document Submittals stage in
accordance with the Output Specifications and Schedule 17 – Environmental Obligations.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(2) Project Co shall prepare and submit final design drawings and specifications for the urban and landscape
elements of the Works for the Construction Document Submittals stage including:
(a) landscape restoration plan (scale: 1:500 or as appropriate);
(b) staging plan (scale: 1:500 or as appropriate);
(c) site plan and landscape drawings, including:
(i) context plan (scale: 1:1000 to 1:2000);
(ii) lighting plan (scale: 1:300 to 1:400), to match scale of landscape plan of Station;
(iii) planting plan (scale: 1:300 to 1:400), to match scale of landscape plan of Station;
(iv) soil plan (scale: 1:300 to 1:400), to match scale of landscape plan of Station;
(v) irrigation plan (scale: 1:300 to 1:400), to match scale of landscape plan of Station; and
(vi) site servicing plans and details including grading and Drainage plans to match scale of Landscape plan;
(d) complete construction details and sections including build-up of all hardscape and softscape elements
(scale 1:20 or as appropriate);
(e) sections and elevations to illustrate Plaza / Forecourt / Streetscape conditions, where applicable (scale
1:50 to 1:100) – minimum of four per Station entrance connections to existing buildings / stations,
where applicable;
(f) one rendered plan per Station;
(g) rendered perspectives - with day and night views - in full colour describing the developed exterior with
(i) minimum of 4 renderings per Station, illustrating exterior space within the site (plazas, etc.) and
streetscape elements; and
(h) technical specifications.
Project Co shall prepare and submit a Landscape Maintenance Plan

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-153 Surveys and Investigation
S-153A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit the following for the Design Development Submittals stage in accordance
with Section of the Output Specifications:
(a) the Survey Control Monument Inventory Report, no later than forty-five (45) calendar days following
Financial Close;
(b) the Project Co Initial Control Network Survey Report, no later than two hundred ten (210) calendar days
following Financial Close;
(c) the control network and datum transformation letter of acceptance; and
(d) the Boundary Monuments Inventory Report.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

153B (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit the following for the Construction Document Submittals stage in accordance
with the Output Specifications:
(a) Design Tunnel Alignment;
(b) Launch Pad Elevation Report;
(c) TBM In-Launching Position Report;
(d) Reference Plans and Surveyor’s Real Property Reports;
(e) Bi-annual Survey Control Report;
(f) Survey Adjustment Pre-Analysis Report;
(g) Final Boundary Monuments Inventory Report; and
(h) Final Tunnel As-built Survey Report.
S-154 Drainage and Stormwater Design Development
S-154A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit preliminary Stormwater Management Plans for the Design Development
Submittals stage in accordance with Section of the Output Specifications. The Stormwater Management
Plans shall include as a minimum:
(a) Stormwater Management Plan Reports, containing:
(i) drawing showing stormwater management practices, discharge point, scour assessment,
stormwater management facilities details and erosion protection measures;
(ii) draft erosion and sediment control plans describing and identifying all associated stage and
phasing of the Works;
(iii) list of construction specifications.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-154B (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit final Stormwater Management Plans for the Construction Document
Submittals stage in accordance with Section of the Output Specifications. The Stormwater Management
Plans shall include as a minimum:
(a) existing and proposed drainage area drawings and specifications; and
(b) Stormwater Management Plan Reports, updated for the Construction Document Submittals stage,
(i) calculations
(ii) all drainage drawings
(iii) include updated floodplain mapping, detail drawings of stormwater management facilities, and
erosion and sediment control plans; and
(iv) construction specifications.
S-155 Other Submittals

S-155A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit the following other documentation for the Design Development Submittals
stage in accordance with the Output Specifications:
(a) preliminary specification sections (in the Master Format system) for all components of the Works;
(b) preliminary drawings and documentation describing all New City Infrastructure in accordance with the
requirements of the Design Management Plan, City of Toronto Standards and the Project Agreement; and
(c) any other preliminary Works Submittals Contracting Authority reasonably requires to understand the Works
at the Design Development Submittal Stage.

S-155B (2) Project Co shall prepare and submit the following other documentation for the Construction Document
Submittals stage in accordance with the Output Specifications:
(a) final specification sections (in the Master Format system) for all components of the Works;
(b) final drawings and documentation describing all New City Infrastructure in accordance with the
requirements of the Design Management Plan, City of Toronto Standards and the Project Agreement; and
(c) any other Works Submittals Contracting Authority reasonably requires to understand the Works.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-156 Condition Survey Reports
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit, for the Construction Document Submittals stage and in accordance with
Section, Section 3.2.1 and Section of the Output Specifications,
(a) a Project Site Pre-Construction Condition Survey Report, to be submitted a minimum of 30 calendar
days before start of construction for each portion of the Works;
(b) a Project Site During-Construction Condition Survey Report, to be submitted within 15 calendar days
when the Response Level of structure movements or deformation have been exceeded, or a damage
claim has been received; and
(c) a Project Site Post-Construction Condition Survey Report, to be submitted a maximum 3 months after
completion of the construction for each port of the Work.
S-157 Design Certificates

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit separate Design Certificates (in the forms as provided in Attachment 1 to
Appendix A to this Schedule 10) for each submitted Construction Document Submittal review package. All
Design Certificates prepared and issued by Project Co shall be:
(a) on the applicable Design Certificate (general) or Design Certificate (environmental);
(b) signed and sealed by the responsible professional, who shall be a Professional Engineer or a registered
Architect or Landscape Architect, and a principal of the Design Team;
(c) signed by the Project Co Representative; and
(d) only in the case of Design Certificates for environmental works incorporated into the Works, signed by the
Environmental Director.
(e) any person who signs a Design Certificate shall clearly print his or her name and the position held in his or her
organization on the Design Certificate.
S-158 Construction Certificates
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit Construction Certificates (in the form as provided in Attachment 2 to
Appendix A to this Schedule 10) for each substantially completed component, all final completed components,
and all final completed components of any Reinstatement Work to the Contracting Authority Representative for

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

review in accordance with this Schedule 10. All Construction Certificates prepared and issued by Project Co
shall be:
(a) signed by the Construction Contractor representative;
(b) signed and sealed by the responsible professional, who shall be a Professional Engineer or a registered
Architect or Landscape Architect, and a principal of the Design Team;
(c) signed by the Project Co Representative;
(d) signed by the Independent Certifier, acknowledging receipt; and
(e) submitted to the Contracting Authority no later than:
(i) in the case of substantial completion of each applicable component, the last Business Day of the
month immediately following the month in which the component is completed in the field; and
(ii) in the case of final completion of each applicable component, and any final completion of any
Reinstatement Work, the last Business Day of the month immediately following the month in
which the component is completed in the field.
Any person who signs a Construction Certificate shall clearly print his or her name and the position held in his or her
organization on the Construction Certificate.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-159 Shop Drawings
(1) Project Co shall provide all shop drawings for all systems and components of the Works in accordance with
industry standards, including:
(a) a complete list of shop drawings, no later than one (1) month following Commercial Close or such longer
period as may be agreed between Contracting Authority and Project Co ; and
(b) at any time during the course of the Project Term, additional shop drawings as may be requested by
Contracting Authority.
(2) Shop drawings shall be submitted by Project Co to Contracting Authority only after they have been reviewed by
the Project Co Representative. Shop drawings rejected by Project Co Representative are not to be submitted to
Contracting Authority for review until they have been resubmitted and accepted by the Project Co
S-160 Site Instructions
Project Co shall provide copies of all site instructions issued by the Design Team as amendments to “Issued
For Construction” documents.
S-161 Samples
(1) Project Co shall submit to Contracting Authority a complete list of samples no later than one (1) month following
Commercial Close. From the list provided, Contracting Authority will identify all samples Project Co shall
deliver to, or otherwise make available to Contracting Authority for review.
(a) Provide and submit samples for all Public Area finishes as tabulated in a colour and finish schedule for
each Station, in accordance with S-140 Design Excellence and Appendix E – Ontario Line Design Guide.
(b) Provide and submit samples for all Public Area lighting fixtures as tabulated in a lighting fixture schedule
for each Station, in accordance with S-140 Design Excellence and Appendix E – Ontario Line Design
(2) Project Co shall submit, or otherwise make available, any additional samples as may be requested by Contracting
Authority for review.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(3) Samples shall be submitted by Project Co to Contracting Authority only after they have been reviewed by the
Project Co Representative. Samples rejected by Project Co Representative are not to be submitted to Contracting
Authority for review until they have been resubmitted and accepted by the Project Co Representative.
S-162 Governmental Authorities
(1) Project Co shall submit a copy of submission documents, correspondence, final Permits, Licences, Approvals,
and Agreements received from all Governmental Authorities for the Works, including the following:
(a) the TTC;
(b) the City of Toronto; and
(c) the Utility Companies.
S-163 ETFE Roof Design Report
(1) Project Co shall perform all necessary due diligence in accordance with Good Industry Practice to ensure the
safety, durability and long-term performance of the ETFE roof installation. This due diligence and analysis shall
include the following chapters and deliverables as a minimum:
(a) Geometry analysis, including recommendations and optimization of roof and pillow geometry to address
snow accumulation concerns
(b) Structural calculations including detailed wind and snow load analysis based on applicable codes and
(c) Wind tunnel test and snowdrift model - including findings and recommendations arising out of testing and
modelling of the building as a whole
(d) Lessons learned on projects of similar scale and environmental conditions
(e) Condensation analysis
(f) Method statement for the fabrication, staging and assembly of all ETFE roof system components and
associated support structure down to the concourse level

S-164 Works Report

(1) Project Co shall comply with the requirements set out in Schedule 33 – Works Report Requirements.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-165 Works Schedule Requirements
(1) Project Co shall submit all Project Works Schedules, the Basis of Works Schedule Reports, the Works Schedule
Reports, and all other Works Submittals listed in Schedule 12 – Works Schedule Requirements in accordance
with the requirements set out in the Project Agreement.
S-166 Commissioning Submittals
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit the Commissioning Submittals in accordance with the requirements of
Schedule 14 – Commissioning, and industry standards. For clarity, the Commissioning Submittals include:
(a) Commissioning Brief, no later than sixty (60) calendar days following Financial Close;
(b) Project Co Commissioning Plan;
(i) Submission no later than six (6) month after Financial Close;
(ii) Submission no later than six (6) months after commencement of the Construction Activities; and
(iii) Submission six (6) months before the start of the first Release every month until all Releases part
of Commissioning are finished.
(c) Project Co Commissioning Reports;
(i) Submission no later than one (1) month after the completion of a Release.
(d) Release Management Plans, due six (6) months before the start of a Release;
(e) Release Management Reports, within one (1) month after the completion of a Release;
(f) Test Plan, within two (2) months before the start of a test; and
(g) Test Report, within one (1) month after completion of a test.

S-167 Intentionally Left Blank

S-168 Substantial Completion and Final Completion Submittals

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit detailed submissions in accordance with industry standards and the
requirements of the Project Agreement for the following:
(a) Substantial Completion;
(b) Final Completion; and
(c) Substantial Completion Certificate.
S-169 As Built Drawings
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit As Built Drawings and associated documentation in accordance with the
requirements set out in the Output Specifications.
(2) Project Co shall prepare and submit as-built Landscape drawings that indicate locations of all new tree planting
on City land and details such as pieces, caliper and quality.
S-170 Record Drawings and Operations Manuals
(1) Project Co shall provide a detailed log (spreadsheet format) identifying all Record Drawings and operations
manuals. The detailed log shall include, as a minimum, the following:
(a) drawing number for all Record Drawings with a summary of the changes made during the Construction
(b) list of all systems and components included in the operations manuals; and
(c) any other information the Contracting Authority reasonable required to understand the Works.
S-171 Communications Submittals
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit communications submittals in accordance with Schedule 18 –
Communication and Public Engagement Protocol, including:
(a) the Project Co Communications Protocol;
(b) the Project Co Communications Plan;
(c) a copy of any communication or other information concerning or with any Indigenous Nation;
(d) the Crisis Communication Plan;

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(e) the Signage and Hoarding Coverage Plan; and
(f) The Project Co Shop Local Plan.
S-172 Environmental Submittals
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit all environmental submittals, including drawings and specifications as
applicable, in accordance with Schedule 17 – Environmental Obligations, including:
(a) Environmental Amendment Proposal, as per Section 2.4.2. Throughout the Project Term, due within 10
calendar days of identification of the need for an amendment to any Environmental Reference Document or
Additional Environmental Report;
(b) Project Co Deviation Report, as per Section 2.4.3 due 120 calendar days prior to Financial Close;
(c) Documentation demonstrating qualifications of Environmental Positions, as per Schedule 17. Due 30 calendar
days after Financial Close, except in the case of Environmental Inspectors, 30 calendar days prior to planned
date for commencement of Construction Activities;
(d) Additional Environmental Reports, as per Section 5.1.1. Throughout the Project Term, due within 10 calendar
days of finalizing any Additional Environmental Report;
(e) Annual Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report, as per Section 5.2.1. Due annually, no later than the
31st day of March. Throughout the Project Term if necessary, until all Environmental Assessment
commitments are satisfied;
(f) Monthly Environmental Report, as per Section 5.2.2, due no later than 7 calendar days prior to the end of each
calendar month;
(g) Environmental Audit Report, as per Section 5.2.3, due annually throughout the Project Term no later than the
31st of July;
(h) Documentation demonstrating qualification of Independent Environmental Consultant, as per Section,
30 calendar days after Financial Close;
(i) Substantial Completion Environmental Report, as per Section 5.2.7, due 14 calendar days prior to the
Substantial Completion;
(j) Environmental Management System, as per Section 5.3.1, due 120 calendar days following Financial Close;

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(k) Spill Prevention and Response Plan, as per Section, due 60 calendar days prior to the planned date for
commencement of Construction Activities including but not limited to any activities that would result in
ground disturbance;
(l) Spill Prevention and Response Occurrence Report, as per Section, due within 2 Business Days
following the occurrence of a Spill and in the event the remediation is not completed within 2 Business Days
following such spill, a follow-up amendment to the Spill Prevention and Response Occurrence Report for such
Spill shall be submitted within 1 Business Day of the completion of such remediation;
(m) Designated Substances and Hazardous Materials Management Plan, as per Section, due 60 calendar
days prior to planned date for commencement of Demolition activities for any structures and updated annually
after commencement of Construction Activities, by the 31st of March, as required;
(n) Contamination Management Plans, as per Section, due within 10 calendar days of discovery of any
Contamination not addressed in the Designated Substances and Hazardous Materials Management Plan, or the
Soil and Excavated Materials Management Plan, or the Groundwater Management and
Dewatering/Unwatering Plan;
(o) Designated Substances and Hazardous Materials Discovery Plan, as per Section, due within 10 calendar
days of discovery of any Contamination not addressed in the Designated Substances and Hazardous Materials
Management or the Soil and Excavated Materials Management Plan, or the Groundwater Management and
Dewatering/Unwatering Plan;
(p) Excess Spoil Management Reports, as per Section, due 60 calendar days prior to planned date for
commencement of Construction Activities;
(q) Environmental Conditions Summary, as per Section, due 120 calendar days prior to land handback;
(r) Soil and Excavated Material Management Plan, as per Section, due 60 calendar days prior to planned
date for commencement of Construction Activities and updated annually after commencement of Construction
Activities, by March 31st, as required;
(s) Soil Importation Plan, as per Section, due 60 calendar days prior to planned date for commencement of
Construction Activities and updated annually after commencement of Construction Activities, by the 31st of
March, as required;

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(t) Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, as per Section, due 60 calendar days prior to planned date for
commencement of Construction Activities and updated annually after commencement of Construction
Activities, by the 31st of March, as required;
(u) Well Decommissioning and Protection Plan, as per Section, due 60 calendar days prior to planned date
for commencement of Construction Activities and updated annually after commencement of Construction
Activities, by the 31st of March, as required;
(v) Groundwater Management and Dewatering/Unwatering Plan, as per Section, due 60 calendar days prior
to planned date for commencement of Construction Activities and updated annually after commencement of
Construction Activities, by the 31st of March, as required;
(w) Flood Hazard Analysis, as per Section, due 60 calendar days prior to the planned date for the
commencement of Construction Activities;
(x) Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan, as per Section, due 90 calendar days prior to
planned date for commencement of Construction Activities and updated every 6 months after commencement
of Construction Activities;
(y) Weekly Construction Noise and Vibration Monitoring Report, as per Section, due every Monday
following the previous week where Construction Activities were underway;
(z) Heritage Detailed Design Report, as per Section, due 90 calendar days prior to the planned date for the
commencement of Construction Activities;
(aa) Archaeological Risk Management Plan, as per Section, due 60 calendar days prior to planned date for
commencement of Construction Activities and Updated annually after commencement of Construction
Activities, by the 31st of March, as required;
(bb) Species at Risk Handover Report, as per Section, due 180 calendar days prior to the completion of
the Project Term;
(cc) Arborist Report – Metrolinx Land as per Section, due 60 calendar days prior to the planned date for
commencement of Construction Activities;
(dd) Arborist Report – Third Party Lands as per Section, due 120 calendar days prior to the planned date for
commencement of Construction Activities;

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(ee) Construction Air Quality Management Plan, as per Section, due 60 calendar days prior to planned date
for commencement of Construction Activities and updated every 6 months after commencement of
Construction Activities; and
(ff) Weekly Construction Air Quality Monitoring Report, as per Section, due Friday each week in areas
where Construction Activities are underway. .
S-173 Sustainability Management Plan

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Sustainability Management Plan in accordance with the requirements outlined
in Section of the Output Specifications, no later than ninety (90) calendar days following Financial Close.
S-174 Intentionally Left Blank

S-175 Envision Coversheets

(1) Project Co shall provide an Envision Coversheet complete with supporting documentation for each Envision credit
identified in Table Toronto Green Standard Applicability to Ontario Line Subway, sixty (60) calendar
days prior to Substantial Completion. Project Co shall achieve “No Comment” status prior to Substantial
S-176 Lifecycle Carbon Assessment Report

(1) Project Co shall provide a lifecycle carbon assessment report in accordance with the requirements outlined in
Section 3.1.5 of the Output Specifications.
S-177 Natural and Passive Ventilation Study

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a preliminary Natural and Passive Ventilation study for each Station in
accordance with the requirements outlined in Section of the Output Specifications.
(2) Project Co shall prepare and submit an as-built Natural and Passive Ventilation study based on the results of an
updated model for each Station in accordance with the requirements outlined in Section prior to
Substantial Completion.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(3) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Natural and Passive Ventilation performance study demonstrating
compliance with the requirements outlined in Section through in situ verification prior to Final
Completion and within twelve (12) months of Substantial Completion.
S-178 Vulnerability Assessment Report

(1) Project Co shall provide a PIEVC Vulnerability Assessment Report for Design Development Submittal, no later
than six (6) months following Financial Close.
(2) No Construction Document Submittal.
S-179 Energy Model Report

S-179A (1) For each Station, Project Co shall prepare and submit a preliminary energy model report for the Design
Development Submittals stage in accordance with the requirements outlined in Section (a) Building
Energy Efficiently.
S-179B (1) For each Station, Project Co shall prepare and submit a final energy model report for the Construction Document
Submittals stage in accordance with the requirements outlined in Section (a) Building Energy Efficiently
S-179C (1) For each Station, Project Co shall prepare and submit an as-built energy model report in accordance with the
requirements outlined in Section (a) Building Energy Efficiently prior to Substantial Completion.
S-180 Project Management Plan

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Project Management Plan in accordance with the requirements outlined in
Section 3.2.2 of the Output Specifications, no later than forty-five (45) calendar days following Financial Close.
S-181 Risk Management Plan

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Risk Management Plan in accordance with the requirements outlined in
Section 3.1.4 of the Output Specifications, no later than forty-five (45) calendar days following Financial Close.
S-182 Design Management Plan

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Design Management Plan in accordance with the requirements outlined in
Section of the Output Specifications, no later than forty-five (45) calendar days following Financial
S-183 BIM Execution Plan

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a BIM Execution Plan in accordance with requirements outlined in Appendix
W – Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) to the Output Specifications.
S-184 Digital Twin Strategy and Road Map

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit an initial Digital Twin Strategy and Road Map in accordance with
requirements outlined in Section of the Output Specifications.
(2) Project Co shall submit a Digital Twin and Road Map detailing compliance with the Digital Twin Strategy and
Road Map, at a minimum:
(a) At each design phase; and
(b) Every 6 months.
S-185 Resource Management Plan

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Resource Management Plan in accordance with the requirements outlined in
Section 3.2.2 of the Output Specifications.
S-186 Document Management Plan

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Document Management Plan in accordance with the requirements outlined
in Section 1.5.2 of the Output Specifications.
S-187 Construction Management Plan

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Construction Management Plan in accordance with requirements outlined
in Section 1.5.2 of the Output Specifications.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-188 Construction Safety Management Plan

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Construction Management Plan in accordance with requirements outlined
in Section 3.2.6 of the Output Specifications.
S-189 Intentionally Left Blank

S-190 Health and Safety Submittals

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit all health and safety submittals, in accordance with Schedule 29 – Safety,
System Assurance and Security, including:
(a) the Contractor Site Specific Safety Manual;
(b) Safety Stand Down Meeting Summary Report;
(c) Safety Work Plan(s), as required; and
(d) Safety Improvement Plan(s), as required.
S-191 Final Incident Report
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Final Incident Report in accordance with Schedule 29 – Safety, System
Assurance and Security.
S-192 Review Procedure Activities Register
(1) Project Co shall submit a Review Procedure Activities Register pursuant to Schedule 12 – Works Scheduling
S-193 Mobility Matters
Project Co shall provide submittals, include updates, if any, in accordance with Schedule 7 – Mobility Matters,
(a) Lane Closure Analysis Report; and
(b) Lane Closure Measurement and Verification Plan.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-194 Property Access Matters
(1) Project Co shall provide the submittals, including updates, if any, in accordance with the requirements set forth
in Schedule 36 – Property Access Matters, including:
(a) Property Access Closure Analysis Report; and
(b) Property Access Closure Measurement and Verification Plan.
S-195 Asset Information
S-195A (1) Project Co shall prepare and submit the preliminary Asset Information six (6) months prior to each Section
Substantial Completion Date in accordance with the Output Specifications.
S-195B (1) Project Co shall submit a final and reviewed Asset Information thirty-five (35) Business Days prior to each
Section Substantial Completion Date.
S-196 Detailed Construction Activity Report
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Detailed Construction Activity Report by the first working day after the
fifth day of every month. The Detailed Construction Activity Report shall progressively record activities on the
The Detailed Construction Activity Report shall include:
(a) Resources:
(i) Workers;
(ii) Types of crews present and carrying out work;
(iii) Length of each shift, number of shifts per crew and crew leaders;
(b) Work Cycle:
(i) The number of workers in each crew + number of crews; and
(ii) The name of the leader of each crew and his experience in related work;
(c) Equipment:
(i) List of all equipment on site during each track closure;

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(ii) Detailed description of methods and equipment to be used in handling materials; and
(iii) Standby equipment;
(d) Equipment:
(i) All other information that will assist in assessing the comprehension of the Contractor of the scope of
the work and expertise in planning and executing the work.
S-197 Rail Corridor Access Plan
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Rail Corridor Access Plan in accordance with Schedule 40 – Rail Corridor
Access, and in accordance with industry standards.
S-198 EMC/EMI Control Plan
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a EMC/EMI Control Plan in accordance with the Output Specifications.

S-201 Stray Current and Corrosion Control Plan

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Stray Current and Corrosion Control Plan in accordance with the Output
S-207 Grounding, Bonding and Lightning Protection Control Plan
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Grounding, Bonding and Lightning Protection Control Plan in accordance
with the Output Specifications.

S-208 Soil Resistivity Survey

(1) Project Co shall conduct and submit the results of soil resistivity surveys in accordance with the Output
Specifications X

S-237 Spare Parts, Consumables and Equipment List

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(1) In accordance with Section 2.3.3 of the Output Specifications
S-238 Operations and Maintenance Training Plan
(1) In accordance with Section 2.1.1 of the Output Specifications
S-239 Indoor Air Quality Study for Exhibition Station
(1) Project Co shall conduct an air quality study and optimize air intake locations to ensure proper indoor air
quality including detailed scenario analysis in relation to the Gardiner Expressway and inconsideration of GO
Transit vehicle emissions. Project Co shall provide a CFD model demonstrating compliance in accordance
with Section
Heritage Submittals:
General Heritage Submittals Requirements
(1) Project Co shall group the submission of heritage submittals for each Heritage Building. For greater clarity,
heritage submittals shall be grouped and submitted together on a building-by-building basis in order to have a
complete picture of how each Heritage Building is being managed at each phase of the Works.
Notwithstanding, Project Co shall group the heritage submittals for 176 Yonge Street/401 Bay Street and 2
Queen Street East together.
(2) Project Co shall prepare and submit heritage submittals in digital format in addition to any other submittal
formatting requirements in this Schedule, and unless otherwise stated in this Heritage Submittal section.
Digital files shall be uploaded to the web-based project management system in the following format:
(a) all digital drawings and specifications, bookmarked and in PDF/A format for use in archiving and long-
term preservation of electronic documents;
(b) all digital drawings, in CAD, packaged to include the drawing files and all their dependencies; and
(c) all digital photos, in TIFF, with 600 dpi resolution.
(d) all digital reports, bookmarked and in PDF/A format.
(3) Project Co shall prepare and submit printed drawings, specifications, photos, and reports as required by
Contracting Authority, in the following format:

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(a) all printed drawings and specifications, in three (3) sets, full-size, black and white, and on uncoated
opaque bond.
(b) all printed photos, in three (3) sets, 8” x 10” in size, printed in colour, with borders, and on paper in a
glossy or semi-gloss finish.
(4) The drawings and photographs produced for each Heritage Documentation Package shall be used as a basis to
prepare all other heritage submittals and updated to provide more precise information and always at a level of
sufficient detail to convey the required information.
(5) Project Co shall commission a peer review of the updated final plan for each Heritage Building. The peer
review report shall be appended to the resubmitted plan. Each peer review report shall assess each respective
plan and confirm and comment on the details of the plan. For clarity, peer review shall be conducted by a
member of the Design Team not involved in the development of the heritage submission or the updated final
Heritage Building submissions
(1) Project Co shall submit a S-240 Heritage Documentation Package for each Heritage Building , 60 Stewart
Street, 647-647A King Street West and 449, 449A, 449B, 451, 451A, 453 Queen Street West, and a S-241
Heritage Condition Survey for each Heritage Building within 120 calendar days of Commencement of the
Lands and in advance of all other heritage submittals and allow time for the Contracting Authority to review
and respond, prior to submitting the dependant heritage submittals. The S-240 and S-241 Works Submittals
shall be grouped for each respective Heritage Building. For clarity, S-241 is not required for 60 Stewart Street,
647 – 647A King Street West, and 449, 449 A, 499B, 451, 451A, 453 Queen Street West; S-240 and S-241 at
2 Queen Street East and 176 Yonge Street/401 Bay Street shall be limited to the area within or proximate to the
work area for the respective northeast and southwest entrances of Queen Station.
(2) Heritage Works Submittals shall be grouped as follows;
S-243, and S-249 Works Submittals shall be grouped for 153 Dufferin Street
S-243 and S-249 Works Submittals shall be grouped for 7 Fraser Avenue
S-243 and S-249 Works Submittals shall be grouped for 1 Atlantic Avenue

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-242, S-243, S-244, S-245, S-246 and S-249 Works Submittals shall be grouped for 668 King Street West and
S-248 if Project Co elects to retain the heritage facades in-situ.
S-242, S-243, S-244, S-245, S-246 and S-249 Works Submittals shall be grouped for 662 King Street West
S-242, S-243, S-244, S-245, S-248 and S-249 Works Submittals shall be grouped for 663-665 King Street
West and 69-71 Bathurst Street
S-242, S-243, S-244, S-245, S-246 and S-249 Works Submittals shall be grouped for 130 Queen Street West
S-242, S-243, S-244, S-245, S-246 and S-249 Works Submittals shall be grouped for University Avenue
S-242, S-243, S-244, S-245, S-246 and S-249 Works Submittals shall be grouped for South African War
S-242, S-243, S-244, S-245, S-246, S-247, and S-249 Works Submittals shall be grouped for 205 Queen Street
West and S-248 if Project Co elects to retain the heritage facades in-situ.
S-242, S-243, S-244, S-245, S-246, S-248 and S-249 Works Submittals shall be grouped for 165, 169 ½, 171,
171 ½, 173, 175, 175 ½, 177 Spadina Avenue.
S-242, S-243, S-244, S-245, and S-249 Works Submittals shall be grouped for 176 Yonge Street/401 Bay
Street and 2 Queen Street East the scope of the submittals shall be limited to the area within or proximate to
the work area for the respective northeast and southwest entrances of Queen Station.
S-240 Heritage Documentation Package

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(1) Project Co shall submit a Heritage Documentation Package for each Heritage Building within 120 calendar
days of Commencement of the Lands and in advance of all other heritage submittals and allow time for the
Contracting Authority review and respond, prior to submitting the dependant heritage submittals.
(2) Project Co shall prepare and submit each Heritage Documentation Package that shall include the following:
(a) topographical survey, including all above-grade utilities;
(b) drawings, including measured and scaled plans, elevations, sections, and details.
(c) photographs of all exterior elevations, clearly labelled and keyed to a separate set of measured drawings.
(d) archival, historic, and original drawings and photographs, in digital format, saved to include the
following dataset at a minimum:
(i) principal source of information;
(ii) date the data was collected; and
(iii) original date the data was created.
S-241 Heritage Condition Survey
(1) Project Co shall submit the Heritage Condition Survey for each Heritage Building within 120 calendar days of
Commencement of the Lands and in advance of all other heritage submittals and allow time for the Contracting
Authority review and respond, prior to submitting the dependant heritage submittals.
(2) Project Co shall prepare and submit each Heritage Condition Survey at Design Development submittal and
Construction Documents submittal.
(3) Project Co shall update each Heritage Condition Survey, without deleting previous conditions, to track any
changes to the condition of each Heritage Building until Station Substantial Completion. Project Co shall
provide updates to each respective Heritage Condition Survey as follows:
(a) At 50% progress of Construction Activities;
(b) during Construction Activities, when Heritage Building elements show signs of damage not previously
identified in the respective Heritage Condition Survey. In such instances Project Co shall:
(i) promptly photograph the item; and

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(ii) update the respective Heritage Condition Survey to include elements that show signs of damage
not previously identified.
(c) immediately preceding Station Substantial Completion:
(i) Project Co shall update each Heritage Condition Survey with a final condition assessment that
includes all on-site Heritage Buildings and all off-site Heritage Building elements in storage.
(4) Project Co shall prepare and submit each Heritage Condition Survey, including all on-site and off-site Heritage
Building elements. Each Heritage Condition Survey shall include the following:
(a) drawings, showing the size, extent, and location of deterioration on the Heritage Building;
(b) photographs, showing representative examples of deterioration for each Heritage Building;
(c) condition assessment report, using the following criteria:
(i) Good condition: normal result; functioning as intended; normal deterioration observed; no repairs
and general maintenance required;
(ii) Poor condition: not functioning as intended; significant deterioration and distress observed;
maintenance and repairs required to restore functionality; and
(iii) Defective condition: not functioning as intended; significant deterioration and major distress
observed; possible damage to support structure; may present a risk; must be dealt with promptly.
A. additional investigation and research reports, prepared as required to ascertain additional
Heritage Building elements to be retained, temporarily removed, or reused.
B. Each updated final Heritage Condition Survey shall include an appended peer review

S-242 Heritage Catalogue Plan

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit each Heritage Catalogue Plan at Design Development submittal and
Construction Documents submittal.
(2) Project Co shall prepare and submit each Heritage Catalogue Plan that shall include the following:
(a) methodology, describing the standards and identification system for cataloguing Heritage Building
elements. The methodology shall allow coordination of schedule, storage, delivery, handling, and future
(b) catalogue, including identifiers and other information about the Heritage Building elements;
(c) measured drawings of the Heritage Building, showing the exact location from where the Heritage
Building element was removed for future reinstatement; and
(d) photographs of the Heritage Building elements being removed and catalogued.
(3) Project Co shall update and submit each Heritage Catalogue Plan immediately prior to Station Substantial
Completion. Each updated Heritage Catalogue Plan shall indicate the exact location of all catalogued Heritage
Building elements, including which catalogued elements have been reinstated on site, and which catalogued
elements remain in storage.
(4) Each updated final Heritage Catalogue Plan shall include the information in (2) and (3) as well as the following
(a) The location and address of the storage facility;
(b) Storage facility hours of operation;
(c) Name and contact information of storage facility owner;
(d) Name and contact information of storage facility operator;
(e) Storage facility security protocols;

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(f) Dimensioned facility floor plans and site plan indicating the exact location in the storage facility the
cataloged Heritage Building elements are located;
(g) Any other pertinent information for handover of the Heritage Building elements in storage; and
(h) A peer review report appended.

S-243 Heritage Protection Plan

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit each Heritage Protection Plan at Design Development submittal and
Construction Documents submittal.
(2) Project Co shall prepare and submit each Heritage Protection Plan that shall include the following:
(a) Reference to background information, identifying each Heritage Building and Heritage Building
elements that require protection;
(b) Specifications, describing the protection measures necessary to ensure that the structural integrity of
existing structures is maintained and that the appearance, functionality, operability, and durability of
existing structures are unimpaired;
(c) Drawings, showing the size, extent, location of the protection measures;
(d) Photographs, showing implementation of protection measures.
(e) Mothballing measures, where required.
(3) Project Co shall update and submit a Heritage Protection Plan immediately prior to Station Substantial
Completion for mothballed Heritage Buildings. Each updated Heritage Protection Plan shall include drawings,
specifications, and photographs of the implemented mothballing measures.
S-244 Heritage Dismantle and Salvage Plan
(1) Project Co shall and submit each Heritage Dismantle and Salvage Plan at Design Development submittal and
Construction Documents submittal.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(2) Project Co shall prepare and submit each Heritage Dismantle and Salvage Plan that shall include the following:
(a) Measured drawings, based on Heritage Documentation Package.
(b) Methodology and Catalogue, based on Heritage Catalogue Plan.
(c) Descriptions of the methods for dismantling and salvage, including storage, delivery and handling
(d) Reinstatement plan, based on the Heritage Catalogue Plan and in conjunction with the Heritage
Panelization and all other relevant heritage plans, showing the reintegration of the salvaged material
into the reinstated Heritage Buildings.
(e) For the statuary at the South African War Memorial a Heritage Fine Art Conservator report on the
(3) Project Co shall update and submit each Heritage Dismantle and Salvage Plan immediately prior to Station
Substantial Completion. Each updated Heritage Dismantle and Salvage Plan shall indicate the exact location of
all dismantled and salvaged Heritage Building elements, including which elements have been reinstated on
site, and which catalogued elements remain in storage.
(4) Each updated final Heritage Dismantle and Salvage Plan shall include the information in (2) as well as the
following information:
A. The location and address of the storage facility;
B. Storage facility hours of operation;
C. Name and contact information of storage facility owner;
D. Name and contact information of storage facility operator;
E. Storage facility security protocols;

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

F. Dimensioned facility floor plans and site plan indicating the exact location in the storage
facility the cataloged Heritage Building elements are located;
G. For the statuary at the South African War Memorial a Heritage Fine Art Conservator
H. Any other pertinent information for handover of the Heritage Building elements in storage;
I. A peer review report appended.

S-245 Heritage Storage Plan

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit each Heritage Storage Plan at Design Development submittal,
Construction Documents submittal.
(2) Project Co shall prepare and submit a Heritage Storage Plan for each Heritage Buildings that shall include the
(a) The location and address of the storage facility;
(b) Storage facility hours of operation;
(c) Name and contact information of storage facility owner;
(d) Name and contact information of storage facility operator;
(e) Security protocols; and
(f) Dimensioned facility floor plans, elevations, sections, and site plan.
(g) For the statuary at the South African War Memorial a Heritage Fine Art Conservator report on the
strategy and specifications.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(3) Project Co shall update and submit a Heritage Storage Plan immediately prior to Station Substantial
Completion indicating any changes to information noted in (2).
S-246 Heritage Panelization Plan
(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit each Heritage Panelization Plan at Design Development submittal,
Construction Documents submittal.
(2) Project Co shall prepare and submit each Heritage Panelization Plan that shall include the following:
(a) Condition assessment, describing the condition of the Heritage Panels, including:
(i) the size, extent, and location of the panels on the building elevations;
(ii) the thickness of the panels; the type of wall assemblies;
(iii) the materials and assemblies attached to the panels; and
(iv) the existing methods of fastening.
(b) Description and drawings of the protection and stabilization measures necessary to ensure that the
structural integrity of the Heritage Building and Heritage Panels are maintained;
(c) Description of the panelization procedures, identifying the materials and assemblies to be selectively
demolished to prepare the façade for panelization;
(d) Description of delivery, storage and handling procedures necessary to ensure the structural integrity of
the Heritage Panels are maintained for reinstatement; and
(e) Description and drawings of the reinstatement strategy showing the integration of the Heritage Panels
with new materials, assemblies, and support structures, including the following:
(i) Location of areas where brick is to be removed either side of the cut line;
(ii) the construction scheduling and sequence of reinstallation;

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(iii) Identification of Heritage Panel connections – ensuring seamless joints in the finished product;
(iv) Design of anchorage systems, connection details and support structure;
(v) Design strategies, addressing acoustic, fire protection, thermal and moisture protection
requirements; and
(vi) Coordination with new structures and existing adjacent structures.
(vii) A peer review report appended.

S-247 Heritage Building Relocation Plan

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit the Heritage Building Relocation Plan at Design Development submittal
and Construction Documents submittal.
(2) Project Co shall prepare and submit the Heritage Building Relocation Plan that shall include the following:
(a) Condition assessment, describing the condition of the superstructure and the feasibility of relocating the
Heritage Building facades;
(b) Description of the Heritage Building façade relocation procedure, including mitigation measure to
avoid impact to existing infrastructure and elements that require temporary relocation for the Heritage
Building façade relocation;
(c) Drawings and specifications, describing the protection and stabilization measures necessary for site and
building preparation, loading, rolling, and final placement, including construction details of the new
building foundations;
(d) Maintenance strategy, describing how the Heritage Building will be maintained if it is relocated to a
temporary location, or if it will be vacant for more than 90 calendar days;
(e) Provisions and protocols to ensure that the Heritage Building is secured against unauthorized entry and
protected from weather elements and risks of fire, accident, or other danger.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(f) Structural and architectural heritage drawings, showing:
(i) the structural bracing, as necessary, to preserve the structural integrity of the Heritage Building
facades during relocation;
(ii) the design of the relocation structure, its integration into the Heritage Building facades, and any
physical impacts related to damage or loss of heritage elements;
(iii) location of vertical and horizontal cut lines; and
(iv) design of new foundation.
(g) Site Plans, showing:
(i) dimensioned plans with topographical information;
(ii) site excavation required around the building perimeter to install the relocation structure;
(iii) relocation route, and any impacts on existing traffic, services, and utilities within and adjacent to
the subject property; and,
(h) temporary and final location of the Heritage Building.

S-248 Heritage Façade Retention Plan

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit each Heritage Façade Retention Plan at Design Development submittal
and Construction Documents submittals.
(2) Project Co shall prepare and submit each Heritage Façade Retention Plan that shall include the following:
(a) condition assessment of the heritage façade;
(b) description of protection and stabilization measures;

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(c) description of the dismantling procedures, including the materials and assemblies to be selectively
demolished to prepare the heritage façade for site retention;
(d) structural drawings, showing the design of the temporary structural support systems;
(e) description of how the integration of the heritage façade with new materials, assemblies, and support
structures including:
(I) the construction scheduling and demolition and stabilization sequence,
(II) the design of anchorage systems connection details, and
(III) the design of the new wall assemblies.

S-249 Heritage State of Good Repair Plan

(1) Project Co shall prepare and submit each Heritage State of Good Repair Plan at Design Development submittal
and Construction Documents submittals. For clarity the Heritage State of Good Repair Plan for 662 King
Street West is limited to the heritage windows, lighting, and signage scope.
(2) Project Co shall prepare and submit each Heritage State of Good Repair Plan at Design Development
Submittal that shall include the following:
(a) Architectural heritage package that is coordinated with other disciplines and to demonstrate the
Heritage State of Good Repair work, including:
(i) Drawings
A. a context plan (scale 1:1000);
B. demolition plans and elevations (scale 1:100);
C. proposed plans and elevations (scale 1:100);
D. reflected ceiling plans (scale 1:100); and
E. sections (scale 1:50).
F. for elevations and partial elevations, include all hidden areas with a legend describing the
scope of work;
(ii) Outline Specifications

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(iii) Heritage Lighting Plan and Heritage Signage Plan including the following:
A. Coordinated plans, elevations, and sections showing location and number of fixtures and
signs, type of fixtures and signs, level of illumination, direction of illumination, colour
temperature of light, method of attachment, and types of fasteners.
(iv) For the statuary at the South African War Memorial a Heritage Fine Art Conservator report on the
(3) Project Co shall prepare and submit each Heritage State of Good Repair Plan at Construction Document
Submittals that shall include the following:
(a) Architectural heritage package that is coordinated with other disciplines and to demonstrate the
Heritage State of Good Repair work, including:
(i) Drawings
A. a context plan (scale 1:1000);
B. demolition plans and elevations (scale 1:100):
C. proposed plans and elevations (scale 1:100);
D. reflected ceiling plans (scale 1:100);
E. sections (scale 1:25 and 1:50);
F. for elevations and partial elevations, includes all hidden areas with a legend describing the
scope of work;
G. details of doors, windows, glazing, (scales 1:10 and 1:20); and
H. schedules of windows, doors and frames, louvres, hardware, light fixtures and signage (to
be fully coordinated with electrical).
(ii) Specifications
(iii) For the statuary at the South African War Memorial a Heritage Fine Art Conservator
S-250 System Design Report – Cybersecurity

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

1) Project Co shall submit the following documents based on the NIST Framework for Improving Critical
Infrastructure Cybersecurity:
a) Cybersecurity Management Plan, including the following items:
i) All applicable standards, including versions and section references
ii) All regulations and guidelines used where standards were not available or incomplete
iii) All statutory obligations, legal and jurisdictional requirements
iv) System characterization including information on the system environment, and delineation of system
v) Change management plan
vi) Configuration management plan
vii) Patch management plan
viii) Cybersecurity policies and procedures for the Ontario Line operations
ix) Cybersecurity organization chart
b) Cybersecurity Risk Assessment, including the following items:
i) List of the system vulnerabilities that could be exercised by potential threat sources
ii) A list of the planned controls used for the information system to mitigate the likelihood of a vulnerability
being exercised and reduce the impact of such an adverse event
iii) A likelihood rating (High, Medium, or Low) that indicates the probability that a potential vulnerability
may be exercised
iv) A magnitude of impact (High, Medium, or Low) resulting from the exploitation of a vulnerability
v) Risk determination on a scale of High, Medium, or Low
vi) Recommendations of security controls and alternative solutions to mitigate risk
vii) Risk assessment report that describes the threats and vulnerabilities, measurement of risk, and provides
recommendations for control implementation
c) Cybersecurity Architecture and Design
d) Cybersecurity Configuration Verification Plan
e) Cybersecurity Configuration Verification Report
f) Penetration Testing Plan, including the following items:
i) Rules of engagement
ii) Tools to be used (hardware and software)
iii) Testing goals

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

iv) Testing schedule
v) Test team contact information
vi) Management approval
vii) Expected results
g) Penetration Testing Report, including the following items:
i) Description of identified vulnerabilities,
ii) Risk ratings,
iii) Proposed mitigation methods for any discovered weaknesses.
h) Cybersecurity Operational and Maintenance Procedures
S-251 Thermal Comfort Model Reports
S-251A Project Co shall provide a Thermal Comfort Model Report for Design Development Submittal in accordance with
the Output Specifications.
S-251B Project Co shall provide a Thermal Comfort Model Report for Construction Document Submittal in accordance
with the Output Specifications.
S-251C Project Co shall provide an as-built Thermal Comfort Model Report in accordance with the Output Specifications.
S-251D Project Co shall provide a Seasonal Thermal Comfort Verification test, prior to Financial Completion and within 12
months of Substantial Completion.
S-252 Tower Crane Swing Requirements Submittal
Project Co shall provide the plans and specifications for the crane installation and operation in accordance with the
Output Specifications.

S-253 Facility Fire Safety Plan

Project Co shall provide a Facility Fire Safety Plan for each Station in accordance with Sections 2.8 of the
Canadian National Fire Code and Schedule 29 – Safety, System Assurance and Security, no later than 60 calendar
days following receipt of Appendix D, S-253 Facility Fire Safety Plan, of this Schedule 10.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-254 Intentionally Left Blank
S-264 Temporary Construction and Customer Experience Plans for Exhibition Station

Project Co shall prepare and submit all submittals related to temporary conditions and Exhibition Station
Maintenance Services in accordance with the Output Specifications and MX-STS-STD-001 – Temporary
Construction and Customer Experience Requirements for GO Facilities as follows:
(a) The Exhibition Station Maintenance Plan shall be submitted no later than ninety (90) calendar days prior to the
No Earlier Than Date for the Early Works Section Handover Date for Exhibition Station, as included in
Schedule 41 – Early Works Handover.

(b) The Customer Experience Management Plan for Exhibition Station shall be submitted no later than ninety (90)
calendar days prior to the No Earlier Than Date for the Early Works Section Handover Date for Exhibition
Station, as included in Schedule 41 – Early Works Handover.

(c) The Communication and Resource Plan for Exhibition Station shall be submitted no later than ninety (90)
calendar days prior to the No Earlier Than Date for the Early Works Section Handover Date for Exhibition
Station, as included in Schedule 41 – Early Works Handover.

(d) The Wayfinding and Signage Plan for Exhibition Station shall be submitted concurrently with S-141
Wayfinding and Signage Report.

(e) The Investigative Work Staging Plan for Exhibition Station shall be submitted no later than ninety (90)
calendar days prior to the No Earlier Than Date for the Early Works Section Handover Date for Exhibition
Station, as included in Schedule 41 – Early Works Handover.

(f) The Construction Staging Plans for Exhibition Station shall be submitted concurrently with S-105 Traffic and
Transit Management Plan.

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

(g) The Passenger Flow Modelling Report for Exhibition Station shall be submitted concurrently with S-110
Architectural and Urban Design Quality

S-265 Operations and Maintenance Manuals

In accordance with Section of the Output Specifications.

S-266 EMC/EMI Risk Mitigation Report

Project Co shall provide a report listing at risk GO Transit infrastructure and New or Existing TTC Infrastructure
located within the Shared Corridor, and at Interchange Stations in accordance with Section of the Output
S-267 Stray Current Risk Mitigation Report

Project Co shall provide a report listing at risk GO Transit infrastructure and New or Existing TTC Infrastructure
located within the Shared Corridor, and at Interchange Stations in accordance with Section of the Output
S-268 GBLP Risk Mitigation Report

Project Co shall provide a report listing at risk GO Transit infrastructure and New or Existing TTC Infrastructure
located within the Shared Corridor, and at Interchange Stations in accordance with Section of the Output
S-269 Intentionally Left Blank

S-270 Intentionally Left Blank

S-271 Intentionally Left Blank

S-272 Intentionally Left Blank

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Item # Description of Works Submittals Integration

S-273 Intentionally Left Blank

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Certificate Ref No. [ ]


In respect of: …………………………………………………………………… [Provide

submittal details]

Project Agreement between Contracting Authority and Project Co dated XX, XXXX (“the Project
Agreement”) relating to the Project. Defined terms and expressions used in the Project Agreement have
the same meanings in this Certificate.

Form of Certificate to be used by the Design Team for certifying the design of the Works in
accordance with [the Output Specifications].

1. We certify that we have the requisite professional qualifications, skill and experience to
prepare the Design Data referred to herein in accordance with the requirements of the
Project Agreement and all relevant Output Specifications.

2. We certify that we have prepared the Design Data for […………………..] listed in the
Schedule hereto in accordance with all applicable requirements contained in the [Design
Quality Management Plan] and utilizing the standards of care, skill and diligence that, in
accordance with the standards of our profession, are required of experienced professionals
undertaking the preparation of such Design Data, and that in our professional opinion such
Design Data:

(a) complies with all applicable Output Specifications, as amended by the following:

(i) [List, if any, the changes made by the issue of Variation(s)];

(b) complies with all applicable design requirements of the Project Agreement;

(c) complies with all applicable standards, codes and current Good Industry Practice;

(d) accurately describes and depicts the Works to be undertaken.

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[Include here drawing numbers and titles, reports, calculations, etc.]

Certified by: ....................................

Design Team (Principal)

Name: .....................................

Title: .....................................

Date: .......................................

Professional Registration Number: ………………….

Affix Professional Seal

Signed: ....................................

Construction Contractor representative

Name: .....................................

Date: .......................................

This Certificate is:

i. No Comment*

ii. Reviewed as Noted – Minor Issues*

iii. Reviewed as Noted – Major Issues*

* delete as appropriate

Signed: ....................................

Contracting Authority Representative

Name: .....................................

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Date: .......................................

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Certificate Ref No. [ ]


Project Agreement between Contracting Authority and Project Co dated XX XX, XXXX (“the
Project Agreement”) relating to the Project. Defined terms and expressions used in the Project Agreement
have the same meanings in this Certificate.

Form of certificate to be used by the Design Team and the Environmental Director for certifying
the design of environmental works incorporated in the Works in accordance with the Project Agreement.

1. We certify that we have the requisite professional qualifications, skill and experience to
prepare the Design Data referred to herein in accordance with the requirements of the
Project Agreement and all relevant Output Specifications.

2. We certify that we have prepared the Design Data for [..............] [Name and list of all
elements of the environmental works] in the Schedule hereto in accordance with all
applicable requirements contained in the [Design Quality Management Plan] and
utilizing the standards of care, skill and diligence that, in accordance with the standards of
our profession, are required of experienced professionals undertaking the preparation of
such Design Data, and that in our professional opinion:

(a) the said Design Data complies with all applicable Output Specifications, as
amended by the following:

(i) [List, if any, the changes made by the issue of Variation(s)];

(b) the said Design Data complies with all applicable design requirements of the
Project Agreement;

(c) the said Design Data complies with all applicable standards, codes and current
Good Industry Practice; and

the said Design Data accurately describes and depicts the Works to be undertaken.

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[Include here drawing numbers and titles and reports, calculations, etc.]

Certified by: ....................................

Design Team (Principal)

Name: .....................................

Title: .....................................

Date: .......................................

Professional Registration Number: ………………….

Affix Professional Seal

Signed: ....................................

Environmental Director

Name: .....................................

Title: .......................................

Date: .......................................

Professional Registration Number: ………………….

Affix Professional Seal

This Certificate is:

i. No Comment*

ii. Reviewed as Noted – Minor Issues*

iii. Reviewed as Noted – Major Issues*

* delete as appropriate

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Signed: ....................................

Contracting Authority Representative

Name: .....................................

Date: .......................................

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Certificate Ref No. [ ]


Project Agreement between Contracting Authority and Project Co dated XX XX, XXXX (“the
Project Agreement”) relating to the Project. Defined terms and expressions used in the Project Agreement
have the same meanings in this Certificate.

Form of Certificate to be used by the Design Team for certifying, as applicable:

(a) [Intentionally deleted];

(b) the Substantial Completion of Construction Activities in respect of those components of

the Works set out in paragraph 1 of this Construction Certificate;

(c) the total completion of Construction Activities in respect of the Works, including Minor
Deficiencies, or

(d) the total completion of Construction Activities in respect of any Reinstatement Work
carried out by the Construction Contractor pursuant to Section 11.10 (Protection of Works
and Property) of the Project Agreement, in accordance with a Reinstatement Plan.

in accordance with [the Output Specifications].

Construction Contractor’s Statement

We certify that [name and element of the Works in respect of the Substantial Completion
Certificate][the Works in respect of the Final Completion Certificate][the Works in respect
of the Final Completion Certificate (Reinstatement Work)] has been designed, constructed,
[substantially completed], [totally completed], commissioned and tested in all respects in
accordance with: [Note: Inapplicable language to be deleted.]

(a) the relevant Design Data and Design Certificates in each case to which there has been no
objection under the Review Procedure; and

(b) the provisions of the Project Agreement, including all applicable Output Specifications, as
amended by the following Variation(s):

(i) [List, if any, the changes made by the issue of Variation(s)];


Construction Contractor representative



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Design Team’s Statement

We certify that we have examined the [name and element of the Works in respect of the
Substantial Completion Certificate][the Works in respect of the Final Completion
Certificate][the Works in respect of the Final Completion Certificate (Reinstatement Work)]
in accordance with the requirements for examination of the Works contained in the [Design
Quality Management Plan] and the [Construction Quality Management Plan] and utilizing the
standards of care, skill and diligence that, in accordance with the standards of our profession, are
required of experienced professionals undertaking such examinations, and that in our professional

(a) [the said element of the Works][the Works] has been designed, constructed,
[substantially completed][totally completed], commissioned and tested in all respects in
accordance with: [Note: Inapplicable language to be deleted.]

(i) the relevant Design Data and Design Certificates in each case to which there has
been no objection under the Review Procedure; and

(ii) the provisions of the Project Agreement, including all applicable Output
Specifications, as amended by the following Variation(s):

[List, if any, the changes made by the issue of Variation(s)]; and

(b) [the said element of the Works][the Works] is safe to carry the design loads.


Design Team (Principal)




Professional Registration Number: ………………….

Affix Professional Seal

Receipt of this Certificate is acknowledged.


Independent Certifier


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Professional Registration Number: ………………….

Affix Professional Seal

This Certificate is:

i. No Comment*

ii. Reviewed as Noted – Minor Issues*

iii. Reviewed as Noted – Major Issues*

* delete as appropriate

Signed: ....................................

Contracting Authority Representative

Name: .....................................

Date: .......................................

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1.1 Unless the context indicates a contrary intention, terms which are defined in the Project Agreement
(and not otherwise defined in this Schedule 10 shall have the meanings given to them in the Project
Agreement and the following terms shall have the following meanings:

(a) “City of Toronto Design Management Plan” has the meaning given in Section 3.2 of this
Appendix B.


2.1 The purpose of Appendix B is to facilitate the City of Toronto review of technical submittals related
to the Works listed in Section 3.1, or as defined by this Appendix B. Appendix B captures design
review submittal requirements for the Works in regards to Site Plan Review, Works that impact
City of Toronto infrastructure, or New City Infrastructure. The focus of this technical review is to
ensure submittal compliance.

2.2 Where there is a conflict between this Appendix B and Appendix A with respect to City of Toronto
review of Project Co submittals related to items listed in Section 3.1, this Appendix B shall take


3.1 The requirements of this Appendix B shall apply to all Design Development Submittals and
Construction Document Submittals related to Works that:

(a) are subject to Site Plan Review as set out in Attachment 1; or

(b) impact City of Toronto infrastructure or that are New City Infrastructure, which includes
but are not limited to, Works identified in Attachment 2.

3.2 Project Co shall prepare and submit an appendix to the Design Management Plan for all areas listed
in Section 3.1 (the “City of Toronto Design Management Plan”) to Contracting Authority and
the COT for review (concurrent with the review of the Design Management Plan), in accordance
with the Review Procedure.

3.3 The COT Design Management Plan shall supplement the information provided in the Design
Management Plan with the following:

(a) identification of all components of the Works to which the requirements of the City of
Toronto Design Management Plan will extend, in accordance with Section 3.1 of this
Appendix B;

(b) identification of the Design Development Submittals and Construction Document

Submittals to which City of Toronto Design Management Plan will extend, specific to

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Works in accordance with Section 3.1 and the City of Toronto design submittal
requirements presented in this Appendix B;

(c) a design review and audit schedule, consistent with the Design Quality Management Plan
and the Works Schedule, indicating dates that Project Co plans to undertake Technical
Review Meetings with City of Toronto and Contracting Authority, in accordance with
Sections 7 and 8 of this Appendix B; and

(d) a drawing tree indicating the organization and hierarchy of all drawings to which City of
Toronto Design Management Plan applies.

3.4 Project Co shall submit any subsequent amendments or updates to the City of Toronto Design
Management Plan to Contracting Authority and City of Toronto in accordance with the Review
Procedure and this Appendix B.

3.5 Project Co shall implement and comply with the City of Toronto Design Management Plan and any
subsequent amendments or updates to the initial City of Toronto Design Management Plan made
following review by Contracting Authority and City of Toronto in accordance with the Review
Procedure, including but not limited to requirements per the Output Specifications, and any other
requirements within the items listed in Section 3.1.


4.1 Project Co shall ensure that Design Development Submittals for items listed in Section 3.1 are
submitted in accordance with the City of Toronto Design Management Plan and the requirements
of the Review Procedure, and are:

(a) corrected as required in response to the comments provided by Contracting Authority and
City of Toronto for any previous submittals, as required in order to comply with the time
periods for such corrections described in Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.

4.2 Project Co shall ensure that all Design Development Submittals for the items listed in Section 3.1
are submitted in accordance with the City of Toronto design submittal requirements presented in
this Appendix B, as appropriate.


5.1 Project Co shall ensure that Construction Document Submittals for items listed in Section 3.1 are
submitted in accordance with the City of Toronto Design Management Plan and the requirements
of the Review Procedure, and are:

(a) corrected as required in response to the comments provided by Contracting Authority and
City of Toronto for any previous submittals, as required in order to comply with the time
periods for such corrections described in Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.

5.2 Project Co shall ensure that all Construction Document Submittals for the items listed in Section
3.1 are submitted in accordance with the City of Toronto design submittal requirements presented
in this Appendix B, as appropriate.

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6.1 The following is a breakdown of the contents of each City of Toronto submittal (individually,
“COT Submittal” or collectively “COT Submittals”) as well as the format for each.

6.2 All COT Submittals are to be submitted to Contracting Authority in hard copy and electronic format
in accordance with the following requirements:

(a) all hard copy COT Submittals in reduced format drawings (11” x 17”, foldouts folded to
8.5” x 11”) and included in a 3-hole ring binder;

(b) all hard copy COT Submittals in large format drawings (A0 or A1 size) shall be bound for
Record Drawings and shall be provided separately;

(c) all hard copy COT Submittals which are not drawings shall be submitted in 8.5” x 11”
black and white format, unless otherwise specifically noted in this Appendix B (or as
requested by Contracting Authority, acting reasonably);

(d) submit COT Submittals in electronic format as text searchable portable document format
(pdf) and in their native format;

(e) all COT Submittals provided in CAD format shall be in accordance with Metrolinx
CADD/BIM Standards Manual; and

(f) all COT Submittals shall be uploaded to Contracting Authority’s Web Based Project
Management System in portable document format (pdf) and in their native format at the
same time the Submittals are forwarded to Contracting Authority.


7.1 Project Co shall include all engineering disciplines in one package, as applicable, for submissions
of documents listed in Section 3.1 for City of Toronto technical review. Submission requirements
are indicated at their earliest submittal and may also be required at subsequent submittals.

7.2 For COT Submittals in accordance with Attachment 1, Site Plan Review, such submittals would be
made following Project Co submitting a ‘place holder’ site plan review application to begin the site
plan review process for Project Co Infrastructure in accordance with Appendix B to Schedule 34 –
Permits, Licences, Approvals and Agreements.

7.3 For COT Submittals in accordance with Attachment 2, COT Submittals would be made such that
the COT technical review can be completed in advance of the scheduled timing of any associated
applications for Permits, Licences, Approvals and Agreements.

7.4 Upon completion of the City of Toronto technical review, comments will be provided to
Contracting Authority for response by Project Co. Project Co shall carry out the correction and re-
submit process set out in Section 4.3 of Part A of this Schedule 10 until the Works Submittal has

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7.5 Following assignment of a “NO COMMENT” or a “REVIEWED AS NOTED – MINOR ISSUES” by

Contracting Authority on items related to Attachment 1, Site Plan Review, Project Co shall proceed
through the subsequent steps of the Site Plan Review process as identified in Item No. 1 in
Appendix B to Schedule 34 – Permits, Licences, Approvals and Agreements.

7.6 Following assignment of a “NO COMMENT” or a “REVIEWED AS NOTED – MINOR ISSUES” by

Contracting Authority on items related to Works that impact City of Toronto infrastructure, for
items identified in Attachment 2, Project Co shall proceed with the relevant Permits, Licences,
Approvals and Agreements requirements as identified in Schedule 34 – Permits, Licences,
Approvals and Agreements.

7.7 Assignment of “NO COMMENT” for a submittal by the City of Toronto does not exempt Project
Co from compliance with applicable codes and standards, local by-laws, and other governing
regulations. City of Toronto will not accept any responsibility for the accuracy and adequacy of the
design, which will remain the sole responsibility of Project Co.

7.8 The content or result of any City of Toronto technical review does not absolve Project Co of its
responsibility to obtain all related Permits, Licences, Approvals and Agreements required to
implement the Works.


8.1 Project Co shall prepare for and present at City of Toronto Technical Meetings with Contracting
Authority and City of Toronto during the development of the Design Development Submittals and
Construction Document Submittals, for the purposes of observing compliance with applicable

8.2 The City of Toronto Technical Meetings shall, at a minimum, occur at the following:

(a) one City of Toronto Technical Meeting prior to submission of the Design Development
Submittals applicable to the Works listed in Section 3.1;

(b) one City of Toronto Technical Meeting, prior to submission of all Construction Document
Submittals, and after submission of all Design Developmental Submittals, applicable to the
Works listed in Section 3.1.

8.3 Contracting Authority, City of Toronto, or Project Co may request additional City of Toronto
Technical Meetings, as required. For any additional City of Toronto technical reviews requested
by Contracting Authority or City of Toronto, Contracting Authority will notify Project Co of any
such request.

8.4 Contracting Authority and City of Toronto may, at their sole discretion, waive the requirement for
some or all City of Toronto Technical Meetings.

8.5 For each City of Toronto Technical Meeting, Project Co shall:

(a) advise Contracting Authority and City of Toronto of the intention to hold each COT
Technical Meeting, or respond to a request from Contracting Authority for an additional

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COT Technical Meeting, a minimum of fifteen (15) Business Days prior to the proposed
COT Technical Meeting date;

(b) submit an agenda for each City of Toronto Technical Meeting to Contracting Authority a
minimum of five (5) Business Days prior to the proposed City of Toronto Technical
Meeting date; and

(c) submit interim Design Development Submittals or interim Construction Document

Submittals, as applicable and as required to facilitate the discussion at each City of Toronto
Technical Meeting, to Contracting Authority a minimum of ten (10) Business Days prior
to the proposed City of Toronto Technical Meeting date.

8.6 Project Co shall ensure that the content of the Design Development Submittals and the Construction
Document Submittals, presented at any City of Toronto Technical Meetings, are appropriate to the
subject and discipline, that the information provided is adequate to show that the design is
proceeding in compliance with the Project Agreement for all disciplines, and that the content has
been developed in consideration of the relevant Construction Activities.


9.1 Project Co shall prepare for and present a three stage design charette with Contracting Authority
and City of Toronto for the development of the concept option for the venting above grade at
Queen Station as an input to this Schedule 10.

(a) Workshop 1: Initial concept options, with presentation of three options for each of the
feature elements with presentation materials prepared in advance including precedents
and concept sketches and illustrations for the three alternative designs. Project Co shall
submit presentation material a minimum of five (5) Business Days prior to the proposed
design charette.

(b) Workshop 2: Development of two selected options from the initial meeting with a
minimum of two photorealistic renderings superimposed it into context photos of each of
the proposed options at least location. Project Co shall submit presentation material a
minimum of five (5) Business Days prior to the proposed design charette.

(c) Workshop 3: Development of selected option with further development of design,

confirmation of technical venting requirements compliance and a minimum of three
updated photorealistic renderings superimposed into context photos of each of the
proposed feature elements with a minimum of one rendering showing the night lighting
condition. Project Co shall submit presentation material a minimum of five (5) Business
Days prior to the proposed design charette.

9.2 The design charette process is intended to be completed as an input to the Works Submittal item
S-110 (Architectural and Urban Design Quality) of Appendix A to this Schedule 10.

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1.1 As identified in Item No. 1 in Appendix B to Schedule 34 – Permits, Licences, Approvals and
Agreements, Project Co shall prepare and submit all documentation and materials that the City of
Toronto will require to complete site plan review of Project Co Infrastructure for which site plan
review is applicable.

1.2 The following is a detailed, non-exhaustive list of Site Plan Review Submittals (individually, “SPR
Submittal” or collectively “SPR Submittals”) as well as the format for each, that Project Co is
required to provide to Contracting Authority for review and comment in accordance with this
Schedule 10. A description of the minimum content of each COT Submittal provided is set forth in
this Attachment 1.

1.3 The Works Submittals delivered pursuant to Appendix A to this Schedule 10 which have equivalent
content to satisfy the requirements of SPR Submittals are permitted to be reused in accordance with
the table below, provided that they meet all the requirements of each SPR Submittal section they
are applied to.

1.4 Project Co shall modify as appropriate the Works Submittals delivered pursuant to Appendix A to
address the relevant sections of the Application Support Material: Terms of Reference
(Application Support Material: Terms of Reference – City of Toronto).

1.5 For each of the SPR Submittals that Project Co is required to provide to Contracting Authority for
review and comment in accordance with this Schedule 10 for a specific location (e.g. Station), the
site plan areas indicated in those submittals shall be consistent across all SPR Submittals for that
location. This would include those Works Submittal deliverables pursuant to Appendix A to this
Schedule 10 which have equivalent content to satisfy the requirements of SPR Submittals that are
permitted to be re-used.

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Item # Title Description of Submittal

Design Development Construction Document

Submittal Item Submittal Item

SPR-100 Computer Generated Draft, in accordance with Final Draft, in accordance

Building Mass Model Application Support Material: with Application Support
Terms of Reference Material: Terms of
(Application Support Reference (Application
Material: Terms of Reference Support Material: Terms of
– City of Toronto), Computer Reference – City of
Generated Building Mass Toronto), Computer
Model Generated Building Mass
SPR-101 Toronto Green Standard Draft, in accordance with Final Draft, in accordance
Checklist Application Support Material: with Application Support
Terms of Reference Material: Terms of
(Application Support Reference (Application
Material: Terms of Reference Support Material: Terms of
– City of Toronto), Toronto Reference – City of
Green Standard Checklist Toronto), Toronto Green
Standard Checklist
SPR-102 Toronto Green Standard Draft in accordance with Final Draft in accordance
City Planning Statistics Toronto Green Standard with Toronto Green
Table (https://www.toronto.ca/city- Standard
government/planning- (https://www.toronto.ca/city-
development/official-plan- government/planning-
guidelines/toronto-green- development/official-plan-
standard/) guidelines/toronto-green-
SPR-103 Archaeological In accordance with Application Support Material: Terms of
Assessment Reference (Application Support Material: Terms of Reference
– City of Toronto), Archaeological Assessment
SPR-104 Intentionally Left Blank
SPR-105 Intentionally Left Blank
SPR-106 Intentionally Left Blank

SPR-107 Intentionally Left Blank

SPR-108 Plans/Drawings List Draft in accordance with Final Draft in accordance

Application Support Material: with Application Support
Terms of Reference Material: Terms of
(Application Support Reference (Application
Material: Terms of Reference Support Material: Terms of
– City of Toronto), Reference – City of

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Item # Title Description of Submittal

Design Development Construction Document

Submittal Item Submittal Item

Plans/Drawings List. Include Toronto), Plans/Drawings

the location of bike share List. Include the location of
stations that would be bike share stations that
removed (if applicable) and would be removed (if
the location where they would applicable) and the location
be replaced. where they would be
SPR-109 Transportation Impact Submit Schedule 10 Appendix Submit Schedule 10
Study A, S-105A Traffic and Transit Appendix A, S-105B Traffic
Management Plan and Transit Management

SPR-110 Geotechnical Submit Schedule 10 Appendix Submit Schedule 10

Study/Hydrological A, S-126A Geotechnical Appendix A, S-126B
Review Design Report Geotechnical Design Report

SPR-111 Stormwater Management Submit Schedule 10 Appendix Submit Schedule 10

Report A, S-154A Drainage and Appendix A, S-154B
Stormwater Design Drainage and Stormwater
Development Design Development
SPR-112 Servicing Report Draft in accordance with Final Draft in accordance
Application Support Material: with Application Support
Terms of Reference Material: Terms of
(Application Support Reference (Application
Material: Terms of Reference Support Material: Terms of
– City of Toronto), Servicing Reference – City of
Report Toronto), Servicing Report
SPR-113 Intentionally Left Blank
SPR-114 Intentionally Left Blank
SPR-115 Arborist/Tree Submit Schedule 10 Appendix Submit Schedule 10
Preservation Report A, S-172 (bb, cc) Appendix A, S-172 (bb, cc)
Environmental Submittals, Environmental Submittals,
and S-152A Urban and and S-152B Urban and
Landscape Landscape
SPR-116 Context Plan Submit Schedule 10 Appendix Submit Schedule 10
A, S-110A Architectural and Appendix A, S-110B
Urban Design Quality Architectural and Urban
Design Quality

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Item # Title Description of Submittal

Design Development Construction Document

Submittal Item Submittal Item

SPR-117 Underground Garage Submit Schedule 10 Appendix Submit Schedule 10

Plan A, S-126A Geotechnical Appendix A, S-126B
Design Report Geotechnical Design Report
SPR-118 Site Plan Submit Schedule 10 Appendix Submit Schedule 10
A, S-107A (2)(a) Design of Appendix A, S-107B (2)(a)
Civil Structures and Tunnels. Design of Civil Structures
Include the location of bike and Tunnels. Include the
share stations that would be location of bike share
removed (if applicable) and stations that would be
the location where they would removed (if applicable) and
be replaced. the location where they
would be replaced.
SPR-119 Site and Building Submit Schedule 10 Appendix Submit Schedule 10
Elevations A, S-110A (e) Architectural Appendix A, S-110B (e)
and Urban Design Quality Architectural and Urban
Design Quality
SPR-120 Roof Plan Submit Schedule 10 Appendix Submit Schedule 10
A, S-110A (d) Architectural Appendix A, S-110B (d)
and Urban Design Quality Architectural and Urban
Design Quality
SPR-121 Site and Building Submit Schedule 10 Appendix Submit Schedule 10
Sections A, S-110A (g) Architectural Appendix A, S-110B (g)
and Urban Design Quality Architectural and Urban
Design Quality
SPR-122 Site Grading Plan Draft in accordance with Final Draft in accordance
Application Support Material: with Application Support
Terms of Reference Material: Terms of
(Application Support Reference (Application
Material: Terms of Reference Support Material: Terms of
– City of Toronto), Site Reference – City of
Grading Plan Toronto), Site Grading Plan
SPR-123 Intentionally Left Blank

SPR-124 Public Utilities Plan Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Appendix A, S-104A(1) (a) Appendix A, S-104B (1) (a)
(iv) and (v), Utility (iv) and (v), Utility
Infrastructure Infrastructure
SPR-125 Tree Preservation Plan Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Appendix A, S-172 (bb, cc) Appendix A, S-172 (bb, cc)

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Item # Title Description of Submittal

Design Development Construction Document

Submittal Item Submittal Item

Environmental Submittals, Environmental Submittals,

and S-152A Urban and and S-152B Urban and
Landscape Landscape
SPR-126 Landscape & Planting Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Plan Appendix A, S-152A Urban Appendix A, S-152B Urban
and Landscape and Landscape
SPR-127 Lighting Plan Draft in accordance with Final Draft in accordance
Application Support Material: with Application Support
Terms of Reference Material: Terms of
(Application Support Reference (Application
Material: Terms of Reference Support Material: Terms of
– City of Toronto), Lighting Reference – City of
Plan Toronto), Lighting Plan
SPR-128 Intentionally Left Blank
SPR-129 Elevation Drawings in Provide building elevations with details indicating bird
Compliance with Bird friendly treatment in accordance with Bird-Friendly
Friendly Guidelines Guidelines – City of Toronto
TGS EC4.1 Bird-friendly glazing (Section of the
Output Specifications), including: elevation and pattern
SPR-130 Boundary Plan of Survey Submit Schedule 10, Appendix A, S-156 Condition Survey
SPR-131 Topographic Survey Submit Schedule 10, Appendix A, S-156 Condition Survey
SPR-132 Floor Plans Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Appendix A, S-110A (b) Appendix A, S-110B (b)
Architectural and Urban Architectural and Urban
Design Quality Design Quality
SPR-133 Soil Volume Plan Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Appendix A, S-152A Urban Appendix A, S-152B Urban
and Landscape and Landscape

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1.1 The following is a detailed, non-exhaustive list of City of Toronto Works Submittals (individually,
“COT Works Submittal” or collectively “COT Works Submittals”) as well as the format for
each, that Project Co is required to provide to Contracting Authority for review and comment in
accordance with this Schedule 10. A description of the minimum content of each COT Works
Submittal provided is set forth in this Attachment 2.

1.2 The Works Submittals delivered pursuant to Appendix A to this Schedule 10 which have equivalent
content to satisfy the requirements of COT Works Submittals are permitted to be reused in
accordance with the table below, provided that they meet all the requirements of each COT Works
Submittal section they are applied to.

1.3 For each of the COT Works Submittals that Project Co is required to provide to Contracting
Authority for review and comment in accordance with this Schedule 10 for a specific location, the
areas indicated in those submittals shall be consistent across all COT Works Submittals for that
location. This would include those Works Submittal deliverables pursuant to Appendix A to this
Schedule 10 which have equivalent content to satisfy the requirements of COT Works Submittals
that are permitted to be re-used.

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Description of Submittal
Item # Item Requirement
Design Development Construction Document
Submittal Item Submittal Item

Design review submissions for locations where Works involve removal of COT owned Street Trees or Parks
Trees, removal of trees on boundaries with City-owned lands
COT-100 Site Plan or Vegetation Removals Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Plan Appendix A, S-152A Appendix A, S-152B (2),
(2), Urban and Urban and Landscape
COT-101 Landscaping and/or Replanting Plan Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Appendix A, S-152A Appendix A, S-152B (2),
(2), Urban and Urban and Landscape
COT-102 Arborist/Tree Preservation Report Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Appendix A, S-152A (1) Appendix A, S-152B (1)
Urban and Landscape, Urban and Landscape, and
and S-172 (cc), S-172 (cc), Environmental
Environmental Submittals
Design review submissions for locations where Works involve removal or injury of trees within ravine and
natural features and/or where Works involve grading within ravine and natural features
COT-103 Landscaping and/or Restoration Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Plan Appendix A, S-152A Appendix A, S-152B (2),
(2), Urban and Urban and Landscape
COT-104 Removal Plan Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Appendix A, S-152A Appendix A, S-152B (2),
(2), Urban and Urban and Landscape
COT-105 Grading Plan (if applicable) Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Appendix B, Attachment Appendix B, Attachment
1, SPR-122, Site 1, SPR-122, Site Grading
Grading Plans Plans
COT-106 Arborist/Tree Preservation Report Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Appendix A, S-152A (1) Appendix A, S-152B (1)
Urban and Landscape, Urban and Landscape, and
and S-172 (cc), S-172 (cc), Environmental
Environmental Submittals
COT-107 Geotechnical Report (if grading is Submit Schedule 10 Submit Schedule 10
proposed) Appendix A, S-126A Appendix A, S-126B

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Geotechnical Design Geotechnical Design

Report Report

Design review submissions required for Works involving drinking water works
COT-108 Drawings, Drinking Water Works Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
including: Appendix A, S-104A (1) Appendix A, S-104B,
a) Index of Drawings Sheet (a) iv, Utility Utility Infrastructure
b) Key Plan Infrastructure
c) General Notes Sheets
d) Plan and Profiles Drawings
e) Sections Drawings
f) Details Sheets
g) Composite Utility Drawings
h) Erosion and Sedimentation
Control Plan
i) Grading Plan
j) Reference Plan (if easement
is required)
COT-109 Hydraulic Analysis Report (if Hydraulic Analysis Final Hydraulic Analysis
applicable) Report, signed & sealed Report
by Professional Engineer
registered with PEO,
required for proposed
water mains 300 mm
diameter and greater.
Including but not limited
to pressures, flows,
velocities, headloss,
field data, FUS.
COT-110 Functional Servicing Report Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Appendix B, Attachment Appendix B, Attachment
1, SPR-112, Servicing 1, SPR-112, Servicing
Report Report
COT-111 Geotechnical Report Submit Schedule 10 Submit Schedule 10
Appendix A, S-126A Appendix A, S-126B
Geotechnical Design Geotechnical Design
Report Report

COT-112 Structural Report for Support of Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Infrastructure (if applicable) Appendix A, S-104A (1) Appendix A, S-104B,
(a) iv, Utility Utility Infrastructure
COT-113 Design Brief, for all sized Design Brief
watermains, Including:
(a) Design criteria

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(b) WM head loss calculations

(c) Design sheets
(d) Design flow rates
(e) Pressures, zones etc.
COT-114 Frost Penetration Calculations, Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10
including insulation details for Appendix A, S-126A Appendix A, S-126B,
watermains, sewers and service (1)(h)(iii), Geotechnical Geotechnical Design
connections, or where there is Design Report Report
insufficient ground cover refer to
City standard T-708.01-4 and
provide frost penetration
Design review submissions required for Works involving sewage works
COT-115 Drawings, Sewage Works including: Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
a) Index of Drawings Sheet Appendix A, S-104A (1) Appendix A, S-104B,
b) Key Plan (a) iv, Utility Utility Infrastructure
c) General Notes Sheets Infrastructure
d) Plan and Profiles Drawings
e) Sections Drawings
f) Details Sheets
g) Composite Utility Drawings
h) Erosion and Sedimentation
Control Plan
i) Grading Plan
j) Drainage Area Plans
k) Reference Plan (if easement
is required)
COT-116 Hydrogeological Investigation Submit Schedule 10 Submit Schedule 10
Report Appendix A, S-126A Appendix A, S-126B
Geotechnical Design Geotechnical Design
Report Report

COT-117 Functional Servicing Report Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Appendix B, Attachment Appendix B, Attachment
1, SPR-112, Servicing 1, SPR-112, Servicing
Report Report
COT-118 Geotechnical Report, including Submit Schedule 10 Submit Schedule 10
pavement design and pipe bedding Appendix A, S-126A Appendix A, S-126B
design Geotechnical Design Geotechnical Design
Report Report

COT-119 Design Brief, including: Design Brief

(a) Storm, sanitary and/or
Combined sewer design

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(b) Capacity assessment of at

least one leg of existing
sewer downstream of
proposed sewers
COT-120 Contingency Plan (if applicable) Contingency plan for Final Contingency Plan
possible overflows if the
application is for a
forcemain or siphon
COT-121 Stormwater Management (SWM) Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Report (if application includes Appendix A, S-154A, Appendix A, S-154B,
stormwater management works to Drainage and Drainage and Stormwater
control/mitigate quantity or quality Stormwater Design Design Development
of stormwater) Development
COT-122 Frost Penetration Calculations, Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10
including insulation details for Appendix A, S-126A Appendix A, S-126B,
watermains, sewers and service (1)(h)(iii), Geotechnical Geotechnical Design
connections, or where there is Design Report Report
insufficient ground cover refer to
City standard T-708.01-4 and
provide frost penetration
Design review submissions required for locations where Works involve short stream
cut/construction/encroachment (minor)
COT-123 Geotechnical Report (as required) Submit Schedule 10 Submit Schedule 10
Appendix A, S-126A Appendix A, S-126B
Geotechnical Design Geotechnical Design
Report Report

COT-124 Site Specific Traffic Control Plan or

Submit Schedule 10,
Traffic Management Plan Appendix A, S-106,
Traffic Control Plans
and associated Sub-plans
Design review submissions required for locations where Works involve full stream
cut/construction/encroachment (major)
COT-125 Geotechnical Report (as required) Submit Schedule 10 Submit Schedule 10
Appendix A, S-126A Appendix A, S-126B
Geotechnical Design Geotechnical Design
Report Report

COT-126 Site Specific Traffic Control Plan or Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Traffic Management Plan Appendix A, S-106, Appendix A, S-104B,
Traffic Control Plans Utility Infrastructure
and associated Sub-
plans; S-104A (1) (a)

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(iii), Utility
COT-127 Erosion/Sediment Control Plan (as Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
required) Appendix A, S-154A (1) Appendix A, S-154B (1)
(a) (ii), Drainage and (b) (iii), Drainage and
Stormwater Design Stormwater Design
Development Development
COT-128 Composite Utility Plan, Utility Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Drawings Appendix A, S-104A Appendix A, S-104B (1)
(iv) and (v), Utility (a) (C) and (D), Utility
Infrastructure Infrastructure
COT-129 Shoring Drawings Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Appendix A, S-126A Appendix A, S-126B
Geotechnical Design Geotechnical Design
Report, or S-143A Report, or S-143B
Temporary Works Temporary Works
Submittals as Submittals as appropriate
Design review submission required for locations where Works involve street occupancy
COT-130 Site Specific Traffic Control Plan
Submit Schedule 10,
Appendix A, S-106,
Traffic Control Plans
and associated Sub-plans
Design review submission required for Works involving discharge of groundwater in sewer during construction
COT-131 System-Wide Drainage Report Draft System Wide Final System Wide
Drainage Report with Drainage Report
estimated operational
discharge volumes
COT-132 Sewer Capacity Analysis Report Draft Sewer Capacity Final Sewer Capacity
Analysis Report for the Analysis Report
receiving sewer
COT-133 Hydrogeological Report Submit Schedule 10 Submit Schedule 10
Appendix A, S-126A Appendix A, S-126B
Geotechnical Design Geotechnical Design
Report Report

COT-134 Site Servicing Plan or CCTV Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Investigation Report Appendix B, Attachment Appendix B, Attachment
1, SPR-112, Servicing 1, SPR-112, Servicing
Report Report
COT-135 Site Plan Drawing or Sketch, Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Plumbing Drawings, including: Appendix A, S-104A (1) Appendix A, S-104B,
(a) Site location (a) iv, Utility Utility Infrastructure
(b) Discharge location Infrastructure

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(c) Source of water and area to

be dewatered
(d) Location of proposed
settling tanks, size and type
(e) Location of flow meters
(f) Location of sampling points
(g) Temporary hoses or piping
(h) Gate valve (if applicable)
(i) Treatment system (if
(j) Location of temporary
(k) Dewatering method
COT-136 Detailed Description of Pre- Detailed description of Final description of pre-
Treatment System and Location pre-treatment system treatment system and
Drawing (if applicable) and associated drawing/schematic
processes, design
capacities, contaminants
to be removed, estimated
removal efficiency,
performance objectives,
collection and disposal
of by-products.
indicating installation
location of pre-treatment
system as per
Design review submission required for Works involving discharge of groundwater in sewer permanent/long
COT-137 System-Wide Drainage and Water Draft System Wide Final System Wide
Report Drainage Report with Drainage Report
estimated operational
discharge volumes
COT-138 Geotechnical Report Submit Schedule 10 Submit Schedule 10
Appendix A, S-126A Appendix A, S-126B
Geotechnical Design Geotechnical Design
Report Report
COT-139 Hydrogeology Report Submit Schedule 10 Submit Schedule 10
Appendix A, S-126A Appendix A, S-126B
Geotechnical Design Geotechnical Design
Report Report
COT-140 Sub-Slab and Foundation Drainage Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Plan Appendix A, S-107A (2) Appendix A, S-107B,

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(i), (l), Design of Civil Design of Civil Structures

Structures and Tunnels and Tunnels
COT-141 Site Grading Drawings Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Appendix B, Attachment Appendix B, Attachment
1, SPR-122, Site 1, SPR-122, Site Grading
Grading Plans Plans
COT-142 Site Servicing Drawings Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Appendix A, S-104A (1) Appendix A, S-104B,
(a) iv, v Utility Utility Infrastructure
COT-143 Pre-Treatment System Location Detailed description of Final description of pre-
Drawing (if applicable) pre-treatment system treatment system and
and associated drawing/schematic
processes, design
capacities, contaminants
to be removed, estimated
removal efficiency,
performance objectives,
collection and disposal
of by-products.
indicating installation
location of pre-treatment
system as per
Design review submission required for locations where Works involve sewer and/or water connection or
COT-144 Site Servicing Plan Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Appendix B, Attachment Appendix B, Attachment
1, SPR-112, Servicing 1, SPR-112, Servicing
Report Report
COT-145 Utilities Plans Submit Schedule 10, Submit Schedule 10,
Appendix A, S-104A (1) Appendix A, S-104B,
(a) iv, v Utility Utility Infrastructure
COT-146 Comprehensive Crossing Table (as Draft Comprehensive Final Comprehensive
applicable) Crossing Table showing Crossing Table
clearance between
existing utilities and
proposed infrastructure

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1.1 Unless the context indicates a contrary intention, terms which are defined in the Project Agreement
(and not otherwise defined in this Schedule 10 shall have the meanings given to them in the Project
Agreement and the following terms shall have the following meanings:

(a) “TTC Design Management Plan” has the meaning given in Section 3.3 of this Appendix


2.1 The purpose of Appendix C is to facilitate the TTC review of technical submittals related to the
Works listed in Section 3.1 of this Appendix C, or as defined by this Appendix C. Whereas
Appendix A includes submittals of interest to multiple parties (including TTC), this Appendix C
captures additional submittal requirements for the Works in regards to New TTC Infrastructure.
The focus of this technical review is to ensure conformance to the Output Specifications and this
Schedule 10.

2.2 Where there is a conflict between this Appendix C and Appendix A with respect to TTC review of
Project Co submittals related to items listed in Section 3.1, this Appendix C shall take precedence.


3.1 The requirements of this Appendix C shall apply to all Design Development Submittals and
Construction Document Submittals related to Works impacting Queen Station and Osgoode

3.2 Project Co shall prepare and submit an appendix to the Design Management Plan for all areas listed
in Section 3.1 of this Appendix C (the “TTC Design Management Plan”) to Contracting Authority
and TTC for review (concurrent with the review of the Design Management Plan), in accordance
with the Review Procedure.

3.3 The TTC Design Management Plan shall supplement the information provided in the Design
Management Plan with the following:

(a) identification of all components of the Works to which the requirements of the TTC Design
Management Plan will extend, in accordance with Section 3.1 of this Appendix C;

(b) identification of all Design Development Submittals and Construction Document

Submittals to which TTC Design Management Plan will extend;

(c) a design review and audit schedule, consistent with the Design Quality Management Plan
and the Works Schedule, indicating dates that Project Co plans to undertake Technical
Review Meetings with TTC and Contracting Authority, in accordance with Sections 6 and
7 of this Appendix C; and

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(d) a drawing tree indicating the organization and hierarchy of all drawings to which TTC
Design Management Plan applies.

3.4 Project Co shall submit any subsequent amendments or updates to the TTC Design Management
Plan to Contracting Authority and TTC in accordance with the Review Procedure and this
Appendix C.

3.5 Project Co shall implement and comply with the TTC Design Management Plan and any
subsequent amendments or updates to the initial TTC Design Management Plan made following
review by Contracting Authority and TTC in accordance with the Review Procedure, including but
not limited to requirements per the Output Specifications, and any other requirements within the items
listed in Section 3.1 of this Appendix C.

3.6 In addition to the applicable items listed in Section 3.6 of Part A of this Schedule 10, Project Co
shall submit to TTC, for each New TTC Infrastructure:

(a) log of all previous submissions with dates, reference numbers, TTC review submission
numbers and list of documents in each submission;

(b) spreadsheet summarizing responses to and status of comments of all previous submissions.

(c) all relevant references, meeting minutes, record of discussions, calculations, drawings and
documents (including extracts of related documents in previous submissions) quoted or
referred to in the current submission for reviewer’s reference.


4.1 Project Co shall ensure that Design Development Submittals for items listed in Section 3.1 of this
Appendix C are submitted in accordance with the TTC Design Management Plan and the
requirements of the Review Procedure, and are:

(a) submitted commensurate with the design submission for such submittals described in
Appendix A to Schedule 10 – Review Procedure; and

(b) corrected as required in response to the comments provided by Contracting Authority and
TTC for any previous submittals, as required in order to comply with the time periods for
such corrections described in Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.

4.2 Project Co shall ensure that all Design Development Submittals for the items listed in Section 3.1
of this Appendix C are submitted in accordance with the TTC design checklist presented in this
Appendix C.


5.1 Project Co shall ensure that Construction Document Submittals for items listed in Section 3.1 of
this Appendix C are submitted in accordance with the TTC Design Management Plan and the
requirements of the Review Procedure, and are:

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(a) submitted commensurate with the design submission for such submittals described in
Appendix A to Schedule 10 – Review Procedure; and

(b) corrected as required in response to the comments provided by Contracting Authority and
TTC for any previous submittals, as required in order to comply with the time periods for
such corrections described in Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.

5.2 Project Co shall submit quality control/quality assurance plan for Construction Activities within
the vicinity of the Queen Station and Osgoode Station, detailing the inspection and test program to
be implemented.

5.3 Project Co shall ensure that all Construction Document Submittals for the items listed in Section
3.1 of this Appendix C are submitted in accordance with the TTC design checklist presented in this
Appendix C.


6.1 Project Co shall include all engineering disciplines in one package, as applicable, for submissions
of documents listed in Section 3.1 of this Appendix C for TTC technical review. Submission
requirements are indicated at their earliest submittal and may also be required at subsequent
submittals, including construction and post-construction stages of work. For clarity, submission
requirements and submittal are captured in the table below, in this Appendix C.

6.2 Upon completion of the TTC technical review, comments will be provided to Contracting Authority
for response by Project Co and the provisions of Section 4 of Part A of this Schedule shall apply.

6.3 Upon review of conformance that TTC’s requirements as set out within the Project Agreement and
the Works Submittal has been assigned a “NO COMMENT” or a “REVIEWED AS NOTED –
MINOR ISSUES” as it pertains to the TTC requirements as set out within the Project Agreement,
a Consent to Proceed letter shall be issued by TTC.

6.4 Assignment of “NO COMMENT” for a submittal by the TTC does not exempt Project Co from
compliance with applicable codes and standards, local by-laws, and other governing regulations.
TTC will not accept any responsibility for the accuracy and adequacy of the design, which will
remain the sole responsibility of Project Co.

6.5 The content or result of any TTC technical review does not absolve Project Co of its responsibility
to obtain all related Permits, Licences, Approvals and Agreements required to implement the

6.6 The technical submissions shall include:

(a) calculations,

(b) a complete set of drawings,

(c) specifications and technical documentation with an emphasis on the review of:

(i) construction staging;

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(ii) geotechnical and structural components of the Works associated with Queen
Station and Osgoode Station;

(iii) shoring/excavation, as required.

6.7 Project Co shall submit the following number of documents at each submission:

(a) Plans & Surveys (Control / Topographic / Utility / Property):

(i) two (2) complete sets of full size plans and surveys; and

(ii) seven (7) complete sets of half size plans and surveys.

(b) Drawings (geotechnical/structural):

(i) seven (7) complete sets of half size drawings.

(c) Specifications:

(i) seven (7) complete sets (hard copies).

(d) Reports:

(i) nine (9) copies of all required reports.

(e) Electronic Format:

(i) one (1) CD or USB containing all plans, property surveys, drawings, specifications
and reports in PDF format; and

(ii) one (1) CD or USB containing digital files of the property surveys in Microstation
(.dgn) format.


7.1 Project Co shall prepare for and present at TTC Technical Meetings with Contracting Authority
and TTC during the development of the Design Development Submittals and Construction
Document Submittals, for the purposes of observing compliance with applicable requirements in
the Output Specifications and this Schedule 10.

7.2 The TTC Technical Meetings shall occur at the following:

(a) one TTC Technical Meeting prior to submission of the Design Development Submittals
applicable to the Works listed in Section 3.1 of this Appendix C;

(b) one TTC Technical Meeting, prior to submission of all Construction Document Submittals,
and after submission of all Design Developmental Submittals, applicable to the Works
listed in Section 3.1 of this Appendix C.

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7.3 Contracting Authority, TTC, or Project Co may request additional TTC Technical Meetings, as
required. For any additional TTC technical reviews requested by Contracting Authority or TTC,
Contracting Authority will notify Project Co of any such request.

7.4 Contracting Authority and TTC may, at their sole discretion, waive the requirement for some or all
TTC Technical Meetings.

7.5 For each TTC Technical Meeting, Project Co shall:

(a) advise Contracting Authority of the intention to hold each TTC Technical Meeting, or
respond to a request from Contracting Authority for an additional TTC Technical Meeting,
a minimum of fifteen (15) Business Days prior to the proposed TTC Technical Meeting

(b) submit an agenda for each TTC Technical Meeting to Contracting Authority a minimum
of five (5) Business Days prior to the proposed TTC Technical Meeting date; and

(c) submit interim Design Development Submittals or interim Construction Document

Submittals, as applicable and as required to facilitate the discussion at each TTC Technical
Meeting, to Contracting Authority a minimum of ten (10) Business Days prior to the
proposed TTC Technical Meeting date.

7.6 Project Co shall ensure that the content of the Design Development Submittals and the Construction
Document Submittals, presented at any TTC Technical Meetings, are appropriate to the subject and
discipline, that the information provided is adequate to show that the design is proceeding in
compliance with the Project Agreement for all disciplines, and that the content has been developed
in consideration of the relevant Construction Activities.

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Project Construction
Advanced Works Design Development
No. TTC Submission Requirement Co to Document Submittal
Submittal Item Submittal Item
Submit Item
Confirmation report.
S-139A Code S-139B Code
1.02 Y
Compliance Summary Compliance Summary

Plan for protecting people, equipment and

property throughout construction; including S-187 Construction S-187 Construction
details on temporary hoarding, life safety, Management Plan, S- Management Plan, S-
1.05 architectural, structural, civil, mechanical, Y
188 Construction Safety 188 Construction Safety
electrical and other works required to Management Plan Management Plan
establish an operational level of service.
Plan for any service impact, including
duration, type of service impacted, service S-187 Construction S-187 Construction
alternatives & customer communication plan. Management Plan, S- Management Plan, S-
1.06 Y
188 Construction Safety 188 Construction Safety
Management Plan Management Plan

Hoarding and signage drawings.

S-171 (e) Signage and S-171 (e) Signage and

1.07 Y
Hoarding Coverage Plan Hoarding Coverage Plan

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Project Construction
Advanced Works Design Development
No. TTC Submission Requirement Co to Document Submittal
Submittal Item Submittal Item
Submit Item
Hoarding and signage drawings.

S-171 (e) Signage and S-171(e) Signage and

1.08 Y
Hoarding Coverage Plan Hoarding Coverage Plan

Hoarding and signage drawings.

S-171(e) Signage and S-171(e) Signage and

1.09 Y
Hoarding Coverage Plan Hoarding Coverage Plan

2 N/A

3 N/A

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Project Construction
Advanced Works Design Development
No. TTC Submission Requirement Co to Document Submittal
Submittal Item Submittal Item
Submit Item
Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation
(Data) Report as per Geotechnical Design
Review Checklist.
S-124 Geotechnical
Proposed investigation workplan to include
Data Report (GDR) for
4.01 requirements in Geotechnical Design Review Y N/A
Additional Subsurface

Geotechnical Investigation (Data) Report, S-124 Geotechnical

Geotechnical Design (Interpretation) Report, Data Report (GDR) for
Hydrogeological Investigation (Data) Report A-201 Stations Additional Subsurface S-126B Geotechnical
4.02 and Geotechnical Baseline Report as per Y Support of Investigation, Design Report
Geotechnical Design Review Checklist. Excavation
S-126A Geotechnical
Design Report
Hydrogeological Investigation report
including Ground Water Control Plan. S-126A Geotechnical
Design Report, S-172
S-126B Geotechnical
4.03 Y Groundwater
Design Report
Management and
Dewatering Plan

Geotechnical Design (Interpretation) Report S-124 Geotechnical

as per Geotechnical Design Review Data Report (GDR) for
Checklist. Additional Subsurface
Investigation, S-126B Geotechnical
4.04 Y
Design Report
S-126A Geotechnical
Design Report

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Project Construction
Advanced Works Design Development
No. TTC Submission Requirement Co to Document Submittal
Submittal Item Submittal Item
Submit Item
Finite element or finite difference Ground
Movement Analysis report as per
Geotechnical Design Review Checklist. S-126A Geotechnical S-126B Geotechnical
4.05 Y
Design Report Design Report

Monitoring Plan including Action Protocol as

outlined in 2.4 Monitoring Plan – Review and S-127A Geotechnical S-127B Geotechnical
4.06 Alert Levels and Action Protocol. Y Instrumentation and Instrumentation and
Drawing showing location and type of Monitoring Plan Monitoring Plan
monitoring instruments.

5 N/A

Submit turning analysis drawings and CAD S-105A Traffic and S-105B Traffic and
files showing requirements have been met. Transit Management Transit Management
6.03 Y Plan Plan, S-187
S-187 Construction Construction
Management Plan Management Plan

7 N/A

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Project Construction
Advanced Works Design Development
No. TTC Submission Requirement Co to Document Submittal
Submittal Item Submittal Item
Submit Item
Submit report. S-139A Code S-139B Code
Compliance Summary, Compliance Summary,
8.01 Y
S-137A Fire/Life Safety S-137B Fire/Life Safety
Reports Reports
Prepare and submit Egress calculations based
on Annex 'C' of NFPA 130 Standard. S-136 Fire & Life
8.02 Y
Safety Strategy

Analysis report.
S-136 Fire & Life
8.03 Y
Safety Strategy

Applicable detailed architectural drawings. S-110A Architectural S-110B Architectural

and Urban Design and Urban Design
8.04 Y
Quality for new VCE at Quality for new VCE at
Osgoode Station Osgoode Station
Report or Study on the effect and/or
mitigation methods implemented.
S-110A Architectural S-110B Architectural
8.05 Y and Urban Design and Urban Design
Quality Quality

If affected, submit proposal detailing

8.06 removals / relocation for TTC approval. N/A

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Project Construction
Advanced Works Design Development
No. TTC Submission Requirement Co to Document Submittal
Submittal Item Submittal Item
Submit Item
Provide signage location plans and graphic
sign faces for interchange locations extending S-124 Geotechnical S-124 Geotechnical Data
to, at least the first encountered station Data Report (GDR) for Report (GDR) for
8.07 element. Y
Additional Subsurface Additional Subsurface
Investigation Investigation

Provide plans showing location of the

washrooms adjacent to other station elements
within the new station and proximity to the
S-110A Architectural S-110B Architectural
existing station.
8.08 Y and Urban Design and Urban Design
Quality Quality

Submit Staging drawings. S-110A Architectural S-110B Architectural

Drawings shall include a table comparing the and Urban Design and Urban Design
8.09 existing and or new station egress systems Y Quality, Quality,
capacity to the proposed staged system S-187 Construction S-187 Construction
capacity. Management Plan Management Plan

Submit Work Plan showing the detail method
statement of construction of foundations,
underpinning work, shoring and other S-187 Construction S-187 Construction
9.01 Y
complex construction. Management Plan Management Plan

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Project Construction
Advanced Works Design Development
No. TTC Submission Requirement Co to Document Submittal
Submittal Item Submittal Item
Submit Item
Submit a Quality Control/Quality Assurance S-118A Underground
S-118B Underground
Plan for the Work detailing the inspection and Structures Construction
Structures Construction
9.02 testing programs. Y Plan, 119A TBM
Plan, 119B TBM Tunnel
Tunnel Construction
Construction Plan
If excavation causing unbalanced condition is
to be undertaken, confirmation that there is no
impact to TTC structure must be A-201 Support of S-107A Design of Civil S-107B Design of Civil
9.03 demonstrated by calculations and shown on Y
Excavation Structures and Tunnels Structures and Tunnels
the drawings.

Excavation support drawings - Conceptual.

A-201 Support of S-107A Design of Civil S-107B Design of Civil
9.04 Y
Excavation Structures and Tunnels Structures and Tunnels

Excavation support drawings.

Provide design grouting pressure for all tie-
backs within 6m of TTC structures.

9.05 Y

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Project Construction
Advanced Works Design Development
No. TTC Submission Requirement Co to Document Submittal
Submittal Item Submittal Item
Submit Item
Inventory of existing buildings and structures.
S-128 Construction S-128 Construction
9.06 Y Impact Assessment Impact Assessment
Report Report

Existing structures relocation/protection

S-156 Condition Survey S-156 Condition Survey
9.07 Y
Reports Reports

Demolition and Construction Staging

drawings - Conceptual. S-187 Construction
9.08 Y
Management Plan

Demolition plans and sections.

Construction Staging drawings S-187 Construction
9.09 Y
Management Plan

Excavation support and underpinning S-107A Design of Civil

drawings – Conceptual. Structures and Tunnel,
S-107B Design of Civil
S-125 Ground
9.10 Y Structures and Tunnel,
Improvement Design

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Project Construction
Advanced Works Design Development
No. TTC Submission Requirement Co to Document Submittal
Submittal Item Submittal Item
Submit Item
Excavation support drawings. S-107A Design of Civil
Structures and Tunnel, S-107B Design of Civil
A-201 Support of S-114 Civil Structure,
9.11 Y Structures and Tunnel,
S-126 Geotechnical S-114 Civil Structure
Caisson/Foundation and Underpinning plans S-107A Design of Civil
& Sections. Structures and Tunnel, S-107B Design of Civil
9.12 Y S-114 Civil Structure, Structures and Tunnel,
S-126 Geotechnical S-114 Civil Structure
Floor Plans & Sections showing column,
beams and walls for the new structure. S-111A Stations – S-111B Stations –
9.13 Y
Structural Structural

Floor Plans & Sections showing column,

beams and walls, including the schedules
with loads on foundation for the new S-111A Stations – S-111B Stations –
9.14 Y
structure. Structural Structural

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Project Construction
Advanced Works Design Development
No. TTC Submission Requirement Co to Document Submittal
Submittal Item Submittal Item
Submit Item
Structural design calculations of affected
TTC structures, excavation support,
underpinning and all new permanent
structural elements directly supporting
existing TTC structures.
Design calculations to demonstrate that no
two adjacent TTC structural units will have S-111A Stations – S-111B Stations –
9.15 differential movement larger than 3 mm, to be Y
Structural Structural
verified by monitoring.
Include identification of all affected TTC
structural units and solutions to mitigate any
adverse impacts on TTC structures.

Impact assessment statement from Structural

and Geotechnical Consultant stating the S-128 Construction
9.16 effects of the new structure on the TTC Y N/A Impact Assessment
structure. Report

Independent Structural Design Check

Certificate to be provided for all submitted
design calculations. S-107A Design of Civil S-107B Design of Civil
9.17 Y
Structures and Tunnel Structures and Tunnel

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Project Construction
Advanced Works Design Development
No. TTC Submission Requirement Co to Document Submittal
Submittal Item Submittal Item
Submit Item
Details of design/remedial work to TTC
structures in order to support the roof at wall
openings (including details for the openings), S-107A Design of Civil S-107B Design of Civil
9.18 structural calculations, drawings and Y
Structures and Tunnel Structures and Tunnel
construction sequencing.

Details regarding replacement/repair of the

waterproofing system and expansion joint
repair of the affected exposed TTC structure. S-107A Design of Civil S-107B Design of Civil
9.19 Y
Structures and Tunnel Structures and Tunnel

Crane locations and loadings with other

pertinent details, such as axle loads and
configuration, outrigger loads and
configuration, size of the spread for each S-187 Construction
9.20 outrigger, lifting area diagram, and Y
Management Plan
maximum/minimum loads on each

Monitoring Plan including Action Protocol as

outlined in 2.4 Monitoring Plan – Review and
Alert Levels and Action Protocol. S-127A Geotechnical S-127B Geotechnical
9.21 Drawing showing location and type of Y Instrumentation and Instrumentation and
Monitoring instruments. Monitoring Plan Monitoring Plan

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Project Construction
Advanced Works Design Development
No. TTC Submission Requirement Co to Document Submittal
Submittal Item Submittal Item
Submit Item
Details to be provided.
S-111A Stations – S-111B Stations –
9.23 Y
Structural Structural

Mechanical drawings (system schematic, plan
and elevation/section views).

S-112A Stations and S-112B Stations and

10.01 Y
Facilities – Mechanical Facilities – Mechanical

SES & CFD modelling results and reports.

S-137A Fire/Life Safety S-137B Fire/Life Safety

10.02 Y
Reports Reports

Equipment schedules, specifications and

product data sheets.
S-112A Stations and S-112B Stations and
10.03 Y
Facilities – Mechanical Facilities – Mechanical

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Project Construction
Advanced Works Design Development
No. TTC Submission Requirement Co to Document Submittal
Submittal Item Submittal Item
Submit Item
Mechanical drawings (system schematic and
plan layout). S-112A Stations and S-112B Stations and
10.04 Y
Facilities – Mechanical Facilities – Mechanical

Mechanical drawings (system schematic and

plan layout). S-107A Design of Civil S-107B Design of Civil
Structures and Tunnel, Structures and Tunnel,
10.05 Y
S-109A Temporary S-109B Temporary
Mechanical Systems Mechanical Systems

Mechanical drawings (system schematic and

plan layout). S-112A Stations and S-112B Stations and
10.06 Y
Facilities – Mechanical Facilities – Mechanical

Drawings (schematics, plans, sections),

equipment schedules, specifications and data
sheets. S-112A Stations and S-112B Stations and
10.07 Y
Facilities – Mechanical Facilities – Mechanical

Drawings and staging.

S-112A Stations and S-112B Stations and

10.08 Y
Facilities – Mechanical Facilities – Mechanical


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Project Construction
Advanced Works Design Development
No. TTC Submission Requirement Co to Document Submittal
Submittal Item Submittal Item
Submit Item
Report or Study on the effect and mitigation
methods implemented for stray currents. S-207 Stray Current and S-207 Stray Current and
11.01 Y
Corrosion Control Plan Corrosion Control Plan

Letter of confirmation from local power

utility company.
11.02 Y

Electrical drawings.
S-113A Stations and S-113B Stations and
11.03 Y
Facilities – Electrical Facilities – Electrical

Electrical drawings.
11.04 Y

Confirmation report.

11.05 Y

Confirmation report.
11.06 Y


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Project Construction
Advanced Works Design Development
No. TTC Submission Requirement Co to Document Submittal
Submittal Item Submittal Item
Submit Item
Pre-Construction Survey as outlined in 2.5 -
Requirements for Condition Survey of TTC
S-156 Condition Survey
12.01 Y

Drawing showing location and type of
monitoring instruments.
Monitoring Plan including Action Protocol as
outlined in 2.4 Monitoring Plan - Review and
Alert Levels and Action Protocol.

Monitoring Reports are to be provided in a S-128 Construction

tabular and graphical form in a way that Impact Assessment
Report, S-127B Geotechnical
identifies movement trends. Report format Instrumentation and
and frequency to be discussed with TTC. S-127A Geotechnical Monitoring Plan,
13.01 Y
Instrumentation and
Monitoring Plan, S-129 GIMP Monthly
When continuous monitoring is being carried
out, TTC is to be provided access to real time S-129 GIMP Monthly
(near real time) raw and processed data via Reports
user friendly visualization portal. All further
interpretation of monitoring results (between
the two Reports) shall be shared with TTC.

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Project Construction
Advanced Works Design Development
No. TTC Submission Requirement Co to Document Submittal
Submittal Item Submittal Item
Submit Item
Confirmation letter.
13.02 Y

Drawing showing location and type of

monitoring instruments.
Monitoring Plan including Action Protocol.
All vibration and noise monitoring results to S-127A Geotechnical S-127B Geotechnical
13.03 be provided to TTC within 24 hours. Y Instrumentation and Instrumentation and
Monitoring results to be provided in tabular Monitoring Plan Monitoring Plan
and graphical form in a format acceptable to
TTC (i.e.. for each point vibration vs time).

Plan for any impact or change to TTC

service, including duration, type of service
13.04 impacted, service alternatives and customer Y
communications plan.

Post-Construction Survey as outlined in 2.5 -
Requirements for Condition Survey of TTC
Structures. S-156 Condition
14.02 Y
Survey Reports

Drawings and electronic files for TTC

14.03 documentation records Y

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2.1 The following is a list of RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittals.

2.2 For each RSSOM Infrastructure Works Submittal, Project Co is responsible for commenting on the
conformity to Project Co Infrastructure in accordance with Part C – Review of RSSOM
Infrastructure Design and Construction Data of this Schedule 10.

Table D-1
Item # Title of RSSOM Works Submittals Timing

I-102 Critical Infrastructure Data Documents

I-102A Clearance Reports Refer to Appendix
(1) Platform Clearance Analysis Report S-148A Platform Clearance B to Schedule 45,
Analysis Report in accordance with the RSSOM Infrastructure Part A, Item 1.
Technical Specifications.
(2) Guideway Clearance Envelopes
Drawings that convey the Clearance Envelopes for each different
section of Guideway type consistent with the information provided
in the Output Specifications – Appendix J, with additional
dimensions confirming the location of Project Co Infrastructure
within the Guideway relative to the track alignment and Clearance
Envelopes. Project Co shall incorporate their requirements for track
structure and drainage, OCS/OCR elements, cable troughs,
conduits, and walkways. 1:50 scale
I-102B Fire/Life Safety Management Plan, and FLS System Requirements Refer to Appendix
(1) Fire/Life Safety Management Plan in accordance with Schedule 29 B to Schedule 45,
– Safety, System Assurance and Security, no later than ninety (90) Part A, Item 2.
Business Days following Financial Close.
(2) Verification of interface requirements with the Fire/Life Safety
System, including
(a) Train fire performance characteristics; and
(b) Platform Screen Doors ventilation and fire performance
(3) RSSOM Project Co shall provide (1) and (2) for Project Co to
progress their FLS Design Development Works.

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Item # Title of RSSOM Works Submittals Timing

I-102D Track Alignment and Track Structure Refer to Appendix

(1) Track alignment; a subset of the information required for S-147 – B to Schedule 45,
Alignment Design Report and S-150 – Track and Guideway Part A, Item 4.
Drawings, specifically:
(a) Track alignment full length of Guideway covering the extent of
Project Co Infrastructure;
(b) Horizontal and vertical geometric design data report, including
chainages, horizontal and vertical curve data on all rails, radius,
length of curve, length of transition, grades;
(c) A report that verifies the alignment meets the requirements of
the RSSOM Infrastructure Technical Specifications; and
(d) Trackwork structure and interface detail to guideway.
(2) The geometric alignment will be considered final and not subject to
refinement that could alter the position of the South Civil Project
Infrastructure or the North Civil Project Infrastructure. Project Co
may continue to complete other Design Data as required by S-147,
S-150 or as necessary to complete IFC and shop drawing.
I-103 Interface Control Documents (RSSOM Project Co to Project Co)
I-103A (1) RSSOM Project Co shall prepare and submit Interface Control [Note: Dates will
Documents addressing RSSOM Project Co to Project Co topics be as agreed
including but not limited to the those outlined in Tables 1 to 7 of between Project Co
Appendix B (Contract Interface Definitions) to the RSSOM and RSSOM
Infrastructure Technical Specifications. Project Co as part
(2) RSSOM Project Co shall include detailed specifications, of the DIWG.]
requirements, and provisions where available.
(3) RSSOM Project Co shall include a schedule and processes for
providing all additional information and activities.
(4) ICDs shall include evidence of coordination and agreement on
content from both interface partners, RSSOM Project Co and
Project Co, in accordance with the obligations set out in Schedule
39 – Form of RSSOM Interface Agreement.
I-103B (1) RSSOM Project Co shall submit updated documentation of all
ICDs. Prepare and submit any new ICDs, as required.
(2) RSSOM Project Co shall include detailed specifications,
requirements, and provisions in sufficient detail to advance and
complete all Design Development Submittals.
(3) ICDs shall include evidence of coordination and agreement on
content from both interface partners, RSSOM Project Co and
Project Co, in accordance with the obligations set out in Schedule
39 – Form of RSSOM Interface Agreement.

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Item # Title of RSSOM Works Submittals Timing

I-103C (1) RSSOM Project Co shall submit updated documentation of all ICDs
previous submitted. Prepare and submit any new ICD, as required.
(2) RSSOM Project Co shall include detailed specifications,
requirements, and provisions required for construction, installation,
and Test & Commissioning.
(3) RSSOM Project Co shall include deadlines and processes for all
subsequent activities.
(4) ICDs shall include evidence of coordination and agreement on
content for start of Construction from both interface partners,
RSSOM Project Co and Project Co, in accordance with the
obligations set out in Schedule 39 – Form of RSSOM Interface

Table D-2
Item # Title of RSSOM Works Submittals

I-100 Interface Management Plan

(1) RSSOM Project Co shall prepare and submit an Interface Management Plan in
accordance with Section 1.5 of the Output Specifications, no later than forty (40)
Business Days following Financial Close.
(2) RSSOM Project Co shall submit updates to the Interface Management Plan every
design phase or every 6 months.
I-101 Interface Matrix and Interface Register
I-101A RSSOM Project Co shall prepare and submit an Interface Matrix and Register, no later
than forty (40) Business Days following Financial Close.
I-101B (1) RSSOM Project Co shall submit an updated Interface Matrix and Interface Register
at each release of the Interface Management Plan; and
(2) Prepare and submit an Interface Management Status Report on a monthly basis,
presenting the following:

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Item # Title of RSSOM Works Submittals

(f) a monthly report providing a high-level summary of the status of interface

(g) tables or graphics outlining the number of interfaces as different stages (e.g.
identification, definition, resolution, closed, etc.);
(h) a table or graphic showing the progression of interface development and
(i) identify any planned activities, issues or risks in managing the interfaces for the
next month; and
(j) an update of the planned activities, issues or risks in managing the interfaces
from the previous month.
The submittal shall demonstrate the proactive actions being taken to resolve all interface
issues and highlight any risks to the Works Schedule.
S-114 Civil Structure – Building, Retaining Walls, Box Culverts
S-114A RSSOM Project Co shall prepare and submit a design brief for Design Development
Submittal which includes,
(a) walkway on Guideway
(i) Layout
(ii) Conceptual connection to deck
(b) free standing OCS foundations
(i) Preliminary locations and sizes
(c) conduit attachment details to guideway
S-114B RSSOM Project Co shall prepare and submit a design brief for the Construction
Document Submittal which includes,
• walkway on Guideway
o layout and structural calculations of all components and connections
• free standing OCS foundations
o final locations and sizes
o reinforcement
• conduit attachment details to Guideway
o drawings showing locations and details
o design
S-133 Fire/Life Safety Management Plan
(1) RSSOM Project Co shall prepare and submit a Fire/Life Safety Management Plan in
accordance with Schedule 29 – Safety, System Assurance and Security, no later than
ninety (90) calendar days following Financial Close.
(2) RSSOM Project Co shall submit updates to the Fire/Life Safety Management Plan
every design phase or every 6 months.

S-137 Fire/Life Safety Reports

S-137A RSSOM Project Co shall provide design preliminary Design Development Submittals in
accordance with the requirements in Section 3.1.21 of the RSSOM Infrastructure Technical

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Item # Title of RSSOM Works Submittals

Specifications, and be accompanied by supporting information as appropriate for the

(a) OCC & BOCC FLS design
(b) Tunnel Ventilation Control System Report- PLC and SCADA Interface
(c) Central Fire Alarm Monitoring System (CFAMS)
(d) Acceptance Testing and Verification Plans
RSSOM Project Co shall provide design submittals in accordance with the requirements in
Schedule 14 and Section 3.1.21 of the RSSOM Infrastructure Technical Specifications,
accompanied by supporting information as appropriate for the following:
TVS Systemwide Site Acceptance and Integration Testing Plan
(a) testing and commissioning activities incorporated into Project Schedule
(b) identification of the commissioning authority, and its role and
(c) a summary of the roles and responsibilities of all other team members.
(d) System Verification Checklists (SVCs) for each type of equipment and
system being commissioned.
(e) Functional Performance Test (FPT) checklists for each different system
being commissioned.
(f) detailed commissioning responsibilities of Project Co.
(g) Requirements for training O&M staff. These may include instruction
sessions, with input from equipment manufacturers’ representatives, and site
demonstrations by Civil Contractors.
Documentation requirements, such as copies of submittal data, manufacturers’ operations
and maintenance data, and contact information for all relevant suppliers.
S-137B All documents as presented in the Design Development Submittal updated for the
Construction Document Submittals.
S-138 Fire/Life Safety Design
S-138A RSSOM Project Co shall provide preliminary Design Development Submittals in
accordance with the requirements in Section 3.1.21 of the RSSOM Infrastructure Technical
Specifications for:
(a) OCC & BOCC FLS System Drawings;
(b) TVSC Drawings;
(c) CFAMS Drawings;
(d) Construction Specifications;
(e) Equipment and Material Information; and
(f) Catalogue Cuts and Samples.

S-138B All Design Development Submittal in the preliminary submission updated for the
Construction Document Submittals, as well as:
(a) Shop Drawings
(b) All required reviews by third-party governmental jurisdictions
Certificates of Verification of compliant installation and warranties.

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Item # Title of RSSOM Works Submittals

S-147 Alignment Design Report

S-147A (1) RSSOM Project Co shall prepare and submit a preliminary Alignment Design
Report, containing:
(a) description of the features, rational and limitation of the alignment design,
including design speed, transition between the various track structure types,
clearance envelopes, Special Trackwork;
(b) geometric design brief that outlines horizontal and vertical alignment criteria
and lists the features of all alignment segments to confirm that the geometric
criteria of the Output Specifications have been met; and
(c) horizontal and vertical geometric design data report, including chainages,
design speed, horizontal and vertical curve data (including actual/unbalanced
Superelevation, radius, length of curve, length of transition, grades).
S-147B RSSOM Project Co shall prepare and submit documents updated for the Construction
Document Submittal.
S-148 Platform Clearance Analysis Report
S-148A RSSOM Project Co shall prepare and submit a preliminary Platform Clearance Analysis
Report for the Design Development Submittal in accordance with the RSSOM
Infrastructure Technical Specifications.
S-148B RSSOM Project Co shall prepare and submit all Design Development Submittal in the
Design Development Submittal updated for Construction Document Submittal.
S-149 Track Structure Design Report
S-149A (1) RSSOM Project Co shall prepare and submit a preliminary Track Structure Design
Report, containing:
(a) narrative, calculations, standards, criteria;
(b) details of track structure types and track transitions for tangent, curved and
Special Trackwork locations;
(c) track Drainage;
(d) details of track fastening system including interaction with the Guideway
and accommodation of track loading forces and track-structure-interaction;
(e) details of Special Trackwork;
(f) methodology for application of Superelevation;
(g) noise and vibration simulation and analysis report;
(h) Stray Current mitigation;
(i) derailment containment provisions;
(j) details and integration of Systems elements installed along the Guideway;
(k) track construction methodology;
(l) track construction tolerances; and
(m) track measurement and assessment methodology.

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written permission of the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation.
Ontario Line – Southern Civil, Stations and Tunnel Project Agreement – Schedule 10
Execution Version

Item # Title of RSSOM Works Submittals

S-149B RSSOM Project Co shall prepare and submit documents updated for the Construction
Document Submittal.
S-150 Track and Guideway Drawings
(1) RSSOM Project Co shall submit Track and Guideway drawings shall include:
(a) plan and profile drawings:
(i) 1:500 horizontal scale
(ii) horizontal and vertical alignment
(iii) continuous chainage
(iv) chainage shown at
(A) beginning and end of all geometric element
(B) key features such as point of switch for all Special Trackwork,
beginning and end of Stations, portals, structures
(v) grading design
(vi) horizontal and vertical clearances to governing infrastructure (existing
and proposed structures, buildings etc) and permanent project lands
(vii) speed profile along the guideway
(viii) geometric design curve data including all horizontal and vertical
design alignment elements
(ix) Horizontal and vertical control surveys
(b) schematic representation of the guideway in plan and profile
(c) typical cross-sections for each guideway type, including drainage provisions,
OCS/OCR elements, cable troughs, conduits, walkways and clearance
1:50 scale
S-166 Commissioning Submittals
RSSOM Project Co shall prepare and submit the Commissioning Submittals in accordance
with the requirements of Schedule 14 – Commissioning, and industry standards. For clarity,
the Commissioning Submittals include:
(a) Commissioning Brief, no later than sixty (60) calendar days following Financial
(b) Integrated Commissioning Plan;
a. Submission within two (2) months of submitting the RSSOM Project Co
Commissioning Plan;
S-198 EMC/EMI Control Plan
RSSOM Project Co shall prepare and submit an EMC/EMI Control Plan in accordance
with the RSSOM Infrastructure Technical Specifications, no later than 90 calendar days
following Financial Close.

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written permission of the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation.
Ontario Line – Southern Civil, Stations and Tunnel Project Agreement – Schedule 10
Execution Version

Item # Title of RSSOM Works Submittals

S-200 EMC/EMI Design Guidelines

RSSOM Project Co shall prepare and submit EMC/EMI Design Guidelines in accordance
with the RSSOM Infrastructure Technical Specifications
S-201 Stray Current and Corrosion Control Plan
RSSOM Project Co shall prepare and submit a Stray Current and Corrosion Control Plan
in accordance with the RSSOM Infrastructure Technical Specifications, no later than 90
calendar days following Financial Close.
S-206 Stray Current and Corrosion Control Design Guidelines
RSSOM Project Co shall prepare and submit Stray Current and Corrosion Control Design
Guidelines in accordance with the RSSOM Infrastructure Technical Specifications.
S-207 Grounding, Bonding and Lightning Protection Control Plan
RSSOM Project Co shall prepare and submit a Grounding, Bonding and Lightning
Protection Control Plan in accordance with the RSSOM Infrastructure Technical
Specifications, no later than 90 calendar days following Financial Close.
S-209 GBLP Design Guidelines
RSSOM Project Co shall prepare and submit GBLP Design Guidelines in accordance
with the RSSOM Infrastructure Technical Specifications.
S-253 Facility Fire Safety Plan
RSSOM Project Co shall be provide a Facility Fire Safety Plan per Station in accordance
with Schedule 29 – Safety, System Assurance and Security.

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written permission of the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation.

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