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Scarborough Subway Extension - Stations, Rail and Draft Project Agreement - Schedule 15

Systems DPA Execution Version


[Note to Dev Co: This Schedule 15 shall be amended during the DPA Term subject to and in accordance
with the terms and conditions of the Development Phase Agreement, including the provisions of Section
12.2 of the Development Phase Agreement and, in particular, as a result of the circumstances described
in Section 12.2(b)(iii)A. of the Development Phase Agreement in respect of stakeholder engagement and
the development and progression of the design for the Project and to reflect elements of the DPA
Submittals as set out in Section 12.2(b)(iii)B. of the Development Phase Agreement.]

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permission of the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation.
Scarborough Subway Extension - Stations, Rail and Draft Project Agreement - Schedule 15
Systems DPA Execution Version

0.0 SCHEDULE 15-0 GENERAL.............................................................................................................19
0.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................19
0.2 Guide to Schedule 15 .................................................................................................................19
0.3 Definitions and Acronyms..........................................................................................................20
0.3.1 Definitions ..................................................................................................................................20
0.3.2 Acronyms ...................................................................................................................................44
1.0 SCHEDULE 15-1 PROJECT INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................63
1.1 Subway Program Overview........................................................................................................63
1.2 Scarborough Subway Extension Project Overview....................................................................63
1.3 Stations, Rail, and Systems – Scope Overview..........................................................................65
1.4 General Management Requirements ..........................................................................................66
1.4.1 Project Management Plan...........................................................................................................66
1.4.2 Risk Management Plan...............................................................................................................76
1.4.3 Project Controls Management Plan ............................................................................................76
1.4.4 Document Management and Document Control Plan................................................................77
1.4.5 Subcontractor Engagement and Self-Performed Works Requirements .....................................78
1.4.6 Procurement Management Plan..................................................................................................82
1.4.7 Failure to Comply with Procurement Management Plan ...........................................................83
1.4.8 Utilities Management Plan .........................................................................................................83
1.4.9 Systems Engineering Principles .................................................................................................84
1.4.10 Systems Engineering Management ............................................................................................85
1.4.11 System Integration and Interface Management..........................................................................86
1.4.12 System Architecture Management .............................................................................................87
1.4.13 Requirements Management ........................................................................................................88
1.4.14 Verification and Validation ........................................................................................................88
1.4.15 Configuration Management........................................................................................................90
1.4.16 System Assurance.......................................................................................................................92
1.4.17 Value for Money ........................................................................................................................93
2.0 SCHEDULE 15-2 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS.................................94
2.1 General Requirements ................................................................................................................94

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Scarborough Subway Extension - Stations, Rail and Draft Project Agreement - Schedule 15
Systems DPA Execution Version

2.2 Rail Operational Requirements ..................................................................................................94

2.3 Bus Operational Requirements...................................................................................................96
2.4 Maintenance Requirements ........................................................................................................96
2.4.1 General .......................................................................................................................................96
2.4.2 Final Cleaning ............................................................................................................................98
2.4.3 Operation & Maintenance Manuals..........................................................................................100
2.5 Training Requirements .............................................................................................................102
2.5.1 Training Submittals ..................................................................................................................104
2.6 Templates .................................................................................................................................105
2.6.1 Operation And Maintenance Manual Template .......................................................................105
2.6.2 Equipment Record Card Template ...........................................................................................107
2.6.3 Equipment Maintenance Inspection Report Template .............................................................108
2.7 Asset Management Information Handover Requirements .......................................................108
2.7.1 General .....................................................................................................................................108
2.7.2 Handover Planning and Training..............................................................................................109
2.7.3 Configuration Change Impact Report ......................................................................................109
2.7.4 Document Handling .................................................................................................................109
2.7.5 Asset Document Control List ...................................................................................................110
2.7.6 Asset Document Handover to Contracting Authority ..............................................................111
2.7.7 Asset Deliverable Acceptance..................................................................................................111
3.0 SCHEDULE 15-3 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS...............................................................................112
3.1 General .....................................................................................................................................112
3.1.1 Phases of the Works .................................................................................................................112
3.2 Contractor Design Responsibilities ..........................................................................................113
3.2.1 Responsibility for Design .........................................................................................................113
3.2.2 Design Components and Design Life.......................................................................................113
3.2.3 System of Units ........................................................................................................................114
3.3 Design Standards ......................................................................................................................114
3.4 Order of Precedence .................................................................................................................115
3.5 Reference Concept Design .......................................................................................................116
3.6 Design Management.................................................................................................................116
3.6.1 Design Management Plan.........................................................................................................116

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Scarborough Subway Extension - Stations, Rail and Draft Project Agreement - Schedule 15
Systems DPA Execution Version

3.6.2 BIM Execution Plan .................................................................................................................120

3.6.3 Sustainability Plan ....................................................................................................................121
3.7 Kennedy Scope.........................................................................................................................122
3.7.1 General .....................................................................................................................................122
3.7.2 Kennedy Box Structure ............................................................................................................123
3.7.3 Systems Requirements .............................................................................................................125
3.7.4 Kennedy Station tie in ..............................................................................................................125
3.7.5 Advance Tunnel Interface ........................................................................................................126
3.7.6 Roadway Design.......................................................................................................................127
3.7.7 Design Coordination Requirements .........................................................................................127
3.8 Lawrence East Station Scope ...................................................................................................127
3.8.1 Facility Elements ......................................................................................................................127
3.8.2 Facility Location Specific Requirements .................................................................................128
3.8.3 Bus Terminal ............................................................................................................................129
3.8.4 Parking Requirements ..............................................................................................................130
3.8.5 Traction Power Substation 02 ..................................................................................................130
3.8.6 Roadway Design.......................................................................................................................130
3.8.7 Scarborough Health Network – General Hospital....................................................................130
3.8.8 Urban Design and Landscape Architecture..............................................................................130
3.8.9 [Intentionally Deleted] .............................................................................................................132
3.9 Scarborough Centre Station Scope...........................................................................................132
3.9.1 Facility Elements ......................................................................................................................132
3.9.2 Facility Location Specific Requirements .................................................................................132
3.9.3 Bus Terminal ............................................................................................................................133
3.9.4 Parking Requirements ..............................................................................................................134
3.9.5 Traction Power Substation 03 ..................................................................................................134
3.9.6 Roadway Design.......................................................................................................................134
3.9.7 Urban Design and Landscape Architecture..............................................................................135
3.9.8 [Intentionally Deleted] .............................................................................................................136
3.10 Sheppard East Station Scope ....................................................................................................136
3.10.1 Facility Elements ......................................................................................................................136
3.10.2 Facility Location Specific Requirements .................................................................................137

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Scarborough Subway Extension - Stations, Rail and Draft Project Agreement - Schedule 15
Systems DPA Execution Version

3.10.3 Bus Terminal ............................................................................................................................138

3.10.4 Parking Requirements ..............................................................................................................138
3.10.5 Traction Power Substation 04 ..................................................................................................139
3.10.6 Emergency Exit Building 08/Emergency Service Building 02................................................139
3.10.7 Roadway Design.......................................................................................................................139
3.10.8 Flood Mitigation & Culvert Upsizing ......................................................................................140
3.10.9 Sheppard East Storage Track and Tail Tracks .........................................................................140
3.10.10 Urban Design and Landscape Architecture..............................................................................141
3.10.11 [Intentionally Deleted] .............................................................................................................142
3.10.12 Design Coordination Requirements .........................................................................................142
3.11 Ancillary Structure Scope.........................................................................................................143
3.11.1 General .....................................................................................................................................143
3.11.2 Emergency Exit Building 01 ....................................................................................................143
3.11.3 Emergency Exit Building 02 ....................................................................................................143
3.11.4 Emergency Exit Building 03/Emergency Service Building 01................................................143
3.11.5 Emergency Exit Building 04 ....................................................................................................144
3.11.6 Emergency Exit Building 05 ....................................................................................................144
3.11.7 Emergency Exit Building 06 ....................................................................................................144
3.11.8 Emergency Exit Building 07 ....................................................................................................144
3.11.9 Emergency Exit Building 08/Emergency Service Building 02................................................145
3.11.10 Traction Power Substation 01 ..................................................................................................145
3.11.11 Traction Power Substation 02 ..................................................................................................145
3.11.12 Traction Power Substation 03 ..................................................................................................145
3.11.13 Traction Power Substation 04 ..................................................................................................145
3.12 Rail Systems Scope ..................................................................................................................145
3.12.1 General .....................................................................................................................................145
3.12.2 Subway Ventilation System .....................................................................................................145
3.12.3 Traction Power System ............................................................................................................146
3.12.4 Trackwork ................................................................................................................................148
3.12.5 Signaling and Train Control System ........................................................................................149
3.12.6 Communication Systems ..........................................................................................................152
3.12.7 Integrated Control System........................................................................................................157

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Scarborough Subway Extension - Stations, Rail and Draft Project Agreement - Schedule 15
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3.12.8 Fare Collection Scope ..............................................................................................................160

3.12.9 Requirements Management Scope ...........................................................................................161
3.12.10 System Assurance and Integration Scope.................................................................................161
3.12.11 Electro Magnetic Compatibility/Electro Magnetic Interference Scope ...................................162
3.12.12 Corrosion Control Scope ..........................................................................................................162
3.13 Tunnels Scope ..........................................................................................................................163
3.14 Advance Works Scope .............................................................................................................166
3.14.1 General .....................................................................................................................................166
3.14.2 Preparatory Activities...............................................................................................................167
3.14.3 Accelerated Design...................................................................................................................167
3.14.4 Early Works - Construction......................................................................................................170
3.14.5 Early Works: Kennedy Enabling Works (KEW) - Construction packages..............................172
3.14.6 Additional Early Works............................................................................................................178
3.15 Sustainable Design ...................................................................................................................178
3.15.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................178
3.15.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................178
3.15.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents ..........................................................................178
3.15.4 General Requirements ..............................................................................................................179
3.15.5 Building Energy Performance ..................................................................................................188
3.15.6 Climate Lens Assessment.........................................................................................................189
3.16 Design Excellence ....................................................................................................................191
3.16.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................191
3.16.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................191
3.16.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents ..........................................................................191
3.16.4 Approach to Design Excellence ...............................................................................................191
3.17 Accessibility and Universal Design..........................................................................................194
3.17.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................194
3.17.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................194
3.17.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents ..........................................................................194
3.17.4 General Requirements ..............................................................................................................194
3.17.5 Path of Travel, Walkways and Pedestrian Routes....................................................................195
3.17.6 Vertical Circulation Elements ..................................................................................................196

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3.17.7 Doors and Doorways ................................................................................................................196

3.17.8 Tactile Indicators ......................................................................................................................197
3.17.9 Washrooms ...............................................................................................................................197
3.17.10 Signage .....................................................................................................................................197
3.18 Urban Design and Landscape Architecture..............................................................................197
3.18.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................197
3.18.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................197
3.18.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents ..........................................................................198
3.18.4 Landscape Architectural Design Criteria .................................................................................200
3.18.5 Existing Plant Material, Tree Protection and Tree Compensation ...........................................207
3.18.6 Public Realm - Stations ............................................................................................................210
3.18.7 Public Realm - Streetscapes .....................................................................................................216
3.19 Geotechnical and Foundation ...................................................................................................218
3.19.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................218
3.19.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................218
3.19.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents ..........................................................................219
3.19.4 General Requirements ..............................................................................................................220
3.19.5 Supplementary Subsurface Investigation, and Testing ............................................................220
3.19.6 Geotechnical Design Methodology Reports (GDMR) .............................................................221
3.19.7 Seismic Design .........................................................................................................................221
3.19.8 Foundations Design ..................................................................................................................222
3.19.9 Support of Excavation and Underpinning ................................................................................223
3.19.10 Temporary Slopes and Retaining Structures ............................................................................226
3.19.11 Cut and Fill and Permanent Slopes ..........................................................................................227
3.19.12 Groundwater Control................................................................................................................228
3.19.13 Protection of Existing Adjacent Structures ..............................................................................230
3.19.14 Construction Impact Assessment .............................................................................................232
3.19.15 Condition Survey......................................................................................................................235
3.19.16 Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring.........................................................................237
3.19.17 Response Action Plan...............................................................................................................246
3.19.18 Mitigation Measure and Contingency plans.............................................................................247
3.19.19 The Contractor-Existing Adjacent Structures Owner Interaction ............................................248

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Scarborough Subway Extension - Stations, Rail and Draft Project Agreement - Schedule 15
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3.19.20 Earthwork .................................................................................................................................249

3.19.21 Services ....................................................................................................................................249
3.19.22 Geo Environmental...................................................................................................................249
3.19.23 ATSSE Headwalls and Shoring elements Specific Requirements ...........................................250
3.19.24 Ground Improvement ...............................................................................................................251
3.20 Mechanical ...............................................................................................................................251
3.20.1 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents ..........................................................................251
3.20.2 General Requirements ..............................................................................................................252
3.20.3 Plumbing System......................................................................................................................253
3.20.4 Drainage System.......................................................................................................................261
3.20.5 Fire Protection System .............................................................................................................264
3.20.6 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System ................................................................265
3.20.7 Central Cooling System............................................................................................................276
3.20.8 Snow Melting System ..............................................................................................................279
3.20.9 Building Automation Control System ......................................................................................279
3.21 Electrical...................................................................................................................................281
3.21.1 Electrical Systems General.......................................................................................................281
3.21.2 Passenger Station Incoming Service and Distribution .............................................................281
3.21.3 Passenger Station Low Voltage AC Switchgear ......................................................................289
3.21.4 Lighting ....................................................................................................................................291
3.21.5 AC Power .................................................................................................................................295
3.21.6 Communications.......................................................................................................................299
3.21.7 Heat Tracing .............................................................................................................................299
3.21.8 Controls ....................................................................................................................................299
3.21.9 Materials and Equipment..........................................................................................................300
3.21.10 Electrical Identification ............................................................................................................304
3.21.11 Installation of Wiring, Cabling and Raceways.........................................................................304
3.21.12 Service Requirement ................................................................................................................305
3.21.13 Fire Alarm System....................................................................................................................306
3.21.14 Electrical Interface....................................................................................................................306
3.22 Civil and Building Infrastructure..............................................................................................308
3.22.1 Roadways .................................................................................................................................308

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3.22.2 Bus Terminals...........................................................................................................................331

3.22.3 Traffic and Transit Signaling....................................................................................................338
3.22.4 Civil Structures.........................................................................................................................342
3.22.5 Drainage and Stormwater Management ...................................................................................347
3.22.6 Building Structures...................................................................................................................355
3.23 Passenger and Customer Facilities ...........................................................................................375
3.23.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................375
3.23.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................375
3.23.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents ..........................................................................376
3.23.4 Deliverables..............................................................................................................................377
3.23.5 Linewide Requirements............................................................................................................388
3.23.6 Geographic Specific Requirements ..........................................................................................419
3.23.7 Code and Life Safety ................................................................................................................443
3.23.8 Vertical Circulation ..................................................................................................................453
3.23.9 Lighting ....................................................................................................................................463
3.23.10 Signage and Wayfinding ..........................................................................................................464
3.23.11 Sound Levels and Acoustics.....................................................................................................471
3.23.12 Customer Journey and Safety Considerations..........................................................................472
3.24 Utilities .....................................................................................................................................474
3.24.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................474
3.24.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................474
3.24.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents ..........................................................................474
3.24.4 General Requirements ..............................................................................................................474
3.24.5 General Provisions for Utility Work ........................................................................................480
3.24.6 Protection of Utilities ...............................................................................................................480
3.24.7 Protect and Support of Utility Infrastructure Across Open Excavations .................................480
3.24.8 Project Utilities Services ..........................................................................................................481
3.24.9 Location and Condition of Utility Infrastructure......................................................................482
3.24.10 Responsibilities for Utility Work .............................................................................................482
3.24.11 Infrastructure Coordination Unit Process.................................................................................484
3.24.12 Municipal Consent Requirements Review ...............................................................................485
3.24.13 Street Lighting Requirements...................................................................................................487

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3.24.14 Building Transit Faster Act ......................................................................................................490

3.24.15 Enbridge Utility Preparatory Activities & Early Works ..........................................................490
3.24.16 Telecom Utility Preparatory Activities & Early Works ...........................................................490
3.24.17 THESL Utility Preparatory Activities & Early Works.............................................................490
3.24.18 Utilities Work Deriving from Tunnel Contracts ......................................................................490
3.24.19 City of Toronto Infrastructure ..................................................................................................490
3.25 Tunnel.......................................................................................................................................493
3.25.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................493
3.25.2 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents ..........................................................................494
3.25.3 General Requirements ..............................................................................................................495
3.25.4 Design Criteria .........................................................................................................................495
3.25.5 Water tightness .........................................................................................................................498
3.25.6 Construction Requirements Tunnels ........................................................................................499
3.25.7 Instrumentation and Monitoring...............................................................................................501
3.25.8 Break-into ATSSE....................................................................................................................502
3.25.9 Guideway Fit Out .....................................................................................................................503
3.26 Non-Passenger Facilities ..........................................................................................................507
3.26.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................507
3.26.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................507
3.26.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents ..........................................................................507
3.26.4 Linewide Requirements............................................................................................................508
3.26.5 SSE Non-Passenger Facilities ..................................................................................................510
3.26.6 Site Planning and Parking ........................................................................................................516
3.26.7 Code and Life Safety ................................................................................................................517
3.26.8 Exterior Design.........................................................................................................................517
3.26.9 Sound Levels and Acoustics.....................................................................................................517
3.27 Rail Systems Requirements......................................................................................................518
3.27.1 Track.........................................................................................................................................518
3.27.2 Track & Formation ...................................................................................................................525
3.27.3 Signaling Systems ....................................................................................................................548
3.27.4 Communication Systems ..........................................................................................................574
3.27.5 Integrated Control Systems ......................................................................................................602

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3.27.6 Traction Power .........................................................................................................................610

3.27.7 Subway Ventilation System .....................................................................................................630
3.27.8 Corrosion Control.....................................................................................................................640
3.28 Systems Integration ..................................................................................................................650
3.28.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................650
3.28.2 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents ..........................................................................651
3.28.3 General Requirements ..............................................................................................................651
3.28.4 Specific Requirements..............................................................................................................652
3.28.5 Requirements for System Interface and Integration Management ...........................................653
3.29 Requirements Management ......................................................................................................656
3.29.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................656
3.29.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................656
3.29.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents ..........................................................................656
3.29.4 General Requirements ..............................................................................................................656
3.30 System Assurance and Certification.........................................................................................663
3.31 Fare Collection System ............................................................................................................664
3.31.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................664
3.31.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................664
3.31.3 Reference Documents...............................................................................................................664
3.31.4 General Requirements ..............................................................................................................664
3.31.5 Fare collection Equipment Provided by the Fare Collection System Supplier ........................666
3.32 Electro Magnetic Compatibility and Electro Magnetic Interference .......................................668
3.32.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................668
3.32.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................668
3.32.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents ..........................................................................668
3.32.4 General Requirements ..............................................................................................................669
3.33 Survey.......................................................................................................................................672
3.33.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................672
3.33.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................672
3.33.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents ..........................................................................673
3.33.4 General Requirements ..............................................................................................................673
3.33.5 Geodetic Coordinate System ....................................................................................................674

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3.33.6 Project Control Survey .............................................................................................................674

3.33.7 Surficial Control Survey and Validation ..................................................................................675
3.33.8 Subsurface Survey Control and Validation ..............................................................................676
3.33.9 Protection and Maintenance of the Project Geodetic Survey Control Network.......................676
3.33.10 Site and/or Facility Surveys .....................................................................................................677
3.33.11 Legal Surveys ...........................................................................................................................679
3.33.12 As-Built Surveys ......................................................................................................................679
3.34 Configuration Management......................................................................................................680
3.34.1 General .....................................................................................................................................680
3.34.2 Configuration Management Plan..............................................................................................680
3.34.3 Configuration Management Report..........................................................................................681
3.34.4 Configuration Management Committee ...................................................................................681
3.35 Transit Oriented Communities (TOC)......................................................................................682
3.35.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................682
3.35.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................682
3.35.3 TOC Deliverables.....................................................................................................................682
3.35.4 General TOC Requirements .....................................................................................................684
3.35.5 Lawrence East Station TOC Program Requirements ...............................................................686
3.35.6 Scarborough Centre Station TOC Program Requirements.......................................................687
3.35.7 Sheppard East Station TOC Program Requirements................................................................690
4.0 SCHEDULE 15-4 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS...............................................................694
4.1 General Construction Requirements.........................................................................................694
4.1.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................694
4.1.2 General Construction Requirements.........................................................................................694
4.1.3 General Construction Constraints ............................................................................................696
4.1.4 Shutdowns ................................................................................................................................698
4.1.5 Property and Construction Staging Areas ................................................................................698
4.1.6 Access to Adjacent Properties ..................................................................................................699
4.1.7 Work Hour Limitations ............................................................................................................699
4.1.8 Noise and Vibration Monitoring ..............................................................................................699
4.1.9 Temporary Construction Lighting............................................................................................699
4.1.10 Site Specific Requirements.......................................................................................................700

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4.1.11 Emergency Exit Buildings........................................................................................................703

4.1.12 Tunnel.......................................................................................................................................703
4.1.13 Construction Requirement for Roadways ................................................................................703
4.1.14 Don Montgomery Community Centre .....................................................................................705
4.1.15 Toronto Bendale Library ..........................................................................................................706
4.2 Sustainable Construction ..........................................................................................................707
4.2.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................707
4.2.2 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents ..........................................................................707
4.2.3 General Requirements ..............................................................................................................707
4.2.4 Sustainability Certified Timber ................................................................................................707
4.2.5 Sustainable Concrete ................................................................................................................708
4.2.6 Construction Sustainability Reporting .....................................................................................708
4.3 Site............................................................................................................................................708
4.3.1 Demolition, Removals, and Disposals .....................................................................................708
4.3.2 Restorations ..............................................................................................................................710
4.3.3 Accommodation Works............................................................................................................710
4.4 Future Adjacent Construction Requirements ...........................................................................710
4.5 Handover and Interface ............................................................................................................711
4.6 Construction Management .......................................................................................................711
4.6.1 Construction Management Plan ...............................................................................................711
4.6.2 Contractor Site Specific Safety Manual ...................................................................................712
4.6.3 Access Management Plan.........................................................................................................713
4.6.4 Emergency Management ..........................................................................................................716
4.7 Office Requirements.................................................................................................................717
4.7.1 Project Offices ..........................................................................................................................717
4.7.2 Site Office.................................................................................................................................718
4.7.3 Progress and Construction Meetings ........................................................................................718
4.8 Temporary Traffic and Transit Management ...........................................................................719
4.8.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................719
4.8.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................719
4.8.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents ..........................................................................720
4.8.4 General Requirements ..............................................................................................................721

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4.8.5 Closure, Detour Route, Lane Shift, and Diversion Requirements ...........................................726
4.8.6 Existing Provincial Highways ..................................................................................................733
4.8.7 Existing Municipal Roadways..................................................................................................734
4.8.8 Traffic and Transit Management Plan......................................................................................742
4.8.9 The Contractor Roles and Responsibilities ..............................................................................746
APPENDIX A Facilities Applicability Matrix ....................................................................................753
A.1 Guide..................................................................................................................................................754
A.1.1 Notes to Reader ........................................................................................................................754
A.1.2 Facilities Applicability Matrix Structure..................................................................................754
A.2 Facilities Applicability Matrix...........................................................................................................756
APPENDIX B Systems Applicability Matrix......................................................................................774
B.1 Guide..................................................................................................................................................775
B.1.1 Notes to Reader ........................................................................................................................775
B.1.2 Matrix Structure .......................................................................................................................775
B.2 Systems Applicability Matrix ............................................................................................................776
APPENDIX C Alignment Geometry Tables .......................................................................................785
C.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................786
APPENDIX D Facilities Room Requirements Matrix ........................................................................817
D.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................818
D.1.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................818
D.1.2 Matrix Structure .......................................................................................................................818
D.1.3 Legend ......................................................................................................................................818
D.1.4 Room Requirements .................................................................................................................819
D.1.5 Number of Rooms - Passenger and Customer Facilities ..........................................................843
D.1.6 Number of Rooms – Non-Passenger Facilities ........................................................................849
D.1.7 Allocation of Washroom Fixtures ............................................................................................852
APPENDIX E Kennedy Enabling Works ...........................................................................................853
APPENDIX F Scarborough Health Network Requirements...............................................................855
F.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................856
F.2 General Requirements........................................................................................................................857
F.3 Design Requirements .........................................................................................................................859
F.4 Construction Requirements................................................................................................................861

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APPENDIX G Additional TTC Requirements ....................................................................................866

G.1 OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................................867
G.2 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ...................................................................................................868
G.2.1 Instrumentation and Monitoring...............................................................................................868
G.2.2 Reference Plans and Other Survey Plans near TTC Subsurface Structures.............................870
G.2.3 Cutting and Remedial Work.....................................................................................................874
G.2.4 Independent Structural Design Check Certificate ....................................................................874
G.2.5 TTC Station Closures ...............................................................................................................875
G.2.6 Hoarding ...................................................................................................................................880
G.2.7 Cleaning....................................................................................................................................882
G.2.8 Failure Reporting......................................................................................................................884
G.2.9 Planned Work to be Executed by TTC.....................................................................................885
G.2.10 Electrical Coordination.............................................................................................................885
G.2.11 Temporary Utilities and Services .............................................................................................886
G.3 SAFETY, SYSTEM ASSURANCE AND SECURITY....................................................................890
G.3.1 General .....................................................................................................................................890
G.3.2 Safety Reporting Requirements................................................................................................891
G.3.3 Worker Training to Specific Hazards.......................................................................................892
G.3.4 Hot Work ..................................................................................................................................892
G.3.5 Site Security .............................................................................................................................892
G.4 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................893
G.5 TTC PROCESSES .............................................................................................................................894
G.5.1 Access Management Plan.........................................................................................................894
G.5.2 Access / Notification ................................................................................................................894
G.5.3 TTC Subway/SRT Rule Book Training ...................................................................................896
G.5.4 Security / Authorization ...........................................................................................................897
G.6 HEAD END UPGRADES .................................................................................................................901
G.7 HANDOVER TO THE TTC .............................................................................................................902
G.7.1 General .....................................................................................................................................902
G.7.2 Special Tools ............................................................................................................................902
G.7.3 Extra Stock Materials ...............................................................................................................902
G.7.4 Early Handover.........................................................................................................................902

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G.7.5 As-Built CADD Files ...............................................................................................................903

List of Tables
Table 1.4-1. Required Roles ........................................................................................................................70
Table 3.2-1. Design Components and Structures Design Life...................................................................114
Table 3.4-1. Metrolinx Standards ..............................................................................................................115
Table 3.13-1. Guideway Fit Out Elements ................................................................................................164
Table 3.15-1. Toronto Green Standard v4 Applicability ...........................................................................180
Table 3.15-2. LEED v4 Applicability........................................................................................................184
Table 3.16-1. Elements of Consistency and Variability ............................................................................192
Table 3.18-1. Minimum Planting Criteria for Facilities and Streetscapes within Metrolinx Lands..........203
Table 3.18-2. Minimum Planting Criteria for Stormwater Management and Naturalized Landscapes
within Metrolinx Lands..............................................................................................................................209
Table 3.18-3. Minimum Planting Criteria for RNFP Regulated Areas .....................................................209
Table 3.18-4. Minimum Planting Density for RNFP Regulated Areas .....................................................209
Table 3.18-5. Site Specific Landscape Requirements for Public Realm - Stations...................................211
Table 3.19-1. Existing Adjacent Structures for Structural Condition Assessment....................................237
Table 3.20-1. Water Distribution Matrix ...................................................................................................254
Table 3.20-2. Internal Space Conditions....................................................................................................267
Table 3.21-1. Hydro Power Connection ....................................................................................................283
Table 3.21-2. DPA Term OTC Submission Timeline ...............................................................................284
Table 3.21-3. Panelboard Locations ..........................................................................................................288
Table 3.21-4. Emergency Power Source Matrix........................................................................................289
Table 3.21-5. LED Lighting.......................................................................................................................293
Table 3.21-6. Portal Lighting.....................................................................................................................293
Table 3.21-7. Convenience Receptacles ....................................................................................................296
Table 3.22-1. Design of Transit Systems Structures..................................................................................373
Table 3.22-2. Concrete Covers and Tolerances .........................................................................................374
Table 3.22-3. Watertightness Criteria for Underground Structures...........................................................375
Table 3.23-1. Space Data Sheet Template .................................................................................................381
Table 3.23-2. Future Connection ...............................................................................................................385
Table 3.23-3. Vehicle Parking ...................................................................................................................391
Table 3.23-4. AM Peak Line Ridership .....................................................................................................394
Table 3.23-5. PM Peak Line Ridership......................................................................................................395
Table 3.23-6. LES AM Peak Passenger Transfers.....................................................................................395
Table 3.23-7. LES PM Peak Passenger Transfers .....................................................................................395
Table 3.23-8. SCS AM Peak Passenger Transfers.....................................................................................396
Table 3.23-9. SCS PM Peak Passenger Transfers .....................................................................................396
Table 3.23-10. SHP AM Peak Passenger Transfers ..................................................................................397
Table 3.23-11. SHP PM Peak Passenger Transfers ...................................................................................397
Table 3.23-12. Integrated Secure Bike Parking .........................................................................................401

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Table 3.23-13. Fare Collection Equipment................................................................................................408

Table 3.23-14. EEB Track Clearances.......................................................................................................418
Table 3.23-15. EEB Parking Requirements...............................................................................................419
Table 3.23-16. Fire Protection Matrix .......................................................................................................447
Table 3.24-1. Utility Infrastructure............................................................................................................493
Table 3.25-1. Water tightness Criteria 1991 – Tightness Class 2..............................................................498
Table 3.27-1. Communication Systems in Zone Hub Rooms ...................................................................598
Table 4.8-1. Traffic Management Lands Definitions ................................................................................722
Table 4.8-2. Graffiti Removal Response Timeline....................................................................................732
Table 4.8-3. Driveway Access Impacts and Mitigation Measures ............................................................736
Table 4.8-4. Minimum Lane Width Requirements....................................................................................737
Table 4.8-5. Maximum Durations of Lane Occupations ...........................................................................737
Table 4.8-6. Temporary Traffic Management – Sample Site Report ........................................................747
Table 4.8-7. Reference Line Coordinate Data ...........................................................................................787
Table 4.8-8. Reference Line Vertical Alignment Data ..............................................................................791
Table 4.8-9. Horizontal Shift of Tunnel Alignment ..................................................................................795
Table 4.8-10. Crossover Track Coordinate Data .......................................................................................796
Table 4.8-11. Eastbound Track Coordinate Data.......................................................................................797
Table 4.8-12. Eastbound Track Vertical Alignment Data .........................................................................801
Table 4.8-13. Kennedy Pocket Track Coordinate Data .............................................................................806
Table 4.8-14. Kennedy Pocket Track Vertical Alignment Data................................................................806
Table 4.8-15. Sheppard East Storage Track Coordinate Data ...................................................................807
Table 4.8-16. Sheppard East Storage Track Vertical Alignment Data ......................................................807
Table 4.8-17. Westbound Track Coordinate Data .....................................................................................808
Table 4.8-18. Westbound Track Vertical Alignment Data ........................................................................812
Table 4.8-19. Room Requirements ............................................................................................................819
Table 4.8-20. Number of Rooms - Passenger and Customer Facilities .....................................................843
Table 4.8-21. Number of Rooms - Non-Passenger Facilities ....................................................................849
Table 4.8-22. Allocation of Washroom Fixtures .......................................................................................852
Table 4.8-23. Review Level and the Alert Level for Differential Movement of the Structural Units ......869
Table 4.8-24. Requirements of Independent Structural Design Check Certificate....................................875
Table 4.8-25. Format for TTC Station Closure Schedule..........................................................................878

List of Figures
Figure 1.2-1. Scarborough Subway Extension Map ....................................................................................64
Figure 2.6-1. Equipment Record Card Template.......................................................................................107
Figure 2.6-2. Equipment Maintenance Inspection Report .........................................................................108
Figure 3.7-1. General Layout of the Kennedy Structure Elements............................................................123
Figure 3.7-2. Proposed Pocket Track Location .........................................................................................124
Figure 3.7-3. Details in the Area between STA. 9+992.730 and STA. 10+047.244 .................................126

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Figure 3.10-1. Sheppard East Station Trainset Storage .............................................................................141

Figure 3.19-1. LTSTOS and Setback for Bus Loop at SHP ......................................................................228
Figure 3.21-1. Station - Platform Edge Door Block Diagram ...................................................................298
Figure 3.24-1. Review Zone Limits...........................................................................................................487

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0.1 Introduction
(a) This Schedule 15 – Scope and Requirements (“Schedule 15”) outlines the scope and technical
requirements applicable to the design and construction of the Works.

0.2 Guide to Schedule 15

(a) Schedule 15 is organized as follows:
(i) Part 00 – General contains a high-level outline of the intent and structure of the
document, including a glossary of definitions and acronyms;
(ii) Part 01 – Project Introduction introduces the Scarborough Subway Extension Project, and
outlines the major scope elements of the Project;
(iii) Part 02 – Operation and Maintenance Requirements contains information on the Project’s
intended operations and maintenance, and requirements enabling handover and transition
into Revenue Service;
(iv) Part 03 – Design Requirements contains requirements for the Works, as follows:
(A) Sections 3.1-3.6 contain general design requirements;
(B) Sections 3.7-3.14 contain scope requirements organized by location; and
(C) Sections 3.15-3.34 contain detailed requirements organized by discipline;
(v) Part 04 – Construction Requirements contains the construction requirements of the
(vi) APPENDIX A – Facilities Applicability Matrix identifies standards, which are applicable
to Passenger and Customer Facilities, Non-Passenger Facilities, and their associated
(vii) APPENDIX B – Systems Applicability Matrix identifies standards that are applicable to
each System and Subsystem;
(viii) APPENDIX C – presents the Alignment tables;
(ix) APPENDIX D – Room Requirements Matrix identifies the rooms to be provided at the
Stations and ancillary structures (e.g., Traction Power Substations, Emergency Exit
Buildings) and outlines their associated requirement;
(x) APPENDIX E – Kennedy Enabling Works presents the design drawings and technical
specifications for the Kennedy Enabling Works;
(xi) APPENDIX F – Scarborough Health Network Requirements; and
(xii) APPENDIX G – Additional TTC Requirements;
(b) Contracting Authority has included several documents in the Data Room to support the
Contractor in understanding the context of the Scarborough Subway Extension.

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0.3 Definitions and Acronyms

(a) Terms used in this Schedule 15, which are defined in the Project Agreement and are not
otherwise defined in this Schedule 15, shall have the same meaning given to them in the Project
(b) Words and abbreviations which are not defined in this Schedule 15 or the Project Agreement, and
which have well-known technical or trade meanings, used herein are used according to such
recognized meanings.
(c) SI units of measurement may be abbreviated in this Schedule 15.
(d) Refer to Schedule 1 – Definitions and Interpretations for Project Agreement-wide definitions.

0.3.1 Definitions “100-Year Flood” means a flood event with a return period of one hundred years (1-percent
annual exceedance probability). “100-Year Storm” is a storm event with a return period of one hundred years (1-percent annual
exceedance probability), determined according to with Figure 4 (Rainfall Intensity Curves for
City of Toronto) of the ‘Wet Weather Flow Management Guidelines’ (City of Toronto, 2006). “Absolute Value” is the actual magnitude of a numerical value or measurement, irrespective of
its relation to other values, for establishing minimum and maximum criteria for track design. “Accelerated Design” has the meaning given in Section 3.14.3. “Access Management Plan” has the meaning given in Section 4.6.3. “Action Protocol” has the meaning given in Section G.2.1(c)(i). “Advance Works” means Accelerated Design, Preparatory Activities and Early Works. “ADAMS Authorized Users” means Contracting Authority team members to whom the
Contractor must provide access credentials to the ADAMS. “Agnostic” means a design derived from an assessment of the needs, objectives, and guidelines
from various Transit Agencies, and identification of the most stringent or reasonable
requirement for the purpose of establishing a facility that supports an aligned operation and
optimized compatibility for various Transit Agencies to function in the same space. “Alert Level” has the meaning given in Article 3.19.16(o)(ix). “Alignment” has the meaning given in Section 3.27.1. “Applicability Matrix” means both the APPENDIX A – Facilities Applicability Matrix and the
APPENDIX B – Systems Applicability Matrix. “Architectural Screening” means a predominantly solid decorative barrier using high quality
materials to minimize the visual impact of at grade structures and equipment from public areas.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “Articulated Bus” means a bus that measures 60 feet / 18 m in length. “Area of Refuge” per DS-00, means a safe holding space for customers to wait in an
emergency if they are unable to evacuate independently. Firefighters are made aware of the
existence of an area of refuge via the fire safety plan and they will assist those located there to
safely evacuate the building. “As-Built Survey” means field activities and drawings prepared by the Contractor to reflect the
installed, constructed, or commissioned conditions of the Project in a format and with content
and details that Contracting Authority, acting reasonably, considers appropriate. “Asset(s)” means any physical or tangible item that has potential or actual value to Contracting
Authority (excluding Intellectual Property, inventory to be sold, human resources, and financial
instruments), as well as IT Systems and Software. “Asset Data and Information Standards” means the set of standards defined, maintained, and
applied to Contracting Authority Asset Information. “Asset Document Control List” means the list of documents to be checked out of EDRMS for
revision, and/or the list of documents and deliverables to be created during a Project and
submitted to Metrolinx for upload to Contracting Authority Asset Information Systems. It is a
control mechanism for the management of Asset-related documents. “Asset Document Control List Template” means the template used to capture the list of Asset
documents and deliverables to be produced by a Project, handed over to Contracting Authority
and uploaded to Contracting Authority Asset Information Systems. It has many of the Asset
data and information standards built-in to streamline the process. “Asset Information” means the combined set of data (physical Asset data, location and spatial
links, work management, performance, condition, and cost data, etc.) and documents (drawings,
manuals, etc.) required to support the management of Contracting Authority Assets over the
whole Life Cycle. Asset Information is monitored and controlled in Contracting Authority Asset
Information Systems in accordance with Contracting Authority Asset data and information
standards. “Asset Information Acceptance Certificate” means a written confirmation from Contracting
Authority Asset class teams that the Contractor has provided all required Asset Information, and
that it has been validated, accepted, and updated in the Asset Information Systems. “Asset Information Systems” or “AIS” means the suite of Systems used to manage
Contracting Authority Asset Information throughout the Asset Life Cycle, including EMMS,
EGIS and EDRMS. “Automated Data Acquisition and Management Systems” or “ADAMS” means a GIS based
System that (i) receives, interprets, organizes, and stores real-time monitoring data obtained on a
continuous basis from all monitoring instruments installed and monitored as part of the Project
works; (ii) automatically produces, at a minimum visualizations, interpretations, graphs and
other forms of reporting based on the information gathered from the monitoring instruments and
(iii) automatically transmit immediate notifications to ADAMS Authorized Users of

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exceedances of any limits of movement in the instruments installed and monitored on site via
phone and email. “Backbone Cable” means the communications fibre cable intended for systemwide inter-
location communication between Stations, major transit buildings and the TCC. “Basement Flooding” means the City of Toronto’s Basement Flooding Protection Program, a
program to reduce the risk of flooding during heavy rainstorm events by making improvements
to the sewer System and overland Drainage routes. “Baseline Monitoring Report” means the report outlining the Baseline values developed from
the monitoring instruments during the Baseline period including details related to the
methodology used to analyze data obtained during the Baseline Monitoring Period, the results of
such analysis, and presentation of the Baseline. “Bi-annual Survey Control Report” means bi-annual control survey report detailing specific
information about the control point inventory, point status, and acceptance of the control
network. “Bored Tunnel” means the portion or portions of the ATSSE Work to be constructed using the
Tunnel Boring Machine. “Boundary Monuments Inventory Report” means the boundary monuments survey including
all boundary monuments including their position and status. “Building Structure” means the civil engineering structures of a facility as described in Section
3.22. “Bus Bay” refers to an assigned position and location for a bus to pull up to board/alight
Passengers. “Bus Drive Aisle” refers to the roadway used by buses within the boundary of a Bus Terminal. “Bus Facilities” means any building that is used to operate, maintain, store or temporarily
Station buses. “Bus Layover Space” is a designated location for a bus to layover / stall during the operator's
breaktime and is shared amongst buses. “Bus Loop” is an off the street facility used by buses for turning around and layover purposes.
May include Operator washrooms but does not include customer facilities. “Bus Operators' Facility” is a building that can only be used by operators and not publicly
accessible. “Bus Stop” refers to an on-street facility used by buses to board/alight Passengers. Generally
including stop markers, Passenger shelters/amenities, information displays, and may be curbside
(straight bay) or indented (layby).

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Systems DPA Execution Version “Bus Stop Platform” is a waiting area for Passengers at a Bus Stop, typically includes
Passenger amenities such as benches, information displays, etc. “Bus Terminal” means a publicly accessible building where several public transit routes come
together at a common location for boarding and alighting customers. “Bus Terminal Platform” is an exterior waiting area for Passengers at a Bus Terminal,
typically includes Passenger amenities such as benches, information displays, etc. “Bus Terminal Roadway” is the road inside the Bus Terminal, used by buses to circulate,
approach a Bus Bay or leave a bay. “Carport” means integrated uncovered structure which provides dedicated parking to a vehicle
and creates visual massing. “Centre Platform” means a single Platform configuration for which the Platform serves both
directions of travel. “Certificate of Authorization” means a document issued by Professional Engineers Ontario to

allow individuals and business entities to offer and provide professional engineering services to
the public as distinct from a licence issued to individuals to practice professional engineering. “CGVD28:78adj” means Canadian Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1928, 1978 Adjustment, as
further described in the Engineering Survey Manual. “CGVD28:Pre78adj” means Canadian Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1928, Pre-1978

Adjustment, as further described in the Engineering Survey Manual. “City of Toronto Emergency Plan” means a document published by the City of Toronto that
provides the framework for measures that can be taken to protect the health and Safety of the
inhabitants of the City of Toronto when faced with an emergency. “Civil Structures” are the structures supporting and spanning the roadway network or
separating it from adjacent areas as described in Section 3.22.4, including bridges, structural
culverts and Retaining Walls, but excluding Headwalls, Tunnel, and Building Structures. “Combined Lining” means that initial shotcrete lining is part of the SEM structures' permanent
load carrying System and contributes to all applicable load cases, except the groundwater load
which is fully carried by the Final Lining. Since the Initial Lining is a part of the permanent
structure, it therefore must meet all the quality and durability requirements for a permanent
structure. “Communication Room” or “Communication Equipment Room” means the primary Rail
Systems Station communication room. “COMPASS” means MTO’s traffic management System on provincial highways. “Configuration Change Impact Report” means the report prepared by the Contractor and
submitted to Contracting Authority pursuant to Section 2.7.3.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “Configuration Management” or “CM” means process of identifying and documenting the
characteristics of a facility’s structures, Systems, and components (including computer Systems
and software), and of ensuring that changes to these characteristics are properly developed,
assessed, approved, issued, implemented, verified, recorded, and incorporated into the facility
documentation. “Construction Tolerances” means allowable deviation from specified value. “Contract Administrator” means the THESL personnel designated to oversee construction of
the utility work. “Contractor’s Compound” means the Contractor’s staging area as defined in the drawings. “Control Survey Monument Inventory Report” means the inventory survey report for all the
Project control points indicating point stability conditions and network suitability. “Corporate Network” means TTC’s existing corporate business network. “Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design” or “CPTED” means the design and
effective use of the built environment to reduce crime and the incidence of crime, and to
improve the quality of life. “Critical I/O (Input/Output)” are I/O points in the ETS which may create hazardous condition
to personnel if sensing of related input circuit or conveyance of related output point
(tripping/open command) fail. “Cross Passage” means a Safety walkway connecting two twin Tunnels. “Cross-Over” means two turnouts connecting two generally parallel adjacent tracks, which
allow rail vehicles to cross from one track to another. “Cut-and-Cover Structures” means structures constructed by cut-and-cover methods,

including: (i) the use of a temporary excavation support Systems to excavate to a planned base
elevation followed by permanent structure construction, backfilling, and surface restoration; and
(ii) the use of temporary excavation support Systems such as soldier-piles and lagging, secant or
tangent piles (caissons), concrete diaphragm walls (slurry walls), sheet piles, and soil-nail wall
Systems. “Data Room” means the electronic secure website set up for the purpose of RFP, as further
defined in the Request for Proposal. “Derived Requirement” means a requirement deduced or inferred from the collection and
organization of requirements into a particular system configuration and solution. (ISO 29148). “Design Basis” means document that defines the scope and assumptions of the System. “Design Life” means a period during which a structure is intended to perform its design
function for the intended use(s).

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Systems DPA Execution Version “Design Management Plan” has the meaning given in Section 3.6.1. “Demarcated Space” always means a free and clear area and designed to accommodate a
mobile generator only during an emergency. The Demarcated Space is not a dedicated parking
space and may be with a curb-mounted access, or within a drive aisle that does not impede on
pedestrian and vehicular traffic or Bus operations. “Design Principles” has the meaning given in DS-09. “Designated Construction Zone” means a zone established by the MTO within or adjacent to
Traffic Management Lands to delineate where construction activities will occur. Designation of
Construction Zone Form must be submitted in accordance with MTO guidelines and approved
by MTO and Contracting Authority as part of the approved TCP. “Designation of Construction Zone Form” means a form issued by the MTO for the
formalization of a Designated Construction Zone. “Distribution Switch” means the network switch connected to the optical fibres of BCN
Backbone Cable(s) for network connection with distribution switch(es) in other buildings.
Distribution Switch(es) are also called System Nodes. “Document Need By Date” means the date that documents must be uploaded and available in
EDRMS to support maintenance and operations, as captured and agreed upon in the Asset
Document Control List. “Drainage” means (a) the process of water being removed from an area naturally or by artificial
means, (b) the manner by which water is removed from an area, or (c) the infrastructure that
conveys water from an area. “Drainage Criteria” means the compilation of all Drainage and Stormwater Management
guidelines, criteria, design standards, engineering standards, standard drawings and
specifications published by: City of Toronto, MTO, MECP, TRCA, TTC, Contracting Authority
and other Governmental Authority as applicable. “Dynamic Passenger Modelling” has the meaning given in Metrolinx Pedestrian Flow
Modelling Design Standard. “Early Works” means works managed and completed by the Contractor as described in
Sections 3.14.4, 3.14.5, and 3.14.6. “Early Works: Package 1 A” has the meaning given in Article “Early Works: Package 1 B” has the meaning given in Article “Early Works: Package 2” has the meaning given in Section “Early Works: Package 3” has the meaning given in Section

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Systems DPA Execution Version “East End Rooms Addition (Room Envelope Only)” means the scope under KEW Phase 1
Early Works as defined in Section “East End Rooms Addition (Finishing and Fit-out)” means the scope under KEW Phase 2A
Early Works as in Section “Electronic Document and Records Management System” or “EDRMS” means Contracting
Authority’s System used to capture, manage, and govern all Asset-related documentation. “Emergency Exit Building” means exits at Track Level complete with stairways to an exit
building at grade. “Emergency Services” means Emergency Service Provider as defined in Schedule 1-

Definitions and Interpretation. “Emergency Service Building” or “ESB” is a facility that includes Fire Life Safety System
equipment. “Emergency Shuttle Bus Service” is the bus service required along the subway corridor during
the event of subway service closure. The Emergency Shuttle Bus Service replaces the regular
subway service with buses to accommodate and transport the projected ridership during the time
of closure. “Enabling Cost” means the cost associated with the design and construction of TOC Enabling
Works. “Enclosed” areas are spaces defined as such in ASHRAE standards. “End of Line” means terminal Station as defined in DS-09 and pertains to Sheppard East
Station on the Scarborough Subway Extension. “Engineering Survey Manual” means the MTO Engineering Survey Manual, dated January
2016. “Enterprise Geographic Information System” or “EGIS” means Contracting Authority’s

System used to geo-locate Assets, whether linear (e.g., track), discrete (e.g., signals), or area
(e.g., property parcel). “Enterprise Maintenance Management System” or “EMMS” means the computerized

maintenance management information System used to capture and maintain the Asset registry,
hierarchy, classification, metadata, condition ratings, warranty information, meters, parts used in
the maintenance of Assets, and work history (preventative and corrective). Beyond its function
as an enterprise Asset registry, other key capabilities include: (i) Preventative Maintenance
Work Planning and Scheduling, (ii) Corrective Work Planning and Scheduling, (iii) Work Order
Estimates and Actuals, (iv) Materials and Inventory Management, (v) Asset Performance and
Reliability, and (vi) Asset Life Cycle Cost Analysis. “Entrance Plaza” means outdoor pedestrian area connected to a Station’s Main and/or
Secondary Entrance.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “ET Zone” is a zone in the ET System in which signal for operator actions to and status signal
from all TP devices: DFBs, TBs, SBs, EOISs, SSWs, ET switch at Emergency Alarm Stations,
tripping command to all DC power breakers, and permissive (to switch) to EOISs are interfaced
directly with related ETCC. “Ethernet” means communication protocol based on IEEE 802.3 standards. “Ethernet/IP” means an industrial network protocol that adapts the Common Industrial
Protocol (CIP) to standard Ethernet. “Existing Abandoned Utility Infrastructure” means Utility Infrastructure which is not
currently in use or is otherwise abandoned at the time it is discovered by the Contractor. “Existing Adjacent Structures” has the meaning given in Section 3.19.13. “Existing TTC Infrastructure” means any Asset, improvement, facility, or infrastructure
situated on the Lands, operated by TTC, including but not limited to subway Stations, subway
Tunnels, Bus Terminals, signals and electrical equipment, entrances, ventilation shafts and
commuter parking lots. “External Interface” means a direct physical Interface between the Contractor Subsystem and
an interfacing organization Subsystem. “Fall Arrest System” has the meaning given in TTC-DM. “Fare Collection Equipment” includes fare gates, FVMs, and SFTPs and all associated space,
power/communication conduits and necessary back-of-house requirements. “Fare Vending Machines” means a fare collection Device used when a customer wishes to
purchase a PRESTO smart card, a single fare card and/or add value to a card or obtain some
information about the card. “Final Boundary Monuments Inventory Report” means the final boundary monuments
report including the status of all boundary monuments in their final form including all existing
accepted monuments, new set monuments, and reset monuments. “Final Lining” means permanent lining in SEM structures that is constructed over the Initial
Lining and waterproofing System and is considered to resist the long-term loads, including
groundwater load, throughout the required Design Life of the structure. Final Lining can be
constructed using rebar or fibre reinforced cast-in-place concrete or shotcrete. “Friction Bumping Post” is a track appurtenance used to buffer and dissipate the speed of
railway vehicles from going past the end of a physical section of track. “Future Connection” means the third party entrance connection to a Station. It includes
connections at grade and below grade.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “Geodetic Control Survey and Datum Transformation Report” means the final control
network report prepared by Monteith & Sutherland on October 5, 2020, titled Scarborough
Subway Extension Project Geodetic Survey Control Network Report Rev01 (SSE2018 Rev01). “Geodetic Coordinate System” or “GCS” means the geodetic coordinate system used on this
Project conforming to the high accuracy geo-spatial control point requirements as further
defined in the Geodetic Control Survey and Datum Transformation Report. “Geological Survey of Canada” means a Canadian federal government agency responsible for
performing geological surveys of the country, developing Canada’s natural resources, and
protecting the environment. “Geotechnical Construction Lead” has the meaning given in Schedule 9 – Key Individuals. “Geotechnical Design Methodology Report(s)” has the meaning given in Section 3.19.6. “Geotechnical Engineer(s)” has the meaning given by Professional Engineers Ontario. “Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring Plan” or “GIMP” means a comprehensive

report prepared by the Contractor indicating the location and type of instruments proposed as
part of the GIMP to monitor the ground, adjacent infrastructure, and utility movements during
the construction activities. “GO Transit Facilities” means the portion of facilities that will be used by GO Transit. “Governmental Authority Standards” means the design and construction standards of the
Governmental Authority. “Gross Construction Area” means the sum of the total area of each floor level of a building,
above or below grade, measured from the exterior of the main wall of each floor level. “Gross Floor Area” means the total floor area of a building; the total floor area of a specified
program within a building (i.e., the total area of Retail within a building). “GUI” means Graphic User Interface. “Guideway” means the part of a rapid transit System on which the trackwork is located. “Guideway Fit Out” means the incorporation of all elements required to run the train System
in accordance with applicable codes and standards, including Cross Passages (i.e., openings and
doors), Tunnel invert, ventilation, Tunnel centre wall, Safety walkways, track, Tunnel lighting,
fire life Safety, Drainage Systems, signaling, train Systems, communications, and all other
elements needed for the function of the railway. “Hazard” means a condition that could lead to an accident. “Headwall” or “Headwalls” means SOE structures delineating part of the end walls of open
excavations along the Tunnel Alignment, including those for future open excavations that the
TBM will mine through after the SOE structures are installed.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “Heat Release Rate” means the rate at which a fire releases energy, measured in Watts. “High Strength Concrete” means concrete with a specified compressive strength of 55 MPA
or greater. “Horizontal Circulation” means the communication of people across a single level of a Station
or other facility. “Impacted Parties” means TTC, YRT, GO Transit, MTO, City of Toronto, City of Vaughan,
City of Markham, City of Richmond Hill, and York Region. “Infrastructure Coordination Unit” means a unit/group within City of Toronto, that acts as a
coordinating body for all groups, not just City of Toronto agencies, that perform construction
work in Toronto. ICU connects with all groups to make sure that long-term work is coordinated,
and that all agencies are aware of what other organizations are doing. “Initial Control Survey Network Report” means the initial control network survey indicating
the network inventory, new set points, existing accepted points, or existing reset points with all
supporting raw survey data and post processing results and adjustment calculations. “Initial Lining” is a reinforced shotcrete layer for the initial or temporary support of the
excavated areas. The shotcrete lining is reinforced with synthetic or steel fibre, steel
reinforcement and lattice girders, where indicated on the drawings. The Initial Lining is placed
after excavation on shotcrete sealed perimeter surfaces to provide Initial Support, acting alone
or in a combination with other reinforcement or additional measures. “Initial Subsurface Control Survey Network Report” means the initial control network
survey indicating the subsurface network inventory, new set points, existing accepted points, or
existing reset points with all supporting raw survey data and post processing results and
adjustment calculations. “Initial Support” means relatively short-term tunnel or shaft support installed for stability and
safety during construction operations, with elements generally left in place and incorporated
into the final lining. Initial support is often referred to as primary support. “Installation Coordination Drawings” means Drawings and documents that resolve potential
conflict and interferences among structural, civil, architectural, landscape, mechanical, electrical
(including communication and other systems), locates, applicable reference drawings, and other
components of the Works. Conflict, interference, congestion may occur in ceiling or wall
spaces, in Shafts, embedded in the slab or other locations. “Integrated Secure Bike Room” has the meaning given in DS-07. “Integrated Signage” means has the meaning given in DS-07. “Integration” means the process of assembling the elements of a system according to the
architectural and design specification, and the testing of the integrated unit. (CENELEC 50126-

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Systems DPA Execution Version “Intermodal” means a multiple forms (modes) of transit service, such as bus, rail, and handicap
access, serving a (common) location. “Interface” means a shared boundary between two functional units, defined by various
characteristics pertaining to the functions, physical signal exchanges, and other characteristics. “Interface Management” means a process to assist in controlling Product development when
efforts are divided among parties (e.g., Government, contractors, geographically diverse
technical teams, etc.) and/or to define and maintain compliance among the Products that should
interoperate. “Interface Register” means a repository of all External Interface requirements. The Interface
Register contains traceability for each requirement. “Interfacing Entities” or “IE” means a unique entry (row) in the Entity Dictionary. An
Interfacing Entity can be an organization, Project, System, Subsystem, physical component,
communication protocol. “Interior Structure” means any structure constructed entirely within an Enclosed building. “International Systems of Units” means a System of physical units (SI units) based on the
metre, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, candela, and mole, together with a set of prefixes to
indicate multiplication or division by a power of ten. “Issued for Construction” means drawings reviewed, approved, and sealed by a registered
Professional Engineer comprising of detailed representations of a machine, structure, System, or
other result created for the purpose of installation, assemblage, fabrication, construction, or to
illustrate the use of routine or specific methods. “Kennedy Box Structure” means a cut-and-cover piece of infrastructure containing the
Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant and Kennedy Pocket Track structures, spanning from the
existing Kennedy Station to the western limit of the Bored Tunnel, or the eastern limit of the
extraction Shaft (LS-2). “Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant” has the meaning given in Section “Kennedy Enabling Works” has the meaning given in Section 3.14 and APPENDIX E. “Kennedy Pocket Track” has the meaning given in Section “Kennedy Tail-Track” means the existing area at the far east end of the Kennedy Station. “Kennedy Traction Power Substation Expansion” or “Kennedy TPSS Expansion” means the
addition to the existing Kennedy Station traction power substation given in Section “Kennedy Traction Power Supply” is the scope under KEW Phase 2B Early Works as defined
in Section

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Systems DPA Execution Version “Kennedy Transition Box” is the Tunnel box structure constructed by the Contractor between
Kennedy Station and SSE Bored Tunnel structure constructed Tunnel Co. “KEW Phase 1 Early Works” has the meaning given in Section “KEW Phase 2A Early Works” has the meaning given in Section “KEW Phase 2B Early Works” has the meaning given in Section “Kit of Parts - Design Elements” has the meaning that is as attributed under DS-09. “Lateral cable” means the communications fibre cable intended for communication between
network devices (equipment might be better) adjacent to Stations or buildings, serving or
identified with that Station or building. “Lawrence East Station Facilities” has the meaning given in Section 3.8. “Level of Service” means a qualitative measure used to relate the quality of a transportation
service. “Life Cycle” means the evolution of a System, product, service, project, or other human-made
entity from conception through to retirement. “Limit Value” has the meaning given in Section 3.19.13. “Line 4 Extension” means the east extension of the Line 4, consisting of an underground
subway line or aboveground LRT running along Sheppard Avenue East. “Line Replaceable Unit” (LRU) is an essential support item which is removed and replaced at
the field level to restore the end item to an operational ready condition. “Local Municipalities” means City of Toronto, City of Vaughan, City of Markham, Town of
Richmond Hill, and Town of Thornhill. “Macro-level Emergency” means an unplanned event that has the potential to adversely affect
the Safety of the travelling public and/or ongoing traffic operations on one or more provincial
roadways. “Main Entrance” means the identified primary means of access and egress for Passengers at a
Station. “Mainline Tracks” means the track required for Revenue Service, including Tail Track. “Maintainer” means TTC for all rail, Systems, and line-wide elements; otherwise means a
Stakeholders for facility maintenance. “Major External Project” means the THESL department that oversees large-scale transit

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Systems DPA Execution Version “Master Asset List Template” means the template to be used by a Project to capture new and
updated Asset data and handed over to Contracting Authority as part of Asset Information
Handover. It has many of the Asset data and information standards built-in to streamline the
process. “Master Asset List” means the list of Asset data to be created or updated in EMMS and EGIS
because of a Project. “Maximum Design Earthquake” has the meaning given in Section 3.19.7. “Measured Parameter” has the meaning given in Section 3.19.13. “Mechanical Access Control” means devices used to increase a potential intruder’s perceived
risk of detection or failure when committing a crime, by restricting or denying access to possible
crime targets. Mechanical forms of access control include Security gates, card readers, remote
control, or keyed access. “Mechanical Surveillance” means an item or device that is designed to enhance visibility or
detection including cameras, mirrors, CCTV, alarms, etc. “Metrolinx/Third Party Traffic Signal Handover Terms and Conditions” means the City of
Toronto Transportation Services Traffic Management Section detailed requirements for design,
operation, maintenance, testing and commissioning of traffic control signals and traffic
management devices. “Mined Structure” or “Mined Structures” means Tunnels and/or caverns constructed as SEM
Structures and/or pipe roof structures. “Mitigative Measures” means (i) specific activities undertaken by the Contractor to mitigate
any effects or impacts resulting from the exceedance of any limit of movement; and (ii)
modifications to the means and methods associated with any construction activities to ensure the
Safety, meet the limits of movement, and minimize any ground, adjacent infrastructure, or
structure displacements during such construction activities. “Modbus” means the royalty-free data communications protocol recognized by the IANA. “Modified Transverse Mercator” or “MTM” has the meaning given in the Engineering
Survey Manual. “MTO Design Management Plan” has the meaning given in the Appendix B of Schedule 10 –
Review Procedure. “MTO Scope” means New MTO Infrastructure; or New Metrolinx Infrastructure, that is:
located within the MTO Lands or the Highway Corridor Lands; or located within 45 m of the
limit of any provincial highway located within the Lands; or located within 395 m of the centre
point of an intersection or interchange with a provincial highway, but excluding any non-
structural elements of the Bored Tunnel to be installed or constructed following completion of
the Final Lining of the Bored Tunnel (collectively the “MTO Scope”).

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Systems DPA Execution Version “Multi-Use Trail” means a formalized travel surface intended for a wide variety of non-
motorized travellers that is physically separated from motorized vehicular traffic, except for
bridges, sidewalks, and walkways. “Municipal”, “Municipality”, “Municipalities” refers to one or a combination of City of

Toronto, Region of York, City of Markham, City of Vaughan, and Town of Richmond Hill. “NAD27:74adj” means North American Datum 1927, 1974 Adjustment, as further described in
the Engineering Survey Manual. “NAD83” means North American Datum 1983, as further described in the Engineering Survey
Manual. “Natural Access Control” means a design concept that is directed at decreasing crime
opportunity. It is based on the simple premise that a person who is confronted with a clearly
defined and/or strategically developed boundary, will typically show it some deference by
respecting the way it guides and influences their movement as they transition from public
through private space. Natural forms of access control include fences, low walls, landscaping,
gates, and any barrier that is natural for the environment including topographical features, sales
counters and even distance. “Natural Surveillance” means a design strategy that is directed at keeping intruders under
observation. It is based on a simple premise that a person inclined to engage in criminality will
be less likely to act on their impulse if he or she can be seen. Example: increasing visual
permeability of vulnerable areas such as building entrances, stairwells, etc. through the strategic
use of windows, fencing material, landscaping. “Non-Operating Hours” means time when the Subway, Scarborough Rapid Transit and
Harbourfront Light Rail Transit Systems are closed to public service. Only work trains are in
operation. “Non-Passenger Facilities” means transit associated buildings that are not accessed by the
public including TPSSs. “Off-Peak Hours” means time during the day when the subway Station does not experience
heavy Passenger usage. “One Order of Magnitude Higher” means 10 times higher. “Ontario Land Surveyor” means a professional member of the Association of Ontario Land
Surveyors (AOLS), in good standing, which is required to maintain the necessary theoretical,
practical, and ethical standards set by legislation and the profession. “Ontario Specification for GPS Control Surveys” means the MTO manual for Ontario
Specification for GPS Control Surveys, dated June 2004. “Operating Design Earthquake” or “ODE” has the meaning given in Section 3.19.7. “Operating Headways” has the meaning provided in Section 2.2.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “Paid Fare Zone” means the area in a transit System in which Passengers have paid a fare. “Passenger” means a natural person using any segment of the Scarborough Subway Extension. “Passenger / Customer Facilities” means buildings which are publicly accessible for the use
of, and evacuation from transit infrastructure, including Stations, Bus Terminals and EEBs. “Passenger Assistance Intercom” has the meaning defined in DS-00. “Passenger Modelling” means the analysis undertaken to evaluate the capacity of public areas
in Stations, Bus Terminals, and facilities to accommodate day to day Passenger circulation. “Permit To Take Water” or “PTTW” means a permit required by regulation of the Province
of Ontario for anyone taking more than a total of 50,000 litres of water in a day to obtain a
permit from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP). “Pick-Up and Drop-Off” means Drop-off and Pick-up and has meaning given in DS-00 and
DS-09. “Platform” means the area within a Station where Passengers can board and alight trains. “Platform Clearances” means the distances between the Revenue Vehicles and any Platform
element. “Platform Edge Door System” means the System that provides a physical separation between
the Platform and Guideway and provides doors for Passengers to access the trains. “Pre-cast Concrete Tunnel Lining” means reinforced pre-cast concrete segments, connected
in the Tunnel to form continuous rings, in turn connected to create a Tunnel lining, used for
permanent support of the Bored Tunnel. “Preparatory Activities” means activities managed and completed by Contracting Authority as
described in Section 3.14.2. “Presto” or “PRESTO” means the Metrolinx automated fare collection System. “Private Lands” means any lands, property parcels within the Works boundary having a
private owner. “Private Roads” means any road, access road or driveway within the Works boundary in
private property or having a private owner. “Procurement Management Plan” has the meaning given in Section 1.4.5. “Project Area” means the working spaces, easements, construction staging areas, and
properties to contain the Stations, and ancillary structures comprising of the Scarborough
Subway Extension. “Project Controls Management Plan” has the meaning given in Section 1.4.2(c).

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Systems DPA Execution Version “Project Geodetic Control Survey Network Report” means the projects control network
survey report including details and accurate information on the networks horizontal and vertical
control points. “Project Management Plan” has the meaning given in Section 1.4.1. “Project Requirements” means schedule and Project Agreement requirements. “Project Works Schedule” has the meaning given in Schedule 12 – Works Schedule
Requirements. “Project Zone of Influence” has the meaning given in Article 3.19.13(d). “Public Realm” means outdoor area accessible to pedestrians within Station plazas, site
property and adjacent Streetscapes. “Public Access Point” has the meaning given in MX DS-11. “Rail Systems” include Systems such as track, signals, traction power, Tunnel ventilation, and
communications required to ensure safe and reliable railroad System operation. Rail Systems
does not include building services such as electrical, mechanical, and smoke ventilation
Systems. “Red-Light Camera” means a photo enforcement system operating at a traffic control signal to
detect motorist who disobey the traffic signal indications. “Reference Concept Design” means any conceptual designs provided by Contracting
Authority for the information of the Contractor, not intended to represent designs fully
compliant with the requirements of the Project Agreement. “Reference Plan” or “Reference Plans” has the meaning given in O. Reg. 43/96: Surveys,
Plans and Descriptions of Land under the Registry Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. R.20, both as amended
from time to time. “Regional Storm” means the rainfall event and soil conditions existing during Hurricane Hazel
that occurred in Toronto in 1954. “Requirements Management” or “RM” has the meaning given in Section 3.29. “Retail Vending Hub” has meaning given in DS-09. “Retail” means the facilities provided for retail lessee(s) excluding any common areas with a
Station. “Retaining Wall” means the wall structures that support soil and any superimposed loads on
the soil laterally so that different grades on the side of the structure can be maintained. “Revenue Vehicle” means the subway car shown in TTC-DM. “Revenue Service” has the meaning given in Schedule 14 – Testing and Commissioning.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “Revenue Service Demonstration” has the meaning given in Schedule 14 – Testing and
Commissioning. “Review Level” has the meaning given in Section 3.19.6. “Right-of-Way” means Right-of-Way as defined by the governing Municipality. May be used
interchangeably with “Municipal Right-of-Way”. “Risk Management Plan” has the meaning given in Section 1.4.2. “Road Classification System” means a Road Classification System adopted by the
transportation services division of the City of Toronto. “Safety” means the freedom from unacceptable risk. “Satellite Communication Room” means a secondary Rail Systems Station Communication
Room that Interfaces with Communication Room. “Scarborough Centre Station Facilities” has the meaning given in Section 3.9. “Scarborough Centre Station SSE Street Network” is defined as the interim street network
layout configuration after the completion of the Scarborough Centre Station construction and
prior to final re‐configuration of the City blocks by the City of Toronto or others. “Scarborough Health Networks” or “SHN” means General Campus located at 3050
Lawrence Avenue East. “Screening” means visual barrier. “Secondary Entrance” means a location, other than the Main Entrance, that provides access
and egress for Passengers at a Station. “Security” means protection from harm and fear induced by deliberate acts; the prime objective
of a Security program is to identify threats and vulnerabilities, evaluate the risk, and mitigate the
risk to an acceptable level; the goal of a Security program is complementary to that of
implementing the Safety criteria. “Self Serve Hub” has the meaning given in DS-09. “SEM Structure (s)” means Tunnels and/or caverns constructed: (i) using mechanized or hand
excavation to excavate a sequence of headings that form a fraction of the final Tunnel face area;
(ii) with prior continuous support of ground around the entire perimeter above the Tunnel spring
line (upper Tunnel half and within face of all Tunnel headings); and (iii) with incremental
support of the ground using steel ribs, lattice girders, or other structural support, as required,
along with sprayed concrete (shotcrete). “SEM Tunnel” means a Tunnel constructed using the SEM method.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “SERV Cart” means a cart used in emergency situations, by fire services and can be used to
assist with evacuating persons from the tunnel to Station Platform, or can be used to bring
emergency equipment to the scene of an incident. “Setback” means distance on a lot measured at a right angle from the lot line to the nearest
main wall of a building or structure. “Shaft” or “Shafts” means supported open excavations required for the construction of the
Works with the SOE retaining ground on all sides of the excavations. They may include
permanent structures within the SOE limits per Works scope definition. “Sheppard East Station Facilities” has the meaning given in Section 3.10. “SHN Lands” means certain lands and premises located at 3050 Lawrence Avenue East in the
City of Toronto on which SHN operates a full-service hospital, including an emergency
department and inpatient care services. “Side Platform” means a Station fitted with Platform configuration for which the Platform
serves one direction of travel. “Site Circulation” means the communication of people around or between transit facilities,
such as walking routes between train Stations, Bus Terminals, and Passenger drop-off areas. “Site Office” has the meaning given in Section 4.7.2. “Space Data Sheets” means detailed description for each room or space. “Special Trackwork” means all rails, track structures and fittings, other than plain unguarded
track, that is neither curved nor fabricated before laying. Any track can be considered Special
Trackwork that is built in whole or part using rails that are machined, bent, or otherwise
modified from their as-rolled condition. This includes any additional track components that may
take the place of rails in supporting and guiding the wheels, as well all miscellaneous
components that may be attached to the rails to fulfil the functions required. “SSE2018 Rev01” means the final control network report prepared by Monteith & Sutherland
on October 5, 2020, titled Scarborough Subway Extension Project Geodetic Survey Control
Network Report Rev01 (SSE2018 Rev01). “Stakeholders” means individuals and organizations with an interest in the Project (excluding
Contracting Authority), including appropriate City of Toronto, provincial, federal departments
and agencies, utilities, railways, and other agencies including:
() City of Toronto;
(i) TTC;
(ii) TRCA;
(iii) MTO;
(iv) Utility Companies;

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(v) GO;
(vi) DRT;
(vii) PRESTO;
(viii) YRT;
(ix) CP;
(x) CN;
(xi) SHN;
(xii) Sheppard East Village BIA;
(xiii) TOC Contractors;
(xiv) information and advertisement service providers;
(xv) Emergency Service Providers;
(xvi) Governmental Authorities;
(xvii) CreateTO;
(xviii) Toronto Public Library;
(xix) Metrolinx Rapid Transit;
(xx) Metrolinx Engineering and Asset Management; and
(xxi) other parties identified by Contracting Authority. “Stanchions” means a single portion of a faregate, either acting as a “master”, “master/slave”,
or “slave”. “Standalone Fare Payment Terminal” means a PRESTO device that customers use to pay
their fare (or transfer) by tapping or scanning a PRESTO-issued or -sanctioned fare media. “Standard Bus” means a bus that measures 40 ft / 12 m in length. “Standard Operating Procedures” are rules and information for staff involved or engaged in
subway or SRT operations. “Static Analysis” has the meaning given in Contracting Authority Pedestrian Flow Modelling
Design Standard. “Station” means an Enclosed Passenger Station with an underground, at-grade, or elevated
Platform where Passengers can board and alight Train on SSE, including the footprint of such
Station. “Station Attendant Booth” means collector’s booth and has the meaning given in TTC-DM. “Station Building Façade” means the exterior portion of the Station.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “Station Entrance Buildings” means a Building Structure providing access and egress for
Passengers at a Station, where the Contractor must provide vertical transportation, each as
described in Section 0. “Storage Track” means an auxiliary track that is used to store non-revenue trainsets. “Stormwater Management Plan” means by which water resource concerns are addressed
during development, redevelopment, and Construction Activities. It will provide the size and
location of Stormwater Management facilities/measures and will demonstrate (through
modelling and other techniques) that when integrated, the SWMPs will meet the criteria
established for the Project. “Stormwater Management” means the integrated process of capturing, treating, or controlling
stormwater runoff to maintain the natural hydrologic cycle, prevent undesirable stream erosion,
prevent an increased risk of flooding, and protect the water quality of receiving waters. “Streetscape” means the natural and built fabric of the street, defined as the design quality of
the street and its visual effect. “Street Furniture” means City of Toronto furnishings within the Municipal ROW including
benches, transit shelters (powered and non-powered), litter/recycling receptacles, information
pillars, publication structures, signage structures and boards, and bicycle rings. “Stokes Basket” means a metal wire or plastic litter, shaped to accommodate an adult in a face
up position and can be used by Emergency Services in rescue operations and to assist with
evacuating procedures. “Subsystem” means a self-contained element that constitutes a System. (ISO 15288) “Subway Ventilation System” or “SVS” means subway ventilation fans, dampers, vent shafts,
ductwork as well as the associated controls and electrical power distribution network. “Support of Excavation” means earth retaining structural System (typically temporary) to
allow the removal of soil with vertical or near vertical cuts (or excavation profiles that would be
otherwise unstable). “Surge Space” means a prescribed area, clear of obstacles, which supports the safe and
efficient movement of Passengers and has meaning given in DS-09. “Surveyor’s Real Property Report” has the meaning given in O. Reg. 216/10: Performance
Standards for the Practice of Professional Land Surveying under the Surveyors Act, R.S.O.
1990, c. S.29, both as amended from time to time. “SVS Fan Room” is a room which houses Subway Ventilation System fan(s). “System” or “Systems” means a combination of interacting elements or Subsystems organized

to achieve one or more stated purposes. (ISO 15288)

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Systems DPA Execution Version “Systems Engineering” means an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the
realisation of successful Systems. Systems Engineering focuses on defining customer needs and
required functionality early in the development cycle, documenting Requirements, and
proceeding with design synthesis and System Validation while considering the complete
problem: operations, cost and schedule, performance, training and support, test, manufacturing,
and disposal. “Tactile Walking Surface Indicator” has the meaning defined in DS-00. “Tail Track Structures” refers to the Underground Structures containing the Tail Track. “Tail Track” means track used for train storage or overrun protection at a terminal Station. “TCC Co” means TCC Company, various TTC approved contractors to be procured by the
Contractor to update headend equipment at the TCC for Communication Interfaces. “Temporary Bus Terminal” means the scope under KEW Phase 1 Early Works as defined in
Section “Temporary Structure(s)” means a structure with a Design Life of not more than 10 years. “Temporary Works” means any temporary components of the Works. “Terminal Management System” means a bus management system that employs software,
hardware devices, and other components to enable various elements of System functionality
including dynamic Platform allocation and traffic control with the intent of optimizing Bus
Terminal operations, and improving Safety. “THES” means both Toronto Hydro Energy Services Incorporated and Toronto Hydro-Electric
Systems Limited. “THESL Construction Verification Program” means THESL program which identifies
positions of qualified persons, process for completing inspections (including Stakeholder
attachments) and documentation related to inspections (e.g., records of inspections and
certificates), process for resolving non-conformances, and training requirements for qualified or
competent persons, to meet requirements of Ontario Regulation 22/04. “THESL OTC Works” means the scope as defined in Article “Third Party Signal Process” means the City of Toronto Transportation Services Traffic
Management Section requirements for the third-party development of proposed traffic signal
designs and operational characteristics. “TOC Development” means a development project of any nature or kind and for any usage in
connection with the construction or operation of a station that is part of a priority transit project,
and includes a development project located on transit corridor land within the meaning of the
Building Transit Faster Act, 2020.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “TOC Interim Phase “ means the period of time between when the transit facilities are
completed and until the start of TOC construction. “TOC Program” means minimum requirements for a future TOC Development as outlined in
Section 3.35. “TPSS Structure” means a structure housing Traction Power Sub Station equipment. “Track Level” as defined in the TTC Subway/SRT Rule Book: any location off the Station
Platform, past the end gate, wall to wall (any part of the Tunnel structure), fence to fence (any
property between the fences in an open cut area unless protected by an approved and clearly
identified physical barrier), and any end gate walkway not protected by a continuous yellow
railing. “Traction Power Substation” means the base rooms/buildings constructed to house equipment
associated with both the conversion of utility power for the Traction Power System and the
transformation of utility power for the Station Power System. “Traction Power System” means the System that provides traction power for the movement of
Trains along the Guideway and provides power for stationary electrical loads via the contact rail
(traction power rail) System. “Traffic and Transit Management Communications Plan” has the meaning given in Section
4.8. “Traffic and Transit Manager” has the meaning given in Section 4.8. “Traffic and Transportation Engineer(s)” has the meaning given in Section 4.8. “Traffic Control Persons” has the meaning given in Section 4.8. “Traffic Control Plans” has the meaning given in Section 4.8. “Traffic Control Supervisor” has the meaning given in Section 4.8. “Traffic Management Lands” means lands within the ROW where Construction Activities
will occur, including the distance upstream and downstream of the Construction Activities along
the ROW, as defined in Section 4.8. “Training Plan" has the meaning given in Section 2.5.1. “Transit Agency” or “Transit Agencies” means any public agency responsible for
administering and managing public transit services and activities in SSE Bus Terminals or the
Traffic Management Lands or in any Project Zone of Influence, including any division, unit, or
group within the “Transit Agency” or “Transit Agencies”. “Transportation Management Committee” has the meaning given in Section 4.8.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “TRCA Regulated Area” means the land described in, and subject to, TRCA’s Section 28
Regulation under the Conservation Authorities Act. “TRCA Standards” means the approved technical guidelines and checklists in TRCA’s
“Planning and Development Procedural Manual,” as amended from time to time. “TTC Design Standards” means all standards issued by TTC that govern the design and
construction of TTC infrastructure, including Design Manual, standard and directive drawings,
and master specifications. "Tunnel” means Underground Structure containing the Guideway, but not including
Underground Stations or Cut and Cover Structures. “Tunnel Boring Machine” means the tunneling machine used by the Contractor in the
performance of the Works in relation to the Bored Tunnel. “Tunnel Co” means the Contractor responsible for construction of ATSSE. “Tunnel Invert” means the lowest section of a Tunnel. On a circular configuration, it is
approximately the bottom 90 degree of the arc of the Tunnel. “Turnout” means a track structure by means of which vehicles are diverted from one track to
another. “TTC Subway/SRT Rule” or “TTC Subway/SRT Rule Book” are rules, procedures and
information for people involved or engaged in subway or SRT operations. Contractors,
consultants, and visitors who must go to Track Level on subway or SRT property must
successfully complete TTC Rule Book training, pass examination set by TTC and be
accompanied to Track Level by a TTC Rule Book certified TTC employee. “Underground Station” means an Enclosed Passenger Station with an underground Platform
where Passengers can board and alight Train on SSE, including the footprint of such Station. “Underground Structure” means any underground space for the Contractor Infrastructure,
including Facilities, Guideway, Tunnels, Subway Ventilation System, Drainage, pedestrian
access, and emergency egress. “Unpaid Fare Zone” means the areas in a Station which are accessible to customers without
having paid a fare. “Urban Design and Landscape Architecture” means the landscape architecture elements
including paving, planting, soil, irrigation, lighting, and furnishings for the Public Realm of
Stations & Streetscapes, as collectively described in Section 3.18. “Utility Infrastructure Relocation Plan” has the meaning given in Section 3.24. “Validation” means confirmation, through provision of objective evidence, that the
requirements for a specific intended use or application have been fulfilled. (ISO 15288)

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Systems DPA Execution Version “Ventilation Shaft” is a Shaft or airflow path which facilitates ventilation between SVS fan(s)
and ambient. “Ventilation Zone” is a segment of Station or Tunnel between adjacent SVS fan shafts, or
between SVS fan Shafts and a portal. “Verification” means confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that specified
requirements have been fulfilled. (ISO 15288) “Vertical Circulation Elements” means the architectural elements (stairs, escalators,
elevators) that are used to transport Passengers between different floor levels. “Vertical Control Survey Specifications” means MTO Vertical Control Survey
Specifications, dated November 2018. “West Ventilation Fan Plant” means the scope under KEW Phase 2A Early Works as defined
in Section “Work Zone” as defined in the Subway/SRT Rule Book: area identified with track-level
warning devices to show where employees are working at Track Level. “Workstation(s)” refers to a designated desk area to be used for business/professional tasks
intended for staff and at a minimum, provisions for the space and power needed for desktop
electronic equipment and accessories required for the specified job proposed to be performed
within the designated area. “Zone Hub” is a suite of rooms that provide central office functionalities for Station
Supervisors who manage Stations' staff day-to-day duties. Refer to APPENDIX D - Facilities
Room Requirements Matrix for detailed room requirements. “Zones Reserved for Future Development” means areas not used for permanent transit

0.3.2 Acronyms “3-D” means 3-Dimensional. “AA” means Archaeological Assessment. “AASHTO” means American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. “AC” means Alternating Current. “ACI” means American Concrete Institute. “ACL” means Access Control List. “ACS” means Access Control System. “ADM” means Add Drop Multiplex.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “AETO” means Automatic Emergency Terminal Operation. “AFF” means Above Finished Floor. “AGC” means Automatic Gain Control. “AHJ” means Authority Having Jurisdiction. “AMCA” means Air Movement and Control Association. “ANM” means Ambient Noise Monitor. “ANSI” means American National Standards Institute. “AODA” means Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. “AOLS” means Association of Ontario Land Surveyors. “APECs” means Areas of Potential Environmental Concern. “APS” means Accessible Pedestrian Signal. “APTA” means American Public Transportation Association. “AQMP” means Air Quality Management Plan. “AREMA” means American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association. “ASCE” means American Society of Civil Engineers. “ASCII” means American Standard Code for Information Interchange. “ASHRAE” means American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning

Engineers. “ASME” means American Society of Mechanical Engineers. “ASTM” means American Society for Testing and Materials. “ATC” means Automatic Train Control. “ATO” means Automatic Terminal Operation. “ATS” means Automatic Transfer Switch. “ATSSE” means Advance Tunnel for Scarborough Subway Extension. “AW” means Advance Works. “BACS” means Building Automation Control System.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “BDA” means bi-directional (RF) amplifier. “BAI” means BAI Communications or BAI Transit Wireless services provider. “BCN” means Backbone Communications Network. “BD” means Bloor-Danforth. “BER” means Bit Error Rate. “BIA” means Business Improvement Area. “BIM” means Building Information Modelling. “BRT” means Bus Rapid Transit. “BTCC” means Back-up Transit Control Centre. “BTFA” means Building Transit Faster Act. “BTS” means Base Transceiver Stations. “CA” means Contracting Authority. “CACF” means Central Alarm Control Facility. “CADD” means Computer-Aided Design and Drafting. “CALA” means Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation. “CAMS” means Central Alarm Monitoring System. “CAN/CSA” means Canadian Standard Association. “CATx” means Category x cable (e.g., CAT6, CAT6A, CAT8). “CBI” means Computer-Based Interlocking. “CBTC” means Communications Based Train Control. “CCIL” means Canadian Council of Independent Laboratories. “CCOHS” means Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. “CCSP” means Cellular Communications Service Provider. “CCTV” means Closed Circuit Television. “CEC” means Canadian Electrical Code.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “CER” means Communication Equipment Room. “CFD” means Computational Fluid Dynamics. “CFEM” means Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual. “CGSB” means The Canadian General Standards Board. “CHBDC” means Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code. “CIAR” means Construction Impact Assessment Report. “CIAR-1” means Construction Impact Assessment Report – Level 1. “CIAR-2” means Construction Impact Assessment Report – Level 2. “CIAR-3” means Construction Impact Assessment Report – Level 3. “CL” means Collision Loads. “CN” means Canadian National Railway. “CNIB” means Canadian National Institute for the Blind. “COMPASS” is the brand name of MTO's traffic management System on urban freeways. “CP” means Canadian Pacific Railway. “CPTED” means Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. “CRI” means Colour Rendering Index. “CROR” means Canadian Rail Operating Rules. “CSA” means Canadian Standards Association. "CSDA" means Customer Service Disruption Notification. “CSO” means Combined Sewer Overflow. “CSRS” means Canadian Spatial Reference System. “CSS” means Central Signals System. “CT” means Current Transformer. “CWR” means Continuously Welded Rail. “DAQ” means Delivered Audio Quality.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “DAS” means Distributed Antenna System. “DB” means Design Build. “DBH” means Diameter at Breast Height. “DC” means Direct Current. “DCS” means Data Communication System. “DCW” Domestic Cold Water. “DFB” means Direct Current Feeder Breaker. “DFO” means Fisheries and Oceans Canada. “DI” means Discrete Input. “DLS” means Data Logging System “DM” or “TTC-DM” means Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) Design Manual. “DMCRC” means Don Montgomery Community Recreation Centre. “DO” means Discrete Output. “DOT” means Department of Transportation. “DR” means Derailment Load. “DRT” means Durham Region Transit. “DSM” means Deputy Station Manager. “DSVR” means Design Standard Variance Request. “DWA” means Designated Waiting Area. “EA” means Environmental Assessment. “EAS” means Existing Adjacent Structure. “EAU” means Existing Adjacent Utilities. “EB” means East Bound. “ECLRT” means Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit. “ECWE” means Eglinton Crosstown West Extension.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “EDM” means Elevating Device Mechanic. “EEB” means Emergency Exit Building. “EGRESS” means Emergency Global Rescue, Escape & Survival System. “EIA” means Electronic Industries Alliance. “ELC” means Ecological Land Classification. “EMC” means Electromagnetic Compatibility. “EMI” means Electromagnetic Interference. “EMP” means Emergency Messaging Platform. “EOIS” means Electrically Operated Isolation Switch. “EPA” means Environmental Protection Authority. “EPR” means Environmental Project Report. “ERP” means Emergency Response Plan. “ERR” means Emergency Response Room. “ESA” means Electrical Safety Authority or Endangered Species Act. “ESAs” means Environmental Site Assessments. “ESB” means Emergency Service Building. “ESC” means Erosion and Sediment Control. “ESD” means Electrostatic Discharge. “ESP” means Emergency Service Provider. “ET” means Emergency Trip. “ETCC” means Emergency Trip Control Cabinet. “ETEL” means Emergency Telephone. “ETS” means Emergency Trip System. “EW” means Early Works. “FACP” means Fire Alarm Control Panel.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “FAID” means Facilities Applicability ID. “FAT” means Factory Acceptance Test. “FDP” means Fire Distribution Panel or Fibre Distribution Panel. “FEC” means Fire Extinguisher Cabinet. “FHC” means Fire Hose Cabinet. “FIDS” means Fence Intrusion Detection System. “FLS” means Fire Life Safety. “FLSA” means French Language Services Act. “FLSSC” means Fire Life Safety and Security Committee. “FNAGS” means Floating Negative Automatic Grounding Switch. “FO” means Fibre Optics. “FOV” means Field of View. “FSCP” means Fire Smoke Control Panel. “FSRC” means Fire Signal Receiving Centre. “FSVM” means Full-Service Vending Machines. “FVM” means Fare Vending Machines. “Gbps” means Gigabit per second. “GCA” mean Gross Construction Area, the sum of the total area of each floor level of a
building, above or below grade, measured from the exterior of the main wall of each floor level. “GCS” means Geodetic Coordinate System. “GDMR” means Geotechnical Design Methodology Report. “GDR” means Geotechnical Data Report. “GFA” means Gross Floor Area, which is the Gross Construction Area, reduced by exclusions
such as: required amenity space, vertical circulation, building services and storage spaces as
defined in the City of Toronto By-Law 569-2013. “GHTA” means Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. “GID” means Guideway Intrusion Detection.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “GIDS” means Guideway Intrusion Detection System. “GIMP” means Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring Plan. “GIR” means Geotechnical Interpretive Report. “GIS” means Geographic Information System. “GPS” means Global Positioning System. “GSM” means General Station Manager. “GUI” means Graphical User Interface. “HCR” means Handheld Card Reader. “HMI” means Human-Machine Interface. “HONI” means Hydro Ontario Network Incorporated. “HOV” means High Occupancy Vehicle. “HRR” means Heat Release Rate. “HV” means High Voltage. “HVAC” means Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. “I/O” means Input/Output. “IAC” means Intrusion Access Control. “IACP” means Intrusion Alarm Control Panel. “IANA” means Internet Assigned Numbers Authority “IAD” means Information and Advertising Display. “ICD” means Interface Control Document. “ICS” means Integrated Communications System. “ICU” means Infrastructure Coordination Unit. “ID” means Identification. “IDS” means Intrusion Detection System. “IE” means Interfacing Entity.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “IEC” means International Electro-technical Commission. “IECA” means Insulated Cable Engineers Association. "IEEE” means Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. “IFC” means Issued for Construction. “IGBT” means Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor. “IIB” means Interzonal Isolation Breaker. “IM” means Interface Matrix. “IMPR” Interface Management Progress Report. “IP” means Internet Protocol. “IR” means Interface Register. “ISA” means Independent Safety Assessor. “ISD” means Intersection Sight Distance. “ISP” means Internet Service Provider. “IT” means Information Technology. “ITS” means Information Technology Service. “ITS” means Intelligent Transportation Systems. “JHA” means Job Hazard Analysis. “JHSC” means Joint Health & Safety Committee. “JMUX” means Jungle MUX SONET Equipment. “KEVFP” means Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant. “KEW” means Kennedy Enabling Works. “KWVFP” means Kennedy West Ventilation Fan Plant. “LAN” means Local Area Network. “LCP” means Local Control Panel. “LEED” means Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “LES” means Lawrence East Station. “LID” means Low Impact Development. “LKI” means Landmark Kilometre Inventory. “LOS” means Level of Service. “LRT” means Light Rail Transit. “LRU” means Line Replaceable Unit. “LRV” means Light Reflective Value. “LS-1” means launch Shaft. “LS-2” means extraction Shaft. “LSD” means Limit State Design. “LTSTOS” means Long Term Stable Top of Slope. “LUC” means Limited Use Card. “LULA” means Limited Use Limited Application. “LV” means Low Voltage. “MB/TCP” means Modbus/TCP. “Mbps” means Megabit per second. “MTBF” means Mean Time Between Failure. “MTS” means Manual Transfer Switch. “MCR” means Municipal Consent Requirements. “MDE” means Maximum Design Earthquake. “MECP” means Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks. “MEMS” means Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems. “MERV” means Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. “MGGDRBS” means Metrolinx General Guidelines for Design of Railway Bridges and
Structures. “MIB” means Management Information Base.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “MOE” means Ministry of Environment (Canada). “MPBX” means Multi-Point Borehole Extensometers. “MSF” means Maintenance and Servicing Facility. “MTO” means Ministry of Transportation Ontario. “MTOD” means MTO standard Drawings. “MUT” means Multi-Use Trail. “MUTCDC” means Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada. “MV” means Medium Voltage. “MX” or “Mx” means Metrolinx. “N/A” means Not Applicable. “NBC” means National Building Code of Canada. “NBCC” means National Building Code of Canada. “NECB” means National Energy Code for Buildings. “NECA” means National Electric Contractors Association. “NEMA” means National Electrical Manufacturers Association. “NETA” means International Electrical Testing Association. “NFPA” means National Fire Protection Association. “NHS” means Natural Heritage System. “NIST” means National Institute of Standards and Technology. “NMS” means Network Monitoring System or Network Management System. “NOx” means Nitrogen Oxides. “NRC” means Noise Reduction Coefficient. “NRF” means Negative Reinforcing Feeder. “NTAS” means Next Train Arrival System. “NTP” means Network Time Protocol.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “OBC” means Ontario Building Code. “OBMS” means Ontario Bridge Management System. “OCx” or “OC-xx” means Optical Carrier class “x” for description of related SONET System
bandwidth (where the class value indicates “x” times 51.84Mbps. e.g., OC-1, OC-12, OC-48…).
Optical Carrier transmission rates are a standardized set of specifications of transmission
bandwidth for digital signals carried on SONET fibre networks. “OCC” means Operations Control Center. “ODE” means Operating Design Earthquake. “OESC” means Ontario Electrical Safety Code. “OFC” means Ontario Fire Code. “OHSA” means Occupational Health and Safety Act. “OLS” means Ontario Land Surveyor. “ON” means Ontario. “OPA” means Official Plan Amendment. “OPC” means Open Platform Communications. “OPSD” means Ontario Provincial Standard Drawing. “OPSLAN” means Operations Local Area Network. “OPSS” means Ontario Provincial Standard Specification. “O.Reg.” means Ontario Regulation Standards. “OSHA” means Occupational Safety and Health Administration. “OTAR” means Over the Air Reprogramming. “OTDR” means Optical Time-domain Reflectometer. “OTC” means Offer to Connect. “OTM” means Ontario Traffic Manual. “OWRA” means Ontario Water Resources Act. “PA” means Public Address. “PAA” means Passenger Assistance Alarms.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “PAI” means Passenger Assistance Intercom. “PAS” means Public Address System. “PAX” means Private Automatic Exchange (Internal TTC telephone System). “PBX” means Private Branch Exchange. “PCR” means Pavement Condition Rating. “PCTL” means Precast Concrete Tunnel Linings. “PDB” means Progressive Design Build. “PDM” means Pedestrian Modelling Standard. “PED” means Platform Edge Doors. “PEDS” means Platform Edge Door System. “PFTC” means Power Frequency Track Circuits. “PIDS” means Passenger Information Display System. “PIPEDA” means Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. “PIS” means Public Information System. “PLAA” means Permits, Licences, Approvals and Agreements. “PLC” means Programmable Logic Controller. “PMH” means Pad-Mounted Switchgear. “PoE” means Power over Ethernet. “PPUDO” means Passenger Pick-up and Drop-off. “PSTN” means Public Switched Telephone Network. “PT” means Potential Transformer. “PTI” means Post-Tensioning Institute. “PTP” means Precision Time Protocol. “PTTW” means Permit to Take Water. “PTZ” means Pan-Tilt-Zoom.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “PUCC” means Public Utilities Coordination Committee. “PUDO” means Pick-Up and Drop-Off. “PVIS” means Passenger Visual Information System. “PVMS” means Portable Variable Message Signs. “PWAW” means Permanent Work Area Warning System. “PWDA” means Private Water Discharge Approval. “QEI” means Qualified Elevator Inspection. “QP” means Qualified Person. “QSR” means Quick Service Restaurant. “RAQS” means Registry, Appraisal, and Qualification System. “RC&S” means Rail Cars and Shops. “RCMP” means Royal Canadian Mounted Police. “REX” means Request-to-Exit. “RF” means Radio Frequency. “RFID” means Radio Frequency Identification. “RFP” means Request for Proposals. “RL” means Reference Line. “RMM” means Risk Management Measures. “RM” means Requirements Management. “RMP” means Requirements Management Plan. “RMS” means Root Mean Square. “RNFP” means Ravine and Natural Feature Protections. “RoDARS” means Road Disruption Activity Reporting System of the City of Toronto. “ROV” means Remote Operated Vehicle. “ROW” means Right of Way.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “RTMS” means Real Time Monitoring System. “RTU” means Remote Terminal Unit. “RVM” means Retail Vending Machine. “RWSCU” means MTO Central Regional Road Work Scheduling and Coordination Unit. “S&SCS” means Signaling and Speed Control System. “S&TCS” means Signaling and Train Control System. “SAMS” means Signal Asset Management System. “SAMP” means Systems Architecture Management Plan. “SAR” means Species at Risk. “SARA” means Species at Risk Act. “SAT” means Site Acceptance Test. “SB” means Section Breakers. “SCADA” means Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. “SCP” means Safety Certification Plan. “SCPCR” means Smart Card Power Control Room. “SCR” means Safety Certification Report. “SCS” means Scarborough Centre Station. “SCSys” means Speed Control System. “SDA” means Smoke Dispersion Analysis. “SDS” means Safety Data Sheets. “SE&A” means Systems Engineering and Assurance. “SeCP” means Security Certification Plan. “SeCR” means Security Certification Report. “SEM” means Sequential Excavation Method. “SeMP” means Security Management Plan.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “SEMP” means Systems Engineering Management Plan. “SeMR” means Security Management Report. “SERV” means Subway Emergency Rescue Vehicle. “SES” means Subway Environment Simulation. “SFP” means Small Form-factor Pluggable. “SFTP” means Station Fare Transaction Processor, also referred to as Standalone Fare Payment
Terminal. “SHN” means Scarborough Health Network. “SHP” means Sheppard East Station. “SI” means the International System of Units. “SID” means Signal Interface Device. “SIIMP” means System Integration and Interface Management Plan. “SINAD” means Signal-to Noise and Distortion ratio. “SIT” means Systems Integration Test. “SLA” means Station Line Amplifier. “SLS” means Serviceability Limit State. “SMACNA” means Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association. “SME” means Subject Matter Expert. “SMFO” means Single Mode Fibre Optics. “SMPs” means Surface Settlement Monitoring points. “SMR” means Safety Management Report. “SNMP” means Simple Network Management Protocol. “SOCC” means Species of Conservation Concern. “SOE” means Support of Excavation. “SONET” means Synchronous Optical Networking. “SOP” means Standard Operating Procedures.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “SRS” means Systems, Rail, and Station. “SRAS” means Subway Antenna Radio System. “SRT” means Scarborough Rapid Transit. “SSE” means Scarborough Subway Extension. “SSE2018” means SSE2018 Project Specific Geodetic Coordinate System. “SSM” means Select Subgrade Material. “SSP” means Standard Special Provisions. “SSW” means Shorting Switch. “STA” means Station. “STC” means Sound Transmission Class. “STD” means Standard. “STI” means Speech Transmission Index. “SUE” means Subsurface Utility Engineering. “SVCP” means Subway Ventilation Control Panel. “SVS” means Subway Ventilation System. “SWH” means Significant Wildlife Habitat. “SWMP” means Stormwater Management Plan. “TA” means Technical Advisor. “TAC” means Transportation Association of Canada. “TB” means Tie Breakers. “TBD” means To Be Determined. “TBM” means Tunnel Boring Machine. “TCB” means Temporary Construction Barrier. “TCC” means Transit Control Centre. “TCD” means Traffic Control Devices.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “TCP” means Traffic Control Plan or Transmission Control Protocol. “TDI” means Tactile Directional Indicator. “TDMS” means Train Door Monitoring System. “TETRA” means Terrestrial Trunked Radio. “THESI” means Toronto Hydro Energy Services Incorporated. “THESL” means Toronto Hydro-Electric Systems Limited. “TIA” means Telecommunication Industry Association. “TLS” means Transport Layer Security. “TMP” means Traffic Management Plan. “TMS” means Terminal Management System. “TOC” means Transit Oriented Communities. “ToR” means Top of Rail. “TP” means Traction Power. “TPA” means Toronto Parking Authority. “TPAP” means Transit Project Assessment Process. “TP” means Traction Power. “TPS” means Traction Power System. “TPSS” means Traction Power Substation. “TPZ” means Tree Protection Zone. “TRCA” means Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. “TRU” means Transformer Rectifier Unit. “TSF” means Train Storage Facility. “TSP” means Transit Signal Priority. “TSSA” means Technical Standards and Safety Authority. “TTC” means Toronto Transit Commission.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “TTMP” means Traffic and Transit Management Plan. “TVA” means Threat and Vulnerability Assessment. “TVSS” means Transient-Voltage Surge Suppression. “TWSI” means Tactile Walking Surface Indicators. “UDLA” means Urban Design and Landscape Architecture. “UGRL” means Unified Glare Rating Limit. “ULC” means Underwriters Laboratories of Canada. “ULS” means Ultimate Limit State. “UMP” means Utility Monitoring Points. “UPS” means Uninterruptible Power Supply. “VCE” means Vertical Circulation Elements. “V&V” means Verification and Validation. “Vac” means Volts AC. “Vdc” means Volts DC. “VDRS” means Voice and Data Radio System. “VFD” means Variable Frequency Drives. “VLAN” means Virtual Local Area Network. “VOC” means Volatile Organize Compounds. “VoIP” means Voice over Internet Protocol. “WAN” means Wide Area Network. “WAW” means Work Area Warning “WAWD” means Work Area Warning Device. “WB” means West Bound. “WHMIS” means Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System. “Wi-fi” means Wireless Fidelity.

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Systems DPA Execution Version “WSD” means Working Stress Design. “WWFMG” means Wet Weather Flow Management Guidelines. “YNSE” means Yonge North Subway Extension. “YRT” means York Region Transit. “ZOI” means Zone of Influence or Project Zone of Influence.

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1.1 Subway Program Overview

(a) The Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) is experiencing unprecedented growth, calling
for corresponding expansion of its transportation network, and expanding the transit System is
essential. Increasing the transit network’s capacity into downtown Toronto, as well as other major
employment areas and neighbourhoods throughout the City of Toronto, is critical to unlocking the
GTHA’s potential as a leading international metropolitan region and maintaining the GTHA’s
appeal to people and major employers.
(b) Ontario’s new transit plan for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area is $28.5 billion in new
subway construction in Toronto along with four transit subway Projects, which include the
(i) Ontario Line;
(ii) Scarborough Subway Extension (SSE);
(iii) Yonge North Subway Extension (YNSE); and
(iv) Eglinton Crosstown West Extension (ECWE).
(c) To deliver these priority transit Projects, Contracting Authority will contract with Stakeholder’s
developers to implement the Transit Oriented Communities (“TOC”) program on transit lands
and integrate with this program.

1.2 Scarborough Subway Extension Project Overview

(a) The SSE Project (the “Project”) is an underground extension of Toronto’s Bloor-Danforth
subway Line 2, from the existing terminal at Kennedy Station northeast to Sheppard Avenue and
McCowan Road, spanning approximately 7.8 km.
(b) The SSE shall include three new Underground Stations with Bus Terminals at Lawrence Avenue
East and McCowan Road, Scarborough Centre (on McCowan Road, just north of Bushby
Drive/Triton Road), and Sheppard Avenue East and McCowan Road. The SSE will replace the
existing Line 3 (Scarborough Rapid Transit or “SRT”), which is planned to be decommissioned
in 2023.
(c) Contracting Authority identified several benefits in the Preliminary Design Business Case for the
SSE, enabling Metrolinx to deliver the following benefits:
(i) build strong connections:
(A) bring rapid transit closer to Scarborough residents;
(B) increase access to existing economic opportunities and support the employment
centre at Scarborough Centre; and
(C) support planned transit-oriented development in Scarborough;
(ii) complete travel experiences:

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(A) improve travel time and reliability; and

(B) build an integrated transportation network;
(iii) support sustainable and healthy communities:
(A) move people with less energy and pollution;
(B) improve quality of life and public health; and
(C) create new jobs across the region;
(iv) the Alignment for the SSE, which includes Station locations, is set out in Figure 1.2-1 at
a high level. It should be noted this document refers to the Stations as Lawrence East,
Scarborough Centre, and Sheppard East; however, the Station names have yet to be
confirmed and are subject to change;

Figure 1.2-1. Scarborough Subway Extension Map

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(v) the SSE will be delivered by way of two contracts:

(A) one for the Advanced Tunnel; and
(B) one for the Stations and other facilities, Guideway Fit Out, and the installation
and commissioning of the Systems, which is the subject of this Project
(vi) the Advance Tunnel reached financial close in May 2021 and will be delivered as a
design-build-finance contract for the underground portion of the Alignment (i.e., Tunnel
excavated by a Tunnel Boring Machine from the Launch Shaft (LS-1) located at
Sheppard Avenue East and McCowan Road to the extraction Shaft (LS-2) located at east
of Eglinton Avenue East and Midland Avenue). The Advance Tunnel scope includes the
design and construction of launch and extraction Shafts, Bored Tunnel, as well as
Headwalls for the Emergency Exit Buildings (EEBs) and Stations, and all associated
(vii) Contracting Authority will complete certain Preparatory Activities, as outlined in Section
3.14. These Preparatory Activities packages are presented in Part 03 and include:
(A) advancement of design for elements such as road detours and utility relocations;
(B) relocation of utilities; and
(C) permits, licences, approvals, and agreements;
(viii) further, as an integrated component to delivering the SSE, Contracting Authority will
advance the TOC program. This program will help build communities that are centered
around transit Stations to increase transit ridership and reduce traffic congestion; increase
housing supply and jobs; and incentivize the creation of complete communities based on
good planning principles; and
(ix) the SSE includes TOC Developments at all three Station locations. TOC Developments
will be delivered by TOC developers pursuant to their own agreement(s) with
Contracting Authority.

1.3 Stations, Rail, and Systems – Scope Overview

(a) The Contractor shall provide the design, construction, supply, integration, and commissioning of
the following key elements, among others:
(i) three new subway Stations, with associated Bus Terminal facilities;
(ii) Passenger Pick-Up Drop-Off (PPUDO) at the terminal Station;
(iii) eight EEBs, where two are also Emergency Service Buildings (ESB), and other required
emergency and life-safety facilities;
(iv) four Traction Power Sub-Stations (TPSS);
(v) underground transition structure of approximately 500 m, including a pocket track,
between the existing Kennedy Station and the extraction Shaft (LS-2) at Eglinton Avenue
East and Midland Avenue;

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(vi) demolition of existing Tail Track at Kennedy Station;

(vii) tail/storage tracks and Special Trackwork, as required;
(viii) integration with existing infrastructure and Systems at Kennedy Station;
(ix) roadway modifications and other surface facilities;
(x) utility relocations required to facilitate the construction of the Stations, rails, and
(xi) all Systems equipment including track, ventilation, signalling System, communications
Systems including BCN, integrated control System, traction power, and all other
permanent mechanical and electrical Systems;
(xii) conduit/raceway and cabling work for new Rail Systems, new facilities, and
interconnection to existing TTC Systems;
(xiii) Safety and Security Systems including intrusion detection and emergency trip System;
(xiv) fare collection and enforcement equipment compatible and integrated with Contracting
Authority’s fare collection software System (PRESTO);
(xv) supply, installation, and integration of fixed block signalling, and provisions for
Automatic Train Control (“ATC”);
(xvi) provisions for platform edge doors;
(xvii) TOC Enabling Works, extent of which shall be validated and approved by Contracting
Authority at each milestone based on proposed TOC yields versus TOC Enabling Works
capital cost; and
(xviii) Permits, Licences, Approvals, and Agreements (“PLAA”) as required.
(b) The Contractor shall carry out Early Works identified in Section 3.14, including scope identified
by Contracting Authority, as well as any suitable works proposed as Additional Early Works by
the Contractor and agreed to by Contracting Authority.

1.4 General Management Requirements

1.4.1 Project Management Plan

(a) The Contractor shall develop and submit a plan (the “Project Management Plan”) in accordance
with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.
(b) In the Project Management Plan, the Contractor shall include:
(i) a Project specific narrative outlining:
(A) the Contractor’s interpretation of the Project goals and Contracting Authority
needs; and
(B) identification of the top five critical factors for success of the Project;
(ii) a description of their team organizational structure including:

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(A) an organizational chart for all Project phases which demonstrates reporting
structure, communication lines and integration with Contracting Authority;
(B) roles and responsibilities for all roles outlined in Table 1.4-1 Project
management, engineering, procurement, and construction leads, covering both
Project phases;
(C) all Key Individuals identified in Schedule 9- Key Individuals, other major
discipline leads including Required Roles in Table 1.4-1, external stakeholder
leads, and reporting relationships with Contracting Authority;
(D) responsibility matrix (“RACI” matrix) for all roles outlined in Schedule 9- Key
Individuals and Table 1.4-1;
(E) a zipper plan for the design team, construction team and Contracting Authority;
(F) summary of communications within the Project structure and with Contracting
Authority; and
(G) identification of any specialized subcontractors and how they fit into the overall
structure of the Contractor team;
(iii) a description of how disputes within the Contractor’s organization or with Contracting
Authority will be addressed within the parameters of Schedule 27 – Dispute Resolution
Procedure, as well as a summary of their internal dispute resolution process;
(iv) a plan for building and maintaining partnerships with Contracting Authority, including a
narrative which describes:
(A) decision-making at various levels, processes for escalating issues and resolving
issues in a proactive manner;
(B) how the Contractor will integrate Contracting Authority in each phase of the
Works; and
(C) how the Contractor will utilize meetings and regular Works Reports to ensure
Contracting Authority has up to date information;
(v) a description of Asset Information handover activities;
(vi) a plan for fully coordinating and integrating design and construction phases activities,
involving the participation of Contracting Authority, and Stakeholders as appropriate;
(vii) a plan for coordinating with TTC, as well as a plan for coordinating with other
Stakeholders during the Project. Key Individuals

(a) The Contractor shall provide curricula vitae (no more than three pages each) for all Key
Individuals referenced in Schedule 9 – Key Individuals, including:
() description of the Key Individual’s Project experience in a similar role on a Project of
similar scope;

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(i) duration of participation of the Key Individual on the Project experience described above;
(ii) if the same person is submitted for multiple roles identified in Schedule 9 – Key
Individuals, a narrative on how this person will effectively manage both roles.
(b) Key Individuals will be subject to approval by Contracting Authority Resourcing the Project

(a) In the Project Management Plan, the Contractor shall provide a narrative for how the Project will
be resourced including:
(i) acquiring the right staff for the Project;
(ii) onboarding staff;
(iii) developing and training staff, particularly on building collaborative behaviours;
(iv) retaining staff;
(v) succession planning across both phases of the Project;
(vi) a staffing plan indicating how the Contractor will resource the Project with labour;
(vii) a description of how the Contractor will work with local labour unions where necessary;
(viii) a description of how the Contractor will meet the apprenticeship and workforce
development requirements as stipulated in the Project Agreement;
(ix) the Contractor’s resource commitments of Required Roles including total hours per week
and hours per week on the Project for each Required Role;
(x) a description of how the Contractor will address attrition and staff turnover, including
staff substitution and replacement;
(xi) a description of how the Contractor will manage subcontractors, including how
subcontractors will be required to deliver on commitments made by the Contractor;
(xii) a description of how the Contractor will achieve staff resourcing for the Project given the
overall labour market and the number of ongoing Projects; and
(xiii) approach to assessing and building team dynamics. Project office(s)

(a) In the Project Management Plan, the Contractor shall provide a strategy for Project office set up,
including the co-location of parties that should be co-located and virtual teams; and a strategy to
ensuring rapid mobilization. Project Communications

(a) In the Project Management Plan, the Contractor shall provide an approach to methods, frequency,
and documentation of Project communications.

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(a) In the Project Management Plan, the Contractor shall provide an approach to managing
Stakeholders, including engagement, managing requirements, and resolving issues; and specific
suggestions for ways in which Contracting Authority can provide support during the Works. Required Roles

(a) The Contractor shall provide curricula vitae (no more than three pages each) for all roles
referenced in Table 1.4-1.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure the qualifications for each role meets the minimum requirements in
Table 1.4-1.
(c) Required Roles will be subject to approval by Contracting Authority

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Table 1.4-1. Required Roles

Minimum Years of Relevant
Position Function Licenses/ Additional Qualifications
Contractor Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals

TOC Refer to Schedule 5 – TOC Development

Representative Requirements

Health, Safety and Security

Chief Safety Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals

Chief Security Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals


Health and Safety Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals


Construction The Construction Health and Safety Manager 10 years Construction CRSP, NCSO, ISO any
Health and Safety shall be responsible for Construction Health Health and Safety applicable mandated
Manager and Safety activities required to satisfy the Officer: CHSO- provincial credentials
Contractor’s obligations in Schedule 29 – IHSA
Safety, System Assurance and Security.

Demonstrated experience supporting a major

construction Project; an identified Safety
certification; 10 years of progressive
experience within construction Safety
industry; 80% dedicated time spent towards
supporting this Project with at minimum
weekly field visit.

Chief Engineer Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals

Quality Director Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals

Design Quality The Design Quality Manager shall be Professional

Manager responsible for the Design Quality Engineer
Management Plan.

Construction The Construction Quality Manager shall be

Quality Manager responsible for the Construction Quality
Management Plan.

Construction The Construction Quality Control Manager

Quality Control shall have the responsibilities set out in
Manager Section 3.4 (Construction Quality Control
Manager) of Schedule 11 – Quality

Project Controls
Project Controls Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals

Risk Lead The Risk Lead shall be responsible for all

coordination and risk management activities
required to satisfy the Contractor’s
obligations set out in the Risk Management

Procurement Lead Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals

Estimating Lead Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals

Scheduling Lead The Scheduling Lead shall be responsible for

all coordination and scheduling activities
required to satisfy the Contractor’s
obligations set out in Schedule 12 – Works
Schedule Requirements.

Design Director Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals

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Minimum Years of Relevant
Position Function Licenses/ Additional Qualifications
Requirements The Requirements Management Lead shall be 10 P.Eng. or  Experience in the
Management Lead responsible for development and equivalent Requirements
implementation of the Requirements preferred, not Management activities
Management plan throughout the Project Life required. detailed in Section 1.4.10
Cycle. Duties shall include all Requirements and 3.29.
Management activities including:  Experience in the
development and
1. management and control of all DPA management of system-
and Project Agreement level requirements.
requirements;  Experience in the setup,
2. building and leading a dedicated configuration,
Requirements Management team of management, and
Requirements Management administration of the
engineers; and Requirements
3. quality assurance of requirements in Management professional
both technical perspective and software tool selected by
requirements engineering in Contracting Authority.
compliance with ISO/IEC/IEEE  Experience in the
29148 and IEEE 1233. administration of
Management professional
software tools in general,
as well as experience in
the administration of the
Management professional
software tool selected by
Contracting Authority.
Facilities Design Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals

Architecture and The Architecture and Urban Design Lead Approximately 15 years OAA Experience with TOC
Urban Design shall be responsible for all Architectural experience with approximately 5 integration.
Lead Urban Design and Landscape, and Design years experience in
Excellence of the Project, including: implementation of design
excellence guidelines for projects
i. Coordination activities and technical of similar type and financial
oversight pertaining to Design magnitude.
Excellence Principles and Requirements
(as defined in PA Schedule 15) across
all relevant disciplines on the Project;
ii. Ensuring the compliance of all
architectural, urban realm, landscaping
design, and user experience standards
and policies that will be implemented.
iii. Directing those responsible for ensuring
design (Design Excellence Manager)
and customer experience (Customer
Design SME) are delivered as a core
value of the Project; and
iv. Managing the design coordination, and
preparation of Works Submittals as it
relates to architecture and urban design.

Structural The Structural Engineering Design Lead shall Approximately 20 years’ Professional Experience with TOC
Engineering be responsible for structural design of stations experience, with approximately Engineer (P.Eng.) integration and station
Design Lead and ancillary structures, including: 10 years’ experience as Lead in Ontario overbuilds will be considered
Engineer in the structural design and Asset.
i. design coordination, preparation of of heavy transportation structures
Works Submittals, and interface with of a similar type, including
Governmental Authorities; underground concrete structures,
ii. the coordination and resolution of and various support of excavation
structural Interfaces with Advance (SOE) Systems.
Tunnel Contractor within stations;
iii. signing and sealing all drawings
related to structural design.

Electrical & The Electrical & Mechanical Lead shall be Approximately 15 years’ Professional
Mechanical Lead responsible for the overall coordination and experience, with approximately Engineer (P.Eng.)
management of all electrical and mechanical 10 years’ experience as Lead in Ontario
Works for the Stations, Tunnels, and Engineer in transit infrastructure
Guideway, including power, communication, of a similar type, including
HVAC and plumbing as it relates to the scope underground running structure.
of the Contractor’s Works.

The Electrical & Mechanical Lead shall be

responsible for:

i. design coordination, preparation of

Works Submittals, and interface with
Governmental Authorities;
ii. the coordination and resolution of
electrical and mechanical Interfaces
with Advance Tunnel Contractor,
Kennedy Enabling Works as designed,

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Minimum Years of Relevant
Position Function Licenses/ Additional Qualifications
and existing Line 2 as applicable and
in coordination with the Systems
Design Manager; and
iii. all Construction Activities related to
mechanical and electrical works and
ensures the installed equipment meets
the obligations of this Schedule 15.

Electrical Design The Electrical Design Lead shall be Approximately 15 years’ Professional
Lead responsible for the design of all electrical experience, with approximately Engineer (P.Eng.)
systems for the Stations, Tunnels, and 10 years’ experience as Lead in Ontario
Guideway, including power, communication, Electrical Design Engineer in
lighting, controls, and fire alarm systems as it transit infrastructure of a similar
relates to the scope of the Contractor’s type, including underground
Works. running structure.

The Electrical Design Lead shall be

responsible for:

i. design coordination and technical

oversight pertaining to the
preparation and review of all
electrical-related Works Submittals;

ii. ensuring the compliance of all

electrical codes, standards, permits
and policies; and

iii. the coordination and resolution of

electrical Interfaces with Advance
Tunnel Contractor, Kennedy
Enabling Works as designed, and
existing Line 2 as applicable and in
coordination with the Systems
Design Manager.

Mechanical Design The Mechanical Design Lead shall be Approximately 15 years’ Professional Experience in Bus Terminal
Lead responsible for the design of all mechanical experience, with approximately Engineer (P.Eng.) ventilation will be considered
systems for the Stations, Tunnels, and 10 years’ experience as Lead in Ontario an Asset.
Guideway, including HVAC, BACS, Mechanical Design Engineer in
plumbing, fire protection systems, and transit infrastructure of a similar
drainage as it relates to the scope of the type, including underground
Contractor’s Works. running structure.

The Mechanical Design Lead shall be

responsible for:

i. design coordination and technical

oversight pertaining to the
preparation and review of all
mechanical-related Works

ii. ensuring the compliance of all

electrical codes, standards, permits
and policies; and

iii. the coordination and resolution of

mechanical Interfaces with Advance
Tunnel Contractor, Kennedy
Enabling Works as designed, and
existing Line 2 as applicable and in
coordination with the Systems
Design Manager.

Civil Engineering The Civil Engineering Design Lead shall be Approximately 15 years’ Professional Experience with TOC
Design Lead responsible for the design of all roadways, experience, with approximately Engineer (P.Eng.) integration and station
grading, conduits, Drainage, stormwater, and 10 years’ experience as Lead in Ontario overbuilds will be considered
structural Assets (outside of Tunnels and Engineer in transit infrastructure and an asset.
Stations) for the Project. The Civil of a similar type, underground
Engineering Design Lead shall be responsible running structure, Municipal/rural
for: roads design, the design of traffic
protection, surveying, site
i. design coordination, preparation of restoration, stormwater
Works Submittals, and interface with management, Alignment design,
Governmental Authorities; and and heavy underground utilities
ii. the coordination and resolution of civil support, protection, and
and structural Interfaces with Advance relocation in congested urban
Tunnel Contractor along the Guideway. setting.

Utility Design The Utility Design Lead shall be responsible 15 years of experience in design, Professional Experience in design and
Lead for all Utility design aspects of the Project, coordination, and approvals of Engineer (P.Eng.) coordination of the large
including design, coordination, preparation of utility infrastructure with in Ontario or OLS infrastructure Projects in the
Works Submittals, and interface with approximately 10 years as a Lead City of Toronto urban area
of the design team that require multiple utility

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Minimum Years of Relevant
Position Function Licenses/ Additional Qualifications
Governmental Authorities and Utility relocations in the same site
Companies. location

Geotechnical The Geotechnical Engineering Design Lead Approximately 15 years or more P.Geo.
Engineering shall be responsible for all geotechnical experience in geotechnical
Design Lead design aspects of the Project, including: investigation and data Professional
interpretation. Experience in the Engineer (P.Eng.)
i. collating and interpreting geotechnical design of various SOE Systems is in Ontario
and geo-environmental information in essential.
support of the Project; and
ii. the design, coordination, preparation of
related Works Submittals, and interface
with Governmental Authorities.

Tunnel The Tunnel Engineering Design Lead shall be 15 years Professional

Engineering Lead responsible for all Tunnel, sequential Engineer (P.Eng.)
excavation, and underground support of in Ontario, or
excavation design aspects of the Project, P.Geo.

i. design coordination, preparation of

Works Submittals, and interface with
Governmental Authorities;
ii. integration and coordination of the
designed and constructed works of the
Scarborough Subway Extension
Advance Tunnel; and
iii. managing Interfaces with the
Scarborough Subway Extension
Advance Tunnel.

Systems Director Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals

System Integration Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals

and Interface

Systems Design The Systems Design Manager shall be 15 years of experience with at Professional Experience with design of
Manager responsible for: least 10 years of System Design Engineer (P.Eng.) complete subway Systems
experience on rail and in Ontario
i. Overseeing and coordinating all aspects transportation Projects.
of the Rail Systems design;
ii. leading the designs for the Systems
disciplines ensuring proper
coordination, Interfaces, and integration
with the various Systems disciplines;
iii. coordinating and providing input to the
various disciplines throughout the
Project Life Cycle to deliver Rail
Systems scope as outlined in this
Schedule 15;
iv. supporting the System Integration
Manager by coordinating the
Contractor’s integration of the
Contractor’s Infrastructure with the TTC
existing Line 2;
v. ensuring all obligations and
requirements in the design of the
Systems required for the Project in
accordance with PA Schedule 15 are
satisfied; and
vi. ensuring all obligations in accordance
with the Output.

Signalling The Signaling Manager shall be responsible 15 Years Professional Experience in ATC, fixed
Manager for overseeing the signaling design through Engineer (P.Eng.) block signal Systems design,
the Project Life Cycle to satisfy the in Ontario Microprocessor
Contractor’s obligations in PA Schedule 15. Interlockings, Interfaces with
Signaling Manager will be responsible to dispatch Systems
coordinate and to provide input to the various
disciplines throughout the Project Life Cycle
to deliver the Signaling component of the

Track Manager The Track Manager shall be responsible for 15 years Professional Applicable experience in the
overseeing all activities related to Track to Engineer (P.Eng.) track Alignment and subway
satisfy the Contractor’s obligations in PA in Ontario construction design.
Schedule 15. Track Manager will be
responsible to coordinate with various
Systems disciplines, including traction power,
communications, and signalling. Track
Manager will be responsible to coordinate
with the Test & Commissioning Manager
relating to test and commissioning activities
for signalling and develop the necessary

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Minimum Years of Relevant
Position Function Licenses/ Additional Qualifications
information to provide input to the
certification process.

Traction Power The Traction Power Manager shall be 10 years Professional Experience in DC Traction
Manager responsible for overseeing the traction power Engineer (P.Eng.) Power Systems design,
design through the Project Life Cycle to in Ontario construction, and Project
satisfy the Contractor’s obligations in PA management for Subway
Schedule 15. Traction Power Manager will be Project with 3rd rail
responsible to coordinate and to provide input distribution System;
to the various disciplines throughout the Experience in traction power
Project Life Cycle to deliver the traction load flow analysis and
power component of the Works. calculation

Tunnel Ventilation The Tunnel Ventilation Manager shall be 10 years Professional Experience on TTC Subway
Manager responsible for overseeing the Tunnel Engineer (P.Eng.) Projects, specifically with the
Ventilation design through the Project Life in Ontario TTC Subway Ventilation
Cycle to satisfy the Contractor’s obligations System
in PA Schedule 15. Tunnel Ventilation
Manager will be responsible to coordinate Experience on a minimum of
and to provide input to the various disciplines three light rail transit
throughout the Project Life Cycle to deliver Projects/lines which include
the Tunnel Ventilation component of the underground and/or enclosed
Works. Stations

Communications The Communications Design Manager shall 10 years Professional Experience with technical
Design Manager be responsible for overseeing the design and Engineer (P.Eng.) design of various
modification of the new and existing in Ontario communications Systems
Communications and Integrated Control including CCTV, Fibre
Systems and the related Interfaces in required Infrastructure, networking,
facilities (head ends and Wayside) through telephone, Wi-Fi, Access
the Project Life Cycle to satisfy the Control, PA, SCADA, public
Contractor’s obligations in PA Schedule 15. information displays, IP
Communications Design Manager will be WAN, LAN and WLAN,
responsible to coordinate and to provide input fibre optic Systems
to the various disciplines throughout the
Project Life Cycle to deliver the
communications component of the Works.

Construction Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals

Station Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals


Tunnel Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals


Systems The Systems Construction Manager shall be 15 Years Professional Experience in subway rail
Construction responsible for all Construction Activities Engineer (P.Eng.) Systems installation for
Manager related to the Rail Systems and ensures the in Ontario signalling, communications,
installed equipment meets the obligations of traction power, and track.
PA Schedule 15. Systems Construction
Manager will be responsible to coordinate
and to provide input to the various disciplines
throughout the Project Life Cycle to deliver
the Rail Systems construction components of
the Works.

Traffic and Transit Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals


Utility Manager Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals

Utility The Utility Construction Lead shall be 15 years of experience with Professional M.Sc. in Construction
Construction Lead responsible for all construction activities approximately 10 years’ Engineer (P.Eng.) Management
related to Utility Infrastructure required to experience working on the utility in Ontario or
satisfy the Contractor’s obligations in PA Projects in the Lead coordination additional 5 years Experience in construction
Schedule 15 and coordinate with the Tunnel role of experience and coordination of the large
Construction Manager and Station working in the infrastructure Projects in the
Construction Manager, Schedule Manager utility industry City of Toronto urban area
and Traffic Manager to integrate construction that require multiple utility
phasing of the Works. relocations in the same site

Site The Site Superintendent(s) shall be 12 years Trade diploma or Heavy civil ICI construction
Superintendent(s) responsible for overseeing the day-to-day certificate
operations of the Site and ensuring
compliance with all requirements set out in

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Minimum Years of Relevant
Position Function Licenses/ Additional Qualifications
the Project Agreement with respect to the

Testing and Refer to Schedule 14 – Testing and

Commissioning Commissioning

Environmental, Communications, PLAA, and Stakeholder Engagement

Environmental Refer to Schedule 17 – Environmental
Director Obligations

Environmental Refer to Schedule 17 – Environmental

Manager Obligations

Permits, Licenses, Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals

Approvals, and

Stakeholder Refer to Schedule 9 – Key Individuals

Engagement Lead

Communications Refer to Schedule 18 - Communication and

and Public Public Engagement Protocol
Engagement Lead

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1.4.2 Risk Management Plan

(a) The Contractor shall develop and submit a Risk Management Plan for the Project Term in
accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.
(b) The Risk Management Plan shall include:
(i) risk management approach in collaboration with Contracting Authority;
(ii) risk management process;
(iii) integration with schedule and cost management
(iv) risk breakdown structure;
(v) scoring criteria;
(vi) quantitative analyses;
(vii) schedule and cost contingencies;
(viii) reporting; and
(ix) tools.
(c) To develop the Risk Register, the Contractor shall:
(i) collaborate with Contracting Authority in developing and updating the Risk Register on
an ongoing basis throughout the Project Term;
(ii) discuss and agree on the format and contents of the Risk Register with Contracting
Authority; and
(iii) provide reproducible rationale for quantitative assessment such as probability, schedule
impact and/or cost impact of each risk item.
[Note to Dev Co: This section will be updated based on discussions between Dev Co and Contracting
Authority on the risk management process during the DPA Term.]

1.4.3 Project Controls Management Plan

(a) The Contractor shall develop and submit a plan (the “Project Controls Management Plan”) in
accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure, includes:
(i) organizational chart of the Contractor’s the Project controls team, including relevant Key
Individuals identified in Schedule 9 – Key Individuals of the Project Agreement, other
key personnel responsible for the Project controls, and reporting relationships;
(ii) a description of the roles and responsibilities of the Contractor’s Project controls teams,
including the scheduling, estimating, cost control, risk, contract administration, and
document control teams;
(iii) a description of its approach to planning and scheduling, including managing of
opportunities and of schedule slippages, and Project schedule quality management as per
Section 15 of Schedule 12 – Works Schedule Requirements;

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(iv) a description of its approach to cost control and monitoring, with a focus on strategies to
minimize total the Project controls and monitoring for variances from budget;
(v) a description of its approach to risk management:
(A) how the Contractor will work with the Owner in identifying, assessing, and
managing risks; and
(B) approach for monitoring and controlling identified risks (e.g., how to make sure
treatment actions are being completed as planned);
(vi) a description of its approach to qualitative and quantitative rules of credit for progress
measurement with examples for engineering, procurement, and construction;
(vii) a description of its approach to reporting and how data is collected for engineering,
procurement, and construction activities;
(viii) a description of its approach to ensure timely submission of invoices to Contracting
Authority, including the strategy to ensure prompt submission of Subcontractors’
(ix) approach to document control, including submittals management and revision control;
(x) the Project management information Systems to be used on the Project, including:
(A) outline of the Systems for the following key areas:
(I) human resources;
(II) estimating;
(III) earned value management System for tracking engineering, procurement,
and construction work packages;
(IV) reporting System with capabilities, which includes frequency;
(V) contract administration;
(VI) procurement management System;
(VII) document management;
(VIII) approach to mobilizing each System for use on the Project; and
(IX) approach to integrating the different Systems, particularly those which
are not built by the same software vendor.

1.4.4 Document Management and Document Control Plan

(a) The Contractor shall develop and submit a plan (the “Document Management and Document
Control Plan”) in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.
(b) In the Document Management and Document Control Plan, the Contractor shall include:
(i) document management System software;
(ii) document transmittal and receipt; and

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(iii) integration with Contracting Authority Systems.

(c) The Contractor shall develop a logical and concise naming convention for the Work Submittals in
accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.
(d) The Contractor shall prepare and maintain a register to track the status of each Work Submittal
through every stage of preparation, submission, review by Contracting Authority, and review and
approval by any applicable Stakeholder (the Review Procedure Activities Register, as defined in
Schedule 12 – Works Schedule Requirements).
(e) The Contractor shall submit documentation on the functionality and usage of the Review
Procedure Activities Register to Contracting Authority Representative in accordance with
Schedule 10 – Review Procedure, which must:
(i) be updated daily by the Contractor and be accessible by Contracting Authority and any
other entity as requested by Contracting Authority, in real time, through a web-based
Interface, unless otherwise permitted by Contracting Authority;
(ii) be operational no later than the date upon which the first Work Submittal is submitted;
(iii) include identification of each of the following:
(A) the submittal date and contents of all Work Submittals;
(B) the date of receipt and content of all returned Work Submittals;
(C) status of comments on all Work Submittals in accordance with Section 5.1 of
Schedule 10 – Review Procedure;
(D) log numbers or tracking IDs (in a format determined by Contracting Authority);
(E) other items as requested by Contracting Authority.

1.4.5 Subcontractor Engagement and Self-Performed Works Requirements

(a) The following requirements apply to (A) the engagement of all Subcontractors under the Project
Agreement other than the Primary Team Members and the Non-Primary Contractor Team
Subcontractors (as such term is defined in Schedule 37 – Eligible Cost), and (B), if and to the
extent indicated in such requirements, in the event that the Contractor or a Subcontractor wishes
to self-perform any part of the Works under the Project Agreement that was not expressly set out
in a Subcontract on or before the Effective Date as being Works that will be self-performed, and
are in addition to any other requirements in respect such matters set out in the Project Agreement:
(i) The Contractor shall and, where applicable, shall cause all Subcontractors to:
(A) procure all Subcontracts and engage all Subcontractors in accordance with Good
Industry Practice; and
(B) use commercially reasonable efforts to procure all Subcontracts and engage all
Subcontractors in respect of the Project where the total estimated cost of the
Subcontract will be $100,000 or more through an open and competitive

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procurement process (including through the use of competitive requests for

proposals and tenders and quotes).
(ii) Without limiting any right of Contracting Authority under the Project Agreement and
notwithstanding Section 1.4.5(a)(i)(B), if the Contractor or a Subcontractor, acting
reasonably, desires to:
(A) engage a potential Subcontractor on a single source or sole source basis
(including by subcontracting Works to an Affiliated Subcontractor) or by way of
any other non-competitive procurement process;
(B) award a Subcontract to a potential Subcontractor where the procurement process
only had one participating proponent or resulted in one proposal from a potential
Subcontractor; or
(C) self-perform any part of the Works,
in each case, where the total estimated cost of the Subcontract or self-performed
Works is $100,000 or more, then, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties:
(I) the Contractor shall, as soon as practicable and after consulting with
Contracting Authority, provide a written business case to Contracting
Authority justifying the engagement of such Subcontractor on such basis
or for self-performing such part of the Works. With respect to any such
self-performed Works, such business case shall include a comparison of
the price, schedule, risk and other relevant issues of self-performing such
Works relative the anticipated or actual price, schedule, contractual
terms, risks, compliance monitoring and other relevant issues that would
likely arise if such Works were competitively procured or did arise
during an incomplete or terminated competitive procurement process;
(II) by no later than the date that is five Business Days after the receipt of
any such business case, Contracting Authority may, acting reasonably
and without limiting or prejudice to any other right of Contracting
Authority under the Project Agreement, give Notice to the Contractor
Representative that Contracting Authority objects to such business case.
In any such Notice, Contracting Authority shall provide reasons for its
objection, and may set out conditions that must be satisfied before
Contracting Authority is willing to withdraw such objection; and
(III) in the event that the Contractor receives any such Notice, then the
Contractor shall use reasonable commercial efforts to address the
objection of Contracting Authority to such business case (including to
satisfy any such conditions provided by Contracting Authority). In the
event that the Contractor is successful in addressing such objection to
Contracting Authority’s reasonable satisfaction, then Contracting
Authority shall promptly withdraw such objection in writing. In the event
that the Contractor fails to address such objection to Contracting
Authority’s reasonable satisfaction and the Contractor nonetheless
proceeds to engage or permit the engagement of such Subcontractor or to

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self-perform such Works, then, unless the Parties otherwise agree, the
Contractor shall not be entitled to be paid any Overhead or Profit under
the Project Agreement in respect of the Works performed by such
Subcontractor or such self-performed Works.
(iii) Unless otherwise agreed by Contracting Authority, prior to any procurement of a
Subcontractor or undertaking any competitive market testing, the Contractor or the
applicable Subcontractor shall undertake reasonably appropriate market analysis and
outreach to identify potential Subcontractors, which shall be based on up to date market
intelligence, including by taking into account lead times in relation to the pricing of
subcontracted Works packages and the design development and securing of labor, goods,
equipment and services required to deliver the subcontracted Works packages.
(iv) The Contractor shall use and, if applicable, shall cause all Subcontractors to use,
commercially reasonable efforts to obtain the best value for money when procuring any
part of the Works, including, where reasonably appropriate or otherwise at the request of
Contracting Authority, applying, using and comparing applicable industry benchmarks or
benchmarking data for such purposes, and will comply with all Good Industry Practice in
relation to any such procurement, to a standard no less than the Contractor or applicable
Subcontractor would apply if all costs incurred were to its own account without recourse
to Contracting Authority, including using commercially reasonable efforts to mitigate
such costs. To the extent any procurement or delivery of any Works results in costs or
expenses that are in excess of those costs or expenses established by industry benchmarks
or benchmarking data, the Contractor shall, at the request of Contracting Authority,
provide Contracting Authority sufficient information and analysis to demonstrate to
Contracting Authority that such excess costs or expenses are reasonable and justified in
the context of the subject Works.
(v) Any arrangements or agreements between the Contractor and any Subcontractor or
between Subcontractors (including in relation to credits, rebates, discounts, including
volume related discounts and associated with membership of a specialist supply chain,
and any other special commercial arrangements) impacting the Project, shall be contained
within the DPA Subcontracts, disclosed to Contracting Authority and open to future audit
by Contracting Authority.
(vi) The Contractor shall, and where applicable, shall cause all Subcontractors to use
commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that each competitive procurement for
subcontracted Works is issued to at least four potential Subcontractors and that proposals
are received from at least three different proponents, provided that, where a proponent in
any procurement is a potential Affiliated Subcontractor, such procurement shall be issued
to at least four potential Subcontractors in addition to such potential Affiliated
Subcontractor and proposals are to be received from at least three different proponents in
addition to such potential Affiliated Subcontractor’s proposal.
(vii) Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, in the event that the Contractor or a
Subcontractor desire to self-perform any part of the Works, the Contractor or the
Subcontractor shall first be required to market-test the applicable Works with no fewer
than three different potential Subcontractors in order to ensure that the Works are

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performed by the most appropriate person and that the best value for money will be
achieved for the Project in accordance with the Project Agreement.
(viii) The Contractor shall and shall cause all Subcontractors to, in accordance with Good
Industry Practice, develop and use appropriate procurement documentation for all
competitive procurements (including, as appropriate, requests for proposals, tenders,
quotes, other solicitation documents, and evaluation handbooks). Such procurement
documents must enable the analysis of proposals from proponents using key criteria for
evaluations, including price, contractual terms and conditions, performance schedule,
quality compliance and other important aspects of each such procurement.
(ix) Promptly following the request of Contracting Authority from time to time, the
Contractor will advise Contracting Authority of the status and approach of, and the
timing for, the engagement of any particular Subcontractors and shall provide lists of
potential Subcontractors the Contractor is considering engaging.
(x) Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties and without limiting any other right of
Contracting Authority or obligation of the Contractor under the Project Agreement, with
respect to each competitive procurement of any part of the Works to potential
Subcontractors (including all suppliers, specialists and other services and works
providers), the Contractor shall:
(A) promptly following the request of Contracting Authority from time to time,
provide Contracting Authority with an update in respect of the status of each
(B) on an open book basis, promptly provide Contracting Authority all information
and documents requested by Contracting Authority with regards to the
procurement, including all relevant procurement documents, the list of all
potential and actual proponents, proposals (including prices) received from
proponents, the detailed results of any proposal evaluations and negotiations with
proponents, any final draft DPA Subcontract, and any differences between the
terms of the winning proposal and the terms of the final draft DPA Subcontract.
Nothing in this Section 1.4.5(a)(x) applies to information or documents that may
be subject to legal privilege or are confidential lawyer-client communications;
(C) carry out, maintain and, at the request of Contracting Authority, submit to
Contracting Authority a summary of the procurement process, including a
summary of any proposals received, a comparison of such proposals, a
justification for the selection of the preferred proponent and any other relevant
details described in Section 1.4.5(a)(x)(B).

1.4.6 Procurement Management Plan

(a) The Contractor shall develop a “Procurement Management Plan” in accordance with the
requirements of the Project Agreement, including Section 1.4.5, submit the Procurement
Management Plan in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure, and subsequently comply

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with the Procurement Management Plan. The Procurement Management Plan shall, at a
minimum, include:
(i) an organizational chart of the Contractor’s procurement team, including relevant Key
Individuals identified in Schedule 9, other key personnel responsible for procurement
management, and reporting relationships;
(ii) the roles and responsibilities of the Contractor’s procurement team;
(iii) the principles and goals of the Procurement Management Plan;
(iv) an overall contracting strategy, including the:
(A) approach to splitting the Project scope into various components;
(B) procurement strategy, including the different procurement models that the
Contractor and its Subcontractors will employ and when each model will be
(C) contracting strategy, including the different contracting models that the
Contractor and its Subcontractors will employ and when each model will be
(D) approach to building up the procurement register;
(E) approach to identifying and the pre-qualification of potential Subcontractors; and
(F) criteria for evaluation and selection of Subcontractors (including suppliers);
(v) a description of the Contractor’s procurement processes, including its processes for
identifying and selecting Subcontractors, including:
(A) the pre-qualification of potential Subcontractors; and
(B) the criteria for the evaluation and selection of Subcontractors, including a
description of circumstances where the lowest priced proponent may not be the
proponent awarded the Subcontract and how such award will benefit the Project
and meet the requirements of the Project Agreement;
(vi) the process for procuring equipment, supplies, and services for a given scope of work,
starting with the identification of a work package (and its components) and ending with
the selection of the Subcontractor;
(vii) the process for inventory management;
(viii) the proposed terms, risk allocation, and approach for performance management of
Subcontractors, including the:
(A) pricing models that will be employed by the Contractor, and when each model
will be employed;
(B) payment terms for manufactured supplies, including weighted milestones;
(C) payment terms for construction that will be applied for lump sum and other fixed
price Subcontracts;

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(D) ensuring cancellation rights, confidentiality, process for recovery of funds if

disputes arise, etc.;
(E) holdback strategy, and compliance with Applicable Law and the Project
Agreement (services, equipment, material, labour); and
(F) timely invoicing by and payment to Subcontractors;
(ix) approach to ensuring competitive, transparent and ethical procurements and
subcontracting throughout the life of the Project; and
(x) narrative describing how cost escalation will be managed through the procurement
process during the term of the Project.

1.4.7 Failure to Comply with Procurement Management Plan

(a) In the event that the Contractor or any Subcontractor fails in any material respects to comply with
the Procurement Management Plan or it is discovered that the Contractor or any Subcontractor
has failed in any material respects to comply with the Procurement Management Plan, then,
without limiting any right of Contracting Authority or any obligation of the Contractor under the
Project Agreement, the Contractor shall promptly provide a written report to Contracting
Authority explaining and justifying such failure, and setting out a plan to remediate such failure
(if possible) and to ensure that such failure does not reoccur or a similar failure does not occur
during the Project Term.

1.4.8 Utilities Management Plan

(a) The Contractor shall provide a management and implementation plan (the “Utilities
Management Plan”) describing its approach to the treatment of Utility Infrastructure in
accordance with Section 3.24, including at a minimum:
(i) a description of the due diligence work completed to date and field investigation required
to define existing utility impact and locates that are to be undertaken prior to excavating
any existing Utility Infrastructure;
(ii) narrative explaining any additional subsurface investigations to confirm the location and
depth of all Utility Infrastructure as needed;
(iii) a plan and schedule to support the execution of the additional field investigations;
(iv) a description of the approach to and coordination process with each Utility Company,
other Stakeholders and property owners and demonstrate understanding of specific
requirements and process with respect to New Utility Company Infrastructure;
(v) a description of the Proponent’s timelines and scope of work associated with review,
approvals, and coordination with various Utility Companies for New Utility Company
(vi) a description of the applicable Permits, Licences, Approvals and Agreements process
including necessary agreements with each Utility Company and how they will be
included in the Proposed Works Schedule;

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(vii) a description of risk mitigation measures with respect to utilities including addressing any
unforeseen Utility Work;
(viii) the construction phasing and specific strategies to minimize impacts on utility customers;
(ix) a description of the approach to coordination and communication with utilities in an
efficient manner to provide required notifications and status of Utility Work;
(x) a description of how changes in the delivery of the Utility Company works can be
accommodated by a flexible Proposed Works Schedule;
(xi) a description of the Proponent’s overall concept for power, storm, and sanitary service
(xii) a description of the Proponent’s process to handle unknown Utility Infrastructure and
Mislocated Utility Infrastructure encountered in the Site;
(xiii) a detailed utilities work implementation schedule to plan and track the status of utilities
work; and
(xiv) a description of the management of coordination and Interface between the Works,
including Utility Work by the Contractor and or the Utility Company.

1.4.9 Systems Engineering Principles

(a) The Contractor shall apply Systems Engineering principles across the Project, encompassing
design, construction and implementation of the Project Infrastructure described in this section
following the engineering principles in accordance with the requirements set out in
ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207, ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148, IEEE 1233, and ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288.
(b) The Contractor shall develop and implement Systems Engineering plans and procedures for the
Project, governing the Works design and construction, including:
(i) Systems Engineering, Management Plan;
(ii) System Integration and Interface Management Plan;
(iii) System Architecture Management Plan;
(iv) Requirements Management Plan;
(v) Verification and Validation Plan;
(vi) Configuration Management Plan; and
(vii) System Assurance Submissions.
(c) The Systems Engineering approach shall be applicable to all levels in the System and Subsystem
(d) The Systems Engineering approach shall be applicable to all disciplines that outline the processes
and steps taken to achieve each design phase.

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1.4.10 Systems Engineering Management

(a) The Contractor shall include Systems Engineering activities and processes throughout the entire
Project Life Cycle including design, construction, and commissioning activities for the
Scarborough Subway Extension.
(b) The Contractor shall comply with Systems Engineering requirements for the Works throughout
the entire Project Life Cycle including during design, construction, and commissioning.
(c) For clarity, Systems Engineering activities, processes and requirements shall apply to the Works,
including all facilities and Systems.
(d) The Contractor shall have overall responsibility for Systems Engineering for the Scarborough
Subway Extension.
(e) The Contractor shall produce a Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) in accordance
with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.
(f) The Contractor’s first SEMP release shall establish the technical content of the engineering work
necessary to support the design development for the respective scope and work.
(g) The Contractor’s SEMP shall:
(i) cover all aspects of Systems Engineering, integration, and Interface Management of the
Scarborough Subway Extension in accordance with this Schedule 15 and Schedule 29 –
Safety, System Assurance and Security;
(ii) be the foundation document for the technical and engineering activities conducted during
the Project;
(iii) convey information to all the Contractor personnel, both staff and contractors, on the
engineering, technical integration methodologies, and activities for the Project within the
scope of the Contractor;
(iv) apply to the entire Project Life Cycle including planning, design, implementation,
installation, integration, testing, and commissioning of the Systems;
(v) be based upon ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 and IEEE/ISO/IEC 24748-4;
(vi) include organizational chart of the Contractor’s System team, including relevant Key
Individuals identified in Schedule 9 – Key Individuals of the Project Agreement, other
key personnel responsible for Systems Engineering and reporting relationships;
(vii) include roles and responsibilities of the Contractor’s System team, including:
(A) the person responsible for managing the Contractor’s Systems Engineering
(B) the person responsible for updating the Contractor’s Systems Engineering
Management Plan; and
(C) the person responsible for approving changes to the Contractor SEMP;
(viii) detail how the Contractor will comply to Systems Engineering requirements of Schedule
29 – Safety, System Assurance and Security;

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(ix) detail how SEMP processes will be applied throughout the Project Life Cycle as per this
Schedule 15 and Schedule 29 – Safety, System Assurance and Security;
(x) details of how the SEMP processes relate and integrate with other management processes
in this Schedule 15, including Systems integration and Interface, System architecture
management, Requirements Management, Verification and Validation, Configuration
Management, and System Assurance;
(xi) define an engineering Project management process that complies with IEEE 16326 and
ISO/IEC/IEEE 24748-4 for all Systems within their scope;
(xii) detail how “full conformance to tasks,” as described in ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, Clause
2.2.2, will be achieved;
(xiii) detail how the Contractor shall achieve the outcomes for each process in the “Systems
Life Cycle” provided in Section 6 of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, using their developed and
implemented “activities and tasks”; and
(xiv) include all reference documents used in its development.

1.4.11 System Integration and Interface Management

(a) The Contractor shall comply with the System integration management and System Interface
Management requirements in Section 3.28.
(b) The Contractor shall develop and execute a “System Integration and Interface Management Plan
(c) The SIIMP shall define the processes of identifying, developing, and documenting all individual
Interfaces of the Systems required to support the Works.
(d) The Contractor shall include the following elements in the SIIMP:
(i) Systems Interface Management strategy and approach throughout the Life Cycle of the
(ii) policies, procedures, and processes for Interface Management required to control the
development of each Interface including Interface control documents;
(iii) details of Interface Management and control processes, including Interfaces internal to
SSE and Interfaces with external Systems and infrastructure;
(iv) identification, definition, and classification of all Interfaces including human Interfaces
and subway operations Interfaces;
(v) the Interface Management team, organizational chart, roles, and assignments of
responsibilities among the Contractor's organization for identification, definition,
updating, resolving, designing, constructing, and testing the Interfaces;
(vi) specification and development of tools and metrics required to systematically manage
and organize technical and non-technical Interfaces, Interface attributes and Interface
design solutions and provide for coordination and visibility of Interface design activities
among all Stakeholders;

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(vii) acceptance and formal sign-off of the Interface design solutions by the responsible
individuals representing all parties involved in the Interfaces;
(viii) integration testing, Verification and Validation activities required to confirm that the
Interfaces are constructed as designed and functioning as intended within the intended
operational environment and the intended Life Cycle, as per the requirements of this
Schedule and Schedule 14 - Testing and Commissioning;
(ix) how the SIIMP processes and activities are related and integrated into the other
management processes in this Schedule 15, including Systems Engineering management,
System architecture management, Requirements Management, Verification and
Validation, Configuration Management and System Assurance;
(x) list of proposed ICD; and
(xi) detailed planning and staging of the installation and integration activities of the
Scarborough Subway Extension.
(e) The Contractor shall implement and comply with the processes established in the SIIMP for each
Subsystem part of the Works, including Interface issues discovered in the field.
(f) The Contractor shall implement and comply with the processes established in the SIIMP
throughout the Life Cycle of the Works.

1.4.12 System Architecture Management

(a) The Contractor shall develop a plan (the “Systems Architecture Management Plan (SAMP)”)
that follows the guidance provided in ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 Annex F,
E.5, Architecture Modelling, and to include the following information:
(i) list of System architectures for each System and Subsystem;
(ii) approach to the System architecture levels in the Project;
(iii) list of functional block diagrams to be produced;
(iv) list use cases to be produced;
(v) list of logical architectures to be produced;
(vi) list of physical architectures to be produced;
(vii) roles and responsibilities;
(viii) tools for managing System architectures and block diagram configurations;
(ix) overall System architectural design to be produced; and
(x) details of how the SAMP processes relate and integrate with other management processes
in this Schedule 15, including Systems Engineering, Systems integration and Interface,
Requirements Management, Verification and Validation, Configuration Management,
and System Assurance.

1.4.13 Requirements Management

(a) The Contractor shall comply with Section 3.29.

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(b) The Contractor shall prepare and submit a plan (the “Requirements Management Plan
(RMP)”) to define and expand the overall Requirements Management processes outlined in this
Project Agreement, in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.
(c) The Contractor shall include the following in the RMP:
(i) how the RM process will be rolled-out to the Contractor and the Contractor’s
subcontractors in the RMP;
(ii) how the RMP will be applied to the Derived Requirements and Works' Assets in a
“Requirements Management Implementation Report (RMIR)”;
(iii) organizational chart of the Contractor’s Requirements Management team, including
relevant Key Individuals identified in Schedule 9 – Key Individuals of the Project
Agreement, Required Roles identified in Table 1.4-1, other key personnel responsible for
Requirements Management, and reporting relationships;
(iv) roles and responsibilities of the Contractor’s Requirements Management team;
(v) details of procuring, setting up, configuring, managing, and administering the
Requirements Management software tool to be used as per Schedule 15 and Schedule 29-
Safety, System Assurance and Security of the Draft Project Agreement;
(vi) details of Requirements Management processes as per Schedule 15 and Schedule 29-
Safety, System Assurance and Security of the Draft Project Agreement, including
collecting, recording, analyzing, decomposing, deriving, tracing, prioritizing, reviewing,
and approving requirements; and
(vii) details of how the RMP processes relate and integrate with other management processes
in this Schedule 15, including Systems Engineering, Systems integration and Interface,
System architecture management, Verification and Validation, Configuration
Management, and System Assurance.

1.4.14 Verification and Validation

(a) The Contractor shall implement Verification and Validation (V&V) activities and processes as
part of the Works.
(b) The Contractor shall have overall responsibility for System Verification and Validation
throughout the Project Term.
(c) The Contractor shall submit a plan (the “Verification and Validation Plan”) in accordance with
Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.
(d) The Verification and Validation Plan shall be compliant to ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, and:
(i) provide the specifics of the technical effort necessary to deliver V&V for Project
(ii) describe what technical processes will be used to deliver V&V for Project Operations;
(iii) describe how the processes will be applied using appropriate V&V activities;
(iv) describe how the Project will be organized to accomplish the V&V activities;

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(v) describe the resources required for accomplishing the V&V activities;
(vi) detail how “full conformance to tasks,” as described in ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, Clause
2.2.2, is to be achieved for V&V;
(vii) detail how the Contractor achieve the “outcomes” for the Verification process detailed in
Section 6.4.9 of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, using their developed and implemented “activities
and tasks”; and
(viii) detail how the Contractor achieve the “outcomes” for the Validation process detailed in
Section 6.4.11 of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, using their developed and implemented
“activities and tasks.”
(e) The Verification and Validation Plan shall identify the following personnel and their roles:
(i) the person responsible for managing the Contractor’s V&V activities;
(ii) the person responsible for updating the Contractor’s V&V Plan; and
(iii) the person responsible for approving changes to the V&V Plan.
(f) The Verification and Validation Plan shall cover:
(i) Rail Systems
(A) discrete Systems element;
(B) individual integrated Systems;
(C) connected and integrated Systems;
(ii) New Metrolinx Infrastructure; and
(iii) New Third Party Infrastructure.
(g) The Verification and Validation Plan shall detail how the Contractor intends to apply V&V
activities during:
(i) design development stages;
(ii) procurements stage(s);
(iii) construction stage(s);
(iv) Factory Acceptance Testing and Site Acceptance Testing stage(s);
(v) installation;
(vi) System Integration Testing stage(s); and
(vii) Revenue Service Demonstration.
(h) The Verification and Validation Plan shall describe the relationship between:
(i) V&V and Requirements Management;
(ii) V&V and Testing & Commissioning;
(iii) V&V and Safety & Security;

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(iv) V&V and Configuration Management; and

(v) V&V and Systems Integration.
(i) The Verification and Validation Plan shall describe the development and delivery of the
Requirements Verification Matrix.
(j) The Verification and Validation Plan shall be updated in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review
Procedure with every update of the Requirements Management Plan.
(k) The Contractor shall develop and submit a report (the “Verification and Validation Report”) to
demonstrate compliance with the Verification and Validation Plan during the Project Term.
(l) The Contractor, as part of the V&V activities, shall verify that the evidence demonstrates
compliance to the requirements.
(m) The Verification and Validation Report shall describe in detail how the V&V activities have been
managed to date by the process described in the Verification and Validation Plan to facilitate
assessment and audit activities.
(n) The Verification and Validation Report shall be updated in accordance with Schedule 10 –
Review Procedure, and at a minimum:
(i) at each update of the Verification and Validation Plan; and
(ii) at each Safety Submission in Schedule 29 - Safety, System Assurance and Security.

1.4.15 Configuration Management

(a) The Contractor shall comply with Section 3.34 for Configuration Management.
(b) The Contractor shall develop, submit, and execute a “Configuration Management Plan” to
outline the processes and activities for Configuration Management.
(c) The Contractor shall implement the Configuration Management Plan compliant to ISO/IEC/IEEE
15288 and EN ISO 10007, and:
(i) provide the specifics of the technical effort necessary to deliver the Configuration
Management activities;
(ii) describe what technical processes will be used to deliver Configuration Management;
(iii) describe how the processes will be applied using appropriate Configuration Management
activities, including:
(A) configuration Baselines; and
(B) release management.
(iv) describe how the Project will be organized to accomplish the Configuration Management
activities, including the Configuration Management Committee;
(v) describe the resources, including personnel and tools, required for accomplishing the
Configuration Management activities;
(vi) describe how Configuration Management and change management are integrated and
managed within the Contractor;

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(vii) describe how and when configuration audits will be conducted;

(viii) detail how “full conformance to tasks,” as described in ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, Clause
2.2.2, is to be achieved for Configuration Management; and
(ix) detail how the Contractor achieve the “outcomes” for the Configuration Management
process detailed in Section 6.3.5 of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, using their developed and
implemented “activities and tasks”.
(d) The Configuration Management Plan shall identify the process of collecting and identifying
configuration data for the Asset Information.
(e) The Configuration Management Plan shall identify the following the Contractor personnel and
their roles:
(i) the person responsible for managing the Contractor’s Configuration Management
(ii) the person responsible for updating the Contractor’s Configuration Management Plan;
(iii) the person responsible for approving changes to the Contractor’s Configuration
Management Plan.
(f) The Configuration Management Plan shall cover:
(i) Rail Systems; and
(ii) Facilities.
(g) The Configuration Management Plan shall detail how the Contractor intends to use the
Configuration Management “activities and tasks” during:
(i) design development stages;
(ii) procurement stage(s);
(iii) construction stage(s);
(iv) Factory Acceptance Testing and Site Acceptance Testing stage(s);
(v) installation;
(vi) System Integration Testing stage(s); and
(vii) Revenue Service Demonstration.
(h) The Configuration Management Plan shall describe the relationship between:
(i) Configuration Management and Requirements Management;
(ii) Configuration Management and Testing & Commissioning;
(iii) Configuration Management and Safety & Security;
(iv) Configuration Management and Verification and Validation;
(v) Configuration Management and Systems Integration; and

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(vi) Configuration Management and Systems Engineering.

(i) The Configuration Management Plan shall describe the development, delivery, and management
(i) configuration Baseline;
(ii) configuration database; and
(iii) the final verified and validated Configuration.
(j) The Contractor’s Configuration Management Plan shall be updated in accordance with Schedule
10 – Review Procedure, and at a minimum every year during construction.
(k) The Contractor shall implement a Configuration Management process during the Project Term.

1.4.16 System Assurance

(a) The Contractor shall comply with the requirements in Schedule 29 - Safety, System Assurance
and Security.
(b) The Contractor shall develop, submit, and execute a System Assurance Plan, including at a
(i) organizational chart of the Contractor’s System Assurance team, including relevant Key
Individuals identified in Schedule 9 – Key Individuals of the Project Agreement, other
key personnel responsible for System Assurance, and reporting relationships;
(ii) roles and responsibilities of the Proponent’s System Assurance team;
(iii) approach to comply with EN 50126, the CMREA and Schedule 29-Safety, System
Assurance and Security of the Draft Project Agreement;
(iv) approach to execute the Project’s Safety, System Assurance, and Security requirements
from conceptual design to certification; and
(v) how the approaches and processes of the System Assurance Plan relate and integrate with
the approaches and processes of the Safety Plan, Security Plan and RAM Plan as
described in Schedule 29 - Safety, System Assurance and Security.

1.4.17 Value for Money

(a) The Contractor shall submit a plan for ensuring compliance with the Value for Money Statement
outlined within DPA Schedule 17 (the “Value for Money Plan”), including at a minimum:
(i) Understanding and Governance
(A) a narrative describing the Contractor’s understanding of the Value for Money
Statement and the identification of key Project risks and opportunities that
impact, or can impact, the extent to which value for money is achieved;
(B) a description of the governance and ownership of key activities in relation to
value for money on the Project; and
(C) an outline of the support that the Contractor requires from Contracting Authority
to achieve the Value for Money Statement;

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(ii) Delivery
(A) the Contractor’s commitment, strategies, and initiatives for how compliance with
the Value for Money Statement will be achieved and demonstrated; and
(B) a description of the processes and procedures used in the management of the
Contractor’s activities throughout the Works in relation to delivering value for
(iii) Measuring and Reporting
(A) a definition of the performance indicators which enable the demonstration of
value for money by the Contractor; and
(B) a description of the processes for reporting value for money to Contracting

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2.1 General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall provide an integrated transit System capable of delivering public transit in a
safe reliable and efficient manner.
(b) The Contractor shall be responsible for the testing, commissioning, and Safety and Security
certification of the Works.
(c) The Contractor’s design shall adhere to all aspects of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability
and Safety (RAMS) requirements in Schedule 29 - Safety, System Assurance and Security.
(d) The Contractor shall design the systems and facilities to facilitate efficient maintenance practices
while always maintaining required levels of safety.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure that all testing and maintenance of SSE infrastructure (including at
TCC/BTCC) shall be fully integrated and seamless with other testing and maintenance procedures
currently in effect.
(f) A list of all applicable standards pertaining to the maintenance of New Metrolinx Infrastructure
will be made available in the Data Room.
(g) The Contractor shall ensure to follow the technical standards for maintenance of New Metrolinx
Infrastructure and to follow Canadian best practice as exists at the time.
(h) Technical standards generally follow AREMA and other North American standards. However, in
circumstances where it can be demonstrated that other international standards can bring about
improvements to operation and or maintenance, those can be adopted after confirmation from
O&M Stakeholders and Contracting Authority.
(i) The Contractor shall refer and comply with the applicable standards listed in Metrolinx STS-001,
Bulleting Operations and Maintenance Requirements Stations Services DS-00 and DS-03.

2.2 Rail Operational Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall be responsible to provide the Works to meet the operational needs and
required functionality of the SSE.
(b) The Contractor shall continue engagement with the Stakeholders to refine the Concept of
Operations (Rail) including identification of operational needs in coordination with TTC and
Contracting Authority.
(c) The SSE rail service will be operated by TTC, and all Stations will be staffed by TTC personnel
during Revenue Service hours.
(d) The Contractor shall design and develop the SSE so that operational control for the SSE is
functionally integrated with TTC’s subway operational control at the TTC Transit Control Centre.
(e) The Contractor shall design and develop the SSE System Infrastructure to be operated following
the TTC’s Subway/SRT Rule Book and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

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(f) The Contractor shall design and develop the SSE to operate a sustainable 110-second operating
headway and provision for a 90-second design headway with ATC, subject to terminal capacity
analysis of Sheppard East Station conducted by the Contractor.
(g) The Contractor shall design and develop the SSE based on the following Operating Headway on
the Revenue Service date:
(i) Line 2 AM Peak Operating Headway will be 135 seconds (“planned headway”) between
Kipling and Kennedy;
(ii) Line 2 AM Peak Operating Headway will be 270 seconds along the SSE; and
(iii) PM peak Operating Headway will be 143 seconds with all trains running in full service
(Kipling to Sheppard).
(h) The Contractor shall develop the SSE Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) based on the latest
TTC Standard Operating Procedures and in consultation with TTC.
(i) The Contractor shall design and develop the SSE with a train stabling capacity of at least six 6-
car train sets at Sheppard East Terminal.
(j) The Kennedy Pocket Track is intended to be used by the Operator for the short turn and as
temporary location for stabling, as it might require operations staff to monitor the train during
stabling at night.
(k) The Contractor shall design and construct the SSE assuming that Revenue Service will start using
conventional fixed-block wayside signalling with speed control System, as currently deployed on
Line 2 Bloor-Danforth between Kipling and Kennedy.
(l) The Contractor shall design the rail vehicle detection System in accordance with TTC operating
(m) The Contractor shall protect for future installation of an ATC System with the ability of
Automatic Train Operation (ATO) based on CBTC technology.
(n) The Contractor shall protect for train door monitoring for use in one person train operation.
(o) The Contractor shall provide facilities at Sheppard East Terminal for End of Line terminal
cleaning, while trains are dwelling at the platform.
(p) The Contractor shall design and construct Systems and facilities on SSE for emergency
operations and emergency egress and be compliant with the TTC Safety, Health & Environment
(q) The Contractor shall develop the SSE operating procedures in consultation with Stakeholders and
submit to Contracting Authority for review .
(r) The Contractor shall develop the SSE maintenance procedures in accordance with Metrolinx
Standards and in consultation with Stakeholders and submit to Contracting Authority for review.

(s) The Contractor shall review the Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) and Standard Maintenance
Procedures (SMPs) where applicable, identify the required changes as well as how the changes
will impact Operations and submit the changes and modifications for review and comments.

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(t) The Contractor shall review the existing TTC Subway Rule Book (SRB) and where applicable,
identify the required changes as well as how the changes will impact Operations and submit
changes and modifications to Contracting Authority for review.
(u) Upon Stakeholder(s) agreement on the new changes to the SRB, SOP and SMPs, the Contractor
shall prepare all relevant training material and coordinate with the Stakeholder(s) and provide the
necessary training (e.g., Train-the-trainer).

2.3 Bus Operational Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall provide integrated Bus Terminals capable of delivering public transit service
in a safe, secure, reliable, and efficient manner that facilitates transfers among operators, and in
accordance with this Schedule 15.
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct the Bus Terminals at Lawrence, Scarborough Centre,
and Sheppard East Stations, in coordination with the Bus Terminal Operator(s), and as specified
in this Schedule 15.
(c) The Contractor shall develop the bus Standard Operating Procedures in consultation with relevant
bus operating authority.
(d) The Contractor shall design and construct the Bus Terminals to meet operational headway of
applicable transit Operator at each facility which may require use of Transit Signal Priority

2.4 Maintenance Requirements

2.4.1 General
(a) The Contractor shall design the SSE to ensure that maintenance needs of the SSE are met.
(b) The Contractor shall identify maintenance requirements in coordination with TTC and
Contracting Authority.
(c) The Contractor shall maintain the Works, as required by the equipment manufacturer, until
Substantial Completion.
(d) The Contractor will not provide maintenance after Substantial Completion of the SSE.
(e) At Substantial Completion, the Contractor shall certify, with evidence, that each piece of
equipment was maintained as required by manufacturers, from time of installation to Substantial
(f) The Contractor shall provide all necessary repairs of malfunctions identified before Substantial
Completion including all labour and replacement parts, including the following:
(i) parts from same manufacturer as those replaced;
(ii) obtain authorization from Contracting Authority to replace equipment parts with parts
from a different manufacturer; and
(iii) arrange with Contracting Authority any activity requiring System shutdown and access to
interiors of electrical panels and equipment.

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(g) The Contractor shall provide equipment record cards that are hard cardboard, installed securely
either on, adjacent to, or inside equipment.
(h) The Contractor shall create and hand over the Asset database in accordance and with coordination
to the relevant stakeholder.
(i) The Contractor shall design and select all the rail systems’ products for minimal maintenance
which meets or exceeds RAM requirements provided in Schedule 29 – Safety, System Assurance
and Security.
(j) Preventative maintenance (L1) timelines shall be equivalent or greater than current scheduled
intervals on existing Line 2.
(k) Corrective maintenance (L2) general requirements (MTBF) shall meet or exceed the current
corrective maintenance requirements on Line 2 in accordance with the RAM requirements in
Schedule 29 – Safety, System Assurance and Security.
(l) Where rail systems components for SSE are an extension of the existing system the availability
and reliability shall meet or exceed that of the existing Line 2.
(m) The availability and reliability of the entire rail systems equipment on SSE shall meet or exceed
that of existing Line 2 in accordance with the RAM requirements in Schedule 29 – Safety,
System Assurance and Security.
(n) The contractor shall design Stations to minimize the accumulation of dirt and debris, and in
particular, brake dust from trains, by ensuring:
(i) ledges, crevices, recesses, open soffits, and protrusions should be avoided.
(ii) accessibility for maintenance and cleaning to all parts of the station shall be safe,
convenient and, wherever possible, not require the use of specialized lifts, hoists, or
(o) Wherever possible, the Contractor shall provide permanently installed, maintenance access means
as part of the station design. Materials should be selected to provide a long service life, be vandal-
resistant and allow easy cleaning on a regular basis.
(p) The Contractor shall ensure that access for all maintenance and cleaning complies with Ministry
of Labour requirements.
(q) The Contractor shall ensure HVAC equipment and associated appurtenances are accessible for
operation and maintenance. Sufficient space shall be allowed for component removal and
replacement of the machine without having to disassemble or remove adjacent equipment.
(r) The Contractor shall provide a sufficient lay down area in the layout of each room. These space
requirements shall be indicated by dotted outlines on design drawings.
(s) The Contractor shall ensure that HVAC equipment not be located over open stairwells, the track
way and other areas that are difficult or potentially dangerous to access.
(t) The Contractor shall arrange Systems in a manner such that fall restraint procedures or confined
space access procedures are avoided to the greatest extent possible. Modifications and deviations
from standard design arrangements involving fall restraint or confined spaces shall be reviewed
with Stakeholders on a case-by-case basis.

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(u) The Contractor shall select mechanical equipment products the require minimal maintenance.
(v) Preventative maintenance shall be required in not less than three months scheduled intervals.
(w) All mechanical equipment shall have reliable and predictable operation. Where product is critical
to the function of the facility, and it must be taken out of service for maintenance and/or repairs,
alternatives to maintain the function must be included in the design.
(x) The Contractor shall ensure ventilation fan rooms dimensions and layout provides sufficient
space to remove and disassemble fan assemblies for purposes of fan motor, fan hub and fan
blades replacements, and other fan room equipment.
(y) For maintenance and accessibility purposes, the Contractor shall design fan rooms to be based on
horizontal fan arrangement.
(i) alternate configuration (e.g., vertical fan arrangement) may be considered only if
horizontal fan arrangement is not feasible and has to be approved by Contracting
(z) The Contractor shall select ventilation equipment mounting locations to maximize maintenance
work environment safety and minimize impact to subway train operations.
(aa) The Contractor shall ensure pipes, pipe fittings, valves, and equipment locations avoid areas
where facility operations in the area would create a safety hazard to the Maintainer.
(i) all piping and fitting locations should provide enough space so maintenance activities and
associated access equipment (ladders, lifts, platforms, etc.) wouldn’t result in
unacceptable impacts to normal facility operation and could not result in safety hazards to
the public and operations and maintenance employees.
(bb) The Contractor shall ensure piping supplying washroom fixtures are in a designated pipe space
complete with a full height access door to accommodate maintenance access.
(cc) The Contractor shall ensure systems are arranged in a manner such that fall restraint procedures
or confined space access procedures are avoided to the greatest extent possible:
(i) modifications and deviations from standard design arrangements involving fall restraint
or confined spaces shall be reviewed with Stakeholders on a case-by-case basis.

2.4.2 Final Cleaning

(a) Prior to requesting review of the work for achieving Substantial Completion, the Contractor shall
perform the cleaning operations including the following:
(i) remove all plant, temporary buildings, surplus materials, rubbish and other equipment,
tools and materials from the spaces and leave the place of work in a neat, clean, and safe
condition acceptable to Contracting Authority;
(ii) clean the place of work in areas disturbed by construction activities, including landscape
development areas, and remove rubbish, waste material, litter, and other foreign
(iii) sweep paved areas broom clean;

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(iv) remove petrochemical spills, stains, and other foreign deposits;

(v) rake clean grounds that are not planted or paved to a smooth, even textured surface;
(vi) remove tools, construction equipment, machinery, and surplus material from the place of
(vii) remove snow and ice to provide safe access to all exterior paved areas designed for
pedestrian or vehicular traffic including parking areas;
(viii) remove temporary protective materials and coatings;
(ix) clean exposed exterior and interior hard surfaced finishes to a dirt-free condition, free of
stains, films, dust, and foreign substances;
(x) remove debris and surface dust from limited access spaces, including roofs, plenums,
shafts, trenches, equipment vaults, maintenance holes, interstitial spaces, and similar
(xi) vacuum clean concrete floors;
(xii) remove grease, dust, dirt, stains, labels, fingerprints, oxidization and other contaminates
from interior and exterior surfaces;
(xiii) remove labels that are not permanent;
(xiv) touch-up and otherwise repair and restore marred, exposed finishes and surfaces;
(xv) replace finishes and surfaces that cannot be satisfactorily repaired or restored or that
already show evidence of repair or restoration;
(xvi) remove paint from ULC, CSA, WHI and similar labels, including mechanical and
electrical nameplates;
(xvii) remove grease, dust, dirt, stains, labels, fingerprints, oxidization and other contaminates
from mechanical and electrical equipment, elevator equipment, escalator equipment and
other equipment;
(xviii) remove excess lubrication, paint and mortar droppings, and other foreign substances;
(xix) replace parts subject to unusual operating conditions;
(xx) restore equipment, machinery or Systems used as temporary facilities to "as new"
(xxi) clean plumbing fixtures to a sanitary condition, free of stains, including stains resulting
from water exposure and other substances;
(xxii) replace disposable air filters and clean permanent air filters;
(xxiii) clean exposed surfaces of diffusers, registers, and grills;
(xxiv) clean ducts, blowers, and coils;
(xxv) clean light fixtures and reflectors to function with full efficiency;
(xxvi) power wash all drains;

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(xxvii) after drains are power washed, clear all catch basins, sumps, and pits of collected debris;
(xxviii) clean all exterior catch basins if affected by the Works;
(xxix) after catch basins are cleaned, clear site storm interceptor of debris and settled materials;
(xxx) after catch basins, pit and sumps have been cleaned, fill with fresh water to their normal
working level ensuring that all traps have adequate water seals;
(xxxi) clear all trench drains of collected debris;
(xxxii) clear all orifices and nozzles that have been obstructed;
(xxxiii) ensure all equipment is clean and free from dust and debris; and
(xxxiv) refer to equipment specifications for additional cleaning requirements.
(b) For the final cleaning, the Contractor shall comply with APPENDIX G Section G.2.7.

2.4.3 Operation & Maintenance Manuals

(a) The Contractor shall prepare and submit manuals describing the operation and maintenance of the
Works (the "O&M Manuals").
(b) The Contractor shall submit a draft version of the O&M Manual for each System prior to the
submission of the Certificate of Readiness for each System, as defined in Schedule 14 – Testing
and Commissioning, Section 5.3.
(c) The Contractor shall develop the O&M Manuals to cover all Subsystems and components.
(d) The Contractor shall submit draft O&M Manuals to Contracting Authority for review at least 15
days before start of commissioning activities.
(e) The Contractor shall make alterations and additions, as found to be necessary during
commissioning and prepare final version of manual.
(f) The Contractor shall submit final version of the O&M Manuals for Contracting Authority’s
review comments in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.
(g) The Contractor shall ensure O&M Manuals to have sufficient detail so Contracting Authority can
totally maintain the Product, equipment, or System.
(h) For the O&M Manuals, the Contractor shall organize data in form of an instructional manual
correlating data into related consistent groupings.
(i) For the O&M Manuals, the Contractor shall provide draft version in electronic format.
(j) For the O&M Manuals, the Contractor shall provide final version in electronic and three hard
(k) For the O&M Manuals hard copies, the Contractor shall provide binders sets of printed
commercial quality, 219 mm x 279 mm (8-1/2" x 11") maximum ring size.
(l) For the O&M Manuals, the Contractor shall identify the cover of each binder with typed or
printed title "Operation and Maintenance Manual", list title of Contract, identify subject matter of
contents (see template in Section 2.6.1).

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(m) For the O&M Manuals, the Contractor shall provide manufacturer's printed data on 75 g/m² (20
pound) paper.
(n) For the O&M Manuals, the Contractor shall provide drawings with distinct uniform line thickness
and legible lettering that will produce clear readable prints and facilitate microfilming and
reduced size reproduction.
(o) For the O&M Manuals, the Contractor shall provide drawings with reinforced punched binder
(p) For the O&M Manuals, the Contractor shall bind drawings in with text; fold larger drawings,
maximum size 254 mm x 432 mm (11" x 17") to size of text pages.
(q) For the O&M Manuals, the Contractor shall arrange content by Systems or process flow, under
section numbers and sequence of table of contents (see template in Section 2.6.1).
(r) For the O&M Manuals, the Contractor shall provide tabbed fly leaf for each separate product and
System, with description of product and major component parts of equipment.
(s) The Contractor shall advise Contracting Authority of changes in contact information during the
warranty period.
(t) In the O&M Manuals, the Contractor shall include the following:
(i) a table of contents with the title of contract, names, addresses, and telephone numbers of
consultants and the Contractor with name of responsible parties, schedule of Products and
Systems, indexed to content of volume;
(ii) for each product or System: list names, addresses and telephone numbers of
subcontractors and suppliers, including local source of supplies and replacement parts
and warranties;
(iii) warranty to include the following as a minimum:
(A) description of warranty coverage;
(B) date warranty starts;
(C) date warranty expires; and
(D) contact name, address, and phone number;
(iv) product data, where each sheet is marked to clearly identify specific products and
component parts, and data applicable to installation, delete inapplicable information;
(v) additional text, as required to supplement the product data;
(vi) logical sequence of instructions for each procedure, incorporating manufacturer's printed
(vii) sealed and signed Record Drawings of all installations, together with photos of major
(installed) equipment including the redline and CAD drawings reflecting as-constructed
(viii) detailed technical specifications and operational instructions on all equipment cross-
referenced to maintenance and instructional manuals from Suppliers;

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(ix) a detailed preventative maintenance program clearly indicating processes, procedures and
frequency required to maintain Assets where required or requested;
(x) copies of certificates or letters including all test results or data from the manufacturers of
the equipment incorporated into the Works (or from their accredited agents) stating that
qualified representatives have tested the equipment and verified satisfactory installation
and in proper working order;
(xi) copies of all testing records including the testing protocols and procedures used;
(xii) copies of the manufacturer’s operation and maintenance instructions and a separate parts
list for each individual equipment and Asset type incorporated into the Works;
(xiii) equipment and product warranties;
(xiv) list of spare parts and consumables including name, address and contact information of
nearest supplier; and
(xv) certificates of approval and applicable permits.

2.5 Training Requirements

(a) As a part of the training material, the Contractor shall provide an overview of the Works,
including an explanation as to why types of Systems equipment were selected, identification of
the design intent and discussion of the operating procedures required to maintain the design
(b) The Contractor shall provide operational and maintenance training for the Works to the Operator
and Maintainer.
(c) The Contractor shall provide orientation with respect to the Works and where necessary to
Toronto Emergency Services.
(d) The Contractor shall develop and implement a process to ensure the training schedule and agenda
is maintained and that quality training is provided.
(e) The Contractor shall conduct the training sessions for the Works at the applicable training centre
or operating stations (workstations).
(f) In addition, the Contractor shall conduct the training sessions for equipment at the location of the
equipment unless otherwise agreed by the relevant Stakeholders.
(g) Prior to Substantial Completion, the Contractor shall verify that training with respect to the
operation and maintenance of the Works has been provided to Stakeholders, the Operator, and the
Maintainer, as applicable, and meets the requirements of the Project Agreement.
(h) The Contractor shall provide the training in accordance with the following categories:
(i) Category 1: training not required as maintenance personnel are already familiar. For
instance, equipment within this category may have already been installed within TTC
infrastructure or they are generic off-shelf items (i.e., hot water tank, base electric heater,
common plumbing fixtures);

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(ii) Category 2: some equipment does share commonality between stations and therefore
require only 1 set of core training. Additional training will be provided in form of
familiarization at all other stations (i.e., Drainage Pumps, UPS, Dampers, etc.);
(iii) Category 3: based on criticality/complexity of installed equipment, training may be
required at all locations. (i.e., Power Distribution, Fire Alarm Systems, Clean Agent Fire
Suppression Systems, etc.);
(iv) Category 4: training will be provided at a single location by Systems Engineering group
(i.e., CCTV System, Intercom System, ET Cabinets, Ventilation Controls, SCADA, PA,
etc.); and
(v) Category 5: these courses are unique to TTC and will be provided by TTC’s in-house
personnel (e.g., TCC Staff, Rail and bus instructors, Subway operators, Station
attendants, Station, and subway supervisors). A “Train-the-Trainer” type format will be
initiated to accomplish this task.
(i) Training hours will be dependent on the availability of maintenance workforce. While most
courses are done during the hours of 7:00am to 3:00pm, Monday to Friday, it may be necessary to
provide training on night shifts as well as on weekends.
(j) The Contractor shall provide familiarization training to external agencies for emergencies that
could occur within the confines of the subway Tunnels, Stations, and bus roadways, including:
(i) Toronto Police Services;
(ii) Toronto EMS; and
(iii) Toronto Fire Services.
(k) The Contractor shall provide familiarization training to external agencies that may also require
familiarization on Station infrastructure, including:
(i) Toronto Hydro;
(ii) Bell; and
(iii) Natural Gas provider.
(l) The Contractor shall coordinate with and consult with the Operator and Maintainer in the
development of the Training Plan and training materials.

2.5.1 Training Submittals

(a) The Contractor shall prepare and submit a plan for all training activities (the "Training Plan").
(b) The Training Plan shall include the following:
() a description of the training activities that will be required by the Operator and
(i) the number of sessions for each course;
(ii) the maximum number of people per session;
(iii) the maximum number of hours per session; and

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(iv) a training schedule for such training activities.

(c) The Contractor shall provide and submit a training schedule and agenda for each training session
to the Operator and Maintainer.
(d) The Contractor shall record, in digital format, and submit one training session for each category
of training (including the overview training).
(e) The Contractor shall prepare and submit a log of all training sessions with a record the personnel
receiving training.

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2.6 Templates

2.6.1 Operation And Maintenance Manual Template

[Contract Number]
[Contract Title]



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Section Contents
Prestart Report(s) and Supporting Document(s) OR
Document(s) validating exemption from PSR

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2.6.2 Equipment Record Card Template

Figure 2.6-1. Equipment Record Card Template

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2.6.3 Equipment Maintenance Inspection Report Template

Figure 2.6-2. Equipment Maintenance Inspection Report

2.7 Asset Management Information Handover Requirements

2.7.1 General
(a) With respect to this section 2.7, the Contractor shall comply with the following Metrolinx
standards (found at
(i) MX-ALM-STD-001 - Asset Data and Information Standards;
(ii) MX-ALM-STD-002 - Rail Corridor Asset Information and Data Dictionary;
(iii) MX-ALM-STD-003 - Facilities Asset Information and Data Dictionary;
(iv) CKH-ASMT-FRM-002 - Asset Document Control List Template (ADCL); and
(v) CKH-ASMT-FRM-005 - Asset Information Handover Acceptance Certificate.

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2.7.2 Handover Planning and Training

(a) The Contractor shall plan for the preparation, submission, Validation, and acceptance of all Asset
Information from the Project to Contracting Authority, with the final delivery of information no
later than Substantial Completion unless otherwise agreed in writing by Contracting Authority.
(b) The Contractor shall incorporate Asset Information Handover activities into commissioning
plans, Project management plans, schedules, budget, and resource plans. This includes
determining what Asset Information is required, and when, to meet operating, regulatory and
maintenance requirements of Contracting Authority.
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate with Contracting Authority to plan for the Handover, Validation,
and acceptance of required Asset Information, including spatial data, and documents.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure all required and provided Asset Information complies with
Contracting Authority Asset data and information standards.
(e) The Contractor shall coordinate with Contracting Authority’s GIS team for the latest geodatabase
design document, latest file geodatabase extract populated with the existing GIS features and
layers associated with the scope of the Project, for details about datasets, and to coordinate
delivery of geospatial information.
(f) If made available by Contracting Authority, the Contractor may participate in training programs
related to Asset Information Handover requirements, data standards, tools, and templates.

2.7.3 Configuration Change Impact Report

(a) The Contractor shall produce a report (the “Configuration Change Impact Report”) during
detailed design that identifies any required changes to Contracting Authority Asset Information
Systems or Contracting Authority Asset data and information standards or supporting templates.
These may include, but are not limited to:
(i) new Asset classes/categories;
(ii) new locations not currently in the Asset hierarchy;
(iii) new positions not currently in the Asset hierarchy;
(iv) new document content types; and
(v) changes to geo-spatial data structure and standards.
(b) The Contractor shall submit a Configuration Change Impact Report for review by Contracting

2.7.4 Document Handling

(a) The Contractor shall follow Contracting Authority document control processes to identify and
request any documentation required to support construction. This includes documenting and
submitting requests to identify and distribute existing documents for information/reference, and
requests to obtain and reserve source files (e.g., CAD and/or BIM as specified) for update during
construction. Contracting Authority will only release documents for update by the Contractor if
they have been requested through established Contracting Authority processes.

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(b) If multiple sub-contractors need to update controlled documents concurrently, the Contractor
shall work with Contracting Authority to identify and implement an acceptable solution between
the Contractor, Contracting Authority, and other affected parties. Contracting Authority will
designate a member of their personnel to oversee such work, coordinate contractors and help
manage conflicting requirements.
(c) Subcontractor(s) shall submit its request(s) for any documentation related to the Project through
the Contractor.
(d) The Contractor shall follow document submission requirements per the Project Agreement.

2.7.5 Asset Document Control List

(a) The Contractor shall maintain / update the Asset Information documents and deliverables listed in
this Section 2.7.5 (the “Asset Document Control List”) throughout the construction phase.
(b) In the Asset Document Control List, the Contractor shall:
(i) list all required documents and geo-spatial data deliverables;
(ii) ensure file names, nomenclature, and metadata comply with Contracting Authority Asset
data and information standards; and
(iii) ensure every file listed in the Asset Document Control List is associated and linked to a
record in the Master Asset List deliverable.
(c) On date(s) agreed upon by the Contractor and Contracting Authority, the Contractor shall submit
the final Asset Document Control List for review by Contracting Authority.
(d) On date(s) agreed upon by the Contractor and Contracting Authority, the Contractor shall submit
the approved Asset Document Control List, and the approved deliverables listed in the Asset
Document Control List, to Contracting Authority for upload to EDRMS and EGIS.
(e) Where required, the Contractor shall submit deliverables on multiple dates to align with partial or
multiple in-service events.
(f) The Contractor shall comply with geospatial deliverable requirements which include, but are not
limited to:
(i) compliance with Metrolinx CADD/BIM Standards Manual - Subways Program Edition
(draft), SBY-MX-DES-MAN-00001 Revision P02, dated February 21, 2022 [Note to Dev
Co: Although the new CADD/BIM model presents an agnostic approach Discussions
with TTC are ongoing around application of BIM and whether conversion to Bentley
model will be required at any stage of the Project.];
(ii) compliance with Contracting Authority GIS georeferencing coordinate Systems standards
per Contracting Authority Asset data and information standards; and
(iii) all geo-spatial deliverables (e.g., CAD, geo-file database) with explicit links to records
listed in the Master Asset List or equivalent as defined by Contracting Authority.
(g) On date(s) agreed upon by the Contractor and Contracting Authority, the Contractor shall prepare
and submit an Asset Document Control List for review.

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(h) The Contractor shall use the latest version of the Asset Document Control List Template.
(i) At a minimum, the Contractor shall include the following:
(i) a list of existing Contracting Authority documents that have been, or will be, checked out
of EDRMS for revision by the Project;
(ii) all document nomenclature and metadata per the Asset data and information standards;
(iii) identification of the file format, types, size restrictions and quantities;
(iv) the date the Contractor will submit final, approved documents to Contracting Authority
for Validation and upload to EDRMS; and
(v) the Document Need by Date, specifying when the documents must be uploaded and
available in EDRMS to support maintenance and operations.
(j) The Contractor shall maintain changes to the Asset Document Control List throughout the
(k) At a minimum of 30 Business Days before submission of final, approved documents to
Contracting Authority for upload to EDRMS, the Contractor shall prepare and submit a revised
Asset Document Control List for review.

2.7.6 Asset Document Handover to Contracting Authority

(a) At a minimum of 20 Business Days before the Document Need By Date, the Contractor shall
submit all final, approved documents, as listed in the Asset Document Control List, to
Contracting Authority for review.
(b) If errors or omissions are discovered during the Validation or upload of documents into EDRMS,
Contracting Authority will inform the Contractor in writing and the Contractor shall resolve
errors and/or omissions and re-submit within three Business Days.
(c) Upon successful upload to EDRMS, Contracting Authority will issue an Asset Information
Acceptance Certificate to the Contractor.

2.7.7 Asset Deliverable Acceptance

(a) The Contractor shall submit all Asset Information with sufficient time to validate compliance
with data standards, correct and re-submit deficiencies and update Contracting Authority Asset
Information Systems.
(b) Contracting Authority will perform a quality check on deliverables to ensure compliance with
Asset data and information standards.
(c) If errors or omissions are discovered during the Validation or upload to Contracting Authority
Asset Information Systems, Contracting Authority will inform the Contractor in writing within
ten business days of submission and the Contractor shall resolve errors and/or omissions and re-
submit within three Business Days.

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3.1 General
(a) The Contractor shall provide an integrated System Infrastructure capable of delivering public
transit service in a safe, reliable, and efficient manner, and in accordance with the Project
(b) Operational control for the SSE will be functionally integrated with TTC’s subway operational
control at the TTC Transit Control Centre.
(c) The SSE rail service will be operated by TTC, using Revenue Vehicles.
(d) The Contractor shall be responsible for the testing, commissioning, and Safety and Security
certification of the Works.
(e) The Contractor shall design, construct, and commission the extension per the prescribed SSE
Alignment Report and the requirements presented in this Schedule 15.
(f) The Contractor shall comply to requirements of the Project Agreement for all submissions.
(g) The Contractor shall implement the contents of the plans submitted.
(h) The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating with Stakeholders. Schedule 18 –
Communication and Public Engagement Protocol includes the Contractor requirements for
Stakeholder and public engagement.
(i) For any Schedule 15 requirements related to inspection or testing, the Contractor shall follow the
processes described in Schedule 11 – Quality Management and Schedule 14 – Testing and
(j) The Contractor shall obtain from Contracting Authority the required naming convention and
location identifiers for each geographic are pertaining to elements, assets, Systems and
(k) The Contractor shall design Stations taking into account provincial interest, policy and
legislation, and to respond to the intent of Municipal Official Plans, Transportation Master Plans,
Secondary Plans, Zoning By-Laws, and design guidelines.

3.1.1 Phases of the Works

(a) Specific elements of the Works have been identified which are required to be commissioned and
put into service prior to Substantial Completion of the Works. Such specific elements of the
Works are called the Phases of the Works.
(b) The Contractor shall perform Phase Contractor Commissioning on each Phase of the Works
including in accordance with Project Agreement Section 23 – Phase Commissioning and Phase
Completion and Schedule 14 – Testing and Commissioning.
(c) The Contractor shall perform Phase Completion on each Phase of the Works including in
accordance with Project Agreement Section 23 – Phase Commissioning and Phase Completion.

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(d) Phases of the Works shall include:

() Temporary Bus Terminal of KEW Phase 1 Early Works as per Section;
(i) integrated Kennedy Enable Works traction power and ventilation including:
(A) Kennedy Traction Power Substation Expansion of KEW Phase 2A Early Works
as per Section;
(B) Kennedy Traction Power Supply of KEW Phase 2B Early Works as per Section;
(C) Kennedy West Fan Plant of KEW Phase 2A Early Works as per Section;
(D) Kennedy Subway Ventilation System of KEW Phase 2B Early Works as per
(ii) Rail Systems and tracks tie-in portion at Kennedy Station as per Section 3.7.4; and
(iii) reinstated Temporary Bus Terminal area after Temporary Bus Terminal is
decommissioned as per
(e) Subject to the provisions of Schedule 22 – Variation Procedure:
(i) the Contractor may propose to Contracting Authority additional Phases of the Works
without any obligations for Contracting Authority to accept; and
(ii) Contracting Authority may add additional Phases of the Works.

3.2 Contractor Design Responsibilities

3.2.1 Responsibility for Design

(a) The Contractor shall be responsible for the design of the Works in accordance with this Schedule
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct the Works to achieve the requirements of the Federal
climate lens, as outlined in Section 3.15.
(c) The Contractor shall provide infrastructure to operate reliably in and integrate with the
environmental conditions in which it is installed, including ambient temperature range, humidity,
precipitation, and other environmental factors that will impact operation.

3.2.2 Design Components and Design Life

(a) The Contractor shall design and detail the Works to attain the Design Life per Table 3.2-1.
(b) The Contractor shall demonstrate Design Life through engineering analysis or testing results to
substantiate the predicted life span of the applicable structure.

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Table 3.2-1. Design Components and Structures Design Life

Asset Design Life Required (years)

Civil Structures, including retaining walls 75
Underground Structures and Tunnels 100
Above ground structures 80
Guideway Fit Out: invert slab below track, Tunnel 100
centre wall
Guideway Fit Out: other structural components 50
Trackwork slab structures 75
Temporary Works 10

3.2.3 System of Units

(a) Except where otherwise explicitly indicated in Schedule 15, the Contractor shall use the
International Systems of Units (SI) in the design and construction of the Works.

3.3 Design Standards

(a) The Contractor shall conduct the Works in accordance with the codes, standards, and reference
documents presented in this Schedule 15.
(b) Where no code or standard is provided for an aspect of the Works in any section of Schedule 15,
the Contractor shall propose an applicable code or standard for review and acceptance by
Contracting Authority and relevant Stakeholders as required.
(c) Where design alternatives will provide substantially equivalent requirements or where conflicts
exist between the requirements of this Schedule 15 and standards or legislation enacted by the
federal or provincial governments, the most stringent requirements shall apply.
(d) The Works performed by the Contractor shall conform to the latest published editions of codes,
standards, and reference documents at the Effective Date, unless otherwise stated in Schedule 15
or in governing legislation.
(e) The Contractor shall obtain sign-off from the relevant Stakeholder for any deviation from an
applicable standard(s) that was developed by the Stakeholder and:
(i) for deviations from Metrolinx standards, comply with the Procedure for Requesting
Deviations to Metrolinx Standard Requirements outlined in CKH-ENG-PRC-001;
(ii) for deviations from TTC standards, submit the Design Standard Variance Request form,
as obtained by the Contractor through TTC, to Contracting Authority and TTC; and
(iii) for deviations from any other standards, obtain variance or consent of such deviation in
consultation with the applicable stakeholder.

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3.4 Order of Precedence

(a) This Schedule 15 does not address the order of precedence of any Project Agreement
requirements outside this Schedule 15.
(b) Subject to Section 1.2 of the Project Agreement and unless otherwise expressly provided in this
Schedule 15, if there is any conflict between any of the provisions of this Schedule 15 and any of
the reference documents, the following shall apply in descending order of precedence:
(i) the provisions of this Schedule 15;
(ii) Metrolinx standards and design manuals including those listed in Table 3.4-1;
(iii) City of Toronto standards and procedures;
(iv) Ontario Provincial Standards, including Ministry of Transportation Standards and
Manuals; and
(v) any other applicable reference documents.

Table 3.4-1. Metrolinx Standards

Standard Number Standard Name

DS-00 Front End
DS-02 Universal Design Standard
DS-03 Wayfinding Design Standard
DS-03 Part 1 Metrolinx Sign Implementation Manual - GO
DS-03 Part 2 Metrolinx Sign Implementation Manual - Metrolinx
DS-04 GO Station Architecture Design Standard
DS-05 Sustainable Design Standard
DS-07 Bike Infrastructure Standard
DS-09 Subway Station Architecture Design Standard
DS-11 Third Party Entrance Connection Requirements
DS-25 Climate Change Informed Data Standard
DS-28 Noise Wall Standard
PDM Pedestrian Modelling Standard

(c) For the design and construction of New Metrolinx Infrastructure, Metrolinx standards shall
govern over TTC and City of Toronto standards unless otherwise noted in APPENDIX A or
APPENDIX B of this Schedule 15.
(d) Where a Metrolinx Standard refers to other standards, Metrolinx or not, those references
standards shall also apply.
(e) Unless otherwise noted in this Schedule 15, Municipal standards shall apply to the Works within
city owned lands.

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(f) Unless otherwise noted in this Schedule 15, provincial standards shall apply to the Works within
MTO Controlled Access Highway lands.
(g) Unless otherwise noted in the Applicability Matrices in APPENDIX A or APPENDIX B of this
Schedule 15, codes, standards and reference documents identified in Schedule 15-3 shall apply in
a descending order of precedence as outlined in each sub-section.
(h) The detailed Project requirements in Schedule 15, Sections 3.15-3.34, shall take precedence over
the Facilities Applicability Matrix (APPENDIX A) and the Systems Applicability Matrix
(Schedule 15-3, APPENDIX B).
(i) For Schedule 15, APPENDIX E the Contractor shall use the following order of precedence:
(i) unless expressly stated otherwise, the requirements of APPENDIX E only apply to the
scope of work described in Schedule 15 – APPENDIX E; and
(ii) in the event of ambiguities, conflicts or inconsistencies between or among any of the
provisions of this Schedule 15 and its APPENDIX E, the requirements and definitions of
APPENDIX E have precedence over the requirements and definitions of this Schedule

3.5 Reference Concept Design

(a) Any use by the Contractor of any or all aspects of the Reference Concept Design in performing
the Works shall be entirely at the Contractors own risk. The Reference Concept Design
completed by Contracting Authority and provided for the information of the Contractor is not
intended to represent designs fully compliant with the requirements of this Project Agreement.
Use of the Reference Concept Design as a basis for the Contractor’s design for any part of the
Project does not guarantee Contracting Authority’s approval of the Contractor’s design.
(b) The Contractor may use the Reference Concept Design as a basis for the DPA Term submissions.

3.6 Design Management

3.6.1 Design Management Plan

(a) The Contractor shall develop an overarching Design Management Plan that will describe the
overall organization, plans, and processes to be implemented according to ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288
and ISO/IEC/IEEE 24748, including:
(i) Design Team Members and Responsibilities:
(A) organizational chart of the Contractor’s design team, including relevant Key
Individuals identified in Schedule 9 – Key Individuals, other key personnel
responsible for design, and reporting relationships; and
(B) roles and responsibilities of the Contractor’s design team;
(ii) Design Development Process:
(A) strategies, processes, and Systems that will be used to foster collaboration,
innovation, and efficiency for design development;

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(B) approach for design integration among design teams, and a process for internally
coordinating designs across disciplines and geographic areas;
(C) approach for involvement of other teams, including construction, quality,
controls, etc. in the design process;
(D) approach to management of any subconsultants;
(E) basic design schedule including key activities to achieve requirements at each
key milestone;
(F) identification of and timelines for receipt of key information required from
Contracting Authority and Stakeholders to advance design, including any
unknowns such as gaps in survey information or uncertainty in scope;
(G) collaborative working procedures and working group structures (including
incorporation of collaborative and iterative design tools, e.g., BIM, as part of
(H) process for design reviews, management, and resolution of comments from
Contracting Authority and Stakeholders (e.g., City of Toronto, TTC, TRCA,
(I) process for resolution and escalation of design-related issues in a proactive
manner to progress the Works Submittals described in Schedule 10 – Review
(J) approach to proactively identify, confirm, and implement scope changes due to
changes in stakeholder needs;
(K) a process for mitigating Hazards, as detailed in Schedule 29 – Safety, System
Assurance and Security, through design development;
(L) overall standards list, including revisions, and Baseline date;
(M) a process for evaluating any changes to standards;
(N) a process for capturing design risks and issues and how to resolve them;
(O) a process for capturing construction staging/phasing and constructability
assessments within the design;
(P) a process for capturing operations and maintenance comments and requirements
within the design;
(Q) a process for modelling the operational performance of the designs and ensuring
compliance of the design with the performance specifications;
(R) a process for capturing requirements such as Interface requirements,
environmental consideration, Security threats, health and Safety considerations,
and Stakeholder engagement within the design;
(S) a process for capturing optioneering, design development decisions, and
assumptions used to develop the designs and how these interface with the Risk
Management process;

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(T) a process for integrating software platforms;

(U) a process for evaluating whole life costs of the design packages and minimizing
costs to Contracting Authority on completion;
(V) a process for engineering change management, including:
(I) a process for evaluating, documenting, and implementing scope changes
during design phases; and
(II) a process for coordination with the Configuration Control Committee
during the Construction Period;
(W) a process for identifying and evaluating any non-compliances with standards and
how acceptance may be sought if required;
(X) process for managing Early Works and Accelerated Design (as defined in Section
(I) process for Validation of proposed Early Works and Accelerated Design
and identification of additional scope;
(II) process for incorporation of Early Works and Accelerated Design
deliverables at various stages of design in the design schedule; and
(III) summary of benefits of Early Works and Accelerated Design; and
(Y) approach to design to cost, including application of value engineering through the
design development process;
(iii) approach to CADD / BIM, including:
(A) areas of innovation;
(B) approach clash detection and resolution of clashes;
(C) approach to plan, model, simulate and optimize construction staging and
sequencing; and
(D) use of OmniClass classification systems for all BIM information;
(iv) an overview of design submittals including:
(A) approach to phasing and packaging of designs;
(B) basic design schedule including key activities to achieve requirements at each
key milestone; and
(C) a plan for each design package, including:
(I) exact scope;
(II) applicable reference documents;
(III) applicable standards and Baseline;
(IV) survey information to be used;
(V) survey information required;

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(VI) key assumptions;

(VII) submittal reliance on other submittal packages;
(VIII) key Hazards; and
(IX) key risks to design development and how they will be mitigated;
(v) design certification process including:
(A) assessment process to determine competency for designer, checker, and
(B) a process for tracking and resolving comments on the designs in accordance with
Schedule 10 – Review Procedure;
(C) a process for making corrective actions to designs;
(D) processes for undertaking intermediate design reviews, capturing comments, and
implementing changes;
(E) the process whereby the Contractor verifies construction compliance with the
design data and provisions of the Project Agreement at the following levels:
(I) component certification;
(II) Subsystem certification; and
(III) System certification;
(vi) Gap Assessment and Due Diligence
(A) A description of the Contractor’s approach to conducting gap assessment and
identification of additional due diligence studies and field investigations to be
performed during the Works and managing due diligence during the Works; and
(vii) a design review and audit schedule, consistent with the Design Quality Management Plan
and Schedule 12 – Works Schedule Requirements, indicating dates that the Contractor
plans to:
(A) conduct internal audits of the design Verification process; and
(B) submit Works Submittals.

3.6.2 BIM Execution Plan

(a) The Contractor shall develop a BIM Execution Plan, and in it include:
(i) details of how compliance will be met with the Metrolinx CADD/BIM Standards Manual
- Subways Program Edition (draft), SBY-MX-DES-MAN-00001 Revision P02, dated
February 21, 2022;
(ii) personnel such as the BIM manager, BIM coordinators, and model managers within each
design discipline;
(iii) the competency requirements and roles and responsibilities for each role;
(iv) applicable standards and guidance documents;

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(v) a process for planning of work and data segregation;

(vi) level of detail requirements at each design stage;
(vii) a process for intermediate design reviews;
(viii) a process for clash detection assessment and reporting;
(ix) a process for quality assurance and quality control on deliverables to ensure compliance;
(x) a collaboration process and Platforms for sharing of data;
(xi) proposed software, versions, outputs, and exchange formats and how they will integrate;
(xii) the proposed common data environment and how this will be set up and managed.
(b) The Contractor shall submit the BIM Execution Plan in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review
(c) The Contractor shall submit a BIM execution report, detailing compliance with the BIM
Execution Plan, in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure and at minimum:
(i) at each design milestone; and
(ii) every six months.
(d) The Contractor shall develop an initial digital twin strategy and road map that:
(i) considers how the new and existing infrastructure is modelled through the Construction
(ii) provides information to the Configuration Control board for Asset management during
the Construction Period; and
(iii) is used during the Operational Term for continued Asset management and maintenance.
(e) The Contractor shall submit the digital twin strategy and road map in accordance with Schedule
10 – Review Procedure.
(f) The Contractor shall submit a digital twin and road map report detailing compliance with the
digital twin strategy and road map, in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure and at a
(i) at each milestone; and
(ii) every six months.

3.6.3 Sustainability Plan

(a) The Contractor shall develop and submit for review a Sustainability Plan that:
(i) complies with the requirements of Section 8 of the Metrolinx DS-05 Sustainable Design
(ii) outlines the Contractor’s plans to implement and comply with all the requirements in
Section 3.6.3;

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(iii) defines the roles and responsibilities within the Contractor related to sustainability and
outlines a strategy for addressing sustainability for the Works;
(iv) identifies all Works related to sustainability and documents how sustainability will be
addressed for each element of the Works; and
(v) complies with the submission requirements in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review
(b) The content, format, and structure of the Sustainability Management Plan shall include the
requirements of Section 8 of the Metrolinx DS-05 Sustainable Design Standard and, at a
minimum, the following sections:
(i) scope of the Sustainability Plan;
(ii) key actions and targets, which summarize all key performance indicators and targets
related to sustainability;
(iii) sustainable design and construction, which details the process for achieving the
sustainability requirements outlined in Table 3.15-1. Toronto Green Standard v4
Applicability and Table 3.15-2. LEED v4 Applicability and includes the initial Toronto
Green Standard checklist;
(iv) construction waste management plan, including strategy for achieving the diversion
requirement and identifying targets for waste diversion by waste stream;
(v) energy performance, which outlines the strategies to achieve the energy performance
requirements and includes an energy performance analysis and report that complies with
the requirements of Section 3.2.2 of the Metrolinx DS-05 Sustainable Design Standard;
(vi) certified timber which describes the Contractor’s sustainable procurement strategy for
certified timber by category per Section 4.2.4 and outlines what percentage by cost of the
Works will be procured in accordance with these strategy; carbon management, which
describes the Contractor’s strategies to reduce embodied and operational carbon during
construction and operations, and include the Contractor’s proposed methodology for
calculating the whole life-cycle carbon of the Scarborough Subway Extension;
(vii) sustainable concrete, which describes the Contractor’s strategies to achieve the
sustainable concrete requirement per Section 4.2.5;
(viii) design phase reports, provide updated design phase reports and analysis in accordance
with the requirements of the Metrolinx DS-05 Sustainable Design Standard; and
(ix) reporting, which provides the Contractor’s proposed biannual sustainability report
format, which comply with the requirements of Section 8 of the Metrolinx DS-05
Sustainable Design Standard.

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3.7 Kennedy Scope

3.7.1 General
(a) The Kennedy scope includes the design, construction, testing, and commissioning of the
(i) Kennedy Box Structure between the existing Kennedy Station and the western limit of
the Bored Tunnel, adjacent to LS-2, including:
(A) decommissioning of existing infrastructure in the Kennedy Station Tail Track, as
(I) for items to be decommissioned in the Tail Track the Contractor shall
work with TTC and Contracting Authority to finalize the scope split of
(B) demolition of the existing Kennedy Station Tail Track east of STA.10+047.244;
(I) mitigations will be put in place with TTC to modify the signaling and
install a bumper post in Kennedy to allow safe operation in the platform
and allow for safe removal of the Tail Track;
(II) TTC will be responsible to modify the signaling and install bumper post
prior to Tail Track removal; and
(III) the Contractor shall coordinate with TTC for the scheduling of the signal
modifications and bumper post installation to ensure work is completed
prior to tail tack demolition;
(C) Kennedy Pocket Track, inclusive of Ventilation Shaft and exit structures;
(D) Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant (KEVFP); and
(E) box structure(s) housing eastbound and westbound tracks;
(ii) Systems infrastructure as outlined in this section 3.7 and Section 3.12;
(iii) Kennedy Station tie-in;
(iv) incorporation and integration of the construction-ready Kennedy Enabling Works per
Section 3.14.5 into the design and construction of the Works; and
(v) integration of temporary and permanent works by the Advance Tunnel Contractor per
Schedule 4 – Advance Tunnel Handover into the design and construction of the Works.

3.7.2 Kennedy Box Structure

(a) The Kennedy Box Structure spans from the existing Kennedy Station to the western limit of the
Bored Tunnel, located at chainage STA. 10+546.155, or the eastern limit of the extraction Shaft
(LS-2), as illustrated in Figure 3.7-1.
(b) The Kennedy Box Structure shall tie into the existing Kennedy Station structure at the structural
joint at STA.10+047.244.

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(c) The Contractor shall design and construct the Interface with existing Safety walkway west of
STA. 10+047.244 to maintain the width of the existing Safety walkway as a minimum,
transitioning to a planned walkway, to be constructed in full compliance, for the new Kennedy
Box Structure east of STA. 10+047.244.

Kennedy Box Structure

Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant

Kennedy Pocket Track Structure

Kennedy Pocket Track Ventilation Shaft and Exit Structure

Figure 3.7-1. General Layout of the Kennedy Structure Elements Kennedy Pocket Track

(a) The Contractor shall design and construct the following elements for the pocket track:
() Pocket track structure with a minimum of 178 m in track length, located within the
Kennedy Box Structure, to be used by operations to short turn and store trains as
(i) Pocket track Ventilation Shaft and exit structures, to be located at the southwest corner of
Eglinton Avenue East and Midland Avenue intersection; these two at-grade structures
will serve the pocket track by ventilating the Tunnel and will provide an emergency
egress path for operations and maintenance workers in the pocket track respectively, as
listed in Schedule 20 - Lands No.#2 to 11 and No.#32 to 34; and
(ii) if the termination points of the Kennedy East Ventilation Structure are located at 2467
Eglinton Avenue East, Don Montgomery Community Recreation Center (DMCRC), and
exit structures for the pocket track are located at 2507 Eglinton Avenue East, then the
design and construction of these structures shall comply with City of Toronto’s zoning
by-law setback requirements, unless noted otherwise.

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Figure 3.7-2. Proposed Pocket Track Location Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant

(a) The Contractor shall perform the following:
(i) design and construct Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant (KEVFP) as an Underground
Structure east of STA. 10+047.244 (existing STA. 943+00);
(ii) incorporate the KEW East End Rooms Additions described in Section 3.14.5, into the
design and construction of the Works;
(iii) design and construct the KEVFP to act as an exit path for Passengers and maintenance
personnel with stairs leading to the DMCRC North parking lot and comply with OBC;
(iv) coordinate with the DMCRC to minimize operational impacts; and
(v) integrate with the Kennedy West Vent Fan Plant, including controls and SCADA.

3.7.3 Systems Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall perform the following:
(i) reconfiguration and extension of the BCN from the existing BCN fibre node in Kennedy
(ii) design and construct the SSE Emergency Trip System (ETS) and integrate with the
existing Kennedy Station ET control cabinet;
(iii) install the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Access Control System (ACS)
equipment in the East End Rooms Additions and Kennedy Box Structure;
(iv) integrate the new IDS remote Input/Output (I/O) units related to the KEVFP to the
SCADA Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) cabinet constructed as part of KEW
scope of work;

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(v) install bridging of 8 Strands DAS fibre (provided by TTC) to SSE DAS fibre in Kennedy
Station; and
(vi) integrate SSE Systems including traction power, signals, communications, Tunnel
ventilation and controls as per Section 3.12 in this document.

3.7.4 Kennedy Station tie in

(a) The implementation of the Works requires the demolition of part of the existing Tail Track
structure east of Kennedy Station to adjust to the SSE Alignment.
(b) The structural tie-in occurs at STA. 10+047.244; however, the new Rail Systems (e.g., track,
traction power, signal Systems, communication Systems) for the SSE shall tie-in with the existing
track at STA. 9+992.730, (see Figure 3.7-3).
Track Tie-In

Figure 3.7-3. Details in the Area between STA. 9+992.730 and STA. 10+047.244

(c) The Contractor shall minimize operational impact to the existing TTC Line 2 during the term of
the Project, including construction of the new Kennedy Box Structure, demolition of the existing
Tail Track structure, and track tie-in. For clarity, the Tail Track will not be operational east
STA.10+047.244 pursuant to Appendix G, section 2.1(b)(ii).
(d) The Contractor shall take into account the modifications to the signalling System constructed by
others to allow the use of both Kennedy Platforms.
(e) The Contractor shall coordinate work on the construction methodology of the tie-in work at the
Kennedy East location to minimize Revenue Service disruption.

3.7.5 Advance Tunnel Interface

(a) Advance Tunnel Contractor will construct an LS-2 with easterly limits at STA. 10+546.155,
which is the western limit of the Bored Tunnel.

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(b) The Contractor shall account for LS-2 temporary Support of Excavation, and the connection to
Bored Tunnel (i.e., Precast Tunnel Liner), into the design of the Kennedy box temporary and
permanent structures.
(c) The Contractor shall account for existing temporary traffic conditions at LS-2 into the overall
traffic management required to perform the Works.
(d) The Contractor shall be responsible for the following at LS-2 pursuant to Schedule 4 – Advance
Tunnel Handover:
(i) maintain or replace all temporary traffic, decking, fencing, and hoarding until no longer
(ii) maintain or replace the dewatering Systems, including replacing related permits (i.e.,
PTTW, PWDA) until no longer needed;
(iii) maintain or replace the temporary electrical and mechanical Systems until no longer
needed; and
(iv) assume responsibility for site Security.

3.7.6 Roadway Design

(a) The Contractor shall provide permanent traffic control signals and pedestrian crosswalks at the
following intersections:
(i) Eglinton Avenue East and Eglinton Avenue East Loop; and
(ii) Eglinton Avenue East and Huntington Avenue.

3.7.7 Design Coordination Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall coordinate their design with the proposed Eglinton East LRT extension
including the following:
[Note to Dev Co: coordination of requirements with City of Toronto continues for Eglinton
East LRT extension and are to be finalized by end of Initial Development Phase Period]
(i) placement of surface Elements at Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant not to impede with
the proposed Eglington East LRT extension tracks and station infrastructure;
(ii) not relocating or permanently placing Utilities within the proposed Eglinton East LRT
extension tracks or station infrastructure; and
(iii) designing and constructing Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant vent structure to
provision for extension of an additional 3.0m by proposed Eglinton East LRT extension
at a later date.

3.8 Lawrence East Station Scope

3.8.1 Facility Elements

(a) The Contractor shall design and construct Lawrence East Station as an underground in-line
Station at the intersection of Lawrence Avenue East and McCowan Road.

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(b) The Contractor shall design and construct Lawrence East Station including, but not be limited to,
the following Station components:
(i) Main Entrance;
(ii) Secondary Entrance;
(iii) Bus Terminal and associated Bus Operator’s Facility;
(iv) Traction Power Substation (TPSS-02);
(v) public concourse;
(vi) two Side Platforms;
(vii) one knock out panel for Future Connection to adjacent development;
(viii) Integrated Secure Bike Room (indoor);
(ix) bicycle parking (outdoor);
(x) provision for Future Connection with Scarborough Health Network General Hospital at
entrance grade level;
(xi) public plaza; and
(xii) TOC Enabling Works to support future TOC Development on the site based on minimum
TOC Program requirements as outlined in Section 3.35. Scope to be confirmed by
Contracting Authority by end of Concept Design.

3.8.2 Facility Location Specific Requirements Station Entrances

(a) The Contractor shall provide the Main Entrance building as a standalone structure located on the
property Enclosed by McCowan Road and Valparaiso Avenue to the south of Lawrence Avenue.
(b) The Main Entrance shall be located at the southwest corner of McCowan Road and Lawrence
Avenue with the entry point facing north towards Lawrence Avenue East.
(c) The Main Entrance shall be consolidated with the Bus Terminal, Bus Operators’ Facility, and
(d) The Main Entrance shall be oriented east to west.
(e) The Main Entrance shall connect to a continuous corner plaza at the southwest corner of the
intersection of McCowan Road and Lawrence Avenue.
(f) The Contractor shall provide a Secondary Entrance as a standalone structure at the northwest
corner of Lawrence Avenue East and McCowan Road, with the entry point facing south towards
Lawrence Avenue East. Station Box

(a) The Contractor shall design and construct the Station box of Lawrence East Station to be
connected to the entrances through an underground concourse level.

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(b) The Contractor shall design the exterior Station box wall to include knock out panels as per
(c) The Contractor shall design the Platform level for two parallel tracks serving two Side Platforms. Secure Bicycle Parking (Indoor)

(a) The Contractor shall design and construct a secure space for the parking of a minimum of 58
(b) At least 10% of the secure space capacity shall accommodate non-standard cycles, such as e-
bikes, cargo bikes, and tricycles.

3.8.3 Bus Terminal

(a) The Contractor shall design and construct a Bus Terminal which is consolidated with the Main
Entrance building and designed with TTC bus dimension standards.
(i) The Bus Terminal at Lawrence East Station shall service the following operators:
(A) Toronto Transit Commission (TTC);
(ii) The Bus Terminal shall include Bus Bays and layovers as follows:
(A) three off-street Bus Bays within the fare paid area, with one Bus Bay sized to
accommodate articulated (18 m/60 ft) buses; and
(B) one off-street articulated layover space.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a one-way Bus Terminal roadway oriented in a westbound direction,
with bus access/egress points located on McCowan Road and on Valparaiso Avenue. Auxiliary On-Street Bus Stops

(a) The Contractor shall provide all auxiliary Bus Stops outside fare paid area for Lawrence East
(b) The Contractor shall provide Stop Zones along Lawrence Ave East as follows:
() one Stop Zone eastbound adjacent to the Main Entrance
(A) this zone to be sized to accommodate two Articulated Buses simultaneously.
(i) one Stop Zone westbound between McCowan Road and Valparaiso Avenue adjacent to
the Secondary Entrance.
(A) this zone to be sized to accommodate two Articulated Buses simultaneously.
(c) The Contractor shall provide one lay-by southbound on McCowan Road adjacent to the Main
(i) this lay-by to accommodate one Articulated Bus.
(d) The Contractor shall provide one lay-by northbound on McCowan Road far side of Lawrence
(i) this lay-by to be sized to accommodate one Articulated Bus.

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3.8.4 Parking Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall design parking spaced in accordance with Section and provide for
the following minimums [Note to Dev Co: parking requirements are under discussion and
subject to change]:
(i) one as-needed maintenance parking space, which may be shred with a Bus Layover
(ii) one maintenance parking space for TPSS-02 on the parcel of land where the Main
Entrance Building is located; and
(iii) one standard parking space allocated to TTC.
(b) The Contractor shall space proof for mobile generator in accordance with Section

3.8.5 Traction Power Substation 02

(a) The Contractor shall ensure that the Traction Power Substation 02 (TPSS-02) is consolidated with
the Main Entrance building and located on the parcel of land bounded by McCowan Road,
Lawrence Avenue and Valparaiso Avenue.

3.8.6 Roadway Design

(a) The Contractor shall ensure that the following roadway design criteria are achieved:
(i) the existing channelized right turn lane on Lawrence Avenue East westbound to
McCowan Road northbound shall be normalized.
(ii) the existing Retaining Wall on the southeast corner of McCowan Road and Lawrence
Avenue East, shall be removed in its entirety to accommodate construction staging of the
Lawrence East Station box.
(b) Lawrence Avenue East and Valparaiso Street intersection has been signalized by the City of
Toronto in 2021.
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto to ensure the Lawrence Avenue East
and Valparaiso Street intersection is operational during construction and to integrate the
intersection to the proposed design, including provision of TSP equipment.

3.8.7 Scarborough Health Network – General Hospital

(a) The Contractor shall conform to all requirements as set out in APPENDIX F.

3.8.8 Urban Design and Landscape Architecture

(a) The Contractor shall ensure that the following Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
(UDLA) criteria are achieved:
(i) the Main Entrance shall connect to a corner plaza located at the south-west quadrant of
the McCowan Road and Lawrence Avenue East intersection;
(ii) the Secondary Entrance shall connect to a plaza located at the north-west quadrant of the
McCowan Road and Lawrence Avenue East intersection;

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(iii) the Station plaza treatment shall extend from the building façade to the edge of the
Municipal road curb to create a unified Public Realm with the City of Toronto ROW;
(iv) Streetscape improvements shall be provided where fronting Station buildings and must be
designed with a consistent unit paving, planting, and furnishing treatment;
(v) the south side of Lawrence Avenue East shall feature a single row of street trees within
the Municipal ROW;
(vi) trees in grates shall be provided within Station property along the south side of Lawrence
Avenue East and west side of McCowan Road where space permits between the Station
building and the pedestrian clearway;
(vii) Streetscapes and Entrance Plazas shall provide outdoor seating that reinforces gathering
pockets and waiting areas at curbside Bus Stops;
(viii) outdoor bicycle rings shall be provided for 44 spaces within site property, must be
sheltered by a weather protection canopy integrated with the Station building façade, and
must be located near Station entrances;
(ix) a location for Bike Share Toronto shall be space-proofed for 19 docking spaces (5
modules) within the Municipal ROW on the north side of Lawrence Avenue East;
(x) a noise barrier shall be provided within Station property between the Bus Terminal and
residential properties as required based on Schedule 17 - Environmental Obligations;
(xi) a landscape buffer and planting treatment shall be provided within Station property along
the north side of the noise barrier and on the north and west side of the Secondary
Entrance building where space permits;
(xii) a continuous row of columnar trees and a vine planting treatment shall be provided along
the noise barrier where facing the Bus Terminal;
(xiii) Architectural Screening shall be installed around the PMH units and must be integrated
with the Station building;
(xiv) where construction along McCowan Road impacts SHN property, reinstatement of
existing planting, parking islands, and signage elements shall be provided to match or
improve upon existing conditions; and
(xv) one reinstated sign and one new sign shall be provided for SHN within SHN property on
Lawrence Avenue East and McCowan Road where clearly visible from the Municipal

3.8.9 [Intentionally Deleted]

3.9 Scarborough Centre Station Scope

3.9.1 Facility Elements

(a) The Contractor shall design and construct Scarborough Centre Station as an in-line Station at the
southeast corner of the intersection of Progress Avenue and McCowan Road.

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(b) The proposed concept for Scarborough Centre Station shall consist of the following Station
(i) Underground in-line Station;
(ii) Main Entrance;
(iii) Entrance Plaza;
(iv) short term outdoor bicycle parking;
(v) bike share Station;
(vi) Integrated Secure Bike Room (indoor);
(vii) Passenger waiting zone;
(viii) public concourse;
(ix) two Side Platforms;
(x) knock out panels and associated Underground Structure(s) for Future Connection to
adjacent development;
(xi) Bus Terminal and Associated Bus Operator’s Facilities.
(xii) one Traction Power Substation 03 (TPSS-03);
(xiii) taxi and accessible passenger pick-up and drop-off lay-by spaces; and
(xiv) TOC Enabling Works to support future TOC Development on the site based on minimum
TOC Program requirements as outlined in Section 3.35. Scope to be confirmed by
Contracting Authority by end of Concept Design.

3.9.2 Facility Location Specific Requirements Main Station Entrance

(a) The Contractor shall provide the Main Entrance building on the east side of McCowan Road,
between Progress Avenue and the Triton Road extension, with the entry point facing west
towards McCowan Road. Station Box

(a) The Contractor shall design and construct the Station box with a Platform and concourse level
(b) The Contractor shall design the exterior Station box wall to include knock out panels as per
Section Secure Bicycle Parking (Indoor)

(a) The Contractor shall design and construct a minimum of 52 secure bicycle parking spaces, of
which at least 10% accommodates non-standard cycles, such as e-bikes, cargo bikes, and

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3.9.3 Bus Terminal

(a) The Bus Terminal at Scarborough Centre Station shall service the following operators:
(i) Toronto Transit Commission (TTC);
(ii) GO Transit;
(iii) Durham Regional Transit (DRT); and
(iv) Intercity Carriers.
(b) Bus access/egress points shall be as per Section
(c) The Bus Terminal shall be located within the block bounded by McCowan Road, Progress
Avenue, Grangeway Avenue and Bushby Drive, and include:
(i) 22 Passenger Bus Bays, off-street as follows:
(A) eight articulated (18 m/60 ft) Passenger Bus Bays; and
(B) 14 standard Agnostic Passenger bays sized to accommodate either 12 m or 14 m
buses; and
(ii) 14 layover spaces as follows:
(A) four articulated (18 m) layover spaces; and
(B) ten standard (12 m) layover spaces.
(d) The Bus Terminal shall be designed to maximise TOC opportunities and be screened by TOC
street frontage. Auxiliary On-Street Bus Stops

(a) All auxiliary Bus Stops are outside the fare paid area for Scarborough Centre Station.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of one Bus Stop in each direction on McCowan Road on
either side of the intersection with Triton Road extension sized for one Articulated Bus.

3.9.4 Parking Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall design parking spaces in accordance with Section and provide for
the following minimums [Note to Dev Co: parking requirements are under discussion and
subject to change]:
(i) one as-needed maintenance parking space, which may be shared with a Bus Layover
(ii) one maintenance parking space for TPSS-03;
(iii) two standard parking spaces allocated to TTC;
(iv) one standard parking space shared between GO and DRT;
(v) one standard parking space shared between TTC, GO, and DRT;
(vi) space proof for mobile generator(s) in accordance with Section

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3.9.5 Traction Power Substation 03

(a) The Contractor may locate TPSS-03 on the parcel of land bounded by McCowan Road, Progress
Avenue, Grangeway Avenue and Bushby Drive. Alternatively, the Contractor may locate TPSS-
03 within the ROW parcel at the northeast corner of McCowan Road and Progress Avenue
subject to Additional Lands Request.

3.9.6 Roadway Design

(a) The Contractor shall remove existing grade-separation structures including the Progress Avenue
underpass and associated retaining walls, and SRT pedestrian structure, as outlined in Section
(b) The Contractor shall ensure the intersections at McCowan Road and Progress Avenue are as
(i) normalized as an at-grade signalized intersection; and
(ii) the vertical grade of Progress Avenue does not exceed 5% and conforms to AODA
(c) In the design of the road layout, the Contractor shall:
(i) ensure that the alignment of Progress Avenue follows the existing roadway curvature and
is located within the existing ROW; or
(ii) [incorporate the extension of Borough Drive as part of overall enhancements to the
street network at Scarborough Centre Station as follows:
(A) the limits of the extension of Borough Drive shall be from Town Centre
Court, northerly to south of Corporate Drive;
(B) the Progress Avenue alignment, west of McCowan Road, shall be
straightened to the greatest extent possible, normalizing the grid network as
per the Scarborough Centre Secondary Plan, while minimizing impacts to
proposed transit infrastructure; and
(C) decommissioning of the existing McCowan Road off-ramp connecting to
Progress Avenue.]
[Note to Dev Co: During the DPA Term, Contracting Authority intends to finalize
discussions and agreement with the City of Toronto in relation to the scope of work for
the Borough Drive Extension and it is anticipated that such agreement may impact the
Contractor’s obligations. Amendments to this section may be required and will be
finalized during the DPA Term by way of a DPA Variation. For clarity, the Contractor
shall not perform any Works related to the Borough Drive extension except as set out
in a DPA Variation Directive or DPA Variation Confirmation.]
(iii) align the affected street network at Scarborough Centre Station with ongoing master
planning efforts by the City of Toronto and Oxford Developments;
(iv) include any other improvements to accommodate the Works; and

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(v) liaise and gain consensus of all affected Stakeholders during design and construction
while obtaining all necessary permits, licenses, and approvals.
(d) In the design of street network bounded by McCowan Road, Bushby Drive, Grangeway Avenue,
and Progress Avenue, the Contractor shall include the following elements:
(i) the street network will accommodate design vehicle turning movements, including transit
(ii) the pavement structure of the street network to accommodate design traffic volumes,
including transit volumes;
(iii) dedicated transit-only lanes as outlined in Section;
(iv) implementation of signalized intersections at new and existing locations as outlined in
(v) taxi and accessible passenger pick-up and drop-off lay-by at the southeast corner of
Progress Avenue and McCowan Road adjacent to the main Station entrance which:
(A) are clearly marked to separate the use of accessible vehicles and non-accessible
vehicles; and
(B) can accommodate other vehicles including ride sharing services.

3.9.7 Urban Design and Landscape Architecture

(a) The Contractor shall ensure the following UDLA criteria are achieved:
(i) the Main Entrance shall connect to a corner plaza located at the south-east quadrant of the
McCowan Road and Progress Avenue intersection;
(ii) the Station plaza treatment shall extend from the building façade to the edge of the
Municipal road curb to create a unified Public Realm with the City of Toronto ROW;
(iii) Streetscape improvements shall be provided where fronting Station buildings, the Bus
Terminal, and TPSS, and must be designed with a continuous unit paving, planting, and
furnishing treatment;
(iv) a unit paving treatment shall be provided at pedestrian waiting areas within the Bus
(v) the east side of McCowan Road shall feature a double row of street trees within the
Municipal ROW. Where space does not permit for double row of trees on McCowan
Road, a single row of trees shall be provided;
(vi) the north and south side of Progress Avenue shall feature a single row of street trees
within the Municipal ROW where space permits;
(vii) Streetscapes and Entrance Plazas shall provide outdoor seating that reinforces gathering
pockets, supports waiting areas at curbside Bus Stops, and animates the Bus Terminal

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(viii) outdoor bicycle rings shall be provided for 38 spaces within Station property, must be
sheltered by a weather protection canopy integrated with the building façade, and must be
located near the Station entrance;
(ix) a location for Bike Share Toronto shall be space-proofed for 19 docking spaces (5
modules) within the Municipal ROW on the north-east quadrant of the McCowan Road
and Progress Avenue intersection;
(x) a continuous landscape buffer and planting treatment shall be provided within the
Municipal ROW along McCowan Road between the Bus Terminal and pedestrian
clearway where space permits; and
(xi) a landscape buffer and planting treatment shall be provided within Station property along
Grangeway Avenue between the Bus Terminal and pedestrian clearway where space

3.9.8 [Intentionally Deleted]

3.10 Sheppard East Station Scope

3.10.1 Facility Elements

(a) The Contractor shall design and construct Sheppard East Station as a terminal Station at the
northeast quadrant of the intersection of McCowan Road and Sheppard Avenue East.
(b) For Sheppard East Station, the Contractor shall include the following Station components:
(i) underground terminal Station and associated subway operator facilities;
(ii) Main Entrance and integrated SVS;
(iii) Integrated Secure Bike Room;
(iv) outdoor bicycle parking;
(v) public concourse;
(vi) one Centre Platform;
(vii) provision for connections to future Line 4 Extension and future adjacent development;
(viii) Bus Terminal and associated Bus Operator's Facilities;
(ix) PPUDO;
(x) Emergency Exit Building 08/Emergency Service Building 02;
(xi) Traction Power Substation 04;
(xii) Storage Track;
(xiii) Cross-Over and Tail Tracks; and
(xiv) TOC Enabling Works to support future TOC Development on the site based on minimum
TOC Program requirements as outlined in Section 3.35. Scope to be confirmed by
Contracting Authority by end of Concept Design.

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3.10.2 Facility Location Specific Requirements Main Station Entrance

(a) The Main Entrance shall be located at the northeast corner of the Sheppard Avenue East and
McCowan Road intersection, with the entry point facing west towards McCowan Road. Station Box

(a) The Contractor shall design and construct the Station box incorporating the existing Launch Shaft
1 (LS-1) by the Advance Tunnel Contractor and in accordance with the elements outlined in
Schedule 4 – Advance Tunnel Handover.
(b) The Station box shall have the following levels:
(i) Platform level; and
(ii) concourse level.
(c) The Platform level shall feature two parallel tracks serving a center Platform, a storage track and
Tail Tracks.
(d) The Contractor shall design the concourse level to include knock out panels as per Section Secure Bicycle Parking (Indoor)

(a) The Contractor shall design and construct a minimum of 62 spaces for Secure Bicycle Parking,
with a minimum of 10% of the total Secure Bicycle Parking capacity to accommodate non-
standard cycles, such as e-bikes, cargo bikes, and tricycles. PPUDO
(a) The PPUDO shall be adjacent to the Main Entrance.
(b) The PPUDO shall accommodate 36 spaces, including two accessible spaces.

3.10.3 Bus Terminal General
(a) The Bus Terminal at Sheppard East Station shall service the following Transit Agencies:
(i) Toronto Transit Commission (TTC);
(ii) Durham Regional Transit (DRT); and
(iii) York Region Transit (YRT).
(b) Bus entrances and exits shall be on Sheppard Avenue East and McCowan Road.
(c) There shall be 19 Passenger Bus Bays, within the fare as follows:
(i) ten articulated (18 m/60 ft) Passenger Bus Bays; and
(ii) nine standard (12 m/40 ft) Passenger Bus Bays.

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(d) There shall be 13 layover spaces as follows:

(i) eight articulated (18 m/60 ft) layover spaces; and
(ii) five standard (12 m/40 ft) layover spaces. Auxiliary On-Street Bus Stops

(a) All auxiliary Bus Stops are outside the fare paid area for Sheppard Station.
(b) The Contractor shall provide one westbound Bus Stop in a layby for TTC on Sheppard Avenue
East, far side of the McCowan Road intersection.
(c) The Contractor shall provide one eastbound Bus Stop for DRT on Sheppard Avenue East, east of
the Sheppard East Station Bus Terminal entrance and exit on Sheppard Avenue East.
(d) The Contractor shall provide one westbound Bus Stop for DRT discharge on Sheppard Avenue
East, nearside of the McCowan Road intersection.
(e) The Contractor shall provide one eastbound Bus Stop in a layby for YRT discharge on Sheppard
Avenue East, farside of the McCowan Road intersection. [Note to Dev Co: YRT requirements
are under discussions and subject to change.]
(f) The Contractor shall provide one northbound Bus Stop on McCowan Road, nearside of Nugget

3.10.4 Parking Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall design parking spaces in accordance with Section and provide for
the following minimums: [Note to Dev Co: parking requirements are under discussion and
subject to change]
(i) one as-needed maintenance, which may be shared with a Bus Layover;
(ii) one maintenance parking space for TPSS-04;
(iii) seven standard parking spaces allocated to TTC; and
(iv) one standard Passenger parking space allocated to YRT.
(b) The Contractor shall space proof for mobile generator(s) in accordance with Section

3.10.5 Traction Power Substation 04

(a) The Traction Power Sub-Station (TPSS-04) shall be located on the northeast quadrant of the
intersection of Sheppard Avenue East and McCowan Road.

3.10.6 Emergency Exit Building 08/Emergency Service Building 02

(a) EEB-08/ESB-02 shall be located at 20 Nugget Avenue, integrated with the Tail Tracks at
Platform level.
(b) EEB-08/ESB-02 shall include an ESB with SVS fan plant.

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(c) There shall be two parking spaces for EEB-08 located within the boundaries of Metrolinx Lands
per Schedule 20 - Lands. [Note to Dev Co: Parking requirements are under discussion and
subject to change].
(d) An access road with a turnaround shall connect EEB-08/ESB-02 to Nugget Avenue.
(e) EEB-08 / ESB-02 shall be oriented to provide exiting toward Nugget Avenue with a route to a
point of Safety.
(f) The design of EEB-08/ESB-02 shall allow for interfacing with TOC.

3.10.7 Roadway Design

(a) Entrance/exit points from the Bus Terminal to the roadway shall be signalized, with the
exceptions of right turn only entrances/exits and the southbound left turn into the McCowan Road
(b) There shall be a dedicated transit-only left-turn lane southbound on McCowan Road turning into
the new Bus Terminal.
(c) The southbound transit-only lane on McCowan Road shall be developed north of Nugget Avenue
through the McCowan Road and Nugget Avenue intersection.
(d) A dedicated westbound bus lane shall be on Sheppard Avenue East, between the Sheppard East
Bus Terminal entrance/exit and McCowan Road.
(e) The Sheppard Avenue East and McCowan Road intersection shall be reinstated to the existing
number of lanes except for the following:
(i) the Sheppard Avenue East westbound to McCowan Road northbound right turn lane must
be replaced by the dedicated bus lane.
(f) The Contractor shall provide road resurfacing, localized road reconstruction as needed, and
rehabilitation of sidewalks, boulevard, and curbs at the following locations:
(i) Sheppard Avenue East from the east side of the McCowan Road intersection to the east
side of East Highland Creek bridge (Structure ID: 265); and
(ii) McCowan Road from the south side of the Sheppard Avenue intersection to the south
side of the CPR rail bridge intersection.
(g) A dedicated northbound bus lane shall be on McCowan Road, between the Sheppard East Bus
Terminal entrance/exit on McCowan Road and Nugget Avenue.

3.10.8 Flood Mitigation & Culvert Upsizing

(a) TRCA regulated flood plain covers most of the area in vicinity of the Nugget Avenue &
McCowan Road intersection along East Highland Creek, encompassing much of the Tail Track
envelope and EEB-08/ESB-02.
(b) Flood mitigation in the area shall be achieved by replacing and upsizing two culvert structures, in
the vicinity, along the Milliken Tributary (East Highland Creek).
(c) The Contractor shall implement flood mitigation prior to Tail Track construction activities.

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(d) The Contractor shall implement flood mitigation to enable TOC Developments at Sheppard East
Station as follows:
(i) [Note to Dev Co: the following scope of work is under review and discussion with
Contracting Authority and City of Toronto] the Milliken Tributary structural culvert
under McCowan Road must be replaced and upsized by the Contractor; and
(ii) the Milliken Branch structural culvert under Nugget Avenue must be replaced and
upsized by the Contractor.
(e) The replacement of culverts shall be coordinated with City of Toronto and TRCA to ensure the
Contractor designs are in alignment with City of Toronto and TRCA requirements.

3.10.9 Sheppard East Storage Track and Tail Tracks

(a) The Contractor shall design the two Tail Tracks to extend from Sheppard East Station and
terminate at EEB-08.
(b) The Sheppard East Station Tail Tracks shall be constructed at the eastern end of the SSE
(c) The Sheppard East Storage Track shall be designed to diverge from the facing point RH No.9
Turnout, located on the Eastbound Track at the east Headwall, and run adjacent to the Eastbound
Track/Eastbound Tail Track and terminate at EEB-08; the estimated length from PS to end of rail
at EEB-08 is approximately 536.2m, which exceeds TTC’s minimum length of 178m for storing
one 6-car consist.
(d) Sheppard East Station shall be designed to accommodate the following overnight trainsets
(i) two trainsets on Sheppard East Storage Track;
(ii) one trainset on Eastbound platform track;
(iii) one trainset on Eastbound Tail Track;
(iv) one trainset on Westbound Tail Track; and
(v) one platform track can be kept clear for work car movements.

Figure 3.10-1. Sheppard East Station Trainset Storage

(e) Each Tail Track shall be a length of 224m, from the east end of Station Platform to end of rail at

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(f) The Contractor shall provide a double Cross-Over east of Sheppard East Station to support
operational headways outlined in Schedule 2.0 (Operational and Maintenance Requirements).
(g) The Contractor shall minimize the impact to the existing Highland Creek and TRCA Regulated
Areas, local roads, and businesses as follows:
(i) the Tail Tracks to cross below a section of Highland Creek and below Nugget Avenue;
(ii) use an alternative construction method for this section of the Alignment (not using a
Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM)); and
(iii) develop the alternative construction methodology for this section of the alignment which
complies with the Applicability Matrices (APPENDIX A - Facilities Applicability Matrix
and APPENDIX B - Systems Applicability Matrix), AREMA and industry best practices.

3.10.10 Urban Design and Landscape Architecture

(a) The Contractor shall ensure that the following UDLA criteria are achieved:
(i) the Main Entrance shall connect to a corner plaza located at the north-east quadrant of
McCowan Road and Sheppard Avenue East intersection;
(ii) the Station plaza treatment will extend from the building façade to the edge of the
Municipal road curb to create a unified public realm with the City of Toronto ROW;
(iii) Streetscape improvements shall be provided where fronting Station buildings and the
TPSS and must be designed with a continuous unit paving, planting, and furnishing
(iv) a unit paving treatment shall be provided at pedestrian waiting areas within the Bus
Terminal and around the PPUDO;
(v) Streetscapes and entrance plazas shall provide outdoor seating that reinforces gathering
pockets, supports waiting areas at the PPUDO, and animates the TPSS façade;
(vi) the east side of McCowan Road shall feature a double row of street trees where space
permits within the Municipal ROW. The north side of Sheppard Avenue East will feature
a single row of street trees where space permits within the Municipal ROW;
(vii) a row of trees in grates shall be provided within Station property along McCowan Road
between the Station building and pedestrian clearway to create a tree grove with
Municipal street trees;
(viii) where the PPUDO is fronting a public street, two raised planters with trees, understory
planting, and integrated seating shall be provided within Station property between
PPUDO and pedestrian clearway;
(ix) outdoor bicycle rings shall be provided for 48 spaces within site property, must sheltered
by a weather protection canopy integrated with the Station building façade, and must be
located near the Station entrance.
(x) a location for Bike Share Toronto shall be space-proofed for 19 parking spaces (5
modules) within the Municipal ROW on the east side of McCowan Road;

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(xi) a landscape buffer and security fencing shall be provided between the Station / PPUDO
and adjacent TOC property;
(xii) Security fencing shall be provided where the PMH units / TPSS-04 walkway is adjacent
to the Bus Terminal and Municipal ROW to prevent public access into the Bus Terminal;
(xiii) a continuous landscape buffer with tree planting and LID treatment shall be provided
within Station Property where the Bus Terminal is adjacent to East Highland Creek.

3.10.11 [Intentionally Deleted]

3.10.12 Design Coordination Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall coordinate their design with the proposed Line 4 Extension.
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate their design with the proposed Eglinton East LRT extension
including the following:
(c) [Note to Dev Co: coordination of requirements with City of Toronto continues for Eglinton
East LRT extension and are to be finalized by end of Initial Development Phase Period]
(i) placement of Facility Elements such as the Main Entrance assuming a widening of
Sheppard Avenue East Right of Way by 6.4m to the north and 2.6m to the south;
(A) for greater clarity, the Contractor may seek a variance on setback from the City
of Toronto if approved by Contracting Authority;
(ii) not relocating or permanently placing Utilities within the proposed Eglinton East LRT
extension tracks or centre platform;
(A) for greater clarity, the proposed Eglinton East LRT extension tracks and centre
platform, east of McCowan Road, are 17.4m wide located in the centre of
Sheppard Avenue East; and
(iii) assessing passenger flow and egress capacity of Knock Out panel for proposed Line 4
Extension based on additional ridership resulting from proposed Eglinton East LRT
(A) such forecasted ridership information to be obtained from the City of Toronto.

3.11 Ancillary Structure Scope

3.11.1 General
(a) Ancillary room design shall follow APPENDIX D - Facilities Room Requirements Matrix in this
Schedule 15.

3.11.2 Emergency Exit Building 01

(a) EEB-01 shall be on the south side of Eglinton Avenue East at the southwest corner of Eglinton
Avenue East and Winter Avenue at 2583 and 2581 Eglinton Avenue.

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(b) EEB-01 shall be oriented to exit toward Eglinton Avenue East with a sidewalk connection and
route to a point of safety.
(c) There shall be one parking space for EEB-01 located within the boundaries of Metrolinx Lands
per Schedule 20 – Lands.

3.11.3 Emergency Exit Building 02

(a) EEB-02 shall be on the site of the existing No Frills at the corner of Eglinton Avenue East and
Danforth Road, at 2742 Eglinton Avenue.
(b) EEB-02 shall be oriented to exit toward the south with a sidewalk connection and route to a point
of safety.
(c) There shall be one parking space for EEB-02 located within the boundaries of Metrolinx Lands
per Schedule 20 – Lands.
(d) There shall be underground duct bank connections from TPSS-01 to EEB-02.

3.11.4 Emergency Exit Building 03/Emergency Service Building 01

(a) EEB-03/ESB-01 shall be at Danforth Road and Thicketwood Drive, at 1340 and 1360 Danforth
(b) EEB-03/ESB-01 shall be oriented to exit toward Danforth Road with a sidewalk connection and
route to a point of safety.
(c) EEB-03/ESB-01 shall include an ESB with SVS fan plant.
(d) There shall be two parking spaces for EEB-03/ESB-01 located within the boundaries of
Metrolinx Lands per Schedule 20 - Lands. [Note to Dev Co: Parking requirements are under
discussion and subject to change].

3.11.5 Emergency Exit Building 04

(a) EEB-04 shall be at 1515 Danforth Road.
(b) EEB-04 shall be integrated into the Toronto Public Library’s parking area on the south side of the
(c) EEB-04 shall be oriented to exit toward Danforth Road with a sidewalk connection and route to a
point of safety.
(d) There shall be one parking space for EEB-04 located within the boundaries of Metrolinx Lands
per Schedule 20 - Lands.

3.11.6 Emergency Exit Building 05

(a) EEB-05 shall be at McCowan Road and Meldazy Drive at 960 McCowan Road.
(b) There shall be one parking space for EEB-05 located within the boundaries of Metrolinx Lands
per Schedule 20 - Lands.
(c) Parking space shall be located under a Carport structure integrated into EEB-05.

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(d) The carport structure shall not provide weather protection.

(e) EEB-05 shall be oriented to exit toward the side yard with a sidewalk connection and route to a
point of Safety.

3.11.7 Emergency Exit Building 06

(a) EEB-06 shall be on the north side of the corner residential property at 1072 McCowan Road
(b) EEB-06 shall be oriented to exit toward McCowan Road with a sidewalk connection and route to
a point of safety.
(c) There shall be one parking space for EEB-06 located within the boundaries of Metrolinx Lands
per Schedule 20- Lands.

3.11.8 Emergency Exit Building 07

(a) EEB-07 shall be within the City of Toronto McCowan Road ROW, PIN 061710026, on the
northeast corner of the intersection of McCowan Road and the Highway 401 Westbound off-
(b) EEB-07 shall be oriented to exit toward McCowan Road with a sidewalk connection and route to
a point of safety.
(c) There shall be one parking space for EEB-07.

3.11.9 Emergency Exit Building 08/Emergency Service Building 02

(a) Refer to Section 3.10.6.

3.11.10 Traction Power Substation 01

(a) TPSS-01 shall be a standalone structure at 1269 Danforth Road.
(b) Parking Requirements:
(i) There shall be two maintenance parking spaces for TPSS-01 located within the
boundaries of Metrolinx Lands per Schedule 20 - Lands.
(ii) There shall be one mobile backup generator parking space for TPSS-01 located within
the boundaries of Contracting Authority property per Schedule 20 - Lands.

3.11.11 Traction Power Substation 02

(a) Refer to Section 3.8.5.

3.11.12 Traction Power Substation 03

(a) Refer to Section 3.9.5.

3.11.13 Traction Power Substation 04

(a) Refer to Section 3.10.5.

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3.12 Rail Systems Scope

3.12.1 General
(a) The Contractor shall design, supply, install, integrate, test, commission, and safety certify the
SSE Systems as an extension to the existing TTC Line 2 Systems.
(b) The Contractor shall design, supply, install, integrate, test, commission, and safety certify all
Systems infrastructure in coordination and consultation with TTC, where applicable.
(c) The Contractor shall comply with any approved TTC Design Standard Variance Requests
(DSVR) if applicable.
(d) The Contractor shall identify and agree on the applicable requirements in the TTC Master
Specifications and TTC Standard and Directive Drawings with Contracting Authority.
(e) Upon agreement with Contracting Authority, the Contractor shall comply with the applicable
revision to the TTC Design Manual (DM), TTC Master Specifications, and TTC Standard and
Directive Drawings.

3.12.2 Subway Ventilation System

(a) The Contractor shall provide a Subway Ventilation System which complies with NFPA-130.
(b) SVS shall provide the necessary functionality for Station emergency, Tunnel emergency,
congested operation, maintenance, and testing modes according to the Applicability Matrix.
(c) SVS Shafts shall facilitate the piston-effect generated by the train movement as the primary mode
of normal ventilation for the Tunnels and Station public areas.
(d) SVS shall include Shafts, dampers, fully reversible axial fans, and fan rooms at each SSE Station
and at the east end of the existing Kennedy Station in a new Kennedy east ventilation fan plant.
(e) The Contractor shall incorporate and integrate the Kennedy east ventilation fan plant and the
Kennedy west ventilation fan plant built as part of the KEW scope as specified in Section 3.14.5,
with remote and local control provided at the FSCP and TCC for Kennedy Station.
(f) SVS fans shall also be provided at ESB as needed to accommodate a maximum of two trains per
Ventilation Zone during operations, where a Ventilation Zone is defined as a segment of Tunnel
between adjacent SVS fan Shafts, or between SVS fan Shafts and a portal.
(g) SVS equipment shall be accessible for maintenance and inspection, with provisions to remove
and replace equipment in accordance with the TTC’s maintenance requirements.
(h) The Contractor shall perform the necessary Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Subway
Environment Simulation (SES) analysis to establish ventilation modes and conduct cold air
simulations (non-fire conditions) to provide commissioning data for confirmation of ventilation
System performance.
(i) The Contractor shall perform smoke dispersion analysis to evaluate emergency vent shaft
termination locations with the objective to mitigate risk of smoke re-entrainment into the Station
and mitigate exposure risk to adjacent sensitive receptors during emergency operation.

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(j) The Contractor shall integrate SVS with the existing TTC Systems, enabling SVS control and
monitoring from the TCC, with local control of SVS equipment provided at each Station at the
Fire Smoke Control Panel (FSCP) and for each fan assembly at Subway Ventilation Control

3.12.3 Traction Power System

(a) The Contractor shall provide the Traction Power System (TPS) that includes Traction Power
Substations (TPSSs) and traction power distribution System to support required train service
levels and emergency operations.
(b) The Contractor shall provide one new standalone TPS and three new TPSSs adjacent to Lawrence
East, Scarborough Centre, and Sheppard East Stations. Refer to Section 3.11.
(c) The Contractor shall construct a Kennedy TPSS expansion as part of KEW scope specified in
APPENDIX E - Kennedy Enabling Works.
(d) Each TPSS shall house electrical, mechanical, and communications equipment that support the
function and operation of the associated subway System.
(e) TPSS design shall include:
(i) medium voltage, Alternating Current (AC) switchgear lineup supplied by two 27.6 kV
independent feeders from Toronto Hydro;
(ii) 1900 kW traction power transformer-rectifier units;
(iii) 600 V Direct Current (DC) switchgear lineup;
(iv) traction power positive and negative distribution System;
(v) AC power cables;
(vi) negative drain equipment as corrosion control Interface;
(vii) Floating Negative Automatic Grounding Switch (FNAGS);
(viii) traction power protective device Systems;
(ix) Interface to ETS;
(x) Interface to the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System;
(xi) HVAC;
(xii) TPSS building auxiliary power supply System;
(xiii) control power System for TPSS equipment;
(xiv) raceway Systems; and
(xv) grounding Systems.
(f) The traction power distribution System shall consist of:
(i) electrical raceways and cabling that extend from TPSSs to the traction power cable pull
room at Stations and EEB-02;

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(ii) final cable connections to the contact rail (traction power rail) and negative rail;
(iii) raceways and cabling that extend from TPSSs to the Communications Equipment Room
(CER), electrical room, and signals inverter room at Stations;
(iv) duct banks that connect to the KEW TPSS duct bank extension as specified in Section
(v) contact rail (traction power rail) system;
(vi) Negative Reinforcing Feeder (NRF) cables;
(vii) rail bonding;
(viii) tie breakers and section breakers at select EEB locations;
(ix) Shorting Switches (SSW) at select track-level locations; and
(x) Electrically Operated Isolating Switch (EOIS) at traction power cable pull room and
select track-level locations.

3.12.4 Trackwork
(a) The Contractor shall provide trackwork for:
(i) a maximum 80 kph operating speeds except for predefined speed restrictions; and
(ii) design with provisions to operate at sustainable operating headways as outlined in
Section 2.0.
(b) The track layout from Kennedy Station to Sheppard East Station shall consist of the following:
(i) two-track mainline designated as the Eastbound Track and Westbound Track;
(ii) a center pocket track east of Kennedy Station connected to both mainline tracks;
(iii) the west end of the Kennedy Pocket Track to be connected to both the eastbound track
and westbound track;
(iv) the east end of the Kennedy Pocket Track to stub-end at a bumping post;
(v) double Cross-Overs immediately west of Scarborough Centre and Sheppard East
(vi) storage track adjacent to Sheppard East Station;
(vii) the Storage Track to be located to the south of Sheppard East Station and run parallel to
the south side of the Eastbound Track / Eastbound Tail Track; and
(viii) a right-hand trailing Cross-Over between the two mainline tracks and right-hand facing
turnout on the eastbound track to access the storage track adjacent to Sheppard East
(c) Left-hand and right-hand turnouts, including double and single crossovers, shall be based on TTC
no. 9 tangential turnout geometry (except at the west end of the pocket track, which is a TTC
standard equilateral turnout).

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(d) The SSE track Alignment design shall meet the Applicability Matrix and approved TTC Design
Standard Variance Requests (DSVR).
(e) The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining approved DSVRs from TTC for any variations
not yet approved by an existing DSVR applicable to the Project.
(f) The horizontal Alignment design shall consist of tangents joined by circular curves. The vertical
Alignment consists of grade lines joined by parabolic curves.
(g) Mainline horizontal curves shall be super-elevated and provided with entry and exit spirals as
detailed in the Applicability Matrix.
(h) Horizontal Alignment design provides for 4.97 m track centres within the single bore Tunnel,
through the Lawrence East and Scarborough Centre Stations, and through EEB-01 through EEB-
(i) The Contractor shall widen the track centres between Kennedy Station and Launch Shaft 1 (LS-
1), and at Sheppard East Station to the end of track at EEB-08.
(j) Widening of track centers shall be used at locations throughout the extension to support subway
construction and wayside infrastructure design.
(k) The Contractor shall provide three auxiliary tracks for SSE:
(i) Kennedy Pocket Track;
(ii) Sheppard East eastbound and westbound Tail Tracks (extensions of the main tracks east
of the Station Platform and used for overnight storage of trainsets); and
(iii) Sheppard East Storage Track (used for overnight storage of trainsets).
(l) Auxiliary tracks are provided to support rail operations and are not typically used by revenue
(m) Sliding friction bumpers at the end of all auxiliary trackage shall be installed as per the
Applicability Matrix.
(n) The Contractor shall design minimum allowable horizontal clearances measured from track
centerline, and minimum vertical clearances measured above top of low rail, based on the
Applicability Matrix.
(o) Where it is not possible to meet TTC clearance requirements, the wayside obstructions shall be
set outside the dynamic profile, or maximum movement, of the vehicle as it travels along the
track plus an additional running space of 50mm.
(p) Mainline and auxiliary tracks and Special Trackwork shall be constructed using continuous
welded rail and using the resilient tie-block system as the base track form, where noise
attenuation level can be met.
(q) The resilient tie-blocks shall consist of independent precast concrete blocks, reinforced and
incorporating TTC rail fastening Systems.
(r) The Contractor shall demonstrate that the proposed track form will provide required noise and
vibration attenuation levels mitigation identified in the Environmental Report.

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(s) The Contractor shall provide transition section between track forms.
(t) The resilient tie blocks shall be placed inside of rubber rail boots which are embedded in the
second concrete pour.
(u) The Contractor shall perform dynamic analysis as per APTA PR-M-RP-009-98 (Ver. March,
1999) for the entire end-to-end SSE alignment, coordinate and prepare design modifications and
optimizations as required based on the dynamic simulation analysis results.

3.12.5 Signaling and Train Control System General
(a) The current Signaling and Train Control scope includes a fixed block signaling system for SSE.
(b) The Contractor shall discuss and coordinate with TTC and Contracting Authority on elements, (d), (e), and (f).
(c) Contracting Authority may elect to modify the Project scope to include the integration and
implementation of a new ATC System instead of the fixed block signaling system. The potential
ATC scope change will be dependent on the TTC’s Line 2 ATC upgrade schedule and is in active
discussion between Contracting Authority and TTC.
(d) The Contractor shall be responsible for the Interface and integration of the SSE Kennedy
interlocking (Kennedy east interlocking) with the in-service existing Kennedy interlocking
(Kennedy west interlocking) as follows:
(i) if the Contractor determines any modifications or replacement of the existing Kennedy
west interlocking is required, the Contractor shall discuss and obtain agreement with
Contracting Authority and TTC; and
(ii) if any modification or replacement of the existing Kennedy west Interlocking is required,
the Contractor shall be responsible for all works including the design, installation,
implementation, Test & Commissioning and Safety Certification.
(e) Central Signal System (CSS) – the current TTC Line 2 CSS will require an Interface with the new
Computer Based Interlockings (CBI) – Alstom is the provider of this System and must make
associated modifications:
(i) the Contractor shall be responsible for any necessary procurement, design, installation,
integration, testing, commissioning, and certification with the CSS to make the SSE a
fully functional operational System; and
(ii) the Contractor shall coordinate with Contracting Authority and TTC for CSS work.
(f) Speed Control System (SCSys) – the current SCSys will require Interfaces with the current
signals and revenue vehicle onboard controller updates – Thales Rail Signaling is the provider of
this System and must modify software to handle the extension.
(i) the Contractor shall be responsible for any necessary procurement, design, installation,
integration, testing, commissioning, and certification for the SCSys to make the SSE a
fully functional operational System; and

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(ii) the Contractor shall coordinate with Contracting Authority and TTC for SCSys work.
(g) The Contractor’s shall design, supply, install, integrate, test, commission, and safety certify the
(h) The Contractor shall provide a fixed block signal System consisting of the following:
(i) track circuits or axle counters for train positioning;
(ii) switch machines at turnouts;
(iii) luminous signals in accordance with Subway/SRT Rulebook Section 9 shall be placed
based on the following:
(A) track geometry;
(B) NFPA-130 compliance, with no more than 2 trains per vent zone per track;
(C) train speed control by grade timing and Station timing signals protected by train
(D) safe braking model; and
(E) one train per power block - traction power sectionalization.
(iv) Train stops in accordance with Subway/SRT Rulebook Section 9 at the following:
(A) at each signal location for red signal overrun;
(B) at terminal platforms;
(C) at Tail Tracks;
(D) at pocket tracks; and
(E) at the end of the line approaching bump posts.
(v) power;
(vi) Computer Based Interlockings; and
(vii) Speed Control System. Computer-Based Interlockings

(a) The Contractor shall provide four CBI’s at:
(i) Kennedy;
(ii) Lawrence East;
(iii) Scarborough Centre; and
(iv) Sheppard East terminal Stations.
(b) At the head-end location, the CBI shall interface and integrate with the existing TTC CSS to
process requests (controls) from and provide status (indications) to the CSS.

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(c) The Contractor shall provide redundant uninterruptible power supply for each CBI compliant
with the Applicability Matrix, ensuring continuous operation of the interlocking in case of a
power-feed failure.
(d) The Contractor shall provision each CBI to be controlled locally, via a computer based local
control panel, for maintenance activities and emergency operation.
(e) The Contractor shall provision each CBI to be controlled through the CSS under normal
operation. Kennedy CBI

(a) The new Kennedy CBI shall control the eastern side of the Platform – east of chainage 10+000.
(b) For the Kennedy tie-in point area, the Contractor shall integrate the new interlocking with the
existing TTC Line-2 signal system on the west of 10+047.
(c) The Contractor shall be responsible for and coordinate with TTC for modifications required to the
existing interlocking west of 10+047. Speed Control System

(a) In addition to the fixed block signaling System, the Contractor shall provide an overlay Speed
Control System for the SSE.
(i) the SCSys provides speed supervision and red signal violation protection; and
(ii) the SCSys follows the requirements as defined by Thales Rail Signalling.
(b) The SCSys shall consist of:
(i) wayside transponder tags on the track;
(ii) Interface from the signal to each transponder; and
(iii) a software database on each train located in the onboard controller.
(c) The Contractor shall be responsible for and coordinate with TTC and Contacting Authority for
software modifications required by the SSE extension to Line-2 revenue vehicles. Kennedy Tail Track Modification

(a) During the construction works at Kennedy Tail Track east of 10+047, modifications will be
performed by TTC at existing Kennedy relay interlocking to compensate for the operational
impact of the Tail Track demolition and keep Line 2 under normal revenue operations during the
SSE construction. Communications-Based Train Control and Automatic Train Control

(a) The Contractor shall provision for future Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC)
equipment, including:
(i) space provision in dedicated room(s) in Stations;
(ii) dedicated CBTC power supply room(s) at Stations;

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(iii) conduits and raceways for communication and power; and

(iv) provision for tunnel clearance for ATC cables and radio equipment.

3.12.6 Communication Systems General Requirements

(a) For Communication Systems, the Contractor shall identify detailed requirements for the
following needs during the design, in coordination with TTC and Contracting Authority:
(i) modifications to the head ends;
(ii) potential TTC specified vendors;
(iii) integration, test, and commissioning of headend equipment with the extensions; and
(iv) transfer of Asset Information and CCTV footage to Contracting Authority for the
extensions, if required.
(b) The Contractor shall consider the following TTC constraints:
(i) the Contractor is accountable for all required headend modification and integration
applicable to operation of the extension. However, TTC will have full control over the
availability of the headend for modification, integration, test and commissioning and
Safety certification;
(ii) detailed design, modifications, and integration of some of the headend will need to be
performed by TTC or TTC’s approved vendors; and
(iii) the Contractor to coordinate and collaborate with TTC to determine the preferred means
of performing and scheduling the headend System modifications to meet the Project
(c) The Contractor shall provide lockable racks and cabinets in all communication rooms. Communication Systems-head ends and integration at TCC:

(a) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC for any modification to the headend equipment
installed in:
(i) Transit Control Centre (TCC);
(ii) Backup Transit Control Centre (BTCC); and
(iii) elsewhere as applicable.
(b) The Contractor, in coordination with TTC, shall have the overall responsibility for all
modifications, integration, test & commissioning and certification of the headend equipment and
associated interface with the extension.
(c) The Contractor may refer to the “TTC Headend Systems, including Signaling” document
(219214S-OTP-SSTC-MEM-00004) supplied in the Data Room, which provides additional detail
in regard to the required Headend Modifications and scope of work.

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(d) The Contractor shall provide remote or field equipment, (which will be installed in Passenger
Stations, associated Bus Terminals, TPSSs, EEBs, ESBs, Tunnels, and other miscellaneous
facilities throughout the SSE extension) to have connectivity with the existing and expanded
headend, and to other field devices as required, through the BCN.
(e) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC to ensure space and location provisions for the headend
expansion are made.
(f) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC to provide necessary modifications as follows:
(i) provide SSE communication Systems’ connectivity (remote and field equipment) to the
headend equipment;
(ii) expand the Integrated Communication System (ICS), which is a recorded centralized
dispatch and information System, to integrate with the following Systems for integrated
voice communications and incident tracking in SSE:
(A) telephone;
(B) PAI;
(C) CCTV System;
(D) Public Address; and
(E) radio System.
(iii) expand the CCTV System to integrate the SSE Station CCTV to the existing TTC Video
Management System (VMS) at TCC and BTCC;
(iv) expand the PA System by connecting the SSE Stations’ PA Systems to the PA headend
equipment within the PA LAN ring at the TCC and BTCC;
(v) expand PAI System to provide voice communication between Passengers in SSE and the
TTC personnel;
(vi) expand PVIS to display the necessary content as required from a workstation at the TCC
over the TTC Network in PVIS screens; and
(vii) expand all existing NMSs at the TCC to manage the SSE’s network equipment/devices
for fault, administration, configuration, performance, and Security. Backbone Communication Network (BCN)

(a) The Contractor shall provide a fibre optic Backbone Communication Network as an expansion of
(and tie-in to) the existing Line 2 BCN at Kennedy Station to expand the independent networks of
the SONET, OPSLAN and TTC Corporate (ITS).
(b) SONET network shall carry transmissions for the following:
(i) Fire Signal Receiving Centre (FSRC);
(ii) SCADA System (comprised of multiple Subsystems);
(iii) Emergency Trip System (ETS); and
(iv) Central Signaling System (CSS).

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(c) Ethernet-based network, called OPSLAN shall carry transmissions for the following:
(i) Video Surveillance and Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV);
(ii) Passenger Assistance Intercom (PAI);
(iii) Permanent Work Area Warning (PWAW);
(iv) Escalator/Elevator Real Time Monitoring System (RTMS);
(v) Public Address System;
(vi) Signal Asset Monitoring System (SAMS);
(vii) ION traction power meters; and
(viii) Access Control System (ACS).
(d) Ethernet-based network for the TTC corporate network, shall carry transmissions for the
(i) Building Automation Control System (BACS);
(ii) TTC Wireless LAN (WLAN);
(iii) VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) telephones;
(iv) Passenger Visual Information System (PVIS);
(v) Passenger Information Display System (PIDS); and
(vi) Advertising Display System (ADS).
(e) Other future network and connectivity additions can be allocated to the spare fibres on the SSE
BCN. Distributed Antenna System (DAS)

(a) The Contractor shall expand existing DAS to distribute RF signals and provide coverage for
approved authorized users in and out of the underground sections of the SSE including:
(i) expansion of existing DAS in Stations, facilities and the Tunnel segment using leaky
coax cables and a combination of antenna arrays.
(ii) coordination with the following user agencies to provide the existing radio Systems’
functionality in SSE:
(A) the Tri-Services (Police, Fire and EMS);
(B) RCMP; and
(C) other governmental agencies. VDRS
(a) The Contractor shall expand the existing VDRS coverage throughout the SSE premises and
facilities using TTC’s licensed RF spectrum in a multi-channel digital radio System.

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(b) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC to perform required surveys for VDRS coverage in
SSE aboveground premises and facilities. CCTV
(a) The Contractor shall expand the CCTV Systems to provide operators and Security personnel with
the means of visual monitoring of the SSE System premises and facilities. PA System
(a) The Contractor shall expand the PA System in SSE for announcements to Passengers and staff at
Stations and TPSSs.
(b) PA System shall provide the ability for automated and ad hoc announcements made by operation
personnel from TCC and SSE Stations. PAI System

(a) The Contractor shall expand the existing PAI System in SSE to facilitate communications
between subway customers and operations staff.
(b) PAI devices shall be installed at the SSE Stations, Designated Waiting Areas (DWA), elevator
cabs, elevator landings, entrance/exit of paid fare zones and next to fare vending equipment,
Areas of Refuge, universal washrooms, and pedestrian tunnels. PVIS
(a) The Contractor shall expand Passenger Visual Information System (PVIS) to provide Passenger
information and System status to the travelling public. Telephone
(a) The Contractor shall expand the TTC telephone network for operations, maintenance,
administration, and emergency reporting and emergency voice communications in SSE.
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC and Bell Canada to expand the existing telephone
network including:
(i) TTC traditional PBX interfacing incorporating PAX System: as part of an Emergency
Alarm Station, there is a hardened staff telephone in a robust harsh environment rated
(ii) TTC’s VoIP phones through TTC ITS (corporate) network: staff phones or TTC Internal
Phones to be implemented through VoIP Phones; and
(iii) public pay telephones for patrons: pay telephones are to be used by the public for
convenience and for reporting emergencies and to be connected to the traditional PBX
System. Access Control System

(a) The Contractor shall expand the current Access Control System to control and monitor access of
the following SSE facilities:

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(i) private washrooms;

(ii) Station entrances;
(iii) Station Attendant Booths;
(iv) Zone Hub rooms;
(v) Station back-of house corridors; and
(vi) assigned rooms.
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC for other additional areas that require to be controlled
and monitored by ACS. TDMS
(a) The Contractor shall provision for the Train Door Monitoring System in SSE to provide the
ability for train operators to view the subway vehicle doors while the train is in the SSE Stations
and for a minimum of one and a half car lengths into the Tunnel as the train leaves the Station. Station Stop Announcements (SSA)

(a) The Contractor shall extend the Station Stop Announcement system, providing a means to
automatically announce the next arriving station over the train’s on-board public address system,
to include all SSE Stations. The system involves active on-board detection reading RFID tags
installed along the guideway to determine the train location and trigger the appropriate on-board
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate the modification to the train software on the Line 1 and Line 2
fleet with TTC to include the new SSE/YNSE station names.
(c) The Contractor shall be responsible for the installation of the RFID tags along the guideway in
locations to be coordinated with TTC.

3.12.7 Integrated Control System General Requirement

(a) The Contractor shall provide all necessary modifications to ensure each individual Integrated
Control System (IntCS) Subsystem can:
(i) record and store System information at the remote location; or
(ii) provide this functionality through SCADA to the headend. Integrated Control Systems-headend and Integration at TCC:

(a) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC for any modifications to the IntCS headend equipment
installed in:
(i) Transit Control Centre (TCC); and
(ii) Backup Transit Control Centre (BTCC).

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(b) The Contractor shall have the overall responsibility for all modifications, integration, test &
commissioning and certification of the headend equipment and associated Interface with the
(c) The Contractor may refer to the “TTC Headend Systems, including Signaling” document
(219214S-OTP-SSTC-MEM-00004) supplied in the Data Room, which provides additional detail
in regard to the required Headend Modifications and scope of work.
(d) The following IntCS headend equipment shall require modification:
(i) PWAW System headend at the TCC to be expanded to include additional WAW Systems
for the SSE;
(ii) RTMS System headend at the TCC to be expanded to include additional elevators and
escalators at SSE;
(iii) FSRC System headend equipment at the TCC to be expanded to include fire alarm
information regarding the additional SSE facilities;
(iv) System and configuration of the mimic displays to be expanded to show the updated
System overview screens (for SSE) on the displays; and
(v) headend Power and Transit Control SCADA System (Master SCADA servers and
SCADA workstations and HMIs at TCC) must be expanded to cover the following
SCADA Data Points in SSE:
(A) Intrusion Detection System;
(B) ET System;
(C) Traction Power equipment and System;
(D) SVS control System PLCs;
(E) Station and facility power Systems;
(F) Communication System monitoring;
(G) snow and ice melting Systems;
(H) battery room exhaust Systems;
(I) Station and track pumping Systems;
(J) RTMS System high-level alarm monitoring;
(K) PWAW System high-level alarm monitoring; and
(L) other data points as required. SCADA System

(a) The Contractor shall expand the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System for
new Assets in the extension.
(b) The Contractor shall provide the following equipment, Interfaces, and modification both at the
wayside and the head ends as part of the Integrated Control System (IntCS) for the SSE:

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(i) modification to existing multiple headend SCADA Systems at TCC;

(ii) modification to SCADA workstations and HMIs at TCC;
(iii) providing remote and field equipment to be installed in Passenger Stations, associated
Bus Terminals, TPSS, EEBs, ESBs, Tunnels and other SSE miscellaneous facilities for
interfacing to the SCADA System for monitoring and control features; and
(iv) providing SCADA System Interfaces with following Systems, where the process control
will be provided by other disciplines:
(A) power System: monitoring and control the status of the SSE’s DC traction power
equipment and Systems installed within the TPSS, and AC electrical and control
equipment at SSE Stations and Facilities;
(B) transit System: monitoring key Train Control System Status (adding applicable
SSE points to the existing Interface with CSS);
(C) Subway Ventilation System: providing SSE’s SVS PLCs Interface supervisory
controls and status to the Master SCADA server at the TCC via the SCADA
(D) pumping Systems: providing Interfaces between SCADA System and SSE’s
pumping System to monitor the pumping System status; and
(E) provisions for future Platform Edge Door System (PEDS). Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

(a) The Contractor shall expand the Intrusion Detection System to monitor intrusion alarms on
designated doors and access-ways in SSE.
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC to Interface the IDS with the SCADA to provide door
status information to the operation personnel. Permanent Work Area Warning System (PWAW)

(a) The Contractor shall expand the PWAW System to alert subway operators of personnel working
along the SSE subway ROW.
(b) The Contractor shall provide the Interface between the SCADA System and the SSE’s PWAW
PLCs to monitor status of the PWAW components and real-time status of the overall System. Emergency Trip System (ETS)

(a) The Contractor shall expand the ET control System to enable personnel to de-energize the 600V
DC traction power from sectionalized areas of the contact rail (traction power rail) System in
(b) The Contractor shall provide the Interface between the SCADA System and SSE’s ET System
PLCs to control and monitor the ET System connected field devices.

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Systems DPA Execution Version Real-time Monitoring System (RTMS)

(a) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC to expand RTMS to:
(i) monitor the status of elevators and escalators installed in the SSE facilities; and
(ii) convey the elevator and escalator status information to the RTMS Master SCADA at
(iii) locate the “RTMS PLC” between and interface to both the machine PLC and RTMS
(A) The Contractor shall investigate the possibility of providing a single RTMS PLC
for multiple lifting devices. Fire Signal receiving Center (FSRC)

(a) The Contractor shall expand the existing Fire Signal Receiving Centre (FSRC) System to transmit
fire alarms from SSE stations, TPSS buildings and any other related SSE facilities to the FSRC
consoles at TCC to allow for prompt response to fire alarm.
(b) The Contractor shall expand the existing Fire Signal Receiving Centre (FSRC) System to display
the alarm information in combination of graphical and text format to enable FSRC operators to
dispatch the appropriate emergency services or maintenance personnel as required by the nature
of the alarm.

3.12.8 Fare Collection Scope

(a) The Contractor shall design and construct infrastructure and Interfaces to fare collection System.
(b) The SSE fare collection System is designed and supplied by others, and includes:
(i) ticket/smart card machines;
(ii) fare gates; and
(iii) head-end servers, databases, and networking equipment.
(c) The Contractor shall design and construct infrastructure and Interfaces between fare collection
System and the fire alarm System to allow for high throughput during evacuation scenarios in
compliance with OBC and NFPA 130.
(d) Contracting Authority will be responsible for providing fare collection equipment specifications,
and for providing physical fare collection equipment to the Contractor.
(e) The Contractor shall design and construct infrastructure and Interfaces to fare collection System,
including Interfaces with:
(i) mechanical Systems;
(ii) electrical Systems;
(iii) communication Systems;
(iv) operational Systems;
(v) Security Systems;

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(vi) other subway Systems; and

(vii) external entities, as required to perform all necessary functions of fare collection System.
(f) The Contractor shall support and co-ordinate installation, testing, and commissioning activities of
the fare collection equipment with Contracting Authority's preferred contractor.

3.12.9 Requirements Management Scope

(a) The Contractor shall develop a Requirements Management (RM) process to manage the
requirements of all Systems, Subsystems, Assets, and Interfaces throughout the Life Cycle of the
Project to provide full bi-directional traceability.
(b) The Contractor’s RM processes shall address requirement management activities including:
(i) identifying, collecting, recording, analyzing, tracing, prioritizing, reviewing, and
approving requirements, including any Stakeholder requirements that need to be
discovered and collected by engaging Stakeholders;
(ii) decomposing and deriving of requirements, as well as ensuring tracing of compliance
evidence including test plans, procedures, and results;
(iii) bidirectional traceability through all levels of requirements including Project
requirements, Stakeholder requirements, Interface requirements and requirements from
technical analyses; and
(iv) requirements Validation to ensure that Derived Requirements meet the needs and intent
of Stakeholder requirements.
(c) The Contractor’s RM processes shall follow established standards and guidelines, including the
INCOSE Handbook and International Organization for Standardization (ISO)/ International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE)15288, ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207, ISO/IEC/IEEE 24748, ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148, and IEEE
(d) An RM software tool agreed upon by Contracting Authority shall be used to implement the
Contractor’s RM process throughout the Project Life Cycle.

3.12.10 System Assurance and Integration Scope

(a) The Contractor shall implement a comprehensive System Assurance (SA) program throughout
the Life Cycle of the Project, in compliance with Schedule 29 – Safety, System Assurance and
Security, including processes addressing the specific needs of the Project, to ensure the Project
meets the reliability, availability, maintainability, and Safety (RAMS) targets established by
Contracting Authority.
(b) The Contractor shall implement a Systems Integration process according to ISO/IEC/IEEE
15288, ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207, ISO/IEC/IEEE 24748, ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148, and IEEE 1233.
(c) The Contractor’s Systems integration process shall ensure that the Project’s interfacing elements,
including hardware, software, and rail operations are interfaced, integrated and compatible with
the Line 2 subway System and existing ROW infrastructure.

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(d) The Contractor’s System Assurance and integration processes shall at a minimum include:
(i) testing, in compliance with Schedule 14 – Testing and Commissioning, including Factory
Acceptance Testing (FAT), Post-Installation Check Out (PICO), Site Acceptance Testing
(SAT), System Integration Testing (SIT), Integrated Systems Testing (IST), and Revenue
Service Demonstration (as defined in Schedule 14 – Testing and Commissioning);
(ii) Verification of design against all levels of requirements;
(iii) Validation of design against all Project requirements, including Stakeholder
requirements; and
(iv) Safety certification and commissioning of the extension in compliance with Schedule 29
– Safety, System Assurance and Security and Schedule 14 – Testing and Commissioning,
and in a manner agreed upon by Contracting Authority and TTC.

3.12.11 Electro Magnetic Compatibility/Electro Magnetic Interference Scope

(a) The Contractor shall implement electro-magnetic compatibility/electro-magnetic interference
(EMC/EMI) plans and program for all Systems, Subsystems, and components.
(b) The Contractor’s EMC/EMI plan shall ensure the design achieves compliance with EMC/EMI
requirements of Section 3.32 while providing safe and reliable operation in all specified functions
and modes.
(c) The Contractor’s EMC/EMI program/plan specific to each discipline shall apply to all
(d) The Contractor shall demonstrate that all Systems do not electrically or magnetically interfere
with the safe and proper operation of the SSE, Revenue Vehicles, maintenance vehicles, or
wayside equipment, including external Systems and equipment.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure that there is no harmful or disturbing electrical interference of the
SSE Systems with external Systems, including, at a minimum, city traffic System, human beings,
radio/television receivers, radio/television transmitters, cellular Systems, wireless Systems, power
gridlines, power substations, cars, buses, police, emergency vehicles, and any other equipment
belonging to Passengers, pedestrians, and neighborhoods.

3.12.12 Corrosion Control Scope

(a) The Contractor shall apply the corrosion control criteria throughout the entire Life Cycle of the
SSE Project under three categories:
(i) stray current corrosion control;
(ii) soil corrosion control; and
(iii) atmospheric corrosion control.
(b) The Contractor shall protect the following structures and facilities from corrosion including:
(i) underground utilities;
(ii) buried concrete and reinforced concrete structures;

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(iii) support pilings;

(iv) retaining walls;
(v) track;
(vi) Traction Power System;
(vii) underground power cables;
(viii) reinforcing steel;
(ix) Tunnel liners;
(x) Tunnel structures;
(xi) Passenger Stations; and
(xii) emergency exit buildings/emergency service buildings.

3.13 Tunnels Scope

(a) The Contractor shall receive the completed Advance Tunnel handover elements including the
Bored Tunnel, Headwalls for Stations and EEBs, launch Shaft, extraction Shaft, and other
associated Temporary Works as outlined in Schedule 4 – Advance Tunnel Handover, and
incorporate those elements into the design and construction of the Works.
(b) The Contractor shall continue to maintain the same design parameters and requirements for the
as-constructed elements, unless otherwise prescribed in this Project Agreement.
(c) The Contractor shall demolish Precast Concrete Tunnel Lining (PCTL) sections between adjacent
Headwalls within a Station or EEB box footprint, ensuring the overall stability of the capacity and
integrity of the PCTL is not compromised.
(d) The Contractor may design and construct the following elements using Sequential Excavation
Method (SEM):
(i) part or totality of Underground Stations;
(ii) part or totality of EEBs;
(iii) part or totality of Alignment west of LS-2;
(iv) part or totality of Alignment north of LS-1; and
(v) local enlargements or niches;
(e) In the design and construction of Tunnels using SEM, the Contractor shall account for the
(i) initial or pre-support;
(ii) sequential excavation;
(iii) final lining;
(iv) dewatering; and

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(v) waterproofing.
(f) The Contractor shall design and construct Guideway Fit Out elements for the Bored Tunnel
including, at high level, the following:
(i) Tunnel invert;
(ii) Safety walkways;
(iii) Tunnel centre wall, including Cross Passages;
(iv) mechanical and electrical Systems; and
(v) Systems equipment and infrastructure.
(g) The Contractor shall design and construct Guideway Fit Out for any other Tunnel or SEM
Tunnel, as applicable.
(i) The items in Table 3.13-1 are non-comprehensive but show the general items required for
the Guideway Fit Out.

Table 3.13-1. Guideway Fit Out Elements

Item No. Item Name

1 home signal
2 repeater signal
3 signaling equipment cases (general)
4 signaling equipment cases (interlocking area)
5 switch machines and circuit controller
6 speed control System
7 rail signaling conduits/cables
8 light fixture
9 blue light
10 general 120V power at wayside
11 Emergency Alarm Station
12 ETS conduits
13 ETS junction box
14 communications Systems conduits
15 communications Systems pull/junction boxes
16 radio antenna & communication cables
17 negative reinforcing cable
18 3rd rail feeder cables (600 Vdc)

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Item No. Item Name

19 3rd rail continuity jumpers (600 Vdc)
20 3rd rail electrically operated isolation switches (EOIS)
21 3rd rail shorting switches
22 handrail
23 grab bars & access steps
24 Safety walkway
25 Tunnel Invert
26 Tunnel centre wall
27 Tunnel liner (PCTL 425mm)
28 rail assembly
29 resilient concrete tie blocks (LVT)
30 dry fire line
31 resilient support pad
32 train stop mechanism
33 150# contact rail (traction power rail) assembly
34 lateral restraint curb
35 central wall door opening
36 disconnect switch
37 PORTEC IV rail lubricator friction management System
38 mechanical equipment
39 water piping
40 Drainage piping
41 fire protection
43 track Drainage System
44 power supply/stand-by power
45 Security/CCTV
46 trackside signage
47 operational signage
48 corrosion control
49 public Safety radio enhancement System

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Item No. Item Name

50 Safety crosswalks
51 low voltage (LV) power delivery to EEBs through the Tunnel
52 LV power delivery for Tunnel signage
53 associated concrete foundations and supporting elements
54 3rd rail tap for 600 Vdc inverter feed (both tracks)
55 Running rail bonding for inverter negative return (both tracks)

3.14 Advance Works Scope

3.14.1 General
(a) This section presents the following:
(i) Preparatory Activities;
(ii) Accelerated Design;
(iii) Early Works; and
(iv) Additional Early Works.
(b) The Contractor shall execute a Utility Agreement with each Utility Company as required for the
(c) The Contractor shall identify and perform any additional due diligence required for the
completion of the Works in accordance with the Development Phase Agreement Section 10.9 –
Due Diligence. Contracting Authority will provide available due-diligence information in the
Data Room.

3.14.2 Preparatory Activities

(a) Contracting Authority will perform the following Preparatory Activities:
(A) Phase 1 relocation of the DMCRC (2467 Eglinton Avenue East) service
connection in conflict with the Kennedy Box Structure to be completed no later
than the Effective Date.
(ii) Bell
(A) relocation of the existing Bell OPI cabinet and rebuild of the 4CMH6-1 Manhole
in conflict with the road diversion along the Kennedy Box Structure to be
completed no later than the Effective Date.
(iii) Beanfield

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(A) relocation of Beanfield ADSS aerial cable running along the west side of
Midland, crossing Eglinton Ave, E. in conflict with the excavation for Kennedy
Pocket Track to be completed no later than the Effective Date; and
(iv) TTC
(A) removal or relocation of existing signal, electrical, communications cables and
equipment interferences within the Station, platform or Track Level Work Zones
required for KEW construction, expecting to be completed by February 2023.
(b) Contracting Authority will endeavor to implement the Preparatory Activities by the anticipated
dates described in this Section 3.14.2.
(c) Contracting Authority will endeavor to implement the Preparatory Activities; however,
Contracting Authority cannot guarantee that the Preparatory Activities undertaken by
Stakeholders will result in as-built infrastructure precisely as illustrated in the design drawings.

3.14.3 Accelerated Design

(a) The Contractor shall accelerate Design Data to the requirements identified in Schedule 10 –
Review Procedure, Appendix E and Section 3.14.3 for the following elements (collectively the
“Accelerated Design”), for clarity, Accelerated Design includes Early Works Construction
Packages designs 1A, 1B, 2 & 3 described in Section 3.14.4:
(i) Lawrence East Station (LES):
(A) initial road diversion; and
(B) Utilities;
(ii) Scarborough Centre Station (SCS)
(A) major road diversions and SSE Road Network;
(B) bridge demolition plan;
(C) Utilities; and
(D) [Borough Drive Extension] [Note to Dev Co: During the DPA Term,
Contracting Authority intends to finalize discussions and agreement with the
City of Toronto in relation to the scope of work for the Borough Drive
Extension and it is anticipated that such agreement may impact the
Contractor’s obligations. Amendments to this section may be required and will
be finalized during the DPA Term by way of a DPA Variation. For clarity, the
Contractor shall not perform any Works related to the Borough Drive
extension except as set out in a DPA Variation Directive or DPA Variation
(iii) Sheppard East Station (SHP)
(A) McCowan and Nugget Culvert upsizing replacements; and
(B) Utilities;
(iv) Kennedy Box Structure utilities treatments

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(A) road diversion; and

(B) Utilities;
(v) EEB Utilities treatments
(A) Utilities;
(vi) Support of Excavation (SOE)
(A) LES;
(B) SCS;
(C) SHP; and
(D) Kennedy Box Structure;
(vii) Utilities relocation designs to be accelerated for all temporary or permanent relocations to
permit construction of the Work. For clarity, Accelerated Design for final utility
reinstatements are not required for acceleration; and
(viii) Utilities relocations identified in Section and Section to be accelerated
as per Schedule 10 – Review Procedure, Appendix, Table E.1 and E.2.
(b) Contracting Authority will develop design data beyond the Reference Concept Design that will be
provided for information and reference in the Data Room as follows:
(i) LES – initial road diversion
(A) the initial stage of road diversion at LES, including temporary re-alignment of
McCowan Road to the east and utility relocations to accommodate construction
of the Works;
(ii) SCS –road diversions and SSE Road Network
(A) all major road diversion stages and SSE Road Network at SCS and utility
relocations to accommodate construction of the Works;
(iii) SHP - McCowan Road and Nugget Avenue culvert upsizing replacements
(A) structural culvert upsizing replacement under McCowan Road and Nugget
Avenue, road diversion stages, and utility relocations to accommodate
construction of the Works;
(iv) utility relocations to accommodate Kennedy Box Structure construction;
(v) EEB private utilities treatments to accommodate EEB construction; and
(vi) Utilities relocation for the following level of designs:
(A) Enbridge – draft detailed designs (includes plan and profile);
(B) THESL - proposed detailed – design; and
(C) Telecommunications - draft detailed design (includes plans, profiles, standards,
and conduit details);
(c) The Contractor shall identify all utilities in conflict with construction of the Works.

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(d) The Contractor shall prepare utility treatment designs to accommodate construction of the Works.
(e) The Contractor shall design and construct in accordance with Schedule 15 - Scope and Technical
(f) The Contractor shall identify additional property requirements associated with the Accelerated
(g) The Contractor shall identify and prepare all adequate supporting Design Data to obtain or submit
permits and approvals in accordance with Schedule 2 - Permits, Licenses, Approvals and
Agreements and requirements of Schedule 15.
(h) The Contractor shall prepare and submit all documentation and materials to the respective Utility
Companies and Governmental Authorities to obtain all required Permits, Licenses, Approvals,
and Agreements related to Accelerated Design and Early Works designs with the respective
Permit Ready Design submission as per Schedule 10 – Review Procedure, Appendix E, Table E-1
and Table E-2.
(i) The Contractor may propose for the review and approval by Contracting Authority additional
Accelerated Design in accordance with DPA, Schedule 3.
(j) The Contractor shall demonstrate to Contracting Authority the schedule and financial benefits of
proposed additional Accelerated Design.
(k) The Contractor shall review the Advanced Works designs provided as Background Information
by Contracting Authority. For clarity, the Contractor shall be responsible for the Accelerated
Designs, which will include finalizing or revising detailed designs, permit ready designs and IFC
drawings to accommodate the Works.

3.14.4 Early Works - Construction General
(a) The Contractor shall confirm Early Works are not in conflict with the Advance Tunnel or work
by others within the Project boundaries.
(b) The Contractor shall verify prior to construction of the Early Works that there are no conflicts
with the Works.
(c) The Contractor shall design the Early Works in accordance with the milestones prescribed in
Schedule 10 - Review Procedure, Appendix E Advance Works.
(d) The Contractor shall submit and construct Early Works construction Packages as described within
this Section 3.14.4 and Section 3.14.5.
(e) The Contractor shall be responsible to identify and execute all work related to the Early Works
including site preparation, tree removals, removals of existing structures and removal of
abandoned Utility Infrastructure.
(f) The Contractor shall design and construct any SOE Systems Early Works: Package 1

(a) “Early Works: Package 1 A” shall consist of the following:

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(i) building demolitions and removals of the following buildings:

(A) 23 Valparaiso Avenue – house (private property);
(B) 642 McCowan Road - house (private property);
(C) 685 - 697 McCowan Road – Shoppers Drug Mart/TD bank plaza (commercial);
(D) 3051 Lawrence Ave East – Gas station (commercial); and
(E) 3091 Lawrence Ave East – Royal Bank of Canada (commercial).
(ii) The Contractor shall remove and decommission the above ground and underground
infrastructure at 3051 Lawrence Avenue East – gas station (commercial).
(b) “Early Works: Package 1 B” shall consist of the following:
(i) Enbridge relocations at the following locations:
(A) Kennedy Box Structure Phase 1 relocation of NPS 4” gas main running along the
north side of Eglinton Avenue E in conflict with the Kennedy Box Structure;
(B) LES temporary relocation of the NPS 8” gas main located on the east side of
McCowan Road extending south of Lawrence Avenue E in conflict with the SOE
and temporary relocation of the NPS 12” gas main located on the south side of
Lawrence Avenue E in conflict with the SOE and road detour; and
(C) SHP relocation of the NPS 6” gas main located on the east side of McCowan
Road connecting and running on the south side of Sheppard Avenue E in conflict
with the SOE and road diversion; relocation of the below-grade regulator Station
located on the southeast corner of the Sheppard Avenue E and McCowan Road
intersection in conflict with the SOE and road diversion. Relocation of the NPS
6” gas main located on McCowan Road south of Nugget Avenue in conflict with
the McCowan culvert upsizing replacement. Early Works: Package 2

(a) “Early Works: Package 2” shall consist of the following:
(i) building demolitions, tree cut and removals of the following buildings:
(A) 4651 Sheppard Avenue East - dual commercial building; and
(B) 20 Nugget Avenue – old plaza/parking lot (commercial);
(ii) THESL relocations at the following locations:
(A) LES temporary relocation of THESL overhead wires crossing the south side of
Lawrence Avenue East and west side of McCowan Road in conflict with the
SOE and road diversion;
(B) SCS reconstruction of one manhole roof and neck, total rebuild of two cable
chambers to match the temporary and permanent grading; replace splice box in
conflict with the SCS traffic diversions;
(iii) Bell, Rogers and Beanfield relocations at Lawrence East Station:

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(A) Bell relocation, Bell U-guard next to Pole P3071 at 3091 Lawrence Ave.
conflicts with traffic detour;
(B) Rogers relocation, Rogers aerial cables along the south side of Lawrence Ave.
and along the west side of McCowan Rd, at Lawrence and McCowan
intersection, conflict with the station box and traffic detour; and
(C) Beanfield relocation, Beanfield aerial cables along the south side of Lawrence
Ave. and along the west side of McCowan Rd, at Lawrence and McCowan
intersection, conflict with the station box and traffic detour. Early Works: Package 3

(a) “Early Works: Package 3” shall consist of the THESL relocation at the following location:
(i) Kennedy Box Structure Phase 2 relocation of overhead and underground circuits located
on the north and south sides of Eglinton Avenue E to the west side of Midland Avenue in
conflict with the Kennedy Box Structure excavation and the road diversion.

3.14.5 Early Works: Kennedy Enabling Works (KEW) - Construction packages General
(a) The Contractor shall construct the Kennedy Enabling Works in accordance with a final detailed
design provided by Contracting Authority in APPENDIX E. The work is located around the
existing Kennedy Station on TTC Line 2 (Track Level, service rooms, parking areas, and
vicinities). This is identified as Early Works to facilitate and de-risk the remaining SSE work at
Kennedy Station.
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate with public and private Stakeholders within the Kennedy Station
site, including TTC for the construction of the KEW.
(c) Where the Contractor construction activities are dependent on certain KEW scopes of work, the
Contractor shall ensure that construction of such KEW scopes of work is completed and/or
commissioned to allow such Contractor construction activities to occur.
(d) The Contractor shall coordinate the construction of KEW and other scopes of SSE SRS to avoid
any conflicts and/or delays.
(e) KEW scope shall include KEW Phase 1 Early Works, KEW Phase 2A Early Works, and KEW
Phase 2B Early Works as described in this section and in APPENDIX E, including any
components of the work that require design by the Contractor (i.e., Support of excavation,
MTBM design, KEW permanent signage design).
(f) For KEW permanent signage, the Contractor shall:
(i) design the KEW permanent signage in accordance with Appendix E-6 and in
coordination with TTC; and
(ii) fabricate and install KEW permanent signage in accordance with the completed design as
reviewed by Contracting Authority and TTC.

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(a) KEW Phase 1 Early Works shall include:
(i) Temporary Bus Terminal; and
(ii) East End Rooms Addition (Room Envelope Only).
(b) Temporary Bus Terminal shall include:
(i) the addition of a 4-bay temporary Bus Terminal to provide relief to TTC due to the KEW
construction impacts on the existing north Bus Terminal because of the TPSS and micro
Tunnel staging operations.
(c) East End Rooms Addition (Room Envelope Only) shall include structural, architectural, and
embedded electrical works required for the addition of five new service rooms at the east end of
the Kennedy Station Tail Track needed for future signal upgrades required for the SSE Project
starting at Kennedy Station, including:
(i) construction of five service rooms at east end of the Kennedy Station Tail Track
including one new HVAC to condition the four new service rooms;
(ii) relocation of an Emergency Alarm Station to accommodate the addition of two new entry
doorways to the new service rooms;
(iii) the addition of new removable guard-rails on the outside of the new service rooms to
create a separation between Track Level;
(iv) the addition of new ladders and an accessibility platform to permit access to the existing
east end dampers; and
(v) creating a new service walkway and egress from the east end Kennedy Station Tail Track
to Platform level. KEW Phase 2A Early Works (Facilities)

(a) KEW Phase 2A Early Works shall include:
(i) Kennedy Traction Power Substation Expansion;
(ii) West Ventilation Fan Plant (WVFP);
(iii) East End Room Addition (Finishing and Fit-Out);
(iv) site infrastructure; and
(v) supporting upgrades to Kennedy Station.
(b) Kennedy Traction Power Substation Expansion shall include the facilities design needed to
provide additional power to support the new West Ventilation Fan Plant (WVFP) along with
supplementary power to support the subway operation for the extended line, including:
(i) coordination with THESL to provide two new separate incoming power feeds supplied
from diverse THESL substations which will replace the existing power feeds;

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(ii) construction of a new traction power substation building located adjacent to the existing
Kennedy TPSS and will include all electrical, mechanical, architectural, and structural
elements of the facilities design; and
(iii) fire alarm integration and modifications.
(c) West Ventilation Fan Plant (WVFP) shall include the facilities needed to provide Kennedy
Station with an upgraded Subway Ventilation System to support evacuation during an emergency
fire event, including:
(i) construction of the new WVFP building including all electrical, mechanical,
architectural, and structural elements of the facilities design;
(ii) installation of all fan plant building communications and Security services;
(iii) removal of existing Tunnel ceiling for vent shaft construction (requires TTC coordination
and TTC Work Cars with TTC operating personnel);
(iv) fire alarm integrations and modifications;
(v) addition of Firefighters’ Smoke Control Cabinet (FSCC) at Kennedy Station concourse in
support of the ventilation fan plant upgrades; and
(vi) automatic sliding door upgrade at Kennedy Bus Terminal in support of the ventilation
(d) East End Rooms Additions (Finishing and Fit-out) shall include the mechanical and electrical
finishing and Systems installations for the East End Room Additions (Room Envelope Only) that
have been previously constructed in KEW Phase 1 Early Works, including:
(i) installation of all mechanical, electrical, communications and Security services; and
(ii) integration with existing TTC Systems (mechanical, electrical, communications and
(e) site infrastructure shall include site infrastructure modification including all utility relocations,
grading modifications, landscaping, and the installation of embedded duct banks, including:
(i) supply and install all electrical duct banks and equipment associated with the additional
power supply requirements in accordance with Toronto Hydro Electric System Ltd.
(THESL) procedures;
(ii) relocate Bell Canada duct banks as detailed on the Drawings and in accordance with the
authority's procedures;
(iii) relocate sewers, maintenance holes, catch-basins, watermain, fire hydrants, valve
chambers, valves, valve boxes and thrust blocks as indicated on the Drawings and in
accordance with the requirements of the City of Toronto;
(iv) all required landscaping on the outside of the new WVFP and the Kennedy TPSS
(v) the installation of new HVAC condensers at grade required for the new service rooms;

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(vi) the addition of two new subsurface micro Tunnel structures needed to transport power,
communication, and controls between the new WVFP, the Kennedy TPSS Expansion and
East End Room Additions; and
(vii) protection and support of existing utilities shall be required.
(f) supporting upgrades to Kennedy Station shall include:
(i) reinstatement of the temporary Bus Terminal area to the state as indicated in the final
restoration drawings after completion of KEW construction;
(ii) landscaping of KEW construction area; and
(iii) completion of the wayfinding signage design, including coordination with TTC, to
support KEW. KEW Phase 2B Early Works (Systems)

(a) KEW Phase 2B Early Works shall include:
(i) Kennedy Traction Power Supply;
(ii) communication and integrated control System; and
(iii) subway ventilation.
(b) Kennedy Traction Power Supply shall include the Systems equipment additions needed at the
Kennedy TPSS Expansion to provide additional power to support the new West Ventilation Fan
Plant (WVFP) along with supplementary power to support the subway operation for the extended
line, including:
(i) modification of the existing Kennedy TPSS to accommodate diverse high voltage power
feeds and additional 600VAC power supply for Tunnel ventilation, signaling,
communication and other power requirements;
(ii) installation of TPSS medium and low voltage equipment;
(iii) installation of TPSS controls and integration with the TTC supervisory control and data
acquisition (SCADA);
(iv) installation of shorting switches, related potential detectors, and all related cabling and
conduit including integration with existing TTC SCADA;
(v) installation of required communication components in TPSS;
(vi) installation of Subway Ventilation System (SVS) power and control equipment, including
variable frequency drives (VFD); and
(vii) testing and commissioning according to Schedule 14 – Testing and Commissioning.
(c) communications and integrated control System shall include the Systems equipment additions
and modifications to provide Kennedy Station with integrated communications systems,
(i) modifications to the backbone communications, radio and distributed antenna, PAX
telephones, public address, SCADA, emergency trip, and CCTV Systems;

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(ii) installation of conduit and cabling infrastructure;

(iii) installation of integrated communications equipment;
(iv) integration with existing TTC communication and integrated control systems at Kennedy
Station; and
(v) testing and commissioning according to Schedule 14 – Testing and Commissioning.
(d) subway ventilation shall include the Systems equipment needed at Kennedy Station and the
WVFP to provide Kennedy Station with an upgraded Subway Ventilation System to support
evacuation during an emergency fire event, including:
(i) installation of SVS fans and dampers;
(ii) installation of SVS power supply for:
(A) power distribution and switching equipment;
(B) motor control centre/VFD equipment;
(C) power cables; and
(D) requires construction of TPSS extension to house this equipment;
(iii) installation of SVS controls and integration with TTC SCADA;
(iv) installation of required communication components in WVFP;
(v) upgrade of existing Kennedy Station west ventilation damper in support of the ventilation
upgrades; and
(vi) testing and commissioning according to Schedule 14 – Testing and Commissioning. Site Location and Constraints

(a) The Contractor shall account for the following site location constraints during the design and
construction of KEW:
(i) Kennedy Station is currently in operation by TTC for public use;
(ii) north of the Station is an existing TPSS, adjacent to which is the location of the new
Kennedy TPSS Expansion of KEW Phase 2A Early Works;
(iii) the new WVFP building of KEW Phase 2A Early Works is located west of Kennedy
Station and north of Transway Crescent in a parking area on top of the existing TTC
subway box structure;
(iv) east end room additions of KEW Phase 1 Early Works and KEW Phase 2A Early Works
is located between the Tail Tracks east of the Kennedy Station platforms which are used
for TTC operations and overnight train storage;
(v) due to the site location and its Interface with TTC Revenue Service, in addition to this
being a busy Station serving major public events, strategic phasing shall be implemented
by the Contractor to always maintain uninterrupted TTC operations and pedestrian traffic
flow; and

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(vi) constraints defined in Schedule 15 - APPENDIX E and APPENDIX G during the design
and construction of KEW, including:
(A) KEW Phase 1 Early Works requires construction activities in an area controlled
by ECLRT, and KEW Phase 1 construction cannot commence until ECLRT has
completed and handed over the properties to Metrolinx, expected to be by
December 2022;
(B) the West Ventilation Fan Plant shall be fully completed, commissioned,
operational and handed over for TTC use prior to the demolition of the existing
east end Tail Track ventilation fan plant to ensure emergency ventilation is
always available in the subway Tunnels and Station;
(C) the east end room additions (room envelope only) must be completed prior to the
Temporary Bus Terminal completion due to space and access restrictions for the
concrete pumping area;
(D) construction of the temporary Bus Terminal in KEW Phase 1 Early Works shall
be carried out prior to the start of KEW Phase 2A Early Works (i.e.: before
Kennedy TPSS Expansion construction starts, micro-tunneling starts, etc.). This
new Temporary Bus Terminal is required to support the closure on the north side
of the existing Kennedy Station Bus Terminal that will result during the
construction staging for the Kennedy TPSS Expansion construction and micro-
(E) construction of the Temporary Bus Terminal in KEW Phase 1 Early Works
(including demolitions of existing landscaping) will be near the TTC’s new SRT
replacement Bus Terminal that will be constructed in the existing south parking
lot. Construction activities shall be coordinate with TTC to minimize impacts to
bus operations;
(F) transportation of concrete down to the east Tail Track for KEW Phase 1 Early
Works will require concrete to be pumped from grade level through the existing
TTC east ventilation shaft. During construction of the new temporary Bus
Terminal, the new temporary Bus Terminal construction area may be used by the
Contractor for the concrete pumping operation; and
(G) prior to THESL performing the cable installation and energization of the new
power feed for KEW, the Contractor shall coordinate with THESL to inspect and
provide signoff on the PMH installation and civil works of the duct bank
connection to the TPSS building.
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC on the following:
(i) integrating KEW Systems with existing TTC Systems;
(ii) ensuring the impact to TTC operations during performance of the KEW Work is

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(iii) taking advantage of possible Station closures to expedite construction around the
Kennedy station site (e.g., for items requiring access in the Tunnel or power cuts to the
power rail); and
(iv) installation of the new FSCC within the concourse level of Kennedy Station.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure the following operational Systems that require modifications and/or
additions are coordinated with TTC and handed back over to TTC immediately to ensure minimal
impact on TTC operations:
(i) each sliding door in the existing Kennedy Bus Terminal shall be put back into service
prior to taking another entrance out of service; and
(ii) relocated existing Emergency Alarm Stations at the east end of Kennedy platform shall
be put back into service immediately upon relocation and handed back over to TTC.
(d) The Contractor shall coordinate activities to minimize interference with the work of other
contractors and TTC representatives.

3.14.6 Additional Early Works

(a) The Contractor may propose for the review and approval by Contracting Authority Additional
Early Works to be undertaken during the DPA Term.
(b) The Contractor shall demonstrate to Contracting Authority the schedule or financial benefits of
proposed Additional Early Works.
(c) the Contractor shall evaluate and demonstrate that the proposed Additional Early Works are not
in conflict with the Advance Tunnel and work by others.
(d) The Contractor shall propose additional Early Works in accordance with DPA, Schedule 3.
(e) The Contractor shall verify the Lands required for the proposed Additional Early Works.

3.15 Sustainable Design

3.15.1 Overview
(a) This section identifies the sustainability requirements which the Contractor shall achieve for
facilities associated with the SSE Project.

3.15.2 Scope
(a) This section establishes the requirements, including criteria and specifications, applicable to the
sustainable design of the following:
(i) Passenger / Customer Facilities;
(ii) Non-Passenger Facilities; and
(iii) Works (where indicated).

3.15.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) Metrolinx DS-09, Subway Station Architecture Design Standard (DS-09);

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(b) Metrolinx DS-05 Sustainability Standards (DS-05);

(c) DS-25 Climate Change Informed Data Standard;
(d) Infrastructure Canada Climate Lens - General Guidance;
(e) Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 492, Green Roofs (Toronto Green Roof By-Law);
(f) Toronto Green Building Standard v4;
(g) LEED v4.0 Building Design and Construction Rating System; and
(h) TTC Design Manual Revision 42.

3.15.4 General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall follow all applicable standards and codes listed in Section 3.15.3 unless
otherwise noted in Table 3.15-1. Toronto Green Standard v4 Applicability and Table 3.15-2.
LEED v4 Applicability.
(b) The Contractor shall incorporate sustainable design requirements as per Table 3.15-1. Toronto
Green Standard v4 Applicability.

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Table 3.15-1. Toronto Green Standard v4 Applicability

TGS # TGS Title Applicability Requirements Notes
AQ1.1 Single Occupant Not Required The project is not increasing single-
Vehicle Trips occupancy vehicle trips through its
development. The development of the
transit system encourages a reduction in
automobile dependence. Therefore, AQ
1.1 does not apply to the project.
AQ 1.2 Electric Vehicle Not Required Not applicable due to the type of parking
Infrastructure being provided (i.e., PPUDO). Cars will
not be parked long enough to warrant
charging stations.
AQ 2.1 Bicycle Parking Not Required As per bicycle parking requirements under
Rates, Table 3.23-12, Table 3.18-5, and

Zoning By-Law 230 Table

does not include a transit Station typology.
Therefore AQ 2.1 does not apply to the
AQ 2.2 Long-term Bicycle Not Required As per bicycle parking requirements under
Parking Location, Table 3.23-12.

Zoning By-Law 230 Table

does not include a transit Station typology.
Therefore AQ 2.1 does not apply to the
AQ 2.3 Short-term Bicycle Not Required As per bicycle parking requirements under
Parking Location, Table 3.23-12, Table 3.18-5, and
Zoning By-Law 230 Table
does not include a transit Station typology.
Therefore AQ 2.1 does not apply to the

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TGS # TGS Title Applicability Requirements Notes

AQ 2.4 Electric Bicycle Not Required Requirement not applicable to non-
Infrastructure residential projects.
AQ 2.5 Shower and Change Not Required As per shower and change room
Facilities requirements under APPENDIX D - Room
Requirements Matrix.

Showers will be provided behind house

areas as identified in the Project
Agreement. Due to the transient nature of
most users with minimal regular
occupants, combined with maintenance
and Security concerns, shower, and change
facilities will not be in public areas or
provided for public access.
AQ 2.6 Publicly Accessible Not Required Zoning By-Law 230 Table
Bicycle Parking does not include a transit Station typology.
Therefore AQ 2.1 does not apply to the
AQ 3.1 Connectivity Required
AQ 3.2 Sidewalk Space Required The pedestrian clearway is the universally
accessible, unobstructed, direct, and
continuous path of travel within the
sidewalk zone.
Required A clearway greater than 2.1m wide at
corners, transit nodes or other contexts
with high pedestrian volumes or
pedestrian activity.
Not Required A context-sensitive sidewalk zone at least As per the site specific sidewalk space
6m wide, measured from curb to requirements in this Project Agreement.
buildings face, is recommended to
support a variety of streetscape elements
including the pedestrian clearway, trees,
furniture, lighting, utilities, etc. that

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TGS # TGS Title Applicability Requirements Notes

contribute to a vibrant and complete
Required Toronto Urban Design Streetscape
Not Required Tall Building Design Guidelines
AQ 3.3 Weather Protection Required
AQ 3.4 Pedestrian Specific Required
EC 1.1 Tree Planting Areas Required as The Contractor shall achieve, where
and Soil Volume Revised feasible, the total amount of soil required
on the site.

The Contractor shall comply with

providing a minimum volume of 30 cubic
metres per tree.
EC 1.2 Trees Along Street Required
EC 1.3 Parking Lots Required
EC 1.4 Watering Program Required
EC 2.1 Green & Cool Required
EC 2.2 On-site Required
EC 2.3 Green and Cool Required
EC 3.1 Ravine and Natural Required
Feature Protected
Areas and Natural
Heritage System
EC 3.2 Ravine and Required
Protected Areas

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TGS # TGS Title Applicability Requirements Notes

EC 5.1 Bird-Friendly Required
EC 5.2 Rooftop Vegetation Required
EC 5.3 Grate Porosity Required
EC 5.4 Exterior Lighting Not Required Refer to DS-05 for Light Pollution
Reduction requirements.

Due to safety concerns and CPTED

requirements the turning off exterior
lighting is not appropriate to this building
usage. Therefore EC 5.4 does not apply to
the Project.
GHG 1.1 Greenhouse Gas Not Required Refer to Section 3.15.5 for energy
Emissions Limits performance requirements.

Stations are exempt from OBC SB-10 and

by extension the energy requirement of
TGS v4 does not apply. Therefore GHG
1.1 does not apply to the Project.
GHG 3.1 Energy Not Required Refer to Section 3.15.5 for energy
Performance performance requirements.

Stations are exempt from OBC SB-10 and

by extension the energy requirement of
TGS v4 does not apply. Therefore GHG
3.1 does not apply to the Project.
SW 1.2 Waste Storage Required
SW 4.1 Construction Waste Required
WQ 1.1 Water Balance, Required
Quality Control &
Quantity Control

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TGS # TGS Title Applicability Requirements Notes

WQ 1.2 Green Streets Not Required New streets are not being proposed as part
of the Station sites. Therefore WQ 1.2
does not apply to the Project.
WQ 1.3 On-site Green Required

(c) The Contractor shall incorporate sustainable design requirements as per Table 3.15-2. LEED v4 Applicability.

Table 3.15-2. LEED v4 Applicability

LEED Credit Applicability Requirements Notes
Heat Island Reduction Not Required As per Table 3.15-1. Toronto Green
Standard v4 Applicability and DS-
Light Pollution Not Required As per Table 3.15-1. Toronto Green
Reduction Standard v4 Applicability and DS-
Outdoor Water Use Required The Contractor shall comply with the
Reduction requirements as outlined in the LEED BD+C
Rating System to reduce the landscape water
requirement by at least 50% from the calculated
Indoor Water Use Not Required As per DS-05.
Water Metering Not Required As per DS-05.
Fundamental Required as Revised As per Schedule 14 - Testing and
Commissioning and Commissioning.
Enhanced Required as Revised As per Schedule 14 - Testing and
Commissioning Commissioning.
Advanced Energy Not Required As per DS-05.

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LEED Credit Applicability Requirements Notes

Enhanced Refrigerant Required
Environmental Required as Revised The Contractor shall provide environmental
Product Declarations product declarations for at least 20 building
materials, including:
- Concrete (e.g., cast-in-place concrete mixes)
- Steel products (e.g., structural steel, steel
- Composite Wood materials (e.g., plywood
sheathing, backing, millwork)
- Architectural finishes (e.g., gypsum, flooring,
ceiling tiles)
Sourcing of Raw Required as Revised The Contractor shall use products for a minimum
Materials of 15% of materials, by cost, that have a
combination of reused materials and recycled
content including:

- Reuse of fill
- SCMs in concrete mix design
- Recycled aggregate
- Recycled steel
- Architectural finishes (e.g., gypsum, flooring,
Material Ingredients Not Required As per this Table 3.15-2. LEED v4
Applicability, under LEED Credits
Environmental Product Declarations
and Sourcing of Raw Materials.
Construction and Not Required As per Table 3.15-1. Toronto Green
Demolition Waste Standard v4 Applicability and DS-
Management 05.
Low-Emitting Required as Revised. The Contractor shall comply with the emissions
Materials and content requirements for two of the low-
emitting materials categories identified in the

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LEED Credit Applicability Requirements Notes

LEED credit for back of house areas of the
Construction Indoor Required
Air Quality
Management Plan
Indoor Air Quality Required as Revised The Contractor shall comply with the
Assessment requirements of the credit in the back of house
areas of the Stations.
Interior Lighting Not Required As per DS-05.
LEED Accredited Required as Revised The Contractor shall include at least one principal
Professional participant of their project team with a LEED
Accredited Professional (AP) designation, and
they must have documented sustainable building
experience on at least two projects with a similar
scope of work.

The LEED Accredited Professional's experience

shall extend from early design phase through

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3.15.5 Building Energy Performance

(a) For Stations, the Contractor shall achieve at least 20% energy efficiency improvement above the
baseline building specification as defined in ASHRAE 90.1 (2016) Appendix G Performance
Rating Method and comply with all mandatory provisions therein.
(i) the baseline energy performance to exclude process loads related to traction power and
(b) The Contractor shall comply with the energy simulation and modeling requirements outlined in
Section 3.2 of the Metrolinx DS-05 Sustainable Design Standard.
(c) The Contractor shall comply with the requirements outlined in Section 8 of the Metrolinx DS-05
Sustainable Design Standard as well as the submittal requirements defined in the City of
Toronto's Energy Efficiency Report Submission & Modelling Guidelines and in accordance with
Schedule 10- Review Procedure.
(d) The Contractor shall comply with the Climate Lens requirements as outlined in Section 3.15.6.
(e) The Contractor shall estimate and report on the CO2-equivalent emissions using the Global
Warming Potentials identified in the most up-to-date version of Canada's National Inventory
Report and as required in the Infrastructure Canada Climate Lens - General Guidance.
(f) The Contractor shall produce a preliminary energy model for each Station in accordance with
Schedule 10 as part of the Sustainability Plan submission:
(i) The preliminary energy model shall comply with Section 3.2.2 of the Metrolinx DS-05
Sustainable Design Standard.
(g) The Contractor shall produce and submit a full-building energy model simulation for each Station
in accordance with Schedule 10– Review Procedure as part of the Sustainability Plan submission:
(i) The full-building energy model simulation shall comply with Section 3.2.2 of the
Metrolinx DS-05 Sustainable Design Standard.
(h) The Contractor shall produce and submit a final energy model for each Station in accordance with
Schedule 10 – Review Procedure as part of the Sustainability Plan submission.
(i) The final energy model simulation shall comply with Section 3.2.2 of the Metrolinx DS-
05 Sustainable Design Standard.
(ii) The final energy model shall incorporate operation schedules relating to the presence of
occupants, where relevant, and of loads due to the operation of lighting, plugs, heating,
cooling, and service water heating systems representative of the building type or space
(i) The Contractor shall produce and submit an As-Built energy report for each Station in accordance
with Section 4.0 that:
(i) reflects the building’s final design including any changes made during the construction
(ii) utilizes the energy modelling as a design tool to verify energy efficiency and GHG
emission intensity; and

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(iii) proves that the energy performance of the design meets the requirement of 20%energy
efficiency improvement above the baseline building specification as defined in ASHRAE
90.1 (2016) Appendix G Performance Rating Method.

3.15.6 Climate Lens Assessment

(a) The Contractor shall conduct and submit a Climate Lens assessment for the Works in accordance
with the Infrastructure Canada Climate Lens - General Guidance1.
(b) The Contractor shall develop and submit a Climate Lens Assessment that:
(i) complies with the reporting requirements of the Infrastructure Canada Climate Lens -
General Guidance;
(ii) complies with the requirements of Schedule 10 - Review Procedure; and
(iii) includes an attestation by a qualified party, as defined in the Infrastructure Canada
Climate Lens - General Guidance, that the greenhouse gas mitigation assessment and
climate change resilience assessment was carried out according to Infrastructure Canada's
Climate Lens Guidance.
(c) The Contractor shall conduct the Climate Lens assessment to include the following:
(i) an assessment of the Works across the construction and operations and maintenance
(ii) an assessment timescale that matches the lifespan of the Works;
(iii) all direct and all significant indirect emissions and emissions reductions linked to the
(iv) the full spectrum of project design choices being made; and
(v) the identification of the potential immediate upstream and downstream impacts within the
broader System.
(d) The Contractor shall conduct the Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment component of the
Climate Lens assessment in compliance with ISO 14064-2 and PAS 2080.
(i) The Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment shall comply with Section 3.15.5 of this
Project Agreement and the Infrastructure Canada Climate Lens - General Guidance;
(ii) The Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment shall establish the baseline or business-as-
usual scenario for the Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment;
(iii) The Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment shall identify sources of emissions factors
for the Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment;

1 It will be periodically updated, as appropriate, based on lessons learned, best practices and evaluation of ongoing
and completed assessment activities. Please consult the Infrastructure Canada website to ensure you have the most
recent version of this guidance before undertaking a Climate Lens assessment.

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(iv) The Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment shall provide the emissions calculation
methodologies for each of the emissions sources;
(v) The Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment shall provide the cost-per-tonne calculation
(vi) The Contractor shall facilitate at least one workshop with key Stakeholders; and
(vii) The Contractor shall provide the results of the workshop and summary of the preliminary
proposed mitigation measures identified for implementation within 2 weeks of the
workshop date.
(e) The Contractor shall conduct an Embodied Carbon Life Cycle Assessment in compliance with
ISO 14064-2 and PAS 2080.
(i) The Embodied Carbon Life Cycle Assessment shall comply with Section 2.2.2 of the
Metrolinx DS-05 Sustainable Design Standard;
(ii) The Contractor shall provide CO2-equivalent emissions estimates for all life-cycle stages,
with summary and detailed breakdown by components and materials that at a minimum
address those provided in Section 2.2.2 of the Metrolinx DS-05 Sustainable Design
Standard; and
(iii) The Embodied Carbon Life Cycle Assessment submittals shall be provided in accordance
with Schedule 10 as part of the Sustainability Plan submission in addition to the Climate
Lens assessment report.
(f) The Contractor shall conduct the Climate Change Resilience Assessment component of the
Climate Lens assessment.
(i) The Climate Change Resilience Assessment shall comply with Section 7 of the Metrolinx
DS-05 Sustainable Design Standard and the Infrastructure Canada Climate Lens -
General Guidance;
(ii) The Contractor shall, at a minimum, address through risk assessment the five critical
changing climate parameters as defined in Metrolinx DS-05 Sustainability Standard;
(iii) The Contractor shall ensure participation and review from key internal and external
Stakeholders identified by Contracting Authority;
(iv) The Contractor shall facilitate at least two workshops with key Stakeholders to collect
information on the severity of impacts and:
(A) provide the results of the two workshops and summaries of the preliminary
proposed adaptations identified for implementation within two weeks of the
workshop date.

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3.16 Design Excellence

3.16.1 Overview
(a) Design Excellence defines the Project’s vision and multidisciplinary design approach to frame,
design and implement a seamless end to end customer experience supported by an integrated
approach to planning, architecture, interior design, landscape, and urban design.

3.16.2 Scope
(a) The scope of this section is to introduce the overarching Design Principles guiding this Project,
and how to integrate requirements and guidance into key documents including the TTC and
Metrolinx standards.
(b) This section introduces the multidisciplinary approach to all Public Realm and public facing
spaces and elements and should be read in conjunction with specific sections related to urban
design, Landscape design, exterior design, and interior design in Sections 3.18, 0 and 3.26.

3.16.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall perform all Works related to Design Excellence in accordance with the
criteria in Section 3.3 (Design Standards) and Section 3.4 (Order of Precedence), and the
(i) Metrolinx DS-02, Universal Design Standard;
(ii) Metrolinx DS-03, Wayfinding Design Standard; and
(iii) Metrolinx DS-09, Subway Station Architecture Design Standard.

3.16.4 Approach to Design Excellence Design Principles

(a) The Contractor shall develop and demonstrate an integrated approach to design guided by six
overarching Design Principles as set out in DS-09.
(b) The Contractor shall demonstrate a coherent design approach to site planning, Landscape,
architecture, and interior design through the application of a consistent design expression, use of
materials, finishes, and detailing, to elevate the customer experience.
(c) The Contractor shall demonstrate a modular “Kit of Parts” approach to architecture, Public
Realm, and interior design elements including overall massing and roof lines and proportion of
buildings components, façade elements, Public Realm elements, materials and finishes for interior
and exterior design elements, and approach to signage and furnishings.
(d) The Contractor shall apply these Design Principles to the design of all public facing elements and
components of each Station facility that is part of the SSE Project. Additional requirements
specific to individual Passenger Facilities are noted in Section 0 and Non-Passenger Facilities are
noted in Section 3.26.

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(a) The Contractor shall provide Stations having unique design aspects, while utilizing a common
“Kit of Parts” approach of elements, features, materiality, expression, and design details that
unify and identify the System as a whole and reflect design vision and requirements per
Metrolinx Subway Station Architecture Design Standard Section 1 (DS-09).
(b) Station design elements are divided into two classifications: elements of consistency and elements
of variability.
(i) Elements of consistency provide consistent designs for the purpose of system-wide
identity, consistency and predictability for a seamless customer experience, functional
consistency, and efficiency in capital, operations, and maintenance costs. Elements of
consistency also inform the modular “Kit of Parts” approach and support the goal for a
harmonized brand experience; and
(ii) Elements of variability are not required to be consistent in form between Stations and
allow unique and site-specific design solutions responsive to context.
(c) The Contractor shall provide Station elements in accordance with DS-09, DS-02 and DS-03, and
in accordance with Table 3.16-1. Elements of Consistency and Variability.

Table 3.16-1. Elements of Consistency and Variability

Design Element Elements of Elements of
Consistency Variability
Site Design Elements
Hardscape and paving – patterns and tactile guiding indicators X
Lighting – poles and bollards X
Landscape elements – planters, trees, grates X
Site furniture – seating, recycling, and waste receptacles X
Bike parking and canopies X
Retaining walls, bollards, and fencing X
Salt boxes X
Station Building Façade Elements
Identity canopy X
Canopies X
Entrance portal X
Exterior envelope including wall base, transparent, translucent, X
and opaque wall Systems Engineering, building-integrated
weather/bicycle parking canopies, shading devices - dimensions,
details, materials, and finishes
a) Station Entrances X
b) Bus Terminals X
c) Emergency Exit Buildings X
d) Traction Power Sub-Stations X
e) Vents and Ventilation Shafts Structures X
Building massing X
Roofscapes X

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Design Element Elements of Elements of

Consistency Variability
Circulation Elements
Stair details – dimensions, details, materials, and finishes X
Escalator details – dimensions, details, materials, and finishes X
Elevator details – details, materials, and finishes X
Ramps and sloped walkway details – details, materials, and X
Handrails and guardrails – public and emergency stairs X
Platform edge tile X
Interior Elements
Floor, wall and ceiling materials and finishes – public facing X
Lighting X
Doors, gates, and hardware X
Furniture and fixtures - dimensions, details, materials, and X
Washroom fixtures and accessories X
Wayfinding and Platform edge tiles X
Feature walls - dimensions, details, materials, and finishes X
Feature ceilings - dimensions, details, materials, and finishes X
Retail X
Vending Hubs X
Wayfinding, Signage and Visual Displays
Signage X
Wayfinding X
Advertising X
Public address system and speaker housing X
Passenger Assistance Intercom (PAI) X
Telephones X
Passenger visual identification system (PVIS) X
Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) equipment X
System cabinets and electrical service cabinets X
Station Control and Security
Designated Waiting Area (DWA) equipment X
Fare equipment X
Emergency exit and Security gates X
Accessible fare line gates X
Emergency Alarm Stations X

3.17 Accessibility and Universal Design

3.17.1 Overview
(a) This section establishes the accessibility and universal design requirements applicable to the
design of Facilities and Public Realm elements.

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3.17.2 Scope
(a) For all facilities referenced in Section 0, the Contractor shall prepare and submit an accessibility
compliance report in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure, which includes as a
(i) a description of the accessible design concept referring to functional and technical
requirements under the Metrolinx DS-02 Universal Design Standard and this Project
Agreement section;
(ii) identifying accessible boarding locations, designated passenger waiting areas, and
walking distances along the accessible path of travel in drawing form;
(iii) barrier-free evacuation routes from Platform level, concourse level, and any level below
grade served by an elevator; and
(iv) accessibility compliance report detailing and demonstrating adherence to the Metrolinx
Standard-DS-02, including any identified non-conformances with the Metrolinx
(b) The Contractor shall consult with the TTC Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) at
Preliminary Design phase and Enhanced Design phase.

3.17.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall perform all Works related to facilities design in accordance with the
(i) Metrolinx DS-02, Universal Design Standard (DS-02);
(ii) Metrolinx DS-03, Wayfinding Design Standard (DS-03); and
(iii) Metrolinx DS-09, Subway Station Architecture Design Standard (DS-09).
(b) The Contractor shall perform all Works related to Public Realm design in accordance with the
City of Toronto Accessibility Design Guidelines.

3.17.4 General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall incorporate accessibility and universal design requirements by area type, as per
the following:
(i) Public Areas:
(A) all spaces, facilities, elements, and systems intended for public use shall be
universally designed in compliance with the DS-02 Metrolinx Universal Design
Standard, the DS-09 Metrolinx Subway Architecture Design Standard. These
standards reference or go above the Ontario Building Code Section 3.8, the
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Integrated Accessibility
Standards Regulation O.Reg. 191/11, and the CSA B651 Accessibility for the
Built Environment;
(ii) Staff Areas:

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(A) occupied floor areas intended for use by general staff shall be designed accessible
in compliance with the OBC Section 3.8; and
(B) general staff areas do not include ancillary structures and areas that are not
required by the Code to be connected by a ramp or served by an elevator; and
(iii) Public Realm:
(A) Public Realm areas owned and maintained by the City of Toronto shall be
designed and comply with the Toronto Accessibility Design Guidelines.
(b) Colour contrast is the relative difference in the value of luminance of two adjacent surfaces. The
Contractor shall calculate the colour contrast value (%) using the following formula, known as
Michelson Contrast, CM:
(i) CM = (L1 – L2) / (L1 + L2) x 100

L1 = the value of luminance of the lighter surface, expressed in cd/m2
L2 = the value of luminance of the darker surface, expressed in cd/m2
(c) The Contractor shall provide service counters which incorporate 50-60% colour contrast with
their surroundings.

3.17.5 Path of Travel, Walkways and Pedestrian Routes

(a) The Contractor shall ensure that walls, floors, columns and furniture, or other potential obstacles
located in public corridors, paths, and passageways achieve at least 50% colour/luminance
contrast to adjacent and background surfaces/elements (using Michelson Contrast formula).
(b) The Contractor shall ensure that catch basin grates and any other surface openings are out of the
pedestrian path of travel.
(c) The Contractor shall provide additional measures, such as convex mirrors, to improve Safety and
Security in areas with high traffic and where line of sight is impeded, such as at elevators,
corners, corridors, paths, and passageways.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure that the wheelchair accessible seating area adjacent to each bench is
perpendicular to the path of travel and in line with the bench.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure that the wheelchair accessible seat does not overlap with Tactile
Walking Surface Indicators (TWSI).

3.17.6 Vertical Circulation Elements Stairs
(a) The Contractor shall design the stair nosing to have a 50 mm deep horizontal strip that is at least
50% colour /luminance contrasted (using Michelson Contrast formula) with the tread and riser,
and that extends from the front edge of the step across the full width of the tread.

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(a) The Contractor shall provide stair handrails, extending horizontally at the required height, not less
than 300 mm beyond the top riser, and continuing to slope for a depth of one tread beyond the
bottom riser followed by a 300 mm horizontal extension. Elevators
(a) The Contractor shall provide elevators providing redundant, barrier-free access from street level
to Platform level at each Entrance.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a two-way Intercom inside the cab interior as per Section 3.27.4

3.17.7 Doors and Doorways

(a) The Contractor shall emphasize the presence of framed glass public doors and sidelights as well
as any full height glass walls with colour/luminance contrast vision banding strips per DS-03.
(b) The Contractor shall finish door and frame assemblies with a 15-40% colour/luminance contrast
(using Michelson Contrast formula) compared to surrounding wall surfaces, where door and
frame assemblies are opaque.
(c) Where a door opens towards the user, the Contractor shall provide Safety guards projecting a
minimum of 300 mm beyond both sides of the open door.
(d) Where power door operator controls or Security card readers are provided at the door, they shall
be located at the end the guardrail.
(e) Where controls are provided adjacent to a door, the Contractor shall ensure that the accessible
clear floor space required at controls does not overlap with the door swing but shall not be further
than 1500 mm from the door swing.
(f) Where power door operator controls or Security card readers are provided at the door, the
Contractor shall locate them adjacent to each other.
(g) The Contractor shall locate power door operator controls consistently on right hand side of path
of travel.
(h) Where there is one set of leaf doors provided, the Contractor shall ensure both leafs shall have a
power door operator.
(i) Where more than one set of leaf doors is provided, the Contractor shall ensure the two power
door operators each align with the right-hand side of the path of travel.

3.17.8 Tactile Indicators

(a) At Bus Terminal Bus Bays, the Contractor shall install a double-width tactile directional indicator
(TDI) set back 600 mm from the face of curb and 600 mm from the edge of the closest cane-
detectable wall or vertical element.
(i) In addition to the requirements of DS-09, where cane-detectable wall or vertical elements
are not present, the length of the TDI path shall align with the length of the other bus
boarding point TDI applications at adjacent Bus Bays on the same Bus Loop.

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(b) The Contractor shall ensure that the wheelchair accessible seating area adjacent to each bench
does not overlap trench drains or Tactile Walking Surface Indicators (TWSI).

3.17.9 Washrooms
(a) Where fold-down adult change tables are provided within universal washrooms, the Contractor
shall ensure that the required wheeled mobility device turning spaces are maintained when the
table is in the down position.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a sanitary napkin disposal on the side wall beneath the "L"-shaped
grab bar with the top of disposal 50 mm below the horizontal member of the grab bar, in line with
the front edge of the toilet in female-gendered accessible stalls and universal washrooms.
(c) The Contractor shall provide adult-sized change tables in all universal washrooms in public areas.

3.17.10 Signage
(a) The Contractor shall provide a letter confirming that all Braille translations have been verified by
a third-party Braille authority prior to sign fabrication in line with Schedule 10 – Review
Procedure submissions.

3.18 Urban Design and Landscape Architecture

3.18.1 Overview
(a) This section identifies the UDLA criteria and requirements associated with the SSE Project.

3.18.2 Scope
(a) The Contractor shall restore and enhance Municipal infrastructure and ROW to the current City
of Toronto standards resulting from the construction of Stations, Bus Terminals, and Non-
Passenger Facilities.
(b) The Contractor shall perform urban and landscape works including the Streetscape and Public
Realm running the length of Station buildings, Bus Terminals, and Non-Passenger Facilities, as
well as areas at or around Stations disturbed by SSE construction, including the transition zone to
unaffected existing areas.
(c) The Contractor shall perform the following urban and landscape works:
(i) Streetscapes, Public Realm, Station Plazas, Bus Terminals, EEB sites, TPSS sites,
pedestrian amenities, and site furnishings;
(ii) Landscape works and tree planting including restoration of affected plant materials;
(iii) Provision of landscape elements including public facing fences, security fences, noise
barriers, railings, and Architectural Screening;
(iv) Reinstatement of landscape elements within the Municipal ROW including sidewalks,
furnishings zones, tree planting, cycling facilities, and Municipal Street Furniture
including transit shelters; and

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(v) Reinstatement of landscape elements within private property including hardscape,

softscape, site furnishings, planting, signage, and lighting.

3.18.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall provide all urban and landscape works in compliance with all applicable
standards, regulations, policies, laws, and guidelines listed in this section, including the
(i) Metrolinx DS-02 Universal Design Standard;
(ii) Metrolinx DS-03 Wayfinding Design Standard;
(iii) Metrolinx DS-05 Sustainability Design Standard;
(iv) Metrolinx DS-07 Bike Infrastructure Standard;
(v) Metrolinx DS-09 Subway Station Architecture Design Standards;
(vi) Metrolinx DS-28 Noise Barrier Design Requirements;
(vii) Metrolinx DGL-01 Noise and Vibration Mitigation;
(viii) Metrolinx DGL-02 Vegetative Screening for Noise Barriers;
(ix) Metrolinx DGL-03 Graffiti Management;
(x) Metrolinx Vegetation Guide;
(xi) Toronto Green Standards (latest version);
(xii) CAN/CSA B651 Accessible Design for the Built Environment;
(xiii) City of Toronto - Standards and Guidelines for Conservation of Historic Places in
(xiv) Assistive Products for Blind and Vision-Impaired Persons – Tactile Walking Surface
Indicators: Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) Regulatory Requirements;
(xv) Ontario Traffic Manual (OTM) Book 18;
(xvi) Canadian Standards for Nursery Stock;
(xvii) City of Toronto - Construction Specification for Planting;
(xviii) City of Toronto - Construction Specification for Sodding;
(xix) City of Toronto - Construction Specifications and Drawings for Green Infrastructure;
(xx) City of Toronto - Construction Specification for Growing Medium;
(xxi) City of Toronto - Soil Specification Research Trial: Final Project Report;
(xxii) City of Toronto - Design Guidelines: Drought Tolerant Landscaping;
(xxiii) City of Toronto - Tree Protection Policy and Specifications for Construction Near Trees;
(xxiv) City of Toronto - Maintenance of Street Trees which are less than 50% on City Property
(City/Private Boundary Line Trees) Policy;

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(xxv) AODA Ontario Regulation 191/11, as amended by Ontario Regulation 413/12, Design of
Public Spaces;
(xxvi) Ontario Heritage Act;
(xxvii) City of Toronto - Ravine and Natural Feature Protection Bylaw;
(xxviii) City of Toronto Parks Bylaw;
(xxix) Filling and Grading Bylaw (former City of Toronto);
(xxx) City Street Tree Bylaw (Article II of Chapter 813);
(xxxi) City of Toronto - Private Tree Bylaw (Article III of Chapter 813);
(xxxii) City of Toronto - Green Roof Bylaw;
(xxxiii) City of Toronto - Transit Design Guide;
(xxxiv) City of Toronto - Urban Design Streetscape Manual;
(xxxv) City of Toronto - Tree Planting Solutions in Hard Boulevard Surfaces – Best Practices
(xxxvi) City of Toronto - Green Streets Technical Guidelines;
(xxxvii)City of Toronto - Guidelines for Design and Management of Bicycle Parking Facilities;
(xxxviii) City of Toronto - Accessibility Design Guidelines (ADG);
(xxxix) Vibrant Streets (a.k.a. Vibrant Streets Guidelines) – Toronto’s Coordinated Street
Furniture Program, Design and Policy Guidelines;
(xl) City of Toronto - TO360 Pedestrian Wayfinding System;
(xli) City of Toronto - Bird Friendly Design Guidelines;
(xlii) City of Toronto - Toronto Pollinator Protection Strategy;
(xliii) City of Toronto - Toronto Ravine Strategy;
(xliv) City of Toronto - Tall Buildings Design Guidelines;
(xlv) City of Toronto - Avenues and Mid-Rise Buildings Study;
(xlvi) City of Toronto - Information About: The Agreement for Contractors to Perform
Arboricultural Services on City Owned Street Trees;
(xlvii) City of Toronto - Strategic Forest Management Plan;
(xlviii) City of Toronto - Wild, Connected and Diverse: A Biodiversity Strategy for Toronto;
(xlix) City of Toronto - Best Practices for Effective Lighting;
(l) City of Toronto - Official Plan;
(li) TTC Wayfinding Standards Manual.

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3.18.4 Landscape Architectural Design Criteria General Design Criteria

(a) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto on the kit of parts for the Public Realm
to provide a consistent design aesthetic along the entire SSE corridor.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a landscape design that is visually integrated with the planned urban
environment and existing vegetation patterns.
(c) The Contractor shall provide site furnishings based on the following standards:
(i) Metrolinx DS-09 if located within Metrolinx Lands and
(ii) City of Toronto standards if located within the Municipal ROW.
(d) The Contractor shall not provide Municipal furnishings within Metrolinx Lands.
(e) The Contractor shall design all Stations, Bus Terminals, Non-Passenger Facilities, and
surrounding areas to allow for unobstructed sightlines and surveillance between a height of 600
mm and 2100 mm.
(f) The Contractor shall ensure that the relocation of utilities provides sufficient space for the
planting of trees at Station plazas and along Streetscapes.
(g) Where there are surplus lands around Passenger and Non-Passenger Facilities that are subject to
future development, the Contractor shall provide CPTED compliant landscape works in an
interim site condition to maintain a clean appearance, support an attractive and safe environment,
and minimize maintenance.
(h) The Contractor shall be responsible for submitting an Urban Design Report to ensure the design
of the SSE corridor is coordinated and aligned with all Municipal infrastructure and City planning
initiatives. The Urban Design Report must cover items including massing and scale of buildings,
block context plan, architectural façades, setbacks, plaza treatments, planting and landscaping,
site furnishings, connection to adjacent roads, and pedestrian access.
(i) The Contractor shall obtain all Governmental Authority approvals as required for all urban and
landscape works. Paving Criteria

(a) The Contractor shall provide all paving within Station plazas and Streetscapes in compliance with
Municipal standards and maintenance requirements.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a consistent unit paving treatment within Station plazas and
Streetscapes that extends from the building façade to the Municipal road curb.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a clear demarcation at the Interface of Station and Municipal
property using alternative unit paving colour, texture and/or layout treatment.
(d) The Contractor shall provide a continuous rectilinear paving pattern within Station Entrance
Plazas and Streetscapes to guide pedestrian movement towards Station entrances and to reinforce
seating areas.

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(e) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto and extend paving patterns into the
Municipal ROW where space permits to create a unified Streetscape with Station property.
(f) The Contractor shall provide all unit pavers on a concrete base.
(g) The Contractor shall grade all paved areas to ensure positive Drainage and to avoid ponding and
(h) The Contractor shall align the layout of horizontal and vertical expansion and control joints where
possible. Planting Criteria

(a) The Contractor shall provide tree planting to delineate the street edge, emphasize Station
entrances, strengthen key view corridors, and augment the canopy of the urban forest.
(b) The Contractor shall provide trees at Station Entrance Plazas, along Streetscapes, and around
seating areas where space permits to provide shade and comfort for pedestrians.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a planting palette that includes a variety of deciduous and evergreen
shrubs to provide year-round shade, texture, shape, colour, and seasonal variation.
(d) The Contractor shall provide plant material to avoid obstructing sight lines, signage, wayfinding,
site lighting and security cameras.
(e) The Contractor shall space trees with dense low growth foliage to avoid a potential screen effect.
(f) The Contractor shall avoid locating plant material near overhead lines and wires.
(g) The Contractor shall ensure all plant material is low-maintenance and non-invasive.
(h) The Contractor shall provide plant material that has a moderate growth pattern with a clean
(i) The Contractor shall provide plant material that requires minimum pruning at maturity.
(j) The Contractor shall provide a planting palette that consists of minimum 50% native species
unless otherwise specified.
(k) The Contractor shall provide a planting palette that consists of minimum 50% drought-tolerant
species unless otherwise specified.
(l) The Contractor shall provide a planting palette for all EEB sites that consists entirely of native,
drought-tolerant species.
(m) The Contractor shall provide salt-tolerant plant material along all pedestrian travel paths and
vehicular driveways, aisles, roads, and parking stalls.
(n) The Contractor shall ensure all planting adjacent to vehicular driveways, aisles, roads, and
parking stalls is set back a minimum of 600 mm from the inside edge of the concrete curb.
(o) Where property constraints do not allow for a 600 mm setback between planting and vehicular
driveways, aisles, roads and parking stalls, a reduced setback shall be reviewed and approved by
Contracting Authority.

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(p) The Contractor shall ensure large shrubs are located minimum 1.0 m away from all pedestrian
travel paths and vehicular driveways, aisles, roads, and parking stalls.
(q) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 1.0 m wide clear space between trees/shrubs and
building/structures for structural inspections and maintenance device access.
(r) The Contractor shall avoid planting trees within interim landscape sites and only provide shrubs,
ornamental grasses and/or groundcover planting unless otherwise specified.
(s) The Contractor shall provide shrubs in groupings within continuous planting beds as opposed to
individually where space permits.
(t) Where planting is located within or adjacent to TRCA land, the Contractor shall coordinate with
TRCA and provide a planting palette that consists entirely of native species that are considered
local to the TRCA watershed.
(u) The Contractor shall integrate a structural support system or a root control system below paved
surfaces and into the overall design to provide sufficient root growth.
(v) Where new planting is located adjacent to private property, the Municipal ROW, parkland, RNFP
areas, or TRCA lands, the Contractor shall ensure proposed planting activities do not impact the
root zones of existing trees.
(w) The Contractor shall consider the size of all plant material at various stages of growth, up to and
including mature crown.
(x) The Contractor shall submit planting information to City of Toronto Urban Forestry based on the
following criteria:
(i) for all newly planted street trees within the Municipal ROW, as required in a document
provided by Urban Forestry (TPPR New Asset Collection);
(ii) for proposed tree planting within private property, in the form of a list with the address,
species, and size for each tree; and
(iii) for RNFP lands, using area-based landscape plans that include a planting list with the
species, size, and quantities for each area.
(y) The Contractor shall provide all plant material within Metrolinx Lands in compliance with the
criteria listed in Table 3.18-1.

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Table 3.18-1. Minimum Planting Criteria for Facilities and Streetscapes within Metrolinx Lands

Plant Material Size Spacing (m)

Deciduous Trees - Large 70 mm caliper 6.0
Deciduous Trees - Medium 45 mm caliper 3.0
Coniferous Trees 1.5 m hardy tree 3.0
Evergreen Shrubs 45 cm spread 0.9
Deciduous Shrubs 45 cm hardy tree 0.9
Multi-Stem Deciduous Shrubs 2.0 m hardy tree 1.5 Soil Volumes and Soil Cells

(a) The Contractor shall ensure each tree is provided with minimum 30 cubic metres of soil in
accordance with TGS requirements.
(b) Where conditions do not allow for minimum 30 cubic metres of soil per tree, the Contractor shall
provide soil cells to achieve the minimum required soil volume.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a minimum soil depth of 1.0 m and a maximum of 1.2 m over and
above any required Drainage system and granular material.
(d) The Contractor shall provide soil cell system components that have been manufactured and on the
market for a minimum of 10 years.
(e) The Contractor shall provide space under sidewalks and cycle tracks for accommodating the soil
volume where necessary and where it is not in conflict with utility infrastructure.
(f) The Contractor shall provide soil cell system components that are a modular system and can be
easily excavated and replaced with minimal disturbance and without compromising the structural
integrity of the system and pavement structure if maintenance of utilities or paving is necessary. Topsoil
(a) The Contractor shall provide topsoil to meet the following requirements:
(i) fertile loose friable loam containing 1-part peat moss, 1-part organic matte, 2-parts silty-
(ii) free of lumps, boulders or undecayed leaves and branches;
(iii) free of any admixture of subsoil, stones, and roots over 50 mm in diameter and any other
extraneous matter; and
(iv) reasonably free of weeds, weed seeds and rhizomes.
(b) The Contractor shall avoid the use of structural soil as a soil substrate except where required to
provide structural stability for the installation of streetlights or hydro poles.

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(c) The Contractor shall supply topsoil in a non-frozen state.

(d) The Contractor shall remove all in-situ topsoil stripped for construction requirements offsite
unless there is sufficient room to stockpile topsoil at a height no greater than 1.2 m. Sod
(a) The Contractor shall provide sod at all turf areas.
(b) The Contractor shall avoid locating sod in small, isolated areas.
(c) The Contractor shall provide sod materials that have been grown as a turf grass crop from seed
mixtures having salt and drought resistance and minimal mowing characteristics. Screens and Barriers

(a) The Contractor shall provide all exterior screens, fences, railings, barriers, and guards to meet the
following requirements:
(i) integrated with the existing and/or planned urban environment;
(ii) simple, light, and elegant structures that minimize the visual impact on surrounding
development and public streets; and
(iii) with materials and details that enhance or soften the visual impact.
(b) Where possible, the Contractor shall provide vegetative screening instead of architectural screens,
walls, or fences.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a design and finish for screens, fences and barriers that are
coordinated in style, match a family of materials, and compliment Station architecture, pedestrian
walkways, and existing neighbourhood character.
(d) The Contractor shall only provide concrete, masonry, or stone walls for screening purposes, if
they complement the architecture of the facility or the surrounding built environment.
(e) The Contractor shall provide buffers with screens, green wall systems, hedges, and coniferous
trees to deflect uncomfortable winds and snow away from pedestrian travel paths or to minimize
visual impact of at-grade structures and equipment in Public Realm areas.
(f) The Contractor shall provide Architectural Screening based on the following design criteria:
(i) height of 2.0 m above finished grade unless otherwise specified;
(ii) constructed from metal with a powder coated finish;
(iii) perforated design with a minimum porosity of 30%;
(iv) consistent in its aesthetic appearance throughout the SSE corridor.
(g) The Contractor shall provide Architectural Screening where space permits to ameliorate views
around at-grade equipment from pedestrian walkways, Station plazas, and adjacent property.
(h) The Contractor shall provide solid screens and barriers in conjunction with planting where space
permits to discourage vandalism and soften the visual impact.
(i) The Contractor shall set back all screens and barriers based on the following criteria:

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(i) minimum 0.5 m setback from the inside edge of the curb where adjacent to parking
spaces and vehicular routes; and
(ii) minimum 1.0 m setback from the edge of a Municipal sidewalk.
(j) Where the clearance of PMH units is integrated with a building mass, the Contractor shall ensure
Architectural Screening is aligned with the building face to sufficiently screen the PMH units and
create a seamless façade with the building.
(k) The Contractor shall ensure THESL is provided 24/7 access to any lockable gate around PMH
units via a lock-box.
(l) The Contractor shall provide noise barriers as required per Schedule 17 - Environmental
Obligations and based on the following design criteria:
(i) finish and visual design of the noise barrier shall be determined in consultation and
coordination with adjacent property owners and the City of Toronto through Contracting
(ii) design and materiality of the noise barrier shall provide privacy for residential properties;
(iii) operation and maintenance requirements for the noise barrier shall be determined in
consultation and coordination with Contracting Authority and asset owner;
(iv) design and materiality shall be selected to ensure maintenance activities for the noise
barrier can be performed from within Station property; and
(v) a minimum 300 mm clear zone shall be provided between the noise barrier and adjacent
property lines for periodic inspection.
(m) The Contractor shall provide noise barriers in accordance with the following requirements and
design guidelines where applicable to subway stations and facilities:
(i) Metrolinx DS-09 Subway Station Architecture Design Standard;
(ii) Metrolinx DS-28 Noise Barrier Design Requirements;
(iii) Metrolinx DGL-01 Noise and Vibration Mitigation;
(iv) Metrolinx DGL-02 Vegetative Screening for Noise Barriers; and
(v) Metrolinx DGL-03 Graffiti Management.
(n) Where vegetative screening is provided along noise barriers, the Contractor shall ensure
Metrolinx DS-09 and Schedule 15, Section 3.18 take precedence over Metrolinx DGL-02
Vegetative Screening for Noise Barriers.
(o) The Contractor shall perform the analysis, design, and construct noise barriers along the
perimeter of all New Metrolinx Infrastructure if the anticipated temporary or permanent
operations exceed noise barrier criteria.
(p) Where adjacent to residential property, the Contractor shall provide wood fencing that matches
existing neighbourhood character and has the appearance of a neighbourhood privacy fence.
(q) The Contractor shall provide all solid wood fencing at a minimum height of 1.8 m and
constructed from cedar or pressure treated Jack Pine unless otherwise specified.

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(r) Where construction works for EEB sites impact existing residential fencing, the Contractor shall
consult and coordinate with neighbouring property owners through the Metrolinx community
engagement team and shall reinstate the fencing, where agreed upon outside of Metrolinx Lands.
(s) The Contractor shall reinstate existing residential fences at a height of 1.8 m or to match height of
existing fence, whichever is greater.
(t) The Contractor shall avoid the use of chain link fencing.
(u) The Contractor shall avoid the use of timber retaining walls and timber planters.
(v) Where walls are less than 1.0 m in height, the Contractor shall design the tops of walls to prohibit
bicycles and skateboards.
(w) The Contractor shall secure steel posts located on concrete walls to permit water Drainage and
prohibit rusting and spalling of concrete.
(x) The Contractor shall provide vegetative screening that consists of 50% evergreen species and
complies with the minimum plant size requirements listed below if planting is used for screening
around Station Site Facilities:
(i) deciduous trees: 60 mm caliper;
(ii) coniferous trees and evergreens: 1500 mm high; and
(iii) shrubs: 600 mm high.
(y) Where planting is located near perimeter fencing, the Contractor shall:
(i) avoid planting trees within 3.0 m of the fence;
(ii) provide tree species with minimal spreading roots and with no tendency to produce
‘sucker’; and
(iii) provide a minimum buffer of 2.0 m between the fence and shrubs with invasive root
(z) The Contractor shall ensure vines are planted minimum 3.0 m away from any signage,
maintenance fixtures, gates, wires, and conduits.
(aa) The Contractor shall avoid planting vines at security fences where obstructing necessary sight
lines. Grading and Drainage

(a) The Contractor shall meet existing grades along all property lines.
(b) The Contractor shall provide sodded areas with positive Drainage.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure sodded areas do not exceed a slope of 3:1.
(d) Where a maximum slope of 3:1 cannot be achieved, the Contractor shall provide sod treated with
erosion control materials or techniques to prevent erosion.
(e) The Contractor shall direct Drainage away from pedestrian travel paths to a suitable surface
Drainage system with available capacity.

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(f) The Contractor shall ensure that grades within the drip line of an existing tree are not disturbed
either during or after construction unless otherwise specified.
(g) The Contractor shall minimize the need for low retaining walls along the Municipal ROW
through regrading including into private property as required. Green Roofs

(a) The Contractor shall provide low-maintenance plant material for green roof areas
(b) The Contractor shall select a planting palette for green roofs that provides year-round colour,
texture, and seasonal variation.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a tray system with minimum 150 mm deep growing media.
(d) The Contractor shall provide soil with a minimum organic content of 10% for all green roofs. Irrigation
(a) The Contractor shall provide an automatic irrigation system for green roofs.
(b) Where an automatic irrigation system is provided, the Contractor shall provide appropriate heads
to supply water to the proper surface and not to adjacent areas.
(c) Where a permanent irrigation system is not provided at grade, the Contractor shall:
(i) provide supplemental watering to assist in the establishment of the plant material;
(ii) avoid a long-term potable water irrigation system; and
(iii) consider providing supplemental water from roof drains.
(d) The Contractor shall provide, and coordinate hose bibs and water hydrants as required based on
Mechanical requirements. Refer to Section

3.18.5 Existing Plant Material, Tree Protection and Tree Compensation Scope
(a) This section establishes the requirements and criteria applicable the protection, replacement, and
removal of existing plant material. Existing Plant Material and Tree Protection

(a) The Contractor shall submit an Arborist Report and Tree Preservation Plan as per Schedule 17 -
Environmental Obligations.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure that any injury to a tree during construction is evaluated by the
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that any recommended treatment for tree remediation is completed by
the Arborist.

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(a) The Contractor shall identify trees to be removed, the value of the tree removals, and mitigation
opportunities with a priority on replanting trees back into the Municipal ROW in accordance with
Schedule 17 – Environmental Obligations.
(b) The Contractor shall be responsible for landscape restoration to offset any loss of vegetation and
to achieve a net gain in vegetated area, attributes, and functions in accordance with Schedule 17–
Environmental Obligations.
(c) The Contractor shall be responsible for the compensation of trees removed or injured as a result
of the Works in accordance with Schedule 17– Environmental Obligations.
(d) The Contractor shall replace shrubs and perennials with a one-to-one replacement ratio with
plants of similar size and species in accordance with Schedule 17– Environmental Obligations.
(e) Where replacement planting of shrubs and perennials of similar size is not possible due to the size
of the removed vegetation, the Contractor shall replace planting with a two-to-one replacement
(f) Where parkland or open space edges within private property or the Municipal ROW are disrupted
by the Works, the Contractor shall reinstate all landscape elements to match or improve upon
existing conditions. Naturalized Landscapes (Bioswales, Stormwater Management Ponds)

(a) The Contractor shall provide bio-swales, rain gardens, and any stormwater management ponds to
provide a naturalized planting scheme for the stormwater management facilities and create an
aesthetic compliment with the adjacent landscape.
(b) The Contractor shall provide all native or hardy grasses, shrubs, vines, and trees established
through a mixture of seeding, planting and managed natural succession.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure all plant material is low-maintenance and non-invasive.
(d) The Contractor shall provide drought and salt tolerant plant species for bio-swales, subject to
adjoining sidewalk and roadway runoff.
(e) The Contractor shall provide naturalized landscapes that consist of mass plantings of deciduous
tree whips, coniferous trees, and shrubs.
(f) The Contractor shall provide hydric soil, harvested soil from an existing wetland, creek, or ditch
to establish the seed source for the native grasses and forbs.
(g) The Contractor shall provide soil from sites without affecting them adversely by the removal.
(h) The Contractor shall determine specific species based on adjacent natural area ecology and size of
the stormwater management landscape.
(i) The Contractor shall follow Table 3.18-2 outlining the minimum requirements for plant size and
spacing for stormwater management and naturalized landscapes within Metrolinx Lands.

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(j) The Contractor shall follow Table 3.18-3 and Table 3.18-4 outlining the minimum requirements
for plant size, spacing and density with RNFP Regulated Areas unless otherwise specified by the
City of Toronto.

Table 3.18-2. Minimum Planting Criteria for Stormwater Management and Naturalized
Landscapes within Metrolinx Lands

Plant Material Size On-Centre Spacing Range

Deciduous Trees 60 mm caliper 3.0 - 6.0 m
Deciduous Tree - Whips 2.0 m hardy tree 2.4 - 5.0 m
Coniferous Trees 1.5 m balled and burlapped 4.0 m
Evergreen Shrubs 2 gallons 900 mm
Shrubs – Whips 450 mm hardy tree 900 mm
Aquatic Plants Seed/plugs 300 mm
Native Groundcovers Seed/plugs 150 mm
Prairie Seed Mix Seed N/A

Table 3.18-3. Minimum Planting Criteria for RNFP Regulated Areas

Plant Material Minimum Size On-Centre Spacing Range

Deciduous Trees 30 mm caliper 3.0 - 5.0m
Coniferous Trees 1.5 m balled and burlapped 3.0 - 5.0m
Deciduous Tree: whips 2.0 m height 3.0 - 5.0m
Coniferous shrubs 2 gallons 1.0 - 1.5m
Shrubs: whips 450 mm height 1.0 - 1.5m

Table 3.18-4. Minimum Planting Density for RNFP Regulated Areas

Total Plant Tree Shrub Total Plant
Site Type Area (m2)
Quantity Quantity Quantity Density (m2)
RNFP >10,000 10,000 3,000 7,000 1.00

RNFP <10,000 6,500 1,950 4,550 1.54

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3.18.6 Public Realm - Stations Scope
(a) This section establishes the UDLA requirements applicable to the area within Station property
between Station architecture and the edge of Municipal ROWs. Station Design Criteria

(a) The Contractor shall provide Station Entrance Plazas based on the following criteria:
(i) minimum depth of 5.0 m as measured from the Station entrance façade to the property
(ii) minimum width of 10.0 m and located along the entire length of the entrance door; and
(iii) located entirely within Station property and shall not rely on the Municipal ROW to
achieve the minimum required plaza size.
(b) The Contractor shall provide shelter for all short-term bicycle parking spaces using an integrated
canopy along the Station building's façade.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a service animal relief area at each Station in accordance with
Metrolinx DS-02 Universal Design Standards.
(d) The Contractor shall provide safe and accessible pedestrian connections from Stations, Bus
Terminals and Non-Passenger Facilities to the existing pedestrian circulation network, street
crossings and cycle lanes.
(e) The Contractor shall provide direct circulation routes within Station Plazas, Bus Terminals and
Non-Passenger Facilities for passengers using wheeled mobility aids.
(f) The Contractor shall provide all pedestrian travel paths with smooth, uninterrupted, and slip-
resistant surfaces.
(g) The Contractor shall provide changes in tactile properties of paving finish to provide cues to
Station entrance walkways and other points of navigational significance.
(h) Where pedestrian walkways intersect with vehicular or Bus Terminal driveways, the Contractor
shall identify the pedestrian clearway by providing tactile plates and a continuation of the
walkway surface material over the roadway.
(i) Where pedestrian walkways and/or cycling facilities intersect with vehicular or Bus Terminal
driveways, the Contractor shall provide a raised crossing over the driveway within the Municipal
(j) Where cycling facilities are located between an on-street bus stop and the pedestrian clearway,
the Contractor shall ensure a direct and accessible pedestrian crossing is provided over the cycle
route between the pedestrian clearway and the furnishing zone.
(k) The Contractor shall identify pedestrian crossings over cycling facilities in accordance with all
Municipal standards including signage, pavement markings, tactile features, and surface material.

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(l) The Contractor shall coordinate with the Transit Oriented Community Developer where
applicable on the paving treatment and furnishing placement along Station property boundaries to
reinforce strength of brand and Streetscape continuity.
(m) The Contractor shall address site specific requirements for each Station within Metrolinx Lands
as listed in Table 3.18-5.

Table 3.18-5. Site Specific Landscape Requirements for Public Realm - Stations
Min No.
Min of Short- Min No.
Min Min No. of No. of Min No. of
Percentage Term of Animal
Station No. of Standards Bike Waste
of Bicycle Relief
Trees Benches Repair Receptacles
Softscape Parking Area
East Station - 5 4.0 % 8 28 1 1
East Station - 2 6.0 % 1 16 1 1 1
Centre 5 0.6 % 6 38 1 2 1
48 5.5 % 8 48 1 2 1
East Station Station Plazas

(a) The Contractor shall provide all deciduous trees planted in paved areas with metal tree grates to
create additional space for pedestrian circulation.
(b) The Contractor shall provide all deciduous trees planted in paved areas a minimum branch
clearance of 2.0 m above finished grade or with an upright branching habit.
(c) The Contractor shall raise all planting beds above pedestrian walkways in one of the following
(i) minimum 150 mm high granite or continuous poured concrete curb;
(ii) precast concrete or natural stone retaining wall system; or
(iii) planting beds that are integral with the Station architecture.
(d) The Contractor shall provide raised planters in compliance with the following criteria:
(i) raised planters with tree groves shall have a planter wall height of 405 mm to protect
plant species from salt damage and accommodate seating height requirements;

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(ii) minimum height of 150 mm and raised to maximum height of 405 mm where soil depth
is restricted by subgrade conditions;
(iii) planter walls shall be integrated with benches where space permits and located to
reinforce gathering pockets and waiting areas;
(iv) minimum 2.5 m setback between the edge of the planter and Station architecture; and
(v) planter wall finish shall be consistent with paving treatment and match the family of
(e) The Contractor shall avoid the use of free-standing precast concrete planters.
(f) The Contractor shall avoid planting trees above utilities that are diverted through Station
(g) The Contractor shall provide a tiered landscape to avoid creating walls greater than 600 mm
along the street if retaining structures are located at Station plazas to accommodate grade
(h) The Contractor shall provide infrastructure provisions including utility power outlet and water
supply at all Station plazas to be in a secured convenient location that is accessible from the
exterior and can be used for both maintenance and Station-related activities. Station Site Facilities General Requirements
(a) Where Station Site Facilities are fronting the street, the Contractor shall provide landscape strips
around the periphery of Station Site Facilities where space permits with shade trees and shrubs to
ameliorate views from public areas. Areas where development is integrated with adjoining
properties are exempt from this treatment.
(b) The Contractor shall avoid placing site furnishings, plant materials at full mature growth, and
landscape elements in areas that will allow for access to roof and restricted areas of site facilities.
(c) The Contractor shall avoid impeding pedestrian and wheelchair circulation with the placement of
facility site elements at Station, Bus Terminal, and Non-Passenger Facility entrances while
maintaining waiting, surge, and queuing space as per the capacity and space requirements.
(d) The Contractor shall provide a 150 mm high continuous poured concrete curb to separate
pedestrian travel paths adjacent to vehicular routes and to provide protection from vehicular
(e) The Contractor shall provide a 200 mm wide x 150 mm high continuous poured concrete curb to
define all internal roadways and planting areas.
(f) The Contractor shall provide a pair of safety bollards at all EEB entrances with one on either side
of the doorway.
(g) The Contractor shall provide snow storage areas based on the following criteria:
(i) located in areas that are free from plant material; and

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(ii) adequately sized and designed to drain away from surrounding planting beds to minimize
the impact of salt damage.
(h) The Contractor shall provide a minimum width of 1.7 m for PPUDO pedestrian travel paths at
parking stalls. Where pedestrian travel paths run perpendicular to adjacent parking stalls, the
minimum width of the walkway shall be increased by a minimum of 0.6 m.
(i) The Contractor shall design the accessible walkway route as the most direct route to the Station
entrance from and throughout a parking lot.
(j) The Contractor shall define accessible walkways using a combination of stamped concrete and
broom finished concrete and providing a distinctive tactile finish at asphalt roadway intersections.
(k) The Contractor shall provide a row of shade trees along pedestrian routes at parking lots, where
space permits, that connects to Station entrances or into the major pedestrian sidewalk parallel to
any arterial street leading directly to the crosswalk or over the crossing. Medians
(a) The Contractor shall provide planting beds for the full length of medians where the width of the
median is at least 1.5 m wide as measured from the back of curbs.
(b) The Contractor shall provide planting that does not obstruct vehicular sight lines, vehicular
circulation routes, surveillance areas or signage.
(c) The Contractor shall provide salt-resistant and drought tolerant plant material within medians.
(d) The Contractor shall avoid plant material within medians in areas where emergency service
access is required.
(e) The Contractor shall provide plant materials which minimize the accumulation of leaf materials
and do not negatively impact maintenance operations. Station Bus Terminals

(a) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 3.0 m wide landscape buffer and vegetative screening
treatment within Station property between the edge of Bus Terminals’ curbs and the Municipal
(i) Where space does not permit for a landscape buffer to screen the Bus Terminal, the
Contractor shall provide Architectural Screening within Station property to ameliorate
views from the Municipal ROW.
(b) The Contractor shall provide noise barriers along Bus Terminals as required per Schedule 17 -
Environmental Obligations and Section (Screens and Barriers).
(c) The Contractor shall provide noise barriers with a minimum setback of 0.5 m from the inside
edge of a Bus Terminal curb. Non-Passenger Facilities

(a) Where a TPSS building is directly fronting or visible from a Municipal street, the Contractor shall
animate the building façade and minimize visual impacts of the structure using one or more of the

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(i) landscaping;
(ii) architectural or graphic treatments;
(iii) planted wall systems;
(iv) seating;
(v) lighting; or
(vi) outdoor bicycle parking where space permits.
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate with THESL on the required access and clearances for incoming
feeders of PMH units and provide a dedicated loading area at each TPSS for the installation of
pad mount equipment.
(c) The Contractor shall provide turf stone or a similar durable permeable paving treatment within
site property for EEB and TPSS emergency parking spaces and driveways unless otherwise
(d) The Contractor shall ensure that the grade within work areas is generally flat with a minimum 2%
slope away from the building. Site Furnishings

(a) The Contractor shall provide benches at key gathering spaces and waiting zones in compliance
with the following requirements:
(i) be highly visible;
(ii) provide for visibility underneath the bench; and
(iii) be located clear of pedestrian traffic flows.
(b) The Contractor shall provide short-term bicycle storage within Station property in accordance
with the quantities identified for each Station in Table 3.18-5.
(c) The Contractor shall provide bicycle rings with the ability to lock a bicycle in two places.
(d) The Contractor shall locate short-term bicycle parking as close as possible to Station Entrances
without negatively impacting pedestrian and multimodal traffic flows.
(e) The Contractor shall provide minimum two waste receptacles at each Station with one located
near the Station entrance.
(f) The Contractor shall provide waste and recycle receptacle units that are easily accessible for
maintenance and trash pickup.
(g) The Contractor shall provide metal tree grates that are flush with the surrounding grade and in
accordance with Municipal standards.
(h) The Contractor shall provide tree guards for all trees in grates along Station frontage based on the
following criteria:
(i) tree guards shall be maximum 750 mm in height to prevent the locking of bicycles; and

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(ii) tree guard design shall complement Station architecture, pedestrian walkways, and match
the family of materials.
(i) The Contractor shall provide fencing barriers, railings, bollards and/or landscape strategies along
sidewalks, ramps, and site facilities as determined to be necessary through the Safety and Security
Program determined in Schedule 29 - Safety, System Assurance and Security.
(j) The Contractor shall provide salt boxes based on Metrolinx DS-09 and located adjacent to Station
Entrance Buildings or other above grade installations where space permits.
(k) The Contractor shall fasten all furniture in place to prevent unauthorized removal, mitigate
vandalism and to protect for future replacement requirements.
(l) The Contractor shall provide site furnishings and benches which prohibit a person from laying
down and discourage skateboarding.
(m) The Contractor shall coordinate the placement of site furnishings and fixtures within Station
plazas and Municipal streetscapes with the City of Toronto to ensure the avoidance of
unnecessary redundancy for waste receptacles, benches etc.
(n) The Contractor shall coordinate with the Toronto 360 Wayfinding Program to provide a location
for a city totem at each Station. City totem must be located within the Municipal ROW at the
Station Entrance Plaza. Site Lighting

(a) The Contractor shall provide lighting located with the construction zone for Station, Bus
Terminals, and Non-Passenger Facilities.
(b) The Contractor shall provide adequate lighting for safe pedestrian circulation and that is
coordinated with the location of shelters and site furnishings.
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate planting layouts and fencing with the lighting plan to allow for
sufficient spacing around light fixtures and to provide clear and unambiguous light patterns.
(d) The Contractor shall provide continuous lighting along sidewalks that is integrated with
Municipal street lighting where feasible to minimize Streetscape clutter.
(e) The Contractor shall conceal landscape illumination at Station plazas from view where possible.
(f) The Contractor shall provide lighting that features full cut-off luminaires to direct light towards
pedestrian travel paths and the Municipal sidewalk while minimizing glare and spillage on
surrounding houses and development.
(g) The Contractor shall extend the distribution of light beyond the limit of pedestrian travel paths to
illuminate the immediate surroundings and to clearly identify changes in grade, direction, and
surface texture.
(h) The Contractor shall control the direction of lighting to avoid blinding pedestrians, minimize
shadows from foliage, and reduce glare from reflective surfaces.
(i) The Contractor shall ensure lighting provides a view of landscaped areas immediately adjacent to
pedestrian walkways.

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(j) The Contractor shall reinstate to meet current standards any street or pedestrian light pole, bracket
arm and luminaire within the Municipal ROW that is removed for construction of the SSE.
(k) The Contractor shall provide exterior luminaires that are outdoor rated and vandal resistant, with
a minimum IP65 rating (K020).

3.18.7 Public Realm - Streetscapes Scope
(a) This section establishes the criteria and design requirements applicable to the area between
Station property lines and the back of Municipal road curbs. Streetscape Design Criteria

(a) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto on the frontage of Stations and Non-
Passenger Facilities including driveway locations, curb cuts, walkway connections, site
furnishings and bus shelter placement to ensure Streetscape continuity.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a minimum width of 3.3 m for the public boulevard within the
Municipal ROW that includes curb apron, pedestrian clearway, and furnishing or planting zone.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure all street trees located within the Municipal ROW are spaced
minimum 8.0 m apart.
(d) The Contractor shall avoid locating street trees along a curbside Bus Stop within 20.0 m of the
Bus Stop marker in the direction of approach.
(e) The Contractor shall minimize curb radii at intersections and driveways to minimize pedestrian
crossing distances and reduce the speed of turning vehicles. Streetscape Paving Criteria

(a) The Contractor shall provide depressed curbs at all sidewalks, bicycle lane, and roadway
Interfaces, complete with tactile finishes along the length of the depressed curb.
(b) The Contractor shall locate a depressed curb near bicycle parking areas to facilitate safe access
from roadway to sidewalk.
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC and City of Toronto to finalize bus shelter pad
locations and details including identification of bus routes with Articulated buses if Bus Stops,
including lay-bys and shelters within the Municipal ROW, pre-exist at Station entrances or within
the construction zone.
(d) The Contractor shall provide concrete bus shelter pads for all new, temporary, and reinstated bus
shelters in compliance with Municipal standards and specifications.
(e) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC and City of Toronto on the location of all bus shelter

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(a) The Contractor shall provide a Street Furniture layout located within the Municipal ROW based
on the City of Toronto Coordinated Street Furniture Program which includes benches, transit
shelters (powered and non-powered), litter/recycling receptacles, information pillars, publication
structures, signage structures, message boards, bicycle rings, and their associated concrete base.
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto and Contracting Authority on the
location and quantity of street furnishings within the Municipal ROW.
(c) The Contractor shall space-proof for a Bike Share Toronto facility at each SSE Station based on
the following criteria:
(i) located within the Municipal ROW;
(ii) located within 80 m of the Main or Secondary entrance; and
(iii) provides a minimum of 19 docking points per Station.
(d) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto Street Furniture Planning,
Transportation Services Department, and Astral Media on the removal, storage, temporary
relocation, and installation of all City of Toronto Street Furniture.
(e) The Contractor shall allow sufficient space for Astral Media to remove and install all associated
Street Furniture assets.
(f) The Contractor shall be responsible for the removal, storage and/or temporary relocation of all
other City of Toronto Street Furniture impacted by the Works for the duration of Construction
Activities. Furniture not intended for reuse shall be returned to the owner.
(g) The Contractor shall be responsible for the implementation of foundation pads, associated
reinforcement, and applicable electrical connections including conduit, ground plate and
grounding wire required to support City of Toronto Street Furnishings in compliance with
Municipal standards.
(h) The Contractor shall provide City of Toronto Street Furniture planning with landscape drawings
for review at all design stages to ensure Street Furniture is compliant with Municipal standards.
(i) The Contractor shall submit a request to City of Toronto Street Furniture Planning for the
temporary removal of all Street Furniture elements which identifies the following criteria:
(i) exact location address and/or nearest intersection to the site;
(ii) site I.D. as listed in the Street Furniture inventory; and
(iii) start and end dates of Construction Activities.
(j) The Contractor shall provide City of Toronto Street Furniture Planning with advanced notice for
the removal of Street Furniture based on the following criteria:
(i) minimum six weeks for powered Street Furniture elements; and
(ii) minimum two weeks for non-powered Street Furniture elements.

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(k) The Contractor shall notify the City of Toronto at least five days in advance of installing a
conduit so that a representative of Astral Media is present on site to inspect and document the
installation for Toronto Hydro approval.
(l) The Contractor shall notify Contracting Authority and the City of Toronto Bike Share Manager at
least 30 days in advance for the removal of any existing Bike Share station.
(m) The Contractor shall be responsible for the removal fees associated with each Bike Share station
affected by the Works.
(n) The Contractor shall provide TTC bus stop markers at all on-street bus stops and in compliance
with the TTC Wayfinding Standards Manual.
(o) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto and TTC to confirm the exact location
and extent of transit shelter and bus stop pole reinstatement as well as other associated
(p) The Contractor shall provide TTC with minimum four weeks advanced notice and obtain
approval prior to any long-term closure, removal, or relocation of a TTC bus stop marker.
(q) The Contractor shall coordinate with Canada Post and provide a minimum of 30 days advanced
notice prior to removal or relocation of any Canada Post Boxes.
(r) The Contractor shall engage with the City of Toronto Plaques Manager to coordinate any
removal, restoration, and reinstallation of heritage plaques.
(s) The Contractor shall provide the City of Toronto with a minimum of eight weeks advanced notice
prior to any removal or relocation of heritage plaques.
(t) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto on BIA streetscape and furnishing
initiatives and provide space within the Municipal ROW for BIA furnishings if required.

3.19 Geotechnical and Foundation

3.19.1 Overview
(a) This section addresses the requirements for geotechnical aspects relating to the design and
construction of the Works.

3.19.2 Scope
(a) This section covers requirements related to geotechnical aspects of the design of the Works’
elements and includes:
(i) codes and standards (reference documents);
(ii) general requirements;
(iii) requirements in relation with supplementary subsurface investigation, and testing;
(iv) Geotechnical Design Methodology Reports;
(v) seismic design;
(vi) foundations design;

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(vii) Support of Excavation and underpinning of existing facilities;

(viii) temporary and permanent slopes and retaining structures and Cut and Cover Structures;
(ix) groundwater control;
(x) protection of Existing Adjacent Structures, by exercising construction impact assessment,
geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring, Response Action Plan, and application of
mitigation measures;
(xi) condition survey;
(xii) earthworks including backfilling; and
(xiii) special requirements in relation with launch and extraction Shaft.

3.19.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall perform all Works related to geotechnical design and construction in
accordance with the criteria in Section 3.3 (Design Standards), and the latest version on the
Effective Date of the documents listed below:
(i) Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual (CFEM);
(ii) Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC);
(iii) City of Toronto Standards, including Municipal Consent Requirements and Municipal
Code Chapter 681 Sewers;
(iv) National Building Code of Canada (NBC);
(v) Ontario Building Code (OBC);
(vi) Ontario Provincial Standards Specifications (OPSS), including OPSS 206, OPSS 212,
OPSS 402, OPSS 501, OPSS 514, OPSS 517.PROV, OPSS 539, OPSS 902, OPSS 942
and OPSS 1010, OHSA;
(vii) Ontario Provincial Standards Drawings (OPSD);
(viii) Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI);
(ix) Canadian Standards Association (CSA);
(x) American Society for Testing and Material (ASTM);
(xi) Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) Manuals and Guidelines;
(xii) MECP guidelines, codes, and standards;
(xiii) MTO Guidelines;
(xiv) TTC Design Manuals;
(xv) TRCA Geotechnical Design and Submission Requirements (November 2007);
(xvi) TTC Technical Review Requirements; and
(xvii) TTC Developer’s Guide.

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3.19.4 General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall carry out geotechnical and foundations design in accordance with the
principles of Limit States Design (LSD) based on Load and Resistance Factor Design as
described in the OBC, CHBDC, CFEM, considering the purpose of the structure and AREMA for
the track subgrade foundation.
(b) The Contractor may apply, Working Stress Design (WSD) as a check on other numerical or
analytical procedures.

3.19.5 Supplementary Subsurface Investigation, and Testing

(a) The Contractor shall, prior to construction, review all geo-engineering information provided by
Contracting Authority in the Geotechnical Data Reports and Geotechnical Memoranda, determine
any data gap, prepare a data gap report, and submit it to Contracting Authority for review in
accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.
(b) The Contractor shall undertake supplementary subsurface investigations and testing, to cover the
data gap, to the level which, under sole discretion of the Contractor, enables the Contractor to
carry out the detailed design and construction of the Project.
(c) The Contractor shall:
(i) prepare a geotechnical Investigation Work Plan for each package of investigation works,
in accordance with good industry practice, and at least inclusive of all requirements of
TTC Geotechnical Design Review Checklist, and submit the workplans to Contracting
Authority, and the relevant third parties, including TTC, City of Toronto, MTO, as
applicable, for review in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure; and
(ii) submit the findings and results of the supplementary investigations and testing in a
Geotechnical Data Report(s) (GDRs) to Contracting Authority, and third parties, as
applicable, for review in accordance with the requirements of Schedule 10 - Review
(d) The Contractor shall retain services of qualified consultants who hold a Professional Engineers of
Ontario Certificate of Authorization and practice as geotechnical consultant to carry out the
supplementary subsurface investigation.
(e) The Contractor shall carry out all field and laboratory testing in accordance with applicable CSA
or ASTM Standards.
(f) The Contractor shall survey the locations and elevations of all boreholes, and other field tests and
soundings by an Ontario Land Surveyor (OLS) with reference to project reference points.
(g) The Contractor shall ensure the horizontal and vertical accuracy of survey measurements are
accurate respectively to within 0.05 m, and 0.01m relative to the project survey control network.
(h) The Contractor shall only use geotechnical laboratories certified by Canadian Council of
Independent Laboratories (CCIL).
(i) The Contractor shall have participated and met the MTO correlation program for soil testing.

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(j) The Contractor shall only use environmental laboratories accredited by the Canadian Association
for Laboratory Accreditation (CALA) for analytical tests.

3.19.6 Geotechnical Design Methodology Reports (GDMR)

(a) The Contractor shall provide a detailed complete set of structure-specific Geotechnical Design
Methodology Reports (GDMRs) that specifically cover all geotechnical aspects, for each and all
relevant structures of the Works, including Stations, entrances, EEBs, Passenger Pick-Up and
Drop-Off (PPUDO), Bus Facilities, TPSS, Ventilation Shafts, Tunnel fit out and Systems, Tail
Tracks and Kennedy Pocket Track.
(b) The Contractor shall incorporate all existing information and supplementary investigation results
in the GDMRs.
(c) The Contractor shall include a tabulated list of geotechnical and hydrogeological design
parameters, the basis for selection of the design parameters, and stratigraphic profiles and
sections pertaining to the design of all elements and all structures.
(d) The Contractor shall include site specific geotechnical parameters required for pavement design
(e) The Contractor shall include the results of Site classification and seismic response study, as
required in Section 3.19.7, in the GDMR.
(f) The Contractor shall include the results of liquefaction assessment, as required in Section 3.19.7,
in the GDMR.
(g) The Contractor shall submit GDMRs stamped, signed, and dated by the licensed Professional
Engineers in the Province of Ontario.
(h) The Contractor shall submit structure-specific GDMRs to Contracting Authority, and the relevant
third parties, including TTC, City of Toronto, MTO, as applicable, for review in accordance with
Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.

3.19.7 Seismic Design

(a) The Contractor shall complete a Site classification and seismic response study in accordance with
NBCC, OBC and CHBDC as applicable.
(b) The Contractor shall design Underground Structures and must apply a dual-level seismic design
criterion to provide both a life safety performance objective and an operational performance
objective as follows:
(i) Maximum Design Earthquake (MDE) where the probability of exceedance is
approximately 4%in the 100-year Design Life, which corresponds to the 2%probability
exceedance in 50 years that is specified in the NBC;
(ii) design the Underground Structures to resist loads and deformations imposed on the
structures during the MDE;
(iii) Operating Design Earthquake (ODE) where the probability of exceedance is
approximately 20%in the 100-year Design Life, which corresponds to the 10%probability
exceedance in 50 years that is defined by the Geological Survey of Canada using the
NBC Seismic Hazard Maps;

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(iv) when subjected to ODE, design the Underground Structures to respond essentially in an
elastic manner;
(v) there shall be no collapse and no damage to primary structural elements; and
(vi) the structure shall remain fully operational immediately after the earthquake, at a full
operational status.
(c) The Contractor shall design the Underground Structures to include loading from seismic
deformations and ground accelerations.
(d) The Contractor shall design the structures to accommodate the deformation imposed by the
ground before, during and after a seismic event.
(e) The Contractor shall use ground deformation methods that account for soil-structure interaction in
assessing the seismic effect on Underground Structures.
(f) The Contractor shall perform rigorous numerical modeling methods such as dynamic finite
element and finite difference methods.
(g) The Contractor shall assess liquefaction potential and address the results in the design.
(h) The Contractor shall analyze Interior structure not rigidly connected to the exterior Tunnel
structure by using the response spectra method.
(i) The Contractor shall use ground deformation methods for restrained structures that oscillate in
phase with or are rigidly attached to the Tunnel.
(j) The Contractor shall consider the effect of the above ground portion, and racking effect for
partially buried structures (structures partially above ground and partially below ground surface).
(k) The Contractor shall prepare structure-specific seismic design reports for each, and all structures
demonstrating application of all aspects of seismic design and submit the seismic design report to
Contracting Authority, and the relevant third parties, including TTC, City of Toronto, MTO, as
applicable, for review in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.

3.19.8 Foundations Design

(a) The Contractor shall design foundations for the structures by application of limit state design
requirements for both Ultimate Limit State (ULS) and Serviceability Limit State (SLS).
(b) The load factor shall apply accordingly for both permanent and temporary foundations, such that
their displacement are compatible with the structural design, function and performance
requirements, and clearance envelope requirements over their Design Life.
(c) The Contractor shall consider flotation forces corresponding to inundation of the fill due to the
flood level in the design.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure and demonstrate that durability of any element of the shoring system
which is intended to be incorporated in the permanent structure satisfies the durability
requirement for the Design Life.
(e) The Contractor shall select the foundation types for the new structures so that they avoid causing
any damage to the Existing Adjacent Structures during the construction and service life.

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(f) The Contractor shall select the foundations for the new structures so that they avoid causing noise
and vibration above and beyond the requirements of Schedule17 – Environmental Obligations,
during the construction and Design Life.
(g) The Contractor shall ensure that axial and lateral geotechnical resistances are in accordance with
the introduced relevant codes.
(h) The Contractor shall consider the effect of future excavations around the piles, pile groups, or
other foundations on the axial and lateral geotechnical resistances of the foundations.
(i) The Contractor shall:
(i) remove any topsoil, organic rich or deleterious material prior to site grading activities and
such material must avoid being used as backfill in settlement sensitive areas;
(ii) ensure that the subgrade soils exposed after the removal of the unsuitable material
consists of approved earth fill or native soil;
(iii) visually inspect the subgrade soils are compacted and proof rolled where required, by
using appropriate equipment, compatible with the type of soil; and
(iv) protect the subgrade surface from frost, rain, water pounding, and remolding from
construction activity.
(j) The Contractor shall prepare structure-specific foundation design reports for each, and all
structures demonstrating application of all aspects of foundation design and submit the foundation
design report to Contracting Authority for review in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review

3.19.9 Support of Excavation and Underpinning

(a) Without limiting the requirements in the entirety of this section 3.19– Geotechnical & Foundation
as applicable, and Section 3.22 – Civil & Building Infrastructure, the Contractor shall conform
specifically to the additional requirements herein for the design and construction of all temporary
Support of Excavation (SOE) for Works including temporary Support of Excavation for Cut-and-
Cover Structures for temporary excavation support, underpinning systems, temporary traffic
support including decking for pedestrian, vehicular, and rail traffic, as applicable and retaining
(b) The Contractor shall ensure any SOE components, that are intended to be incorporated into the
permanent Works also meet all requirements for permanent Works including Design Life,
durability and waterproofing.
(c) The Contractor shall consider the existing temporary SOE and Headwalls, at certain locations
along the Alignment including south of Cross-over at Sheppard Station, location of launch Shaft
(LS-1), extraction Shaft (LS-2), Stations, EEBs, comprising of secant pile walls and jet grouted
(d) Without limiting the content of Schedule 4 - Advance Tunnel Handover, the Contractor shall:
(i) assess the handed over Headwalls, and handed over shoring system, already constructed
by Tunnel Co in ATSSE, for the purpose of being incorporated into SOE design for
Contractor Works, including:

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(A) assessing the location appropriateness, geometrical and technical sufficiency of

existing SOE at LS-1, specifically its East and West walls for the purpose of
being integrated into the SOE of Sheppard East Station, and accommodate
sufficient room for the corresponding portion of Sheppard East Station
permanent structure; and
(B) assessing the location appropriateness, geometrical and technical sufficiency of
existing SOE at LS-2, to be integrated with the SOE of Kennedy Cut and Cover
(ii) plan required demolitions, considering the stability and further serviceability of the
remaining elements of the shoring; and
(iii) design the required retrofitting and modifications of the existing base slabs at LS-1 and
LS-2 specially regarding their structural function in the stability of the existing shoring.
(e) The Contractor shall consider the following assumptions in the design of Support of Excavation
for all open cuts including Stations (SHP, SCS, LES) EEBs, TPSSs, Crossovers, and Tail Tracks
and any other design element which could be affected by these assumptions and demonstrate that
these assumptions have been considered in all aspects of the design including basal stability in
different stages of construction, dewatering design and groundwater intake and discharge
quantity, lateral displacement of SOE System:
(i) in addition to any gap or inadequacy of overlap of caissons recorded and reported in As-
Built Drawings or built to design documents, a gap consisting of up to 5%of the total area
of each Headwall exists in unknown locations of each Headwall;
(ii) the bottom elevation of each or all caissons is up to 1 m above the lowest of designed or
as built elevation for each Headwall;
(iii) the bottom elevation of all jet grout blocks under the Headwalls is up to 1.0 m above the
higher of its design and as built elevation; and
(iv) the permeability of any jet grout element implemented during ATSSE works is one order
of magnitude higher than the higher of its design and As Built Drawings records.
(f) The Contractor shall consider the existing temporary SOE which may exist at other locations
from earlier Construction Activities prior to Tunnel Co activities.
(g) The Contractor shall maintain all existing SOE in a safe condition until the permanent structures
are completed and area restored or otherwise modified or replaced by the Contractor designed and
constructed SOE.
(h) The Contractor shall consider the location of utilities and comply with ROW restrictions for any
temporary ground anchoring systems designed for temporary excavation support or Initial
(i) The Contractor shall provide traffic decking surfaces with a static coefficient of friction of not
less than 0.5 as determined by ASTM D2047, F609.
(j) Timber decking, if used, shall be surfaced with asphalt or other uniform covering that will
provide a coefficient of friction of at least 0.5.

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(k) Uncovered timber shall be avoided.

(l) The Contractor shall design the required underpinning system for the supported open excavations
of Shepperd Station Tail Track north of Shepperd Station in accordance with the requirements of
this section as and where applicable.
(m) The Contractor shall consider lateral soil loading on temporary excavation support of Cut-and-
Cover Structures and Shafts based on the soil properties, the type of support and the means and
methods for construction.
(n) The Contractor shall account for the potential of unsymmetrical vertical loads or unbalanced
horizontal loads due to variations in ground conditions or properties.
(o) The Contractor shall consider loading on Initial Support for Mined Structures, the ground loads
on the Initial Support, and the interaction between the support measures and the ground,
evaluated with methods which consider the following modes of failure of ground mass and
corresponding analysis procedures:
(i) ground mass modeled as a continuum considering potential failure modes taking account
of the effects of in-situ stresses and stress re-distribution by using numerical analysis
methods; and
(ii) potential failure of the Tunnel face analyzed by three-dimensional or discrete
block/wedge stability analysis as applicable and numerical analysis such as finite element
or finite difference.
(p) The Contractor shall account for dead loads of structural and non-structural elements for all
Temporary Structures.
(q) The Contractor shall consider live load for Temporary Structures consisting of any surcharge or
other non-permanent loads placed on, in or near the Temporary Structure.
(r) The Contractor shall consider live loads from equipment, vehicle traffic, operating railways,
Construction Activities, Utility Work, Utility Infrastructure and Existing Third-Party
(s) The Contractor shall consider traffic loading for temporary bridges to provide access for vehicles
above the cut-and-cover sections of underground structures.
(t) The Contractor shall consider hydrostatic pressure in design of temporary excavation support and
Initial Support systems in underground mining design as appropriate if water-tight support
systems are required based upon the Contractor's approach to hydrogeology and dewatering.
(u) The Contractor shall consider frost action and thermal loads for temporary excavation support
and Initial Support systems where applicable.
(v) The Contractor shall account for seismic loads in design of Support of Excavation and
(w) The Contractor shall design and construct Support of Excavation for all Works so that all SOE
walls meet the watertightness criteria as defined in

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(x) The Contractor shall prepare structure-specific SOE design reports for each and all structures,
demonstrating compliance with all requirements in this section and application of all aspects of
SOE design, including:
(i) Verification of integrability of the ATSSE existing SOE elements, and Headwalls,
supported by required calculations and application of engineering practices;
(ii) technical justification of impracticality of integration of any specific SOE element in the
design of the SOE for the SRS Works; and
(iii) introduction, explanation, and specifications of the numerical models, boundary
conditions, inputs, outputs, and interpretive summary results.
(y) The Contractor shall submit structure-specific SOE design reports to Contracting Authority and
relevant third parties for review in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.

3.19.10 Temporary Slopes and Retaining Structures

(a) The Contractor shall design the temporary slopes and retaining structures sufficient for their
service life in compliance with OPSS 539, OHSA and the construction requirements applicable at
the time of excavation and the additional criteria identified below.
(b) The Contractor shall consider the requirements of limiting surface settlements and ground
movements as stipulated under – Protection of Existing Adjacent Structures in Section 3.19.13.
(c) The Contractor shall design, install, and testing of tie backs must follow OPSS 942.
(d) Alternatively, the Contractor may comply with Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI) testing procedure.
(e) The Contractor shall design, install, and conduct testing of tiebacks following OPSS 942.
(f) Alternatively, the Contractor may comply with PTI testing procedure.
(g) All elements of temporary retaining structures, including any shoring element and ATSSE
Headwalls within the upper 2.4 m of the ground surface shall be removed and properly disposed
of upon completion of backfilling.
(h) The Contractor shall discount the upper 1.2 m of soil, as measured from lowest adjacent grade in
axial and lateral load analyses of shoring walls to account for possible disturbance and frost effect
where it is in favor of stability and design.
(i) The Contractor shall prepare structure-specific Temporary Slopes and Retaining Structures
reports for each, and all structures demonstrating application of all aspects of Temporary Slopes
and Retaining Structures design and submit the Temporary Slopes and Retaining Structures
design report to Contracting Authority for review in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review

3.19.11 Cut and Fill and Permanent Slopes

(a) The Contractor shall design permanent slopes of cut and fill, geo-structures, and any
modifications to any existing slope with adequate safety margin including factor of safety and
considering Long-Term Stable Top of Slope (LTSTOS).

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(b) The factor of safety and setback for any slope shall be in accordance with the specified factor of
safety in the document listed in Article 3.19.3(a) and the requirements in Section
3.19.11, whichever is more stringent.
(c) The Contractor shall:
(i) undertake geotechnical design for grading, embankments, cuts and retaining walls;
(ii) verify if the proposed conceptual side slopes for the grading including embankments and
cuts on the drawings are stable in the long-term or stabilization is required to mitigate
long-term stability hazards;
(iii) develop the appropriate construction methodology, to ensure that there are no adverse
impacts on the surrounding area during construction;
(iv) develop all necessary stabilization and restoration of the areas temporarily disturbed or
excavated to facilitate the construction;
(v) all such stabilization and restoration work need to be reviewed by a Geotechnical
Engineer to confirm that stability in the long-term is achieved after the restoration of the
disturbed areas;
(vi) all pertinent drawings, specifications, documentations and design briefs and analyses
need to be provided by a Geotechnical Engineer in support of the proposed strategy; and
(vii) develop all necessary provisions based on the studies and detailed design for the stability.
(d) The Contractor shall consider and incorporate the impact of any existing, under construction, or
new planned, shallow, or deep foundation in the proximity of the slope which could potentially
impact stability of the slope or reduce the factor of safety or induce any change to the line of
Long-Term Stable Top of Slope (LTSTOS) in the slope stability analysis.
(e) The Contractor shall carry out slope stability assessment including determination of safety factor
and LTSTOS, and design remediation measures and setbacks to meet the TRCA requirements for
any slope where TRCA has jurisdiction.
(f) Without limiting the generality of Article 3.19.11(c), the Contractor shall prepare slope stability
reports, demonstrating adequate factor of safety for long term slope stability, and sufficient
setback from the line of LTSTOS, compliant with TRCA regulations, for the following
geographical locations and cases:
(i) south slope of the West Highland Creek at location of LES;
(ii) south slope of the West Highland Creek- Markham branch; at location of SHP;
(iii) Particularly at this location, for the Bus Loop on the northeast corner of Sheppard Ave
and McCowan road, the Contractor may alternatively provide a setback of less than the
required 6 m, but greater than 4 m, in the case that 6 m is not feasible, for erosion access
allowance from the LTSTOS of south slope of the West Highland Creek (Markham
Branch) as shown in Figure 3.19-1. LTSTOS and Setback for Bus Loop at SHP for
potential maintenance in the case of slope failure, subject to prior agreement with TRCA
for less than 6 m setback;

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(iv) for locations where there is a proposed pipe, and or an outfall, on the slope as part of the
Drainage design, inclusive of an assessment of the risk of instability of the pipe and
outfall; and
(v) for locations where there is a proposed open-cut in the slope or a temporary excavation
on the slope, additional including plans to mitigate, and to appropriately reconstruct,
stabilize, and restore the slopes ensuring long-term stability of the restored areas.
(g) The Contractor shall submit TRCA geographical location specific permanent slopes stability
reports, demonstrating compliance with all requirements of permanent slope to Contracting
Authority and TRCA for review in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.

Figure 3.19-1. LTSTOS and Setback for Bus Loop at SHP

3.19.12 Groundwater Control

(a) The Contractor shall develop structure-specific plans and procedures for groundwater control,
dewatering, depressurization, and any other select method to manage groundwater and overcome
artesian pressure, as and where applicable and required, collectively dewatering system hereafter,
to enable safe excavation and all subsequent Construction Activities.
(b) The Contractor shall consider all existing turned over dewatering systems including and not
limited to dewatering systems of Shafts, Early Works, Tunnel dewatering systems, and any
Drainage system, on an as is-where is basis in accordance with Schedule 4 - Advance Tunnel
Handover, in the design of dewatering system where applicable.
(c) The Contractor shall assess and verify the turned over dewatering systems’ condition and design
any necessary amendments to adequately enable all Construction Activities to be completed in
accordance with the Project Agreement requirements.

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(d) The Contractor shall carry out comprehensive and structure-specific hydrogeological impact
assessment and associated risk assessment considering the operation of dewatering system.
(e) The Contractor shall prepare all prerequisites and apply for and obtain Permits, Licenses,
Approvals and Agreements including Permit To Take Water (PTTW) and Discharge Permits as
needed for the dewatering system.
(f) The Contractor shall prepare structure-specific dewatering system design reports as a minimum
inclusive of:
(i) dewatering system strategy and plan;
(ii) compliance with all requirements of this Section 3.19.12;
(iii) selected geotechnical and hydrogeological parameters in accordance with the
corresponding structure-specific GDMR, including but limited to groundwater level,
hydraulic conductivity of the ground, and the basis of this selections;
(iv) system specifications including well arrangement, well depths and spacing, treatment
facility, piping, and pumping system;
(v) hydrogeological impact assessment and associated risk assessment inclusive of
descriptions, inputs, and outputs of applied numerical models;
(vi) results of assessment and incorporation of the existing turned over dewatering systems
into the design;
(vii) fundamentals, specifications, inputs, and outputs of applied numerical models used for
dewatering system design;
(viii) all technical design drawings and specifications of dewatering system including well
arrangement, well depths, treatment facility, pipe sizing and pumping system;
(ix) discharge points and compatibility with available discharge capacity;
(x) a demonstration and Verification that dewatering system shall avoid inducing detrimental
short or long-term movements of surrounding structures, as specified in Section 3.19.13
(Protection of Existing Adjacent Structures);
(xi) a demonstration and Verification that dewatering system shall avoid causing migration of
contamination and inducing any adverse environmental effect in accordance with Ontario
statute, and as presented in Schedule 17 – Environmental Obligations;
(xii) a demonstration and Verification that dewatering system includes treatment facilities to
fulfil discharge requirements for dewatering in accordance with all applicable permits
and approvals;
(xiii) a demonstration and Verification that dewatering system complies with Schedule 17 -
Environmental Obligations;
(xiv) a demonstration and Verification that all prerequisites for obtaining Permits, Licenses,
Approvals and Agreements including PTTW and Discharge Permits as needed for the
dewatering system are provided in accordance with Schedule 17 - Environmental
Obligations; and

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(xv) a demonstration and Verification that any water table drawdown and subsequent effects
on the groundwater regime under Ontario statute, or any affected environmental features
within dewatering zone of Influence, will:
(A) avoid inducing any adverse effect on available water for groundwater dependent
ecosystems and existing groundwater users and impact on the surface water
flows of any existing watercourses;
(B) avoid inducing a groundwater drawdown greater than 0.75 m within
overburden/soil layers, caused by any means, including seepage to open
excavations and Sequential Excavation Method (SEM) mining nearby;
(C) avoid compromising stability of the base of any excavation, trench, or Shaft; and
(D) meet sustainability requirements and maintenance consequences.
(g) The Contractor shall submit the structure-specific dewatering system design reports to
Contracting Authority and relevant Stakeholders for review in accordance with Schedule 10 -
Review Procedure.
(h) The Contractor shall implement, maintain, and operate dewatering system, including the handed
over dewatering systems, their amendments, and newly designed by the Contractor systems, and
continue proper discharging of effluent compliant with all relevant requirements of this section
3.19 and all requisites including Provincial and City of Toronto’s sewer use by-law.
(i) The Contractor shall develop plans and procedures that demonstrate the conditions of the permit,
including discharge volumes and quality requirements, are met, and always maintained.

3.19.13 Protection of Existing Adjacent Structures

(a) Existing Adjacent Structures (EAS) refers to, regardless of ownership, any existing or under
construction entity, property, building, structure, railway, road surface, tunnel, excavations,
utility, temporary construction utility, Headwall, existing PCTL, natural or man-made feature of
interest, creek, slope, or any other entity which could be adversely affected by Construction
Activities associated with the Works including dewatering.
(b) The Contractor is fully and solely responsible to protect all EASs from any adverse Impact from
Construction Activities and implementation of the Works, so that the appearance, structural
integrity, functionality, longevity, and operability of all EASs remain unimpacted and at the same
condition as pre-construction condition, as recorded in the Pre -Construction Condition Survey
Report. To achieve this the Contractor must take all actions defined in this section.
(c) Measured Parameter refers to, any parameter including geotechnical, structural, and
environmental parameters, e.g., displacement, deflection, distortion, settlement, heave, rotation,
slip, or tensile strain, groundwater level and pressure, suspended or soluble solids concentration
as applicable, which could be an identifier of the quality of an EAS, or a sign of impact to an EAS
caused by Construction Activities.
(d) Project Zone of Influence (ZOI) refers to the area, which includes Works and all EASs, and
extends beyond all EASs to a point at which the estimated settlement is no greater than 1 mm and

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no other Measured Parameter could experience a tangible change caused by Construction

(e) Limit Value refers to the value of Measured Parameter, as applicable, tolerable for each EAS
(including utilities) such that the appearance, integrity, functionality, and operability of the EAS
is maintained at the pre-construction condition level, as recorded, and reported by the Contractor
prior to commencement of Construction Activities.
(f) The Contractor shall define the ZOI and identify all EASs, by application of engineering
(g) The Contractor shall determine the Limit Values for all Measured Parameters, for each EASs by
obtaining them from the EASs’ owner or determining by application of engineering practice
based on the condition of the EAS in compliance with applicable codes or guidelines.
(h) In determining Limit Values, the Contractor shall consider the following:
(i) existing value of any Measured Parameter, specifically, but not limiting the generality, as
the result of the history of each EAS, preceding Construction Activities, more specifically
movements that occurred due to ATSSE Tunneling activity and any other recorded or
reasonably significant preceding movements; and
(ii) any Limit Values pre-defined by the owners of the EASs, as per codes and guidelines or
reasonably required by the EAS owners.
(i) Specifically for the Utilities, the Contractor shall set the most stringent of the Limit Values of the
parameters obtained from the utility owners, and the Limit Values determined by deformation
analysis, for each parameter which could be an indicator of the structural integrity, functionality,
operability, and durability of the utilities, including joint rotation, longitudinal strain, curvature,
total settlement, and differential settlement, where applicable depending on the utility type, age,
and condition, as the Limit Value for that Measured Parameter.
(j) The Contractor shall ensure that Construction Activities and implementation of the Works avoid
exceedance of the Limit Values, of any Measured Parameter for any of EAS.
(k) To achieve this, the Contractor shall:
(i) carry out all excavations in accordance with requirements of OPSS 539. For deep
excavations the Contractor may limit the movements to values other than limits provided
in OPSS 539 provided that CIAR demonstrate that the EAS experiences no impacts
higher than negligible;
(ii) obtain pertinent information of all EASs and complete EAS Verification study and
confirm information related to EAS locations, dimensions, elevations, foundations,
structural details, materials, and other necessary information, and perform field surveys,
utility locates, and foundation test pits as necessary to complete deformation or any other
required analysis for the EASs;
(iii) define Review and Alert Levels, for each EAS based on Limit Values of movements;
(iv) conduct construction impact assessment and assess potential impacts to all EASs due to
the Construction Activities associated with the Works;

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(v) monitor the EASs and ensure that Construction Activities avoid exceedance of Limit
Values of movements of any of EASs, by a safety margin;
(vi) develop mitigation measures as necessary to ensure continued safety, operability,
functionality, and appearance of EASs;
(vii) carry out Condition Survey;
(viii) review, assess and modify design and construction methods as necessary, should Alert
Levels be exceeded;
(ix) communicate the results of all monitoring to each applicable facility owner within the
timeline established;
(x) comply with document titled “TTC Technical Review Submission Requirements for
Metrolinx” included in Schedule 10 Appendix C, for TTC facilities in the ZOI or where a
construction activity may take place in closer than 60 m vicinity of a TTC facility;
(xi) comply with the City of Toronto requirements for a City infrastructure, including City
bridges or other existing City of Toronto structure in the ZOI;
(xii) prior to undertaking any excavations, provide the predicted movements (vertical,
horizontal, rotational, tilt, relative movement) for review by the City of Toronto and
Contracting Authority; and
(xiii) specifically, for a City of Toronto bridge existing in the ZOI of an excavation, also
provide a 3D modelling and assessment of the anticipated settlement as well as a
sensitivity analysis of the impact of varying settlement levels on the City of Toronto
bridges to be undertaken in 5mm increments.

3.19.14 Construction Impact Assessment

(a) To assess the impact of Construction Activities, the Contractor shall prepare Construction Impact
Assessment Report – Level 1 (CIAR-1), and Construction Impact Assessment Report – Level 2
(CIAR-2), inclusive of magnitude and distribution of ground movements as well as potential
impacts on EASs.
(b) The Contractor shall submit CIAR-1, and CIAR-2 Reports to Contract Authority for review in
accordance Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.
(c) For satisfying the requirements noted in this section, the Contractor shall categorize the impacts
as 'negligible', 'very slight', 'slight', 'moderate', and 'severe to very severe. These categories of
damage levels to the buildings must be defined based on Limit Values of the Measured
Parameters or in accordance with the damage levels and description of typical damage defined in
Son and Cording (2005).
(d) For the utilities in the ZOI, the Contractor shall categorize damage levels (degree of damage)
based on the expected values of the deformation parameters for each utility in comparison with
the allowable deformation limits for the same deformation parameters, as follows:
(i) Negligible: Expected value of all deformation parameters is less than 33%of the
allowable deformation limits;

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(ii) Very Slight: Expected value of any deformation parameter is between 33% and 50%of
the allowable deformation limits;
(iii) Slight: Expected value of any deformation parameter is between 50% and 75%of the
allowable deformation limits;
(iv) Moderate: Expected value of any deformation parameter is between 75% and 90%of the
allowable deformation limits; and
(v) Severe to Very Severe: expected value of any deformation parameter is more than 90%of
the allowable deformation limits, or the condition of the Utility during the Pre-
Construction Condition Survey is assessed to be poor or very poor.
(e) The Contractor shall prepare Structure Specific CIAR-1 for all EASs.
(f) The Contractor shall include in the CIAR-1 the following as minimum:
(i) inventory of all the EASs;
(ii) information related to EAS such as locations, dimensions, elevations, foundations,
structural details, materials, and other information necessary to complete the assessment;
(iii) methodology used for assessment of the potential impact;
(iv) detailed definition of damage levels;
(v) assessment of the free field ground movement using empirical methods;
(vi) determined deformation parameters (e.g., strain, settlement, and angular distortion) limits
for each EAS;
(vii) assessment of the potential impact using empirical methods; and
(viii) a list of all EASs requiring a further CIAR-2 analysis.
(g) The Contractor shall prepare Structure Specific CIAR-2 for all EASs that meet any of the
following criteria:
(i) EAS with potential damage to be Slight or worse as assessed in CIAR-1; and
(ii) critical EASs, including the buildings that are of historical or cultural significance,
heritage buildings or essential services buildings and major utilities such as trunk sewers
and watermains, signal bridge structures above or close to the excavations.
(h) As a minimum the Contractor shall include the following in CIAR-2:
(i) information related to EAS included in the CIAR-2 such as locations, dimensions,
elevations, foundations, structural details, materials, and other information necessary to
complete the assessment;
(ii) methodology used for assessment of the potential impact;
(iii) detailed definition of damage levels;
(iv) assessment of the ground movement using proper numerical simulation methods such as
finite element method or finite difference method. The numerical simulation shall
consider the planned stages of the excavation/mining and initial/temporary support;

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(v) determined Limit Values for Measured Parameters (e.g., strain, settlement, and angular
distortion) for each EAS considering the preceding movements that occurred due to
ATSSE Tunneling activity and any other precedent Impact;
(vi) assessment of the potential construction impact using empirical methods; and
(vii) necessity of CIAR-3 for specific EASs based on the results and conclusions CIAR-2,
inclusive of objectives of CIAR-3 for each particular EAS.
(i) The Contractor shall prepare Structure Specific CIAR-3 for the EASs identified to require, per
CIAR-2, by application of models such as three-dimensional finite element models of the EAS, or
integrated ground-EAS finite element modeling.
(j) As a minimum, the Contractor shall include the following in CIAR-3:
(i) information related to EAS included in the CIAR-3 such as locations, dimensions,
elevations, foundations, structural details, materials, and other information necessary to
complete the assessment;
(ii) the specific methodology to be adapted for each specific EAS, to address the objectives;
(iii) assessment of the ground movement using proper numerical simulation methods such as
three-dimensional analysis finite element method. The numerical simulation shall
consider the planned stages of the excavation/mining and initial/temporary support;
(iv) determined Limit Values for Measured Parameters (e.g., strain, settlement, and angular
distortion) for each EAS considering the preceding movements that occurred due to
ATSSE Tunneling activity and any other precedent Impact; and
(v) determination of potential construction impact on the EAS.
(k) The Contractor shall design structure-specific mitigation measures for EASs that are predicted to
suffer damages above moderate level.
(l) The Contractor shall:
(i) repeat CIAR-2 for the subject EAS based on the new anticipated movement of EAS
which is revised by application of mitigation scheme demonstrating that the designed
mitigation measure will satisfy the EAS Limit Values; and
(ii) design and provide contingency plans where required.
(m) The Contractor shall submit Construction Impact Assessment Report Level-1 (CIAR-1) to
Contracting Authority and the relevant third parties for review in accordance with Schedule 10 -
Review Procedure.
(n) The Contractor shall submit Construction Impact Assessment Report Level-2 (CIAR-2) to
Contracting Authority and the relevant third parties for review in accordance with Schedule 10 -
Review Procedure.
(o) The Contractor shall submit Construction Impact Assessment Report Level-3 (CIAR-3) to
Contracting Authority and the relevant third parties for review in accordance with Schedule 10 -
Review Procedure.

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(p) The Contractor shall submit Structure Specific Mitigation Measures and Contingency Plan
Reports to Contracting Authority and the relevant third parties for review in accordance with
Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.

3.19.15 Condition Survey

(a) The Contractor shall complete a Pre-Construction Condition Survey for all EASs including
utilities and perform CCTV survey of sewer systems and utilities where required by utility
owners, prior to Construction Activities.
(b) The Contractor shall:
(i) identify all existing defects and their locations and include in the Pre-Construction
Condition Survey report all findings and notes, digital photographs, and digital videos to
document the pre-construction condition of the EAS, including utilities, thoroughly and
(ii) avoid carrying out Pre-Construction Condition Survey of any EAS, less than 3 months
after the latest of completion of ATSSE works in 500 m zone of the EAS, and any other
construction activity which may have caused, or could potentially cause, any impact to
the EAS, or when under the discretion and written acceptance of the Contractor, the
preceding monitoring results show stabilization, and no further movement related to
Tunneling and any other preceding works is possible; and
(iii) submit Pre-Construction Condition Reports to Contracting Authority and all relevant
third parties for review in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.
(c) The Contractor shall perform a Supplementary Condition Survey, in case an Alert Level of an
instrument installed on an EAS is exceeded or a damage has been reported or observed.
(d) The Contractor shall:
(i) perform Supplementary Condition Survey immediately after exceedance of an Alert
Level for each of the EASs, or where damage has been reported or observed;
(ii) carry out the Supplementary Condition Survey at the same standard as Pre-Construction
Condition Survey, identify all existing defects and their locations and include in the
Supplementary Condition Survey report all findings and notes, digital photographs, and
digital videos to document the pre-construction condition of the EAS, including utilities,
thoroughly and accurately;
(iii) include in the Supplementary Condition Survey report all findings and notes, digital
photographs, and digital videos to document the condition of the EAS, including utilities
thoroughly and accurately; and
(iv) submit the Supplementary Condition Survey Reports to Contracting Authority and all
relevant third parties for review in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.
(e) The Contractor shall perform a Post-Construction Condition Survey for all EAS including utilities
where Pre-Construction Condition Survey was completed.
(f) The Contractor shall:

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(i) complete the Post-Condition Survey Report to the same standards and requirements as
the Pre-Construction Condition Survey;
(ii) identify all existing defects and their locations and include in the Post-Construction
Condition Survey report all findings and notes, digital photographs, and digital videos to
document the pre-construction condition of the EAS, including utilities thoroughly and
(iii) carry out Post-Construction Condition Survey of any of the EASs including utilities not
sooner than three months after completion of the last activity, which may impact the EAS
including utilities; and
(iv) submit the Post-Construction Condition Reports to Contracting Authority and all relevant
third parties for review in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.
(g) The Contractor shall obtain necessary PLA from third party owners of the EASs to perform
Condition Survey necessary works.
(h) The Contractor shall avoid using any existing permits to enter to the EAS that had been granted
for other projects or other purposes.
(i) The Contractor shall follow Schedule 18- Communication and Public Engagement Protocol for
communication protocols.
(j) The Contractor shall conduct a structural condition assessment of the specific EASs listed in
Table 3.19-1 to determine structural adequacy of existing structure and prepare structure-specific
Structural Condition Survey Assessment Reports.
(k) The Contractor shall:
(i) follow the PEO guideline on Structural Condition Assessment of Existing Buildings and
Designated Structures Guideline by PEO - November 2016 per Commentary L of User’s
Guide to NBCC for the buildings and OSIM for the bridges;
(ii) include all the structural defects and inadequacies and prepare structure-specific
Structural Condition Survey Assessment Reports;
(iii) notify Contracting Authority of any structural issues where there is potential risk to the
occupants, users or the public is found out; and
(iv) submit Structural Condition Survey Assessment Report to Contracting Authority for
Review in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.
(l) The Contractor shall design and implement the remedial and retrofitting works, required for any
EAS to enhance safety, functionality, beauty or integrability, if asked by Contracting Authority in
accordance with Schedule 22 - Variation Procedure.

Table 3.19-1. Existing Adjacent Structures for Structural Condition Assessment

Structure Name Owner

1 TTC SRT Bridge TTC

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Structure Name Owner

Consilium Place Overpass (Structure ID 937) City of
McCowan Road over Corporate Drive (Structure ID 934) City of
Progress Avenue Overpass (Structure ID 312) City of
McCowan Road over West Highland Creek (Structure ID 310) City of
Danforth Road over West Highland Creek –Springdale Ravine culvert (Structure ID City of
127) Toronto
Danforth Road over West Highland Creek (Structure ID 406). City of
Eglinton Avenue over Rail Bridge (Structure ID 370) City of

3.19.16 Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring

(a) Existing monitoring instruments, including monitoring wells, along the Alignment, installed by
others, will be handed over by Contracting Authority to the Contractor for their monitoring
intents and purposes in accordance with Schedule 4 - Advance Tunnel Handover.
(b) The existing monitoring instruments will be handed over to the Contractor on an as is -where is
basis and it will be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to verify the instruments’ condition
and use them as required.
(c) The Contractor shall obtain all data from all instruments previously installed by Tunnel Co in
ATSSE, review and assess them for data sanity, and prepare a preceding GIMP data assessment
report including an inventory record of the handed over data and a comprehensive representative
summary in form of statistical parameters and graphs to demonstrate the general geotechnical
behavior of the ground and the EASs in the ZOI of Tunneling activity.
(d) The Contractor shall submit the preceding GIMP data assessment report to Contracting Authority
and relevant Stakeholders for review in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.
(e) The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining and using the turned over existing monitoring
instruments starting from Tunnel Section Security and Maintenance as defined in Schedule 4 -
Advance Tunnel Handover.
(f) The Contractor shall design, and install any additional instruments required to completely and
seamlessly monitor the Tunnel and surrounding structures that will be handed over to the
Contractor within the footprint and ZOI of the Works, to monitor Tunnel liners response during
subsequent Construction Activities associated with the Works.
(g) The Contractor shall consider all monitoring instruments including, instruments and monitoring
wells and previously installed by others, including Tunnel Co, and instruments installed by the
Contractor, collectively as the project monitoring instruments.

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(h) The Contractor shall design, supply, install, as required, maintain and monitor all monitoring
instruments, to record and report groundwater elevation and pressure, ground horizontal and
vertical movements, distortion, inclination, and any other parameter demonstrating the sanity of,
or impacts to all EASs (collectively “Measured Parameters”) due to Construction Activities
including excavation and dewatering, on Temporary Structures (including piles and struts), and
all EASs including TTC Facilities, utilities, THESL and HONI towers, rail tracks, highways,
existing buildings, bridges, any entity in the TRCA regulated area, City of Toronto Existing
Adjacent Structures including City of Toronto bridges, culverts and retaining walls, and any other
existing or under construction, natural or man made entity which could potentially be impacted
by Construction Activities, (collectively “Monitored Facilities”).
(i) The Contractor shall use information obtained from the instrumentation to adjust design
and Construction Activities as necessary to verify and ensure that the performance requirements
and tolerances of Monitored Facilities are met, and integrity, functionality, and operability of
them are maintained.
(j) The Contractor shall incorporate the findings of CIAR-1 and CIAR-2 in addition to the
requirements outlined in this Section 3.19.16– Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring.
(k) Specifically in determination of Limit Values of Measured Parameters, and determination of
corresponding Review and Alert Levels, the Contractor shall consider all preceding movements
that occurred specially during ATSSE tunnelling, and any other recorded or reasonably
significant precedent movements.
(l) The Contractor shall prepare a general GIMP Report, inclusive of:
(i) a summary of a preceding GIMP data assessment report;
(ii) identification of each and all the Monitored Facilities within the Project ZOI, explanation
of the need, extent, locations rational and philosophy of all instrumentation and
monitoring equipment necessary to monitor all the Monitored Facilities within the Project
ZOI, or elsewhere based on the Contractor's discretion;
(iii) overall schedule for all activities associated with the GIMP, including monitoring
instrument installation, the baseline monitoring period, routine monitoring plan,
procedure, and schedule for handover, decommissioning and disposing of all monitoring
(iv) general instruments technical requisites, including accuracy, durability, and range of
(v) an estimate of the number different types of instruments;
(vi) general installation plans and details; and
(vii) schedule for decommissioning and disposing of all monitoring instruments including
instruments installed by the Contractor as well as all ATSSE instruments turned over to
the Contractor.
(m) The Contractor shall submit the general GIMP report to Contracting Authority and relevant
Stakeholders for review in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.

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(n) The Contractor shall design structure-specific monitoring system at each and all structures.
(o) The Contractor shall prepare structure-specific GIMPs, including:
(i) identification of monitoring objectives for each type of instruments;
(ii) plan and sections showing the location of all proposed instruments with a coordinated
numbering system;
(iii) installation details;
(iv) structure-specific schedule for installation, taking baseline readings, frequency, and
duration of monitoring for various stages of the Project;
(v) technical specification and durability of each type of instruments, the basis of selection
and a clear demonstration of their applicability and appropriateness for the site and
function of the purpose;
(vi) a demonstration of the capability of collecting and transmitting real-time monitoring data
obtained on a continuous basis to an Automated Data Acquisition and Management
system (ADAMS), and confirmation that such instrumentation is fully integrable with the
(vii) identification of all and each of the Monitored Facilities and the relevant Measured
Parameters to define the level of impacts on each Monitored facility, specifically those
EASs which are initially estimated to be prone to experience deformation potentially
more than the Limits Values, and relevant mitigation measures;
(viii) a comprehensive list of all instruments including existing instruments turned over to the
Contractor by Contracting Authority and instruments to be installed by the Contractor;
(ix) Trigger Levels including Review Level and Alert Level, for all Monitored Facilities as
defined below:
(A) the level for a Measured Parameter, less than Limit Value, below which the
Construction Activities can continue normally, and upon reaching which the
Contractor shall take special actions as required in accordance with Section
3.19.17 - Response Action Plan (the “Review Level”); and
(B) the level for a Measured Parameter, less than Limit Value, upon reaching which,
safety and sanity of the Works may be jeopardized, and the Contractor shall stop
the work and take critical actions as required in accordance with the Response
Action Plan (the “Alert Level”);
(x) measures and specific instrumentation and monitoring requirements for protecting
heritage buildings identified within the ZOI of the Works, Project Areas and relevant
updated revisions which are within the Project Zone of Influence (ZOI);
(xi) specific comprehensive GIMP for TTC Monitored Facilities, in accordance with
(xii) baselining Schedule including period and frequency of baseline readings, minimum
repetition, and required statistical repeatability and accuracy parameters; and

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(xiii) calibration certificates by manufacturer for all instrumentation, including all sensors,
probes, readout devices, and data loggers.
(p) The Contractor shall submit structure-specific GIMP reports to Contracting Authority and the
relevant third parties for review in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.
(q) The Contractor shall assign a geotechnical instrumentation specialist team, who must plan,
organize, implement, control, and monitor instrumentation.
(r) The geotechnical instrumentation specialist team shall:
(i) be led by a Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario, or equivalent qualification
accepted by Contracting Authority, with a demonstrated knowledge (and a minimum of
10 years of direct field experience) with installation, calibration, monitoring,
interpretation, and reporting on similar construction monitoring instrumentation
processes on Tunneling projects of a similar size and scope;
(ii) demonstrate previous relevant project experience with a list of similar projects and
background information;
(iii) provide a geotechnical instrumentation specialist at the site during installation of all
instrumentation to supervise and direct the installation technicians; and
(iv) perform all surveying of any instrumentation is performed by a qualified Ontario Land
Surveyor (OLS) licensed in the province of Ontario, or equivalent qualification accepted
by Contracting Authority.
(s) The Contractor shall provide and maintain a GIS and web-based Automated Data Acquisition and
Management System (ADAMS) that:
(i) receives, interprets, organizes, and stores real-time monitoring data obtained on a
continuous basis from all monitoring instruments of the Project, and turned over
instruments, from the baseline monitoring period until completion of monitoring;
(ii) produces visualizations, interpretations, and other forms of reporting that are based on
such data, including time series graphs for each Measured Parameter;
(iii) transmits immediate notifications of exceedances of any Limits of Movement via phone
and email to identified recipients;
(iv) allows generation of user specified reports of instrumentation data; and
(v) is equipped with a secure internet connection.
(t) The Contractor shall integrate the existing ATSSE ADAMS into the new SRS ADAMS and
ensure that all the data and information already collected and saved in the ATSSE ADAMS
remains sane, accessible and unimpacted.
(u) The Contractor shall prepare an ADAMS report which as a minimum must include:
(i) technical specification demonstrating compliance with these technical requirements;
(ii) integration report demonstrating the compliant integration of all existing and future data
and capability of integrating future data;

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(iii) instructions to use the system; and

(iv) calibration certificates by manufacturer for all instrumentation, including all sensors,
probes, readout devices, and data loggers.
(v) The Contractor shall submit the ADAMS report to Contracting Authority and relevant third
parties for review in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.
(w) The Contractor shall:
(i) enter and record all the data from monitoring instruments into the ADAMS in almost real
time for automated instruments and, within four hours of the reading if manual readings
are taken;
(ii) provide Contracting Authority with access credentials for a minimum of 50 simultaneous
users of the ADAMS (“ADAMS Authorized Users”);
(iii) ensure that ADAMS Authorized Users have full access to the ADAMS for the purposes
of viewing real-time monitoring data obtained on a continuous basis, and any resulting
visualizations, interpretations, or any other reporting generated;
(iv) ensure that ADAMS Authorized Users are immediately notified, via phone and email, of
any exceedance of the Limits of Values; and
(v) ensure that the system does not allow any deletion, change, or modification of the data
after being entered and saved in the ADAMS.
(x) The Contractor shall monitor all instruments handed over by Contracting Authority at the start of
the Project and incorporate the monitoring data into the ADAMS.
(y) The Contractor shall monitor temporary retaining structures greater than 5 m in height for
horizontal displacement using inclinometers.
(z) The Contractor shall ensure:
(i) the inclinometers extend to a minimum of 5 m below the bottom of the embedded section
of the retaining structure;
(ii) at least one inclinometer is installed on each excavation wall;
(iii) at least one inclinometer is installed at every 10 m of the wall length if the wall is less
than 50 m long; and
(iv) at least one inclinometer is installed at every 20 m of the wall length if the wall is greater
than 50 m long.
(aa) The Contractor shall measure vertical ground displacements at regular intervals of distance
around the perimeter of all temporary retaining structures at a maximum spacing of 10 m and at a
maximum distance of 1.5 m from the edge of the temporary retaining structure by means of SMPs
or other instruments accepted by Contracting Authority.
(bb) Where rigid pavements exist in these areas, the monitoring instruments shall extend below the
rigid pavement.
(cc) The Contractor shall notify Contracting Authority of the intention to decommission instruments

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(dd) The Contractor shall monitor movements of Monitored Facilities to prove that no adverse impact
has been induced, including:
(i) vertical displacements of all EAS by automated survey methods;
(ii) horizontal displacements in addition to vertical displacements where such movements are
possible and may be detrimental to the structure;
(iii) tilt and movements of piers, abutments, and deck of SRT, if SRT bridge is functional and
in the ZOI of the Project; and
(iv) cracks and other defects using crack gauges or other applicable instruments.
(ee) The Contractor shall monitor the vertical displacement of existing utilities located within the ZOI
by monitoring Utility Monitoring Points (UMP) or other applicable instruments accepted by
Contracting Authority and the utility owners, if required or requested by the utility owner.
(ff) The Contractor shall:
(i) monitor the movements of TTC facilities as in TTC review scope, in accordance with
APPENDIX G, as applicable; and
(ii) monitor the movements of MTO Monitored Facilities in accordance with APPENDIX B
of Schedule 15, MTO Requirements as applicable.
(gg) The Contractor shall install and monitor piezometers on at least at two sides of each deep
excavation to measure groundwater pressures in each aquifer present in the vicinity of all
excavation deeper than 5 m.
(hh) The Contractor shall monitor groundwater level daily in the transient state of drawdown and two
months after stabilization and monthly afterward.
(ii) The Contractor shall provide the monitoring system inclusive of instruments, monuments, parts,
and any other required components, with a precision suitable for carrying out monitoring with an
accuracy appropriate for the assigned Trigger Levels.
(jj) The Contractor shall obtain baseline readings from all monitoring instruments, on a continual
basis, minimum twice a week, for a minimum of one month prior to commencing a construction
activity that may impact an instrument reading against which the Limit Values of movements will
be measured.
(kk) The Contractor shall:
(i) conduct a statistical analysis of all monitoring instrument readings collected during the
baseline monitoring period, including an evaluation of daily, weekly, and seasonal
thermal influences on such readings; and ensure a maximum reading repeatability of ±1
mm for all movement monitoring instruments, and repeatability of 2% of the Limit Value
of other Measured Parameters during the baseline monitoring period;
(ii) include only monitoring instrument readings that lie within two standard deviations
above or below the mean value obtained for any given monitoring instrument;
(ll) The Contractor shall document all processes facilitating development of the baseline in structure-
specific Baseline Monitoring Reports, as a minimum including the following:

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(i) installation records inclusive of location, as built coordinates, and installation details;
(ii) details related to the methodology used to analyze data obtained during the baseline
monitoring period, and results of such analysis, and presentation of the baseline; and
(iii) calibration certificates by manufacturer for all instrumentation, including all sensors,
probes, readout devices, and data loggers.
(mm) The Contractor shall submit Structure Specific Baseline Monitoring Reports to Contracting
Authority and relevant third parties for review in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review
(nn) The Contractor shall avoid commencing any Construction Activities that impact monitoring
instruments until Contracting Authority has reviewed the corresponding Baseline Monitoring
(oo) The Contractor shall indicate locations where additional instrumentation readings must be
conducted to update the baseline, due to changes in the ZOI.
(pp) The Contractor shall update the Baseline Monitoring Report to reflect changes or additions to the
(qq) The Contractor shall monitor and obtain data from all automated monitoring instruments on a
continuous basis during the entire DPA Term of the Project and present the data within the
(rr) For instrumentation installed to manually monitor the Measured Parameters, the Contractor shall
monitor for a duration and frequency no less than:
(i) in period (i), from the commencement of excavation of Stations, EEBs, TVSs and Shafts
to the end of construction of permanent structures from the base of excavation to the
natural ground level, one reading per no more than eight-hours;
(ii) in period (ii), for six months following period (i), weekly; and
(iii) in period (iii) one year following period (ii) or to the substantial completion, monthly.
(ss) Noted: The Contractor may reduce the frequency of monitoring in period (i) to daily for the
period of starting from two weeks after completion of excavation and completion of all SOE
elements, to completion of construction of permanent structures from the base of excavation to
the natural ground level if no Review Level or Alert level for the corresponding Measured
Parameter is recorded.
(tt) The Contractor shall obtain and review data from all instruments installed for manually
measuring all measured parameters at all EASs along the Alignment of ATSSE by Tunnel Co and
submit the review results including data sanity assessment to Contracting Authority for review in
accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.
(uu) The Contractor shall continue monitoring all instruments installed for manually measuring all
Measured Parameters at all EASs along the Alignment of ATSSE in the following periods:
(i) in period (i) from hand over of the instruments up to six months after commencement of
Construction Activities, weekly; and

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(ii) in period (ii), following period (i) up to one year after commencement of Construction
Activities, monthly.
(vv) The Contractor shall increase the frequency of monitoring in accordance with Section 3.19.17
(Response Action Plan) if any Measured Parameter exceeds Review Level.
(ww) The Contractor shall always develop and maintain safe access to the instruments to inspect the
instruments and to take readings.
(xx) The Contractor shall utilize the ADAMS to present data collected from all instrumentation
installed and monitored as part of the Works in time-series plots for each Measured Parameter.
(yy) The Contractor shall make available to ADAMS Authorized Users, weekly Instrumentation
Monitoring Reports, which include summary of collected data, highlighting any exceedances, and
time-series plots for all active instruments.
(zz) The time series plots shall contain a cumulative history of readings, including identifications of
the associated instrumentation, time of monitoring, position Stations of the construction, at the
time of each reading.
(aaa) The Contractor shall arrange and chair meetings to present and review monitoring results and to
identify trends to predict future results:
(i) the meeting to include Contracting Authority, and as required, third parties.
(ii) the meetings to occur on a weekly basis, and when Trigger Levels exceedances occur.
(iii) the Contractor to provide meeting minutes.
(bbb) The Contractor shall interpret the monitoring data as required, and submit the interpretation
reports to Contracting Authority and the relevant, inclusive of the monitoring data graphs
presented in the format required by Contracting Authority or Third Parties for review in
accordance with Schedule 10, monthly.
(ccc) The Contractor shall avoid publishing or disclosing monitoring data, or any interpretations of
such data, to parties other than Contracting Authority, the ADAMS Authorized Users, and the
related Third Parties.
(ddd) The Contractor shall re-evaluate the limits of the Project ZOI, as required, if the results of the
monitoring data indicate that any measured parameters is exceeding the Review Levels.
(eee) The Contractor shall be responsible for all amendments to the GIMP, and Pre-Construction
Condition Survey required to reflect the re-evaluated limits of the Project ZOI, as well as any
updates to the Limit Values and the Baseline Monitoring Report.
(fff) The Contractor shall ensure the installation and monitoring of all additional instrumentation,
required because of the re-evaluated limits of the Project ZOI.
(ggg) The Contractor shall protect all monitoring instruments from damage associated with construction
equipment, traffic, weather, snow removal operations, and highway Drainage.
(hhh) The Contractor shall replace any broken, damaged, misfunctioning, or missing instruments within
48 hours, and account for movement recorded by predecessor instruments in the readings of
replacement instruments.

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(iii) The Contractor shall carry out a final reading for each instrument when:
(i) no additional Construction Activity that could influence the instrument readings will
(ii) readings for the instrument are stable and indicate no ongoing changes in Measured
Parameters for a period of three months; and
(iii) The Contractor shall hand over the instrumentation to Contracting Authority, in fully
functional condition along with the ADAMS (except for total Stations) in accordance
with Schedule 14- Testing and Commissioning, unless Contracting Authority agrees to
dispose any instrument.
(jjj) The Contractor shall fully dispose all the instruments that Contracting Authority agrees to be
(kkk) Instrumentation monitoring data is the property of Contracting Authority, and the Contractor shall
avoid publishing, or otherwise making them public, without the written consent of Contracting
(lll) The Contractor is fully responsible for protection and decommissioning of monitoring wells in
accordance with the requirements of Schedule 17 – Environmental Obligations.
(mmm) The Contractor shall submit, on a quarterly basis, updated decommissioning report including data
obtained from all decommissioned wells and piezometers to Contracting Authority in accordance
with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.
(nnn) The Contractor shall decommission all geotechnical instruments inclusive of those inherited from
ATSSE, and those installed by the Contractor.

3.19.17 Response Action Plan

(a) The Contractor shall prepare structure-specific Response Action Plans, to consist of methods and
means to respond to various Review Level and Alert Level exceedances scenarios, mitigation
measures based on specifications of the Monitored Facilities and types of geotechnical
instruments that indicate Review and Alert levels exceedances.
(b) The Contractor shall submit structure-specific Response Action Plans to Contracting Authority
and the relevant third parties for review in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure,
which as a minimum includes the following:
(i) names, telephone numbers, and locations of persons responsible for implementation of
contingency plans;
(ii) preferred method of communication;
(iii) materials and equipment required to implement contingency plans;
(iv) location on site of all required materials and equipment to implement contingency plans;
(v) step-by-step procedure for performing works involved in implementation of the of the
Response Action Plan;

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(vi) specific actions related to the Alert Levels exceedances for all instruments, including
means of reducing rates, or eliminating movements;
(vii) the safe procedure for inspection of affected EAS and performance of acceptable
corrective and restorative measures;
(viii) procedures for emergency access to each of the Monitored Facilities;
(ix) detailed means of assessing the cause of the observed damage;
(x) step-by-step procedures for performing works involved in implementation, of the
contingency plans; and
(xi) clear identification of objectives of response contingency plans and methods to measure
the success of the contingency plans.
(c) As a minimum, the Contractor shall, if the value of any measured parameter, measured by any
monitoring instrument, exceeds the associated Review Level, take the following actions:
(i) ensure all ADAMS Authorized Users are immediately notified of the exceedance through
the ADAMS;
(ii) review and evaluate the mitigative measures identified in the Review Level of the
Response Action Plan; and
(iii) implement the Response Action Plan for the Review Level exceedance reviewed and
accepted by Contracting Authority and the relevant Stakeholders and associated
Mitigative Measures.
(d) As a minimum the Contractor shall, if the value of any measured parameter, measured by any
monitoring instrument, exceeds the associated Alert Level, take the following actions:
(i) ensure all ADAMS Authorized Users are immediately notified of the exceedance through
the ADAMS;
(ii) immediately implement the Response Action Plan for the Alert Level exceedance
reviewed and accepted by Contracting Authority and the relevant Stakeholders and
associated Mitigative Measures;
(iii) ensure an assessment of the associated exceedance is conducted by the geotechnical
engineer or geotechnical construction lead;
(iv) meet with Contracting Authority to discuss additional mitigative measures, as identified
in the Alert Level of the Response Action Plan;
(v) implement any additional mitigative measures;
(vi) install and monitor additional instruments, as required;
(vii) reassess adequacy of the site-specific GIMP and update and amend if GIMP if required;
(viii) carry out an updated CIAR if the condition of the Monitoring Facility is impacted to the
level that the preceding CIAR is not sufficiently accurate anymore; and
(ix) review and assess the Response Action Plan and update it, if required.

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(e) The Contractor shall, in case of exceedance from Alert level in any measured parameter in any of
the Monitored Facilities, prepare a tracking report demonstrating the actions taken and
compliance with the requirements.
(f) The Contractor shall submit the Alert Level Exceedance Response action tracking Report to
Contracting Authority, and the Third Party where applicable, on a weekly basis in accordance
with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.

3.19.18 Mitigation Measure and Contingency plans

(a) If the CIAR-2 or CIAR-3 shows potential slight Impact or worse for an EAS, the Contractor
(i) design a structure-specific mitigation measures to prevent loss in appearance, structural
integrity, functionality, operability, and durability of potentially impacted EASs and
ensure safety and continued operation of the EAS;
(ii) design a structure-specific contingency plans measures, in case impacts in the ZOI of any
structure are potentially found to be worse than negligible; and
(iii) prepare structure-specific mitigation measures and contingency plan reports, which shall
demonstrate the effectiveness of mitigation measures and contingency plans, by
application of engineering practices and confirm and document that the proposed
mitigation measures and contingencies are acceptable to owners of such EAS's owners.
(b) The Contractor shall submit Mitigation measures and contingency plan reports to Contracting
Authority and relevant third parties for review in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review
(c) The Contractor shall repair any damage to any EAS caused by Construction Activities, to a level
not lower than that documented in Pre-Condition Survey Report reviewed by Contracting
Authority and prepare case specific reports of application of contingency plans and all repairs.
(d) The Contractor shall submit case specific reports of application of contingency plans and repairs
to Contracting Authority and relevant third parties for review in accordance with Schedule 10 -
Review Procedure.
(e) The Contractor shall inform Contracting Authority and the relevant third parties of application,
obtained results, and subsequent steps of actions in accordance with the Response Action Plan,
and contingency plans.

3.19.19 The Contractor-Existing Adjacent Structures Owner Interaction

(a) The Contractor shall follow communication protocols established in Schedule 18 -
Communications and Public Engagement Protocol, for interactions with Existing Adjacent
Structures (EAS) owners and other impacted or potentially impacted parties.
(b) To perform any activity which requires EAS owners’ interaction, including inspections,
Instruments Installation, mitigation measures implementation, Pre, Supplementary, and Post-
Construction Condition Surveys, the Contractor shall work with EAS owners proactively, closely,
and amicably.

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(c) The Contractor shall communicate the developed monitoring and mitigation requirements with
the EAS owners as follows:
(i) owners of potentially affected EASs, as identified in the CIAR-1, shall be briefed by the
Contractor of the CIAR-1 findings;
(ii) the Contractor shall prepare and provide CIAR-2 to potentially affected EAS owners;
(iii) the Contractor shall prepare mitigation measures, and provide to potentially affected EAS
owners, confirm and document that the proposed mitigation is acceptable to the owner;
(iv) consider each of the above steps as iterative depending on specific requirements of
individual EAS owners including TTC, City, TRCA, CN Rail, GO Transit, Utility
Companies, and other Stakeholders.
(d) The Contractor shall be proactive and thorough in their approach, as required for any specific
(e) The Contractor shall:
(i) develop a status update schedule of the EASs;
(ii) maintain and update on a quarterly basis the schedule of the EASs and use it to track the
completion of the impact assessments, demonstrate the effectiveness of mitigation
measures and contingency plans; and
(iii) submit the updated status schedule of the EASs inclusive of any damage and repair to any
specific EAS to Contracting Authority and all relevant third parties including TTC, City,
CN Rail, GO Transit, utility Companies, TRCA as applicable, on a quarterly basis in
accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.

3.19.20 Earthwork
(a) The Contractor shall carry out earthworks and backfills in accordance with the applicable
requirements of OPSS 501 construction specification for compaction, OPSS 401 construction
specification for trenching, backfilling, and compacting, OPSS 206 construction specification for
Grading, OPSS 212 Construction Specification for Earth Borrow, and OPSS 1010 Aggregates-
Granular A, B, M, SSM.
(b) The Contractor shall design and carry out any backfilling in the City of Toronto properties and
ROW in accordance with requirements set in City Municipal Consent (MCR), and each standard
referenced in MCR.
(c) The Contractor shall comply with each relevant MECP standards and third-party standards such
as Toronto Hydro clean fill requirements for reuse of material on-site in the design of backfilling.
(d) The Contractor shall consider flotation forces corresponding to inundation of the fill to the flood
level in the design of lightweight fills.
(i) permanent flood protection shall be provided for the area in which the fill is to be

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3.19.21 Services
(a) The Contractor shall design and consider reconstruction of all services including preparation of
pipe bedding, by application of engineered fill, installation of water and sewer lines, and backfill
the trench with material conformant to their owner requirements.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure that utility isolation and relocations do not affect the electrical safety
grounding of EAS.

3.19.22 Geo Environmental

(a) The Contractor shall prepare a soil and groundwater management strategy and comply with all
environmental obligations as required per Schedule 17 – Environmental Obligations and submit it
to Contracting Authority for review in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.
(b) The Contractor shall maintain and monitor the handed over monitoring wells.
(c) The Contractor shall decommission and dispose of turned over monitoring wells and piezometers
in accordance with applicable regulations, after the required data obtained.
(d) The Contractor shall consider and take responsibility of monitoring of all existing monitoring
wells installed by Contracting Authority within the ZOI of any dewatering activity and take
groundwater level measurements from all monitoring wells within this zone, each month, and at
the same approximate time, starting from one month prior to the start of any dewatering until
three months after dewatering is completed and stopped.
(e) The Contractor shall perform testing on groundwater samples monthly for Contaminants of
Concern as identified in the detailed dewatering plan starting one month prior to construction and
ending three months following construction to assess the potential movement of impacted
groundwater and implement mitigation measures as outlined in the detailed dewatering plan.
(f) The Contractor shall compare monthly groundwater test results to Ontario Regulation 153/04
Standards as well as the City of Toronto Sewers by-law limits.
(g) The Contractor shall submit groundwater level and testing results to Contracting Authority in
tabular form within one week of each monthly sample collection in accordance with Schedule 10
- Review Procedure.
(h) The Contractor shall decommission and remove all monitoring wells within the Project Areas
once they are no longer required for pre-construction, in-construction, or post-construction
(i) the Contractor to decommission and remove monitoring wells installed by others within
the Project Areas as well as any monitoring wells installed by the Contractor;
(ii) Decommissioning and removal shall be in accordance with Ontario Regulation (O.Reg.)
903; and
(iii) the Contractor to use a licensed well technician and well drilling contractor.
(i) The Contractor shall carry out any activity within TRCA Regulated Area in agreement with their
applicable requirements and regulations and obtain TRCA approval.

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3.19.23 ATSSE Headwalls and Shoring elements Specific Requirements

(a) Launch Shaft and Extraction Shaft shoring System, and Headwalls are constructed by others, and
will be handed over to the Contractor. Without limiting the contents of Schedule 4 - Advance
Tunnel Handover, and without reducing any reasonable generality, the Contractor shall:
(i) maintain or replace until no longer needed, the existing decking, fencing, and hoarding;
(ii) maintain or replace until no longer needed, the dewatering system including replacing
related permits;
(iii) maintain or replace until no longer needed, the temporary electrical services; and
(iv) assume responsibility for site security.
(b) If a Tunnel Segment remains occupied by other contractors following the Shafts Hand Over, the
Contractor shall:
(i) cooperate with other contractors;
(ii) maintain Tunnel services that pass-through Shaft area including electrical power, fire
protection standpipes, temporary communication lines and water discharge lines;
(iii) avoid construction of solid bulkheads that would restrict Tunnel ventilation;
(iv) capture storm water within Shaft area and prevent water and other debris from entering
Tunnel while occupied by others; and
(v) cooperate with other contractors to access to their works.

3.19.24 Ground Improvement

(a) The Contractor shall design and implement ground improvement including grouting and jet
grouting, where required.
(b) The Contractor shall, prepare structure-specific ground improvement design reports as a
minimum inclusive of:
(i) geotechnical assumptions, interpreted parameters, along with supporting design
(ii) all necessary provisions for the design and implementation of ground improvement;
(iii) drawings and technical specifications; and
(iv) determination of potential additional disturbed zone during the implementation of the
ground improvement.
(c) The Contractor shall submit structure-specific ground improvement reports to Contracting
Authority, and relevant third parties for review in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review

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3.20 Mechanical

3.20.1 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall design and install all mechanical Works in accordance with the latest
versions of applicable codes, standards, and regulations, including the following:
(i) TTC Design Manual;
(ii) Metrolinx DS-09 Subway Station Architecture Design Standard;
(iii) Ontario Building Code (OBC);
(iv) Ontario Fire Code (OFC);
(v) Canadian Standards Association (CSA);
(vi) Ontario Electrical Safety Code (OESC);
(vii) Occupational Health and Safety Act – Regulation 851, Industrial Establishments;
(viii) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA);
(ix) NFPA-10 – Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers;
(x) NFPA-13 – Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems;
(xi) NFPA-14 – Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems;
(xii) NFPA-92 – Standard for Smoke Control Systems;
(xiii) NFPA-130 – Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems;
(xiv) NFPA-2001 – Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems;
(xv) American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE);
(xvi) ASHRAE Standard 55.1 - Thermal Environmental Control for Human Occupancy;
(xvii) ASHRAE Standard 62.1 - Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality;
(xviii) Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association (SMACNA);
(xix) National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB);
(xx) Toronto Green Standards;
(xxi) Municipal Code Chapter 681, Toronto Sewer Use Bylaw;
(xxii) Municipal Code Chapter 851, Toronto Municipal Coe Water Supply; and
(xxiii) ANSI Z-358.1 - American National Standard for Emergency Eyewash and Shower

3.20.2 General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall provide mechanical systems including plumbing, drainage, fire protection,
HVAC, snow melting and BACS systems for SSE station facilities, EEBs/ESBs, TPSSs, Bus
Terminals, Underground Structures, and ancillary facilities as required in this Section 3.20.

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(b) The Contractor shall not provide any gas-fired equipment in any of the facilities.
(c) The Contractor shall provide concrete housekeeping pads for all floor-mounted equipment,
designed to accommodate the weight and inertia of the supported equipment.
(d) The Contractor shall provide mechanical identification for all mechanical equipment and system
components in accordance with TTC DM-0109-01.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure that all mechanical components requiring operation and maintenance
are accessible without obstruction and without removal of other equipment.
(f) The Contractor shall provide egress to the exterior for the largest component of each individual
mechanical system without having to disassemble or remove other pieces of equipment.
(g) The Contractor shall provide heat tracing and insulation for all water piping systems located in
unheated areas and areas subject to freezing conditions, except for dry sprinkler lines in stations
and dry fire lines in tunnels.
(h) The Contractor shall provide jacketing for all insulated piping in public areas.
(i) The Contractor shall provide insulation for ductwork and piping to meet or exceed the
requirements of ASHRAE 90.1.
(j) The Contractor shall complete testing and commissioning of mechanical systems in accordance
with Schedule 14 – Testing and Commissioning.
(k) The Contractor shall ensure mechanical equipment is not installed in rooms which require
specialized access, such as electrical rooms, unless the equipment serves that room.
(l) The Contractor shall provide mechanical equipment and systems, required for transit facilities
and systems, to:
(i) meet system operational requirements;
(ii) provide reliable service; and
(iii) maintain uniformity of design approach throughout all transit facilities and systems to the
highest practical extent.
(m) The Contractor shall provide mechanical equipment and materials of highest quality to prolong
service life.
(n) The Contractor shall ensure that mechanical components and equipment are designed to
accommodate seismic forces in accordance with Section 3.19.7 and Article of OBC.
(o) The Contractor shall ensure that where any mechanical infrastructure that crosses expansion
joints, or other places where differential lateral displacement may occur, the piping, ducts etc.
shall be attached in a manner that accommodates the differential movement.
(p) The Contractor shall submit noise and vibration reports that demonstrate compliance with all
noise and vibration requirements listed in Schedule 17 – Environmental Obligations.

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3.20.3 Plumbing System Water Service

(a) The Contractor shall provide plumbing services for all facilities as outlined in Table 3.20-1.
Water Distribution Matrix.

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Table 3.20-1. Water Distribution Matrix

Room or Room Name Cold Hot Tempered Eye Wash/ Drinking Hose
Area ID Water Water Water Safety Shower Fountain Bibb
Public Area
1.010 M Public Washrooms - Male & Female
x x x
1.010 F
1.020 Public Washroom - Universal x x x
1.030 Main Entrance x <a> x
1.040 Secondary Entrance x <a> x
1.060 Emergency (2nd) Exit x x
1.070 Fare Control Areas x x
1.080 Subway Platforms x x
1.090 Bus Platforms x x
1.100 Bus Waiting Area x x
1.120 Integrated Secure Bike Room x x
1.130 Concourse Area x <a> x
Staff Room
2.040 Train Operator's Lunchroom x x x
2.050 Train Operator's Universal Washrooms x x x
2.060 Bus Operator's Lunchroom x x x
2.070 M Bus Operator's Washrooms - Male and Female
x x x
2.070 F
2.080 Bus Operator’s Universal Washroom x x x
2.100 Staff Universal Washrooms x x x
2.110 Emergency Response Room (ERR) <c> x x x
2.160 End of line Cleaners Bin Storage – Platform
x x
2.170 End of line Cleaners Bin Storage – Grade Level x x

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Room or Room Name Cold Hot Tempered Eye Wash/ Drinking Hose
Area ID Water Water Water Safety Shower Fountain Bibb
2.180 End of line Cleaners Equipment Storage x x x
2.230 Station Staff Lunchroom x x x
2.260 End of line Cleaners Stock Room x x x x
2.280 Zone Hub Kitchenette x x
Leased Area
3.050 Retail Vending Hub x
3.070 Mobile Coffee Carts x
3.080 Containers x
3.090 Pop-Ups Retail x
3.100 Pop-Ups Retail Storage x
3.110 Mini - QSR x
Service Room - Electrical
4.030 Emergency Power (Battery) Room x x x x
4.120 F Wiring and Service Electrician's Change Room
x x
4.120 M (with showers) - Male & Female
Service Room - Mechanical
5.010 Sump Pump Rooms x x
5.020 Scrubber Machine Room x x x x x
5.040 Valve Room x
5.060 HVAC Room x x
5.070 Subway Ventilation Room x x
5.100 Green Roof Irrigation Room x x
5.140 Boiler Room x x x x x
5.150 Pump Room x x x x x
Service Room - Signal
6.010 Operations Supervisor Room (TTC DM: Local
x x x
Tower Room)

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Room or Room Name Cold Hot Tempered Eye Wash/ Drinking Hose
Area ID Water Water Water Safety Shower Fountain Bibb
6.030 Signal Power Supply Room x x x x
6.080 F Signal Maintainer's Change Rooms - Male &
x x
6.080 M Female
Service Room - Miscellaneous
7.010 Janitor Closet x x x <b>
Ancillary Room
8.100 Refuse Storage Room x x
8.120 Track Patrol Room x x x
Electrical Substation (TPSS)
9.040 Traction Power Substation Battery and Charger
x x x x
9.050 Staff Universal Washroom x x x
9.060 Staff Lunchroom x x x
9.080 Transformer Room x x
9.080 Transformer Yard x x
9.100 Mechanical Room x x
Bus Terminal - GO
10.070 GF Public Washrooms - Male and Female
10.070 x x x
10.080 G Public Washroom - Universal x x x
10.180 G GO Staff Back of House x x x

1. This table derives information from the relevant TTC Design Manual section. It has been expanded to suit specific project needs but may
contain elements beyond the scope of the project.
2. Domestic hot water recirculation to be provided as per Section 3.5 of TTC DM-0602-01.

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Room or Room Name Cold Hot Tempered Eye Wash/ Drinking Hose
Area ID Water Water Water Safety Shower Fountain Bibb
3. <a> denotes drinking fountain with bottle filling station located in public area, preferably outside a public washroom.
4. <b> denotes emergency eye wash station without safety shower for rooms with cleaning chemical storage.
5. <c> [Note to Dev Co: this item needs further discussion and verification during development phase to validate the functional need.]

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Systems DPA Execution Version Piping Materials

(a) The Contractor shall not use any combustible pipe materials, such as ABS, PVC, CPVC,
polyethylene, polypropylene, for any above ground application.
(b) The Contractor shall provide anti-corrosion wrap for underground piping installation. Retail Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall provide the following plumbing services for retail use:
(i) a dedicated domestic cold water connection 38 mm in diameter;
(ii) a dedicated water meter with isolation valves located in valve room; and
(iii) capped pipe branches at each retail space with an isolation valve. Incoming Water Services

(a) The Contractor shall provide incoming water lines connected to Municipal water main for
following facilities:
(i) Stations and on-site TPSSs: one domestic water incoming line and one fire water
incoming line;
(ii) PSS-01: one domestic water incoming line; and
(iii) ESBs: one domestic water incoming line.
(b) The Contractor shall install the water meter for the domestic water system in an adequately sized
water meter room which shall be:
(i) located immediately at the point of water line entry into the facility interior; and
(ii) easily accessible for maintenance. Domestic Water Distribution

(a) The Contractor shall provide a domestic water distribution system to supply potable domestic
cold water, domestic hot water and tempered water to each fixture requiring domestic water as
noted in Table 3.20-1. Water Distribution Matrix.
(b) The Contractor shall provide piping and isolation valves to allow for the isolation of any
individual fixture to facilitate maintenance or replacement while all other fixtures remain
(c) The Contractor shall provide domestic cold water services for the Kennedy Box Structure by
connecting to existing services located at Kennedy Station. Plumbing Fixtures

(a) The Contractor shall provide water conserving type fixtures in accordance with Section 3.15.
(b) The Contractor shall provide water hammer arrestors at the following locations:
(i) pipe branches serving a group of plumbing fixtures; and

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(ii) pipe branches serving a single remote plumbing fixture.

(c) The Contractor shall provide lavatories, water closets, and urinals with hardwired no-touch
infrared sensors for automatic operation.
(d) The Contractor shall provide vitreous china lavatory basins and wall-mounted fixtures with
(e) The Contractor shall provide kitchen sinks with stainless steel basins, single lever faucets and
flexible braided stainless-steel tubing.
(f) The Contractor shall provide janitor sinks with terrazzo construction, wall mounted faucets, mop
holders and stainless steel wall panels. Emergency Eye Wash Stations and Showers

(a) The Contractor shall provide emergency eye wash stations and showers in locations specified in
Table 3.20-1. Water Distribution Matrix.
(b) The Contractor shall provide emergency eye wash stations in all rooms where corrosive
chemicals are stored or handled.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 1 m of unobstructed access around eye wash stations
and safety showers.
(d) The Contractor shall provide tempered water supply that is sufficient for 15 minutes of
emergency eye wash station or shower operation.
(e) The Contractor shall connect the water supply lines serving emergency eye wash stations and/or
showers using one of the following configurations:
(i) connect to a water line that serves frequently used plumbing fixtures; or
(ii) connect to a water line at a remote location and provide an automatic flush system that
refreshes the water in the branch line at adjustable time intervals. Hose Bibbs and Water Hydrants

(a) The Contractor shall provide a ø19 mm cold water supply to all hose bibbs.
(b) The Contractor shall provide hose bibbs at all locations identified in Table 3.20-1. Water
Distribution Matrix.
(c) The Contractor shall provide hose bibbs at locations necessary to enable complete coverage of the
following indoor areas or equipment with a 30 m length hose connected on the same floor level:
(i) station public areas at all floor levels, including service level and landing levels;
(ii) enclosed bus terminal interior public areas; and
(iii) pedestrian tunnels and bridges.
(d) The Contractor shall provide hose bibbs, in recessed locked boxes either on ground or on wall
600 mm above grade level, at locations necessary to enable complete coverage of the outdoor
areas of the following facilities, with a 30 m length hose:

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(i) all stations;

(ii) all bus terminals, including open-air bus platforms;
(iii) all TPSSs; and
(iv) all ESBs.
(e) The Contractor shall provide roof hydrants on green roofs and within 30 m distance of roof-
mounted HVAC equipment requiring wash downs.
(f) The Contractor shall provide non-freeze hose bibbs and non-freeze hydrant in all unheated areas
and outdoor locations.
(g) The Contractor shall provide an isolation valve inside building to each non-freeze hose bib and
non-freeze hydrant located on an outside perimeter of buildings. Drinking Fountains

(a) The Contractor shall provide drinking fountains at back of house locations in accordance with
Table 3.20-1. Water Distribution Matrix.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of one combination drinking fountain/bottle filling
station at each station for passenger use.
(c) The Contractor shall locate the combination drinking fountain station/bottle filling station in clear
public view, off the main circulation path and adjacent to a public washroom.
(d) The Contractor shall provide drinking fountains and combination drinking fountain/bottle filling
stations with the following features:
(i) air-cooled refrigerated water supply;
(ii) replaceable water supply filter;
(iii) spigots at barrier-free and standard drinking height;
(iv) concealed isolation valves upstream and downstream of water filter;
(v) recessed, stainless steel cabinet;
(vi) vandal-proof and easy to maintain components; and
(vii) sensor-activated bottle filling station (in public areas only).
(e) The Contractor shall ensure that all drinking fountains and combination drinking fountain/bottle
filling stations are connected to frequently used water mains. Trap Primers

(a) The Contractor shall provide electronically timed and solenoid-operated trap primer stations for
all floor drains connected to the sanitary drainage system. Back Flow Preventers

(a) The Contractor shall provide dual back flow preventer assemblies except for in standalone
unoccupied facilities, where the use of single back flow preventer assemblies is permitted.

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3.20.4 Drainage System General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall provide track drainage system in accordance with Section
(b) The Contractor shall ensure that all drains, sediment chambers and interceptors can be accessed to
remove collected sediment.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that all catch basins and sediment chambers can be accessed for
vacuum truck service using one of the following means:
(i) providing direct vehicular access for a vacuum truck; or
(ii) installing vacuum lines routed to an alternate location with vehicular access for a vacuum
truck. Sanitary Drainage

(a) The Contractor shall provide complete, dedicated sanitary drainage systems for all facilities that
are capable of processing greywater and sanitary sewage from the following:
(i) elevator pits;
(ii) public or other non-designated open areas (e.g., platforms, concourse, grade level floor
space, etc.);
(iii) staircases, stairwell shafts, vestibules;
(iv) escalator lower pits;
(v) room area floor drains;
(vi) plumbing fixtures;
(vii) station sprinkler and standpipe fire protection systems; and
(viii) service rooms.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a single sanitary drainage system such that washroom drainage is
combined with all other sources of sanitary drainage.
(c) The Contractor shall provide and coordinate all floor drains and drain connections to plumbing
fixtures with the water services required in each station room/area as noted in Table 3.20-1.
Water Distribution Matrix.
(d) The Contractor shall provide a floor drain in the following spaces and to all the station
rooms/areas identified in Table 3.20-1. Water Distribution Matrix:
(i) rooms below grade that are immediately enclosed by exterior ceilings and/or walls, and
may be exposed to water seepage;
(ii) at bus terminal sliding door areas;
(iii) entrances;
(iv) staircases, stairwell shafts, vestibules;

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(v) towel area immediately outside a shower stall;

(vi) accessible washroom pipe spaces;
(vii) elevator shafts; and
(viii) escalator pits.
(e) The Contractor shall select drain bodies, drain grates, cleanout bodies and cleanout cover that can
withstand all expected traffic loads.
(f) The Contractor shall provide a floor drain at the bottom of all maintenance chambers located
within the facility. Storm Drainage

(a) The Contractor shall drain stormwater by gravity to the municipal storm sewer system:
(i) the Contractor to provide pumping stations where gravity drainage cannot be achieved.
(b) The Contractor shall provide roof drainage system for the transfer structure above the bus
terminal area at Scarborough Centre Station.
(c) The Contractor shall provide drainage for cavity walls and drain the water in cavity walls to track
drainage system.
(d) The Contractor shall provide drainage of cavity walls at each side of the knockout panel.
(e) The Contractor shall provide drainage for ventilation shafts.
(f) The Contractor shall provide heat tracing and insulation for drainage piping subject to freezing
conditions, including exposed rain water leaders.
(g) The Contractor shall specify requirements for piping jacketing.
(h) The Contractor shall provide heat tracing, insulation and jacketing for drainage piping exposed to
facility public areas and to freezing conditions.
(i) The Contractor shall ensure that storm sewage from roofs, canopies and overhangs shall not be
routed to the track drainage system.
(j) The Contractor shall insulate all horizontal rain water leaders.
(k) When the Contractor takes ownership of the area between STA 9+993 and 10+047, the
Contractor shall maintain the existing manhole with lifting pump at the Kennedy Tail Track from
SSE STA 10+047 to the tie-in point to the west so that it can always receive and discharge
drainage from Kennedy East Ventilation Structure. Drainage Pumping Stations

(a) The Contractor shall provide dedicated rooms for pumping stations except for the pumping
station located at the Kennedy Box Structure pocket track.
(b) The Contractor shall locate track drainage pumping stations at low points of tunnel alignment to
capture gravity drainage from track drainage system in accordance with Section (Tunnel

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(c) The Contractor shall discharge track drainage to the City of Toronto Municipal Sewer systems in
accordance with Section 3.24.19.
(d) The Contractor shall provide water metering devices and water sampling ports with test cocks for
flow measurement and water sample testing of track drainage discharge at each track drainage
pumping station.
(e) The Contractor shall provide sump pit covers that meet the following requirements:
(i) reinforced and spring-hinged with custom engineered, manufactured stainless steel, cast-
in-place frame;
(ii) bolted, in segments, with the weight of each cover segment not exceeding 25 kg; and
(iii) the sump pit covers shall not create a tripping hazard when closed.
(f) The Contractor shall ensure that the pump lay down area meets the following requirements:
(i) have minimum floor area of 1.5 m x 1.5 m; and
(ii) have a clear and unobstructed path to allow removal of pump for off-site service.
(g) The Contractor shall provide non-submersed or partially submersed type pumps with the
following features to facilitate quick removal of the pump:
(i) cam-lock disconnect fitting located in the pump discharge line above the sump and
(ii) water-tight electrical connector in the power line to the pump. Retail Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall ensure the following for each Mini-QSR:
(i) that a minimum of one 100 mm sanitary drain connection and one 50 mm vent
connection are provided within the leased area;
(ii) that tenant sanitary lines are connected to facility drainage at a point that minimizes the
risk of disruption to the remainder of the drainage system; and
(iii) that if use of a facility pumping station is required for drainage, the pumping station shall
be sized to accommodate both general facility uses, and tenant uses.

3.20.5 Fire Protection System General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall provide fire protection systems to meet the requirements of Sections 3.23.7
(Code and Life Safety) and 3.26.7 (Code and Life Safety).
(b) The Contractor shall provide fire department connections for station sprinkler systems, station
wet standpipe systems, and tunnel dry fire lines at the following facilities:
(i) all stations;
(ii) all EEBs; and
(iii) the pocket track exit structure east of the Kennedy Box Structure.

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(c) The Contractor shall provide fire water booster pumps if required to maintain the minimum
pressure at the most remote sprinkler or standpipe hose valve. Sprinkler System

(a) The Contractor shall provide sprinklers to all areas listed in Table 3.23-16. Fire Protection
Matrix, Section 3.23.7. Standpipe System

(a) The Contractor shall provide wet standpipe service to all rooms and areas, as listed in Table
3.23-16. Fire Protection Matrix, Section 3.23.7.
(b) The Contractor shall provide fire hose cabinets located in each tunnel not more than 20 m from
the end of the platform, in addition to the requirements listed in Table 3.23-16. Fire Protection
Matrix, Section 3.23.7.
(c) The Contractor shall provide tunnel dry fire line system throughout each underground tunnel/box
trackway section, including the pocket track east of the Kennedy Box Structure and the storage
track east of Sheppard East Station. Fire Extinguishers

(a) The Contractor shall provide ABC fire extinguishers to all rooms and areas, as listed in Table
3.23-16. Fire Protection Matrix, Section 3.23.7.
(b) The Contractor shall add supplemental extinguishers as required. Clean Agent Suppression System

(a) The Contractor shall provide NFPA 2001-compliant clean agent suppression systems in the
rooms listed in Table 3.23-16. Fire Protection Matrix, Section 3.23.7.
(b) The Contractor shall locate the clean agent suppression system directly in the room served by the
system and ensure that unobstructed access is provided.

3.20.6 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall provide Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System (HVAC)
systems to maintain the indoor design conditions as outlined in Table 3.20-2. Internal Space
(b) The Contractor shall provide external air ventilation system to serve the rooms with a maximum
temperature of 40ºC or external ambient temperature.
(c) The Contractor shall provide ventilation air systems to meet the minimum number of air changes
per hour as outlined in Table 3.20-2. Internal Space Conditions.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure that where recirculation is provided, a minimum level of external air
exchange shall be established as per the function of the space, and as follows:

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(i) no less than 20% of the number of air changes indicated in Table 3.20-2. Internal Space
(e) The Contractor shall provide a mechanical cooling system where external air ventilation becomes
impractical and/or insufficient to maintain space at the specified temperature.
(f) The Contractor shall provide outdoor air for the rooms served by the HVAC system with
mechanical cooling in accordance with ASHRAE 62.1.
(g) The Contractor shall ensure that the mechanical cooling system is only operated when external air
ventilation impractical and/or insufficient.
(h) The Contractor shall provide natural ventilation systems with louvres for cooling and ventilation
at EEBs, excluding EEBs that serve as ESBs.
(i) The Contractor shall provide all HVAC systems with 15% spare capacity for future loads.
(j) The Contractor shall provide HVAC equipment using refrigerants that are not planned to be
phased out, either:
(i) R-410A; or
(ii) a refrigerant with lower global warming potential (GWP).
(k) The Contractor shall ensure that all refrigerant piping is insulated.
(l) The Contractor shall provide motorized dampers to sequence equipment between working and
standby units.
(m) The Contractor shall provide mechanical systems and equipment that meet the following
(i) vibration and acoustic control requirements outlined in Applicability Matrix and Section
(ii) noise control requirements outlined in TTC DM-0106, Noise and Vibration; and
(iii) vibration requirements outlined in TTC DM-0604, Vibration Control. Indoor and Outdoor Design Conditions

(a) The HVAC system is to be designed based on the following outdoor ambient design conditions in
accordance with climate data in OBC 2012 SB-1, Table 1.2:
(i) Winter: -22°C (-7.6°F) (January 1%);
(ii) Summer: 31°C (87.8°F) Dry Bulb, 24°C (75.2°F) Wet Bulb (July 2.5%); and
(iii) Seismic Data: Sa (0.2) = 0.24.
(b) The HVAC systems are to be designed to meet the Internal Space Conditions required in Table
3.20-2. Internal Space Conditions.

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Table 3.20-2. Internal Space Conditions

Room or Space Designation Minimum Outdoor Minimum Humidity
Area ID Minimum Maximum No. Airflow Filtration Minimum Summer/
Temperature Temperature of Air Per Occupancy MERV Pressurization
[ºC] [ºC] Changes Occupant Rating [Pa] Winter
Per Hour [L/s] <c> [%RH]
Public Area
1.010 M Public Washrooms - Male &
22 <a> 12
1.010 F Female
1.020 Universal Public Washroom 22 <a> 12
1.140 Areas of Refuge 18 <a>
Staff Room
Station Attendant Booth
2.010 22 24 <b> 13
(Collector's Booth)
2.040 Train Operator's Lunchroom 22 24 17 10 13 50/30
Train Operator's Universal
2.050 22 <a> 12
2.060 Bus Operator's Lunchroom 22 24 17 4 13 50/30
2.070 M Bus Operator's Washrooms -
22 <a> 12
2.070 F Male and Female
Bus Operator’s Universal
2.080 22 <a> 12
Zone Office Rm - General
2.090 22 24 17 2 13
Station Manager
2.100 Staff Universal Washrooms 22 <a> 12
Emergency Response Room
2.110 18 24 17 2 13 12 50/-
2.120 Security Office 22 24 17 2 13
2.130 Security - Holding Cells 22 24 13
End of Line Cleaners Bin
2.160 9 <a> 12 13
Storage – Platform Level
End of Line Cleaners Bin
2.170 9 <a> 12 13
Storage - Grade

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Room or Space Designation Minimum Outdoor Minimum Humidity

Area ID Minimum Maximum No. Airflow Filtration Minimum Summer/
Temperature Temperature of Air Per Occupancy MERV Pressurization
[ºC] [ºC] Changes Occupant Rating [Pa] Winter
Per Hour [L/s] <c> [%RH]
End of Line Cleaners
2.180 Equipment Storage (North 9 <a> 6 13
and South)
End of Line Cleaners
2.190 22 24 17 2 13
Forepersons Room
End of Line Cleaners
2.200 F
Change Room (Male and 22 30 8 17 2 13
2.200 M
End of Line Cleaners
2.210 22 24 17 2 13
Supervisors Room
End of Line Cleaners
2.220 9 <a> 6 13
Uniform Storage Room
2.230 Station Staff Lunchroom 22 24 17 10 13 50/30
2.240 Zone Hub Room 22 24 17 3 13 12
End of Line Cleaner's Stock
2.260 18 <a> 6 13
2.280 Zone Hub Kitchenette 22 24 17 2 13 50/30
Zone Hub – General Station
2.290 22 24 17 2 13 12
Manager Room
Zone Office Room – Deputy
2.300 22 24 17 3 13 12
Station Manager Room
Zone Hub – General Office
2.310 22 24 17 2 13 12
Leased Area
3.050 Retail Vending Hub 9 <a> <b> 13
3.070 Mobile Coffee Carts 9 <a> 13
3.080 Containers 9 <a> 13
3.090 Pop-Ups Retail 9 <a> <b> 13
3.100 Pop-Ups Retail Storage 9 <a> 13

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Room or Space Designation Minimum Outdoor Minimum Humidity

Area ID Minimum Maximum No. Airflow Filtration Minimum Summer/
Temperature Temperature of Air Per Occupancy MERV Pressurization
[ºC] [ºC] Changes Occupant Rating [Pa] Winter
Per Hour [L/s] <c> [%RH]
3.110 Mini - QSR 9 <a> <b> 13
Service Room - Electrical
Passenger Station Electrical 13
4.010 Room (AC Switchboard 9 30 4
4.020 (AC) Switchgear Room 18 30 4 13
Emergency Power (Battery) 13
4.030 15 25 4 <0
D.C. Tie Breaker Room / 13
4.050 D.C. Section Breaker Room 18 30 12 <50/<50
(in stations and ESBs)
D.C. Tie Breaker Room /
4.050 D.C. Section Breaker Room 18 <a> <50/<50
(in non-ESB EEBs)
Communication Equipment 13
4.060 18 27 4 12
4.070 Telephone Equipment Room 9 40 4 13 12
4.080 Traction Power Cable Room 9 <a> 2 13 12
Communication 13
4.090 22 <a> 8
Maintenance Room
Wiring and Service 13
4.110 9 40 2
Electrician's Storage Room
Wiring and Service 13
4.120 F
Electrician's Change Room - 22 40 12 17 2
4.120 M
Male & Female
Wiring and Service 13
4.130 Electrician's Maintenance 22 30 8

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Room or Space Designation Minimum Outdoor Minimum Humidity

Area ID Minimum Maximum No. Airflow Filtration Minimum Summer/
Temperature Temperature of Air Per Occupancy MERV Pressurization
[ºC] [ºC] Changes Occupant Rating [Pa] Winter
Per Hour [L/s] <c> [%RH]
Wiring and Service 13
4.140 22 24 17 2
Electrical Staff Office
COMs Cable Pull Room / 13
4.150 9 40 2 12
Communications Satellite 13
4.160 9 40 8 12
4.170 UPS Room 9 30 4 13 <0
4.200 Electrical Closet 18 40 4 13 12
4.250 AC Cable Pull Room 9 40 2 13 12
4.260 Electrical Closet 18 40 4 13
Tunnel Ventilation 13
4.270 9 30 4
Electrical Room
4.290 Electrical Room 9 30 4 13
Service Room - Mechanical
5.010 Sump Pump Rooms 9 <a> 8 13
5.020 Scrubber Machine Room 9 <a> 8 13 <0
5.040 Valve Room 9 <a> 4 13
5.060 HVAC Room 9 <a> 4 13
5.070 Subway Ventilation Room 9 40 4 13
Subway Ventilation Control 13
5.090 9 30 4
Equipment Room
5.100 Green Roof Irrigation Room 9 <a> 4 13
5.140 Boiler Room 9 <a> 4 13
5.150 Pump Room 9 <a> 4 13
Service Room - Signal
Operations Supervisor 13
6.010 Room (TTC DM: Local 22 24 17 1 12
Tower Room)

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Room or Space Designation Minimum Outdoor Minimum Humidity

Area ID Minimum Maximum No. Airflow Filtration Minimum Summer/
Temperature Temperature of Air Per Occupancy MERV Pressurization
[ºC] [ºC] Changes Occupant Rating [Pa] Winter
Per Hour [L/s] <c> [%RH]
6.020 Signal Relay Room 22 24 17 2 13 12
6.030 Signal Power Supply Room 22 24 17 2 13 12
6.040 Zone Control Panel Room 18 24 8 17 3 13 12
6.050 Signal Inverter Room 18 24 4 13
Signal Maintainer's Storage 13
6.060 9 <a> 2
6.080 F Signal Maintainer's Change 13
22 <a> 12
6.080 M Rooms - Male & Female
Signal Maintainer's 13
6.090 22 <a> 8
Maintenance Room
6.100 Signal Equipment Room 22 24 17 2 13 12
Service Room - Miscellaneous
7.010 Janitor Closet 18 <a> 8 13
7.020 F Janitor's Change Rooms - 13
22 <a> 8
7.020 M Male & Female
7.050 Fire Prevention Room 22 24 17 3 13
Ancillary Room
Elevator Control Room 13
8.020 9 30
(MRL Passenger Elevator)
8.040 Escalator Service Rooms 18 40 4 13
8.050 Escalator Storage Room 9 <a> 2 13
8.100 Refuse Storage Room 9 <a> 2 13
Line Mechanic's Service 13
8.110 22 26 17 1 12
8.120 Track Patrol Room 22 <a> 8 13

8.160 Elevator Shaft 9 <a> 13

Electrical Substation (TPSS)

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Room or Space Designation Minimum Outdoor Minimum Humidity

Area ID Minimum Maximum No. Airflow Filtration Minimum Summer/
Temperature Temperature of Air Per Occupancy MERV Pressurization
[ºC] [ºC] Changes Occupant Rating [Pa] Winter
Per Hour [L/s] <c> [%RH]
Utility Incoming Line 13
9.010 18 40 4 12
Metering Room
Control Room and AC 13
9.020 18 30 4 12
Switchgear Room
Traction Power Substation 13
9.030 9 40 2 12
Cable Room
Traction Power Substation 13
9.040 15 25 4 <0
Battery and Charger Room
9.050 Staff Universal Washroom 22 <a> 12
9.060 Staff Lunchroom 22 26 17 3 13 50/30
9.070 Rectifier Room 18 30 13 12
Transformer Room (indoor 13
9.080 9 30 12
9.090 Storage Room 9 40 2 13
9.100 Mechanical Room 9 40 4 13
Communications Equipment 13
9.140 18 27 4 12
9.160 Electrical Room 9 30 4 13
9.170 Water Meter Room 9 <a> 4 13
Misc. Traction Power 13
9.180 9 40 2 12
Equipment Room
Bus Terminal - GO
10.020 G GO Comms Room 18 27 4 13 12
10.060 G Maintenance Room 22 <a> 8 13
10.070 GF Public Washrooms - M and
22 <a> 12
10.070 GM F
Public Washrooms -
10.080 G 22 <a> 12

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Room or Space Designation Minimum Outdoor Minimum Humidity

Area ID Minimum Maximum No. Airflow Filtration Minimum Summer/
Temperature Temperature of Air Per Occupancy MERV Pressurization
[ºC] [ºC] Changes Occupant Rating [Pa] Winter
Per Hour [L/s] <c> [%RH]
10.100 G Dispatcher's Room 22 24 17 1 13
10.180 G GO Staff Back of House 22 24 17 10 13
Bus Terminal - YRT
YRT Supervisor’s Booth 13
10.100Y 22 24 17 2

1. This table combines requirements from relevant TTC DM and inputs from electrical, communications, signal, and traction power teams.
2. The space designation in table has been expanded to suit specific project needs, and may contain elements beyond the scope of the project
3. <a> stands for external ambient temperature.
4. <b> stands for 33 L/S OA total for the room.
5. <c> Filtration values shall be superseded by MERV-13 filtration only if approved by Contracting Authority.
6. <d> The room requirements are under discussion and subject to change based on further coordination between Contracting Authority and

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Systems DPA Execution Version System and Equipment Configuration

(a) The Contractor shall provide air side heating systems integral with cooling systems.
(b) The Contractor shall provide heat recovery systems as well as free cooling, where practical, for
energy conservation in occupied spaces.
(c) The Contractor shall implement energy efficient solutions through use of energy recovery,
economizers, and other environmentally friendly measures, where feasible.
(d) The Contractor shall provide cooling using outdoor air and economizer cycles shall be utilized.
(e) The Contractor shall provide an HVAC system that is designed based on the energy conservation
guidelines of the NECB, ASHRAE 90.1 and ASHRAE 62.
(f) The Contractor shall provide refrigeration systems that adhere to ASHRAE 15 and 34 and ensure
that all refrigerants have a safety group classification of A1.
(g) The Contractor shall provide air filtration at MERV values specified in Table 3.20-2. Internal
Space Conditions for all rooms/areas.
(h) The Contractor shall use standardized air filters in type and size across all stations to the extent
(i) The Contractor shall ensure that the controls for large equipment that needs to be delivered in
split sections for installation are specified to be site-installed.
(j) The Contractor shall ensure any exhaust stream containing contaminants is discharged to
atmosphere at above grade locations. System Redundancy

(a) The Contractor shall provide N+1 redundancy for HVAC systems serving rooms identified
(i) Electrical rooms:
(A) 4.010 – Passenger Station Electrical Room (AC Switchboard Room);
(B) 4.020 – (AC) Switchgear Room;
(C) 4.030 – Emergency Power (Battery) Room;
(D) 4.170 – UPS Room; and
(E) 4.270 – Tunnel Ventilation Electrical Room;
(ii) Communications rooms:
(A) 4.060 – Communication Equipment Room;
(B) 4.070 – Telephone Equipment Room; and
(C) 4.160 – Communications Satellite Rooms;
(iii) Traction power and communication rooms:
(A) 9.020 – Control Room and AC Switchgear Room;

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(B) 9.040 – Traction Power Substation Battery and Charger Room;

(C) 9.070 – Rectifier Room;
(D) 9.080 – Transformer Room;
(E) 9.140 – Communications Equipment Room; and
(F) 9.160 – Electrical Room;
(iv) Signal rooms:
(A) 6.020 – Signal Relay Room;
(B) 6.030 – Signal Power Supply Room;
(C) 6.040 – Zone Control Panel Room; and
(D) 6.050 – Signal Inverter Room.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure HVAC systems for rooms identified in Article remain
operational during emergency mode. Room Considerations

(a) The Contractor shall provide HVAC systems that are capable of constantly maintaining space
design temperatures inside elevator shafts and control closets, as specified in Table 3.20-2.
Internal Space Conditions.
(b) The Contractor shall provide HVAC services for communication rooms that can maintain design
temperatures specified in Table 3.20-2. Internal Space Conditions, with future PED equipment
factored into load requirements. Ductwork
(a) The Contractor shall provide at all branch duct connections and at registers and diffuser
connections, one of the following balancing dampers:
(i) movable-blade, pivoted type damper; or
(ii) multi-blade volume damper.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure that access doors are always unobstructed.
(c) The Contractor shall provide balancing dampers on all main ducts and branch ducts so that the
entire air distribution system is balanced.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure that ductwork materials and thickness, construction, joints, fitting and
accessories shall be in accordance with the latest SMACNA standards. Retail Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall provide dedicated services for each Mini-QSR except for ventilation air
which is to be supplied from the station system.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure that any heat generated in the retail facility is discharged outside.

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(c) The Contractor shall provide each Mini-QSR with the following HVAC services:
(i) capped sanitary exhaust duct with 75 L/s of capacity;
(ii) capped general exhaust duct with 145 L/s of capacity;
(iii) capped make-up air duct with 145 L/s of capacity;
(iv) protected outdoor space for a 9 kW AC unit condenser; and
(v) protected refrigerant pipe routing including wall and floor sleeves for AC split system
refrigerant piping from the mini-QSR to the protected outdoor location for condenser. Bus Terminal HVAC System

(a) The Contractor shall provide ceiling-mounted electric infrared heaters in all waiting shelters at
bus terminal platforms as follows:
(i) heaters shall be passenger activated from manual door push button;
(ii) heaters shall be provided with timers to control operation time;
(iii) the manual door push button shall be mounted 1.0 m above finish floor of the shelter or
as otherwise required by AODA; and
(iv) heaters shall maintain a mean radiant temperature of 18 deg. C in the occupied area of
shelter when outside temperature is below 8 deg. C.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a ventilation system for the platform and bus operation area of the
bus terminal underneath the overbuild transfer structure at Scarborough Centre Station, including
the following:
(i) CO and NOx gas sensors in the bus platform and bus operation areas; and
(ii) exhaust fans with VFDs in mechanical room.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that none of the mechanical equipment and ductwork relevant to bus
terminal shall be located above transfer structure or TOC dedicated lands.

3.20.7 Central Cooling System System and Equipment Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall provide a mechanical cooling source for air handling systems which can be a
centralized cooling system.
(b) The centralized cooling system shall serve station, TPSS and bus terminal areas.
(c) The Contractor shall provide dedicated control panels for the centralized cooling system with
self-contained microprocessor.
(d) The Contractor shall provide the centralized cooling system that is sequenced, controlled, and
monitored with an optimized operating strategy by BACS System.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure that cooling equipment is packaged, with all components, factory
preassembled controls and complies with minimum efficiencies as per ASHRAE 90.1 standard.

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(f) The Contractor shall ensure that the cooling system is operational during cooling season only.
(g) The Contractor shall provide N+1 redundancy for cooling equipment.
(h) The Contractor shall provide cooling equipment with 15% spare capacity for future loads.
(i) The Contractor shall sequence cooling equipment to match load requirements.
(j) The Contractor shall locate all HVAC equipment inside dedicated HVAC rooms with access for
equipment removal and cooling coil maintenance and replacement.
(k) The Contractor shall locate roof-mounted cooling equipment at each station as follows:
(i) Lawrence East Station – roof of main entrance;
(ii) Scarborough Centre Station – at main entrance and TPSS roof [Note to Dev Co: location
may be updated pending the evaluation of TPSS-03 relocation to the north east corner
of Progress and McCowan. HVAC equipment should all be mounted on TPSS-03 roof
if TPSS-03 gets relocated and TOC covers all main entrance roof above]; and
(iii) Sheppard East Station – roof of TPSS building.
(l) The Contractor shall provide operation and maintenance clearances for roof mounted equipment
in accordance with manufacturer requirements.
(m) The Contractor shall provide a roof walkway and roof lighting for maintenance purposes.
(n) The Contractor shall locate pumps and all other equipment inside a dedicated pump room, located
in proximity of roof-mounted cooling equipment. Hydronic Pumps

(a) The Contractor shall provide primary-secondary systems as follows:
(i) primary pumps – each cooling equipment one pump, constant flow;
(ii) secondary pumps – minimum two pumps (one working, one stand-by), with VFD;
(iii) skid modular package with controls tested and factory installed;
(iv) sequence pumps to equalize run time; and
(v) operate at max 1750 RPM. Hydronic Piping

(a) The Contractor shall connect cooling equipment in parallel to a common header, with isolation
valve and pumps to provide isolation without service interruption.
(b) The Contractor shall balance flow through each cooling equipment.
(c) The Contractor shall provide suction diffusers and triple duty valves at each pump arrangement.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure provisions for drain down system, storage, and re-injection of glycol

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(e) The Contractor shall provide a chilled water distribution system with isolation valves, drain and
vents for each section of facility, to allow for future flushing, cleaning and pipe modifications as
required, and without service interruption.
(f) The Contractor shall provide multiple air handling unit coils with individual drain and vent valves
at each coil.
(g) The Contractor shall provide roof mounted piping supports designed for installation without roof
penetrations, flashings, or damage to the roofing material. Miscellaneous Cooling Equipment Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall provide air separator and expansion tank as required for cooling equipment
(b) The Contractor shall provide air handling units with cooling coils and fan coil units as required by
room designation and temperature range.
(c) The Contractor shall insulate all chilled water piping, equipment including air handling units, as
per ASHRAE 90.1 requirements.
(d) The Contractor shall provide UV-resistant PVC jacketing for all outdoor piping and PVC
jacketing for all exposed indoor piping.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure all cooling equipment operating noise levels meet requirements of
Section 3.23.11. Glycol System

(a) The Contractor shall provide pre-inhibited and pre-mixed 40% propylene glycol for the
centralized cooling system.
(b) The Contractor shall provide bypass filtration for the glycol mix in the centralized cooling
(c) The Contractor shall provide one dual automatic glycol feed system completed with glycol tank,
two pumps, and control panel pre-plumbed and pre-wired on steel frame, and dry contacts on the
control panel for low level alarm at BACS.

3.20.8 Snow Melting System

(a) The Contractor shall complete a snow management Value for Money study (“Snow Management
Study”) to determine the optimal snow melting, clearing and removal strategy based on Value for
Money principles for each station entrance and bus terminal in consultation with Contracting
(b) Notwithstanding Article 3.20.8(a), determination of the preferred approach for snow melting,
clearing and removal shall be at the sole discretion of Contracting Authority; such study shall
(i) wind and precipitation studies;
(ii) initial and life cycle cost analysis;

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(iii) analysis of operator's standards and frequency of snow clearing; and

(iv) comparison to snow melting technology(s) to achieving the same or better.
(c) If a snow melting system is selected, the following shall apply:
(i) the Contractor to provide snow melting systems designed in accordance with ASHRAE
Handbook – HVAC Applications;
(ii) the Contractor to submit complete system design drawings and calculations for the snow
melting system in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedures; and
(iii) the Contractor to provide snow melting systems with a surface heat flux that ensures a
snow-free area ratio of 1 for 99% of all snowfall hours.

3.20.9 Building Automation Control System General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall provide a Building Automation and Control System (BACS) and provision
to operate the mechanical systems in hand mode independent of the BACS.
(b) The Contractor shall use BACnet protocol for BACS System.
(c) The BACS system shall be an open web-based system with direct digital control (DDC).
(d) The Contractor shall provide the BACS with integrated building functions including equipment
supervision and control, alarm management, energy management, information management and
historical data collection and archiving.
(e) The Contractor shall provide devices for the BACS System, including the following:
(i) operator workstation;
(ii) data server;
(iii) network controller;
(iv) building controller;
(v) advanced application controller; and
(vi) field controllers complete with local display terminals.
(f) The data server shall be web-based with a network Interface card to gather data from the BACS
system and generate web pages that can be accessed via web browser on any PC connected to the
(g) The SSE BACS System shall connect to internal TTC network.
(h) The Contractor shall provide BACS graphics systems and floor plans by a point-and-click graphic
based on contract documents and acceptable industry standard drawings and requirements,
displayed on an operator workstation and on respective field controllers for each system.
(i) The Contractor shall provide the BACS System with minimum 25% spare contacts to
accommodate future additional points.

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(j) The Contractor shall provide energy reporting tool for the BACS System which can maintain data
for a minimum of five years.
(k) The Contractor shall provide temperature and humidity sensors in DC section breaker rooms of
EEBs. BACS System for Mechanical Systems

(a) The Contractor shall provide a BACS to monitor and control the following Systems:
(i) plumbing and drainage systems;
(ii) fire protection systems;
(iii) HVAC systems;
(iv) snow melting systems; (as determined by 3.20.8(a) above)
(v) centralized cooling system; and
(vi) gas detection systems. BACS Interface with Other Systems

(a) The Contractor shall provide connection to the fire alarm system as specified in Section 3.21.13
(Fire Alarm (FA) System). SCADA Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall provide SCADA System connection modules in the equipment control
panels listed below for monitoring and control of the following:
(i) exhaust fans for battery rooms and scrubber machine room;
(ii) track drainage pumping station;
(iii) sanitary and storm pumping station;
(iv) DC section breaker room humidity;
(v) major mechanical equipment in EEBs and ESBs; and
(vi) snow melting systems (as determined by 3.20.8(a) above).

3.21 Electrical

3.21.1 Electrical Systems General

(a) This section identifies electrical performance criteria and guidelines for the SSE Stations, tunnels,
and ancillary facilities, including basic electrical criteria and applicable laws, codes, standards,
regulations, guidelines, and governmental authority references.
(b) The Contractor shall be responsible to provide electrical distribution, lighting, and fire alarm for
the SSE, including:

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(i) provide power and lighting for all the SSE facilities, including the three Passenger
stations, eight EEBs, two ESBs, four TPSSs, Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant
(KEVFP) and subway tunnel;
(ii) provide fire alarm for three Passenger stations, two ESBs, four TPSSs, KEVFP and
subway tunnel;
(iii) provide facility infrastructure for low voltage power delivery; and
(iv) provide Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPS) for all infrastructure.
(c) The Contractor shall provide electrical power required for electrical system for the safe operation,
security and comfort of operator and patrons.
(d) The Contractor shall provide electrical power to energize the fixed guideway transit system
referred to as Traction Power. This is a parallel system to the Electrical System. Refer to Section
3.27.6 (Traction Power).
(e) The Contractor shall provide electrical systems, equipment, and materials to operate under the
following site conditions:
(i) altitude: 176 m Above Means Sea Level (AMSL);
(ii) maximum temp: Refer mechanical sections for specific room type temperature; and
(iii) minimum temp: Refer mechanical sections for specific room type temperature.

3.21.2 Passenger Station Incoming Service and Distribution General
(a) The Contractor shall accommodate THESL incoming services in a dedicated service entrance
electrical room which meets the following requirements:
(i) the room to comply with the THESL condition of service and OESC.
(b) The Contractor shall provide each incoming service feeder from a separate and independent
utility substation that are electrically and physically isolated from each other to TPSS by getting
confirmation letter from utility company in accordance with Schedule 10 Review Procedure; each
complete with the required and associated service grounding and bonding conductor system. If
THESL is not able to accommodate two feeders from separate substations, then the Contractor
shall provide two feeders from the same substation but different bus.
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate with THESL the location of the THESL owned pad-mounted
switchgear servicing the site.
(d) The Contractor shall coordinate with THESL the location of the THESL incoming services duct
bank from the civil demarcation line to the THESL pad-mounted switchgear.
(e) The Contractor shall coordinate with the THESL equipment installation; coordinate feeder
installation with THESL and Contracting Authority.
(f) The Contractor shall provide electrical reports and drawings as per 'TTC Technical Review
Submission Requirements, 2.0 & 4.8 Electrical & Power Design Review Checklist'.

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Systems DPA Execution Version Hydro connection Offer to Connect (OTC)

(a) This section details the process to provide the permanent power supply to the Works, (the
“THESL OTC Works”) via THESL’s Offer to Connect (OTC) process. For clarity, this power
supply is solely for the Works.
(b) The Contractor shall prepare, compile and complete all the necessary information for THESL C2
application on behalf of Contracting Authority, to achieve the in-service date as listed in

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(c) Table 3.21-1 and THESL condition of service.

(i) The THESL condition of service requires that safe, secure, unobstructed, and unimpeded
access to Toronto Hydro distribution equipment on, under, over or inside Customer-
Owned property be provided/maintained 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
(d) Contracting Authority has given THESL conceptual power requirements for the Works. THESL
has carried out a feasibility study to develop a conceptual power supply plan based on the given
conceptual power requirements.

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Table 3.21-1. Hydro Power Connection

Maximum Submission Permanent
Permanent Supply THESL / the Deadline for the Power
Hydro Power Power Voltage Contractor Contractor Supply for
Connection Supply for and Civil OTC OTC In-
OTC Phase Demarcation Supporting Service
(kVA) Documents Dates
Maximum of 3
Two (2) hydro
27.6kV, months January 3rd,
TPSS-1 power 2622 Property line
3ph following the 2028
Effective date
Maximum of 3
TPSS- Two (2) hydro
27.6kV, months January 3rd,
02 (Lawrence power 7555 Property line
3ph following the 2028
East Station) connections
Effective date
Maximum of 3
TPSS- Two (2) hydro
27.6kV, months January 3rd,
03 (Scarborough power 7444 Property line
3ph following the 2028
Centre Station) connections
Effective date
Maximum of 3
TPSS- Two (2) hydro
27.6kV, months January 3rd,
04 (Sheppard power 6317 Property line
3ph following the 2028
East Station) connections
Effective date
Maximum of 3
Two (2) hydro
27.6kV, months January 3rd,
ESB-1 (EEB-03) power 1516 Property line
3ph following the 2028
Effective date
Maximum of 3
Two (2) hydro
27.6kV, months January 3rd,
ESB-2 (EEB-08) power 1530 Property line
3ph following the 2028
Effective date
Refer to Refer to Refer to
Refer to Refer to Refer to

(e) The Contractor shall provide the specific electrical demarcation points for each OTC location,
associated loads and required in-service dates for power supply as per requirements in Schedule
10 – Review Procedure and in accordance with:

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(ii) Table 3.21-1. Hydro Power Connection; and

(iii) THESL OTC application requirements and the THESL condition of service.
(f) The Contractor shall complete the OTC Submission activity no later than each date defined in

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(g) Table 3.21-1. Hydro Power Connection.

(h) The Contractor shall submit OTC package during the DPA Term in accordance with Table

Table 3.21-2. DPA Term OTC Submission Timeline

Item ID Activity Dates

Submission of first draft of OTC package (C1 form, C2 Form, Load First
11 calculation, SLD, Room layouts, Site Servicing Plan, Civil Grading Plan, Checkpoint
Architectural Site Plan, Electrical Site Plan) to THESL by the Contractor Date
Submission of second draft of OTC package (C1 form, C2 Form, Load Second
12 calculation, SLD, Room layouts, Site Servicing Plan, Civil Grading Plan, Checkpoint
Architectural Site Plan, Electrical Site Plan) to THESL by the Contractor Date
Submission of third draft of OTC package (C1 form, C2 Form, Load Third
13 calculation, SLD, Room layouts, Site Servicing Plan, Civil Grading Plan, Checkpoint
Architectural Site Plan, Electrical Site Plan) to THESL by the Contractor Date

(i) In-service dates requested by the Contractor pursuant Article shall be later than those
dates listed in

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(j) Table 3.21-1. Hydro Power Connection, as required to accommodate the Works.
(k) The Contractor shall provide accurate power requirements to Contracting Authority based on a
detailed load flow analysis as per Section (Performance Requirements).
(l) The conceptual permanent power available to the Contractor, pursuant to this article, is listed in

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(m) Table 3.21-1. Hydro Power Connection.

(n) Any permanent power requested by the Contractor that is greater than the maximum values listed

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(o) Table 3.21-1. Hydro Power Connection of this section shall be based on the detailed design load
flow analysis and subject to approval by Contracting Authority.
(i) Where Contracting Authority approves higher permanent load, the Contractor must
coordinate the additional load with THESL and Contracting Authority without impacting
the in-service date.
(p) Contracting Authority will enter into the OTC agreements with THESL.
(q) The Contractor shall terminate all THESL OTC at a demarcation point as defined by the THESL
conditions of service and

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(r) Table 3.21-1. Hydro Power Connection.

(s) The Contractor shall be responsible for any remaining THESL OTC Works in accordance with
the THESL condition of service for all locations as specified in

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(t) Table 3.21-1, inclusive of the final submission of OTC C2 package of KEW scope.
(u) The Contractor shall be responsible for documentation preparation, leading, managing and
coordinating between the Contractor and THESL for all work related to the provision of hydro
power identified in

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(v) Table 3.21-1.

(w) Where two redundant feeders are required at an OTC location identified

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(x) Table 3.21-1, the Contractor shall construct infrastructure for accommodation of THESL service
cables in such a way that at any time, if one of the infrastructures fails, the other infrastructure
accommodating the redundant service remains unaffected.
(i) The Contractor must ensure the Automatic Transfer Sequence/Scheme is provided for all
Works incoming feeders explained as follows:
(A) Under Normal Condition.
1. The main source is 'line 1' and the stand-by source is 'line 2'. Both incoming
lines are energized.
2. The main source line supply breaker (LSB-1) is closed. The stand-by source
line supply breaker (LSB-2) is open. The AC tie breaker (ABT) is normally
3. Incoming lines will not be connected in parallel i.e., the main source line
supply breaker (LSB-1) and the stand-by source line supply breaker (LSB-2) will
not be closed at the same time.
(B) Under condition of main source 'line 1' being restored, while supply remaining on
stand-by 'Line 2'. (After auto-transfer from 'line 1' to 'line 2').
1. Coordination with THESL is required to re-transfer load back to the main
source 'line 1'.
2. Re-Transfer to the main source 'line 1' takes place manually with the presence
of the operator at the TPSS or remotely from TTC Power Control Centre, only
after permission is granted by THESL.
3. Confirm that there is no event or fault occurring on or downstream of
preferred source 'line 1'.
4. Confirm that line supply breaker (LSB-2) is open.
5. All feeder breakers on load bus to be tripped before transferring back to the
main source 'line 1'.
6. Close the line supply breaker (LSB-1) after a pre-determined time delay to
allow settlement of any transients phenomena.
7. After successful re-transfer back to main source 'line 1', system must start
closing feeder breakers one by one, with delay 30 sec. between each closing,
until all feeders are restored.
(C) Under rare condition of main source 'line 1' being restored, while supply being
lost on stand-by 'line 2' (After auto-transfer from 'line 1' to 'line 2'.
1. Automatic transfer back to main source 'line 1' to take place only in the event
of power loss of stand-by 'line 2' and provided main source 'line 1' is restored and
2. Procedure to follow the same philosophy as for Single THESL incoming
feeder outage condition:
a. Upon loss of supply on the main source only, line supply breaker (LSB-1)
have to open.
b. Auto-transfer switch function to be initiated as follow:
- Confirm that there is no event or fault occurring on or downstream of stand-by
source' line 2'.

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- Stand-by source 'line 2' is energized.

Programmable time delay 10 sec. (settable range 0-60 sec.) to be provided
before transfer is initiated.
- Confirm that line supply breaker (LSB-1) is open.
3. All feeder breakers on load bus to be tripped before initiate auto-transfer.
4. Stand-by source line supply breaker (LSB-2) to be closed.
5. After successful transfer to stand-by source, system must start closing feeder
breakers one by one, with time delay 30 sec. between each closing, until all
feeders are restored.
6. Supply from stand-by Source 'line 2' to remain even after main source 'line 1'
is restored.
(ii) The Contractor shall proceed and obtain approval with Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS)
deviation request to THESL in coordination with Contracting Authority.
(y) The Contractor shall be responsible for all connection works at demarcation points defined by
THESL Conditions of Service.
(z) The Contractor shall generate all required documents for the OTC submissions to THESL as per
the requirements in Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.
(aa) The Contractor shall coordinate the timeline of OTC signing with Contracting Authority as:
(i) THESL OTC works construction activities can only commence once the OTC is executed
between Contracting Authority and THESL.
(bb) The Contractor shall coordinate with THESL and Contracting Authority and allow THESL access
to construction sites, to complete construction and connection work required as described in the
(cc) The Contractor shall accommodate THESL requirements regarding the access to the connection
points and utility revenue metering.
(dd) The Contractor shall design and provide all equipment and devices, as required by THESL
Conditions of Service for the design and construction of the customer-owned substation:
(i) the Contractor to provide duct banks from the TPSS to the load side of each THESL
PMH unit. Transformers
(a) The Contractor shall provide two 27.6kV to 600/347V transformers for each station and ESB, i.e.,
LES, SCS, SHP, ESB1, ESB2 including:
(i) two passenger station transformers, for each subway passenger stations. Secondary
distribution switchgear voltage must be 600/347 V, 3 phase, 4 wire and must be in the
passenger station electrical room. The transformers will supply power to the passenger
station AC switchgear feeding all the loads associated with the passenger station; and
(ii) two transformers, for each ESB. The transformers shall supply power to the AC
switchgear feeding all the loads associated with the ESB.

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(b) The Contractor shall size transformers to accommodate the passenger station demand loads, plus
an additional spare capacity of 25%. The Contractor shall base the calculations on the demand
factors contained in DM-0701- Power Distribution

(a) The Contractor shall provide the electrical distribution system for subway passenger stations and
ancillary buildings.
(b) The Contractor shall choose site specific applicable components to design the electrical
distribution system as follow:
(i) provide incoming high voltage, 27.6 kV switchgear and transformers;
(ii) provide low voltage AC switchgear 600/347 V, 3 phase, 4 wire, (emergency fire
ventilation, system, and station/ESB transformers);
(iii) provide low voltage AC switchgear 208/120 V, 3 phase, 4 wire (feeding all loads
associated with the emergency fire ventilation system, and station/ESB transformers -
secondary distribution sections);
(iv) provide secondary power distribution at Cut and Cover Section-Kennedy East Ventilation
Fan Plant (KEVFP) connected to TTC Kennedy Station. Refer to Section 3.21.14 for the
list of Interfaces;
(v) provide motor control centres (MCC), 600/347 V, 3 phase, 4 wire (emergency fire
ventilation distribution);
(vi) provide Y-delta close transition starter, soft starter, or variable frequency drives (600 V
or 208 V, 3 phase, 3 wire (for motors with >= 25 HP);
(vii) subway ventilation fans >25HP shall be controlled by VFDs without exception;
(viii) provide mini-subs (600-208/120 V);
(ix) provide emergency power (UPS), N+1 system completes with wrap around systems, not
applicable for signal power (ATC);
(x) provide emergency generator connection. Refer to Article 3.21.5(c); and
(xi) provide Automatic Power Factor Correction equipment to keep the power factor between
0.92 and 0.98 lagging at all times. Distribution Panelboard

(a) The Contractor shall locate distribution panelboards based on areas served as shown on Table
3.21-3. Panelboard Locations.

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Table 3.21-3. Panelboard Locations

Area Served Preferred Location of Panelboard
- South of Station / Northbound -South end of Northbound platform
A (note 1)
- West of Station / Eastbound -West end of Eastbound platform
- South of Station / Southbound -South end of Southbound Platform
B (note 1)
- West of Station / Westbound -West end of Westbound Platform
-North of Station/Northbound -North end of Northbound Platform
C (note 1)
-East of Station/Eastbound -East end of Eastbound Platform
-North of Station/Southbound -North end of Southbound Platform
D (note 1)
-East of Station/Westbound -East end of Westbound Platform
E Emergency Loads Local Station Room(s)
EL Elevator Machine room auxiliary power Elevator Machine Room
-Electrical Room/Closet near control
F Main Control Area and Entrances
area or entrances
-Electrical Room/Closet near fare
FG Automatic Fare Gates (Presto)
G Retail Area Retail (Locked Cabinet)
H (note 2) Miscellaneous Area Electrical Room
-Northbound Platform -Electrical Room/Closet at Platform
-Eastbound Platform Level
-Southbound Platform -Electrical Room/Closet at Platform
-Westbound Platform Level
-Transfer & Token Vending Electrical Room/Closet
-Machines, Turnstiles close to the station attendant booth
Janitor Room/Closet or
N Platform Service Rooms
Mechanical Room at Platform Level
P Secondary Control Areas Local Station Room(s)
R Bus Transfer Facility Lighting Local Station Room(s)
S TPSS (Control/Rectifier Room) TPSS (Control/Rectifier Room)
-TPSS (Control/Rectifier Room)
SE TPSS (Control/Rectifier Room)
-Emergency Loads
-Electrical Room/Closet at bus
T Bus Transfer Facility
-Bus Transfer Facility
U Electrical Room/Closet
-Ancillary Rooms Lighting
-Bus Transfer Facility
V Electrical Room/Closet
-Ancillary Rooms
W Roadway Lighting Local Station Room(s)
Panelboards A, B, C and D are required to serve isolated track structures in which
note 1 there are no centre arch openings between adjacent tracks, and/or where load
requirements dictate. Otherwise, panelboards B and D are not used.
Panelboard H, serves Heaters, Hot Water Tank Heaters, Fractional H.P. Ventilating
Fans, & Hotplate Outlets; also, where applicable Maintenance Room Test Supply.
note 2
Where the required branch circuit breakers cannot be accommodated in a single
enclosure provide panel-boards H1 and H2, fed from alternate buses.

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Area Served Preferred Location of Panelboard
For every panelboard designation, e.g. A, B, C, add a number to the designation where
note 3 the panel designation is applicable to multiple panelboards, e.g. A1, A2, A3, F1, F2,

(b) The Contractor shall provide all distribution panel boards to have main breakers for LOTO
(Lock-Out-Tag-Out) requirements, and for the safety of maintenance staff.
(c) The Contractor shall provide panel covers to be hinged, door-in-door type.

3.21.3 Passenger Station Low Voltage AC Switchgear General
(a) The Contractor shall provide metal-clad low voltage AC switchgear (600 V, 480 V and 208 V),
free standing assembly containing, circuit breakers, metering, and their related accessories. The
low voltage AC switchgear assembly, components and accessories should conform to the latest
edition of CSA and/or ANSI Standards.
(b) The Contractor to refer to Section 3.27.6 for Traction Power requirements Table 3.21-4.
Emergency Power Source Matrix for the source of emergency power for each facility.

Table 3.21-4. Emergency Power Source Matrix

Building Emergency Power source (UPS) Normal Power Source

Kennedy East Ventilation Existing Kennedy Station UPS Existing Kennedy Station
Building power power
THESL-to TPSS-02 to - LES
Lawrence East Station (LES) Signal UPS


Scarborough Centre Station THESL-to TPSS-03 to - SCS
Signal UPS
THESL-to TPSS-04 to - SHP
Sheppard East Station (SHP) Signal UPS

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Building Emergency Power source (UPS) Normal Power Source

EEB-08 & ESB-02 ESB-02 UPS ESB-02
Adjacent Station/TPSS-
Tunnel Adjacent Station/TPSS-01/ESB
(c) The Contractor shall comply with the following:
(i) ANSI/IEEE, C62.41, IEEE Recommended Practice on Surge Voltages in Low AC Power
(ii) CSA C22.1, Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1, Safety Standard for Electrical Installations;
(iii) CSA C22.2 No. 107.1, Power Conversion Equipment;
(iv) UL Standard 1778, Uninterruptible Power Systems;
(v) UL924 Standard for Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment; and
(vi) CSA 22.2 No. 141 Emergency lighting equipment.
(d) The Contractor shall distribute power to the emergency loads via a 208/120 VAC, 3 phase, 4 wire
main distribution panelboard “E” located in the subway passenger station Electrical Room,
serving emergency lighting and exit sign loads. Other panel boards designation E2, E3 etc., will
be in different areas of subway passenger station to service operational critical loads, as required.
The emergency distribution panelboards will be supplied from a power distribution module via a
UPS system. Power to the distribution module must be from two UPSs (N+1). Configured to
operate in parallel and split total emergency load equally. Failure of one UPS shall cause faulty
UPS to trip and the second UPS shall support 100% of the emergency load.
(e) The Contractor shall use SCADA to monitor all UPS systems in Stations and/or ancillary
(f) The Contractor shall provide wrap around emergency power distribution systems (i.e.,
combination of auto transfer, manual transfer switch) to ensure service is uninterrupted in the
event of simultaneous failure of both UPSs.
(g) The Contractor shall refer to Section 3.20 (Mechanical) for room operating temperature Equipment Environmental

(a) The Contractor shall refer to mechanical section for UPS and battery room ambient temperature.
(b) The Contractor shall provide ventilation and eye wash station for UPS/battery room. Refer to
Section 3.20 (Mechanical).

3.21.4 Lighting General
(a) The Contractor shall provide lighting system for SSE in accordance with Metrolinx DS-09-5.5,
Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) and ASHRAE, applying the most stringent standard when
there is a conflict between the requirements.

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(b) The Contractor shall provide lighting design that incorporates safety, security, and comfort of
passengers in conjunction with operations and maintenance requirements with consideration of:
(i) function and vandal resistance;
(ii) luminaire selection and availability;
(iii) LED drivers selection (preferable same manufacturer);
(iv) luminance values in conjunction with brightness and contrast;
(v) lighting control system;
(vi) economics of power usage;
(vii) ease of component replacement and on-going maintenance; and
(viii) CCTV compatibility (where applicable).
(c) The Contractor shall provide luminaries with the required quality and quantity of light for each
area with minimum variations, as per the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES)
(d) The Contractor shall design the lighting system to include the following:
(i) maintain safety and security requirements, but not interfere with sight lines, mirrors;
(ii) assist passenger direction and comfort;
(iii) co-ordinate with transit and station operations;
(iv) minimize system supervision;
(v) minimize power requirements and maximize energy efficiency;
(vi) minimize variations of intensity due to temperature and age; and
(vii) suit egress and evacuation routes as designated by architects and OBC.
(e) The Contractor shall provide lighting system to include the following:
(i) ease of cleaning and maintenance;
(ii) architectural integration;
(iii) aesthetics;
(iv) a CRI of 85 or higher is required;
(v) reduce glare impact where possible: louvers, lower beam angles and luminaires
positioning; and
(vi) minimum light loss and pollution.
(f) The Contractor shall provide lighting system to incorporate features that always allow for easy
access to LED luminaries and drivers for ease of maintenance. Avoid placing luminaires in areas
over track work and in areas of inaccessible high mounting elevations above floor levels.

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(a) The Contractor shall locate luminaries at parking areas to achieve lighting levels and uniformity
targets as described by IES.
(b) The Contractor shall provide lighting for parking areas as follows:
(i) colour rendition of 80 CRI or higher;
(ii) uniformity (average-to-minimum ratio of 3:1) with cars in place;
(iii) minimum glare; and
(iv) minimum light trespass particularly to residential areas.
(c) The Contractor shall provide average illuminance as per local accessibility requirement for focal
points in parking areas, such as entrances, exits, handicap parking, toll plazas and pedestrian
(d) The Contractor shall provide luminaire selection and placement addressing the follow criteria:
(i) light pollution;
(ii) light trespass;
(iii) traffic and/or pedestrian hazards;
(iv) vandalism;
(v) dark spots, shadows for personnel security and effective operation of security devices;
(vi) glare;
(vii) ease of maintenance;
(viii) minimum light loss due to occasional lamp burnout; and
(ix) floor mounted recessed light luminaire in concrete slab not permitted. Station Interior Areas

(a) The Contractor shall locate a LED blue light fixture at the platform end walls near the tunnel
entrance to identify the Emergency Alarm Station. The blue light fixtures will be on emergency
power system. Luminance Requirement

(a) The Contractor luminaire selection shall minimize the type of luminaries and must be reviewed
with consideration for system wide utilization. Luminaires shall be described by both its physical
characteristics and photometric performance, LED driver/engine, CRI, colour, and lamp life
(b) The Contractor luminaire selection shall be based on the following:
(i) efficiency of energy usage (lumens/watt);
(ii) durability;

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(iii) availability for subsequent future replacement;

(iv) vandalism resistance;
(v) sealing capabilities; and
(vi) suitability of location to be installed.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure all lighting is comprised of Light Emitting Diode (LED) sources:
(i) LED lighting, refer to Table 3.21-5. LED Lighting; and
(ii) Portal lighting, refer to Table 3.21-6. Portal Lighting.

Table 3.21-5. LED Lighting

Watt Kelvin CRI Life (hrs)

Room * 3000K 85 or higher 60,000@25 dec. C
Interior * 3000K 85 or higher 100,000@55 dec. C
Exterior * 3000K 85 or higher 100,000@25 dec. C
* Refer to manufacturer's data

Table 3.21-6. Portal Lighting

Wattage Kelvin CRI Ave. Lum Life (hrs)

70 3000K 85 or higher 8300 (*) 100,000@25 dec. C
70 3000K 85 or higher 9300 (*) 100,000@25 dec. C
91 3000K 85 or higher 11000 (*) 100,000@25 dec. C
137 3000K 85 or higher 15000 (*) 100,000@25 dec. C
181 3000K 85 or higher 21800 (*) 100,000@25 dec. C
242 3000K 85 or higher 27300 (*) 100,000@25 dec. C
* Refer to manufacturer's data

(d) The Contractor shall provide the characteristics of luminaires as follow:

(i) LED luminaire temperature at designated waiting area to simulate high pressure sodium
(ii) Photometric data in lux must be supplied for all luminaires selected, clearly stating the
driver and specific lamp used; and
(iii) Driver and lamp shall be from the same manufacturer and shall be energy-star rated.
(e) The Contractor shall provide luminaire at elevator shaft. Install 305 mm X 1220 mm, LED linear
fixtures to the underside of the ceiling, no manual switch.
(f) The Contractor shall provide landscape lighting as per DS-09-5.5.

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(g) The Contractor shall ensure lighting comply with the requirements identified in Section 3.23.9
(h) The Contractor shall provide lighting calculation report for all SSE's illuminated areas.
(i) The Contractor shall provide tunnel lighting to include strip retrofit LED lamps instead of light
fixtures with integrated LEDs.
(i) the Contractor to provide emergency lighting level for Tunnel / Trackway at Emergency
Exit Sites and within stairwells for fire life safety as per TTC-DM-0102-03. Lighting Control

(a) The Contractor shall provide lighting control system for public area to increase lighting energy-
efficiency as per DS-09-5.5.
(b) The Contractor shall:
(i) provide lighting schedule to dim lights to 50% during non-operational hour:
(A) public area lighting at platform level to remain 'ON' all the time; and
(B) provide by-pass functionality to keep lights 'ON' to accommodate work crews in
the stations during non-operational hours. By-pass. Functionality to reset after 12
(ii) provide daylight harvesting functionality in areas above grade where applicable as per
(A) do not provide photosensors in areas below grade exposed to brake dust;
(iii) ensure lighting control system is a stand-alone system with components dedicated for
station lighting purposes only and not rely on other systems PLCs (i.e., SCADA PLC) for
functional requirements.
(c) The Contractor shall provide local lighting control in non public areas, as follows:
(i) provide occupancy sensors for back of house rooms unless noted otherwise;
(ii) provide wall mounted light control switches to turn on and off lighting in electrical
rooms, mechanical rooms, SVS rooms, communications rooms, train control rooms; and
(iii) Back of House and Non-Passenger Facility corridor lighting to corridor lighting to be
controlled with occupancy sensors/ motion sensors.
(d) The Contractor shall provide tunnel lighting to remain unswitched.
(e) The Contractor shall provide lighting control for KEVFP as per TTC DM-701-05.
(f) The Contractor shall ensure that emergency lighting is not connected to the lighting control
(i) the Contractor to ensure that the emergency lighting is manually controlled through
circuit breakers on emergency lighting panel board.

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3.21.5 AC Power
(a) The Contractor shall control motor loads as described in Section 3.21.8 - Controls.
(b) The Contractor shall provide all emergency loads and essential loads from emergency
panelboards which are supplied by the emergency power/UPS system as described in Section
3.21.3 - Passenger Station Low Voltage AC Switchgear.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a designated independent power feeder to be connected to a 600 V
AC or 208 V AC load centre and terminated at street level with a power connection terminal box
arrangement to allow for a quick connection of a mobile diesel generator, applicable to LES,
SHP, SCS and TPSS-1 AC power distribution system.
(i) provide an outdoor generator cable connection box, and concrete duct bank with cables to
the main AC room generator breaker;
(ii) provide Demarcated Space adjacent to cable connection box to temporarily place mobile
generator ensuring cables from generator to connection box do not impede pedestrian and
vehicular traffic;
(iii) provide the configuration to allow the following loads to be fed from the temporary
mobile generator:
(A) UPS(s); and
(B) Elevators, one elevator at a time; and
(iv) provide mobile generator connection with interlock such as a kirk key system between
the generator tap box and the breaker serving corresponding loads to ensure that there is
no possibility for a back feed to the generator tap box when the generator tap box is open.
(d) The Contractor shall provide metering as follows:
(i) provide individual metering units for every breaker in 600V AC switchgear; and
(ii) provide individual metering units to each retail area.
(e) The Contractor shall provide ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) for feeders to areas where
moisture may accumulate. The Contractor must ensure proposed tunnel receptacle solution
prevents nuisance tripping.
(f) The Contractor shall provide convenience receptacle for stations and ancillary buildings.
Convenience receptacle must be weatherproof duplex CSA type (5-20RA) 15A/20A, 120 VAC.
The convenience receptacles must be supplied from normal power system circuit breaker with a
maximum of 4 convenience receptacles on each circuit breaker.
(g) The Contractor shall supply 208V/3PH/30A twist lock receptacles with locked plate for
repair/cleaning purposes as follows:
(i) provide at least one repair/cleaning receptacle at each level with terrazzo flooring with no
more than 150 m apart; and
(ii) provide one repair/cleaning receptacle at each end of platform.

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(h) The Contractor shall supply 120 V AC convenience receptacles located as per Table 3.21-7.
Convenience Receptacles.

Table 3.21-7. Convenience Receptacles

Room/Space Spacing Min. No. Comments/ Special

Designation (m) Required Requirements
1 Unpaid Zones 20
Control Area
(paid zones)
Passages/corridors 20

2 SERVICE (unless otherwise 10
Electrical Rooms 10 1 Emergency Supply
Transformer Yards 10 1 GFCI
Mechanical Rooms 10 2
Escalator Service 1-15A- one circuit
1 per pit
Pits for top and bottom pit
Elevator Service
10 1 Emergency Supply
Telephone Room 10 1 Emergency Supply
Attendant's Booth 10 1 Emergency Supply

RIGHTS-OF- 500mm above

3 Tunnels - circular 20
WAY safety walkway
500mm above
Tunnels - box 20
safety walkway
1 per lighting 1000mm above
standard safety walkway
1 per lighting 1000mm above
standard safety walkway

1 receptacle per fan

NOTE: Spacing indicated shall be nominal.

(i) The Contractor shall provide Control power supplied at the following voltage levels:
(i) 120 V AC, 1 phase, 60 Hz;
(ii) 24 V AC, 1 phase, 60 Hz ungrounded; and

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(iii) 129 V DC or less, ungrounded (Traction Power Substation).

(j) The Contractor shall provide 129 V DC control power from TPSS batteries.
(k) The Contractor shall provide voltage levels for each electrical systems component, as follows:
(i) power: 600/347 V AC 3 phase, 4 wire, 60 Hz and 208/120 V, 3 phase, 4 wire, 60 Hz;
(ii) Control: 120 V AC, 60 Hz, 24 V AC, 60 Hz and 129 V DC or less; and
(iii) lighting: 600/347 V AC (for parking lot lighting only) or 208/120 V AC (for all other
subway lighting), 3 phase, 4 wire, 60 Hz and 120 V AC, 1 phase, 2 wire, 60 Hz.
(l) The Contractor shall make provision for future PED at LES, SCS, SHP as per DS-09-10.2 with
the following:
(i) raceway for power, communication and signaling associated with PED system to
accommodate requirements shown on Figure 3.21.1 Station - PED block diagram shows
minimum requirements;
(ii) panelboard breaker spaces and corresponding raceway to communication room to
accommodate two redundant circuit breakers dedicated for the future PEDs at each
platform within a life safety emergency panel and corresponding UPS spare capacity;
(iii) insulation membrane along the edge of the platform to prevent passenger exposure to the
difference of potential between the station ground and the floating negative rail or body
of the subway trains; and
(iv) provide conduit(s) for future PED grounding.

Figure 3.21-1. Station - Platform Edge Door Block Diagram

(m) The Contractor shall provide emergency power connection for signage and wayfinding-
illumination as per DS-09-5.4.3, and Section 3.23.10 (Signage and Wayfinding).

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(n) The Contractor shall provide emergency power connection for Train Signal & Control in
accordance with Section 3.27.3 (Signaling System Infrastructure).
(o) The Contractor shall provide receptacle in the subway tunnels connected to the normal power
(p) The Contractor shall provide receptacles in public areas equipped with a lockable cover to reduce
the potential of vandalism and loitering.
(q) The Contractor shall provide power connection and conduits for elevator services.
(r) The Contractor shall provide power connection and conduits for escalator services.
(s) The Contractor shall provide power connection and conduits for 'Presto' Fare Collection
(t) The Contractor shall provide power connection and conduits for automated door operators.
(u) The Contractor shall provide power connection and conduits to Third Party Information Display
System / Advertising Display System (IDS/ADS) units.
(i) Panelboards used to power connection and conduits to Third Party IDS/ADS units must
be coordinated with Contracting Authority.
(v) The Contractor shall provide power connection and conduits for SSE construction temporary
power at each site.
(w) The Contractor shall provide power connection and conduits for mechanical equipment. Refer to
Section 3.20 (Mechanical).
(x) The Contractor shall make provisions for future Train Door Monitoring System as follows:
(i) provide UPS capacity and panelboard breaker spaces to accommodated Train Door
Monitoring System equipment; and
(ii) provide empty conduits for future wireless access points for Train Door Monitoring

3.21.6 Communications
(a) The Contractor shall provide power connection to all systems. Refer to system Section 3.27 for
Normal and/or Emergency Power Requirement.
(b) The Contractor shall provide conduits for all systems. Refer to Section 3.27 for System
Description. Refer to section 3.21.9 for Conduit Requirement.
(c) The Contractor shall provide the conduit system for telephone wiring, as a minimum, shall be
installed to the requirements of the telephone utility and Section 3.21.11 (Installation of Wiring,
cabling and raceways).
(d) The Contractor shall provide conduit systems to be designed to the requirements of Section
3.21.11 (Installation of Wiring, Cabling, and Raceways).

3.21.7 Heat Tracing

(a) The Contractor shall provide power for heat tracing. Refer to Section 3.20 (Mechanical).

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(b) The Contractor shall provide power for snow melting for uncovered platforms as per DS-09.
Refer to Section 3.20 (Mechanical).
(c) The Contractor shall provide control for heat tracing or snow melting in accordance with TTC

3.21.8 Controls
(a) The Contractor shall provide control systems in accordance with TTC DM-0701-09.
(b) The Contractor shall provide Integrated controls as follows:
(i) provide controls for elevators control panel;
(ii) provide controls for escalators control panel;
(iii) provide controls for HVAC ventilation as per Section 3.20 - Mechanical;
(iv) provide controls for sump pump as per Section 3.20 – Mechanical;
(v) provide control for fire alarm control panel; and
(vi) provide controls for SVS.
(c) The Contractor shall provide stand alone lighting control system.
(i) Refer to Section (Lighting Control).

3.21.9 Materials and Equipment

(a) The Contractor shall provide equipment and material described in this section in addition to other
requirements in Section 3.21 (Electrical).
(b) The Contractor shall select conduit type by virtue of service it is protecting and environment it is
to be installed as follow:
(i) install hot-dip rigid galvanized steel conduit surface mounted in subway stations,
ancillary buildings, and pedestrian tunnels except for traction power cable;
(ii) install Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Conduit (RTRC) Phenolic Conduit for traction
power cables, life and safety circuit and other system in accordance with NFPA 130.
Conduits are allowed to be embedded, direct buried, or surface mounted;
(iii) install type 1 rigid PVC or watertight type FRE conduit for concrete encasement;
(iv) install type 2 rigid PVC conduit for reinforce concrete encasement;
(v) install thick wall FRE or PVC (type I) conduit for direct burial;
(vi) install PVC coated rigid galvanized steel (RGS) conduit for indoor, outdoor, wet dry
location, concealed, exposed in all atmospheric conditions and in corrosive locations;
(vii) install liquid tight flexible conduit for exposed or concealed work, limited maximum 1m;
(viii) install liquid tight flexible conduit for applications permitted as per OESC rule 12-1300
liquid-tight flexible conduit.

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(c) The Contractor shall not use electrical metallic tubing (EMT) conduit in exposed areas in stations
and ancillary buildings.
(d) The Contractor shall use minimum 21mm (3/4 in) diameter conduit when the conduit is encased
in concrete floor slab in stations and ancillary building.
(e) The Contractor shall provide PVC coated Rigid Galvanized Steel Conduit and accessories:
(i) applicable standards: ANSI C80.1, UL6, NEMA RN-1, ASTM-B117;
(ii) Hot-dip galvanized steel conduit with 40 mils gray PVC coating; and
(iii) all fittings (e.g., threaded hubs, couplings, conduit bodies, straps, elbows) must be PVC
coated rigid galvanized steel.
(f) The Contractor shall provide low voltage wires and cables as follows:
(i) Conductors: Stranded copper, minimum size #12 AWG (3.31 mm2), stranded wire in
sizes up to and including #8 AWG (8.36 mm2) with 600 V insulation (for 208 V feeder)
and 1000 V insulation (for 600 V feeder), nylon insulated T90, and TWU90; and
(ii) Copper conductors: Minimum #6 (13.3 mm2) and larger in size, with 600 V insulation
(for 208 V feeder) and 1000 V insulation (for 600 V feeder) of chemically cross-linked
thermosetting polyethylene (XLPE) material rated RW90, and RWU90;
(A) all cable/wires must be moisture and oil resistant to specification CSA C22.2
No.75, or as the service warrants;
(B) Fire Alarm cables / wires must be un-shielded, multi-conductor, solid bare
copper conductor, PVC insulated, red PVC jacket, 300V, -20˚ C to 105˚ C, CSA /
ULC – FT4 marked, conform to CSA C22.2. No.208; and
(C) all neutral conductors must be sized the same as the line cables/wires. The wire
must be to CSA designation T90 and/or TWU90 Nylon up to #8 AWG, (8.36
mm2) RW90 and/or RWU90 for wires larger than #8 AWG (8.36 mm2).
(g) The Contractor shall make sure any surface mounted assembly (i.e. conduits, wires and cables) in
tunnel, platform and station areas dedicated for power, control and monitoring of life safety
equipment shall comply with fire test as per UL216/ ULC S139 for 2 hour fire rating.
(h) The Contractor shall provide grounding and/or bonding wires/cables as follows:
(i) Ground conductors: Bare, stranded, soft-drawn copper #4/0 AWG (120 mm2) for buried
loops and interconnections of major equipment e.g., power transformers, switchboard and
minimum #2 AWG (33.6 mm2) for above ground runs to other distribution equipment
unless noted otherwise;
(ii) generally, grounding/bonding and wire/cable must be green colored CSA T90 type
insulation with copper conductors;
(iii) Grounding and bonding conductors/busbars in accordance with Ontario Electrical Safety
Code, Table 16 A & 16B/ Table 51;
(iv) the size of grounding conductors for high voltage installation must be as per CSA 22.1
Part 1 Table 51; and

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(v) The panel boards must be of industrial quality, sheet steel enclosed, with copper bus-bars.
Branch breakers must be bolted on moulded case circuit breakers, one, two or three pole.
Branch Breakers may be GFCI type where required. Panel boards need to be complete
with Main Incoming Circuit Breaker and lockable door. The neutral bus must be sized as
for the line bus. The enclosures must be CSA type, to suit the environment of installation
location. The trim/covers must be hinged for ease of maintenance and safety. The neutral
bus needs to be sized 200% for Panel boards with LED fixtures and or Computer loads.
(i) The Contractor shall provide variable frequency drives with following features:
(i) VFD rated for 600 V AC. VFD to provide microprocessor-based control for three-phase
induction motors. Controller’s full load output current rating based on 50°C (CT) / 40°C
(VT) ambient and 6 kHz switching frequency below 30 HP (CT) / 40 HP (VT) and 3.6
kHz above 30 HP (CT) / 40 HP (VT) to reduce motor noise and avoid increased motor
(ii) VFDs of Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) design converting utility input voltage and
frequency to variable voltage and frequency output via two-step operation. Adjustable
Current Source VFDs not acceptable. Use insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) in
inverter section. Bipolar Junction Transistors, GTOs, or SCRs not acceptable;
(iii) VFDs with efficiency at full load and speed exceeding 95% for VFDs below 15 HP and
97% for drives 15 HP and above. Efficiency to exceed 90% at 50% speed and load;
(iv) VFDs to maintain line side displacement power factor at no less than 0.96, regardless of
speed and load;
(v) VFDs to have 1 minute overload current rating of 150% and two second over-load
current rating of 250% for constant torque drives;
(vi) VFDs to have 1 minute overload current rating of 110% for variable torque drives;
(vii) VFDs capable of operating any NEMA design B squirrel cage induction motor,
regardless of manufacturer, with horsepower and current rating within capacity of VFD.
Motor design in compliance with NEMA G1, part 31;
(viii) VFDs to limit harmonic distortion reflected onto utility system by utilizing integral
and/or external AC three-phase line reactor;
(ix) provide output filter (dv/dt filter) between VFD output terminals and motor terminals.
Output filter design to ensure motor/cable impedance matching not required;
(x) coordinate with Mechanical and motor manufacturer for VFDs operation;
(xi) provision for connection of potential meter and marked terminals;
(xii) provision for connection for SCADA (RTU) and interlocking with PLC; and
(xiii) automatic re-start will be prohibited when an electrical or mechanical fault caused the
system stopped.
(j) The Contractor shall provide power for electric vehicle charging station if applicable.

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(i) the Contractor shall provide a dedicated power transformer and panelboard for electric
vehicle charging station(s).
(k) The Contractor shall provide electrical infrastructure to accommodate bus charging station(s)
including the following requirements:
(i) infrastructure for one outdoor plug-in bus charging station at SHP and one at SCS;
(ii) infrastructure that allows for two configurations per charging station to allow flexibility
for bus charging vendor selection as follows:
(A) charging option 1: space in power distribution equipment for (future) one 800A,
600V, 3PH breaker;
(B) charging option 2: space in power distribution equipment for (future) three 250A,
600V, 3PH breakers;
(iii) conduit(s) from power distribution equipment to outdoor bus charging station to
accommodate power connection for charging option 1 and 2;
(iv) conduit from power distribution equipment to outdoor bus charging station for (future)
120V power connection; and
(v) communications conduit(s) to connect bus charging station to communications room.
(l) The Contractor shall provide conduits/raceway to future proof each knockout panel location
including the following minimum requirements:
(i) provide minimum of two 27mm spare conduits (one for normal power and one for
emergency power) from nearest electrical room to each knock out panel;
(ii) provide minimum of six 53mm spare conduits from communication room to each knock
out panel for future communications connections;
(iii) provide minimum of two 27mm dedicated spare conduits from fire alarm (FA) control
panel to each knock out panel to accommodate future interconnection between station FA
system and adjacent building FA system; and
(iv) provide raceway for future faregate system:
(A) terminate conduits in the ceiling space near knock out panels; and
(B) make provisions at wall and floor near knock out panels to concealed installation
of future raceway from ceiling space to faregate equipment.
(m) The Contractor shall provide boxes and enclosures as follows:
(i) NEMA1 panels for clean office type environment;
(ii) NEMA12 for exposed station areas where metallic brake/rail dust will be an issue,
sprinkler rooms, and unheated areas with transformers or rectifiers exceeding 8kVA; and
(iii) NEMA4X for exterior, unheated, or wet environments.
(n) The Contractor shall provide grounding system to each station and ESB:

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(i) grounding systems from each station and ESB is not bonded to adjacent stations/ESBs
via tunnel connection at the track level to mitigate DC stray current issues;
(ii) avoid installing grounding rods on either side of the subway track at platform level due to
stray current and potential ground rod corrosion; and
(iii) conduct stray current study to evaluate the use of grounding rods at platform level.
(A) If grounding rods are required at the subway track, they shall be installed as far
away from the track floating negative running rails as possible.
(o) The Contractor shall ensure that the TPSS have its own ground system isolated from station
ground system to limit circulating DC stray current path, the Contractor must obtain ESA
acceptance to isolate TPSS from station grounding ensuring that:
(p) The Contractor shall provide a perimeter ground bus in each electrical and fan rooms to ground
all equipment within room, which meets the following requirements:
(i) perimeter ground bus to have minimum two bond conductors connected to the main
ground bus in the electrical room; and
(ii) all non-current-carrying metal enclosures to be bonded.

3.21.10 Electrical Identification

(a) The Contractor shall individually identify all electrical equipment. Refer to TTC MS260553.
(b) The Contractor shall provide red covers for all fire alarm system pull/junction boxes.
(c) The colour coding for power and control wiring shall be in accordance with The Ontario
Electrical Safety Code 4-032 as follows:
(i) 3-Phase
Ground - green
Neutral - white
Phase A - red
Phase B - black
Phase C - blue
(ii) 1-Phase
Ground - green
Neutral - white
Line - black
(iii) DC
Ground - green
Positive - red
Negative - black
(d) The Contractor shall refer to architectural section for geographical identifier for each station and
ancillary buildings.
(e) The Contractor shall identify panelboards according to Table 3.21-3. Panelboard Locations.

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3.21.11 Installation of Wiring, Cabling and Raceways

(a) The Contractor shall install the electrical cabling systems in accordance with Ontario Electrical
Safety Code.
(b) The installation of cable and/or raceway systems shall include as a minimum:
(i) maintain reliability through the selection of suitable mechanical protection for the service
and its point or area of installation;
(ii) minimize the degradation of the signal by interference from the proximity of other
electrical service cables or wires;
(iii) protection from intentional or accidental damage;
(iv) personnel safety from all aspects;
(v) an allowance for expansion or extension; and
(vi) meet requirements of OESC, CSA, NFPA 130 (In Tunnel only) and approval of ESA and
Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
(c) The Contractor shall refer to Section 3.21.9 for Materials and Equipment.
(d) The Contractor shall size bonding cables in accordance with Ontario Electrical Safety Code Table
16 instead of Table 16A as indicated TTC-DM 0701-
(e) The Contractor shall install unpainted fire/life safety conduits where exposed. Corresponding
junction/pull boxes shall have red covers. Section DM-0701- does not apply to SSE.
(f) Ductbanks shall use rigid non-metallic (PVC) ducts and components to form a continuous system.
(g) Immediately before pulling wires or cables into conduit run, snake conduits with steel band
attached to tube cleaner equipped with spherical mandrel of diameter minimum 85% of nominal
inside diameter of conduit. Remove and replace conduits not passing mandrel. If mandrel is not
available for certain conduit sizes, an equivalent method shall be performed.

3.21.12 Service Requirement

(a) The Contractor shall provide electrical services in the stations and ancillary buildings including
not limited to retail space, electrical/mechanical rooms, public area, ancillary room and facility,
and automatic fare collection systems.
(b) The Contractor shall provide at least the following minimum service requirement for all rooms in
Section 3.21.13 as listed below:
(i) 120 V AC lighting;
(ii) manual lighting control for back of house rooms;
(iii) 120 V AC convenience receptacle(s) (minimum, one);
(iv) egress / evacuation lights and exit signs (where required by code); and
(v) All 120 V AC convenience receptacles within 1 m of a faucet or any surface mounted
piping system (not including drain pipes) shall be GFCI type or protected by GFCI circuit
breakers at the distribution panel board. Automatic Fare Collection system power supply

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convenience receptacle or direct hardwired connections must be protected by GFCI

branch circuit breakers in the distribution panel board.
(c) The Contractor shall provide electrical services for ancillary rooms as per Section 3.21.12.
In addition, the Contractor needs to supplement service requirements where necessary to
accommodate designated features.
(d) Passenger station electrical room and AC switchgear room shall include two exits.
(e) The Contractor shall provide the following passenger station electrical room future provisions:
(i) 25% linear wall space designated future expansion; and
(ii) 2x53mm spare conduits from passenger station to electrical room to each of AC cable
pull at platform level.
(f) The Contractor shall provide the following communication room future provision:
(i) 2x53mm spare conduits from communication room to each of communication cable pull
room at platform level.

3.21.13 Fire Alarm System

(a) The Contractor shall provide a Fire Alarm (FA) system for SSE passenger stations, and ancillary
buildings in accordance with the TTC DM-0102-02 and TTC DM-0102-03, and meet the
following requirement:
(i) The Contractor to ensure the SSE fire alarm system shall be inter-connected with TTC
monitoring fire alarm system in accordance with the Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.
(b) The Contractor shall provide two stages FA system capable to be programmed with zero-time
delay between the first and second stage.
(c) The Contractor shall extend fire alarm system from Kennedy East End Addition to KEVFP. Refer
to Section 3.21.14 for a List of Interfaces.
(i) adjust Kennedy Station FA system to incorporate FA devices from KEVFP, including the
entrance main FA control panel (FACP) and Remote Annunciator Panel at the Central
Alarm and Control Facility (CACF) panel.
(d) Fire alarm signaling throughout public areas of the station shall be via the Public Address (PA)
(e) The Contractor shall provide fire alarm system connection with BACS. Central Alarm and Control Facility panel

(a) The Contractor shall ensure that a CACF panel is provided and designed in accordance with the
TTC DM-0102-05.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure that three SSE passenger stations, two ESBs, and four TPSSs are
equipped with a CACF panel, located in the public area of the main entrance, or as determined by
the requirements of the Governmental Authority.

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(a) The Contractor shall integrate Fire Smoke Control Panel (FSCP) with CACF in accordance with
TTC DM-0102-05, item 4.2.

3.21.14 Electrical Interface

(a) Station Power Interfaces:
(i) The Contractor shall coordinate power provision for IDS/ADS (Information Display
System/Advertising Display System) display units with the third party advertising content
provider as determined by Contracting Authority;
(ii) The Contractor shall provide power for Presto Equipment in coordination with Presto (the
Third Party) and Contracting Authority.
(b) Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant Power Interfaces:
(i) The Contractor shall provide LV power connection from Kennedy TPSS switchboard
SS49-6SW-01 to Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant (KEVFP) fans, including extending
4-129mm conduits.
(ii) The Contractor shall provide normal LV power connection from Kennedy TPSS
switchboard SS49-6PP-S2 to KEVFP, including extending 1-103mm conduit and
(A) provide power for receptacles in SSE East Bound tunnel panel board SSE49-
6PP-S2 located in Kennedy TPSS Addition, including extending 1-103mm
conduit; and
(B) provide power for receptacles in SSE West Bound tunnel panel board SSE49-
6PP-S2 located in Kennedy TPSS Addition, including extending 1-103mm
(iii) The Contractor shall provide emergency LV power (UPS power) connection from
Kennedy TPSS Life-Safety panel board SSE49-6PP-SE5 located in Kennedy TPSS
Addition to KEVFP, including extending 1-103mm conduit, and:
(A) provide power for lighting in SSE East Bound tunnel from Life-Safety (UPS
power) panel board SSE49-6PP-SE5 located in Kennedy TPSS Addition,
including extending 1-103mm conduit; and
(B) provide power for lighting in SSE West Bound tunnel from Life-Safety (UPS
power) panel board SSE49-6PP-SE5 located in Kennedy TPSS Addition,
including extending 1-103mm conduit.
(iv) The Contractor shall provide a power connection to SVS KEVFP fans dampers from the
existing breakers in SS49-MCC-01, including extending 4-103mm conduits.
(v) The Contractor shall extend 2-103mm spare conduits from the Kennedy station to the
KEVFP electrical room.
(c) Station Incoming Power Interfaces:

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(i) The Contractor shall interface a pair of 27.6kV service feeders at the load side of each
THESL PMH Units with all applicable TPSS (excluding Kennedy TPSS) /Stations or
(d) The Contractor shall supply the cable containment and civil works from the property line to the
Kennedy TPSS Substation 27.6 kV switchgear for a pair of 27.6kV service feeders supplied by

3.22 Civil and Building Infrastructure

3.22.1 Roadways Overview
(a) This section addresses the design criteria for the temporary and permanent roadways around the
Stations and ancillary structures. Scope
(a) This section defines the requirements for:
(i) roadway design;
(ii) access and intersection layout;
(iii) pavement;
(iv) pavement marking and signage;
(v) grading; and
(vi) private property.
(b) Article applies to the following elements and associated areas:
(i) launch Shaft and extraction Shaft, including ATSSE temporary roads from handover to
the Contractor;
(ii) future Stations;
(iii) EEBs;
(iv) TPSS;
(v) Kennedy East Ventilation Structure;
(vi) other Headwalls, Support of Excavation and retaining walls required by the Works; and
(vii) all other areas impacted by the Works. Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall perform all Works related to roadway design and construction in accordance
with Section 3.3 (Design Standards) and the following:
(i) the requirements in Section 3.22.1;

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(ii) Ontario Building Code;

(iii) Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) AODA Ontario Regulation
191/11, as amended by Ontario Regulation 413/12: Design of Public Spaces;
(iv) Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Accessibility Standards;
(v) City of Toronto requirements and design guidelines:
(A) City of Toronto, Accessibility Design Guidelines;
(B) City of Toronto, Road Classification System, Transportation Services;
(C) Streetscape Manual;
(D) City of Toronto, Curb Radii Guideline;
(E) City of Toronto, Lane Widths Guideline;
(F) Curb Extension Guidelines;
(G) Raised Crosswalk Guidelines;
(H) Complete Streets Guidelines;
(I) Pavement Design and Rehabilitation Guideline;
(J) Construction Specifications for Road Works;
(K) Construction Drawings for Road Works;
(L) Municipal Consent Requirements for the Installation of Plant Within City of
Toronto Streets;
(M) Toronto Parking Authority Technical and Operational Requirement for Typical
Surface Carpark; and
(N) City of Toronto, other relevant city operation policy, procedures, and guidelines;
(vi) MTO, Roadside Design Manual;
(vii) Metrolinx GO Design Requirements Manual;
(viii) Ontario Traffic Manuals, Books 1 through to 18;
(ix) Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications (OPSS);
(x) Ontario Provincial Standard Drawings (OPSD);
(xi) Ministry of Transportation Ontario Drawings (MTOD);
(xii) MTO, other relevant Standards and Manuals;
(xiii) Metrolinx DS-02 Universal Design Standard;
(xiv) Metrolinx DS-09 Subway Station Architecture Design Standard;
(xv) Metrolinx, other relevant Standards, Manuals and guidelines;
(xvi) TAC, Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads; and

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(xvii) AASHTO, Guide for the Design of Pavement Structures. General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall provide the design, supply of materials, labour, equipment, inspection, and
testing associated with the requirements for the execution of the Works.
(b) The Contractor shall obtain all approvals required for the execution of the Works.
(c) The Contractor shall conduct pre- and post- construction condition surveys of the impacted
roadways, jointly with the Governmental Authority, to determine the roadway conditions as per
Governmental Authority Standards.
(d) The Contractor shall identify the existing conditions for the areas impacted by the Works.
(e) The Contractor shall design and construct temporary and permanent roadways required by the
Works in accordance with the Governmental Authority Standards.
(f) The Contractor shall communicate and obtain approval for any vehicular and pedestrian detours
from the Governmental Authority or property owner.
(g) The Contractor shall remove existing road structures required by the Works in accordance with
Governmental Authority Standards.
(h) The Contractor shall design and construct temporary road relocation sections required by the
Works in accordance with Governmental Authority Standards.
(i) The Contractor shall restore existing roads and road accesses disturbed or impacted by the Works
upon completion.
(j) The Contractor shall remove temporary roads and reinstate areas to satisfaction of the
Governmental Authority.
(k) The Contractor shall reinstate all existing driveways, entrances, laneways, access roads, parking
areas, sidewalks, curbs, parapet walls, barrier walls, handrails, guideways, retaining walls, fences,
walls, roadside safety features and other elements disturbed or impacted by the Works to current
standards upon completion, unless otherwise directed by Contracting Authority.
(l) The Contractor shall communicate and obtain approval for any changes to first responder routes
and Emergency Response Plans from Toronto Fire Services, Toronto Paramedic Services,
Toronto Police Service, and property owners.
(m) The Contractor shall ensure that maintenance and EEB emergency vehicle parking does not
impact pedestrian and vehicular movements.
(n) The Contractor shall ensure that access for large equipment can be accommodated without
impacts to bus and passenger movements.
(o) The Contractor shall conduct Demolitions and removals in accordance with Section 4 –
Construction Requirements.
(p) The Contractor shall refer to Section 4.0 - Construction Requirements for additional construction

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(q) The Contractor shall design road landscaping elements in accordance with Section 3.18 - Urban
Design and Landscape Architecture.
(r) The Contractor shall refer to Section 3.19 - Geotechnical and Foundation for additional
(s) The Contractor shall design Civil Structures in accordance with Section 3.22.4 - Civil Structures.
(t) The Contractor shall design roads in coordination with Schedule 20 – Lands.
(u) The Contractor shall provide design submissions in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review
(v) The Contractor shall ensure all communication is in accordance with Schedule 18 -
Communication and Public Engagement Protocol.
(w) The Contractor shall obtain all Governmental Authority approvals as required by the Works. Roadway Design

(a) The Contractor shall design all roads in accordance with Governmental Authority Standards.
(b) The Contractor shall use the City of Toronto Road Classification System to identify roadway
classification and determine design parameters for all road elements.
(c) The Contractor shall support any proposed geometrical change to a roadway with a traffic
analysis to demonstrate compliance to Governmental Authority Standards.
(d) The Contractor shall complete swept path analyses to demonstrate that design & control vehicles
can safely maneuver at all roads, intersections, and entrances.
(e) The Contractor shall consider emergency vehicles for the swept path analysis including fire and
paramedic, snow removal vehicles, and garbage trucks where applicable.
(f) The Contractor shall obtain design vehicle acceptance from the Governmental Authority.
(g) The Contractor shall minimize the number of curb cuts while accommodating all functional
(h) The Contractor shall design all bike/active transportation facilities in accordance with City of
Toronto Standards and Ontario Traffic Manual (OTM) Book 18: Cycling Facilities.
(i) The Contractor shall provide a minimum width of 2.1 m for new and reinstated
sidewalk/pedestrian clearway.
(j) The Contractor shall maintain a minimum width of 1.7 m for all pedestrian walkways, sidewalks,
and other exterior paths of travel during construction.
(k) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 0.5 m offset adjacent to Temporary Construction
Barriers (TCBs).
(l) The Contractor shall provide 1.0 m snow storage adjacent to Temporary Construction Barriers
during winter months.
(m) The Contractor shall obtain approval from the Governmental Authorities for offsets and snow
storage at Temporary Construction Barriers that are less than the minimum required.

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(a) The Contractor shall design and implement pavement markings, traffic signs, traffic control
signals and underground traffic infrastructure in accordance with the Governmental Authority
(b) The Contractor shall design new and impacted intersections in accordance with Governmental
Authority Standards.
(c) The Contractor shall design intersection layouts and lane configurations to address all traffic user
requirements including pedestrian, cyclist, transit, and vehicular traffic requirements.
(d) The Contractor shall design intersection characteristics that preserve and enhance public safety,
respond to the traffic demand, minimize the area impacts, and can be accommodated within the
lands provided by Contracting Authority.
(e) The Contractor shall support any proposed geometrical change to an intersection with a traffic
analysis to demonstrate compliance to Governmental Authority Standards.
(f) The Contractor shall reinstate the intersection back to its existing capability if the Contractor
determines that the intersection does not require modification by the Works. Pavement
(a) The Contractor shall remove pavement structures in accordance with Governmental Authority
Standards for all areas impacted by the Works.
(b) The Contractor shall reinstate pavement structures to Governmental Authority Standards for all
areas impacted by the Works.
(c) The Contractor shall provide new or reinstated pavement structures to support the expected traffic
loads, including traffic resulting from new Station infrastructure.
(d) The Contractor shall provide new, modified, and reinstated pavement structures in accordance
with Governmental Authority Standards.
(e) The Contractor shall provide positive subsurface Drainage and proper Drainage in subgrade for
temporary and permanent pavements.
(f) The Contractor shall provide parking areas and access roads that support the expected loads and
be surfaced with concrete or asphalt, unless otherwise specified.
(g) The Contractor shall provide pavement with hard surfaces in walkable areas that comply with all
expected performance characteristics for safe use by the public for temporary and permanent
(h) The Contractor shall provide temporary pavements for carrying detoured traffic and construction
vehicles for the period of use.
(i) The Contractor shall provide access routes for fire department to support the expected loads
imposed by firefighting equipment and be surfaced with concrete, asphalt or other material
designed to permit accessibility in all climatic conditions.

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(j) The Contractor shall design and build pavement structures per the recommendations of the
geotechnical engineer.
(k) The Contractor shall be responsible to obtain the acceptance from Governmental Authorities for
all Works. Pavement Marking and Signage

(a) The Contractor shall provide all temporary and permanent signage including regulatory, warning,
guide, emergency response, information, advisory, directional, and other applicable signs in
accordance with the Governmental Authority Standards.
(b) The Contractor shall provide all temporary and permanent pavement markings in accordance with
the Governmental Authority Standards.
(c) The Contractor shall provide road marking for traffic decking structures to ensure safe movement
of all modes of traffic, including vehicle, bus, pedestrian, and cycling. Grading
(a) The Contractor shall provide grading, including earth and rock excavation and embankment
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct excavation of native material and backfill material in
accordance with Governmental Authority Standards and geotechnical study recommendations.
(c) The Contractor shall provide grading in accordance with Governmental Authority Standards.
(d) The Contractor shall manage excavated material, excess earth material, and contaminated soils in
accordance with Schedule 17 – Environmental Obligations. Private property

(a) The Contractor shall comply with the responsibility derived from the construction agreement
between Contracting Authority and private owner.
(b) The Contractor shall obtain design and construction approval from the private property owner.
(c) The Contractor shall use swept path analysis to demonstrate that all applicable vehicle
movements are maintained during temporary and permanent conditions.
(d) The Contractor shall remove the areas impacted by the Works in accordance with the
Governmental Authority Standards.
(e) The Contractor shall reinstate all existing driveways, entrances, laneways, access roads, parking
areas, walkways, curbs, parapet walls, barrier walls, handrails, retaining walls, fences, walls,
lighting, safety features and other elements disturbed or impacted by the Works upon completion
in accordance with AODA, where applicable, and with private owner standards or other existing
standards at the specific location or, in absence of such standards, apply Municipal Standards,
unless otherwise directed by Contracting Authority.
(f) The Contractor shall design and construct a pedestrian walkway around the construction area per
minimum width requirements listed in Section 4.0 (Construction Requirements).

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(g) The Contractor shall maintain clearance of all emergency exits from the building leading to safe
emergency routes for all users.
(h) The Contractor shall always maintain proper fire route access and aisle widths for the duration of
construction. Kennedy Box Structure

(a) The Contractor shall reinstate roadway and intersection configurations to existing conditions,
including High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes on Eglinton Ave. E. in both directions.
(b) [Note to Dev Co: the following scope of work is under review and discussion with Contracting
Authority and City of Toronto] The Contractor shall provide permanent traffic control signals
and pedestrian crosswalks at the following intersections:
(i) Eglinton Avenue East and Eglinton Avenue East Loop:
(A) consideration of traffic signal design and operations to include transit signal
priority; and
(ii) Eglinton Avenue East and Huntington Avenue:
(A) consideration of traffic signal design and operations to include transit signal
(c) The Contractor shall reinstate GO PPUDO to the as-built condition of ECLRT. Don Montgomery Community Recreation Centre

(a) The Contractor shall reconfigure the south parking lot to its temporary condition and seek
approval from the City of Toronto before commencing the Works in the north parking lot.
(b) The Contractor shall reinstate the DMCRC north and south parking lots, including the following
(i) asphalt pavement (full depth) for the north parking lot;
(ii) asphalt pavement (partial depth as required) where impacted by the Works in the south
parking lot;
(iii) pavement markings;
(iv) concrete medians;
(v) concrete sidewalk and curb/curb and gutter along DMCRC frontage and within parking
(vi) signage;
(vii) relocation of light standards in the south parking lot as required;
(viii) provide lighting in the north parking lot, including fixtures, standards, photocell,
controller, and other applicable elements;
(A) provide controller(s) for adjustable lighting for both north and south parking lots,
upon verification that existing north and south connections to and within

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DMCRC building can accommodate new equipment [Note to Dev Co: Scope for
adjustable lighting control is pending confirmation with the CA]
(c) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 180 standard parking spaces and 8 accessible parking
spaces - a total of 188 parking spaces in the south parking lot, for the temporary condition of the
south parking lot.
(d) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 186 standard parking spaces and 8 accessible parking
spaces - a total of 194 parking spaces in the south parking lot, for the final reinstatement of the
south parking lot.
(e) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 96 standard parking spaces and 6 accessible parking
spaces - a total of 102 spaces, for the final reinstatement of the north parking lot.
(f) The Contractor shall reinstate the north and south parking lot per the Toronto Parking Authority
Technical and Operational Requirements for Typical Surface Carpark.
(g) The Contractor shall provide pavement structures to support all expected traffic loads:
(i) design vehicles to include, but are not limited to, fire truck, Wheel-Trans and garbage
(h) The Contractor shall provide parking stall dimensions in the south parking lot per the Toronto
Parking Authority Technical and Operational Requirements for Typical Surface Carpark.
(i) The Contractor shall provide parking lot drive aisle widths in the south parking lot per the
Toronto Parking Authority Technical and Operational Requirements for Typical Surface Carpark.
(j) The Contractor shall provide parking stall dimensions in the north parking lot per City By-law.
(k) The Contractor shall provide parking lot drive aisle widths in the north parking lot per City By-
(l) The Contractor shall provide clockwise travel around the DMCRC building for all vehicles via
curb adjustments, painted lines and other means as required.
(m) The Contractor shall provide a drop off pick up area with a concrete pad at the south entrance to
the DMCRC building.
(n) The Contractor shall ensure that access to the storage container at the south entrance of the
DMCRC building is maintained.
(o) The Contractor shall conduct swept path analysis, including the 8.8m length Wheel-Trans vehicle
and garbage truck templates for design of temporary and permanent conditions.
(p) The Contractor shall maintain the existing Wheel-Trans drop-off location at the north entrance of
the DMCRC building and provide:
(i) a minimum of 6.8m width for eastbound movement at Wheel-Trans drop-off to ensure
safe passage of other vehicles while Wheel-Trans is loading/unloading, for the temporary
condition; and
(ii) 2-way traffic at the Wheel-Trans drop-off to ensure safe passage of other vehicles while
Wheel-Trans is loading/unloading, for the permanent condition.

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(q) The Contractor shall extend a 2.1m concrete sidewalk from the north end of Thrush Road west
sidewalk at the DMCRC property line to tie into the sidewalk on the east side of the GO Platform.
(r) The Contractor shall provide a delineated with pavement marking, AODA compliant, pedestrian
path connecting the Thrush Road west sidewalk to the south building entrance.
(s) The Contractor shall ensure that the DMCRC south parking lot lights are not affected by the
removal of the DMCRC north parking lights.
(t) The Contractor shall provide lighting level per the City of Toronto Accessibility Design
(u) The Contractor shall provide luminaires that meet dark sky compliance standards by full-cut or
(v) The Contractor shall demolish the existing toll booth at the DMCRC north lot entrance.
(w) The Contractor shall provide a toll booth in the south parking lot at the Thrush Road entrance:
(i) the toll booth to be modelled PAK III – 5’x8’ Style 1 (RH Door) by Canada Kiosk, or an
approved equivalent.
(ii) the Contractor to provide a barrier gate on either side of the tool booth.
(x) The Contractor shall provide digital As-builts, in CAD, DWG and PDF formats.
(y) The Contractor shall provide maintenance manuals and details for all applicable assets.
(z) The Contractor shall provide a copy of the electrical contractor’s final Certificate of Inspection
from the Electrical Safety Authority.
(aa) The Contractor shall provide written certification of the as-built lighting performance criteria. Emergency Exit Building 01

(a) INTENTIONALLY BLANK Emergency Exit Building 02

(a) The Contractor shall provide a painted crosswalk across No Frills Lane and the No Frills exit
driveway connecting the sidewalks at both sides.
(b) The Contractor shall provide yield to pedestrian signage for the crosswalk across No Frills Lane
and the No Frills exit driveway.
(c) The Contractor shall reinstate the No Frills exit only driveway to Danforth Road south of and
adjacent to EEB-02.
(d) The Contractor shall maintain No Frills Lane as a one-way entrance from Danforth Road.
(e) The Contractor shall provide circulation signage for the No Frills exit driveway and No Frills
Lane, including "no entry" and "one-way" signage. Traction Power Substation 01


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(a) INTENTIONALLY BLANK Emergency Exit Building 04

(a) The Contractor shall locate the emergency parking space on the east side of EEB-04. Toronto Bendale Library

(a) The Contractor shall resurface and repaint the Bendale parking lot in its entirety after the
construction of EEB-04 is completed.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 23 standard parking spaces and one accessible
parking space - a total of 24 spaces, for the final restoration. Lawrence East Station (LES) & Traction Power Substation 02

(a) The Contractor shall normalize the Lawrence Avenue East and McCowan Road intersection by
removing the existing channelized right turn lane for Lawrence Avenue East westbound to
McCowan Road northbound traffic.
(b) The Contractor shall remove the retaining wall, on the southeast corner of McCowan Road and
Lawrence Avenue East, in its entirety:
(i) The Contractor shall regrade the area for temporary and permanent conditions.
(c) Lawrence Avenue East and Valparaiso Street intersection has been signalized by the City of
Toronto in 2021. The Contractor shall:
(i) coordinate with the City of Toronto regarding their plans to signalize Lawrence Avenue
East and Valparaiso Avenue intersection;
(ii) integrate intersection signalization drawings; and
(iii) integrate as-built drawings when available.
(d) The Contractor shall provide the following lane configurations:
(i) two through lanes in each direction on McCowan Road;
(ii) one designated left-turn lane for the McCowan Road northbound traffic at McCowan
Road and Lawrence Avenue East intersection;
(iii) one designated right-turn lane for the McCowan Road southbound traffic at McCowan
Road and Lawrence Avenue East intersection;
(iv) one designated left-turn lane for the McCowan Road southbound traffic at McCowan
Road and Lawrence Avenue East intersection;
(v) shared left-turn lane on McCowan Road in the median area to the north and to the south
of the McCowan Road and Lawrence Avenue East intersection;
(vi) three through lanes in each direction on Lawrence Avenue East;

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(vii) one designated left-turn lane for the Lawrence Avenue East eastbound traffic at
McCowan Road and Lawrence Avenue East intersection;
(viii) one designated right-turn lane for the Lawrence Avenue East westbound traffic at
McCowan Road and Lawrence Avenue East intersection; and
(ix) one designated left-turn lane for the Lawrence Avenue East westbound traffic at
McCowan Road and Lawrence Avenue East intersection. Scarborough Health Network

(a) The Contractor shall reinstate pedestrian walkways within SHN property to a minimum width per
City of Toronto Accessibility Design Guidelines or match existing, whichever is greater.
(b) The Contractor shall reinstate the SHN's Chronic Kidney Disease Centre (CKD) parking lot.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 28 standard parking spaces and two accessible
parking space - a total of 30 spaces, for the final restoration of the CKD parking lot.
(d) The Contractor shall remove and reinstate the existing retaining wall at SHN's CKD parking lot to
accommodate construction staging of the LES Station box in accordance with the following
(i) the Contractor shall coordinate with and seek approval from the City of Toronto and SHN
in selecting the type and aesthetic treatment of the reconstructed retaining wall;
(ii) the Contractor shall ensure that the reconstructed retaining wall meets the maintenance
requirements acceptable to SHN;
(iii) the Contractor shall provide life-cycle analysis to support the design of the retaining wall;
(iv) the Contractor shall provide graffiti protection; and
(v) the Contractor shall provide a barrier with the following characteristics:
(A) barrier shall be integrated with the Retaining Wall; and
(B) barrier shall be designed for vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle traffic.
(e) The Contractor shall restore the loading dock area to its existing configuration.
(f) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 13 standard parking spaces for the final restoration of
the loading dock area parking lot.
(g) The Contractor shall provide sufficient space to maintain existing loading dock operations during
(h) The Contractor shall ensure that no construction activity will impede with SHN's operations at the
loading dock area.
(i) The Contractor shall avoid specifying a construction access or egress location in the loading dock
(j) The Contractor shall demonstrate through swept path analysis that construction operations will
not interfere with loading dock operations.

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(a) INTENTIONALLY BLANK Emergency Exit Building 06

(a) INTENTIONALLY BLANK Scarborough Centre Station & Traction Power Substation 03

(a) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto to ensure that permanent station
infrastructure along the north and south side of Progress Avenue, east of McCowan Road do not
conflict with any future City of Toronto ROW infrastructure.
(b) The Contractor shall provide the following lane configurations for new and reinstated roadways:
(i) three through lanes in each direction on McCowan Road between Bushby Drive and the
northern limit of reinstatement of McCowan Road;
(ii) two through lanes in each direction on Bushby Drive between Grangeway Avenue and
McCowan Road;
(iii) two through lanes in each direction on Grangeway Avenue between Bushby Drive and
Progress Avenue;
(iv) two through lanes in each direction on Progress Avenue between Grangeway Avenue and
Borough Drive; and
(v) [match existing number of lanes on the McCowan Road off-ramp or incorporate the
extension of Borough Drive as per Article]
[Note to Dev Co: During the DPA Term, Contracting Authority intends to finalize
discussions and agreement with the City of Toronto in relation to the scope of work for
the Borough Drive Extension and it is anticipated that such agreement may impact the
Contractor’s obligations. Amendments to this section may be required and will be
finalized during the DPA Term by way of a DPA Variation. For clarity, the Contractor
shall not perform any Works related to the Borough Drive extension except as set out
in a DPA Variation Directive or DPA Variation Confirmation.];

(c) The Contractor shall provide left turn lanes at all intersections except for the following:
(i) at Progress Avenue and McCowan Road, the Contractor shall only provide a left turn
lane for transit vehicles in the southbound direction per Article; and
(ii) the Contractor shall space proof for future left-turn lanes at McCowan Road and Progress
Avenue and provide a median layout that can be modified in the future to accommodate
left-turn lanes without any horizontal alignment changes to McCowan Road or Progress
(d) The Contractor shall provide transit-only left-turn lanes in the following locations:
(i) southbound on McCowan Road at Progress Avenue;

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(ii) southbound on McCowan Road at the Bus Terminal entrance;

(iii) northbound on Grangeway Avenue at the Bus Terminal entrance; and
(iv) westbound on Progress Avenue at the Bus Terminal entrance.
(e) The Contractor shall remove the Progress Avenue underpass (City of Toronto structure No. 312),
and Progress Ave channelized right turn and pedestrian underpass (City of Toronto structure No.
(f) The Contractor shall provide a normalized at-grade signalized intersection at Progress Avenue
and McCowan Road.
(g) The road layout to be provided by the Contractor shall:
(i) ensure that the alignment of Progress Avenue follows the existing roadway curvature and
is located within the existing ROW; or
(ii) [incorporate the extension of Borough Drive as part of overall enhancements to the
street network at Scarborough Centre Station, pending further review and final
agreement with Stakeholders.]
[Note to Dev Co: During the DPA Term, Contracting Authority intends to finalize discussions
and agreement with the City of Toronto in relation to the scope of work for the Borough Drive
Extension and it is anticipated that such agreement may impact the Contractor’s obligations.
Amendments to this section may be required and will be finalized during the DPA Term by way
of a DPA Variation. For clarity, the Contractor shall not perform any Works related to the
Borough Drive extension except as set out in a DPA Variation Directive or DPA Variation
(h) The Contractor shall:
(i) ensure the vertical grade of Progress Avenue does not exceed 5%; and
(ii) ensure the design of Progress Avenue conforms to AODA requirements.
(i) The Contractor shall provide sidewalks on both sides of new or reinstated roadways.
(j) The Contractor shall provide furnishing zones on both sides of new or reinstated roadways.
(k) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 0.6 m furnishing zone in constrained locations where
there is limited space due to existing SRT infrastructure and limited space for grading.
(l) The Contractor shall ensure sidewalks connect to existing sidewalks at the limits of reinstatement.
(m) The Contractor shall remove the SRT McCowan Station Pedestrian Bridge (TTC structure No.
SRT 159+61W-BP), Bushby Drive right turn channel, and associated retaining walls.
(n) The Contractor shall remove the channelized right turn lanes and provide a normalized
intersection at Grangeway Avenue/Consilium Place and Progress Avenue.
(o) The Contractor shall provide signalized intersections at the following locations:
(i) McCowan Road and Bushby Drive;
(ii) McCowan Road and Progress Avenue;

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(iii) McCowan Road and the entrance to the Bus Terminal between Bushby Drive and
Progress Avenue;
(iv) if required for Bus Terminal access/egress, at Grangeway Avenue and the entrance to the
Bus Terminal;
(v) Grangeway Avenue and Progress Avenue;
(vi) Progress Avenue and Borough Drive; and
(vii) Bushby Drive and Grangeway Avenue.
(p) The Contractor shall provide taxi and accessible passenger pick-up and drop-off lay-by spaces
with the following requirements:
(i) adjacent to SCS Main Entrance on the south side of Progress Avenue;
(ii) visible from the Passenger waiting area at the SCS Main Station entrance;
(iii) less than 75m away from the SCS Main Entrance;
(iv) conform to Metrolinx standards DS-02 and DS-09;
(v) conform to the City of Toronto Accessibility Design Guidelines;
(vi) include a minimum of two accessible and two standard parking spots; and
(vii) provide signage and pavement markings to clearly separate the usage of accessible and
standard vehicles.
(q) The Contractor shall provide uni-directional eastbound and westbound raised cycle tracks on
Progress Avenue, east of McCowan Road to Grangeway Avenue/Consilium Place.
(r) The Contractor shall provide uni-directional northbound and southbound raised cycle tracks on
McCowan Road between Bushby Drive and the northern limit of the reinstatement of McCowan
(s) The Contractor shall provide uni-directional northbound and southbound raised cycle tracks on
Grangeway Ave, between Progress Avenue and Bushby Drive.
(t) The Contractor shall provide uni-directional eastbound and westbound raised cycle tracks on
Bushby Drive between Grangeway Avenue and McCowan Road. Borough Drive Extension

[Note to Dev Co: During the DPA Term, Contracting Authority intends to finalize discussions and
agreement with the City of Toronto in relation to the scope of work for the Borough Drive Extension
and it is anticipated that such agreement may impact the Contractor’s obligations. Amendments to this
section may be required and will be finalized during the DPA Term by way of a DPA Variation. For
clarity, the Contractor shall not perform any Works related to the Borough Drive extension except as
set out in a DPA Variation Directive or DPA Variation Confirmation.]
(a) [The Contractor shall provide a new roadway extension for Borough Drive northerly from
Town Centre Court to Corporate Drive with the following lane configurations:

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(i) one through lane in each direction between Town Centre Court and south of
Progress; and
(ii) two through lanes in each direction, transitioning to three lanes in each direction,
between south of the Progress Avenue to the northern project limit.
(b) The Contractor shall provide two through lanes in each direction along Town Centre Court
between Borough Drive and McCowan Road
(c) The Contractor shall provide a straightened alignment for Progress Avenue, west of
McCowan Road, normalizing the grid network as per the Scarborough Centre Secondary
Plan to the greatest extent possible, while minimizing impacts to proposed transit
(i) The alignment of Progress Avenue between McCowan Road and Borough Drive
shall utilize a minimum radius of 300 m.
(ii) The alignment of Progress Avenue between McCowan Road and Borough Drive
shall allow for interface with the proposed development site plan to the south
through coordination with the private landowners.
(iii) The alignment of Progress Avenue shall be aligned horizontally with the connection
to the mall west of Borough Drive.
(iv) Progress Avenue between McCowan Road and the mall access shall have two
through lanes in each direction.
(d) The Contractor shall provide a new signalized Protected Intersection, per OTM Book 18
(2021 Version) at Borough Drive and Progress Avenue with the following requirements:
(i) two through lanes in each direction for each leg of the intersection; and
(ii) left turn lanes at all four legs of the intersection.
(e) The Contractor shall provide a new stop-controlled intersection in the land west of Borough
Drive with the existing mall road network and the new mall access road connecting from
Borough Drive.
(f) The Contractor shall provide a bi-directional cycle track along the west side of Borough
Drive between Town Centre Court and Progress Avenue.
(g) The Contractor shall provide uni-directional cycle tracks along Progress Avenue between
McCowan Road and Borough Drive.
(h) The Contractor shall decommission the existing McCowan Road southbound off-ramp
connecting to Progress Avenue with the following requirements:
(i) the topography of the ramp area is to be retained to the greatest extent possible to
avoid impacts to existing utility assets;
(ii) the curb line along the west side of McCowan Road to be revised to restrict access to
the land occupied by the off-ramp;
(iii) signage associated with the off-ramp to be removed;

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(iv) requirements for access, including parking, to be coordinated with utility owners
who have assets in the land where the off-ramp exists; and
(v) a permanent gate access to be provided from McCowan Road to the ramp area for
utility access.
(A) A semi-mountable curb shall be provided at the location of the gate.
(i) To stage the Borough Drive works, the Contractor shall implement the Borough Drive
Extension through a temporary alignment of Borough Drive connecting from Town Centre
Court to Progress Avenue with the following requirements:
(i) the temporary alignment of Borough Drive to be implemented early in the
construction phase immediately after the demolition of the Progress Avenue
underpass, as viable;
(ii) the temporary alignment of Borough Drive to tie into the existing intersection of
Progress Avenue and the McCowan Road off-ramp while minimizing impacts to
existing infrastructure; and
(iii) the temporary alignment to require the implementation of temporary traffic signals
to accommodate the relocated Progress Avenue and McCowan Road off-ramp
(j) The Contractor shall reinstate and construct new accesses to the impacted parking lots,
including sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, parking lot gates, signage, temporary lighting, in
coordination with private landowners with the following requirements:
(i) maximize parking capacity to the surrounding private land during temporary and
permanent conditions;
(ii) coordinate with all Stakeholders to minimize impacts to private businesses and
private landowners during implementation of the Borough Drive Extension; and
(iii) maintain entrance and exit access to the private mall property during construction.
(k) The Contractor shall maximize the usage of the McCowan Road off-ramp for as long as
possible during construction to provide access to Progress Avenue from McCowan Road.
(l) The Contractor shall maintain vehicular and pedestrian traffic movement at the existing
Progress Avenue and Borough Drive intersection to the greatest extent possible during
construction in its current location and in its location shifted to the west.
(m) The Contractor shall not impact the existing Borough Drive grade-separated structure at
Triton Road.
(n) The Contractor shall not impact the existing SRT guideway crossing Borough Drive north
of Town Centre Court.
(o) The Contractor shall reconstruct the existing watermain adjacent to the new Borough Drive
and Progress Avenue within the new right-of-way, and all necessary interconnections to
maintain the watermain configuration like that of the existing watermain distribution

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(p) The Contractor shall provide a new storm system along the new Borough Drive and
Progress Avenue within the new right-of-way to handle roadway drainage, connecting to
the existing storm system that shall remain in place with the following requirements:
(i) the existing sanitary and storm infrastructure to remain in place, except for
manhole adjustments to accommodate grade changes of the Borough Drive
Extension and realignment of Progress Avenue; and
(ii) drainage of the parking lot, if disturbed by the proposed roadway work, to be
reinstated, where feasible, or new means of drainage shall be provided for the
parking lot.
(q) The Contractor shall provide streetlighting for the extension of Borough Drive and abutting
roadways, interfacing with the streetlight design for the Scarborough Centre Station work.
(r) The Contractor shall protect THES and Enbridge infrastructure within the Borough Drive
Extension limits and McCowan Road off-ramp.
(s) The Contractor shall relocate telecommunication assets which are impacted by changes in
existing road grade. Telecommunication assets which are not impacted by proposed road
grade changes shall remain in place and shall be protected during construction as required.
(t) The Contractor shall conduct traffic analysis of the Borough Drive Extension that is
comprehensive and includes the Scarborough Centre Station study area, with the following
(i) the traffic analysis to be used to improve the road network, where feasible (e.g.,
finalize storage lane lengths);
(ii) the traffic analysis to be used to test alternate signal operational strategies (e.g.,
leading pedestrian intervals, bike signal phasing, etc.) that the City may choose to
(iii) the traffic analysis to be used to test mitigating measures to reduce the impact to
Highway 401 off-ramps; and
(iv) traffic modelling work will result in a recommended operational solution, including
transit, traffic, pedestrians, and cyclists.
(u) The Contractor shall develop a report to assess the future conditions operations (AM, PM,
Weekend, and off-peak periods) of the Borough Drive Road network.
(v) The Contractor shall conduct the necessary traffic analysis to obtain permits from MTO to
complete the work.] Emergency Exit Building 07

(a) The Contractor shall locate the emergency parking space on the north side of EEB-07.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a hammerhead turnaround facility for the EEB-07 parking space.
(c) The Contractor shall provide access to the EEB-07 parking space from McCowan Road.

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(a) The Contractor shall provide the following lane configurations:
(i) two through lanes for the McCowan Road northbound traffic at the McCowan Road and
Sheppard Avenue East intersection;
(ii) three through lanes for the McCowan Road southbound traffic at the McCowan Road and
Sheppard Avenue East intersection;
(iii) one designated right-turn lane for the McCowan Road northbound traffic at the
McCowan Road and Sheppard Avenue East intersection;
(iv) one designated left-turn lane for the McCowan Road northbound traffic at the McCowan
Road and Sheppard Avenue East intersection;
(v) one designated left-turn lane for the McCowan Road southbound traffic at the McCowan
Road and Sheppard Avenue East intersection;
(vi) two through lanes in each direction on Sheppard Avenue East at the McCowan Road and
Sheppard Avenue East intersection;
(vii) one right-turn lane for the Sheppard Avenue East eastbound traffic at the McCowan Road
and Sheppard Avenue East intersection;
(viii) one designated left-turn lane for the Sheppard Avenue East eastbound traffic at the
McCowan Road and Sheppard Avenue East intersection;
(ix) one designated left-turn lane for the Sheppard Avenue East westbound traffic at the
McCowan Road and Sheppard Avenue East intersection;
(x) westbound transit lane (bus-only) on Sheppard Ave. E., between the Sheppard East Bus
Terminal entrance/exit and McCowan Road:
(A) the westbound transit lane shall be shared with the right turn lane at the
McCowan Road and Sheppard Avenue East intersection; and
(B) the transition from the reserved transit lane to shared transit/right-tune lane shall
be delineated with signage and pavement markings;
(xi) two through lanes for the McCowan Road northbound traffic at the McCowan Road and
Nugget Avenue intersection;
(xii) northbound transit lane (bus-only) on McCowan., between the Sheppard East Bus
Terminal entrance/exit and Nugget Avenue:
(A) the northbound transit lane shall be shared with the right turn lane at the
McCowan Road and Nugget Avenue intersection;
(xiii) the transition from the reserved transit lane to shared transit/right-tune lane shall be
delineated with signage and pavement markings;
(xiv) two through lanes for the McCowan Road southbound traffic at the McCowan Road and
Nugget Avenue intersection;

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(xv) one dedicated transit-only left-turn lane southbound on McCowan Avenue turning into
the new bus terminal:
(A) the southbound transit-only lane shall be developed north of Nugget Avenue
through the McCowan Road and Nugget Avenue intersection;
(xvi) one designated right-turn lane for the McCowan Road northbound traffic at the
McCowan Road and Nugget Avenue intersection;
(xvii) one designated left-turn lane for the McCowan Road northbound traffic at the McCowan
Road and Nugget Avenue intersection;
(xviii) one designated left-turn lane for the McCowan Road southbound traffic at the McCowan
Road and Nugget Avenue intersection;
(xix) one through lane for the west leg and two through lanes for the east leg of the McCowan
Road and Nugget Avenue intersection for eastbound traffic;
(xx) one through lane for the Nugget Avenue westbound traffic at the McCowan Road and
Nugget Avenue intersection;
(xxi) one designated left-turn lane for the Nugget Avenue westbound traffic at the McCowan
Road and Nugget Avenue intersection; and
(xxii) one designated left-turn lane for the Nugget Avenue eastbound traffic at McCowan Road
and Nugget Avenue intersection.
(b) The Contractor shall achieve flood mitigation in the area by replacing and upsizing:
(i) the Milliken Tributary structural culvert under McCowan Road; and
(ii) the Milliken Branch structural culvert under Nugget Avenue.
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate with City of Toronto and TRCA to ensure design and
construction of the culverts are in alignment with City of Toronto and TRCA requirements.
(d) [Note to Dev Co: the following scope of work is under review and discussion with Contracting
Authority and City of Toronto] The Contractor shall provide road resurfacing, localized road
reconstruction as needed, and rehabilitation of sidewalks, boulevard, and curbs, and adjustment of
catchbasin and utility covers at the following locations:
(i) Sheppard Avenue East from the east side of the McCowan Road intersection to the east
side of East Highland Creek bridge (Structure ID: 265); and
(ii) McCowan Road from the south side of the Sheppard Avenue intersection to the south
side of the CPR rail bridge. Emergency Exit Building 08/Emergency Service Building 02

(a) The Contractor shall provide an access driveway connecting EEB-08/ESB-02 to Nugget Avenue.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a turnaround facility for the EEB-08/ESB-02 access road.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a paved surface for the EEB-08/ESB-02 access road.

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(d) The Contractor shall demonstrate through swept path analysis that they have minimized the
access driveway width. Bus Stops

(a) The Contractor shall refer to Section 3.18 - Urban Design and Landscape Architecture for Street
Furniture requirements.
(b) The Contractor shall provide Bus Stops in accordance with Governmental Authority Standards.
(c) The Contractor shall relocate temporary and permanent bus stops in coordination with TTC and
other Transit Agencies as applicable.
(d) The Contractor shall coordinate with the TTC’s Project Development & Planning group to
arrange the supply and installation of Bus Stop poles by TTC.
(e) The Contractor shall submit proposed designs for affected TTC on-street Bus Stops to TTC’s
Project Development & Planning group and to City Transportation Services for review and
approval prior to construction of the stop.
(f) The Contractor shall provide concrete bus pads for Bus Stop laybys.
(g) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto, TTC, and other Transit Agencies to
finalize bus stop locations, need for laybys and other details.
(h) The Contractor shall reinstate all Bus Stops in the crossing streets unless otherwise directed.
(i) All Bus Stops shall have a direct pedestrian path to the Bus Terminal and Subway.
(j) The Contractor shall provide the following on-street Bus Stops for Lawrence Station:
(i) eastbound nearside bus stop zone for two Articulated Buses on Lawrence Avenue near
the Main Entrance, at the McCowan Road and Lawrence Avenue East intersection,
between McCowan Road and Valparaiso Avenue;
(ii) westbound far side bus stop zone for two Articulated Buses on Lawrence Avenue near
the secondary entrance and hospital, at the McCowan Road and Lawrence Avenue East
intersection, between McCowan Road and Valparaiso Avenue;
(iii) southbound far side Bus Stop in a layby for one Articulated Bus at the McCowan Road
and Lawrence Avenue East intersection adjacent to the Main Entrance; and
(iv) northbound far side bus stop in a layby for one Articulated Bus at the McCowan Road
and Lawrence Avenue East intersection, opposite the hospital.
(k) The Contractor shall provide the following on-street Bus Stops for Scarborough Centre Station:
(i) a minimum of one Bus Stop in each direction on McCowan Road on either side of the
intersection with Triton Road extension sized for one Articulated Bus.
(l) The Contractor shall provide the following on-street Bus Stops for Sheppard Station:
(i) westbound far side Bus Stop in a layby for one Articulated Bus at the Sheppard Avenue
East and McCowan Road intersection;

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(ii) eastbound Bus Stop for one Standard Bus for DRT on Sheppard Avenue East, east of the
Sheppard East Station Bus Terminal entrance and exit on Sheppard Avenue East;
(iii) westbound nearside Bus Stop for one Standard Buss for DRT discharge only at the
Sheppard Avenue East and McCowan Road intersection; and
(iv) eastbound Bus Stop for one Standard Bus in a layby for YRT discharge on Sheppard
Avenue East, farside of the McCowan Road intersection. [Note to Dev Co: YRT
requirements are under discussions and subject to change]; and
(v) Northbound nearside Bus Stop for one Articulated Bus on at the McCowan Road near
side of and Nugget Avenue intersection. Temporary Bus Stops

(a) The Contractor shall always maintain public access to all existing Bus Stops. Where this is not
feasible, the Contractor shall provide a temporary Bus Stop.
(b) The Contractor shall provide temporary Bus Stops during all the construction staging as required
by the Works.
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate with and obtain approval for the locations of temporary Bus
Stops with the City of Toronto, TTC and other transit authorities as applicable.
(d) The Contractor shall request Bus Stop relocations at
(e) If a Bus Stop relocation were to cause accessibility issues, the Contractor shall request the Bus
Stop relocation four to six weeks in advance of the proposed date to relocate the stop.
(f) The Contractor shall take existing Bus Stops out of service and restore Bus Stops to service on
dates agreed with TTC, and other Transit Agencies as applicable.
(g) The Contractor shall put temporary Bus Stops into service and take temporary Bus Stops out of
service on dates agreed with TTC, and other Transit Agencies as applicable.
(h) The Contractor shall:
(i) submit temporary Bus Stop designs to TTC, and other Transit Agencies as applicable, for
review; and
(ii) address all comments provided by TTC, and other Transit Agencies as applicable, to the
satisfaction of TTC, and other Transit Agencies as applicable, prior to construction.
(i) The Contractor shall locate temporary Bus Stops as close as possible to the original stop location.
(j) The Contractor shall provide a movable stop pole that accommodates a standard TTC, and other
Transit Agencies' as applicable, stop marker for temporary Bus Stops.
(k) The Contractor shall design and construct temporary Bus Stops that are accessible and barrier-
free to the nearest sidewalk.
(l) The Contractor shall design and construct temporary Bus Stops that have a clear space of 2m
wide by 2.4m deep at the front door boarding area.

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(m) The Contractor shall design and construct temporary Bus Stops that have a waiting space
adequate for the anticipated number of customers in the boarding area.
(n) The Contractor shall provide barriers between the waiting space for customer space and the
construction space at temporary Bus Stops.
(o) The Contractor shall safely delineate temporary Bus Stops using traffic control barriers and
protection of the stop.
(p) The Contractor shall design and construct temporary Bus Stops that are connected to the
pedestrian network through a minimum 2m pedestrian clearway.
(q) The Contractor shall maintain temporary Bus Stops in accordance with the expected weather
(r) The Contractor shall provide a hard landing for temporary Bus Stops.
(s) The Contractor shall provide a level asphalt or concrete surface if the temporary Bus Stop
remains in place for longer than six weeks.
(t) The Contractor shall provide a bus shelter if the temporary Bus Stop remains in place for longer
than six weeks.
(u) The Contractor shall provide a bus shelter during winter months (between November and March
inclusive) regardless of duration.
(v) The Contractor shall design and construct temporary Bus Stops that can accommodate at least one
19m long bus.
(w) The Contractor shall position temporary Bus Stops adjacent to a protected pedestrian crossing.
(x) The Contractor shall design and construct temporary Bus Stops with a landing Platform of 16.0m
(y) The Contractor shall ensure temporary Bus Stops remain operational until Bus Terminals are in
service. Submittals
(a) The Contractor shall prepare and submit a design(s) for temporary and permanent roadways and
parking areas in accordance with all requirements identified in Section 3.22 (Civil Infrastructure)
and Section 4.0 (Construction Requirements).
(b) The Contractor shall include the following details in design submittals:
(i) design brief report and construction narrative, including the following analyses and
(A) traffic analysis;
(B) swept path analysis (permanent & temporary);
(C) sight line analysis (permanent & temporary);
(D) pavement report(s), including the following information, at minimum;
(I) Pavement types at the impacted locations;

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(II) Geotechnical conditions;

(III) Expected traffic loading;
(IV) Pavement design, including design life;
(V) Life-cycle cost analysis;
(VI) Drainage;
(VII) Road fill;
(VIII) Backfill handling and disposal; and
(IX) All other details as required; and
(E) all other analyses and details as required;
(ii) bus terminal access report and bus operating plan including the following:
(A) consideration of multimodal transportation including pedestrians and cyclists;
(B) design of traffic signals to facilitate access to the Bus Terminal;
(C) cross-sectional design of right of way;
(D) traffic modelling to support a recommended solution, including transit traffic and
general traffic;
(E) impacts to local access on driveways and entrances in the impacted roadways;
(F) bus operating plan as per the requirements in Section;
(iii) layout drawings for civil and roadway Works, including:
(A) general arrangement;
(B) impacted areas; and
(C) removals;
(iv) civil site plans illustrating site property lines and lines of required setbacks;
(v) construction staging, including traffic control and traffic decking, drawings; and
(vi) temporary and permanent roadway drawings, including:
(A) horizontal geometry and general layout drawings including lane dimensions,
pavement markings and signage, intersection layouts, shadow lanes and medians;
(B) vertical geometry, highlighting any deviations from the vertical geometry of the
existing roadway;
(C) typical sections for each roadway section showing all the roadway components
and dimensions;
(D) grading and Drainage drawings;
(E) pavement details;

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(F) civil structures such as retaining walls & culverts;

(G) roadway electrical (streetlighting) drawings;
(H) roadway electrical (traffic signals) drawings; and
(I) roadway and restoration associated with the Works showing the following
(I) existing infrastructure;
(II) temporary and permanent bus stops;
(III) roadside safety measures;
(IV) Street Furniture;
(V) utilities;
(VI) light standards;
(VII) utility poles; and
(VIII) all other details as required.

3.22.2 Bus Terminals Overview
(a) This section addresses the design criteria for bus movement and bus driveways at Bus Terminals. Scope
(a) Scope of this section includes:
(i) Lawrence East Station Bus Terminal;
(ii) Scarborough Centre Station Bus Terminal; and
(iii) Sheppard East Station Bus Terminal. Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall perform all Works related to roadway design and construction in accordance
with Section 3.3 (Design Standards) and the following:
(i) the requirements in Section 3.22.2;
(ii) GO Design Requirement Manual; and
(iii) TTC Design Manual. General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall:
(i) design the Bus Terminal such that Agnostic standard-sized Bus Bays can be used
interchangeably by all Transit Agencies operating in the terminal; and

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(ii) confirm the models and dimensions of the standard-sized buses from the applicable
Transit Agencies prior to design.
(b) The Contractor shall design the Bus Bays for Articulated Buses to TTC standards.
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate the number, sizing, and location of Bus Bays, Bus Stops, Layover
Spaces and Terminal bus access points with TTC and other applicable agencies to accommodate
their long-range plans as of Effective Date.
(d) The Contractor shall use swept path analysis software to determine suitability of Bus Terminal
design and confirm that buses can safely navigate and operate within the terminal.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure that swept path analysis includes through movements, entrance &
exit from Bus Bays, and entrance & exit from Bus Layover Spaces.
(f) The Contractor shall demonstrate through swept path analysis that they have minimized the
driveway entrance/exit widths at the Bus Terminal while accommodating all functional
(g) The Contractor shall minimize the number of curb cuts while accommodating all functional
(h) The Contractor shall design driveway entrances with elements that preserve and enhance public
(i) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 200 mm high curb alongside Bus Terminal Driveways
adjacent to landscape buffers to protect from de-icing salt exposure.
(j) The Contractor shall obtain the models/dimensions of the standard and Articulated Buses from
the applicable agencies prior to completing the swept path analysis.
(k) The Contractor shall ensure Bus Terminal design and swept path analysis conforms to the
Applicability Matrix, GO Design Requirements Manual (latest version), and other agency
standards & manuals that are required in the Bus Terminal.
(l) The Contractor shall ensure that the swept path analysis conforms to the following requirements:
(i) minimum design speed of 15km/hr for bus movements circulating within the Bus
(ii) minimum design speed of 5km/hr for all bus movements entering and exiting Bus Bays;
(iii) buses shall have enough maneuvering room to align themselves parallel to the platform
curbs and depart independently of parked buses;
(iv) minimum outside (wall-to-wall) turning radii for all bus movements entering & exiting
Bus Bays, and circulating within the terminal shall be as prescribed in the agency
requirements and vehicle specifications;
(v) bus swept paths must be smooth and without instantaneous steering movements, meaning
no 0m radius turn except for the first turn away from a parking spot;
(vi) ensure buses park parallel to the Platform edge when entering Bus Bays;
(A) the maximum horizontal gap shall be 0.3m from the Platform edge; and

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(B) the maximum horizontal gap shall be 0.15m from the Platform edge at the front
(vii) ensure GO Design vehicles meet horizontal platform gap requirements per DS-02;
(viii) maintain a 0.5m clearance envelope to all Bus Terminal design vehicles for swept path
analysis, from other parked vehicles and fixed objects;
(ix) 1.0m length extension to GO design vehicles to account for a fully-deployed bicycle rack
in the swept path analysis; and
(x) maximum initial wheel turn angle for first turn away from a parking spot as per minimum
turning radii requirements (targeting an initial wheel angle of 30º).
(m) The Contractor shall ensure that the Bus Terminal layout is field tested for compliance and
functionality of bus movements clearance through the means of a bus test, where curbs and other
features are demarcated using traffic cones and or paint lines, with dimensions identical to the
proposed Bus Facilities utilizing all bus model types as applicable to each bus facility.
(n) The Contractor shall provide the Bus Facilities as per the following general requirements:
(i) at-grade pedestrian crossings within the Bus Facilities are not permitted except with
written approval from TTC. The Contractor shall develop a design that precludes such
(ii) bus circulation around Passenger Platforms is not permitted to occur within general
vehicular travel lanes of the adjacent streets and shall not interfere with pedestrian or
cyclist traffic;
(iii) all driveways shall be designed in accordance with the applicable Transit Agency design
(iv) all driveways shall be clear of any potential conflicts, including bus layovers;
(v) where bus Platforms are separated by a bus driveway, the Contractor shall provide a
barrier to prevent Passengers from crossing the bus driveway;
(vi) the Contractor shall design and build pavement structures for Bus Facilities such as
driveways, bays, layover spaces, lanes, ramps, pads, and paved storage areas per the
recommendations of the geotechnical engineer, and the following:
(A) the pavement structure shall be rigid or concrete composite; and
(B) open graded drainage layer (ODGL) shall be considered;
(vii) The Contractor shall design and construct bus driveway and terminal infrastructure to
support the expected bus traffic volumes on the effective date;
(viii) the Contractor shall engage all impacted Transit Agencies to base their design on the
Transit Agencies’ System service plans at each Station; and
(ix) the Contractor shall obtain an agreement and acceptance from all applicable Stakeholders
(impacted Transit Agencies and Contracting Authority) on the final terminal layout for
each Bus Terminal.

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(o) The Contractor shall designate at least one Bus Bay for TTC Wheel-Trans vehicles within each
Bus Terminal:
(i) the Contractor to ensure the Wheel Trans bus bay includes a curb ramp aligned with the
rear vehicle door/ramp;
(ii) this Bus Bay may be shared; and
(iii) additional wheel-trans ramps and curb-cuts at other bus bays to be designed within the
terminal, in coordination with TTC.
(p) The Contractor shall group all bus routes based on routes travelling along common corridors in
the same direction for SCS and SHP Bus Terminals.
(q) The Contractor shall group all bus routes based on Transit Agency for SCS and SHP Bus
(r) The Contractor shall propose a solution at all stations that addresses safe operation of shuttle
buses in case of full subway closure.
(s) The Contractor shall provide space for Emergency Shuttle Bus Service, using Articulated Buses,
at all Stations in coordination with TTC:
(i) Emergency Shuttle Bus Service may stop within the Terminal or on-street:
(A) if stopping in the Terminal, the service shall use a TTC designated articulated
Bus Bay.
(t) The Contractor shall refer to Section 3.21.9 for requirements related to bus charging stations.
(u) The Contractor shall provide the following where bus charging stations are provided:
(i) a concrete pad to support the bus charging station;
(A) concrete pad surface shall be at minimum 150 mm above adjacent surfaces;
(B) concrete pad dimensions shall be at a minimum 4m by 2m;
(C) concrete pad shall have a minimum thickness of 150 mm;
(ii) bus charging station shall be located adjacent to a Bus Layover Space;
(iii) bus charging station shall not impede bus movements; and
(iv) bus charging station shall not impede passenger movements. Lawrence East Station Bus Terminal

(a) The Contractor shall provide the Bus Terminal on the south side of the Main Entrance building.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a one-way Bus Terminal Driveway oriented in a westbound
direction, with bus access/egress points located on McCowan Road and on Valparaiso Avenue.
(c) The Contractor shall provide off-street sawtooth Bus Bays along the Bus Terminal Driveway, and
Bus Stops along adjacent roadways (on-street) to accommodate planned bus services:
(i) Off-street, within the fareline Bus Bays shall be located on the north side of the Bus
Terminal Roadway, adjacent to the Main Entrance; and

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(ii) at least three Bus Bays shall be provided,

(A) at least one Bus Bay sized to accommodate an Articulated Buss, with the
remainder sized for Standard Buses.
(d) The Contractor shall provide at minimum one Layover Space sized for an Articulated Bus on the
southern side of the Bus Terminal Roadway. Scarborough Centre Station Bus Terminal

(a) The Contractor shall locate the Bus Terminal within the block bounded by McCowan Road,
Progress Avenue, Grangeway Avenue and Bushby Drive.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a Bus Terminal comprised of at least 22 off-street sawtooth Bus
(i) the Contractor to:
(A) provide at least 15 off-street Bus Bays for TTC; and
(B) at least seven of these bays to be sized to accommodate Articulated Buses, with
the remainder sized for Standard Buses;
(ii) the Contractor to provide at least six Bus Bays for GO:
(A) Intercity carriers shall sublet the designated GO Bus Bays as determined by GO.
(iii) the Contractor to provide at least one Bus Bay for DRT sized for an Articulated Bus: and
(iv) the Contractor to provide Agnostic sawtooth Bus Bays that can be used interchangeably
by standard TTC sized buses and GO sized buses as per Article
(c) The Contractor shall provide bus driveways with a minimum of 8.8m of clear width, or greater
driveway width as demonstrated by swept path analysis, measured from the apex of the sawtooth
Bus Bay curb to opposite side of the driveway.
(d) The Contractor shall provide at least 14 Bus Layover Spaces:
(i) the Contractor shall provide at least four of these layover spaces sized to accommodate
Articulated Buses;
(ii) if multiple Bus Terminal Platforms are provided, the Contractor shall allocate the Bus
Layover Spaces between Platform drives in proportion to the number of Bus Bays
provided for terminating bus routes by Transit Agency on each drive;
(iii) of the total 14 Bus Layover Spaces, four shall be allocated to GO and DRT at SCS. Two
Spaces for GO service, and two for DRT service;
(iv) at least 10 Layover Spaces shall be allocated to TTC, with two spaces sized for
Articulated Buses; and
(v) if a single Bus Terminal Platform is provided, the Contractor shall allocate the Bus
Layover Spaces along the outer edge of the bus driveway in proportion to the terminating
bus routes along each side.
(e) The Contractor shall locate the Bus Terminal adjacent to the Main Entrance.

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(f) The Contractor shall provide on each platform the required Passenger amenities, Bus Layover
Spaces, and Bus Operator/staff support spaces if a multi-Platform Bus Terminal is constructed.
(g) The Contractor shall design bus entrances and exits as noted in Section
(i) in addition to the signalized intersections, the Contractor shall design bus entrance-only
driveways on:
(A) Bushby Drive westbound right; and
(B) Progress Avenue eastbound right and westbound left;
(ii) in addition to the Bushby entrance, the Contractor shall provide for future ingress
movement on Grangeway that provides the same functionality as the access described in
(g.i.A) and be:
(A) a signalized intersection; or
(B) allows for a northbound left turn for buses that does not cross general traffic
(h) The Contractor shall design a bus entrance and exit on McCowan Road at Triton Road that allows
for full turning movements.
(i) The Contractor shall design a bus entrance and exit off Grangeway Avenue between Bushby
Drive and Progress Avenue that allows for full turning movements. Sheppard East Station Bus Terminal

(a) The Contractor shall locate the Bus Terminal adjacent to and on the east side of the Main
(b) The Contractor shall allow for circulation of Buses within the Bus Terminal.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a Bus Terminal comprised of at least 19 sawtooth Bus Bays:
(i) at least 16 off-street Bus Bays for TTC:
(A) at least 10 of these bays shall be sized to accommodate Articulated Buses, with
the remainder sized for Standard Buses.
(ii) at least one standard Bus Bay designated for DRT service; and
(iii) at least two standard Bus Bays designated for YRT service.
(d) The Contractor shall provide at least 13 Bus Layover Spaces:
(i) at least eight of these spaces shall be sized to accommodate Articulated Buses.
(ii) if multiple Bus Terminal Platforms are provided, the Contractor shall allocate the Bus
Layover Spaces between Platform drives in proportion to the number of Bus Bays
provided for terminating bus routes on each drive.
(iii) if a single Bus Terminal Platform is provided, the Contractor shall allocate the Bus
Layover Spaces along the outer edge of the Bus Driveway in proportion to the
terminating bus routes along each side.

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(iv) of the total 13 Bus Layover Spaces, one shall be allocated to DRT, one shall be allocated
to YRC, with the reminder allocated to TTC.
(e) The Contractor shall provide bus driveways with a minimum of 7.3m of clear width, or greater
driveway width as demonstrated by swept path analysis, measured from the apex of the sawtooth
Bus Bay curb to opposite side of the driveway.
(f) The Contractor shall design a bus entrance and exit off Sheppard Avenue East.
(g) The Contractor shall design a bus entrance and exit off McCowan Road.
(h) The Contractor shall signalize entrance/exit points from the Bus Terminal to the roadway with the
following exceptions:
(i) right turn only entrances and exits; and
(ii) southbound left turn into the McCowan Road entrance. Submittals
(a) The Contractor shall prepare and submit a design(s) for Bus Terminal driveways in accordance
with all requirements identified in Section 3.22 (Civil Infrastructure) and Section 4.0
(Construction Requirements).
(b) The Contractor shall include the following details in the design submittal:
(i) design brief report and construction narrative, including the following analyses and
(A) swept path analysis;
(B) sight line analysis;
(C) pavement report, including the following information, at minimum:
(I) Geotechnical conditions;
(II) Expected bus volumes;
(III) Pavement design, including design life;
(IV) Life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA), including impact of maintenance and
rehabilitation to bus operations;
(V) Drainage;
(VI) Road fill;
(VII) Backfill handling and disposal; and
(VIII) all other analyses and details as required;
(ii) layout drawings, including:
(A) general arrangement;
(iii) civil site plans illustrating site property lines and lines of required setbacks;
(iv) construction staging drawings;

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(v) driveway drawings, including:

(A) horizontal geometry and general layout drawings including lane dimensions,
pavement markings and signage;
(B) vertical geometry;
(C) typical sections for each driveway section showing all the roadway components
and dimensions;
(D) grading and Drainage drawings;
(E) pavement details;
(F) roadside safety measures; and
(G) all other details as required; and
(vi) bus operating plan for all Transit Agencies operating at all Bus Terminals including:
(A) bus route patterns in, out, and withing terminal;
(B) Bus Bay arrangement and terminal layout;
(C) Bus Bay assignments; and
(D) layover locations.

3.22.3 Traffic and Transit Signaling Overview
(a) This section addresses the portion of the Works relating to traffic signaling. Scope
(a) This section establishes the requirements applicable to the traffic signaling design and
construction including temporary and permanent signals. Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall perform all Works related to traffic signal design and construction in
accordance with the criteria in Section 3.22.3, Section 3.3 (Design Standards), and the following:
(i) for provincial highways under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Ministry of Transportation
(A) Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada (MUTCDC);
(B) Ontario Traffic Manuals (OTM);
(C) Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications and Drawings (OPSS and OPSD);
(D) MTO Standard Drawings (MTOD);
(E) MTO Standard Special Provisions (SSP);
(F) MTO Design Bulletins and Directives;

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(G) MTO Capacity Analysis Manual; and

(H) MTO Traffic Signal Operating and Timing Policy #2010-01; and
(ii) for Municipal roadways under the jurisdiction of the City of Toronto:
(A) Ontario Traffic Manual (OTM);
(B) Ontario Provincial standards and Specifications (OPSS and OPSD);
(C) City of Toronto Active Advance Warning Flashers;
(D) City of Toronto Metrolinx/Third Party Traffic Signal Handover Terms and
(E) City of Toronto Design and Construction Specifications, including CADD
Specification Manual for Linear Projects;
(F) City of Toronto Construction Specifications and Drawings for Traffic Control
(G) City of Toronto Curb Radii Guidelines;
(H) City of Toronto Closely Spaced Signals Policy;
(I) City of Toronto Accessibility Design Guidelines;
(J) City of Toronto current version of Standard Tender Documents and
(K) City of Toronto guidelines for using Synchro 11 (including SimTraffic);
(L) City of Toronto Construction Specifications and Drawings for Traffic Control
(M) City of Toronto Pedestrian Timing at Signalized Intersections;
(N) City of Toronto Traffic Signal Operations Policies and Guidelines;
(O) City of Toronto Electrical Contractor Prequalification Requirements;
(P) National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Standards, including
(Q) Ontario Electrical Safety Code;
(R) City of Toronto Guidelines for Preparation of Transportation Impact Studies; and
(S) City of Toronto Third Party Signal Process. General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall:
(i) conduct temporary and permanent traffic signal design and construction per the
requirements of Section 3.22.3 (Traffic and Transit Signaling) and Section 4.1
(Construction Requirements), Section 4.8 (Temporary Traffic and Transit Management),
and in accordance with City of Toronto and MTO standards; and

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(ii) obtain all necessary approvals for the design and construction of the signals.
(b) The Contractor shall undertake all design and construction of temporary and permanent traffic
signals in accordance with the City of Toronto Transportation Services requirements specified in
the Metrolinx/Third Party Traffic Signal Handover Terms and Conditions, notwithstanding
additional requirements highlighted in Section 3.22.3 (Traffic and Transit Signaling) herein.
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto for all traffic signals on Municipal
roadways, and MTO for all traffic signals at highway ramp terminals.
(d) The Contractor shall retain an experienced traffic signal designer and contractor approved by the
City of Toronto, MTO, and Contracting Authority to execute the Works.
(e) The Contractor shall carry out an inventory and condition assessment report, to submit to
Contracting Authority and the City of Toronto, on existing traffic signal and electronic devices
that may be impacted by the Works in accordance with the Metrolinx/Third Party Traffic Signal
Handover Terms and Conditions.
(f) The Contractor shall identify to the City of Toronto the existing equipment which is in good
working order and clear of defect to seek City concurrence as to what can be reused or salvaged
during the construction of temporary or permanent signals.
(g) The Contractor shall safely and securely store any traffic signal equipment that is removed during
the Works, and that will be reinstated by the Contractor at the modified intersection for temporary
or permanent signals, at a location approved by the City of Toronto.
(h) The Contractor shall Equip all intersections impacted by the Works with Accessible Pedestrian
Signal (APS) and maintain all existing APS during the Works.
(i) The Contractor shall propose Transit Signal Priority (TSP) in the design of temporary
(where existing) and permanent traffic control signals impacted by the Works in
proximity to bus terminals for review and approval by the CA, TTC and City of Toronto
within the traffic and transit signaling design and analysis submittals.
(i) The Contractor shall maintain all existing emergency vehicle pre-emption at applicable
intersections during the Works.
(j) The Contractor shall provide Closed-circuit Television (CCTV) coverage of temporary and
permanent traffic signals impacted by the Works in conformance with Municipal and MTO
specifications and integrate the CCTV images within the applicable Municipal and MTO
communications networks, plans for placement of CCTV cameras and for CCTV coverage must
be included in the Traffic Control Plans submitted to the respective road authority as part of the
permit applications for Construction Activities.
(k) The Contractor shall liaise with any road authority which operates a Red-Light Camera
installation impacted by the Works and shall make arrangements with the respective road
authority for the removal of the Red-Light Camera infrastructure at the Contractor’s expense. Design and Construction Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall maintain and operate temporary traffic and pedestrian signals at the
intersection during the Works up to the commissioning, conducted per the requirements

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of Schedule 14 – Testing and Commissioning and the City of Toronto Metrolinx/Third Party
Traffic Signal Handover Terms and Conditions.
(b) The Contractor shall develop PHM-125 standard drawings for signal design at MTO intersections
impacted by the Works per MTO standards, and standard signal designs for City of Toronto
signals, for review and approval per the requirements of Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.
(c) During Construction Activities, the Contractor shall:
(i) provide temporary changes to signal timing and phasing on traffic signal controllers
per Sections 4.8 and 3.22.3 herein;
(ii) maintain temporary traffic signal system hardware and software;
(iii) provide traffic signal controllers where required;
(iv) design and construct traffic signal system hardware; and
(v) design and commission traffic signal software.
(d) The Contractor shall replace any traffic or pedestrian signal infrastructure that is damaged during
construction because of the Works.
(e) The Contractor shall contact the City of Toronto at least 22 Business Days in advance to arrange
for a mutually acceptable date and time to have the City of Toronto contractor available in
advance of the relocation and connections of the traffic signal.
(f) The Contractor shall provide at least 15 Business Days notification when planning a modification
of an approach to a signalized intersection beyond an applicable standard of OTM Book 7.
(g) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of five Business Days advance notice prior to
commencing work related to:
(i) traffic signals such as installation of the signal controller, poles, double span and anchors,
vehicle and pedestrian signal heads, and overhead non-intrusive vehicle detectors as per
current City of Toronto standards, along with any required civil works including conduit,
foundations, manholes/hand holes etc.; and
(ii) traffic signal activations and deactivation, which is the coordination of presence of City
of Toronto or MTO during signal activation and deactivation. Submittals
(a) The Contractor shall prepare and submit designs and analysis for temporary and permanent traffic
and transit signaling in accordance with all requirements identified in Section 3.22 (Civil
Infrastructure), Section 4.8 (Temporary Traffic and Transit Management), and Section 4.0
(Construction Requirements), for review and approval per the requirements of Schedule 10 -
Review Procedure.
(b) The Contractor shall prepare and submit a Traffic and Transit Management Plan (TTMP) in
accordance with all requirements identified in Section 3.22 (Civil Infrastructure), Section 4.8
(Temporary Traffic and Transit Management), and Section 4.0 (Construction Requirements), for
review and approval per the requirements of Schedule 10 - Review Procedure, including the

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(i) all associated TTMP subplans; and

(ii) complete traffic control plans including draft traffic signal design drawings and

3.22.4 Civil Structures Overview
(a) This section addresses the requirements for Civil Structures adjacent to the Project Zone of
Influence. Scope
(a) This section includes criteria and specifications for the reinstatement and new design and
construction for bridges, structural culverts and retaining walls as part of Works related to Section
3.22.1 (Roadways), including the following structures:
(i) Lawrence East Station (LES):
(A) Retaining Wall and associated barrier at Scarborough Health Network - General
Hospital Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) parking lot;
(ii) Sheppard East Station (SHP):
(A) [Note to Dev Co: the following scope of work is under review and discussion
with Contracting Authority and City of Toronto] Milliken Tributary structural
culvert under McCowan Road (City of Toronto structure No. 346); and
(B) Milliken Branch structural culvert under Nugget Avenue (City of Toronto
structure No. 849); and
(iii) any other new civil structures as required by the Works.
(b) Refer to Section 4.3.1 (Demolition, Removals and Disposals) for additional requirements
pertaining to the demolition of existing civil structures as part of the Works related to Section
3.22.1 (Roadways), including the following structures:
(i) Lawrence East Station (LES):
(A) Retaining Wall at Scarborough Health Network - General Hospital;
(ii) Scarborough Centre Station (SCS):
(A) Progress Avenue underpass (City of Toronto structure No. 312);
(B) Progress Avenue pedestrian underpass (City of Toronto structure No. 323);
(C) SRT McCowan Station pedestrian bridge (TTC structure No. SRT 159+61W-
BP); and
(D) Bushby Drive right turn channel associated retaining walls;
(iii) Sheppard Avenue East Station;

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(A) Milliken Tributary structural culvert under McCowan Road (City of Toronto
structure No. 346); and
(B) Milliken Branch structural culvert under Nugget Avenue (City of Toronto structure No.
849); and
(iv) any other new Civil Structures as required by the Works.
(c) Refer to Section 3.19 (Geotechnical and Foundation) for additional requirements.
(d) Refer to Section 3.19.13 (Protection of Existing Adjacent Structures) for additional requirements
pertaining to the protection of existing bridges, structural culverts, retaining walls and any other
existing Civil Structures. Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall perform all Works related to Civil Structure design and construction in
accordance with Section 3.22.4, Section 3.3 (Design Standards), and the following:
(i) CSA S6 Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC);
(ii) Ontario Building Code;
(iii) National Building Code;
(iv) Municipal Standards;
(v) TTC Design Manual;
(vi) Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications (OPSS);
(vii) Ontario Provincial Standard Drawings (OPSD);
(viii) CSA A23.1 Concrete Materials and Method of Concrete Construction;
(ix) CSA A23.2 Test Methods and Standard Practices for Concrete;
(x) CSA A23.3 Design of Concrete Structures;
(xi) CSA A23.4 Pre-Cast Concrete;
(xii) CSA G40.20/G40.21 General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural Quality
Steel/Structural Quality Steel;
(xiii) CSA S16.1 Limit States Design of Steel Structures;
(xiv) MTO Designated Source of Materials (DSM);
(xv) MTO, Ontario Structure Inspection Manual (OSIM);
(xvi) MTO Structural Manual;
(xvii) MTO Standards and Manuals; and
(xviii) MTO guidelines, memoranda, and publications.
(b) Where a conflict exists between CSA S6 and another code or standard, the Contractor shall
follow CSA S6.

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(a) The Contractor shall design new Civil Structures to ensure that any new Civil Structures in whole
can be used to support all applicable loads for temporary staging and permanent conditions.
(b) The Contractor shall complete the designs in accordance with the requirements of this section and
submit them in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.
(c) The Contractor shall be responsible for the complete planning, design, construction, testing, and
commissioning of all new Civil Structures. Existing Civil Structures
(a) The Contractor shall perform such structural investigations, condition surveys as per OSIM,
evaluations, and modifications/rehabilitations as may be required to ensure that any existing Civil
Structure can be used to support all applicable loads, where existing Civil Structures are to be
(b) The Contractor shall include on the structural drawings reference to the condition survey
information on which the structural design is based on, and the existing conditions assumed for
the structural design. Durability Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct all Civil Structures in accordance with the Design Life
criteria indicated in Section 3.2.2 (Design Components and Design Life) and per applicable code.
(b) The Contractor shall base time-dependent design calculations, including corrosion, creep, and
fatigue on indicated Design Life.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that the design and the Design Life calculations of the modified
existing Civil Structures consider the condition of the existing Civil Structures’ current state,
supported by structural evaluations, at the time of the modification design of the Project. Material
(a) The Contractor shall provide materials in compliance with the requirements of the Governmental
(b) The Contractor shall ensure all materials used for the modification, repair, and rehabilitation of
existing structures are compatible with the existing in-situ material, including waterproofing and
the coating systems for existing steel structures, and comply with the requirements of the
Governmental Authorities.
(c) The Contractor shall not use epoxy coated reinforcement.
(d) The Contractor shall use stainless steel or GFRP in high exposure areas and splash zones.
(e) The Contractor shall use reinforced concrete for the Milliken Tributary structural culvert under
McCowan Road (City of Toronto structure No. 346).
(f) The Contractor shall use reinforced concrete for the Milliken Branch structural culvert under
Nugget Avenue (City of Toronto structure No. 849).

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(a) The Contractor shall design all Civil Structures following the method of Limit States Design.
(b) The Contractor shall conform to the corresponding code and standard identified in Section (Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents) for the design of Civil Structures.
(c) The Contractor shall use load factors and load combinations in accordance with CSA S6 or as
required by the Governmental Authorities.
(d) The Contractor shall account for staging loads at all stages during construction.
(e) The Contractor shall determine dead loads, earth pressure, hydrostatic pressure, and buoyancy in
accordance with CSA S6 or as required by the Governmental Authorities.
(f) The Contractor shall comply with the following vehicle load requirements:
(i) The design vehicle live load, the axle spacing, axle loading shall be as indicated in CSA
S6; and
(ii) Maintenance and/or emergency vehicle loading shall be established and provided by the
Contractor in accordance with CSA S6 or as required by the Governmental Authorities. Retaining Walls

(a) The Contractor shall coordinate with and seek approval from the City of Toronto in selecting the
type and aesthetic treatment for public facing retaining walls.
(b) The Contractor shall provide graffiti protection for retaining walls.
(c) The Contractor shall account for the effects of loads from existing facilities adjacent to and/or
supported behind permanent or temporary Retaining Walls.
(d) The Contractor shall provide retaining walls that meet the design, performance, and operational
impact requirements of the Facilities they affect.
(e) The Contractor shall account for the effects of buoyancy during and after construction or provide
mitigation measures to reduce or eliminate buoyant forces.
(f) The Contractor shall account for hydrostatic forces due to water within the soil mass.
(g) The Contractor shall provide Drainage to Retaining Walls that shall channel all water off, and
away from, these structures and into the overall Stormwater Management System in a controlled
manner without creating erosion, flooding, and icing of roadways, walkways, or neighbouring
properties. Submittals
(a) The Contractor shall prepare and submit designs for civil structures in accordance with all
requirements identified in Section 3.22 (Civil Infrastructure) and Section 4.0 (Construction
(b) The Contractor shall include the following details in the design submittal:
(i) decommissioning, demolition, and removal plan, including reports and drawings showing
the following details:

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(A) construction/demolition methodology;

(B) disposals;
(C) management of designated substances;
(D) traffic and construction staging drawings;
(E) removal drawings; and
(F) all other details as required;
(ii) design reports, including the following details:
(A) a clear indication of Design Life;
(B) design parameters (loads and load combinations);
(C) structural durability report;
(D) construction methodology including excavation and shoring report(s);
(E) Drainage and leakage mitigation measures; and
(F) all other details as required; and
(iii) design drawings, including the following details:
(A) general arrangement drawings;
(B) traffic and construction staging drawings;
(C) removal drawings;
(D) structural steel drawings;
(E) concrete drawings;
(F) reinforcing steel drawings;
(G) discipline / structures Interface drawings;
(H) waterproofing;
(I) Drainage drawings;
(J) sediment and erosion control drawings;
(K) temporary flow management drawings; and
(L) all other details as required.

3.22.5 Drainage and Stormwater Management Overview
(a) This section addresses the Drainage and Stormwater Management at the Station and ancillary

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(a) This section establishes the requirements, including criteria and specifications, applicable to
Drainage and Stormwater Management design for all areas impacted by the works, including
Drainage for the roads. Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall perform all Works related to Drainage and Stormwater Management in
accordance with Section 3.3 (Design Standards) and the following:
(i) City of Toronto:
(A) Wet Weather Flow Management Guidelines (WWFMG);
(B) Design Criteria for Sewers and Watermains;
(C) Toronto Green Standards;
(D) Requirements for Surface Light Rail Transit (Toronto Water);
(E) City of Toronto InfoWorks Basement Flooding Model Studies Guidelines;
(F) Fact Sheet: Basement Flooding General Information;
(G) Wet Weather Flow Management Policy;
(H) Wet Weather Flow Management Master Plan;
(I) Draft Storm Water Management Options for Roadway Reconstruction Projects;
(J) City of Toronto Commissioning and Acceptance Protocol;
(K) List of Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)/Stormwater Control Alternatives
(Blue Book);
(L) Sewer By-law (Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 681);
(M) Toronto Water's Wellness Report;
(N) Stormwater Pump Station and Underground Tank Design Guideline;
(O) Construction Specification & Drawing for Sewers and Watermains;
(P) The Living City Policy; and
(Q) Sewer Capacity Assessment Guidelines;
(ii) Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA):
(A) Stormwater Management Criteria;
(B) Planning and Development Procedural Manual;
(C) Crossing Guideline for Valley and Stream Corridors;
(D) Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Planning and Design
(published jointly with Credit Valley Conservation);

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(E) Erosion and Sediment Control Guide for Urban Construction; and
(F) The Living City Policies;
(iii) Metrolinx:
(A) DS-05, Sustainable Design Standards;
(iv) Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP):
(A) Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual;
(B) Design Guidelines for Sewage Works;
(C) Guideline B-6 -Guidelines for Evaluating Construction Activities Impacting on
Water Resources; and
(D) Permit to Take Water Manual;
(v) Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) Technical Guide - River and Stream
System: Flooding Hazard Limit; and
(vi) Ontario Ministry of Transportation:
(A) Drainage Management Manual;
(B) Drainage Design Standards; and
(C) Environmental Guide for Erosion and Sediment Control during Construction of
Highway Projects.
(b) The Contractor shall use the most stringent criteria if there is a conflict between any of these
standards listed in Section General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall provide a Drainage and Stormwater Management System that keeps the
Contractor System Infrastructure safe from any flooding for all storms up to and including the
100-Year Storm and the Regional Storm.
(b) The Contractor System Infrastructure shall be able to resume Revenue Service once the
floodwaters recede from the adjacent Municipal Right-of-Way (ROW) for all storms up to and
including the 100-Year Storm and the Regional Storm in at-grade sections of the SSE where risk
of flooding exists due to inherent limitations of the receiving Municipal Drainage infrastructure.
(c) The Contractor shall:
(i) assess the existing capacity of sewer System and perform a comprehensive sewer
capacity analysis; and
(ii) obtain the required approval from the City of Toronto related to the implementation of
the works.
(d) The Contractor shall require Municipal approval and conform to the requirements of the City of
Toronto for all additions or modifications to existing sewers and related appurtenances.

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(e) The Contractor shall ensure services to adjoining properties are supported in place and
maintained in operation during additions to or modifications of the existing sewers.
(f) The Contractor shall have regard to Ontario Regulation 166/06 (Regulation of Development,
Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses) for Works within
TRCA Regulated Areas without limiting any other obligations of the Contractor and obtain
TRCA signoff through the VPR process, in accordance with SLA timelines.
(g) The Contractor shall not be permitted for any sanitary sewer discharge to enter the Drainage and
Stormwater Management Systems that support the Contractor System Infrastructure.
(h) The Contractor shall construct the Works so that existing Drainage patterns, facilities and
overland flow paths are not negatively impacted and do not create ponding or overflow impacts. Drainage Criteria

(a) The Contractor shall:
(i) consider the Drainage Criteria provided herein are a minimum standard;
(ii) apply only to the design of Drainage facilities under the jurisdiction of Contracting
(iii) conform to the design criteria and standards of the City of Toronto or Governmental
Authorities for the design of Drainage facilities belonging to the City of Toronto or
Governmental Authorities that are to be relocated or modified to accommodate the
Contractor System Infrastructure; and
(iv) ensure required relocation of existing Drainage facilities be "replacement-in-kind" “or
"equal construct” or, unless otherwise instructed.
(b) The Contractor shall follow the following considerations in applying the WWFMG to the project
as endorsed by Toronto Water and:
(i) follow the City of Toronto’s Basement Flooding Guidelines and Requirements for
sensitive areas such as Basement Flooding Areas, in detailed design alternatives and
alternations to City’s infrastructure or discharge to sewers must be consulted and
approved by Toronto Water on a case-by-case basis. Such areas are not limited to
combined sewer areas but encompass separated areas where storm and sanitary sewers
have restrictive capacities. Calculations and/or modeling to demonstrate compliance with
WWFM Guidelines in the Drainage System receiving site runoff shall be submitted and
approved by the City of Toronto;
(ii) perform the sewer capacity analysis by coordinating with the City of Toronto on the use
of a hydrodynamic model such as InfoWorks CS (model) as follows:
(A) requesting the latest model from the City of Toronto for the subject area to
complete the design for all storm and sanitary Systems as applicable;
(B) using the model for any Alteration or discharge to the City of Toronto’s sewer
network to demonstrate compliance with WWFM Guidelines, Sewer Capacity
Assessment Guideline and design criteria for alteration or discharge to the City of

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Toronto’s sewer and shall submit their model to the City of Toronto for their
(C) taking full responsibility for accuracy and reliability of the City of Toronto's
(D) creating their own model if City of Toronto does not have a model and take full
responsibility of the model accuracy as well as modeling, and analysis of the 2-
100 year and extreme events as per the relevant requirements; and
(E) applying the WWFM Guidelines to all parcels such as those used for the
development of Stations; and for these sites, determining the appropriate
classification and comply with the design criteria specified by the WWFM
Guidelines; and
(iii) the Contractor shall:
(A) provide a single site project-wide mitigation strategy in lieu of multiple at source
mitigation strategies to comply with the requirements of the WWFM Guidelines.
Project-wide mitigation measures, however, are not applicable to local increases
in runoff volumes or rates associated with the Works; and
(B) mitigate the potential impacts in such cases locally.
(c) The Contractor shall not increase flow rates to existing combined sewers or separated sewers in
sensitive areas identified by the City of Toronto. Any increases in flow rates or volumes to the
existing storm, combined or sanitary sewers must be approved by the City of Toronto.
(d) The Contractor shall consider the allowable release rate not to exceed the pre-development 2-year
runoff rate or the existing capacity of the receiving storm sewer, whichever is less, where the
minor System for the project is proposed to discharge to an existing Municipal storm sewer.
(e) The Contractor shall consider the flows more than the design capacity of the minor System to be
conveyed via the streets, open channels, and walkways to a City of Toronto-approved public
outlet, in accordance with the City of Toronto’s “Design Criteria for Sewers and Watermains”
flow spread and velocity-depth criteria, without flooding adjacent properties, limiting emergency
vehicle access, or endangering or inconveniencing users of the roadway.
(i) For site specific Drainage or any other Alteration or discharge to City of Toronto's sewer,
runoff should be controlled to 2-year pre-development or the existing sewer capacity,
whichever is less.
(f) The Contractor shall design the minor System and an overland flow System together to safely
convey 100-Year Storm or larger in accordance with the City of Toronto’s “Design Criteria for
Sewers and Watermains”.
(g) The Contractor shall mitigate any increases in runoff rates and volumes due to the Works to
match available downstream capacity in accordance with Applicable Law and City requirements.
(h) The Contractor shall demonstrate to the City of Toronto through hydrologic/hydraulic modeling
that the works will not adversely impact flow rates or the hydraulic grade lines of receiving storm

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(i) The Contractor shall consider all Drainage for Tunnels and other areas without a local gravity
outlet to be collected and discharged to a sewer approved by the City of Toronto in accordance
with Applicable Law and City of Toronto requirements.
(j) The Contractor shall keep Tunnel portals, Tunnels and Stations free from flooding due to all
storms up to and including the 100-Year Storm and the Regional Storm in the below-grade
sections of the SSE.
(k) The Contractor shall not consider Article to direct any additional site drainage to the
overland path. Stormwater Management Criteria

(a) The Contractor shall provide the Stormwater Management Plan for the Project in accordance with
the City of Toronto’s “Wet Weather Flow Management Guidelines” and variations noted in
Section; MECP’s “Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual”; TRCA’s
“Stormwater Management Criteria”, Metrolinx “DS-05, Sustainable Design Standard” and
"Toronto Green Standards”.
(b) The Contractor shall prepare comprehensive Stormwater Management Plans (SWM Plans) in
accordance with the City of Toronto and Governmental Authority requirements for all Drainage
and Stormwater Management aspects of the Works to address at a minimum:
(i) water balance, quantity and quality control requirements imposed by local, provincial,
and federal government regulations along with the project environmental impacts and
(ii) Municipal Drainage plans identifying any localized flooding and maintenance problems
associated with Drainage;
(iii) existing ditches, watercourses, culvert crossings, and storm sewers that will be affected or
are relevant to the Project;
(iv) potential impacts of the Project on the existing Drainage System and on any
environmentally sensitive areas, in consultation with the Governmental Authority; and
(v) existing Drainage patterns and how the proposed Drainage System design will impact the
existing Drainage System.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that all required information is submitted to TRCA in advance as per
the SLA and within the agreed upon review window as part of the VPR.
(d) The Contractor shall consider Low Impact Development (LID) measures as part of the detailed
design of Stations and Bus Facilities in accordance with the TRCA and CVC “Low Impact
Development Stormwater Management Planning and Design Guidelines”.
(e) The Contractor shall manage the Roof Drainage (above-grade structures) in accordance with a
site-specific Stormwater Management Plan. Roof Drainage shall not be routed to the underground
track Drainage System.
(f) The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of any potential LID measures that may
be required to achieve the stormwater runoff volume reduction.

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(g) The Contractor shall develop an O&M manual for each site for stormwater infrastructure:
(i) O&M manual shall contain an O&M schedule and shall provide direction on the regular
maintenance of all installed SWM infrastructure as per manufacturer’s requirements, if
necessary, to maximize its effectiveness.
(h) The Contractor shall:
(i) ensure all SSE facilities are located outside of the Regulatory floodplain as defined by
local Conservation Authority;
(ii) if relocation of the facilities is not possible, comply with the following:
(A) the Contractor shall update the HEC-RAS model to include any grading
requirements and demonstrate that there will be no floodplain impacts (no
increase in floodplain elevation) upstream and downstream of the site;
(B) the Contractor shall perform a cut and fill balance such that riparian storage is not
(C) the Contractor shall ensure that all electrical equipment and openings are 300 mm
above the level of the Regulatory Flood;
(D) the Contractor shall demonstrate that safe access and egress can be provided in
case of a Regulatory Storm; and
(E) the Contractor shall ensure TRCA approves the design and constructions within
the flood plain.
(I) TRCA comments may be shared with City of Toronto; and
(II) Toronto Water shall be consulted to ensure pedestrian and infrastructure
safety measures are in place. Numerical Computational Procedures and Models

(a) The Contractor shall confirm the suitability and acceptance of any computer model nominated for
use in the design and analysis of Drainage or Stormwater Management System for the Project
with the City of Toronto or Governmental Authority.
(b) The Contractor shall:
(i) obtain and use the calibrated model where the City of Toronto or Governmental
Authority has previously developed a calibrated model for the sewer shed (or watershed)
within which the proposed works are to occur;
(ii) any exemption or exception provided by the City of Toronto or Governmental Authority
with respect to the use of an existing calibrated model shall be obtained in writing and
must include the rationale or reason for the exemption or exception; and
(iii) be fully responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the models or sewer network data
from Toronto Water.
(c) The Contractor shall determine peak flows for Drainage areas greater than 40 hectares by using
an alternate method approved by the City of Toronto or Governmental Authority unless derived

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from actual flow data or an existing calibrated model from the City of Toronto or Governmental
Authority. Site Specific Criteria

(a) The Contractor shall comply with the following site- specific requirements to satisfy the Drainage
and Stormwater Management design criteria outlined in this section 3.22.5 without limiting any
other Contractor obligations:
(i) Lawrence East Station: The Contractor shall maintain TRCA’s requirement for setback
limits for any design work of the proposed Station Facilities in the vicinity of the Bendale
(ii) TPSS: The Contractor shall consult and obtain approval from TRCA for any TPSS that
must be located within the TRCA Regulated Area due to project constraints;
(iii) The TPSS shall not be located within TRCA Regulated Areas to the extent possible;
(iv) Toronto Water shall be consulted with regards to pedestrian safety and risk of flood; and
(v) Sheppard East Station:
(A) the EEB-08 and ESB-02 are located within TRCA's Milliken Branch Regulatory
Floodplain and the Contractor shall carry out hydraulic modeling of the Milliken
Branch to:
(I) confirm flood elevations at the EEB-08/ESB-02 and provide measures to
prevent flooding of the building for all storms up to and including the
100-Year Storm and the Regional Storm;
(II) ensure that the EEB-08/ESB-02 structural components do not increase
flood risk or have an adverse impact on existing flood levels upstream
and adjacent properties;
(III) develop and evaluate mitigation measures to offset any potential impact
that may result from the Contractor System Infrastructure at Milliken
Branch and obtain TRCA permit; and
(IV) update existing TRCA’s HEC-RAS model and flood line mapping to
reflect changes due to the Contractor System Infrastructure as per TRCA
(B) the Contractor shall provide a filtration System (membrane filtration) with high
flow pre-treatment in a compact stand-alone unit if a treatment train approach is
not feasible due to space constraints to provide an 80% TSS removal for areas
that will discharge to Milliken Branch;
(C) the Contractor shall upsize the existing Milliken Branch culvert under Nugget
Avenue and Milliken Tributary culvert under McCowan Road to eliminate the
TRCA Regional floodplain at the proposed EEB-8/ESB-02 site without causing
any negative impact on downstream water surface elevations. The Sheppard East
Station facility areas shall be constructed outside the floodplain; and

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(D) The Contractor shall provide hydraulic assessment according to TRCA

guidelines and standards for the upsized culverts. Submittals
(a) The Contractor shall prepare and submit the SWMP, in accordance with Section
(b) The Contractor shall include the following details in the design submittal:
(i) Drainage and Stormwater Management Report;
(ii) Drainage calculation sheets;
(iii) Drainage drawings;
(iv) Sewer capacity assessment reports;
(v) plans for dewatering;
(vi) assessment of discharge locations; and
(vii) SWM Model(s) per City of Toronto and TRCA requirements.

3.22.6 Building Structures Overview
(a) This section addresses the structural design of SSE Passenger/Customer Facilities and Non-
Passenger Facilities, both Underground Structures constructed with cut-and-cover construction
method, and above-grade Station buildings. Scope
(a) These facilities comprise:
(i) Kennedy East Ventilation Structure, Kennedy Pocket Track Structure, Transition
Underground Box Structure between Kennedy Pocket Track Structure, and bored Tunnel;
(ii) Underground Stations;
(iii) Crossover and Tail Track Structures;
(iv) Emergency Exit Buildings;
(v) Station Entrance Buildings;
(vi) Bus Terminal Facilities;
(vii) TPSS Structures;
(viii) Vent Shaft Structures;
(ix) Interior Structures within Underground Stations;
(x) Extension, Alteration or Repair of Existing Adjacent Structures; and
(xi) other Non-Passenger Facilities structures.
(b) The Contractor shall provide Mined Structures in accordance with Section 3.25 (Tunnel).

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(a) The Contractor shall provide all Passenger / Customer Facilities in accordance with applicable
laws, codes, standards, regulations, guidelines, and Governmental Authority.
(b) The Contractor shall perform all works related to the design of Facilities identified in Section in accordance with the criteria in Section 0 (Passenger and Customer Facilities) and the
(i) Ontario Building Code (OBC);
(ii) National Building Code (NBC);
(iii) CAN/CSA A23.1/A23.2 - Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete
Construction/Test Methods and Standard Practices for Concrete;
(iv) CAN/CSA A23.3 - Design of Concrete Structures;
(v) CSA A23.4 - Pre-Cast Concrete;
(vi) CAN/CSA S6 - Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code;
(vii) CAN/CSA O86 - Engineering Design in Wood;
(viii) CAN/CSA S16 - Design of Steel Structures;
(ix) CAN/CSA S304.1 - Design of Masonry Structures;
(x) CAN/CSA S413 - Parking Structures;
(xi) CAN/CSA S136 – North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel
Structural Members;
(xii) Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual;
(xiii) CAN/CSA S478 – Guideline on Durability in Buildings;
(xiv) ACI 201.2R – Guide to Durable Concrete;
(xv) ACI 360R – Design of Slabs on Grade;
(xvi) CSA S448.1 – Repair of Reinforced Concrete in Buildings and Parking Structures;
(xvii) CSA A3000 - Cementitious Materials Compendium;
(xviii) AISC/CISC Steel Design Guide Series 11 – Floor Vibrations Due to Human Activity;
(xix) FHWA NHI-10-034, Road Tunnel Manual;
(xx) AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, hereinafter referred to as the AREMA
(xxi) Metrolinx General Guidelines for Design of Railway Bridges and Structures, hereinafter
referred to as the MGGDRBS;
(xxii) TTC Design Standards, including the Design Manual, Standard, Directive Drawings and
TTC Master Specifications; and

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(xxiii) Metrolinx Design Standards, including all Metrolinx Design Standards Series such as,
without limitation, DS-09.
(c) In the event of a conflict between any of the above standards in Article the most
stringent shall govern. Submittals
(a) The Contractor shall submit a Structural Design Brief for each building facility consistent with
requirements for structural drawings and related structural documentation at each design stage,
including the following information as a minimum:
(i) design codes and standards;
(ii) loads, load factors and load combinations;
(iii) description of structural systems (foundation, lateral and gravity load-resisting);
(iv) waterproofing systems;
(v) durability;
(vi) protection of existing structures;
(vii) serviceability;
(viii) buoyancy;
(ix) resolution of major design issues; and
(x) next steps.
(b) The Contractor shall submit support of excavation drawings, conforming to Section 3.19 –
Geotechnical and Foundation, for each facility including as a minimum the following
(i) general notes with Design Codes and Standards, material types and mechanical
properties, construction sequence, construction tolerances, monitoring requirements, etc.;
(ii) design criteria (soil/rock parameters, lateral pressures, surcharge loads);
(iii) estimated ground movements;
(iv) underpinning requirements and protection of adjacent existing structures;
(v) ground water control requirements;
(vi) excavation support plan, profile, and sections;
(vii) tieback parameters (capacity, grouting, adhesion values);
(viii) requirements for all members and components of excavation support system; and
(ix) temporary slopes.
(c) The Contractor shall submit structural drawings for each building facility conforming to Section
3.22.6 (Building Structures). Drawings shall be at an appropriate scale, consistent with drawings
from other related disciplines, to effectively communicate their design intent.

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(d) At Design Concept and Preliminary Design Stages, the structural drawings shall include as a
(i) general notes including applicable Codes and Standards, material types and their relevant
grade and mechanical properties, concrete cover requirements and exposure conditions of
concrete, corrosion protection of steel, fire protection of structural elements, vertical and
lateral deflection criteria, vibration criteria (if applicable), relevant geotechnical
parameters such as bearing capacities and groundwater levels;
(ii) foundation plan;
(iii) framing plans; and
(iv) typical longitudinal and cross sections.
(e) At Enhanced Design Stage, the structural drawings shall include the content requirements of
previous submissions and the following additional items, where applicable, as a minimum:
(i) loading plans and diagrams describing all applicable loads including specified wind
loads, seismic design parameters, snow and rain loads, lateral soil, and groundwater
(ii) lateral load resisting system;
(iii) typical foundation details;
(iv) location of expansion and contraction joints;
(v) typical cross-sections;
(vi) typical cross section reinforcement details;
(vii) waterproofing details for below grade structures;
(viii) vibration isolation details;
(ix) typical details of alterations and underpinning to existing structures; and
(x) complete demolition drawings as required.
(f) At Construction Document Stage, the structural drawings shall include information from previous
design stages and the following additional items, where applicable, as a minimum:
(i) roof and floor diaphragm design and design forces;
(ii) complete foundation details;
(iii) complete cross-sections;
(iv) reinforcing steel requirements on framing plans, cross sections, elevations and/or
(v) reinforcing steel details including splices, corners, construction joints, expansion joints,
(vi) miscellaneous details including mechanical and electrical equipment bases, chases,
recesses, sleeves and openings, location of embedded conduits, pull boxes and access

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hatches for inspection and equipment removal, monorail and lifting beam for equipment,
signage structures, OCS supporting structures, fall arrest supports, etc.;
(vii) crane and heavy construction equipment locations and structural requirements;
(viii) complete details of alterations and underpinning to existing structures; and
(ix) for structural steel structures include:
(A) details of bearing plates, column base plates and anchor rods, framing around
openings and mechanical equipment supports, details of structural connections
critical for seismic response;
(B) all forces necessary for connection design; and
(C) design criteria for open web steel joists, trusses, and steel deck.
(g) At Preliminary Design Stage, the Contractor shall provide a list of structural specification
sections for all applicable structural materials and Systems.
(h) At Enhanced Design Stage, the Contractor shall provide draft structural specification sections for
all applicable structural materials and Systems.
(i) At Construction Document Stage, the Contractor shall provide complete structural specifications
for all applicable structural materials and Systems.
(j) The Contractor shall provide a Durability Report of all structural elements with appropriate
documentation from probabilistic analysis using recognized models, tests, or technical documents
demonstrating that the design will achieve the specified design life for the structural element in
accordance with CSA S478 and per Section 3.2.2 (Design Components and Design Life).
(k) The Durability Report shall be prepared by Durability Specialist Consultant with minimum 10
years of demonstrated experience in such field.
(l) The Durability Report shall include at least the following items:
(i) description of basic durability requirements and objectives, intended design life and
environmental conditions;
(ii) description of system wide design approach to durability that considers reliability of
systems and components, ease of maintenance and corrosion control;
(iii) consideration of all potential sources and factors influencing structural durability
including exposure conditions, concrete cover, crack control, minimum reinforcement,
thermal control of mass concrete, waterproofing of underground structures, atmospheric
corrosion control and stray current control;
(iv) description of impact on structural durability due to protective measures such as building
envelope, materials finishes, protective coatings, approaches to architectural exposed
materials, resistance to vandalism, moisture, and water control;
(v) construction considerations affecting durability such as procurement, quality control,
preventive, and corrective actions, etc.; and

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(vi) maintenance plan consistent with the intended design life of the various structural
(m) The Contractor shall submit a Work Plan describing in detail the method of construction of
foundations, underpinning work, shoring and other complex construction of structural elements.
(n) The Contractor shall provide a report describing in detail the strategies and approaches used to
relocate and protect existing structures.
(o) The Contractor shall provide structural design calculations for each facility including the
(i) design assumptions;
(ii) specified loads, load factors and load combinations;
(iii) material types and mechanical properties;
(iv) description of gravity and lateral load resisting systems;
(v) description of analysis modelling;
(vi) structural analysis output;
(vii) detailed design calculations to address structural requirements for strength, serviceability,
vibration, fatigue, overturning and sliding stability, etc.; and
(viii) other analysis and design calculations as requested by Contracting Authority.
(p) The Contractor shall provide a Structural Design Check Certificate for each building facility
prepared by an independent engineer who must not have been involved by any means in
preparing the original design. Independent engineer shall perform spot checks and calculations as
necessary to verify the general adequacy of the design. The independent engineer shall follow the
Guide to the Standard for Documented Independent Review of Structural Designs (version 2.0)
published by the Engineers and Geoscientists and British Columbia. All pertinent records of
independent checking of structural design calculations shall be submitted along with the
Independent Structural Design Check Certification.
(q) The Contractor shall submit drawings with the location, dimensions, and details of knock-out
panels at all stations.
(r) The Contractor shall submit Drawings and Design Report for knock-out panels per Schedule 10 –
Review Procedure and addressing the following items at each specific knock-out panel location:
(i) constructability of the Future Connection to knock-out panel without disrupting transit
operations and associated transit facilities;
(ii) demonstration by the application of engineering principles that the construction impacts
of a Future Connection to knock-out panel will meet the requirements of the transit
facilities and third-party Stakeholders;
(iii) consideration of potential impact of future tunnel connecting to knock-out panel on
settlements of adjacent transit structures; and

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(iv) provisions to maintain continuity of waterproofing when future tunnel is connected to

knock-out panel. General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall follow the design requirements of the railway having jurisdiction in the case
of tracks owned by a non-Metrolinx entity such as Canadian Pacific Railway or Canadian
National Railway.
(b) The Contractor shall provide measures to address the exposure of Bus Terminal slabs to de-icing
chemicals (e.g., reducing the allowable crack width for these slabs, provision of corrosion
inhibiting admixtures, and providing concrete cover and temperature reinforcement more than the
minimum requirement).
(c) The Contractor shall not use adhesive anchors for connections in structural assemblies required to
have a fire resistance rating.
(d) The Contractor shall conduct structural analysis of Underground Structures in a manner
consistent with TTC-DM 302-03 that does not consider any horizontal support from adjacent soil
and does not assume any horizontal spring values in their structural models.
(e) The requirement of contraction joints may be waived, to suit station design and structural
performance, if 1.5 m wide in-fill strip joints (with tension lap splicing for temperature and
shrinkage reinforcement) are provided at a spacing not exceeding 30 m. These in-fill strip joints
shall be cast no sooner than 45 days after the end of curing period of the adjacent structural units.
In addition, concrete crack widths shall be limited to 0.3 mm for underground structures, spacing
of reinforcement shall not exceed 250 mm, and minimum provision for shrinkage and
temperature related reinforcement shall be 0.175% of gross concrete area in each direction on
both the exterior and interior faces. Material
(a) The Contractor shall comply with the following concrete requirements:
(i) concrete structures have a specified compressive strength not less than 35 MPa nor
exceed 40 MPa at 56 days. Higher Strength Concrete structures or portions thereof may
be considered in special circumstances and will require detailed analysis and
(A) the Contractor shall implement all necessary measures to ensure the performance
of High Strength Concrete is adequate under fire conditions. Examples of such
measures can be found in “Fire Performance of High Strength Concrete
Structural Members” (V.K.R. Kodur, 1999). The fire performance shall be
demonstrated by carrying out fire tests of representative specimens in accordance
with the parameters of the train design fire specified in Section
(Structural Fire Resistance); and
(B) the Contractor shall include a section in the Durability Report to address
durability issues for High Strength Concrete columns (if applicable).
(ii) all concrete exposed to freezing and thawing cycles be air-entrained per CSA A23.1; and

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(iii) the concrete covers and tolerances be as shown in Table 3.22-2. Concrete Covers and
Tolerances for non-prestressed reinforcement. The applicable concrete covers and
tolerances be shown on the structural design drawings.
(b) The Contractor shall comply with the following reinforcing bar requirements:
(i) yield stress or grade of reinforcement used in design to be 400 MPa;
(ii) epoxy coated reinforcing bars not to be used; and
(iii) dowels used for structural load transfer must be galvanized or GFRP in areas where
potential for corrosion due to water ingress and chloride exposure are high and where
access for inspections and future repairs is limited or not possible.
(c) The Contractor shall comply with the following structural steel requirements:
(i) structural steel material to be grade 350W for, HSS, W and WWF Shapes, and grade
300W for channels and angles, and either 300W or 350W for plates;
(ii) anchor bolt material to be ASTM F1554 GR. 36, 55, or 105 steel;
(iii) bolts, nuts, and washers used as structural fasteners to conform to ASTM Standard
A325M or A490M;
(iv) exposed structural steel framing, including all anchors and fasteners, to be non-corrosive
(v) design to be based upon the use of new material that conforms to CAN/CSA-
G40.20/CAN/CSA-G40.21 General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural
Quality Steel/Structural Quality Steels;
(vi) the capacity of weld metal to be based on the use of E480XX electrodes conforming to
the requirements of CSA Standard W59; and
(vii) bolts, nuts, and washers used with galvanized structures to also be galvanized in
accordance with CSA G164 Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles.
(d) The Contractor shall comply with the following prestressing steel requirements:
(i) prestressing steel to be in the form of high tensile strength low-relaxation strand, or high
strength bar and meet the requirements of ASTM Standard A416/A416-M, A421/A421-
M and A722/A722-M, Steel for Prestressed Concrete Tendons; and
(ii) the design of partially prestressed structures is not permitted without prior approval of
Contracting Authority. Loads and Forces

(a) Transitory loads shall consist of any live loads including the weight of machinery, equipment,
stored materials, persons, transit vehicles, elevators, escalators, or other moving objects,
including impact (dynamic load allowance), construction loads and loads due to maintenance
operations. They shall also include load effects such as rolling, hunting, normal centrifugal,
normal acceleration, and braking forces, where applicable for transit vehicles.
(b) The Contractor shall comply with the following live loads:

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(i) Revenue Vehicle design loads as per TTC DM 301-02;

(ii) non-revenue vehicles such as work cars, crane car, and snow removal equipment
necessary for the maintenance of trackwork and associated facilities shall also be
evaluated for design consideration in addition to the design revenue vehicle;
(iii) alternative track support systems have been developed for locations where mitigation of
noise and vibration is a requirement. For these systems the wheel load shall be assumed
to be uniformly distributed over a 1200 mm length of rail and with a load pressure
distribution as per the following figures from the TTC Design Manual:
(A) Figure, Concrete Double Tie System Wheel Load Dispersion;
(B) Figure, Tie/Ballast/Floating Slab System Wheel Load Dispersion; and
(C) Figure, Direct Fixation Wheel Load Dispersion;
(iv) if other transit agency vehicles are going to be using a facility, The Contractor is to obtain
relevant vehicle information and design accordingly; and
(v) ventilation shaft gratings to be designed for a specified uniform load of 12 kPa or the
concentrated axle or wheel loads as specified in Clause of the CAN/CSA-S6 (CL-
625-ONT Truck), located to cause maximum effects, whichever is more critical. These
loading conditions may be waived when pedestrian and vehicular access is clearly not
possible. Shafts should be protected by barriers and curbs to inhibit traffic access and
prevent surface runoff from entering the shaft.
(c) The Contractor shall comply with the following environmental loads:
(i) seismic design to conform to the OBC using the importance category “Normal” for
(ii) seismic design for Underground Structures to comply with the following requirements:
(A) seismic design of the Underground Structures to be in accordance with TTC
Design Manual and FHWA NHI-10-034: Road Tunnel Manual; and
(B) where above ground structures are rigidly connected to Underground Structures,
seismic forces considered are to include the superstructure base shear and
overturning moment; and
(iii) Station structures, partitions, and non-structural elements within confined spaces to be
designed to resist the piston effect wind pressures from transit vehicles:
(A) for Platform level and connecting Circulation spaces such as stairs and escalators,
the minimum uniform design pressure for these elements shall be 2.0 kPa in
either the positive or negative direction; and
(B) for all other spaces below grade level the minimum uniform design pressure shall
be 1.5 kPa in either the positive or negative direction.
(d) The Contractor shall comply with the following earth loads:

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(i) the earth pressure acting on a retaining wall or structure may range from active earth
pressure to passive earth pressure, depending on the displacement characteristics of the
wall and the methods of compaction of the backfill.
(e) The Contractor shall comply with the following water/buoyancy/flood loads:
(i) for the purpose of design, the hydrostatic pressures to be applied to Underground
Structures to ignore pore pressure relief obtained by any seepage into the structures; and
(ii) three groundwater levels to be accounted for in the design: normal (observed maximum
ground water level), minimum (observed low ground water level) and extreme (caused by
100-Year Flood level):
(A) these groundwater levels to be indicated on the structural drawings.
(f) The Contractor shall comply with the following other loads and effects:
(i) loads associated with vehicles and tracks to be calculated in accordance with TTC DM-
(ii) Derailment Load (DR) to be calculated in accordance with ACI 343.1 R-12;
(iii) Collision Load (CT) acting on columns and piers adjacent to tracks to be calculated in
accordance with ACI 343.1 R-12;
(iv) Exposed structural columns or load bearing walls of the above grade components of a
Station building located within 10 m of the edge of the road pavement to be designed for
a collision load. An assessment shall be made by the designer for the vehicle collision
load, equivalent to a horizontal static force, to be considered and its height of application
at specific station locations, based on highway or city road, grading, adjacent roadway
vehicular use and operating speeds. Designers shall consider effect of external attenuation
measures like permanent barrier curbs, bollards, and planters in the design. Where the
possibility exists that a highway truck or large road vehicle can impact structural columns
or load bearing walls of a station building, the value of the collision load, equivalent to a
maximum horizontal static force of 1400 kN, is to be applied at 1.2 m above ground level
at the structural member, and at 10° to the direction of travel;
(v) Exceptional loads resulting from airflow upon operation of fire ventilation fans. Ensure
that sufficient anchorage is provided for architectural, mechanical, electrical, and other
service items that may fall within the airstreams of emergency ventilation equipment;
(vi) the Contractor shall determine:
(A) horizontal and vertical distribution of loads from foundations of existing
buildings and structures; and
(B) the need for any underpinning of existing buildings or structures; and
(vii) The Contractor to design the Building Structure to support all loads and effects in the
following scenarios if the Building Structure is designed to support a TOC Development:
(A) structure without TOC Development;
(B) structure with TOC Development under construction; and

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(C) structure with completed TOC Development. Load Factors and Load Combinations

(a) The Contractor shall use load factors, resistance factors, and load combinations in accordance
with Section (Associated Tables). Deflections and Vibration Control

(a) The Contractor shall provide members supporting train loads that have a maximum total (dead
and live load) long term total deflection, considering creep and cracking, not exceeding 1/500 of
the interior spans and 1/180 of cantilever arm length.
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct floor systems susceptible to vibration in accordance
with AISC/CISC Steel Design Guide Series 11 – Floor Vibrations Due to Human Activity. Planned Future Adjacent or Interconnecting Developments

(a) The Contractor shall design, and construct knock-out panels as required for connection to future
developments for TOC or other entities. Refer to the Section (Linewide Requirements)
and Section 3.23.6 (Geographic Specific Requirements) for knock-out panels.
(b) Where possible, the Contractor shall coordinate knock-out panel locations and requirements with
future developers.
(c) The Contractor shall locate knock-out panels such that the future tunnel connecting to a knock-
out panel meets the following conditions:
(i) constructible using cut-and-cover;

(ii) constructable based on the following:

A. without disrupting the transit operations and facilities;

B. minimizing the impact on roadway, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic; and

C. maintaining passenger access to all facilities, including pedestrian access to station

entrance, bus terminals, bicycle storage rooms, PPUDO and TPSS.

(d) When establishing the location of a knock-out panel, the Contractor shall make provisions to
minimize potential settlements of the adjacent transit structures due to construction of the future
tunnel connecting to the knock-out panel.
(e) For build-out tunnels connected to known adjacent developments, the Contractor shall design the
tunnels with sufficient capacity to support the minimum vertical and lateral loads requirements
applicable to below grade structures at Stations.
(f) For build-out tunnels connecting to known adjacent developments, the Contractor shall
coordinate with the future developer to incorporate any specific loads from the development
exceeding the minimum loads per Article, including vertical load transfers.

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(g) The Contractor shall provide space within the floor slab at knock-out panel locations to allow for
a conduit trench for future fare collection equipment.
(h) At Scarborough Centre Station, the Contractor shall provide an underground connection between
the TOC Development and the knock-out panel located at the Station to avoid disruption of the
future transit operations and allow Passengers to access the Station from the south portion of the
(i) At the west side of the Concourse level of Scarborough Centre Station, the Contractor shall
provide a build-out tunnel and a knock-out panel extending to the property line of Oxford
Properties to allow for connection to the future development by Oxford Properties. The exact
location and orientation of the build-out tunnel shall be coordinated with the developer of Oxford
Properties [Note to Dev Co: the following scope of work is under review and discussion with
Contracting Authority.].
(j) The Contractor shall design all underground structures to account for applicable unbalanced earth
loading or reduced overburden caused by future excavation as a result of adjacent development,
including provisioning for construction of below grade future TOC development to avoid creating
a buoyancy condition.
(k) The Contractor shall provide all Building Structures that are adjacent to the locations of TOC
structures to enable future excavation, including demolition of temporary Support of Excavation
adjacent to the Building Structure by a TOC Contractor without impact to the performance of the
Building Structure.
(l) The Contractor shall provide all Building Structures that are to be located underneath TOC
structures such that the Building Structure is suitable for use as a construction Platform for the
TOC Development.
(m) The Contractor shall provide the upper most structural slab(s) of Building Structures that are
located underneath TOC structures such that said slab(s) act as a continuous fire barrier between
the Building Structure and TOC Development.
(i) the slab(s) and supporting structure shall be designed to resist the design fire event.
(n) Over the box structure for Sheppard East Cross-Over, the Contractor shall install a compacted
engineered fill using Type A or Type B granular material capable of providing a minimum SLS
bearing capacity of 200 kPa, to suit future TOC development.
(o) The contractor shall coordinate the design of EEB-8 with the proposed TOC structures to
incorporate required enabling structural elements for the proposed TOC structures.
(p) If required by TOC, the Contractor shall design and construct a transfer structure over the Bus
Terminal at Scarborough Centre Station to support future overbuild for TOC. The extent and
location of TOC areas above the transfer structure shall be approved by Contracting Authority
prior to the start of the transfer structure design by the Contractor. The transfer structure shall be
designed to meet the following requirements:
(i) the Contractor shall design the transfer structure with sufficient capacity to safely support
the anticipated future TOC loads;

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(A) the TOC loads for the design of the transfer structure shall include the required
future parking structures together with a roof structure supporting TOC rooftop
amenity space;
(B) the minimum loads supported by the roof of the TOC Development over the bus
terminal shall include a rooftop amenity load allowance to suit TOC
requirements and a live load of 4.8 kPa;
(ii) the design of the transfer structure by the Contractor shall accommodate the maximum
column spacing required for TOC and provide flexibility in the location of the TOC
columns above the transfer structure;
(iii) the Contractor shall coordinate the design of the Bus Terminal and SSE transit facilities
with TOC Development such that the TOC tower and podium columns can be
constructed with adequate structural separation from the bus terminal and SSE transit
(iv) The design of bus terminal transfer structure shall be such TOC tower and podium loads
are not supported by the transfer structure over the bus terminal;
(v) the Contractor shall space proof the slab edge of the transfer structure above the Bus
Terminal to suit future TOC requirements for elevators, escalators, stairs, M&E Shafts,
plumbing, etc.;
(vi) the Contractor shall provide expansions joints at transfer structure as required to suit
requirements of TOC;
(vii) the Contractor shall design the transfer structure such that the incremental long-term
differential deflections of the transfer structure caused by the gravity loads from the
future overbuilt do not exceed the smaller of 1/750 of the transfer structure span or 13
(viii) the Contractor shall provide a suitable lateral load resisting system for the transfer
structure above the bus terminal to be self-supported and structurally separated from
future TOC podium and tower structures;
(ix) the Contractor shall design the lateral resisting system for the transfer structure over the
bus terminal with sufficient stiffness to avoid a “Discontinuity in Capacity – Weak
Storey” irregularity and a “Torsional Sensitivity” irregularity per the seismic provisions
in Chapter 4 of OBC; and
(x) the Contractor shall design the transfer structure over the bus terminal without using post-
tensioned or pre-tensioned concrete structural elements.
(q) The Contractor shall incorporate in their scope of work any Underground Structures required for
TOC within the perimeter of the Scarborough Centre Station Bus Terminal, which may include
and is limited to the following:
(i) underground space for Future Connection between TOC and the station
(ii) tunnel linking the parcels of TOC Developments; and
(iii) service areas required for TOC.

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(r) If required by TOC, the Contractor shall design the structure of the main entrance at Scarborough
Centre Station with adequate capacity to support the proposed TOC overbuild over the main
station entrance. The design of the main entrance structure shall incorporate the following
(i) the location of structural supports and lateral resisting elements to suit future TOC
Development at the main station entrance shall be coordinated with the requirements of
the transit facilities; and
(ii) the lateral resisting system for the main station entrance and TOC overbuild above it shall
be designed to be independent (separated by expansion joints) from adjacent bus terminal
structures, as well as adjacent future TOC structures. Existing Structures

(a) The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of this Section (Existing
Structures) at all locations where any of the following apply:
(i) the performance of the Work imposes new permanent or temporary load conditions on
existing structures;
(ii) the performance of the Work affects or alters the support conditions of existing
structures; and
(iii) the performance of the Work requires modifications to the load resisting systems of
existing structures.
(b) The Contractor shall provide modifications to existing structures as well as Interfaces between
new and existing structures at the following locations as per the requirements of this Section (Existing Structures):
(i) TTC Kennedy Station Tail Track Tunnel east of STA 943+00 (Existing TTC Stationing);
(ii) Elevated access walkway to TTC McCowan Station.
(c) The Contractor shall undertake the following steps where the renovation of existing structures is
(i) obtain reference drawings, specifications, and construction records for the affected
(ii) perform as built surveys, where necessary, in accordance with the survey control datum
and map projection as defined in Section 3.19 (Geotechnical and Foundation) to verify
the accuracy of the reference drawings;
(iii) excavate test pits, where necessary, to verify the size and depth of existing foundations;
(iv) perform condition surveys in accordance with Section 3.19 (Geotechnical and
(v) conduct destructive investigations, where necessary, to verify existing conditions;
(vi) conduct materials testing to determine and verify existing material properties;

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(vii) provide new material that is compatible with the existing material;
(viii) provide a structure that meets the requirements for Basic Renovation or Extensive
Renovation as determined by the code analysis at each location;
(ix) repair any damage caused by the Work to the satisfaction of the property owner; and
(x) repair any existing damage that has the potential to negatively impact the performance of
the Work.
(d) The Contractor shall comply with the following for the Interface between existing and new
structures supporting pedestrian and vehicular traffic:
(i) at locations where new Structures are built adjacent to existing Structures, the new
Structure shall be designed and constructed in a manner that minimizes the vertical
differential movement at the Interface between structures so that normal serviceability of
the Structure is maintained under permanent and transient loads;
(ii) joints between new and existing slabs to be flush with no vertical offsets; and
(iii) the design is to address long term deflection (creep) of concrete, differential live loading,
total and differential footing settlement, beam and slab camber, expansion joint cover
design, and other effects, as applicable. Concrete Slabs on Grade

(a) The Contractor shall provide the Interface between track slabs and Platform slabs to maintain the
vertical distance between top of rail elevation and finished Platform elevation as required by the
Revenue Vehicle with short- and long-term differential settlements not to exceed the tolerance
specified by the Revenue Vehicle manufacturer for vertical offset between the track and finished
Platform elevations.
(b) The Contractor shall provide measures to prevent frost heave.
(c) The Contractor shall provide slopes to drain slabs and prevent ponding.
(d) The Contractor shall provide sub-drainage Systems below slabs at locations where the potential
exists for the groundwater elevation to reach the underside of the slab sub-base. Permanent Cut and Cover Structures Scope
(a) This section includes all structures identified in Section that are to be constructed using
cut and cover methodology. Design and Construction Criteria
(a) The Contractor shall provide Cut-and-Cover Structures that are durable and structurally sound to
achieve the Design Life specified in Section 3.2.2 (Design Components and Design Life).
(b) The Contractor shall repair or replace in-kind any removed or damaged exterior waterproofing of
EAS, adjacent to cut-and cover excavations, and ensure the future leakage into EAS is less than
or equal to pre-construction conditions.

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(a) The Contractor shall provide the permanent support of Cut-and-Cover Structures with reinforced
(b) The Contractor shall comply with the following loading requirements:
(i) structures to be designed to prevent collapse and minimize damage from derailment:
(A) columns not protected by reinforced concrete benches, Platforms, or crash
barriers, to be designed to withstand derailment and collision forces as per
Article; and
(ii) vent Shaft damper supports, ancillary walls, and doors located within or adjacent to the
guideway, any divider walls, and any equipment installed within the Underground
Structures, to be designed to withstand the air pressures and cyclic loading generated by
moving trains. Waterproofing
(a) The Contractor shall provide full continuous waterproofing around Underground Structures in
addition to meeting all requirements of TTC-DM-0410.
(b) The Contractor shall consider the following methods for the control of water ingress:
(i) insulation and vapour barrier where condensation may occur;
(ii) geodrains where practical;
(A) Geodrains are not to be used around running structures; and
(B) Hydrostatic pressures not to be reduced to the point where adjacent properties are
adversely affected;
(iii) stainless steel gutter under all expansion/contraction/joints discharging to cavity drains or
downpipes at side walls;
(iv) waterstops, joint seals and membranes at construction, contraction and expansion joints
of in-situ concrete structures;
(v) air entrainment of concrete when finished surface is exposed to freeze/thaw cycles;
(vi) sealing of penetrations through walls and slabs;
(vii) provision of a waterproofing system on the exterior surface of concrete walls and slabs;
(viii) provision of crystalline or a cementitious waterproofing layer on the interior surface of
concrete walls and slabs; and
(ix) provide slopes and drains to remove water that enters the inside of the stations.
(c) Full continuous waterproofing shall be provided at all knock out panels.
(d) The Contractor shall provide compatible waterproofing systems for slabs and walls.
(e) The Contractor shall avoid locating contraction or expansion joints within electrical, signal
control, or communications rooms.

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(f) The Contractor shall provide underground structures that meet the following criteria for
watertightness throughout the Design Life in accordance with Table 3.22-3:
(i) Class 1 watertightness for underground structures at subway stations (such as Lawrence
East Station, Scarborough Centre Station and Sheppard East Station), underground
structures at Bus Terminals, underground structures at EEBs, and for interfaces between
the PCTL tunnel structure and the box structures at stations and EEBs;
(ii) Class 2 watertightness for Sheppard East Crossover, Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant,
Pocket Track at Kennedy and Tail Track at Sheppard East Station, any SEM structures
excluding items that require Class 1 above, for interfaces between PCTL tunnel and the
box structures at Kennedy and Sheppard East Crossover, and for the interface between
the existing Kennedy Station and the new Kennedy Transition Box structure; and
(iii) Class 3 watertightness for temporary SOE.
(g) The Contractor shall provide structures which comply with the following provisions:
(i) crack width on the exterior face of exterior walls shall be limited to 0.3 mm; and
(ii) for exterior walls and slabs, the minimum reinforcement percentage in each direction
shall be 0.175% of the gross concrete area on both the exterior and interior faces of walls
and slabs (0.35% total in each direction).
(h) The Contractor shall design and construct the joint at the Interface between the existing Kennedy
Station and the new Kennedy Transition Box structure, in accordance with the following:
(i) the Contractor to mitigate leakage such that the maximum overall water infiltration does
not exceed the specified watertightness criteria; and
(ii) the Contractor to waterproof the joint between new and existing as-built underground
concrete structures by a combination of sheet waterproofing membrane and a suitable
water stop along the joint.
(i) The Contractor shall design the sheet waterproofing membrane at the joint between new and
existing construction to be compatible with the existing waterproofing membrane and meet or
exceed the performance for the waterproofing membrane of the new construction.

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Table 3.22-1. Design of Transit Systems Structures

Group Type of Structure Loads Design Codes

1 Underground structures TTC Design Manual – CAN/CSA-A23.3*
Underground Structures
Underground ventilation and emergency CAN/CSA-S16 *
access shafts
Retaining Walls
2 - - -
3 Above grade parking and maintenance Specified Loads: CAN/CSA-A23.3*
TTC Design Manual or OBC CAN/CSA-S16 *
Load and combination factors: CAN/CSA-S413*
Ontario Building Code CAN/CSA-O86*
4 Public parking garages Ontario Building Code CAN/CSA-A23.3*
Retaining walls associated with Buildings CAN/CSA-S16 *
5 Station Buildings*** Specified Loads: CAN/CSA-A23.3*
Bus terminal structures TTC Design Manual or OBC CAN/CSA-S16 *
Load and combination factors: CAN/CSA-O86*
TTC Design Manual CAN/CSA-S304.1*
Load factors and load Resistance factors
combinations are to be found in are to be as found in
the above manuals and codes the above manuals
and codes
* Denotes current version of a code including its revisions
***Applies to both above and below grade portions of Station Buildings
****Use AREMA only for load requirements and criteria not covered by the CSA codes above. Load
combinations and design codes (CSA) to be used as per TTC DM

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Table 3.22-2. Concrete Covers and Tolerances

place Precast Concrete
Type of Member or Exposure Condition Concrete (mm)
1. Concrete cast against and permanently exposed 100 ±25 ---
to earth or lagging.

2. Waterproofed concrete structures, or concrete not submerged or

exposed to earth or
de-icing chemicals
- Principal reinforcement 60 ±12 50 ±10
- Stirrups, ties, and spirals 50 ±12 40 ±10

3. Concrete submerged or exposed to earth

- Principal reinforcement 70 ±12 60 ±10
- Stirrups, ties, and spirals 60 ±12 50 ±10

4. Deck slabs, medians, curbs, and sidewalks
- Top 70 ±12 60 ±15
- Soffit for slabs ≤300 mm thick 40* ±10 40* ±10
- Soffit for slabs >300 mm thick 50* ±10 40* ±10

5. Precast beam stirrups in webs --- 35 +10
6. Concrete, other than components covered in 1 to 70 ±12 60 ±10
5 above, exposed to surface runoff or spray
containing de-icing chemicals.

7. Precast concrete tunnel covers** 40 ±5

Notes 35 ±5
d = outside diameter of ducts

* or 0.5 d
whichever is greater

** For precast concrete tunnel liners and when

proven by an engineering analysis (which
considers concrete properties, concrete cover
including its tolerances and chloride
concentrations in the surrounding environment)
that rebar corrosion in bars parallel to the
exposed concrete due to ionic diffusion and water
permeability will not commence during the design
lifespan of the structure, the cover may be
reduced to a minimum of 40 mm for bars parallel
to the exposed concrete surface and 35 mm for
the ends of bars perpendicular to the surface

*** For full details of governing concrete cover

requirements refer to CAN/CSA-S6, clause, Concrete cover and tolerances



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Table 3.22-3. Watertightness Criteria for Underground Structures

Permissible Daily Leakage

Tightness Moisture Water Quantity (L/m2),
Definition Given a reference length of:
Class Characteristics
10 m 100 m
1 Completely dry The wall of the lining must be so tight that 0.02 0.01
no moisture patches are detectable on the
2 Substantially dry The wall of the lining must be so tight that 0.1 0.05
only slight, isolated patches of moisture
can be detected on the inside (e.g., as a
result of discolouration). After touching
such slightly moist patches with a dry
hand, no traces of water should be
detectable on it. If a piece of blotting paper
or newspaper is placed upon a patch, it
must on no account become discoloured as
result of absorbing moisture.
3 Capillary wetting The wall of the excavation must be so tight 0.2 0.1
that only isolated, locally restricted patches
of moisture occur. Restricted patches of
moisture reveal that the wall is wet,
leading to a discolouration of a piece of
blotting paper or newspaper if placed upon
it - but no trickling water is evident.

3.23 Passenger and Customer Facilities

3.23.1 Overview
(a) This section addresses the portion of the Works relating to Passenger/Customer Facilities and
includes requirements for both public and non-public facing aspects of these facilities.

3.23.2 Scope
(a) This section establishes the requirements, including criteria and specifications, applicable to the
Passenger / Customer Facilities including the following:
(i) Lawrence East Station and Bus Terminal;
(ii) Scarborough Centre Station and Bus Terminal;
(iii) Sheppard East Station and Bus Terminal; and
(iv) Emergency Exit Buildings EEB-01 through EEB-08.

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(b) The Contractor shall refer to Section 3.26 for requirements of Non-Passenger Facilities co-located
or integrated with Customer / Passenger Facilities.
(c) The Contractor shall refer to Section 3.22 (Civil and Building Infrastructure) for Bus Facilities
(d) The Contractor shall refer to Section 3.18 for UDLA requirements.
(e) The Contractor shall refer to Section 3.17 for Accessibility and Universal Design requirements.
(f) The Contractor shall refer to Section 3.16 for Design Excellence requirements.
(g) The Contractor shall refer to Section 3.15 for Sustainable Design requirements.

3.23.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall perform all Works related to Passenger/Customer Facilities design and
construction in accordance with the criteria in Section 3.3 (Design Standards), and the following:
(i) Ontario Fire Code;
(ii) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), including:
(A) NFPA 130, Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems;
(iii) Metrolinx documents:
(A) Metrolinx DS-02, Universal Design Standard;
(B) Metrolinx DS-03, Wayfinding Design Standard:
(I) Part 1: Wayfinding Design Standard; and
(II) Part 2b: Sign Implementation Manual - LRT / Subway Edition;
(C) Metrolinx DS-05, Sustainability Standards;
(D) Metrolinx DS-07, Bike Infrastructure Standard;
(E) Metrolinx DS-09, Subway Station Architecture Design Standard;
(F) Metrolinx DS-11, Third Party Entrance Connection Requirements and DSB-007
Third Party Entrance Connection Minimum Width revision August 2021;
(G) Metrolinx DGL-01, Vibration Mitigation Guideline V 1.0;
(H) Metrolinx DGL-02, Design Guideline Vegetative Screening for Noise Barriers;
(I) Metrolinx DGL-03, Graffiti Management v1.1;
(J) Metrolinx DS-28, Noise Barrier Design Requirements, only amendments
indicated for DS-00 Front End and DS-03 Wayfinding Design Standard to be
(K) Metrolinx STS-001, Bulletin Operations and Maintenance Requirements Station
(L) Transit Oriented Communities Subway Station Integrated with Development -
Principles, Requirements and Design Guidelines; and

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(M) Metrolinx DSB-009, Internal Elevator Car Dimensions Reduction;

(iv) TTC Design Standards, Design Manual;
(v) Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA);
(vi) Canadian Standards Association (CSA) including:
(A) CAN/CSA B44 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators; and
(B) CAN/CSA B651 Accessible Design for the Built Environment;
(vii) Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC);
(viii) American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM), including ASTM A17.1/CSA B44;
(ix) Toronto Green Standard v.4;
(x) Toronto Green Roof By-Law; and
(xi) GO Design Requirements Manual (GO-DRM).

3.23.4 Deliverables General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall provide the deliverables of this section 3.23.4 in compliance with Schedule
10 - Review Procedure. Architectural Design Report

(a) The Contractor shall provide an architectural design report for the Concept Design, Preliminary
Design, Construction Document and IFC submittals that include the following text submissions:
(i) a 500-word description of design approach and concept summarizing the overarching
narrative for the Project;
(ii) a general architectural description of the overall facility design, functional and technical
requirements; and
(iii) a summary of updates from previous submissions, documentation of changes completed
in each milestone or submission, and approach for next steps.
(b) The Contractor shall also include within the architectural design report the following images and
drawing submissions:
(i) precedent photos where appropriate;
(ii) proposed building elevations, materials, and key details;
(iii) site plan showing surrounding context and landscaping;
(iv) landscape plan (if not included in site plan);
(v) building plan drawings at scales readable on a screen;
(vi) site and building elevation and section concept;
(vii) renderings that shall conform to the requirements set out in Section; and

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(viii) exterior/interior material and colour sample board as set out in Section Renderings
(a) The Contractor shall produce renderings, sized for 11"x17", appropriate for the stage of
submission per, (e), (f) and (g) the following rendering types as applicable:
(i) Type 1 renderings mean computer-generated, massing model with limited detail, for a
sketch-like representational image and/or; and
(ii) Type 2 renderings mean computer-generated, colour, fully-rendered image reflecting, at a
minimum, surface textures, lighting, and materials, to a semi-photo-realistic level of
detail. Rendering shall clearly indicate materiality, and building massing and articulate all
integrated finishes, amenities, elements, including furniture, signage and wayfinding, and
(b) For all Passenger / Customer Facilities, the Contractor shall provide annotated renderings (Type
2) with a description addressing the following elements:
(i) aerial views showing extent of the Station and surrounding context; massing and primary
(main) entrance (day and night view);
(ii) secondary or third entrance (where applicable);
(iii) vertical circulation;
(iv) concourse;
(v) Bus Facility;
(vi) Platform; and
(vii) plaza or exterior areas.
(c) For Non-Passenger Facilities and ancillary facilities, the Contractor shall provide annotated
renderings (Type 2) with a description addressing the following elements:
(i) aerial view; and
(ii) view from adjacent sidewalk (night and day).
(d) At Preliminary Design submittal, the Contractor shall provide at a minimum three Type 1
renderings for each Station, two exterior Type 1 renderings for each EEB, and three exterior Type
1 renderings for standalone TPSSs demonstrating the following:
(i) overall building massing including aerial views showing extent of the Station and
surrounding context; and
(ii) views from pedestrian level and from other key viewpoints, such as neighbouring roads,
highways, railways, bridges, etc.
(e) At Enhanced Design submittal, the Contractor shall provide a minimum of four exterior Type 2
renderings for each Station, two exterior Type 2 renderings for each EEB, and three exterior Type
2 renderings for standalone TPSSs, and a minimum of three interior Type 2 renderings for each
Station demonstrating the following:

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(i) exterior perspective at day and night, at eye level with the total extent of the building in
context; and
(ii) interior perspective views of key interior spaces (i.e., lobby, atrium, and auditorium).
(f) At Construction Document submittals, the Contractor shall provide a minimum of four exterior
Type 2 renderings for each Station, two exterior Type 2 renderings for each EEB, and three
exterior Type 2 renderings for standalone TPSSs, and a minimum of three interior Type 2
renderings for each Station demonstrating the following:
(i) a further developed exterior perspective, at day and night, at eye level and the total extent
of the building in context; and
(ii) interior perspective views of key interior spaces (i.e., lobby, atrium, and auditorium).
(g) At IFC submittal, the Contractor shall provide a minimum of six exterior Type 2 renderings for
each Station, two exterior Type 2 renderings for each EEB, and three exterior Type 2 renderings
for standalone TPSSs, and a minimum of five interior Type 2 renderings for each Station
demonstrating the following:
(i) a developed exterior perspective, day, and night, at eye level, the total extent of the
building in context from bird’s eye view, and total extent of the Facility from street;
(ii) interior perspective views of key interior spaces taken at eye level; and
(iii) an eye level animation, video walk-through or series of renderings that shall demonstrate
a typical customer’s experience both entraining and detraining, from the site approach to
getting into a Revenue Vehicle (articulate all integrated finishes, amenities and elements
including, furniture, signage and wayfinding, landscape, advertising, and fare equipment
integration). Sample Boards

(a) At Enhanced Design and Construction Document submittals, the Contractor shall provide a
preliminary list of all samples and full sample boards for all exterior and interior finish materials,
Systems, components, fixtures, furnishings, and equipment required for the Project.
(b) At IFC submittal, the Contractor shall provide an updated and complete list of all samples and
full updated sample boards for all exterior and interior finish materials, Systems, components,
fixtures, furnishings, and equipment required for the Project.
(c) At any time during the implementation phase, the Contractor shall provide any additional samples
that may be requested by Contracting Authority for review by Contracting Authority pursuant to
Schedule 10 - Review Procedure. Space Data Sheets

(a) For Passenger Facilities and Non-Passenger Facilities, the Contractor shall provide Space Data
Sheets for each space and their requirements in compliance with the Facilities Room Requirement
Matrix in APPENDIX D.
(b) The Contractor shall provide in the Space Data Sheets including room information such as room
name, type, dimension, function, number, location, adjacencies and detailed descriptions of all

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finishes, fixtures and fittings, mechanical and electrical requirements. Refer to Table 3.23-1.
Space Data Sheet Template.

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Table 3.23-1. Space Data Sheet Template Mock-Ups

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(a) This section provides requirements for the construction of mock-ups as required to demonstrate
the constructability and integrated design approach prior to construction. The objective of the
Mock-Ups section is to define the minimum requirements that will guide the Contractor prior the
construction of the Works.
(b) The approved mock-ups shall be assessed as a consistent line wide reference base-line standard
established and agreed upon between the Contractor and Contracting Authority.
(c) The Contractor shall develop a quality control plan to inspect, test, and evaluate each mock-up as
per Schedule 11- Quality Management. Scope
(a) By the end of detailed design stage and no later than by the IFC/Construction stage, the
Contractor shall coordinate the locations of the mock-ups so that it is agreed with Contracting
(b) Prior to IFC submittal and pre-construction, the Contractor shall provide mock-ups required for
the Project subject to Contracting Authority review.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure the mock-ups are completed to allow sufficient time for Contracting
Authority’s evaluation, alteration, and re-evaluation to prevent delays to the project construction
(i) the Contractor shall integrate the feedback from Contracting Authority as part of the
design iteration and changes required.
(d) The Contractor shall provide additional mock-ups that may be requested by Contracting
Authority for review by Contracting Authority pursuant to Schedule 10 - Review Procedure. General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall demonstrate the Design Excellence principles and Project Requirements for
the mock-ups through the following:
(i) quality of materials, workmanship, and aesthetic effects;
(ii) integrated assemblies and interdisciplinary elements meeting design intent;
(iii) the detailed resolution, integrity, and constructability of the materials; and
(iv) consistency verification of linewide elements of continuity and assemblies.
(b) The Contractor shall construct the mock-ups with the same construction materials, means and
methods that are anticipated to be used during construction of the project.
(c) The Contractor shall provide mockups for exterior and interior assemblies that are fabricated on
(d) The Contractor shall verify and validate at pre-construction, one-to-one scale mock-ups, the key
elements and construction assemblies in full working order that include, at a minimum, the

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(i) exterior and interior finish materials incorporating that of Section (Sample
(A) graffiti-resistant textures, treatments and materials as per DGL-03 Graffiti
Management v1.1;
(B) a minimum level of concrete quality: color consistency, surface texture, and
acceptable levels of bug holes/voids and other defects as per Section
(Exposed Architectural Concrete); and
(C) intersection of different materials at varying conditions for interior walls and
partitions as per Section and exterior cladding surfaces;
(ii) ornamental features;
(iii) power and communications with associated conduits, and raceways;
(iv) light fixtures simulating accurate ambience and reflectively of the final condition;
(v) fire life Safety equipment; and
(vi) Security, electrical and mechanical components.
(e) The Contractor shall provide, at a minimum, the following one-to-one mock-ups, which
demonstrate the successful integration of the Kit of Parts - Design elements:
(i) a Station Entrance and partial façade including the following details and connections:
(A) entry door(s);
(B) cantilever elements(s) such as canopy, or overhangs;
(C) one minimum building-skin-module wide on both sides of the entry door(s),
above the entry door(s) and any cantilever element(s);
(D) all visible entry elements;
(E) Street Furniture as per Section 3.18 (Urban Design and Landscape Architecture);
(F) all entry systems around doors;
(G) building parapet/soffit and roofing along width of the mock-up;
(H) paving/floor finish at the entrance 1.0 m deep on both sides along the width of
the mock-up; and
(I) all concealed or recessed elements such as a recessed entry mat(s);
(ii) a partial concourse level including the interior details and connections;
(iii) a partial Platform level including the following details and connections as applicable;
(A) a partial stair/ramp with Tactile Walking Surface Indicators, glass guards, and
integrated handrails; and
(B) ceiling/wall/floor finish intersections;
(iv) Bus Terminal integrated assemblies including the following details and connections:

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(A) entry door(s);

(B) cantilever elements(s) such as canopy, or overhangs;
(C) one minimum building-skin-module wide on both sides of the entry door(s),
above the entry door(s) and any cantilever element(s);
(D) all entry systems around doors;
(E) building parapet/soffit and roofing along width of the mock-up;
(F) paving/floor finish at the Bus Terminal entrance 1.0 m deep on both sides along
the width of the mock-up;
(G) all concealed or recessed elements such as digital signage and maps;
(H) one minimum partial Scarborough Centre Station Bus Terminal Passenger shelter
with all components and systems as per Section;
(I) partial Designated Waiting Area as per Section; and
(J) partial noise wall and Architectural Screening as per Section 3.18;
(v) EEB partial façade including the following details and connections:
(A) exit door;
(B) one minimum building-skin-module wide on both sides of the exit door, above
the exit door;
(C) all systems around door;
(D) louver (s);
(E) building parapet/soffit and roofing along width of the mock-up; and
(F) paving/landscape at the EEB exit door one meter deep on the exterior side along
the width of the mock-up;
(vi) TPSS partial façade including the following details and connections:
(A) entry door (s);
(B) one minimum building-skin-module wide on both sides of the entry door(s),
above the entry door;
(C) all entry systems around door;
(D) louver (s);
(E) building parapet/soffit and roofing along width of the mock-up; and
(F) paving/landscape finish at the TPSS entry door 1.0 m deep on the exterior side
along the width of the mock-up;
(vii) integrated custom, or prefabricated elements including:
(A) seating modules and its elements as per Section;
(B) waste and recycling receptacles as per Section;

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(C) signage fabrications and installation details; and

(D) Fare Collection Equipment as per Sections and 3.31;
(viii) a typical section of the Tunnel Fit-Out incorporating all linewide components, including
items listed in The Contractor shall comply with the following other loads and effects:;
(ix) a partial section of typical trackwork and special trackwork, on-site. Future Connection

(a) The Contractor shall submit a Future Connection design report to document studies for
connection(s) to existing buildings and strategies for the protection for connections to future
development to be submitted with each design submittal stage in compliance with Schedule 10 -
Review Procedure.
(b) For subsequent Future Connection design reports, the Contractor shall address changes to the
designs and provide updates on the status of recommendations made in previous reports.
(c) The Future Connection design report will include the following:
Table 3.23-2. Future Connection

Future Connection
Future Development - East Future Development - West Future Development - East
Scarborough Health Network Future Development –
General Hospital Station/Bus Terminal Property Future Development - West
Consilium Place Future Line 4 Extension

(i) for further details of each Future Connection, refer to the following Geographic Specific
(A) at LES, refer to;
(B) at SCS, refer to; and
(C) at SHP, refer to
(d) The Contractor shall validate the scope of the Future Connection design report with Contracting
Authority at each stage of the submission.
(e) For the Future Connections that are determined to be included in the scope, the Contractor shall
provide the following in compliance with requirements in Section (Provisions for
Future Connections):
(i) drawings, including:
(A) location, dimensions, and details of knock-out panels;
(B) location, dimensions, and details of build-out tunnels;
(C) location, dimensions and details of the vestibule; and

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(D) location and dimensions of Fare Collection Equipment and the required Surge
(ii) studies, including:
(A) studies demonstrating strategies for the protection for connections to future
(B) added ridership data and Passenger flow analysis;
(C) code and fire life Safety analysis;
(D) demonstrated constructability of Future Connection without disrupting the transit
operations and with minimal impact to roadway, pedestrian and bicycle traffic;
(E) scheduling implications of impacted infrastructure; and
(iii) class 5 cost estimates. Terminal Management System Overview
(a) The Contractor shall provide a Terminal Management System (TMS) report to be submitted with
each design submittal stage in compliance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.
(b) For subsequent Terminal Management System reports, the Contractor shall address changes to
the designs and provide updates on the status of recommendations made in previous reports. Scope
(a) The Contractor shall validate the scope of the Terminal Management System report with
Contracting Authority at each stage of the submission.
(b) The scope of the Terminal Management System report shall include the following:
(i) feasibility assessment which demonstrates the feasibility of accommodating a TMS at the
Scarborough Centre Station Bus and Sheppard East Station Terminals. At minimum, the
feasibility assessment shall include:
(A) space requirements, including identification of required rooms, equipment, and
conduit provisions;
(B) terminal hardware provisioning requirements including the following elements:
(I) vehicle identification devices;
(II) vehicle detection devices;
(III) traffic control signals;
(IV) terminal entrance signage;
(V) dynamic driver signage;
(VI) bay head signage;

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(VII) driver platform interfaces;

(VIII) NEMA boxes;
(IX) bus platform LED signs; and
(X) junction boxes;
(ii) for the above listed devices, and any additional devices noted in the report as being
required to support the complete functioning of the TMS, the following elements shall be
outlined within the report:
(A) required device placement and positioning to support TMS functionality;
(B) power and data provisioning requirements;
(C) structural provisioning requirements;
(D) required communications cable and conduits infrastructure; and
(E) IT infrastructure;
(iii) Traffic conflict assessment which identifies:
(A) potential vehicular conflicts upon entering, circulating, and exiting the terminal,
and any unplanned events such as vehicle breakdown; and
(B) approaches for traffic control mitigation;
(iv) potential hardware technical constraints of the various device types proposed for
implementation, and any potential conflicts with other proposed technologies.
(v) drawings which clearly indicate:
(A) locations of proposed TMS hardware, conduit connections, and signage; and
(B) locations of potential traffic conflicts and proposed traffic control type areas;
(vi) Risk analysis assessing the potential risks of implementing the Terminal Management
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate requirements outlined within the Terminal Management System
report with Contracting Authority, relevant transit agencies and TMS vendors. Bus Terminal Facility Design
The Contractor shall provide a Terminal Management System report in accordance with Section

3.23.5 Linewide Requirements General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall develop and demonstrate design excellence as it relates to Massing, exterior
design, and interior design for all Facilities in coordination with the approach and requirements
for Station Design per DS-09 and DS-02, including materials, finishes and Passenger amenities.

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(b) The Contractor shall integrate vent Shafts and mechanical Shafts, as well as their grade level
terminations into the Building Structure, as much as possible, to minimize the number of separate
(c) Where mechanical Shafts services multiple levels, the Contractor shall minimize the number of
bends in its routing.
(i) the continuous mechanical chase shall be concealed, not impede circulation areas, and
shall have no impact on exterior glazed areas.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure the placement of columns, along the Passenger path of travel, adhere
to the principles of CPTED such as; ease of wayfinding, Natural Surveillance and limiting the
potential for concealment.
(e) The Contractor shall design all Passenger /Customer Facilities buildings oriented and located in a
manner that reduces property take and neighbourhood impact.
(f) The Contractor shall minimize number of service doors facing all public areas in all levels.
(i) the Contractor to coordinate required wall space for signage, Kit of Parts elements, and
advertising with the location of service doors.
(g) The Contractor shall provide rooms for all Passenger /Customer Facilities buildings in
compliance with the Facilities Room Requirement Matrix in APPENDIX D.
(h) The Contractor shall ensure all Passenger / Customer Facilities are designed to avoid pockets
where garbage or illegal substances can be stowed and to allow of ease of maintenance.
(i) public areas shall be reachable by cleaning equipment without dirt traps;
(ii) public areas shall be such that one person can clean litter as well as spillage of solids and
(iii) public areas shall not include spaces between vertical surfaces that are less than 150mm,
to ensure gaps are easy to clean and remain free of litter;
(iv) finish materials in public areas shall be designed to ensure easy and safe access, for the
purposes of maintenance and repair;
(v) ceiling finish materials in public areas shall be subject to requirements of occupational
Safety act for Safety anchors harness or Platform lift; and
(vi) wherever possible, permanently installed maintenance access means shall be incorporated
as part of the Station design.
(i) The Contractor shall provide minimum clear height of 3000mm to underside of all suspended
elements, including signage and CCTV cameras in all public spaces.
(j) Where full height partitions are included in the fare control area, the Contractor shall coordinate
the full height partition with SVS.
(k) The Contractor shall provide foot grilles with an adequate design solution that is aligned with DS-
09 and meets ASTM standards.

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(a) The Contractor shall ensure all Facilities comply with the City of Toronto By-law 569-2013 and
the former City of Scarborough Employment Districts Zoning By-law 24982 as amended.
(b) The Contractor shall confirm with the City of Toronto for locations where transportation use
exemption is applicable.
(c) Where Station Entrance Building footprints are fronting a Municipal road, the Contractor
shall provide a minimum of 3.0 m Setback from the property line, unless otherwise approved by
the City of Toronto. Maintenance Clearance
(a) The Contractor shall space proof for a 3.0 m clear space around all above ground, surface and
sub-surface permanent structures measured from the outer edge of Metrolinx Assets.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure all above ground, surface and sub-surface permanent structures are
designed and constructed with a minimum 3.0 m clearance from existing adjacent permanent
(c) The Contractor shall obtain approval from Contracting Authority where exceptions to Articles and are required. Vehicle Parking
(a) The Contractor shall provide vehicle parking at Subway Stations, TPSSs, EEBs and ESBs as
outlined in Table 3.23-3. Vehicle Parking.
(b) The Contractor shall validate with Transit Agencies (TTC, GO, DRT, YRT) the placement of
vehicle parking spaces required for operations of all Subway Stations, TPSSs, EEBs, ESBs and
Bus Terminals in accordance with Table 3.23-3. Vehicle Parking.
(c) The Contractor shall provide As-Needed Maintenance parking as indicated in Table 3.23-3.
Vehicle Parking.
(i) The parking space shall be used for any maintenance in the facilities, including Main
Entrance and Bus Terminals;
(ii) The parking space shall not be dedicated, to allow for flexible bus operations;
(iii) The parking space may be used as a layover space; and
(iv) Where possible, the parking space shall be a sufficient distance away from change-off
bus space, to minimize conflicts with bus movements.

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Table 3.23-3. Vehicle Parking

[Note to Dev Co: parking requirements are under discussion and subject to change]
Parking Type Parking Dimension/Spot SCS/
TPSS-02 TPSS-04 -01 -01 -02 ESB- -04 -05 -06 -07 ESB-
01 02

As-Needed Maintenance
#1 18m x 3.0m 1 1 1
sized for standard LSU vehicles and complying with
#2 TPSS Maintenance Parking 1 1 1 2
the City By-Law at a minimum
#3 TTC Allocated Parking sized for standard passenger vehicles*** and 1 2 7 1 1* 2 1* 1 1 1* 2*
complying with the City By-Law at a minimum
sized for standard passenger vehicles and complying
#4 GO/DRT Shared Parking 1
with the City By-Law at a minimum
TTC/GO/DRT Shared sized for standard passenger vehicles and complying
#5 1
Parking with the City By-Law at a minimum
Sized for standard passenger vehicles and
#6 YRT Allocated Parting 1****
complying with the City By-Law at a minimum

* Refer to Section 3.22 (Civil and Building Infrastructure) for additional detail.
** Refer to for additional requirements.
***EEB and ESB parking shall be sized to accommodate a cube truck (7.34m L X 3.28m H x 2.54m W) within Metrolinx Lands as outlined in Schedule 20.
****YRT parking requirements are subject to change based on additional coordination between Contracting Authority and YRT.

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(a) The Contractor shall space proof for a Demarcated Space for a mobile generator sized to provide
all emergency and essential loads described in Section 3.21.3 (Passenger Station Low Voltage
AC Switchgear) and Section 3.21.5 (AC Power) at all Stations.
(i) the mobile generator connections and associated Demarcated Space for mobile generator
to be located at a nominal distance from Manual Transfer switch (MTS) for each facility
to mitigate any voltage drop or cable upsizing as required in the electrical code
(b) The Contractor shall ensure the Demarcated Space for mobile generator:
(i) can be accessed at all times;
(ii) does not impede pedestrian and vehicular traffic; and
(iii) does not impede bus operations.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a connection box for the mobile generator to hook up cables as per
requirements below:
(i) if the mobile generator Demarcated Space is within the vicinity of a building façade, the
connection box shall be embedded into the building façade; or
(ii) if the mobile generator Demarcated Space is not within the vicinity of a building façade,
a stand-alone connection box shall be provided to meet the following requirements:
(A) protection for snow removal; and
(B) prevent vehicular damage by providing bollards around the connection box;
(d) The Contractor shall space proof for a refuelling truck for the mobile generator while the
generator is in operation during an emergency:
(i) sizing, clearances, placements, and maximum/minimum distances from the emergency
power generator shall be coordinated with the manufacturer/provider. Exterior Design Roofs
(a) The Contractor shall ensure roofs and canopies are designed to maximise ease of maintenance.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure roofs and canopies include the following:
(i) heat-traced gutters and downspouts for Drainage, tied directly into a Stormwater
Management System; and
(ii) snow guards, including all areas adjacent to spaces of public circulation or gathering;
(c) The Contractor shall provide Screening for rooftop mechanical equipment at all buildings and
ensure Screening of rooftop mechanical equipment is to the height of the equipment.
(d) Where rooftop penthouses are required, the Contractor shall ensure the height of the penthouse is
not higher than the top of the parapet level.

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(e) The Contractor shall coordinate with mechanical specifications to provide a pre-fabricated
weatherproof pipe chase housing at roof penetrations, dedicated for installation of refrigerant
piping. Exterior Lighting
(a) The Contractor shall provide illumination that accounts for obstructions, surface reflectance's and
background contrasts.
(b) The Contractor shall provide illumination that minimizes shadows and glare, particularly as it
pertains to the transit operators.
(c) The Contractor shall provide lighting, ensuring that:
(i) in-ground lighting is equipped with internal glare shield/louvre;
(ii) pole lighting with multiple adjusted heads is used in pedestrian pathways and plaza;
(iii) areas of interest or art installations at the plaza are equipped with dedicated lighting:
(A) uplighting to be used with a control schedule;
(iv) fixtures located in building façades blend in with the architectural features and are
(v) dedicated lighting is provided for key building architectural elements and features;
(vi) all uplighting is confined within architectural elements; and
(vii) wall packs or light fixtures not integrated within architectural elements are not used for
the purpose of uplighting.
(d) The Contractor shall provide light fixtures such that those located at a height of 2500mm or lower
(within reach of the public) will be resistant to vandalism.
(e) The Contractor shall provide illumination to Bus Facilities canopies with indirect light integrated
within the structural elements.
(f) The Contractor shall provide pole lighting to illuminate bus driveways.
(g) The Contractor shall provide the following lighting features at Stations:
(i) exterior pedestrian light standards, pathway lighting, to accent public pathways and
(ii) wayfinding and signage lighting integrated in the Station entrance canopy; and
(iii) illuminated walls under Station entrance canopies.
(h) Where new SSE infrastructure meets existing infrastructure that is not being modified, the
Contractor shall transition the lighting to the existing infrastructure, while avoiding abrupt
changes in light levels and colour temperature. Station Sizing, Space Planning, and Capacity

(a) The Contractor shall provide Stations sized to accommodate the anticipated Passenger volumes
for design year 2080 based on:

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(i) 2041 AM peak train and bus ridership and operational data provided by Contracting
Authority as presented in; Table 3.23-4, Table 3.23-6, Table 3.23-8, and Table 3.23-10
SHP Passenger Transfers;
(ii) a 1% year over year growth projection from the 2041 ridership data to 2080;
(iii) an AM to PM ridership conversion factor of 1 for both the eastbound and westbound
(A) Refer to Table 3.23-5, Table 3.23-7, Table 3.23-9, and Table 3.23-11 for 2041
PM train and bus ridership data;
(iv) LOS targets defined in the DS-09; and
(v) a train Operating Headway of 110 seconds for both eastbound and westbound directions,
corresponding with implementing ATC instead of Fixed Block signaling.

Table 3.23-4. AM Peak Line Ridership

AM Peak Hour SSE Line Ridership (Design Year: 2041)
Eastbound Westbound
Link Link Link Link
Boarding Alighting Boarding Alighting
Station load in load out load in load out
Kennedy 2,610 1,600 740 3,470 10,500 6,450 1,390 15,560
3,470 930 540 3,860 8,280 2,940 720 10,500
3,860 1,550 2,010 3,400 5,870 3,640 1,230 8,280
3,400 - 3,400 - - 5,870 - 5,870

Table 3.23-5. PM Peak Line Ridership

PM Peak Hour SSE Line Ridership (Design Year: 2041)
Eastbound Westbound
Link Link Link
load Boarding Alighting load load Boarding Alighting
load out
Station in out in
Kennedy 15,560 1,390 6,450 10,500 3,470 740 1,600 2,610
10,500 720 2,940 8,280 3,860 540 930 3,470
8,280 1,230 3,640 5,870 3,400 2,010 1,550 3,860
5,870 - 5,870 - - 3,400 - 3,400

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Table 3.23-6. LES AM Peak Passenger Transfers

Lawrence East Station - AM Peak Hour Passenger Transfers
From To
Bus Kiss and Ride Total
Eastbound Westbound out
Bus 160 - 740 2,340 - 3,240
Kiss and Ride - - 50 160 - 210
SSE Eastbound 530 - - - 10 540
SSE Westbound 710 - - - 10 720
Walk in - - 140 440 - 580
Total 1,400 - 930 2,940 20 5,290

Table 3.23-7. LES PM Peak Passenger Transfers

Lawrence East Station - PM Peak Hour Passenger Transfers
From To
Bus Kiss and Ride Total
Eastbound Westbound out
Bus 160 - 710 530 - 1,400
Kiss and Ride - - - - - -
SSE Eastbound 2,340 160 - - 440 2,940
SSE Westbound 740 50 - - 140 930
Walk in - - 10 10 - 20
Total 3,240 210 720 540 580 5,290

Table 3.23-8. SCS AM Peak Passenger Transfers

Scarborough Centre Station - AM Peak Hour Passenger Transfers
From To
Park and Kiss and SSE SSE Walk
Bus Total
Ride Ride Eastbound Westbound out
Bus 1,790 - - 730 1,720 - 4,240
Park and Ride - - - 450 1,050 - 1,500
Kiss and Ride - - - 140 340 - 480
SSE Eastbound 1,920 60 10 - - 20 2,010
SSE Westbound 1,180 40 - - - 10 1,230
Walk in - - - 230 530 - 760
Total 4,890 100 10 1,550 3640 30 10,220

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Table 3.23-9. SCS PM Peak Passenger Transfers

Scarborough Centre Station - PM Peak Hour Passenger Transfers
From To
Park and Kiss and SSE SSE Walk
Bus Total
Ride Ride Eastbound Westbound out
Bus 1,790 - - 1,180 1,920 - 4,890
Park and Ride - - - 40 60 - 100
Kiss and Ride - - - - 10 - 10
SSE Eastbound 1,720 1,050 340 - - 530 3,640
SSE Westbound 730 450 140 - - 230 1,550
Walk in - - - 10 20 - 30
Total 4,240 1,500 480 1,230 2,010 760 10,220

Table 3.23-10. SHP AM Peak Passenger Transfers

Sheppard East Station - AM Peak Hour Passenger Transfers
From To
Kiss and SSE SSE Line 4 Line 4 Walk
Bus Total
Ride Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound out
Bus 1,070 - - 4,090 - 1,320 - 6,480
Kiss and
- - - 490 - 160 - 650
2,380 10 - - - 950 70 3,410
- - - - - - - -
Line 4
1,240 10 - 950 - - 40 2,240
Line 4
- - - - - - - -
Walk in - - - 340 - 110 - 450
Total 4,690 20 - 5,870 - 2,540 110 13,230

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Table 3.23-11. SHP PM Peak Passenger Transfers

Sheppard East Station - PM Peak Hour Passenger Transfers
From To
Kiss and SSE SSE Line 4 Line 4 Walk
Bus Total
Ride Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound out
Bus 1,070 - - 2,380 - 1,240 - 4,690
Kiss and
- - - 10 - 10 - 20
4,090 490 - - - 950 340 5,870
- - - - - - - -
Line 4
1,320 160 - 950 - - 110 2,540
Line 4
- - - - - - - -
Walk in - - - 70 - 40 - 110
Total 6,480 650 - 3,410 - 2,210 450 13,230 Emergency Egress and Level of Service General
(a) The Contractor shall design emergency egress in accordance with the OBC and NFPA 130.
(b) The Contractor shall design stairs to account for fatigue of Passengers where the stair has a
vertical rise greater than 15 m, in accordance with the guidance in Annex A of NFPA 130.
(i) where designed for, resting areas to address Passenger fatigue, shall:
(A) be sized to accommodate the anticipated number of Passengers needing to stop
for rest based on research related to the frequency of people stopping during high
stair ascents;
(B) be sized to maintain an appropriate density of people for a waiting area; and
(C) be located such that the resting Passengers do not block the egress path.
(c) The Contractor shall document their design solution to address Passenger fatigue when ascending
stairs with a vertical rise greater than 15 m for approval from the City of Toronto, including any
supporting analysis if applicable.
(d) If the Contractor adopts an alternative approach of elevators for egress, in accordance with the
provisions of NFPA 130, this shall be subject to coordination and agreement with the City of
Toronto. Passenger Modelling
(a) The Contractor shall conduct Passenger Modelling to develop and verify the design of all aspects
of the Station public circulation/ Passenger flow, including:

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(i) Horizontal Circulation;

(ii) vertical circulation;
(iii) Site Circulation;
(iv) Bus Platform sizing; and
(v) Station operating scenarios.
(b) The Contractor’s Passenger Modelling shall capture existing Interfaces and planned Future
Connections with the following Transit Agencies: TOC, GO, DRT and YRT.
(c) The Contractor's Passenger Modelling of the Station circulation elements shall be in accordance
with the capacities and flow rates as defined in the DS-12 Pedestrian Flow Modelling Design
Standard except:
(i) the Contractor shall use a nominal flow rate capacity of 80 people per minute for
escalators with a rated speed of 0.5 m/s; and
(ii) the Contractor shall use a nominal flow rate capacity of 105 people per minute for
escalators with a rated speed greater than 0.5 m/s.
(d) When referring to DS-12 Pedestrian Flow Modelling Design Standard, the Contractor shall
confirm with Contracting Authority on the most current version of DS-12:
(i) a draft version of DS-12 Pedestrian Flow Modelling Design Standard can be found in the
data room for reference.
(e) The Contractor shall conduct Dynamic Passenger Modelling of all Stations unless:
(i) the Contractor demonstrates, based on the 'Dynamic Modelling Needs Checklist' from the
DS-12 Pedestrian Flow Modelling Design Standard, that a Static Analysis is sufficient;
(ii) the Contractor receives written agreement from Contracting Authority.
(f) The Contractor shall use proven and widely-used software products for all Dynamic Passenger
Modelling of the Stations.
(g) The Contractor shall document the assumptions, methodology and performance criteria for the
Dynamic Passenger Modelling in a Dynamic Passenger Modelling Design Basis Report.
(h) The Contractor shall produce a Passenger Flow Analysis Report for each Station and integrated
Bus Terminal (as applicable) to document the results of the Dynamic Passenger Modelling. Station Attendant Booth Queuing Space
(a) The Contractor shall provide queuing space in front of Station Attendant Booths which achieves:
(i) a clear queue space of 1400mm per person, for a minimum of three people standing
perpendicular in front of each machine; and
(ii) no interference between the queue space and the path of travel or other queue/Surge

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(b) For scenarios where more than three people are queuing directly behind one another, it is
allowable for Station Attendant Booth queue spaces to overlap with fare gate queue space.
(c) For scenarios where FVM and Station Attendant Booth queues of more than three people overlap
with the fare gate queue space, the Contractor shall use Dynamic Passenger Modelling to verify
that the FVM or Station Attendant Booth queues do not interfere with the Passenger's path of
travel. Station Entrance Buildings

(a) The Contractor shall provide, in Station Entrance Buildings the following elements:
(i) Integrated Secure Bike Room as outlined in Table 3.23-12. Integrated Secure Bike
(ii) Vertical Circulation as per Section 3.23.8;
(iii) Fare Gates; and
(iv) Fare Vending Machines as outlined in Table 3.23-13.
(b) The Contractor shall maximize transparency along the exterior façades that front public streets to
provide visual connectivity between the interior public spaces and the exterior.
(c) The Contractor shall minimize number of service doors located on exterior façades that face
(d) The Contractor shall provide weather protection canopy to all public entry doors.
(e) The Contractor shall provide integrated canopies for all on-street Bus Bays and permanent on-
street Bus Stops fronting Station Entrance Buildings to sufficiently provide weather protection for
Passengers waiting to board the bus.
(f) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of one public entry point to Station Entrance Buildings
facing the most important frontage.
(g) The Contractor shall provide an identity canopy for all Secondary Entrances, as defined per DS-
(i) identity canopies to be provided to create a visual hierarchy between the main and
Secondary Entrances while maintaining a consistent design expression as defined per DS-
09. Integrated Secure Bike Room

(a) The Contractor shall perform all Works related to Integrated Secure Bike Room in accordance
with the criteria in the City of Toronto Design Guidelines for Secure Indoor Bicycle Parking
Facilities in addition to the following requirements from DS-07:
(i) the exterior access door to be a minimum total width of 1.2 m to accommodate non-
standard cycles;
(ii) the direct path from the Station Main Entrance or Secondary Entrance to the Integrated
Secure Bike Room to be lit during all Station operational hours of the day;

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(iii) during Non-Operating Hours, the entrance to the Integrated Secure Bike Room to remain
(iv) 10% of total bike counts as non-standard cycle parking as per DS-07 shall be provided:
(A) non-standard cycle parking to be sized as per DS-07 to be 0.75 m wide by 3.05 m
long to accommodate a variety of non-standard bike types such as e-bikes, cargo
bikes, and tricycles;
(v) provisions to accommodate e-bike charging outlets to be coordinated with the
(vi) an illumination level of 200 LUX within the secure bike room to be provided; and
(vii) a ceramic frit of a super graphic version of the branded logo on the glazed walls to
identify the Integrated Secure Bike Room from a distance and to assist with wayfinding
as per Metrolinx Wayfinding Design Standard to be applied.
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto (responsible for operation) to meet the
remote and local access control requirements including:
(i) remote access/key-card System requirements;
(ii) software and database control requirements; and
(iii) emergency access requirements:
(A) procurement and installation of the access control equipment as
per requirements;
(B) supporting testing and commissioning of the associated Systems; and
(C) coordination with the Station operator and the City of Toronto to develop a
Security response plan.
(c) The Contractor shall locate the Integrated Secure Bike Room such that the exterior access door is
near a direct path to the Station Main Entrance door or Secondary Entrance.
(d) The Contractor shall provide the Integrated Secure Bike Room with no direct access into the
Main Entrance building as per DSVR-00001.
(e) The Contractor shall be responsible for the implementation of a separate access control System
(local and remote) for the exterior door of the Integrated Secure Bike Room including:
(i) the implementation of Integrated Secure Bike Room parking spaces, refer to number
required per Station as noted in Table 3.23-12. Integrated Secure Bike Parking.
(f) The Contractor shall coordinate with City of Toronto to determine the type and layout of bicycle
racks that will be located inside the Integrated Secure Bike Room and to provision for the
appropriate space at all SSE Passenger Stations.
(g) The Contractor shall refer to Section for CCTV requirements for Integrated Secure Bike

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Table 3.23-12. Integrated Secure Bike Parking

2030 (2041) Secure Bike

2030 (2041) Daily Parking Requirements
Long Term
Lawrence East Station 10,487 (11,700) - (58)
Scarborough Centre Station 10,666 (11,900) - (52)
Sheppard East Station 12,997 (14,500) - (62) Platforms
(a) The Contractor shall provide a primary entry point, accessible directly from a public area of the
Platform, to service spaces beyond the Platform.
(i) the primary entry point and corridor to provide sufficient space to accommodate
relocation of equipment required for regular and routine maintenance activities.
(b) The Contractor shall provide Centre Platform with minimum width of 10.3 m.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a minimum unobstructed Platform width of 2.5 m between the
platform edge and any obstruction, including; walls, benches, garbage receptacles, etc.
(d) The Contractor shall provide Side Platform with minimum width of 3.6 m.
(e) The Contractor shall include, within the minimum Platform width, a 610 mm wide Platform
Safety edge.
(f) The Contractor shall provide tactile attention indicator at the Platform edge that meets
performance requirements as per DS-09 and it is constructed in a way that it could be removed in
the future without impacting the adjacent flooring. Underground Levels

(a) The Contractor shall provide a minimum finished floor to finished ceiling height of 4.0 m for
public areas in underground connection levels.
(b) The Contractor shall implement the necessary passive design measures to support the SVS
performance and at meet tenability criteria based on the Station CFD analysis outlined in Section, including smoke baffles and barriers around vertical transportation.
(c) The Contractor shall minimize instances where service Shafts terminate into public areas:
(i) in cases where Ventilation Shafts must terminate in public areas, such as makeup air
Shafts for Station SVS operation, visual disruptions to be avoided on all affected public
faces; and
(ii) measures implemented to minimize visual disruptions at public-facing Ventilation Shaft
termination points to not impede on the functionality of the SVS performance.

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(a) The Contractor shall provide a drained and vented cavity behind finishes at Station box walls
which is a minimum of 100mm wide.
(i) refer to Section 3.20 (Mechanical) requirements.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a crystalline or cementitious layer on the interior surface of all;
Station box walls, Shaft walls, walls that are connected to exterior walls and to the underside of
slabs that are adjacent to exterior openings. Walls and Partitions
(a) The Contractor shall provide heavy duty edge protection, and corner trim profiles in all public
areas scheduled to receive large format high performance porcelain tile wall finish in accordance
with the criteria in Metrolinx DS-09:
(i) trim profiles shall be fabricated from type 316 stainless steel sheet, minimum 1.4 mm
thick and include a perforated anchoring leg that is secured in the mortar bond coat
beneath the tile; and
(ii) profile design shall include a radiused or chamfered outside corner with the stainless steel
sheet folded back into the finished profile so that the edge is not left exposed. Material Performance Requirements Joints
(a) The Contractor shall ensure the following:
(i) thermal expansion joints to be integrated into finish materials.
(b) Joints shall be provided with expansion joint covers for walls;
(i) joints to be designed to incorporate compression seals;
(ii) joints to have an allowable movement of approximately 40% of the uncompressed seal
width unless otherwise stated and proven by the manufacturer; and
(iii) joints to remain in at least 15% compression at the widest opening. Exposed Architectural Concrete [Note to Dev Co: Requirements pending DSVR-
00017 Architectural Concrete Spec DS-09 acceptance]
(a) The Contractor shall ensure exposed surfaces of architectural concrete finish conform to the
(i) to be dense, smooth and even, and free of defects such as honeycombing, voids, loss of
fines, flow lines, segregation, cold joint lines or other similar imperfections;
(ii) to be free from surface defects visible to the eye from a distance of 3000 millimeters
(iii) limited to have evenly scattered bug holes or air voids between 3.75mm (1/8”)- to
6.35mm (¼”) range with a maximum of 15 for every 1m2 of surface area;
(iv) to be free of staining or discolouration from release agents;

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(v) to be a consistent, uniform, matt, and light coloured face with sharp, accurate definition at
corner, angle changes, arises, reglets and the like;
(vi) tie holes: if required by construction methodology, to be arranged in a regular pattern
with cap resultant tie holes with button inserts;
(vii) panel joints arranged in a consistent pattern/module as part of the architectural design
(viii) watertight construction joints;
(ix) blowholes to be filled and all irregularities stoned off; and
(x) water or grout loss not permitted. Marks no larger than 50mm in any dimensions shall be
(b) No repairs shall be permitted to the formwork without acceptance.
(i) damaged panels to be replaced with material of the same performance; and
(ii) to be grout washed to blend in with the existing panels.
(c) The finished surface shall be achieved without making good:
(i) making good to be minimal and consistent to an accepted sample; and
(ii) any improvements of the surface finish to be agreed with Contracting Authority prior to
any Work being carried out.
(d) The Contractor shall produce a mock-up as per Section for Contracting Authority’s
review demonstrating the above Equipment General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall space proof for the removal paths of large equipment, and coordinate
removal strategy based on type and size of equipment. TPSS integrated with Station
(a) The Contractor shall provide unobstructed vehicular access to PMH equipment on a 24/7 basis.
Layout of PMH equipment shall allow for equipment removal and maintenance in a way that
does not disturb bus operations.
(b) For regular maintenance and equipment removal purposes, the Contractor shall ensure the
distance between PMH equipment, and the maintenance vehicle space does not exceed 10 m.
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate with THESL on location of all THESL equipment. Station Equipment: Platform Edge Doors
(a) The Contractor shall ensure Platform width is sufficient to accommodate future installation of
(b) The Contractor shall ensure Communication Equipment Room is space-proofed to allow for
future accommodation of PED equipment.

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(c) The Contractor shall ensure future PEDs will not impact the Platform edge sign bands.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure future PEDs will not obstruct operator's line-of-sight with wayside
(e) The Contractor shall include, in the ATC, compatible CBI provision for PED Interface to the
signaling System.
(f) The Contractor shall provide network connection between PED controller and the BCN System
node(s) in the Station.
(g) The Contractor shall accommodate for the installation of future PEDs bonded to the Station
(h) The Contractor shall provide an insulating material to prevent contact between the grounded
metallic structure and the floating negative rail or body of the subway trains.
(i) The Contractor shall accommodate power supply for future PEDs and their associated supporting
infrastructure, integrated with the PED assembly, such as; CCTV's, digital signage, and speakers.
(j) The Contractor shall provide a continuous horizontal structural steel member, to support future
PED assembly, at or directly above the ceiling level:
(i) horizontal structural steel member shall be adequately braced at regular intervals to the
main structural slab above;
(ii) horizontal structural steel member shall be capable of supporting the anticipated design
loads for the future PED assembly, including the partition, lighting, signage, and other
equipment; and
(iii) horizontal steel member shall be capable of supporting a horizontal unfactored crowd live
load of 3 kN/m and unfactored cyclic piston air pressure of 2 kPa plus any other
applicable loads per the OBC.
(k) The Contractor shall ensure the future PED assembly will not impede ventilation of Station public
areas by train piston effect. Station Equipment: Drinking Fountains / Bottle Filling Station
(a) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of one drinking fountain/bottle filling Station in public
areas of all Stations.
(b) At Stations where there are public washrooms, the Contractor shall locate drinking fountain/bottle
filling station adjacent to the public washrooms.
(c) The Contractor shall locate drinking fountain/bottle filling station in clear public view and off the
main circulation path at Stations that do not include public washrooms.
(d) The Contractor shall prioritize locating drinking fountain/bottle filling station in an area not
visible to the non-transit users. Owner/Third Party Supplied Equipment: Fare Collection Equipment
(a) The Contractor shall provision for Fare Collection Equipment as outlined in Table 3.23-13. Fare
Collection Equipment.

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(b) The Contractor shall provision for Fare Collection Equipment required at the date of Revenue
Service, as follows:
(i) provide space, power, communication conduits and the associated back of house
infrastructure as detailed in Section 3.31.
(ii) coordinate installation, testing and commissioning with Contracting Authority's preferred
contractor as detailed in Section 3.31.
(c) Where future proofing for Fare Collection Equipment is required, the Contractor shall provision
space, power, communication conduits and the associated back of house infrastructure as detailed
in Section 3.31.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure all cables, conduits and services are concealed in accordance with
(e) Location and quantities of FVMs and Standalone Fare Payment Terminal required under Table
3.23-13. Fare Collection Equipment are minimums, based on 2041/2080 ridership data. The
Contractor shall validate, with Contracting Authority and PRESTO, the number and type of Fare
Collection Equipment required at all SSE Passenger / Customer Facilities by the end of concept
design stage and no later than by the enhanced design stage.
(i) the Contractor shall provide FVMs based on the following criteria:
(A) at the date of Revenue Service, the Contractor shall provide for FVMs based on
2041 ridership at Unpaid Fare Zone, near fare gates, in all Station Entrances;
(B) the Contractor shall future proof for additional FVMs at Unpaid Fare Zone, near
fare gates, based on 2080 ridership;
(C) the Contractor shall future proof for a minimum of one FVM in the Paid Fare
Zone, near fare gates, in all Station Main Entrances;
(D) the Contractor shall provide one FVM centrally located at each Bus Terminal
(E) if a direct pedestrian access from City Right-of-Way is provided to a Bus
Terminal Platform, one FVM to be provided close to this pedestrian access;
(F) if a Bus Terminal Platform has an underground connection within an Unpaid
Fare Zone, one FVM to be provided in the Unpaid Fare Zone of the underground
connection level; and
(G) FVMs to be available for use if waiting areas get locked; and
(ii) the Contractor shall provide Standalone Fare Payment Terminal based on the following
(A) at Bus Terminals with multiple Transit Agencies, the Contractor shall future
proof for a minimum of one Standalone Fare Payment Terminal per Bus Bay for
each Transit Agency; and

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(B) standalone Fare Payment Terminal from different agencies to be clearly

distinguished and located in the vicinity of the Bus Bay of the Transit Agencies it
is serving.
(f) The Contractor shall coordinate with PRESTO and relevant Transit Agencies for space provisions
for fare gates, FVMs, Standalone Fare Payment Terminal and their associated raceways and
equipment racks in all Stations.
(g) The Contractor shall validate the number of fare gates required in accordance with; emergency
egress requirements, normal Passenger flow requirements, and the minimums outlined in the
PRESTO Service Design Standards, for the ridership provided.
(h) The Contractor shall space proof for all Fare Collection Equipment generic sizes, layout and
requirements as defined by the latest PRESTO standards and specifications as per 3.31.3(b).
(i) The Contractor shall provide space for installation of Fare Collection Equipment that meets DS-
02 requirements for operation of equipment in addition to compliance with the latest PRESTO
standards and specifications as per Article 3.31.3(b).

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Table 3.23-13. Fare Collection Equipment

Station Bus Terminal

Station Zone Location Quantity Location Quantity Quantity
LES Unpaid Fare 2 n/a n/a n/a
LES Unpaid Fare 2 n/a n/a n/a
LES Unpaid Fare 3 n/a n/a n/a
LES Paid Fare3 1 n/a n/a n/a
LES Paid Fare3 - n/a n/a n/a
LES Paid Fare3 1 n/a n/a n/a
Total: 9

Main North
SCS Unpaid Fare 4(+1)3 1 - central 11 - TTC4
Entrance2 Platform
Concourse South 1 – central 5 - TTC4
SCS Unpaid Fare 7(+3)3 1- Grangeway 6-GO4
Level Platform
Entrance 1- DRT4
Landing South 1 – central 5 - TTC4
SCS Unpaid Fare 1 1- Grangeway 6-GO4
Level Platform
Entrance 1- DRT4
Main North
SCS Paid Fare3 1 n/a n/a
Entrance2 Platform
Concourse South
SCS Paid Fare3 1 n/a n/a
Level Platform
Landing South
SCS Paid Fare3 - n/a n/a
Level Platform
Total: 18 Total: 3 23

Main Paid Bus

SHP Unpaid Fare 5(+2) 1 - central n/a
Entrance5 Platform6
SHP Paid Fare 13 n/a n/a n/a
Total 8 Total 1

Refer to Section for Fare Collection Equipment requirements.

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1 Future Proof for future relocation of fare gates, refer to

2 Future Proof for future relocation of fare gates, refer to
3 Future proof for FVM’s in the Paid Fare Zone, refer to
4 Future proof for Standalone Fare Payment Terminal at Bus Terminal. Refer to
5 Future proof for future relocation of fare gates, refer to
6 Future proof for Standalone Fare Payment Terminal at SHP to allow for the bus terminal to be unpaid in the
future. Refer to

All FVMs numbers in table are dependent on station layouts. Refer to Owner/Third Party Supplied Equipment: Pay Phones

(a) The Contractor shall refer to Section for Public (Pay) Phone requirements for additional
(b) The Contractor shall provide public payphones at all Stations.
(c) The Contractor shall provide 450mm clearance, free of any obstruction from the centre of the
phone to either side of the phone.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure pay phones are wheelchair accessible.
(e) The Contractor shall coordinate with the third-party service provider to determine exact space
provisions for public payphones at all Stations. Owner/Third Party Supplied Equipment: Wi-Fi and Cellular Equipment
(a) The Contractor shall coordinate with the third-party contractor and TTC to determine exact space
provisions for fibre optic connections as well as floor space for public Wi-Fi and cellular
equipment (including antennas) at all Stations. Owner/Third Party Supplied Equipment: Advertising
(a) The Contractor shall confirm digital and static advertising quantities with Contracting Authority
Non-Fare Revenue Group for all Stations.
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate with third party provider and Contracting Authority to determine
exact space provisions for IDS/ADS (Information Display System/Advertising Display System)
and communication equipment racks at all Stations.
(c) The Contractor shall implement design strategies that maximizes advertising opportunities on
every level of all Stations.
(d) Within reason, and subject to coordination with Contracting Authority during the DPA Term, the
Contractor shall consider additional advertising strategies that support Article and
conform to guidelines outlined in DS-09 such as:

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(i) providing consolidated areas that allow for multiple, and successive advertisement
panels; and
(ii) providing consolidated areas that allow for large and continuous advertisement panels.
(e) The Contractor shall co-ordinate the installation of the advertising screens supplied by
Contracting Authority’s advertising contractor and owned by Contracting Authority:
(i) Contracting Authority’s advertising contractor shall update advertising screen
information and maintain current messages on the advertising screens throughout the life
of Contracting Authority’s advertising contract;
(ii) Contracting Authority shall provide advertising that use SCADA to identify failures;
(iii) Contracting Authority’s advertising contractor shall provide all advertising display
devices and manage advertising related content; and
(iv) specific issues related to access, maintenance, placement, final quantities, etc. will be
addressed at the time of Contracting Authority’s award of the advertising contract.
(f) The Contractor shall obtain approval of advertising screen placements from Contracting
Authority and operator in locations identified by Contracting Authority’s advertising contractor.
(g) The Contractor shall coordinate site access for all installations.
(h) The Contractor shall coordinate integration of advertising screens into public spaces with
Contracting Authority. Contracting Authority’s advertising contractor, and the Operator.
(i) The Contractor shall prevent visual conflict of advertising with wayfinding signage and other
equipment necessary for the efficient operation of the Stations including fare collection and
Retail. Owner/Third Party Supplied Equipment: Retail
(a) The Contractor shall confirm Retail quantities and locations with Contracting Authority Non-Fare
Revenue Group for all Stations including:
(i) Retail Vending Hubs;
(ii) Mobile Coffee Carts;
(iii) Containers;
(iv) Pop-up Retail; and
(v) Pop-up Retail Storage. Owner/Third Party Supplied Equipment: Retail Signage
(a) The Contractor shall coordinate with Contracting Authority for final locations and designs of
Retail signage.
(b) The Contractor shall provide all necessary infrastructure for the provision of Retail signage for all
Retail locations including power, data, sign supports, brackets, blocking and structural re-

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(c) The Contractor shall provide signage frames and supports for all interior and exterior Retail
(d) The Contractor shall provide supports that are structurally integrated with the Stations.
(e) The Contractor shall provide signage frames and supports that are aesthetically consistent with
the design language of the Stations.
(f) The Contractor shall provide signage frames and supports that are consistent in both application
and appearance throughout the Stations.
(g) The Contractor shall obtain approval from and coordinate with Contracting Authority for all
interior and exterior Retail signage designs and locations. Roof Access

(a) The Contractor shall provide roof hatches to access all rooftops and green roofs that support
equipment requiring regular maintenance.
(b) The Contractor shall provide interior access to the roof for all rooftops and green roofs that
support equipment requiring regular maintenance.
(c) Where interior roof access is provided, the Contractor shall provide a ladder in accordance with
OSHA 1910.25 Stairways.
(d) Where there is no rooftop equipment or green roof requiring regular maintenance, the Contractor
shall provide an interior access through a fixed ladder up to 90-degree.
(e) Where facilities include multiple roof levels, the Contractor shall provide exterior 90-degree fixed
access ladders between roof levels, provided the height between the top of the ladder and the roof
level does not exceed 5.0 m.
(i) all 90-degree fixed access ladders shall be provided in accordance with Engineering Data
Sheet 2-04.
(f) The Contractor shall not provide interior roof access where Emergency Exit Buildings do not
include rooftops and green roofs that support equipment requiring regular maintenance.
(g) The Contractor shall not provide any additional penthouses to facilitate roof access.
(h) The Contractor shall coordinate roof access requirements with the facility Maintainer.
(i) The Contractor shall provide parapet walls to be a minimum height of 900mm, measured from the
highest point of the surface on which the parapet wall is installed.
(j) The Contractor shall minimize rooftop penetrations.
(k) The Contractor shall locate all roof penetrations a minimum of 1830mm from a roof edge.
(l) The Contractor shall locate walkways a minimum of 1830mm from a roof edge.
(m) The Contractor shall provide additional Fall Arrest System for roof penetration if clauses (k) and
(l) are not complied.
(n) The Contractor shall provide guardrails extending 1830mm on each side of the top of access
stairs, access ladders or access hatches for all elevation differences greater than 900mm.

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(o) The Contractor shall provide roof hatches with access ladders equipped with retractable safety
(p) For rooftop requiring regular maintenance, the Contractor shall provide a suitable hoist System
adjacent to the roof access location.
(q) For all access ladders, the Contractor shall provide the first step at a maximum 300mm from
the starting surface.
(r) For all access ladders, the Contractor shall include a ladder Platform grate to assist with crossing
over rooftop curbs and parapets.
(i) the landing area of all access ladders to be clear for a minimum of 2000mm from the base
of the ladder.
(s) The Contractor shall provide all rooftop vents and Shafts with metal gratings.
(i) where there is public access, all metal gratings to be equipped with a concealed lock.
(t) The Contractor shall provide additional Fall Arrest System for rooftop vents and Shafts. Bus Terminal Facilities General
(a) The Contractor shall provide the Wheel-Trans Bus Bay near an accessible Station Entrance,
inside the bus terminals, along the accessible path of travel to other transit modes.
(b) The Contractor shall provide an Enclosed accessible waiting area with seating and a Wheel-Trans
no-show board located near the designated Wheel-Trans Bus Bay.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure Enclosed bus waiting areas are glazed to allow visibility of Bus Bays.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure clear sight lines from the designated Wheel-Trans Bus Bay to the
seating areas reserved for customers who use wheelchairs, and the accessible Station Entrance are
(e) The Contractor shall coordinate with applicable Transit Agencies (TTC, GO, YRT and DRT) to
verify the physical aspects of the Bus Terminals, including design of Passenger Bus Bays, Bus
Drive Aisle, bus accesses and egresses, layby spaces, bus routing and bay assignment to support
operations at all Stations.
(f) The Contractor shall coordinate with applicable Transit Agencies (TTC, GO, YRT and DRT) to
verify space provisions for communication equipment at all Stations.
(g) The Contractor shall ensure all Bus Bay canopy dimensions meet minimum required clearances
for emergency vehicles and the vehicles of all Transit Agencies operating in the Bus Terminal.
(h) Except where other means of weather protection is provided, the Contractor shall provide a
canopy integrated into the Building Structure that extends a minimum of 2.0 m from the inner
most point of the Bus Terminal Platform curb perpendicularly to the Bus Drive Aisle in a
sawtooth Bus Terminal Platform, to provide weather protection for bus doors.
(i) Except where other means of weather protection is provided, the Contractor shall provide a
canopy integrated into the Building Structure that extends a minimum of 1.0 m from the Bus

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Terminal Platform curb perpendicularly to the Bus Drive Aisle in a straight Bus Terminal
Platform, to provide weather protection for bus doors.
(j) The Contractor shall ensure the height to the underside of the integrated canopy is
adjusted/aligned with key massing indicators from adjacent building façades.
(k) The Contractor shall ensure the height to the underside of the integrated canopy maintains
weather protection for the Passengers along the Bus Terminal Platform.
(l) The Contractor shall ensure all Passenger waiting areas are weather protected.
(m) The Contractor shall design bus waiting areas and Bus Terminal Platforms to provide a clear and
organized customer facing space that maximizes visibility, circulation space and clear, direct
pedestrian flow, and consolidates and integrates customer amenities.
(n) The Contractor shall maximize automatic sliding doors as access to bus waiting areas.
(o) The Contractor shall design Bus Terminal access doors following the requirements in Section (Passenger Modelling).
(p) In addition to signage prescribed in Section 3.23.10 and unless requirement for another physical
barrier is specified within the relevant site specific Stations’ sections, the Contractor shall provide
a physical barrier around Bus Terminals to prohibit pedestrian access into the Bus Terminal from
the Municipal ROW and/or PPUDO.
(i) if any future TOC lands are adjacent to Bus Terminals, the physical barrier must remain
until such time the adjacent future TOC is built.
(q) The Contractor shall design the Bus Terminals such that all buses can be accessed without
entering another agency’s Fare Paid Zone. Bus Terminal Platform
(a) The Contractor shall provide Bus Terminal Platform with an unobstructed minimum width of 3.0
m or the maximum width that conforms to standards & manuals of all agencies operating in the
terminal measured from the building façade perpendicularly to the inner most point of the Bus
Terminal Platform curb at sawtooth Bus Terminal Platforms.
(b) The Contractor shall provide Bus Terminal Platform with an unobstructed minimum width of 3.0
m or the maximum width that conforms to standards & manuals of all agencies operating in the
terminal measured from the building façade perpendicularly to the Bus Terminal Platform curb at
straight Bus Terminal Platforms.
(c) The Contractor shall provide Bus Terminal Platform with an unobstructed clearance of 3.0 m
measured from the Bus Terminal Platform curb perpendicularly to the building façade at straight
Bus Terminal Platforms.
(d) The Contractor shall provide Bus Terminal Platform unobstructed and sized to accommodate the
volume of Passengers boarding and exiting the buses.
(e) The Contractor shall locate Bus Terminal Platform 150 mm above the bus driveway pavement

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(f) The Contractor shall provide a minimum clear height of 3000mm to the underside of all
suspended, projecting and post mounted elements, including signage and CCTV cameras, on all
Bus Terminal Platforms.
(g) The Contractor shall provide Bus Terminal Platform curb painted yellow (top and side) along the
entire length of the Bus Loop for Safety:
(i) the painted yellow line to be a depth of 610mm. Seating
(a) The Contractor shall provide Bus Terminal indoor waiting areas with one seating module per two
Bus Bays. Each seating module shall include the following:
(i) a minimum of two benches, each providing a minimum of three seating spaces, or a
combination of a minimum of one three seat bench and one leaning rail; and
(ii) a wheelchair accessible seating area per DS-02 and DS-09.
(b) When the number of Bus Bays is uneven, the Contractor shall round up to the next even number
of Bus Bays for the calculation of seating modules.
(c) The Contractor shall locate the seating module at a maximum walking distance of 30 m from the
bay it is serving.
(d) The Contractor shall locate the seating module to give the greatest degree of vision to view
incoming and parked buses.
(e) Where there is insufficient indoor waiting area space or no visibility from the seating module to
the Bus Bays, the Contractor shall provide one seating module per two Bus Bays on the Bus
Terminal Platform.
(f) The Contractor shall ensure the Bus Terminal Platform seating module is located where a
minimum of 3.0 m clearance can be maintained from the Bus Platform curb edges.
(g) The Contractor shall locate each Bus Terminal Platform seating module in the vicinity of the Bus
Bays it is serving.
(h) The Contractor shall provide furniture types, finishes and sizes as per DS-02 and DS-09. Waste and Recycling Receptacles
(a) The Contractor shall provide waste and recycling receptacles every 30 m along the Bus Terminal
indoor waiting area.
(b) Where there is no Bus Terminal indoor waiting area space, the Contractor shall provide waste and
recycling receptacles every 30 m along the Bus Terminal Platform.
(c) The Contractor shall provide waste and recycling receptacles in the following locations:
(i) DWA;
(ii) Fare Vending Machines;
(iii) Vertical Circulation elements; and
(iv) adjacent to high traffic areas along main path of travel.

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(d) The Contractor shall integrate the waste and recycling receptacles within the seating module,
where they occur near the seating module.
(e) The Contractor shall provide furniture types, finishes and sizes as per DS-02 and DS-09. Designated Waiting Areas
(a) The Contractor shall provide one DWA per Bus Terminal Platform for Scarborough Centre
Station and Sheppard East Station, located in the indoor waiting area.
(b) The Contractor shall enhance one seating module to accommodate the DWA components.
(c) The Contractor shall provide DWA components complying with the design criteria of DS-09
Section 10.4 Designated Waiting Area (DWA). Bus Operator Washrooms and Lunchrooms
(a) The Contractor shall provide bus operator's washrooms as per the following requirements:
(i) for each Bus Terminal Platform with five Bus Bays or less, the Contractor shall provide a
minimum of two water closets within a maximum of 400 m distance from all Bus Bays;
(ii) for each Bus Terminal Platform with greater than five Bus Bays and less than ten Bus
Bays, the Contractor shall provide a minimum of four water closets within a maximum
400 m distance from all Bus Bays; and
(iii) for each Bus Terminal Platform with greater than ten Bus Bays, the Contractor shall
provide a minimum of six water closets within a maximum 400 m distance from all Bus
(b) The Contractor shall provide for accessibility requirements as determined by OBC.
(c) The Contractor shall provide the minimum number of required universal washrooms as per OBC
(d) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of bus operator’s universal washroom at each Bus
Terminal Platform, compliant with OBC Section
(e) The Contractor shall provide all bus operator washrooms to be gender neutral.
(f) The Contractor shall provide a bus operator lunchroom for each Station as follows:
(i) located within a maximum of 400 m (5-minute walking distance as per CBA) distance
from all off-street Bus Bays;
(ii) located in a manner which minimizes back of house areas at the Bus Terminal Platform
level of Bus Terminals; and
(iii) adjacent to a minimum of one universal bus operator’s washroom (per OBC Section Provisions for Future Connections

(a) The Contractor shall provide the Future Connection complying with the design criteria of
Metrolinx DS-09 Section 7.4 - Entrances/ Exits, Section 7.5 - Circulation, Section 7.7 -
Pedestrian Tunnels and Metrolinx DS-11.

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(b) The Contractor shall refer to Section 3.22.6 (Building Structures) for additional requirements on
Future Connections.
(c) The Contractor shall provide minimum width of knockout panels in accordance with DSB-007.
Refer to Data Room for population figures on future adjacent developments.
(d) The Contractor shall coordinate and validate the TOC ridership numbers with the future TOC
developer and Metrolinx planning.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure the height of all knockout panels is equal to the full height measured
from the top of slab to the underside of the structure above.
(f) The Contractor shall position knockout panels in locations that do not impede or conflict with
Vertical Circulation elements and their associated Surge Spaces.
(g) The Contractor shall provide Drainage of cavity walls at each side of the knockout panel.
(h) The Contractor shall design and future proof for the Future Connection from the Station box to
the Public Access Point, following the criteria below:
(i) the Public Access Point to be the vestibule door facing the side of the future adjacent
development or the property line of Metrolinx Lands, whichever is the furthest point in
the Future Connection;
(ii) the Future Connection to be designed in a way which allows the Operator and Maintainer
unlimited and unobstructed access, 24/7;
(iii) the design of the Future Connection to be coordinated with Contracting Authority and the
future adjacent development;
(iv) the design of the Future Connection to meet Metrolinx standards and requirements
including the performance characteristics as defined in DS-11:
(A) if the Future Connection must be located on the Stakeholder property, outside of
the property line of Metrolinx Lands, due to site constraints, the design of the
Future Connection to meet Metrolinx standards and requirements; and
(v) the design of the Future Connection to include the following components:
(A) vestibules;
(B) Fare Collection Equipment; and
(C) communication equipment.
(i) When space proofing for future fare gates, the Contractor shall ensure visibility and pedestrian
flow are not impeded.
(j) At temporary unassigned spaces for the Future Connection, the Contractor shall provide rough fit
out for lighting and ventilation, as well as a temporary partition and access for maintenance and
inspection purposes.
(k) The Contractor shall ensure the Future Connection does not have a negative impact on Station
tenability determined by the Station CFD analysis as outlined in Section and is
coordinated with SVS.

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(l) The Contractor shall provide required power, communication cables and conduit infrastructure
for System Integration of the Future Connection.
(m) The Contractor shall coordinate with PRESTO to space proof for the required number of Fare
Collection Equipment and associated power, communication, and back of house infrastructure at
Future Connections.
(n) The Contractor shall ensure that all mechanical, electrical and communications services are
concealed at the Future Connection location.
(o) The Contractor shall ensure the location of Future Connection, knock out panels and built-out
(i) does not create dead end spaces; and
(ii) adheres to the principles of CPTED such as: ease of wayfinding, Natural Surveillance and
limiting the potential for concealment. [Intentionally Deleted] Emergency Exit Buildings

(a) The Contractor shall design EEBs using DS-09 Kit-of-Parts Design Excellence approach:
(i) EEB's Kit-of-Parts shall correspond to 'elements of variability', refer to Article and allow for flexibility and variability of form, finish, and texture to promote
site-specific design solutions which are contextually responsive and integrate into the
conditions at each EEB site.
(b) The Contractor shall furnish the exterior door of each EEB with IAC, enabling the door to be
opened by Authorized Users onsite as well as remotely from the TTC Transit Operations Centre.
(c) The Contractor shall provide minimum side clearances from the centreline of track to the face of
Safety walkway at all EEBs as defined in Table 3.23-14. EEB Track Clearances.
(d) The Contractor shall provide space for Tunnel radio equipment within EEBs such that:
(i) no active equipment shall be installed in the Tunnels; and
(ii) tunnel radio equipment shall be installed in wall-mounted cabinets.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure EEB parking is secured with bollards with eye bolts for manual
locking with a chain with standard padlock (S-1 key), unless noted in Table 3.23-15. EEB
Parking Requirements.
(f) The Contractor shall provide vehicular parking for Emergency Exit Buildings as noted in Table
3.23-3. Vehicle Parking.
(i) vehicular parking shall be sized for standard Passenger vehicles and complying with the
City By-Law at a minimum.
(g) The Contractor shall provide parking located within EEB property:
(i) EEB parking shall not have any fixed obstructions along the sides of the parking space to
ensure easy access to vehicle doors/trunk.

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(h) The Contractor shall ensure EEB parking space does not impede egress from the Emergency Exit
(i) The Contractor shall integrate non-projecting or recessed rainwater leaders within the façade of
the EEBs to allow for an ease of maintenance and periodic inspection.

Table 3.23-14. EEB Track Clearances

Emergency Exit Buildings

Required Minimum Clearance to

Safety Walkway from Centreline of
Location Track (m)
Eastbound Track Westbound Track
EEB-01 1.8028 1.8008
EEB-02 1.9223 2.0852
EEB-03 / ESB-01 1.7650 1.7650
EEB-04 1.7650 1.7650
EEB-05 1.7650 1.7650
EEB-06 1.7650 1.7650
EEB-07 1.7650 1.7650
EEB-08 / ESB-02 1.7650 1.7650

Table 3.23-15. EEB Parking Requirements

EEB Parking Requirements
Location Bollards Signage*
EEB-01 X
EEB-02 X
EEB-03 / ESB-01 X
EEB-04 X
EEB-05 X
EEB-06 X
EEB-07 X
EEB-08 / ESB-02 X

*Refer to Section 3.23.10 for signage requirements.

3.23.6 Geographic Specific Requirements Overview
(a) This section identifies the site-specific requirements for Passenger / Customer Facilities
associated with the SSE Project.

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Systems DPA Execution Version Lawrence East Station Siting
(a) The Contractor shall provide Lawrence East Station Facilities at the intersection of Lawrence
Avenue East and McCowan Road. Setbacks
(a) The Contractor shall ensure Lawrence East Station Facilities adhere to the minimum Setback
requirements as per Section Main Entrance
(a) The Contractor shall provide the Main Entrance building as a stand-alone structure at the
southwest corner of Lawrence Avenue East and McCowan Road.
(b) The Contractor shall consolidate the Main Entrance with the Bus Terminal, Bus Operators’
Facility and TPSS-02.
(c) The Contractor shall maximize the active frontage of the Station entrance on Lawrence Avenue
and ensure that the interior arrangement of elements and spaces allow for continuous visual
connection between the Station entrance interior and Lawrence Avenue.
(d) The Contractor shall locate elevators and other Station entrance elements towards the interior of
the building so that the Lawrence and McCowan frontages remain active and open.
(i) the Lawrence frontage shall be prioritized over the McCowan frontage.
(e) The Contractor shall locate the fare gates at grade at the date of Revenue Service for Lawrence
East Station.
(f) To protect for a future conversion of the Paid Fare Zone, the Contractor shall future proof for the
fare line to be relocated to concourse level following the requirements below:
(i) enable an Unpaid Fare Zone connecting from the future development knockout panel
located on the east side of concourse level to the Lawrence East Station Main Entrance;
(ii) future proof for the relocated fare line to be in accordance with Section as
applicable and adhere with the requirements in Section; and
(iii) the location of the future fare line shall ensure the Vertical Circulation Elements
connecting between concourse to Platform levels are located within the Paid Fare Zone. Secondary Entrance
(a) The Contractor shall provide the Secondary Entrance building as a stand-alone structure at the
northwest corner of Lawrence Avenue East and McCowan Road.
(b) The Contractor shall locate the entry to the Secondary Entrance of Lawrence East Station such
that it opens towards the entry Plaza.
(c) The Contractor shall locate the fare gates at grade at the date of Revenue Service for Lawrence
East Station.
(d) The Contractor shall locate Secondary Entrance elements towards the interior of the building so
that the Lawrence and McCowan frontages remain active and open.

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(i) the Lawrence frontage shall be prioritized over McCowan frontage.

(e) If the elevators are located against the exterior façade facing Lawrence Avenue or McCowan
Road, the Contractor shall ensure elevators are visible through the façade.
(i) the Contractor shall maximize transparency of the façade facing McCowan Road and
Lawrence Avenue. Provision for Future Connections
(a) The Contractor shall provide a knockout panel on east side of Concourse Level to connect to
future adjacent development to be located on property on the south-east corner of McCowan and
Lawrence intersection.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a knockout panel on the west side of the at-grade structure of the
Secondary Entrance building to allow for a future hospital connection within the Unpaid Fare
(c) To facilitate the future hospital connection, the Contractor shall design the exterior façade in such
a manner that the removal of the knockout panel minimizes impact and preserves continuity of
the adjacent building envelope System.
(d) The Contractor shall interface the Lawrence East Station at grade structure with the at grade
structure of the adjacent Scarborough Health Network General Hospital and coordinate with the
Scarborough hospital and City of Toronto for the design and construction of a knockout panel,
new parking lot and Retaining Wall at Lawrence East Station. Site Planning and Parking
(a) The Contractor shall provide vehicular parking for Lawrence East Station Facilities as noted in
Table 3.23-3. Vehicle Parking. Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
(a) The Contractor shall provide a Station Entrance Plaza at the Main and Secondary Entrance
building in compliance with Section 3.18.6 (Public Realm – Stations).
(b) The Contractor shall provide a continuous row of street trees within the Municipal ROW along
the south side of Lawrence Avenue East where space permits.
(c) The Contractor shall provide minimum three trees within Station property along the south side of
Lawrence Avenue East between the Main Entrance building and the pedestrian clearway.
(d) The Contractor shall provide minimum two trees within Station property along the west side of
McCowan Road between the Secondary Entrance building and the pedestrian clearway.
(e) The Contractor shall provide a noise barrier on Station property between the Bus Terminal and
residential properties as required per Schedule 17 - Environmental Obligations and Section (Screens and Barriers).
(f) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 3.5 m wide landscape buffer within Station property
between the south edge of the Bus Drive Aisle and residential properties. Where a parking layby
is adjacent to residential properties, the landscape buffer may be reduced to minimum 0.3 m wide
to accommodate the parking space.

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(g) The Contractor shall provide a continuous row of columnar trees and a planting treatment within
the Bus Terminal landscape buffer where space permits.
(h) The Contractor shall ensure the placement of a parking layby within the Bus Terminal landscape
buffer allows for minimum one tree within Station property adjacent to the Municipal ROW and
on either side of the Bus Terminal.
(i) The Contractor shall provide a vine planting treatment along the Station side of the noise barrier
using a vertical greening cable System where space permits.
(j) The Contractor shall provide 2.0 m high Architectural Screening and a gate around the PMH units
where they are facing a Municipal road and/or the Bus Terminal. Architectural Screening must be
integrated with the Station / TPSS building.
(k) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 1.8 m wide walkway within Station property between
the Secondary Entrance building and SHN Lands.
(l) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 2.0 m wide landscape buffer and planting treatment
within Station property between the Secondary Entrance Plaza and SHN Lands where space
(m) Where a mobile generator / emergency parking space is adjacent to a Station building, the
Contractor shall provide a row of bollards along the building façade to protect from vehicle
(n) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 1.0 m wide landscape buffer and planting treatment
within Station property on the north side of the Secondary Entrance building and adjacent to SHN
Lands where space permits.
(o) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 2.0 m wide planting treatment outside of Station
property where space permits along the Retaining Wall of the SHN parking area.
(p) Where Civil works along McCowan Road impact greenspace within SHN Lands, the Contractor
shall reinstate landscape elements to improve upon existing conditions. Refer to Section
for Tree Compensation requirements.
(q) The Contractor shall reinstate the island planting bed within the SHN parking lot.
(r) The Contractor shall reinstate existing SHN hospital sign and provide one new sign for SHN.
(s) The Contractor shall locate SHN signage within SHN Lands along Lawrence Avenue East and
McCowan Road and must be clearly visible from the Municipal ROW.
(t) The Contractor shall coordinate with SHN on new and reinstated items relating to the Retaining
Wall, hospital signage, and landscape restoration.
(u) The Contractor shall provide a green roof on the Secondary Entrance building to ameliorate views
from SHN Lands.
(v) The Contractor shall space-proof for a Bike Share Toronto station within the Municipal ROW on
the north side of Lawrence Avenue East between SHN Lands and the pedestrian clearway.

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(a) The Contractor shall provide Scarborough Centre Station Facilities at the southeast corner of the
intersection of Progress Avenue and McCowan Road.
(b) The Contractor shall minimize the Main Entrance/TPSS footprint at grade to maximize the
adjacent Public Realm and transit plaza at the intersection corner allowing for UDLA provisions.
(c) The Contractor may locate the TPSS-03 on the parcel of land bounded by McCowan Road,
Progress Avenue, Grangeway Avenue and Bushby Drive. Alternatively, the Contractor may
locate TPSS-03 within the ROW parcel at the northeast corner of McCowan Road and Progress
Avenue subject to Additional Lands Request. Setbacks
(a) The Contractor shall ensure Scarborough Centre Station Facilities adhere to the minimum
Setback requirements as per Section Main Entrance
(a) The Contractor shall provide the Main Entrance building as a stand-alone structure on the east
side of McCowan Road, between Progress Avenue and the Triton Road extension, with the entry
point facing west towards McCowan Road.
(b) The Contractor shall maintain a consistent 5 m Setback from the McCowan Rd.
(c) The Contractor shall maximize the active frontage of the Station entrance along McCowan Rd.
with minimal façade undulations.
(d) The Contractor shall locate Vertical Circulation elements towards the interior of the building.
(e) The Contractor shall coordinate with Contracting Authority to finalize requirements around fare
lines between bus operators.
(f) The Contractor shall provide space for adequate number of Fare Vending Equipment on the
unpaid and paid area should the at-grade fare line be realized. Underground Structure
(a) The Platform level shall consist of two parallel tracks serving two Side Platforms. Provision for Future Connections
(a) The Contractor shall provide a knockout panel and construct the underground connection on the
West side of the concourse level to connect to future development on the southwest corner of the
Progress Avenue and McCowan Road intersection. [Note to Dev Co: the following scope of work
is under review and discussion with Contracting Authority]
(b) The Contractor shall provide a knockout panel to connect from Scarborough Centre Station
Facilities to future TOC Development on the parcel of land bounded by McCowan Road,
Progress Avenue, Grangeway Avenue and Bushby Drive which meets the following requirement:

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(i) the Contractor to locate the knockout panel to promote connection for Passengers
accessing the Station from the south portion of the Site.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a knockout panel from the northeast side of concourse level to
provide a Future Connection to Consilium Place, which meets the following requirements:
(i) the Contractor to locate the knock-out panel outside of the Progress Avenue public Right-
Of-Way to allow for ease of construction of the Future Connection from Consilium Place
with no traffic impact on Progress Avenue. Pedestrian Connections
(a) The Contractor shall provide an underground connection between the Subway Station and the
Bus Terminal Platform.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure there are not physical separations or doorways along main circulation
routes between Bus Terminal Platforms, subway Platforms and entrances, or any other means
which would contravene DS-09 clauses 7.5.3, 7.5.4 and 7.5.5. to satisfy OBC requirements for
independent Station egress. Unpaid Transaction Zone
(a) The Contractor shall minimize the extent of the Unpaid Fare Zone below grade. Bus Terminal Facility Design
(a) The Contractor shall provide the following aspects of the Bus Terminal to be Agnostic of
operator: [Note to Dev Co: requirements are under discussion and subject to change]
(i) Bus driveway;
(ii) Bus Terminal entrances and exits;
(iii) Bus Bays;
(iv) Bus Terminal Platform Width;
(v) Bus Terminal Canopy; and
(vi) Customer amenities such as seating and waste receptacles.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a microclimate analysis report for Passenger waiting areas and
public plazas adjacent to the Station entrance, which determines and provides sufficient wind
protection/mitigation measures to ensure an adequate level of comfort is provided.
(c) If the transfer structure is the selected option as per Section 3.35, the Contractor shall provide a
transfer structure, as described in Section, above Bus Terminal and the associated
above-grade and below-grade structure to support future development on the site.
(i) the roof structure to provide weather protection for the Bus Terminal Platform and all
Passenger waiting areas below, refer to Section
(d) The Contractor shall provide Public Washrooms within the unpaid Fare Zone, located along a
route that is accessible to all Bus Terminal Platforms, in such a way that they may be used by all

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(e) The Contractor shall provide access to each Bus Terminal Platform based on Passenger
Modelling analysis to achieve the required LOS.
(f) The Contractor shall provide the Bus Terminal exterior and interior materials and finishes in
conformance with DS-09 and match finishes in the Station.
(i) Structural walls and columns shall be clad with materials and finishes per DS-09.
(ii) the exterior and interior finishes shall be coordinated with the branding of the Station.
(g) The Contractor shall validate with Contracting Authority on the color strategy for the Bus
Terminal in advance of enhanced design and sample board submittals.
(h) The Contractor shall provide Bus Terminal walls that are straight with no indentations or
(i) The Contractor shall provide Bus Terminal walls that are flush with the face of the wall base.
(j) The Contractor shall conceal the Bus Terminal and its associated structural columns with a full-
height curtain wall façade along frontages of McCowan Road and Grangeway Avenue that are
not open to Bus Drive Aisle. The façade shall meet the following requirements:
(i) functions as an element to enclose and define the Bus Terminal and ensure pedestrian
safety by preventing trespassing onto Bus Drive Aisles and Bus Terminal Platforms;
(ii) to be designed as per DS-09;
(iii) to be integrated with the roof structure columns;
(iv) to be integrated with the Station Entrance and consolidated with all Station facilities
along McCowan Road and Grangeway Avenue to create a seamless façade along the
ROW; and
(v) the height of façade to extend to the underside of the roof structure.
(k) For the areas of the Bus Terminal adjacent to TOC, the Contractor shall meet the following
(i) If the Bus Terminal and its Bus Drive Aisles are covered with a roof structure, the
Contractor shall provide an architectural enclosure that prevents pedestrians from
crossing into the Bus Terminal.
(ii) If the Bus Terminal Platform is covered with a canopy, the Contractor shall provide an
architectural fencing that prevents pedestrians from crossing into the Bus Terminal.
(l) The Contractor shall provide the architectural enclosure and the architectural fencing to meet the
following requirements:
(i) maintains high level of aesthetics and design quality on both sides of the architectural
enclosure and the architectural fencing;
(ii) integrates within the architectural language of the surrounding Station facilities;
(iii) meets design requirements in DS-09;
(iv) selection of materials and finishes to meet the requirements below:

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(A) to be durable, low maintenance and resistant to vandalism;

(B) to take into account the Bus Terminal design and bus movements;
(C) to promote a bright space and improved customer experience within the Bus
(D) adheres to the principles of CPTED such as: natural surveillance and limiting the
potential for concealment.
(m) The Contractor shall provide the architectural enclosure to meet the following requirements:
(i) has a material finish that allows for a seamless connection with the future TOC façade;
(ii) extends to the underside of the roof structure of the Bus Terminal;
(iii) the Bus Terminal facing side to be designed as per exterior materials and finishes in DS-
(iv) the design of TOC facing sides of the architectural enclosure to be coordinated with
Contracting Authority and the future adjacent development.
(n) The Contractor shall provide the Bus Terminal with an entrance portal along McCowan Road and
Grangeway Avenue that meets the following requirements:
(i) serves as frame to the entrance to the Bus Terminal;
(ii) the location of the entrance portal and its supporting structure to not affect the Bus Drive
Aisle circulation;
(iii) cladding to adhere to design requirements of DS-09;
(iv) the height of the entrance portal to extend to the underside of roof structure; and
(v) the canopies and ceilings provided for Bus Terminal Platforms to extend to meet the
entrance portal.
(o) Extent of implementation of the Terminal Management System into the scope shall be approved
by Contracting Authority no later than by the Second Checkpoint Date.
(p) The Contractor shall provide a Terminal Management System report in accordance with Section
(q) The Contractor shall demonstrate a strategy for elevators paths that minimizes the change of
elevators between Bus Terminal Platforms and subway Platform.
(r) The Contractor shall provide clearance between the finished grade of the Bus Drive Aisles and
the top of TOC underground roof slab that meets the following requirements:
(i) pipe and conduit backfill and bedding to meet site and utility specific criteria, and to suit
geotechnical conditions;
(ii) pipe and conduit clearance and cover based on the required diameter and surround to
meet the site and utility specific criteria;
(iii) frost;

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(iv) electrical and communication ductbanks;

(v) sufficient clearance to allow servicing in the area without damaging the waterproofing for
the TOC enabling roof slab; and
(vi) any future underground components required to facilitate the TOC Program;
(s) The Contractor shall coordinate the locations of the enabling transfer structure columns in the Bus
Terminal with the TOC underground enabling structures including the thickness of the TOC
underground roof slab.
(t) The Contractor shall provide clearance between the Bus Drive Aisle edge and any vertical
obstruction that conforms to the following requirements:
(i) provides a minimum width of 700mm; and
(ii) accommodates required space to perform maintenance activities on and around the Bus
Drive Aisles and its adjacent structures. Bus Terminal Platform Passenger Shelters
(a) Where indoor waiting areas cannot be provided on the Bus Terminal Platforms, the Contractor
shall provide integrated heated Passenger shelters on each Bus Terminal Platform which extend
to meet the underside of the transfer structure above.
(b) The Contractor shall provide Passenger shelters with a minimum number of shelters as required
by Metrolinx standards. [Note to Dev Co: requirements are under discussion and subject to
(c) The Contractor shall include seating modules inside the Passenger shelters as per Section [Note to Dev Co: requirements are under discussion and subject to change]
(d) The Contractor shall maximize the area of the Passenger shelters by consolidating seating
modules inside the Passenger shelters while allowing proper circulation in the Bus Terminal
Platform. [Note to Dev Co: requirements are under discussion and subject to change]
(i) Passenger shelters shall be consolidated to form a continuous structure.
(ii) Passenger shelters shall be accessed from both sides of the island platform.
(e) The Contractor shall locate integrated Passenger shelters to maximize sightlines to Bus Bays.
(f) The Contractor shall locate Passenger shelters in a way that allows flow through from one side of
the platform to the other side between two adjacent shelters.
(g) The Contractor shall provide all elements of the integrated shelters including lighting,
heaters, charging receptacles, waste receptacles, seating accessibility, automatic door operation
System, advertising, interior and exterior finishes, window design requirements, and signage as
per Metrolinx standards and CCTV, WIFI and public address System per Section 3.27.4.
(h) Within each integrated Passenger shelter, the Contractor shall provide Digital Information Walls,
as per Metrolinx standards, as well as space proof for digital signage as per Section
Passenger Visual Information System.

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(i) Where possible, the Contractor shall integrate other Bus Terminal Platform elements such as
columns, pipes, conduits, and chase locations into the Passenger shelters to maximize clear Bus
Terminal Platform area for Passenger circulation and to minimize impact and maintenance. Structure Above Bus Terminal
(a) The Contractor shall provide a roof structure above the Bus Terminal and Bus Terminal Platforms
that can accommodate future TOC Development rooftop amenities and future TOC Development
loads as required.
(i) refer to Section for structural requirements regarding the structure above Bus
(b) The Contractor shall provide a roof structure spanning across the Bus Drive Aisles.
(c) The Contractor shall locate roof structure columns in such a way that they do not interrupt the
path of travel or cause CPTED issues.
(d) The Contractor shall provide minimum vertical clearance height measured from the finished
grade of the Bus Drive Aisle to the lowest suspended element under the roof structure, which
includes servicing and signage, that meets the following requirements:
(i) allows for safe operation of vehicles associated with all Transit Agencies using the
terminal; and
(ii) allows for safe operation of maintenance and emergency vehicles.
(e) The Contractor shall protect for a minimum of 1000mm of space over all areas of the Bus
Terminal under the roof structure for Revenue Service date and future servicing needs. The
clearance shall accommodate the following:
(A) mechanical components and equipment required to meet system operational
requirements in the transit facility;
(B) power, lights and communications conduits;
(C) communications devices; and
(D) lighting fixtures, fire alarm and public address devices.
(f) The Contractor shall provide a roof or canopy to the entry to the bus driveways adjacent to the
outer extents of the roof structure as per the requirement (g) (k) and (l) within Section
(g) The Contractor shall provide the underside of roof structure above the Bus Drive Aisles with a
smooth finish painted with a solid color.
(i) If the roof structure is built out of concrete, the Contractor shall meet the requirements of
exposed precast and cast in place concrete as described in DS-09 and the exposed surface
to be painted a solid color.
(h) The Contractor shall provide a suspended ceiling System to the underside of the roof structure
above the Bus Terminal that meets the following requirements:

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(i) the suspended ceiling and the bulkhead extent to only cover the Bus Terminal Platform
(ii) the suspended ceilings over the Bus Terminal Platforms to be finished at the edges with a
bulkhead clad in aluminum panels;
(iii) the Bus Terminal Platform bulkhead to follow the geometry of the Bus Terminal
(iv) the suspended ceiling to offset minimum 1500mm from face of columns;
(v) the suspended ceiling to be finished with aluminum with acoustical backing (as required)
to meet specified acoustic levels;
(vi) ceiling system to be panelized to facilitate maintenance;
(vii) color for ceiling system metal grilles, bulkhead and adjacent surfaces to conform to DS-
(A) the color to be consistent across adjacent surfaces: and
(B) the color to be coordinated with the feature wall.
(viii) the ceiling system to incorporate light fixtures, CCTV, PA, and any other ceiling-
mounted equipment;
(ix) equipment housing to match adjacent ceiling finish;
(x) the suspended ceiling system to be designed with a recessed fascia to create an
articulation and to provide a seamless enclosure between the ceiling and the underside of
the roof structure;
(A) if fascia is a straight wall, the wall shall be colored.
(B) the bulkhead corners shall be rounded.
(xi) the ceiling height under the roof structure to meet the minimum required clearances for
emergency vehicles and the vehicles of all Transit Agencies operating in the terminal;
(xii) the clear height to the underside of ceiling and bulkhead for Bus Terminal Platform to be
minimum 4500mm;
(xiii) all ceiling elements to be designed with the proper Setbacks from Bus Terminal
Platforms and reviewed to satisfy all volumetric vehicular spatial requirements;
(xiv) the suspended ceiling to conceal services and systems, while allowing access by
operations and maintenance;
(xv) all screens and signage to be suspended from the ceiling with a minimum clear height of
3.0 m to the underside of the fixture; and
(xvi) all structures on the Bus Terminal Platforms, including wind screens, Passenger shelters
and other Enclosed spaces, to be extended to meet the ceiling.

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(i) The Contractor shall articulate the required duct work and piping under the roof structure in an
organized manner to avoid unsightly configurations over the Bus Drive Aisles and meet the
following requirement:
(i) duct work and piping to be painted out to the extent possible.
(j) The Contractor shall conceal the required duct work and piping under the roof structure over the
Bus Terminal Platform areas.
(k) Where two bus driveways are adjacent, the Contractor shall provide Clear-Vue type screens to
divide the Bus Drive Aisles as required.
(l) Where TOC servicing from development above the roof structure will impact the Bus Terminal
space, the Contractor shall limit chase locations to an absolute minimum, coordinate away from
public Platform spaces and ensure finishes are re-established or matched where impacts cannot be
(m) All servicing for TOC shall go through TOC lands unless as specified below:
(i) first level parking Drainage, TOC may use Station capacity as long as TOC demonstrates
the load doesn't exceed the capacity in the Contractor’s design.
(n) The Contractor shall design the roof transfer structure over the Bus Terminal with a roof per DS-
(o) The Contractor shall provide a suitable roofing assembly with adequate slope to facilitate proper
Drainage as per mechanical Section and a Storm Water Management design
requirements as per Section 3.22.5.
(i) The roofing assembly shall be installed on top of the roof structure above the Bus
(p) The Contractor shall ensure the roofing membrane System on top of the roof structure over the
Bus Terminal is constructed in a way that facilitates its removal in the future without affecting the
structural integrity of the roof structure.
(q) If required by TOC Development, the Contractor shall design and build the roof structure, and
related components including roofing and drainage system in a manner that allows for adequate
integration of future TOC overbuild with the Bus Terminal roof structure with no impact on
transit operations.
(r) The Contractor shall clad the exposed thickness of the roof structure over the Bus Terminal in
accordance with DS-09 to conceal the base structure.
(s) The Contractor shall provide access to the rooftop. This rooftop requires roof anchors and Fall
Arrest Systems to satisfy local, Municipal Safety requirements.
(t) Where the Bus Terminal Platform and driveway are fully covered, the Contractor shall design the
Bus Terminal Platforms to have a reverberation time of 1.2s. Site Planning and Parking
(a) The Contractor shall provide vehicular parking for Scarborough Centre Station Facilities as noted
in Table 3.23-3. Vehicle Parking.

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(b) The Contractor shall ensure Scarborough Centre Station Facilities and anticipated TOC
Developments are highly integrated and coordinated as one building.
(c) TOC Development shall shield the Bus Terminal with animated street wall encouraging an
attractive street life. This integrated transit hub site is defined by McCowan Rd on the west,
Progress Ave on the north, Grangeway Rd on the east, and Bushby Drive on the south.
(d) While conducting the site planning, the Contractor shall understand the following characteristics
of these parameter streets:
(i) McCowan Road serves as a major mixed-use corridor with transit and active
transportation supportive TOC Development;
(ii) Progress Avenue eastbound provides a vehicular access to TOC Development, and serves
as a mixed-use main street connecting to/from the Station Main Entrance;
(iii) Grangeway Road functions as a neighbourhood main street to support accesses to the
Scarborough Centre Station with animated street frontages; and
(iv) Bushby Drive serves as the civic promenade of Scarborough Centre Precinct, highly
pedestrian oriented with active street uses from TOC Development, interacting with the
grand Public Realm and support accesses to the Scarborough Centre Station. Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
(a) The Contractor shall provide a Station Entrance Plaza in compliance with Section 3.18.6 (Public
Realm – Stations).
(b) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 2.8 m wide pedestrian clearance zone within the
Municipal ROW along McCowan Road between Progress Avenue and the SRT property on the
northeast corner of McCowan Road and Bushby Drive.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a double row of trees along the east side of McCowan using the
Municipal ROW and Station property where space permits.
(d) The Contractor shall provide a single row of trees within the Municipal ROW along the north and
south side of Progress Avenue where space permits.
(e) The Contractor shall provide raised planters to create a continuous landscape buffer along
McCowan Road based on the following criteria:
(i) planters shall have a minimum width of 3.0 m;
(ii) located on the north and south side of Triton Road using the Municipal ROW and Station
property where required;
(iii) located between the exterior face of transit facilities and the pedestrian clearway;
(iv) provided with a continuous row of trees and an understory planting treatment along
McCowan Road; and
(v) integrated with seating facing the pedestrian clearway.
(f) The Contractor shall provide a Passenger waiting zone for the on-street TTC Bus Stop along
McCowan Road based on the following criteria:

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(i) waiting zone shall be sized to accommodate Passengers waiting for buses based on the
bus ridership at the TTC Bus Stop and a Passenger waiting area density of no less than
0.8 m2 per Passenger;
(ii) located entirely within Station property, along the Station Entrance building and facing
the TTC Bus Stop; and
(iii) waiting zone shall not rely on the Entrance Plaza to achieve the minimum required area.
(g) Where the Bus Terminal faces Grangeway Avenue, the Contractor shall provide a minimum 1.8
metre wide landscape buffer and planting treatment between the property line and the edge of the
Bus Terminal driveway/platform where space permits to screen the Bus Terminal from the street.
(h) The Contractor shall space-proof for a Bike Share Toronto station along McCowan Road and
within the Municipal ROW on the northeast quadrant of the McCowan Road and Progress
Avenue intersection.[Intentionally Deleted] Existing McCowan Station
(a) The Contractor shall coordinate arrangements with TTC for the removal of TTC faregates at the
mezzanine entrance when the bridge and mezzanine entrances are to be closed, whether before or
after the closure of Line 3.
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate arrangements with Contracting Authority/Presto for the removal
of Presto Fare Vending Machines at the mezzanine entrance when either the bridge and
mezzanine entrances are to be closed, before or after the closure of Line 3.
(c) The Contractor shall block off access to the Tunnel from inside the SRT concourse level to
prevent access if the bridge and mezzanine entrance are closed in advance of the complete closure
of Line 3 train operations. Provision for Future Fare Gates
(a) The Contractor shall provision for space, power, and communication conduits for future
relocation of the concourse fare gates to grade level. The space provision for future fare gates at
grade level should accommodate for FVMs and additional expansion gates per 2080 ridership
(i) space proof for the at-grade fare line to be in accordance with Section Sheppard East Station Siting
(a) The Contractor shall provide Sheppard East Station Facilities on the northeast quadrant of
Sheppard Avenue East and McCowan Road.
(b) The Contractor shall consolidate Station facilities within the ground footprint of the Station box
to maximize land for future development.
(c) The Contractor shall provide the PPUDO and the TPSS-04 facing McCowan Road.

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(a) The Contractor shall ensure Sheppard East Station Facilities adhere to the minimum Setback
requirements as per Section General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall design all Sheppard East Station Facilities, including TPSS-04 and the Bus
Terminal, with coordinated and coherent architectural language.
(b) The Contractor shall maximize Sheppard Avenue East frontage for future development.
(c) The Contractor shall locate service rooms on the north and south ends past the end of the
Platform to reduce impact on public areas.
(d) The Contractor shall minimize the area taken by service rooms located between both ends of
Platform and on the Centre Platform.
(e) The Contractor shall locate the fare line in such a manner that enables a Paid Fare Zone
connecting between the Main Entrance and the Bus Terminal at the date of Revenue Service.
(f) The Contractor shall future proof for the relocation of the fare line to enable an Unpaid Fare Zone
connecting between the Main Entrance and the Bus Terminal, in accordance with the following
(i) future proofing for the relocated fare line to be in accordance with Section as
(ii) future proof for adequate number of fare gates and FVMs based on location of future fare
line; and
(iii) accommodate adequate number of Vertical Circulation Elements at the date of Revenue
Service that satisfies required LOS targets and minimum egress requirements should the
fare line be relocated in the future.
(g) The Contractor shall coordinate with Contracting Authority to finalize requirements around fare
lines. Main Entrance
(a) The Contractor shall provide the Main Entrance building as a stand-alone structure located at the
northeast corner of the Sheppard Avenue East and McCowan Road intersection, with the entry
point facing west towards McCowan Road.
(b) The Contractor shall provide Station entrance with active frontage on both McCowan Road and
Sheppard Avenue East and maximize transparency of the interior public areas facing McCowan
Road and Sheppard Avenue East.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a secondary entry point to the Main Entrance building on the far east
side of the building facing Sheppard Avenue East.
(d) The Contractor shall minimize the area of back of house on ground level of Main Entrance
building and maximize the transparency on all sides.

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(a) The Platform level shall consist of two parallel tracks serving one Centre Platform, and one
Storage Track to store trains. Passenger Pick-Up and Drop-Off (PPUDO)
(a) The Contractor shall provide a Passenger Pick-Up and Drop-Off for a minimum of 36 off-street
spaces, including two accessible spaces.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure the interior layout of the Station Entrance provides visual connection
to the PPUDO.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure the location of the PPUDO has the shortest accessible path of
travel and includes an additional entry point to have a direct connection to the Station Main
(d) The Contractor shall provide vehicular parking at PPUDO location as noted in Table 3.23-3.
Vehicle Parking.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure the barrier-free accessible PPUDO spaces are visible from Enclosed
passenger waiting areas and maintain clear sight lines from seating areas reserved for customers
who use wheelchairs.
(f) The Contractor shall provide one seating module and one waste and recycling receptacle in a
waiting area with direct access to the PPUDO and within Metrolinx Lands.
(g) The Contractor shall provide the seating module as per the following requirements:
(i) a minimum of one bench providing a minimum of three seating spaces; and
(ii) a wheelchair accessible seating area per DS-02 and DS-09. Provision for Future Connections
(a) The Contractor shall provide knockout panels to future adjacent development on the east and west
side of an underground level of the station box in accordance with Section
(b) The Contractor shall demonstrate that the proposed locations of the knockout panels are
constructable and are free of utility conflicts within the Municipal Right-of-Way.
(c) The Contractor shall provide knockout panel to future Line 4 Extension connection located at the
southeast end of the concourse level.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure Line 4 knockout panel location facilitates short and seamless
connection to all Sheppard East Station facilities by providing a public corridor that connects to
the public area of concourse level.
(e) The Contractor shall size the knockout panel to Future Line 4 Extension connection using the
following criteria:
(i) ridership; (refer to Table 3.23-10. SHP AM Peak Passenger Transfers)
(ii) Passenger flow;
(iii) emergency egress; and

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(iv) CPTED.
(f) The Contractor shall interface the Sheppard East Station Box structure with the below grade
structure of the future Line 4 Extension for the construction of a knockout panel in coordination
with TOC Dev Co and future Line 4 Extension. Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
(a) The Contractor shall provide a Station Entrance Plaza in compliance with Section 3.18.6 (Public
Realm – Stations).
(b) The Contractor shall provide a double row of street trees within the Municipal ROW along the
east side of McCowan Road where space permits between Highland Creek and Sheppard Avenue
East. Trees must be located on either side of the pedestrian clearway.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a continuous row of trees within the Municipal ROW along the
north side of Sheppard Avenue East where space permits.
(d) The Contractor shall provide minimum three trees within Station property along McCowan Road
between the Station building and pedestrian clearway to create a unified tree grove with
Municipal street trees.
(e) The Contractor shall provide minimum two raised planters within Station property based on the
following criteria:
(i) located along McCowan Road where the PPUDO faces the Municipal ROW;
(ii) planters shall have a minimum width of 3.5 m;
(iii) planters shall include a minimum of two trees each and an understory planting treatment;
(iv) planters shall be integrated with seating facing the PPUDO and Municipal ROW where
space permits.
(f) The Contractor shall incorporate a sufficient number of trees within and around the PPUDO to
meet TGS requirements.
(g) Where two Bus Terminal driveways intersect with the pedestrian clearway, the Contractor shall
provide a minimum 2.0 m wide landscape buffer within the island Platform and within the
Municipal ROW between Station property and the pedestrian clearway.
(h) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 2.5 m wide pedestrian walkway on all sides of the
PPUDO. Walkway must be located within Station property and connect to the Municipal ROW.
(i) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 1.0 m wide landscape buffer and planting treatment
within Station property and along the property line where the PPUDO is adjacent to TOC
(j) The Contractor shall provide minimum 1.8 m high Security fencing within Station property and
along the property line where the Station building and PPUDO are adjacent to TOC property.
(k) The Contractor shall provide a continuous landscape buffer and LID treatment within Station
property between the Bus Terminal and Highland Creek based on the following criteria:
(i) landscape buffer shall be minimum 3.5 m wide;

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(ii) tree planting shall be maximized along the entire length of the Bus Terminal;
(iii) only high-branching vase-shaped tree types shall be used to avoid collisions with buses.
(l) The Contractor shall space-proof for a Bike Share Toronto station within the Municipal ROW on
the east side of McCowan Road between the pedestrian clearway and Station property. Site Planning and Parking
(a) The Contractor shall provide vehicular parking for Sheppard East Station Facilities as noted in
Table 3.23-3. Vehicle Parking. [Intentionally Deleted] Bus Terminal Facility Design
(a) The Contractor shall ensure pedestrian safety by preventing trespassing onto the Bus Drive Aisles
by means of providing Architectural Screening along the edges of the Bus Terminal, during the
TOC Interim Phase.
(b) The Contractor shall provide Bus Terminal Architectural Screening that meets the following
(i) provides a sound barrier for existing residences, in accordance with the requirements of
Section 12 of Schedule 17 – Environmental Obligations, during the TOC Interim Phase;
(ii) maintains the requirements of the sound barrier in the TOC Interim Phase, construction
phase, and TOC completion phase;
(iii) maintains high level of aesthetics and design quality on both sides of Architectural
(iv) integrates within the architectural language of the surrounding Station facilities;
(v) meets design requirements in DS-09;
(vi) selection of materials and finishes to meet the requirements below:
(A) to be durable, low maintenance and resistant to vandalism;
(B) to take into account the Bus Terminal design and bus movements;
(C) to promote a bright space and improved customer experience within the Bus
Terminal; and
(D) adheres to the principles of CPTED such as: Natural Surveillance and limiting
the potential for concealment.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a Terminal Management System report in accordance with Section
(d) Extent of implementation of the Terminal Management System into the scope shall be approved
by Contracting Authority no later than by the Second Checkpoint Date.
(e) The Contractor shall provide the following aspects of the Bus Terminal to be Agnostic of
operator: [Note to Dev Co: requirements are under discussion and subject to change]
(i) Bus Terminal entrances and exits;

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(ii) Bus Bays;

(iii) Bus Terminal Platform Width; and
(iv) Customer amenities such as seating and waste receptables Ancillary Facilities: EEB-01 Siting
(a) The Contractor shall provide EEB-01 as a stand-alone structure on the south side of Eglinton
Avenue East at the corner of Eglinton Avenue East and Winter Avenue, at 2583, 2581 Eglinton
(b) The Contractor shall orient EEB-01 to provide exiting toward Eglinton Avenue East onto a
sidewalk and to a point of Safety. Setbacks
(a) The Contractor shall ensure that EEB-01 adheres to the minimum Setback requirements as per
Section Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
(a) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 2.1 m wide concrete walkway from the EEB-01 exit to
the Eglinton Ave East sidewalk.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 1.0 m wide landscape buffer and planting treatment
within site property and around the entire EEB-01 above grade structure.
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate with the property owner and reinstate existing signage within
private property on the west side of the EEB-01 above grade structure where it is clearly visible
from the Municipal ROW. Ancillary Facilities: EEB-02 Siting
(a) The Contractor shall provide EEB-02 at the corner of No Frills Lane and Danforth Road at 2742
Eglinton Ave.
(b) The Contractor shall orient EEB-02 to provide exiting south onto a sidewalk and to a point of
Safety. Setbacks
(a) The Contractor shall ensure that EEB-02 adheres to the minimum Setback requirements as per
Section Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
(a) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 2.1 m wide concrete walkway from the EEB-02 exit to
the Danforth Road sidewalk.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 2.0 m wide planting area within EEB-02 property on the
north and west side of the EEB-02 above grade structure where space permits.

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(c) The Contractor shall provide minimum one tree within EEB-02 property and adjacent to the
emergency parking space.
(d) The Contractor shall provide a permeable paving treatment for the emergency parking space and
driveway within EEB-02 property.
(e) The Contractor shall coordinate with No Frills on the driveway reconfiguration and interface with
the EEB-02 site. Ancillary Facilities: EEB-03/ESB-01 Siting
(a) The Contractor shall provide EEB-03 / ESB-01 at Danforth Road and Thicketwood Drive at 1340
and 1360 Danforth Rd.
(b) The Contractor shall orient EEB-03 / ESB-01 to provide exiting toward Danforth Road onto a
sidewalk and to a point of Safety.
(c) The Contractor shall consolidate structures within the allotted property of EEB-03 / ESB-01. Setbacks
(a) The Contractor shall ensure that EEB-03 / ESB-01 adheres to the minimum Setback requirements
as per Section Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
(a) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 2.1 m wide concrete walkway from the EEB-03 / ESB-
01 exit to the Danforth Road sidewalk.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 2.0 m wide landscape buffer and planting treatment
along EEB-03 / ESB-01, condensers and air vents where they are facing the Municipal ROW.
(c) Landscape buffer shall feature a planting treatment that sufficiently screens the structures from
the sidewalk.
(d) The Contractor shall provide 1.8 m high Security fencing and a gate around the condensers and
air vents.
(e) Fencing treatment shall have a minimum porosity of 50% to allow for minimum air flow
requirements and to screen the equipment.
(f) Where the EEB-03 / ESB-01 site impacts existing walkways on private property, the Contractor
shall reinstate walkway connections outside of EEB-03 / ESB-01 property.
(g) Walkways shall be located minimum 2.0 m away from the site boundary and coordinated with the
property owner.
(h) Where the EEB-03 / ESB-01 site impacts greenspace within private property, the Contractor shall
reinstate planting to improve upon existing conditions. Refer to Section for Tree
Compensation requirements.
(i) The Contractor shall coordinate with the property owner and reinstate existing signage within
private property on the north side of the EEB-03 / ESB-01 above grade structure where it is
clearly visible from the Municipal ROW.

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(j) The Contractor shall provide asphalt paving for the emergency parking space to match the
existing parking lot. Ancillary Facilities: EEB-04 Siting
(a) The Contractor shall provide EEB-04 at 1515 Danforth Road and integrate it into the Toronto
Public Library’s parking area on the south side of the property.
(b) The Contractor shall design EEB-04 so that the furthest point of the building façade facing
Danforth Road does not extend beyond the face of the building located on the immediate property
to the south (1505 Danforth Road).
(c) The Contractor shall orient EEB-04 to provide exiting toward Danforth Road onto a sidewalk and
to a point of Safety.
(d) The Contractor shall interface the EEB-04 above grade structure and emergency parking location
with the Toronto Public Library parking lot and coordinate with Toronto Public Library and City
of Toronto counterparts for the design and construction of the exit structure at EEB-04. Setbacks
(a) The Contractor shall ensure that EEB-04 adheres to the minimum Setback requirements as per
Section Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
(a) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 2.1 m wide concrete walkway from the EEB-04 exit to
the Danforth Road sidewalk.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 3.0 m wide landscape buffer and planting treatment
within EEB-04 property between the EEB above grade structure / walkway and adjacent
residential property.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 0.6 m wide landscape or hardscape buffer between the
EEB-04 above grade structure and adjacent parking lot curbs.
(d) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 1.0 m wide landscape buffer between the EEB-04
walkway and adjacent parking lot curbs.
(e) The Contractor shall provide minimum two large multi-stem shrubs within EEB property and a
planting treatment along Danforth Road to match adjacent residential frontages.
(f) The Contractor shall provide a mountable concrete curb and unit paving treatment for the EEB-04
emergency parking space to clearly distinguish it from the Toronto Public Library Bendale
Branch parking lot.
(g) The Contractor shall coordinate with the Toronto Public Library Bendale Branch on
(i) items relating to parking lot reconfiguration; and
(ii) interfacing with the EEB-04 site.

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Systems DPA Execution Version Ancillary Facilities: EEB-05 Siting
(a) The Contractor shall provide EEB-05 near McCowan Road and Meldazy Drive, at 960 McCowan
(b) The emergency parking space shall be under a Carport structure integrated into EEB-05. The
Carport structure must avoid providing weather protection.
(c) EEB-05 shall be oriented to provide an exit toward the side yard, located beneath the Carport
structure, onto a sidewalk and to a point of Safety.
(d) EEB-05 and its integrated Carport structure shall be designed so the form, materiality, lighting,
and landscaping will sensitively respond and blend into the visual aesthetic, pattern, and scale of
the homes along this stretch of McCowan Road. Setbacks
(a) The Contractor shall ensure that EEB-05 adheres to the minimum Setback requirements as per
Section Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
(a) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 2.1 m wide concrete walkway from the EEB-05 exit to
the McCowan Road sidewalk.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a continuous 8.0 m deep landscape buffer within EEB-05 property
and adjacent to the Municipal ROW where it does not impact the EEB walkway and emergency
parking space.
(c) The Contractor shall provide minimum one tree within EEB-05 property and a planting treatment
along McCowan Road to match adjacent residential frontages.
(d) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 2.0 m wide landscape buffer and planting treatment
between the EEB-05 above grade structure / emergency parking space and adjacent residential
(e) The Contractor shall provide a permeable paving treatment for the emergency parking space and
driveway within EEB-05 property. Ancillary Facilities: EEB-06 Siting
(a) The Contractor shall provide EEB-06 at 1072 McCowan Road.
(b) The Contractor shall orient EEB-06 to provide exiting toward McCowan Road onto a sidewalk
and to a point of Safety. Setbacks
(a) The Contractor shall ensure that EEB-06 adheres to the minimum Setback requirements as per

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(a) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 2.1 m wide concrete walkway from the EEB-06 exit to
the McCowan Road sidewalk.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a continuous 6.0 m deep landscape buffer within EEB-06 property
and adjacent to the Municipal ROW where it does not impact the EEB walkway and emergency
parking space.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 2.5 m wide landscape buffer and planting treatment
between the EEB-06 above grade structure / emergency parking space and adjacent residential
(d) The Contractor shall provide minimum four trees within EEB-06 property and a planting
treatment along McCowan Road to match adjacent residential frontages.
(e) The Contractor shall provide a permeable paving treatment for the emergency parking space and
driveway within EEB-06 property.
(f) The Contractor shall ensure tree planting does not encroach within the 1.2 m wide Bell easement. Ancillary Facilities: EEB-07 Siting
(a) The Contractor shall provide EEB-07 on the east side of McCowan Road, north of the Highway
401 off-ramp.
(b) The Contractor shall orient EEB-07 to provide exiting toward McCowan Road onto a sidewalk
and to a point of Safety. Setbacks
(a) The Contractor shall ensure that EEB-07 adheres to the minimum Setback requirements as per
Section Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
(a) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 2.1 m wide concrete walkway from the EEB-07 exit to
the McCowan Road sidewalk.
(b) Where EEB-07 faces the Municipal ROW, the Contractor shall provide a landscape frontage that
matches sidewalk grades on either side of the EEB walkway and along the EEB frontage.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure site grading at the sides and back of the EEB above grade structure
does not exceed a slope of 3:1. Ancillary Facilities: EEB-08 / ESB-02 Siting
(a) The Contractor shall provide EEB-08 / ESB-02 east of McCowan Road and north of Nugget
Avenue, one block north of Sheppard East Station.
(b) The Contractor shall orient EEB-08 / ESB-02 to provide exiting toward Nugget Avenue onto a
sidewalk and to a point of Safety.

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(c) The Contractor shall ensure EEB-08 / ESB-02 and TOC Development are coordinated as one site. Setbacks
(a) The Contractor shall ensure that EEB-08 / ESB-02 adheres to the minimum Setback requirements
as per Section Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
(a) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 2.1 m wide concrete walkway around the entire EEB-08
/ ESB-02 above grade structure and connecting to the emergency parking area.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 2.1 m wide concrete walkway along the east side of the
EEB-08 / ESB-02 driveway that connects the Nugget Avenue sidewalk to the emergency parking
(c) The Contractor shall provide a landscape buffer and planting treatment within site property and
adjacent to the Nugget Avenue ROW where it does not impact the EEB-08 / ESB-02 walkway
and driveway.
(d) The Contractor shall provide the landscape buffer and planting treatment along Nugget Avenue
with a minimum length of 25 m and a minimum depth of 12 m.
(e) The Contractor shall provide minimum twelve trees within EEB-08 / ESB-02 property and along
Nugget Avenue to create a tree grove on either side of the EEB-08 / ESB-02 driveway.
(f) The Contractor shall provide minimum fifteen trees around the EEB-08 / ESB-02 above grade
structure and within site property to screen the building and PMH units from the Municipal ROW
and adjacent properties.
(g) The Contractor shall provide tree planting clustered in groups of minimum three trees where
space permits.
(h) The Contractor shall provide plant material within EEB-08 / ESB-02 property that consists of
100% native, non-invasive, and drought tolerant species.
(i) The Contractor shall provide a permeable paving treatment for the emergency parking space and
driveway within EEB-08 / ESB-02 property.

3.23.7 Code and Life Safety Code Compliance Reports

(a) The Contractor shall provide code compliance reports that demonstrate the designs’ compliance
with the applicable fire protection, occupant Safety and accessibility provisions of Municipal,
local, and provincial regulations/by-laws/standards as well as Project specific requirements from
standards as referenced within Section 3.0 and APPENDIX A.
(b) The Contractor shall provide, at a minimum, an individual code compliance report for each
facility (i.e., individual Stations, TPSS) and one for the Guideway which include the associated
EEBs and ESBs.
(c) The Contractor shall include the following, non-exhaustive, list of content within each code
report where relevant:

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(i) construction and fire compartmentation;

(ii) spatial separation and exposure protection from adjacent infrastructure;
(iii) means of egress;
(iv) Safety within floor areas;
(v) fire department access and facilities;
(vi) fire alarm and detection;
(vii) smoke control;
(viii) automatic and manual fire suppression;
(ix) vertical transportation;
(x) washroom requirements; and
(xi) accessibility/barrier free design.
(d) The Contractor shall document, in the code compliance reports, any alternative solution designs,
performance-based solutions, variances or engineering judgments with respect to the fire
protection, occupant Safety and accessibility provisions.
(e) The Contractor shall coordinate the design and in particular any alternative solution designs,
performance-based solutions, variances or engineering judgments with the City of Toronto and
Project Stakeholders for acceptance prior to finalizing in the construction documents. Station Design

(a) The Contractor shall provide exit components in public areas of the Stations which comply with
the requirements of NFPA 130 and OBC. These components include the following where they
form part of the emergency exit strategy within the design:
(i) Platforms;
(ii) stairs;
(iii) escalators;
(iv) concourses;
(v) ramps;
(vi) Fare Collection Equipment; and
(vii) elevators.
(b) The Contractor shall provide fire life Safety Systems throughout the Station public areas in
accordance with Table 3.23-16. Fire Protection Matrix.
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate with the fire life Safety committee and the fire department on
response times and confirm that all entrances and exit stairs provide sufficient access for the fire

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(i) the likelihood of Passengers exiting and hampering fire department access to be
(d) The Contractor shall not rely on the Future Connections for the emergency exit strategy of any
SSE facilities. Areas of Refuge
(a) The Contractor shall provide Areas of Refuge within Stations as part of the design, which are
coordinated with the overall emergency exit strategy. [Note to Dev Co: The Sponsors are
engaging Stakeholders in discussion related to Areas of Refuge. Any updates to this section
will be provided prior to the execution of the Project Agreement pursuant to Section 3 of
Schedule 3 of the Development Phase Agreement].
(b) Areas of Refuge shall be tenable spaces subject to the following:
(i) the tenability criteria shall be maintained for the time for emergency personnel to search
for, locate and evacuate all those who cannot self-rescue;
(ii) the Contractor shall establish a time-of-tenability analysis for each Station in accordance
with NFPA 130:
(A) the time-of-tenability analysis, with consideration to the time frame established
under Article to be used to determine the required time-of-
tenability; and
(iii) the required time-of-tenability shall be reviewed by Contracting Authority and then
approved by Toronto Fire Services.
(c) The Contractor shall provide Areas of Refuge at Stations for all public levels below grade that
provide a barrier-free path of travel.
(i) The Contractor shall provide an Area of Refuge at Stations at each public level below
grade except for the Platform, providing the following:
(A) two clear floor spaces for mobility devices consisting of a minimum of 850mm
by 1200mm each;
(B) located at a point of safety along the path of travel, adjacent to the main exit
(C) a two-way intercom following Section 3.27.4;
(D) signage following Section 3.23.10;
(E) CCTV coverage of area following Section 3.27.4; and
(F) Areas of Refuge shall be enclosed, unless located at a designated point of safety
in conformance with NFPA 130;
(ii) The Contractor shall provide Areas of Refuge at Stations at Platform level, providing the

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(A) two separate and distinct Areas of Refuge, located within sufficient separation
distance to prevent both Areas of Refuge from being compromised by the same
potential train fire, as determined by the station CFD analysis per Section 3.27.7;
(B) within each Area of Refuge, two clear floor spaces for mobility devices
consisting of a minimum of 850mm by 1200mm each;
(C) signage following Section 3.23.10;
(D) a two-way intercom following Section 3.27.4;
(E) CCTV coverage of areas following Section 3.27.4; and
(F) Areas of Refuge at platforms shall be enclosed unless proven tenable in
accordance with the criteria outlined in Article and with
Contracting Authority’s approval.
(iii) As part of the Operating and Support Hazard Analysis and the Hazard Analysis Report,
as defined in Schedule 29- Safety, System Assurance and Security, the Contractor shall
include an analysis of the Areas of Refuge strategy and corresponding locations.

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Table 3.23-16. Fire Protection Matrix

Space Extinguisher Extinguisher - Extinguisher Detection Detection Clean Agent
Number Standpipe Sprinklers Annunciator
Designation - CO2 ABC - Water - Heat - Smoke Extinguishing
Public Area
1.010 M Public Washrooms
1.010 F - Male & Female
x x x
Universal Public
x x x
1.030 Main Entrance x x x
x x
Emergency (2nd)
x x
Fare Control
x x
1.080 Subway Platforms x x
Bus Platforms
x x x
1.100 Bus Waiting Area x x
Secure Bike
x x x
1.130 Concourse Area x x
1.140 Area of Refuge x x
Staff Room
Station Attendant
x x x x
Train Operator's
x x x
Train Operator's
2.050 Universal x x x
Bus Operator's
x x x
Bus Operator's
2.070 M
2.070 F
Washrooms - x x x
Male and Female
Bus Operator’s
2.080 Universal x x x
Bus Supervisor's
2.090 Room (previously x x x
Inspector's Room)
Staff Universal
x x x
2.110 Response Room x x
2.120 Security Office x x
Security - Holding
x x
End of Line
2.160 Cleaners Bin x x x x
Storage - Platform
End of Line
2.170 Cleaners Bin x x x x
Storage - Grade
End of Line
2.180 Equipment x x x x
Storage (North
and South)
End of Line
x x x
End of Line
2.200 M Cleaners Change
2.200 F Room (Male and
x x x
End of Line
2.210 Cleaners x x x
Supervisors Room
End of Line
2.220 Cleaners Uniform x x x x
Storage Room
Station Staff
x x x
2.240 Zone Hub Room x x x x
End of Line
2.260 Cleaner's Stock x x x x
Zone Hub
x x x
Zone Hub –
2.290 General Station x x x
Manager Room

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Space Extinguisher Extinguisher - Extinguisher Detection Detection Clean Agent

Number Standpipe Sprinklers Annunciator
Designation - CO2 ABC - Water - Heat - Smoke Extinguishing
Zone Hub –
2.300 Deputy Station x x x
Manager Room
Zone Hub –
2.310 General Office x x x
Leased Area
Retail Vending
Hub (<20 sq.m.)
x x x
Retail Vending
Hub (>20 sq.m.)
x x x x
Mobile Coffee
Carts (<20 sq.m.)
x x x
Mobile Coffee
Carts (>20 sq.m.)
x x x x
Containers (<20
x x x
Containers (>20
x x x x
Pop-Up Retail
(<20 sq.m.)
x x x
Pop-Up Retail
(>20 sq.m.)
x x x x
Pop-Up Retail
x x x x
Mini - QSR (<20
x x x
Mini - QSR (>20
x x x x
Service Room - Electrical
Passenger Station
Electrical Room
(AC Switchboard
x x x x
(AC) Switchgear
x x x x
Emergency Power
(Battery) Room
x x x x
D.C. Tie Breaker
Room / D.C.
Section Breaker
x x x x
Equipment Room
x x x x x
Equipment Room
x x x x x
Traction Power
Cable Room
x x x x
4.090 Maintenance x x x x
Wiring and
x x x x
Storage Room
Wiring and
4.120 M
4.120 F
Electrician's x x x
Change Room -
Male & Female
Wiring and
4.130 Electrician's x x x x
Wiring and
4.140 Service Electrical x x x
Staff Office
COMs Cable Pull x
Room / Pit and
x x x x (if combined
Satellite Rooms with 4.160)
Satellite Rooms
x x x x x
4.170 UPS Room x x x x
4.200 Electrical Closet x x x x
AC Cable Pull
x x x x
4.260 Electrical Closet x x x x
Tunnel Ventilation
Electrical Room
x x x x
Future PEDs
Control Room
x x x x x
4.290 Electrical Room x x x x
Service Room - Mechanical

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Space Extinguisher Extinguisher - Extinguisher Detection Detection Clean Agent

Number Standpipe Sprinklers Annunciator
Designation - CO2 ABC - Water - Heat - Smoke Extinguishing
Sump Pump
x x x
Scrubber Machine
x x x
5.040 Valve Room x x x
5.060 HVAC Room x x x
5.070 Ventilation x x x
x x x
Equipment Room
Green Roof
Irrigation Room
x x x
Removal Shaft
x x x
5.140 Boiler Room x x x
Service Room - Signal
Supervisor Room
x x x x x
Signal Relay
x x x x x
Signal Power
Supply Room
x x x x x
Zone Control
Panel Room
x x x x x
Signal Inverter
x x x x x
6.060 Maintainer's x x x x
Storage Room
6.080 M Maintainer's
6.080 F Change Rooms -
x x x x
Male & Female
x x x
Signal Equipment
x x x x x
Service Room - Miscellaneous
7.010 Janitor Closet x x x
Janitor's Change
7.020 M
7.020 F
Rooms - Male & x x x
Fire Prevention
x x x
Ancillary Room
Elevator Control
Room (MRL
x x x
Escalator Service
x x x
Escalator Storage
x x x x
Refuse Storage
x x x x x
Line Mechanic's
Service Room
x x x
Track Patrol
x x x
Electrical Substation (TPSS)
Utility Incoming
9.010 Line Metering x x x x
Control Room and
9.020 AC Switchgear x x x x
Traction Power
9.030 Substation Cable x x x x
Traction Power
Substation Battery
and Charger
x x x x
Staff Universal
x x x
9.060 Staff Lunchroom x x x
9.070 Rectifier Room x x x x
Transformer Yard/
x x x x
9.090 Storage Room x x x
9.100 Mechanical Room x x x

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Space Extinguisher Extinguisher - Extinguisher Detection Detection Clean Agent

Number Standpipe Sprinklers Annunciator
Designation - CO2 ABC - Water - Heat - Smoke Extinguishing
x x x x x
Equipment Room
x x x x x
9.150 Cable Pull Room x x x
9.160 Electrical Room x x x x
Water Meter
x x x
Misc. Traction
9.180 Power Equipment x x x x
Bus Terminal - GO
10.020 G GO Comms Room x x x x x
10.060 G
x x x
10.070 GM Public Washrooms
10.070 GF - M and F
x x x
Public Washrooms
10.080 G
x x x
10.100 G
x x x
GO Staff Back of
10.180 G
x x x
Bus Terminal -YRT
10.10Y4 x x x x
Mechanical Equipment Space
Escalator Truss x x
Elevator Shaft x
Elevator Pit x x
1. This table derives information from the relevant TTC Design Manual section. It has been expanded to suit specific Project needs but may contain elements
beyond the scope of the Project.
2. The inclusion of Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems for Traction Power Substations only applies where the TPSS is connected to and part of a station or is large
enough in its own right to require these Systems in accordance with the OBC.
3. The requirements presented in this tables are based on the minimum TTC DM requirements for each room type, additional OBC or NFPA 130 requirements
may apply. The Contractor is responsible for assessing if a specific room configuration/ location triggers additional requirements beyond those listed in this
4. The room requirements are under discussion and subject to change based on further coordination between Contracting
Authority and YRT.

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Systems DPA Execution Version Bus Facility Design

(a) The Contractor shall provide Bus Facilities which are designed to address the risk to life Safety
presented by the specific facility layout, such as the degree of integration with a Station and
elevation above or below grade.
(b) The Contractor shall agree an appropriate basis of design with the Governmental Authorities
Standards, driven by the specific nature of the Bus Facility, which could include but will not be
limited to:
(i) detection and alarm Interfaces with connecting infrastructure;
(ii) evacuation of ambulant and mobility impaired occupants especially where facilities do
not have direct access to the street without traversing steps;
(iii) fire department operational response, access, and provisions when facilities are not at
(iv) structural fire protection of Enclosed facilities; and
(v) ventilation requirements for Enclosed facilities.
(c) The Contractor shall provide the exit facilities from a Station designed to account for bus
Passengers evacuating simultaneously with train Passengers where:
(i) the Bus Facility is integrated into the Station with open connections; or
(ii) the Bus Facility and Station share exit facilities.
(d) The Contractor shall refer to Section 3.17 for further details on the relevant Accessibility and
Universal Design requirements.
(e) The Contractor shall provide fire life Safety Systems throughout the bus facility areas in
accordance with Table 3.23-16. Fire Protection Matrix. Station Infrastructure Interfaces

(a) The Contractor shall provide any physical Interfaces between Stations and the TOC designed as
fire resisting construction in accordance with OBC requirements and account for these Interfaces
within the design.
(b) The Contractor shall provide Stations designed to address any code implications of Station
Interfaces with adjacent transit infrastructure including GO Transit. Emergency Exit/ Service Buildings

(a) The Contractor shall provide EEBs and ESBs serving the Tunnels such that the equipment
contained within the stair is in accordance with the Applicability Matrix and does not reduce the
required minimum clear width of the stair at any point.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a Stokes Basket at a common area on level above Track Level at
(i) sizing and clearances to be coordinate with the manufacturer; and

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(ii) the Stokes Basket to be stored in a manner that is protected from degradation, wear and
debris build-up.
(c) If a fire hose storage cabinet is required, the Contractor shall space proof for the fire hose storage
cabinet at a common area one level above Track Level.
(i) the Contractor to coordinate with Toronto Fire Services to review the location of the fire
hose storage cabinet. Platform Level

(a) The Contractor shall provide refuge cages between all columns on track centre bench at Lawrence
East Station and Scarborough Centre Station.
(b) The Contractor shall provide refuge cages between all columns on track centre bench between the
eastbound track and the Storage Track at Sheppard East Station.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a Stokes Basket under the Platform edge at all SSE Stations.
(i) sizing and clearances to be coordinated with the manufacturer; and
(ii) Stokes Basket to be stored in a manner that is protected from degradation, wear and
debris build-up.
(d) The Contractor shall provide a SERV Cart at all SSE Stations, as per the following requirements:
(i) sizing and clearances to be coordinated with the manufacturer:
(A) refer to Data Room for SERV Cart specification;
(ii) stored within a back of house room towards the end of the Platform;
(iii) can be stored unassembled;
(iv) may be stored vertically by being strapped or bracketed to the wall;
(v) location of SERV Cart to be clearly marked on the room door; and
(vi) location of SERV Cart to be indicated in the fire life Safety plan, refer to Schedule 29
Section 6.11 Fire Life Safety. Station Non-Public Areas

(a) The Contractor shall provide fire life Safety Systems throughout the Station non-public areas in
accordance with Table 3.23-16. Fire Protection Matrix.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 1 hour fire resistance rated enclosures to rooms
requiring clean agent suppression coverage listed in Table 3.23-16. Fire Protection Matrix.
(c) The Contractor shall not provide water based fire suppression Systems within rooms containing
switchboard/ switchgear equipment or other LV, HV and DC traction equipment. Evacuation Plan

(a) The Contractor shall coordinate with the Maintainer on the maintenance requirements for

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(i) maintenance requirements for any special equipment needed for evacuation to be
inquired by the Contractor.
(b) The Contractor shall develop a draft evacuation plan for each Station and EEB in coordination
with applicable operator(s) and Maintainer(s) to meet all applicable codes, regulations and law
including NFPA and OBC.
(c) The Contractor may use non-public areas, if demonstrated by the Contractor that public areas
cannot be used to meet the evacuation needs, given the following criteria:
(i) use of non-public corridors and travel distance within these areas to be minimized; and
(ii) all corridors and doors to be designed to maintain Security of non-public areas such as
fail secure doors with access card for:
(A) non-public corridors or rooms connecting to or opening into evacuation
corridors; and
(B) egress points of non-public evacuation corridors into public areas.

3.23.8 Vertical Circulation General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall provide the minimum number of mechanical vertical circulation paths at
each Main Entrance as follows:
(i) minimum of two elevators; and
(ii) minimum of one up escalator and one down escalator.
(b) The Contractor shall provide the minimum number of mechanical vertical circulation paths at
each Secondary Entrance as follows:
(i) minimum of one elevator; and
(ii) minimum of one up escalator and one down escalator.
(c) A minimum of two elevators will be required at each Secondary Entrance where:
(i) there is no accessible path of travel from the Secondary Entrance to the Main Entrance;
(ii) the Main Entrance is not visible from the primary entryway of the Secondary Entrance; or
(iii) the Main Entrance is more than a walking distance of 80 m from the Secondary Entrance.
(d) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of two elevators at Lawrence East Secondary Entrance
(e) The Contractor shall place Vertical Circulation Elements in the direct line of sight from the
(f) The Contractor shall provide mechanical Vertical Circulation Elements with English and French
signage and audible messages.
(g) The Contractor shall provide mechanical Vertical Circulation Elements that do not include
trademarks, names or logos of manufacturers or installers that are visible to the general public.

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(h) The Contractor shall provide groups of side-by-side elevators (i.e., not two single elevators in
separate hoistways), except for elevators servicing a central Platform.
(i) The Contractor shall provide a vertical circulation report that details the amount, type, location,
arrangement, spacing, loading, and equipment for elevators and escalators provided for each
Station, including assumptions and methodology. Surge Space and Queuing Space

(a) The Contractor shall validate runoff space required at each Vertical Circulation Element through
Dynamic Passenger Modelling to meet the minimum LOS requirements:
(i) the runoff provided at each escalator shall meet the minimum LOS requirements at both
escalators rated speeds of 0.5 m/s and 0.75m/s; and
(ii) for escalator runoff spaces only, if proven through Dynamic Passenger Modelling results
that the minimum LOS requirements may be met with less than the prescribed runoff as
outlined in Article, the required runoff may be reduced and shall meet the
minimum requirements of DS-09.
(b) Unless proven feasible per Article, the Contractor shall provide a clear runoff space at
the top and bottom of each escalator that is a minimum of 7000 mm, measured from the end of
the handrail newel, where the width of the runoff space shall be the width of the Safety zone.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a clear runoff space per DS-09 in front of each elevator, measured
from the hall door, where the width of the Surge Space shall be equal to the width of the elevator
hoistway. Transparency
(a) The Contractor shall provide glazed guardrails on all escalator openings between levels.
(b) The Contractor shall provide elevators and escalators with maximum transparency using glass
between levels and in their cab wall construction and using glazing of the escalator balustrade
panels. Durability
(a) The Contractor shall provide elevators and escalators of heavy-duty construction and suitable for
a high use transit System.
(b) The Contractor shall provide elevators and escalators suitable for continuous usage (24 hours per
day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year).
(c) The Contractor shall provide elevators and escalators suitable for continuous operation in the
climatic and environmental conditions in which the elevating device is installed.
(d) The Contractor shall provide stainless steel ASTM Type 316 or Type 316L used in elevators and
(e) The Contractor shall provide machined metals for elevators and escalators that are stainless steel,
aluminum, galvanized steel, or otherwise protected from corrosion by either a rust inhibitor
primer coat, hot-dip galvanization, chrome plating, or zinc thermal spray coating.

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(a) The Contractor shall provide elevators and escalators either of non-proprietary design or, if
proprietary designs are used, the tools and information necessary to maintain, diagnose,
troubleshoot, and adjust the equipment shall be provided and remain the property of Contracting
(b) The Contractor shall provide elevator and escalator controls that do not incorporate any running
time, cycle counters or trip counters that automatically shuts down the equipment or limits
functionality in any way. Elevators General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall not use lifts for persons with physical disabilities or LULA elevators.
(b) The Contractor shall provide elevator cabs sized to accommodate a prone stretcher and two
(c) The Contractor shall provide elevators with Class A loading.
(d) The Contractor shall provide elevators of the electric traction type.
(e) The Contractor shall provide elevator machines that utilize alternative current, permanent-magnet
(f) The Contractor shall ensure that floor areas open to the public within Stations that are accessible
to Passengers are provided with a vertical barrier-free path of travel that includes redundant
elevator service.
(g) The Contractor shall provide elevators paths that travel from Main Entrance to Platform with not
more than one change of elevators at intervening levels.
(h) The Contractor shall provide elevators with control equipment located in a control room; the use
of controllers installed in closets or entrance frames is not permitted.
(i) The Contractor shall provide elevator hoistways between floor levels that maximize the use of
transparent glass to permit visibility into and out of the elevator cab, with not less than 80 percent
of the public-facing vertical surface area being glass.
(j) The Contractor shall provide glass used in the construction of elevator doors, cab walls and
hoistways that is aligned to maintain sightlines in and out of the elevator while maintaining
hoistway Safety requirements.
(k) The Contractor shall provide elevators of forward-motion (also called "flow-through") design,
entered at one end, and exited through the opposite end.
(l) The Contractor shall provide an elevator traffic analysis report, written by a specialist in the
design of vertical circulation Systems, that details the design and calculations/modelling of the
elevator system for each Station, including assumptions, methodology and performance criteria.
(m) The Contractor shall provide elevators that meet performance criteria, equipment type, and
dispatching logic carried in the elevator traffic analysis report but shall not deviate from the

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minimums required herein (i.e., if the traffic analysis assumes faster acceleration than the
minimum required herein, the elevators as installed shall meet this higher assumption carried for
simulation purposes).
(n) The Contractor shall provide an elevator System designed to accommodate not less than 3 percent
of the peak pedestrian traffic volume during the busiest hour of the day for Entrance Buildings
where the elevation between Platform and the Entrance Building is less than 10 m.
(o) The Contractor shall provide an elevator System designed to accommodate not less than 5 percent
of the peak pedestrian traffic volume during the busiest hour of the day for Entrance Buildings
where the elevation between Platform and the Entrance Building is 10 m or greater.
(p) The Contractor shall, unless noted otherwise herein, ensure assumptions and design standards for
elevator traffic handling adhere to Transportation Systems in Buildings, CIBSE Guide D.
(q) The Contractor shall provide elevators with car door interlocks in lieu of fascias, where fascias
would otherwise be required.
(r) The Contractor shall design elevator components to accommodate temperatures from -10° C to
37° C and all ranges of humidity.
(s) The Contractor shall provide elevator governors installed within hoistways that are of the self-
resetting type.
(t) The Contractor shall provide elevators with roller guides.
(u) The Contractor shall provide elevators with hoistway heating to maintain the temperature in the
hoistway (measured in the centre of the hoistway, 1000 mm above the floor of the lowest floor
served) above 2° C.
(v) The Contractor shall provide means of ventilation of the hoistways in the elevator enclosures.
(w) The Contractor shall provide, for Passenger comfort, elevators with either:
(i) hoistway air conditioning to maintain the temperature in the hoistway, measured in the
center of each hoistway at 3000 mm above the floor level of the top floor served, below
37° C; or
(ii) car-top mounted cab air conditioning to maintain the cab temperature below 30° C,
measured in the centre of the cab 1000 mm above the elevator cab floor.
(x) The Contractor shall provide elevator suspension means with a Design Life of not less than
2,000,000 starts per elevator, based on the Project-specific usage conditions.
(y) The Contractor shall provide bearings rated for an L10 life per American Bearing Manufacturers
Association under fluctuating bearing load, for not less than 2,500,000 starts per elevator, based
on the Project-specific usage conditions.
(z) The Contractor shall provide elevators paths that travel from Bus Terminal Platforms to subway
Platforms with not more than one change of elevators at intervening levels, unless otherwise
permitted by Contracting Authority. Doors and Entrances
(a) The Contractor shall provide elevator doors that are centre-parting or two-speed side-opening.

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(b) The Contractor shall provide elevators with door reopening devices that detect both approaching
objects and objects in the door path as per the requirements of CSA B44-2019 2.13.5.
(c) The Contractor shall provide elevator door operators that are heavy-duty of the linear-induction
(d) The Contractor shall provide elevator door operator controllers that are solid-state with closed-
loop feedback control.
(e) The Contractor shall provide elevator door operator motors with permanent magnet synchronous
AC drives.
(f) The Contractor shall provide elevator door operator motors rated to move a total mass of not less
than the weight of the doors plus 20%.
(g) The Contractor shall provide elevator door operators that are water-tight. Size, Capacity, and Speed
(a) The Contractor shall provide elevator car and hall doors at least 1070 mm wide and 2135 mm
(b) The Contractor shall provide elevators with a minimum cab interior clear width of 1800 mm.
(c) The Contractor shall provide elevators with a minimum cab interior clear depth of 2350 mm.
(d) The Contractor shall provide elevators with a minimum cab interior clear height of 2285 mm.
(e) The Contractor shall provide elevators with a minimum capacity of 2000 kg.
(f) The Contractor shall provide elevators having operating speeds a minimum of:
(i) 1.0 m/s for elevators with a travel distance of 15 m or less; and
(ii) 1.75 m/s for elevators with a travel distance of more than 15 m. Materials and Finishes
(a) The Contractor shall construct elevator cab walls, excluding ceiling, floor, car operating panel,
and doors of not less than 60 percent glass by surface area.
(b) The Contractor shall construct elevator car doors of not less than 60 percent glass by surface
(c) The Contractor shall construct elevator hall doors at all Entrance Buildings, except dedicated
mechanical or service floors, of not less than 60 percent glass by surface area.
(d) The Contractor shall provide glass used in the construction of elevator cabs and doors that is
transparent and either laminated or tempered.
(e) The Contractor shall not use wired glass in the construction of elevators glass surfaces.
(f) The Contractor shall provide hinged and lockable glass panels used on elevator cab side walls to
permit for opening and cleaning of the glass panels from inside the cab.
(g) The Contractor shall provide elevators with stainless steel doors at dedicated mechanical or
service landings.

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(h) The Contractor shall provide elevator cab finishes, other than glass portions, of stainless steel of
Type 316 or Type 316L.
(i) The Contractor shall provide elevator cab finishes that are graffiti-resistant.
(j) The Contractor shall provide elevator cab flooring of durable, non-absorbent tile.
(k) The Contractor shall provide elevator cab flooring with a non-slip surface that meets a slip rating
of R11 or better in accordance with DIN 51130.
(l) The Contractor shall provide elevator car and hall landing sills of Type 316 or Type 316L
stainless steel or nickel silver.
(m) The Contractor shall secure elevator faceplates with tamper-proof fastenings. Fixtures and Signals
(a) The Contractor shall provide fixture faceplates constructed of minimum 20 gauge stainless steel.
(b) The Contractor shall provide signal fixtures, such as push buttons and position indicators, with
LED illumination.
(c) The Contractor shall provide push buttons with metal targets having a minimum size of 50 mm.
(d) The Contractor shall provide car call buttons for intermediate landings of a reduced size, and not
greater than 25 mm, to minimize confusion as to which are the primary Elevator landings
(e) The Contractor shall provide car call Security for intermediate landings push buttons to restrict
usage by the public.
(f) The Contractor shall provide water-tight car operating panels with an enclosure rating of not less
than IP54 (per EN 60529) or meeting NEMA 4 requirements.
(g) The Contractor shall provide a positive stop on the back of push button to prevent excessive force
from transferring to the contact.
(h) The Contractor shall provide fixtures compliant with EN 81-71 Class 2.
(i) The Contractor shall provide signage visible to the public, audible messages, braille, and tactile
messages shall be in English and French.
(j) The Contractor shall provide, to the left of the floor push buttons in each elevator, the full name
of the floor with braille underneath, in addition to the floor designation required for compliance
with code, except for intermediate landings.
(k) The Contractor shall provide floor push buttons at each landing level, coordinated with the
accessible floor wayfinding, and in compliance with code. Lighting
(a) The Contractor shall provide elevator car lighting mounted flush in the finished car ceiling,
secured using mechanical fastenings and polycarbonate protective covers.
(b) The Contractor shall provide elevator lighting to permit changing of light fixtures from within the
cab without the need of special tools.

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(c) The Contractor shall provide elevator cab lighting that uses LED lights.
(d) The Contractor shall provide illumination at elevator landing sills, with the doors fully open, of
not less than 150 lx.
(e) The Contractor shall provide illumination at any point on the elevator cab floor more than 100
mm away from a vertical wall, with the doors fully closed, of not less than 200 lx.
(f) The Contractor shall provide illumination on the elevator car operating panel, with the doors fully
closed, of not less than 200 lx.
(g) The minimum illumination at the car threshold, with the door closed, shall be not less than 50 lx
(5 fc) for Passenger elevators. Cab Interior
(a) The Contractor shall provide elevator car operating panel(s) centred on the side wall +/- 300 mm
from equidistant to both the front and rear doors.
(b) The Contractor shall provide elevator car operating panel(s) located on the closest side wall to the
door opening side.
(c) The Contractor shall provide elevator car operating panel(s) aligned with the guide rails to
maximize visibility into and out of the cab.
(d) The Contractor shall provide braille used on elevator fixtures and adjacent to push buttons in
contracted English and French.
(e) The Contractor shall provide elevator car position indicators capable of indicating the full floor
name in addition to the floor level (example: if Concourse Level is floor -1, the position indicator
shall be capable of displaying both the floor level of -1 and the descriptor of "Concourse").
(f) The Contractor shall provide elevators with a verbal annunciator that shall announce the arrival
floor, including both the level and the full floor name.
(g) The Contractor shall provide elevators with buttons having a minimum dimension of not less than
50 mm and metal targets.
(h) The Contractor shall provide elevators with square push buttons with beveled corners.
(i) The Contractor shall provide elevators with push buttons compliant with EN 81-71 Class 2 or
with an enclosure rating of not less than IP54 (per EN 60529). Systems Interface
(a) The Contractor shall provide in each elevator an enclosure in the car top to accommodate the
installation of a public address System.
(b) The Contractor shall provide perforations in the cab ceiling beneath the enclosure for the public
address System.
(c) The Contractor shall provide wiring between the elevator control room and the elevator cab
necessary to suit the public address System.
(d) The Contractor shall provide elevators that serve dedicated mechanical or service levels, or any
floor not intended for public access, with a Security System to restrict access to such floors.

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(e) The Contractor shall provide elevator entrance frames designed to accommodate the enhanced
Passenger Assistance Intercoms at each floor. Electrical
(a) The Contractor shall provide elevator motors rated for at least 180 starts per hour.
(b) The Contractor shall provide elevator motor bearings rated with an ABMA L10 life of not less
than 80,000 hours.
(c) The Contractor shall provide elevator motors with a minimum insulation rating of Class F and
designed for operating temperatures of up to 40° C.
(d) The Contractor shall provide elevator wiring, conduit, electrical fittings, and enclosures rated not
less than NEMA 1.
(e) The Contractor shall provide elevator wiring, conduit, electrical fittings, and enclosures on top of
the elevator cab or in the hoistway below the top floor served rated not less than NEMA 4X. Fire Rating
(a) The Contractor shall provide elevators with entrances having a fire rating not less than the fire
rating of the hoistway enclosure. Ride Quality
(a) The Contractor shall provide elevator front to rear and side to side horizontal acceleration in the
elevator cab not to exceed 0.15 m/s/s when measured between two consecutive points of opposite
value in the elevator car, with the elevator travelling, with a load of less than 10 percent of
capacity, from top to bottom and bottom to top.
(b) The Contractor shall provide elevator vertical acceleration in the elevator cab not to exceed 0.10
m/s/s when measured between two consecutive points of opposite value in the elevator car, with
the elevator travelling, with a load of less than 10 percent of capacity, from top to bottom and
bottom to top.
(c) The Contractor shall provide elevator noise level during operation less than 62 dBA (or not more
than 3 dBA above ambient, if ambient noise levels exceed 60 dBA), including during a full door
open and door close operation, measured at an elevation of 1.5 m from the centre of the elevator. Escalators Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents
(a) The Contractor shall conform to the following standards:
(i) APTA RT-EE-RP-001-02 Heavy-Duty escalator Design Guidelines (revision 3 or more
recent), except as specifically noted in this section. General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall provide escalators with an incline of 30 degrees.
(b) The Contractor shall provide escalators with reversing capability.

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(c) The Contractor shall provide escalators with noise levels in operation of less than 65 dBA (or not
more than 3 dBA above ambient, if ambient noise levels exceed 62 dBA), measured 1000 mm
from the end of the flat steps at the top and bottom landings.
(d) The Contractor shall provide escalators with truss heaters.
(e) The Contractor may locate escalator control rooms remotely where necessary to accommodate
transparency and sightlines between floors, but in no case shall be located more than 25 m from
either the top or bottom landing of the respective escalator.
(f) The Contractor may locate escalator parts cabinets (as per the APTA RT-EE-RP-001-02) in a
dedicated room at each Station, instead of within each escalator control room, provided the total
cubic volume of storage space in the cabinets is not less than the sum required for all escalators
(g) The Contractor may use escalators taller than the maximum permitted by the OBC, provided that
The Contractor shall obtain the necessary OBC approval for the alternative solution and the total
vertical rise does not exceed 18 m.
(h) The Contractor should avoid the installation of sprinklers inside escalator trusses (the Contractor
is responsible for obtaining the necessary OBC approval for the alternative solution).
(i) The Contractor shall provide escalators grouped so that reverse peak flows can be accommodated
from the same loading point.
(j) The Contractor shall provide escalators located to maintain separate paths of travel for Passengers
travelling in the up and down directions.
(k) The Contractor may determine the component types and quantity of spare parts required (i.e.,
APTA RT-EE-RP-001-02 1.9.B "Spare Parts" is not a requirement). Balustrades, Materials, and Finishes
(a) The Contractor shall provide escalators with transparent glass balustrades of laminated Safety
(b) The Contractor shall provide escalators with LED illumination under the escalator handrails.
(c) The Contractor shall construct escalators, including cladding and exterior finishes, of non-
combustible materials.
(d) The Contractor shall provide escalators with exterior cladding in stainless steel ASTM Type 316
or 316L.
(e) The Contractor shall provide escalators with 1070 mm high laminated glass guards (measured
from the central axis of the escalators steps) on the outside of the escalators along the length of
the escalator incline.
(f) The Contractor shall provide all necessary accessibility requirements for the escalator steps as
required by code. Speed
(a) The Contractor shall provide escalators to operate at a rated speed of 0.5 m/s.

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(b) The Contractor shall design escalators capable of operating at a speed of 0.75 m/s (note that The
Contractor is not responsible for obtaining any variance necessary to operate the escalators at
speeds that exceed the maximum permitted by code).
(c) The Contractor shall provide escalators with variable frequency drives.
(d) The Contractor shall provide escalators with low-speed standby operation. Dimensions
(a) The Contractor shall provide escalators with steps widths of 1000 mm.
(b) The Contractor shall provide escalators with a minimum of four flat steps at both the top and
bottom landings.
(c) The Contractor shall provide escalators with an upper track radius of not less than 2.6 m.
(d) The Contractor shall provide escalators with a lower track radius of not less than 2.0 m. Step Loads and Duty Cycles
(a) The Contractor shall provide escalators designed based on a minimum load per exposed step of
not less than 145 kg.
(b) The Contractor shall provide escalators with brakes designed to accommodate a static brake load
based on a minimum load per exposed step of not less than 306 kg.
(c) The Contractor shall provide escalators designed for continuous operation (24 hours per day, 7
days a week, 365 days a year) under the following load conditions:
(i) three hours per day at 100% design load;
(ii) six hours per day at 50% design load; and
(iii) fifteen hours per day at 25% design load.

3.23.9 Lighting General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall ensure all fixtures are accessible for service.
(b) The Contractor shall provide illumination that minimizes shadows and glare, particularly as it
pertains to transit operators.
(c) The Contractor shall provide dedicated lighting to vertical architectural elements such as
columns, feature walls, heritage components, displays and art pieces.
(d) The Contractor shall avoid the use of uplighting in pedestrian travel pathways.
(e) The Contractor shall provide glare shields or louvers where in-ground uplighting is used.
(f) The Contractor shall provide cove lighting and glare free down lights in areas with drywall
(g) The Contractor shall provide vandal resistant fixtures where fixtures are 2500 above finished
floor (AFF) or below in public areas.

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(h) The Contractor shall provide artificial skylights complete with correlated color temperature
controls to vary the skylight color between 2200K and 6500K, based on the time of day.
(i) The Contractor shall not place luminaires above stair treads and escalators to ensure maintenance
from the surface of the escalator can be performed without use of ladders or any lifting devices.
(j) The Contractor shall ensure decorative, signage and art lighting are excluded as lighting sources
for calculating public spaces lighting levels.
(i) Station lighting levels to be solely determined based on ambient lighting fixtures

3.23.10 Signage and Wayfinding Overview
(a) The Contractor shall comply with this section for the provision of signage, wayfinding, and
components to deliver a successful, comprehensive, and integrated wayfinding and signage
(b) This section addresses overall considerations and requirements related to customer experience
from the standpoint of intuitive wayfinding and signage, including brand considerations specific
to the SSE Project.
(c) This section should be followed in specific requirements related to wayfinding and signage
considerations and requirements related to Station and other Facilities in Sections 0 and 3.26. Scope
(a) This section establishes the requirements, including criteria and requirements applicable to
signage and wayfinding for all customer and Passenger Facilities, bus services and amenities
including the following:
(i) Lawrence East Station and Bus Terminal;
(ii) Scarborough Centre Station and Bus Terminal;
(iii) Sheppard East Station and Bus Terminal;
(iv) Emergency Exit Buildings EEB-01 through EEB-08; and
(v) all Station amenities, including bicycle facilities, pedestrian walkways, pathways, Retail
and PPUDOs at SHP. Codes and Standards

(a) The Contractor shall meet the following standards:
(i) DS-02 Metrolinx Universal Design Standard;
(ii) Metrolinx DS-03 Part 1 Wayfinding Design Standard;
(iii) Metrolinx DS-03 Part 2b: Sign Implementation Manual – LRT/Subway Edition;
(iv) DS-05 Metrolinx Sustainability Standards;

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(v) DS-09 Metrolinx Design Standards;

(vi) TTC Signage and Wayfinding Standards;
(vii) TTC Design Manual;
(viii) Ontario Traffic Manual (OTM);
(ix) Canadian Standards Association (CSA); and
(x) Privacy Commissioner of Ontario’s Guidelines for the Use of Video Surveillance. General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall coordinate primary signage locations with all preliminary architectural
ceiling and floor plan drawing submissions. (i.e., floor mounted maps, major ceiling mounted
signs, power/data requirements, etc.).
(b) The Contractor shall use the TTC Signage Manual for all operational and trackside signage
requirements associated with Tunnels and Tunnel EGRESS.
(c) The Contractor shall use the Metrolinx DS-03 Part 1 Wayfinding Design Standard, and Part 2b:
Sign Implementation Manual – LRT/Subway Edition for all Back of House (BOH) areas.
(d) The Contractor shall use the Metrolinx DS-03 Part 1 Wayfinding Design Standard, and Part 2b:
Sign Implementation Manual – LRT/Subway Edition for all SSE signage and wayfinding within
public spaces of Stations, Bus Terminals, and for the Kennedy Transition Box.
(e) The Contractor shall maintain the overall functional and aesthetic signage requirements as shown
in the Metrolinx DS-03 Part 1 Wayfinding Design Standard, and Part 2b: Sign Implementation
Manual – LRT/Subway Edition, at the time of Revenue Service and for all future signage
(f) The Contractor shall maintain functionality of signage and wayfinding message delivery, site
lines to other visual elements or operational requirements necessary for the efficient operation of
the SSE System.
(g) The Contractor shall provide advertising signage as to not conflict with or obstruct Public Realm
wayfinding signage, Security camera views and EGRESS messaging.
(h) The Contractor shall provide non-staining, corrosion resistant, and tamper-proof hardware for all
public-facing and accessible sign enclosures and sign boxes.
(i) The Contractor shall coordinate with Maintainer if key access is preferred over tamper proof
screws for all wayfinding sign boxes and sign enclosures requiring locking mechanisms.
(j) The Contractor shall hand over a set of master keys to the operator upon completion of
(k) The Contractor shall provide signage for all transportation service applications at locations where
Interfaces with other transportation service infrastructure are required.
(l) The Contractor shall coordinate all interior and exterior signage locations with CCTV locations in
locations that do not obstruct camera views and make all efforts to resolve any location conflicts
while maintaining the applicable SSE Design Principles for both wayfinding and Security.

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(m) The Contractor shall coordinate with the Toronto 360 wayfinding program for the display of base
maps to be included in TH2.1 signage and information hubs located within Station concourses
and install a totem as per the Metrolinx DS-03 Part 1 Wayfinding Design Standard, and Part 2b:
Sign Implementation Manual – LRT/Subway Edition within the Station plazas.
(n) The Contractor shall follow the current OTM Standards for all public road signage.
(o) The Contractor shall provide all signage and wayfinding signage located within the Right-of-
(p) The Contractor shall provide clear signage and wayfinding at elevators and elevator directories
where Passengers are required to transfer to another elevator to reach their intended destination,
including Platforms, street exits, Bus Terminal Facilities, and transfer levels.
(q) The Contractor shall provide signage that conforms to the Metrolinx DS-03 Part 1 Wayfinding
Design Standard and Part 2b: Sign Implementation, Manual - LRT/Subway Edition for all station,
public facing, public spaces and BOH locations and coordinate with Contracting Authority and
operator the contact information displayed on such signage.
(r) The Contractor shall provide accessibility Signage identifying which Bus Bays are designated for
paratransit drop-offs.
(s) The Contractor shall install signage within the exterior Fare Paid Zone areas of the Bus Terminal
Facilities to prevent users from walking into the Bus Terminal areas through Municipal ROW
and/or PPUDO areas.
(t) The Contractor shall install signage around Bus Terminals pedestrian areas to prohibit pedestrians
from crossing the Bus Loop roadway at non-designated crosswalks.
(u) The Contractor shall coordinate all regulatory stair signage with other disciplines to ensure a code
compliant and coordinated approach to the nomenclature used for elevator level and stair
designations. Illumination, Power, and Data Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall protect for illuminated wayfinding signage provisions (including emergency
circuit provision) in the ceiling above all decision-making locations throughout the Station(s).
(b) The Contractor shall connect all illuminated wayfinding signage to the emergency power supply
as opposed to the regular Station power supply.
(c) The Contractor shall provide all illuminated signs with internal LED lighting in such a way as to
prevent all light leaks and provide consistent illumination across all illuminated sign faces.
(d) The Contractor shall provide non-glare illumination levels at all non- back lit signage.
(e) The Contractor shall provide power, communications and data infrastructure required for signage
and wayfinding requirements including digital signage, Platform edge sign band, information
display Systems, wayfinding signage, EGRESS, Retail, and advertising display Systems.
(f) The Contractor shall provide control gear that is compatible with the illumination methodology
used and located within the sign or concealed in a remote location.

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(g) In all cases, the Contractor shall install all control gear, including transformers, drivers, and
ballasts, in an accessible and safe location which does not interfere with the functioning of the
lighting, the sign itself, or the functionality of the SSE.
(h) The Contractor shall provide electronic ballasts and control gear. No solid core transformers or
ballasts are to be used for signage applications.
(i) The Contractor shall provide illuminated interior signage that is compatible with a 120V power
(j) The Contractor shall provide step down transformers located within the sign boxes to
accommodate 120V LEDs wherever voltage exceeds 120V and where illuminated signage
is required.
(k) The Contractor shall integrate timers for activating interior signage illumination with the lighting
for the SSE interior Stations.
(l) The Contractor shall coordinate all interior signage lighting controls with interior architectural
lighting and Systems operations.
(m) The Contractor shall coordinate activation and deactivation of exterior sign illumination with
System operations.
(n) The Contractor shall provide an option for a timed deactivation and manual override to reduce
power consumption if required.
(o) The Contractor shall provide the communications and power requirements for all digital
displays and PVIS. Refer to Section 3.21 (Electrical) for additional requirements.
(p) The Contractor shall provide appropriate System infrastructure to provide timely changes to all
digital infrastructure messaging and provide Station specific and System wide message delivery
capability at the time of revenue operation and for future System expansion.
(q) The Contractor shall co-ordinate the placement of all digital displays with wayfinding, signage
and other non-architectural elements and equipment so that neither obscure nor interfere with the
operational performance of the other.
(r) The Contractor shall provide PVIS signage:
(i) refer to Sections and for general product descriptions and
(s) The Contractor shall reference the DS-03 standards for digital signage housing fabrication.
Reference shall also be made to Section 3.27.4 for additional requirements related to digital
communications and networking.
(t) The Contractor shall coordinate all digital signage requirements and locations with Sections
3.27.4, and Elevators
(a) The Contractor shall coordinate all elevator signage and messaging, including level
nomenclature, level numbers/letters, tactile messaging, and panel control signage with Section
3.20 (Mechanical) and Section (Elevators) to ensure a consistent approach.

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(a) The Contractor shall make the primary System identity signage visible whether approaching a
Station by foot, bicycle, or by Revenue Vehicle or non-revenue vehicle.
(b) The Contractor shall install a secondary System identity sign that is visible by all user types
where visual angles may be obstructed. Station Identification Signage

(a) The Contractor shall locate Station identification signage at all Station Main Entrances and
Secondary Entrances identifying the name of the specific Station.
(b) The Contractor shall identify all public Station entrances and display the Station name and
identify the services and transit connections available at the Station, including accessibility
features. Approach to Universal and Intuitive Wayfinding and Signage

(a) The goal of the wayfinding, signage and visual displays is to provide clearly defined circulation
routes for user wayfinding that enable seamless, intuitive, and unimpeded pedestrian and
vehicular movements to and from the Station entrances and to the transportation services
provided, including connections to adjacent transit modes such as GO Transit, YRT, and DRT.
(b) The Contractor shall develop and provide a complete signage program for wayfinding, signage
and visual displays for all SSE Stations and Facilities including:
(i) SSE Stations, the Guideway (including Tunnels), and Associated Facilities including
Ancillary and Emergency Exit Buildings.
(c) The Contractor shall develop and provide a wayfinding environment that delivers coherence,
clarity, and simplicity for all SSE Passengers regardless of ability.
(d) The Contractor shall develop and provide a safe, efficient, user friendly and sustainable
wayfinding environment with simple, easy to use and understand messaging suitable for all users,
placed in intuitive locations throughout the SSE Stations and facilities, and to direct Passengers to
appropriate exits in case of emergency.
(e) The Contractor shall apply the principles of “Universal Design” as described in the DS-09 to the
SSE Sign Program.
(f) The signage System shall seek to integrate accessible Design features with the Design as a whole.
The goal is to deliver a signage and wayfinding System that provides an environment that is
“accessible to all regardless of ability”. Wayfinding Signage

(a) The Contractor shall locate wayfinding in a manner that assists the movement of Passengers
through the various areas and various levels of the Station, and to other public transportation
services and facilities located within the Station or in the immediate vicinity of the Station
regardless of mode or carrier (i.e., train, bus, etc.).

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(b) The Contractor shall provide signage for all pedestrian walkways, pathways, and pedestrian
connections. Directional Signage

(a) The Contractor shall provide directional (navigation) signage through the available multi modal
forms of transportation by identifying directions, major destinations, adjacent Stations, and
confirm the appropriate transportation service and mode, through the use of using graphic
strategies as defined by the Metrolinx DS-03 Part 1 Wayfinding Design Standard and Part 2b:
Sign Implementation, Manual - LRT/Subway Edition. Operational Signage

(a) The Contractor shall provide operational signage that provides instructional information relating
to the operation of the System.
(b) The Contractor shall provide operational signage and instructional information relating to the
operation of the SSE System in the Public Realm and non-Public Realm of Stations, Bus Bays,
Guideways and associated facilities and buildings.
(c) The Contractor shall refer to the TTC Signage Standards and general maintenance requirements
for requirements related to operational signage, including trackside, Tunnel, signaling, and other
non-facilities Systems-related signage.
(d) The Contractor shall obtain approval and coordinate the required operational Bus Bay,
information content, and all operational bus signage with the applicable transit operators.
(e) The Contractor shall provide reduced clearance warning signage in accordance with the TTC-DM
within Tunnels following the criteria below:
(i) along safety walkways and serviceways where the clearance requirements per TTC-DM-
0205-01 are not met; and
(ii) along safety walkways for conditions where conduits/cables and wayside equipment
infringes into NFPA 130 minimum clearance requirements.
(f) The Contractor shall provide 3D signage in accordance with TTC Signage and Wayfinding
Standards and TTC-DM at each end of the transition area. Safety and Regulatory Signage

(a) The Contractor shall provide and locate Safety signs identifying potential Hazards to Passengers
and operators including fire/life/Safety related signing in the public and non-public spaces of
Stations, Guideways, pathways, associated facilities, and buildings.
(b) The Contractor shall reference the Code and Life Safety section, Systems, and operational
section for additional non-facilities Safety and regulatory signage requirements.
(c) The Contractor shall post signage at all Station entrances and at applicable publicly accessible
telephony devices to advise the public of recording of personal information, through CCTV
camera recording and through emergency intercom in compliance with the applicable standards.

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(d) The Contractor shall provide accessible parking signage at all accessible parking spaces located
within the PPUDO and an additional sign at these spaces identifying a 10 minute parking limit.
(e) The Contractor shall provide reserved staff-only parking signage for all facilities.
(f) The Contractor shall provide safety signage, including "Stand Behind Yellow Line" Safety
signage along all public platform areas and are to be located on the intertrack barrier and repeated
approximately every 10 m.
(g) The Contractor shall provide door signage where required that warns of an audible alarm if the
door is opened and that clearly identifies the stairwell as an emergency egress and that the refuge
room is located within.
(h) The Contractor shall provide EEB signage positioned adjacent to code regulated stair
identification signage at the entrance to stair enclosures within the EEBs to identify that EMS
stretchers are located within the stair landings. Ontario Traffic Manual Signage

(a) The Contractor shall provide OTM signage / standard traffic signage for private and transit
vehicles circulating through or around a Station and vehicular roadways within the Station
property lines.
(b) The Contractor shall provide OTM signage for all cycling and walking trails within the Station
properties. Information Signage

(a) The Contractor shall display simple, consistent, clear, and concise hierarchy of critical and non-
critical service information at each Station and Stop, along with associated operational
information provision related to the Stations including:
(i) signage that displays real time information on the status of transport services
communicated using electronic updates; and
(ii) digital community orientated signage – signage/maps that identify and provide links to
other modes of transport, public services, landmarks, pedestrian and bicycle routes or
significant destinations in the general vicinity of each Station. Temporary and Construction Signage

(a) The Contractor shall use temporary signs to identify site specific issues with finite timelines and
temporary conditions inside and outside the various SSE Stations and facilities.
(b) The Contractor shall conform to the Metrolinx DS-03 Part 1 Wayfinding Design Standard and
Part 2b: Sign Implementation Manual - LRT/Subway Edition and the road authority signage
requirements for advisory temporary signage plans.
(c) The Contractor shall provide signage to support changes to any Station operations and Passenger /
Customer Facilities during upgrades.
(d) The Contractor shall supply temporary messaging during construction.

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(e) The Contractor shall use temporary signage to identify new site conditions and associated
changes to existing services and existing properties, including Passenger and vehicular
wayfinding information.
(f) The Contractor shall use temporary signage to identify temporary Hazards to Passengers, the
public and third party contractors.
(g) In the case where construction activities impact access to City parks, multiuse trails (MUTs) or
community recreation centres, prior to commencement of such activities, the Contractor shall:
(i) notify Parks Development & Recreation staff at least 30 days in advance; and
(ii) coordinate with Parks Development & Recreation staff for the Contractor to supply and
install such signage at least 15 days in advance.

3.23.11 Sound Levels and Acoustics Scope
(a) This section provides the noise, vibration, and acoustic requirements for the design of public and
Paid Fare Zones within Passenger / Customer Facilities. Acoustics
(a) The Contractor shall ensure that the maximum reverberation time (RT60) allowed in Passenger
Facilities with Public Address Systems is 1.5 seconds, including service corridors. Levels
(a) The Contractor shall ensure that the maximum sound level (excluding noise from the Public
Address System) within any Enclosed public area does not exceed 75 dBA Leq,5min (5-minute
equivalent sound level) during emergency operation of any emergency equipment, including
Tunnel ventilation fans.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure that the maximum sound level (excluding noise from the Public
Address System) within the trackway does not exceed 80 dBA measured 10m or more from the
equipment or opening, whichever is closer, during emergency operation of any emergency
equipment, including Tunnel ventilation fans.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that interior sound levels (excluding noise from the Public Address
System) for all areas where employees and Passengers may be exposed to noise, including
emergency operations noise, do not exceed 85 dBA.
(d) The Contractor shall comply with criteria established by Occupational Health and Safety Act.
(e) The Contractor shall provide vibration control on all equipment, piping, ductwork, cable, or
conduit to ensure that the sound level limits in this section are met.
(f) The Contractor shall coordinate all equipment vibration isolation with applicable seismic

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(g) The Contractor shall provide vibration control on all equipment, piping, ductwork, cable, or
conduit such that the vibration levels on any publicly occupied space do not exceed 0.1 mm/s rms
under any operating condition.
(h) The Contractor shall control the propagation of noise from an area of high sound level to adjacent
quieter areas.
(i) The Contractor shall ensure that the maximum sound level within any facility space is 85 dBA
during emergency operation of any emergency equipment, including SVS fans.
(j) The Contractor shall provide vibration isolation for all equipment, piping, ductwork, cable, or
conduit to ensure that the sound level limits are met.
(k) The Contractor shall provide vibration isolation for all equipment, piping, ductwork, cable, or
conduit such that the vibration levels within any facility space does not exceed 0.14 mm/s rms
under any operating condition.

3.23.12 Customer Journey and Safety Considerations Overview
(a) The Contractor shall comply with this section for the provisions of customer journey and Safety
considerations using CPTED principles.
(b) Secure pedestrian access following CPTED principles shall be provided to all Stations. General Requirements

(a) All hooks provided in public washrooms shall be securely fastened, be tamper-proof, anti-ligature
and suicide resistant. Approach to CPTED

(a) The Contractor shall undertake CPTED reviews of all SSE facilities, including landscaping and
urban realm elements, using CPTED principles.
(b) The Contractor shall record observations and recommendations in CPTED reports, to be
submitted with each design submittal stage in compliance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.
(c) For subsequent CPTED reports, the Contractor shall address changes to the designs and provide
updates on the status of recommendations made in previous reports.
(d) In CPTED reports, the Contractor shall address:
(i) indoor and outdoor lighting:
(A) to support natural and Mechanical Surveillance;
(B) to minimize nuisance glare, and light trespass; and
(C) ensuring high colour rendition ability;
(ii) Natural Surveillance, including contributing factors such as:
(A) design of facilities;

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(B) materials used;

(C) design and placement of equipment, furniture or infrastructure which may impact
on sightlines;
(D) landscaping and plantings which may impact on sightlines; and
(E) elimination or minimization of potential concealment areas (concealment of
persons and objects);
(iii) In addition to the requirements identified in Section, from a CPTED perspective,
provide CCTV coverage of the following:
(A) doors that access signaling and train control rooms;
(B) doors that access IT and communications rooms;
(C) doors that access TPSS rooms;
(D) entrances to washrooms (exterior spaces only);
(E) bicycle parking areas and doors that access bicycle parking rooms;
(F) doors that access non-public facing corridors; and
(G) stairway landings;
(iv) Natural Access Control, including the following considerations:
(A) placement of site furnishings, plant materials at full mature growth, and
landscape elements shall not allow for access to roof and restricted areas of the
site facilities; and
(B) restriction of unauthorized vehicular and pedestrian intrusion;
(v) Mechanical Access Control, including the following considerations:
(A) provision of access control Systems Engineering to prevent and detect intrusion
into private areas of the System infrastructure; and
(B) provision of a level of access restriction to SSE Assets, commensurate with the
criticality of the Assets;
(vi) vandalism and graffiti-resistance of publicly accessible infrastructure and Assets; and
(vii) territoriality and maintenance considerations.

3.24 Utilities

3.24.1 Overview
(a) This section identifies the Contractor’s responsibilities regarding Utility Infrastructure.

3.24.2 Scope
(a) This section establishes the requirements applicable to Utility Infrastructure.

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3.24.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall perform all Utility Work in accordance with Section 3.3 (Design Standards)
and all relevant requirements, guidelines, codes, standards and specifications of each Utility
Company and with the requirements of Governmental Authority and safety approving authorities/

3.24.4 General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall be solely responsible for identifying the actual locations and condition of all
existing Utility Infrastructure to complete the Utility Work.
(b) The Contractor shall identify all Utility Infrastructure relocation requirements.
(c) The Contractor shall develop and carry out a Utility Infrastructure Relocation Plan (the "Utility
Infrastructure Relocation Plan").
(d) The Contractor shall perform all required Utility Work and obtain requisite consents from and
with all Utility Companies to protect, support, safeguard, abandon, remove and temporarily or
permanently relocate Utility Infrastructure.
(e) The Contractor shall obtain requisite consents from all Utility Companies with respect to the
design, construction, installation, servicing, operation, repair, preservation, relocation, and
commissioning of Utility Infrastructure on, in, under, over or adjacent to the Lands.
(f) The Contractor shall develop the Utility Infrastructure Relocation Plan including:
(i) early identification and approach to mitigate the impacts to critical Utility Work;
(ii) identification and Verification of all existing Utilities;
(iii) assessment and recommendations on Utility Work in terms of scope, schedule and cost;
(iv) identification of utility infrastructure treatments requiring protection, support, safeguard,
abandonment, removal and temporary or permanent relocation and all other work to
accommodate the Works;
(v) the approach to working around all Existing Adjacent Utilities;
(vi) detailed coordination process that will be followed to ensure Utility Work does not
impact other ongoing or planned Utility Infrastructure relocations in the same area;
(vii) the approach to, and documentation of, communication and coordination with Utility
Companies including articulation of an understanding of Utility Companies’ operational
(viii) the approach to communication and coordination with other Stakeholders including
businesses and property owners;
(ix) the approach to managing service interruptions to utility customers including property
(x) early Verification that the Utility Work is within the Lands and identification of any
proposed Additional Lands through Additional Lands Request for Utility Work;

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(xi) the approach to supplying Utility services to the Project;

(xii) the approach to ensuring that any Utility Work shall eliminate and minimize negative
impacts on Adjacent Developments, TOC Developments and other future developments
on or adjacent to the Lands;
(xiii) permanent Utility Work shall not occupy lands associated with TOC Developments;
(xiv) a workplan and schedule that addresses the Utility Infrastructure Relocation Plan,
(A) durations and timelines for each utility treatment;
(B) identification of dependencies and conflicts with overall Baseline Works
Schedule; and
(C) identification and coordination of all Utility Infrastructure relocation works
completed by self-performing Utility Companies to ensure those works are
completed within the project timelines;
(xv) for each Utility Work item requiring treatment, a work plan that includes but is not
limited to:
(A) Utilities reports and drawings, to a scale of 1:250 with clearly defined match
(B) detailed composite utilities drawings and specifications for existing and proposed
utilities locations, including plan drawings, profile drawings and key sections for
each location with permanent and temporary Utility Work that address the
recommendations in the Utilities Infrastructure Relocation Plan;
(C) identification of the self performing work and all necessary details;
(D) assumptions and considerations;
(E) identification of all PLAA’s required for Utility Work;
(F) applications for all PLAA for Utility Work;
(G) documentation of all communications, coordination and submissions as required
to fulfil the approaches described in the Utility Infrastructure Relocation Plan;
(H) traffic management and construction staging by location for each piece of Utility
Work in the Utility Infrastructure Relocation Plan, from Utility Work start to
(xvi) identification of the type of treatment, consideration of alternatives and evaluation for
each Utility Infrastructure Relocation Plan. The technical evaluation shall be included in
a report that is submitted at each required checkpoint; and
(xvii) Utility Companies sign-off on the respective Utility Work design and provide a copy of
the sign-off to Contracting Authority.

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(g) The Contractor shall prepare and submit a copy of the Utility Infrastructure Relocation Plan to
each respective Utility Company.
(h) The Contractor shall prepare and submit a fully coordinated overall Utility Infrastructure
Relocation Plan to Contracting Authority in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.
(i) The Contractor shall execute Utility Agreements with each Utility Company, excluding the City
of Toronto, within 90 days of the Effective Date for the Utility Work.
(j) The Contractor shall provide to Contracting Authority:
(i) copies of all submission transmittals for informational purposes only that have been
provided to and received from Utility Companies including responses and resolutions by
the Contractor of Utility Companies comments within two Business Days;
(ii) at the request of Contracting Authority, formal submission of identified items from
Article 3.24.4(j)(i) above, in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure;
(iii) documentation is to be provided within two Business Days, following the Contractor's
agreement with Utility Companies on duration and cost of self-performing work;
(iv) copies of all MCR permit applications including drawings and all documents submitted
with the MCR permit applications within two Business Days of the date of submittal;
(v) copies of all IFC drawings within two Business Days of the date of the preparation of the
(k) The Contractor shall prepare and submit a monthly status report and schedule on the Utilities
Management Plan and Utilities Infrastructure Relocation Plan including:
(i) schedule identifying durations, timelines and progress for each Utility Work item and
other strategies, by location, including:
(A) design milestones for each concept, detailed design, permit submission and
construction submission drawings;
(B) applicable Permits, Licences, Approvals and Agreements process; and
(C) construction phase for each civil part of work and remaining plant construction;
(ii) identification of risks, issues and respective mitigation measures; dependencies and
adjustments required to implement the written work plan and schedule with overall
Works Schedule.
(l) The Contractor shall be solely responsible for identifying the requirements for and obtaining all
consents, permits and approvals, including without limitations, crossing and other agreements in
favour of Contracting Authority from Utility Companies and others having rights over and an
interest in the Lands, whether below, at, or above grade.
(m) The Contractor shall ensure that all Utility Work preserves the existing Utility Company network
performance and existing capacity if the Contractor has identified that Utility Infrastructure must
be relocated or removed and replaced.

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(n) The Contractor shall comply with the following:

(i) relevant codes and standards, of each Utility Company;
(ii) the requirements of the Governmental Authority;
(iii) the requirements of safety approving authorities/ organizations; and
(iv) federal, provincial, and municipal jurisdictions.
(o) The Contractor shall ensure that any Utility Infrastructure identified to be relocated or removed
and replaced, the Utility Work must preserve (like-for-like) the existing Utility Company network
performance and capacity per Applicable Law.
(p) The Contractor shall notify and seek direction from Contracting Authority as soon as it becomes
known that Utility Company relocation designs involve infrastructure enhancements to initiate
scope and cost sharing agreements.
(q) The Contractor shall get the prior written consent of Utility Companies and of any other entity
whose consent is required and without obtaining all required permits and approvals in case of
performing any construction, installation or permit for the construction or installation of any
Utility Infrastructure on, in, under or over the Lands or any part thereof.
(r) The Contractor shall never use or permit the use of the Lands or any other Project infrastructure
for the purpose of protecting, safeguarding, removing or relocating Utility Infrastructure (other
than Utility Infrastructure, if any, located within the Lands at Commercial Close) without the
prior written consent of Contracting Authority (which may be given or withheld at the discretion
of Contracting Authority).
(s) The Contractor shall replace all surface and subsurface features and Utility Infrastructure
disturbed, damaged or temporarily removed during the activities related to Utility Work and
reinstate in accordance with the requirements of Schedule 15.
(t) The Contractor shall ensure that all lane closures, detour routes, lane shifts, and diversions
required to undertake Utility Work must be in accordance with the applicable codes and standards
discussed in Section (Civil and Building Infrastructure (Codes, Standards and Reference
(u) The Contractor shall provide As-Built Drawings or Record Drawings subject to the request of the
applicable Utility Company within 30 days of commissioning and or completion of the
installation of each relocated infrastructure, at each location for each stage of Utility Work.
(v) The Contractor shall hold working group meetings, no less than bi-weekly, involving Contracting
Authority and Utility Companies, during design coordination, pre-construction and utility self-
performing work phases to:
(i) ensure coordination between all Stakeholders to identify and flag any conflicts caused by
the Construction Activities to minimize impacts to adjacent utilities and devise mitigation
plans accordingly.
(w) The Contractor shall exercise their due diligence to determine the necessary SUE/field
investigations for existing utility infrastructure to suit proposed relocations works. The Contractor
shall coordinate these investigations with Contract Authority and respective Utility Companies

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where required and perform the works up to the quality level required by the respective Utility
(x) The Contractor shall provide a Utility Conflict Matrix to Contracting Authority.
(y) The Utility Conflict Matrix shall be submitted monthly to Contracting Authority.
(z) At a minimum, the Contractor shall include the following headings within the Utility Conflict
(i) Asset Information including, a Unique Asset ID#, Site, Station (start and end), Nearest
Street, Owner, Utility Type, Size, Material, SUE Quality Level;
(ii) Conflict Identification including Conflict, Conflict Type, Description;
(A) Potential Conflicts: total number of utility assets that are under review or
investigation. These conflicts will be classified per one of the definitions below;
(B) Not in Conflict: number of utility assets that were reviewed and recorded as not
expected to be in conflict, or do not need to be resolved/relocated (i.e. do not
require any treatment option);
(C) Confirmed Conflicts – No Solution: number of utility assets that are confirmed to
be in conflict that need to be resolved/relocated and is expected to decrease as
mitigations are in place;
(D) Confirmed Conflicts – Solutions Proposed: number of prior Confirmed Conflicts
for which a treatment option has been determined;
(E) Cleared Conflicts – by Construction: number of prior Confirmed Conflicts that
have been resolved/relocated in the field (via construction/relocation or other
treatment (e.g. protection/support in place); and
(F) Cleared Conflicts – by Design: number of prior confirmed conflicts that were
cleared by design (e.g. re-designed to avoid the utility).
(iii) Conflict Resolution including Overview (treatment option and description), design status,
property requirements, cost estimates (design and construction), permitting, and
construction progress.
(A) Treatment options are one of the following three categories: (1) “Treatment
Option TBD” (meaning the treatment option is to be determined); (2) “In Place
Treatment” (meaning protect-in-place, support-in-place, or avoidance); (3)
“Reconfiguration” (meaning abandon, relocate, or replace).
(aa) The Contractor shall request authorization from Enbridge to proceed with the removal of any
abandoned gas infrastructure.
(bb) The Contractor shall coordinate with Enbridge such that corrosion measures are designed in
accordance with and approved by Enbridge. The Contractor shall indicate the required test points
and anodes from Enbridge on the design drawings.

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(cc) The Contractor shall ensure that the relocation of existing Enbridge regulator station equipment
and associated appurtenances are completed when the outside ambient air temperature is -15
degrees Celsius or warmer.
(dd) The Contractor shall obtain approval from Enbridge on the proposed construction dates prior to
the commencement of the work.
(ee) The Contractor shall develop a Utilities Management Plan that is consistent with Section 1.4.8
(Utilities Management Plan).
(ff) The Contractor shall coordinate with the proposed Eglinton East LRT extension based on the
[Note to Dev Co: coordination of requirements with City of Toronto continues for Eglinton
East LRT extension and are to be finalized by end of Initial Development Phase Period]
(i) utility exclusion zones to prevent relocating or permanently placing Utilities within the
proposed Eglinton East LRT extension tracks and station infrastructure
(A) 14.0m combined track and platforms width at side platform stations as
determined by Eglinton East LRT extension’s Environmental Assessment or
other applicable documents provided by the City of Toronto; and
(B) 7.6m combined track and barrier widths at midblock and non-station locations.
(ii) notwithstanding above, Utilities may be placed within the exclusion zones if
demonstrated based on distance of relocation and feasibility.

3.24.5 General Provisions for Utility Work

(a) The Contractor shall coordinate and perform Utility Work to minimize impact to continuity of
service and disruption to property owners and customers of the Utility Companies to the
acceptance of the Utility Companies and Contracting Authority.
(b) The Contractor shall obtain Utility Company approval prior to performing Utility Work resulting
in any service disruptions to customers of the Utility Company.
(c) The Contractor shall notify affected customers in writing 48 hours in advance about service
disruption and expected time of service resumption.

3.24.6 Protection of Utilities

(a) The Contractor shall replace, protect and repair any damages caused by any actions, or neglect of
any actions, by the Contractor or any Contractor Party to Utility Infrastructure per Applicable
(b) The Contractor shall implement a Utilities monitoring program in accordance with Section
3.19.16 (Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring) if settlement occurs because of
Construction Activities.
(c) The Contractor shall develop a monitoring program in accordance with Schedule 17, Section 11-
Construction Noise and Vibration for noise and vibration monitoring.

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(d) The Contractor shall develop alternative conflict treatment solution that aligns with all applicable
requirements to the acceptance of the utility owners.

3.24.7 Protect and Support of Utility Infrastructure Across Open Excavations

(a) The Contractor shall comply with all Utility Company requirements pertaining to support of
Utility Infrastructure across open excavations in accordance with applicable codes and standards
and the Utility Company’s specific requirements.
(b) The Contractor must ensure structural support Systems are:
(i) designed by a professional structural engineer licensed in the Province of Ontario; and
(ii) provided as part of the design drawings submission and to include two stamps from
licensed professional structural engineers.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that all exposed municipal infrastructure is adequately protected
during construction and repair any damage that may occur during construction at their own
(d) The Contractor shall design support in place structures that are in coordination with impacted
utility assets and engage in the appropriate third party utility owner's review and revisions process
to seek approval of support in place.
(e) The Contractor shall obtain approval from the owning Utility Company for every location where
Utility Infrastructure is proposed to be supported over open excavations.
(f) The Contractor shall survey and monitor Utility Infrastructure that has been supported over open
excavations according to Section 3.19.
(g) The Contractor shall design and construct support over open excavations according to Section
(h) The Contractor shall maintain the functionality and capacity of all Utility Infrastructure that is
supported over open excavations.
(i) The Contractor shall ensure for all support over open excavations of Utility Infrastructure that
joints are avoided where possible, and where joints are necessary that joints do not leak.
(j) The Contractor shall ensure for all support over open excavations of Utility Infrastructure that the
design and construction of the supports are at sufficient intervals and of sufficient strength such
that the infrastructure shall continue to be fully operational throughout the Work.
(k) The Contractor shall ensue for all support over open excavations of Utility Infrastructure that the
design and construction of the supports shall not impact the lifespan of the Utility Infrastructure.
(l) The Contractor shall ensure for all support over open excavations of Utility Infrastructure that the
design and construction permits the operation and the maintenance of the infrastructure.
(m) For temporary works of sewers, cleanouts in lieu of maintenance-holes will be acceptable for the
operation and maintenance of temporary City of Toronto Utility Infrastructure.
(n) The Contractor shall commence work after the support system has been reviewed and approved
by the City of Toronto for City of Toronto Utility Infrastructure.

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(o) The Contractor shall follow the City requirements for support in place and obtain all required
approvals, and meet the requirements, which include the following:
(i) support methods for existing watermain must follow T-1007.01-8, T-1007.01-7, T-
1007.01-9, and T-1007.01-10, whichever is applicable;
(ii) for watermain 300mm and greater engineer stamped shop drawing for watermain support
system must be provided for City approval prior to carrying out work; and
(iii) existing restraint system and thrust blocks must be kept protected in place and additional
thrust blocks/restrain system should be provided to keep integrity of existing live
watermain transmission/distribution watermains and to avoid breaks during construction

3.24.8 Project Utilities Services

(a) The Contractor shall be responsible for all Utility Work for all temporary and permanent Utility
services for the Project necessary to comply with requirements of relevant standards, codes, and
approvals, as described in the Project Agreement.

3.24.9 Location and Condition of Utility Infrastructure

(a) The Contractor shall be responsible for identifying and ascertaining the locations and conditions
of all Utility Infrastructure, located on, in, under, over or adjacent to the Lands and always
ensuring compliance with the provisions of Schedule 15.
(b) The Contractor shall follow a documented process for identifying and recording when unknown
Utility Infrastructure is encountered.
(c) The Contractor shall be responsible for Utility Infrastructure relocation, including Mislocated
Utility Infrastructure and unknown Utility Infrastructure.
(d) The Contractor shall prepare a plan for resolving unknown Utility Infrastructure conflicts, in
consultation with Contract Authority and all appropriate Stakeholders prior to carrying out Utility
Work (the “Unknown Utility Conflict Resolution Plan”).
(e) Where unknown Utility Infrastructure is discovered, the Contractor shall:
(i) communicate all unknown conflicts encountered in the field to Contract Authority
immediately to initiate the process described in the Unknown Utility Conflict Resolution
Plan; and
(ii) notify Contract Authority of any delays or potential delays to the relocation schedule due
to the unknown conflict and where applicable, engages the impacted Utility Companies
to review options to mitigate the schedule delay.

3.24.10 Responsibilities for Utility Work

(a) The Contractor shall carry out all Utility Work at their own risk and expense subject to the rights
of Utility Companies to specify who will carry out the Utility Work. For clarity, this includes any
Mislocated Utility Infrastructure and unknown Utility Infrastructure.

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(b) The Contractor shall observe and comply with any instructions or directions relating to the Utility
Work that may be issued by Contracting Authority.
(c) The Contractor shall identify all requirements in respect of the Utility Work, including
determining the most effective strategies for undertaking the Utility Work to:
(i) restore all areas and elements impacted by the Works on private properties to meet
conditions prior to commencement of the Works; and
(ii) restore areas to elements into compliance where pre-existing conditions on private
property do not comply with current municipal standards.
(d) The Contractor shall define the demarcation point between any Utility Service and the Project as
the point where the responsibility of ownership transitions from the Utility Company to
Contracting Authority.
(i) The Contractor shall comply with relevant Utility Company standards and industry
practices if the location and configuration of demarcation points are between the Utility
Company and its customers.
(A) The Contractor shall agree with the Utility Company on the location and
configuration of demarcation points if no appropriate Utility Company standards
and industry practices exist.
(e) The Contractor shall be responsible for liaising, arranging, coordinating, and entering into all
necessary agreements with relevant Utility Companies in connection with the Utility Work,
(i) obtaining any necessary consents or approvals;
(ii) obtaining all rights of entry or access; relevant design, construction, crossing, and
maintenance agreements, service contracts, and other agreements; and
(iii) providing access to the relevant Utility Infrastructure, including manholes, cabinets and
other surface facilities located on project Lands for inspections and works to be carried
out by the Utility Company.
(f) The Contractor shall prepare and obtain necessary permits and approvals as required from the
Municipality to:
(i) remove trees and vegetation from the area of Utility Work; and
(ii) complete any required restoration and compensation plans from the Municipality.
(g) The Contractor shall ensure coordination with the Utility Company regarding the allowable
service interruptions timelines/mitigations.
(h) The Contractor shall prepare and secure all submittals, documentation, forms, analysis reports
and other work required for Utility Work and Utility Companies Permits, Licenses, Approvals
and agreements (temporary and permanent) that Contracting Authority is required to obtain in
accordance with industry practice.
(i) The Contractor shall provide a monthly Utility Work construction schedule to Contracting
Authority and the Utility Companies.

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(j) The Contractor shall, prior to commencing Utility Work affecting the Utility Infrastructure
referred to in the Utility Agreement, give notice as identified in the Utility Agreement(s) or as
otherwise agreed upon by the Utility Companies, to the relevant Utility Company confirming that
the Utility Work is being carried out by or on behalf of the Contractor pursuant to the Project
(k) The Contractor shall complete preparatory Utility Work as requested by Contracting Authority
with the acceptance of the Utility Companies.
(l) The Contractor shall obtain necessary permission from the utility companies and applicable
internal/ external Stakeholders approvals to bring existing substandard vault grounding up to
current standard.
(m) The Contractor shall complete any Utility Infrastructure abandonment as per the standards of
relevant Utility Company and City of Toronto standards, guidelines, and specifications.
(n) The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying the existing Utility Infrastructure on or in the
Lands pursuant to this Project Agreement, including any identification of Mislocated Utility
Infrastructure and unknown Utility Infrastructure.
(o) The Contractor shall ensure, with coordinated approval from Contracting Authority and
respective Utility Company that an adequate number of empty ducts are included in the protection
boxes/straps etc.
(i) In the unlikely event that if anything happens (or a customer requires service) to the
existing cables during the life of construction, these can be used as a path to place cable
to do any necessary repairs.
(p) The timing of Utility Work, including relocations, is subject to operational constraints. The
Contractor shall coordinate the scheduling of all Utility Work including relocation work with
each relevant Utility Company.
(q) The Contractor shall be responsible for all existing utility services disconnections and removals
required for the Works. Disconnections and removals shall be in accordance with the respective
Utility Company requirements.
(r) The Contractor shall obtain approval from TRCA for utility works within the TRCA regulation
(s) The Contractor shall reinstate within the municipal right-of-way any relocated utilities that are in
temporary/permanent easements within the Lands at all locations at the end of the Project, subject
to Contracting Authority approval.
(t) The Contractor shall execute permanent restoration of the temporary/permanent easement lands
after the relocation work is complete.
(u) The Contractor is responsible for the permanent restoration of the municipal road right-of-way
infrastructure that has been impacted by Early Works, completed under ATSSE or SRS managed
by Contracting Authority and left with temporary restoration condition.
(i) the Contractor is responsible for repairs and/or maintenance as needed for the
aforementioned works with the temporary restoration condition.

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3.24.11 Infrastructure Coordination Unit Process

(a) Note: the Infrastructure Coordination Unit (ICU) in the City of Toronto coordinates the long-term
planning of capital infrastructure projects that occur within municipal rights-of-way for both City
of Toronto and non‑City capital projects, utilizing a web-based project tracking System to
facilitate such coordination. This tracking System is continuously updated by the City of Toronto
and third parties such as gas, telecommunications, and electrical companies, and captures planned
capital projects over a five-year time horizon. The Contractor shall participate in this City of
Toronto led capital project coordination by the following:
(i) the Contractor and Contracting Authority shall jointly attend and participate in the City of
Toronto capital works coordination meetings led by the Infrastructure Coordination Unit,
as may be required, scheduled, or upon request, by the City of Toronto or Contracting
(ii) the Contractor shall utilize, update, and keep current the City of Toronto’s preferred and
adopted City of Toronto capital works tracking System, by entering relevant project
information pertaining to proposed and/or ongoing The Contractor works within the City
of Toronto’s road Rights-of-Way for the Project;
(iii) the Contractor shall identify any areas of conflict between the Contractor proposed and/or
ongoing works to that of the City of Toronto and/or third party capital works that are
reflected in the City of Toronto capital works tracking System, and advise Contracting
Authority, City of Toronto and relevant third parties of such conflicts within seven
Business Days from noting the perceived potential conflict;
(iv) the Contractor shall coordinate the resolution of any conflicts between the Contractor
proposed and/or ongoing works to that of the City of Toronto and/or third-party capital
works, and Contracting Authority;
(v) the Contractor shall also review notifications, requests, and inquiries from the City of
Toronto, and/or third parties, identify any conflicts between the Contractor proposed
and/or ongoing works to that of the City of Toronto and/or third party capital works,
coordinate the resolution of any conflicts, and update the City of Toronto capital works
tracking system accordingly; and
(vi) Contracting Authority shall review comments provided by the Contractor and provide
formal responses to the City and others, as required.

3.24.12 Municipal Consent Requirements Review

(a) Upon receipt, Contracting Authority shall provide to the Contractor for review and comment,
applications by third-parties for temporary street occupation permits, full-stream cut permit and
relevant short stream cut permits, film request, including associated proposed construction and
traffic management plans (the “MCR Review Materials”) in accordance with the City of
Toronto’s Municipal Consent Requirements (MCR), as indicated in the review zone plan for the
(b) Municipal Consent Requirements reviews shall apply to proposed works by all third parties
including Utility Companies, the City of Toronto, commissions, agencies, boards, associations

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and private Stakeholder applicants having authority to construct, operate and maintain their plant
within Municipal ROW.
(c) The Contractor shall review the applications, which will include third-party temporary street
occupation, full stream cut permit applications, and relevant short stream cut permit applications,
confirm absence of conflict or identify any conflicts with the Project, and provide such
comments, and/or conditions of approval, as may be required for coordination and resolution of
issues, (the “MCR Review Comments”) to Contracting Authority within the following timeframe
from the date of receipt of information from Contracting Authority:
(i) ten Business Days for full stream cut permit applications;
(ii) seven Business days for re-submissions of revised full stream cut permit applications;
(iii) seven Business days for temporary street occupations and relevant short stream permit
applications; and
(iv) two Business days for "film" requests (Usually lane closures)
(d) The Contractor shall prepare and submit written responses (the “MCR Review Comments”) via
electronic submission format to, and as may be prescribed by Contracting Authority.
(e) Contracting Authority will conduct a parallel review of applications by third parties with internal
(f) Contracting Authority shall review the MCR review comments provided by the Contractor and
provide responses and permits as may be required and applicable pursuant to corridor control
enabling authorities associated with Bill 171- the Building Transit Faster Act (BTFA), to the
applicant and/ or the city.
(g) The Contractor shall coordinate the resolution of any conflicts with the Project, with applicants,
Utility Companies, any the Contractor Party, Third Party Contractors, the City of Toronto, and
Contracting Authority.
(h) During the Works, the review zone limits will:
(i) extend along Eglinton Avenue East, approximately 400 m north of Eglinton Avenue East
to 400 m south of Eglinton Avenue East, from the intersection of Kennedy Road and
Eglinton Avenue East to the intersection of Eglinton Avenue East and Danforth Road;
(ii) extend along Danforth Road, approximately 400 m west of Danforth Road to 400 m east
of Danforth Road, from the intersection of Danforth Road and Eglinton Avenue East to
the intersection of Danforth Road and McCowan Road;
(iii) extend along McCowan Road, approximately 400 m west of McCowan Road to 400 m
east of McCowan Road, from the intersection of Danforth Road and McCowan Road to
the intersection of McCowan Road and Ellesmere Road; field Road;
(iv) extend along McCowan Road, approximately 850 m west to the intersection of McCowan
Road and Brimley Road, and 850 m east to the intersection of McCowan Road and
Bellamy Road, and north from the intersection of Ellesmere Road and McCowan Road to
the intersection of McCowan Road and Highway 401;

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(v) extend along McCowan Road, approximately 400 m west of McCowan Road to 500 m
east of McCowan Road, from the intersection of McCowan Road and Highway 401 to the
intersection of McCowan Road and Huntingwood Drive / Middlefield Road; see Figure
3.24-1; and
(vi) The review zone limits, comprised of Transit Corridor Lands, buffer area, and MCR and
Roadway coordination zones are identified in the Metrolinx third party coordination and
permitting website.

Figure 3.24-1. Review Zone Limits

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3.24.13 Street Lighting Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall adhere to the requirements in this Section 3.24.13 and be responsible for the
following in relation to street lighting:
(i) design and installation of all street lighting and associated systems, for vehicular and
pedestrian traffic, in accordance with applicable standards and regulations, including
those of THES and Governmental Authority;
(ii) entering into agreements with THES and their approved subcontractors to design and
construct street lighting;
(iii) the Contractor shall comply with the bi-party agreement between the Contractor and
THES and its associated requirements:
(A) this may include a joint baseline field inspection prior to entering the street
lighting area of transfer for temporary works;
(B) entering into the Streetlighting Area of Transfer, which requires the Contractor to
comply with the Toronto Hydro Street Lighting Outline for Field Validation and
Investigation (Issued March 4, 2022); and
(C) THES shall require the Contractor to investigate, upgrade and rectify existing
infrastructure as per current THES standards in the proximity of work area at an
agreed upon limit in consultation with Contracting Authority which may be
beyond the immediate construction location to ensure the street lighting network
is not impacted by the Works;
(iv) obtaining approvals as required from THES and Governmental Authority;
(v) coordinating with THES, and any other Stakeholders that may be described in the
agreement between the Contractor and THES for street lighting pole addition, relocation,
removal, wiring and luminaire replacement;
(vi) coordinating with THES and any other Stakeholders that may be described in the
agreement between the Contractor and THES to minimize the number of poles for the
installation of luminaires by the joint use of street lighting poles with other poles;
(vii) coordinating with THES and Governmental Authority to confirm the specifications of the
joint use poles (street lighting poles with other poles);
(viii) providing electrical power feeds for alterations to existing street lighting and new street
lighting, where applicable, to be designed and constructed by the THES approved
(ix) providing illumination for traffic detours and diversions including relocated pedestrian
sidewalks and walkways;
(x) design and build street and pedestrian lighting to limit glare to adjacent properties and
adopting the Municipal Standards;
(xi) ensuring designs and drawings indicating locations of lighting sources, and illumination
levels, are provided to THES, Contracting Authority and Governmental Authority, for
approval prior to construction start;

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(xii) lighting designs and drawings for areas with several stages or phases of construction shall
indicate locations of lighting light sources, and illumination levels, for each stage or
phase of construction;
(xiii) each stage or phase of construction shall include four design submissions: conceptual,
proposed, permit stage, and IFC;
(xiv) handover all street lighting in a condition as specified in the agreement between the
Contractor and THES, to THES after inspection, approval and acceptance of street
lighting work by THES and Governmental Authority; and
(xv) the Contractor shall develop a street lighting design that satisfies the current THES
design standards and requirements at the time of design and construction.
(b) The Contractor shall communicate with the Contract Administrator, Major External Projects,
THES to develop alternate street lighting designs as soon as the following are discovered:
(i) constructability issues arising in the field upon execution of street lighting designs; or
(ii) perceived constructability issues with proposed plans arising upon assessment of site
(c) The Contractor shall be responsible for streetlighting maintenance and conflict mitigation within
the project area throughout the construction period until the acceptance by and handover to
(d) The Contractor shall ensure continuous lighting along sidewalks and be integrated with the
municipal street lighting standards where feasible to minimize Streetscape clutter.
(e) The Contractor shall follow the steps outlined in the THES Construction Verification Program
IFC street lighting designs.
(f) The Contractor shall procure all street lighting materials required for the Work from approved
vendors using approved THES stock codes.
(g) The Contractor shall design street lighting infrastructure, including poles, ducts, tap boxes, hand
wells, etc., with a minimum 0.6 m offset from the property lines to the edges of the street lighting
(h) The Contractor shall obtain permanent easements for the additional property required where a 0.6
m offset cannot be achieved with existing property.
(i) The Contractor shall allow and schedule THES to inspect above and underground street lighting
infrastructure and ensure THES inspections of street lighting infrastructure are allowed and
scheduled before backfilling.
(j) The Contractor shall provide a complete set of As Built Drawings to THES and Contracting
Authority during the inspection, acceptance and handover process of street lighting infrastructure.
(k) The Contractor shall avoid support in place of street lighting infrastructure across open
excavations wherever possible. Any proposed support in place of street lighting infrastructure
across open excavations will require consultation and pre-approval by THES.

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(l) The Contractor shall ensure that the permanent street lighting design at Scarborough Centre
Station is coordinated with all parties involved and confirmed by Contracting Authority.
(m) The Contractor shall coordinate with THES to provide power for pedestrian lighting, where

3.24.14 Building Transit Faster Act

(a) The Contractor shall participate and meet requirements as outlined in the Building Transit Faster
Act (BTFA), 2020 (
(b) The Contractor shall provide progress reports including utility design, construction schedule
updates, BTFA Letters and OUC KPI and Metrics to Stakeholders as required.
(c) The Contractor shall hold progress meetings, no less than monthly, involving Contracting
Authority and Utility Companies, during design coordination, pre-construction and utility self-
performing work phases. Preparatory Activity Agreement- Third Party Utilities.

3.24.15 Enbridge Utility Preparatory Activities & Early Works

(a) Refer to Section 3.14.1 and Section 3.14.2.

3.24.16 Telecom Utility Preparatory Activities & Early Works

(a) Refer to Section 3.14.1 and Section 3.14.2.

3.24.17 THESL Utility Preparatory Activities & Early Works

(a) Refer to Section 3.14.1 and Section 3.14.2.

3.24.18 Utilities Work Deriving from Tunnel Contracts

(a) The Contractor shall restore all Utility Infrastructure that have been temporarily relocated by the
Scarborough Subway Extension Tunnel contractor as shown in the Scarborough Subway Tunnel
contract RFS-2021-CSUB-277 and any contract changes, in accordance with Utility Companies’
standards and protocols. All Utility Work within contract RFS-2021-CSUB-277 must be
considered as temporary relocations, unless explicitly noted otherwise.

3.24.19 City of Toronto Infrastructure

(a) The Contractor shall be responsible to obtain all required approvals for any Utility Works on
watermains and sewers through the City of Toronto’s Transfer of Review Program.
(b) When performing any Utility Works on watermains located within the City of Toronto ROW, the
Contractor shall:
(i) adhere to the City of Toronto Construction sequencing and watermain shutdown plans for
any temporary shutdowns or isolation of any watermains in accordance with the City of
Toronto’s Terms of Reference for watermain work;
(ii) seek approval of any watermain shutdowns and must not exceed approved shutdown time

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(iii) perform pre and post construction internal inspection using a depressurised Remote
Operated Vehicle (ROV) visual inspection to the satisfaction of Toronto Water; and
(iv) coordinate the internal inspection and associated transmission main isolation with
Toronto Water Distribution and Collections and the isolation shall occur outside of the
transmission main blackout period between.
(c) Contracting Authority will enter into Utility Agreements with the City of Toronto for the
relocation, Alteration, construction and/or installation of Municipal water and/ or sewer
infrastructure including appurtenances which The Contractor shall execute when performing any
Municipal Utility Works.
(d) The Contractor shall adhere to the City of Toronto, Construction sequencing and by-pass flow
plan for sewer work Terms of reference for Sewer Work if proposing sewer relocation and
temporary sewer by-pass work on the City of Toronto trunk and local sewers for any period.
(e) The Contractor shall perform a condition assessment on the infrastructure and obtain approval
from the City of Toronto if any existing sewers or watermains are to be supported in place or
across excavation during construction.
(f) The Contractor shall identify on the design drawings all service utility connections that will be
impacted by the relocation of municipal infrastructure and ensure that the design and construction
of those service connections are in conformance with the City of Toronto Sewer and Watermain
Design Criteria.
(g) The Contractor shall provide a construction sequencing and watermain shut plan for watermain
work impacting Toronto Water operations where the Contractor is proposing temporary
shut/isolation of City of Toronto's transmission and distribution watermains for any period.
(i) The plan shall be submitted to the City of Toronto's project case manager for review prior
to construction, as specified in the City of Toronto's "Terms of Reference for Watermain
(h) The Contractor shall conduct CCTV Inspections and any site investigations that is required to
mitigate any municipal conflict.
(i) The Contractor shall relocate watermains using only mechanical joint restraints where thrust force
restraint is required.
(j) The Contractor shall report any spillage, because of sewers by-pass, to Ministry of the
Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), and to comply with all requirements under
Ontario Water Resources Act (OWRA) and the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).
(k) The Contractor shall be responsible for any operational work, maintenance, and clean-up
associated with the Utility Work.
(l) The Contractor shall develop a plan for all municipal utilities work requiring service disruption.
All work must be in coordination with the AHJ to develop an approved shut-off plan.
(m) The Contractor shall provide fire hydrants required by the Works at all locations to the
satisfaction of the City of Toronto and Toronto Fire Services and ensure: The fire hydrant must be
located outside of the construction compound and must be always accessible. If fire hydrants are

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identified for use other than emergency fire purposes, additional permits and approvals are
required from the City of Toronto.
(i) fire hydrants are located outside of the construction compound and must be always
(ii) If fire hydrants are identified for use other than emergency fire purposes, additional
permits and approvals are required from the City of Toronto; and
(iii) the distance between a fire hydrant and the Fire Department Connection (FDC) of the
tunnel fire protection system shall be no greater than 30.5m.
(n) The Contractor shall install a new, local sanitary sewer along the McCowan Road right-of-way
that connects to the trunk 1050mm sanitary sewer at Sheppard East Station for temporary and
permanent sanitary discharge requirements.
(o) The Contractor shall provide service connections for the facilities domestic and fire water supply
systems in accordance with the City of Toronto Design Criteria for Sewers and Watermains, and
Municipal Code Chapter 851 Water Supply.
(p) The Contractor shall provide service connections for the facilities sanitary drainage systems in
accordance with the City of Toronto Design Criteria for Sewers and Watermains, and Municipal
Code Chapter 681 Sewers.
(q) The Contractor shall discharge the track drainage to the City of Toronto Municipal Sewer
systems, in compliance with City of Toronto's Municipal Code 681 Sewers.
(r) The Contractor shall ensure that the City's ability to operate the drinking water system and carry
out emergency and planned repairs is compromised when changes to elements of the drinking
water distribution system are made without City knowledge and design approval, so no changes
to be made without written approval of City of Toronto.
(s) The Contractor shall complete the following paperwork:
(i) Toronto Water, Excavation Monitoring for Transmission Mains form and Construction
work near Trunk Sewer Form; and
(ii) TW watermain isolation request.
(t) The Contractor shall submit the TW watermain isolation request at least nine business days in
advance of required isolation date. Additional City Infrastructure

(a) [Note to Dev Co: the following scope of work is under review and discussion with Contracting
Authority and City of Toronto] The Contractor shall perform all City Utility Work, to provide,
(i) new infrastructure to replace existing Utility Infrastructure listed in Table 3.24-1,
including all appurtenances required to tie into existing City infrastructure, that the
Contractor exposes at any point along the Length of such existing Utility Infrastructure;

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(ii) new infrastructure listed in Table 3.24-1including all appurtenances required to tie into
existing City infrastructure, that is located at the same depth of excavation by the
Contractor at any point along the proposed Length of such new Utility Infrastructure; and
(iii) all of which shall become New Municipal Infrastructure.
(b) [Note to Dev Co: the following scope of work is under review and discussion with Contracting
Authority and City of Toronto] The Contractor shall investigate and analyze the City storm and
sanitary infrastructure and confirm the areas, which have been identified to have existing capacity
constraints to receive temporary dewatering during construction and/or permanent discharge:
(i) The Contractor shall provide Contracting Authority with justification (i.e., schedule,
financial, and technical benefits) for the existing capacity constraint improvements
(Schedule 22 - Variation Procedure shall be followed); and
(ii) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto (Toronto Water) to advance the
preliminary and detailed designs and ultimately the construction (if required) of the sewer
improvements necessary to enable the temporary dewatering during construction and
permanent sewer discharge for the Works.
Table 3.24-1. Utility Infrastructure

Item From To Work Length
Street Work Scope
No Street Street Type (m)
Structural Lining (MH-MH).
Grouting will be required to
2563 2565
Eglinton stop infiltration/fill voids.
1 Eglinton Eglinton 2025 Lining 102
Ave E Includes pipe preparation
Ave E Ave E
(cleaning, connection cutting,

3.25 Tunnel

3.25.1 Overview
(a) Note: This section provides requirements for the design and construction of Underground
Structures, designed or constructed, or to be designed or constructed by Tunneling and SEM
method, including the following:
(i) any Underground Structure designed and constructed using SEM;
(ii) existing Bored Tunnel;
(iii) local enlargements and niches and sumps;
(iv) any portions of Underground Stations;
(v) underground parts of entry and exit Shaft enclosures, emergency service building,
Emergency Exit Buildings; connecting Tunnels;

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(vi) break-in to the existing Bored Tunnel including PCTL demolition; and
(vii) Guideway Fit Out.

3.25.2 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall provide SEM Structures in accordance with the latest version, at the time of
Effective Date, of following standards:
(i) CAN/CSA A23.1 Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction;
(ii) CAN/CSA A23.3 Design of Concrete Structures;
(iii) ROCKCAN/CSA G30.18 Carbon Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement;
(iv) ASTM A1064 Standard Specification for Carbon-Steel and Welded Wire Reinforcement,
Plain and Deformed, for Concrete;
(v) AASHTO LRFD Road Tunnel Design and Construction Guide;
(vi) ACI 365.1R-00 Service Life Prediction;
(vii) ACI 544.8R-16 – Report on Indirect Method to Obtain Stress-Strain Response of Fibre-
Reinforced Concrete;
(viii) ACI 506.1R-08 – Guide to Fibre Reinforced Shotcrete;
(ix) ACI 506.2-13 – Specification for Shotcrete;
(x) ACI 506R-16 – Guide to Shotcrete; and
(xi) Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code.
(b) Note: The Contractor may use other international standards as approved by Contracting Authority
in case the above standards do not provide the necessary guidance.
(c) The Contractor shall take into consideration the following documents for the Works:
(i) ACI 201.2R Guide to Durable Concrete;
(ii) BS 6164:2019 Health and Safety in Tunnelling Construction Code of Practice;
(iii) Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual, Canadian Geotechnical Society;
(iv) Specification for Tunnelling, British Tunnelling Society and Institution of Civil
(v) Seismic Design and Analysis of Underground Structures, Hashash et al. ITA, 2001;
(vi) Seismic Design of Tunnels, J. Wang, Parsons Brinckerhoff, 1993;
(vii) Haack’s Water Tightness Criteria 1991; and
(viii) TTC Design Manual (excluding design for SEM related sections to which the TTC DM is
not applicable).

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3.25.3 General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall design all structural elements of the SEM Structures and Tunnels based on
the following:
(i) the ground conditions, and groundwater levels and conditions as per Geotechnical
Reports provided by Contracting Authority in Background Information and the GDR of
supplementary investigations carried out by the Contractor in accordance with Section
3.19, and interpreted parameters presented in the GDMR, as defined in Section 3.19; and
(ii) any new data obtained by the Contractor described in supplementary investigation
(b) The Contractor shall design SEM Structures and Tunnels to adequately addresses the following
elements including geology, stability during excavation, ground support to maintain worker
health and safety, variability in ground conditions, rock and soil geotechnical properties, strength
and behaviour, ground movements, groundwater inflow, in-situ stress, earthquake resistance,
support and lining durability, impact on adjacent infrastructure, potential gassy conditions, and
mitigation of risks.

3.25.4 Design Criteria General
(a) The Contractor shall utilize a double shell lining System, consisting of both Initial Lining and a
Final Lining for SEM Structures.
(b) The Contractor shall design the Initial Lining for anticipated loads during construction.
(c) The Contractor shall design the Final Lining for the anticipated loading conditions on the
completed SEM Structures.
(d) The Contractor shall design the Final Lining as cast-in-place concrete or shotcrete, structural
reinforcement should be provided with synthetic/steel fibres and/or rebar.
(e) Note: The Contractor may design the SEM Structures as a Combined Lining System, assuming
that Initial Lining has a load carrying role throughout the Design Life of the SEM.
(f) For the case where the Combined Lining System is implemented, the Contractor shall
demonstrate that the Initial Lining of a SEM Structure fulfills the requirements to be durable over
the specified Design Life of the structure.
(g) The Contractor shall submit a SEM Design/Tunnel Methodology Report including all design
documents to Contracting Authority for review in accordance with Schedule 10- Review
Procedure, inclusive of drawings, design reports, and specifications for any structure to be
designed and constructed by SEM, including:
(i) start and end locations of SEM Structure;
(ii) cross-sections of any SEM Structure;
(iii) relevant geotechnical data;
(iv) design loads;

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(v) instrumentation and monitoring plans and associated trigger levels;

(vi) ground improvement and dewatering plan and methodology (if required);
(vii) access for personnel, equipment and materials and muck removal provisions;
(viii) pre-support measures for SEM Structures;
(ix) Initial Lining and Final Lining measures;
(x) excavation and support sequences; and
(xi) Interface details with Existing Adjacent Structures including provisions for continuity of
waterproofing. Loads and Load Combinations

(a) The Contractor shall consider all possible combinations of geological, hydrogeological and
geometric conditions for design and construction of Initial Lining and Final Lining including
location specific surcharge loading from Existing Third Party Infrastructure, New Third Party
Infrastructure and developments.
(b) The Contractor shall use loads, load combinations and load factors based on the nomenclature
and combinations in AASHTO LRFD Road Tunnel Design and Construction Guide
(c) The Contractor shall use ground and groundwater loads for Initial Support and Final Lining
evaluated by numerical analysis methods (FEM or FDM) based on geotechnical properties as
determined by the Contractor and interpreted in the GDMR.
(d) The Contractor shall prevent the use of Initial Support and Initial Lining to relieve loads on the
Final Lining unless substantiated through analysis and satisfying Design Life requirements.
(e) The Contractor shall design SEM Structures as fully waterproofed Systems.
(f) The Contractor shall consider full hydrostatic pressures in the design of the SEM Structures. Durability
(a) The Contractor shall select materials which can achieve the required Design Life in SEM
Structures and Tunnels.
(b) The Contractor shall prepare and submit a comprehensive Durability Report for each structural
element in SEM Structures addressing the following:
(i) ground water impacts on Liner using the most adverse corrosivity values included in:
(A) Geotechnical Data Reports and Supplementary Reports (as defined per the PA);
(ii) concrete properties such as permeability, ionic diffusivity;
(iii) the assumptions made in addressing stray current corrosion;
(iv) expected cracking; and
(v) reinforcement properties.

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(c) The Contractor should verify that the concrete and shotcrete satisfy the Design Life requirements
through assessment of the properties upon the criteria indicated in applicable design codes, such
as set forth in ACI 365 Service Life Prediction.
(d) The Contractor should verify that any remedial work required to resolve non-conformances meets
the Design life Criteria of those structures through assessment of the properties upon the criteria
indicated in applicable design codes, specs, product data sheets, and approved remedial repair
(e) The Contractor shall provide a list of potential non-compliant issues that might be identified
during the warranty period and shall provide mitigation measures to perform the repair works
without disrupting the services and operations in the structures in accordance with Schedule 4 –
Advance Tunnel Handover.
(f) The Contractor shall provide and submit the Durability Report to Contracting Authority for
review in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure. Structural Fire Resistance

(a) The Contractor shall design the Tunnel lining to resist a train design fire with the following
characteristics consistent with the Applicability Matrix:
(i) a peak Heat Release Rate of 10MW;
(ii) a growth phase which has a second order power relationship to time (t-squared);
(iii) a growth factor of 11.723 W/s2 (medium growth); and
(iv) no decay phase.
(b) The Contractor shall adopt the train design fire parameters herein referenced to assess fire
resistance and structural integrity of SEM Structures:
(i) withstand structural collapse for at least a period of 2 hours; and
(ii) prevent fire-induced spalling of concrete that could lead to structural collapse for at least
a period of two hours.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure in the design and construction that a minimum concrete cover of 50
mm is provided, where structural steel (excluding steel fibres) is protected with concrete
(d) The Contractor shall provide and submit the Structural Fire Resistance Report to Contracting
Authority for review in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.

3.25.5 Water tightness

(a) The Contractor shall design and construct the SEM Structures to meet criteria defined in Table
3.25-1. Water tightness Criteria 1991 – Tightness Class 2, for watertightness throughout the
Design Life of the Bored and SEM Tunnels, and shall demonstrate that:
(i) water tightness criteria are met for SEM Structures and all Interfaces.

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Table 3.25-1. Water tightness Criteria 1991 – Tightness Class 2

Permissible Daily
Leakage Water
Quantity (L/m2),
Tightness Moisture Intended given a Reference
Class Characteristics Use Length of
10 100
m m
The wall of the lining must
be so tight that only slight,
isolated patches of moisture
can be detected on the inside
sections of
(e.g., because of
discoloration). After
touching such slightly moist
Substantially patches with a dry hand, no
2 Tunnels, 0.1 0.05 0.05
Dry traces of water should be
detectable on it.
If a piece of blotting paper
or newspaper is placed upon
All other a patch, it must be on no
rooms account become discoloured
because of absorbing

(b) The Contractor shall provide and submit the Water Tightness Report to Contracting Authority for
review in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.

3.25.6 Construction Requirements Tunnels

(a) The Contractor shall carry out all construction activities in compliance with the Ontario
Occupational Health and Safety Act.
(b) The Contractor shall provide Tunnelling equipment designed for operation in a “Potentially
Gassy” environment as defined by US OSHA 29 CFR regs (1927.800).
(c) The Contractor shall configure, install, operate, and maintain temporary underground ventilation
in accordance with the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act or as otherwise indicated
herein, whichever is the more stringent requirement.
(d) The Contractor shall control dust, noise and vibration in accordance with the requirements of the
Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act.

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(e) The Contractor shall be responsible for controlling, removing, treating, obtaining applicable
permits related to discharge, and discharge of all construction wastewater, all surface runoff, and
all groundwater that enters excavations during construction.
(f) The Contractor shall provide adequate temporary Drainage, sump pumps and piping to prevent
the accumulation of water.
(g) The Contractor shall select construction methods that avoid Hazards and mitigate risks to workers
and others that may be affected.
(h) The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent damage or distortion of Final
Lining due to loads applied during construction.
(i) The Contractor shall clearly define in drawings and construction specifications all assumptions
made in the design relating to construction sequences and excavation and support installation
(j) The Contractor shall provide and maintain walkways during construction that are free and clear of
obstructions and water.
(k) The Contractor shall submit the following information for review prior to commencing
excavation of SEM Structures:
(i) layout of work areas to support construction of SEM Structures;
(ii) management of excavated material which shall include, at a minimum:
(A) method of transporting excavated material in SEM Structures and to the final
disposal facilities; and
(B) location and hours of operation of the final disposal facilities; and
(iii) environmental permits required to comply with all relevant legislation.
(l) The Contractor shall plan excavation, means and methods and sequences for with all possible
ground and groundwater conditions indicated in the Geotechnical Baseline Report.
(m) The Contractor shall provide contingency plans for:
(i) excessive ground loss;
(ii) excessive ground water inflow;
(iii) Tunnel face or excavation perimeter instability;
(iv) equipment break-down;
(v) deviations from design line and grade;
(vi) power loss;
(vii) fire;
(viii) flooding;
(ix) gas accumulation;
(x) deviations from design line and grade;

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(xi) removal of obstructions; and

(xii) excessive cracking and lining deformation.
(n) During construction of SEM Structures, the Contractor shall:
(i) install Initial Support appropriate to the encountered ground conditions;
(ii) install Initial Support and Final Lining to prevent ground relaxation from adversely
impacting strength and Design Life of the lining;
(iii) demonstrate that the appropriate thickness of shotcrete has been placed by providing
LIDAR scans of the excavated surface and a scan of the completed shotcrete surface;
(iv) provide organization chart, personnel qualifications, chain of responsibility, emergency
procedures and training;
(v) provide construction work plans in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure for
Initial Support and Final Lining; and
(vi) assess Final Lining Design Life through ACI 365.1R-00 service life Prediction.
(o) The Contractor shall maintain, at a minimum, daily construction records for SEM Structures of:
(i) perform face and crown mapping to ASTM D4879-02 or ASTM D2487 and identify
formations encountered and their geotechnical descriptions;
(ii) surveyed profile and grade;
(iii) convergence, ground and surface movement and groundwater inflow monitoring;
(iv) air quality, noxious gas, ventilation airflow, noise and vibration monitoring; and
(v) delays, including Length of time of delay and description of issue(s) that caused the
(p) The Contractor shall develop procedures to ensure the correct implementation of the design
during construction. The procedures shall consist of a daily review to evaluate the performance
during the construction, including:
(i) general performance;
(ii) geological mapping of face and crown;
(iii) advance rate;
(iv) in Tunnel monitoring; convergence;
(v) surface utilities and building survey and monitoring results;
(vi) ground movement and groundwater inflow monitoring results;
(vii) dewatering;
(viii) use of and effect of tool-box items (contingency measures) on ground improvement;
(ix) face loss;
(x) overbreak;

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(xi) Initial Lining and Final Lining quality (profile, thickness, strength); and
(xii) any aspects required to be monitored for protection of Existing Third-Party Infrastructure
and Existing Adjacent Structures.
(q) The Contractor shall have their designer’s representative on site as part of the daily review
process to evaluate and confirm the conformance of construction with the design.
(r) The Contractor shall have their designer's representative to evaluate and confirm that Initial
Support installation is as per design intent prior to the start of waterproofing System installation
and Final Lining.
(s) The Contractor shall have their designer's representative to evaluate and confirm that
waterproofing System is as per design intent prior to start of Final Lining installation.
(t) The Contractor shall submit, within 90 days following completion, as-built records including
drawings, photographs and reports covering surveyed profile and Alignment, lining quality,
monitoring data, waterproofing System installation quality records.
(u) The Contractor shall develop and submit a process to identify, repair, mitigate, and document
non-conformances, damages, and defects and measure of effectiveness.
(v) The Contractor is prohibited from using blasting and explosives.

3.25.7 Instrumentation and Monitoring

(a) Note: This section refers to instrumentation and monitoring requirements within all SEM
Structures. This section must be read in conjunction with and as part of all other surface and
subsurface instrumentation and monitoring requirements in Section 3.19.13 (Protection of
Existing Adjacent Structures) and Section 3.19.16 (Geotechnical Instrumentation and
(b) The Contractor shall design, install, and maintain an instrumentation System in the SEM
Structures to monitor Initial Support System and validate their design assumptions and analyses
and to detect when Review and Alert Levels are exceeded.
(c) The Contractor shall:
(i) incorporate all proposed SEM Structures instrumentation in the GIMP;
(ii) define Project Zone of Influence of construction activities in various stages of the
construction and in key and critical areas; and
(iii) specify, design and implement an appropriate array of geotechnical instrumentation at
sufficient spacing to adequately monitor the ground behavior, including multipoint
borehole extensometers, inclinometers, surface monitoring points (SMP), piezometers,
in-Tunnel monitoring arrays, crack meters.
(d) The Contractor shall develop reading frequencies, Review and Alert Levels, and emergency
response plans for all instruments to monitor the ground and structure behavior during
construction and implement the plan if any deformation is approaching the limits set in the

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(e) The Contractor shall design, install In-Tunnel monitoring system, with a minimum accuracy of +-
2mm and carryout readings, as a minimum consisting of:
(i) monitoring arrays consisting of a minimum of 3 reflective targets per drift, depending on
the size of the drift;
(ii) at each SEM geometry and all SEM junctions and connections to other Underground
Structures; and
(iii) at adequate spacing and frequency to monitor ground behavior, verify design assumptions
and implement mitigation measures through the daily RES process if needed.
(f) The Contractor shall establish and integrate the instruments into the Automated Data Acquisition
and Management Systems (ADAMS) as defined in Section 3.19.16.

3.25.8 Break-into ATSSE

(a) The Contractor shall develop a plan at each location for the break-in into the existing Tunnel
constructed by others and handed over from Tunnel Co. The Contractor shall submit the design
documents to Contracting Authority for review in accordance with Schedule 10- Review
Procedure, and include, at a minimum:
(i) ATSSE design and as-built conditions to undertake structural impact analysis for New
Metrolinx Infrastructure;
(ii) temporary support and monitoring requirements to ensure the capacity and integrity of
the permanent PCTL is not compromised and capacity of the temporary PCTL (the PCTL
to be demolished and removed in the station footprint) is not compromised including any
effects from the Works directly or indirectly;
(iii) methodology of excavation, Tunnel break-in and PCTL removal ensuring the capacity
and integrity of the permanent PCTL is not compromised and capacity of the temporary
PCTL, including any effect from dewatering within or external to the excavation;
(iv) tunnel instrumentation and monitoring in accordance with Section 3.19 including trigger
levels to monitor if any deformation is approaching the limits set in the design of the
Tunnel with appropriate contingency plans to prevent the design limits being breached to
(v) reinstatement and repair of PCTL from the temporary support installations;
(vi) design for maintaining water tightness criteria at Interface between SEM and Bored
(vii) details of the joint between the new Tunnel or Underground Structure and the existing
Tunnel and provisions for water tightness;
(viii) analysis to show the stability of the temporary PCTL (the PCTL to be demolished and
removed in the Station and EEB footprint) and the adjacent permanent PCTL during
excavation approach, break-in and removal; and
(ix) analysis including the stability of the shoring System and the base of the excavation from
these activities.

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(b) The Contractor shall provide 3D finite element analysis demonstrating that the effect of the loads
as part of the tunnel break in are within the capacity of the PCTL design under all load

3.25.9 Guideway Fit Out Scope
(a) Note: This section provides design requirements for civil and structural Guideway Fit Out in
Tunnels including:
(i) Tunnel center wall;
(ii) Tunnel Invert;
(iii) Tunnel drainage;
(iv) Safety walkway;
(v) Cross Passages; and
(vi) Guideway Fit Out excluding guideways in Stations or EEB/ESBs. General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall design and construct the Guideway to comply with NFPA 130.
(b) The Contractor shall space proof the Guideway within the PCTL to the final track Alignment
designed by the Contractor.
(c) The Contractor shall use ATSSE design and as-built conditions to undertake structural impact
analysis for New Metrolinx Infrastructure.
(d) The Contractor shall provide 3D finite element analysis demonstrating that the effect of the loads
from the Guideway Fit Out are within the capacity of the PCTL design under all load conditions
for review in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.
(e) The Contractor shall demonstrate that any attachment to or interaction with the Existing
Metrolinx Infrastructure, including the Tunnel PCTL, will not impact the original specification as
outlined in the Advance Tunnel Project Agreement.
(f) The Contractor shall submit tunnel fit out designs for review in accordance with Schedule 10 –
Review Procedure demonstrating compliance with all related requirements. In addition:
(i) the Contractor shall include a Dynamic Swept Path Analysis as part of the design. Tunnel Centre Wall

(a) The Contractor shall design the Tunnel center wall dividing the tracks in the existing Bored
Tunnel and any SEM Tunnel separating the inbound and outbound sections of the Tunnel.
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct Tunnel center walls in accordance with Section 3.22.6
(Building Structures) and the requirements specified in TTC Design Manual: DM-0301, DM-
0302, and DM-0304. In addition:

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(i) calculate the derailment load (DR) in accordance with ACI 343.1 R-12; and
(ii) achieve a 2-hour fire resistance rating in accordance with CAN/ ULC-S101 standard
time-temperature curve.
(c) The Contractor shall design and construct Tunnel center walls to be fixed to invert slabs and
walkway concrete structures.
(d) The Contractor shall design and construct top of Tunnel center walls to be laterally restrained but
vertically separated from Tunnel precast segments with fire rated joint.
(e) The Contractor shall design the center wall to be able to accommodate:
(i) Cross Passage openings;
(ii) sliding fire door assemblies; and
(iii) cut outs for equipment. Cross Passages

(a) The Contractor shall design Cross Passages within the Tunnel center wall in accordance with
Section and compliant with:
(i) NFPA 130 where Cross Passages form part of the emergency egress from the Tunnel.
(b) The Contractor shall provide Cross Passages in the Tunnel centre wall which are:
(i) compliant with the Applicability Matrix; and
(ii) compliant with NFPA 130 where Cross Passages form part of the emergency egress from
the Tunnel. Tunnel Invert

(a) Note: The Tunnel Invert provides the foundation for the track structure, Tunnel center wall and
where required may contain drainage elements and other cast in items. Several types of Tunnel
Invert are permissible.
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct Tunnel Invert structure in accordance with Section 3.22
(Civil and Building Infrastructure).
(c) Tunnel invert structure may be any of the below types. The Contractor shall comply with the
required technical specification, as minimum including the following accordingly:
(i) mass concrete fill for which the Contractor must:
(A) provide concrete fill with strength no less than 10 Mpa; and
(B) take measures to mitigate mass concrete defects including shrinkage crack;
(ii) voided deck structure that includes a below deck space which can be precast or cast in
place concrete and must:
(A) be fully maintainable with access and egress points within Stations and EEBs;

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(B) have access and egress points that comply with TTC Maintenance Guidelines and
Health and Safety Regulations, including proper sizes and locations for access of
equipment and materials;
(C) include secure gates connected to SCADA;
(D) prevent the buildup of gas;
(E) allow for replacement of any elements that do not meet the 100-year Design Life
or that may require replacement due to failure or malfunction;
(F) provide a groundwater collection system below the voided deck that provides a
dry walkway at any Tunnel low points and channels water from the low point to
the nearest sump; and
(G) meet requirements of specific safety assessment, submitted, reviewed and
approved by the Operator in accordance with Schedule 29– Safety, System
Assurance and Security.
(d) The Contractor shall submit Tunnel Invert design and all calculations to Contracting Authority
and for review in accordance with Schedule 10- Review Procedure. Safety Walkway and Service Way

(a) The Contractor shall provide safety walkways in accordance with Section (Emergency
Access) and Egress and the structural requirements in TTC Design Manual.
(b) The Contractor shall design the safety walkways for an egress clearance envelope in accordance
with NFPA 130 instead of the TTC Design Manual.
(c) The Contractor to use DSVR for single point intrusion into the NFPA 130 envelope, and obtain
any other DSVR’s necessary for completion of the Guideway Fit Out.
(i) Where single point instructions cannot be avoided, the Contractor shall coordinate with
Contracting Authority the location and inclusion of signage as per requirements in
Articles and (e).
(d) The Contractor shall provide reduced clearance warning signage in accordance with the TTC-DM
within tunnels following the criteria below:
(i) along safety walkways and service ways where the clearance requirements as per TTC-
DM 0205-01 are not met; and
(ii) along safety walkways for conditions where conduits/cables and wayside equipment
infringes into NFPA 130 minimum clearance requirements.
(e) The Contractor shall provide 3D signage in accordance with TTC Guideline for Non-Clearance
Signage and TTC-DM for locations where clearance requirements for service ways are not met at
bored tunnel and box structure transition areas adjacent to ends of bored tunnel.
(i) refer to Data Room for TTC Guideline for Non-Clearance Signage.

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(a) The Contractor shall provide guideway Drainage collection Systems in all Tunnels and Cut and
Cover Structures.
(b) The Drainage Systems shall drain by gravity for collection at Stations and EEBs.
(c) The Contractor shall design track Drainage in accordance with TTC-DM-0208-00 Article 6.0 to
accommodate all sources of water used including firefighting, washdown, and infiltration.
(d) The Contractor shall submit a Drainage Plan in accordance with Schedule 10-Review Procedure. Emergency Access and Egress

(a) The Contractor shall provide the following in accordance with TTC-DM-0102-03 to facilitate
emergency responder access and operations within the guideway (including Tail Track and
pocket track areas):
(i) access from Station access points and Emergency Exit/ Service Buildings;
(ii) safety walkways; and
(iii) Cross Passages through the tunnel center wall.
(b) The Contractor shall design provisions to facilitate emergency evacuation of a train at any point
along the Alignment in conformance with the Applicability Matrix and the operator's safety
incident management procedures.
(c) The Contractor shall design the emergency egress path along the safety walkways to be
continuous to a point of safety.
(d) The Contractor shall provide crosswalks adjacent to crossovers where the design necessitates a
transition of the egress path across tracks in accordance with TTC-DM-0102-03 Article 3.

3.26 Non-Passenger Facilities

3.26.1 Overview
(a) This section addresses the portion of the Works relating to Non-Passenger Facilities.

3.26.2 Scope
(a) Note: This section establishes the requirements, including criteria and specifications, applicable
to the Non-Passenger Facilities including, the following:
(i) Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant & Pocket Track Building;
(ii) TPSS-01;
(iii) TPSS-02;
(iv) TPSS-03; and
(v) TPSS-04.

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3.26.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall perform all Works related to Non-Passenger Facilities design and
construction in accordance with the criteria in Section 3.3 (Design Standards), and the following:
(i) Ontario Fire Code;
(ii) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), including NFPA 130; Standard for Fixed
Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems;
(iii) Metrolinx Documents:
(A) Metrolinx DS-03, Wayfinding Design Standard;
(I) For Non-Customer Facilities, the Contractor shall use DS-03 only to be
referenced for the development of new required signs as it relates to
overall sign aesthetics, colours and fonts. All signage must still conform
to applicable codes and must be approved by Contract Authority prior to
(B) Metrolinx DS-05, Sustainability Standards;
(C) Metrolinx DS-09, Subway Station Architecture Design Standard;
(D) Metrolinx DGL-03, Graffiti Management v1.1; and
(E) Metrolinx STS-001, Bulletin Operations and Maintenance Requirements Station
Services, only amendments indicated for DS-00 Front End and DS-03
Wayfinding Design Standard to be applicable;
(iv) TTC Design Standards, Design Manual;
(v) Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA);
(vi) Canadian Standards Association (CSA) including:
(A) Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC);
(B) American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM);
(C) ASTM A17.1/CSA B44; and
(D) IES G-1 - Security lighting for People, property and Critical Infrastructure.

3.26.4 Linewide Requirements General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall design all Non-Passenger Facilities buildings oriented and located in a
manner that reduces property take and neighbourhood impact.
(b) The Contractor shall provide rooms for all Non-Passenger Facilities buildings in compliance with
the Facilities Room Requirement Matrix in APPENDIX D.

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(a) The Contractor shall provide equipment removal provisions and anchors as required at Non-
Passenger Facilities including:
(i) equipment removal routes;
(ii) equipment or maintenance doors;
(iii) removable slabs;
(iv) removable door frames and transoms;
(v) equipment removal hatches;
(vi) hoisting beams and mechanisms; and
(vii) monorails.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure that the removal of all large equipment (e.g., rectifier transformer,
circuit breakers) can be accommodated without structural modification.
(c) Where two story TPSS facilities are provided, the Contractor shall provide a floor hatch and crane
Systems installed within the building, with designated laydown area, to facilitate major
equipment installations/removals to the second floor. Traction Power Sub-Stations Design

(a) The Contractor shall provide façade materials for the TPSS component of the Station facilities
that are consistent and/or compatible with the façade materials employed for other components
making up the assembly of facilities on the Station site (e.g. Station entrance, Bus Terminal, etc.).
(b) The Contractor may vary the façade materials of the TPSS to highlight its architectural expression
as part of a harmonious assembly of components on the site.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that the quality of the materials used on the TPSS is indistinguishable
from the materials used in Station entrances, where the TPSS is located within the Station site.
(d) The Contractor shall select materials for each Station facility that is part of the SSE Project to
integrate the architectural expression of the different components into a cohesive and coherent
architectural assembly across the site.
(e) The Contractor shall design the TPSS façade architecture to ensure that the scale, proportions,
massing, articulation and design features that are used on public-facing façades enhances the
pedestrian experience, emphasizing the human scale.
(f) The Contractor shall modulate long, uninterrupted building façades using articulation in the
horizontal and vertical planes to avoid architectural monotony. Acceptable means to achieving
quality of architectural expression can include:
(i) rhythmic / repetitive elements, light - shadow contrast between volumes and façade
accent features as components that enhance interest and reduce the scale and impact of
the built form to the Public Realm.

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(g) The Contractor shall avoid large expanses of a single façade treatment by employing architectural
detailing including variation through the use of colour, patterns, textures and material
differentiation, while remaining harmonious to the overall design.
(h) The Contractor shall use TPSS façade materials of a high design quality that allow longevity and
durability, with a full exterior building envelope.
(i) The Contractor shall use materials for any TPSS façade that minimize the perceived presence of
the TPSS.
(j) If conductive material is used for any TPSS façade, the Contractor shall ensure the material is
grounded per OESC and ESA requirements.
(k) The Contractor shall ensure the façade treatment (the envelope) of the TPSS including the
transformer yard shall be continuous with the number of openings minimized.
(l) The Contractor shall provide openings as per the following:
(i) openings (if any) shall be treated architecturally;
(ii) openings shall be integrated into the main façade;
(iii) openings in the main façade shall not project out of the main envelope; and
(iv) openings shall be limited to louvres and doors.
(m) The Contractor shall provide an articulated envelope in a manner that creates a subtle
architectural feature to conceal TPSS rooms and transformer yard in its entirety.
(n) The Contractor shall eliminate any viewpoints from street level to the interior of TPSS or
transformer yard.
(o) The Contractor shall locate transformer yards within a TPSS such that any equipment removal
that occurs through the transformer yard does not impede the operations of the Station facilities.
(p) For multi-level TPSSs, the Contractor shall provide a layout that allows for internal access
between levels without exiting the building.
(q) The Contractor shall consolidate access to TPSS with other driveways required for facilities
(r) The Contractor shall provide equipment removal shaft at grade access in location that minimizes
the impact on roadway traffic.
(s) The Contractor shall not provide pre-fabricated Building Structures for the TPSS. Equipment: General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall provide unobstructed vehicular access to PMH equipment on a 24/7 basis.
(b) The layout of PMH equipment shall allow for equipment removal and maintenance in a way that
does not disturb bus operations.
(c) For regular maintenance and equipment removal purposes, the Contractor shall ensure the
distance between PMH equipment, and the maintenance vehicle space does not exceed 10 m.
(d) The Contractor shall coordinate with THESL on location of all THESL equipment.

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3.26.5 SSE Non-Passenger Facilities Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant & Pocket Track Building Siting
(a) The Contractor shall provide Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant to the south of Eglinton Avenue
East overpass and west of Town Haven Place within the DMCRC north parking lot.
(b) The Contractor shall integrate any above grade structures within the DMCRC north parking lot
(c) The Contractor shall orient the exterior walls of the structures to be aligned with the orientation of
the parking lot grid.
(d) The Contractor shall integrate vent Shafts and mechanical Shafts into Building Structures to
minimize the number of structures.
(e) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto and CreateTO for the design of the exit
and vent Shaft structures located within the north parking lot of the DMCRC. Setbacks
(a) The Contractor shall ensure above grade Stations facilities associated with the Kennedy East
Ventilation Fan Plant and the Pocket Track building adhere to the Setback requirements per
(b) The Contractor shall ensure the exit stair structure located at the corner of Eglinton Avenue East
and Midland Avenue is set back a minimum 3.0 m from the edge of the ROW to allow for
adequate visibility around the corner and provide for low perimeter planting. Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
(a) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 2.1 m wide concrete walkway connection from all
above grade structure doorways to the nearest drive aisle curb or existing walkway.
(b) The Contractor shall provide minimum five trees in sod within the Municipal ROW along the
Eglinton Avenue East loop.
(c) The Contractor shall protect all above grade structures at DMCRC north parking lot from vehicle
damage where the building façade is located adjacent to a drive aisle or parking stall.
(d) The Contractor shall protect above grade structures using a minimum 1.0 m wide landscape
buffer raised to match curb height.
(e) Where space does not permit for a 1.0 m wide landscape buffer, the Contractor shall use bollards
with a maximum height of 600 mm to protect above grade structures.
(f) The Contractor shall provide a bollard on either side of above grade structure doorways to protect
from vehicle damage where the door opens toward a road, drive aisle or parking stall.
(g) The Contractor shall provide bollards at DMCRC Toll Booth corners where they are facing a
drive aisle to protect from vehicle damage.
(h) The Contractor shall coordinate with the DMCRC on:

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(i) items relating to parking and driveway reconfiguration, walkways, planting, toll booth,
bollard design; and
(ii) interfacing with Kennedy East Ventilation Structures.
(i) The Contractor shall provide a corner plaza with unit paving around the Pocket Track Exit
Structure and vent Shaft at the corner of Eglinton Avenue East and Midland Avenue. Plaza
treatment must extend from the structure / vent Shaft façade to the edge of the Municipal
(j) Where the vent Shaft at the Pocket Track Exit Structure faces the Municipal ROW, the Contractor
shall provide a seat wall and bench around the vent Shaft.
(k) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 3.0 m wide landscape buffer with minimum one tree
along the west side of the Pocket Track Exit Structure property. General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall design Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant using Metrolinx DS-09 Kit-of-
Parts Design Excellence approach.
(b) For the Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant, the Contractor shall use the Kit-of-Parts
corresponding to 'elements of variability', refer to Article, and allow for flexibility
and variability of form, finish, and texture, through a combination of perforated and non-
perforated metal panels, to promote site-specific design solutions which are contextually
responsive and integrate into the specific conditions at both Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant
and DMCRC site.
(c) The Contractor shall provide an Interface that allows the duct bank to be continuous between the
East End Addition and the Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant.
(d) The Contractor shall space proof for the duct bank to be located below the Kennedy East
Ventilation Fan Plant rooms.
(e) At the construction delineation point between the existing Kennedy east box structure and the
proposed new SSE Kennedy Box Structure, the Contractor shall provide the following:
(i) crosswalks connecting between the Safety walkways and the Kennedy East Ventilation
Fan Plant;
(ii) stairs along the ends of the Safety walkways connecting down to the level of the
crosswalks; and
(iii) bottom stair landings with a length equal to the width of the crosswalks; the level of the
bottom stair landing shall match the elevation of the crosswalk.
(f) The Contractor shall coordinate with Contracting Authority and TTC to assess the feasibility of
providing separate access from the track area into the service spaces within the Kennedy East
Ventilation Fan Plant.

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(a) The Contractor shall provide TPSS-01 as a stand-alone structure at 1269 Danforth Road.
(b) The Contractor shall locate PMH units such that unobstructed access for equipment removal is
always provided.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that removal of PMH units does not rely on the city ROW. Setbacks
(a) The Contractor shall ensure that TPSS-01 adheres to the minimum Setback requirements as per
Section General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall design TPSS-01 using Metrolinx DS-09 Kit-of-Parts Design Excellence
(b) For TPSS-01, the Contractor shall use the Kit-of-Parts corresponding to 'elements of variability',
refer to Article, and allow for flexibility and variability of form, finish, and texture
to promote site-specific design solutions which are contextually responsive and integrate into the
specific conditions at TPSS-01 site. Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
(a) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 1.8 m wide continuous walkway around the TPSS-01
building within site property and connecting to the maintenance parking space.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 3.5 m wide landscape buffer within TPSS property and
along the Municipal ROW adjacent to the sidewalk.
(c) The Contractor shall provide the landscape buffer at TPSS-01 frontage to include minimum three
trees and an understory planting treatment that sufficiently screens the TPSS building and PMH
units from the street.
(d) The Contractor shall provide a 1.8 m high perimeter wood fence and reinstate existing residential
fences within TPSS-01 property around the north, south and east edge of the site. Where
perimeter fencing replaces an existing residential fence, fence reinstatement must be coordinated
with the property owner(s).
(e) The Contractor shall provide metal Security fencing and a gate between the perimeter fence and
TPSS-01 building where fronting the Municipal ROW to prevent access to the rear of the
(f) The Contractor shall provide Security fencing at a height that matches the perimeter wood fence. TPSS-02 (Lawrence East Station) Siting
(a) The Contractor shall provide TPSS-02 at Lawrence East Station.
(b) The Contractor shall not locate TPSS-02 facing McCowan Road.

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(a) The Contractor shall ensure that TPSS-02 adheres to the minimum Setback requirements as per
Section General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall locate transformer yards within TPSS such that any equipment removal that
occurs through the transformer yard and the transformer yard access doors do not face Lawrence
(b) The Contractor shall ensure the volume of the TPSS, and Station entrance are integrated and
designed as one volume.
(c) The Contractor shall integrate the clearance of the PMH units within the TPSS building massing.
Refer to Section for Architectural Screening requirements. TPSS-03 (Scarborough Centre Station) Siting
(a) The Contractor may locate TPSS-03 on the parcel of land bounded by McCowan Road, Progress
Avenue, Grangeway Avenue and Bushby Drive. Alternatively, the Contractor may locate TPSS-
03 within the ROW parcel at the northeast corner of McCowan Road and Progress Avenue
subject to Additional Lands Request.
(b) The Contractor shall maintain a 5m Setback from the McCowan Road.
(c) Where possible, the Contractor shall integrate TPSS-03 into the Scarborough Centre Station
(d) The Contractor shall locate TPSS-03 to minimize impact to lands reserved for TOC
(e) Where TPSS-03 faces public ROW, the Contractor shall minimize the extent of TPSS street
frontages, access points, and door openings.
(f) The Contractor shall not provide any dedicated curb cut facing onto a public ROW to provide
access to TPSS-03.
(g) The Contractor shall consolidate access to TPSS-03 with other driveways required for facilities
access. Setbacks
(a) The Contractor shall ensure that TPSS-03 adheres to the minimum Setback requirements as per
Section Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
(a) The Contractor shall provide access to all TPSS-03 doorways using either the TPSS parking area
or a concrete walkway connection from a Municipal sidewalk.
(b) The Contractor shall maximize green space within TPSS-03 property using a perimeter landscape
buffer and planting treatment where it does not impact TPSS walkways, parking area and PMH

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(c) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 5.0 m wide landscape buffer and planting treatment
within TPSS-03 property between the TPSS building and McCowan Road.
(d) The Contractor shall provide a double row of trees within the Municipal ROW along the east side
of McCowan Road where space permits.
(e) The Contractor shall provide a single row of trees within the Municipal ROW along the north side
of Progress Avenue where space permits.
(f) The Contractor shall provide minimum five trees within TPSS-03 property where space permits
to screen the TPSS building from the Municipal ROW and/or adjacent property.
(g) The Contractor shall provide a vegetative Screening treatment around PMH units and within
TPSS-03 property where they are facing a Municipal ROW and/or adjacent property.
(h) The Contractor shall provide a permeable paving treatment for the parking area and driveway
within TPSS-03 property.
(i) The Contractor shall prevent public access through the TPSS-03 property using a minimum 1.5 m
wide landscape buffer with a vegetative barrier treatment where required.
(j) The Contractor shall reinstate the existing walkway connection from the Main Entrance of
Consilium Place to the northeast corner of McCowan Road and Progress Avenue based on the
following criteria:
(i) walkway shall be located outside of TPSS-03 property on the north side of the TPSS
(ii) walkway shall connect the McCowan Road sidewalk to the Municipal walkway between
TPSS-03 and Consilium Place property lines; and
(iii) walkway reinstatement shall be coordinated with the City of Toronto and Consilium
Place. General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall integrate the PMH units and Screening with the TPSS building massing
where possible, or conceal the PMH by vegetated Screening to minimize its appearance per
UDLA requirements. TPSS-04 (Sheppard East Station) Siting
(a) The Contractor shall locate TPSS-04 near the associated Sheppard East Station facilities on the
northeast quadrant of the intersection of Sheppard Avenue East and McCowan Road.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure the location of TPSS-04 maximizes active frontages of the adjacent
future Transit Oriented Community. Setbacks
(a) The Contractor shall ensure that TPSS-04 adheres to the minimum Setback requirements as per

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(a) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 3.0 m wide landscape buffer and planting treatment
within Station property and along TPSS-04 where it is fronting a Municipal ROW and where it
does not impact building entrances.
(b) The Contractor shall integrate the TPSS-04 landscape buffer with benches facing the Municipal
(c) The Contractor shall provide a minimum 2.1 m wide continuous walkway connection from the
Municipal ROW to the PMH units.
(d) The Contractor shall provide 1.8 m high Security fencing along the walkway to the PMH units
where facing the Municipal ROW, Bus Terminal, and/or TOC property. A gate must be provided
where facing the Municipal ROW.

3.26.6 Site Planning and Parking Traction Power Sub-Stations

(a) The Contractor shall provide vehicular parking for Traction Power Sub-Stations as noted in Table
3.23-3. Vehicle Parking.
(b) The Contractor shall locate TPSS parking on Metrolinx Lands in the vicinity of the TPSS.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure the TPSS parking space has no overhead obstructions.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure TPSS parking and parking access is secured with bollards with eye
bolts for manual locking with a chain for the following conditions:
(i) if the TPSS parking conditions presents probability for any unauthorized vehicle use;
(ii) if the TPSS parking is not integrated as part of the Bus Terminal;
(iii) if the TPSS parking is not within a proximity to the Station; or
(iv) if the TPSS parking is situated outside of Station property, such as being adjacent to or
within residential neighbourhoods.
(e) In all cases where bollards and chains shall be provided, they shall not be an obstruction for other
parked or circulating vehicles in the proximity.
(f) The Contractor shall provide a lockbox recessed and flush with the façade of the TPSS where
bollards with chain are provided.
(g) Where bollards with chains are not provided as per Article the Contractor shall
provide signage for reserved TPSS parking and parking access, refer to Section 3.23.10 for
signage requirements.

3.26.7 Code and Life Safety Traction Power Sub-Stations

(a) The Contractor shall address the Interface and continuity of fire Safety provisions/ Systems
between the TPSS, and any developments integrated with the TPSS design.

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(b) The Contractor shall provide the fire alarm System within the TPSS, irrespective of the extent of
integration into adjacent TOC, to be monitored by the CACF. East Ventilation Fan Plant/ Pocket Tracks

(a) The Contractor shall ensure that continuity is maintained between the design of the East
Ventilation Fan Plant area and the existing Kennedy Station areas, including fire protection
Systems and Safety walkway design.
(b) The Contractor shall provide two means of emergency egress from pocket tracks, one from each
end of the pocket track, unless otherwise supported by an engineering analysis to demonstrate
equivalency as defined in NFPA 130.

3.26.8 Exterior Design Lighting
(a) The Contractor shall provide exterior lighting for all Non-Passenger Facilities in compliance with
IES G-1-Security Lighting for People, Property, Critical Infrastructure, in accordance with the
criteria in Section 3.3 (Design Standards).

3.26.9 Sound Levels and Acoustics Scope
(a) The Contractor shall adhere to the maximum acceptable sound levels and acoustic requirements
for the design of Non-Passenger Facilities as provided within this section. Acoustics
(a) The Contractor shall ensure that the maximum reverberation time (RT60) allowed in Non-
Passenger Facilities with Public Address Systems is 1.5 seconds, including service corridors. Sounds Levels

(a) The Contractor shall ensure that the maximum sound level within any facility space is 85 dBA
during emergency operation of any emergency equipment, including SVS fans.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure that interior sound levels for all areas where employees and
Passengers may be present do not exceed 85 dBA.
(c) The Contractor shall comply with criteria established by Occupational Health and Safety Act.
(d) The Contractor shall coordinate all equipment vibration isolation with applicable seismic
(e) The Contractor shall provide vibration isolation for all equipment, piping, ductwork, cable, or
conduit such that the vibration levels within any facility space does not exceed 0.14 mm/s rms
under any operating condition.

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3.27 Rail Systems Requirements

3.27.1 Track Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall design the Alignment work in compliance with the criteria contained within
this section and the applicable law, guidelines, or practices applicable to the project, including the
following documents:
(i) the criteria in Section 3.27.1;
(ii) Toronto Transit Commission’s Design Manual of Criteria - the following reference
manuals: DM-0206-01 (Trackwork / Subway), DM-0206-00 (Trackwork / General Civil),
DM-0204-01 (Alignment / Design Goals), DM-0204-04 (Vertical Alignment), DM 0204-
03 (Horizontal Alignment), DM-0205-00 (Clearance and Cover / General Civil), DM-
0205-01 (Clearance and Cover / Subway), and DM-0102-03 (Fire/life Safety / Trainway
(iii) the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA)
Manual for Railway Engineering; and
(iv) Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). Geodetic Coordinate System

(a) This section describes each track Alignment prescribed by Contracting Authority.
(b) The Contractor shall layout each Alignment using the geodetic coordinate system described
(c) The Contractor shall use the Reference Line (RL) to define the horizontal and vertical centerline
of the project corridor.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure the mainline track Alignment follows the RL Alignment according to
the requirements of Sections through
(e) The Contractor shall ensure the auxiliary track alignment follows the RL Alignment according to
the requirements of Sections through
(f) The Contractor shall ensure the Special Trackwork (Crossovers and Turnouts) follows the RL
Alignment according to the requirements of Section
(g) The Contractor shall receive approval from Contracting Authority before performing any
modification in the RL or track Alignment.
(h) The Contractor shall use geodetic coordinate system based on MTM NAD-27 (1974 Adjustment)
Zone 10 horizontal and CGVD 1928 (pre-1978 Adjustment) vertical, as described in Section 3.33
for more details about the geodetic coordinate system.
(i) All Alignments are drafted at MTM Grid, with Project Scale Factor 0.999879 applied. All
chainages and data are shown as ground distances.

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(j) Table 4.8-7 through Table 4.8-18 presented in APPENDIX C – Alignment Geometry Tables
show coordinate data and designed profile elevations for RL and Track Alignments. Use of Minimum or Maximum Criterion

(a) The Contractor shall strive to exceed the minimum acceptable requirements.
(b) Limitations on Alignment elements are not targets to be achieved by the Contractor, but limits to
be avoided if at all practical.
(c) The Contractor shall justify the Absolute value and it is to be used only when necessary. General
(a) The Contractor shall:
(i) provide the design of the TTC / SSE extension Alignment to be implemented at the
following proposed Interface Station markers – Stationing 69+992.730 for the
Westbound Track and Stationing 39+992.730 for the Eastbound Track in future at the
existing Kennedy Station (The Reference Line Tie-In Stationing is Sta. 9+992.730);
(ii) be required to survey the existing Alignment, verify, and finalize the tie-in locations for
the Alignment, continue the Alignment extension to a Tunnel Stop at the proposed
Sheppard East Station and storage Tail Tracks east beyond the Sheppard East Station
(crossing under Nugget Avenue) ending at Reference Line Stationing 17+824.197, and
submit the design as per Section 3.33;
(iii) provide the design of the trackwork to accommodate future SSE Alignment extension,
with minimal future disruption to the TTC operations built under this contract;
(iv) submit the design as per the requirements of Section 3.0 (Design Requirements);
(v) develop the pocket Storage Track east of Kennedy Station with minimizing disruptions to
the current revenue operation and turnback at the Kennedy Station Platform and Storage
Track; and
(vi) develop the Storage Track and Tail Tracks at the Sheppard East Station to accommodate
future storage and turnback operations for five 6-car consists with required clearance
distances as per the TTC design manual.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure the maximum track design speed for the mainline is 80 km/h, except
for locations otherwise noted in the Project Agreement and Section 2.0 (Operation and
Maintenance Requirements).
(c) The Contractor shall provide all tracks for maximum operating speed to satisfy the criteria
identified in Section 2.0 (Operation and Maintenance Requirements); as dictated by Alignment
(d) The Contractor shall provide a design with two revenue tracks towards the east beyond Kennedy
(e) The Contractor shall design the track Alignment from the proposed connection at Kennedy
Station and eastward to the end of track at Sheppard East.

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(f) The Contractor Reference Line shall be based on the Tunnel CO as designed Reference Line in
compliance with Schedule 4 -Advance Tunnel Handover.
(g) The Contractor shall provide best fit alignment based on the as constructed tunnel as-built tunnel
alignment in consideration of the Track Reference Line Tables provided in APPENDIX C –
Alignment Geometry Tables. Horizontal Alignment General
(a) The Contractor shall provide horizontal track Alignment in accordance with the requirements of
this Project Agreement, and contents contained within TTC’s Design Manual DM-0204-03
(Horizontal Alignment).
(b) The Contractor shall provide a horizontal Alignment tangent length of 152.4 m is required for
subway platforms.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a minimum tangent length before and after platforms (with no
Special Trackwork infrastructure) as per DM-0204-03, Article 5 (Horizontal Alignment).
(d) The Contractor shall provide a horizontal alignment design including 4.94 m track centers within
the single bore tunnel.
(e) The Contractor shall provide horizontal track Alignment constrained by the final Tunnel
Alignment. Track Centers
(a) Widening of track centers is required between Kennedy Station and Launch Shaft 1 (LS-1), and at
the Sheppard East Station to the end of track at EEB-08.
(b) Track Centers are 4.97m within the single bore tunnel, including EEB's 001 through 007,
Lawrence East and Scarborough Centre Stations.
(c) The Contractor shall determine minimum track center spacing based on the dynamic envelope
identified in the TTC Design Manual based on the fit-out elements.
(d) The Contractor shall determine the track center spacing based on, at a minimum, vehicle
characteristics, and Revenue Vehicle clearance requirements identified in TTC’s Design Manual
(DM) Sections DM-0205-00 (Clearance and Cover / General Civil) and DM-0205-01 (Clearance
and Cover / Subway) which provide geometrical tolerances under all operating conditions.
(e) The Contractor shall widen track centers at locations throughout the extension to support subway
construction and wayside infrastructure design. Horizontal Curves
(a) The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of TTC’s Design Manual DM-0204-03
(Horizontal Alignment) and DM-0204-01 (Alignment / General Design) horizontal alignment for
all curves.
(b) The Contractor shall define circular curves by the arc definition of curvature and specified by
their radius in metres, measured from the centerline of track to three decimal places.

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(c) The Contractor shall provide a mainline track of no less than the absolute minimum radius of 600
m (for no restraining rail), 457 m for 80 km/h with maximum unbalanced superelevation), and
300 m (for absolute minimum radius).
(d) The Contractor shall provide the pocket tracks and Tail Tracks with radius as per the capabilities
of the Revenue Vehicle and TTC’s Design Manual DM-0204-03 (Horizontal Alignment).
(e) The Contractor shall provide an acceptable minimum tangent distance between all horizontal
curves for the mainline track and connecting track pocket storage and Tail Tracks, as per TTC’s
Design Manual DM-0204-03 Articles 5.2 and 5.3 Horizontal Alignment, and DSVR 18-006
issued by TTC in 2018. Spirals
(a) The Contractor shall use spiral transition curves on mainline track between circular curves and
tangents and follow the design requirements of TTC’s Design Manual DM-0204-03 (Horizontal
(b) The Contractor shall use minimum Length of a spiral transition curve determined TTC’s Design
Manual DM-0204-03, Articles 7.0 through 11.0.
(c) The Contractor shall select spiral transitions, based upon the actual superelevation (Ea, mm),
unbalanced superelevation (Eu, mm), and design speed (V, km/hr) without exceeding permissible
lateral acceleration rate, jerk rate, and vehicle twist. Superelevation
(a) The Contractor’s design shall take into consideration increasing the curve radius to maintain
balanced superelevation.
(b) The Contractor shall provide design superelevation for all horizontal curves in compliance with
TTC’s Design Manual DM 0204-03, Article 7.0 and with the allowable speed throughout curved
sections to be determined by Passenger comfort as related to superelevation.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that the maximum actual superelevation (Ea) of 0.100 per metre is
not exceeded on all revenue tracks.
(d) The Contractor shall limit unbalanced superelevation (Eu) to not exceed of 0.065 per metre. Vertical Alignment General
(a) The Contractor shall provide vertical track Alignment in accordance with the requirements of this
Scope and Technical Requirements.
(b) The Contractor shall use the top of the low rail as the reference for profile in the vertical
(c) The Contractor shall provide vertical Alignment for all curves in compliance with the
requirements of TTC’s Design Manual DM-0204-00 (Vertical Alignment) and DM-0204-01
(Alignment / General Design).
(d) The Contractor shall provide vertical curves separated by a minimum tangent length of 150 m.

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(a) The Contractor shall provide grades through Stations and stops in accordance with the criteria
identified in TTC Design Manual.
(b) The Contractor shall provide the mainline track with a maximum grade of 3.5%.
(c) The Contractor shall provide the Alignment such that the acceptable maximum grade for Station
platforms and pocket and tail Storage Tracks is 0.3% with track(s) sloped away from the mainline
or provide means of mitigating potential Revenue Vehicle rollaway onto mainline track in case of
brake failure.
(d) The Contractor shall provide the Alignment such that the minimum grade for mainline track
complies with the criteria identified in Section 3.22 (under Civil & Building Infrastructure) and
Section 3.20 (Mechanical Systems, Drainage and Stormwater Management Design Criteria). Vertical Curves
(a) The Contractor shall provide parabolic vertical curves for all grade changes as per TTC’s Design
Manual DM-0204-04 (Vertical Alignment).
(b) The Contractor shall provide the vertical Alignment of the vertical curves that comply with
TTC’s Design Manual DM-0204-04 (Vertical Alignment). Special Trackwork

(a) The Contractor shall provide Special Trackwork in accordance with the criteria identified in
Section 3.27.2 (Track & Formation).
(b) The Contractor shall provide the Special Trackwork on tangent track and on a constant vertical
(c) The Contractor shall provide the Alignment such that the minimum horizontal tangent length
beyond Special Trackwork located on mainline track, and ensure connecting track is as per TTC’s
Design Manual DM-0206-01 (Trackwork / Subway) which is referenced in DM-0204-03, Article
5.4 (Horizontal Alignment).
(d) The Contractor shall provide the Special Trackwork (from the Point of Switch, POS) with
minimum tangent distance ahead and leaving a Station platform in accordance with TTC’s
Design Manual DM-0206-01 (Trackwork / Subway).
(e) The Contractor shall use Turnout geometry as indicated in TTC DM, drawings W8RT-1996 and
W8RT-2438, or applicable standard plan used for Turnouts installed.
(f) The Contractor shall provide the desirable length of un-superelevated tangent track preceding a
Point of Switch (POS) in accordance with TTC’s Design Manual DM-0206-01 (Trackwork /
(g) The Contractor shall provide the Special Trackwork at a minimum distance from transitions
between different types of track form or structure type as per the requirements / reference figures
provided in DM-0206-01 (Trackwork – Subway).
(h) The Contractor shall provide for special accommodations to mitigate the effects of different track

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(a) The Contractor shall include justification in its geometric design brief addressing safety against
derailment and comfort at the design speed of the location where overlapping horizontal and
vertical curvature is unavoidable. Transition Sections

(a) Where two types of track construction abut one another there can be an abrupt change in track
stiffness. If the differences in track stiffness are significant, a gradual change in track stiffness
may be made by introducing a transition section between the two types of track construction.
(b) The Contractor shall comply with TTC’s Design Manual DM-0206-01.3.2 (Trackwork / Subway)
for transition sections.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a transition section that consists of a gradual change in track or track
bed construction.
(d) The Contractor shall provide the Alignment to satisfy the line-of-sight distance requirement in
consideration of additional visibility factors including local environmental conditions and
(e) The Contractor shall provide the Alignment such that all signals are clear from obstruction to
satisfy the clear line of sight ensuring visibility under all environmental conditions.
(f) The Contractor shall provide the Alignment such that the sight distance satisfies the regulated
posted speed limit and safe service braking distance of the Revenue Vehicle as defined in Section
3.27 (Signaling and Train Control System).
(g) The Contractor shall provide for clear line of sight between Revenue Vehicles located at Station
and stop platforms and adjacent Special Trackwork. Clearances Vertical and Horizontal Clearance
(a) The Contractor shall comply with TTC’s Design Manuals DM-0206-01 (Trackwork / Subway),
DM-0206-00 (Trackwork / General Civil), DM-0205-00 (Clearance and Cover / General Civil),
and DM-0205-01 (Clearance and Cover / Subway) for all vertical and horizontal clearances.
(b) The Contractor shall define the vehicle clearance envelope as the space occupied by the dynamic
envelope, or maximum movement, of the Vehicle as it travels along the track plus an additional
running clearance of 50 mm, or any other dimensioned more than 50 mm deem pertinent by the
Contractor’s own analysis.
(c) The Contractor shall provide the Alignment based on the information of the Vehicle dynamic
envelope which is defined in the TTC Design Manual.
(d) The Contractor shall account for structure chord Lengths, tilt from superelevation, track type, and
outswing and inswing of a vehicle that occurs along horizontal curves based on the selected
Revenue Vehicle Horizontal clearance calculations.
(e) The Contractor shall provide a clearance envelope such that the vehicle clearance envelope
provides sufficient running clearances and tolerances under all operating conditions.

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(f) The Contractor shall provide vertical clearance dimensions measured at a vertical plane
irrespective of any superelevation or profile grade.
(g) The Contractor shall use the top of the low rail as the reference elevation when calculating
vertical clearance.
(h) The Contractor shall ensure clearance between the Platform edge and the Revenue Vehicle is
sufficient to sustain maximum Station by-pass design speed (25 km/hr as per the Subway/SRT
Rule Book, Chapter 11.3.1).
(i) The Contractor shall design minimum allowable horizontal clearances measured from track
centerline, and minimum vertical clearances measured above top of low rail, based on TTC DMs. Other Clearance Requirements

(a) The design vehicle data is provided in TTC’s Design Criteria DM-0205-01, Article 1. The actual
floor elevation is based on new vehicles is 1105 +/- 13 mm from the top of rail. The elevated
walkway at the East Kennedy Ventilation Plant is 1.07 m above the top of floor. This walkway is
intended for access to the equipment rooms and no trains will stop. A safety handrail shall be
provided by the Contractor outside the vehicle clearance envelope.
(b) The platform edge and handrail shall be based on track geometry and account for inswing and
superelevation as detailed in TTC’s DM-0205-01.
(c) The Contractor shall assess temporary clearance requirements for construction on an individual
(d) The Contractor shall ensure signal, trackwork, wayside, and track-mounted equipment are clear
of the under-car clearance envelope of the Revenue Vehicle.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure that the in-service car floor elevation is equal to or above the
platform elevation as required TTC’s Design Criteria DM-0205-01, Article 1.
(f) The Contractor shall ensure, where it is not possible to meet TTC Clearance requirements, the
wayside obstructions are set outside the dynamic profile, or maximum movement, of the vehicle
as it travels along the track plus an additional running space of 50mm.

3.27.2 Track & Formation Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall provide trackwork identified in Sections 3.27.1 (Track Alignment) and
3.27.2 (Track and Formation) and Schedule 15, APPENDIX C (Track Geometry Alignment), in
accordance with the criteria contained in this those sections; and all standards, regulations,
policies, applicable law, guidelines or practices applicable to the project, including each of the
following reference documents:
(i) Toronto Transit Commission’s Design Manual of Criteria - the following reference
manuals: DM-0206-01 (Trackwork / Subway), DM-0206-00 (Trackwork / General Civil),
DM-0204-01 (Alignment / Design Goals), DM-0204-04 (Vertical Alignment), DM 0204-
03 (Horizontal Alignment), DM-0205-00 (Clearance and Cover / General Civil), DM-
0205-01 (Clearance and Cover / Subway) and DM-0102-03 (Fire/life Safety);

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(ii) APTA Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices for Rail Transit Systems;
(iii) AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering;
(iv) AREMA Portfolio of Trackwork Plans;
(v) ASTM Standards;
(vi) CEN EN Railway Applications Standards;
(vii) ISO 2631 Mechanical Vibration and Shock;
(viii) NFPA 130 Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems;
(ix) MTO Drainage Manual;
(x) TCRP Report 71 Track Related Research;
(xi) TTC’s Operation Procedures;
(xii) TTC Subway/SRT Rule Book, current version; and
(xiii) Metrolinx Alignment Report dated August 17, 2020, Rev. R-B and TTC DSVR Nos. 18-
006, 18-007, 18-008, 18-009, 17-029, 17-035, 18-018, 18-024, 18-033, 18-034, and 19-
002 issued through Contracting Authority for current Alignment development. Scope of Work

(a) The Contractor shall perform the following:
(i) provide trackwork, including track, track materials, Special Trackwork, Tail Tracks,
Storage Tracks, and pocket track as required in this Project Agreement Technical
(ii) provide Special Trackwork as described in this PA Schedule 15, including all Turnouts,
Cross-Overs, restraining rails, adjoining trackwork, track materials, switch machines,
switch clearing devices, insulated joints, end-of-track devices, wheel/rail friction control
devices, and all other track materials;
(iii) provide detailed methodologies prior to beginning construction;
(iv) which shall include a step-by-step construction sequence accompanied by descriptions
and sketches as needed to describe the following:
(A) the method of construction top-down construction or bottom-up construction;
(B) the method for setting inserts to the specific position and elevation prior to
placement of concrete and maintaining them in position;
(C) the details of plinth sizes and procedures for forming, mixing, placing and curing;
(D) the plinth concrete mix design identifying materials, proportions and additives;
(E) curing materials for plinths;
(F) plinth concrete compressive test report;
(G) insert pull-out test report;

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(H) quality control program;

(I) method and equipment for transport of rail;
(J) procedures for unloading and stacking materials;
(K) procedure for positioning continuous welded rail (CWR) strings in track, setting
rail gaps between strings for closure welds and initial fastening;
(L) procedure for lining, gauging and profiling of rails;
(M) procedure for joining continuous welded rail (CWR) strings, including obtaining
correct gap if joined at a different temperature than at which it was laid;
(N) procedure for destressing/anchoring continuous welded rail (CWR) strings to
zero thermal stress temperature, including control of rail movement, the type of
equipment used to cool or heat the rail and installing rail clips for fastening of
rail to the track structure including data on mechanical vibrators for relieving
internal rail stresses before anchoring;
(O) details of rail grinding equipment and methods of operation;
(P) procedures and equipment for bringing bolts to specified torque, and for
calibration of the torque wrench by an independent testing laboratory;
(Q) procedures on field welding continuous welded rail (CWR) strings together
including welding certificates for all personnel that will perform the welding on
the project; and
(R) special procedure for closing last string with previously anchored rail or Special
Trackwork. Track Classification

(a) The Contractor shall classify track as follows:
(i) mainline track: used for the operation of Revenue Vehicles carrying revenue passengers
and rail bound maintenance vehicles from the tie-in point on the existing tracks at
Kennedy Station to Sheppard East terminal Station;
(ii) Tail Track(s): located at terminal Station to provide overrun protection, potential vehicle
storage, and turnaround capabilities;
(iii) stub-ended siding track(s): Storage Track(s);
(iv) mainline Storage Track(s): used to store Revenue Vehicles adjacent to mainline track and
for potential Cross-Over functionality; and
(v) connecting track: links from the existing Kennedy Station trackage to the new mainline
track under this contract.
(b) The existing Tail Tracks at the Kennedy Station shall be demolished and converted to mainline
transition zone with existing main track by the Contractor.

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(c) A new pocket track shall be installed east of Kennedy Station with a resilient tie block track
design by the Contractor.
(d) The stub-ended Tail Tracks and Storage Track at the Sheppard East Station location shall be a
resilient tie block track design. General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall provide the trackwork based on an integrated, systems-based engineering
approach with the associated disciplines as outlined in:
(i) Section 1.0 (Project Introduction);
(ii) Section 3.28 (Systems Integration);
(iii) providing integration of track with:
(A) Track structure per Section 3.22 (Civil and Building Infrastructure);
(B) Tunnels per Section 3.25 (Tunnel);
(C) Revenue Vehicles per the TTC Design Manual;
(D) Maintenance vehicles / requirements per Schedule 15-2;
(E) Traction Power System (TPS) per Section 3.27 and Section 3.21 (Electrical
(F) Signaling and Train Control System (S&TCS) per Section 3.27 (under
Supervisory, Control & Communications);
(G) Communications per Section 3.27.4 (Supervisory, Control & Communications);
(H) SCADA System per Section 3.27 (under Supervisory, Control &
Communications); and
(I) economic principles outlined in AREMA Chapter 16 Economics of Railway
Engineering and Operations, including life-cycle cost analysis, and commonality
of components. Vehicle Integration
(a) The Contractor shall perform vehicle integration and wheel/rail Interface analysis, including at a
minimum, undercar clearances, wheel profile, wheel diameter, wheel gauge, rail profile, rail cant
(rail inclination), curve radius, and wheel and rail wear limits, in order to permit free passage of
the wheel flange, minimize wear, wheel binding, noise and vibration, and meet the requirements
of the Project Agreement.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure that a vehicle sweep analysis was conducted as part of their design
(c) The Contractor shall provide trackwork that is durable for more than or equal to the design life
identified in Section 2.0 (Operations and Maintenance) and Section 3.0 (Design Requirements).
(d) The Contractor shall provide trackwork that is safe, efficient and allows continuous operation
under all operating conditions.

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(e) The Contractor shall provide trackwork that performs safely and efficiently under all local, site-
specific climatic and environmental conditions.
(f) The Contractor shall provide trackwork that allows for expandability and extendibility of the SSE
subway without major reconstruction.
(g) The Contractor shall provide for the coordination of trackwork with conduits, cabling, duct banks,
raceways, wayside equipment, and track-mounted equipment for associated TPS, S&TCS,
communications, electrical, and other Systems.
(h) A Trackwork Design and Qualification Test Plan shall be implemented by the Contractor.
(i) Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall be provided by the Contractor for Special Trackwork,
switch machines, switch heaters, lubricators, special track devices, and other wayside equipment
connected to the track. Track Gauge and Rail Cant
(a) The Contractor may consider the principles identified in TCRP Report 71 Volume Nos. 5 and 7.
(b) The Contractor shall perform the following:
(i) provide the following track gauge requirements with the construction gauge tolerance of
plus and/or minus 1.588 mm, measured 16 mm below top of rail:
(A) tangent track to horizontal curve R= 914 m (2,998.69 ft): 1.495 m (4 ft 10-7/8
(B) horizontal curve R < 914 m (2,998.69 ft) to horizontal curve R > 152 m (498.69
ft): 1.499 m (4 ft 11 inch); and
(C) horizontal curve R < 152 m (498.69 ft): 1.502 m (4 ft 11-1/8 inch).
(c) The Contractor shall provide track gauge for horizontal curves compliant with the criteria defined
above in Article
(d) Track gauge for Turnout curves shall be determined by the Contractor based on vehicle
integration and as provided in Article above.
(e) The Contractor shall provide zero rail cant for Special Trackwork, with transition zone to be
introduced between 1:40 to zero rail cant.
(f) The Contractor shall provide rail cant (1:40 inward inclination) at other locations compliant with
the Technical Specifications for Rail Vehicles criteria as defined in the TTC Design Manual. Track Alignment
(a) The Contractor shall perform the following:
(i) provide the following guidance for final track Alignment prior to revenue
(A) construct track conforming to the Alignment and profile data as identified in
Schedule 15, APPENDIX C (Track Geometry Alignment). The Alignment is
based on the center line of track;

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(B) profile refers to top of rail in final position:

(I) the measurement for vertical track Alignment is taken on the "grade" rail;
(II) on tangent track either rail may be the grade rail, but the same rail is used
throughout the tangent; and
(III) on curved track the top of the low or inner rail in final position is the
grade rail;
(C) the elevation of the track is less than or equal to 3 mm above or below the design
vertical Alignment of the track;
(D) the absolute algebraic difference of the deviations from the design vertical
Alignment of the track measured 10.0 m apart is less than or equal to 3 mm;
(E) the measurement for horizontal track Alignment is taken on the "line" rail;
(F) on tangent track either rail may be the line rail, but the same rail is used
throughout the tangent;
(G) on curved track the outside rail is the line rail;
(H) the measurement of line on tangent track is the maximum positive or negative
horizontal mid-ordinate of a 10.0-metre-long chord measured at the gauge point,
16 mm below the top of the line rail centered on visible horizontal
misalignments, and cannot exceed 2 mm;
(I) cross level is zero on tangent track, varies uniformly in spirals, and is constant
through circular curves. On resilient tie block track cross level at any point in the
track does not differ (positive or negative) from the design cross level by more
than 3 mm;
(J) the difference in cross level readings taken 6.0 m apart is less than or equal to 6
(K) track twist is the difference in cross level over a vehicle wheelbase. Track twist is
less than or equal to 25 mm in 20.0 m, (1/800); and
(L) both actual superelevation (EA) and unbalanced superelevation (EU) are set in
accordance with TTC’s standards.
(b) The Contractor shall perform a Tunnel Alignment survey to determine the “as-built” alignment of
the tunnel after hand-over, and:
(i) perform a “best fit” of the Alignment per the criteria in Section 3.12.4 entitled
“Alignment: Track and Transitway”; and
(ii) the best fit Alignment shall consider effects on Station Platform width and cross slopes
and any Special Trackwork. Flangeway
(a) The Contractor may consider the principles identified in TCRP Report 71 Volume Nos. 5 and 7.
Frog guard rails shall be 0.041 m (1-5/8 inches) under TTC’s latest criteria – reference sample is

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made to the Special Trackwork drawing W8RT-1996, current version of 2021, where flange
gauge transitioning at the frog guard rail is also identified.
(b) Flangeway dimensions for mainline restraining Rail Systems and switch guarding (excluding frog
guard rails) shall be as per the below based on vehicle integration:
(i) Tangent track to horizontal Curve R= 914 m (2,998.69 ft) and Special Trackwork: 0.048
m (1-7/8 inches);
(ii) Horizontal Curve R < 914 m (2998.69 ft) to horizontal Curve R > 152 m (498.69 ft):
0.051 m (2 inches); and
(iii) Horizontal Curve R < 152 m (498.69 ft): 0.054 m (2-1/8 inches). Track Loading
(a) The Contractor shall provide trackwork to accommodate the vertical, horizontal and longitudinal
loading from the Revenue Vehicles and maintenance vehicles, without exceeding permissible
stress limits of the elements comprising the track system or track subgrade, in accordance the
TTC Design Criteria (Technical Specifications for Rail Vehicles and Maintenance Vehicles), and
Section 3.22 (Civil & Building Infrastructure - Structural Design Criteria & Requirements.
(b) Loading arising from thermal stress within the rail (commonly referred to as ‘preferred rail laying
temperature” or “neutral stress temperature”, within the tunnel and at-grade environments), based
on the rail temperature range for local climatic and environmental conditions, shall be
incorporated by the Contractor into the track system design, including allowance for excessive
low temperatures in the Tunnel and at-grade environments. The current tolerance for the PRLT
adopted by the TTC Maintenance for underground trackage only is a PRLT of 23 C and the
temperature range of not more than 5 C above and not more than 5 C below. Anchor opposite
rails within 5 C of each other. Track Form
(a) The Contractor shall provide all requirements for furnishing all material and performing all
operations necessary for designing, manufacturing, inspecting, testing, shipping, delivering,
unloading, stockpiling, and installing.
(b) Track Form shall be designed as an independent block system which exists out of a reinforced
concrete block, a resilient block pad, a rubber boot and a rail fixation (based on the customer’s
maintenance preference) with an elastic rail pad of approximately 150 kN/mm (856.5 kips/inch)
dynamic stiffness.
(c) Track Form shall consider the dynamic vertical stiffness requirements for Special Trackwork,
mainline, and pocket & tail Storage Track locations as it relates to the maximum allowable
parameters from the Ground borne Noise and Vibration Impact Study.
(d) Track Form shall be less than the depth of track structure as provided on the contract drawings.
For purposes of calculating the track depth, the track structure shall include the 115 RE running
rail, restraining rail (where required), insulator, rail pad (where required), concrete block, tie
block pad, boot and adequate second pour concrete to embed and support the resilient tie block on
an invert slab.

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(e) The Contractor shall provide a Track Form system of such design to be able to perform and
provide the required project track noise and vibration attenuation for 30-kip single axle loads and
at operating speeds up to 80 km/hr.
(f) The Contractor shall be required to provide for a detailed pre-construction and design plan for the
following categories relative to final delivery for the Track Form:
(i) quality control for production, field installation and final track inspection for turnover to
(ii) provide a Track Form that:
(A) maintains all track gauge requirements as required by TTC’s Design Manual
DM-0206-01 (Trackwork / Subway);
(B) distributes vehicular vertical and lateral loads to the invert;
(C) contributes to the stiffness of the overall track structure while providing for track
borne noise and vibration attenuation; and
(D) anchors the track against longitudinal and lateral dynamic and thermal forces
while maintaining track geometry within operational speed requirements;
(iii) submittals and Assembly Drawings for the design;
(iv) fabrication, delivery, storage, and handling;
(v) production testing – all daily production quality control testing performed in accordance
with the approved the Contractor’s Test Program Plan;
(vi) qualification testing – all design qualification testing performed by an independent
laboratory that is staffed, equipped, and experienced to perform the specified tests.
Independent laboratory will be accepted by the TTC project representative;
(vii) system description and general requirements for all material components; and
(viii) contact rail system –design and provide a contact rail system that is compatible with the
Track Form design and meets the approval of the TTC agency representative. TTC’s
Design Manuals DM-0206-01 Article 1.6 (Trackwork / Subway) and DM-0804-11
(Traction Power and Distribution System) and be compliant with TTC's design manual:
(A) the design of the third rail contact system coordinated with the Traction Power
Systems design;
(B) the installation of the third rail contact system performed by the Contractor based
on detailed plans provided in the trackwork submittals;
(C) provide “stepping areas” in accordance with TTC Design Drawing No. TMA-
0043-X, Revision D approved on May 24, 2017 (to meet NFPA-130);
(D) in walkover areas, all contact rail stepping boards painted chromium yellow; and
(E) adjust the length and position of coverboards and backboards so a coverboard
splice and backboard slice in the same span are offset by a minimum of 1.0 m.

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(g) The Contractor shall be required to specify the number of spare assemblies for final product
delivery and revenue operating date for review and acceptance by TTC. Noise and Vibration
(a) TTC and Contracting Authority have directed not to use the double tie floating track system in the
subway extensions.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a site-specific track structure to control levels of noise and vibration,
within the acceptable limits outlined in Schedule 17 - Environmental Obligations, for all track
and rail types including Special Trackwork and be responsible for mitigation measures
throughout the SSE, which may be a result of vehicle-rail noise and vibration.
(c) The Contractor shall consider future residential development along the Alignment and any
potential impacts for reduction of noise and vibration mitigation.
(d) Ground borne vibrations and other noise factors shall be taken into consideration by the
(e) The Contractor shall provide noise and vibration levels required to be met by the Contractor in
accordance with Schedule 17 - Environmental Obligations. Corrosion Control
(a) All track components shall be protected from corrosion by the Contractor in accordance with the
requirements outlined in Section 3.27.8 (Corrosion Control).
(b) The Contractor shall provide reinforcing steel compliant with structural grounding requirements
identified in Section 3.21 (Electrical), Section 3.27.8 (Corrosion Control), and compliant with
ACI 318M and AREMA Chapter 8 requirements.
(c) Track components which have direct contact with the vehicle shall be electrically insulated from
ground by the Contractor.
(d) The design and construction of the SSE Alignment shall consider protecting all track components
from corrosion in accordance with the project requirements. Electrical Continuity of Track
(a) The Contractor shall ensure rail electrical continuity and rail bonding are in accordance with the
requirements identified in Section 3.21 (Electrical), Section 3.27.6 (Traction Power), and Section
3.27.8 (Corrosion Control).
(b) Rail bonding shall be provided in compliance with the standards identified in AREMA Chapter
33, Part 7 and Chapter 4, Section 3.7.
(c) At locations requiring bolted rail joints, the rails shall be electrically bonded by the Contractor.
(d) At locations requiring insulated joints, the Contractor shall provide electrical continuity between
the Traction Power negative rails.
(e) The Contractor shall employ means to lower the negative return resistance to the substation.
(f) For rail bonding of underground tunnel track, the Contractor shall employ means of protecting
rail bonds from ground.

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(a) The Contractor shall provide drainage sufficient to remove surface and subsurface water from the
track, in accordance with the requirements found in Sections 3.22 (Civil & Building
Infrastructure) and Section 3.20 (Mechanical Systems - Drainage and Stormwater Management
Design Criteria), and AREMA standards.
(b) The Contractor shall provide track to allow for the sufficient flow of water along positive
drainage paths and to prevent water ponding around trackway and wayside appurtenances.
(c) The Contractor shall provide the tunnel Invert to be shaped to drain water into a central drainage
channel that is sized to be self-cleaning.
(d) Silt traps shall be provided at regular intervals.
(e) Existing drain inlets at the Kennedy Station and Tail Track locations shall be protected during
any demolition phases for potential future re-use in drainage runoff.
(f) The Contractor shall clean dust, debris, inspect, and repair any damage to the base of the invert
following removal of the Double Tie Floating Slab Track Panels (between Sta, 9+993 and Sta.
10+047) and before pouring the new concrete/setting for the resilient tie block system.
(g) Drainage channels shall direct water to pumping Stations.
(h) The Contractor shall ensure that all systems groups coordinate the wayside location of signal trip
stops to ensure there are no conflicts for equipment installed between or outside the running rails
and that cable and equipment are not located in drainage channels. Track Grade Safety Barrier Separation
(a) The Contractor shall provide a safety barrier separation between the proposed Storage Track and
the Eastbound Mainline Track / Tail Track at the Sheppard East location.
(b) The Contractor shall provide permanent railing and/or fencing as proposed by TTC. Track Signage
(a) The Contractor shall erect track signage as per TTC Guidelines.
(b) Track stationing signage shall be in imperial stationing to be consistent with the rest of the
subway line.
(c) The Contractor shall implement blue speed signs as required in accordance with the TTC Blue
Speed Sign Methodology (October 9, 2009), the TTC Subway/SRT Rule Book (latest revision),
and in consultation with TTC. Continuous Tunnel Hand Railing
(a) The Contractor shall be required to locate the continuous tunnel hand railing section (railing
required per NFPA 130 and TTC Subway/SRT Rule Book for elevated safety walkways along the
Station ancillary service areas) on the side of the elevated safety walkway extension at the
Kennedy East Station location.
(b) The Contractor shall be required to ensure the hand railing being added is installed outside the
TTC clearance envelope (dynamic envelope plus an additional running space of 50 mm) required
in the clearance design manual criteria.

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(a) The Contractor shall review and coordinate the layouts for the NFPA-130 required safety
crosswalks for the track invert to ensure no conflict, as a minimum, with the dynamic envelope
(undercar carriage clearance), track gauge, and conflict with other systems equipment or
(b) The Contractor shall refer to the Fire Life and Safety, Schedule 29 – Safety, System Assurance
and Security and Schedule 15-2 Operation and Maintenance requirements and design details,
layout, and locations safety crosswalk structures. Track Structure Types General
(a) A more substantial track attenuating track structure may be required in the Alignment areas in
proximity of residential communities based on the noise and vibration impact study required for
the Contractor to conduct.
(b) This type of track structure required may include, some sort of floating track slab structure
supported by elastomer isolation pads or Egg Resilient Fastener type.
(c) Track structures shall consist of continuously welded rail (CWR) with an individual resilient tie
block system for all Mainline Tracks, Special Trackwork and pocket / tail Storage Tracks as
outlined in Section (Resilient Tie Blocks Track).
(d) The Contractor shall ensure that the characteristics of the track system are not changed without
considering the impact on public safety, track stability, track stiffness, noise and vibration,
maintainability, and life cycle costs.
(e) Track shall be provided by the Contractor to support and hold the rails in place to the correct
Alignment, profile, cross level, and track gauge.
(f) Bolted joints shall not be installed in the mainline. Bolted joints may only be allowed in Turnouts
where welding is not possible.
(g) All mainline running rails shall be 115 RE section as per TTC’s Design Criteria DM-0206-01,
Article 1.1.2.
(h) The Contractor shall provide track compliant with NFPA 130 requirements for trainways.
(i) The Contractor shall provide track structure types compliant with the emergency services vehicle
access requirements defined in Section 3 civil and building infrastructure.
(j) The placement of track assemblies shall be coordinated by the Contractor with the location of
deck or slab steel reinforcement, rail joints, track- mounted equipment, and wayside equipment.
(k) The Contractor shall provide concrete foundation slab track compliant with the requirements
identified in AREMA or CEN EN Railway Applications standards.
(l) The Contractor shall ensure that the depth of the track structure type matches the measurement
between the proposed top of rail (TOR) and the top of the concrete invert as illustrated in the
trackwork plan and profiles.

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(m) The Contractor shall collect data and determine the zero-stress rail laying temperature, to which
to set the rails at.
(n) Where two types of track construction abut one another there can be an abrupt change in track
stiffness. A transition section consists of a gradual change in track or track bed, construction shall
be introduced between two types.
(o) The Contractor shall ensure track formation transitions are not designed in horizontal curves with
(p) For tunnel and underground locations, the Contractor shall provide a track form like a resilient tie
block design system with track noise and vibration mitigation measures to comply with the noise
and vibration criteria defined in Schedule 17 Environmental Obligations.
(q) Grout pad thickness shall not be less than 50 mm.
(r) Any/all track systems shall be based on:
(i) a 6-Revenue Vehicle Train, as defined by TTC, located on each track;
(ii) the minimum track design speed for mainline curved track locations defined by TTC;
(iii) absolute maximum permitted Revenue Vehicle speed of 80 km/hr. for mainline exclusive
Right-of-Way tangent track locations, as defined by TTC;
(iv) maximum Station Platform by-pass through speed of 25 km/hr. per the TTC
Subway/SRT Rule Book, Chapter 11.3; and
(v) noise and vibration criteria from various sources applicable to the project; sources include
the City of Toronto, the MECP, Contracting Authority, and the United States Federal
Transit Administration (FTA). Criteria from the local sources shall be applied and
supplemented using criteria from the FTA where necessary. The United States Federal
Transit Administration’s Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual (United
States Federal Transit Administration, 2018 – referred to as the FTA Guide) is widely
used as a reference for construction noise and vibration impact assessment and the eight-
hour criteria have been used in past Contracting Authority noise impact assessments. Resilient Tie Block Track
(a) Resilient block pad refers to the elastomer pad installed below the resilient tie block structure
which provides vertical elasticity to the fixation System.
(b) The rubber boot is limited to the area of the fins, thereby allowing the concrete block to freely
move downward as the block pad deflects under load during revenue service.
(c) The Contractor shall provide an individual resilient tie block assembly system with independent
precast concrete blocks, suitably reinforced and incorporating either rail fastening shoulders or
baseplate anchorage assemblies. The resilient tie block track structure is the base track form and
that other track forms may be required based on the noise attenuation requirements.
(d) Individual resilient tie block assembly system with possible high attenuation design, shall be
used for mainline, pocket and tail Storage Track, and Special Trackwork locations.

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(e) Transition track section shall be required from the existing Alignment tie-in point at Kennedy
Station location and shall be designed as per TTC’s Design Manual DM-0206-01, Article 3.2
(Trackwork / Subway).
(f) Each resilient tie block (individual tie block assemblies; one separate block under each rail and
across from one another) shall consist of independent precast concrete blocks, suitable
reinforcement, and incorporating either rail fastening shoulders or baseplate anchorage
(g) The Contractor shall provide Portland Cement quality control and mixes for the design.
(h) Block pads shall be manufactured of engineered polyurethane and approved by the Contractor
and the TTC project representative.
(i) The design shall include a polyurethane block pad below the tie block.
(j) Rubber boots – the internal rubber boot shall be designed as such to allow the concrete block to
freely move downward as the block pad deflects under load during revenue operations.
(k) The design shall include the requirement for internal fins, or equal design, on the rubber boot,
which are added to the ribs of the rubber boot walls, and act as liners between the rubber boot and
concrete block during placement of the concrete slab.
(l) Block Pad Sealing System – the resilient tie block pad shall include a sealing element (not tape)
that prevents water and debris from intruding into the boot area.
(m) Spare parts – resilient tie block spares shall be furnished as complete assemblies including the tie
pads, tie clips, insulators (as required by the design), concrete blocks, resilient pads, and boots. Tunnel and underground locations:
(a) Vibration propagation testing is recommended.
(b) The Contractor shall provide track directly fixed into a concrete slab, track noise and vibration
mitigation measures, and the tunnel Invert.
(c) The Contractor shall require a Ground borne Noise and Vibration Track Impact Analysis to
quantify the vertical static (and dynamic) stiffness for entire track Alignment.
(d) The track shall be integrated with the tunnel by the Contractor as stated in Section 3.27 (Rail
Systems Requirements).
(e) The Tunnel Invert shall be provided by the Contractor to act as an Interface between the track and
Tunnel structure to provide the following minimum functions:
(i) vertically and laterally support the track system;
(ii) provide for track drainage requirements;
(iii) provide a safety walkway. The minimum width of the safety walkway be designed in
accordance with DM-0205-00 (Clearance and Cover – General) and DM-0205-01
(Clearance and Cover – Subway) and be provided adjacent to either side of the trackway;

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(iv) safety walkway widths that comply with NFPA 130, and consider fire lines, tunnel wall
handrail, wayside signals and other equipment attached to the floor of the safety walkway
or tunnel wall. Track Transition Area
(a) Where two track structure types abut one another, the Contractor shall provide a gradual, uniform
change in track modulus by means of a track transition area of sufficient length at the Interface
point, in compliance with the principles found in AREMA Chapter 8 and Chapter 30. Rail Configurations

(a) The Contractor shall, as necessary, coordinate the following rail configurations with track
structure types. The Contractor may consider the principles identified in TCRP Report 71
Volumes 5 and 7.
(b) Restraining Rail:
(i) Restraining rail shall be installed on the gauge side of the inside, low running rail; and
(ii) Restraining rail shall be provided by the Contractor at curved track locations below a
threshold radius, value to be determined based on vehicle integration. Track Materials General
(a) Track materials provided by the Contractor shall be new component(s). Rail
(a) The Contractor may also consider the principles identified in TCRP Report 71.
(b) The Contractor shall provide running rail as continuously welded rail (CWR) in accordance with
AREMA Chapter 4 Section 3.11, and Chapter 5 Part 4 and Part 5 standards.
(c) The adoption of any customized rail profiles shall be determined by the Contractor based on
vehicle integration and AREMA Chapter 16 Part 10. Running Rail
(a) Premium rail is recommended for all Alignment locations.
(b) The Contractor shall provide running rail compliant with the requirements defined in Section 3
(Technical Specifications for Rail Vehicles); and AREMA Chapter 4.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that all mainline running rails (and pocket and Storage Tracks) be as
per the requirements of DM-0206-01, Article 1.1.2 (Trackwork/Subway) which requires fully
head hardened or fully heat-treated 115 RE rail section having a Brinell Hardness number of 365
to 380 on both rails.
(d) Requirements for pre-bending of rails for horizontal and vertical curves shall be determined by
the Contractor. Restraining Rail
(a) The Contractor shall provide restraining rail compliant with the requirements defined by TTC.

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(b) The Contractor shall provide restraining rail based on vehicle integration.
(c) The Contractor shall investigate the use of a 33C1 restraining rail system and assembly (for
mainline and Special Trackwork applications) compatible with the resilient block tie track system
and a compatible anchorage system for restraint of both the running rail and restraining rail.
(d) The Contractor shall also investigate the use of an elastic fastening system that is perpendicular to
the running rail (and restraining rail) with an anchorage and toe restraint feature that installs
longitudinally (Fast-Clip system or equal) for the mainline that accommodates all the fastening
requirements in DM-0206-01, Section 1.3.
(e) The spring-tension clip shall still be utilized in the Special Trackwork locations.
(f) The Contractor shall ensure all contact surfaces for the gauge face of the restraining rail and the
gauge face of the outside high running rail are lubricated.
(g) The Contractor shall ensure that the restraining rail is bonded at joints to the running rail to
reduce resistance to return electrical current. Refer to the Section 3.27.3 for details on bonded
joints. Contact Rail (Traction Power Rail)
(a) The contact rail shall be a solid carbon steel 74.4 kg/m (150 lbs./yard) rail section as per TTC’s
Design Manuals DM-0804-11 (Traction Power and Distribution) and DM-0206-01, Article 1.1.6
(Trackwork – Subway):
(i) and contact rail shall be continuous, formed by welding of standard 74.4 kg/m rail
lengths, except at required expansion joints, gaps and at locations where sectionalization
is required.
(b) Installation and location for the contact rail shall comply with TTC’s Design Manual DM-0804-
11 (Traction Power Distribution – Subway), Article 2.6.
(c) The traction power rail (centerline) shall be located 559 mm from the gauge-line of the running
rail and 103 mm from the top of running rail to the top of the contact rail.
(d) Design and drawings for contact rail support, including fastening and anchorage system, shall be
produced by the Contractor.
(e) The maximum continuous length of contact rail shall be 300 m in underground track construction
with a contact rail anchor installed at the mid-point of each rail section or between contact rail
expansion joints.
(f) The Contractor shall ensure contact rail is located opposite of the designated safety walkway(s). Resilient Tie Block Assemblies
(a) Resilient tie block assemblies shall be designed and consist of tie pads, tie clips, insulators,
concrete blocks, resilient pads, and boots that:
(i) provides vertical and lateral stability to the rail;
(ii) distributes loadings to the track substructure;

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(iii) permits not more than 1 degree of rotation of the rail about the horizontal axis due to
dynamic loading, or other acceptable value agreed upon by the Contractor and the TTC
project representative;
(iv) resists longitudinal continuous welded rail (CWR) slip forces due to thermal, acceleration
and braking forces;
(v) prevents rail buckling under all climatic and environmental conditions;
(vi) resists corrosion and electrically insulates the rail from ground;
(vii) absorbs vibration energy to attenuate noise and vibration and reduce track substructure
(viii) be of a standardized elastic, resilient, self-tensioning type that applies a constant toe load
to the rail under all service conditions;
(ix) permits the removal and re-installation of the rail vertically without disturbing the
Alignment of the track fastener;
(x) be easily installed and removed by a track crew with standard hand tools;
(xi) be capable of being removed and reinstalled without loss in toe load, stiffness, or other
performance properties;
(xii) be compatible with the Revenue Vehicle dynamic envelope and clearances; and
(xiii) complies with the criteria identified in Section 3.0 (under Civil & Building Infrastructure)
Structural Design Criteria and Requirements.
(b) The Contractor shall investigate a more current rail elastic fastening system, Fast Clip or equal
design, in lieu of the spring-tension clip restraint system (excluding Special Trackwork zones).
Care is required in the design of the fastening system to ensure that the overall track stiffness is
optimized and that excess forces are not imparted to the track structure system or other
(c) The track fastening spacing shall be provided by the Contractor considering, at a minimum,
factors such as loading, allowable bearing pressure, vehicle speed, track deflection, track and
vehicle stability, ride quality, and natural frequencies.
(d) The Contractor shall provide a resilient tie block track design that:
(i) accommodates structural Interface forces;
(ii) provides means of achieving a minimum of 12mm rail lateral adjustment in 3mm
maximum increments utilizing a mechanical interlocking system;
(iii) provides means of achieving vertical rail adjustment;
(iv) permits track gauge adjustment without removal of elements below the rail; and
(v) provides a means of preventing not more than 2 mm lateral movement of the rail base
relative to the track fastener in the event of failure or loosening of the anchorage devices,
or other acceptable value agreed upon by the Contractor and Stakeholders.

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(e) The Contractor shall provide and implement a Resilient Tie Block Qualification Test program as
part of the Trackwork Design and Qualification Test Plan. Rail Joints
(a) Where impossible to accommodate welded running rail joints, bolted rail joints shall be provided
by the Contractor.
(b) The Contractor shall provide bolted rail joints with standard diameter holes and standard hole-
spacing for the rail type.
(c) The Contractor shall provide bolted rail joint components compliant with the requirements
identified in AREMA Chapter 4 Part 3 or equivalent standard for running (tee) rail. Insulated Joints
(a) The need for and the positioning of insulated rail joints shall be determined by the Contractor
based on coordination with the Signals & Train Control System (S&TCS) requirements and in
compliance with applicable AREMA standards and good industry practice:
(i) where insulated rail joints are required, provide bonded insulated joints compliant with
the requirements of AREMA Chapter 4 Section 3.8 or equivalent;
(ii) where insufficient clearance exists for bonded insulated joints, non-bonded encapsulated
insulated rail joints compliant with the requirements of AREMA Chapter 4 Section 3.9 or
(iii) factory-assembled glued insulated joint (IJ) rails field welded into the track;
(iv) ensure that insulated joint pairs in track are staggered on each rail across from one
another by 1.20 m; and
(v) insulated joints positioned to fall in-between any direct fixation (DF) fastenings and must
be clipped/anchored down by any adjoining fastenings. Welded Joints
(a) The Contractor shall provide no holes in the rail located within a minimum of 150 mm of the
weld location. Flash-Butt Welds
(a) Running rail joints shall be welded by means of electric flash-butt method by the Contractor
compliant with the requirements of AREMA Chapter 4 Section 3.10 or CEN EN 14587. Thermite Welds
(a) Where impossible to weld rail joints by means of flash-butt welding, the thermite welding method
shall be used by the Contractor compliant with the requirements of AREMA Chapter 4 Section
3.13 or CEN EN 14730. Special Trackwork General
(a) The Contractor shall provide Special Trackwork including all necessary materials for the SSE.

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(b) Special Trackwork locations shall be integrated with Signal & Train Control System (S&TCS),
and Traction Power System (TPS) by the Contractor.
(c) The Contractor shall provide, in consultation with the operator (TTC), the following minimum
required operational track facilities:
(i) Cross-Overs, Turnouts, Storage Tracks and Special Trackwork at locations necessary to
comply with the operational requirements identified in Schedule 15-2 Operation and
Maintenance Requirements while providing maximum redundancy and minimizing single
points of failure;
(ii) Tail Tracks and Cross-Overs at terminal Stations sufficient to facilitate the reversing of
trains, accommodate safe braking distance as defined in Section 3.27(under Supervisory,
Control & Communications) and maximize approach speeds;
(iii) Cross-Overs and Turnouts adjacent to center pocket storage and turnback connecting
tracks to perform the following functions:
(A) maximizes operational flexibility into and out of the pocket Storage Track(s)
(located at Kennedy East and Sheppard Station locations) such that trains can be
routed for both the eastbound and westbound tracks without requiring a change in
direction during the routing;
(B) minimizes operational impact to mainline revenue operations during loading and
unloading of the line such that concurrent routing of trains is accommodated;
(C) supports headways to meet operational demands. Designed to operate a
sustainable ultimate operating headway as outlined in the final Operations Report
located in Section 2.0 – Operation and Maintenance Requirements especially for
terminal operations; and
(D) minimizes operational impact to revenue service during the removal of a disabled
6-Car Revenue Vehicle Train by a functional 6-Car Revenue Vehicle Train;
(iv) inline failure management Cross-Overs comprising single Cross-Overs, double Cross-
Overs, and Turnouts leading to Kennedy East pocket Track and Sheppard East Storage
Track (three-track storage Cross-Overs locations);
(v) double Cross-Overs at the following Stations:
(A) west of the Scarborough Centre Station location; and
(B) west of the Sheppard East Station location;
(vi) pocket-track storage and Cross-Over capability at the following Stations:
(A) east of the Kennedy Station location; and
(B) south of the Sheppard East Station location;
(vii) two pocket / Tail Track(s) are located east of the Kennedy Station and Sheppard East
Station, with a minimum storage capacity to accommodate a 6-Revenue Vehicle Rocket
Train(s) with additional length for safe-braking distance for trains to utilize the platform;

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(viii) one pocket Track is located east of Kennedy Station for the turnback of a 6-car consist;
the pocket Track can accommodate one 6-car consist and provide for off-peak / overnight
emergency storage of a disabled train;
(ix) two Tail Tracks and one Storage Track are located north of the Sheppard East Station and
can provide for the overnight storage of five, 6-car train consists/sets; and
(x) the length of the pocket Track, Tail Tracks and Storage Track are to all follow the TTC
design criteria.
(d) The Contractor shall provide minimum No. 9 Turnouts for the entire Alignment (curve radius of
206 m and diverging speed of 33 km/hr.).
(e) The Contractor shall provide inline failure management Turnouts, Cross-Overs, and SSE
connecting tracks with minimum No. 9 Special Trackwork (curve radius of 206 m and diverging
speed of 33 km/hr.).
(f) Standards consulted for the Special Trackwork designs shall include AREMA as a guide.
(g) The Contractor shall also investigate and consider the need for lubricating all Special Trackwork
retraining rail flangeways for increased efficiency in rail-wheel Interface.
(h) Equilateral Turnouts are permitted for use by the Contractor at three-track storage Cross-Over
locations only, on the center storage pocket track. There is only one equilateral Turnout on this
project: west end of the Kennedy East pocket Track (leads from the EB and WB mainline).
(i) Equilateral switches shall use manganese switch point tips (inserts) per TTC requirements.
(j) The Contractor shall provide any center pocket track equilateral Turnouts with minimum No. 9
Turnouts (curve radius of 244 m and diverging speed of 36 km/hr.).
(k) The Contractor shall provide tangent diamond crossings with a crossing angle double that of a
standard Turnout.
(l) The Contractor shall provide Turnouts located on mainline track (including pocket and Storage
Track locations) that:
(i) route mainline traffic through the tangent side of the Turnout at inline locations. Routing
mainline traffic through the diverging side of Turnouts is acceptable at terminal Station
locations only.
(m) The Contractor shall provide bolted rail joints and thermite welded joints within Turnouts as
indicated in TTC DM, drawings W8RT-1996, and W8RT-2438, or applicable standard plan used
for Turnouts installed. Special Trackwork Components
(a) The Contractor shall provide Special Trackwork in accordance with the criteria defined by TTC.
(b) The Contractor shall provide Special Trackwork consistent with the materials, track structure
types and rail configurations utilized in the tangent and curved sections.
(c) The Contractor shall provide Special Trackwork compliant with AREMA standard requirements
and TTC standard drawings.

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(d) All Turnouts shall be of minimum Number 9 Turnouts and electrically operated as per TTC’s
Design Manual DM-0206-01, Article 2.2.
(e) A remote control (with optional manual control) switch machine shall be used to operate the
switch points.
(f) The Contractor to ensure all Turnouts are tangential geometry with asymmetrical switch rails as
per TTC’s current standards. Switches
(a) The Contractor shall provide curved switch points and undercut stock rails, and any equilateral
switches utilize manganese switch point tips (inserts) manufactured by VAE/ Nortrak, or equal,
per current TTC’s installations and requirements.
(b) The Contractor shall provide flexile heel or floating heel type switches.
(c) Switch rail lengths and the need for switch risers shall be determined and provided by the
Contractor based on vehicle integration.
(d) Guard rails shall be installed within all Special Trackwork as per TTC’s Design Manual DM-
0206-01, Article 1.1.4. The guard rail section within TTC is currently the 33C1 (UIC33 per EN
13674-4 – Part 2: Check Rail. Guard rails are secured to the running rail using adjustable
separator blocks.
(e) Where practical, the guard rail shall start on tangent track 3.7 m (~ 12’ – 0”) prior to the
beginning of a curve and extend 3.7 m beyond the end of the curve.
(f) The Contractor shall provide switches compatible with vehicle wheel characteristics, including
flange height, to ensure safe operation. Frogs
(a) The Contractor shall provide mainline and connecting track frogs that are of deep groove, tread-
bearing type.
(b) Frogs shall be rail bound welded (RBW) frogs in lieu of Toronto Transit Commission’s Design
Manual of Criteria DM-0206-01, Article 2.5.3 (Trackwork / Subway / Frogs) which specified rail
bound manganese frogs. Switch Machines
(a) The Contractor shall investigate the design and manufacturer for all mainline and pocket track
switch machines and all associated equipment.
(b) The Contractor shall provide switches and moveable point frogs that comply with the criteria
defined in Section 3 (under Supervisory, Control & Communications) S&TCS. The TTC’s
current installations include GRS5S or GEC type switch machines for mainline and M3 machines
for rail yards.
(c) Provision shall be made by the Contractor for locating trackside terminal boxes near the switch
(d) Terminal boxes shall be located within a position that shall not constrict the ability of personnel
to maintain or manually throw the switch.

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(e) The Contractor shall provide mainline track and connecting track switches with non-trailable
switch machines that have a mechanical positive locking feature.
(f) The Contractor shall provide switch machines that are able of being manually operated with
minimal physical effort, as a backup to powered operation.
(g) Switch machines shall be rated for application by the Contractor, based on switch throw force or
current draw requirements, plus accommodation for a safety factor.
(h) The Contractor shall provide switch machines with switch point detection and switch position
indication, and:
(i) sufficient space to be provided by the Contractor to accommodate installation, inspection
and maintenance of switch machines; and
(ii) provision to be made by the Contractor to mitigate ingress of water into switch machine
(i) The Contractor shall ensure switch machine specifications, procurement, installation, testing and
commissioning are integrated into the design and procurement of the Turnouts. End-of-Track Protection Devices (Sliding Friction Bumping Posts)
(a) Typically, the sliding bumping post shall be capable of absorbing the kinetic energy of a trainset
travelling 35 km/hr.
(b) Reusable end-of-track protection devices shall be provided by the Contractor at storage pocket
and Tail Tracks.
(c) The Contractor shall provide end-of-track protection devices that are capable of safely stopping a
6-Revenue Vehicle Train at 205,442 kg (203 long tons; 227 short tons, per 6-car TTC Rocket,
T35A08, trainset) weight without derailment.
(d) The design and speed rating for each end-of-track protection device shall be determined by the
Contractor based on site-specific operating conditions.
(e) The sliding distance (length of track behind the bumping post) shall be in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendation.
(f) Contractor shall reuse the Friction Bumping Post(s) at the Kennedy East Tail Track
decommissioning zone within the project.
(g) Guidelines for calculating distances from the end-of-track protection devices to signals, trip arms,
and insulated joints shall be provided in the Section 3.27.3 (Signaling Systems) and the TTC
Design Manual of Criteria. Wheel/Friction Control (including Restraining Rail Lubrication)
(a) The required overall Length of the lubricant reservoir system footprint recommended is 3100 mm
long for the purpose of accommodating two lubricant reservoirs, which would consist of a 1
reservoir plus a future reservoir.
(b) An additional 600 mm each side of lubricant reservoir system footprint would be required for
component change-outs and servicing for a total Length of 4300 mm.

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(c) An additional 400 mm of operating space is recommended to be provided above the top of the
reservoir for the purpose of opening the hatch doors and then filling the reservoir with lubricant.
(d) In underground trackage, the size of the required center wall cut out to accommodate the
operating envelope of the rail lubrication system is recommended as 4300 mm x 1076 mm.
(e) The bottom sill of the cut out shall be located 300 mm above the top of rail (TOR).
(f) Wheel/rail friction control measures shall be provided by the Contractor in locations consistent
with the practices identified in AREMA Chapter 5, Section 5.9, Chapter 4 Section 4.11, CEN EN
15427, and TCRP Report 71 Volume Nos. 1 and 4.
(g) TTC’s DM-0206-01, Article 3.3 requires wayside track lubricators shall be installed in all
mainline curved track which has a restraining rail with horizontal track curve radius of less than
or equal to 600 m.
(h) Lubricant selection and application shall be provided by the Contractor, aimed at minimizing loss
of traction and electrical conductivity of the traction power negative return rail, and:
(i) wayside track lubricators to be installed on all mainline curves (as well as mainline
storage and pocket tracks) for which restraining rails have been installed for horizontal
curve radii less than 600 m; and
(ii) friction modification system to include the capability for a remote performance
monitoring system.
(i) Lubricators shall be located at the start of the horizontal curve/spiral at the point of the first full
wheel flange – rail contact area. Additionally, rail lubrication shall be required for all switches at
terminal Station Special Trackwork areas where these Turnouts are be required to be guarded per
TTC requirements.
(j) The Contractor shall provide lubricators capable of adjusting lubricant application based on site-
specific conditions.
(k) The gauge side of the high rail and the contact face of the restraining rail shall be lubricated.
(l) The Contractor shall ensure that when the high rail is to be lubricated the restraining rail is not
dry under all circumstances, as this may cause an unsafe operating condition.
(m) Space shall be provided within the underground subway by the Contractor for lubricator cabinets
or bungalows, tubing, ancillary equipment, and maintenance access.
(n) Tubing shall be protected by the Contractor from impact damage.
(o) The Contractor shall coordinate and provide power source(s) within the tunnel environment for
the rail lubricator equipment.
(p) The Contractor shall also ensure rail lubricators are installed and operational for rail/wheel
friction control at end terminal switches especially for divergent routes. Rail/wheel friction
control at these heavily travelled rail car locations are to comply with the rail lubrication
disbursement as required and approved by TTC.

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(a) The following track measurement and assessment standards shall be implemented by the
(i) track parameters based on vehicle integration as follows:
(A) track gauge limits;
(B) gauge-side rail wear and vertical rail wear;
(C) cross level and superelevation;
(D) horizontal lateral misalignment;
(E) relative horizontal deviation;
(F) relative vertical deviation; and
(G) track twist over Revenue Vehicle bogie distance;
(ii) track clearances compliant with the criteria defined in Section 3.27.1, Alignment: Track
and Transitway; and in the TTC Design Manual (Technical Specifications for Rail
(iii) Revenue Vehicle clearance to Platforms compliant with the criteria defined in the TTC
Design Manual;
(iv) ride quality compliant with the criteria defined in Section 2.0 (Asset Preservation
Requirements as part of Maintenance Requirements); and
(v) rail defect criteria, prioritization, and remedial action compliant with APTA Standard for
Rail Transit Track Inspection and Maintenance; and other measurement and assessment
criteria conforming to:
(B) APTA Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices for Rail Transit
(C) Transport Canada Track Safety Rules (Refer to Part D – Track Structure);
(D) CEN EN Railway Applications Standards; and
(E) good, sound, industry practice for new construction and maintenance phases. Track Commissioning Tests
(a) The following minimum Verification tests of track installation shall be completed and submitted
by the Contractor to the TTC Project Representative prior to Revenue Service Demonstration:
(i) track geometry measurement;
(ii) track clearances measurement;
(iii) Revenue Vehicle clearance to Platform measurement;
(iv) rail measurement;

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(v) rail defects assessment; and

(vi) ride quality measurement. As part of the ride quality measurement, the Contractor shall
schedule and complete a non-revenue track safety test (with a TTC 6-car consist) to
inspect the ride quality for all Special Trackwork and mainline track installations.
(b) The Special Trackwork shall include a track safety test in both directions for all straight through,
trailing, and Turnout moves.

3.27.3 Signaling Systems Scope of Work

(a) The Contractor shall design, construct, test, and commission a fixed block signaling System for
the SSE that includes at a minimum the following:
(i) Computer Based Interlockings (CBI) at Kennedy, Lawrence East, Scarborough Centre
Station, and Sheppard East;
(ii) modification to the in-service Central Signaling System (CSS) in conjunction with
Alstom for interlocking control and indications;
(iii) integration with the existing Line-2;
(iv) integration with the CSS;
(v) all required power, including dedicated Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Systems;
(vi) cabling and cable distribution infrastructure (conduits, duct banks, snake tray, cable
(vii) signals, repeater signals, switch machines, train stops, and train detection system;
(viii) extension of the Line-2 proprietary Speed Control System (SCSys) in conjunction with
(ix) switch condition monitoring for management of the signaling System switch machine
assets; and
(x) any other item(s) deemed necessary to provision a fully functioning and operating
signaling System.
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct required provisions for future upgrade to Automatic
Train Control (ATC). Codes and Standards

(a) The Contractor shall ensure the signaling System design, functionality, and operation complies
with, but is not limited to, the codes and standards referenced in this section and all standards,
regulations, policies, laws, guidelines, and Good Industry Practice applicable to the SSE project.
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct the SSE to have compliance with the following:
(i) American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) C&S
where applicable;

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(ii) AREMA C&S Manual Section 1, Part 1.5.10 - Recommended Instructions for Painting
and Protective Coatings;
(iii) AREMA C&S Manual Section 2, Part 2.2.1 - Recommended Functional/Operating
Guidelines for Automatic Block Signal Circuits and Systems;
(iv) AREMA C&S Manual Section 2, Part 2.2.10 - Recommended Functional/Operating
Guidelines for Interlockings;
(v) AREMA C&S Manual Section 2, Part 2.4.20 - Recommended Instructions for Time
Releases Applied to Signal Apparatus;
(vi) AREMA C&S Manual Section 6, Part 6.1.35 - Recommended Design Criteria for
Alternating-Current Induction-Type Relay;
(vii) AREMA C&S Manual Section 6, Part 6.3.1 - Recommended Design Criteria for Neutral
Direct-Current Relay for Non-Vital Circuits;
(viii) AREMA C&S Manual Section 6, Part 6.3.5 - Recommended Design Criteria for
Detachable-Type Neutral Direct-Current Relay for Non-Vital Circuits;
(ix) AREMA C&S Manual Section 7, Part 7.1 - Recommended Signal Units;
(x) AREMA C&S Manual Section 7, Part 7.2.36A - Recommended design Criteria for
Junction Box base for 4-in. Mast, Assembly;
(xi) AREMA C&S Manual Section 7, Part 7.2.36B - Recommended design Criteria for
Junction Box base for 4-in. Mast, Details;
(xii) AREMA C&S Manual Section 8 – Track Circuits;
(xiii) AREMA C&S Manual Section 10 - Wire and Cable;
(xiv) AREMA C&S Manual Section 11 - Circuit Protection;
(xv) AREMA C&S Manual Section 11, Part 11.1.1 - Recommended Functional/Operating
Guidelines for Electrical Safety;
(xvi) AREMA C&S Manual Section 11, Part 11.2.2 - Recommended Guidelines for Signal
Enclosure Layout, Component Placement, and General Wiring Strategies for Surge
Damage Prevention;
(xvii) AREMA C&S Manual Section 11, Part 11.3 - Recommended Grounding, Lightning &
Surge Protection, Fusing;
(xviii) AREMA C&S Manual Section 11, Part 11.3.10 - Purpose and Meaning of Terms Used in
Surge Protection and Grounding;
(xix) AREMA C&S Manual Section 11, Part 11.4.2 - Recommended Instructions for
Application of Electrical Surge Protection for Signal System Products;
(xx) AREMA C&S Manual Section 11, Part 11.4.5 - Recommended Instructions for
Protecting Electronic Equipment Modules and Sensitive Components from Electrostatic
Discharge (ESD) for Field Locations;

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(xxi) AREMA C&S Manual Section 11, Part 11.5.1 - Recommended Environmental
Requirements for Electrical and Electronic Railroad Signal System Equipment;
(xxii) AREMA C&S Manual Section 11, Part 11.5.2 - Recommended Electromagnetic
Compatibility Immunity and Emissions Testing for Signaling Products;
(xxiii) AREMA C&S Manual Section 12 – Switches;
(xxiv) AREMA C&S Manual Section 14, Part 14.1 - Recommended Wire Connectors,
(xxv) AREMA C&S Manual Section 14, Part 14.1.15 - Recommended Design Criteria for
terminal Connectors, Details;
(xxvi) AREMA C&S Manual Section 14, Part 14.2.10 - Recommended Design Criteria for
Transformer, Dry-Type, Air-Cooled;
(xxvii) AREMA C&S Manual Section 16 - Vital Circuit and Software Design;
(xxviii) AREMA C&S Manual Section 16 Part 16.3 Recommended General Design Guidelines;
(xxix) AREMA C&S Manual Section 16 Part 16.4 Interlocking and Control Point
Recommended Circuits;
(xxx) AREMA C&S Manual Section 16 Part 16.5 Recommended Automatic Signal Circuits;
(xxxi) AREMA C&S Manual Section 16 Part 16.6 Recommended Circuits for Switches;
(xxxii) AREMA C&S Manual Section 17 - Quality Principles;
(xxxiii) ASTM A278, Class 20 - Standard for Gray Iron Castings for Pressure Containing Parts;
(xxxiv) ASTM A36M, Specification for Structural Steel;
(xxxv) ASTM A653, Z275 - Galvanized Steel Sheet;
(xxxvi) ASTM B209 - Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate;
(xxxvii)ASTM B3, Specification for Soft or Annealed Copper Wire;
(xxxviii) ASTM B33, Specification for Tinned Soft or Annealed Copper Wire for
Electrical Purpose;
(xxxix) ASTM B8, Specification for Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard,
Medium-Hard or Soft;
(xl) ASTM E662, Standard Test Method for Specific Optical Density of Smoke Generated by
Solid Materials;
(xli) CAN/CGSB 85-GP-14M, Painting Steel Surfaces Exposed to Normal Dry Weather;
(xlii) CAN/CGSB-1.135-M, Flat Alkyd Enamel for Equipment;
(xliii) CAN/CGSB-1.81-M, Air Drying and Baking Alkyd Primer for Vehicles and Equipment;
(xliv) CSA C22.1, Canadian Electrical Code;
(xlv) CSA C22.2 No. 0.3, Test Methods for Electrical Wires and Cables;

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(xlvi) CSA C22.2 No. 178, Automatic Transfer Switches;

(xlvii) CSA C22.2 No. 29, Panelboards and Enclosed Panelboards;
(xlviii) CSA C22.2 No. 47-M, Air Cooled Transformers (dry type);
(xlix) CSA C9-M, Dry-Type Transformers;
(l) CSA W59.2M, Welded Aluminum Construction;
(li) CSA-W59M, Welded Steel Construction (Metal-Arc Welding);
(lii) IEEE 1698-2009, IEEE Guide for the Calculation of Braking Distances for Rail Transit
(liii) NFPA 130, National Fire Protection Association Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit
and Passenger Rail System;
(liv) Ontario Electrical Code;
(lv) TTC DM-0601-01, Ventilation-General;
(lvi) TTC DM-0601-02, Ventilation - Design Parameters for Normal Operations;
(lvii) TTC DM-0701-04, Electrical Systems - Emergency Power-Uninterruptible Power
(lviii) TTC DM-0701-12, Electrical Systems - Installation of Wiring, Cabling, and Raceways;
(lix) TTC DM-0803-01, Communications - General Section 3.5.1;
(lx) TTC Master Specifications Division 26, Section 26 05 21 - Wires and Cables 0 – 1000 V;
(lxi) TTC Master Specifications Division 26, Section 26 05 22 - Connectors and Terminations;
(lxii) TTC Master Specifications Division 26, Section 26 05 26 - Grounding and Bonding;
(lxiii) TTC Master Specifications Division 26, Section 26 05 31 - Splitter Boxes, Junction
Boxes, Pull Boxes and Cabinets;
(lxiv) TTC Master Specifications Division 26, Section 26 05 34 – Conduits;
(lxv) TTC Master Specifications Division 26, Section 26 05 43 - Direct Buried Underground
(lxvi) TTC Master Specifications Division 26, Section 26 05 53 - Electrical Identification;
(lxvii) TTC Standard Drawing SD260500.31A - ATC Signal Power Supply Schematics;
(lxviii) TTC Standard Drawing SD260500.31B - ATC Signal Power Supply Wiring Detail and
Materials List;
(lxix) TTC Standard Drawing SD260500.31C - ATC Signal Power Supply Details;
(lxx) TTC Subway/SRT Rule Book, Revision 2018, Section 9; and
(lxxi) TTC Subway/SRT Rule Book, Revision 2018, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

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(a) The Contractor shall ensure the SSE signal block design is compliant with NFPA 130 - Standard
for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems.
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct the SSE signaling System to be in compliance with
guidelines and practices recommended in AREMA C&S Manual Section 17 - Quality Principles.
(c) The Contractor shall design and construct the Signaling System to meet the EMI/EMC
requirements per AREMA C&S Manual Section 11, Part 11.4.5 - Recommended Instructions for
Protecting Electronic Equipment Modules and Sensitive Components from Electrostatic
Discharge (ESD) for Field Locations and AREMA C&S Manual Section 11, Part 11.5.2 -
Recommended Electromagnetic Compatibility Immunity and Emissions Testing for Signaling
(d) The Contractor shall construct cables terminated in the signaling room(s) with field isolating
slider straps/links as per AREMA C&S Manual Section 14, Part 14.1.15 - Recommended Design
Criteria for terminal Connectors, Details; for landing of cables at the entrance rack(s), allowing
for troubleshooting or cable insulation testing without removing wire(s) from terminal. General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall design and construct the SSE signaling System to be operationally and
functionally compatible with all TTC train variants (T1, TR) currently operating in the TTC
subway system.
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct the SSE signaling System of TTC Line-2 with
Automatic Emergency Terminal Operation (AETO) at Kennedy and Sheppard-East Stations.
(c) The Contractor shall design and construct the new signaling System equipment and power supply
Systems to be compatible with and interface to the legacy signaling System as installed on TTC
(d) The Contractor shall design and construct the SSE signaling System to be compliant with all TTC
standard design, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), TTC Subway/SRT Rule Book, and Good
Industry Practice for signaling Systems.
(e) The Contractor shall propose and coordinate with TTC any required modifications to the TTC
Subway/SRT Rule Book pertaining to the SSE.
(f) The Contractor shall design the SSE to be fully compatible with legacy signaling System
hardware and software components of the TTC Line-2.
(g) The Contractor shall design and construct the signaling System infrastructure provisions for
future upgrading to ATC as follows:
(i) 30% additional capacity in signaling room power budget(s);
(ii) 30 % additional capacity in communications and cable distribution infrastructure; and
(iii) provide ATC equipment rooms and ATC power supply rooms at Lawrence East,
Scarborough Centre Station, and Sheppard East.

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(h) The Contractor shall design and construct the new Kennedy East interlocking System interfacing
with the existing TTC Line-2 signaling System. Performance Requirements Operating Headway
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct the signaling System to comply with the TTC Line-2
operating headway requirements post integration of the SSE. Operating Environment
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct the SSE signaling System to operate in an Underground
Structure with EMI propagation from the 600 vdc Traction Power System.
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct the signaling System to comply with AREMA C&S
Manual Part 11.5.1 - Recommended Environmental Requirements for Electrical and Electronic
Railroad Signal System Equipment. Event Recording
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct the SSE signaling System with event recording capable
of digitally recording with timestamp, all signaling System events (control commands and status
indications) to include the following:
(i) track circuit status;
(ii) home relay status;
(iii) signal status;
(iv) switch status;
(v) switch call;
(vi) switch position;
(vii) switch correspondence indication;
(viii) train stop including blind train stop status;
(ix) signal violations;
(x) signal, switch, and route requests/cancellations;
(xi) switch lock status;
(xii) approach lock status;
(xiii) route lock status;
(xiv) event faults;
(xv) all alarms;
(xvi) signal lamp out detection;
(xvii) all blocking applied or cancelled;
(xviii) all indications to the central control system;

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(xix) health checks (i.e., passed or failed); and

(xx) traffic direction lock status.
(b) The Contractor shall log the non-vital application logic in the event logger to assist in
(c) The Contractor shall connect the event recorder to the OPSLAN network. Interfaces Speed Control System (SCSys)
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct the SSE signaling System to interface to and extend the
TTC Line-2 Speed Control System (SCSys) in coordination with the SCSys supplier Thales Rail
Signaling Solutions.
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC and Contracting Authority for all SCSys related
responsibilities throughout the Project Life Cycle.
(c) The Contractor shall be responsible for the integration of the SCSys with SSE.
(d) The Contractor shall design and construct the signal lamps with Light Emitting Diode (LED)
lighting to be compatible with the legacy SCSys and approved by TTC. Central Signaling System (CSS)-Head- End
(a) The Contractor shall be design and construct the modifications and upgrades to the CSS head-end
Systems, Subsystems, hardware, and software necessary to incorporate the control and
monitoring of the SSE signaling System in coordination with the CSS supplier Alstom.
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC and Contracting Authority for all CSS related
responsibilities throughout the Project Life Cycle.
(c) The Contractor shall be responsible for the integration of the CSS with SSE. Subway Ventilation System (SVS)
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct the signaling System to coordinate with the Subway
Ventilation System (SVS) by imposing the following:
(i) per ventilation zone, a limit of two trains operating and these trains not being in the same
traction power block.
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct a signaling System operating in compliance with NFPA
130 specifications for the SSE restricting the number of trains per ventilation zone. CSS Communications Interface
(a) The Contractor shall connect the Interlocking locations, to the Line-2 SONET nodes, for
communication with the CSS.

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(a) The Contractor shall design signal placement in block design development to minimize the
occurrence of interstation blocking/blockage of emergency exits and cross-passages by trains
holding at restrictive signals.
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct the signaling System train stop operation such that
when a train passes an interlocking signal the train stop-trip arm is kept in the lowered position
until the approach block occupancy detection indicates unoccupied.
(c) The Contractor shall design and construct the signaling System interlocking-home and
interlocking-approach signal functionality such that having the home signal cleared, the train
stop-trip arm should remain in the raised (restrictive) position until the approach block becomes
(d) The Contractor shall design and construct the signaling System operation such that automatic
signals maintain the train stop-trip arm in the lowered position until the track/block in advance of
the signal is unoccupied.
(e) The Contractor shall design and construct a fixed block signaling System to meet the operational
and headway performance requirements for the SSE.
(f) The Contractor shall design and construct automatic block signals to indicate "Stop" for any
of the following conditions:
(i) when any portion of the track within its control limits is occupied;
(ii) when its train stop-trip arm is in the raised position, even when the track within the
control limits of the signal is unoccupied; or
(iii) when the signal in advance indicates "Stop" and the train stop-trip arm of the signal in
advance is not in the raised position, even when the track within the control limits of the
signal may be unoccupied.
(g) The Contractor shall design and construct an automatic block signal to indicate "Proceed with
Caution, Prepare to Stop at the Next Signal", when the portion of track within the control limits is
unoccupied, the automatic train stop-trip arm is in the lowered position, the signal in advance
indicates Red and the train stop-trip arm for the signal in advance is in the raised position.
(h) The Contractor shall design and construct an automatic block signal to indicate "Proceed" when
the portion of track within its control limits is unoccupied, the automatic train stop-trip arm is in
the lowered position, and the signal in advance indicates either "Proceed with Caution" or
(i) The Contractor shall design and construct an automatic block signal to not clear if its train stop-
trip arm cannot be lowered.
(j) The Contractor shall design and construct an automatic block signal to be set to the "Stop"
indication as soon as the first track circuit past the signal becomes occupied.

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(k) The Contractor shall design and construct the signaling System such that train separation is
automatically extended by one block should a train stop-trip arm fail to cycle (i.e., move from
raised to lowered to raised).
(l) The Contractor shall design and construct a unidirectional signaling System.
(m) The Contractor shall implement bidirectional reverse traffic only at designated turnback and track
storage locations.
(n) The Contractor shall submit safe braking model scrolls of type Speed-Distance and Time-
Distance as follows:
(i) Speed-Distance scrolls demonstrating the safe braking distances are ensured by block
design under high-rate acceleration.
(ii) Time-Distance scrolls demonstrating the minimum clearing time for each signal's green
and yellow aspect, ensuring the minimum 120 second design headway under low-rate
(iii) With scroll design:
(A) using specified data for the T1 trainset; and
(B) orientation of left-to-right or right-to-left dependent upon block design with
normal direction of traffic as reference.
(o) The Contractor shall include sighting distance analysis on all signals in the final design report and
confirm the analysis in a separate report during the construction phase.
(p) The Contractor shall design and construct the SSE Signaling System with signal placement where
15 second sighting time can be achieved with exception being the departure signals at:
(i) the Tail Tracks at Shepard East Station; and
(ii) the Kennedy Pocket Track.
(q) The Contractor shall design and construct the Signalling System by installing repeater signals
where 15 seconds sighting time cannot be achieved. Call-On Signal Control
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct Call-on Signals to be controlled from the CSS or from
the Local Control Panel (LCP).
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct Call-on routes to be cleared only when all switches in
the route are locked, the home signal indicates "Stop", and the track circuit in the approach to the
signal is occupied.
(c) The Contractor shall design and construct Call-on signals with functionality that the call-on
aspect permit an interlocking signal indication only when the approach track circuit or circuits are
unoccupied, or the call-on route is cancelled.
(d) The Contractor shall design and construct Call-on Signals from any of the three possible types of
Call-on maneuver listed below:

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(i) manual Call-On with Key-By: When a "call-on" has been initiated (signal displays red
over red over yellow), operation of stop release contactor shall cause the automatic train
stop to drive the train stop-trip arm to the lowered position;
(ii) manual Call-On without Key-By: When a "call-on" has been given (signal displays red
over red over flashing yellow) occupancy of the track circuit in approach of signal for the
time equivalent of 8 km/h (5 mph) shall cause the automatic train stop-trip arm to drive to
the lowered position; and
(iii) automatic Call-On: Occupancy of the track circuit in approach of signal for the time
equivalent of 8 km/h (5 mph) shall cause the automatic train stop-trip arm to drive to the
lowered position and the signal will display red over red over flashing yellow. Time Control of Signals
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct grade time and station time signals in compliance with
AREMA C&S Manual Section 2, Part 2.4.20 - Recommended Instructions for Time Releases
Applied to Signal Apparatus. Safe Braking Modeling
(a) The Contractor shall complete the block design using the TTC approved train data parameters for
the T1 trainset.
(b) The Contractor shall be compliant with the TTC safe braking model document.
(c) The Contractor shall comply with IEEE 1698-2009 - IEEE Guide for the Calculation of Braking
Distances for Rail Transit Vehicles. Safety and Failsafe Design
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct the SSE Signaling System for failsafe operation
following the recommended practices of the AREMA C&S Manual Section 16:
(i) Part 16.3 Recommended General Design Guidelines;
(ii) Part 16.4 Interlocking and Control Point Recommended Circuits;
(iii) Part 16.5 Recommended Automatic Signal Circuits; and
(iv) Part 16.6 Recommended Circuits for Switches.
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct the SSE signaling System in compliance with Schedule
29 - Safety, System Assurance and Security.
(c) The Contractor shall design and construct the signaling System to ensure no single point of
failure, or no common cause failures that result in hazardous or unsafe conditions in the signaling
System. EMI/EMC Susceptibility
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct the SSE signaling System in compliance with Section
3.32 (Electro Magnetic Compatibility and Electro Magnetic Interference).

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(b) The Contractor shall design and construct the SSE signaling System in compliance with AREMA
C&S Section 11 Part 11.5.2 – Recommended Electromagnetic Compatibility Immunity and
Emissions Testing for Signaling Products.
(c) The Contractor shall design and build the signaling System to operate in a transit system
environment with high voltage conductors, negative returns, and the third rail traction power
distribution Systems generating extreme electromagnetic interference.
(d) The Contractor shall design and build the signaling System to comply with TTC DM-0803-01
Communications – General Section 3.5.1, for electromagnetic compatibility while maintaining
system performance. Signaling System Functionality Signaling Rooms (Equipment, Relay, Inverter, Power, and Cable-Pull)
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct signaling room(s) with sufficient floor area, equipment
rack installation area, cable distribution tray, cable raceways, and conduit entranceways to allow
for a minimum 30% increase in capacity for future upgrade to ATC.
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct signaling room(s) HVAC Systems for maintaining
minimum and maximum room temperature in accordance with Table 1151-1 of AREMA C&S
Manual Section 11 Part 11.5.1 Recommended Environmental Requirements for Electrical and
Electronic Railroad Signal System Equipment and for a minimum 30% additional HVAC
capacity to accommodate future upgrade to ATC.
(c) The Contractor shall design and construct conduit entranceways to the signaling rooms in
compliance with TTC DM-0701-12 Electrical Systems – Installation of Wiring, Cabling, and
Raceways, and TTC Master Specification Section 26, MS 26 05 34 – Conduits, of no less than
four inch inside diameter and of sufficient quantity to maintain maximum fill-ratio with a
minimum 30% additional capacity in empty conduit for upgrading to ATC.
(d) The Contractor shall design and construct space for ATC equipment at Kennedy.
(e) The Contractor shall design and construct the signaling rooms to prevent/minimize dust
(f) The Contractor shall design, construct, and commission rooms of the following type:
(i) signal equipment room;
(ii) signal relay room;
(iii) signal inverter room;
(iv) signal power room; and
(v) signal cable-pull room.
(g) The Contractor shall design and construct the signaling rooms with:
(i) 100 cm minimum workspace for all racks, cabinets, enclosures, and units such that all
forms of maintenance can be accomplished without physical impairment; and
(ii) having panels and access points located for ease of maintenance.

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(h) The Contractor shall design and construct signaling rooms having installed equipment accessible
for maintenance and/or replacement without disarrangement of adjacent equipment.
(i) The Contractor shall design and construct signaling rooms to not require special tools to
remove/replace/install wall or rack mounted equipment. Block Occupancy Detection - Power Frequency Track Circuits (PFTC)
(a) The Contractor shall design, construct, and install block-occupancy detection Systems using
Power Frequency Track Circuits (PFTC) for the detection method while in compliance with
AREMA C&S Manual Section 8, Part 8.4.1 - Recommended design Criteria and Operating
Guidelines for a Phase-Selective Coded AC Track Circuit Unit.
(b) The Contractor shall construct PFTC Systems with two-element vane induction relays, resistance
fed type as per AREMA C&S Manual Section 6, Part 6.1.35 - Recommended Design Criteria for
Alternating-Current Induction-Type Relay, or an electronic equivalent subject to TTC approval.
(c) The Contractor shall design the PFTC(s) with a drop shunt resistance of One Ohm maximum, .06
Ohm minimum.
(d) The Contractor shall design and construct the PFTC(s) with self-cooling, dry type track
transformers with terminal boards containing sufficient terminals for primary and secondary leads
and taps and in accordance with AREMA C&S Manual Section 14, Part 14.2.10 - Recommended
Design Criteria for Transformer, Dry-Type, Air-Cooled. Interlocking Control System
(a) Computer Based Interlocking (CBI) Control
(i) The Contractor shall design and construct the CBI with redundant, hot-standby, seamless
automatic fail-over processor Systems with functionality to include at minimum:
(A) signal indication shall not blink during the fail-over (permissive – dark –
permissive, or restrictive-dark-restrictive);
(B) train stop-trip arm shall not move during the fail-over, especially permissive
(C) switches shall not lose the command energy during failover (move-stop-move) or
lose position temporary;
(D) vital and non-vital communication shall be maintained during fail-over, with no
disruption; and
(E) vital and non-vital data should be continuously and vitally synchronized between
the redundant CBIs with failure to synchronize data resulting in no fail-over;
(ii) The Contractor shall design and construct the Computer Based Interlocking (CBI) system
and local control panel to indicate/display switch call and switch position for each
individual switch in an interlocking; and
(iii) The Contractor shall design and construct the CBI with flanking-protection to prevent
collisions due to red signal overrun.
(b) Home Signal Control

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(i) The Contractor shall design and construct home signal control in compliance with the
AREMA C&S Manual Section 16 - Vital Circuit and Software Design;
(ii) The Contractor shall design and construct home signal control in compliance with the
AREMA C&S Manual Section 2, Part 2.2.1 - Recommended Functional/Operating
Guidelines for Automatic Block Signal Circuits and Systems; and
(iii) The Contractor shall design and construct home signal control in compliance with the
AREMA C&S Manual Section 2, Part 2.2.10 - Recommended Functional/Operating
Guidelines for Interlockings.
(c) Approach Signal Control
(i) The Contractor shall design and construct approach signal control in compliance with the
AREMA C&S Manual Section 2, Part 2.2.1 - Recommended Functional/Operating
Guidelines for Automatic Block Signal Circuits and Systems; and
(ii) The Contractor shall design and construct approach signal control in compliance with the
AREMA C&S Manual Section 2, Part 2.2.10 - Recommended Functional/Operating
Guidelines for Interlockings. Vital and Non-Vital Relay Logic
(a) The Contractor shall comply with AREMA C&S Manual Section 16 - Vital Circuit and Software
(b) The Contractor shall comply with AREMA C&S Manual Section 6, Part 6.3.5 - Recommended
Design Criteria for Detachable-Type Neutral Direct-Current Relay for Non-Vital Circuits.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that vital relay circuits are fail-safe in design.
(d) The Contractor shall design and construct non-vital relay circuits with plug-in type relays,
electrically equivalent, plug compatible, and interchangeable with existing currently approved
relays in use by the TTC Line-2.
(e) The Contractor shall design and construct relay circuits using double-break contacts for circuits
leaving interlocking rooms and/or location cases. Power Supply Systems
(a) AC Power and Distribution
(i) The Contractor shall design and construct the signaling System AC power ensuring
compliance with the following requirements:
(A) both normal 208 VAC from the Station 208V switchboard and reserve 208
VAC from the 600VDC input/208VAC output signal inverter and in compliance
with TTC Standard Drawing SD260500.31A - ATC Signal Power Supply
(B) in compliance with TTC Standard Drawing SD260500.31A for connection of
negative return of the signal inverter to negative return running rail and the
600Vdc TPSS negative bus;

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(C) in compliance with TTC Standard Drawing SD260500.31A for connection of

positive 600Vdc of the signal inverter to traction power third rail and the 600Vdc
TPSS positive bus;
(D) in compliance with TTC Standard Drawing SD260500.31B and SD260500.31C
for equipment selection and connection details;
(E) furnish each signal power room with both a normal and emergency distribution
(F) provide distribution transformers designed with materials compatible with low
temperature rise type distribution transformers;
(G) provide distribution transformers with transformer characteristics capable of
carrying 125% of total load for an indefinite period without failure or damage;
(H) provide distribution transformers with all characteristics not specified herein in
accordance with CSA C22.2 No. 47-M, Air Cooled Transformers (dry type) and
CSA C9-M, Dry-Type Transformers;
(I) provide distribution transformers with an operating sound level not exceeding
(J) provide nominal 110VAC power for distribution throughout the associated
signaling room(s) and to track level where required;
(K) provide redundant AC power distribution systems (panel boards) in each signal
power room complete with main breaker, individual circuit breaker(s), panels,
cabinets, barriers, trim, and all necessary components, meeting the requirements
of CSA C22.2 No. 29, Panelboards and Enclosed Panelboards;
(L) detecting and immediately indicating, grounds on either side of the 110 VAC, 60
Hz Mains to which it is connected; and
(M) having power distribution cables designed such that the voltage drop between
feed and load points shall not be greater than 10% of nominal voltage under full
(b) DC Power and Distribution
(i) The Contractor shall design and construct the signaling System DC power ensuring
compliance with the following requirements:
(A) comply with TTC Standard Drawing SD260500.31A - ATC Signal Power
Supply Schematics;
(B) operate from the 110 VAC mains, providing DC power at 12 and 24 VDC,
having a continuous output rating at 125% of total connected load for all control
and indication circuits and similar applications throughout the associated
signaling System rooms;
(C) DC power supplies used in vital applications to power electromechanical (vital
relays) circuits should have the dielectric strength greater than 3000V RMS
between any input or output and chassis ground;

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(D) DC supplies have outputs that are open circuit and short circuit proof with built-
in voltage adjustment;
(E) DC supplies have output voltage regulation from no-load to full-load of +/- 1%
with input voltage variations of +/- 10% of nominal;
(F) DC supplies be capable of enclosure grounding and equipped with a grounding
(G) supply DC-DC converters where additional DC buss voltages are required;
(H) provide surge and transient protection on the AC feed lines;
(I) designed for signal line circuit relay operation so there is a common return
connecting DC supplies of the eastbound track and another common return for
the DC power supplies of the westbound track;
(J) DC supplies have redundancy for operation of vital microprocessor interlocking
control equipment; and
(K) DC supplies have protection against surges and transients associated with
switching between AC supplies and associated with operation of any equipment.
(c) Battery Bank and Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
(i) The Contractor shall design, and construct signal power rooms having dedicated UPS
with NiCad battery banks to match or exceed the safety and environmental
standards/codes of the typical battery room while in compliance with TTC DM-0701-04
Electrical Systems - Emergency Power-Uninterruptible Power Supply.
(ii) The Contractor shall design and construct the Battery/UPS System in compliance
with TTC Standard drawing SD260500.31A - ATC Signal Power Supply Schematics.
(iii) The Contractor shall provide calculation(s) for the rating and choosing of equipment for
the UPS System delivering a minimum of 60-minutes runtime at full load, powering
signals and all associated signaling/ATC Systems equipment with additional capacity for
future upgrading to ATC signaling System.
(iv) The Contractor shall design and select battery capacity for powering switch machine(s)
providing normal operation of the connected load for a 60-minute period after full charge
without the battery charging unit activating based on 4 switch operations per minute.
(v) The Contractor shall design and construct the UPS to supply appropriate power for the
maximum load of the Signaling System and all of its components.
(vi) The Contractor shall design and construct the UPS allocating a supplemental
8KVA @120VAC power budget for future ATC Systems expansion.
(d) Battery Bank Charging Systems
(i) The Contractor shall design and construct the charging System in compliance with TTC
Standard drawing SD260500.31A - ATC Signal Power Supply Schematics and Kennedy
Interlocking BH110 and EBX Power Distribution drawing KYP3.

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(ii) The Contractor shall design and construct the BH110 charging system to function as a
redundant BH110 supply in case of battery bank failure.
(iii) The Contractor shall design and construct the charging system to be of automatic
constant voltage type with magnetic amplifier control and current limiting at 120% of
rated current.
(iv) The Contractor shall design and construct the charging system to have output regulation
of no greater than +/- 1% with input voltage variation of +/- 10% nominal.
(v) The Contractor shall design and construct the charging System with automatic recharge
after discharge functionality.
(vi) The Contractor shall design and construct the charging System to be of Type-I or Type-II
with Type-I being used for signal system logic, electronic interlocking controllers, local
control equipment, and selected interlocking and switch control circuits; Type-II being
used at interlockings for switch machine power.
(vii) The Contractor shall design and construct the charging System to automatically interrupt
charging if battery voltage exceeds recommended equalizing voltage by 5%.
(viii) The Contractor shall design and construct the charging System to provide separate alarm
circuits indicating Interruption of AC Supply, Low Voltage, Battery voltage exceeds
recommended equalizing voltage by 5 %, and loss-of-output, regardless of cause.
(e) Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS)
(i) The Contractor shall design and construct the ATS to conform to the requirements of
CSA C22.2 No. 178, Automatic Transfer Switches.
(ii) The Contractor shall design and construct the ATS in compliance with TTC Standard
drawing SD260500.31A - ATC Signal Power Supply Schematics.
(iii) The Contractor shall design and construct the ATS in compliance with TTC Standard
drawing SD260500.31B and SD260500.31C for equipment selection and connection
(iv) The Contractor shall design and construct the ATS to comply with the following:
(A) automatically transfer the power load from the normal supply to the reserve
supply if the normal supply drops below 85% of nominal value (110 VAC);
(B) automatically transferring load back to the normal supply when the normal
supply returns to 95% of nominal value; and
(C) provide seamless uninterrupted transfer from normal to reserve power at full
(v) The Contractor shall construct the ATS with control relays of an industrial type, with
silver contacts and not less than 10 Amps continuous rating and having a maximum drift
response of 2% over a temperature range of -10 degree C to +40 degrees C.
(vi) The Contractor shall design and construct the ATS to provide a status and alarm
indication to the CSS for monitoring by the Transit Control Center.

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(vii) The Contractor shall design and construct the ATS with a main switch and indication
lamp for both normal and reserve positions.
(viii) The Contractor shall design and construct the ATS with auxiliary contacts for remote
status indication. Ground Fault Detection Systems
(a) AC Ground Fault Detection System
(i) The Contractor shall design and construct the AC ground fault detection System in
compliance with the following:
(A) TTC Standard Drawing SD260500.31A - ATC Signal Power Supply Schematics;
(B) KYP6 - BX110 and BH110 Ground Detector schematic.
(ii) The Contractor shall design and construct the AC ground fault detection System to detect
and immediately indicate, grounds on either side of the 110 VAC, 60 Hz Mains to which
it is connected and ground fault detection at the specified minimum provided by
TTCactor shall design and construct the AC ground fault detection System with plug-in
type relays with restraining clips or screws to prevent movement for non-vital circuits
capable of meeting AREMA C&S Manual Section 6, Part 6.3.1 - Recommended Design
Criteria for Neutral Direct-Current Relay for Non-Vital Circuits.
(iii) The Contractor shall design and construct the AC ground fault detection System to have
push-to-test button or equivalent functionality to test relay for proper operation, either
integral to relay or relay base.
(iv) The Contractor shall design and construct the AC ground fault detection System to have
LED operational status indicators.
(v) The Contractor shall design and construct the AC ground fault detection System to use
one relay per ground detector for ground status indication, a contact for event recorder
input, and a contact for input to the CSS.
(vi) The Contractor shall design and construct the AC ground fault detection System to have
ground detectors of the same type being interchangeable and providing indications of the
(A) unit operating with no ground detected; and
(B) ground detected.
(vii) The Contractor shall design and construct the AC ground fault detection System to
provide indication of fault remaining even if the fault no longer exists, until the unit is
(viii) The Contractor shall design and construct the AC ground fault detection System to have
status and alarm indications on the annunciator panel and provide separate ground
detector alarm indications for transmission to the CSS.
(b) DC Ground Fault Detection Systems

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(i) The Contractor shall design and construct the DC ground fault detection System in
compliance with TTC Drawing KYP7-KB24 and B28 Ground Detector schematic.
(ii) The Contractor shall design and construct the DC ground fault detection System to detect
and immediately indicate positive or negative grounds on the DC System to which it is
(iii) The Contractor shall design and construct the DC ground fault detection System with
plug-in type relays with restraining clips or screws to prevent movement for non-vital
circuits capable of meeting AREMA C&S Manual Section 6, Part 6.3.1 - Recommended
Design Criteria for Neutral Direct-Current Relay for Non-Vital Circuits.
(iv) The Contractor shall design and construct the DC ground fault detection System to have
push-to-test button or equivalent functionality to test relay for proper operation, either
integral to relay or relay base.
(v) The Contractor shall design and construct the DC ground fault detection System to have
LED operational status indicators.
(vi) The Contractor shall design and construct the DC ground fault detection System to use
one relay per ground detector for ground status indication, a contact for event recorder
input, and a contact for input to the CSS.
(vii) The Contractor shall design and construct the DC ground fault detection System to have
ground detectors of the same type being interchangeable and providing indications of the
(A) unit operating with no ground detected;
(B) positive ground detected; and
(C) negative ground detected.
(viii) The Contractor shall design and construct the DC ground fault detection System to
provide indication of fault remaining even if the fault no longer exists, until the unit is
(ix) The Contractor shall design and construct the DC ground fault detection System to have
status and alarm indications on the annunciator panel and provide separate ground
detector alarm indications for transmission to the CSS. Grounding and Circuit Protection Systems
(a) Signaling System Grounding
(i) The Contractor shall design and construct the signaling System equipment providing
electrical grounding in compliance with AREMA C&S Manual Section 11, Part 11.3 -
Recommended Grounding, Lightning & Surge Protection, Fusing.
(ii) The Contractor shall design and construct the SSE signaling System in compliance with
the TTC Master Specification Division 26 Section 26 05 26 - Grounding and Bonding.
(b) Circuit Protection

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(i) The Contractor shall design and construct circuit protection in compliance with AREMA
C&S Manual Section 11 - Circuit Protection.
(ii) The Contractor shall design and construct surge protection which conforms to the
AREMA C&S Manual Section 11, Part 11.3.10 - Purpose and Meaning of Terms Used in
Surge Protection and Grounding.
(iii) The Contractor shall design and construct surge protection which conforms to the
AREMA C&S Manual Section 11, Part 11.4.2 - Recommended Instructions for
Application of Electrical Surge Protection for Signal Systems.
(iv) The Contractor shall supply fuses of suitable capacities to protect signaling equipment
and circuits from the effects of short circuits or overloads in accordance with AREMA
C&S Manual Section 11, Part 11.3 - Recommended Grounding, Lightning & Surge
Protection, Fusing. Equipment Racks and Integrated Wiring Systems
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct all integrated wiring, cabling, and cable raceway(s) in
compliance with TTC DM-0701-12 Electrical System - Installation of Wiring, Cabling, and
(b) The Contractor shall design, and construct equipment racks as follows:
(i) in compliance with ASTM A36M, Specification for Structural Steel;
(ii) in accordance with CSA-W59M, Welded Steel Construction (Metal-Arc Welding);
(iii) with dimensioning not to exceed 1.2 m in width and 1.8 m in height;
(iv) in accordance with CAN/CGSB-1.81-M, Air Drying and Baking Alkyd Primer for
Vehicles and Equipment;
(v) in accordance with CAN/CGSB 85-GP-14M, Painting Steel Surfaces Exposed to Normal
Dry Weather;
(vi) having coating in accordance with CAN/CGSB-1.135-M, Flat Alkyd Enamel for
(vii) with equipment mounting between 0.3 m minimum and 1.8 m maximum height;
(viii) for ease of installation and troubleshooting of equipment;
(ix) such that Line Replaceable Units (LRU) are supported on the underside and can be
removed and replaced without requiring special lifting equipment;
(x) with equipment access from both front and rear of the rack;
(xi) with no equipment mounted on the rear of the rack;
(xii) with wire and cable entries at top of rack only;
(xiii) providing suspended, continuous, interconnected, and electrically isolated copper
grounding bus above each equipment rack with a connection to the signaling room
primary ground;

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(xiv) using vibration isolation of cable trays if mechanically connected to the equipment racks;
(xv) using vibration isolation of equipment racks from floors, walls, and rack-to-rack; and
(xvi) to isolate relay racks and train detection System equipment racks from floor, wall,
adjacent racks, and cable tray using non-conductive washers, inserts, and bolt sleeves as
required. Wire & Cable - Usage and Terminations in the Signaling Room(s)
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct the signaling System in compliance with AREMA
C&S Manual Section 14, Part 14.1 - Recommended Wire Connectors, Terminals.
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct equipment racks with top-of-rack mounted terminal
boards or plug couplers to terminate wires for rack-to-rack and rack-to-equipment wiring.
(c) The Contractor shall design and construct equipment racks with individual wire and cable tagging
and termination in compliance with TTC Master Specification Division 26, Section 26 05 53 -
Electrical Identification. Human Machine Interface(s)
(a) Local Control Panel (LCP)
(i) The Contractor shall design and construct a computer-based Local Control Panel, to be
installed at the SSE Station(s) local tower room.
(ii) The Contractor shall design, and construct computer based Local Control Panels for
maintenance activities and emergency operation.
(iii) The Contractor shall design and construct the LCP with capability of emergency panel
transfer if transfer from CSS to local control fails to complete.
(iv) The Contractor shall design and construct the LCP with command/response indication for
all functions initiated by the LCP including the LCP status.
(v) The Contractor shall design and construct the Local Control Panel with control and status
indication for the following:
(A) placing the Platform(s) In/Out of service;
(B) manual setting/canceling of routes;
(C) setting/clearing of fleeting;
(D) manual switch operation;
(E) emergency transfer of control;
(F) indication for mode of operation (local or remote);
(G) display of track/block occupancy; and
(H) visual signaling System status.
(vi) The Contractor shall design and construct the LCP with screen display of sufficient size
and resolution to ensure that the controls and indicators are clear and unambiguous.

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(vii) The Contractor shall design and construct the LCP to allow commands only from
authorized users.
(viii) The Contractor shall design and construct the LCP having completed a study,
documented, and demonstrated that the design is ergonomically correct and acceptable to
(b) Annunciator Panel
(i) The Contractor shall design and construct a flat panel, computer driven, signal
maintainers annunciator panel to be installed in the signal relay room for display of the
(A) track occupancy status;
(B) signal status;
(C) switch position/correspondence indication;
(D) switch locking indication;
(E) Platform In/Out of service;
(F) local/central control;
(G) terminal mode;
(H) train stops "Normal";
(I) red signal overrun;
(J) route alignment;
(K) FCU alive;
(L) FCU online;
(M) DC power status;
(N) AC power status;
(O) smoke alarm;
(P) trouble alarm;
(Q) ground fault; and
(R) switch emergency release. Signals
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct signals in accordance with AREMA C&S Manual
Section 7, Part 7.1 - Recommended Signal Units, per SSE block design.
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct signals with aspect and functionality in compliance
with the TTC Subway/SRT Rule Book, Section 9, for interlocking signals.
(c) The Contractor shall design and construct signals with aspect and functionality in compliance
with the TTC Subway/SRT Rule Book, Section 9, for approach signals.

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(d) The Contractor shall design and construct signals with aspect and functionality in compliance
with the TTC Subway/SRT Rule Book, Section 9, for automatic block signals.
(e) The Contractor shall design and construct the signals with functionality and operating voltage
compliant with the TTC Line-2 Speed Control System.
(f) The Contractor shall design and construct the signals with functionality and signal lighting
current compliant with the TTC Line-2 Signal Interface Device (SID). Repeater Signals
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct SSE repeater signals to be compatible with TTC Line-2
repeater signals per functionality, electrical operation, mechanical assembly, methods of
installation, and compliance with the TTC Subway/SRT Rule Book, Section 9.
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct repeater signal placement where sighting distance is
restricted by the track alignment using the following guidelines:
(i) installed on the left-hand side of the track for normal traffic direction;
(ii) at a maximum of 80 feet in front of the main signal; and
(iii) having no associated insulating joint or train stop.
(c) The Contractor shall design and construct signal placement such that signals have a minimum 15
second sighting time when aspect(s) change to a more restrictive indication, where sighting time
is defined as (distance to signal/maximum allowable speed) for an approaching train. Train Stops
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct the signaling System with train stops as specified by
the block design.
(b) The Contractor shall provide and install train-stops with operation and functionality in
compliance with the TTC Subway/SRT Rule Book, Section 9. Switch Machines
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct the signaling System with switch machines as required
by the track alignment and signals solution.
(b) The Contractor shall comply with design and functionality requirements of AREMA C&S
Manual Section 12 - Switches.
(c) The Contractor shall design and construct the switch machine(s) to perform the throwing,
locking, and point detection functions for the moveable switch point rails of a TTC Line-2 track
switch turnout.
(d) The Contractor shall design and construct the switch machine to be electrically operated and
equipped to permit emergency manual operation by means of a removable hand crank.
(e) The Contractor shall provide all mounting and connecting hardware, rods, bolts, and
appurtenances required to install and connect the switch machine to the track switch turnout.

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(f) The Contractor shall provide and install switch machines being compatible with the TTC Line-2
signaling System switch operating voltages, switch control & indication circuits, switch
installation methods, and switch installation hardware.
(g) The Contractor shall design and construct the switch machine to be compatible with the rails,
switch points, and other components associated with the track switching layout.
(h) The Contractor shall design and construct the switch machine such that vital switch position
indication circuits (normal/reverse) in a crossover shall be individually detected.
(i) The Contractor shall design and construct the switch machine to have switch motor circuits
operating from an Uninterruptible Power Supply. Instrument and Interlocking Cases, Signal Cases, and Junction Boxes
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct instrument cases, junction boxes, and other equipment
providing connectivity and security for the signaling System equipment in compliance with TTC
Master Specifications Division 26 Section 26 05 31 - Splitter Boxes, Junction Boxes, Pull Boxes
and Cabinets.
(b) For instrument case and junction box design and construction the Contractor shall comply with
the following:
(i) ASTM B209 - Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate;
(ii) CSA W59.2M - Welded Aluminum Construction;
(iii) AREMA C&S Manual Section 11, Part 11.1.1 - Recommended Functional/Operating
Guidelines for Electrical Safety;
(iv) AREMA C&S Manual Section 11, Part 11.2.2 - Recommended Guidelines for Signal
Enclosure Layout, Component Placement, and General Wiring Strategies for Surge
Damage Prevention; and
(v) AREMA C&S Manual Section 1, Part 1.5.10 - Recommended Instructions for Painting
and Protective Coatings.
(c) The Contractor shall design and construct the following:
(i) cast iron junction and terminal boxes in compliance with materials specification ASTM
A278, Class 20;
(ii) steel sheet junction and terminal boxes in compliance with materials specification ASTM
A653, Z275 - Galvanized Steel Sheet;
(iii) terminal or junction boxes for signal layouts and power junction box locations using cast
iron (Safetran-type) or stainless steel;
(iv) cast iron junction boxes using a hinged removable gasketed door(s) such that the door
cannot be locked unless fully closed;
(v) split base junction boxes in compliance with AREMA C&S Manual Section 7, Part
7.2.36A - Recommended design Criteria for Junction Box base for 4-in. Mast, Assembly
and AREMA C&S Manual Section 7, Part 7.2.36B - Recommended design Criteria for
Junction Box base for 4-in. Mast, Details;

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(vi) terminal boxes for switch machine installations in concrete box structure of cast iron with
removable gasketed lids, with the exception being terminal boxes sharing a common base
with an instrument case;
(vii) riser terminal boxes from cast iron with gasketed lid for train stop and switch machine
layouts in opencut areas, ensuring riser sections are of sufficient length to reach
completely through stone ballast into the subgrade; and
(viii) bootleg boxes from cast iron with removable gasketed lids for rail terminal connections
in opencut areas, using terminal assemblies like those used for rail terminal boxes, and
ensuring riser sections are of sufficient length to reach completely through stone ballast
into the subgrade. Wayside Signage
(a) The Contractor shall comply with the TTC Subway/SRT Rule Book, Section 9, for the design and
construction of all wayside signage applicable to the signaling System. Signaling System Infrastructure Wire and Cable
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct signal wires and cables complying with NFPA 130
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct the SSE signaling System in compliance with AREMA
C&S Manual Section 10 - Wire and Cable, for design criteria, recommended instructions for
installation and maintenance, and insulation resistance testing.
(c) The Contractor shall comply with the following for the design and installation of all wiring and
cabling in the signaling room(s) and for the signaling System:
(i) TTC Master Specifications Division 26, Section 26 05 21 - Wires and Cables 0 – 1000 V;
(ii) TTC Master Specifications Division 26, Section 26 05 22 - Connectors and Terminations;
(iii) TTC Master Specifications Division 26, Section 26 05 53 - Electrical Identification. Signal and Power Bonding
(a) The Contractor shall comply with design and recommendations of AREMA C&S Manual Section
8 – Track Circuits, for signal wire and power cable bonding methods.
(b) The Contractor shall comply with the TTC Signals and Train Control Engineering drawings for
typical rail bonding methods. Wire and Cable Distribution
(a) The Contractor shall design and construct cable distribution along the tunnel wall in compliance
with TTC DM-0701-12 Electrical Systems – Installation of Wiring, Cabling, and Raceways, and
additional content where applicable as identified in Section 2 of the same document, Reference
Master Specification List.

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(a) The Contractor shall design and construct the SSE signaling System in compliance with the TTC
Master Specification Division 26, Section 26 05 34 - Conduits, and Section 26 05 43 - Direct
Buried Underground Conduits/Ducts.
(b) The Contractor shall design and construct the required provisions for future upgrade to ATC by
providing 30% addition spare conduits per signaling room. Kennedy Station Signal Systems

(a) The Contractor shall be responsible for the Interface of the in-service Kennedy West interlocking
with the new Kennedy East (CBI) interlocking.
(b) The Contractor shall complete an assessment and if determined that modification or replacement
of the existing Kennedy West Interlocking is required, perform the following:
(i) submit a report titled "Existing Kennedy Interlocking Modification/Replacement" which
at a minimum is to include the following:
(A) recommended modifications;
(B) impacts to Line-2 operation;
(C) cost and risk assessments; and
(D) cost of upgrading to ATC;
(ii) discuss and obtain agreement with Contracting Authority and TTC for implementation of
modifications/replacement; and
(iii) be responsible for all Works including the design, installation, implementation, Testing &
Commissioning, and Safety Certification. Staging of Work

(a) The Contractor shall manage all aspects of Works, staging of Works, and scheduling with
reference to Schedule 15, APPENDIX G.7 TTC Processes.
(b) The Contractor shall manage the S&TC Works by organizing them into work packages that
minimize the impact on TTC revenue operations. Testing and Commissioning

(a) The Contractor shall comply with the Schedule 14 - Testing and Commissioning for placing the
signaling System in service.
(b) The Contractor shall have the capability to test the SSE independently while Line-2 is in service.
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC and Contracting Authority to determine if an existing
TTC CSS Test environment can be used to test the SSE.
(d) The Contractor, coordinating with Alstom, shall be responsible to provide a complete CSS
System, hardware, and software necessary to test the SSE independently from the in-service Line-

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3.27.4 Communication Systems Information Technology Service Corporate Network Information
(a) TTC’s Information Technology Service (ITS) group manages the Corporate Network.
(b) TTC considers the Corporate Network as a separate subsystem outside of the BCN, although
fibres in the BCN System are used to transport the Corporate Network. This network is described
under its own heading. General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall provide a communications network that extends the existing Line-2
Corporate Network that complies with TTC-DM-0806-02.
(b) The Contractor shall provide extension for the Corporate Network that allows integration of the
relevant SSE Subsystems connected with the existing head-end Systems.
(c) The Contractor shall use fibres of the BCN Backbone FO cables for connecting the Corporate
Network between Stations.
(d) The Contractor shall provide Ethernet switches, in coordination with TTC, for the ITS Corporate
Network on dedicated rack(s) in communication rooms in each SSE Station.
(e) Current TTC vendor for the network switches used in the Corporate Network is Avaya. The
Contractor shall confirm with TTC the vendor at the time of design and implementation.
(f) The Contractor shall provide IT network infrastructures and accessories, in coordination with
TTC, for the Corporate Network.
(g) The Contractor shall provide distribution switches (networking nodes) such that failure of a single
power source does not impact the operational availability of the Corporate Network.
(h) The Contractor shall provide applicable license and/or additional software module(s), as required,
to allow TTC to expand the NMS and to integrate supported Subsystems on SSE.
(i) The Contractor shall provide means for accessing the NMSs at CER.
(j) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC-ITS group on infrastructure and facilities requirements
for their Corporate Network. Network Cables
(a) The Contractor shall provide FO and CAT6A cables used in the network which comply with
relevant sections of NFPA-130, DM-0803-07 and DM-0806-02. Provisions in Communication Rooms
(a) The Contractor shall provide FDPs on dedicated equipment racks in the CERs and near
distribution switches to terminate all FO strands in the related FO cables. Supported Subsystems
(a) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC, to use the ITS Corporate Network to support as
minimum the following Subsystems:

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(i) VoIP;
(ii) TTC WLAN (Corporate Wi-Fi);
(iii) BACS;
(iv) PVIS;
(v) Corporate PCs. Interface
(a) The Contractor shall integrate, in coordination with TTC, the Corporate Network with the
headend portion of the supported Subsystems: VoIP, TTC WLAN, BACS, PVIS. Backbone Communication Network System Description
(a) Backbone Communication System (BCN) is an extension for the existing Line-2 BCN that allows
integration of the Subsystems connected to the SSE BCN with the existing head-end Systems at
(b) The ITS Corporate Network (TTC’s Corporate Network), will be established using fibre strands
in the BCN FO Backbone Cables. Requirements relating to ITS Corporate Network are covered
in a separate section. General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall provide a BCN that extends the existing Line-2 BCN.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a BCN which allows integration of the Subsystems connected to the
SSE BCN with the existing head-end Systems at TCC/BTCC.
(c) The Contractor shall establish three networks on BCN backbone fibers: SONET network,
Ethernet based OPSLAN and Ethernet based TTC Corporate Network.
(d) The Contractor shall provide a BCN of which key components includes:
(i) two 144SMFO Backbone Cables; and
(ii) system nodes (distribution switches) for the networks: main networking switches which
are connected to optical strands in BCN backbone FO cables.
(e) The Contractor shall provide a BCN in which failure of a single power source at networking
nodes does not impact the operation of related device.
(f) The Contractor shall provide network extension(s), which includes, as applicable, OPSLAN, ITS
Corporate LAN and the Ethernet-based portion of the SONET system, to the communications
satellite rooms, other areas in the station building as warranted by signal density and transmission
(g) The Contractor shall avoid installing network switches in EEBs and track areas.
(h) The Contractor shall provide redundant and diversely routed network connections to network
switches in the network extension(s).

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(i) The Contractor shall provide a BCN in SSE that is installed and tested without interrupting the
existing TTC BCN ring architecture.
(j) The Contractor shall provide temporary connections between the BCN in SSE and the existing
BCN nodes at Kennedy station.
(k) Upon successful testing of the SSE BCN, The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC for final
integration of SSE SONET and OPSLAN rings with existing Bloor-Danforth SONET/OPSLAN
rings. Network Cables
(a) The Contractor shall provide for the BCN one 144SMFO Backbone Cable along each of the
inbound and outbound subway tracks, from the AC Switchgear room in Kennedy Station, through
the cable pull rooms in the SSE Stations, ending in the Sheppard East Station.
(b) The Contractor shall provide BCN FO Backbone Cables for which maximum separation is
maintained between the backbone FO cables, and between fibre circuits carrying related
redundant partners.
(c) The Contractor shall provide FO cables, beyond the Backbone Cables, each with minimum 12
single-mode FO strands for network connections at field/facilities.
(d) The Contractor shall provide FO signal power budgets for each installed optical circuit, including
spare fibers.
(e) The Contractor shall provide documentation, in format as coordinated with TTC, on strand usage
allocation of all installed FO cables.
(f) The Contractor shall provide mechanically paired (bonded) fibre patch cord where an optical
circuit located in the same room/enclosure/rack between two devices involve two fibres.
(g) The Contractor shall provide CAT6A and FO cables for network connections to the respective
distribution switches and end devices.
(h) The Contractor shall provide CAT6A and FO cables which comply with relevant portions of
NFPA-130, DM-0803-07 and DM-0806-02.
(i) The Contractor shall provide cable slacks for BCN backbone FO cable, of minimum 20m long, at
each location where the cable is terminated.
(j) The Contractor shall coil and store/mount cable slacks for BCN backbone FO cable on wall(s)
near related termination point.
(k) The Contractor shall provide cable slacks for lateral FO cables, of minimum 6m long, at each
location where the cable is terminated. Initial Networks to be established
(a) The Contractor shall provide path redundancy to the two BCN networks, and the ITS Corporate
(b) The Contractor shall establish the networks using redundant-ring topology, where system nodes
are connected in linear sequence to the immediate adjacent system nodes.

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(c) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC to upgrade the existing NMSs to cover the Systems on
the SSE BCN, and the ITS Corporate network.
(d) The Contractor shall provide space, connections, workstation, or console for access to NMSs in
(a) The Contractor shall, due to concerns with obsolescence and concerns with availability of future
hardware for maintenance needs, provide for the SONET System General Electric (GE)
JunglePAX series product(s), including associated software and hardware to support Ethernet and
serial chassis modules.
(b) The Contractor shall establish the SSE SONET network using dual-ring topology.
(c) The Contractor shall establish the SSE SONET network using physically diverse fibre routing.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure that no network external to TTC and MX connects directly to the
SONET network.
(e) The Contractor shall, pending final decision by TTC, use the SONET network to support the
following Subsystems:
(i) SCADA;
(ii) FSRC; and
(iii) CBI to CSS (headend).
(f) The Contractor shall provide a new SONET System node in the un-occupied rack space in the
existing node cabinet in the AC Switchgear room in Kennedy Station in coordination with TTC.
(g) The Contractor shall provide hardware, software, and configuration necessary for interfacing the
existing OC-12 JungleMUX SONET node at Kennedy station to the SSE JunglePAX SONET
(h) The Contractor shall provide new SONET System nodes at the headends. OPSLAN
(a) The Contractor shall use OPSLAN products that are compatible with existing TTC RuggedCom
RS2228, RS2228P and RS9000G/P Ethernet switches.
(b) The Contractor shall establish the SSE OPSLAN using single-ring topology.
(c) The Contractor shall establish the SSE OPSLAN network using physically diverse fibre routing.
(d) The Contractor shall, pending final decision by TTC, use the OPSLAN network to support the
following Subsystems:
(i) PA;
(ii) CCTV;
(iii) ACS;
(iv) PAI;

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(v) PWAW;
(vi) RTMS;
(vii) TDMS;
(viii) SAMS (Signal Asset Management System); and
(ix) ION power meters.
(e) The Contractor shall configure VLANs on the OPSLAN network in coordination with TTC.
(f) The Contractor shall ensure that no network, external to TTC, connects directly to the OPSLAN
network. Provisions in Communication Rooms
(a) The Contractor shall provide SONET and OPSLAN equipment and required networking
equipment in dedicated equipment racks in the CERs with FDPs for terminating the two BCN FO
(b) The Contractor shall provide FDPs (in required quantity, minimum two diversely placed, and
sufficient sizes) on dedicated equipment racks in the CERs and near distribution switches to
terminate all FO strands (in the related FO cables).
(c) The Contractor shall provide redundant power supplies for the BCN electronic communications
equipment, and future expansions.
(d) The Contractor shall provide space and connections for workstations and console in CER for
accessing NMS(s) used on the SONET, OPSLAN and ITS Corporate network. Distributed Antenna System System Description (Information)
(a) The Distributed Antenna System (DAS) provides coverage for RF voice and data
communications throughout the SSE. The DAS architecture, affecting cable and equipment type,
will involve fiber optic strands as carriers for the connectivity with the RF head ends, radiating
coaxial cables, and DAS remote units deployed along the SSE track extension.
(b) TTC utilizes TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) System for their VDRS. The DAS functions to
enable the existing VDRS by distributing RF signals throughout the SSE.
(c) The existing Line 2 DAS vendor Futurecom has discontinued their DAS solution for new
(d) TTC will provide eight dark fibre strands at Kennedy station that connects RF at headends for the
new DAS deployment. General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall provide a DAS that provide RF coverage for the existing VDRS frequency
channels and users in all SSE areas, including related subway Tunnels, Cross Passages between
Tunnels, passages/approaches to platforms, EEBs, ESBs, firefighter access area, and all areas
within Passenger Stations.

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(b) The Contractor shall provide a DAS which integrate with the existing DAS headend System at
TTC facilities currently housed at Inglis and McBrien buildings.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a DAS that seamlessly supports TTC VDRS plus multiple third
party and public safety agencies within the subway system’s operating jurisdiction including
Toronto Emergency Services (Fire, Police and Ambulance), RCMP and Solicitor General.
(d) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC regarding DAS subcontractor and or product selection,
in which the new DAS solution is fully compatible with the existing headend RF Systems.
(e) The Contractor shall provide a DAS that includes redundancy in both RF transmissions within
SSE areas as well as connectivity between the DAS remote units and related headend Systems.
(f) The Contractor shall use FO strands as the intended carrier of all communication between each
DAS active equipment and the DAS RF headend.
(g) The Contractor shall use 1-5/8” radiating antenna cables where radiating cable is used.
(h) The Contractor shall provide a DAS that transfer RF signals as well as supervisory and
management data over a minimum number of FO strands, between the DAS remote units and the
DAS headend Systems.
(i) The Contractor shall assign DAS zone identification (number) for the SSE at a later stage, under
close coordination with TTC. Field Installations
(a) The Contractor shall provide DAS remote units in stations and EEBs, near but outside of the
tunnel bores to allow servicing during revenue operation.
(b) The Contractor shall provide DAS remote units which accommodate both electrical (coaxial) and
optical (fiber) signals for RF distribution.
(c) The Contractor shall extend the optical circuit(s) from the DAS RF head-end Systems, by way of
FO lateral cable(s) from the closest Station to DAS remote units in EEBs.
(d) The Contractor shall provide radiating antenna cables, traditional antennas and appurtenant patch
cables, to carry RF signals to and from the DAS remote units.
(e) The Contractor shall conceal the antenna cables and antennas from public view to the greatest
extent possible.
(f) The Contractor shall consider connecting each radiating antenna cable segment in the subway
tunnels to geographically redundant DAS remote units.
(g) The Contractor shall provide FO cables in both subway tunnels, to complete the FO connection
between the DAS remote units and the DAS headend systems, making use of the existing FO
circuit(s) made available by TTC, between the RF headend and Kennedy Station.
(h) The Contractor shall provide and install radiating antenna cable(s) on tunnel walls at a height to
best align with the train windows to optimize RF signal propagation into the onboard. Refer to
(i) The Contractor shall, for installation of DAS remote units in areas subject to public access,
protect them from unauthorized access to the units.

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(j) The Contractor shall provide DAS remote unit, enclosed in robust enclosures, in stations and
EEBs, near but outside of the tunnel bores.
(k) The Contractor shall provide minimum 1500W UPS power, which supports minimum 3-hour
backup time at full load, to each deployment site of DAS remote units.
(l) The Contractor shall provide DAS fiber cable and conduit infrastructure for:
(i) DAS remote unit to Kennedy (for headend);
(ii) DAS remote unit to adjacent DAS remote unit; and
(iii) DAS remote unit to lateral segment. Headend Provisions and Integration
(a) The Contractor shall provide, in coordination with TTC, hardware, software, and integration of
the SSE DAS to the TETRA VDRS base station(s) at both RF headend locations. Tie-In at Kennedy Station
(a) The Contractor shall route the new SSE DAS fiber strands to the existing fiber panels at Kennedy
station where TTC forces will terminate to the existing fiber panels. CCTV System System Description
(a) The intent of the CCTV System is to provide means of visual monitoring of the SSE System
premises and facilities including the Bus Terminals. General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall extend the existing Line 2 CCTV System to the SSE to capture and record
the video images in real time.
(b) The Contractor shall utilize the OPSLAN to transfer the captured and recorded video images of
cameras to the onsite and offsite monitoring and/or video recording locations.
(c) The Contractor shall provide visual monitoring coverage and recorded coverage for areas listed in
including TTC DM–0803-05 and DS-09.
(d) For CCTV camera locations, housing, mounting heights, placements and other functional design
requirements, the Contractor shall refer to (meet the requirements outlined in) TTC DM–0803-05
and DS-09.
(e) For the extension of CCTV System in the SSE the Contractor shall provide:
(i) TTC approved IP based CCTV cameras with functionalities:
(A) to support minimum resolutions for the required applications;
(B) to support multi-streaming of the CCTV videos; and
(C) to support different types of lenses based on application and the area of
(ii) TTC approved network-based digital video recorder and storage solution;

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(iii) TTC approved Video Management System (expanding TTC legacy Genetec VMS);
(iv) TTC approved viewing and monitoring display Systems;
(v) other mounting and installation accessories;
(vi) space to accommodate future expansion of video storage solution;
(vii) CCTV cabinet within the CER to be equipped with a Genetec VMS workstation, to allow
authorized personnel to manage the CCTV System;
(viii) outdoor-rated vandal-resistant housing, shape of housing, incorporating heaters,
reflections from external lights, etc.; and
(ix) facilities, tools, and equipment, working areas required for viewing both live and pre-
recorded video from the CCTV cameras in zone hub room.
(f) The Contractor shall locate and install CCTV cameras as below:
(i) throughout each Station (indoor and outdoor) as per locations listed in TTC DM–0803-05
to provide 95% coverage of all public areas;
(ii) at DWAs to cover 100% of the field of view;
(iii) at all waiting areas and loading platforms at Bus Terminal Stations;
(iv) at isolated areas and passageways between bus waiting areas and fare collection areas as
per TTC DM-0412-02 Bus Facilities section 2.2.6;
(v) cameras at each side of the Station Platform for TDMS and monitoring the entire length
of the train; and
(vi) in the Station Attendant Booth and zone hub room.
(g) The Contractor shall provide network connectivity between the Station video server and a CCTV
video display system in the attendant booth.
(h) The Contractor shall provide Genetec VMS workstation in Zone Hub for authorized personnel to
manage CCTV System.
(i) The Contractor shall provide CCTV displays (clearly visible to passengers) at:
(i) each fare line for security purposes;
(ii) CCTV display monitor in zone hub room; and
(iii) CCTV displays monitor at the Station Attendant Booth passenger/staff interaction views.
(j) The Contractor shall coordinate with City of Toronto to provide conduit and cable infrastructure
for City of Toronto's bike storage facility’s CCTV cameras which will require a connection to the
City's fiber optic network. Interface Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall provide interface to the existing Genetec VMS headend through OPSLAN
for SSE video monitoring and management.

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(b) The Contractor shall configure the CCTV System to allow external parties such as the Toronto
Police Services to interface and access to the SSE videos. Telephone System System Description
(a) The Telephone System is used as means of audio communication for users.
(b) With exception of specifically designated VoIP telephones, all other telephones shall be legacy
analog circuit-switched PSTN type; this includes all public (pay) phone, emergency telephones
and PAX type telephones.
(c) All PAX phones installed at subway platforms and tunnel locations (emergency alarm stations,
EOIS, SSW, TB, EEB and Cross Passages) shall be ruggedized phones.
(d) All telephone cables installed at track level areas shall be of ruggedized design, water-tight (water
blocked tape, gel-filled or similar).
(e) VoIP and ETELs shall be provided by the Contractor. General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall provide a telephone System to establish voice communication for users.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure telephone services, VoIP switching devices and standard handsets are
provided by Bell Canada.
(c) The Contractor shall provide traditional PSTN interfacing with Bell Canada at the Telephone
Equipment Room providing:
(i) Pay phones with an emergency no charge capability (911); and
(ii) PAX traditional type phones.
(d) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC and Bell Canada to procure the related punch-down
(e) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC and Bell Canada to procure all analog circuit switched
PSTN type telephone sets not used as ETELs.
(f) The Contractor shall provide cables and cable infrastructure for all telephones throughout the
Stations and Tunnels.
(g) The Contractor shall provide, in coordination with Bell Canada, infrastructure required for Bell
services at each Station.
(h) The Contractor shall terminate, in coordination with Bell Canada, all telephone cables at
telephone sets.
(i) The Contractor shall terminate all circuit-switched PSTN based telephones at the BIX boards for
interfacing with Bell Canada.
(j) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC to facilitate the services and activation of all phone
lines with Bell Canada.

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(a) ETEL (Emergency Telephone) sets used at all tunnel locations (emergency alarm station, EOIS,
SSW, TB, EEB, Cross Passages) shall be ruggedized PAX phones. Public (Pay) Phones
(a) The Contractor shall provide cable and conduit for public phones (pay telephones) to connect to
Bell Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN).
(b) The Contractor shall provide applicable support structure and signage for all public telephone sets
and system deployed in SSE.
(c) The Contractor shall provide circuit-switched PSTN based public telephones as follows:
(i) at paid and unpaid areas of each station;
(ii) at least one public telephone on each level of each Station including concourse and grade
(iii) at least one public telephone on each Station Platform at DWA;
(iv) at least one public telephone near the main station entrance of each commuter parking lot;
(v) at unattended entrances (paid and unpaid area); and
(vi) other locations in compliance with the Ontario Building Code. PAX Phones
(a) The Contractor shall provide cable and conduit infrastructure for TTC’s PAX telephone network
(i) emergency alarm station locations;
(ii) CACF;
(iii) Station Zone Hub rooms;
(iv) Station Attendant Booths;
(v) ESBs;
(vi) EEBs;
(vii) tunnel locations such as shorting switches and EOIS locations, Cross Passages, TBs; and
(viii) other rooms listed in TTC DM-0803-02.
(b) The Contractor shall provide ruggedized circuit-switched PSTN based telephone sets for use in
the Tunnels and EEBs to suit harsh environment for use as emergency telephones (ETELs).
(c) The Contractor shall ensure each ETEL at emergency alarm stations has a dedicated telephone
circuit identifying the location of the phone when a call is made.
(d) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC and Bell Canada to ensure each telephone has a
dedicated telephone number.
(e) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC and Bell Canada to assign a unique alpha-numeric
identifier to each telephony device which is used to identify the device.

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(f) The Contractor shall provide, in coordination with TTC, ruggedized telephone sets for use as
ETELs. VoIP Phones
(a) The Contractor shall provide, in close coordination with TTC IT department, the cable and
conduit infrastructure for VoIP phones at the following:
(i) staff rooms;
(ii) service rooms; and
(iii) TPSSs.
(b) The Contractor shall provide, in close coordination with TTC and the VoIP service provider,
VoIP phones and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) clients registered with the related IP PBX
(c) The Contractor shall connect the VoIP telephones, utilizing CAT6A cables shorter than 90m, to
related network switches in the ITS cabinets in CERs and Satellite Communication Rooms. Public Address System System Description
(a) The Public Address (PA) System broadcasts voice announcements originating from multiple
sources to transit patrons and personnel for purposes of security, operations, maintenance, patron
assistance and emergency voice communication.
(b) TTC ICS will be the primary user interface at TCC and in the Zone Hub.
(c) ICS workstations will be provided by the Operator.
(d) Refer to Section (Regional Bus Transit Communication) for additional PA requirements
associated to YRT and GO Transit. General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall provide a single PA System for coverage within SSE Stations and Bus
Terminals to allow authorized agencies to make local and remote announcements to specific areas
such as bus platforms.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a single PA System that meets design requirements outlined in TTC
DM-0803-06 and DS-09 Section
(c) The Contractor shall provide a PA system that is compatible with existing TTC headend currently
provided by T.G. Baker.
(d) The Contractor shall configure the TTC network and PA System to allow communication over
(e) The Contractor shall configure the PA System to repeat live announcements, pre-recorded
announcements, pre-recorded emergency announcements, ad-hoc announcements, and
background music.

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(f) The Contractor shall provide the priority level and accommodate the announcement prioritization
in coordination with TTC and Contracting Authority.
(g) The Contractor shall ensure the audible announcements through station speakers is bi-lingual in
both English and French as per the French Language Act.
(h) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC and other participant regional transit agencies to ensure
an integrated translation system is provided at the headend locations to support bi-lingual audible
announcements in both English and French as per the French Language Act.
(i) The Contractor shall provide a PA system with automatic supervision including:
(i) Speaker circuits;
(ii) Microphones;
(iii) Communication links; and
(iv) Amplifiers and other active components;
(j) PA System faults shall be annunciated at TCC.
(k) The Contractor shall ensure the interface between Station PA System and TCC headend Systems
is IP-based.
(l) The Contractor shall provide analog speakers.
(m) The Contractor shall configure PA announcement zones consistent with TTCDM–0803-06 and
TTC operations in such a way that:
(i) Passenger Stations have intermodal operation (using two or more modes of transportation
in a journey)
(A) all SSE stations have both bus and subway modes of transportation so PA zones
will be configured to consider both operations;
(ii) a distinct zone is defined for each bus bay.
(n) The Contractor shall provide consoles with microphones in the Zone Hub to enable operators
select combination(s) of stations and zones to initiate and manage live and pre-recorded
announcements independent from the Integrated Communications System (ICS).
(o) The Contractor shall coordinate with the Operator for the installation of ICS workstations in the
Zone Hub.
(p) The Contractor shall provide a PA System in such a way that adjacent PA speakers are not on the
same circuit in public areas.
(q) The Contractor shall provide a PA System in such a way that adjacent PA speakers are fed from
separate amplifiers.
(r) The Contractor shall provide cable and conduit infrastructure for the PA System.
(s) The Contractor shall provide cable infrastructure and analog signal cable from the CACF
microphone to the PA System.

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(t) The Contractor shall provide cable infrastructure and signal cable from all microphones to the PA
main cabinet.
(u) The Contractor shall provide PA microphones at:
(i) Station Attendant Booths;
(ii) CACF;
(iii) Platform ends;
(iv) Zone Hub;
(v) GO bus staff office (Dispatchers Room 10.100G) in SCS; and
(vi) YRT Supervisor’s Booth at Sheppard East Station.
(v) The Contractor shall configure the PA System for microphone at Station Attendant Booth to
announce to the local station only.
(w) The Contractor shall configure the PA System for microphones at the end of the platforms to
broadcast messages to same side platforms only.
(x) The Contractor shall configure the PA System for microphone(s) at regional transit attendant and
staff areas to broadcast messages to participant regional transit bus bays only.
(y) The Contractor shall provide the PA main cabinet consisting of:
(i) PA manager;
(ii) zone command unit;
(iii) digital IO unit;
(iv) audio connection;
(v) audio amplifiers connected to various speaker circuits from different zones;
(vi) processing components (mic‐line mixer and ambient noise compensation unit where
applicable); and
(vii) diagnostic components (diagnostic panel and 70-V supervision unit) as required. Interface Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall configure the PA System to interface with the existing TTC PA headend.
(b) The Contractor shall provide cable infrastructure and network cable(s) from PA System to
OPSLAN switch.
(c) The Contractor shall configure the PA System to interface with the ICS at the Zone Hub and
(d) The Contractor shall configure the PA System to allow announcements from TCC on the SSE.
(e) The Contractor shall configure the PA System to allow SSE Zone Hub Room announcements on
the SSE.
(f) The Contractor shall provide PA system provided by NetSpire.

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Systems DPA Execution Version Passenger Assistance Intercom System Description
(a) The intent of the Passenger Assistance Intercom (PAI) System is to provide communication
access using an IP based full duplex System for patrons requesting information or emergency
(b) consideration for PAI units with accessible screen at certain locations as per DS-09 at Designated
Waiting Areas (DWA) and Station Entrances, paid and unpaid areas for future keyboard for text-
to-text communications (this function may be needed to be AODA compliant, but this will be
determined during the DPA Term). General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall extend the existing Line 2 PAI System in SSE to function as a two-way
communication system (via means of audio communication for operational and emergency
messages) between customers, including customers who use wheeled mobility aids, are visually
impaired, and / or hearing impaired, or non-verbal and TTC staff personnel.
(b) The Contractor shall provide required cable, conduit infrastructure, PoE switch, power converter,
Ethernet patch panel to extend the existing Line 2 PAI System in SSE.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a PAI System that extends and is fully compatible with the existing
Line 2 PAI System.
(d) The Contractor shall extend the existing Line 2 PAI System in SSE for the purposes of:
(i) providing passenger assistance; and
(ii) reporting of security incidents and initiate emergency response operations.
(e) The Contractor shall extend the existing Line 2 PAI system to integrate with the OPSLAN
(f) The Contractor shall ensure the TTC’s centralized IP full duplex system manages all its PAI calls
from PAI units.
(g) The Contractor shall provide PAI devices that are fully compatible with existing TTC headend
system currently provided by NetSpire.
(h) The Contractor shall provide type 1 PAI intercom devices with:
(i) the emergency assistance button; and
(ii) the customer information button.
(i) The Contractor shall provide types 2, 3, 4 and 6 PAI intercom devices with one button (help) to
dial the operator station inside the Zone Hub room.
(j) The Contractor shall provide PAI intercom devices with the PAI handset in the elevator control
room to only be able to call one elevator cabin intercom (DM-0803-10):
(i) for elevator communication and PAI requirements refer to ASME A17.1/CSA B44.
(k) The Contractor shall provide PAI devices at following locations:

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(i) at the fare lines (paid and unpaid transaction zones);

(ii) Designated Waiting Area(s) including waiting areas in bus terminals;
(iii) all elevator lobby(s) and landing(s);
(iv) pedestrian tunnel(s), as required;
(v) inside elevator cab(s);
(vi) all Areas of Refuge at stations (as required);
(vii) handset PAI inside elevator machine rooms;
(viii) locations as defined, reviewed through security reviews by the Contractor, Contracting
Authority, TTC and other Stakeholders; and
(ix) outside of the Zone Hub.
(l) The Contractor shall provide PAI units in the entire station and bus facilities to include localized
Hearing Loop to support tele-coil wireless technologies for assisting hearing impaired
(m) The Contractor shall provide a PAI unit in elevator cars, elevator lobby(s) and landing(s)
equipped with hearing induction loop technologies to support hearing impaired individuals.
(n) The Contractor shall provide PAI units in elevator cars in accordance with ASME A17.1/CSA
B44, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators.
(o) The Contractor shall provide at least one PAI unit outside of the Zone Hub to include localized
Hearing Loop to support tele-coil wireless technologies for assisting hearing impaired
(p) The Contractor shall provide at least one enhanced PAI unit with an accessible visual display
(screen) as input device (keyboard) to support text communication (text input and output) for the
benefit of customers who are deaf, hard of hearing and non-verbal and localized Hearing Loop to
support tele-coil wireless technologies for hearing impaired individuals:
(i) at the fare line, paid and un-paid sides;
(ii) adjacent to fare vending equipment;
(iii) at DWAs at platform level; and
(iv) at bus waiting areas.
(q) The Contractor shall provide two PAI consoles with handset and display screen and speaker at the
Zone Hub room to place and receive PAI calls.
(r) The Contractor shall provide required PAI System configuration to forward a PAI call to another
PAI console for cases where all PAI consoles monitoring a certain set of intercoms are engaged. Interface Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall provide a PAI System in which the activation of an intercom within the
CCTV coverage range (especially, at the DWAs) will automatically trigger the associated camera

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(via ICS) to display video image of the location at the active console designated at that time to
take the call (which may be in TCC or in a Zone Hub Room, except for the washrooms).
(b) The Contractor shall ensure the PAI system is configured to route and escalate the intercom calls
as per TTC DM 0803-10.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a PAI System in which all intercom units will be utilizing POE
cabling with RJ45 termination on each end and will be terminated to local switches, which will
interface with the OPSLAN Network in the CER.
(d) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC to configure the PAI devices to interface with the
existing PAI headend system. Passenger Visual Information System (PVIS) System Description
(a) The intent of the Passenger Visual Information System (PVIS) is to provide visual displays to
passengers on the transit system status and any ongoing alerts, which allows customers to make
informed decisions at key locations leading to efficient journey planning.
(b) PVIS shall allow the Operator to add, edit, and delete broadcast messages shown in digital
(c) The current TTC’s PVIS vendor is Pattison OneStop. General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall provide a PVIS to display the following information to transit passengers:
(i) transit system status;
(ii) informational, emergency, pre-recorded or ad-hoc messages; and
(iii) any ongoing alerts.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a PVIS that enables authorized staff to remotely control and operate
the PVIS from offsite locations such as TTC and GO Transit Control Centres.
(c) The Contractor shall provide PVIS to display real-time, location-based, accurate, and consistent
information for customers.
(d) The Contractor shall provide power, network connections and infrastructure between related
controllers in Station’s communication rooms and each digital signage.
(e) The Contractor shall provide cables for network connectivity between digital signages and
Station’s communication rooms (to exclude wireless connectivity).
(f) The Contractor shall provide concealed conduit and cabling infrastructure for digital signages.
(g) The Contractor shall ensure the visual information via digital signage is provided bi-lingual in
both English and French as per the French Language Act.
(h) The Contractor shall provide a PVIS translation system to display ad-hoc and predefined text-
based messages on digital displays in both French and English.

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(i) The Contractor shall provide a PVIS to display, at a minimum, the following information from
transit agencies operating at the Station to the Passengers:
(i) trip information such as general transit information and alerts;
(ii) next train arrival information;
(iii) next bus arrival information and bus departure time;
(iv) service changes;
(v) time of day;
(vi) transit System status, as broadcasted from transit control centres;
(vii) emergency announcement;
(viii) authorized advertisement messages;
(ix) disruptions across different modes and transit agencies; and
(x) related journey information.
(j) The Contractor shall provide digital signages at the following locations, including:
(i) at subway platform level;
(ii) at bus terminals:
(A) at central location inside bus waiting areas, for information on vehicle routes and
status of each vehicle movement; and
(B) in bus terminals at passenger loading platforms, to display the arrival time of the
next vehicle and the destination of the route; and
(iii) at other public areas such as entrances, landing and concourse level connections.
(k) The Contractor shall ensure the placement of each digital signage is coordinated with the CCTV
cameras on platforms so that the digital signages are clearly visible to customers and do not
obstruct CCTV cameras’ field of view. Interface Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall provide required cable and conduit infrastructure from each operating
agency’s equipment room (regardless of the allocated operator for the bay) to each digital signage
in bus bays to facilitate future re-allocation of bus bays between agencies.
(b) The Contractor shall provide required systems and processes to ensure the bus schedule
information from various authorized agencies are consolidated and displayed on shared digital
(c) The Contractor shall provide required interfaces to existing operator information system, CSDN
(Customer Service Disruption Notification) at transit control centres to display the required
service information and publish pre-recorded and ad-hoc emergency messages issued from transit
control centres.

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(d) The Contractor shall provide a mechanism in PVIS to indicate the failure status and location
information of the malfunctioned PVIS devices and displays to authorized staff at transit control
(e) The Contractor shall provide cable infrastructure and network cable(s) from Digital signages to
ITS Corporate Network switch. Common Network Functions System Description
(a) The intent of this section is to define high level requirements common to the SSE OPSLAN,
SONET and ITS Corporate networks, and requirements to support the third-party broadband
service provider. General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall provide CAT6A, or CAT8 Ethernet cabling, or single mode fibre where
(b) The Contractor shall select appropriate Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) class Ethernet switch and
cable gauge size to assure that power supplied to each PoE-type edge device is not below its
minimum rated voltage.
(c) The Contractor shall avoid using PoE injector devices except if specifically approved by
Contracting Authority.
(d) The Contractor shall avoid using Ethernet extender devices except if specifically approved by
Contracting Authority.
(e) The Contractor shall configure the new devices, to interface with the existing NMS(s) including:
(i) VistaNET for TTC SONET;
(ii) NMS for OPSLAN;
(iii) NMS for the TTC Corporate Network; and
(iv) other networks as required.
(f) The Contractor shall provide to TTC the network information required for TTC to develop the
NMS Management Information Bases (MIB).
(g) The Contractor shall verify compatibility to existing network architecture, interfaces, and
equipment for all Works.
(h) The Contractor shall comply with TTC's latest standard cyber and information security
requirements document(s).
(i) The Contractor shall provide cabling consistency for each of the items:
(A) installation methods and layouts;
(B) colour coding;
(C) termination; and

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(D) identification tag at each cable end and termination for all Works. Broadband Connectivity Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall provide public Wi-Fi and cellular coverage in all station public areas
including bus areas.
(b) To give passengers access to public Wi-Fi and cellular services, the Contractor shall provide
public Wi-Fi and cellular coverage in the tunnels.
(c) The Contractor shall provide cable, conduit infrastructure and active equipment in each Station
and throughout the tunnels to support deployment of public Wi-Fi and cellular services through
the future third party broadband service provider.
(d) The Contractor shall coordinate all equipment locations with the future third party broadband
service provider.
(e) The Contractor shall provide cable infrastructure and fibre cable to Outside Plant (OSP)
demarcation point to support the broadband connectivity for the future third party broadband
service provider.
(f) The Contractor shall provision equipment space in the CER for the future third party broadband
service provider use. Interface Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall interface each SSE network to the existing Master Clock using Network
Time Protocol (NTP) making it available to each system that requires it.
(b) The Contractor shall provide digital clocks at each end of the platform to be synchronized by
Master Clock via OPSLAN network.
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto to provide equipment and cable
infrastructure space in the Secured Bicycle Parking (Indoor) facility for connectivity to the City
of Toronto network. Train Door Monitoring System System Description
(a) The Train Door Monitoring System (TDMS) provides the ability for train operators to view the
subway car doors from the operator’s cabin while the train is in the station. The Operator may
then operate Passenger doors accordingly without the need of a Guard/Spotter.
(b) TDMS scope of work in SSE is to provide adequate space provisions, power, cable, conduit, and
platform CCTV cameras. If the future decision is made to implement TDMS in SSE, then the
Contractor, in coordination with Contracting Authority and TTC, will take appropriate actions to
identify the project requirements at that time, finalizing specifications with the TDMS vendor
(Systems Integrated) to procure and integrate the TDMS with the SSE including:
(i) equipment cabinets for data connection to OPSLAN switch;
(ii) high-bandwidth TDMS with seamless roaming solution for video streams from Station
CCTV cameras to train and video streams information from train to Station (as per
section 2.3 of the TDMS DM);

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(iii) utilization of LTE-like technology and Wireless Access Point Devices with the following
(A) operating in open space and closed environments (Stations and trains);
(B) wireless access points installed in the Stations to provide seamless video
transmission from Station to train; and
(C) no interference with existing radio communications used in the Stations and
Tunnels; and
(iv) TDMS cameras and Wireless Access Points inclusive of connection to a single access
point without the use of network extenders.
(c) A maximum latency of 250ms between video capture and display on the Onboard Computer
screen must be ensured. General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall, in coordination with Contracting Authority and TTC, finalize the following
list of TDMS provisions in SSE stations for future private dedicated station-to-train video
streaming and data communications, and provide:
(i) adequate space for all the equipment racks;
(ii) conduits and cable infrastructure;
(iii) cameras (refer to Section (CCTV System));
(iv) adequate space for wireless broadband infrastructure network; and power.
(b) The Contractor shall consider Systems Integrated’s (current TDMS vendor) installation
requirements on Line 1 for provisioning of future TDMS Work in SSE.
(c) The Contractor shall install emergency power and data connection to OPSLAN switch, including
all cables and conduits.
(d) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC and Systems Integrated to provide space provision,
cable and conduit infrastructure for TDMS wireless access points in the train storage areas and
tail tracks.
(e) The Contractor shall minimize the total TDMS latency by providing:
(i) low latency cameras;
(ii) TDMS cameras serving each train connected to a common network device; and
(iii) conduit and cabling to allow access points to be connected to the same network devices
serving the TDMS cameras. Access Control System System Description
(a) The Access Control System (ACS) provides control over physical access to authorized personnel
into designated rooms in Stations and substations. Additionally, the ACS System enables
operators to view ACS status, alarms, and real-time events.

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(a) The Contractor shall provide an ACS System for the SSE at each Station and substations to
enable authorized users control over physical access into designated rooms and selected doors.
(b) The Contractor shall provide an ACS System that is fully compatible with the existing ACS,
based on the Tyco/Software House C·CURE 9000 software and C·CURE 9000 System server:
(i) all new devices must be connected to the existing TTC’s C·CURE 9000 system. New
equipment and hardware must be completely integrated with the current version of
(c) The Contractor shall, in coordination with Contracting Authority and TTC, configure and expand
the existing C-CURE 9000 ACS to connect to, and integrate with, all new ACS equipment and
(d) The Contractor shall provide information regarding new doors, devices, controllers, and rooms
required for TTC to complete the System headend configuration and to purchase additional
licenses acquired in accordance with the number of new devices.
(e) The Contractor shall provide door controllers that are connected to the TTC’s OPSLAN
(f) The Contractor shall use non-PoE versions of door controller.
(g) The Contractor shall provide door controller panels that are compatible with the existing TTC
(h) For safety-critical doors, the Contractor shall provide ACS Edge door controllers with no more
than two doors.
(i) For non-safety applications, and in accordance with building layout and design, the Contractor
shall provide combination of door controller models with maximum of four or sixteen doors per
(j) The Contractor shall provide ACS door controllers and power supplies that are powered by
Station’s emergency power.
(k) In accordance with TTC requirements, and regardless of installed ACS, the Contractor shall
provide keyed locking door hardware.
(l) The Contractor shall ensure that all ACS equipment and hardware are hard-wired, commercial
grade, and solidly built and designed to endure high traffic.
(m) The Contractor shall provide ACS equipment and hardware cablings that are:
(i) in accordance with ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B standard; and
(ii) Access Control composite cables.
(n) The Contractor shall provide ACS card readers compatible with existing TTC HID multiCLASS
SE model card readers which supports 125 kHz and 13.56 MHz frequencies.
(o) The Contractor shall install the ACS equipment and hardware to comply with all provincial and
federal codes, including the following:

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(i) ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.1;
(ii) ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2;
(iii) ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.3;
(iv) Ontario Building Code;
(v) Ontario Electrical Safety Code;
(vi) NFPA 70; and
(vii) Ontario Fire Code and Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.
(p) Based on security analysis and TVA, the Contractor shall coordinate with Contracting Authority
to provide confirmed list of rooms that require ACS. The list of rooms with ACS may include:
(i) Station entrances;
(ii) Station Attendant Booths;
(iii) Zone Hub rooms;
(iv) Station back-of house corridors;
(v) maintenance rooms;
(vi) assigned rooms; and
(vii) Substation entrances.
(q) The Contractor shall provide the ACS, where in emergency situations, allow proper egress such
that no special knowledge or card is required to safely exit an area. Interface Requirements
(a) For future ACS and CCTV integration purposes, the Contractor shall ensure the ACS System is:
(i) compatible with Genetec Security Center 5.9 or higher; and
(ii) provided with Genetec Secure Centre plug-in module for Genetec Omnicast.
(b) To provide alarm indication at TCC, the Contractor shall provide ACS with integration provisions
to SCADA. Communication Systems in Facilities Communication Systems in Zone Hub rooms
(a) The Contractor shall provide required systems and provisions as per below table.
(b) The contractor shall provide required cable, conduit infrastructure and network connections (for
all systems including SCADA system) at the zone hub. In future, if SCADA system is required in
the zone hub, TTC will provide SCADA equipment (computer, client modules, screens, etc.).

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Table 3.27-1. Communication Systems in Zone Hub Rooms Provision for Communication Systems in Station Attendant Booth

(a) The Contractor shall provide the Systems below and provisions in Station Attendant Booth:

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(i) PSTN and VOIP telephone ports;

(ii) two ports for ITS corporate network users;
(iii) two OPSLAN ports;
(iv) hand-held radio chargers inside the Station Attendant Booths;
(v) one public-address microphone unit inside the Station Attendant Booth, to facilitate
making PA announcements to selected PA zone;
(vi) one talk-through intercom system at Station Attendant Booth window, to facilitate two-
way and localized conversation between the patron and the attendant, when the Station
Attendant Booth is staffed;
(vii) SCADA System access;
(viii) integral HMI/control panel (via screen displays) to allow attendant staff to monitor and
(A) all station exterior doors;
(B) all elevators within the Station; and
(C) all escalators (monitoring only) withing the station;
(ix) required space, cable and infrastructure for the fare gates controllers;
(x) network connectivity between the video server for the Station and a CCTV video display
System in the booth; and
(xi) CCTV camera inside the Station Attendant Booth. Communication Systems in Communication Equipment Rooms (4.060)
(a) The Contractor shall provide required number of racks for the Systems listed below (separate
racks) in each Communication Equipment Room in the SSE Stations:
(i) CCTV;
(ii) SONET;
(iii) fiber splice enclosures;
(iv) OPSLAN;
(v) SCADA;
(vi) Public Address;
(vii) TTC’s ITS Corporate Network;
(viii) space provision for PVIS;
(ix) Station DAS equipment;
(x) public Wi-Fi and cellular equipment;
(xi) space provision for the future third party broadband service provider use;

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(xii) space provision for PEDs;

(xiii) Contracting Authority LAN (future); and
(xiv) ET System.
(b) The Contractor shall provide 25% addition floor space in each Station CER as allowance for the
additional racks (to be provisioned as empty floor space), to accommodate future rack
(c) The Contractor shall provide cable/conduit infrastructure, power, lighting and cooling Systems to
accommodate the extension project installed and future additional racks.
(d) The highest power and cooling loads of the installed racks shall be assumed for future racks when
designing the CER M&E Systems.
(e) Information note: PAI, RTMS, Access Control Systems and their associated control panels and
controllers will be accommodated in CERs.
(f) The Contractor shall provide cable and conduit infrastructure from bus bays at bus charging
facilities to Communication Equipment Room in Stations where bus charging facilities are
installed. Communication Satellite Room (4.160)
(a) The Contractor shall provide Communication satellite rooms to accommodate racks, enclosures,
and equipment such as satellite Layer 2 access switches.
(b) The Contractor shall provide Communication satellite rooms located at grade, concourse and
platform levels as required to facilitate cable lengths of no more than 90m between IP devices and
the access switch. Communication Cable Pull Rooms (4.150)
(a) The Contractor shall provide Communication Cable Pull Room close to the end of each platform
to pull the cables from the tunnel guideway and route them to the Communications Equipment
(b) The Contractor shall provide FDPs in cable pull rooms designed to facilitate fibre terminations
and future changes to fibre usage.
(c) The Contractor shall terminate the BCN FO backbone cables on dedicated FDP(s) in
Communication Cable Pull Room.
(d) The Contractor shall provide space for DAS equipment feeding the Tunnels and Platform areas in
the Communication Cable Pull Room to minimize signal loss. Telephone Equipment Room
(a) The Contractor shall provide Telephone Equipment Room at grade level or concourse level in
each Passenger Station, next to CER to provide telephone communication service to the station
(DM–0402-04 STATION PLANNING Station Sizing Section 4.4 SERVICE ROOMS –
ELECTRICAL) and Tunnels.

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(b) The Contractor shall provide Telephone Room to house panels on the wall, termination boards
and power supplies. Trackside Communications Conduits
(a) The Contractor shall coordinate with Contracting Authority and TTC to provide required number
of conduits and sizes to serve communication and integrated control systems such as BCN, DAS,
SCADA, Telephone, ET equipment, commercial application, etc.
(b) Information: When designing the trackside conduit system, the Contractor will consider the
required number of spare conduits in duct bank inside the safety walkway and the cable bending
radius and pulling requirements. Fibre Optic cables for commercial applications
(a) The Contractor shall provide one 96SMFO cable in conduit, embedded in the safety walkway,
from the existing terminal station (exact locations TBD) to the new terminal station for future
commercial applications. The cable segments between each station shall terminate in the
communications cable pull rooms.
(b) The Contractor shall provide conduits between each station communications cable pull rooms and
the CER and telephone room to allow a 3rd party outside of the subway station with easier access
to the commercial FO cable. Cable and Conduit Infrastructure for other Stakeholders
(a) The Contractor shall coordinate with City of Toronto to provide conduit and cable infrastructure
for City of Toronto's Secured Bicycle Parking (Indoor) ACS and CCTV camera(s).
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate with participant regional transit agencies to provide required
cable and conduit infrastructure. Regional Bus Transit Communications Regional Bus Transit Communication – General Requirements
(a) Information: the following general requirements are applicable to:
(i) GO Transit at SCS; and
(ii) YRT at Sheppard East Station
(b) The Contractor shall provide cable and conduit infrastructure to support the connectivity for each
regional bus transit agency communication network within the Station.
(c) The Contractor shall provide cable and conduit infrastructure which allows integration of the
communication systems of each regional bus transit agency at the Station with the existing
headend Systems at respective offsite control centres.
(d) The Contractor shall provide Interfaces with controls with each regional transit agency’s control
centres using the Station regional bus transit communication system to support the operation of
the following Station Communication Systems, as required:

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(i) Passenger Visual Information System (PVIS): information from regional bus transit
agencies, such as service alerts and bus schedules, to be displayed on PVIS in the Bus
Terminal area;
(ii) Public Address (PA): remote messaging from each regional bus transit control centre to
Station PA System;
(iii) Passenger Assistance Intercom (PAI): spare conduit and cables from units located in Bus
Terminals to Communications Room with regional bus transit communications
equipment to facilitate potential connection of PAI units to each present regional bus
transit communication network; and
(iv) Data and voice: conduit and cabling to be provided from data and voice network
locations to each regional bus transit communications cabinet.
(e) The Contractor shall provide dedicated racks or cabinets in Communication Rooms for regional
bus transit communications equipment.
(f) The Contractor shall provide lockable cabinet(s) to house each regional bus transit
(g) The Contractor shall provide regional bus transit communications network switches with
redundant power and communication inputs.
(h) The Contractor shall coordinate with the participant regional transit agencies to develop a CCTV
policy and provide all necessary infrastructure to satisfy the policy. DRT Communications – General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall coordinate with DRT and Contracting Authority to confirm the scope of
work for the DRT communication systems.

3.27.5 Integrated Control Systems Fire Signal Receiving Center System Description
(a) The intent of the FSRC’s field interface is to allow remote monitoring of the SSE facilities’ fire
alarm systems at TCC by the existing central supervising. General Requirements
(a) The interface to fire alarm System status data at the field-side shall use hardwired connections
from a ULC demarcation box to the fire alarm transmitter enclosure.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a communications circuit from the file alarm transmitter to the
SONET chassis.
(c) The fire alarm transmitter device shall be a Model ESC 8240 or successor.
(d) The Contractor shall install the fire alarm transmitter enclosure consisting of the transmitter and
any associated hardware and wiring hardware.
(e) The Contractor shall install cable infrastructure and cable from FACP to fire alarm transmitter.

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(f) The Contractor shall install cable infrastructure and emergency power circuit cable to the fire
alarm transmitter enclosure. Interface Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall install a communications card in the CER’s SONET chassis and configure
its interface to the fire alarm transmitter.
(b) The Contractor shall provide all necessary hardware to meet the manufacturer’s specifications for
cable distance between the fire alarm transmitter and the SONET node.
(c) The Contractor shall configure the fire alarm transmitter interface with the FSRC headend to
follow TTC’s convention and configuration of the existing FSRC interface on Line 2. SCADA System Description
(a) The existing TTC SCADA system is comprised of two operational/user components: Power
Control and Transit Control. The field-side of both report to the existing Wonderware software
platform (SCADA) headend that will be expanded to include SSE at TCC.
(b) The SCADA System interfaces with each Subsystem through:
(i) a network connection; or
(ii) I/O circuits for status and control to the SCADA PLC System.
(c) The SSE Subsystems interfacing to SCADA are traction power, emergency trip System, tunnel
ventilation, facility power, pump stations, snow/ice melting, intrusion detection, emergency
power, plus various equipment status and miscellaneous points. Miscellaneous SCADA points
(equipment status, etc.) that cannot be connected to the network will be wired as status inputs to
the SCADA PLC System.
(d) The SCADA System provides continuity of local and integrated operation of the subsystems
across the entire TTC Line 2, including the future SSE.
(e) The Contractor for some subsystems shall include an HMI for their process control that will
incorporate SCADA data tags aligned with the SCADA headend, to be determined in
coordination with TTC and Contracting Authority.
(f) If SCADA system is required in the Zone Hub, TTC will provide the SCADA workstation. General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall provide SCADA connectivity to the headend, which is encapsulated on a
network connection that is part of the SONET.
(b) The Contractor shall incorporate TTC cyber security requirements in all Works.
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC to establish and execute a process for the exchange of
SSE information needed for TTC to perform the modifications to the SCADA headend System.
(d) The Contractor shall configure and align SSE SCADA data tags or points with the SCADA
headend consistent with TTC conventions.

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(e) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC to configure and program the SCADA PLC System
and HMIs adhering to current TTC conventions.
(f) The Contractor shall provide a SCADA PLC System at each station.
(g) The Contractor shall connect the SCADA PLC to the SCADA network.
(h) The Contractor shall provide a SCADA HMI in the CER as part of the SCADA cabinet.
(i) The Contractor shall provide a SCADA HMI in the Station Attendant Booth.
(j) The Contractor shall provide required network connection, cable and conduit infrastructure for
SCADA at the Zone Hub.
(k) The Contractor shall provide cable infrastructure and power cable both normal and emergency
power supplies to the SCADA PLC System.
(l) The Contractor shall provide cable infrastructure and I/O control cable from the SCADA PLC
System to each elevator and escalator controller / PLC.
(m) The Contractor shall coordinate with Contracting Authority regarding identification and detail
design of critical rooms requiring high temperature status reporting to SCADA.
(n) The Contractor shall provide a humidity sensor in the traction power tie breaker room that reports
humidity level to SCADA headend.
(o) The Contractor shall provide cable infrastructure and I/O control cable to the SCADA PLC
System for Subsystems reporting points to SCADA that do not have a network or
communications connection. Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
(a) The Contractor shall design the IDS to interface directly (wired) to the SCADA PLC.
(b) The Contractor shall provide required door status contacts, cable and conduit infrastructure for
applicable station and trackside doors as per TTC DM 0104-00.
(c) The Contractor shall provide cable infrastructure and control cable from each platform end gate
status contact to the SCADA PLC System.
(d) The Contractor shall configure the SCADA PLC to report IDS points to the SCADA headend. Interface Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall configure the network to allow communication from each subsystem
interfacing with SCADA to the SCADA headend.
(b) The Contractor shall use the Ethernet/IP or Modbus/TCP protocol to communicate SCADA
information to the SCADA headend.
(c) The Contractor shall provide devices that interface with SCADA to support a minimum of 16
simultaneous network connections.
(d) The Contractor shall provide a SCADA system capable of monitoring and/or controlling of
subsystems using either digital I/O or network connection.

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(e) The Contractor shall interface and configure the Kennedy Station East Fan Plant SVS to
communicate its SCADA points through the existing Kennedy Station West Fan Plant SVS PLC
System (KEW activity) via remote or distributed I/O. Permanent Work Area Warning System System Description
(a) The intent of the PWAW system is to provide visual notification (warning) on the WAWD (Work
Area Warning Device) and in-cab to the vehicle operator of personnel entering the wayside at
Track Level from a Passenger Station.
(b) The notification shall cover the wayside/tracks between Passenger Stations, as personnel entering
the wayside are required to enter PWAW System information at the platform HMI.
(c) The notification shall be seen by the vehicle operator both:
(i) on the track between the rails during station stop dwells; and
(ii) onboard continuously.
(d) The interface technology between the train and the WAWD shall be RFID. General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall install PWAW HMI at the ends of each platform, in locations to be
coordinated with TTC.
(i) the HMI to be installed within 1.0 m of the platform EAS; and
(ii) the HMI to be installed within EAS recess.
(b) The Contractor shall install PLCs at the ends of each platform, in locations to be coordinated with
(c) The HMI shall be secured for Operations personnel access only.
(d) The PLC shall be secured for Maintenance personnel access only.
(e) PLC and HMI shall connect to a backup power circuit.
(f) PLC and HMI shall connect directly to an OPSLAN Ethernet switch.
(g) The Contractor shall assemble and configure the WAWD to TTC specifications.
(h) The Contractor shall install the WAWD centered between running rails.
(i) The Contractor shall locate the WAWD 15 m from leaving end of platform.
(j) The Contractor shall coordinate WAWD location and separation with other wayside tags.
(k) The Contractor shall install cable infrastructure and I/O control and power cable between PLC
and WAWD.
(l) The Contractor shall install cable infrastructure and emergency power circuit cable to the PWAW

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(m) The Contractor shall configure and program the PLC complying with TTC’s process and
(n) The Contractor shall program the HMI with screen displays complying with TTC’s convention
and configuration. Interface Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall install cable infrastructure and communications cable from PLC to OPSLAN
network switch.
(b) The Contractor shall configure the PLC to communicate on OPSLAN network.
(c) The Contractor shall configure the PLC to interface with the existing PWAW headend using
Modbus/TCP protocol aligned with TTC’s convention of data interface and configuration.
(d) The Contractor shall configure the PLC to interface directly with the adjacent Station PLC in the
WAW zone using Modbus/TCP protocol aligned with TTC’s convention of data interface and
(e) The Contractor shall interface the HMI to the PLC. Emergency Trip System System description (Information)
(a) The SSE ETS includes sequentially organized ET zones of TP contact rails (called third rail), that
extends eastward from the existing zone-4 ETS at Kennedy Station. The boundary between the
Kennedy and the first SSE ET zone is where the first section gap between the two zones,
established for a new EOIS, at approximately Sta 10+047.43.
(b) The TP third rail section in each ET zone is powered via DFBs by the TPSS in the local and
upstream ET zones. General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall provide an ETS which complies with DM-0803-09.
(b) The Contractor shall provide an ETS design that divides the SSE TP into ET zones.
(c) The Contractor shall provide an ETCC for each ET zone, in the CERs of Passenger Stations and
TPSS where applicable.
(d) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC on the design of ETCCs, and related control logics.
(e) The Contractor shall provide ETCCs no more than 1829 mm wide and 1829mm tall.
(f) The Contractor shall design the ETCCs based on 125VDC (as is used in the existing ETCCs) or
approved alternative that will allow the system to perform reliably.
(g) The Contractor shall provide an ETS which has an interface to the headend SCADA System.
(h) The Contractor shall provide ETCCs which apply a direct trip action/command only to the DC
power breakers (DFB, SB, TB) in the same ET zone.

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(i) The Contractor shall provide ETCCs which request trip action/command to DC feeder breakers in
an adjacent ET zone by way of hard-wired ‘interzonal lockout’ interlocks connected to the ETCC
in related adjacent ET zone.
(j) The Contractor shall provide ETCCs in which direct and indirect (via interzonal lockout
interlocks) trip action/commands to DC power breakers (DFB, SB, TB) are considered critical
(k) The Contractor shall provide ETCCs which activate an ET condition upon input from a shorting
switch or ET switch.
(l) The Contractor shall provide an ETS which prevents closing of DC power breakers (DFB, SB,
TB) and switches unless related ET condition is reset.
(m) The Contractor shall provide an ETS which allows clearing (resetting) of an ET condition after all
related ET switches and SSWs are opened.
(n) The Contractor shall provide an ETS which accepts a reset command to an ET condition via the
local HMI and local push button.
(o) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC to ensure that ETCC local user interfaces, including
the HMIs, push buttons, physical switches and indications are consistent with the user interfaces
on the existing ETCCs.
(p) The Contractor shall provide an ETS which accepts a remote reset command to an ET condition
issued from the SCADA headend HMIs at TCC/BTCC, and presented to related ETCC via
SCADA network connection and as hardwired critical input from a nearby PLC DO circuit.
(q) The Contractor shall provide an ETS which includes:
(i) status inputs from DC breakers in the ET zone;
(ii) tie-breaker trip output; and
(iii) logic where upon an open status input from any DC breakers, a trip command shall be
initiated for the associated tie-breaker.
(r) The Contractor shall program the HMI on ETCCs to support control, view and monitoring of the
ETS. Devices and Equipment
(a) The Contractor shall provide an ETS which includes the following core elements:
(i) redundant PLCs in each ETCC;
(ii) redundant interface connections to SONET nodes;
(iii) interactive HMI device in ETCCs;
(iv) related control and signal cables;
(v) emergency alarm stations;
(vi) emergency trip reset; and
(vii) interzonal lockout' cabling between adjacent ET zones.

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(b) The Contractor shall provide ETCCs which comprise of redundant PLCs for critical I/O’s, and a
third PLC for non-critical I/O’s.
(c) The Contractor shall provide ETCCs which uses the PLC for non-redundant I/O’s for interfacing
with headend SCADA System using Modbus/TCP protocol.
(d) The Contractor shall provide ETCCs which interface with headend SCADA System via a nearby
SONET node, using diversely routed network cables.
(e) The Contractor shall provide ETCCs which is each equipped on front panel with an HMI device,
isolating switches, alarm and indicating lamps, buzzer and ET reset push button, as coordinated
with TTC.
(f) The Contractor shall provide ETCCs which use, for critical I/O circuits, PLC input and output
modules capable of detecting broken wire condition(s) and applying that to an annunciation
action only.
(g) The Contractor shall identify and provide required ETS PLC circuit design, in coordination with
TTC, to achieve a 3-state function for critical I/O points.
(h) The Contractor shall provide emergency alarm stations which include emergency trip button,
telephone, signage, and blue light.
(i) The Contractor shall provide emergency alarm stations for the following locations:
(i) at the ends of Station Platforms;
(ii) EEBs at Track Level;
(iii) cross-passages;
(iv) fire-fighter access points at Track Level;
(v) TPSSs; and
(vi) 150m intervals along the right-of-way per subway tunnel.
(j) The Contractor, in coordination with TTC, shall provide additional emergency alarm stations
based on hazard and operational analysis. Kennedy Station Tie-in
(a) The Contractor shall provide design for existing Kennedy ET zone including:
(i) logic changes required for the integration of the new ET zone with the existing Kennedy
zone; and
(ii) Interzonal cabling between the new ET zone and existing Kennedy zone.
(b) The Contractor shall provide and prepare all ETS cables leading into the existing ETCC in
Kennedy Station for terminations by TTC personnel.
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC for modifications to the existing Kennedy Station
(i) TTC will perform and implement required hardware and software modifications.

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(a) The Contractor shall configure the SSE networks to allow integration of the SSE ETS into the
existing SCADA System at TCC.
(b) The Contractor shall, in coordination with TTC, configure ETS PLC connectivity with the
headend SCADA Systems. Cable Work required by the Contractor
(a) The Contractor shall provide raceway/conduit infrastructure and cabling:
(i) between ETCC and traction power breakers (DFBs, SBs, TBs);
(ii) between ETCC and traction power switches SSWs and EOISs;
(iii) between ETCC and ET switch at emergency alarm stations;
(iv) between ETCC and redundant power sources;
(v) for interzonal lockout interlocks between an ETCC and adjacent ETCC(s);
(vi) between ETCC and SCADA PLC cabinet; and
(vii) redundant network connections between ETCC and SONET-based Ethernet switch for
SCADA connection. Real-Time Monitoring System System Description
(a) The intent of the RTMS System is to achieve remote monitoring only of individual elevators and
escalators by integrating them into the RTMS headend platform.
(b) The “RTMS PLC” shall be situated between and connect to both the Machine PLC and RTMS
headend, functioning as a data gateway. General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall configure the network to allow communication from each RTMS PLC to the
RTMS headend.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a local RTMS unit including display in the CER connected to the
OPSLAN for monitoring, diagnosis and troubleshooting.
(c) The Contractor shall investigate the possibility of using a single RTMS PLC for multiple lifting
devices. Interface Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall configure the OPSLAN Ethernet switch for each RTMS PLC using the same
(b) The Contractor shall install cable infrastructure and communications cable from each RTMS PLC
to OPSLAN network switch.
(c) The Contractor shall use the Ethernet/IP or Modbus/TCP protocol to communicate elevator and
escalator information to the RTMS headend.

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3.27.6 Traction Power Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall conform to relevant standards, policies, laws, guidelines or practices
applicable to the Project, including any standards or regulatory requirements by each of the
following organizations:
(i) American National Standards Institute (ANSI);
(ii) National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA);
(iii) Canadian Standards Association (CSA);
(iv) Toronto City Council and Committees;
(v) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE);
(vi) International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC);
(vii) Underwriters Laboratories Canada (ULC);
(viii) The Province of Ontario's Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing;
(ix) Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA);
(x) Electrical Equipment Manufacturers Association of Canada (EEMAC);
(xi) Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA);
(xii) ASTM International;
(xiii) International Electrical Testing Association (NETA);
(xiv) National Electric Contractors Association (NECA);
(xv) Electrical Safety Authority (ESA);
(xvi) Toronto Transit Commission (TTC);
(xvii) Toronto Hydro-Electric Systems Limited (THESL);
(xviii) American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-way Association (AREMA);
(xix) American Public Transportation Association (APTA); and
(xx) National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA). General Requirements

(a) The Traction Power System (TPS) equipment includes Traction Power Substations (TPSS)
equipment and all ancillary equipment including:
(i) AC power cables;
(ii) raceway systems;
(iii) AC switchgear;
(iv) Transformer Rectifier Unit (TRU);

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(v) DC switchgear;
(vi) traction power positive and negative cables;
(vii) negative drain equipment - drain switches, blocking diodes, and utility drain cables;
(viii) Floating Negative Automatic Grounding Switch (FNAGS);
(ix) contact rail (traction power rail) system;
(x) Electrically Operated Isolating Switch (EOIS);
(xi) Shorting Switch (SSW);
(xii) Negative Reinforcing Feeder (NRF) cables;
(xiii) grounding system;
(xiv) protective device systems;
(xv) Communications Systems in accordance with Section 3.27.4 (Communication Systems);
(xvi) TPSS building auxiliary power supply system;
(xvii) climatic control - HVAC in accordance with Section 3.20.6 (HVAC);
(xviii) control power system for TPSS equipment;
(xix) Medium Voltage (MV) lightning arresters;
(xx) Medium Voltage (MV) protection;
(xxi) SCADA system in accordance with Section (SCADA); and
(xxii) any additional TPS equipment required to meet these Project Requirements.
(b) The Contractor shall construct the TPSS at ground level or at second level:
(i) the TPSS cable room can be constructed below, at, or above grade; and
(ii) where space is limited, traction power rectifiers can be installed inside the TPSS control
room without a separate rectifier room.
(c) At Sheppard East Rapid Transit location, the Contractor shall make provisions and space
allocations for future power capacity expansion of TPSS-04 as follows:
(i) one additional future Transformer Rectifier Unit (apart from the future third TRU for
(ii) two future AC switchgear sections;
(iii) five future DC switchgear sections; and
(iv) assumption is that the potential expansion is a Subway system. Performance Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall provide a TPS to support the required train service levels during Normal and
Contingency operations of the TPS, meeting the electrical values as noted herein.

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(b) The Contractor shall provide the TPS design to support the train service level of 100 second
(c) Normal and Contingency operation of the TPSS shall be defined as:
(i) Normal - the TPS is in full operation with all feeder breakers in closed positions to
support the scheduled train service level; and
(ii) Contingency - the TPS maintains the scheduled train service level with loss of supply on
both incoming medium voltage power lines at one Traction Power Substation. In this
scenario, the DC feeder breakers in the substation remain closed and operate as a circuit
breaker house.
(d) The Contractor shall base the design of Traction Power System (TPS) on the following criteria
and ratings:
(i) nominal contact rail voltage at full load: 570 Vdc;
(ii) maximum contact rail regenerative braking cut off voltage: 720 Vdc;
(iii) minimum allowable contact rail voltage: 400Vdc for Normal operation of TPS and 350
Vdc for Contingency operation of TPS; and
(iv) maximum rail to ground voltage: 70 Vdc.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure the TPS and its associated equipment is designed, supplied and
installed to operate maximum train lengths operating at ultimate line capacity for the system
configuration while performing satisfactorily under the environmental conditions for the place at
which its equipment is to be installed.
(f) The environmental service conditions for TPS equipment is noted within the applicable
IEEE/ANSI Standards for the specific electrical equipment/components.
(g) The Contractor shall provide traction power equipment room space conditions as per Section
3.20.7 - HVAC.
(h) The Contractor shall provide a traction power distribution system such that the running rails are
insulated from ground and there is no intentional connection to ground (earth potential) under
normal conditions.
(i) The Contractor shall ensure the traction return is through the negative rail of each track and
Negative Reinforcing Feeder (NRF) cables interconnected with negative rails as necessary.
(j) The Contractor shall ensure the positive and negative cables between the track level and the TPSS
are sized in accordance with load flow simulation results and recognized DC (direct current)
ampacity tables from the cable manufacturer or APTA (American Public Transportation
Association) DC ampacity tables.
(k) The Contractor shall perform load flow studies to confirm the basis of the design and analysis of
the TPSS locations and traction power equipment ratings, considering the following:
(i) the load flow studies to be computer generated simulations of the electrical system
utilizing validated traction system study software;

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(ii) the load flow studies to utilize the defined running rail type/size indicated under Section
3.27.2 (Track & Formation);
(iii) the load flow studies to implement two 1500kcmil, 2kV Negative Reinforcing Feeder
(NRF) cables, per track, as the basis within the load flow analysis;
(iv) the two Negative Reinforcing Feeder (NRF) cables, per track, are required for
redundancy purposes of this asset/component;
(v) the load flow studies to use 74.4 kg/m (150 lbs./yard) steel contact rail, to represent the
600Vdc positive distribution network, as the basis within the load flow analysis;
(vi) the load flow studies to be performed for Normal and Contingency operation scenarios
and based upon worst case DC system loading;
(vii) the worst case DC system loading to include power for train vehicles (running and
standing loads) and any wayside heater equipment connected to the traction power
distribution system;
(viii) load flow studies to analyze negative rail potentials for the entire track alignment
focusing on touch potentials for areas within 2m of the track;
(ix) regenerative braking to be used in the determination of DC feeder sizes but not be
considered during the Normal operation performance simulation; and
(x) where and when sufficient receptivity exists, the system must be designed with sufficient
ampacity to accept the power generated by regenerative braking for any stationary or
moving electrical loads supplied by contact rail system.
(l) The Contractor shall ensure all TPSS AC electrical equipment is CSA or ULC approved.
(m) The Contractor shall ensure the TPS meets the requirements set out in IEEE 519 for harmonic
disturbance and requirements mandated by THESL conditions of service.
(n) The Contractor shall develop a protective device coordination plan and relay settings for the
entire TPS that selectively minimizes down time.
(o) The Contractor shall ensure the negative rail to ground voltage rise is limited to 70Vdc under all
operating conditions.
(p) The Contractor shall ensure emergency trip devices are included within each TPSS and are
adjacent to control room entrance.
(q) The Contractor shall ensure the emergency trip devices, upon activation, de-energize the entire
TPSS and its associated line sections and the DC sections at adjacent TPSS back feeding into the
TPSS. Traction Power Substation Locations

(a) The following have been identified as TPSS locations:
(i) TPSS-01, refer to Section;
(ii) TPSS-02, refer to Section;

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(iii) TPSS-03, refer to Section; and

(iv) TPSS-04, refer to Section
(b) The Contractor shall verify TPSS locations by performing a load flow study. Traction Power Requirements General
(a) The Contractor shall provide Transformer Rectifier Units (TRUs), consisting of a rectifier
transformer, the associated traction power rectifier and interconnecting means:
(i) the TRU to be designed and proto-type tested as an integral unit;
(ii) the TRU, as a minimum, have a silicon diode type, 12 pulse unregulated rectifier unit in
compliance with ANSI C34.2 Circuit 31 configuration;
(iii) the TRU to be designed to meet the requirements of latest editions of IEEE 1653.1 and
IEEE 1653.2;
(iv) rectifier transformers may be installed indoors or outdoors:
(A) for indoor transformer yards, the rectifier transformer to be dry type, vacuum
pressure impregnation or vacuum pressure encapsulated construction, convection
cooled with no forced cooling necessary to meet the extra-heavy traction service
operations requirement and two-stage temperature monitoring for winding; and
(B) for outdoor transformer yards, the rectifier transformer to be liquid-filled type
with no forced cooling necessary to meet the extra-heavy traction service
operations requirement and two-stage temperature monitoring for both insulating
liquid and windings;
(v) each TRU to be designed for extra-heavy traction service operation with no damage or
degradation of performance:
(A) extra-heavy traction service is as defined in IEEE 1653.2;
(B) TRU DC voltage regulation to be 6% or less at 1-100% rectifier load and to
conform with requirements in TTC DM-0804-10; and
(C) loss of one diode per phase to not reduce the overload capability of the TRU;
(vi) the rectifier transformer to be furnished with two-stage temperature monitor for winding
temperature with the first stage providing an alarm to SCADA and the second stage
resulting in tripping of its upstream AC circuit breaker with alarm indication to SCADA;
(vii) the liquid-filled type rectifier transformer to be furnished with two-stage temperature
monitor for insulating liquid temperature with the first stage providing an alarm to
SCADA and the second stage resulting in tripping of its upstream AC circuit breaker with
alarm indication to SCADA;
(viii) the rectifier to be furnished with two-stage temperature monitoring, two-stage diode
failure monitoring, two-stage enclosure monitoring as a minimum with an alarm to
SCADA for each stage and unit shutdown on second stage;

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(ix) the Contractor to provide door interlocks to permit the door exposing power components
open only when the equipment is de-energized;
(x) in addition to door interlocks, the rectifier, transformer, AC rectifier circuit breaker, and
main cathode breaker shall have door limit switches to de-energize the rectifier and
transformer if an access door exposing power components is opened:
(A) an open-door limit switch to de-energize the rectifier and transformer by tripping
both the AC rectifier and DC main cathode circuit breaker;
(xi) the TRU to be furnished with digital metering for:
(A) DC rectifier current;
(B) DC voltage; and
(C) winding and rectifier overtemperatures;
(xii) rectifier to include high resistance ground fault protection in accordance with the latest
edition of TTC DM-0804-05; and
(xiii) each new TPSS, except for TPSS-01, to have two TRU's and space with provision for a
future third TRU for SSE:
(A) TPSS-01 is allowed to have two TRU's, 1900 kW per each rectifier, without the
space with provision for a third TRU; and
(B) the rating of rectifiers shall be either 1900 kW or 1500 kW for SSE TRU’s.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure TPSS AC switchgear meets the following requirements:
(i) drawout, metal clad arc-resistant type 2C switchgear with arc exhaust protection
mechanism (as defined by ANSI/IEEE C37.20.2 and C37.20.7);
(ii) switchgear sections containing electrical utility (THESL) metering to strictly comply with
the utility’s latest standards and conditions of service:
(A) switchgear sections containing electrical utility (THESL) metering to include bus
spacing for PTs and CTs, grounding provisions, locking, viewing windows and
device labeling;
(iii) doors equipped with interlocks to prevent unsafe operations;
(iv) adequate space for removal and maintenance of all the associated equipment;
(v) multifunction protective devices which, as a minimum, provide functionalities for phase
imbalance, overcurrent, undervoltage, instantaneous & inverse time, diagnostics,
alarming, monitoring, data storage and power metering;
(vi) multifunction protective devices to support IEC 61850 communication protocol;
(vii) equipment to test the AC breakers within the TPSS after it has been removed from its
cubicle; and
(viii) digital metering for SCADA telemetry:
(A) AC voltage;

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(B) AC current; and

(C) power and energy.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure DC switchgear meets the following requirements:
(i) the major elements of the TPSS DC switchgear consist of main cathode circuit breakers,
high speed DC feeder circuit breakers, and PLC based controller with protection
(A) provide one DC compartment for ground fault protective relay, signalling
inverter fuse and substation heater fuse;
(ii) DC switchgear enclosure energized/grounded protection to be provided, which detect
when the enclosure has a positive to frame fault or when grounded:
(A) high resistance type ground fault protection to be implemented in accordance
with the latest edition of TTC DM-0804-05;
(iii) DC switchgear to be metal enclosed draw-out type, rated 900Vdc, single pole, high speed
dc circuit breakers, rated to interrupt maximum available fault current:
(A) equipment to be metal enclosed as defined by the C37 series of ANSI
specifications and prevent the accidental contact of live parts by maintenance
(B) DC switchgear to be provided with separate compartments for control
instrumentation, circuit breaker, and busbar section;
(C) one DC spare breaker to be provided per switchgear for SSE and to have a
minimum continuous current rating of 6,000A with instantaneous overcurrent
(D) DC switchgear to have at least 2m clearance at the front and back and 1.5m
clearance at the sides of the switchgear from uninsulated walls and grounded
objects; and
(E) side clearances of DC switchgear to be 0.75m as minimum to allow for egress
with dielectric insulation as required;
(iv) PLC based protection and data storage devices to be provided for the DC circuit breakers:
(A) multi-function PLC based device to perform overcurrent protection, breaker
control, load measuring, reclosing, breaker monitoring, and data logging;
(B) multi-function PLC based device to include the ammeter, voltmeter, and breaker
status inputs;
(C) the data logging of Multi-function PLC based device to include data storage,
alarm summary storage, and event summary storage;
(D) multi-function PLC based device to provide SCADA Interface, HMI Interface for
establishing and adjusting breaker protective parameters, and visual display of
metering; and

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(E) multi-function PLC based device to support IEC 61850 communication protocol;
(v) main cathode circuit breaker to meet the following requirements:
(A) have a minimum continuous current rating of 6,000A;
(B) direct-acting trip unit integral to the breaker;
(C) uni-directional device with protection against forward overcurrent;
(D) protection against reverse current (ANSI Device 32);
(E) provide an interlock to the AC breaker; and
(F) include a lockout device;
(vi) feeder circuit breakers to meet the following requirements:
(A) minimum continuous current rating to be 4,000A and confirmed by load flow
study under Contingency operations and feeder outage at adjacent TPSS;
(B) bi-directional direct-acting trip unit integral to the breaker, with 100%-375%
settings based upon break rating;
(C) PLC based circuit breaker protection with instantaneous, short time, long time
and rate of rise overcurrent protection; and
(D) load-measuring resistance system and automatic breaker reclosure function; and
(vii) digital metering to be provided for:
(A) DC bus voltage; and
(B) each feeder circuit breaker through the PLC based protective device and
controller displaying DC feeder voltage, and feeder current. Utility Power
(a) The Contractor shall ensure the utility power interface and connection requirements are as
defined in Section 3.21 (Electrical). Control Power System for TPSS Equipment
(a) The Contractor shall provide TPSS control power which includes a battery bank, battery charger,
DC distribution panels and all necessary equipment for a complete control power system:
(i) the control power system to be based upon 125Vdc utilization voltage;
(ii) the battery to be flooded lead acid cell type;
(iii) the battery to be capable of supplying TPSS demand to support control power for eight
hours as minimum;
(iv) the battery to be sized based upon a load calculation incorporating TPSS switching
operations and all static TPSS loads during Normal and Contingency operation:
(A) the battery charger to include a ground detection, battery voltage, charger failure
alarm functions reporting through the SCADA system; and

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(v) battery rooms to have ventilation fans to ventilate hydrogen gas discharged from battery
charging cycles. Control Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall ensure remote control of the TPSS equipment is provided from the TCC
facilities through the SCADA system in accordance with Section 3.27.5 (Integrated Control
(b) The Contractor shall ensure that the SCADA system meets the following requirements:
(i) includes the following status and control points, at a minimum, into the TPSS SCADA
system functionality:
(A) AC switchgear – status and control:
(I) AC breakers - status and control for open and close;
(II) protective devices – status;
(III) lockout device – status; and
(IV) loss of utility power – status;
(B) rectifier transformer:
(I) winding over temperature – status;
(II) enclosure air temperature (dry type) – status; and
(III) insulating liquid over temperature (liquid-filled type) – status;
(C) rectifier:
(I) over temperature – status;
(II) negative overvoltage – status;
(III) diode failure – status;
(IV) surge suppressor failure – status;
(V) reverse current trip – status;
(VI) enclosure energized alarm – status; and
(VII) enclosure grounded alarm – status;
(D) DC switchgear:
(I) cathode (main) breaker – status and control for open and close;
(II) feeder breakers – status and control for open and close;
(III) feeder breaker re-closure failure – status;
(IV) feeder breaker automatic re-closure – status;
(V) load measuring holdout – status;
(VI) feeder breaker protective relay trouble/failure – status;

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(VII) lockout relay trip – status;

(VIII) enclosure energized alarm – status;
(IX) enclosure grounded alarm – status; and
(X) contact rail section energized – status;
(E) Floating Negative Automatic Grounding Switch (FNAGS):
(I) closed – status;
(II) high current – status; and
(III) failure – status;
(F) TPSS Local control enabled – status;
(G) loss of Station auxiliary power – status;
(H) intrusion detection – status;
(I) fire alarm:
(I) trouble – status;
(II) power supply – status; and
(III) alarm – status;
(J) loss of control power – status;
(K) battery charger trouble/failure – status;
(L) climate control – status;
(M) TPSS air temperature – status; and
(N) emergency trip activated – status;
(ii) provide 25% additional status and control point spare capacity at each TPSS; and
(iii) provide local control via HMI of the TPSS equipment at each TPSS:
(A) dual redundant PLC based HMI devices to be provided in each TPSS to allow
local operator monitoring and control of TPSS equipment:
(I) one HMI to be located on the TPSS control PLC cabinet and other
redundant unit to be located within the TPSS control room;
(B) TPSS PLC control logic to be independent of HMI unit programming and setup;
(C) Control of TPSS equipment to be via SCADA, local HMI, and local manual
control means at the equipment cubicle;
(D) all TPSS status indication and alarms to be provided to SCADA and displayed on
the HMI; and
(E) HMI to be the local TPSS status screen annunciator:

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(I) the default screen to be a representation of the TPSS single line

indicating the status; and
(II) upon activation of any substation alarm, the annunciator screen to be
displayed until acknowledged and cleared. Intrusion detection
(a) The Contractor shall ensure each TPSS is equipped with an intrusion detection system in
accordance with Section (Intrusion Detection System). Fire/smoke detection system
(a) The Contractor shall ensure each TPSS is equipped with a fire alarm system as defined in Section
3.21 (Electrical) that:
(i) detects and alarms upon detection of a smoke or fire event and reports to TCC. DC feeder system
(a) The Contractor shall provide a DC feeder system that consists of all raceways, cabling, pull
boxes, maintenance holes and switching equipment necessary to connect the TPSS to the contact
rail and negative rail.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure all cable ampacity ratings are based upon the worst-case maximum
RMS currents indicated in the load flow studies with any necessary de-rating due to duct
bank/raceway routing and associated temperature rise.
(c) The Contractor shall design the DC feeder system to provide adequate DC ampacity and to
maintain the electrification voltage within acceptable limits:
(i) the DC traction cable sizing to be in compliance with TTC DM-0804-07.
(d) The Contractor shall determine the number and size of DC feeder cables (DC positive feeders and
negative return cables), positive jumper cables, negative transition tie cables, and rectifier
positive and negative cables according to load flow results and use TTC DM as minimum
(e) The Contractor shall ensure the DC negative feeder system includes any necessary equipment to
interface with the running rail traction return so as not to interfere with the Signalling and Train
Control System.
(f) The Contractor shall design the negative feeder system to maintain a low negative rail to ground
voltage, as indicated in Section, and provide sufficient DC ampacity.
(g) The Contractor shall design the negative feeder system to be continuous through the negative rails
at all locations including Special Trackwork.
(h) The Contractor shall coordinate all rail bonding with the requirements of the rail signaling
system, which include Special Trackwork areas.
(i) The Contractor shall coordinate the location of the negative rail with the requirements of the
Signalling System and Track to occupy alternate sides with the signal rail as needed.

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(j) The Contractor shall insulate a negative rail from the signal rail with an insulated joint at a
negative transition point where cables are to be installed between negative rails for electrical
continuity of negative rails.
(k) The Contractor shall interface SSE Negative Reinforcing Feeder (NRF) cables with the existing
TTC negative return system in Kennedy Station traction power cable room in coordination with
(l) The Contractor shall use TTC approved Cembre connection kits for all the electrical continuity
bonding cable connection to running rails.
(m) The Contractor shall use TTC approved Cembre connection kits for positive cable, including
positive feeder and jumper cable, connection to contact rails and negative cable connection to
negative rails.
(n) DC traction power cable outer jacket shall be low smoke zero halogen and flame retardant.
(o) For future conversion to ATC, the signal rail will have to be connected to the SSE negative return
system and become the negative rail.
(p) For future connection of track or platform level negative bus and Negative Reinforcing Feeder
(NRF) cables to signal rails to facilitate future conversion to ATC, the Contractor shall provide
the provisions, including:
(i) space and holes on negative bus; and
(ii) spare conduits. Traction Power Distribution Equipment
(a) The Contractor shall provide Electrically Operated Isolating Switches (EOIS's) in a free standing
or wall mounted enclosure at track wayside or near emergency Cross-Over locations to allow for
de-energization of contact rail sections for emergency operation or maintenance:
(i) install EOIS's at east of Kennedy Station Platform to allow for Station traction power
section to remain energized while tracks east of Turnouts to Kennedy Pocket Track are
out of service;
(ii) install EOIS's at east of Sheppard East Station Platform to allow for mainline and Station
power sections to remain energized while Tail Tracks are out of service; and
(iii) the EOIS's are non-load break devices and must be interlocked to operate only when the
traction power to the contact rail at specific location is de-energized.
(b) To isolate positive cables between the substation and mainline during maintenance, the
Contractor shall provide EOIS's where traction power positive cables from TPSS enter the
subway track or platform level room.
(c) The Contractor shall determine the nominal current and voltage ratings for EOIS’s.
(d) To provide easy equipment access to maintenance personnel, the Contractor shall install Shorting
Switches near the following locations:
(i) EOIS equipment (at both ends of section gap);

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(ii) each section gap for DC positive feeder feed-in points (at both ends of section gap);
(iii) each EEB at track level (one Shorting Switch per track and per traction power section);
(iv) Kennedy Pocket Track (one Shorting Switch per track).
(e) The Contractor shall submit Shorting Switch details in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review
(f) The Contractor shall provide section breakers for fast traction power removal to facilitate power
sectionalizing needs to support emergency response actions, including those from the subway
ventilation system activation.
(g) The Contractor shall develop traction power sectionalization scheme to allow for emergency
movement of the non-incident train out of effected tunnel ventilation zone in the event of train
fire situation.
(h) The Contractor shall provide a DC tie breaker in each environmentally controlled tie breaker
room, mid-point, within the right-of-way, between adjacent TPSSs and at EEB-08/ESB-02:
(i) under Normal conditions, DC tie breakers to be in the closed position to fortify the DC
distribution system and better facilitate the use of train vehicles regenerative braking
(ii) DC tie breakers to have a minimum continuous current rating of 6,000A;
(iii) DC tie breakers to be equipped with overcurrent protective devices for automatic fault
clearing and equipment isolation;
(iv) DC tie breakers to be monitored and controlled remotely and simultaneously with the DC
feeder breakers in adjacent TPSSs;
(v) DC tie breakers and section breakers to have at least 2m clearance at front and back and
1.5m clearance at the sides of the switchgear from uninsulated walls and grounded
(vi) side clearances of DC switchgear to be 0.75m as minimum to allow for egress with
dielectric insulation as required; and
(vii) provide a humidity sensor in the tie breaker room connected to SCADA, to help maintain
the humidity requirement as per TTC DM-0601-02 and monitor the humidity levels:
(A) upon reaching the critical humidity level, an alarm to be triggered at Transit
Control Centre;
(B) the tie breaker and section breaker equipment enclosure must be suitable for
operation between -10 deg C to 40 deg C and maximum relative humidity of 95%
along with filter on enclosure for dust control; and
(C) provide thermostat, humidistat and heaters inside the breaker equipment
enclosure to prevent the condensation.

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(i) The Contractor shall provide an Interface between the closest SSE Emergency Trip Control
Cabinet (ETCC) and the existing Kennedy ETCC through interzonal tie interconnection, to
facilitate control of the entire traction power segment in coordination with TTC and must:
(i) interface with the existing Kennedy ETCC, located in Kennedy AC switchboard room, by
providing raceways from the closest SSE ETCC to Kennedy Station East End Addition
Communications Room#102 for Emergency Trip System interzonal tie cables, and by
providing cable installation from closest SSE ETCC to the existing Kennedy ETCC in
coordination with TTC:
(A) raceways between Kennedy AC switchboard room and Communications Room
#102 is to be provided as part of KEW;
(ii) implement required hardware and software modifications to existing Kennedy ETCC in
coordination with TTC; and
(iii) connect all the traction power field devices east of Kennedy east end of platform,
including Emergency Alarm Stations, EOIS's, Shorting Switches, and potential detectors,
to the SSE Emergency Trip System. Drain Cable System
(a) The Contractor shall have provision for the monitoring and control of stray current using drain
switches, blocking diodes, and utility drain cables.
(b) The Contractor shall install the drain switches, blocking diodes, and utility drain cables and
provide a means of permitting utilities to connect to the substation negative bus.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a raceway system to a demarcation pull box for utility drain cables
to be connected to the drainage system. AC feeder system
(a) The Contractor shall follow all the installation requirements listed in THESL conditions of
(b) The Contractor shall follow all the metering requirements listed in THESL conditions of service.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a medium voltage AC feeder system that consists of all raceways,
cabling maintenance holes, foundations, ground rods and switching equipment necessary to
connect the TPSS to the THESL owned PMH units in accordance with utility requirements in
THESL conditions of service.
(d) The Contractor shall provide AC feeder system from TPSS switchgear to the Passenger
Station/EEB Electrical Room as required and specified in Section 3.21 (Electrical). Duct banks and raceways
(a) The Contractor shall provide duct banks from the TPSS to the load side of each THESL PMH
(b) The Contractor shall provide duct banks and raceways in accordance with latest edition of TTC
DM-0701-12 and DM-0804-09.

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(c) The Contractor may install positive and negative feeders in the same maintenance hole and duct
bank run.
(d) The positive and negative feeders shall be run in separate conduit.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure both positive and negative feeders in maintenance holes have an
applied layer of fireproof tape/wrapping.
(f) The Contractor shall provide bell end fittings at the terminating end of embedded conduits at
maintenance holes and pull boxes.
(g) The number of ducts installed shall include 30% spare capacity based on number of occupied
ducts for future installation.
(h) The Contractor shall provide maintenance holes designed for installation location as required with
appropriate accessories such as non-metallic cable support racks, pulling irons, maintenance hole
ladder, sump pits, maintenance hole frames and covers, and grade rings.
(i) The Contractor shall provide structurally-reinforced duct banks and maintenance holes.
(j) The Contractor shall use heavy wall rigid fibreglass conduits for traction power cables in exposed
environment. Communication Raceway System
(a) The Contractor shall provide duct banks from the TPSS to support the communication cabling
requirements. Cabling Identification System
(a) The Contractor shall ensure all cables are identifiable in compliance with TTC DM-0701-11. Testing and Commissioning General
(a) The Contractor shall ensure all TPSS equipment undergo complete factory testing, on-site
inspections and testing:
(i) on-site inspection and testing of the final assembled Traction Power Substation to be in
accordance with IEEE 1653.4. Equipment Factory Testing
(a) The Contractor shall submit certified factory test reports for the equipment being provided in
accordance with its applicable IEEE Standard.
(b) AC Switchgear
(i) The Contractor shall test the AC switchgear and its breaker devices in accordance with its
applicable ANSI/IEEE Standard C37.20.7 and C37.20.2 for all design and production
tests listed:
(A) all certified tests to be provided at the conclusion of equipment testing; and
(B) if switchgear design is of similar construction, then certified test reports from the
manufacture can be provided;

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(ii) The Contractor shall set up and perform control circuitry testing to replicate its in-service
condition functionality to verify that is operates as intended; and
(iii) The Contractor shall ensure control circuitry tests verify its control, local indication
displays and status indications/alarms to SCADA.
(c) DC Switchgear
(i) The Contractor shall test the DC switchgear and its breaker devices against its applicable
ANSI/IEEE Standard C37.14 and C37.20.1 for all design and production tests listed;
(A) all certified tests to be provided at the conclusion of equipment testing; and
(B) if switchgear design is of similar construction, then certified test reports from the
manufacture can be provided;
(ii) The Contractor shall set up and perform control circuitry testing to replicate its in-service
condition functionality to verify that is operates as intended; and
(iii) The Contractor shall ensure control circuitry tests verify its control, local indication
displays and status indications/alarms to SCADA.
(d) Traction Power Rectifier Transformers
(i) The Contractor shall test rectifier transformers in accordance with IEEE 1653.1 and
include the following, at a minimum:
(A) all listed routine tests;
(B) all listed production tests; and
(C) other tests – partial discharge.
(e) Traction Rectifiers
(i) The Contractor shall test traction rectifiers in accordance with IEEE 1653.2 and include
the following, at a minimum:
(A) all listed routine tests, including 100% rated current test and diode current
balance test as routine;
(B) rectifier unit tests to be performed as an “in-line test” with its corresponding
rectifier transformer and interconnecting low voltage AC bus duct or cable, as
described in IEEE 1653.2 for confirmation of performance calculations; and
(C) interphase transformer units to be tested in accordance with IEEE 1653.2 with
the applicable provisions in IEEE C57.12.91. Equipment Field Testing
(a) The Contractor shall submit field test reports for the equipment being provided in accordance
with its applicable IEEE Standard.
(b) The Contractor shall provide field test reports of all protective relays, including any specific
programming settings of microprocessor based protective devices.
(c) AC Switchgear

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(i) The Contractor shall provide field testing in accordance with equipment manufactures
and applicable IEEE Standard requirements (This includes bolt torque tests, contact
resistance testing, breaker mechanical testing);
(ii) The Contractor shall provide field control circuitry testing with all interconnections in
place to verify that it operates as intended, for its control, local indication displays and
status indications/alarms to SCADA; and
(iii) The Contractor shall follow field testing procedures and commissioning requirements
from electrical utility (THESL) to include testing of any electrical and mechanical
equipment interlockings, protective relays, grounding connections and metering
(d) DC Switchgear
(i) The Contractor shall ensure field testing is in accordance with equipment manufactures
and applicable IEEE Standard requirements (This includes bolt torque tests, contact
resistance testing, breaker mechanical testing):
(A) all certified tests to be provided at the conclusion of equipment testing;
(ii) The Contractor shall set up and perform control circuitry testing to replicate its in-service
condition functionality to verify that is operated as intended;
(iii) The Contractor shall ensure control circuitry tests verify its control, local indication
displays and status indications/alarms to SCADA; and
(iv) The Contractor shall ensure field testing for close in fault, remote fault and train start up
testing are in accordance with IEEE 1653.4.
(e) Traction Power Transformer Rectifier Units
(i) The Contractor shall ensure field testing of Transformer Rectifier Units is in accordance
with IEEE 1653.4.
(f) Traction Power Substation Facility
(i) Traction Power Substation facility test shall be performed on the following Subsystems,
as a minimum, to verify proper operation:
(A) negative drain equipment;
(B) Floating Negative Automatic Grounding Switch (FNAGS);
(C) auxiliary power system;
(D) emergency power feeders and UPS systems;
(E) battery system;
(F) ventilation systems;
(G) fire alarm systems;
(H) intrusion alarm systems;
(I) SCADA PLC system;

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(J) Emergency Trip System;

(K) general building lighting and receptacles; and
(L) emergency generator power interconnections. Contact Rail (Traction Power Rail)

(a) The Contractor shall provide the contact rail system in compliance with TTC DM-0804-11 and
Section 3.27.2 (Track & Formation).
(b) The contact rail can be continuous at the following locations:
(i) ESBs; and
(ii) EEBs. Grounding and Bonding

(a) For TPSS, located either adjacent to Station or standalone, the Contractor shall provide a
standalone ground system sized to ensure safe potential rise considering magnitude of fault
currents at each respective site and to meet the following requirements:
(i) the design of the grounding system to preclude any unsafe condition for the equipment,
maintenance personnel, passengers and the public;
(ii) maintain a separate TPSS ground system without metallic connections to Station ground
systems for TPSS located adjacent to Station;
(iii) design the grounding system in accordance with IEEE Standard 80, TTC DM-0804-08,
utility requirements in THESL conditions of service, and applicable CSA standards and
OESC, including meeting Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) requirements and approvals;
(iv) each TPSS to be equipped with an easily identifiable ground bus within the substation to
facilitate connections to the ground system;
(v) all non-current carrying metallic enclosures or parts of AC equipment to be connected to
the ground system;
(vi) all non-current carrying metallic enclosures and parts of DC equipment must be installed
insulated from ground and connected to the substation ground system through a high
resistance type ground fault protection system in accordance with the latest edition of
TTC DM-0804-05:
(A) the ground structure and hot structure alarm to be communicated to TCC by
SCADA; and
(B) the hot structure fault to activate a red flashing light on the DC switchgear, trip
and lock out all AC rectifier circuit breakers and all DC main cathode and feeder
(vii) surge protection to be provided for all cables entering and exiting the TPSSs as per good
industry practices and in conformity with all applicable CSA standards and OESC;

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(viii) security fencing (where provided) and lamp stanchions to be connected to the ground
(A) this also includes any conductive hardware where public may inadvertently meet
high voltages;
(ix) each TPSS to be furnished with a Floating Negative Automatic Grounding Switch
(FNAGS) which will monitor the potential between the TPSS negative bus and the TPSS
ground bus:
(A) the FNAGS to provide an open circuit when the potential is at an acceptable level
(below 70 Vdc);
(B) the FNAGS to close if the pre-set potential (70 Vdc) of either polarity is reached
with 10 milliseconds time delay;
(C) the FNAGS to automatically open once the current has decreased below the pre-
set level;
(D) status points to be provided from the FNAGS to the SCADA system; and
(E) the FNAGS to be appropriately protected from damage due to electrical
transients that would cause erratic operation or false triggering.
(x) corrosion control and monitoring system grounding to be coordinated with Section 3.27.8
(Corrosion Control) as well as the Station grounding system to limit and mitigate stray
current propagation.

3.27.7 Subway Ventilation System Scope
(a) The Subway Ventilation System (SVS) scope shall include the requirements for the design,
installation, testing, commissioning and the procedure for operation modes and control of the
SVS for the Guideway and for the Stations. Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall perform all Works related to the SVS design and construction in accordance
with the applicable codes and standards outlined in Section 3.3 (Design Standards) and the
(i) ANSI/AMCA Standard 204, "Balance Quality and Vibration Levels for Fans";
(ii) ANSI/AMCA Standard 210, "Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Certified
Aerodynamic Performance Rating";
(iii) AMCA Standard 211, "Certified Ratings Program - Product Rating Manual for Fan Air
(iv) AMCA Standard 300, Test Code for Sound Rating Air Moving Devices;
(v) AMCA Standard 301, Methods for Calculating Fan Sound Ratings from Laboratory Test

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(vi) AMCA Standard 303, "Application of Sound Power Level Ratings for Fans"; and
(vii) ANSI/AMCA Standard 500, "Laboratory Methods of Testing Louvers for Rating". General System Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall design the SVS for all Underground Structures including Underground
Station Boxes in accordance with NFPA 130.
(b) The Contractor shall provide an SVS, and any modifications related to Article
below in compliance with the TTC Design Manual 0607-01.
(c) The Contractor shall design and provide a SVS including all fans, sheet metal transitional
ductwork, inlet & outlet silencers, dampers, controls, and accessories of the ventilation system
necessary for emergency, maintenance, normal, and testing operation.
(d) The Contractor shall provide ventilation equipment and controls of similar appearance and
functionality at all Stations and ESBs to minimize training requirements and to provide easier
operations and facilitate use.
(e) The Contractor shall consider and analyze the effect of the TTC Tunnels (up to and including
Chestnut Portal), Stations and structure(s) along the existing Alignment on the SSE SVS and the
effect of the SSE ventilation system on the existing TTC Tunnels (up to and including Chestnut
Portal), Stations and structures to demonstrate that the current level of safety of the TTC SVS is
maintained or improved because of the SSE project.
(f) The Contractor shall provide SVS fans, motors and all other related components that are exposed
to the hot Tunnel airflow during emergency to meet the following:
(i) SVS to be designed to operate at the fan inlet temperature as determined by an
engineering analysis for a minimum of two hours, but not less than the required time of
tenability; and
(ii) the fan inlet temperature to be a minimum of 250 degrees Celsius.
(g) The Contractor shall provide a SVS that can achieve critical velocity for the intended emergency
ventilation mode under the most critical fan failure scenario, where the most critical fan is
identified based on simulation results.
(h) The Contractor shall evaluate and minimize, to a practical extent, the potential for smoke
migration to non-incident Tunnel or Station Ventilation Zones during SVS operation for all
Tunnel and Station emergency ventilation scenarios, including consideration of critical fan
failure. Any smoke exposure to be accounted for in the fire life safety protocols in accordance
with Section (Fire Life Safety Protocols).
(i) The Contractor shall submit all SVS Design Reports and Related Drawings for review in
accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure by Governmental Authorities.
(j) The Contractor shall perform one-dimensional SES analysis of the SVS to validate the design for
emergency, normal, congested, and maintenance operations.
(k) The Contractor shall perform three-dimensional CFD analysis of the SVS for train fire scenarios
at all Stations to validate the design for emergency ventilation at Stations.

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(l) The Contractor shall evaluate and conduct CFD analysis as required at special structures such as
Cross-Overs, Tail Tracks, pocket/Storage Tracks, and Special Trackwork locations to
validate/refine the results of the one-dimensional SES analysis.
(m) The Contractor shall perform CFD and SES simulations to provide no-fire (or cold) air velocities
that can be measured during project commissioning to confirm that the as-built SVS meets the
requirements determined by the SVS analysis.
(n) The Contractor shall perform CFD and SES analyses to quantify the impact of potential future
Platform Edge Doors on the performance of the SVS.
(o) The Contractor shall submit CFD and SES modelling files which corresponds to the analytical
results in submission documents.
(p) The Contractor shall submit an SES Analysis Report for review in accordance with Schedule 10 -
Review Procedure by Governmental Authorities.
(q) The Contractor shall submit CFD Analysis Report(s) for review in accordance with Schedule 10 -
Review Procedure by Governmental Authorities.
(r) The Contractor shall develop the CFD Design Criteria relative to Station and trackwork
assessment in a criteria report to be submitted for review in accordance with Schedule 10 -
Review Procedure by Governmental Authorities before the analyses are performed. The criteria
report is to include the following sections as a minimum:
(i) applicable codes and standards;
(ii) tenability criteria, for both Stations and guideway;
(iii) fire scenario development;
(iv) implementation of design fire characteristics;
(v) derivation and implementation of Tunnel boundary conditions;
(vi) design input data;
(vii) acceptable limits; and
(viii) methodology.
(s) The Contractor shall develop the SES Design Criteria relative to system-wide SVS assessment in
a criteria report to be submitted for review in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure
by Governmental Authorities before the analyses are performed. The criteria report is to include
the following sections as a minimum:
(i) applicable codes and standards;
(ii) emergency ventilation criteria;
(iii) normal operations criteria;
(iv) congested and maintenance operations criteria;
(v) design input data; and
(vi) methodology.

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(t) The Contractor shall provide documentation to Contracting Authority and TTC, including SES
and CFD simulations and analyses, to demonstrate that the current level of safety of the TTC SVS
is maintained or improved because of the SSE Project.
(u) The Contractor shall design, provide, and install SVS with applicable SES analyses and CFD
simulations to address the emergency ventilation requirements of the existing TTC infrastructure
at the interconnecting Station and Tunnels as specified below:
(i) Kennedy Station:
(A) perform CFD analyses to verify that the sizing and siting of the SVS fan plants
are sufficient and appropriate to maintain or improve the existing level of fire/life
safety performance of the Station in accordance with the applicable Building
Code requirements;
(B) take into consideration the airflow paths to/from the existing SRT line relative to
the existing Kennedy Station ventilation during all modes of operations,
coordinate with TTC for all required information related to SRT
decommissioning, and account for the affect(s) of decommissioning and
closure/deletion of the airflow paths connected to the existing SRT line in the
CFD analysis; and
(C) take into consideration the existing Kennedy Station east end natural relief shaft,
and close off the existing relief shaft with coordination with TTC, if that is
determined to be necessary for SVS operation, after implementation of
alternative piston relief measures for the east end of Kennedy Station Platform;
(ii) Tunnel from Chestnut Portal to Kennedy Station:
(A) perform SES analyses to verify the sizing and siting of the SVS fan plants are
sufficient and appropriate to maintain or improve the existing level of fire/life
safety performance of the existing Tunnel in accordance with the applicable
codes and standards. Operational Requirements Normal Operation
(a) The Contractor shall design the SVS to relieve the alternating airflows and pressures caused by
the “piston effect” of the trains moving through the Tunnels during normal operation by locating
SVS Ventilation Shafts beyond the ends of the Station Platforms.
(b) The Contractor shall design the SVS such that the fans are capable of being used to maintain
Tunnel air temperatures. Emergency Operation
(a) The Contractor shall develop emergency ventilation modes for each Tunnel and Station
Ventilation Zone, with an engineering analysis to determine the most critical positions for a fire
on a case-by-case basis.

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(b) The Contractor shall provide SVS modes of operation initiated from the TCC and implemented
through the SCADA system providing execution of modes through group control as per Section
(c) The Contractor shall configure the SCADA system to include a schematic display of the Tunnel
system indicating all the ventilation elements to be activated, their status, and their modes of
(i) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC forces to configure and program the schematic
display at the Head-End SCADA system.
(ii) The Contractor shall provide all engineering details of the system for the TTC
representative for configuration and integration into the Head-End system.
(d) The Contractor shall provide monitoring and control functionality for all ventilation fans,
dampers, mode operations and exit doors as a minimum.
(e) The Contractor shall provide local control of the SVS at Fire Smoke Control Panels (FSCP)
permitted to override the TCC in the event the TCC becomes inoperative or where the operation
of the SVS components is specifically redirected to local control panels for each fan assembly.
(f) The Contractor shall design the SVS to make the necessary provisions to achieve critical velocity
with the number of trains per Ventilation Zone (between Ventilation Shafts) as evaluated and
coordinated with the signalling system design for each Tunnel section, where the number of trains
per Ventilation Zone corresponds to the number of trains that the signalling system allows in a
Ventilation Zone without an operator using manual override (bypass red signal). Congested/Maintenance Operation
(a) The Contractor shall design the SVS to be used to maintain temperatures, exhaust any
fumes/contaminants, and provide required fresh air to the vehicles, staff, and patrons during a
non-fire emergency case, maintenance operation or non-revenue vehicle operation.
(b) The Contractor shall design the SVS to achieve congested operation temperature criteria with two
Stationary trains sharing the same Tunnel segment and bound of travel between adjacent Stations
within the same Ventilation Zone. Equipment Requirements General Equipment Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall provide Tunnel and Station SVS equipment assemblies consisting of fan,
sheet metal transition ductwork, and inlet & outlet silencers to meet the requirements for both
Tunnel and Station ventilation as determined by SES and CFD simulations, as detailed in
Sections and 3.27.5 for SVS electrical and controls.
(b) The Contractor shall design the SVS to be fully functional as required with implementation of
SVS axial fan(s) located within a fan room, along with any associated equipment such as
dampers, ductwork, and silencers as necessary.
(c) The Contractor shall provide SVS equipment and components that are suitable for fire life safety
applicable to rail transit applications and supplied by recognized equipment manufacturers with a
minimum of 20 years’ experience in manufacturing the equipment.

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(d) The Contractor shall provide packaged ventilation equipment which are factory assembled and
tested, requiring only mounting and service connections in the field (by the Contractor).
(e) The Contractor shall provide SVS equipment constructed of materials suitable for the
environment, operating temperatures, humidity and general conditions found in underground rail
transit systems.
(f) The Contractor shall submit all Equipment Schedules and Specifications as per Schedule 10 -
Review Procedure by Governmental Authorities.
(g) The Contractor shall submit all Product Data Sheets as per Schedule 10 - Review Procedure by
Governmental Authorities. Axial-flow Fans
(a) The Contractor shall provide fans that are axial-flow type, with internally mounted, direct drive
(b) The Contractor shall provide fans that are capable of reversible operation and can serve either one
or both Tunnel bounds simultaneously.
(c) The Contractor shall provide fans with adjustable-pitch impeller blades and a variable frequency
drive unit fitted to permit changes in fan-operating characteristics to protect for either system or
future system modifications.
(d) The Contractor shall provide local monitoring panels which interface with SCADA to monitor
motor vibration (both vertical & axial), motor winding temperatures and motor bearing
temperatures, as described in Section
(e) The Contractor shall mount fans on a concrete base and have anti-vibration mounts at each
mounting point.
(f) The Contractor shall provide fans isolated from the connecting sheet metal transitions on both
inlet & outlet ends of the fan with flexible connections which meet or exceed the fire/temperature
rating of the fan.
(g) The Contractor shall provide overhead monorail appropriately placed and routed, complete with
hoist, to permit safe removal of fan casing and fan motor.
(h) The Contractor shall provide fans complete with lifting lugs sized, located, and constructed to be
able to lift the fan unit to facilitate installation and maintenance activities.
(i) The Contractor shall provide fans with an exterior casing which incorporates sufficient hatches
and removable sections to be fully accessible for inspection and maintenance activities.
(j) The Contractor shall ensure fans with cast aluminum impeller blades are not provided.
(k) The Contractor shall provide fans with fan identification plates which include the below
information at a minimum:
(i) name and address of fan manufacturer;
(ii) rated airflow capacity;
(iii) year of manufacture;

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(iv) airflow direction indicators;

(v) rotation direction indicators;
(vi) designated equipment tag number;
(vii) serial number;
(viii) motor speed RPM;
(ix) fan power;
(x) size and number of impeller blades; and
(xi) total weight of fan unit. Dampers
(a) The Contractor shall provide motorized by-pass dampers at all Ventilation Shafts at Stations.
(b) The Contractor shall provide dampers with leakage at shutoff less than or equal to UL555 Class 1
Extended, or equivalent, at standard temperature.
(c) The Contractor shall provide dampers with frames, blades, linkages, and components fabricated
using Type 304 stainless steel.
(d) The Contractor shall provide dampers that are designed not to close under high temperatures and
are not equipped with fusible disconnects or thermal overloads.
(e) The Contractor shall provide dampers of parallel-blade, industrial, heavy-duty type, weatherproof
(f) The Contractor shall provide dampers constructed with a heavy-duty perimeter channel frame.
(g) The Contractor shall provide dampers of one-piece construction with perimeter frame all around.
A maximum of three one-piece dampers connected by mullion plates are acceptable to form a
damper unit within a wall or floor opening.
(h) The Contractor shall provide dampers with damper blades that do not extend beyond the width of
the damper frame.
(i) The Contractor shall provide dampers that utilize self-lubricating bearings that meet the
temperature requirements.
(j) The Contractor shall provide dampers suitable for installation in either a horizontal or vertical
mounting arrangement as required.
(k) The Contractor shall provide dampers complete with lifting lugs sized, located, and constructed to
be able to lift the damper from the perimeter channel frame to facilitate installation and
maintenance activities.
(l) The Contractor shall provide dampers with an external limit switch located on the non-drive side
of each one-piece damper, opposite to the driving actuator, and coupled to the damper blade axle
or damper blade to relay indication of a fully open or fully closed damper position.

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Systems DPA Execution Version Actuators
(a) The Contractor shall provide electric spring-return actuators suitable for temperature rating and
(b) The Contractor shall provide actuators with a motor cycle-time which does not impede time
required for SVS mode initiation.
(c) The Contractor shall provide actuators constructed with weather-proof and explosion-proof
(d) The Contractor shall provide actuators with a manual override option available.
(e) The Contractor shall provide one dedicated actuator to serve each one-piece damper.
(f) The Contractor shall provide end-mounted actuators, where face-mounted actuators may be
considered only if an end-mounted actuator is not feasible due to maintenance and accessibility
(g) The Contractor shall provide two internal limit switches in each damper actuator for remote
monitoring of damper position, one for open position and the other for closed position.
(h) The Contractor shall provide each actuator with a thermal jacket. Silencers
(a) The Contractor shall provide silencers located on both the inlet and outlet ends of the fan,
connected through stainless sheet metal transition ductwork;
(b) The Contractor shall provide silencers selected to suit the attenuation requirements for fan
operation at full capacity during an emergency operation mode;
(c) The Contractor shall provide silencers of modular construction to facilitate installation; and
(d) The Contractor shall provide silencers constructed of Type 316 stainless sheet metal casing and
internal baffles for attenuation. Transition Ductwork
(a) The Contractor shall provide transition ductwork manufactured from minimum 10 ga. Type 304
stainless sheet metal, transitioning smoothly from round at fan side to square at silencer side.
(b) The Contractor shall provide transition ductwork located on both the inlet and outlet ends of the
fan to connect the fan to the silencers.
(c) The Contractor shall provide transition ductwork of modular construction to facilitate installation
and have equal angle tapers on all sides.
(d) The Contractor shall provide transition ductwork which incorporates access doors of an
appropriate size and height to allow personnel entry into the fan assembly from both sides of the
fan assembly to both ends of the fan, for inspection and maintenance activities. Design Criteria

(a) The Contractor shall coordinate with Contracting Authority for the design fire Heat Release Rate
(HRR) and fire characteristics for the T1 replacement vehicle:

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(i) to apply the design fire HRR and fire characteristics to train vehicle fire simulations
within the Tunnels and Stations; and
(ii) if HRR and fire characteristic information for T1 replacement vehicle is not available,
design fire information outlined in TTC DM-0607-01 for the TR vehicle to be used for
(b) The Contractor shall be responsible to determine size, route, placement, and number of smoke
Ventilation Shafts to meet the following:
(i) provide Ventilation Shafts at each Underground Station, with Ventilation Shaft openings
located beyond the Station Platform limits i.e., minimum one Ventilation Shaft opening
at each end of each Platform, serving each track bound for either end of Platform, no
matter for a Side Platform or Centre Platform Station arrangement, for a minimum of
four Ventilation Shafts per Station;
(ii) provide Ventilation Shafts for SVS fan plants situated between Stations at Emergency
Service Buildings, where one Ventilation Shaft is required for each fan assembly to
provide an airflow pathway from fan assembly to Shaft termination at or above grade;
(iii) ensure Ventilation Shafts are constructed outside zones considered “Zones Reserved for
Future Development”;
(iv) the Contractor shall locate Ventilation Shaft openings to terminate on Metrolinx Lands, at
or above grade;
(v) the Contractor shall provide Ventilation Shafts with as direct a route to atmosphere as
possible, where obstructions, bends, and abrupt changes of the Ventilation Shaft cross
section to be kept to a minimum, and concrete and/or sheet metal transition sections to be
used wherever possible to facilitate ease of airflow to and from the underground sections;
(vi) the Contractor shall provide Ventilation Shafts to meet or exceed the minimum height
requirements as determined by safety analysis conducted as per the requirements in
Schedule 29 - Safety, System Assurance and Security. Smoke Dispersion/Recirculation Study

(a) The Contractor shall undertake smoke dispersion analyses for SVS Shafts and submit an SDA
Report and all CFD modeling files in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure which
correspond to the SDA analysis results in submission documents. The analyses are to demonstrate
the following:
(i) ensure smoke discharged from SVS drawn into Station entrances or other Station air
intakes are within acceptable contaminant concentration levels based on the established
SDA criteria report referenced below in Article; and
(ii) ensure smoke discharged from SVS drawn into entrances or air intakes of adjacent
buildings are within acceptable contaminant concentration levels based on the established
SDA criteria report referenced below in Article

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(b) The Contractor shall develop a Smoke Dispersion Analysis (SDA) Criteria report to be submitted
for review in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure by Governmental Authorities
before the analyses listed in Article may be performed. The criteria report is to
address the following as a minimum:
(i) Station and adjacent building sensitive receptors;
(ii) CFD model set-up including domain, meshing, boundary conditions, wind
implementation, representation of surrounding buildings, and simplifying assumptions;
(iii) exhausted smoke properties including soot and CO concentration;
(iv) wind directions, magnitude/boundary layer profile, and frequencies; and
(v) acceptance criteria.
(c) The Contractor shall adjust the location of Station facilities, Station entrances, and Ventilation
Shaft terminations based on the Smoke Dispersion Analysis to minimize recirculation impacts or
other mitigating measures be identified and implemented to sufficiently demonstrate that the
requirements stated under Article above have been met. Fire Life Safety Protocols

(a) The Contractor shall be responsible for developing fire life safety protocols, in consultation with
Contracting Authority, the Operator, and the City of Toronto, for the safe operation of the SSE
SVS as follows:
(i) development of the protocols shall involve a collaborative process involving the
Contractor, the City of Toronto and the Governmental Authority over fire life safety
issues. This process is to be led and managed by the Contractor;
(ii) ensure protocols include fan ventilation scenarios for the emergency evacuation and
ventilation of Stations and Tunnels in response to all potential fire life safety risks,
including risks identified because of risk analysis;
(iii) ensure protocols for fan ventilation scenarios outline the responsibilities of the Operator,
the City of Toronto, and Emergency Service Providers;
(iv) ensure the role of the Central Alarm Control Facility (CACF) in Stations and EEB-
3/ESB-1 to be defined as part of the overall fire life safety system;
(v) develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and ensure that all parties are in
agreement; and
(vi) ensure the development of SOPs and fire life safety protocols are in full compliance with
Schedule 29 - Safety, System Assurance and Security and this section 3.27.7 of this

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Systems DPA Execution Version Subway Ventilation System Controls General
(a) The Contractor shall provide SVS controls to operate emergency ventilation system equipment
including fans, dampers, station entrance automatic doors and portal doors as required as per
TTC-DM-0607-01.5.5 system control.
(b) The Contractor shall provide adjacent Station/ESB scenario controls from FSCP. Requirement is
only applicable for new Stations/ESBs. It is not applicable for Kennedy Station. Subway Ventilation System Control Interfaces
(a) Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant Interfaces:
(i) the Contractor shall provide SVS controls for Kennedy Station East Fan Plant (KEVFP)
SVS Equipment and integrate with KEW Kennedy Station West Fan Plant SVS
Equipment and controls;
(ii) the Contractor shall provide SVS controls at the Kennedy East Ventilation Fan Plant to
operate the SVS equipment including fans and dampers as described for each Station, as
(A) SVS controls shall be network based to allow interface with the KEW Kennedy
Station SVS controls;
(B) provide remote I/O cabinets in the same room as the SVS fans;
(C) control and monitoring of SVS motors and dampers hardwired back to the I/O
(D) provide a PLC cabinet in the KEVFP electrical room;
(E) modify the KEW Kennedy Station SVS to allow control and monitoring of the
KEVFP SVS, including reprogramming and associated graphic annunciation; and
(F) provide control connections to SVS KEVFP from Kennedy TPSS, including
extending 4-103 mm conduits.
(b) The Contractor shall provide SVS control system as per Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.

3.27.8 Corrosion Control Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall provide corrosion control systems compliant with the criteria contained in
this section, and all standards, regulations, policies, laws, guidelines or practices applicable to the
Project, including each of the following reference documents:
(i) EN 50162 Protection against Corrosion by Stray Current from Direct Current Systems;
(ii) CAN/CSA A23.1/A23.2 Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction/Test
Methods and Standard Practices for Concrete;
(iii) CAN/CSA A3001 Cementitious Materials for Use in Concrete;

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(iv) CAN/CSA C22.1 Canadian Electrical Code, Part I - Safety Standard for Electrical
(v) CAN/CSA C22.2 Canadian Electrical Code, Part II - General Requirements;
(vi) CAN/CSA C22.3 No. 4-1974(R2020) Control of Electromechanical Corrosion of
Underground Metallic Structures;
(vii) ACI 201.2R Guide to Durable Concrete, American Concrete Institute;
(viii) ACI 222R Guide to Protection of Metals in Concrete Against Corrosion;
(ix) ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary;
(x) ACI 439.4R Report on Steel Reinforcement;
(xi) ASTM C452 Standard Test Method for Potential Expansion of Portland-Cement Mortars
Exposed to Sulfate, ASTM International;
(xii) ASTM C876 Standard Test Method for Corrosion Potentials of Uncoated Reinforcing
Steel in Concrete;
(xiii) ASTM C1152 Standard Test Method for Acid-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete;
(xiv) ASTM C1218 Standard Test Method for Water-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete;
(xv) ASTM D516 Standard Test Method for Sulfate Ion in Water;
(xvi) ASTM G51 Standard Test Method for Measuring pH of Soil for Use in Corrosion
(xvii) ASTM G57 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Soil Resistivity Using the Wenner
Four-Electrode Method;
(xviii) ASTM G165 Standard Practice for Determining Rail-to-Earth Resistance;
(xix) AWWA C105 Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile-Iron Pipe Systems, American Water
Works Association;
(xx) IEC 62128 Railway Applications - Fixed Installations - Electrical Safety, Earthing and
the Return Circuit - Part 1: Protective Provisions against Electric Shock, International
Electrotechnical Commission;
(xxi) NACE SP0169 Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic
Piping Systems, National Association of Corrosion Engineers;
(xxii) NACE SP0187 Design Considerations for Corrosion Control of Reinforcing Steel in
(xxiii) NACE SP0290 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Reinforcing Steel in
Atmospherically Exposed Concrete Structures;
(xxiv) Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report No.155 Track Design Handbook
for Light Rail Transit - Chapter 8, Corrosion Control;

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(xxv) Publication No. FHWA-NHI-00-044 Corrosion/Degradation of Soil Reinforcements for

Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes. National Highway
Institute, Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation;
(xxvi) NFPA 130 Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems;
(xxvii) Ontario Electrical Safety Code; and
(xxviii) TTC DM-0804-08. Scope of Work

(a) The Contractor shall apply the corrosion control criteria, described in Section 3.27.8 (Corrosion
Control), throughout the entire Life Cycle of the SSE Project.
(b) The Contractor shall protect the following structures and facilities from corrosion including:
(i) underground utilities;
(ii) buried concrete and reinforced concrete structures;
(iii) support pilings;
(iv) retaining walls;
(v) track;
(vi) traction power system;
(vii) underground power cables;
(viii) reinforcing steel;
(ix) tunnel liners;
(x) tunnel structures;
(xi) passenger Stations; and
(xii) emergency exit buildings/emergency service buildings. General Requirements Summary
(a) The Contractor shall apply corrosion control to the following areas:
(i) stray current corrosion control;
(ii) soil corrosion control; and
(iii) atmospheric corrosion control.
(b) The Contractor shall retain a NACE certified corrosion control specialist with certification in
cathodic protection services as the responsible professional that approves and coordinates all
elements of the corrosion mitigation measures for the SSE and:
(i) have experience in direct current (DC) electrified subway systems and the practices used
to mitigate the effects of corrosion due to direct current (DC) stray current; and

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(ii) have the registration as a Professional Engineer licensed in the Province of Ontario.
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate corrosion control measures with the other relevant disciplines
including track, traction power, signaling and train control, communications, EMI/EMC,
facilities, safety, civil, structural, geotechnical, electrical, and mechanical. Stray Current Corrosion Control
(a) The Contractor shall apply the following principles for stray current control:
(i) maximize the conductivity of the return circuit;
(ii) maximize the resistance between the return circuit and earth;
(iii) coat and cathodically protect underground metallic structures;
(iv) consider the use of non-conductive (non-metallic) rebars in highly corrosive
environment; and
(v) give preference to non-metallic buried pipes where possible.
(b) The Contractor shall implement stray current source control to reduce or limit the level of stray
currents. The basic requirements for stray current source control are as follows:
(i) maximize the isolation of the electrical systems and prevent inadvertent electrical
connections between traction power distribution circuits and ground; and
(ii) provide high electrical isolation for the Traction Power System and trackwork to limit
and mitigate stray earth currents.
(c) The Contractor shall incorporate measures to mitigate the corrosive effects of stray leakage
(d) The Contractor shall develop and submit a Corrosion Control Plan to Contracting Authority,
pursuant to Schedule 10 - Review Procedure, including the following stray current surveys and
monitoring activities:
(i) a stray current existing conditions baseline corrosion control and geotechnical survey by
the Contractor to determine effects and magnitude of stray currents on existing
installations and to serve as a documented baseline for future investigation;
(ii) design for an initial installed track to earth resistance of 300 ohm-km per rail as minimum
for each 2-rail track;
(iii) a stray current reference survey performed by the Contractor between post-construction
and pre-energization to establish the pre-operation/reference stray current levels present
prior to energization of the SSE:
(A) the reference survey to serve as the basis for decisions regarding mitigation of
SSE-caused stray current impacts; and
(iv) a post-operation stray current survey performed by the Contractor after the SSE becomes
fully operational.
(e) In the Corrosion Control Plan, the Contractor shall include:

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(i) the identification of design standards and criteria that will be followed to mitigate
corrosion impacts;
(ii) test processes, documentation and certification proposed to validate compliance with the
standards selected;
(iii) results of soil corrosion control data and analysis;
(iv) the identification of all locations where corrosion could impact adjacent utilities,
buildings and structures;
(v) measurements for baseline DC voltages and DC current densities at locations where
corrosion could impact adjacent utilities, building, and structures; and
(vi) mitigation measures expected to be implemented for locations where corrosion could
impact adjacent utilities, building, and structures. Soil Corrosion Control
(a) The Contractor shall determine and document soil, rock and groundwater corrosive characteristics
during the baseline corrosion control and geotechnical surveys and include them in the
geotechnical design parameters per Geotechnical Design Methodology Reports (GDMRs) as
defined in Section 3.19 (Geotechnical and Foundation).
(b) The Contractor shall use analysis of the data obtained and supplemental on-site measurements as
the basis for corrosion control provisions.
(c) The Contractor shall use the chemical test results for soil and groundwater provided in site-
specific GDMRs as per Section 3.19 (Geotechnical and Foundation) and assess the corrosion
potential for each structure.
(d) The Contractor shall implement corrosion mitigation strategy for each structure based on its type,
Design Life, and acquired parameters from GDMRs as per Section 3.19 (Geotechnical and
(e) The corrosion mitigation strategy shall consider any relevant supplemental on-site
measurements. Atmospheric Corrosion Control
(a) The Contractor shall provide atmospheric corrosion control systems or measures to mitigate
corrosion caused by factors including condensation, temperature cycling, weather events, de-icing
salt spray, and air pollutants.
(b) The Contractor shall determine and identify areas with corrosive atmospheres, containing
elements detrimental to structures, during the baseline corrosion control survey, by documenting
atmospheric corrosion conditions including temperature, relative humidity, wind direction and
velocity, solar radiation and the amount of precipitation.
(c) The Contractor shall take measures to prevent metallic structures and hardware from atmospheric
corrosion, including material selection, designs, coatings, and survey recommendations.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure that the electrical insulation provisions are not affected by corrosion
from adjacent road de-icing salts.

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(a) The Contractor shall ensure grounding and bonding requirements are in compliance with Section
3.27.6 (Traction Power), Section 3.21 (Electrical), and Section 3.27.2 (Track & Formation).
(b) The Contractor shall ground all structures and equipment to meet the requirements for protection
of the public as described in IEC 62128-1.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that grounding provisions for traction power substations, passenger
Stations, Storage Track, and wayside locations are reviewed by the NACE certified corrosion
control specialist for potential conflicts with corrosion control provisions. Operational Requirements Coatings
(a) The Contractor shall ensure coatings specified for corrosion control of buried metallic facilities
satisfy the following requirements:
(i) minimum thickness as recommended by the manufacturer;
(ii) a chemical or mechanical bond to the surface to be used; and
(iii) materials to have minimum 5-year established performance record for the intended
service. Electrical Isolation of Piping
(a) The Contractor shall ensure electrical isolation devices meet the following requirements:
(i) sufficient electrical resistance to be provided such that no more than 2 percent of a test
current applied across the device flows through the insulating flange or coupling,
including flow through conductive fluids if present;
(ii) mechanical and temperature ratings of insulating fittings, flanges, and other electrical
isolation devices to be compatible with the environment in which they are installed;
(iii) all metallic fittings, flanges, couplings, unions, and other exposed metal parts, buried in
soils to be encased in a protective coating;
(iv) all metallic fittings, flanges, couplings, unions, and other exposed metal parts, installed in
chambers or otherwise exposed to partial immersion or high humidity to have a
protective coating applied over the components; and
(v) inaccessible insulating devices, such as buried insulating (dielectric) fittings, to be
equipped with accessible permanent test facilities.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a minimum clearance of 300mm between new and existing metallic
(i) when conditions do not allow a 300mm clearance, the Contractor to include provisions,
such as dielectric barriers, to prevent electrical contact with existing structures.

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(a) The Contractor shall provide electrical continuity bonding across non-welded metallic pipe joints
to meet the following minimum requirements:
(i) two direct burial, insulated, stranded, copper wires to be installed across mechanical
joints for redundancy;
(ii) wire size to be based on the electrical characteristics of the structure and resulting
electrical network to minimize attenuation and allow for cathodic protection;
(iii) connections to be made using exothermic weld process compatible with the wire and
piping material; and
(iv) all bond connections to be coated and protected with approved mastic coating compatible
with the piping system and installed environment. Cathodic Protection
(a) The Contractor shall accomplish cathodic protection by means of sacrificial galvanic anodes to
minimize corrosion interaction with other underground utilities.
(b) The Contractor shall use impressed current systems only when the use of sacrificial systems is not
technically or economically feasible.
(c) The Contractor shall prohibit the use of SSE negative return system as part of cathodic protection
(i) cathodic protection to use a separate isolated anode ground bed.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure impressed current cathodic protection rectifier systems can operate in
constant voltage, constant current or potential control mode.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure cathodic protection rectifiers are rated at a minimum of 50 percent
above calculated operating levels.
(f) For ferrous pressure piping, all new buried cast iron, ductile iron, and steel pressure piping shall
be coated and cathodically protected.
(g) The Contractor shall provide access facilities and/or test Stations at each dielectric coupling
suitable for testing the effectiveness of insulating (dielectric) couplings, pipe coating, and
cathodic protection system:
(i) additional test/access facilities to be installed at intermediate locations as determined
necessary by a NACE certified corrosion control specialist.
(h) For copper piping, pipe penetrations through walls and floors shall be electrically isolated from
building structural elements.
(i) Buried metal pipe shall be electrically isolated from non-buried piping.
(j) An underground pipe shall be considered protected if it meets the criteria set forth in NACE

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(a) If hydraulic elevators are installed, the Contractor shall provide coated steel hydraulic elevator
cylinders and piping to meet the following minimum requirements:
(i) external protective coating to be mechanically and chemically compatible with petroleum
products and other ground contaminates;
(ii) outer concentric casing, casing thickness, diameter and resistivity to be provided to
prevent moisture intrusion, including the bottom, and to maximize electrical insulation
between the cylinder and earth;
(iii) sand or alternate dielectric fill between the cylinder and FRP casing to meet a minimum
resistivity of 25,000 ohm-centimetres, a pH of between 6 and 8 and a maximum chloride
content of 250 ppm;
(iv) cathodic protection system to be implemented;
(v) permanent test facilities to be installed on the cylinder, anodes and earth reference to
permit evaluation, activation, and periodic retesting of the protection system; and
(vi) removable moisture-proof sealing lid to be installed on the top of the casing prior to
installation of the cylinder:
(A) the top of the casing to be permanently sealed against moisture intrusion after
installation of the cylinder. Support Pilings
(a) The Contractor shall ensure that provisions based on the use of metallic supports exposed to the
environment include the use of a barrier coating.
(b) The Contractor shall determine the need for special corrosion measures, such as cathodic
protection, on an individual basis, based on type and Design Life of structure, analysis of
geotechnical condition as per Geotechnical Design Methodology Reports (GDMRs) as defined in
Section 3.19 (Geotechnical and Foundation), and proximity to roadway de-icing salts and other
corrosive contaminates.
(c) The Contractor shall provide reinforced concrete piling, including fabrications with prestressed
members, to meet the following minimum requirements:
(i) water/cement ratio and cement types in accordance with applicable codes;
(ii) chloride restrictions for concrete with non-prestressed members in accordance with
applicable codes;
(iii) chloride restrictions for concrete with prestressed members in accordance with applicable
codes, with exception that the concrete mix to be such that the water soluble and acid
soluble chloride concentrations, at the concrete/prestressed steel interface, do not exceed
0.06 and 0.08 percent by weight of cement, respectively, over the life of the structure;
(iv) a minimum of 75mm of concrete cover over the outermost reinforcing steel, including
prestressing wires, if present.

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(d) The Contractor shall provide concrete-filled steel cylinder columns, where the steel is an integral
part of the load bearing characteristics of the support structure, considering the need for special
measures, such as increased cylinder wall thickness, external coating system, and/or cathodic
(i) provisions to be determined on an individual basis, based on type and Design Life of
structure, analysis of geotechnical condition as per GDMRs as defined in Section 3.19
(Geotechnical and Foundation), for corrosive characteristics and the degree of anticipated
structural deterioration caused by corrosion. Reinforcing Steel
(a) Reinforcing steel embedded in concrete exposed primarily to the atmosphere shall have a
minimum cover of 75mm.
(b) For reinforcing steel, the Contractor shall comply with the requirements in Section 3.2.2 (Design
Components and Design Life), Section 3.22.4 (Civil Structures), Section 3.22.6 (Building
Structures), and Section 3.25 (Tunnel). Traction Power Substation
(a) The Contractor shall provide the Traction Power System (TPS) for the SSE as electrically isolated
from ground where the rectifier negative terminal or substation negative bus is not intentionally
earth grounded.
(b) The Contractor shall follow TTC DM-0804-08 and electrical utility (THESL) conditions of
service on instituting specific grounding techniques relative to the electrical utility’s medium
voltage feeder grounds when entering the TPSS building facility.
(c) The Contractor shall provide TPSS location spacing such that maximum negative rail to ground
voltage do not exceed the levels indicated in Section 3.27.6 (Traction Power).
(d) The Contractor shall provide substations with utility stray current drain switches and minimum
100 amp/200 volt blocking diode assemblies for connection of utility stray current drain cables:
(i) the drain switches must be connected through a raceway system to a drainage pull box
exterior to the substation to facilitate utility interconnection.
(e) The Contractor shall include provisions to monitor negative rail to ground voltages on a
continuous basis at Traction Power Substations. Positive Distribution System
(a) The Contractor shall construct a highly insulated positive distribution system that is electrically
continuous between substations and normally fed at each end of the power section.
(b) The positive distribution system and its ancillary components shall be insulated and isolated to
the extent that its contribution to stray current leakage is negligible to non-existent. Negative Return System
(a) The Contractor shall provide the running rails as an electrically continuous and insulated traction
power negative return circuit that meet the following requirements:

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(i) each 2-rail track to consist of one negative return rail and minimum two 1500 kcmil
Copper parallel Negative Reinforcing Feeder (NRF) cables;
(ii) the Negative Reinforcing Feeder (NRF) cables to attach to the negative rail every 120 m;
(iii) each track to be cross-bonded with the track running in the opposite direction at intervals
not to exceed 300 m; and
(iv) the two negative return rails in parallel with the four 1500 kcmil Negative Reinforcing
Feeder (NRF) cables to have an overall resistance of less than 0.0045 ohm/km at 20 deg
(b) The Contractor shall provide track, including Special Trackwork, to have the following
minimum, uniformly distributed, resistance to earth values, in accordance with ASTM G165
Standard Practice for determining rail to ground resistance:
(i) 300 ohms along each kilometre per rail of each two-rail underground track.
(c) The Contractor shall determine the 24 hour average positive and 24 hour average negative
leakage per 30 m of track:
(i) a computerized simulation to be used to verify the level of stray current and rail-to-earth
(d) The Contractor shall meet the requirements using appropriately provisioned insulating track
(e) The Contractor shall ensure track is in accordance with Section 3.27.2 (Track & Formation), and
meet the following minimum provisions:
(i) a minimum 45mm clearance between ballast material and the metallic surfaces of the rail
and metallic track components in electrical contact with the rail;
(ii) track to be electrically isolated from other structures;
(iii) select track locations to be monitored for stray current activity and evaluation of rail-to-
earth resistance; and
(iv) the requirements for the use of earth potential gradient test arrays to be based upon a case
by case review of the track or grade crossing location, the type of track, adjacent critical
utility structures and others as deemed appropriate by the NACE certified corrosion
control specialist.
(f) The Contractor shall electrically isolate switch machines, switch rods, signalling devices, train to
wayside communication systems, and other devices or systems attached to the rails, from the
(i) where switch machines cannot be electrically isolated from the rail, the entire switch
machine shall be isolated from earth ground. Facilities Owned by Others, Change to corrosion control devices
(a) The Contractor shall consult with utility owners before adopting any changes to corrosion control
devices or practices effecting the utility's facility.

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(a) The Contractor shall protect existing or relocated buried utilities from stray currents, including
the City of Toronto water and other buried infrastructure, and meet the following:
(i) the locations of, and number of monitoring points for the measurement of stray currents
shall be at the discretion of the Utility Company and/or the City of Toronto;
(ii) the Contractor to obtain copies of the pre-construction sample baseline monitoring charts
and information on the possible future monitoring locations from the individual Utility
Company and/or the City of Toronto;
(iii) testing to be performed by a NACE certified corrosion control specialist;
(iv) where any stray current from the SSE is found to be detrimental to the Utility Company
and the City of Toronto, the Contractor must install cathodic protection at all affected
areas to mitigate any adverse impact of corrosive stray currents that are induced by the
SSE; and
(v) corrosion control facilities provided for protection of buried utilities owned by others and
installed by the Contractor as part of the system to become the responsibility of the
individual utility owner/operator following acceptance of the corrosion protection system.
(b) The Contractor shall follow the requirements in Section 3.24 (Utilities) for corrosion protection. Facilities Owned by Others, Existing Utility Structures
(a) The NACE certified corrosion control specialist shall identify the existing utility structures
impacted by the SSE.
(b) The NACE certified corrosion control specialist shall coordinate with the Utility Company and
the City of Toronto for stray current monitoring and mitigation.
(c) The need for stray current monitoring facilities shall be determined by the Utility Company and
the City of Toronto.

3.28 Systems Integration

3.28.1 Overview
(a) The objective of the Systems Integration (SI) section is to define the minimum requirements for
the Interface Management processes and integration activities that will guide the Contractor
during the design and construction of the Works.
(b) Interface Management processes outline the activities for planning, recording, analyzing, tracing,
reviewing, and approving Interface resolutions, as well as ensuring tracing of Interface design

3.28.2 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall develop SI processes and procedures based upon a project-specific
approach, in accordance with ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288/2015 System Engineering - System Life
Cycle processes or an equivalent approved by Contracting Authority.

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3.28.3 General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall establish, apply, and maintain a systematic, documented, comprehensive,
and verifiable System Integration process throughout the Life Cycle of the Works.
(b) The Contractor shall manage and resolve all integration and Interface issues between the Works'
Interfacing Entities (IE) and between the Works' IE and other Stakeholders affected by the SSE
(c) The Contractor shall develop a SI process to ensure that the Interface design
solutions are accepted by all Stakeholders involved in the Interface, within the provisions of this
Project Agreement.
(d) The Contractor shall develop a SI process to ensure compatibility between all IE as part of the
(e) The Contractor shall develop a SI process to ensure that the Works' IE, including hardware,
software and rail operations, are interfaced and compatible with the existing Line 2 subway
Systems and infrastructure in coordination with Contracting Authority and TTC.
(f) The Contractor shall develop a SI process to ensure that Interfaces and interaction between the
Works' infrastructure, facilities, Systems and Subsystems, software, hardware, subway operations
and maintenance fit and function together as a System to deliver a complete end to end
(g) The Contractor shall apply SI processes to ensure the interfacing Subsystems are assembled and
integrated in accordance with the Works' design requirements and combined to form a System
that is functioning as intended within the intended operational environment for the intended Life
(h) The Contractor shall assemble and integrate interfacing Subsystems or System elements defined
as part of the Works to be accessible and capable of being verified and validated as per the
Verification and Validation Plan.
(i) The Contractor shall integrate all interfacing Subsystems or System elements defined as part of
the Works to ensure each System's end-to-end operation.
(j) The Contractor shall integrate all interfacing Subsystems or System elements defined as part of
the Works at all locations of the Works.
(k) The Contractor shall integrate all interfacing Subsystems or System elements defined as part of
the Works to ensure end-to-end operation of the combined System.
(l) The Contractor shall follow the assembly sequence and integration strategy plan described in the
ICD to minimize SI risks.
(m) The Contractor shall collect data related to the SI activities and make it available for V&V
(n) The Contractor shall be responsible for any upgrades, modifications, and additions to
Stakeholders' existing infrastructure or Systems to interface with the Works.

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3.28.4 Specific Requirements Submittals
(a) The Contractor shall prepare and submit SI documents as per the requirements in this Schedule
15, Schedule 10 - Review Procedure and Schedule 11 - Quality Management.
(b) The Contractor shall create a list of SI documents that the Contractor plans to submit to
Contracting Authority, for review, within 60 days after the Effective Date.
(c) The Contractor shall maintain and update SI documentation as part of the design submittal
process and in accordance with this Schedule 15, Schedule 10 - Review Procedure and
Schedule 11 - Quality Management.
(d) The Contractor shall deliver, as a minimum, the following SI documents to Contracting
(i) list of SI submittals;
(ii) System Integration and Interface Management Plan (SIIMP);
(iii) Project Term schedule of SI activities (incorporated into the Works schedule);
(iv) one-year schedule of SI activities, each year (incorporated into the Works schedule);
(v) Interface Management Progress Reports (IMPR);
(vi) SI internal audit reports;
(vii) SI external audit reports;
(viii) Interface Register (IR) document and updates; and
(ix) Interface Control Documents (ICD).

3.28.5 Requirements for System Interface and Integration Management Interface Management System Integration and Interface Management Plan (SIIMP)
(a) The Contractor shall develop and execute a SIIMP that defines the processes of identifying,
developing, and documenting all individual Interfaces of the Systems required to support the
(b) The SIIMP shall define:
(i) processes of identifying, developing, and documenting all individual Interfaces of the
Subsystems required to support the Works; and
(ii) SI strategy and processes of bringing together the Subsystems into one System to achieve
the designed functionality of the combined System.
(c) The Contractor shall include the following elements in the SIIMP:
(i) SI management strategy and approach throughout the Life Cycle of the Works;

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(ii) policies, procedures, and processes for Interface Management required to control the
development of each Interface using Interface control tools and documents;
(iii) identification, definition, and classification of all Interfaces, including human Interfaces,
operational and maintenance Interfaces;
(iv) the Interface Management team, roles, and assignments of responsibilities among the
Contractor's organization for identification, definition, updating, resolving, designing,
constructing, and testing the Interfaces;
(v) specification and development of tools and metrics required to systematically manage
and organize technical and non-technical Interfaces, Interface attributes and Interface
design solutions and provide for coordination and visibility of Interface design activities
among all Stakeholders;
(vi) the process of acceptance and formal sign-off of the Interface design solutions by the
responsible individuals representing all parties involved in the Interfaces; and
(vii) integration testing, V&V activities that are required to confirm that the Interfaces are
constructed as designed and functioning as intended within the intended operational
environment and the intended Life Cycle, as per the requirements of this Schedule 15 and
Schedule 14 - Testing and Commissioning.
(d) The Contractor shall implement and comply with the SIIMP processes for each interfacing
Subsystem as part of the Works, including Interface issues discovered in the field.
(e) The Contractor shall implement and comply with the processes established in the SIIMP
throughout the Life Cycle of the Works. Interface Identification
(a) The Contractor shall define at least five categories of Interfaces, as follows:
(i) the internal Interfaces between the Works IE;
(ii) the internal Interfaces between the Works IE and project early works IE;
(iii) the external Interfaces between the Works IE and non-project IE;
(iv) the external Interfaces between the Works IE and Contracting Authority's IE; and
(v) the external Interfaces between the Works IE to Stakeholders' IE. Interface Control, Resolution, and Recording
(a) The Contractor shall monitor and control the Interfaces' development following already
established SIIMP processes and until the final and complete solution of each Interface.
(b) The Contractor shall develop the IR as pairwise compilations of Interface requirements, and
detailing the Interface identifier, attributes, identifying conflicts, responsible parties and Interface
design solutions.
(c) The Contractor shall include all identified Interfaces in the IR.
(d) The Contractor shall assign the following attributes to each IR:

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(i) unique identifier;

(ii) Interface specification (i.e., an explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a System,
product, or service);
(iii) Interface boundaries (i.e., from, to, via);
(iv) safety-related or not safety-related;
(v) actions / comments / resolution;
(vi) traceability;
(vii) date; and
(viii) status.
(e) The Contractor shall use the IR as a tool during all stages of the Interface design process to ensure
that the Interface requirements are identified, tracked, and included in the requirements database.
(f) The Contractor shall use the IR as a tool to ensure that the relevant parties are engaged in the
Interface discussions and to administer and track the design solutions of each individual Interface.
(g) The Contractor shall use signed-off ICDs as a proof that all parties engaged in a particular
Interface have accepted the Interface design solution.
(h) The Contractor shall include the following in each ICD:
(i) the responsible entities for managing and engineering the Interface;
(ii) the Interface and integration control requirements;
(iii) the agreed Interface design solution, containing all technical design details that allow
both parties of the Interface to construct their part of the Interface;
(iv) the proposed method and schedule for verifying the Interface integrity, the individual
element performance, and the combined System performance; and
(v) the assembly procedure and integration sequencing as described in the Systems' vendor
documentation. Interface Reporting Documents General
(a) The Contractor shall support and assist Contracting Authority and their TA to observe, review,
and audit both the Contractor and the Contractor's subcontractors' SI activities and processes upon
request. Interface Management Progress Report (IMPR)
(a) The Contractor shall develop and submit IMPRs in accordance with this Schedule 15,
Schedule 10 - Review Procedure and Schedule 11 - Quality Management.
(b) The Contractor shall include in the IMPR the following information:
(i) dates of the reporting period;

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(ii) the name of the Contractor person responsible for the report;
(iii) a summary of SI activities performed and a log of updates to Interface Management
documents from the previous month(s);
(iv) SI activities planned in the next month(s);
(v) issues affecting SI task progress;
(vi) updated schedule of SI activities;
(vii) updated IR;
(viii) updated ICDs;
(ix) SI internal audit reports and external audit reports;
(x) list of SI process corrective actions; and
(xi) a performance matrix developed to measure SI task progress. SI Audit Reports
(a) The Contractor shall prepare and submit SI audit reports in accordance with this Schedule 15,
Schedule 10 - Review Procedure and Schedule 11 - Quality Management.
(b) The Contractor shall include in each SI audit report the following sections:
(i) audit team responsible for the report;
(ii) a summary of audit activities performed;
(iii) audit findings for compliance, completeness and consistency of documentation;
(iv) audit findings whether the protocols and tools are being performed as per the SIIMP; and
(v) list of findings, corrective actions, and responsible project discipline.

3.29 Requirements Management

3.29.1 Overview
(a) This Requirements Management (RM) section sets out the processes to be employed and
requirements to be met by the Contractor to manage the requirements of this agreement
throughout the Project Term.

3.29.2 Scope
(a) The RM processes outline activities for recording, analyzing, tracing, prioritizing, reviewing,
and approving requirements. Also included are collecting, decomposing and deriving of
requirements, as well as ensuring tracing of compliance evidence.
(b) In this article, RM tool refers to an industry-standard, professional, software application that is
used to manage requirements in accordance with the RM processes outlined in this Project
Agreement. Refer to Schedule 29- Safety, System Assurance and Security of this Project
Agreement, which prescribes the specific RM tool to be used on the Project.

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(c) In the context of this article, a baseline is a snapshot of the RM tool database at a moment in time,
which can be recreated later if needed.

3.29.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The RM work performed and produced by the Contractor and the Contractor's subcontractors
shall comply with the most recent revision of:
(i) the requirements style guide provided by Contracting Authority;
(ii) ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015 (or superseding document); and
(iii) INCOSE Guide for Writing Requirements (INCOSE-TP-2010-006-03 or superseding

3.29.4 General Requirements Requirements Management Plan and Process

(a) The Contractor shall create, maintain, and enforce a RM process which addresses all the
requirements within the scope of the Works.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure the Contractor's subcontractors comply with the RM process.
(c) The Contractor shall maintain the RM process effective from the Effective Date to the
Termination Date of this Project Agreement.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure that major RM milestones and major RM activities are included in
the overall Project schedule and cover the entire Project Term in accordance with Schedule 12 -
Works Schedule Requirements.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure that details of all major and minor RM activities are included in the
overall Project schedule, covering a period of one year, within three months before the start of the
following year of the Works, in accordance with Schedule 12 - Works Schedule Requirements.
(f) The Contractor shall provide updates showing progress of RM milestones, and all major and
minor RM activities, to Contracting Authority in accordance with Schedule 12 - Works Schedule
(g) Unless otherwise noted in the context of this article, the following terms shall be equivalent:
(i) project requirements equivalent to / refers to schedule and Project Agreement
requirements; and
(ii) Derived Requirements equivalent to / refers to requirements created by the Contractor
based on requirements of the Works.
(h) The Contractor shall identify a RM lead and a RM tools lead to Contracting Authority who liaise
directly with Contracting Authority.
(i) The Contractor shall identify a RM lead who is responsible for all activities contained within the
RM process used by the Contractor and the Contractor's subcontractors.
(i) The RM lead shall have at least ten years of experience in the development and
management of project-level requirements, as well as RM processes.

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(ii) The RM lead shall liaise directly with Contracting Authority with respect to RM plans,
processes, and activities.
(j) The Contractor shall identify a RM tools lead, who is responsible for the setup, configuration,
management, and administration of the RM tool used by the Contractor and the Contractor's
(i) The RM tool lead shall have at least five years of experience in the administration of RM
tools, and at least two years of experience in the administration of the specific RM tool
used as per Schedule 29- Safety, System Assurance and Security of this Project
(ii) The RM tool lead shall report to the Contractor's RM lead but shall liaise directly with
their counterpart in Contracting Authority with respect to RM tool compatibility and
(k) The Contractor shall prepare and submit a Requirements Management Plan (RMP) to define and
expand the overall RM processes outlined in this Project Agreement, in accordance with Sections
1.4.13 and 3.29.
(l) The Contractor shall document how the RM process will be applied to the Contractor and the
Contractor's subcontractors in the RMP.
(m) The Contractor shall update the RMP at least once a year.
(n) The Contractor shall prepare and submit a Requirements Management Implementation Report
(RMIR) which defines appropriate methodologies for implementing the RM process.
(o) The Contractor shall document how the RMP applies to the Derived requirements, and project
requirements and Works' assets in an RMIR.
(p) The Contractor shall update and submit a new revision of the RMIR, if the RM process is revised
in the RMP, to provide updated methodologies for implementing the RM process, i.e., a new
RMIR revision shall accompany each RMP revision.
(q) The Contractor shall create training materials and provide the appropriate training to the
Contractor and the Contractor's subcontractors, prior to implementation of the RM process.
(r) The Contractor shall update the training materials at least once a year.
(s) The Contractor shall monitor and control the progress of RM activities to ensure compliance with
the RM process and schedule and document the results in RM progress and RM audit reports, in
accordance with this schedule and Schedule 11 - Quality Management.
(t) The Contractor shall monitor and control the implementation of the RM process on the Works
and document the results in RM progress and RM audit reports, in accordance with this schedule
and Schedule 11 - Quality Management.
(u) The Contractor shall review requirements documentation created by the Contractor and the
Contractor's subcontractors for compliance with the RM process at least every three months,
identifying any deviations from the RM process, and take corrective actions to ensure compliance
with the RM process.

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(v) The Contractor shall document and submit, to Contracting Authority, the results of the
requirements documentation review, including corrective actions taken.
(w) The Contractor shall ensure that Derived Requirements have one or more traceable references to
the applicable project requirements and any associated analyses. Requirements Management Documentation

(a) The Contractor shall create, submit, update, and resubmit each RM document to Contracting
Authority in accordance with the requirements in this schedule, Schedule 10 - Review
Procedure and Schedule 11 - Quality Management.
(b) The Contractor shall prepare and deliver the following submittals from RM activities:
(i) major baselines of Derived Requirements;
(ii) Derived Requirements traceability tables that are bi-directional, i.e., top down and bottom
(iii) safety Verification tables;
(iv) V&V traceability tables, that are bi-directional, top down and bottom up;
(v) operation and maintenance traceability tables, that are bi-directional, top down and
bottom up, between requirements and operations and maintenance documentation such as
manuals or training materials;
(vi) requirements traceability tables, that are bi-directional, top down and bottom up, exported
from the requirements database;
(vii) snapshots / baselines of the requirements database;
(viii) progress documents, including measurements against RM performance metrics, as
determined by data exported from the requirements database;
(ix) audit documents, including measurements against RM performance metrics, as
determined by auditing the Stakeholders of the RM process, in accordance with this
schedule and Schedule 11 - Quality Management; and
(x) training materials, and any other such presentations made to Stakeholders and to
Contracting Authority, detailing the RM process and RM tools.
(c) The Contractor shall create, submit, update, and resubmit each of the following RM documents to
Contracting Authority in accordance with the requirements in this schedule, Schedule 10 -
Review Procedure and Schedule 11 - Quality Management:
(i) RMP annually, from three months after the Effective Date until the Termination Date of
this Project Agreement;
(ii) RMIR annually, from six months after the Effective Date until the Termination Date of
this Project Agreement;
(iii) RM training materials annually, from nine months after the Effective Date until the
Termination Date of this Project Agreement;

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(iv) RM progress document annually, from one year after the Effective Date until one year
after Final Completion;
(v) RM audit document annually, from one year after the Effective Date until one year after
Final Completion, in accordance with this schedule and Schedule 11 - Quality
(vi) RM lessons learned document annually, from one year after the Effective Date until one
year after Final Completion; and
(vii) Derived Requirements specification annually, from one year after the Effective Date until
the Termination Date of this Project Agreement.
(d) The Contractor shall update Works Schedule with RM activities, including:
(i) the date the schedule was updated on;
(ii) the name of the Contractor person responsible for RM of the Works;
(iii) a summary of RM work throughout the Project Term, including preliminary design,
detailed design, construction, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance;
(iv) dates of major RM milestones throughout the Project Term;
(v) delivery dates of each of the RM submittals; and
(vi) expected values of RM performance metrics at the end of each year of the Works.
(e) The Contractor shall create, submit, update, and resubmit the RM detailed schedule containing an
update of all items in the RM overall schedule, in addition to the following, in accordance with
Schedule 12 - Works Schedule Requirements:
(i) the date the schedule was updated on;
(ii) the name of the Contractor person responsible for RM of the Works;
(iii) a summary of RM work performed in the previous year, RM work planned for the next
year, and issues affecting RM progress;
(iv) dates of major and minor RM milestones during the year covered by the schedule;
(v) a schedule of major and minor RM activities and tasks during the year covered by the
schedule, including a very high level of detail for each activity and task;
(vi) update and delivery dates for revisions of RM documents and submittals that occur
during the year covered by the schedule; and
(vii) expected values of RM performance metrics at the end of each month during the year
covered by the schedule.
(f) The Contractor shall create, submit, update, and resubmit the RMP containing descriptions of at
least the following in accordance with the requirements in this schedule, Schedule 10 - Review
Procedure and Schedule 11 - Quality Management:
(i) the date the RMP was updated on;
(ii) the name of the Contractor person responsible for RM of the Works;

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(iii) roles and responsibilities of individuals that create, modify, delete, review, approve and
analyze Derived Requirements;
(iv) procedures to create, modify and delete Derived Requirements, as well as the framework
to allow Derived Requirements to be reviewed, approved and analyzed;
(v) procedures to link Derived Requirements to higher level project requirements, as well as
the obligations to link lower level requirements documents, Interface requirements
documents, design and implementation drawings and documents, applicable hazards,
Verification and Validation documents including test procedures, RAMS and security
requirements, requirements from plans and analyses, and operations and maintenance
documents including manuals to Derived Requirements - collectively referred to as
requirement traceability;
(vi) definitions and descriptions of all additional information to be stored and managed with
each requirement, referred to as requirement attributes;
(vii) details of tools and databases to be used to manage requirements;
(viii) reviews performed and other documents created with respect to requirements;
(ix) descriptions of all RM performance metrics to be used to monitor RM process;
(x) definitions of all terms, acronyms and abbreviations used in the RMP;
(xi) document titles, numbers, revisions, and release dates for documents referenced in the
RMP; and
(xii) procedures to baseline requirement sets within the RM tool.
(g) The Contractor shall create, submit, update, and resubmit the RM audit document containing at
least the following in accordance with the requirements in this schedule, Schedule 10 - Review
Procedure and Schedule 11 - Quality Management:
(i) the revision date;
(ii) the name of the person responsible for RM of the Works;
(iii) the date the audits were performed;
(iv) which of the Contractor's teams and the Works' disciplines the audits were performed on;
(v) a status of the teams and Works' disciplines with respect to the RM process, including
their level of training in the RM process and tools, and their progress in implementing the
RM process;
(vi) which subcontractors and partners the audits were performed on;
(vii) a status of the subcontractors and partners with respect to the RM process, including their
level of training in the RM process and tools, and their progress in implementing the RM
(viii) deviations from the RM process within the teams, Works' disciplines, subcontractors, and
partners, and the resulting corrective actions created; and
(ix) procedures to baseline requirement sets within the RM tool.

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(h) The Contractor shall ensure wherever RM performance metrics are described in the Contractor's
documents at least the following performance metrics are included:
(i) number of existing Derived Requirements versus estimated final number of Derived
(ii) number of approved Derived Requirements versus number of existing Derived
(iii) number of Derived Requirements modified after being approved versus number of
approved Derived Requirements;
(iv) number of Derived Requirements with links to project requirements versus number of
existing Derived Requirements;
(v) number of project requirements with links from Derived Requirements versus number of
existing project requirements;
(vi) number of Derived Requirements with links to Verification and Validation evidence
versus number of existing Derived Requirements; and
(vii) number of Derived Requirements with links to operation and maintenance documentation
versus number of existing Derived Requirements. Requirements Management Tool

(a) The Contractor shall procure, setup, configure, manage, and administer the RM tool.
(b) The Contractor shall use the RM tool to implement the RM process.
(c) The Contractor shall provide Contracting Authority both physical, i.e., on-site access, as well as
digital, remote access to its RM tool, to observe and audit the implementation of RM processes
throughout the Project Term, in accordance with this schedule and Schedule 11 - Quality
(d) The Contractor shall use the RM tool to create traceability, that is bi-directional, i.e., top down
and bottom up, between Derived Requirements and:
(i) the project requirements contained in this schedule and all Project Agreement Schedules;
(ii) stakeholder requirements;
(iii) safety requirements;
(iv) hazards including mitigations or links to documented mitigations;
(v) design documents including drawings;
(vi) Verification and Validation documents including test procedures; and
(vii) operations and maintenance documents including manuals.
(e) The Contractor shall use the RM tool prescribed by Schedule 29 of this Project Agreement, or a
replacement tool selected by Contracting Authority.
(f) The Contractor shall ensure that the RM tool used by the Contractor is:

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(i) able to import files in ReqIF format that were exported the RM tool prescribed by
Schedule 29 - Safety, System Assurance and Security of this Project Agreement, or a
replacement tool selected by Contracting Authority;
(ii) able to export files in ReqIF format that are importable by the RM tool prescribed by
Schedule 29 - Safety, System Assurance and Security of this Project Agreement, or a
replacement tool selected by Contracting Authority; and
(iii) configured with identical attributes, attribute data types, artifact types and link types as
used by Contracting Authority in their RM tool's database.
(g) The Contractor shall ensure that Derived Requirements have a unique and unalterable identifier. Requirements Management Database

(a) The Contractor shall ensure that backup of the RM tool's database occur at least once per day.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure the periodic backup of the RM tool's database is kept:
(i) in a secured repository, secured by a physical lock, limited-access passwords, or
both; and
(ii) separate from the physical computer the RM tool is running on, such that a hardware
failure, physical damage, or software attack will not damage the database and backup
with the same failure.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that baselines of the RM tool's database are created for each major
design milestone.
(d) The Contractor shall configure the RM tool using, at minimum, the same requirement attributes,
attribute data types, and attribute data type values as used by Contracting Authority in their RM
tool, as specified in Schedule 29- Safety, System Assurance and Security of this Project
(e) The Contractor shall configure the RM tool using, at minimum, the same module types and
artifact types as used by Contracting Authority in their RM tool, as specified in Schedule 29 -
Safety, System Assurance and Security of this Project Agreement.
(f) The Contractor shall configure the RM tool using, at minimum, the same link types as used by
Contracting Authority in their RM tool, as specified in Schedule 29 - Safety, System Assurance
and Security of this Project Agreement.
(g) The Contractor shall archive the entire database of the RM tool at each major milestone and just
before the end of the Project Term and transfer these archives to Contracting Authority.

3.30 System Assurance and Certification

(a) The Contractor shall implement and execute its System Assurance program according to the
requirements in Schedule 29 - Safety, System Assurance and Security.

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3.31 Fare Collection System

3.31.1 Overview
(a) The fare collection is a System within the overall subway System, and includes ticket/smart card
machines, faregates, and associated supporting infrastructure. The fare collection System
interfaces with the fire and life safety System to support high throughput during emergencies in
accordance with the requirements in Section 3.23.7 (Code and Life Safety), as well as OBC and
NFPA 130.

3.31.2 Scope
(a) Responsibility for the specifications and delivery remains with Contracting Authority. This
differs from other Systems which are being designed and delivered by the Contractor. However,
the fare collection System has mechanical, electrical, communication, operational and security
Interfaces with other subway Systems and with external entities. Development and
implementation of these Interfaces is responsibility of the Contractor.

3.31.3 Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall develop the fare collection System design based upon a project-specific
approach and in accordance with the most recent revision of the following documents:
(i) Metrolinx DS-09 Subway Station Architecture Design Standard;
(ii) PRESTO Service Design Standards;
(iii) Metrolinx Design Requirements Manual;
(iv) PRESTO Generic Faregate Dimensions and Clearances FINAL;
(v) PRESTO Subway-Station-Stop Equipment Dimensions and Clearances FINAL;
(vi) PRESTO Subway-Station-Stop Equipment Power Comms Requirements FINAL; and
(vii) TTC Design Manual.
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate with Contracting Authority to obtain the latest PRESTO
standards and specifications, which may supersede some of the PRESTO documents listed in
Article 3.31.3(a) and some of the requirements in Sections 3.31.4 and 3.31.5.

3.31.4 General Requirements

(a) Contracting Authority shall provide fare collection equipment.
(b) The Contractor shall design the Interfaces and infrastructure for the fare collection System, which
is based on a faregates enforcement System, with off-board fare payment.
(c) TTC legacy fare equipment, defined as TTC ticket validators and TTC transfer machines, will be
retired by 2030. As such, these do not need to be considered in SSE design and construction.
(d) The Contractor shall design and construct the supporting infrastructure required for
the implementation and operation of the fare collection System equipment as outlined in this
section's reference documents.

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(e) The Contractor shall implement provisions required to support the implementation of the fare
collection System, within the fixed facilities of the Works in accordance with the requirements
defined in this section's reference documents as follows:
(i) space and mounting installation provisions;
(ii) power;
(iii) conduits;
(iv) power distribution panels and circuit breakers;
(v) power and communication cables, and cable terminations where applicable; and
(vi) interface the faregates to the fire alarm control panel (FACP).
(f) PRESTO shall use a broadband service provider for transactional fare data communications.
(g) The Contractor shall design for the locations and numbers of fare collection devices, as defined
in Section 0 (Passenger and Customer Facilities).
(h) The Contractor shall provide a customer help communication device located in unpaid area, in
close approximation to the fare collection equipment as defined in Section 0 (Passenger and
Customer Facilities) and Section 3.27.4 (Communication Systems).
(i) The Contractor shall provide each fare machine with a fixed view CCTV camera as defined in
Section 0 (Passenger and Customer Facilities) and Section 3.27.4 (Communication Systems).
(j) The Contractor shall provide fare collection System with equipment rack at a location determined
in consultation and agreement with Contracting Authority.
(k) The Contractor shall provide each fare collection System equipment rack in accordance with the
latest PRESTO standards and specifications as per Article 3.31.3(b).
(l) The Contractor shall provide raceways to support each fare collection System equipment
rack power, communication and fire alarm cable service connection in accordance with the latest
PRESTO standards and specifications as per Article 3.31.3(b).
(m) The Contractor shall provide each fare collection System equipment rack with two dedicated UPS
power feeders 40A each in accordance with the latest PRESTO standards and specifications as
per Article 3.31.3(b).
(n) The Contractor shall provide the fare collection equipment with 120 VAC power in accordance
with the latest PRESTO standards and specifications as per Article 3.31.3(b).
(o) The Contractor shall provide each Station with a cable termination rack where all the
communication cables from the supported fare collection equipment terminate.
(p) The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating, confirming, and finalizing all details related
to the provisions required to support the implementation and operation of the fare collection
System with Contracting Authority or a Contracting Authority representative, at least two years
prior to the Anticipated Final Completion Date.
(q) The Contractor shall provide each Station attendant booth with a remote release for the faregates.

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(r) The Contractor shall ensure that in case that an emergency alarm has been activated within
the station, the faregates will be in fail-safe open/unlocked mode.
(s) The Contractor shall ensure that if the electrical power to the faregates is lost, the faregates will
be in fail-safe open/unlocked mode.
(t) The Contractor shall ensure at least one crash gate be provided at each fare line.
(u) The Contractor shall support and co-ordinate installation, testing, and commissioning of fare
collection equipment with Contracting Authority's preferred contractor, including the following:
(i) providing pedestals;
(ii) providing and pulling communication and power cables; and
(iii) providing and pulling cable between the faregates panel board and the fire alarm control
panel (FACP) and the station attendant booth.
(v) The Contractor shall create a schedule (a list) of fare collection documents that the Contractor
plans to submit to Contracting Authority, for review, within 60 days after the Effective Date.

3.31.5 Fare collection Equipment Provided by the Fare Collection System Supplier Full Service Vending Machines (FSVM)

(a) The FSVM, also called fare vending machine (FVM), will be used when a customer wishes to
purchase a smart card, and/or add value to a card, or obtain some information about the card.
(b) The FSVM will be used by passengers to purchase single rides tickets in the form of a LUC
(limited use card).
(c) The Contractor shall provide the FSVM at locations defined in Section 0 (Passenger and
Customer Facilities) and Section 3.27.4 (Communication Systems).
(d) The Contractor shall provide space for each FSVM in accordance with the latest PRESTO
standards and specifications as per Article 3.31.3(b).
(e) The Contractor shall ensure that each FSVM is provided with a dedicated 20A minimum power
circuit in accordance with the latest PRESTO standards and specifications as per Article
3.31.3(b). Fare Payment Terminal

(a) The Contractor shall design the fare collection System such that the fare payment terminal will be
used by customers with a PRESTO smart card or other means of payment be able to pay for their
fare or validate LUCs (limited use cards).
(b) The Contractor shall ensure that the fare payment terminal is designed and located as per Section (Owner/Third Party Supplied Equipment: Fare Collection Equipment).
(c) The Contractor shall provide the required space for each fare payment terminal in accordance
with the latest PRESTO standards and specifications as per Article 3.31.3(b).
(d) The Contractor shall provide each payment terminal with a dedicated 20A minimum power

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(e) The Contractor shall mount each fare payment terminal directly on the right-side fare gate
stanchion or on a separate pedestal and will require space in accordance with the latest PRESTO
standards and specifications as per Article 3.31.3(b). Faregate
(a) The Contractor shall ensure that the faregates are located along the fare line.
(b) The Contractor shall provide an equipment footprint space for each standard faregate in
accordance with the latest PRESTO standards and specifications as per Section 3.31.3(b).
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that each standard faregate has a minimum clear width of 700 mm
between fixed faregate equipment to allow for the passthrough of passengers in accordance with
the latest PRESTO standards and specifications as per Article 3.31.3(b).
(d) Each wide (also known as accessible) faregate shall require an equipment footprint space in
accordance with the latest PRESTO standards and specifications as per Article 3.31.3(b).
(e) The Contractor shall ensure that each wide faregate has a minimum clear width of 1100 mm
between fixed faregate equipment to allow for the passthrough of passengers in accordance with
the latest PRESTO standards and specifications as per Article 3.31.3(b).
(f) The Contractor shall provide each faregate with a dedicated 20A minimum power circuit and one
additional auxiliary power 20A power circuit for each fare line (set of several fare gates).
(g) The Contractor shall ensure that the minimum clearance of the faregate to a wall is 700mm to
provide for maintenance activities in accordance with the latest PRESTO standards and
specifications as per Article 3.31.3(b).
(h) The Contractor shall ensure that each faregate allows for bi-directional passenger movement. Handheld Card Readers (HCR)

(a) Fare inspectors will use HCRs to check PRESTO smart cards and LUCs for proof of payment.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure that the HCRs storage and charging equipment are provided and
located within dedicated lockable cabinet within the Station Attendant Booths.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that each HCR storage and charging equipment includes a network
connection to the local fare collection equipment rack.
(d) The Contractor shall provide each Station attendant booth with charging equipment for a
minimum of 2 handheld card readers (HCR).
(e) The Contractor shall provide the Security Office with charging equipment for a minimum of 6

3.32 Electro Magnetic Compatibility and Electro Magnetic Interference

3.32.1 Overview
(a) This section includes requirements for the Contractor with respect to electro magnetic
compatibility (EMC) and electro magnetic interference (EMI).

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3.32.2 Scope
(a) The Contractor shall create, submit, and implement a comprehensive EMC/EMI Program Plan for
the entire Life Cycle of the SSE Project, covering all protection and control measures required to
(i) the EMC of all Systems, Subsystems and components provided by the Contractor for the
Works; and
(ii) absence or elimination of any harmful or disturbing EMI of the Works with the external
Stakeholder Systems, such as road traffic Systems, human beings, radio/television
receivers, radio/television transmitters, cellular Systems, wireless Systems, power
gridlines, power substations, buses, police, private and emergency vehicles, and any other
equipment belonging to passengers, pedestrians, or buildings in the neighborhood.

3.32.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall comply with the criteria contained in this section, and all standards,
regulations, policies, applicable law, guidelines, or practices listed in Schedule 17 -
Environmental Obligations and applicable to the Works, including the following reference
(i) European Committee for Standardization, EN 50121 – Railway Applications:
Electromagnetic Compatibility, Parts 1, 2, 3-1, 3-2, 4 and 5;
(ii) Health Canada, Safety Code 6 – Limits of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency
Electromagnetic Energy in the Frequency Range from 3 kHz to 300 GHz;
(iii) Industry Canada;
(iv) Interference-Causing Equipment Standards;
(v) ICES-001 – Industrial, Scientific and Medical Radio Frequency Generators;
(vi) ICES-002 – Spark Ignition Systems of Vehicles and Other Devices Equipped with
Internal Combustion Engines;
(vii) ICES-003 – Information Technology Equipment, Limits and Methods of Measurement;
(viii) ICES-004 – Alternating Current High Voltage Power Systems;
(ix) ICES-005 – Radio Frequency Lighting Devices;
(x) ICES-006 – AC Wire Carrier Current Devices (Unintentional Radiators);
(xi) CS-03 – Terminal Equipment Connected to the Telephone Network;
(xii) Radio Standards Specification – Gen General Requirements and Information for the
Certification of Radio Apparatus;
(xiii) RSS 210 – Low-power Licence-exempt Radio communication Devices (All Frequency
Bands), Category I Equipment;
(xiv) Ontario Electrical Safety Authority, Ontario Electrical Safety Code;
(xv) Electrical Safety Authority;

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(xvi) Canadian Standard Association;

(xvii) Transport Canada;
(xviii) NAV Canada;
(xix) Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada;
(xx) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers;
(xxi) International Electromechanical Commission; and
(xxii) International Civil Aviation Organization.

3.32.4 General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall ensure the Works comply with EMI/EMC as set out in this section while
providing safe and reliable operation in all specified functions and modes.
(b) The Contractor shall apply the EMI/EMC requirements to all Systems and subcontractors within
the Contractor’s scope of work including Revenue Vehicle EMI requirements per specifications
provided by Contracting Authority.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that all equipment provided under the Works, taken individually and
together, complies with the EMI/EMC requirements set out in Schedule 17 - Environmental
Obligations, in normal, degraded, and emergency operating and maintenance modes of the
subway system.
(d) The Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of Governmental Authority that the
equipment installed under the Works is EMI compatible with other Systems or equipment.
(e) The Contractor shall conduct an EMI site survey of the Works early in the design process and
prior to the completion of the Works to identify existing sensitive receptors and emitters.
(f) The Contractor shall engage affected Stakeholders to ensure that the EMI/EMC concerns are
addressed and resolved by mutual agreement.
(g) The Contractor shall actively engage with the Governmental Authority and other affected
Stakeholders to resolve any EMI/EMC issues identified during the Works in accordance with
Schedule 17 - Environmental Obligations.
(h) The Contractor shall ensure that there is no harmful or disturbing EMI of the Works with external
Systems such as road traffic System, human beings, radio/television receivers, radio/television
transmitters, cellular Systems, wireless Systems, power gridlines, power substations, cars, buses,
police, private and emergency vehicles, and any other equipment belonging to passengers,
pedestrians, or buildings in the neighbourhoods.
(i) The Contractor shall ensure the Works infrastructure be designed and commissioned to be
electromagnetically compatible and not cause any EMI to other adjacent railway or subway
(j) The Contractor shall cooperate with Industry Canada and Stakeholders in the investigation and
resolution of complaints regarding documented or suspected EMI/EMC issues by providing
required information or documents.

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(k) The Contractor shall always comply with current Industry Canada EMI/EMC regulations and
licensing regulations for the duration of the Works.
(l) The Contractor shall ensure that all radio equipment complies with emission regulations and that
all radio equipment is type certified for use in Canada.
(m) The Contractor shall design the equipment to be compatible with the surrounding electromagnetic
(n) The Contractor shall ensure that each System, Subsystem, or component thereof, installed as part
of the Works, comply with or be compatible with applicable Canadian EMC standards listed in
this section.
(o) The Contractor shall design and construct the Works such that the Systems do not electrically or
magnetically interfere with the safe and proper operation of the Revenue Vehicles, maintenance
vehicles, and wayside equipment, including external Systems and equipment.
(p) The Contractor shall submit an EMI/EMC control plan for the Works, based on EN 50121
standard series and related Canadian EMI/EMC standards, according to this schedule,
Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.
(q) The Contractor shall provide an EMI/EMC control plan that defines a process for early
identification of interference risk areas and development of solutions to mitigate the risk of the
EMI/EMC of the Works' System elements in the operating environment.
(r) The Contractor shall include the following items in the EMI/EMC control plan:
(i) identification of roles and responsibilities for EMI/EMC management and compliance;
(ii) identification of the applicable standards and equipment characterization tests;
(iii) provisions and procedures to ensure that the EMI/EMC requirements are clearly
understood by the design and construction teams;
(iv) providing proper definition and support for analysis and allocation of EMI/EMC
requirements in applicable System, Subsystem and component specifications, and
Interface control drawings;
(v) provisions and procedures to ensure that the EMI/EMC requirements are met by design
and construction teams by reviewing all applicable project documents, drawings and
specifications prior to their release for proper EMI/EMC control content;
(vi) provisions and procedures to ensure compliance with statutory regulations and relevant
standards via participation in EMI/EMC design reviews, EMI/EMC control board
meetings and test result review;
(vii) provisions and procedures to ensure coordination with the Governmental Authority
throughout the design, construction, operation and maintenance periods to ensure that the
EMC requirements are addressed and that the necessary licences and approvals are
acquired and maintained until handover to Contracting Authority;
(viii) undertaking an EMC risk assessment of the design to detail the potential risks for
electromagnetic compatibility and determine the necessary mitigations to reduce or
eliminate those risks;

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(ix) provisions and procedures for EMI/EMC investigations which include:

(A) electromagnetic site surveys;
(B) EMC database;
(C) EMC analysis as follows:
(D) frequency management plan;
(E) inter-System EMC analysis; and
(F) Subsystem intra-System EMC analysis; and
(x) provisions and procedures for EMI/EMC testing and commissioning to include as a
(A) EMC test plan;
(B) Subsystems’ EMC-type test conformity report; and
(C) EMC integrated Systems test report.
(s) The Contractor shall ensure that each System complies with the EMI/EMC requirements, in all
operating modes, so that all supplied equipment will operate without degradation or failure
resulting from the EMI, nor cause any other equipment, existing or new, degradation or failure
due to emitted interference.
(t) The Contractor shall clearly identify in qualification test reports the pass/fail status of each test.
(u) The Contractor shall identify the reason for the failure and the proposed corrective action in the
test remedial action report for any failed test.
(v) The Contractor shall ensure that no product, System, Subsystem, or component of the Works is
installed until it has successfully passed EMI/EMC qualification testing.
(w) The Contractor may use equipment that can demonstrate prior EMI/EMC performance testing and
in-service proven ability provided:
(i) the use of the service-proven equipment can be assessed from prior records and include
certification for use in Canada; or
(ii) their inclusion in the design can be justified using an EMI/EMC risk assessment.
(x) The Contractor shall ensure that the equipment is adequately protected against RF emissions from
nearby mobile and handheld radios or cellular telephones.
(y) The Contractor shall provide operation and maintenance manuals to describe the equipment
protections and any restrictions on equipment operation or maintenance necessary to ensure
immunity control.
(z) The Contractor shall perform radio immunity qualification tests on installed and ready for
operation equipment to demonstrate its immunity against radio emissions.
(aa) The Contractor shall demonstrate that the designed susceptibility thresholds are met under normal
conditions and failure conditions and at the limits of permissible field adjustments.

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(bb) The Contractor shall include failure conditions identified in the Safety analysis performed by the
Contractor, including relevant not-annunciated failures and maladjustment.
(cc) The Contractor shall demonstrate that the designed susceptibility thresholds are adequate to
permit operation with worst-case conductive and inductive emissions expected from trains in all
possible operating configurations.

3.33 Survey

3.33.1 Overview
(a) This section specifies the requirements and criteria for control survey, land surveys and mapping
necessary for the design and construction of the Works.

3.33.2 Scope
(a) This section covers requirements for the following items:
(i) Metrolinx GCS;
(ii) project control survey;
(iii) site and/or facility surveys;
(iv) legal surveys;
(v) aerial photo and digital mapping;
(vi) As-Built Survey; and
(vii) subsurface as-built survey.

3.33.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall perform all the Works related to surveys, mapping and investigations in
accordance with SSE Schedule 15-3 - Design Requirements and the following:
(i) Metrolinx Survey Control in a Transit Corridor Supplement ID Code: MX-SURV CTRL-
(ii) Metrolinx CADD/BIM Standards Manual - Subways Program Edition (draft), SBY-MX-
DES-MAN-00001 Revision P02, dated February 21, 2022;
(iii) Engineering Survey Manual;
(iv) Vertical Control Survey Specifications;
(v) Ontario Specification for GPS Control Surveys;
(vi) Features, Symbology and Conversion to InRoads Standards, Metrolinx Specification 02
21 11; and
(vii) Scarborough Subway Extension Project Geodetic Survey Control Network Report Rev01
SSE2018 Rev01.

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3.33.4 General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall conduct surveys to support the design and construction of the Works.
(b) The Contractor shall submit their surveys, mapping and design and construction deliverables
using Scarborough Subway Extension 2018 Project Specific Geodetic Coordinate System
(SSE2018 Rev01 GCS) set out in Article 3.33.5(a)(i).
(c) The Contractor shall employ an Ontario Land Surveyor (OLS) or Professional Engineer (P.Eng.)
to supervise all surveys for design and construction of the Works.
(d) The Contractor shall employ an OLS or P.Eng. with at least 15 years of professional experience,
and at least five years of experience in a similar role on projects of similar scale and complexity.
(e) The Contractor shall provide all required survey reports and submittals to Contracting Authority
signed and sealed by the OLS or the P.Eng.

3.33.5 Geodetic Coordinate System

(a) The Contractor shall adopt the following to perform the Works:
(i) the project specific SSE2018 Rev01 GCS, based on the best fit to the City of Toronto
GCS, which is comprised of the following:
(A) horizontal datum: defined as NAD27:74adj;
(B) vertical datum: defined as CGVD28:Pre78adj;
(C) map projection: MTM, Zone 10;
(D) the SSE2018 Rev01 GCS closely resembles City of Toronto GCS. The SSE2018
Rev01 control network coordinates and elevations were surveyed to a higher
accuracy. Contracting Authority supplied SSE2018 Rev01 GCS supersedes the
City’s NAD27:74adj compatible published coordinates and CGVD28:Pre78adj
published elevations; and
(E) Project Combined Scale Factor is 0.999879;
(ii) The Metrolinx GCS, which is comprised as the following:
(A) horizontal datum: NAD83, Canadian Spatial Reference System Version 6
(“NAD83 CSRS v6”), also referred to as “NAD83 CSRS epoch2010”;
(B) vertical datum: CGVD28:78adj; and
(C) map projection: MTM, Zone 10; and
(iii) the final adjusted horizontal network survey coordinates in SSE2018 Rev01 GCS and
Metrolinx MTM GCS.

3.33.6 Project Control Survey

(a) The Contractor shall use the project control as referenced in Article 3.33.3(a)(vii).
(b) The Contractor shall meet the following control survey tolerance requirements:
(i) Horizontal:

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(A) network accuracy – 2 cm at 95% confidence interval; and

(B) local accuracy – 1 cm at 95% confidence interval.
(ii) Vertical:
(A) first order vertical accuracy – as described in Metrolinx Survey Control in a
Transit Corridor Supplement.
(c) The Contractor shall implement the datum transformation parameters described in the Project
Geodetic Control Survey Network Report to transform between SSE2018 Rev01 GCS and
Metrolinx MTM GCS.
(d) The Contractor shall perform all horizontal survey calculations and adjustments in the Metrolinx
MTM GCS and adjust survey measurements (unconstrained and constrained) using commercially
available least square adjustment software that supports variance/covariance propagation.
(e) The Contractor shall validate the classical three-dimensional transformation parameters provided
by Contracting Authority when transforming between Metrolinx MTM GCS control network and
SSE2018 Rev01 GCS.

3.33.7 Surficial Control Survey and Validation

(a) The Contractor shall validate and accept the Project Geodetic Control Survey Network Report
including the following:
(i) the Contractor shall conduct and submit a Control Survey Monument Inventory Report of
all survey monuments and deep benchmarks as provided by Contracting Authority within
45 calendar days following the Effective Date;
(ii) the Contractor shall replace and resurvey damaged and destroyed survey monuments and
deep benchmarks provided by Contracting Authority within 90 calendar days following
the Effective Date and include a summary of the work performed;
(iii) the Contractor shall install additional survey monuments and deep benchmarks as
required for the Works;
(iv) the Contractor shall include a summary of the work performed when installing additional
survey monuments and deep benchmarks;
(v) the Contractor shall perform an initial control survey audit for the purpose of validating
and accepting the control survey provided by Contracting Authority within 120 calendar
days following the Effective Date;
(vi) the Contractor shall provide reports and other materials as required to thoroughly
document the above activities in accordance with SSE Schedule 10 – Review Procedure;
(vii) the Contractor shall submit a comprehensive survey report (“Initial Control Survey
Network Report”) including the following:
(A) measurements;
(B) adjustments;
(C) comparisons to Contracting Authority survey coordinates and elevations; and

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(D) an initial control network and datum transformation letter of acceptance upon
completion of the control network and datum transformation Validation and
resolution of any issues;
(viii) the Contractor shall state that the horizontal and vertical control network, as provided by
Contracting Authority, has been evaluated and meets the requirements of the Contractor;
(ix) The survey report, and included letter, shall be submitted within 210 calendar days
following the Effective Date.

3.33.8 Subsurface Survey Control and Validation

(a) The Contractor shall validate and accept the Project Geodetic Control Survey Network Report
including the following:
(i) following completion of the tunnel works, the Contractor shall:
(A) perform an inventory;
(B) replace and resurvey damaged or destroyed monuments;
(C) install additional monuments; and
(D) perform a final audit the remaining subsurface control monuments, as provided
by Contracting Authority;
(ii) the Contractor shall submit a comprehensive subsurface survey report (Initial Subsurface
Control Survey Network Report) including the following:
(A) measurements;
(B) adjustments; and
(C) comparisons to Contracting Authority survey coordinates and elevations;
(iii) the Contractor shall provide Contracting Authority with an initial subsurface control
network and datum transformation letter of acceptance upon completion of the subsurface
control network and datum transformation Validation and resolution of any issues;
(iv) the Contractor shall state that the horizontal and vertical control network, as provided by
Contracting Authority, has been evaluated and meets the requirements of the Contractor;
(v) the Contractor shall ensure subsurface monuments meet first order specifications and are
set at a maximum spacing of 200m; and
(vi) the Contractor shall provide reports and other materials as required to thoroughly
document the above activities in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.

3.33.9 Protection and Maintenance of the Project Geodetic Survey Control Network
(a) The Contractor shall protect and maintain all existing survey control monuments and deep
benchmarks for the duration of the Works.
(b) The Contractor shall replace any existing survey control monuments and deep benchmarks
disturbed or destroyed during the Works.

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(c) The Contractor shall, at six-month intervals following the initial survey control audit:
(i) conduct a field survey of all existing control survey monuments, including subsurface
and supplementary survey control monuments; and
(ii) submit a Bi-Annual Survey Control Report to Contracting Authority for review within
two weeks of field work completion.
(d) The Contractor shall include all details related to field survey and office processing in the Bi-
Annual Survey Control Report, including:
(i) office calculations;
(ii) updated drawings;
(iii) a single least squares adjustment report in ASCII format;
(iv) minimally and fully constrained adjustment reports;
(v) dates of survey;
(vi) the list and the sketch of fixed survey control monuments;
(vii) mean measured values;
(viii) specification of instrumentation used;
(ix) calibration status of instrumentation used;
(x) observational acceptance criteria;
(xi) list of final adjusted coordinates findings; and
(xii) a conclusion.
(e) The Contractor shall provide all raw files in digital format with the Bi-Annual Survey Control

3.33.10 Site and/or Facility Surveys

(a) The Contractor shall conduct field surveys required for the design and construction of the Works,
including pre-construction and As-Built Surveys, in compliance with the following:
(i) Metrolinx CADD/BIM Standards Manual - Subways Program Edition (draft), SBY-MX-
DES-MAN-00001 Revision P02, dated February 21, 2022 Section 4.3 Submission
Format, to produce all digital files;
(ii) Engineering Survey Manual for all survey procedures; and
(iii) Features, Symbology and Conversion to InRoads Standards, Metrolinx Specification 02
21 11 for all final processed deliverables.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure all data collection areas contain independent audits to adjacent
project control stations.
(c) The Contractor shall track, document, and submit audits along with the survey deliverables.

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(d) The Contractor shall compile TTC tie-in information on all surveys near TTC subsurface
structures from construction drawings including:
(i) TTC reference lines both existing and proposed;
(ii) TTC reference lines ahead & back chainages at reference lines points of intersection;
(iii) TTC reference lines chainages at reference lines intersections with street lines and other
property lines;
(iv) ties to property corners from reference lines intersections with street lines;
(v) outlines of existing subsurface TTC structures in plan, profile and section views;
(vi) expansion joints and wall outlines in plan view;
(vii) expansion joints, floor slab outlines and roof slab outlines in profile view;
(viii) interior and exterior wall outlines, floor slab outlines and roof slab outlines in section
(ix) TTC structure unit numbers in all views and label reference lines chainages at all
expansion joints;
(x) TTC structure plan views at various elevations as required;
(xi) TTC structure profile views and section views as required; and
(xii) relationship of TTC underground structures to property lines.
(e) For TTC structures less than 3m from adjacent property lines & structures (both existing &
proposed), the Contractor shall survey interior faces of structures, and compile exterior faces of
structures from construction drawings, citing drawing numbers.
(f) The Contractor shall submit survey deliverables in a report format including the following:
(i) Survey methodology;
(ii) Control network references;
(iii) all raw files in digital format;
(iv) all adjusted files including least squares adjustment report in ASCII format;
(v) dates of survey;
(vi) the list and the sketch of new survey monuments;
(vii) observational acceptance criteria;
(viii) all CADD/BIM digital drawing files in either AutoCAD .dwg, Revit .rvt or Bentley
MicroStation .dgn file format;
(ix) list of final adjusted coordinates findings; and
(x) a conclusion.

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3.33.11 Legal Surveys

(a) The Contractor shall perform all legal surveys under the supervision of an OLS with at least 15
years of professional experience, and at least five years of experience in a similar role on projects
of similar scale and complexity.
(b) The Contractor shall survey and inventory all legal survey property limits and monuments
defining property boundaries within the Lands prior to the start of the Works. Legal survey
monuments include standard iron bars, iron bars, iron tubes, round iron bars, and cut crosses.
(c) The Contractor shall report to Contracting Authority any discrepancies between historical legal
survey data and current legal survey field observations.
(d) The Contractor shall submit a Boundary Monuments Inventory Report indicating the survey
boundary markers, condition, and types, including an inventory plan illustrating the position of
the monuments referenced to SSE2018 Rev01 GCS coordinates within 45 days of completion of
the legal survey and inventory works completed in Article 3.33.11(b).
(e) The Contractor shall replace all legal survey monuments shown on the inventory plan that have
been destroyed or disturbed and submit a Final Boundary Monuments Inventory Report to
Contracting Authority within three months of completion of construction and restoration work.
(f) The Contractor shall engage an OLS to stake out the property limit in the field and prepare field
notes and sketches to document the fieldwork in the areas where design and construction
activities take place within 1 m of a property limit.
(g) The Contractor shall prepare Reference Plans or Surveyor’s Real Property Reports by the OLS as
required. Reference Plans shall be deposited in the Land Registry Office.
(h) The Contractor shall provide copies of Reference Plans and/or Surveyor’s Real Property Reports
to Contracting Authority 90 days prior to completion.
(i) The Contractor shall submit Reference Plans and Surveyor’s Real Property Reports to describe all
encumbrances and encroachments on property of interest within two weeks of fieldwork
(j) The Contractor shall integrate all legal surveys, including Reference Plans and Surveyor’s Real
Property Reports and sketches to the SSE2018 Rev01 GCS.

3.33.12 As-Built Surveys

(a) The Contractor shall complete all As-Built Surveys in accordance with Section 3.33.10Site and/or
Facility Surveys.
(b) The Contractor shall submit all As-Built Surveys in SSE2018 Rev01and Metrolinx MTM GCS.
(c) The Contractor shall submit as-built drawings within 30 days after a construction activity is
(d) The Contractor shall complete the As-Built Survey of new infrastructure and provide as-built
drawings verifying all new infrastructure is constructed within the intended lands 90 days before
Substantial Completion.

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3.34 Configuration Management

3.34.1 General
(a) The Contractor shall implement a Configuration Management process during the Project Term.
(b) The Contractor shall be responsible for the Configuration Management for the Scarborough
Subway Extension.
(c) The Contractor shall prepare a Configuration Management Plan to outline the processes and
activities for Configuration Management.
(d) The Contractor shall implement a Configuration Management Committee to lead this process.
(e) The Contractor shall collect and manage the configuration data for all configuration items and
assets as part of the Works.
(f) The Contractor shall determine the Configuration Management system to be used, the
configuration data stored therein, and the configuration items and assets to be configured as
prescribed by Contracting Authority via the Configuration Management Committee.
(g) The Contractor shall ensure that the configuration data is compatible with the TTC’s asset
management system.
(h) The Contractor shall provide to Contracting Authority the SCADA code/configuration repository
as per the Applicability Matrix.
(i) The Contractor shall ensure that the configuration data is compatible with Contracting Authority's
asset management system.
(j) The Contractor shall manage all configuration data provided, through the Configuration
Management Committee, until Substantial Completion.
(k) The Contractor shall use an industry-recognized Configuration Management tool to undertake
their activities.
(l) At Substantial Completion, the Contractor shall provide all configuration data to TTC and any
other Stakeholders (GO Transit, City of Toronto, etc., as per Schedule 1 of this Project
Agreement, as applicable).

3.34.2 Configuration Management Plan

(a) The Contractor shall implement the Configuration Management Plan in accordance with Section
(b) The Contractor shall update and submit the Configuration Management Plan to Contracting
Authority at each major milestone of the Project, and for any changes in Configuration
Management processes.

3.34.3 Configuration Management Report

(a) The Contractor shall develop a Configuration Management Report to demonstrate compliance
with the Configuration Management Plan.

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(b) The Configuration Management Report shall describe, in detail, how Configuration Management
activities have been managed to date by the processes described in the Configuration
Management Plan to facilitate assessment and audit activities, in accordance with this schedule
and Schedule 11 - Quality Management.
(c) The Contractor shall update and submit the Configuration Management Report to Contracting
Authority at each major milestone of the Project.
(d) For any changes in Configuration Management processes, the Configuration Management Plan
and the Configuration Management Report shall be updated and submitted together.

3.34.4 Configuration Management Committee

(a) The Contractor shall establish a committee to oversee the Configuration Management process
(the “Configuration Management Committee”).
(b) The Configuration Management Committee shall be comprised of:
(i) the Configuration Management lead;
(ii) representatives from TTC;
(iii) where applicable, representatives from the Contractor;
(iv) representatives from Contracting Authority; and
(v) representatives from the facility maintenance company.
(c) The Contractor shall convene a meeting of the Configuration Management Committee at least
monthly whose terms of reference include:
(i) reviewing the Configuration Management Plan and updates;
(ii) designating the responsibilities of the various parties; and
(iii) preparing for the final submission of the configuration data to Contracting Authority and
TTC after Substantial Completion.

3.35 Transit Oriented Communities (TOC)

3.35.1 Overview
(a) This Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) section sets out the scope and requirements for the
SSE TOC Program. It details information required to be submitted by the Contractor as project
deliverables and outlines general and geographic specific requirements.

3.35.2 Scope
(a) The Contractor shall design SSE transit facilities and TOC Program, while demonstrating an
integrated approach to the following:
(i) identify demarcation of land use between transit infrastructure and TOC Program;

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(ii) design and construct TOC Enabling Works;

(iii) Interfaces design/agreement and ongoing management of Operations and Maintenance;
(iv) design of TOC Development up to appropriate level of completeness that demonstrates
fulfilment of all requirements of this section.
(b) The Contractor shall preserve necessary parcels on permanent Metrolinx Lands in vicinity of
station facilities to accommodate TOC Development as described in this section.
(i) The Contractor may propose additional TOC Developments on permanent Metrolinx
Lands in vicinity of station facilities with a demonstrated evaluation of feasibility and
value added, by Concept Design milestone.
(c) If any space on permanent Metrolinx Lands including any space above and/or under any portion
of transit facilities is required to achieve TOC Development targets as outlined in Schedule 15,
the Contractor shall design and build TOC Enabling Works.
(i) extent of necessary works to enable future construction of TOC shall be minimized.

3.35.3 TOC Deliverables

(a) The Contractor shall follow the administrative review process of providing the following
deliverables, documentation, and reports to verify that TOC requirements have been met:
(i) the following deliverables shall be provided at milestones specified in Schedule 10 –
Review Procedure:
(A) the Contractor shall provide a feasibility report, as follows:
(I) identify TOC Enabling Works scope;
(II) identify TOC Enabling Works scheduling constraints;
(III) provide detailed cost estimates pursuant with DPA Schedule 3-1.
Additional costing detail to be provided upon Contracting Authority’s
(IV) demonstrate strategies to minimize the enabling cost;
(V) identify operations and maintenance procedures at the interface between
transit and TOC;
(VI) summary of building statistics demonstrating TOC designs meet TOC
Program criteria outlined in this section, in particular: residential, office
and retail GFA’s, floor plan efficiencies and parking count targets;
(VII) where towers exceed a height of 50 stories, provide an elevator study to
demonstrate vertical circulation efficiency strategy;
(VIII) qualitative design narrative of development and urban realm concept;
(IX) risk register detailing risk levels to the Project;
(X) Toronto Green Standard compliant design; and

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(XI) additional input as required by Contracting Authority to facilitate a

business decision by Concept Design milestone;
(B) station and TOC Construction Phasing plan(s) and Constructability Report
(I) feasibility of building TOC Development, demonstrating construction
staging and required laydown areas, including the TOC support of
excavation and underground structures;
(II) use of best industry practices and construction means and methods, as to
not be cost prohibitive to the future TOC developer; and
(III) TOC construction will minimize or eliminate any impacts to bus terminal
operations, specifically bus terminal accesses and egresses;
(C) TOC Proof of Concept Drawings, at sites interfacing with transit facilities, as
(I) site plan (1:500);
(II) ground floor plan (1:200), clearly showing demarcation between TOC
and transit facilities, identifying interfaces at grade;
(III) typical podium levels floor plans (1:200);
(IV) typical towers floor plan (1:200);
(V) roof plan (1:200);
(VI) below grade plan(s) (1:200);
(VII) full building section at transit-TOC interface (1:300);
(VIII) summary of GCA and GFA per use, per floor; and
(IX) schematic interface drawings demonstrating demarcation and
maintenance of easements;
(D) TOC Enabling Works Drawings, demonstrating coordinated inter-disciplinary
design, as required per discipline, including:
(I) floor plans, and roof plans (1:100);
(II) sections (1:100);
(III) detailed drawings at critical interfaces at an appropriate scale;
(IV) detailed cost estimates pursuant to DPA Schedule 3-1;
(V) Transportation Impact Study;
(VI) the Contractor shall provide a traffic impact study that verifies, via
intersection capacity analysis, that the design does not cause vehicular
queue lengths that obstruct the mobility of upstream intersections and
adjacent lanes (e.g., turning storage lanes, transit lanes, etc.) due to
blockages or gridlock; and

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(VII) the Contractor shall provide a design that minimizes vehicular queuing
and demonstrate, through a transportation impact study signed off by
Contracting Authority, that a satisfactory service level (e.g., delays,
queues) can be achieved for access and egress to/from the TOC parking;
(D) TOC Interface Agreement between the Contractor and TOC Program sponsor by
end of Enhanced Design Development Period, including the following:
(I) clear ownership demarcation between lands designated to TOC Program
and permanent Metrolinx Lands dedicated to transit facilities and
infrastructure, identifying all interfaces;
(II) maintenance RACI matrix and maintenance plan that demonstrate
methodologies and frequency; and
(III) TOC Enabling Works terms of reference.

3.35.4 General TOC Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall appoint a representative, with demonstrated experience integrating complex
real estate developments with transit systems, to communicate and collaborate with Contracting
(b) The Contractor shall assume TOC construction, by others, will commence at Substantial
(c) The Contractor shall, upon completion of station construction, provide a site that is in a condition
suitable for development: free of all pollutants, contaminants, residual construction waste and
(d) The Contractor shall allow a third-party contractor to perform a record of site condition on behalf
of Contracting Authority.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure that newly constructed utilities are not located or passing through
parcels of land reserved for TOC.
(i) Location of newly constructed utilities shall be coordinated with TOC Development
(f) The Contractor shall, on the parcels of land reserved for TOC within Metrolinx Lands, provide
planting and landscaping as specified in Sections and The Contractor
shall provide access for maintenance of landscaping, during the TOC Interim Period.
(g) The Contractor shall demonstrate that the following structural requirements can be met for the
TOC structures:
(i) TOC structural load of the podium shall not be transferred onto structures of the transit
(ii) TOC structural load of the towers shall transfer directly to grade, while maintaining a
minimum 4m centre to centre separation from the structure of the transit facility;

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(iii) TOC below grade foundation walls shall maintain a minimum separation from facilities
structures to allow for future TOC shoring, including construction tolerance; and
(iv) TOC towers shall not exceed a maximum cantilever of 3m.
(h) The extent of the below grade construction for TOC structures below the groundwater table shall
be limited to a depth that:
(i) will not result in significant drawdown of the groundwater table to adversely affect
adjacent properties;
(ii) will demonstrate practicality based on standard industry practices and construction means
and methods, in a way that it is not cost prohibitive to the future TOC developer; and
(iii) results in groundwater discharge amounts within the limits permitted by existing City of
Toronto regulations.
(i) TOC Development depth of excavation above transit infrastructure shall be limited to avoid
creating a buoyancy condition for the transit infrastructure during future construction of TOC
(j) The contractor shall, on all residentially accessed roof tops, demonstrate green roof and outdoor
amenity strategy which conforms with the City of Toronto bylaw, Toronto Green Standard and
Privately Owned Publicly Accessible Spaces (POPS) Urban Design Guidelines, and minimizes
TOC Enabling Costs.
(k) The Contractor shall consider marketable residential floor plans with a target unit mix of:
(i) 75% 1 Bedroom;
(ii) 15% 2 Bedroom; and
(iii) 10% 3 Bedroom.
(l) The Contractor shall target a minimum 85% efficiency rate of residential tower floor plans.
(i) A single loaded corridor layout shall not be permitted.
(m) The Contractor shall maximize retail GFA and active retail frontages at grade.
(n) The Contractor shall design vehicular access as follows:
(i) maintain a 30m separation between TOC vehicular entrance and transit vehicular
(ii) the Contractor shall maintain a 30m separation between TOC vehicular entrance and road
intersections; and
(iii) vehicular entrances, exits and drive aisles for the TOC shall not be shared with any transit
agency access and/or egress points.

3.35.5 Lawrence East Station TOC Program Requirements

[Note to Dev Co.: TOC concepts are still being evaluated. As such, TOC Program elements like
TOC Setback, TOC minimum areas, TOC parking requirements etc. are subject to change.]

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(a) Within the following Metrolinx Lands: 3091 Lawrence Avenue East (PIN 06363-0001) and 685-
697 McCowan Road (PIN 06363-0002), the Contractor shall protect for the following area
(i) maintain a minimum GCA of 5,220sqm of TOC at grade;
(ii) maintain a minimum of three high-rise towers, with a total residential GFA of 51,065sqm
(including residential at podium);
(iii) maintain a minimum GFA of 1,830sqm of retail at grade fronting McCowan road with a
maximum depth of 19 metres;
(iv) a minimum of 120sqm GFA of lobby for each tower core at the ground floor, with an
access to public Right-of-Way;
(v) minimum of one accessible pedestrian entrance for every lobby and retail space, in
addition to the required fire escapes necessary to service the building:
(A) the entrances shall be fronting an adjacent public roadway; and
(B) fire escapes may not have a shared access with transit facilities;
(vi) minimum of one vehicular entrance from Lawrence Avenue East or McCowan Road to
loading bays and parking garage;
(vii) maintain a minimum of 360 parking spots for TOC use;
(viii) maintain required number of loading bays as per City of Toronto Zoning Bylaw;
(A) Loading bays type “G” shall have direct servicing to residential cores.
(ix) maintain a minimum of 4,890sqm GFA of office at podium levels.
(b) The Contractor shall meet the following constraints in consideration of the design and placement
of the TOC building:
(i) within permanent Metrolinx Lands, maintain a minimum of 3m Setback property line,
unless otherwise accepted by Authorities Having Jurisdiction;
(ii) the towers shall meet the following requirements:
(A) maintain a 25m separation between towers;
(B) towers are to be set back at a minimum 3 meters from the edge of podium;
(C) towers shall maintain a maximum height of 35 stories;
(D) towers shall maintain a minimum floor to floor height of 3.0m; and
(E) tower foot-print shall have an area of 750sqm.
(iii) the podium shall meet the following requirements:
(A) podium levels above grade shall maintain a minimum floor-to-floor height of 4m;
(B) ground floor of podium shall maintain a minimum floor-to-floor height of 6.6m,
with the exception to a mezzanine floor.

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(c) The Contractor shall provision for space on the ground floor and below grade of TOC
development, for a future entrance to transit facilities, at the south-east corner of McCowan Road
and Lawrence Avenue East.
(i) The space provision for a future entrance shall accommodate two escalators, one stair,
two elevators, and shall adhere to requirements of DS-09 7.4.
(ii) The space provision for a future entrance shall accommodate a knockout panel,
connecting to the station underground public areas.
(iii) The knockout panel required in (ii) above shall be located in a manner that
accommodates all requirements of DS-11 within permanent Metrolinx Lands, including:
(A) vestibule;
(B) public access point doors; and
(C) fare equipment if connected to a Paid Fare Zone.

3.35.6 Scarborough Centre Station TOC Program Requirements

[Note to Dev Co.: TOC concepts are still being evaluated. As such, TOC Program elements like
TOC Setback, TOC minimum areas, TOC parking requirements etc. are subject to change.]
(a) Within the following Metrolinx Lands: 110 Grangeway Avenue (PIN 06000-0512), 140
Grangeway Avenue (PIN 06000-0513) and 120 Grangeway Avenue (PIN 06000-0514), the
Contractor shall protect for the following area requirements:
(i) maintain a target GCA of 5,500 sqm of TOC at grade, in consideration of the following;
(A) protect for residential GFA and parking counts per Sch. 15, pursuant to this
section; and
(B) balance TOC Program requirements with transit infrastructure requirements at
(ii) maintain a minimum of four high-rise towers, with a total minimum residential GFA of
190,100 sqm (including residential GFA at podium); at podium);
(iii) maintain a target GFA of 2,220 sqm of retail fronting on Progress Avenue and Bushby
Drive with a maximum depth of 25 metres;
(iv) maintain a minimum of 120sqm GFA of lobby for each tower core at the ground floor,
with an access to public Right-of-Way;
(v) maintain a minimum of one accessible pedestrian entrance for every lobby and retail
space, in addition to the required fire escapes necessary to service the building.
(A) the entrances shall be fronting an adjacent public roadway; and
(B) fire escapes may not have a shared access with transit facilities;
(vi) maintain a minimum of one vehicular entrance from Progress Avenue or Grangeway
Avenue to loading bays and parking garage;
(vii) maintain a minimum of 725 parking spots for TOC use;

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(viii) maintain required number of loading bays as per City of Toronto Zoning Bylaw;
(A) loading bays type “G” shall have direct servicing to residential cores; and
(B) loading Bays shall be evenly distributed within the TOC site;
(ix) minimum of 4,600sqm GFA of office at podium levels.
(b) The Contractor shall meet the following constraints in consideration of the design and placement
of the TOC building:
(i) if at grade vehicular service access from street to tower loading spaces cannot be
provided for any of the towers, the Contractor to provide an underground or above
ground path that leads to a minimum of one at grade vehicular service access:
(A) the underground and above ground paths shall accommodate passenger vehicle
and service vehicle movements for access to loading spaces as required by City
of Toronto Zoning Bylaw; and
(B) within the permanent Metrolinx Lands, maintain a minimum of 3.0m Setback
from property line, unless otherwise accepted by Authorities Having Jurisdiction;
(ii) towers shall meet the following requirements:
(A) maintain a minimum 30m separation between towers;
(B) towers are to be set back at a minimum 3.0m from the edge of podium;
(C) towers shall maintain a maximum height of 76 stories;
(D) towers shall maintain a minimum floor to floor height of 3.0m; and
(E) tower foot-print shall have a maximum area of 850sqm;
(iii) the podium shall meet the following requirements:
(A) podiums shall be placed on the sides of the bus terminal and prevent public
access to the bus terminal;
(B) podium levels above grade, containing office program shall maintain a minimum
floor to floor height of 4m;
(C) ground floor of podium shall maintain a floor to floor height in consideration of
the following:
(I) minimum 4.5m ceiling height at retail areas;
(II) quality of public realm on Bushby and Progress;
(III) services required for TOC, including: loading access, parking, structural,
mechanical and electrical;
(IV) simplified construction; and
(V) allow for transit and maintenance vehicles access as required; and
(iv) in the condition where there is a bus terminal or station overbuild, a coherent massing
composition shall form between podium and overbuild.

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(c) The Contractor shall provision for space on the ground floor and below grade of TOC
Development, for a future secondary entrance to transit facilities, at the north-east corner of
McCowan Road and Bushby Drive;
(i) the space provision for a future entrance shall accommodate two escalators, one stair, two
elevators, per requirements of DS-09 7.4;
(ii) the space provision for a future entrance shall accommodate a knockout panel,
connecting to the station underground public areas; and
(iii) the knockout panel required in (ii) above shall be located in a manner that accommodates
all requirements of DS-11 within permanent Metrolinx Lands, including:
(A) vestibule;
(B) public access point doors; and
(C) fare equipment if connected to a Paid Fare Zone.

3.35.7 Sheppard East Station TOC Program Requirements

[Note to Dev Co.: TOC concepts are still being evaluated. As such, TOC Program elements like
TOC Setback, TOC minimum areas, TOC parking requirements etc. are subject to change.]
(a) Within permanent Metrolinx Lands, the Contractor shall allow the following minimum area
(i) south site: 4651 Sheppard Avenue East (PINs 06173-0008, 06173-0007 and 06173-0011)
and 1715 McCowan Road (PINs 06173-0005 and 06173-0281)
(A) maintain a minimum GCA of 2,900sqm of TOC at grade;
(B) maintain a minimum of one high-rise towers, with a total residential GFA of
35,730sqm (including residential at podium);
(C) maintain a minimum GFA of 1,000sqm of retail at grade fronting Sheppard
Avenue and McCowan Road with a maximum depth of 17 metres;
(D) a minimum of 85sqm GFA of lobby for each tower core at the ground floor, with
an access to public Right-of-Way;
(E) minimum of one accessible pedestrian entrance for every lobby and retail space,
in addition to the required fire escapes necessary to service the building;
(F) the entrances shall be fronting an adjacent public roadway;
(G) fire escapes may not have a shared access with transit facilities;
(H) minimum of one vehicular entrance from McCowan Road and Sheppard Avenue
to loading bays and parking garage;
(I) maintain a minimum of 245 parking spots for TOC use;
(J) maintain required number of loading bays as per City of Toronto Zoning Bylaw;
(K) loading bays type “G” shall have direct servicing to residential cores;

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(L) minimum of 2,275sqm GFA of office at podium levels;

(ii) main site: 4700 Sheppard Avenue East (PIN 06078-0004), 1871 McCowan Road (PIN
06078-0003) and 1901 McCowan Road (PIN 06078-0002)
(A) maintain a minimum GCA of 5,000sqm of TOC at grade;
(B) maintain a minimum of two high-rise towers, with a total residential GFA of
48,000sqm (including residential at podium);
(C) maintain a minimum GFA of 1,370sqm of retail at grade fronting Sheppard
Avenue and McCowan Road with a maximum depth of 17 metres;
(D) a minimum of 85sqm GFA of lobby for each tower core at the ground floor, with
an access to public Right-of-Way;
(E) minimum of one accessible pedestrian entrance for every lobby and retail space,
in addition to the required fire escapes necessary to service the building:
(I) the entrances shall be fronting an adjacent public roadway; and
(II) fire escapes may not have a shared access with transit facilities;
(F) minimum of one vehicular entrance from Sheppard Avenue to loading bays and
parking garage;
(G) maintain a minimum of 285 parking spots for TOC use;
(H) maintain required number of loading bays as per City of Toronto Zoning Bylaw.
(I) loading bays type “G” shall have direct servicing to residential cores.
(I) minimum of 2,272sqm GFA of office at podium levels; and
(iii) north site: 20 Nugget Avenue (PIN 06079-0255)
(A) maintain a minimum GCA of 5,000sqm of TOC at grade;
(B) maintain a minimum of two high-rise towers, with a total residential GFA of
62,770sqm (including residential at podium);
(C) maintain a minimum GFA of 1,415sqm of retail at grade fronting Nugget Avenue
and McCowan Road with a maximum depth of 21 metres;
(D) a minimum of 85sqm GFA of lobby for each tower core at the ground floor, with
an access to public Right-of-Way;
(E) minimum of one accessible pedestrian entrance for every lobby and retail space,
in addition to the required fire escapes necessary to service the building:
(I) the entrances shall be fronting an adjacent public roadway; and
(II) fire escapes may not have a shared access with transit facilities;
(F) minimum of one vehicular entrance from Nugget Avenue to loading bays and
parking garage;
(G) maintain a minimum of 160 parking spots for TOC use;

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(H) maintain required number of loading bays as per City of Toronto Zoning Bylaw:
(I) loading bays type “G” shall have direct servicing to residential cores; and
(I) minimum of 5,550sqm GFA of office at podium levels.
(b) The Contractor shall meet the following constraints in consideration of the design and placement
of the TOC building:
(i) south site: 4651 Sheppard Avenue East (PINs 06173-0008, 06173-0007 and 06173-0011)
and 1715 McCowan Road (PINs 06173-0005 and 06173-0281)
(A) maintain a minimum of 3m Setback from property lines, unless otherwise
accepted by Authorities Having Jurisdiction;
(B) maintain a minimum 25m separation between towers. Towers are to be set back
at a minimum 3 meters from the edge of podium;
(I) towers shall maintain a maximum height of 46 stories;
(II) towers shall maintain a minimum floor to floor height of 3.0m; and
(III) tower foot-print shall have an area of 750sqm; and
(C) podium shall have the following requirements:
(I) podium levels above grade shall maintain a floor to floor height of
minimum 4m; and
(II) ground floor of podium shall maintain a floor to floor height of minimum
5.5m, with the exception to a mezzanine floor;
(ii) main site: 4700 Sheppard Avenue East (PIN 06078-0004), 1871 McCowan Road (PIN
06078-0003) and 1901 McCowan Road (PIN 06078-0002)
(A) maintain a minimum of 3m Setback from property lines, unless otherwise
accepted by Authorities Having Jurisdiction;
(B) maintain a minimum 25m separation between towers. Towers are to be set back
at a minimum 3 meters from the edge of podium;
(I) towers shall maintain a maximum height of 40 stories;
(II) towers shall maintain a minimum floor to floor height of 3.0m; and
(III) tower foot-print shall have an area of 750sqm;
(C) podium shall have the following requirements:
(I) podium levels above grade shall maintain a floor to floor height of
minimum 4m; and
(II) ground floor of podium shall maintain a floor to floor height of minimum
5.5m, with the exception to a mezzanine floor;
(D) the TOC development shall not be built over or under any portion of transit
facility; and

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(iii) north site: 20 Nugget Avenue (PIN 06079-0255)

(A) maintain a minimum of 3m Setback from property lines, unless otherwise
accepted by Authorities Having Jurisdiction;
(B) maintain a minimum 25m separation between towers. Towers are to be set back
at a minimum 3 meters from the edge of podium:
(I) towers shall maintain a maximum height of 46 stories;
(II) towers shall maintain a minimum floor to floor height of 3.0m; and
(III) tower foot-print shall have an area of 750sqm;
(C) podium shall have the following requirements:
(I) podium levels above grade shall maintain a floor to floor height of
minimum 4m; and
(II) ground floor of podium shall maintain a floor to floor height of minimum
5.5m, with the exception to a mezzanine floor.
(c) The Contractor shall provision for space on the ground floor and below grade, specifically for a
future Line 4 station entrance, at the south-east corner of McCowan Road and Sheppard Avenue
East on permanent Metrolinx Lands (4645, 4700 Sheppard Avenue East – South Site):
(i) the space provision for a future entrance shall accommodate two escalators, one stair, two
elevators, and shall adhere to requirements of DS-09 7.4;
(ii) the space provision for a future entrance shall accommodate a knockout panel,
connecting to the station underground public areas; and
(iii) the knockout panel required in (ii) above shall be located in a manner that accommodates
all requirements of DS-11 within permanent Metrolinx Lands, including:
(A) vestibule;
(B) public access point doors; and
(C) fare equipment if connected to a Paid Fare Zone.

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4.1 General Construction Requirements

4.1.1 Overview
(a) The intent of this section is not to define or limit the Contractor's approach to the Construction
Activities or the means and methods that may be chosen but to bring awareness to the Project
constraints and requirements that are to be considered in the Contractor planning processes.
(b) The Contractor shall be responsible for the construction of the Works and all associated activities,
including completion, testing and commissioning of the Works in accordance with Schedule 15
and the Project Agreement.

4.1.2 General Construction Requirements

(a) Design requirements are found in Section 3.
(b) The Contractor shall transport and handle all construction related equipment and material in
accordance with the Highway Traffic Act Ontario Regulation 413/15.
(c) The Contractor shall obtain all necessary Permits, Licences and Approvals for the Works, in
accordance with Schedule 2 – Permits, Licences and Approvals.
(d) The Contractor shall consider the existing operations of Contracting Authority, City of Toronto,
GO Transit, Railway Companies, Durham Regional Transit and Toronto Transit
Commission, and the impacts to the street network within the City of Toronto, as well as
considering adjacent residences, landowners, and businesses, with respect to pedestrian and
property access and other environmental impacts during Works.
(e) The Contractor shall provide a copy of Construction Management Plan and construction staging
and sequencing plans as outlined in Section 4.6 (Construction Management to the City of
(f) During construction of the Works, the Contractor shall adhere to Schedule 17 – Environmental
Obligations and Applicable Law.
(g) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto, adjacent landowners, and utility owners
to allow concurrent construction Works and ongoing maintenance activities.
(h) The Contractor shall coordinate with ECLRT, YRT, DRT, City of Toronto, GO Transit, Railway
Companies, and Toronto Transit Commission prior to commencing any Construction Activities,
including utility relocations, to identify potential areas of impacts and mitigation plan.
(i) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto, adjacent landowners and utility owners
to allow emergency maintenance and construction Works activities.
(j) The Contractor shall coordinate and receive written approval from the City of Toronto regarding
laydown, staging or construction Works on or impacting any City owned parks, trails, or
community recreational centre property.

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(k) The Contractor shall perform all Works within the vicinity of the GO Transit ROW in accordance
with the following standards:
(i) Metrolinx General Guidelines for Design of Railway Bridges;
(ii) Metrolinx Guidelines for Design and Monitoring of Shoring Walls;
(iii) GO Transit Track Standards; and
(iv) GO Transit Signals & Communications Standards.
(l) The Contractor shall obtain and adhere to all specific design, protection and monitoring
requirements for excavations next to adjacent structures from third-party owners including TTC,
City of Toronto, MTO, utility owners, Railway Companies, GO Transit and other third-party
(m) The Contractor’s hoarding around the work area shall include directional information and
wayfinding for patrons on entrance and access points.
(n) The Contractor’s hoarding shall meet CPTED requirements and ensure hidden areas are not
created on City owned lands.
(o) The Contractor shall provide advance notice of two months prior to any service disruption to City
owned properties and buildings including the following:
(i) electrical power outage or disconnection;
(ii) water service disruption or watermain shutdown;
(iii) gas service disruption or gas main shutdown;
(iv) sanitary or storm sewer service disruption; and
(v) driveway or sidewalk relocation and closures.
(p) The Contractor shall provide updates to Contracting Authority and City as part of a three week
lookahead schedule outlining any operational or service impacts to City owned properties.
(q) The Contractor shall provide pedestrian detours that are compliant with the City of Toronto
Accessibility Design Guidelines and provide additional mitigation measures to provide a safe
(r) The Contractor shall maintain clearance of all emergency exits from the building leading to safe
emergency routes for all users.
(s) The Contractor shall always maintain proper fire route access and aisle widths for the duration of
(t) The Contractor shall comply with all regulatory requirements, including TSSA requirements, for
the decommissioning of gas stations.

4.1.3 General Construction Constraints

(a) The Contractor shall minimize the impact of Construction Activities on public access to the
Municipal ROW, including private vehicle, transit, trucking, pedestrian, and cyclist access.

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(b) The Contractor shall provide ground protection to protect ground surface conditions from
construction equipment traffic in areas sensitive to disturbance and shall reinstate all areas
impacted by laydown, staging or construction works.
(c) The Contractor shall provide ground protection to protect ground surface condition from
construction equipment traffic in areas sensitive to disturbance and shall reinstate all areas
impacted by laydown, staging, or construction Works.
(d) The Contractor shall coordinate Construction Activities with other planned Works undertaken by
City of Toronto, MTO, GO Transit, Railway Companies, TTC, and other Stakeholders to
minimize impacts to public access and Stakeholder infrastructure.
(e) The Contractor shall accommodate local community and political public events that may affect
the Works.
(f) In the event the Contractor uses a tower crane for Construction Activities adjacent to the Rail
Corridor, the Contractor shall comply with GO Transit Standards and shall be prohibited from
swinging loads over the Rail Corridor.
(g) All new TTC Infrastructure and temporary relocations or impacts to existing TTC Infrastructure
shall be subject to TTC review in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure and Schedule
15 – Scope and Technical Requirements.
(h) All Works within TTC Zone of Influence shall be subject to TTC review in accordance with
Schedule – 10 Review Procedure and Schedule 15 – Scope and Technical Requirements.
(i) The Contractor shall minimize impacts to TTC subway operations.
(j) If any hoarding or staged construction results in obscuring the views of existing CCTV cameras,
the Contractor shall identify and temporarily relocate such equipment.
(k) The Contractor shall obtain TTC approval for any Works, within 60 m of any TTC Infrastructure
(including TTC Line 2, ECLRT, SRT and Buses), prior to commencement of the Works. For
establishing construction Works that must comply with this requirement, TTC Infrastructure does
not include minor surface infrastructure such as Bus Stops.
(l) The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that TTC may coordinate its maintenance and
rehabilitation work to occur coincident with the Contractor initiated shutdown and that there are
significant preparatory and mobilization logistics for TTC in respect of any closures. The
Contractor shall consider such preparatory and mobilization logistics in planning its cancellations.
(m) The Contractor shall provide TTC at least 30 calendar days’ notice to coordinate adjustments
required to their facilities because of Construction Activities.
(n) The Contractor shall provide facilities comparable to the existing facilities in form and function,
to the satisfaction of Contracting Authority and TTC, if access cannot be maintained and
temporary facilities are required.
(o) The Contractor shall obtain GO Transit and Contracting Authority approval for all construction
Works within 60m of GO Transit bus Infrastructure and 400 m of any GO Transit rail
Infrastructure prior to commencement of the Works.

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(p) The Contractor shall show proposed modifications to bus routes, streetcar stops, and bus stops in
the Traffic Control Plan and submit these in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure.
(q) The Contractor shall conduct a pre-condition survey prior to construction and post-condition
survey including:
(i) photos of existing site conditions including all sites and Infrastructure impacted by the
(ii) CCTV survey of existing sewer system impacted by the Works in compliance with City
of Toronto’s CCTV survey standards and requirements; and
(iii) Depressurized wet remotely operated vehicle visual inspection of transmission mains
where transmission mains are impacted by Works. Survey blackout periods shall be
between May 31 and October 31.
(r) The Contractor shall maintain fire access and fire egress of all properties impacted by the Works.
(s) The Contractor shall comply with the City of Toronto's traffic and safety regulations regarding
the conditions that restrict working over live traffic on highways and roads.
(t) The Contractor shall be responsible for the removal, storage, temporary relocation and/or future
reinstallation of Street Furniture impacted by the Construction Activities.
(u) Where Street Furniture is not reinstated, the Contractor shall remove and transfer Street Furniture
to a location specified by the Street Furniture owner, or if such location is not available, dispose
of the Street Furniture at the Contractor's cost.
(v) The Contractor shall engage with the City of Toronto and other Street Furniture owners impacted
by the Construction Activities with regards to the Street Furniture removal process.
(w) The Contractor shall submit a piling application for Enbridge review, mark-up, and approval for
all piling activities within a horizontal separation of 10m from any Enbridge Gas infrastructure.
(x) The Contractor shall:
(i) keep all roads in and around the construction work zone properly maintained free of dust,
boulders or debris at all times;
(ii) ensure haulage trucks are always covered to avoid falling debris and objects; and
(iii) provide a wheel wash facility, including mud mat, at all egress point for all Stations and
(y) The Contractor shall notify the City of Toronto via electronic communication of all Construction
Activities within 200 m of any community recreation centre facility entrance at least 30 days
prior to commencement of the Works.

4.1.4 Shutdowns
(a) The Contractor shall accommodate local community and political public events that may affect
the Works.
(b) The Contractor shall exclude Subway/SRT shutdowns and TTC Station closures on the following

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(i) Toronto marathon;

(ii) Scotiabank run;
(iii) Becel Ride for Heart;
(iv) Don Valley Parkway spring and fall weekend clean-up closures;
(v) Pride Weekend;
(vi) Canada Day long weekend;
(vii) Honda Indy weekend;
(viii) Caribbean Carnival;
(ix) Santa Claus Parade;
(x) Nuit Blanche;
(xi) New Year's Eve; and
(xii) the Canadian National Exhibition - Labour Day weekend; the entire week for Kennedy

4.1.5 Property and Construction Staging Areas

(a) Properties that can be utilized as Construction Activities staging areas are included in Schedule
20 – Lands.
(b) The Contractor shall be responsible for providing road closures as per Section 4.8 (Traffic and
Transit Management).
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate with Governmental Authorities, TTC and GO Transit or
Additional Contractors in a situation where the same road closure is required for Works.
(d) The Contractor shall be responsible for arranging for and providing ongoing closures where
Utilities, Third Parties or Additional Contractors hand over an area of the Project or are required
to undertake Works in the same area in accordance with Schedule Section 4.8 (Traffic and Transit

4.1.6 Access to Adjacent Properties

(a) The Contractor shall provide unrestrictive access and egress to all adjacent properties impacted
by the Works.
(b) The Contractor shall provide AODA-compliant access to all adjacent properties, tenants, and
residential driveways and building entrances, including access points for fire department
connections and for waste removal.
(c) Should an existing entrance or access have to be closed or reduced, the Contractor shall
coordinate with the impacted Parties to provide an alternative solution to have continuous access.

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4.1.7 Work Hour Limitations

(a) The Contractor shall abide by all federal, provincial, and City of Toronto statutes regarding hours
of work.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a plan describing the Works activities and mitigation efforts in case
the Contractor need to work hours outside of the statutes.
(c) The Contractor shall obtain an exemption approved by the governing agency with authority to
grant approvals to the specific statute.

4.1.8 Noise and Vibration Monitoring

(a) The Contractor shall comply with the City of Toronto requirements for noise and vibration
control in respect of Construction Activity on the Site, except for where requirements are set out
in Schedule 17 – Environmental Obligations.
(b) At the request of Contracting Authority, the Contractor shall investigate any reports of vibration
or potential damage complaints and provide its assessment of relevance to the Construction
Activities of a 60m radius distance from the subject property.

4.1.9 Temporary Construction Lighting

(a) The Contractor shall provide temporary lighting for Construction Activities.
(b) The Contractor shall relocate all temporary required street light due to impact on existing street
lighting from Construction Activities.
(c) The Contractor shall maintain all existing lighting for the duration of the Works to applicable
standards during construction until such time as replacement temporary or permanent lighting is
(d) The Contractor shall provide temporary illumination to applicable City of Toronto Standards.
(e) The Contractor shall always maintain existing street light levels in the Public Realm.
(f) Where existing lighting needs to be removed as part of the Works, the Contractor shall install
replacement temporary lighting until such time as the new permanent lighting is energized.
(g) The Contractor shall provide electrical power feeds for all alterations to existing street lighting,
for temporary lighting and for new street lighting.
(h) The Contractor shall construct temporary and permanent street and pedestrian lighting in
accordance with Section 3.24.13 (Street Lighting Requirements), and always maintain
illumination levels to meet pre-existing conditions or better.

4.1.10 Site Specific Requirements Kennedy Station

(a) The Contractor shall adhere to the requirements as detailed in APPENDIX G - Additional TTC
(b) The Contractor shall always retain access to 2495 Eglinton Avenue East.

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(c) The Contractor shall coordinate and obtain CN approvals for all Works impacting CN
infrastructure and operations.
(d) The Contractor shall obtain GO Transit and Contracting Authority approval for all Works at the
Kennedy Box Structure and/or any Works within 400 m of any GO Transit Infrastructure prior to
the commencement of the Works.
(e) The Contractor shall undertake any Works impacting TTC subway operations during non-
operation hours of the subway unless otherwise approved by TTC.
(f) The Contractor shall demolish the TTC Tail Track in accordance with all applicable requirements
of the TTC Design Standards.
(g) The Contractor shall conduct a Construction/Demolition Vibration Assessment in accordance
with the City of Toronto By-Law 514-2008 and includes the following:
(i) baseline vibration assessment;
(ii) identification of Demolition vibration sources;
(iii) assessment criteria;
(iv) vibration Zone of Influence;
(v) pre-demolition survey; and
(vi) monitoring program and mitigation strategies.
(h) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 1-hour fire-resistance rated construction separation
including signage, dust and noise protection between Works and indoor Public Realm following
TTC standards.
(i) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 2-hour fire-resistance rated construction separation
where the Contractor creates a separation that overlaps with adjacent building separations.
(j) The Contractor shall install construction hoarding at the Kennedy Tail Track demarcation point.
The construction hoarding shall:
(i) provide a 2-hour fire-resistance rated construction separation;
(ii) have an access and egress door; and
(iii) be designed to resist the piston effect wind pressures from transit vehicles:
(A) the minimum uniform design pressure for the construction hoarding shall be the
greater of; 2kPa or the calculated design load from the TTC transit vehicle.
(k) The Contractor shall only be permitted access and egress through TTC Stations or TTC
emergency egress corridors in the event of an emergency.
(l) The Contractor shall provide a separate access point to the Works area for employees and
(m) The Contractor shall conduct the Works in such a manner to not adversely impact existing TTC
and building emergency ventilation during Works.

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(n) The Contractor shall provide a two-week look ahead during the site meetings with the TTC site
representative and highlight any anticipated risks or impacts to TTC operations along with
mitigations the Responsible Party is putting in place to mitigate the impact.
(o) The Contractor shall immediately report to the TTC site representative in writing any deviations
from the original work forecast that may impact TTC operations.
(p) The Contractor shall provide a site liaison role who will liaise with TTC on all matters impacting
TTC operations (stations, operations, maintenance, and safety) and:
(i) be on site during regular business hours and provide 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
availability by phone;
(ii) meet with designated TTC site representative on a weekly basis at the start of each week;
(iii) a representative from Contracting Authority to attend all meetings between the site
liaison and TTC site representative.
(q) The Contractor shall grant access, provide any necessary training and orientation to TTC staff to
enter the job site for inspection of the Works.
(r) The Contractor shall be responsible for any costs because of any site visits by designated TTC
(s) The Contractor shall identify the following within the Traffic Control Plans along Eglinton
Avenue East between west of the Eglinton East Loop and Danforth Road:
(i) locations of driver and pedestrian warning signs and directional signs for all stages of
Works alerting road users to the potential hazards of pedestrians crossing Eglinton
Avenue at uncontrolled crossing locations;
(ii) physical elements, including pedestrian barriers, to redirect and discourage pedestrian
crossings of Eglinton Avenue East at uncontrolled locations; and
(iii) locations of CCTV monitoring along this section of Eglinton Avenue East whereby
pedestrian crossing activity at uncontrolled locations can be monitored for review by the
City of Toronto and the Contractor.
(t) The Contractor shall develop the construction staging and work areas such that the ingress and
egress is unimpeded through TTC Stations nor emergency egress corridors.
(i) notwithstanding above, if demonstrated to and agreed upon with TTC, the Contractor
may use the existing TTC station or TTC emergency egress corridors in the event of an
emergency. Lawrence East Station

(a) The Contractor shall adhere to the requirements as detailed in APPENDIX F for the Scarborough
Health Network (SHN).
(b) The Contractor shall reinstate all site furnishings, ornamental plants and trees at Bendale Park to
pre-construction conditions, if any are removed or impacted by the Contractors, laydown, staging
or construction Works.

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(c) The Contractor shall coordinate with and accommodate the bridge rehabilitation project at
McCowan Road over West Highland Creek (Structure ID 310). Scarborough Centre Station

(a) The Contractor shall adhere to the following schedule constraints for the removal of the Progress
Avenue underpass (City of Toronto structure No. 312), Progress Ave channelized right turn and
pedestrian underpass (City of Toronto structure No. 323):
(i) The Contractor shall ensure that the closure of Progress Avenue and McCowan Road for
the Demolition of the Progress Avenue Underpass occurs over a weekend.
(ii) The Contractor shall ensure that the closure of Progress Avenue and McCowan Road for
the Demolition of the Progress Avenue Underpass do not occur during the following
(A) First two weeks of September; and
(B) Last two weeks of November to the end of December.
(b) The Contractor shall maintain access to the main entrance of the SRT McCowan Station to
McCowan Road during construction. Sheppard East Station

(a) The Contractor shall provide an emergency management plan (EMP) for all emergency vehicles
accessing locations that are in the floodplain.
(b) The Contractor shall relocate the Enbridge gas main prior to replacement of the McCowan
(c) The Contractor shall replace and upsize McCowan and Nugget culverts prior to any Works at the
Tail Track within the TRCA regulated flood plain.

4.1.11 Emergency Exit Buildings EEB 1
(a) The Contractor shall always maintain access to the No Frills Lane.
(b) The Contractor shall maintain clear and unobstructed pathway from the No Frills building
emergency exit points adjacent to EEB-2. EEB 3
(a) The Contractor shall always maintain access to the Toronto Library facilities.

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4.1.12 Tunnel
(a) The Contractor shall adhere to the requirements of Section 3.25.6.

4.1.13 Construction Requirement for Roadways

(a) The Contractor shall maintain minimum lanes requirements during construction as per Section
4.8 Traffic and Transit Management.
(b) The Contractor shall maintain sidewalks and pedestrian access and detours for pedestrians and
cyclists except where otherwise explicitly stated in Section 4.8 Traffic and Transit Management
(c) The Contractor shall maintain temporary pavements in good pavement condition rating (PCR =
75 - 90) as a minimum.
(d) The Contractor shall maintain temporary pavements for carrying detoured traffic and construction
vehicles for the period of use.
(e) The Contractor shall maintain all existing and new pavement markings in accordance with the
Governmental Authority Standards.
(f) The Contractor shall design, provide, and maintain temporary signage for all temporary
conditions in accordance with Ontario Traffic Manual and Governmental Authorities standards.
(g) The Contractor shall design and provide lighting during construction in accordance with
Governmental Authority laws and standards.
(h) The Contractor shall provide streetlighting in accordance with the criteria contained in Section
(i) The Contractor shall maintain the temporary, reinstated, and new roadway until hand back to
third party.
(j) The Contractor shall provide As Built Drawings and Record Drawings within 30 days of
commissioning and completion of each roadway section.
(k) The Contractor shall hand back to Third Party on behalf of Contracting Authority all New Third
Party Infrastructure in accordance with Schedule 14 - Testing and Commissioning.
(l) During the construction within Private Roads, the Contractor shall:
(i) minimize the overall impact of construction on Private Lands;

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(ii) address operational constraints and requirements from the private owner;
(iii) observe the private owner operational protocols and emergency protocols if any; and
(iv) promptly remedy any impact to private owner infrastructure resulting from the
Contractor’s Construction Activities. This remediation will be in consultation with the
private owner.
(m) Unless otherwise specified under separate agreement, the Contractor shall provide all routine
winter road maintenance to the Lands, including snow and ice removal, salting, and sanding. This
includes ensuring that roads, sidewalks, vehicular accesses, and transit facilities are properly
cleared of snow and ice accumulation to provide a safe environment for all users.
(n) Unless prior approval is provided by Contracting Authority, the Contractor shall provide
permanent pavement marking prior to commencement of winter.
(o) The Contractor shall undertake the general cleaning of traffic roadways, vehicle accesses, as well
as the transit, pedestrian, and cycling facilities within the Traffic Management Lands.
(p) The Contractor shall perform the following general cleaning duties:
(i) garbage and debris sweeping from the roadway and boulevard;
(ii) dead animal removal;
(iii) grass cutting;
(iv) graffiti cleaning; and
(v) repair of damages, including potholes, pavement cracks, and roadway settlement.

4.1.14 Don Montgomery Community Centre

(a) The Contractor shall only commence any Works in the DMCRC North Parking lot once ECLRT
Construction Activities are completed, and the City of Toronto has provided approval to
commence the Works.
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto regarding the improvements to the
DMCRC South Parking lot and the full reconstruction of the DMCRC North Parking lot.
(c) The Contractor shall accommodate pedestrians and vehicles in relation to the events listed in the
DMCRC calendar or for new events as informed by the DMCRC.
(d) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto to ensure that pedestrians and vehicles
have uninterrupted access to the DMCRC facility at 2467 Eglinton Ave East for the duration of
the Works.
(e) The Contractor shall establish a construction liaison committee that would ensure that the
DMCRC staff are notified of on-going Construction Activities and schedule.
(f) The Contractor shall notify the City of Toronto in electronic communication of all Construction
Activities within 200m of any DMCRC facility entrance at least 30 days prior to commencement
of the Works.

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(g) The Contractor shall provide at least 30 days advance notice to DMCRC facility of any traffic or
planned Utility Works that may result in any disruptions to the facility.
(h) The Contractor shall submit a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) for review and approval by City
of Toronto at least 30 days before mobilizing for construction impacting DMCRC.
(i) The Contractor shall submit an emergency response plan for review and approval by City of
Toronto at least 30 days before mobilizing for construction impacting DMCRC.
(j) The Contractor shall notify the City of Toronto of any planned work hours impacting the
DMCRC outside the statutes at least 72 hours in advance of the Works.
(k) The Contractor shall communicate and obtain approval for any vehicular and pedestrian detours
from the Governmental Authority.
(l) The Contractor shall provide and coordinate public notice at the DMCRC temporary south
entrance from Thrush Road during construction.
(m) The Contractor shall provide directional signage and flag persons to direct all users during
construction in coordination with the Governmental Authority.
(n) The Contractor shall ensure unimpeded access to the DMCRC building at all times from either
the south parking lot or the north parking lot for the duration of construction.
(o) The Contractor shall extend a 2.1m concrete sidewalk from the north end of Thrush Road west
sidewalk at the DMCRC property line to tie into the sidewalk on the east side of the GO Platform
during construction.
(p) The Contractor shall provide a clear, safe, barrier-free and direct pathway, with minimum 1.7m
width, year-round, for pedestrian access from Eglinton Avenue to the DMCRC building north
entrance with relevant signage during construction.
(q) The Contractor shall provide a clear, safe and direct pathway, with minimum 1.7m width, year-
round, for pedestrian access from Kennedy Station to the DMCRC building with relevant signage
during construction.
(r) The Contractor shall maintain access to the storage container at the south entrance of the
DMCRC building for the duration of construction.
(s) The Contractor shall provide unobstructed clockwise travel for TTC Wheel-Trans, maintenance
vehicles, and emergency vehicles around the DMCRC building via curb adjustments, painted
lines and other means as required, during construction.
(t) The Contractor shall provide copies of all reports and documents related to the noise and
vibration monitoring to City of Toronto.
(u) The Contractor shall perform snow clearing and removal of any temporary sidewalk or sidewalks
placed outside of existing right-of-way as follows:
(i) Prior to the DMCRC opening;
(ii) Frequently to prevent snow accumulation of more that 2 cm; and
(iii) Sand, salt or snow melting means may be utilized as needed.

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4.1.15 Toronto Bendale Library

(a) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 11 standard parking spaces and one accessible
parking space, a total of 12 parking spaces, for the duration of construction.
(b) The Contractor shall provide continuous and safe barrier-free pedestrian access with a minimum
width of 1.7m to the library from Danforth Avenue and McCowan Road, during construction.
(c) The Contractor shall maintain vehicular access to the east side of the library building from
parking lot at all times.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure McCowan Road to the east of the library remains accessible
throughout construction to ensure unobstructed access for emergency vehicles, and reinforce to
its sub-contractors and employees that on-street parking supply for Bendale Public Library and
City parking by-laws must be respected.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure the laneway at the back of the library remains unobstructed during
(f) The Contractor shall provide copies of all reports and documents related to the noise and
vibration monitoring to City of Toronto.
(g) The Contractor shall perform snow clearing and removal of any temporary sidewalk or sidewalks
placed outside of existing right-of-way as follows:
(i) prior to the library opening;
(ii) frequently to prevent snow accumulation of more than two cm; and
(iii) sand, salt or snow melting means may be utilized as needed.
(h) The Contractor shall design the temporary parking lot to City’s acceptance to allow for snow
removal and clearing of the parking lot during winter.
(i) The Contractor shall be prohibited from using the library’s parking for Construction Activities or
parking Contractors employees’ vehicles.
(j) The Contractor shall identify an acceptable contractor employee parking strategy for approval by
Contracting Authority and the City of Toronto to alleviate concerns about Contractor and sub-
contractor parking on McCowan Road in the vicinity of Bendale Public Library.

4.2 Sustainable Construction

4.2.1 Overview
(a) This section identifies the sustainability construction requirements for the Scarborough Subway
Extension (SSE) Project.

4.2.2 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) Metrolinx DS-09, Subway Station Architecture Design Standard (DS-09).
(b) Metrolinx DS-05 Sustainability Standard (DS-05).
(c) Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 492, Green Roofs (Toronto Green Roof By-Law).

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(d) Toronto Green Building Standard v4.

(e) LEED v4 BD+C: New Construction Rating System.

4.2.3 General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall follow all applicable standards and codes listed in Section 4.2.2 unless
otherwise noted in Table 3.15-1 and Table 3.15-2.
(b) The Contractor shall incorporate sustainable design requirements as per Table 3.15-1.
(c) The Contractor shall incorporate sustainable design requirements as per Table 3.15-2.

4.2.4 Sustainability Certified Timber

(a) The Contractor shall provide supporting certification documentation with reports of the
percentage of timber used from each of the following categories:
(i) Forest Stewardship Council certified wood;
(ii) Programme for the Endorsement of Forest certified wood;
(iii) Canadian Standards Association certified wood;
(iv) Sustainable Forestry Initiative certified wood; and
(v) Non-certified wood.

4.2.5 Sustainable Concrete

(a) The Contractor shall substitute by mass at least 20% of Portland cement with supplementary
cementitious materials for all concrete Works.

4.2.6 Construction Sustainability Reporting

(a) The Contractor shall develop and submit for review a Construction Sustainability Report that:
(i) complies with the requirements of Schedule 10 - Review Procedure; and
(ii) complies with the requirements of Section 8 of the Metrolinx DS-05 Sustainable Design
(b) The Contractor shall include in the Construction Sustainability Report at least all requirements as
outlined in Section 8 of the Metrolinx DS-05 Sustainable Design Standard and the following:
(i) construction waste management tracking, including targets for waste diversion by weight
by waste stream;
(ii) environmental product declarations for at least 20 building materials as per Table 3.15-2;
(iii) tracking and calculations demonstrating the use of products that have a combination of
reused materials and recycled content for a minimum of 15% of materials, by cost, as per
Table 3.15-2;
(iv) the Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan with weekly inspection reports
demonstrating compliance as per Table 3.15-2. LEED v4 Applicability;

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(v) supporting certification documentation with each percentage of timber used and reported
according to Section 4.2.4; and
(vi) supporting documentation demonstrating percent reduction of Portland cement as per
Section 4.2.5.

4.3 Site

4.3.1 Demolition, Removals, and Disposals

(a) The Contractor shall demolish any buildings and other structures on the Lands as required for
(i) the Contractor to obtain all permits required for Demolition in accordance with Schedule
2 - Permits, Licences and Approvals; and
(ii) the Contractor to prepare and submit a Demolition Plan to Contracting Authority prior to
each building Demolition in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.
(b) The Contractor shall remove obstructions encountered in the Construction Activities that hinder
the Works and are not essential to continued traffic or public safety.
(c) The Contractor shall remove and dispose of all Temporary Works.
(d) The Contractor shall clear and remove trees and roots from the Works area as necessary.
(e) The Contractor shall erect tree preservation fencing in accordance with Schedule 17 –
Environmental Obligations and City Standards prior to any construction of the Works.
(i) the Contractor's Landscape architect to provide a written certification stating the tree
protection fencing is in accordance with the Arborists Report(s) and City Standards,
where applicable, prior to any Works on Site.
(f) The Contractor shall prepare and obtain all necessary permits and approvals for any required
restoration and compensation plans from the City or landowners in accordance with Schedule 2 -
Permits, Licences, Approvals and Agreements.
(g) The Contractor shall reinstate Lands to original condition upon completion of the Works.
(i) the Contractor to provide Lands in a clean and tidy condition upon completion of the
Works if reinstating to the original condition is not possible.
(A) the Contractor to provide at least 5 cm thick topping course of ¼-inch gravel to
leave site dust-free, clean, and tidy unless otherwise directed in the Project
(h) The Contractor shall only store materials on site if there are precautions in place to prevent
adverse effects and nuisance conditions on adjacent watercourses or groundwater or the migration
of materials offsite.
(i) The Contractor shall store material on site to ensure that sightlines on public roads are not
(j) The Contractor shall coordinate Demolitions and removals with Contracting Authority:

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(i) the Contractor to provide any salvageable materials to Contracting Authority; and
(ii) the Contractor to own all Demolition refuse and materials that are not salvageable:
(A) the Contractor to dispose of all Demolition refuse and materials in compliance
with Applicable Law.
(k) The Contractor shall prevent damage to all adjacent properties, existing structures, utilities, and
roadways when existing buildings are demolished at all stages of construction. Disposal of Materials

(a) The Contractor shall manage soil and excavated materials according to Schedule 17 –
Environmental Obligations.
(b) The Contractor shall dispose of all construction-related materials in accordance with City
Standards, MECP standards and OPSS.
(c) The Contractor shall manage Hazardous materials in accordance with Schedule 17 –
Environmental Obligations, City Standards, MECP, and OPSS.
(d) The Contractor shall stockpile all materials resulting from removals and Demolition by using
separate stockpiles for waste materials, reusable materials, and recyclable materials. Archaeological Resources

(a) The Contractor shall do the following if archaeological resources, such as archaeological Sites,
artifacts, building, and structural remains, and human burials, are encountered during the
performance of the Works:
(i) contact Contracting Authority immediately;
(ii) suspend the Works in the immediate area until an assessment has been completed; and
(iii) protect archaeological resources from damage, deterioration, or theft.
(b) The Contractor shall manage the resources as per Applicable Laws and as identified in the
Contractors Archaeological Risk Management Plan.

4.3.2 Restorations
(a) Refer to Section 3.18 for restoration and landscaping requirements.

4.3.3 Accommodation Works

(a) The Contractor shall coordinate with all projects in the City of Toronto’s InView System that
impact the Works.
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC on adjacent TTC projects.

4.4 Future Adjacent Construction Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall meet the requirements of this section in addition any other Permits,
Licences, Approvals and Agreements required for completion of the Works.

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(b) The Contractor shall coordinate and cooperate with Contracting Authority and the City of
Toronto with respect to the Metrolinx Development Review Process described in the Metrolinx
Developer’s Guide and established City of Toronto process.
(i) Contracting Authority, in association with the City of Toronto, will review development
applications in accordance with the Metrolinx Development Review Process.
(ii) Contracting Authority, in association with the City of Toronto, will provide development
applications for Adjacent Developments to the Contractor.
(c) The Contractor shall review and comment on development applications received from
Contracting Authority within 10 Business Days of receipt.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure no adverse impacts will be caused to the Works and obtain, where
possible, necessary approvals for all Construction Activities prior to construction of Adjacent
(e) The Contractor shall review and comment on development applications, including classifying and
completing the review of all technical review submission materials, at the Contractor's cost.

4.5 Handover and Interface

(a) Refer to Schedule 4 - Advance Tunnel Handover.

4.6 Construction Management

4.6.1 Construction Management Plan

(a) The Contractor shall submit a Construction Management Plan and sub plans specific to the
Project which describes the Contractors approach and methodology to achieving the requirements
of the Project Agreement, including its approach to scheduling, materials management,
procurement, resource management (labour and equipment), Subcontractor management,
coordination, reporting and internal governance, and integration of the design and Construction
(b) The Construction Management Plan shall address the following items:
(i) construction safety in accordance with Schedule 29 - Safety, System, Assurance and
(ii) work site management under epidemic/pandemic controls;
(iii) construction staging areas and access requirements including:
(A) construction staging and demolition drawings;
(B) construction limitations;
(C) property restrictions;
(D) construction site access;
(E) coordination with adjacent properties to minimize disruptions;

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(F) temporary facilities; and

(G) crane locations, loading and details;
(iv) key Construction Activities and strategies to manage Works within;
(v) key issues and constraints affecting construction and strategies to manage and address
those issues;
(vi) key Construction Activities impacting existing adjacent structures and existing adjacent
utilities, and strategies to manage the issues including customer impacts;
(vii) protection of and relocation of Utility Infrastructure;
(viii) remedial measures to maintain hydrant coverage (i.e., 45 m to fire department
connections, 90 m to principle entrances) to occupied buildings throughout each
construction stage;
(ix) coordination with municipal road authorities, local transit service providers, Utility
Companies, and Additional Contractors; and
(x) work site management under epidemic/pandemic controls.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a Construction Management Sub plan for Kennedy Enabling Works
Package that address the following items (including staging drawings to effectively illustrate the
proposed methodology):
(i) key Construction Activities impacting the Kennedy Subway Station and TTC Subway
normal operations and services, and strategies to manage the Works within an active TTC
(ii) key Construction Activities impacting the Metrolinx ECLRT Interchange Station -
Kennedy and Metrolinx ECLRT normal operations and services, and strategies to manage
the Works within an active Metrolinx ECLRT station;
(iii) key issues and constraints affecting construction and strategies to manage and address
those issues;
(iv) maintaining parking capacity at Kennedy Subway Station and vehicle and pedestrian
pathways; and
(v) protection and relocation of Utility Infrastructure. Construction Staging and Sequencing

(a) The Contractor shall submit a plan and sub plan including supporting drawings, of the
Contractor’s planned construction staging and sequencing, and a description of how it fits into the
Project Works Schedule that includes the following:
(i) the staging of the Project with specific reference to completion of stages of the Works;
(ii) plans, strategy and approach to Construction Activities and sequence along with any
necessary detours, entrance closures, and modifications; and

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(iii) plans and supporting drawings of the Contractor’s planned delivery route and methods of
heavy equipment’s transportation (when exceeding CL-625-ONT truck loads).

4.6.2 Contractor Site Specific Safety Manual

(a) The Contractor shall provide a Contractor Site Specific Safety Manual for each construction site
as described in Schedule 29 - Safety, System Assurance and Security.

4.6.3 Access Management Plan

(a) The Contractor shall prepare, submit and update a plan and sub plans that articulate the broad
range of access management issues and describes the required planning and measures required to
manage the impacts to customers (the "Access Management Plan").
(b) The Access Management Plan shall demonstrate the Contractor’s approach to coordinating with
TTC, Contracting Authority, the City of Toronto, and the Utility Companies with respect to:
(i) maintaining community pedestrian and cycling access to and from:
(A) TTC Kennedy Station facilities;
(B) parking lots; and
(C) properties adjacent to and within the Project limits;
(ii) maintaining vehicular access for:
(A) TTC Kennedy Station facilities;
(B) parking lots;
(C) properties adjacent to and within the Project limits;
(D) Contracting Authority staff or TTC staff or other subcontractors accessing the
Project limits (including TTC Track Level Access) for maintenance work;
(E) construction vehicles and material deliveries for existing Kennedy Subway
Station; and
(F) the Contractor’s activities/vehicles;
(iii) maintaining TTC Track Level access to:
(A) ensure on time performance of TTC Subway train service;
(B) provide safe access to and from trains to full length platforms; and
(C) ensure any planned performance of the Work is carried out in accordance with
this Schedule 15;
(iv) maintaining safe use of Contracting Authority Lands that considers:
(A) adjacent land utilization and function;
(B) adjacent land pedestrian and vehicular/equipment traffic;
(C) the Contractor’s vehicular/equipment traffic;

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(D) the Contractor’s equipment and material delivery; and

(E) perimeter fencing, gate, and access strategy;
(v) providing traffic management plans for temporary construction detours for vehicular
services through the construction area;
(vi) the Access Management Plan shall include the following sub plans:
(A) the advisory temporary signage plan to conform to TTC and the road authority
signage requirements and contain:
(I) the Contractor’s plans and implementation procedures that address
temporary pedestrian, cycling or vehicular access changes to the
Kennedy Subway Station in changes to the surrounding road network for
each phase of the Works;
(II) a description of traffic control provisions that are specific to the Works;
(III) design drawings for detour routes, diversions and closures, sign locations
and details, pavement markings, barriers, and protective Work;
(B) the traffic and transit management plan must always be kept on Site for
inspection by the Ministry of Labour, and include the following information:
(I) the traffic and transit management plan for protection of Work in the
construction zone as required by Regulations 213/91 and 145/00 under
the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Ontario);
(II) identification of traffic protection necessary for the Work, including the
identification of all hazards and all measures necessary to adequately
protect the workers on the Site;
(III) protections for all agents of Contracting Authority, TTC Subway at
Kennedy Subway Station, the road authority, and any other authorities
having jurisdiction involved within project limits, including the
inspectors, supervisors, surveyors, traffic services personnel, the TTC
Representative and Contracting Authority Representative;
(IV) identification of the Contractor’s plan to ensure the Work zone to be
consistent, uniform and predictable;
(V) Verification of all load restrictions; and
(VI) identification of the Contractor’s plan for traffic safety in the
construction zone and provisions for safety, mobility, advanced warning
and positive guidance;
(C) the pedestrian and cyclists access management plan, within which the Contractor
must use the pre-construction travel demand and pattern counts results to:
(I) identify and quantify impacts to pedestrian and cyclist routes while
constructing the Work;

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(II) confirm that, at a minimum, equivalent routes for pedestrians and cyclists
are maintained at pre-construction conditions throughout construction of
the Work;
(III) identify paths of travel, Barrier-Free paths of travel, potential conflict
areas and how safety will be addressed;
(IV) include the Contractor’s plan to use commercially reasonable means to
minimize pedestrian and cyclist travel disruption; and
(V) identify the Contractor’s plan to provide timely information to the
travelling public; and
(vii) in support of the Access Management Plan and sub plans, the Contractor must conduct a
multi-modal traffic impact study and submit to Contracting Authority for review in
accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure of the Project Agreement. As part of
this traffic impact study:
(A) the Contractor must conduct vehicle, cyclist, pedestrian, and customer travel
demand and pattern counts prior to the start of construction in locations approved
by Contracting Authority. These locations must include:
(I) vehicle travel on public roads within the anticipated area of influence
(including major and minor arterials, and select local roads and private
driveways), as determined by the Contractor and approved by
Contracting Authority;
(II) all pedestrian and cycling routes including routes along public roads
within the anticipated area of influence, as determined by the Contractor
and approved by Contracting Authority; and
(III) pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles travelling through the Site;
(B) the Contractor must assess traffic impact on access and circulation to
infrastructure and services on a case-by-case basis to users parking, riding transit,
carpooling, cycling, and walking;
(C) multi-modal traffic counts must be collected following good industry standards
and practice, acknowledging local contexts and applicable peak periods as
requested by Contracting Authority. The counts include vehicle turning
movement and pedestrian/cyclist crossing counts at intersections, midblock
pedestrian/cyclist, and travel times to/from the Site from all directions (north,
south, east and west); and
(D) the Contractor must submit the multi-modal traffic impact study work plan to
Contracting Authority in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure of
the Project Agreement before data collection begins. This traffic impact study
work plan must identify the proposed study area and multi-modal traffic data
collection sites and count information to be obtained.

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4.6.4 Emergency Management General
(a) This section shall be read in conjunction with Schedule 29 – Safety, System Assurance and
Security that provides the Contractor responsibilities with regards to Safety and Security
management throughout the Project Term.
(b) The Contractor shall include the requirements of emergency management in the Works. Emergency Response Plan

(a) The Contractor shall prepare and submit for review Emergency Response Plan for each EEB,
TPSS 01 and Station location 30 days prior to the start of construction at each location.
(b) The Emergency Response Plan shall contain the Contractors plans and implementation
procedures to manage incidents that arise during the performance of the Works.
(c) The Emergency Response Plan shall determine the training required for effective response to
emergencies and mock drills.
(d) The Emergency Response Plan (s) shall address the following items:
(i) hazard identification and assessment;
(ii) emergency resources;
(iii) communication system;
(iv) administration of plan;
(v) plan activation protocols;
(vi) emergency response procedures;
(vii) communication procedure;
(viii) identification of responsible parties;
(ix) designated assembly areas;
(x) anticipated resources to manage the emergency scenarios;
(xi) emergencies recuse equipment;
(xii) medical supplies; and
(xiii) special training requirements.
(e) The Emergency Response shall incorporate the requirement of the Emergency Services Access
Plan as per Section

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4.7 Office Requirements

4.7.1 Project Offices

(a) The Contractor shall obtain and, except as otherwise expressly set out in the Project Agreement,
maintain during the Project Term, office space for the purposes of the Project, which shall be
either: (i) office space identified in writing by Contracting Authority to the Contractor at 100
Consilium Place, Toronto, or (ii), in the event the Contractor is unable to enter into the required
Project Office Agreements in respect of such office space identified by Contracting Authority,
other office space in close vicinity to 100 Consilium Place, Toronto identified by Contracting
Authority or otherwise approved by Contracting Authority, in its sole discretion (the “Primary
Project Office”). Contracting Authority may, acting reasonably, require that key representatives
of Contracting Authority, the Province Persons, the Contractor and its Subcontractors be co-
located within and work out of the Primary Project Office, which shall be these persons’
respective primary office space for their work on the Project. The Parties agree that until such
time as the Project Office Agreements in respect of the Primary Project Office have been entered
into by the parties thereto and the Primary Project Office is ready for occupancy and use in
accordance with the requirements of such agreements, Contracting Authority may identify
temporary office space to the Contractor in writing that shall be used as the Primary Project
Office under the Project Agreement. In such an event, the Contractor shall execute and comply
with such further and other documents, and do and perform and cause to be done and performed
such further acts in accordance with the Project Agreement, as may be reasonably necessary or
desirable to allow for such occupancy and use.
(b) The Contractor shall, following consultation with Contracting Authority and unless otherwise
directed by Contracting Authority in writing, ensure that, at a minimum, the following is provided
for and to the reasonable satisfaction of Contracting Authority at the Primary Project Office:
(i) internet access, wireless and wired connections;
(ii) kitchen amenities with applicable appliances;
(iii) washroom facilities; and
(iv) rubber entrance mats,
which shall be for the use and benefit of the representatives of Contracting Authority, the
Province Persons, the Contractor and its Subcontractors working at the Primary Project Office;
(v) voice and data cabling and services, with the specific location for outlets and all other
requirements to be identified by Contracting Authority’s information technology
representative; and
(vi) if not provided by the landlord, daily cleaning services,
which shall be dedicated services provided by the Contractor;
(vii) each of the following for the exclusive use and benefit of the representatives of
Contracting Authority and the Province Persons working at the Primary Project Office,
and in locations within the Primary Project Office that are approved by Contracting

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(A) printing facilities and supplies;

(B) at least 100 workstations;
(C) conferencing facilities – at least three boardrooms with video conferencing
(D) commercial grade and bristled scrapper-type boot cleaners; and
(E) a secure door, with controlled access such that all of the items described in
Sections 4.7.1(b)(vii)a to 4.7.1(b)(vii)e are not accessible by the Contractor, the
Contractor Parties, and any other third party other than the landlord; and
(viii) at least ten vehicular parking spots for the exclusive use and benefit of Contracting
Authority and the Province Persons.
(c) The Contractor shall obtain and, except as otherwise expressly set out in the Project Agreement,
maintain during the Project Term, secondary office space approved by Contracting Authority for
the purposes of the Project, within a 500 meter radius of TTC Kennedy Station (“Secondary
Project Office”). Contracting Authority may, acting reasonably, require that key representatives
of Contracting Authority, the Province Persons, the Contractor and its Subcontractors be co-
located within and work out of the Secondary Project Office for certain work on the Project.
(d) The Contractor shall, following consultation with Contracting Authority and unless otherwise
directed by Contracting Authority in writing, ensure that, at a minimum, the following is provided
for and to the reasonable satisfaction of Contracting Authority at the Secondary Project Office:
(i) internet access, wireless and wired connections;
(ii) kitchen amenities with applicable appliances;
(iii) washroom facilities;
(iv) signage identifying the occupant and indicating a telephone number in case of
emergency; and
(v) rubber entrance mats,
which shall be for the use and benefit of the representatives of Contracting Authority, the
Province Persons, the Contractor and its Subcontractors working at the Secondary Project Office;
(vi) voice and data cabling and services, with the specific location for outlets and all other
requirements to be identified by Contracting Authority’s IT representative; and
(vii) daily cleaning services,
which shall be dedicated services provided by the Contractor;
(viii) each of the following for the exclusive use and benefit of the representatives of
Contracting Authority and the Province Persons working at the Secondary Project Office,
and in locations within the Secondary Project Office that are approved by Contracting
(A) printing facilities and supplies;
(B) at least 15 workstations;

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(C) conferencing facilities – at least one boardroom with video conferencing

(D) commercial grade and bristled scrapper-type boot cleaners; and
(E) a secure door, with controlled access such that all of the items described in
Sections 4.7.1(d)(viii)a. to 4.7.1(d)(viii)e. are not accessible by the Contractor,
the Contractor Parties and any other third party other than the landlord;
(ix) at least five vehicular parking spots for the exclusive use and benefit of Contracting
Authority and the Province Persons; and
(x) any other furniture, equipment and facilities in respect of the space to be used by
Contracting Authority for the purposes of the Project reasonably identified by
Contracting Authority in respect of the Secondary Project Office.
(e) The Contractor shall:
(i) as applicable, perform and supervise any leasehold improvements required by any Project
Office Agreement in respect of the Primary Project Office and the Secondary Project
Office in accordance with the terms and conditions of such Project Office Agreement;
(ii) perform any leasehold improvements from time to time (A) reasonably requested by the
Contractor in writing to Contracting Authority and subsequently approved by Contracting
Authority in writing, or (B) that Contracting Authority reasonably requires in writing that
the Contractor perform under any of the Project Office Agreements in respect of the
Primary Project Office or the Secondary Project Office, provided that, in each case, such
leasehold improvements are permitted by such Project Office Agreements and are
performed in accordance with the terms and conditions of such Project Office
Agreements; and
(iii) not otherwise perform any leasehold improvement in respect of the Primary Project
Office or the Secondary Project Office.

4.7.2 Site Office

(a) The Contractor shall, to the reasonable satisfaction of Contracting Authority, provide to
Contracting Authority, a site office located at Kennedy, EEB-03, and each Station location prior
to start of construction at each site (each a “Site Office”).
(b) The Contractor shall, following consultation with Contracting Authority and unless otherwise
directed by Contracting Authority in writing, ensure that, at a minimum, the following is provided
for and to the reasonable satisfaction of Contracting Authority at each Site Office:
(i) internet access, wireless and wired connections;
(ii) washroom facilities; and
(iii) rubber entrance mats,
which shall be for the use and benefit of the representatives of Contracting Authority, the
Province Persons, the Contractor and its Subcontractors working at the Site Office;

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(iv) voice and data cabling and services, with the specific location for outlets and all other
requirements to be identified by Contracting Authority’s information technology
representative; and
(v) daily cleaning services,
which shall be dedicated services provided by the Contractor;
(vi) secure trailer(s) or building(s), with controlled access that is only accessible by
Contracting Authority, together with each of the following items, which shall be for the
exclusive use and benefit of the representatives of Contracting Authority and the
Province Persons working at the Site Office:
(A) printing facilities and supplies;
(B) signage in each office identifying the occupant and indicating a telephone
number in case of emergency; and
(C) commercial grade and bristled scrapper-type boot cleaners.
(c) The Contractor shall, following consultation with Contracting Authority and unless otherwise
directed by Contracting Authority in writing, provide, at a minimum, the following for and to the
reasonable satisfaction of Contracting Authority for each Site Office located at Kennedy and
(i) at least four workstations for the exclusive use and benefit of the representatives of
Contracting Authority and the Province Persons within secure site trailer(s) or building(s)
with controlled access that is not accessible by the Contractor, the Contractor Parties and
any other third party other than any landlord;
(ii) kitchen amenities with applicable appliances, which shall be for the use and benefit of the
representatives of Contracting Authority, the Province Persons, the Contractor and its
Subcontractors working at the Site Office; and
(iii) at least two vehicular parking spots for the exclusive use and benefit of Contracting
Authority and the Province Persons.
(d) The Contractor shall, following consultation with Contracting Authority and unless otherwise
directed by Contracting Authority in writing, provide, at a minimum, the following for
Contracting Authority for each Site Office at each Station location:
(i) each of the following for the exclusive use and benefit of the representatives of
Contracting Authority and the Province Persons working at the Site Office:
(A) at least 15 workstations;
(B) conferencing facilities – at least two boardrooms with video conferencing
capabilities; and
(C) kitchen amenities with applicable appliances,
within secure site trailer(s) or building(s) with controlled access that is not accessible by
the Contractor, the Contractor Parties and any other third party other than any landlord;

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(ii) at least ten vehicular parking spots for the exclusive use and benefit of Contracting
Authority and the Province Persons.

4.7.3 Progress and Construction Meetings

(a) The Contractor shall conduct, chair and document progress and coordination meetings on a
weekly or biweekly basis, or as agreed to with Contracting Authority, throughout the construction
period and will inform all parties concerned in advance, stating the time and venue of the
(b) The Contractor shall conduct meetings for:
(i) each individual construction site location with relevant Contracting Authority staff and
Contractor Staff for those locations; and
(ii) an overarching construction meeting for the entire Works with all relevant parties
including Contracting Authority staff and Contractor staff.
(c) The Contractor shall be represented by senior field staff authorized to act on behalf of the
Contractor. The same senior field staff shall attend the meetings throughout the Contract period.
(d) Subcontractors, material suppliers and others may be invited to attend meetings in which their
aspects of the Works are discussed. The relations and discussions between such participants are
not the responsibility of Contracting Authority and do not form part of the meeting's agenda.
(e) The Contractor shall present, at each meeting, scheduled Works activities in a format acceptable
to Contracting Authority for the following two weeks to facilitate coordination with TTC
operations and staff. Contracting Authority and TTC may request a schedule of activities on a
more frequent basis.
(f) The Contractor shall distribute copies of the minutes to all participants.
(g) The Contractor shall provide a CCTV system at each construction site to monitor construction
progress throughout the duration of the Works.
(h) The Contractor shall provide all components to ensure the camera system is completely installed
and operating satisfactorily at each construction site.
(i) The Contractor shall provide access to the CCTV to Contracting Authority and be available 24/7,
365 days a year.
(j) The Contractor shall coordinate with Contracting Authority for network connection and
(k) The Contractor shall configure its CCTV system to record every camera for 30 days unless
otherwise approved by Contracting Authority.

4.8 Temporary Traffic and Transit Management

4.8.1 Overview
(a) This section addresses the requirements for temporary traffic and transit management applicable
to the Works.

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4.8.2 Scope
(a) This section establishes the traffic and transit management requirements for the Works applicable
(i) general requirements;
(ii) existing Provincial highways;
(iii) existing Municipal roadways;
(iv) existing transit routes; and
(v) the Traffic and Transit Management Plan (TTMP).

4.8.3 Codes, Standards, and Reference Documents

(a) The Contractor shall perform all Works related to temporary traffic management and construction
access design and construction in accordance with the criteria in Design Standards and
Construction Requirements for Highways, Roads and Structures.
(b) The Contractor shall prepare the TTMP and conduct all traffic control operations in compliance
with codes, standards, and reference documents of a general nature; codes, standards, and
reference documents for provincial highways under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Ministry of
Transportation (MTO), and codes, standards, and reference documents for Municipal streets
under the jurisdiction of the City of Toronto. General
(a) Canadian Standards Association (CSA) - Accessible Design for the Built Environment.
(b) Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads.
(c) CITE Canadian Capacity Guide for Signalized Intersections.
(d) Ontario Traffic Manuals (OTM).
(e) Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications and Drawings (OPSS and OPSD).
(f) Ontario Electrical Safety Code. Provincial Highways under the Jurisdiction of the Ontario Ministry of Transportation
(a) Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada (MUTCDC).
(b) MTO Design Supplement for the TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads.
(c) MTO Roadside Design Manual.
(d) MTO Standard Drawings (MTOD).
(e) MTO Standard Special Provisions (SSP).
(f) MTO Design Bulletins and Directives.
(g) MTO Capacity Analysis Manual.

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(h) MTO Traffic Signal Operating & Timing Policy #2010-01.

(i) MTO Central Region Closure & Right-of-Way Usage Notification Protocol Summary.
(j) MTO Sign Sheeting Memorandum.
(k) MTO Portable Variable Message Signs – Best Practices Manual.
(l) MTO Designated Sources Manual.
(m) MTO Central Region Portable Variable Message Sign Configuration Form. Municipal Streets under the Jurisdiction of the City of Toronto

(a) City of Toronto Guidelines for Preparation of Transportation Impact Studies.
(b) City of Toronto Accessibility Design Guidelines.
(c) City of Toronto v Safety Plan.
(d) City of Toronto Vibrant Streets Guidelines.
(e) City of Toronto Complete Streets Guideline.
(f) City of Toronto Third Party Street Furniture Removal/Reinstallation Procedures and Price List.
(g) City of Toronto Metrolinx/Third Party Traffic Signal Handover Terms and Conditions.
(h) City of Toronto Third Party Signal Process.
(i) City of Toronto Traffic Calming Policy.
(j) City of Toronto Current Version of Standard Tender Documents and Specifications.
(k) City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapters 743 – Streets and Sidewalks and 950 – Traffic and
(l) City of Toronto Guidelines for Using Synchro 11 (including SimTraffic).
(m) City of Toronto Construction Specifications and Drawings for Road Works.
(n) City of Toronto Construction Specifications and Drawings for Traffic Control Devices.
(o) City of Toronto Lane Width Guidelines.
(p) City of Toronto Curb Radii Guidelines.
(q) City of Toronto Active Advance Warnings Flashers Guidelines for Application and Installation.
(r) City of Toronto Pedestrian Timing At Signalized Intersections.
(s) City of Toronto Traffic Signal Operations Policies and Guidelines.
(t) City of Toronto Closely Spaced Signals Policy.
(u) City of Toronto Electrical Contractor Prequalification Requirements.
(v) City of Toronto Traffic Control Devices & Systems Inspection Manual.
(w) National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Standards, including TS2-2003.

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4.8.4 General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall develop and implement a TTMP to manage the traffic and transit impacts of
the Project.
(i) This TTMP shall address all relevant modes in the Traffic Management Lands, including
transit, auto and truck traffic, emergency vehicles, and bicycle and pedestrian movement.
(ii) The Traffic Management Lands shall be defined by the limits presented in Table 4.8-1.
Traffic Management Lands Definitions:
(A) The Contractor shall submit for review in proposed Traffic Control Plans and
secure approval from Contracting Authority, City of Toronto, and MTO where
applicable, if the Contractor proposes any modifications to the limits of the
Traffic Management Lands.
(iii) The Contractor shall cooperate with Contracting Authority, the City of Toronto, MTO,
and Transit Agencies to develop and implement the TTMP:
(A) the Contractor shall develop strategies for managing traffic, transit, emergency
vehicle, pedestrian, and cycling, in the context of a TTMP, that is acceptable to
Contracting Authority, the City of Toronto, MTO, and Transit Agencies.
(iv) The Contractor shall address in the TTMP potential neighbourhood infiltration and
diversion due to closures:
(A) the Contractor shall include in the TTMP any mitigation strategies necessary to
minimize the impact of closures on increased traffic in residential

Table 4.8-1. Traffic Management Lands Definitions

Site Roadway Limit 1 Limit 2
Eglinton Avenue West 50 m East of Kennedy
Kennedy Station Transway Crescent
Loop Road
Eglinton Avenue West
Kennedy Station Eglinton Avenue East Rail Corridor
Kennedy Box Structure Eglinton Avenue East
Falmouth Avenue/Gilder
and Emergency Exit and Eglinton Avenue Rail corridor
Building No. 1 East Loop
Kennedy Box Structure
150 m North of Eglinton
and Emergency Exit Midland Avenue Benjamin Boulevard
Avenue East
Building No. 1
Emergency Exit Building 150m South of Horton 200m North of Trudelle
Danforth Road
No. 2 and TPSS No. 1 Boulevard Street
Emergency Exit Building 50 m West of Danforth
No Frills Lane Danforth Road
No. 2 Road
Emergency Exit Building 150m South of Savarin
Danforth Road Carslake Crescent
No. 3 Street
Emergency Exit Building 150m South of Mackinac 200 m North of Furlong
Danforth Road
No. 4 Crescent Court

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Site Roadway Limit 1 Limit 2

Emergency Exit Building 200 m South of Meldazy
McCowan Road Brimorton Drive
No. 5 Drive (south intersection)
150m South of Hollyhedge
McCowan Road Benleigh Drive
110 m West of Valparaiso 150 m East of McCowan
Lawrence East Station Lawrence Avenue East
Avenue Road
150m South of Kilbride
Valparaiso Avenue Lawrence Avenue East
Emergency Exit Building 250 m South of Huronia
McCowan Road Ellesmere Road
No. 6 Gate
100 m South of Bushby- 80 m North of 401 N/S-E
McCowan Road
Town Centre Court Ramp
100 East of Grangeway
Progress Avenue 50 West of Borough Drive
Avenue - Consilium Place
Scarborough Centre 80 m South of Progress
Borough Drive McCowan Road
Station Avenue
50 m South of Bushby 80 m North of Progress
Grangeway Avenue
Drive Avenue
50 m West of McCowan
Bushby Drive Grangeway Avenue
Emergency Exit Building 150 South of 401 S-W 175 m North of 401 W-N/S
McCowan Road
No. 7 Ramp Ramp
150 m North of Nugget
Pitfield Road/Invergordon
McCowan Road Avenue / South of the Rail
Sheppard East Station and Crossing
Emergency Exit Building 250 m East of McCowan
Nugget Avenue McCowan Road
No. 8 Road
200 m West of McCowan 300 m East of McCowan
Sheppard Avenue East
Road Road

(b) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto, MTO, the Transit Agencies,
Contracting Authority, Stakeholders, Municipal Emergency Service Providers, other Municipal
service providers, and any other relevant authorities so that transit service is maintained as a
priority mode along the Lands during the performance of the Construction Activities, in terms of
travel time and frequency.
(c) The Contractor shall schedule Construction Activities such that the duration and extent of the
proposed work and traffic control measures minimize the impact on the traveling public and all
road users along the proposed alignment corridor and intersecting roadways.
(i) access for the traveling public and all road users can be prohibited only after receiving
the required authorization to do so.
(d) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto, TTC and other transit services
providers whose routes may be impacted, utility companies, and neighbouring contractors
regarding the Contractor Construction Activities in relationship to adjacent current and projected
Municipal projects.

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(i) the Contractor needs to consider the cumulative impacts of the Construction Activities
and the adjacent Municipal capital works projects when developing the TTMP to ensure
sufficient roadway capacity is available to maintain acceptable levels of street user
(e) The OTM supersede all reference to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices of Canada
(MUTCDC) in this section.
(f) The Contractor shall do the following prior to commencing any Construction Activity, on or
adjacent to a Municipal or provincial roadway facility:
(i) obtain all necessary permits and approvals; and
(ii) supply and install all necessary temporary Traffic Control Devices (TCD) in accordance
with the Contractor's submitted and approved Traffic Control Plan (TCP).
(g) The Contractor shall be solely responsible for all vehicular, pedestrian, and cyclist traffic control
within the Traffic Management Lands as the City delegates this authority to the Contractor in
accordance with the TCP.
(h) The Contractor shall, at its own expense and with City of Toronto/MTO approval, remove any
equipment or material, which based on accepted standards and onsite observations, constitutes a
Hazard to traffic, pedestrians, or cyclists.
(i) The Contractor shall fully and solely ensure the development and implementation of a submitted
and reviewed TCP.
(j) The Contractor shall ensure the TCP and all required TCDs are designed/installed, monitored,
operated/maintained and removed, utilizing only competent persons and workers as defined under
the OHSA.
(k) The Contractor shall coordinate the TCP work with the City of Toronto and MTO for Municipal
roadways and provincial highways, respectively.
(l) The Contractor shall only store any equipment or materials on the roadway or the roadway
shoulders and boulevards, or close roadways/shoulders/boulevards for staff and crew parking if
the storage areas are identified in the TCP and approved by the City of Toronto, and appropriate
TCDs are installed to protect the equipment or materials.
(i) the Contractor will be permitted to use the closed lanes as a construction laydown and
staging area only where temporary lane closures are allowed and approved by the
(ii) the Contractor shall remove all dirt and debris from all paved or concrete surfaces outside
of all staging areas at the close of each workday.
(m) The Contractor shall collect traffic volume data, including pedestrian and cycling volume data,
for any monitoring of traffic operations within the Traffic Management Lands, or adjacent to
these Lands but impacted by the Works, both before and during Construction Activities to
facilitate comparisons, building on available data from the City of Toronto.
(n) The Contractor shall obtain existing signal timing plan data from the City of Toronto.

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(o) The Contractor shall conduct multi-modal traffic analysis using Synchro software as described in
the City of Toronto Guidelines for the Preparation of Transportation Impact Studies and Third
Party Signal Process (or VISSIM as appropriate and required by government agencies) to support
any proposals for temporary or permanent signal design (such as optimization, coordination, etc.),
any lane closures, road closures, or detour routes, and any issues related to traffic management
raised by the City of Toronto, MTO, Transit Agencies, or Contracting Authority, including the
review of impacts of construction staging and construction vehicle traffic on traffic operations,
roadway capacity, queues, etc.
(p) The Contractor shall include the results of the traffic analysis as part of the TCP, as
per Section 4.8.8 (Traffic and Transit Management Plan).
(q) The City of Toronto or MTO may, on seven Business Days advance notice, direct the Contractor,
to eliminate or modify any closure(s) and restore free-flow traffic for a 24-hour period on the day
of any planned special event, other than on a holiday.
(r) The Contractor shall obtain, review and consider a list of planned special events from the City of
(s) The Contractor shall follow the procedures defined in their incident management plan in case of
any unplanned or unforeseen events as per Section 4.8.8 (Traffic and Transit Management Plan).
(t) The Contractor shall submit any proposed initiated closures, detour routes, lane shifts, diversions,
or temporary traffic measures, not included in the Contractor’s accepted TTMP, as proposed
amendments to sub-TTMPs, as part of the Works Submittals in accordance with Schedule 10 –
Review Procedure.
(u) The Contractor shall only leave any open excavations adjacent to a lane carrying traffic during
any hour of darkness and on non-working days, if a barrier designed to restrain errant vehicles is
located between the traffic and the excavation.
(v) The Contractor shall backfill any unprotected excavation within 4.0m of lanes carrying traffic
with appropriate material up to profile grade and compacted prior to closing construction
operations each day.
(w) The Contractor shall identify all roadways being utilized for haul routes to the City of Toronto,
MTO, and Contracting Authority at least 15 weeks in advance as part of their Construction
Access Management Plan described in Section 4.8.8 (Traffic and Transit Management Plan).
(x) The Contractor shall ensure haul routes are kept clean and free of construction dust and debris.
(y) The Contractor shall ensure all haul routes comply with Municipal bylaws and provincial
regulations for goods movement and use of truck routes, and shall address any concerns regarding
safety, road operations and neighbourhood infiltration.

4.8.5 Closure, Detour Route, Lane Shift, and Diversion Requirements General
(a) The Contractor shall ensure all closures, detour routes, lane shifts, and diversions are paved and
marked with proper signage, TCD, and pavement markings to ensure safety of road users, as per
City of Toronto and MTO standards and the OTM.

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(b) The Contractor shall schedule Construction Activities to prevent milled surface from remaining
for more than three days.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that each milled surface has a uniform texture, is not raveled, and
does not allow standing water on the surface.
(d) The Contractor shall communicate with the City of Toronto prior to completion of work to
determine an alternative solution that would be mutually acceptable if the stated minimum
condition of milled surfaces is considered not to be achievable at any specific location.
(e) The Contractor shall provide detour routes, lane shifts, and diversions with adequate drainage
facilities to prevent standing water and flow of water across the roadway.
(f) The Contractor shall identify and include all closures, detour routes, lane shifts, and.
(g) The Contractor shall adhere to the lane rental costing, the purpose of which is to provide
incentive for minimizing the occupation of travel lanes within the Traffic Management Lands. Portable Variable Message Signs

(a) The Contractor shall provide Portable Variable Message Signs (PVMS) and use the same to
provide advance notification and advance warning of traffic pattern changes.
(b) The Contractor shall show PVMS locations and messages within the TTMP.
(c) The Contractor shall use PVMS to provide advance notification and advance warning of incidents
or traffic pattern changes, as deemed necessary by the Contractor’s emergency services access
(d) The Contractor shall submit PVMS messages to the City of Toronto for acceptance.
(e) The Contractor shall submit PVMS messages to the MTO for acceptance for signs located on
provincial highway facilities.
(f) The Contractor shall use PVMS in accordance with Contracting Authority, City of Toronto and
MTO specifications where applicable and install the PVMS at least two weeks in advance of any
(g) The Contractor shall use the PVMS in accordance with City of Toronto and MTO operational
procedures and integrate the signs within the City and MTO communication networks as required
by these jurisdictions. Temporary Barriers

(a) The Contractor shall supply and install temporary barriers based on the requirements of the OTM
and the MTO Roadside Design Manual.
(b) The Contractor shall equip all temporary barriers with impact attenuators and
(c) The Contractor shall make provisions for drainage and removal of snow, ice and debris where
temporary barriers are used.

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(a) The Contractor shall identify any requirements to remove, install, or modify any necessary
regulatory signage as part of the Traffic Control Plans.
(b) The Contractor shall design, install, maintain and remove any temporary signage during
construction on:
(i) Municipal streets:
(A) notify the City of Toronto 14 business days prior to requiring any modifications
to signage for construction periods of three months or less;
(B) notify the City of Toronto 60 business days in advance to allow for Council
approval for construction periods of more than three months;
(ii) provincial highways:
(A) notify the MTO 21 business days prior to requiring any modifications to signage
for construction periods of three months or less; and
(B) notify the MTO 60 business days in advance to allow for Ministry approval for
construction periods of more than three months.
(c) The Contractor shall be responsible for any temporary signage associated with road or ramp
closures and any associated temporary signage and temporary line painting.
(d) The Contractor shall identify requirements for temporary signage in the Traffic Control Plans.
(e) The Contractor shall install Project information signage provided by Contracting Authority at
locations designated by Contracting Authority.
(f) The Contractor shall install all regulatory signage required after the completion of construction
provided by the City of Toronto.
(g) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto regarding the scheduled completion of
Construction Activities to permit the timely installation of regulatory signage by the Contractor. Pavement Drop-Offs

(a) The Contractor shall perform all Construction Activities to minimize any drop-offs (abrupt
changes in roadway elevation) left exposed to traffic during non-working hours.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure that adequate and positive Drainage is maintained along and across
the roadway at all times and during all construction stages.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure drop offs left exposed to traffic during non-working hours meet the
following requirements:
(i) drop-offs up to 40 mm may remain exposed with appropriate TCD alerting motorists of
the condition;
(ii) drop-offs shall not be allowed between adjacent lanes of traffic;
(iii) drop-offs greater than 40 mm that are in the roadway or shoulder must be delineated with
appropriate TCD;

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(iv) drop-offs greater than 40 mm must be protected based on the OHSA/OTM requirements;
(v) temporary ramping must meet Governmental Authority Standards.
(d) The Contractor shall show all areas of excavation near areas of traffic and their proposed safety
measures in the TCPs. Pavement Markings

(a) The Contractor shall apply, maintain, and remove all temporary pavement markings, roadway
pavement markers, channelizing devices, barricades, and reflective devices.
(b) The Contractor shall include all temporary pavement markings, roadway pavement markers,
channelizing devices, barricades, and reflective devices in the TCPs for review, in accordance
with the OTM, MTO Highway Design Bulletins, and OPSS 710 (where applicable).
(c) The Contractor shall remove all redundant temporary and permanent pavement markings. Safe Passage Through Project Site

(a) The Contractor shall maintain the existing regulatory speed limits in the Traffic Management
Lands unless specified in this section 4.8 or agreed to in writing by the City of Toronto.
(b) The Contractor shall maintain adequate lane widths throughout the Traffic Management Lands as
per Table 4.8-1. Traffic Management Lands Definitions and curb radii as per City of Toronto
standards unless a deviation is accepted and approved within an approved Traffic Control Plan.
(c) The Contractor shall supply and install work zone lighting in accordance with the OTM.
(d) The Contractor shall install anti-glare screens on or adjacent to barriers where equipment is
actively working adjacent to existing Municipal roads and other affected Municipal and
provincial roadways, to avoid driver distraction and headlight glare.
(e) The Contractor shall prepare the documentation and product samples proposed for anti-glare
screens as part of the TCPs. Accommodation of Transit Services

(a) The Contractor shall be responsible for liaising and coordinating with the Transit Agencies for
any modifications to bus routes and/or Bus Stops that may be required due to closures, full
closures, detour routes, lane shifts and diversions and/or other changes in traffic patterns in
accordance with this section, Section (Existing Transit Service) and Section
(Temporary Bus Stops).
(b) The Contractor shall ensure any modifications to bus routes and/or Bus Stops be in accordance
with Transit Agency standards and specifications.
(i) The Contractor shall liaise with the TTC Closures and Diversions Group where TTC
transit infrastructure or service is proposed to be impacted by Construction Activities.
(c) The Contractor shall maintain access by buses and pedestrians to all existing Bus Stops, Bus
Loops and bus terminals located within the Traffic Management Lands, except where otherwise

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stated in this section or agreed upon by the City of Toronto, the Transit Agencies, and
Contracting Authority.
(d) The Contractor shall maintain access for transit users to all adjacent existing reserved bus lanes
and other transit routes through detours or otherwise as detailed elsewhere in this section.
(e) The Contractor shall precede any relocation of Bus Stops with signage indicating the location of
the relocated Bus Stops.
(f) The Contractor shall include the provision of appropriate Passenger Facilities including Passenger
standing areas to City of Toronto and Transit Agency construction and accessibility standards and
specifications at relocated Bus Stops.
(g) The Contractor shall ensure that the relocation of bus stops adheres to Transit Agency standards
and specifications in terms of distance from existing stops.
(h) The Contractor shall liaise and coordinate with the Transit Agencies and including the
requirement to consult with the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) regarding
temporary transit stop accessibility (such as barrier-free design and closely spaced transfer
(i) The Contractor shall consider and integrate reasonable advice or provide rationale as to why
ACAT’s suggestions are not feasible.
(j) The Contractor shall be financially responsible for any bus route or Bus Stop relocations.
(k) The Contractor shall develop a transit management plan that outlines all aspects of transit
management throughout the Project as described in Section 4.8.8 (Traffic and Transit
Management Plan). Accommodation of Pedestrians and Cyclists

(a) The Contractor shall accommodate pedestrian and cyclist access throughout the Traffic
Management Lands, providing safe passage for pedestrians and cyclists impacted by the Works,
in conformance with the AODA, CSA accessibility requirements, City of Toronto Vision Zero
Road Safety Plan, City of Toronto accessibility guidelines, and OTM Book 7, where applicable.
(b) The Contractor shall identify pathways, signage and structures to accommodate pedestrian and
cyclist traffic in the Traffic Control Plans and submitted in accordance with Schedule 10 –
Review Procedure.
(c) The Contractor shall maintain pedestrian and cyclist signage throughout the relevant construction
(d) The Contractor shall provide safety measures for temporary pedestrian and cyclist crossings.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure that passage at each route and crossing point located on the Traffic
Management Lands and used by pedestrians and cyclists is maintained in a safe, accessible and
efficient manner throughout the Project.
(f) The Contractor shall ensure all pedestrian and cycling paths are clear of obstructions, dust, and

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(g) The Contractor shall provide alternative pedestrian access to properties where front door
pedestrian access cannot be maintained.
(h) The Contractor shall detail proposed temporary closure and re-routing of pedestrian or cycling
routes as part of the Traffic Control Plans in cases where the City of Toronto may permit
temporary closure of pedestrian or cycling routes contingent upon demonstration that no
reasonable alternative is available and provision of a suitable alternative route.
(i) The Contractor shall provide advance notification of at least 14 business days to the City of
Toronto of any closures of pedestrian or cycling routes with signage indicating the dates and
duration of any closure as well as alternative routes available.
(j) The Contractor shall include all temporary pedestrian and cycling signing, directional signing,
maintenance of sidewalk, relocation, and any other delineation to provide safe environment for
pedestrians and cyclists in the TCPs.
(k) The Contractor shall construct all temporary sidewalks/cycling paths in accordance with
Municipal standards.
(l) The Contractor shall maintain safe and accessible east-west pedestrian and cyclist connectivity at
the Gatineau Hydro Corridor during Construction Activities, including the Gatineau Corridor
(m) The Contractor shall maintain safe and accessible east-west pedestrian connectivity adjacent to
the travel lanes on the north and south sides of Eglinton Avenue East west of the Midland Avenue
intersection, and no diversion or closure of the sidewalk will be permitted so as to maintain
connectivity towards Kennedy Road during Construction Activities.
(n) The Contractor shall maintain safe and accessible east-west pedestrian connectivity adjacent to
the travel lanes on the north and south sides of Lawrence Avenue East at the McCowan Road
intersection, and no diversion away from the intersection will be permitted during Construction
(o) The Contractor shall maintain safe and accessible pedestrian connectivity to all corners of all
intersections impacted by the Works in addition to properties or businesses located midblock
between intersections. Traffic Control Signals

(a) The Contractor shall comply with the requirements for temporary traffic control signals in
Section 3.22.3 (Traffic and Transit Signaling, City of Toronto Third Party Signal Process, and
City of Toronto Metrolinx/Third Party Traffic Signal Handover Terms and Conditions).
(b) The Contractor will be solely responsible for the operation and maintenance of traffic control
signals within the Traffic Management Lands in conformance with the requirements of the
Metrolinx/Third Party Traffic Signal Handover Terms and Conditions including the detailed
routine maintenance requirements and the emergency calls priority and response times described

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(c) The Contractor shall document all traffic analysis supporting the use of temporary traffic control
signals and signal timing plans in the TCPs, in conformance with the requirements of Schedule 10
- Review Procedure.
(d) The Contractor shall identify CCTV locations in TCPs for review and approval by the City of
Toronto and Contracting Authority, and MTO if located on MTO infrastructure, and link the
images to the City and MTO traffic management centres as required and specified by the City and
MTO. Routine Maintenance

(a) The Contractor shall undertake the general cleaning of traffic roadways, vehicle accesses, as well
as the transit, pedestrian, and cycling facilities within the Traffic Management Lands.
(b) The Contractor shall perform the following general cleaning duties:
(i) garbage and debris sweeping from the roadway and boulevard;
(ii) dead animal removal;
(iii) grass cutting;
(iv) graffiti cleaning; and
(v) repair of damages, including potholes, pavement cracks, and roadway settlement.
(c) The Contractor shall remove graffiti in accordance with City of Toronto standards.
(d) The Contractor shall respond to graffiti removal requests in the order of priority assigned by the
City of Toronto and in the timeline outlined in Table 4.8-2. Graffiti Removal Response Timeline.

Table 4.8-2. Graffiti Removal Response Timeline

Activity Type Problem Name Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3
Sidewalk - Graffiti 24 hours
Roadside Cleaning Graffiti Removal 5 Days 8 weeks
Complaint (hate)
8 weeks (Apr 1 –
Roadway Bridge Bridge - Graffiti 24 hours Nov 30);
Graffiti Removal 5 Days
Maintenance Complaint (hate) 12 weeks (Dec 1
– Mar 31)
Road - Graffiti 24 hours
Roadway Cleaning Graffiti Removal 5 Days 8 weeks
Complaint (hate)

(e) The Contractor shall provide maintenance for roadway pavement markings up to the City of
Toronto design standards and quality across the Traffic Management Lands.
(f) The Contractor shall conduct routine and emergency maintenance of PVMS and CCTV traffic
management devices within the Traffic Management Lands in conformance with the

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requirements of the Metrolinx/Third Party Traffic Signal Handover Terms and Conditions, to the
satisfaction of the City of Toronto and MTO.
(i) the Contractor shall use an approved contractor from the City of Toronto’s approved
emergency maintenance contractor list.
(g) The Contractor shall supply materials, labour and equipment associated with the requirements for
the maintenance within the Traffic Management Lands.
(h) The Contractor shall work with the City of Toronto and TTC to define the boundaries for
maintenance responsibilities between the agencies to ensure that all areas of the Lands’ Right-of-
Way, including shoulders and medians, are properly maintained.
(i) The Contractor shall submit for review, as part of the Construction Access Management Plan, a
schematic plan showing the maintenance responsibility boundaries between the agencies to
ensure all elements of the Traffic Management Lands are properly maintained.
(j) Unless otherwise specified under separate agreement, the Contractor shall address all routine
winter road maintenance within the Traffic Management Lands, including snow and ice removal,
salting, and sanding ensuring that roads, sidewalks, vehicular accesses and transit facilities are
properly cleared of snow and ice accumulation to provide a safe environment for all users. Routine Inspection

(a) The Contractor shall inspect TCD at least daily.
(b) The Contractor shall maintain accurate daily traffic inspection records during the Project Term,
including the following:
(i) condition and placement, including changes, additions, and removals, of all TCD,
signage, and pavement markings;
(ii) compliance with the TCPs and the TTMP;
(iii) all collisions and near-miss incidents, including those involving vehicles, transit,
pedestrians, and cyclists;
(iv) the dates, times, and content of all messages shown on PVMS;
(v) the dates and times of all lane closures; and
(vi) all other information required for accurate reconciliation of the lane closures.
(c) The Contractor shall provide Closed-circuit Television (CCTV) monitoring of traffic approaches
where long-term temporary road closures are required, and provide reports on lane reductions or
closures, including those caused by construction or by illegal stopping and parking activities.
(d) The Contractor shall provide daily dashboard videos capturing pavement and roadway conditions
for all roads within the Traffic Management Lands.
(e) The Contractor shall submit, upon request of Contracting Authority, copies of the daily traffic
inspection records and reports to Contracting Authority in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review

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(a) All tasks described in this section are subject to review and approval of the Transportation
Management Committee.
(b) The Contractor shall be responsible for providing road closure and construction progress
information to the City of Toronto, MTO, Transit Agencies, Emergency Service Providers,
Contracting Authority, and the media for the purposes of public notification, public consultation,
and meetings with relevant Stakeholders, in accordance with Schedule 18 – Communications and
Public Engagement Protocol and in consultation with the Transportation Management
(c) The Contractor shall collect all public inquiries or complaints during the Project from the field,
and document and disseminate to Contracting Authority immediately.
(d) The Contractor shall develop a Traffic and Transit Management Communications Plan that
outlines all aspects of communication throughout the Project, as described in Section 4.8.8
(Traffic and Transit Management Plan).

4.8.6 Existing Provincial Highways

(a) The Contractor shall refer to APPENDIX B of this Schedule 15 regarding all requirements in
this section which are applicable to the MTO Highway 401 Control Zone listed as part of the
Traffic Management Lands.
(b) The Contractor shall obtain all necessary permits and approvals from MTO prior to access of the
necessary Lands and commencement of work.
(c) The Contractor shall provide at least 20 business days’ notice to MTO for all proposed lane
closures, road closures, and detour routes.
(d) The Contractor shall be in continuous contact with MTO throughout the Project Term to
coordinate the Works.
(e) The Contractor shall prepare TCPs for the Traffic Management Lands that are impacted by
Construction Activities, as per the requirements of this section.
(f) The Contractor shall immediately notify Contracting Authority and the MTO COMPASS
Operations Centre by phone (416) 327-8373 for any event resulting in either a disruption to
traffic operations or a risk to the safety of the travelling public on a provincial highway.
(g) The Contractor shall ensure that all resources required to mitigate the effects of a Macro-level
Emergency, including equipment, materials, and personnel, are immediately available to respond
to the occurrence of a Macro-level Emergency for the duration of all Construction Activities with
the potential to cause such an occurrence. Designated Construction Zone

(a) The Contractor shall establish a Designated Construction Zone within or adjacent to the Traffic
Management Lands for the duration of Construction Activities prior to undertaking any
Construction Activities.

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(b) The Contractor shall complete a Designation of Construction Zone Form in accordance with
MTO guidelines, for approval by MTO and Contracting Authority, as part of the TCPs to
establish a Designated Construction Zone. Coordination with Adjacent Projects

(a) The Contractor shall coordinate all Construction Activities within the Lands identified
in Section 4.8.6 (Existing Provincial Highways) with adjacent projects undertaken by MTO for
the duration of the Project Term. Permitted Closure Periods on Provincial Highways

(a) The Contractor shall comply with the lane closure periods for provincial highways and ramps.

4.8.7 Existing Municipal Roadways General
(a) The Contractor shall obtain all necessary permits and approvals from the City of Toronto prior to
access of the Traffic Management Lands and commencement of the Works.
(b) The Contractor shall submit site-specific TCPs to the City of Toronto as part of permit
(c) The Contractor shall provide at least 20 business days’ notice to the City of Toronto for all
proposed lane closures.
(d) The Contractor shall provide at least 30 business days’ notice to the City of Toronto for all
proposed full road closures.
(e) The Contractor shall prepare TCPs for the Traffic Management Lands that are impacted by
Construction Activities, as per the requirements of this section 4.8 – Temporary Traffic and
Transit Management.
(f) The Contractor shall ensure lane closure durations are limited to the time required to execute the
necessary Construction Activities.
(g) The Contractor shall replace all traffic equipment negatively impacted or damaged by
Construction Activities.
(h) The Contractor shall maintain exclusive turning lanes at intersections (i.e., not closed for any
reason, including material storage) unless prior approval is obtained from the City of Toronto and
included within approved TCPs.
(i) The Contractor shall only close adjacent streets simultaneously if prior approval is obtained from
the City of Toronto.
(j) The Contractor shall submit a high-level closure schedule and viable detour plan with phased
construction staging to allow the same turning movement at multiple adjacent intersections for
approval by the City of Toronto and Contracting Authority if a simultaneous road closure of
adjacent streets is required.

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(k) The Contractor shall maintain pedestrian access at and approaching intersections at all times at
least on one side to accommodate the north-south and east-west crossings, provided that full
accessibility is maintained at all quadrants of the intersections.
(l) The Contractor shall always maintain access by emergency services vehicles to properties and
through intersections.
(m) The Contractor is not permitted to access the Traffic Management Lands or shoulder closures, or
load or unload materials or construction vehicles/equipment to and from the travelled portion of
existing roadways, between the hours of 07:00 to 09:00 and 15:30 to 18:30 on weekdays, except
for concrete delivery.
(n) The Contractor shall construct temporary driveways for construction access (i.e., where there is
no existing driveway) in accordance with Construction Requirements for Highways and Roads
herein, and City of Toronto and private owner requirements and specifications.
(o) The Contractor shall always maintain driveway access to all properties.
(p) The Contractor shall construct a temporary driveway or provide alternative means of access and
parking to the affected parties as detailed in the associated TCP approved by the City of Toronto
if the existing driveway cannot be used.
(q) The Contractor shall apply the same mitigations measures as described in Table 4.8-3. Driveway
Access Impacts and Mitigation Measures, and use the same maximum allowable impact durations
as shown in the table.

Table 4.8-3. Driveway Access Impacts and Mitigation Measures

Allowable Duration
Site Impact Mitigation Measure
of Impact (Calendar
Driveway off Eglinton Avenue Access via existing driveways
East and south driveway off to the west on Eglinton Avenue
751 days
Eglinton Midland Avenue to 2480 Eglinton East and north on Midland
and Avenue East blocked Avenue
Midland Driveway to 2495 Eglinton Access via existing laneway off
637 days
Avenue East blocked Midland Avenue
Driveway off Eglinton Avenue
Access via existing connection
East to 2467 Eglinton Avenue East 58 days
to Thrush Road
Temporary driveway
Driveway to 2570 Eglinton constructed at western edge of
Emergency 61 days
Avenue East blocked property frontage on Eglinton
Avenue East
No. 1 Driveway to 2584 Eglinton Access via 2590 Eglinton
61 days
Avenue East blocked Avenue East driveway
Driveway to 2583 Eglinton No mitigation measure
60 days
Avenue East blocked identified to date.

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Allowable Duration
Site Impact Mitigation Measure
of Impact (Calendar
Access via adjacent driveways
North driveway to 1350 Danforth
Emergency to 1340, 1350, 1360 Danforth 577 days
Road blocked
Exit Road.
Building Access via 1347-1357 Danforth
No. 3 Driveway to 1375 Danforth Road Road driveway. The Contractor
62 days
blocked shall connect existing parking
lots with asphalt.
Temporary driveway
Driveway to 1505 Danforth Road constructed at southern edge of
Emergency 611 days
blocked property frontage on Danforth
Access library via McCowan
No. 4 Driveway to 1515 Danforth Road,
Road entrance. Accessible
Toronto Public Library: Bendale 669 days
parking provided at McCowan
Branch blocked
Road entrance.
Access via existing Main
Lawrence East Driveway off Lawrence Entrance along Lawrence
East Avenue East to 3030 Lawrence Avenue East. Refer to 1586 days
Station Avenue East blocked APPENDIX F - Scarborough
Health Network Requirements.

(r) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 60 days’ notice to the affected property owner and
tenants at the locations detailed in Table 4.8-3. Driveway Access Impacts and Mitigation
(s) The Contractor shall provide minimum lane widths on Municipal roadways during construction
as listed in Table 4.8-4. Minimum Lane Width Requirements.

Table 4.8-4. Minimum Lane Width Requirements

Lane Type Minimum Width
Through Lane 3.3 m
Left-Turn / Right Turn Lane 3.3 m
1.7 m (if there is a buffer between the sidewalk and the road)
1.8 m (if the sidewalk is directly adjacent to the road with no buffer)
Buffer 1.0 m (back of the curb/TCB to cycling path/travel lane)

(t) The Contractor shall occupy the portions of the streets listed in Table 4.8-5. Maximum Durations
of Lane Occupations for durations not to exceed those maximums specified in the table.

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Table 4.8-5. Maximum Durations of Lane Occupations

Roadway/Property Duration
Location Activity Lane Occupations and Street Closures
Access (Calendar
Kennedy Tail Track Eglinton Avenue E Traffic 1 EB/1 WB HOV Lane closed from 1161
Stage 2-4 Eglinton Ave E Loop to Winter Ave
Eglinton Avenue E Traffic Two-way Left Turn Lane (TWLTL) 1161
Stage 2-4 closed from Midland Ave to Huntington
Commonwealth Traffic Closed at Eglinton Avenue E 1161
Avenue Stage 1
Eglinton Avenue E Traffic Closed from GO PPUDO to Town Haven 41
South Loop Service Stage 1 Place
Eglinton Avenue E Traffic Closed from GO PPUDO to Eglinton 1161
South Loop Service Stage 2-4 Avenue E
Don Montgomery Traffic North Access Closed at Eglinton Ave E 1202
Community Centre Stage 1-4 South Loop Service Road and diverted to
North Access rear at Thrush Road
Midland Avenue Traffic 1 NBL/1 SBL Turn Lane removed at 151
Stage 2-3 Eglinton Avenue E and merged into
shared NBTL and SBTL lanes
EEB-01 Eglinton Avenue E Traffic 1 EB/1 WB HOV Lane closed from 596
Stage 1-2 250m west of Huntington Avenue to
Falmouth Avenue
Eglinton Avenue E Traffic Two-way Left Turn Lane (TWLTL) 596
Stage 1-2 closed from 250m west of Huntington
Avenue to Falmouth Avenue
Winter Avenue Traffic Closed at Eglinton Avenue E 596
Stage 1-2
EEB-02/TPSS-01 Danforth Road Traffic 1 NB/1SB Lane Closed from Eglinton 747
Stage 1-2 Avenue E to 150m north of Eglinton
Avenue E
Danforth Road Traffic 1 NB Lane Closed from Eglinton Avenue 747
Stage 1-2 E to 100m south of Eglinton Avenue E
No Frills Lane Traffic Outbound service road closed at Danforth 943
Stage 1-3 Road
No Frills Lane Traffic Inbound service road at Danforth Road, 747
Stage 1-2 NB No Left Turn at any time
EEB-03/ESB-01 Danforth Road Traffic 1 NB/1SB Lane closed from 15m north 999
Stage 1-2 of Savarin Street to Thicketwood Drive
Danforth Road Traffic SBL and WBL at Thicketwood Drive, SB 999
Stage 1-2 No Left Turn and WB No Left Turn at
any time
Danforth Road Traffic 1 SB Lane closed from Thicketwood 892
Stage 2 Drive to 140m north of Thicketwood
EEB-04 Danforth Road Traffic 1 NB/1SB Lane closed from Barrymore 856
Stage 1-2 Road to Furlong Court

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Roadway/Property Duration
Location Activity Lane Occupations and Street Closures
Access (Calendar
Danforth Road Traffic 1 NB Lane closed south of Barrymore 856
Stage 1-2 Road to Mackinac Crescent
Danforth Road Traffic East sidewalk closure and diversion from 856
Stage 1-2 north of Bendale Library to Furlong
Court, east to McCowan Road
Bendale Library Traffic West Access Closed at Danforth Road 856
Stage 1-2 and diverted to east at McCowan Road
Hollyhedge Drive Traffic Closed at southerly intersection with 58
Stage 1 Danforth Road
Hollyhedge Drive Traffic NBL at southerly intersection with 798
Stage 2 Danforth Road, NB No Left Turn at any
Lawrence East Station Lawrence Avenue E Traffic 1 EB/1 WB Lane closed from Valparaiso 180
Stage 2-3 Avenue to 100m east of McCowan Road
Lawrence Avenue E Traffic 1 EBL/1 WBL Turn Lane removed at 180
Stage 2-3 McCowan Road, with EBL/WBL not
permitted at any time
EEB-05 McCowan Road Traffic 1 NB/1SB Lane closed just north of the 1083
Stage 1-2 Meldazy Drive south intersection to
100m north of the Meldazy Drive north
McCowan Road Traffic NBL and EBL at the Meldazy Drive 1083
Stage 1-2 north intersection, NB and EB No Left
Turn at any time
EEB-06 McCowan Road Traffic 1 NB/1 SB Lane closed from 75m south 925
Stage 1-2 of Huronia Gate to 185m north of Hurley
McCowan Road Traffic NBL and EBL at Hurley Crescent, NB 925
Stage 1-2 and EB No Left Turn at any time
Scarborough Centre Progress Avenue Pre-Stage 1 Closure of Progress Avenue between 4
Station - Bridge Borough Drive and Grangeway Avenue
McCowan Road Pre-Stage 1 Closure of McCowan Road between 4
- Bridge Triton Road and Borough Drive SBR off
Demolition Ramp
McCowan Road Pre-Stage 1 West sidewalk closed between Triton 4
- Bridge Road and Borough Drive SBR off Ramp
Progress Avenue Traffic Roadway and south side sidewalk Closed 2008
Stage 1-4 from McCowan Road to Grangeway
Progress Avenue Traffic Roadway and sidewalks closed from 361
Stage 1-2 Borough Drive to McCowan Road
Progress Avenue Traffic North side WB roadway and 1 EB lane 1647
Stage 3-4 closed between Borough Drive and
McCowan Road.
Progress Avenue at Borough Drive
Reduced to EBR only

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Roadway/Property Duration
Location Activity Lane Occupations and Street Closures
Access (Calendar
McCowan Road Traffic 1 SB Lane closed from Bushby 49
Stage 2 Drive/Town Centre Court to Borough
Drive SBR off Ramp
McCowan Road Traffic 1 SBR Turn Lane at Triton Road 994
Stage 2-3 combined into SBTR Lane
McCowan Road Traffic 1 NB Lane closed from Bushby 49
Stage 2 Drive/Town Centre Court to Borough
Drive SBR off Ramp
1 NB lane converted into dedicated NBR
Turn Lane south of Bushby Drive
McCowan Road Traffic 1 NB Lane closed from Triton Road to 945
Stage 3 Borough Drive SBR off Ramp
EEB-07 McCowan Road Traffic No Lane Closures Permitted 49
Stage 1
Sheppard East Station Sheppard Avenue E Traffic 1 WBL/1 EBL Turn Lane removed at 216
Stage 2-3 McCowan Road, with EBL/WBL not
permitted at any time
Sheppard Avenue E Traffic 1 WBR/1 EBR Turn Lane removed at 216
Stage 2-3 McCowan Road and merged into shared
WBTR and EBTR Existing Transit Service

(a) The Contractor shall develop a Transit Management Plan in accordance with this section, Section (Accommodation of Transit Services), and Section
(b) The Contractor shall facilitate the maintenance of existing bus routes and level of bus service
along all corridors affected by the Works in coordination with third parties during the Project
(c) The Contractor shall detail the staging and detouring of transit services around the Traffic
Management Lands under construction in the TCPs.
(d) The Contractor shall provide at least 15 weeks advance “look-ahead” notice to the applicable
Transit Agency, Contracting Authority, and the City of Toronto for all closures and lane
restrictions impacting existing bus services.
(e) The Contractor shall comply with the following notification schedule for TTC:
(i) notify TTC four weeks in advance for construction periods of two months or less;
(ii) notify TTC four months in advance for construction periods of more than two months;
(iii) provide a two-week look-ahead schedule detailing daily modification of Construction
Activities during construction;

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(iv) provide two business days’ notice in advance of ad-hoc/daily modifications of

Construction Activities during construction;
(v) contact TTC for all emergency communications; and
(vi) contact TTC Closures and Diversions Group for all routine communications.
(f) The Contractor shall liaise and coordinate with the Transit Agencies for any modifications to bus
routes and Bus Stops that may be required due to closures, detour routes, lane shifts and
diversions, or other changes in traffic patterns.
(g) The Contractor shall only remove existing Bus Stops if confirmed by the Transit Agency.
(h) The Contractor shall restore permanent Bus Stops in conformance with TTC and City of Toronto
design and construction standards. Temporary Bus Stops

(a) The Contractor shall adhere to TTC and City of Toronto design and construction standards for
any temporary Bus Stop relocation, the provisions of this section, and the provisions of Section (Temporary Bus Stops).
(b) The Contractor shall identify the locations of current and any proposed relocated Bus Stops in
TCPs submitted for review as specified in Section (Traffic Control Plans).
(c) The Contractor shall be responsible for any costs associated with temporary relocation of Bus
Stops and Bus Stop infrastructure and reinstatement of permanent Bus Stops impacted by the
(d) The Contractor shall provide, maintain, repair, and remove the temporary Platforms including any
required restoration to the temporary Platform areas to pre-existing or improved conditions.
(e) The Contractor shall temporarily relocate the permanent shelter or provide a temporary bus
shelter that is like the permanent one being temporarily replaced where it is not possible to
temporarily relocate the permanent shelter, if the Bus Stop relocation exceeds six weeks in
duration or if any of the relocation occurs entirely or in part between the end of October and the
end of March.
(f) The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of temporary signs directing pedestrians to
the nearest Bus Stop around the Traffic Management Lands, and provide modifications required
to meet Transit Agency construction and accessibility standards and specifications.
(g) The Contractor shall adhere to the requirements of Section – Streetscape Furnishing
(h) The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with Street Furniture works including
Astral Media (or equivalent City of Toronto contractor) removals and installations as per City of
Toronto contract requirements.
(i) The Contractor shall coordinate Street Furniture removal and relocation works through the
Transit Infrastructure Projects Unit (TIPU) of Transportation Services. Further coordination to
follow with the Street Furniture Management Unit, TTC Service Planning and any other third
parties including Astral Media (or equivalent City of Toronto contractor) regarding bus shelters

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and other street furnishings (e.g., signage structures, benches, litter/recycling receptacles,
lighting, etc.) whether temporarily relocated from their original location or newly provided for
temporary or permanent use.
(j) The Contractor shall adopt CPTED principles to support clear sightlines, community use, and
minimize hiding spaces in the design and placement of temporary stops.
(k) The Contractor shall place temporary Bus Stops as close to a protected pedestrian crossing (e.g.,
crosswalks at signals, stops signs, etc.) as possible.
(l) The Contractor shall propose a midblock stop which conforms to TTC’s stopping sight distance
criteria (+10km/hr above design speed) if it is not possible to locate a temporary stop at a
protected pedestrian crossing.
(m) The Contractor shall adhere to TTC preference for a temporary raised Bus Stop Platform on the
road surface in a closed traffic lane in the immediate vicinity of the closed stop rather than a
complete relocation of the stop, where possible.
(n) The Contractor shall enlist the assistance of TTC Closures and Diversions as requested by TTC
when conducting temporary Bus Stop relocations, including attending site meetings as necessary.
(o) The Contractor shall develop a transit management plan that outlines all aspects of transit
management throughout the Project as outlined in this section and Section 4.8.8 (Traffic and
Transit Management Plan).

4.8.8 Traffic and Transit Management Plan General
(a) The Contractor shall submit the TTMP in accordance with the requirements of this Section 4.8.8
to Contracting Authority as part of the Works Submittals in accordance with Schedule 10 –
Review Procedure.
(i) Contracting Authority will consult the City of Toronto, MTO, and Transit Agencies
regarding acceptability.
(b) The Contractor shall develop and include the following sub-plans required as part of the TTMP:
(i) Traffic Control Plans;
(ii) emergency services access plan;
(iii) incident management plan;
(iv) transit management plan;
(v) Traffic and Transit Management Communications Plan; and
(vi) Construction Access Management Plan. Traffic Control Plans (TCP)

(a) The Contractor shall prepare TCPs in accordance with the OTM, Municipality construction
specifications, and other reference documents, for all partial or full closures, detour routes, lane

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shifts, diversions, and temporary traffic management as part of Construction Activities within the
Traffic Management Lands.
(b) The Contractor shall include in the TCPs the following information, at a minimum: hours of
work, Site location, lane or sidewalk closures with durations, lane widths of remaining lanes,
traffic control signal designs, locations of Traffic Control Persons or paid duty police, detour
routes for affected pedestrians and road users, temporary signage, speed limits, haul routes, any
blocked accesses and available alternatives, existing Bus Stops and any relocated Bus Stops/stop
infrastructure, any supporting traffic analysis, and any other requirements as per OTM Book 7.
(c) The Contractor shall develop scale drawing(s) for the TCPs, identifying all elements described in
the TCPs, using landmark kilometre inventory (LKI), a coding system used by road authorities to
identify locations in the road network where applicable.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure that all drawings be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer
registered in Ontario.
(e) The Contractor shall include, as part of the TCP, any traffic analysis required to support proposed
modifications as per Section 4.8.4 (General Requirements).
(f) The Contractor shall include, as part of the TCP, the provision of alternative parking for displaced
parties because of Construction Activities, including any necessary mitigation measures and
permits required to obtain this alternative parking.
(g) The Contractor shall submit TCPs as part of the permit applications for all Construction
(h) The Contractor shall submit the required construction notification forms as a condition of permit
approval, such as RoDARS forms for the City of Toronto and COMPASS forms for the MTO.
(i) The Contractor shall implement a remote warning and guidance signage system, using PVMS, in
accordance with OTM Book 7, City of Toronto and MTO requirements for the use of PVMS in
advance of scheduled Construction Activities, at locations identified within approved TCPs. Emergency Services Access Plan

(a) The Contractor shall specify, in the plan, how to facilitate access for emergency vehicles to and
through affected Traffic Management Lands during construction.
(b) The Contractor shall consult with the City of Toronto, MTO, and Emergency Service Providers in
developing the plan, and coordinate with them throughout the design and construction phases via
the Transportation Management Committee as it evaluates and updates the plan.
(c) The Emergency Services Access Plan shall contain the Contractor’s plans and implementation
procedures designed to provide a safe environment for normal operations of train, bus, and
vehicular and pedestrian at Kennedy Subway Station throughout the Project Term and:
(i) ensure that the emergency services access plan includes the required scenario analyses
with an incident command hierarchy between the Contractor and Contracting Authority
in maintaining TTC Subway services; and

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(ii) demonstrate, in detail, how the Contractor will respond to and recover from the
occurrence(s) of catastrophic natural and man-made disasters identified in the
Contractor’s hazard analysis. Incident Management Plan

(a) The Contractor shall prepare an incident management plan in accordance with the City of Toronto
Emergency Plans.
(b) The Contractor shall specify in the incident management plan how access for emergency vehicles
and assistance to emergency personnel will be provided in the event of an incident.
(c) The Contractor shall include in the incident management plan the following:
(i) an integrated approach to deal with major incidents by including all major Stakeholders
such as the City of Toronto, Emergency Service Providers, MTO, the Ontario Provincial
Police, Transit Agencies, and Contracting Authority;
(ii) coordination with the City of Toronto traffic management centres and MTO COMPASS
Operations Centre regarding the communication strategy for any incident on the road
network within the Traffic Management Lands;
(iii) a process for the regular review of all incidents and proposed mitigation strategies;
(iv) develop the incident management plan in conjunction with the Emergency Response Plan
also developed by the Contractor, as described in Schedule 34 – Construction Safety;
(v) Contractor’s plans and implementation procedures to manage incidents that arise during
the performance of the Work; and
(vi) a description of the roles of the Contractor as well as process for communication with
Contracting Authority and other agencies. Transit Management Plan

(a) The Contractor shall develop a transit management plan that outlines how to maintain quality of
transit services during all phases of construction.
(b) The Contractor shall include in the transit management plan information with respect to how the
Contractor intends to maintain transit service routes and comply with the following requirements:
(i) accommodate transit service routes as detailed in Section 4.8 (Temporary Traffic and
Transit Management);
(ii) accommodate the general requirements of Section 4.8 (Temporary Traffic and Transit
Management), addressing the relationship between traffic and transit;
(iii) accommodate effective bus access to and from existing and temporary bus stops, and to
and from Kennedy Station and Scarborough Centre Station, during construction,
reflecting convenience of access for transit users and pick-up and drop-off services;
(iv) provide overall strategy and approach that the Contractor intends to implement to
maintain the quality of transit service routes throughout the construction period and
minimize disruption to transit users; and

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(v) identify of the Contractor’s scheduled Construction Activities that have an impact on
existing transit services. Traffic and Transit Management Communications Plan

(a) The Contractor shall clearly describe how the Contractor will communicate with Contracting
Authority, the City of Toronto, the Transit Agencies, Emergency Service Providers, the
Transportation Management Committee, and other Stakeholders about all matters relating to
traffic and transit management.
(b) The Contractor shall consult with the Transportation Management Committee to identify the
major user groups and Stakeholders affected by the Project.
(i) these groups may include local residents, community interest groups, local businesses
and Business Improvement Associations (BIAs), street users, transit users, utilities and
service providers, transport and tour bus companies, taxi and limousine companies,
property owners, and special event organizers.
(c) The Contractor shall use a variety of modes of communication to consult with the user groups and
Stakeholders which may include individual meetings, Stakeholder group meetings, public
consultation meetings and information sessions, email, and public notices in print or online, as
(d) The Contractor shall consult with the major user groups and Stakeholders to provide relevant
Project information and identify concerns through various modes of communication.
(e) The Contractor shall work with Contracting Authority to develop these communication strategies
to align with Schedule 18 – Communications and Public Engagement Protocol and be in
consultation with the Transportation Management Committee. Construction Access Management Plan

(a) The Contractor shall develop a Construction Access Management Plan that outlines how the
Contractor will access the Traffic Management Lands for the purposes of performing the Works.
(b) The Contractor shall address all aspects of the following in the Construction Access Management
(i) construction access to provincial highways, Municipal streets, and all other Lands owned
by Governmental Authorities as defined in Schedule 20 – Lands;
(ii) haul and major delivery routes utilizing existing public roadways within or adjacent to
the Lands, and their arrangements;
(iii) Municipal street by-laws, including heavy vehicle access and restrictions;
(iv) construction staging, laydown, and storage areas within the Traffic Management Lands,
and their uses;
(v) reference to RoDARS submissions and other documentation required in advance of
accessing the Lands (in accordance with Appendix A of Schedule 1 – Permits Licences
and Approvals Definitions and Interpretation);

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(vi) ongoing maintenance requirements and responsibilities of all Lands and infrastructure
used during construction and to facilitate construction access;
(vii) provision of parking areas within the Traffic Management Lands for designated parties,
including the Contractor, Contracting Authority, other Governmental Authorities, and
(viii) management of access to adjacent properties/buildings by private property owners and
(ix) seasonal changes affecting construction access; and
(x) any other considerations or traffic mitigation strategies required by the Contractor to
manage traffic during the performance of the Works.

4.8.9 The Contractor Roles and Responsibilities The Contractor Responsibilities

(a) The Contractor shall accept full responsibility for quality control and quality assurance of all
activities affecting the TTMP.
(i) The Contractor shall conduct the TTMP quality control process in accordance with
Schedule 11 – Quality Management.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure that all personnel identified in the TTMP are suitably qualified and
licensed, including a Traffic Quality Manager as described in Schedule 11.
(c) The Contractor shall develop a Site Report that is suitable for auditing the implemented TTMP as
shown in Table 4.8-6. Temporary Traffic Management – Sample Site Report.

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Table 4.8-6. Temporary Traffic Management – Sample Site Report

Audit Details
Contractor ...................................................................................................................................................
Location ......................................................................................................................................................
Activity .......................................................................................................................................................
Auditor ........................................................................................................................................................
Date & Time ...............................................................................................................................................
Select as applicable and add comment: Y/N = Yes/ No; A/S/N = All/ Some/ None
Advanced Warning Area
Signage (A/S/N) ..........................................................................................................................................
Visibility (A/S/N) ........................................................................................................................................
Placement (A/S/N) ......................................................................................................................................
Quality (A/S/N)............................................................................................................................................
Transition Area, Buffer Space, Work Area
Signage (A/S/N) ..........................................................................................................................................
Visibility (A/S/N) ........................................................................................................................................
Placement (A/S/N) ......................................................................................................................................
Quality (A/S/N)............................................................................................................................................
Delineation (A/S/N) ....................................................................................................................................
Placement (A/S/N) ......................................................................................................................................
Quality (A/S/N)............................................................................................................................................
Spaced Correctly (Y/N) ..............................................................................................................................
Other issues
Excavations (Y/N) ......................................................................................................................................
Pedestrians from work (Y/N) ......................................................................................................................
Pedestrians from traffic (Y/N) ....................................................................................................................
Cyclists from work (Y/N) ...........................................................................................................................
Cyclists from traffic (Y/N) ..........................................................................................................................
Advance Warning area (A/S/N) ..................................................................................................................

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Transition area (A/S/N) ...............................................................................................................................
Buffer Space (A/S/N) ..................................................................................................................................
Work Area (A/S/N) .....................................................................................................................................
Warning lights (A/S/N) ...............................................................................................................................
Vehicles operating with traffic flow (A/S/N) .............................................................................................
Vehicles parked with traffic flow (A/S/N) ..................................................................................................
Vehicles outside zone (A/S/N) ....................................................................................................................
Entering/leaving with traffic flow (A/S/N) .................................................................................................
Workers safety (A/S/N) ..............................................................................................................................
Traffic Control Plan (TCP) or TCP Supervisor on Site (Y/N)
Approved Site specific plan (Y/N)
Storage of materials (A/S/N)
Drop offs (Y/N)
Termination Area
Sign placement (A/S/N) ..............................................................................................................................
Sign quality (A/S/N) ...................................................................................................................................
General Observations
...................................................................................................................................................................... Traffic and Transit Manager

(a) The Contractor shall designate a Traffic and Transit Manager with the responsibilities set out in
Schedule 9 – Key Individuals.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure that the Traffic and Transit Manager has the qualifications specified
in Schedule 9 - Key Individuals Minimum Requirements.

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(a) The Contractor shall designate a Traffic and Transportation Engineer or Traffic and
Transportation Engineers with the responsibilities set out in Schedule 9 – Key Individuals.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure that the Traffic and Transportation Engineer(s) have the
qualifications specified in Schedule 9 - Key Individuals Minimum Requirements. Traffic Control Supervisors

(a) The Contractor shall designate Traffic Control Supervisors who have authority over traffic
control in the field.
(b) The Contractor shall define the number of Traffic Control Supervisors required to sufficiently
address the Project needs.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that Traffic Control Supervisors direct all traffic control operations
on Site and coordinate with other contractors working on the Project.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure that Traffic Control Supervisors liaise with the City of Toronto,
MTO, Transit Agencies, and Contracting Authority, as required.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure that Traffic Control Supervisors perform all routine inspection tasks,
as per the requirements set out in Section (Routine Inspection).
(f) The Contractor shall ensure that Traffic Control Supervisors record actual durations of lane
closures, detours, lane shifts, and diversions.
(i) and that the Traffic Control Supervisors forward their records to Contracting Authority
daily for information and appropriate action.
(g) The Contractor shall ensure that Traffic Control Supervisors monitor traffic and transit operations
in the Traffic Management Lands, raise operational issues, and implement appropriate mitigation
measures when the operation and safety of road users is affected.
(h) The Contractor shall ensure that Traffic Control Supervisors respond to traffic-related incidents
resulting from Construction Activities, as per the incident management plan developed by the
(i) The Contractor shall ensure that Traffic Control Supervisors oversee all requirements of the
Project Agreement which contribute to the safety, convenience, and orderly movement of vehicle,
pedestrian, cyclist, and transit traffic through the Traffic Management Lands.
(j) The Contractor shall ensure that Traffic Control Supervisors attend regularly scheduled meetings
of the Transportation Management Committee.
(k) The Contractor shall ensure Traffic Control Supervisors provide traffic control supervision on site
during all Construction Activities.
(l) The Contractor shall ensure that Traffic Control Supervisors have appropriate personnel and
equipment available on call, always, for appropriate response during non-work hours.

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(a) The Contractor shall ensure that Traffic Control Persons are qualified in accordance with
OHSA/CCOHS and the regulations thereunder.
(b) The Contractor shall follow the conditions established in the Ontario Health and Safety Act, the
City of Toronto Guidelines for Road Occupancy and Traffic Control, and OTM Book 7, for the
deployment of Traffic Control Persons.
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate and pay all costs associated with Paid Duty Police Officers when
they are deployed for the purpose of the Scarborough Subway Extension construction and
commissioning. Transportation Management Committee

(a) The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating a Transportation Management Committee.
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate the Committee to coordinate, plan, review, and take action with
respect to current and future multi-modal traffic and transit impacts that may be caused by the
design and construction work, including public notifications and consultations, management of
issues related to technical and political approvals, coordination with development applications,
signage and detouring, and construction staging areas.
(c) The Contractor shall:
(i) organize the Transportation Management Committee to be comprised of representatives
of the Contractor, the City of Toronto, MTO, the Transit Agencies, Emergency Service
Providers, Contracting Authority, and other relevant agency representatives, such as
Parks Forestry and Recreation staff as appropriate; and
(ii) ensure the Transportation Management Committee meets regularly. Access to Adjacent Properties

(a) The Contractor shall provide access to all adjacent properties, tenants, and residential drives and
building entrances, including access points for fire department connections and for waste
removal, to have continuous access should an existing entrance or access have to be closed or
reduced. Parking
(a) The Contractor shall advise all its employees that all parking regulations on City of Toronto
streets in the vicinity of the Traffic Management Lands will be enforced and subject to the City of
Toronto's Parking By-Law.
(b) The Contractor shall make and obtain the appropriate application to the City of Toronto for a
street occupation or an encroachment permit if the Contractor wishes its employees to park on
City of Toronto roads, in contravention of the Traffic and Parking By-Law.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that construction related vehicles are not parked beyond the area
specifically prescribed in their approved TCP.

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(d) The Contractor shall consider providing construction staff parking at off-site locations, where
feasible, to minimize the impacts on the area adjacent to the Sites. This is of particular
importance, where the on-street parking supply is limited and heavily used.
(e) The Contractor shall provide in the TCP an employee parking plan describing accommodation for
off-site construction staff parking and access between the two locations.
(f) The Contractor shall designate a safe parking area where staff parking needs to be provided on-
site and specify this in the TCP for the duration of the contract.
(g) The Contractor shall provide at least two parking spaces reserved for City of Toronto staff in each
on-site parking area.
(h) The Contractor shall develop a refined replacement strategy for mitigating the loss of on-street
parking due to Construction Activities with guidance from the list of alternative on-street
replacement parking locations developed by Contracting Authority in consultation with the City
of Toronto.
(i) The Contractor shall include the on-street parking replacement strategy as part of the TTMP
Works Submittals in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure, for the City of Toronto's
review and approval.
(j) The Contractor shall clearly identify on-street parking reductions in their TCP and permit
applications for review and approval by the City of Toronto and Contracting Authority including
specifically indicating the location and number of impacted parking spaces, as well as the
mitigation as per the replacement parking strategy.
(k) The Contractor shall clearly specify in the TCP and permit applications the time, date and
duration of any on-street parking reduction.
(l) The Contractor shall provide notification to the Toronto Police Services Parking Enforcement
Unit, and the City of Toronto's Transportation Services will undertake the necessary bagging of
parking signs. The City of Toronto requires a minimum of three business days advance notice for
implementing any previously approved parking reduction and necessary parking sign bagging.
(m) The Contractor shall confirm that all requisite permits and approvals have been obtained, and
promptly consult Contracting Authority for direction if a tow is needed due to a short-notice
request for on-street parking removal.
(n) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto Police Parking Enforcement to ensure
proper notifications are provided to residents at least 24 hours in advance, if agreed to by
Contracting Authority.
(o) The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Toronto Police Parking Enforcement to arrange
for a towing company, as well as the supervision of a Toronto Police Parking Enforcement
official to be present before and during towing.
(p) The Contractor shall coordinate pre-approval of towing companies with the City of Toronto and
Contracting Authority.

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(a) The Contractor shall be responsible for identifying to the City of Toronto and Contracting
Authority at least 15 weeks in advance all roadways being utilized for haul routes.
(b) The Contractor shall seek approval from the City of Toronto over the haul routes to be used.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure haul routes are kept clean and free of construction dust and debris.
(d) The Contractor shall submit a plan for the cleaning of haul routes as part of the Traffic and
Transit Management Plan Works Submittals in accordance with Schedule 10 - Review Procedure.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure haul routes comply with the City of Toronto by-laws for goods
movement and truck routes usage, and address any concerns regarding safety, road operations and
neighbourhood traffic infiltration.

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APPENDIX A Facilities Applicability Matrix

[Note to Dev Co: Appendix A is subject to revision pending further review by the TTC.]

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A.1 Guide

A.1.1 Notes to Reader

(a) The Facilities Applicability Matrix defines which sections of the Toronto Transit Commission
Design Manual (TTC DM) shall be applicable to the design of the Scarborough Subway
Extension - Stations, Rail and Systems.
(b) The Facilities Applicability Matrix shall be read in conjunction with other documents, as
described in the clauses (c), (d), (e), (f) of this appendix.
(c) The Facilities Applicability Matrix shall be applied in conjunction with Section 3.3 (Design
Standards) and as defined in Section 3.4 (Order of Precedence).
(d) The Facilities Applicability Matrix shall be applied in conjunction with Sections 3.15 through
3.34, inclusive of the codes, standards and reference documents identified therein.
(i) where conflicts arise, specific design criteria identified in Section 3.15 through Section
3.34 shall take precedent over the direction provided in this Facility Applicability Matrix.
(e) Metrolinx Design Standards shall govern unless otherwise noted in any part of Schedule 15,
including this Facilities Applicability Table.
(f) Metrolinx Design Standard shall govern for the design of customer-facing facilities elements,
unless otherwise noted in any part of Schedule 15 including this Facilities Applicability Matrix.

A.1.2 Facilities Applicability Matrix Structure

(a) Elements identified in the Facilities Applicability Matrix are listed in the same order as defined
by the TTC DM.
(b) For each element, refer to the ‘Applicable TTC-DM Section(s)’ (blue header) to determine
applicable TTC DM Section(s).
(c) Facilities Applicability Matrix ID numbers (Element ID#) are added for ease of review and

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Table 4.8-1. Facilities Applicability Matrix - Content Guide and Hierarchy

Element Applicable TTC-DM

Element TTC4
ID# Section(s)4

Level 2 Sub-heading
Level 3 Sub-heading
### Level 4 Element x

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A.2 Facilities Applicability Matrix

Element TTC4 Applicable TTC-DM Section(s) 4

001 General x 2.1.3, 2.1.4
002 Station Standpipe Systems x 2.2.2, 2.2.3
003 Sprinkler Systems x 2.3.1 - 2.3.3
004 Clean Agent Gaseous Fire Extinguishing System x 2.4.3
005 Fire Extinguishers x 2.6.1 - 2.6.6
006 Fire Alarm System x 2.7.1, 2.7.3 - 2.7.5
007 Ventilation x 3.1 - 3.6
008 Electrical x 4.1, 4.2, 4.4 - 4.6
010 Emergency Lighting x 6.1
011 Underground Trainways x 3.1.1, 3.1.3 - 3.1.18
012 Emergency Exit Buildings x 3.4.1 - 3.4.3, 3.4.5 - 3.4.12
013 Emergency Lighting x 4.1, 4.2
014 Standpipe System x 6.1.1,,, 6.1.6
015 Emergency Alarm Stations x 7.1, 7.2, 7.5, 7.6
016 Station Access Keys x 3.1
017 Central Alarm and Control Facility (CACF) x 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.4, 4.5
018 Fire Smoke Control Panel (FSCP) x 5.1, 5.2
019 Telephones - General x 6.1.1, 6.1.2
020 Emergency Reporting Devices x 6.2.1

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Element TTC4 Applicable TTC-DM Section(s) 4

021 TTC Telephone System x 6.3.1 - 6.3.3

022 Firefighter's Handsets x 6.4.1 - 6.4.2
023 Train-to-wayside Communications x 9.1, 9.2
024 Transit Radio System x 10.1, 10.2
025 Public Address System (PA) x 11.1 - 11.3, 11.5.1
026 Functional Requirements x 1.1, 1.2, 2.1
027 Surveillance Equipment 4.3.1
028 Introduction x 1.1., 1.2
029 Definitions x 3.1 - 3.5
030 Interior Guardrails x 2.6
031 Retaining Walls x 2.7.1 - 2.7.2
032 Permanent Fall Arrest Systems x 3.1.2, 3.2.1 - 3.2.2
033 Pump Pits Access x 4.1.2
034 Pump Rooms x 4.3
035 Pump Pits not in Pump Rooms x 4.4
036 Vent and Fan Shaft Access x 6.1, 6.2
037 Building Exterior x 8.2
038 Building Interior x 8.3
039 Hoist Systems X 9.1.1
040 Interior Mechanical Equipment x 9.5.1
041 Ultimate Limit States x 2.1-2.3

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Element TTC4 Applicable TTC-DM Section(s) 4

042 Serviceability and Fatigue Limit States x 3.1-3.3, 3.4

043 Load Factors x 1.23, 1.43, 1.5
044 Dead Loads x 3.1.1 - 3.1.3
045 Transitory Loads x 3.2.2
046 Vehicle Loads - Subway x 3.2.3
047 Distribution of Vehicle Wheel Loads x,
048 Vehicle Loads – Miscellaneous x
049 Vehicle Loads – Fire Access Route x
050 Floor Live Loads x,
051 Environmental Loads x,
052 Load Combinations x 1-2.6, 2.73
053 General Design Requirements x 2.1.1-2.1.2
054 Earth Pressure x 2.2.1-2.2.3
055 Water Pressure x 2.3.2-2.3.3
056 Flooding x 2.4
057 Loads from Adjacent Buildings x 2.5.12, 2.5.2
058 Other Surcharge Loads x 2.6.1-2.6.4
059 Dynamic Load Allowance x 2.7.1
060 Earthquake Load x 2.8.3-2.8.9
061 General Design Requirements x 1.1,1.23,1.3

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Element TTC4 Applicable TTC-DM Section(s) 4

062 General Design Requirements x 1.1-1.2.3, 1.2.42, 1.3-1.6

063 Shafts x 1.1-1.3, 1.5
064 Retaining Walls x 2.2-2.5
065 Design Basis x 2.1-2.3
066 Materials - Concrete x 3.1.1, 3.1.3
067 Materials - Reinforcing Steel x 3.2.1-3.2.5, 3.2.7
068 Details of Reinforcement x 4.1.1
069 Spacing of Reinforcement x 4.2.1-4.2.3, 4.3.13
070 Concrete Cover x 5.3
071 Expansion Joints x 6.1.1-6.1.3
072 Contraction Joints x 6.2.1-6.2.2
073 Construction Joints x 6.3.1-6.3.2
074 Waterstop x 6.4.1-6.4.2
075 General Design Requirements x 1.1,1.3,2.2, 2.33
076 Materials - Structural Steel x 3.1.3
077 Connections x 4.1.12, 4.1.2-4.1.5
078 Fabricator and Erector Qualifications x 4.2
079 Protection of Steelwork x 5.1.1, 5.1.2,5.2.1, 5.3.1,5.3.2
080 Fatigue x 6.1-6.3
081 General Design Requirements x 1.1, 1.2
082 Design Basis x 2.13, 2.23, 2.32
083 Materials - Concrete x 3.1.2-3.1.3

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Element TTC4 Applicable TTC-DM Section(s) 4

084 Materials - Grout x 3.2.1-3.2.2

085 Materials - Prestressing Steel x 3.3.2
086 Anchorages and Couplers x 3.4.1-3.4.3
087 General Considerations x 4.1, 4.33 4.4-4.6
088 General x 1.9
089 Vertical Circulation x 3.7
090 Surge Spaces, Queuing and Runoff x 4.7
091 General x 1.2
092 Design Sound Levels - Public Areas x 2.1.1, 2.1.2
093 Design and Construction x 3.3, 3.4, 3.6
094 Minimum Dimensional Allowances x 10.1 - 10.5
095 Doors and Frames - Non-Public Areas x 4.2
097 General x 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.3.2-1.3.6, 1.3.8
098 Top Slabs x 2.1,2.8
099 Walls x 3.3,3.4
100 Joints x 5.1-5.3
101 Equipment Rooms x 6.1, 6.5
102 Bus Bays/Driveways x 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.4-1.2.7

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Element TTC4 Applicable TTC-DM Section(s) 4

103 Bus Platform x,,,

104 General x 1.1
106 Design Elements x 1.3.1 - 1.3.5, 1.3.7 - 1.3.8
107 Access and Egress x 1.4.1, 1.4.3, 1.4.5
General DM-0601-01, 1
108 Application x 1.1.1 - 1.1.6
109 Functional Requirements x 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3
110 Design Methods x 1.4.1 - 1.4.3
111 Coordination x 1.5.2
112 Maintenance Requirements x 1.8.1 - 1.8.9, 1.8.11 - 1.8.13
113 Product Quality x 1.9.3 - 1.9.7
General DM-0601-02, 1
114 Application x 1.1.1, 1.1.2
HVAC Design DM-0601-02, 4
115 General Design Requirements x 4.1.1 - 4.1.11
116 Design Factors of Safety and Related Allowances x 4.2.1 - 4.2.3, 4.2.7
117 Number Of Air Changes x 4.4.2, 4.4.4 - 4.4.6, 4.4.9
118 Outdoor Air Ventilation in Occupied Spaces x 4.5.2 - 4.5.4, 4.5.6 - 4.5.8, 4.5.10,
4.5.11, 4.5.13, 4.5.14
119 Room Pressurization x 4.6.2 - 4.6.12
120 Filtration x 4.7.2, 4.7.4 - 4.7.8, 4.7.12, 4.7.13
121 Design for Occupant Comfort x 4.8.1 - 4.8.7

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Element TTC4 Applicable TTC-DM Section(s) 4

122 Design For Redundancy In Critical Areas x 4.10.2 - 4.10.5

123 Make-Up Air x 4.12.1 - 4.12.4
System Configuration DM-0601-02, 5
124 Station Spaces x 5.2.1, 5.2.3 - 5.2.8
125 Public And Tunnel Areas x 5.3.1
126 HVAC Equipment And Materials x 5.4.2 - 5.4.6
127 HVAC Cooling Equipment And Materials x 5.5.2 - 5.5.4, 5.5.7 - 5.5.9
128 Ductwork Systems x 5.6.3 - 5.6.11, 5.6.13 - 5.6.16
Ventilation Considerations in Relation to Subway DM-0601-02, 6
Ventilation Systems
129 General x 6.1.1 - 6.1.7
Noise and Vibration Control DM-0601-02, 7
130 Noise Control x 7.1.1, 7.1.3 - 7.1.5
Room Specific Requirements DM-0601-02, 8
131 Washroom Facilities x 8.2.1 - 8.2.5
132 Battery Rooms x 8.4.1 - 8.4.16
133 Elevator Shafts x 8.6.1
134 Refuse Storage Room x 8.11.1 - 8.11.9
HVAC Controls and Interlocks DM-0601-02, 11
135 General x 11.1.1 - 11.1.3
136 Motor Starters and Control x 11.2.1 - 11.2.3
137 Equipment Interlocks and Shut Downs x 11.3.1 - 11.3.9
Building Automation and Control Systems DM-0601-02, 12
138 Room and Space Monitoring x 12.3.1 - 12.3.5
139 Local Alarm Indication x 12.4.1, 12.4.2
140 Equipment Monitoring x 12.5.1, 12.5.3, 12.5.4

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Element TTC4 Applicable TTC-DM Section(s) 4


Plumbing and Drainage - General Requirements DM-0602-01, 1
141 Functional Requirements 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.5, 1.2.6, 1.2.7,
1.2.8 - 1.2.10
142 Pipe Materials x 1.3.1, 1.3.2
143 Piping in Critical Equipment Rooms x 1.4.1 - 1.4.3
144 Maintenance Requirements x 1.7.1 - 1.7.4, 1.7.6, 1.7.8 - 1.7.10
145 Quality Requirements x 1.8.2
146 Freeze Protection 1.9.2, 1.9.4, 1.9.5, 1.9.7 - 1.9.10,
147 Freeze Protection - Buried Services x 1.10.1, 1.10.2
Plumbing Design DM-0602-01, 2
148 Washroom Facilities x 2.1.2, 2.1.4 - 2.1.6
149 Humidifiers x 2.4.1
150 Trap Primers x 2.5.2 - 2.5.4
151 Hose Bibbs x 2.6.1, 2.6.3 - 2.6.5, 2.6.7, 2.6.8,
2.6.9, 2.6.10
152 Eye Wash Stations and Showers x 2.8.5 - 2.8.7
153 Tempered Water for Eye Wash Stations x 2.9.1, 2.9.2, 2.9.4 - 2.9.10
154 Water Heaters x 2.10.1, 2.10.2, 2.10.7 - 2.10.14,
2.10.16 - 2.10.21
Plumbing System Configurations DM-0602-01, 3
155 Facility Water Service x 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.4, 3.1.5
156 Valves For Equipment and System Isolation x 3.2.1 - 3.2.7
157 Piping Accessories x 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.4
158 Potable Cold and Hot Water Systems x 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.4.4 - 3.4.7, 3.4.9,
159 Potable Hot Water Recirculation System x 3.5.1 - 3.5.3, 3.5.5

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Element TTC4 Applicable TTC-DM Section(s) 4

160 Tempered Water Systems x 3.6.2, 3.6.3, 3.6.5, 3.6.6

161 Non-Potable Water Systems x 3.7.1, 3.7.3, 3.7.4
162 Backflow Prevention x 3.8.1 - 3.8.3, 3.8.5, 3.8.6
Drainage Design DM-0602-01, 4
163 General Design Requirements x 4.2.1 - 4.2.8, 4.2.10 - 4.2.21,
4.2.23 - 4.2.30
164 Cleanouts x 4.3.1 - 4.3.4
165 Vent Systems x 4.4.1 - 4.4.6
166 Sediment Control x 4.5.1 - 4.5.6, 4.5.10, 4.5.11
Subway Station Sanitary Drainage DM-0602-01, 5
167 Development Connections x 5.2.1
168 Platform Areas x 5.4.1, 5.4.2
169 Passageways x 5.5.2
170 Staircases and Entrances x 5.6.1
171 Battery Rooms x 5.8.1 - 5.8.5
172 Elevator Pits x 5.10.1 - 5.10.5
173 Escalator Pits x 5.11.1 - 5.11.3
174 Station Rooms and Areas x 5.12.1, 5.12.4 - 5.12.7
175 Electrical Rooms x 5.13.1, 5.13.2
176 Maintenance Chambers x 5.14.2
Subway System Storm Drainage - Above Ground DM-0602-01, 6
177 System Configuration x 6.1.1 - 6.1.5, 6.1.9 - 6.1.13
Drainage Pumping Stations DM-0602-01, 7
178 Drainage Pumps Application Guideline x 7.1
179 System Configuration x 7.2.1 - 7.2.6, 7.2.8 - 7.2.16, 7.2.18
- 7.2.20, 7.2.23 - 7.2.25, 7.2.27 -

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Element TTC4 Applicable TTC-DM Section(s) 4

180 Self-Priming Pumps x 7.3.1 - 7.3.4, 7.3.6 - 7.3.11

181 Submersible Pumps x 7.4.1 - 7.4.5
182 Hoisting and Lifting x 7.5.1, 7.5.3, 7.5.4
183 Provisions for Fall Restraint and Retrieval x 7.6.1 - 7.6.6
184 Pump Controls x 7.7.1, 7.7.3, 7.7.5 - 7.7.19
185 Sanitary Sewage Pumping Stations x 7.8.1, 7.8.2
186 Greywater Pumping Stations x 7.9.1, 7.9.3
187 Pumping Stations Serving Elevator Pits x 7.10.1 - 7.10.4, 7.10.6
188 Pumping Stations Serving Escalator Pits x 7.11.1 - 7.11.3
189 Storm Sewage Pumping Stations x 7.12.1, 7.12.2
190 Tracks Drainage System Pumps x 7.13.1 - 7.13.14
191 Pumping Stations - Outdoors x 7.14.1 - 7.14.5
GENERAL DM-0701-01
Introduction DM-0701-01,1
192 Introduction x 1.1, 1.3, 1.4
Electrical Systems DM-0701-01,3
193 Incoming Service and Distribution x 3.1.2
194 Heat Tracing x 3.6.2
195 Controls x 3.7.2
Introduction DM-0701-02,1
196 Introduction x 1.3, 1.4
The Electrical Power System DM-0701-02,3
197 General x 3.3.1,3.3.2
198 Incoming AC switchgear x 3.4.1,3.4.2

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Element TTC4 Applicable TTC-DM Section(s) 4

Power Distribution DM-0701-02,5

199 General x 5.1.2 - 5.1.4
200 Subway Low Voltage AC Switchgear x 5.2.1 - 5.2.4
201 Motor Control Centres x 5.4.1
202 Variable Frequency Drives x 5.5.1,5.5.2
203 Distribution Panel boards x 5.6.1,5.6.2
Introduction DM-0701-03,1
204 Introduction x 1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5
Ratings DM-0701-03,4
205 Current x 4.1.1,4.1.2
206 Short Circuit x 4.2.2,4.2.3
207 Arch Flash Study x 4.3.1,4.3.2
Construction DM-0701-03,5
208 Enclosure x 5.1.1 - 5.1.7
209 Busbars and Connections x
210 Ground Bus x 5.3.1 - 5.3.4
211 Control Wiring and Terminals x 5.4.1 - 5.4.3
Power Circuit Breaker DM-0701-03,6
212 General x 6.1.1 - 6.1.3
213 Construction x 6.2.1 - 6.2.2
Molded Case Circuit Breakers DM-0701-03,7
214 General x 7.1.1 - 7.1.2
215 Construction x 7.2.1 - 7.2.4
Control Compartment DM-0701-03,8
216 Construction x 8.1.1- 8.1.6

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Element TTC4 Applicable TTC-DM Section(s) 4

217 Utility Metering Compartment x 8.2.1- 8.2.7

Introduction DM-0701-04,1
218 Introduction x 1.1
Emergency Power Distribution DM-0701-04,3
219 Emergency Power Distribution x 3.2
Design Requirements DM-0701-04,4
220 UPS System Description x 4.1.1-4.1.3,4.1.5-4.1.14
221 Uninterrupted Retransfer x 4.2.1-4.2.3
222 Monitoring and Controls x 4.3.1
223 Battery x 4.4
224 Equipment Environmental x 4.5.4 - 4.5.7
225 Equipment Environmental x,
Lighting DM-0701-05,1
226 Introduction x 1.2
Functional Requirement DM-0701-05,2
227 General x 2.2.1 -2.2.4,2.2.6,2.2.9,2.2.10
228 Station Entrance x 2.3.1 - 2.3.6
229 Passenger Circulation x 2.4.1 - 2.4.3
230 Station Interior Areas x 2.5.2 - 2.5.4,2.5.6,2.5.8-2.5.10
231 Ancillary Areas x 2.6.1
232 Landscaping x 2.7.1 - 2.7.3
233 Illuminated Signage x 2.8.1 - 2.8.4
234 Rights-Of-Way x 2.9.1 - 2.9.5
235 Underground Tunnel Section x 2.10.1 - 2.10.4

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Element TTC4 Applicable TTC-DM Section(s) 4

236 Elevated Guideways x 2.11.1 - 2.11.4

237 At-Grade Sections x 2.12.1
238 Emergency Lighting x 2.13.1 - 2.13.6
Lighting Quantity Requirements DM-0701-05,3
239 Lighting Calculation x 3.1.1 - 3.1.6
240 Illuminance Level x 3.2.1 - 3.2.2
Luminaire Requirement DM-0701-05,4
241 General x 4.1.2
242 Type of Lamps x 4.2.4
243 Characteristics x 4.3.2,4.3.3,4.3.7
Lighting Control DM-0701-05,5
General (Normal Lighting) x 5.1.1 - 5.1.6, APPENDIX A,
AC Power DM-0701-06
Introduction DM-0701-06,1
245 Introduction x 1.1. 1.2, 1.3
Power DM-0701-06,2
246 General x 2.1.1,2.1.3,2.1.4,2.1.5
Power Circuit Configuration x 2.2.1,2.2.2,2.2.3,2.2.7,2.2.8,2.2.11
- 2.2.15
248 Lighting Power x 2.3.1 - 2.3.5
Control Power DM-0701-06,3
247 Control Power x 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
Power Supply DM-0701-06,4
248 Power Supply x 4.1
Introduction DM-0701-07,1

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Element TTC4 Applicable TTC-DM Section(s) 4

249 Introduction x 1.1, 1.2

Introduction DM-0701-07,2
250 General x 2.1.1 - 2.1.4
251 TTC Telephones x 2.2.1,2.2,2,2.2.4,2.2.5
252 Public Telephones x 2.3.1 - 2.3.7
253 Passenger Assistance Intercom x 2.4.2
Radio DM-0701-07,3
254 General x 3.1.1,3.1.2
SCADA DM-0701-07,4
255 SCADA x 4.1.1,4.1.3
Introduction DM-0701-08,1
256 Introduction x 1.1, 1.3
References DM-0701-08,2
257 References x 2
Freezing Protection DM-0701-08,4
258 Piping x 4.1.1 - 4.1.3
259 Mechanical Equipment x 4.2.2
260 Electrical/Electronic Equipment x 4.3.1
Controls DM-0701-08,5
261 Control Philosophy x 5.1,1,5.1.2
262 Control Parameter x 5.2.1,5.2.2
Materials DM-0701-08,6
263 Heating Cables x 6.1
264 Thermostatic Control x 6.2
265 Magnetic Contactor Enclosure x 6.3
266 Magnetic Contactor x 6.4

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Element TTC4 Applicable TTC-DM Section(s) 4

267 Materials x 6.5

Introduction DM-0701-09,1
268 General x 1.1.1 - 1.1.9
Integrated Controls DM-0701-09,2
269 Integrated Controls x 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Custom Controls DM-0701-09,3
270 Custom Controls x 3.1,1 - 3,1.3
271 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) x 3.2.1 - 3.2,3
Motor control DM-0701-09,3
272 Motor control x 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5
Service control DM-0701-09,3
273 Service control x 5.1
Introduction DM-0701-10,1
274 Introduction x 1.2
Materials DM-0701-10,2
275 Conduit x 2.1.1 - 2.1.6,2.1.8,2.1.9
276 Low Voltage Wires and Cables (Power) x 2.3.3 - 2.3.6
Transformers DM-0701-10,3
277 Panel Boards x 3.2.3, 3.2.4
278 Motor Control Centres x 3.3.1 - 3.3.12
279 Variable Frequency Drives x 3.4.2 - 3.4.4
280 EVCS (Electrical Vehicle Charging Station) x 3.6.1
Transformers DM-0701-11,1
281 Introduction x 1.1

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Element TTC4 Applicable TTC-DM Section(s) 4

Identification Procedures DM-0701-11,2

282 Identification Procedures x 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5
Cable trays DM-0701-11,3
283 Cable trays x 3.1, 3.2
Conduit and Cable DM-0701-11,4
Conduit and Cable x 4.1.1 - 4.1.6, 4.2.1,4.2.2, 4.3, 4.4,
Wire DM-0701-11,5
285 Wire x 5.1.1 - 5.1.5, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5
Electrical and Electronic Equipment DM-0701-11,6
286 Electrical and Electronic Equipment x 6.1, 6.2.1 - 6.2.4, 6.3.1 - 6.3.3
Substations and Electrical Equipment Rooms DM-0701-11,7
287 Substations and Electrical Equipment Rooms x 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
Tagging Procedures DM-0701-11,8
288 Equipment Nameplate x 8.1.1 - 8.1.4
289 Tagging Procedures x 8.2.1, 8.2.2
Introduction DM-0701-12,1
290 Introduction x 1.1.1
291 Wiring and Cabling x 1.3.1,1.3.3 - 1.3.5
292 Wiring x 1.4.1 - 1.4.3
293 Cabling x 1.5.1 - 1.5.6
294 Raceways x 1.6.1 - 1.6.13
295 Conduits x 1.7.1 - 1.7.10
296 Ductbanks/Cable Trenches x 1.8.1 - 1.8.2,1.8.4 - 1.8.10
297 Cable troughs x 1.9.1 - 1.9.3

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Element TTC4 Applicable TTC-DM Section(s) 4

298 Grounding and Bonding x 1.10.1 - 1.10.5

Introduction DM-0701-13,1
299 Introduction x 1.1, 1.2
Electrical DM-0701-13,3
300 Electrical x 3.1
Mechanical DM-0701-13,4
301 Mechanical x 4.1
302 Public x 4.2
1 [Note to Dev Co: under discussion] The Facilities Applicability Matrix is dependent on Operation and Maintenance
allocation and is subject to change based on future Operation and Maintenance agreements.
2 [Note to Dev Co: under discussion] Refer to Table 3.22-1. Design of Transit Systems Structures that supersedes Figure 1.5.1

of DM-0301-01.
3 [Note to Dev Co: under discussion] The “Section Designer” in TTC-DM shall be defined as “The Contractor”.
4 [Note to Dev Co: under discussion] Toronto Transit Commission Design Manual (TTC-DM), revision 42. Toronto: Toronto

Transit Commission, 2020.

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APPENDIX B Systems Applicability Matrix

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B.1 Guide

B.1.1 Notes to Reader

(a) This Systems Applicability Matrix shall be applied in relation to Schedule 15-3, Sections 3.3
(Design Standards) and 3.4 (Order of Precedence).
(b) Codes and standards, which are applicable by law, shall apply in all cases and are omitted from
this Systems Applicability Matrix.
(c) Metrolinx Design Standards shall govern unless otherwise noted in any part of Schedule 15
including this Systems Applicability Matrix.
(d) Metrolinx Design Standard DS-09 shall govern for the design of customer-facing facilities
elements, unless otherwise noted in any part of Schedule 15 including this Systems Applicability
(e) This Systems Applicability Matrix shall be applied in conjunction with Sections 3.15 through
3.34, inclusive of the codes, standards and reference documents identified therein.
(i) where conflicts arise, specific design criteria identified in Sections 3.15 through 3.34
shall take precedent over the direction provided in this Systems Applicability Matrix.

B.1.2 Matrix Structure

(a) Items are sorted by main categories (in dark gray) and sub-categories (in light gray). These
categories are further broken down into building elements.
(b) For each line item refer to the standard specified under ‘Applicable Standards’ (blue header) to
determine applicability.
(c) Applicability Matrix ID numbers (Element ID#) are added for ease of review and referencing.

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B.2 Systems Applicability Matrix

Table 4.8-2. Systems Applicability Matrix Content Guide and Hierarchy

Element Applicable Standards

Metrolinx Standards Sections TTC Standards Notes

Level 1 heading
Level 2 heading
List of TTC standards
List of Metrolinx Standards
001 X X Entire standard applies unless
Entire standard applies unless specified Notes to
(unique Individual Element (or (or specified with sections in brackets reader
ID) blank) with sections in brackets (Section #) blank) (Section #) indicating specific
indicating specific section applies
section applies

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Table 4.8-3. Systems Applicability Matrix

Element ID Element Applicable Standards

Metrolinx Standards TTC

Sections2,3 Standards4,5,6,7,8,9,1011 Notes
(Sections in brackets if applicable) (Sections in brackets if applicable)

001 Backbone Communication Network (BCN) x DM-0806-02
002 Agency WLAN and TTC IT-LAN x DM-0806-02

DS-09 (5.2.2, 5.4) As per Schedule

003 Passenger Visual Information System (PVIS) x
DS-03 (4.0, 6.9) 15-3.

As per Schedule
004 Master Clock System (MCS)

2 Metrolinx. DS-09 Subway Station Architecture Design Standard, Version 1. Toronto: Metrolinx, 2020.
3 GO Design Requirements Manual. Metrolinx, 2022.
4 Toronto Transit Commission. DM-02xx Trackwork Design Manuals, revision 42. Toronto: Toronto Transit Commission, 2020.
5 Toronto Transit Commission. DM-03xx Structural Design Manuals, revision 42. Toronto: Toronto Transit Commission, 2020.
6 Toronto Transit Commission. DM-04xx Stations Design Manuals, revision 42. Toronto: Toronto Transit Commission, 2020.
7 Toronto Transit Commission. DM-06xx Stations Design Manuals, revision 42. Toronto: Toronto Transit Commission, 2020.
8 Toronto Transit Commission. DM-08xx Systems Design Manuals, revision 42. Toronto: Toronto Transit Commission, 2020.
9 Toronto Transit Commission. DM-07xx Electrical Design Manuals, revision 42. Toronto: Toronto Transit Commission, 2020.
10 Toronto Transit Commission. DM-01xx General Design Manuals, revision 42. Toronto: Toronto Transit Commission, 2020.
11 Toronto Transit Commission. MS-26 09 xx Control System Master Specification, revision 105. Toronto: Toronto Transit Commission, 2021.

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Element ID Element Applicable Standards

Metrolinx Standards TTC

Sections2,3 Standards4,5,6,7,8,9,1011 Notes
(Sections in brackets if applicable) (Sections in brackets if applicable)

DM-0806-01 Network
Infrastructure – General
As per Schedule
005 Data Network x DM-0806-02 Network
Infrastructure - Design
Standards Guide
DM-0103-00 (;
DS-09 (3.1.2,5.2.1,, As per Schedule
006 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) x x DM-0104-00 (2; 4; 7)
7.7.4, 8.4.4, 10.4) 15-3.
DM-0414-01 (3.6; 4.1)
DM-0415-01 (3.3)
DM-0701-07 (6)
Headend Modification and Integration - As per Schedule
007 x Communications -
Communication Systems 15-3.
008 Telephone System x DM-0803-02
DM-0103-00 (
DS-09 (, 5.2.3. 8.1.3)
009 Passenger Assistance Intercom (PAI) x x DM-0104-00 (5)
DS-02 (13.2)
DM-0414-01 (3.1.11)
DM-0701-07 (2.4)
010 Voice & Data Radio System (VDRS) x DM-0803-01
DM-0701-07 (3)
011 Distributed Antenna System (DAS) x DS-09 (10.1.7) x DM-0803-01
DM-0701-07 (3)

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Element ID Element Applicable Standards

Metrolinx Standards TTC

Sections2,3 Standards4,5,6,7,8,9,1011 Notes
(Sections in brackets if applicable) (Sections in brackets if applicable)

As per Schedule
012 Train Door Monitoring System (TDMS)
DS-09 (5.2.2)
013 Public Address (PA) x x DM-0403-00 (4)
DS-09 (7.10)
DM-0701-07 (7)
As per Schedule
014 Access Control System
015 Network Management System (NMS) x DM-0803-07 (3.6)
As per Schedule
016 Communication Systems in Facilities
Integrated Control

Headend Modification and Integration - As per Schedule

Integrated Control Systems (IntCS) 15-3.

018 Emergency Trip System (ETS) x
DM-0701-07 (5)
019 Fire Signal Receiving Centre (FSRC) x DM-0102-05
DM-0701-07 (4)
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition DM-0701-09 (1.1.8;
020 x
(SCADA) 3.2.1)
DM-0804-05 (2.2.2;
Elevators & Escalators and Real Time
021 x DS-09 x DM-0415-01
Monitoring System (RTMS)
DM-0803-04 (2.5)

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Element ID Element Applicable Standards

Metrolinx Standards TTC

Sections2,3 Standards4,5,6,7,8,9,1011 Notes
(Sections in brackets if applicable) (Sections in brackets if applicable)

As per Schedule
022 Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
023 Permanent Work Area Warning (PWAW) x DM-0803-11
As per Schedule
024 Fare Collection
Regional Bus Transit Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
025 GO Transit Digital Signs x DS-03
026 GO Transit CCTV x DS-09 (5.2.1)
027 GO Transit PA System x DS-09 (5.2.2)
028 GO Transit Two-Way Intercom x DS-09 (5.2.3)
029 GO Transit Communications x GO DRM (5.3)
030 GO Transit Interfaces x GO DRM (5.3)
031 DRT Digital Signs x DS-03
032 DRT CCTV x DS-09 (5.2.1)
033 DRT Two-Way Intercom x DS-09 (5.2.3)
034 DRT Communications x GO DRM (5.3)
Signalling & Train Control
As per Schedule
035 Mainline Signaling System
As per Schedule
036 Speed Control System
Central Signaling System As per Schedule

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Element ID Element Applicable Standards

Metrolinx Standards TTC

Sections2,3 Standards4,5,6,7,8,9,1011 Notes
(Sections in brackets if applicable) (Sections in brackets if applicable)

Subway Ventilation System

DM-0607-01 (1.1.1,
038 General Requirements x 1.1.2, 1.1.5, 1.2, 2.1,
3.5, 4.4)
DM-0701-09 (3.1.2)
DM-0607-01 (1.1.3,
039 Operational Requirements x
3.3.4, 3.3.5, 3.4)
DM-0607-01 (2.2, 2.3,
040 Performance Requirements x
As per Schedule
041 Smoke Dispersion/Recirculation Study
As per Schedule
042 Fire Life Safety Protocols
DM-0607-01 (1.1.4,
1.3.1, 1.3.2, 3.1.1, 3.1.4,
043 Design Criteria x 3.1.5, 3.1.6, 3.1.7, 3.2,
3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.6, 4.1,
4.2, 4.3)
DM-0607-01 (5.1, 5.3.1,
5.3.2, 5.3.3, 5.3.4, 5.4,
044 General Equipment Design x 5.5.2, 5.5.5, 5.5.6, 5.5.7,
DM-0701-09 (2.1)
045 Axial Fans x DM-0607-01 (5.2)
046 Dampers x DM-0607-01 (5.5.4)

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Element ID Element Applicable Standards

Metrolinx Standards TTC

Sections2,3 Standards4,5,6,7,8,9,1011 Notes
(Sections in brackets if applicable) (Sections in brackets if applicable)

As per Schedule
047 Actuators
As per Schedule
048 Silencers
As per Schedule
049 Transition Ductwork
DM-0607-01 (5.5.1,
050 Fire Smoke Control Panel x 5.5.3)
DM-0102-05 (5.1, 5.2.1)
051 Automatic Door Control Cabinet x TTC-MS 26.09.01
052 Fan Monitoring Panel x TTC-MS 26.09.01
053 Firefighters Smoke Control Panel x TTC-MS 26.09.01
054 Variable Frequency Drive Control Panel x TTC-MS 26.09.01
055 Track Alignment - Baselines x DM-0204-02
056 Track Alignment - Horizontal x DM-0204-03
057 Track Alignment - Vertical x DM-0204-04
058 Clearance & Cover - General x DM-0205-00

059 Clearance & Cover - Subway x DM-0205-01

Trackwork - Subways - Mainline and

060 x DM-0206-01
Storage Tracks

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Element ID Element Applicable Standards

Metrolinx Standards TTC

Sections2,3 Standards4,5,6,7,8,9,1011 Notes
(Sections in brackets if applicable) (Sections in brackets if applicable)


061 Special Trackwork - Subways x DM-0206-01

DM-0206-01, (Figures.
062 Pocket Track x
2.3.c, 3.5)
063 Friction Bumping Posts x DM-0206-01, (3.5)
064 Rail Lubricators x DM-0206-01, Sect. (3.3)
DM-0206-01, Sect.
065 Contact Rail x
Traction Power System
066 Rectifier Transformer x DM-0804-04
067 Traction Rectifier x DM-0804-10
068 DC Switchgear x DM-0804-03
069 Traction Power Negative Return System x DM-0804-11
070 Traction Power Positive Distribution System x DM-0804-11
071 Protection Control and Metering x DM-0804-05
072 Grounding and Bonding x DM-0804-08
073 Stray Current Corrosion Control x DM-0804-08
074 Cables x DM-0804-07
075 Electrical Supporting Devices x DM-0804-09

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Element ID Element Applicable Standards

Metrolinx Standards TTC

Sections2,3 Standards4,5,6,7,8,9,1011 Notes
(Sections in brackets if applicable) (Sections in brackets if applicable)

076 High Voltage AC Switchgear x DM-0804-02
Traction Power Substation General
077 x DM-0804-06
078 Tunnel Drainage x DM-0208-00

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APPENDIX C Alignment Geometry Tables

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C.1 Overview
(a) This section describes each Track Alignment prescribed by Contracting Authority.
(b) The Contractor shall layout each Alignment using the geodetic coordinate system described
(c) The as-built reference Line (RL) Alignment defines the horizontal and vertical centreline of the
Project corridor.
(i) the horizontal Alignment for the tunnel shall match the as-built horizontal Alignment of
RL in tangent sections;
(ii) within some horizontal curves, tunnel Alignment is shifted towards the centre of
(iii) Table 4.8-9 provides the horizontal shift of the tunnel Alignment with respect to the RL
within each curve;
(iv) the Contractor shall confirm horizontal shift of the tunnel Alignment in curves based on
RL as-built survey; and
(v) the vertical Alignment for the tunnel shall match the centre of the as-built tunnel bore.
The vertical Alignment for tunnel 1,728 mm above vertical as-built Alignment of RL.
(d) Mainline Track Alignment (Eastbound Track and Westbound Track): in general, follows the RL
Alignment according to the requirements of Sections through
(e) Auxiliary Track Alignment (Kennedy Pocket Track, Sheppard East Storage Track, Sheppard East
Tail Tracks): in general, follows the RL Alignment according to the requirements of Sections through
(f) Special Trackwork (crossovers and turnouts): in general, follows the RL Alignment according to
the requirements of Section
(g) The Contractor shall not modify the RL or Track Alignments.
(h) Alignment chainage is based on the metric kilometre stationing system.
(i) The geodetic coordinate system is based on MTM NAD-27 (1974 Adjustment) Zone 10
horizontal and CGVD 1928 (pre-1978 Adjustment) vertical. Refer to Section 3.33 for more
details about the geodetic coordinate system.
(j) Table 4.8-7 through Table 4.8-18 show coordinate data and designed profile elevations for RL
and Track Alignments.

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Table 4.8-7. Reference Line Coordinate Data

Alignment “S” Reference Line Coordinate Data

Project coordinates
Element Point Station Curve Data
Northing Easting
Tangent POB 9+992.730 4843451.9889 323877.3908

PI 10+118.185 4843505.8712 323990.6691

TS 10+071.375 4843485.7663 323948.4021

R = 452.4850m
Curve - 01 SC 10+101.457 4843498.9860 323975.4182 Ls1 = 30.0822m
Ls2 = 30.0822m
CS 10+134.799 4843515.3755 324004.4408

ST 10+164.881 4843531.6840 324029.7126

PI 10+325.728 4843620.3797 324163.8709

TS 10+265.339 4843587.0792 324113.5017

R = 302.4850m
Curve - 02 SC 10+297.471 4843604.3183 324140.6082 Ls1 = 32.1319m
Ls2 = 32.1319m
CS 10+353.321 4843628.0062 324191.0913

ST 10+385.453 4843637.8364 324221.6743

Curve - 03 Not used for Reference Line

PI 10+752.381 4843743.9048 324572.8909

TS 10+714.621 4843732.9895 324536.7478

R = 2002.4850m
Curve - 04 SC 10+733.633 4843738.4565 324554.9541 Ls1 = 19.0117m
Ls2 = 19.0117m
CS 10+771.125 4843748.7869 324590.9901

ST 10+790.137 4843753.7961 324609.3276

PI 11+479.982 4843934.5017 325274.9974

R = 307.4850m
Curve - 05 TS 11+223.322 4843867.2693 325027.3317 Ls1 = 57.2318m
Ls2 = 57.2318m
SC 11+280.554 4843883.9604 325082.0452

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Alignment “S” Reference Line Coordinate Data

Project coordinates
Element Point Station Curve Data
Northing Easting
CS 11+615.340 4844133.9155 325279.3668

ST 11+672.572 4844191.0091 325282.9009

PI 11+931.653 4844449.9363 325290.8789

TS 11+852.581 4844370.9117 325288.4440

R = 1002.4850m
Curve - 06 SC 11+888.626 4844406.9270 325289.7698 Ls1 = 36.0445m
Ls2 = 36.0445m
CS 11+974.523 4844492.4277 325297.6255

ST 12+010.568 4844528.0815 325302.8847

PI 12+346.476 4844860.0540 325353.8869

TS 12+263.132 4844777.6861 325341.2324

R = 1002.4850m
Curve - 07 SC 12+299.176 4844813.3399 325346.4915 Ls1 = 36.0445m
Ls2 = 36.0445m
CS 12+393.585 4844907.3423 325354.7261

ST 12+429.629 4844943.3675 325355.7461

PI 13+159.527 4845672.9948 325372.0283

TS 13+038.065 4845551.5783 325369.3188

R = 602.4850m
Curve - 08 SC 13+088.168 4845601.6698 325369.7421 Ls1 = 50.1032m
Ls2 = 50.1032m
CS 13+229.213 4845741.0696 325350.6205

ST 13+279.316 4845789.1969 325336.7244

PI 13+742.464 4846232.2906 325202.1061

R = 602.4850m
Curve - 09 TS 13+667.582 4846160.6509 325223.8713 Ls1 = 50.1032m
Ls2 = 50.1032m
SC 13+717.685 4846208.7782 325209.9751

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Alignment “S” Reference Line Coordinate Data

Project coordinates
Element Point Station Curve Data
Northing Easting
CS 13+766.991 4846256.9562 325199.5827

ST 13+817.094 4846306.5324 325192.4034

PI 13+993.403 4846481.3338 325169.5584

TS 13+923.857 4846412.3820 325178.5698

R = 602.4850m
Curve - 10 SC 13+973.960 4846461.9582 325171.3905 Ls1 = 50.1032m
Ls2 = 50.1032m
CS 14+012.663 4846499.8501 325163.5652

ST 14+062.766 4846548.2145 325150.5181

PI 15+249.662 4847689.6135 324825.5714

TS 15+187.302 4847629.6442 324842.6442

R = 702.4850m
Curve - 11 SC 15+227.373 4847668.2799 324832.0409 Ls1 = 40.0706m
Ls2 = 40.0706m
CS 15+271.839 4847711.6886 324822.4621

ST 15+311.909 4847751.1988 324815.8214

PI 15+524.838 4847961.4821 324782.5297

TS 15+459.192 4847896.6516 324792.7936

R = 702.4850m
Curve - 12 SC 15+499.262 4847936.1617 324786.1528 Ls1 = 40.0706m
Ls2 = 40.0706m
CS 15+550.274 4847985.9062 324774.9326

ST 15+590.344 4848024.4415 324763.9698

PI 16+052.959 4848468.1227 324633.1762

R = 602.4850m
Curve - 13 TS 15+968.339 4848386.9667 324657.1003 Ls1 = 42.0865m
Ls2 = 42.0865m
SC 16+010.426 4848427.4644 324645.6727

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Alignment “S” Reference Line Coordinate Data

Project coordinates
Element Point Station Curve Data
Northing Easting
CS 16+094.998 4848510.5684 324630.4164

ST 16+137.085 4848552.4844 324626.7146

PI 16+398.513 4848813.1179 324606.7518

TS 16+243.726 4848658.8016 324618.5714

R = 702.4850m
Curve - 14 SC 16+276.785 4848691.7378 324615.7887 Ls1 = 33.0583m
Ls2 = 33.0583m
CS 16+516.729 4848921.7901 324551.9325

ST 16+549.787 4848951.4484 324537.3408

PI 16+870.456 4849238.0248 324393.5434

TS 16+787.538 4849163.9223 324430.7263

R = 702.4850m
Curve - 15 SC 16+820.596 4849193.5806 324416.1345 Ls1 = 33.0583m
Ls2 = 33.0583m
CS 16+919.911 4849286.0556 324380.1764

ST 16+952.969 4849317.7807 324370.8998

Tangent POE 17+824.197 4850155.7832 324132.9810

Table 4.8-8. Reference Line Vertical Alignment Data

Reference Line Vertical Alignment Data
Point Station Elevation Data
Element: Linear
POB 9+992.730 159.459 Tangent Grade: 0.30%

PVC 10+050.000 159.633 Tangent Length: 57.27

Element: Symmetrical Parabola

PVC 10+050.000 159.633 Length: 60

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Reference Line Vertical Alignment Data

Point Station Elevation Data
PVI 10+080.000 159.725 Entrance Grade: 0.30%

PVT 10+110.000 159.635 Exit Grade: -0.30%

VHIGH 10+080.222 159.679 r = (g2 - g1) / L: -1.0075

K = l / (g2 - g1): 99.2586

Middle Ordinate: -0.0453

Element: Linear
PVT 10+110.000 159.635 Tangent Grade: -0.30%
PVC 10+207.000 159.344 Tangent Length: 97

Element: Symmetrical Parabola

PVC 10+207.000 159.344 Length: 60

PVI 10+237.000 159.254 Entrance Grade: -0.30%

PVT 10+267.000 158.204 Exit Grade: -3.50%

r = (g2 - g1) / L: -5.3333

K = l / (g2 - g1): 18.75

Middle Ordinate: -0.24

Element: Linear
PVT 10+267.000 158.204 Tangent Grade: -3.50%
PVC 10+612.904 146.097 Tangent Length: 345.9039
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 10+612.904 146.097 Length: 100
PVI 10+662.904 144.347 Entrance Grade: -3.50%
PVT 10+712.904 144.197 Exit Grade: -0.30%
r = (g2 - g1) / L: 3.2
K = l / (g2 - g1): 31.25
Middle Ordinate: 0.4

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Reference Line Vertical Alignment Data

Point Station Elevation Data
Element: Linear
PVT 10+712.904 144.197 Tangent Grade: -0.30%
PVC 11+307.947 142.412 Tangent Length: 595.0431
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 11+307.947 142.412 Length: 280
PVI 11+447.947 141.992 Entrance Grade: -0.30%
PVT 11+587.947 139.752 Exit Grade: -1.60%
r = (g2 - g1) / L: -0.4643
K = l / (g2 - g1): 215.3846
Middle Ordinate: -0.455
Element: Linear
PVT 11+587.947 139.752 Tangent Grade: -1.60%
PVC 12+083.369 131.825 Tangent Length: 495.4221
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 12+083.369 131.825 Length: 120
PVI 12+143.369 130.865 Entrance Grade: -1.60%
PVT 12+203.369 130.685 Exit Grade: -0.30%
r = (g2 - g1) / L: 1.0833
K = l / (g2 - g1): 92.3077
Middle Ordinate: 0.195
Element: Linear
PVT 12+203.369 130.685 Tangent Grade: -0.30%
PVC 13+588.431 126.530 Tangent Length: 1385.062
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 13+588.431 126.530 Length: 60
PVI 13+618.431 126.440 Entrance Grade: -0.30%
PVT 13+648.431 126.530 Exit Grade: 0.30%

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Reference Line Vertical Alignment Data

Point Station Elevation Data
VLOW 13+618.433 126.485 r = (g2 - g1) / L: 0.9999
K = l / (g2 - g1): 100.0054
Middle Ordinate: 0.045
Element: Linear
PVT 13+648.431 126.530 Tangent Grade: 0.30%
PVC 13+825.475 127.061 Tangent Length: 177.044
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 13+825.475 127.061 Length: 90
PVI 13+870.475 127.196 Entrance Grade: 0.30%
PVT 13+915.475 128.096 Exit Grade: 2.00%
r = (g2 - g1) / L: 1.8889
K = l / (g2 - g1): 52.9402
Middle Ordinate: 0.1913
Element: Linear
PVT 13+915.475 128.096 Tangent Grade: 2.00%
PVC 14+819.707 146.181 Tangent Length: 904.2322
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 14+819.707 146.181 Length: 150
PVI 14+894.707 147.681 Entrance Grade: 2.00%
PVT 14+969.707 147.456 Exit Grade: -0.30%
VHIGH 14+950.142 147.485 r = (g2 - g1) / L: -1.5333
K = l / (g2 - g1): 65.2174
Middle Ordinate: -0.4313
Element: Linear
PVT 14+969.707 147.456 Tangent Grade: -0.30%
PVC 16+066.244 144.166 Tangent Length: 1096.537
Element: Symmetrical Parabola

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Reference Line Vertical Alignment Data

Point Station Elevation Data
PVC 16+066.244 144.166 Length: 145.0175
PVI 16+138.752 143.949 Entrance Grade: -0.30%
PVT 16+211.261 142.454 Exit Grade: -2.06%
r = (g2 - g1) / L: -1.2142
K = l / (g2 - g1): 82.362
Middle Ordinate: -0.3192
Element: Linear
PVT 16+211.261 142.454 Tangent Grade: -2.06%
PVC 16+555.947 135.351 Tangent Length: 344.686
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 16+555.947 135.351 Length: 200
PVI 16+655.947 133.291 Entrance Grade: -2.06%
PVT 16+755.947 136.045 Exit Grade: 2.75%
VLOW 16+641.546 134.469 r = (g2 - g1) / L: 2.4074
K = l / (g2 - g1): 41.5384
Middle Ordinate: 1.2037
Element: Linear
PVT 16+755.947 136.045 Tangent Grade: 2.75%
PVC 17+050.000 144.143 Tangent Length: 294.0532
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 17+050.000 144.143 Length: 60
PVI 17+080.000 144.969 Entrance Grade: 2.75%
PVT 17+110.000 144.879 Exit Grade: -0.30%
VHIGH 17+104.106 144.888 r = (g2 - g1) / L: -5.0901
K = l / (g2 - g1): 19.6458
Middle Ordinate: -0.2291
Element: Linear

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Reference Line Vertical Alignment Data

Point Station Elevation Data
PVT 17+110.000 144.879 Tangent Grade: -0.30%
POE 17+824.197 142.737 Tangent Length: 714.197

Table 4.8-9. Horizontal Shift of Tunnel Alignment

Shift in Tunnel Alignment
Curve RL Radius (m)
Towards Centre of Curvature (m)
Curve-04 Winter Curve 2002.485 0.000
Curve-05 Eglinton-Danforth Curve 307.485 0.106
Curve-06 Trudelle Curve 1002.485 0.000
Curve-07 Thicketwood Curve 1002.485 0.000
Curve-08 Danforth-McCowan Curve 602.485 0.056
Curve-09 Benleigh Curve 602.485 0.056
Curve-10 Bellchasse Curve 602.485 0.056
Curve-11 Ellesmere South Curve 702.485 0.048
Curve-12 Ellesmere North Curve 702.485 0.048
Curve-13 Corporate Drive Curve 602.485 0.056
Curve-14 Hwy 401-McCowan Curve 702.485 0.048
Curve-15 Milner Curve 702.485 0.048

Table 4.8-10. Crossover Track Coordinate Data

Kennedy Crossover Eastbound to Pocket Track Coordinate Data
Project coordinates
Element Point Station
Northing Easting
PS 0+000.000 4843524.4010 324023.2026
PITO 0+011.301 4843530.6326 324032.6283
PITO 0+065.473 4843565.3263 324074.2254
PS 0+077.126 4843565.3263 324083.9444

Scarborough Crossover Eastbound to Westbound Track Coordinate Data

PS 0+000.000 4848119.3234 324738.5901
PITO 0+011.301 4848130.1617 324735.3951
PITO 0+056.188 4848171.5416 324718.0152
PS 0+067.489 4848182.3799 324714.8201

Scarborough Crossover Westbound to Eastbound Track Coordinate Data

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Kennedy Crossover Eastbound to Pocket Track Coordinate Data

Project coordinates
Element Point Station
Northing Easting
PS 0+000.000 4848117.9181 324733.8230
PITO 0+011.301 4848128.7563 324730.6279
PITO 0+056.188 4848172.9469 324722.7823
PS 0+067.489 4848183.7852 324719.5873

Sheppard East Single Crossover Westbound to Eastbound Track Coordinate Data

PS 0+000.000 4849530.9475 324307.7960
PITO 0+011.301 4849541.8173 324304.7100
PITO 0+056.174 4849586.0708 324297.3123
PS 0+067.475 4849596.9406 324294.2262

Sheppard East Double Crossover Westbound to Eastbound Track Coordinate Data

PS 0+000.000 4849672.6443 324267.5666
PITO 0+011.301 4849683.5141 324264.4806
PITO 0+056.174 4849727.7676 324257.0829
PS 0+067.475 4849738.9124 324255.2199

Sheppard East Double Crossover Eastbound to Westbound Track Coordinate Data

PS 0+000.000 4849674.0016 324272.3477
PITO 0+011.301 4849684.8714 324269.2616
PITO 0+056.174 4849726.4102 324252.3018
PS 0+067.475 4849736.8713 324248.0307

Table 4.8-11. Eastbound Track Coordinate Data

Eastbound Track Line Coordinate Data

Project coordinates
Element Point Station Curve Data
Northing Easting
Tangent POB 39+992.730 4843443.1186 323881.6098
Curve - 01 PI 40+066.329 4843474.7263 323948.0662 R = 820.0000m

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Eastbound Track Line Coordinate Data

Project coordinates
Element Point Station Curve Data
Northing Easting
TS 39+999.248 4843445.9179 323887.4956 Ls1 = 19.0000m
Ls2 = 19.0000m
SC 40+018.248 4843454.1438 323904.6200
CS 40+114.218 4843501.3007 323988.1288
ST 40+133.218 4843511.7165 324004.0165
PI 40+326.152 4843618.1060 324164.9377
TS 40+266.193 4843585.0426 324114.9272
R = 300.0000m
Curve - 02 SC 40+298.193 4843602.2090 324141.9236 Ls1 = 32.0000m
Ls2 = 32.0000m
CS 40+353.452 4843625.6464 324191.8729
ST 40+385.452 4843635.4385 324222.3296
Curve - 03 Not used for Eastbound Track
PI 40+752.411 4843741.5158 324573.5758
TS 40+714.692 4843730.6123 324537.4718
R = 2000.0000m
Curve - 04 SC 40+733.692 4843736.0759 324555.6669 Ls1 = 19.0000m
Ls2 = 19.0000m
CS 40+771.126 4843746.3903 324591.6467
ST 40+790.126 4843751.3964 324609.9730
PI 41+481.817 4843932.5856 325277.4245
TS 41+223.201 4843864.8408 325027.8710
R = 309.9700m
Curve - 05 SC 41+280.665 4843881.5927 325082.8084 Ls1 = 57.4636m
Ls2 = 57.4636m
CS 41+618.387 4844133.7228 325281.8469
ST 41+675.851 4844191.0482 325285.3882
PI 41+934.665 4844449.7085 325293.3581
TS 41+855.767 4844370.8574 325290.9285
R = 1000.0000m
Curve - 06 SC 41+891.767 4844406.8282 325292.2529 Ls1 = 36.0000m
Ls2 = 36.0000m
CS 41+977.407 4844492.0723 325300.0851
ST 42+013.407 4844527.6822 325305.3375
Curve - 07 PI 42+349.499 4844859.8367 325356.3676 R = 1004.9700m

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Eastbound Track Line Coordinate Data

Project coordinates
Element Point Station Curve Data
Northing Easting
TS 42+265.971 4844777.2868 325343.6852 Ls1 = 36.0890m
Ls2 = 36.0890m
SC 42+302.060 4844812.9846 325348.9511
CS 42+396.747 4844907.2646 325357.2100
ST 42+432.836 4844943.3343 325358.2309
PI 43+163.109 4845673.3368 325374.5215
TS 43+041.198 4845551.4714 325371.8020
R = 604.9700m
Curve - 08 SC 43+091.405 4845601.6660 325372.2277 Ls1 = 50.2064m
Ls2 = 50.2064m
CS 43+233.134 4845741.7426 325353.0132
ST 43+283.340 4845789.9686 325339.0871
PI 43+746.231 4846232.8164 325204.5435
TS 43+671.503 4846161.3238 325226.2640
R = 600.0000m
Curve - 09 SC 43+721.709 4846209.5513 325212.3434 Ls1 = 50.2064m
Ls2 = 50.2064m
CS 43+770.502 4846257.2281 325202.0591
ST 43+820.708 4846306.9057 325194.8607
PI 43+997.149 4846481.8378 325171.9987
TS 43+927.368 4846412.6530 325181.0405
R = 604.9700m
Curve - 10 SC 43+977.574 4846462.3314 325173.8479 Ls1 = 50.2063m
Ls2 = 50.2063m
CS 44+016.540 4846500.4809 325165.9693
ST 44+066.747 4846548.9445 325152.8940
PI 45+253.442 4847690.1500 324828.0024
TS 45+191.267 4847630.3585 324845.0245
R = 700.0000m
Curve - 11 SC 45+231.267 4847668.9264 324834.4406 Ls1 = 40.0000m
Ls2 = 40.0000m
CS 45+275.504 4847712.1121 324824.9111
ST 45+315.504 4847751.5525 324818.2813
PI 45+528.629 4847962.0301 324784.9589
Curve - 12 R = 704.9700m
TS 45+462.786 4847897.0053 324795.2535 Ls1 = 40.1413m

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Eastbound Track Line Coordinate Data

Project coordinates
Element Point Station Curve Data
Northing Easting
SC 45+502.928 4847936.5852 324788.6017 Ls2 = 40.1413m
CS 45+554.191 4847986.5750 324777.3262
ST 45+594.332 4848025.1780 324766.3434
PI 46+056.649 4848468.5739 324635.6339
TS 45+972.335 4848387.7108 324659.4717
R = 600.0000m
Curve - 13 SC 46+014.335 4848428.1255 324648.0685 Ls1 = 42.0000m
Ls2 = 42.0000m
CS 46+098.472 4848510.8014 324632.8909
ST 46+140.472 4848552.6311 324629.1957
PI 46+402.432 4848813.7953 324609.1922
TS 46+247.127 4848658.9624 324621.0514
R = 704.9700m
Curve - 14 SC 46+280.244 4848691.9566 324618.2642 Ls1 = 33.1165m
Ls2 = 33.1165m
CS 46+521.095 4848922.8786 324554.1667
ST 46+554.212 4848952.5888 324539.5488
PI 46+874.617 4849238.9294 324395.8698
TS 46+791.963 4849165.0628 324432.9343
R = 700.0000m
Curve - 15 SC 46+824.963 4849194.6690 324418.3687 Ls1 = 33.0000m
Ls2 = 33.0000m
CS 46+923.867 4849286.7624 324382.5590
ST 46+956.867 4849318.4314 324373.2983
PI 47+421.340 4849766.1371 324250.6688
R = 220.0000m
Curve - 16 PC 47+409.117 4849754.0835 324252.6838 Ls1 = 0.0000m
Ls2 = 0.0000m
PT 47+433.537 4849777.8934 324247.3311
Tangent POE 47+828.338 4850157.6388 324139.5169

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Table 4.8-12. Eastbound Track Vertical Alignment Data

Eastbound Track Vertical Alignment Data
Point Station Elevation Data
Element: Linear
POB 39+992.729 159.459 Tangent Grade: 0.30%
PVC 40+050.578 159.634 Tangent Length: 57.849
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 40+050.578 159.634 Length: 60
PVI 40+080.578 159.725 Entrance Grade: 0.30%
PVT 40+110.578 159.635 Exit Grade: -0.30%
VHIGH 40+080.726 159.680 r = (g2 - g1) / L: -1.0044
K = l / (g2 - g1): 99.5625
Middle Ordinate: -0.0452
Element: Linear
PVT 40+110.578 159.635 Tangent Grade: -0.30%
PVC 40+207.001 159.346 Tangent Length: 96.424
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 40+207.001 159.346 Length: 60
PVI 40+237.001 159.256 Entrance Grade: -0.30%
PVT 40+267.001 158.206 Exit Grade: -3.50%
r = (g2 - g1) / L: -5.3336
K = l / (g2 - g1): 18.75
Middle Ordinate: -0.2400
Element: Linear
PVT 40+267.001 158.206 Tangent Grade: -3.50%
PVC 40+612.977 146.097 Tangent Length: 345.9751
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 40+612.977 146.097 Length: 100
PVI 40+662.977 144.347 Entrance Grade: -3.50%

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Eastbound Track Vertical Alignment Data

Point Station Elevation Data
PVT 40+712.977 144.197 Exit Grade: -0.30%
r = (g2 - g1) / L: 3.20
K = l / (g2 - g1): 31.2508
Middle Ordinate: 0.4000
Element: Linear
PVT 40+712.977 144.197 Tangent Grade: -0.30%
PVC 41+308.343 142.411 Tangent Length: 595.3667
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 41+308.343 142.411 Length: 287
PVI 41+451.843 141.980 Entrance Grade: -0.30%
PVT 41+595.343 139.684 Exit Grade: -1.60%
r = (g2 - g1) / L: -0.4529
K = l / (g2 - g1): 220.7791
Middle Ordinate: -0.4664
Element: Linear
PVT 41+595.343 139.684 Tangent Grade: -1.60%
PVC 42+086.347 131.828 Tangent Length: 491.0033
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 42+086.347 131.828 Length: 120
PVI 42+146.347 130.868 Entrance Grade: -1.60%
PVT 42+206.347 130.688 Exit Grade: -0.30%
r = (g2 - g1) / L: 1.0833
K = l / (g2 - g1): 92.3066
Middle Ordinate: 0.1950
Element: Linear
PVT 42+206.347 130.688 Tangent Grade: -0.30%
PVC 43+592.458 126.53 Tangent Length: 1386.1111

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Eastbound Track Vertical Alignment Data

Point Station Elevation Data
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 43+592.458 126.53 Length: 60
PVI 43+622.458 126.44 Entrance Grade: -0.30%
PVT 43+652.458 126.53 Exit Grade: 0.30%
VLOW 43+622.419 126.485 r = (g2 - g1) / L: 1.0012
K = l / (g2 - g1): 99.8787
Middle Ordinate: 0.0451
Element: Linear
PVT 43+652.458 126.53 Tangent Grade: 0.30%
PVC 43+829.493 127.063 Tangent Length: 177.0353
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 43+829.493 127.063 Length: 90
PVI 43+874.493 127.198 Entrance Grade: 0.30%
PVT 43+919.493 128.098 Exit Grade: 2.00%
r = (g2 - g1) / L: 1.8881
K = l / (g2 - g1): 52.9642
Middle Ordinate: 0.1912
Element: Linear
PVT 43+919.493 128.098 Tangent Grade: 2.00%
PVC 44+823.636 146.181 Tangent Length: 904.1429
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 44+823.636 146.181 Length: 150
PVI 44+898.636 147.681 Entrance Grade: 2.00%
PVT 44+973.636 147.456 Exit Grade: -0.30%
VHIGH 44+954.070 147.485 r = (g2 - g1) / L: -1.5334
K = l / (g2 - g1): 65.2165
Middle Ordinate: -0.4313

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Eastbound Track Vertical Alignment Data

Point Station Elevation Data
Element: Linear
PVT 44+973.636 147.456 Tangent Grade: -0.30%
PVC 46+069.053 144.17 Tangent Length: 1095.4166
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 46+069.053 144.17 Length: 145.0170
PVI 46+141.561 143.952 Entrance Grade: -0.30%
PVT 46+214.070 142.463 Exit Grade: -2.05%
r = (g2 - g1) / L: -1.2092
K = l / (g2 - g1): 82.7018
Middle Ordinate: -0.3179
Element: Linear
PVT 46+214.070 142.463 Tangent Grade: -2.05%
PVC 46+560.818 135.343 Tangent Length: 346.7488
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 46+560.818 135.343 Length: 200
PVI 46+660.818 133.289 Entrance Grade: -2.05%
PVT 46+760.818 136.053 Exit Grade: 2.76%
VLOW 46+646.073 134.467 r = (g2 - g1) / L: 2.4087
K = l / (g2 - g1): 41.5165
Middle Ordinate: 1.2043
Element: Linear
PVT 46+760.818 136.053 Tangent Grade: 2.76%
PVC 47+053.489 144.142 Tangent Length: 292.6707
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 47+053.489 144.142 Length: 60
PVI 47+083.489 144.971 Entrance Grade: 2.76%
PVT 47+113.489 144.881 Exit Grade: -0.30%

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Eastbound Track Vertical Alignment Data

Point Station Elevation Data
VHIGH 47+107.613 144.89 r = (g2 - g1) / L: -5.1065
K = l / (g2 - g1): 19.5828
Middle Ordinate: -0.2298
Element: Linear
PVT 47+113.489 144.881 Tangent Grade: -0.30%
POE 47+828.338 142.736 Tangent Length: 714.8490

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Table 4.8-13. Kennedy Pocket Track Coordinate Data

Kennedy Pocket Track Coordinate Data
Project coordinates
Element Point Station Curve Data
Northing Easting
PS 0+000.000 4843534.4111 324016.5846
PITO 0+011.301 4843540.6427 324026.0103
PITO 0+065.473 4843565.3263 324074.2254
PS 0+077.126 4843565.3263 324083.9444 R = 300.0000m
Curve - 01 Ls1 = 0.0000m
PC 0+126.550 4843599.0056 324125.1676 Ls2 = 0.0000m
PI 0+170.701 4843623.3518 324161.9929
PT 0+214.222 4843636.0564 324204.2709
POE 0+263.529 4843650.2446 324251.4861

Table 4.8-14. Kennedy Pocket Track Vertical Alignment Data

Kennedy Pocket Track Vertical Alignment Data
Point Station Elevation Data
Element: Linear
POB 0+000.000 159.501 Tangent Grade: -0.30%
POE 2+63.529 158.710 Tangent Length: 263.5290

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Table 4.8-15. Sheppard East Storage Track Coordinate Data

Sheppard East Storage Track Coordinate Data
Project coordinates
Element Point Station Curve Data
Northing Easting
PS 0+000.000 4849641.1918 324281.6628
PITO 0+011.301 4849652.0616 324278.5767
PC 0+076.864 4849716.7194 324267.7681 R = 500.0000m
Curve - 17 Ls1 = 0.0000m
PI 0+104.645 4849744.1173 324263.1881 Ls2 = 0.0000m
PT 0+132.370 4849770.8393 324255.6015
POE 0+536.217 4850159.2855 324145.3170

Table 4.8-16. Sheppard East Storage Track Vertical Alignment Data

Sheppard East Storage Track Vertical Alignment Data
Point Station Elevation Data
Element: Linear
POB 0+000.000 144.344 Tangent Grade: -0.30%
POE 0+536.217 142.736 Tangent Length: 536.2170

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Table 4.8-17. Westbound Track Coordinate Data

Westbound Track Coordinate Data
Project coordinates
Element Point Station Curve Data
Northing Easting
Tangent POB 69+992.730 4843454.2323 323876.3220
PI 70+067.688 4843486.4263 323944.0043
TS 70+021.093 4843466.4140 323901.9320
R = 450.0000m
Curve - 01 SC 70+051.093 4843479.5984 323928.8739 Ls1 = 30.0000m
Ls2 =30.0000m
CS 70+084.169 4843495.8571 323957.6648
ST 70+114.169 4843512.1202 323982.8681
PI 70+342.078 4843637.7964 324172.9618
TS 70+269.679 4843597.8730 324112.5751
R = 312.0000m
Curve - 02 SC 70+301.679 4843615.0580 324139.5601 Ls1 = 32.0000m
Ls2 = 32.0000m
CS 70+381.228 4843646.3419 324212.4546
ST 70+413.228 4843654.0622 324243.5015
PI 70+514.381 4843676.7881 324342.0567
TS 70+479.873 4843669.0351 324308.4344
R = 750.0000m
Curve - 03 SC 70+498.873 4843673.3819 324326.9280 Ls1 = 19.0000m
Ls2 = 19.0000m
CS 70+529.870 4843681.3481 324356.8784
ST 70+548.870 4843686.7636 324375.0878
PI 70+754.807 4843746.2939 324572.2060
TS 70+717.006 4843735.3667 324536.0238
R = 2004.9700m
Curve - 04 SC 70+736.029 4843740.8370 324554.2412 Ls1 = 19.0233m
Ls2 = 19.0233m
CS 70+773.580 4843751.1836 324590.3334
ST 70+792.603 4843756.1958 324608.6821
PI 71+480.602 4843936.4177 325272.5702
TS 71+225.898 4843869.6978 325026.7923 R = 305.0000m
Curve - 05 Ls1 = 57.0000m
SC 71+282.898 4843886.3281 325081.2820 Ls2 = 57.0000m
CS 71+614.748 4844134.1082 325276.8865

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Westbound Track Coordinate Data

Project coordinates
Element Point Station Curve Data
Northing Easting
ST 71+671.748 4844190.9699 325280.4135
PI 71+931.096 4844450.1641 325288.3997
TS 71+851.851 4844370.9661 325285.9595
R = 1004.9700m
Curve - 06 SC 71+887.940 4844407.0258 325287.2866 Ls1 = 36.0890m
Ls2 = 36.0890m
CS 71+974.096 4844492.7830 325295.1660
ST 72+010.185 4844528.4808 325300.4318
PI 72+345.908 4844860.2713 325351.4061
TS 72+262.748 4844778.0854 325338.7796
R = 1000.0000m
Curve - 07 SC 72+298.748 4844813.6953 325344.0319 Ls1 = 36.0000m
Ls2 = 36.0000m
CS 72+392.878 4844907.4200 325352.2422
ST 72+428.878 4844943.4007 325353.2612
PI 73+158.400 4845672.6528 325369.5350
TS 73+037.388 4845551.6853 325366.8355
R = 600.0000m
Curve - 08 SC 73+087.388 4845601.6736 325367.2566 Ls1 = 50.0000m
Ls2 = 50.0000m
CS 73+227.747 4845740.3967 325348.2278
ST 73+277.747 4845788.4252 325334.3617
PI 73+741.152 4846231.7649 325199.6687
TS 73+666.012 4846159.8792 325221.5086
R = 604.9700m
Curve - 09 SC 73+716.219 4846208.1051 325207.5824 Ls1 = 50.2063m
Ls2 = 50.2063m
CS 73+765.832 4846256.5830 325197.1253
ST 73+816.038 4846306.2614 325189.9327
PI 73+992.112 4846480.8299 325167.1182
TS 73+922.801 4846412.1111 325176.0991
R = 600.0000m
Curve - 10 SC 73+972.801 4846461.5850 325168.9331 Ls1 = 50.0000m
Ls2 = 50.0000m
CS 74+011.240 4846499.2194 325161.1610
ST 74+061.240 4846547.4845 325148.1422

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Westbound Track Coordinate Data

Project coordinates
Element Point Station Curve Data
Northing Easting
PI 75+248.338 4847689.0771 324823.1404
TS 75+185.793 4847628.9298 324840.2638
R = 704.9700m
Curve - 11 SC 75+225.935 4847667.6335 324829.6412 Ls1 = 40.1413m
Ls2 = 40.1413m
CS 75+270.629 4847711.2651 324820.0132
ST 75+310.770 4847750.8451 324813.3614
PI 75+523.502 4847960.9342 324780.1005
TS 75+458.052 4847896.2978 324790.3336
R = 700.0000m
Curve - 12 SC 75+498.052 4847935.7382 324783.7039 Ls1 = 40.0000m
Ls2 = 40.0000m
CS 75+548.812 4847985.2374 324772.5390
ST 75+588.812 4848023.7050 324761.5962
PI 76+051.724 4848467.6715 324630.7185
TS 75+966.799 4848386.2226 324654.7289
R = 607.9700m
Curve - 13 SC 76+008.972 4848426.8032 324643.2768 Ls1 = 42.1730m
Ls2 = 42.1730m
CS 76+093.981 4848510.3355 324627.9420
ST 76+136.154 4848552.3377 324624.2336
PI 76+397.050 4848812.4405 324604.3114
TS 76+242.781 4848658.6408 324616.0914
R = 700.0000m
Curve - 14 SC 76+275.781 4848691.5189 324613.3132 Ls1 = 33.0000m
Ls2 = 33.0000m
CS 76+514.817 4848920.7018 324549.6984
ST 76+547.817 4848950.3079 324535.1327
PI 76+868.750 4849237.1202 324391.2171
TS 76+785.568 4849162.7819 324428.5183
R = 704.9700m
Curve - 15 SC 76+818.685 4849192.4922 324413.9004 Ls1 = 33.1165m
Ls2 = 33.1165m
CS 76+918.410 4849285.3489 324377.7938
ST 76+951.526 4849317.1299 324368.5013
Curve - 16 PI 77+415.940 4849762.4259 324237.5971 R = 220.0000m

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Westbound Track Coordinate Data

Project coordinates
Element Point Station Curve Data
Northing Easting
PC 77+403.718 4849751.1117 324242.2165 Ls1 = 0.0000m
Ls2 = 0.0000m
PT 77+428.137 4849774.1821 324234.2593
Tangent POE 77+822.939 4850153.9276 324126.4451

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Table 4.8-18. Westbound Track Vertical Alignment Data

Westbound Track Vertical Alignment Data
Point Station Elevation Data
Element: Linear
POB 69+992.734 159.459 Tangent Grade: 0.30%
PVC 70+049.637 159.632 Tangent Length: 56.9031
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 70+049.637 159.632 Length: 60
PVI 70+079.637 159.723 Entrance Grade: 0.30%
PVT 70+109.637 159.633 Exit Grade: -0.30%
VHIGH 70+079.829 159.678 r = (g2 - g1) / L: -1.0062
K = l / (g2 - g1): 99.3871
Middle Ordinate: -0.0453
Element: Linear
PVT 70+109.637 159.633 Tangent Grade: -0.30%
PVC 70+209.683 159.333 Tangent Length: 100.0462
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 70+209.683 159.333 Length: 60
PVI 70+239.683 159.243 Entrance Grade: -0.30%
PVT 70+269.683 158.193 Exit Grade: -3.50%
r = (g2 - g1) / L: -5.3335
K = l / (g2 - g1): 18.7495
Middle Ordinate: -0.2400
Element: Linear
PVT 70+269.683 158.193 Tangent Grade: -3.50%
PVC 70+615.283 146.097 Tangent Length: 345.6001
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 70+615.283 146.097 Length: 100
PVI 70+665.283 144.347 Entrance Grade: -3.50%

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Westbound Track Vertical Alignment Data

Point Station Elevation Data
PVT 70+715.283 144.197 Exit Grade: -0.30%
r = (g2 - g1) / L: 3.2000
K = l / (g2 - g1): 31.2473
Middle Ordinate: 0.4000
Element: Linear
PVT 70+715.283 144.197 Tangent Grade: -0.30%
PVC 71+308.835 142.418 Tangent Length: 593.5517
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 71+308.835 142.418 Length: 275
PVI 71+446.335 142.006 Entrance Grade: -0.30%
PVT 71+583.835 139.806 Exit Grade: -1.60%
r = (g2 - g1) / L: -0.4728
K = l / (g2 - g1): 211.4993
Middle Ordinate: -0.4470
Element: Linear
PVT 71+583.835 139.806 Tangent Grade: -1.60%
PVC 72+082.831 131.822 Tangent Length: 498.9966
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 72+082.831 131.822 Length: 120
PVI 72+142.831 130.862 Entrance Grade: -1.60%
PVT 72+202.831 130.682 Exit Grade: -0.30%
r = (g2 - g1) / L: 1.0833
K = l / (g2 - g1): 92.3070
Middle Ordinate: 0.1950
Element: Linear
PVT 72+202.831 130.682 Tangent Grade: -0.30%
PVC 73+586.843 126.53 Tangent Length: 1384.0119

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Westbound Track Vertical Alignment Data

Point Station Elevation Data
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 73+586.843 126.53 Length: 60
PVI 73+616.843 126.44 Entrance Grade: -0.30%
PVT 73+646.843 126.53 Exit Grade: 0.30%
VLOW 73+616.886 126.485 r = (g2 - g1) / L: 0.9986
K = l / (g2 - g1): 100.1434
Middle Ordinate: 0.0449
Element: Linear
PVT 73+646.843 126.53 Tangent Grade: 0.30%
PVC 73+823.896 127.059 Tangent Length: 177.0333
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 73+823.896 127.059 Length: 90
PVI 73+868.896 127.194 Entrance Grade: 0.30%
PVT 73+913.896 128.094 Exit Grade: 2.00%
r = (g2 - g1) / L: 1.8899
K = l / (g2 - g1): 52.9127
Middle Ordinate: 0.1914
Element: Linear
PVT 73+913.896 128.094 Tangent Grade: 2.00%
PVC 74+818.217 146.181 Tangent Length: 904.3209
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 74+818.217 146.181 Length: 150
PVI 74+893.217 147.681 Entrance Grade: 2.00%
PVT 74+968.217 147.456 Exit Grade: -0.30%
VHIGH 74+948.650 147.485 r = (g2 - g1) / L: -1.5333
K = l / (g2 - g1): 65.2146
Middle Ordinate: -0.4313

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Westbound Track Vertical Alignment Data

Point Station Elevation Data
Element: Linear
PVT 74+968.217 147.456 Tangent Grade: -0.30%
PVC 76+065.873 144.163 Tangent Length: 1097.6554
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 76+065.873 144.163 Length: 145.0180
PVI 76+138.382 143.945 Entrance Grade: -0.30%
PVT 76+210.891 142.446 Exit Grade: -2.07%
r = (g2 - g1) / L: -1.2191
K = l / (g2 - g1): 82.0265
Middle Ordinate: -0.3205
Element: Linear
PVT 76+210.891 142.446 Tangent Grade: -2.07%
PVC 76+553.618 135.358 Tangent Length: 342.7278
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 76+553.618 135.358 Length: 200
PVI 76+653.618 133.29 Entrance Grade: -2.07%
PVT 76+753.618 136.037 Exit Grade: 2.75%
VLOW 76+639.515 134.47 r = (g2 - g1) / L: 2.4075
K = l / (g2 - g1): 41.5362
Middle Ordinate: 1.2038
Element: Linear
PVT 76+753.618 136.037 Tangent Grade: 2.75%
PVC 77+048.759 144.145 Tangent Length: 295.1400
Element: Symmetrical Parabola
PVC 77+048.759 144.145 Length: 60
PVI 77+078.759 144.969 Entrance Grade: 2.75%
PVT 77+108.759 144.879 Exit Grade: -0.30%

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Westbound Track Vertical Alignment Data

Point Station Elevation Data
VHIGH 77+102.852 144.888 r = (g2 - g1) / L: -5.0784
K = l / (g2 - g1): 19.6913
Middle Ordinate: -0.2285
Element: Linear
PVT 77+108.759 144.879 Tangent Grade: -0.30%
POE 77+822.921 142.737 Tangent Length: 714.1620

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APPENDIX D Facilities Room Requirements Matrix

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D.1 Introduction

D.1.1 Overview
(a) The Facilities Room Requirements Matrix provides a list of room requirements and programming
for Passenger and Customer Facilities and Non-Passenger Facilities.

D.1.2 Matrix Structure

(a) Facilities Room Requirements Matrix includes four tables:
(i) Room Requirements (Table 4.8-19) identifies standards and requirements applicable to
room design within Passenger and Customer Facilities and Non-Passenger Facilities;
(ii) Number of Rooms (Table 4.8-20) identifies names and number of rooms at each
Passenger and Customer Facilities;
(iii) Number of Rooms (Table 4.8-21) identifies names and number of rooms at each Non-
Passenger Facility; and
(iv) Allocation of Washroom Fixtures (Table 4.8-22) identifies number of fixtures to be
provided at each Staff Washroom.

D.1.3 Legend
1- Public Area
2 - Staff Room
3 - Leased Area
4 - Service Room - Electrical
5 - Service Room - Mechanical
6 - Service Room - Signal
7 - Service Room - Miscellaneous
8 - Ancillary Room
9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS)

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D.1.4 Room Requirements

Table 4.8-19. Room Requirements

Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
1- Public Area - 1.010 M Public Washrooms To provide, male and MX-DS-09 Per design Per design Per design Per reference Per reference Door hooks shall be Per reference documents
Paid 1.010 F Male & Female female washroom MX-DS-02 documents documents suicide and temper
facilities for Passengers. proof.

1- Public Area - 1.020 Public Washroom To provide facilities to MX-DS-09 Per design Per design Per design Per reference Per reference Door hooks shall be Per reference documents
Paid Universal serve both male and MX-DS-02 documents documents suicide and temper
female Passengers with proof.
physical or sensory
1 - Public Area 1.030 Main Entrance _ MX-DS-09 Per design Per design Min. ceiling Grade _ _ Per reference documents
MX-DS-02 height: 4.50m
1 - Public Area 1.040 Secondary Entrance _ MX-DS-09 Per design Per design Min. ceiling Grade _ _ Per reference documents
MX-DS-02 height: 4.50m
1 - Public Area 1.060 Emergency (2nd) To provide a secondary MX-DS-09 Per design Per design Per design Grade _ _ Per reference documents
Exit means of egress from MX-DS-02
Platform level to grade
1 - Public Area 1.070 Fare Control Areas To provide area for needs MX-DS-09 Per design Per design Min. ceiling Grade Per design _ Per reference documents
of Passengers entering and height: 4.00m Concourse
exiting the Station, fare at Concourse
purchase, waiting, and min.
information gathering and ceiling height:
Security. 4.50m at
1- Public Area - 1.080 Subway Platforms To provide an area for Schedule Refer to Refer to Min. ceiling Platform Adjacent to _ Refer to MX-DS-09
Paid customers to board and/or 15-3 Schedule 15- Schedule 15-3 height: 4.00m tracks
alight subway trains. MX-DS-09 3
1 - Public Area 1.090 Bus Platforms To provide an area for Schedule Per design Refer to Per design Per design _ _ Refer to MX-DS-09
customers to board and/or 15-3 Schedule 15-3
alight buses. MX-DS-09
1 - Public Area 1.100 Bus Waiting Area To provide an area for Schedule Per design Per design Min. ceiling Per design Adjacent to _ Refer to MX-DS-09
customers to wait for 15-3 height: 4.50m bus platforms
buses before arrival. MX-DS-09

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
1 - Public Area - 1.120 Integrated Secure To provide area to store Schedule To comply To comply To comply Refer to Refer to Refer to Schedule 15-3, Refer to MX-DS-09
Unpaid Bike Room3,5 bicycles near the Station 15-3 with the with the with the Schedule 15- Schedule 15- Table 3.23-12 for
entrance. requirements requirements requirements 3.23 3.23 number of bike parking.
City of of the of the of the
Toronto equipment equipment equipment
Guideline arrangement arrangement arrangement
1 - Public Area 1.130 Concourse _ Schedule Per design Per design Min. ceiling Concourse _ _ Refer to MX-DS-09
15-3 height: 4.00m
1 - Public Area 1.140 Area of Refuge7 Open floor area to allow Schedule Per design Per design Per design Per design Shall be _ Refer to MX-DS-09
customers who are unable 15-3 located along
to evacuate independently main escape
to wait in a place of core/route.
Safety, for assistance in an
1 - Public Area - 10.070 F Public Washrooms To provide, male and MX-DS-09 Per design Per design Per design Close to bus Located in Door hooks shall be Per reference documents
Bus Terminal 10.070 Male & Female female washroom MX-DS-02 platform level Unpaid area. suicide and temper
M facilities for Passengers. proof.
1 - Public Area - 10.080 Public Washroom To provide facilities to MX-DS-09 Per design Per design Per design Close to bus Located in Door hooks shall be Per reference documents
Bus Terminal G Universal serve both male and MX-DS-02 platform level Unpaid area. suicide and temper
female Passengers with proof.
physical or sensory
2 - Staff Room 2.010 Station Attendant To control communication Schedule To comply To comply Per design Same level as Close to fare The room shall allow Refer to MX-DS-09 for
Booth (SAB)1 equipment that reside in 15-3 with the with the fare control gates for one person finishes facing public areas.
the Station Attendant requirements requirements areas occupancy and Refer to TTC-DM 0402-04
Booth, to communicate of the of the miscellaneous storage. for interior finishes.
with the public by talk- equipment equipment The room shall be
through intercoms and to arrangement. arrangement. located on the right side
control the fare gates. The as the customer enters
SAB shall allow the the primary station
attendant to isolate from entry. The entry door
the public when required. shall not obstruct
pedestrian or customer
paths. Access routes of
a minimum of 1100mm
shall be maintained
within each SAB to
comply with AODA
requirements for
wheelchair access. The
access route to SAB

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
shall be barrier-free.
Space proofing for
potential installation of
TTC fare box shall be
coordinated with TTC
and approved by
Contracting Authority.
Refer to Schedule 15-3,
Section 3.27.4 for
2 - Staff Room 2.040 Train Operator's To provide a break/lunch TTC-DM- Per Per Reference Per design Per Reference Per _ Floor finishes: large format,
Lunchroom1 area for the train operators 0402-04 Reference Document Document Reference rectangular, non-slip high
and line service staff. Document Document performance porcelain tile,
size: large format (minimum
305mm x
1220mm), colour: light
grey, finish nonslip, with
required slip
resistance and as per
Reference Document
2 - Staff Room 2.050 Train Operator's To provide barrier free TTC-DM- Per design Per design Per design Per Reference Per Emergency push button Floor finishes: large format,
Universal washrooms for the use of 0402-04 Document Reference and audible and visual rectangular, non-slip high
Washrooms both male and female train Document signal shall be provided. performance porcelain tile,
operators. Refer to Table 4.8-22 of size: large format (minimum
APPENDIX D for 305mm x
washroom fixtures and 1220mm), colour: light
accessories. grey, finish nonslip, with
required slip
resistance and as per
Reference Document
2 - Staff Room 2.060 Bus Operator's To provide a break/lunch TTC-DM- Per design Per design Per design Per Reference Per If the room is shared Floor finishes: large format,
Lunchroom1 area for bus operators. 0402-04 Document Reference between multiple rectangular, non-slip high
Document agencies, doors shall be performance porcelain tile,
provided with dual key size: large format (minimum
locks. 305mm x
1220mm), colour: light
grey, finish nonslip, with
required slip
resistance and as per
Reference Document

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
2 - Staff Room 2.070 Bus Operator's To provide male and TTC-DM- Per design Per design Per design Per Reference Per If the room is shared Floor finishes: large format,
Washrooms – gender female barrier free 0402-04 Document Reference between multiple rectangular, non-slip high
neutral1 washrooms for the use of Document agencies, doors shall be performance porcelain tile,
bus operators and provided with dual key size: large format (minimum
inspectors at Stations that locks. Refer to Table 305mm x
are serving more than five 4.8-22 of APPENDIX D 1220mm), colour: light
bus routes. for washroom fixtures grey, finish nonslip, with
and accessories. required slip
resistance and as per
Reference Document
2 - Staff Room 2.080 Bus Operator's To provide universal TTC-DM- Per Per Reference Per design Per Reference Per If the room is shared Floor finishes: large format,
Universal washrooms primarily for 0402-04 Reference Document Document Reference between multiple rectangular, non-slip high
Washrooms1 the use of both male and Document Document agencies, doors shall be performance porcelain tile,
female bus operators and provided with electronic size: large format (minimum
inspectors at Stations. keypad door lock. Refer 305mm x
to Table 4.8-22 of 1220mm), colour: light
APPENDIX D for grey, finish nonslip, with
washroom fixtures and required slip
accessories. resistance and as per
Reference Document
2 - Staff Room 2.090 Bus Supervisor's To provide a room for bus TTC-DM- Per Per design Per design Per Reference Per Room shall be located Floor finishes: large format,
Room (previously inspector and to give 0402-04 Reference Document Reference on each Bus Terminal rectangular, non-slip high
Inspector's Room) customer service. Document Document Platform with clear performance porcelain tile,
sightlines of Bus Bays size: large format (minimum
305mm x
1220mm), colour: light
grey, finish nonslip, with
required slip
resistance and as per
Reference Document
2 - Staff Room 2.100 Staff Universal To provide universal TTC-DM- Per design Per design Per design Per Reference Per Refer to Table 4.8-22 of Floor finishes: large format,
Washrooms washrooms for staff 0402-04 Document Reference APPENDIX D for rectangular, non-slip high
working at the Subway Document washroom fixtures and performance porcelain tile,
Stations, and TPSS staff accessories. size: large format (minimum
working within Subway 305mm x
Stations. 1220mm), colour: light
grey, finish nonslip, with
required slip
resistance and as per
Reference Document

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
2 - Staff Room 2.100a Staff Washroom To provide washrooms for - Per design Per design Per design Concourse Room shall Room shall be no -
(gender neutral) staff working at the be located further than 45m from
Subway Stations. close to other other Staff Washrooms
Staff Change on the same level.
Rooms, Staff
Shower, and
Staff Change
2 - Staff Room 2.100b Staff Shower Room To provide gender neutral - Per design Per design Per design Concourse Room shall The room shall include -
(gender neutral) shower areas for staff be located shower and change area
working at the Subway close to other with the bench that
Stations. Staff Change could be locked from
Rooms, Staff inside.
Shower, and
Staff Change
2 - Staff Room 2.100c Staff Change Rooms To provide change areas - Per design Per design Per design Concourse Room shall Room shall -
(gender neutral) for staff working at the be located accommodate four
Subway Stations. close to other privacy stalls (900mm x
Staff Change 1350mm) that could be
Rooms, Staff locked from inside.
Shower, and
Staff Change
2 - Staff Room 2.110 Emergency Response To provide a storage of TTC-DM– Per Per design Per design Per Reference Per Room shell Per Reference Document
Room (ERR) body following sudden 0402-04 Reference Document Reference accommodate a
death, usually at Track Document Document stretcher (2010mm x
Level, to await attendance 610mm)
of body removal.
2 - Staff Room 2.120 Security Office To provide room for TTC-DM– Per Per design Per design Per Reference With close Workstations Per Reference Document
report/admin, 0402-04 Reference Document access to (computers)
communication, Document Public Areas CCTV monitors
investigation and lunch. to minimize Storage cabinets
the Stations for radio
circulation of charging
victims and Fridge
suspects Microwave
inside service Water cooler
corridors. Phone
Coat racks

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
2 - Staff Room 2.160 End of Line Cleaners To provide room at _ Per design Per design Per design Platform _ The room shall Refer to TTC-DM–0402-04,
Bin Storage – Platform level to store accommodate 4 garbage 4.8.10
Platform1,4 refuse bins containing bins and 2 recycling
trash collected during the bins 800mm x 700mm.
day from trains. The room shall not have
step-up or transition (for
wheeling bins).
2 - Staff Room 2.170 End of Line Cleaners To provide room at grade _ Per design Per design Per design Grade The room The room shall Refer to TTC-DM–0402-04,
Bin Storage – to store refuse bins shall be accommodate 30 bins 4.8.10
Grade1,3,4 containing trash collected easily 800mm x 700mm. End
from trains at Platform accessible of line Cleaners Bin
level. Transfer bins from street, Storage could be
nightly to grade level including combined with Refuse
storage room for pick up ramp/elevator Storage Room at grade
by Contractor. as necessary provided with
separation for
operational reasons. The
room shall not have
step-up or transition (for
wheeling bins). Two
double doors shall be
provided. One door
shall lock to floor and
other with necessary
access and locking
2 - Staff Room 2.180 End of Line Cleaners To provide room to store _ Per design Per design Per design Platform Janitor Room The room shall have _
Equipment Storage1,4 cleaning equipment for medium duty storage
use by end terminal cabinet. Room shall be
cleaning staff, when not in ventilated, and fire
use. rating shall be
appropriate for a room
storing cleaning
chemicals. End of line
Cleaner’s Equipment
Storage could be
combined with Janitor's
Room at Platform level
with separation and
access control. If rooms
are combined, min. area
of 11.00m2 shall be

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
provided. Cold and hot
water services, and hose
bibs shall be provided.
2 - Staff Room 2.190 End of Line Cleaners To provide office for end _ Per design Per design Per design Concourse Changerooms Area for two _
Forepersons Room1 of the line cleaning staff , foreperson, workstations with chairs
forepersons. supervisors and two guest chairs
shall be shall be provided. Air
clustered conditioning/heating
together. shall be provided.
2 - Staff Room 2.200 End of Line Cleaners To provide locker room _ Per design Per design Per design Concourse Changerooms The area for twenty (20) _
Locker and Uniform and changing area for end , foreperson, lockers full
Storage Room terminal cleaning staff and supervisors height 300mm wide x
(gender neutral)1 to provide area in which shall be 450mm deep and
laundry contractor can clustered 1830mm high) with
pick up and drop off work together. benches and twenty (20)
clothing. coat hooks shall be
provided at the
concourse level. The
room shall be
conditioned as per SRS
PA Technical, Schedule
15-3.20.6, Table 3.20-2.
Internal Space
Conditions. Area for
specialty locker for
laundry contractor,
enough for 35
employees shall be
2 - Staff Room 2.210 End of Line Cleaners To provide office for line _ Per design Per design Per design Concourse Changerooms Area for one _
Supervisors Room1 services supervisor. , foreperson, workstations with chairs
supervisors and two guest chairs
shall be shall be provided. Air
clustered conditioning/heating
together shall be provided.
2 - Staff Room 2.230 Station Staff To provide lunch area for _ Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design At Sheppard Station, Floor finishes: large format,
Lunchroom1,3 the use of Operation and area shall accommodate rectangular, non-slip high
Maintenance staff seating space for performance porcelain tile,
working at Subway minimum 12 staff. At size: large format (minimum
Stations, TPSS staff Lawrence and 305mm x
working within Subway Scarborough Centre
Stations, Signal Staff, and Station, area shall

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
Wiring Service accommodate seating 1220mm), colour: light
Electricians Staff. space for minimum 4 grey, finish nonslip, with
staff. required slip
resistance and as per TTC-
DM–0402-04, 4.2.6
2 - Staff Room 2.240 Zone Hub Room1 To provide central office _ 28.00 Per design Per design Grade Adjacent to Area for three
that is staffed by Station Concourse GSM Office, workstations shall be
Supervisors who manage DSM Office, provided with customer
Stations staff day-to-day Hub facing window.
duties. Kitchenette.
Room to
have access
to Zone Hub
2 - Staff Room 2.260 End of Line Cleaner's To provide area for _ 17.00 Per design Per design Per design _ _
Stock Room1 storing cleaning
2 - Staff Room 2.280 Zone Hub To provide area for meal _ Per design Per design Per design Grade Adjacent to The room shall have Refer to TTC-DM–0402-04,
Kitchenette1 heating, coffee/tea Concourse Zone Hub direct access to Zone 4.2.1
preparation, food storage Room, Hub Room.
and as a place to wash General
dishes. Office.
2 - Staff Room 2.290 Zone Office Room - To provide office for Zone _ 9.20 Per design Per design Grade Adjacent to The room shall have Refer to TTC-DM–0402-04,
General Station Group Station Manager to Concourse Deputy direct access to General 4.2.1
Manager (GSM) conduct day-to-day Station Office Space.
Room1 managerial duties. Manager
Office in
with Zone
Hub Room.
2 - Staff Room 2.300 Zone Office Room - To provide office for _ 7.20 Per design Per design Grade Adjacent to The room shall have Refer to TTC-DM–0402-04,
Deputy Station Deputy Station Manager Concourse Deputy direct access to General 4.2.1
Manager (DSM) to conduct day-to-day Station Office Space.
Room1 managerial duties. Manager
Office in
with Zone
Hub Room.
2 - Staff Room 2.310 Zone Hub - General To provide Room to be _ 20.00 Per design Per design Grade Adjacent to Room shall Refer to TTC-DM–0402-04,
Office1 used as a lunch and Concourse Zone Hub accommodate two 4.2.1
meeting space by Zone Room. workstation. Room shall
Hub personnel.

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
include tetra radio
charging stations.
2 - Staff Room - 10.100 GO Dispatcher's To provide room to be _ Per design Per design Per design Per design Adjacent to If room is located on the _
Bus Terminal Room4 used to transition from a GO Staff Platform level, floor
centralized model of Room. shall be elevated min.
dispatching drivers from 570mm above waiting
Garages to a ‘seat slide’ room floor level. If
model where drivers may room is located on other
transition on-route. Room levels, CCTV coverage
will be used by GO bus shall be provided. Room
drivers. shall be located
strategically for
visibility of Bus Bays.
2 - Staff Room - 10.180 GO Staff Back of Area for dispatcher, _ 22.73 4.50 x 5.00 Min. 3.60 and Per design _ Barrier-free work _
Bus Terminal House4 drivers, and Station max. 4.00 environment shall be
attendants, with shared provided.
washroom and kitchenette
2 - Staff Room 10.10Y YRT Supervisor’s To provide space for the _ Per design Per design Per design Room shall be In proximity Room shall _
(Inspector) Booth4, 7 YRT Bus Supervisor to located within to Bus accommodate space for
monitor bus operations direct sight of Operator’s York Region network
and provide customer the Bus Washrooms access, refer to Section
service to bus passengers. Platform. and 3.27.4. Area for two
Workstation, CCTV Lunchroom. workstations with chairs
monitors, microphone for shall be provided. A
platform announcements, customer facing
and place to charge radios window shall be
to be provided. provided.
3 - Leased Area 3.050 Retail Vending Hub To provide leasable space MX-DS-09 Per Per Reference Per Reference Per Reference Per _ Per Reference Document
for the convenience of the Reference Document Document Document Reference
Passengers and as a Document Document.
revenue generator. Final
shall be
with MX
3 - Leased Area 3.070 Mobile Coffee Carts2 To provide leasable space _ 2.25 1.50 x 1.50 Per design Paid zone past Shall be in Quantity to be Refer to MX-DS-09
for the convenience of the fare gates at highly visible confirmed with MX
grade. Could be areas, easily Non-Fare Revenue

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
Passengers and as a at identified and Group per Station.
revenue generator. Concourse/Trans accessed. Opportunities for retail
fer level. Final area shall be maximized
locations without increasing
shall be building area.
with MX
3 - Leased Area 3.080 Containers2 To provide leasable space _ 2.25 1.50 x 1.50 Per design Bus Terminal Shall be in Quantity to be Refer to MX-DS-09
for the convenience of the highly visible confirmed with MX
Passengers and as a areas, easily Non-Fare Revenue
revenue generator. identified and Group per Station.
accessed. Opportunities for retail
Final area shall be maximized
locations without increasing
shall be building area.
coordinated The Contractor shall
with MX provide:
Non-Fare - water and plumbing
Revenue - connection min. one
Group. power outlet per retail
- min. one data per retail
3 - Leased Area 3.090 Pop-Ups Retail2 To provide leasable space _ 9.30 3.05 x 3.05 Per design Paid Shall be in Quantity to be Refer to MX-DS-09
for the convenience of the Unpaid zone highly visible confirmed with MX
Passengers and as a areas, easily Non-Fare Revenue
revenue generator. identified and Group per Station.
accessed. Opportunities for retail
Final area shall be maximized
locations without increasing
shall be building area. Power
coordinated shall be placed in
with MX nearest wall away from
Non-Fare pedestrian flow areas.
Revenue The Contractor shall
Group. provide:
- water connection for
Pop-up Retail.

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
3 - Leased Area 3.100 Pop-Ups Retail To provide storage space _ 5.95 2.44 x 2.44 Per design Paid Final Quantity to be Refer to MX-DS-09
Storage2 for pop-up retail material. Unpaid zone locations confirmed with MX
shall be Non-Fare Revenue
coordinated Group per station.
with MX Opportunities for retail
Non-Fare area shall be maximized
Revenue without increasing
Group. building area.
3 - Leased Area 3.110 Mini - QSR2 To provide area for quick _ 37.00 Per design Per design Paid Shall be in One Mini-QSR per _
service restaurant (QSR). Unpaid zone highly visible station shall be
areas and provided. Opportunities
preferably for retail area shall be
with the maximized without
access from increasing building area.
unpaid areas. Mini - QSR shall
Locations include:
shall be - Service counter.
coordinated - Security grill to allow
with MX closing afterhours.
Non-Fare - Water - 1.5in cold
Revenue water with 65 to 85 psi.
Group. - Electrical - 200 to 250-
amp, 120 208 V 3P
- Wire with 84 circuit
- Plumbing drain = 4”
Mini - QSR shall not
include tables for
4 - Service 4.010 Passenger Station To provide distribution of TTC-DM– Per Per Reference Comply with Per Reference Per Fire Per Reference Document
Room - Electrical Room (AC AC power throughout the 0402-04 Reference Document and the Document Reference suppression/sprinkler
Electrical Switchboard Room) Station. Document to comply requirements Document System shall not be
and to with the of the implemented in rooms
comply with requirements equipment with LV, HV and DC
the of the arrangement traction equipment and
requirements equipment per Reference
of the arrangement. Document.

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
4 - Service 4.020 (AC) Switchgear To transfer incoming 27.6 TTC-DM– Per Per Reference Comply with Per Reference Per Fire Per Reference Document
Room - Room kV/13.8kV power to 600 0402-04 Reference Document and the Document Reference suppression/sprinkler
Electrical V/208 V for use in the Document to comply requirements Document System shall not be
Station power distribution and to with the of the implemented in rooms
System. comply with requirements equipment with LV, HV and DC
the of the arrangement traction equipment and
requirements equipment per Reference
of the arrangement. Document.
4 - Service 4.030 Emergency Power To supply emergency TTC-DM– Per Per Reference Comply with Per Reference Per Fire Per Reference Document
Room - (Battery) Room power to supervisory 0402-04 Reference Document and the Document Reference suppression/sprinkler
Electrical circuitry control, lighting Document to comply requirements Document System shall not be
and communication. and to with the of the implemented in rooms
comply with requirements equipment with LV, HV and DC
the of the arrangement traction equipment and
requirements equipment per Reference
of the arrangement. Document.
4 - Service 4.050 D.C. Tie Breaker To isolate power to TTC-DM– Per Per Reference Comply with Per Reference Per Fire Per Reference Document
Room - Room / D.C. Section sections of tracks. 0402-04 Reference Document and the Document Reference suppression/sprinkler
Electrical Breaker Room Document to comply requirements Document System shall not be
and to with the of the implemented in rooms
comply with requirements equipment with LV, HV and DC
the of the arrangement traction equipment and
requirements equipment per Reference
of the arrangement Document.
4 - Service 4.060 Communication To contain supervisory TTC-DM– Per Per Reference Comply with Concourse Per Refer to Schedule 15-3, Per Reference Document
Room - Equipment Room control and 0402-04 Reference Document and the Reference Section 3.27.4 for
Electrical communications Document to comply requirements Document Communication
equipment in a Station. and to with the of the Systems requirements.
comply with requirements equipment The Contractor shall
the of the arrangement ensure Communication
requirements equipment Equipment Room has
of the arrangement. double doors for
equipment transporting equipment.

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
4 - Service 4.070 Telephone To provide telephone TTC-DM– Per Per Reference Comply with Per Reference Per Refer to Schedule 15- Per Reference Document
Room - Equipment Room communication service to 0402-04 Reference Document and the Document Reference 3.27.5 for equipment
Electrical the Station. Document to comply requirements Document requirements.
and to with the of the
comply with requirements equipment
the of the arrangement
requirements equipment
of the arrangement.
4 - Service 4.080 Traction Power Cable To provide power TTC-DM– Per Per Reference Comply with Per Reference Per Fire Per Reference Document
Room - Room distribution between 0402-04 Reference Document and the Document Reference suppression/sprinkler
Electrical traction power substation Document to comply requirements Document System shall not be
and tracks. and to with the of the implemented in rooms
comply with requirements equipment with LV, HV and DC
the of the arrangement traction equipment and
requirements equipment per Reference
of the arrangement. Document.

4 - Service 4.090 Communication To provide workshop for TTC-DM– Per Per Reference Comply with Per Reference Per Per Reference Per Reference Document
Room - Maintenance Room communication equipment 0402-04 Reference Document and the Document Reference Document and refer to
Electrical repair. Document to comply requirements Document Schedule 15-3, Section
and to with the of the 3.27.4 for
comply with requirements equipment Communication
the of the arrangement Systems requirements
requirements equipment
of the arrangement.
4 - Service 4.110 Wiring and Service To provide area to store TTC-DM– Per Per Reference Comply with Per Reference Per Per Reference Per Reference Document
Room - Electrician's Storage equipment, ladders, job 0402-04 Reference Document and the Document Reference Document
Electrical Room boxes and spare parts used Document to comply requirements Document
by Wiring & Service and to with the of the
electricians. comply with requirements equipment
the of the arrangement
requirements equipment
of the arrangement.

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Systems DPA Execution Version

Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
4 - Service 4.120 Wiring and Service To provide a lockable TTC-DM– Per Per Reference Per design Per Reference Room shall The area for six (6) Per Reference Document
Room - Electrician's Change change area for Wiring & 0402-04 Reference Document Document be located lockers full
Electrical Room – gender Service electricians. Document close to other height (300mm wide x
neutral Staff Change 450mm deep and
Rooms, Staff 1830mm high) and six
Washrooms, (6) coat hooks shall be
and Staff provided.
4 - Service 4.130 Wiring and Service To provide workshop and TTC-DM– Per Per Reference Per design Per Reference Per Per Reference Per Reference Document
Room - Electrician's storage for electrical 0402-04 Reference Document Document Reference Document
Electrical Maintenance Room maintenance staff. Document Document
4 - Service 4.140 Wiring and Service To provide field office for TTC-DM– Per Per Reference Per design Per Reference Per Per Reference Per Reference Document
Room - Electrical Staff Office Wiring & Service 0402-04 Reference Document Document Reference Document
Electrical electrical supervisory Document Document
4 - Service 4.150 Communication To pull the cables from _ Comply with Comply with 3.40 and to Platform One room Refer to Schedule 15- Refer to TTC-DM–0402-04,
Room - Cable Pull Room4 the Tunnel Guideway and the the comply with shall be 3.27.5 for equipment 4.4.6
Electrical reroute them to the requirements requirements the provided requirements.
Communications of the of the requirements towards to
Equipment Room. equipment equipment of the each end of
arrangement. arrangement. equipment the Platform.
4 - Service 4.160 Communications To provide a tie-in point _ Comply with Comply with 3.40 and to Grade Comply with Refer to Schedule 15- Refer to TTC-DM–0402-04,
Room - Satellite Rooms4, 7 when the distances the the comply with Concourse the 3.27.5 for equipment 4.4.6
Electrical between communication requirements requirements the requirements requirements. Room at
equipment are longer than of the of the requirements of the the platform level could
90m. equipment equipment of the equipment be combined with
arrangement. arrangement. equipment arrangement. 4.150-Communication
arrangement. Cable Pull Room. Room
shall accommodate
space for YRT
4 - Service 4.170 UPS Room4 To house UPS equipment. _ Comply with Comply with 3.00 and to Grade Close to Fire Refer to TTC-DM–0402-04,
Room - the the comply with Concourse or Emergency suppression/sprinkler 4.4.1
Electrical requirements requirements the Landing Power System shall not be
of the of the requirements (Battery) implemented in rooms
equipment equipment of the Room. with LV, HV and DC
arrangement. arrangement. equipment traction equipment.

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
4 - Service 4.200 Electrical Closet4 _ _ Comply with Comply with 3.00 and to Per design Comply with Fire Refer to TTC-DM–0402-04,
Room - the the comply with the suppression/sprinkler 4.4.1
Electrical requirements requirements the requirements System shall not be
of the of the requirements of the implemented in rooms
equipment equipment of the equipment with LV, HV and DC
arrangement. arrangement. equipment arrangement. traction equipment.
4 - Service 4.250 AC Cable Pull _ _ Comply with Comply with 3.00 and Per design Comply with Fire Refer to TTC-DM–0402-04,
Room - Room4 the the according to the suppression/sprinkler 4.4.1
Electrical requirements requirements the equipment requirements System shall not be
of the of the of the implemented in rooms
equipment equipment equipment with LV, HV and DC
arrangement. arrangement. arrangement. traction equipment.
4 - Service 4.260 Electrical Closet Electrical closet at EEB _ Comply with Comply with 2.80 and to Platform Comply with Fire Refer to TTC-DM–0402-04,
Room - (EEB) 4 the the comply with the suppression/sprinkler 4.4.1
Electrical requirements requirements the requirements System shall not be
of the of the requirements of the implemented in rooms
equipment equipment of the equipment with LV, HV and DC
arrangement. arrangement. equipment arrangement. traction equipment.
Equipment Equipment arrangement.
arrangement. arrangement.
4 - Service 4.270 Tunnel Ventilation _ _ Comply with Comply with 3.00 and to Per design Comply with Fire Refer to TTC-DM–0402-04,
Room - Electrical Room4 the the comply with the suppression/sprinkler 4.4.1
Electrical requirements requirements the requirements System shall not be
of the of the requirements of the implemented in rooms
equipment equipment of the equipment with LV, HV and DC
arrangement. arrangement. equipment arrangement. traction equipment.
4 - Service 4.290 Electrical Room _ _ Comply with Comply with 3.00 and to Track Level _ _ Refer to TTC-DM–0402-04,
Room - (ESB)4 the the comply with 4.4.1
Electrical requirements requirements the
of the of the requirements
equipment equipment of the
arrangement. arrangement. equipment
5 - Service 5.010 Sump Pump Rooms To locate the sanitary TTC-DM– Per Comply with Comply with Per Reference Comply with _ Per Reference Document
Room - pump sump where 0402-04 Reference the the Document the
Mechanical sanitary Drainage will Document requirements requirements requirements
collect prior to discharge and to of the of the of the
to city sewers. comply with equipment equipment equipment
the arrangement. arrangement. arrangement.

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Systems DPA Execution Version

Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
of the
5 - Service 5.020 Scrubber Machine To store Scrubber TTC-DM– Per Comply with Comply with Per Reference Comply with Per Reference Per Reference Document
Room - Room Machine. 0402-04 Reference the the Document the Document
Mechanical Document requirements requirements requirements
and to of the of the of the
comply with equipment equipment equipment
the arrangement. arrangement. arrangement.
of the
5 - Service 5.040 Valve Room To contain sprinkler TTC-DM– Comply with Comply with Comply with Per Reference Comply with _ Per Reference Document
Room - valves, standpipe valves, 0402-04 the the the Document the
Mechanical backflow preventers, and requirements requirements requirements requirements
water meter and, if of the of the of the of the
required, fire booster equipment equipment equipment equipment
pump. arrangement arrangement. arrangement. arrangement.
5 - Service 5.060 HVAC Room To contain Station TTC-DM– Comply with Comply with Comply with Per Reference Comply with Room shall Per Reference Document
Room - ventilation equipment. 0402-04 the the the Document the accommodate an air
Mechanical requirements requirements requirements requirements filter storage space to
of the of the of the of the store one round of filter
equipment equipment equipment equipment replacement for all air
arrangement. arrangement. arrangement. arrangement. handling equipment.
5 - Service 5.070 Subway Ventilation To contain subway TTC-DM– Per Comply with Comply with Per Reference Comply with _ Per Reference Document
Room - Room ventilation equipment 0402-04 Reference the the Document the
Mechanical (emergency ventilation, Document requirements requirements requirements
fan/silencer assemblies and to of the of the of the
and associated electrical comply with equipment equipment equipment
panels, dampers, etc.). the arrangement. arrangement. arrangement.
of the
5 - Service 5.090 Subway Ventilation To house all fan control _ Comply with Comply with Comply with Comply with the Comply with Fire Refer to TTC-DM-0402-04,
Room - Control equipment, like MCCs, the the the requirements of the suppression/sprinkler 4.4.1
Mechanical Equipment Room VFDs, SVCPs and PLC requirements requirements requirements the equipment requirements System shall not be
racks, which need to be of the of the of the arrangement. of the implemented in rooms
climate controlled. equipment equipment equipment equipment with LV, HV and DC
arrangement. arrangement. arrangement. arrangement. traction equipment.

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
5 - Service 5.100 Green Roof Irrigation _ _ Comply with Comply with Comply with Comply with the Per design _ _
Room - Room the the the requirements of
Mechanical requirements requirements requirements the equipment
of the of the of the arrangement.
equipment equipment equipment
arrangement. arrangement. arrangement.
5 - Service 5.110 Equipment Removal _ _ Comply with Comply with Comply with Comply with the Comply with _ _
Room - Shaft the the the requirements of the
Mechanical requirements requirements requirements the equipment requirements
of the of the of the arrangement. of the
equipment equipment equipment equipment
arrangement. arrangement. arrangement. arrangement.
5 - Service 5.120 Ventilation Shaft _ TTC-DM- Per Comply with Comply with Per Reference Per _ Per Reference Document
Room - 0402-04 Reference the the Document Reference
Mechanical Document requirements requirements Document
of the of the
equipment equipment
arrangement. arrangement.
5 - Service 5.140 Boiler Room4 Room dedicated to storing _ Comply with Comply with Comply with Grade Comply with The room shall include _
Room - mechanical equipment for the the the the louvres for ventilation
Mechanical hydronic snow melt requirements requirements requirements requirements and exhaust,
System serving the Bus of the of the of the of the combustion air intake
Terminal Platform areas. equipment equipment equipment equipment and high-level vent
arrangement. arrangement. arrangement. arrangement through the wall,
equipment access door,
concrete pads for
equipment., 120V AC
lighting with the manual
switch, 120V AC
convenience receptacles
(minimum one),
Egress/evacuation lights
& Exit lights.
6 - Service 6.010 Operations To house the Local TTC-DM- Per Comply with Comply with Per Reference Per Per Reference Per Reference Document
Room - Signal Supervisor Room Auxiliary Interlocking 0402-04 Reference the the Document Reference Document
(name in TTC DM: Panel - for local switch Document requirements requirements Document
Local Tower Room) control. of the of the
equipment equipment
arrangement. arrangement.
6 - Service 6.020 Signal Relay Room To contain signal System TTC-DM- Per Comply with Comply with Per Reference Per Per Reference Per Reference Document
Room - Signal equipment and relay 0402-04 Reference the the Document Reference Document
racks. Document requirements requirements Document

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
of the of the
equipment equipment
arrangement. arrangement.
6 - Service 6.030 Signal Power Supply To supply power to relay TTC-DM- Per Comply with Comply with Per Reference Per Per Reference Per Reference Document
Room - Signal Room room and to signal 0402-04 Reference the the Document Reference Document
System. Document requirements requirements Document
of the of the
equipment equipment
arrangement. arrangement.
6 - Service 6.040 Zone Control Panel To provide standby signal TTC-DM- Per Comply with Comply with Per Reference Per Per Reference Per Reference Document
Room - Signal Room control for section of line. 0402-04 Reference the the Document Reference Document
Document requirements requirements Document
of the of the
equipment equipment
arrangement. arrangement.
6 - Service 6.050 Signal Inverter Room To contain power TTC-DM- Per Comply with Comply with Per Reference Per Per Reference Per Reference Document
Room - Signal equipment for signal 0402-04 Reference the the Document Reference Document
power supply. Document requirements requirements Document
of the of the
equipment equipment
arrangement. arrangement.
6 - Service 6.0601,3,4 Signal Maintainer's To provide area to store TTC-DM- 14.00 Comply with Comply with Per Reference Per Per Reference Per Reference Document
Room - Signal Storage Room equipment and spare parts. 0402-04 the the Document Reference Document
requirements requirements Document
of the of the
equipment equipment
arrangement. arrangement.
6 - Service 6.080 Signal Maintainer's To provide a lockable TTC-DM- Per Per design Per design Concourse Room shall The area for twelve (12) Per Reference Document
Room - Signal Change Rooms – change area for signal 0402-04 Reference be located lockers full
gender neutral Maintainers. Document close to other height 300mm wide x
Staff Change 450mm deep and
Rooms, Staff 1830mm high) and
Washrooms, twelve (12) coat hooks
and Staff shall be provided.
6 - Service 6.0901,3,4 Signal Maintainer's To provide workshop for TTC-DM- 36.00 Per design Per design Per Reference Per Per Reference Per Reference Document
Room - Signal Maintenance Room signal Maintainers. 0402-04 Document Reference Document
6 - Service 6.100 Signal Equipment For future ATC Provisions _ Comply with Comply with Comply with Platform Per design Specified terminal Refer to TTC-DM-0402-04,
Room Signal Room4 the the the Stations. 4.6.2
Equipment requirements requirements requirements
Room4- Signal of the of the of the

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
equipment equipment equipment
arrangement. arrangement. arrangement.
7 - Service 7.010 Janitor Closet To store janitor's TTC-DM- Per Per design Per design Per Reference Per Per Reference Per Reference Document
Room - equipment, tools and 0402-04 Reference Document Reference Document. Janitor's
Miscellaneous washroom supply. Document Document Room could be
combined with End of
Line Cleaner’s
Equipment Storage at
Platform level with
separation and access
control. If rooms are
combined, min. area of
11.00m2 shall be
7 - Service 7.020 Janitor's Change To provide a lockable TTC-DM- Per Per Reference Per design Per Reference Close to The area for four (4) Per Reference Document
Room - Rooms – gender room for the Station 0402-04 Reference Document Document other Staff lockers full
Miscellaneous neutral janitors to change from Document Change height 300mm wide x
street clothes to working Rooms, Staff 450mm deep and
clothes. Washrooms, 1830mm high) and four
and Staff (4) coat hooks shall be
Shower provided.
7 - Service 7.050 Fire Prevention To contain workshop and TTC-DM- Per Per design Per design Per Reference Per design Per Reference Per Reference Document
Room - Room storage for fire 0402-04 Reference Document Document
Miscellaneous extinguishers and hoses. Document
8 - Ancillary 8.020 Elevator Control To provide an area to _ Comply with Comply with Comply with Per design Per design _ Refer to TTC-DM–0402-04,
Room Room (MRL house the controller unit the the the 4.8.2
Passenger Elevator) 4 for two elevators requirements requirements requirements
of the of the of the
equipment equipment equipment
arrangement. arrangement. arrangement.
8 - Ancillary 8.040 Escalator Service To provide an area to _ Comply with Comply with Headroom: Per design _ _ Refer to TTC-DM–0402-04,
Room Rooms4 house the controller unit the the 2.10m and to 4.8.4
and the lubricator for two requirements requirements comply with
escalators. of the of the the
equipment equipment requirements
arrangement. arrangement. of the
8- Ancillary 8.050 Escalator Storage To provide an area to TTC-DM- Comply with Comply with Headroom: Per Reference Per _ Per Reference Document
Room Room4 house the controller unit 0402-04 the the 2.10m and to Document Reference
and the lubricator. requirements requirements comply with Document
of the of the the

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
equipment equipment requirements
arrangement. arrangement. of the
8 - Ancillary 8.100 Refuse Storage To store Station, refuse TTC-DM- Per design Per design Per design Grade Per The room shall Per Reference Document
Room Room4 until collection. 0402-04 Reference accommodate 4 garbage
Document bins and 2 recycling
bins 800mm x 700mm.
Refuse Storage Room
could be combined with
End of line Cleaners
Bin Storage at grade
provided with
separation for
operational reasons. The
room shall not have
step-up or transition (for
wheeling bins).
Refuse Storage Room
location shall not
impede pedestrian
traffic nor the
operations of the bus
terminal. Location shall
be accessible from the
interior of the Station
and has access to a
8 - Ancillary 8.110 Line Mechanic's To provide an office and TTC-DM- Per Per Reference Per design Per Reference Per Per Reference Per Reference Document
Room Service Room4 storage space to line 0402-04 Reference Document Document Reference Document
mechanics. Document Document
8 - Ancillary 8.120 Track Patrol Room4 To store working TTC-DM Per Per design Per design Platform/Conco Per Per Reference Per Reference Document
Room equipment and tools of Reference urs Reference Document
track patrol. Document Document
8 - Ancillary 8.160 Elevator Shaft4 To provide accessibility. _ Comply with Comply with Comply with _ Comply with Elevator cabs shall _
Room the the the the accommodate a mobile
requirements requirements requirements requirements stretcher.
of the of the of the of the
equipment equipment equipment equipment
arrangement. arrangement. arrangement. arrangement.

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
8 - Ancillary 10.060 Maintenance Room4 To store materials for both _ 15.00 and to Comply with Comply with Bus Terminal Direct access Room shall _
Room - Bus facilities, and to provide comply with the the to building accommodate space for
Terminal space for maintenance. the requirements requirements interior a walk-behind-Scrubber
requirements of the of the (1370 mm x 610 mm x
of the equipment equipment 1140 mm) and space for
equipment arrangement. arrangement. a mop bucket (610 mm
arrangement. x 460 mm x 460 mm).
9 - Electrical 9.010 Utility Incoming Line To house Hydro metering TTC-DM– Per Comply with Comply with Per Reference Per _ Per Reference Document
Substation Metering Room equipment. 0402-04 Reference the the Document Reference
(TPSS) Document requirements requirements Document
of the of the
equipment equipment
arrangement arrangement
9 - Electrical 9.020 Control Room and To house high voltage AC TTC-DM– Per Comply with Comply with Per Reference Per Fire Per Reference Document
Substation AC Switchgear Room switchgear, DC 0402-04 Reference the the Document Reference suppression/sprinkler
(TPSS) switchgear, supervisory Document requirements requirements Document System shall not be
control cabinet. of the of the implemented in rooms
equipment equipment with LV, HV and DC
arrangement arrangement traction equipment and
per Reference
9 - Electrical 9.030 Traction Power To house cables and TTC-DM– Comply with Comply with Per Reference Per Reference Per Per Reference Per Reference Document
Substation Substation Cable pulling chamber. 0402-04 the the Document Document Reference Document. Fire
(TPSS) Room/Pits requirements requirements Document suppression/sprinkler
of the of the System shall not be
equipment equipment implemented in rooms
arrangement. arrangement. with LV, HV and DC
traction equipment and
per Reference
9 - Electrical 9.040 Traction Power To provide DC power TTC-DM– Per Per Reference Comply with Per Reference Per Per Reference Per Reference Document
Substation Substation Battery supply to switchgear. 0402-04 Reference Document the Document Reference Document. Fire
(TPSS) and Charger Room Document requirements Document suppression/sprinkler
of the System shall not be
equipment implemented in rooms
arrangement. with LV, HV and DC
traction equipment and
per Reference
9 - Electrical 9.050 Staff Universal To provide gender-neutral TTC-DM– Per Per design Per design Per Reference Per The room shall be Floor finishes: large format,
Substation Washroom and barrier-free washroom 0402-04 Reference Document Reference gender-neutral and rectangular, non-slip high
(TPSS) Document Document barrier-free and does not

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
for both male and female require space provision performance porcelain tile,
working in substation. for adult change table. size: large format (minimum
305mm x
1220mm), colour: light
grey, finish nonslip, with
required slip
resistance and as per
Reference Document
9 - Electrical 9.060 Staff Lunchroom To provide lunch area to TTC-DM– Per Per design Per design Per Reference Per Per Reference Per Reference Document
Substation personnel working in 0402-04 Reference Document Reference Document
(TPSS) substation. Document Document
9 - Electrical 9.070 Rectifier Room To house the DC TTC-DM– Per Comply with Comply with Per Reference Per Fire Per Reference Document
Substation rectifiers. 0402-04 Reference the the Document Reference suppression/sprinkler
(TPSS) Document requirements requirements Document System shall not be
and to of the of the implemented in rooms
comply with equipment equipment with LV, HV and DC
the arrangement. arrangement. traction equipment and
requirements per Reference
of the Document.
9 - Electrical 9.080 Transformer Yard/ To house transformers. TTC-DM– Per Comply with Comply with Per Reference Per Fire Per Reference Document
Substation Room 0402-04 Reference the the Document Reference suppression/sprinkler
(TPSS) Document requirements requirements Document System shall not be
of the of the implemented in rooms
equipment equipment with LV, HV and DC
arrangement. arrangement. traction equipment and
per Reference
9 - Electrical 9.090 Storage Room To provide room for TTC-DM– Per Per design Per design Per Reference Per design _ Per Reference Document
Substation equipment and spare parts. 0402-04 Reference Document
(TPSS) Document
9 - Electrical 9.100 Mechanical Room4 To house HVAC and _ Comply with Comply with 4.50 and to TPSS Comply with _ Refer to TTC-DM–0402-04,
Substation Mechanical equipment for the the comply with the 4.5.6
(TPSS) TPSS building. requirements requirements the requirements
of the of the requirements of the
equipment equipment of the equipment
arrangement arrangement. equipment arrangement.

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Room Programming Summary Room Requirements
Room Room Descriptions and Min. Room Room Min. Clear
Room Type or Room Name Functional Area Dimension Height Location Adjacencies Remarks Finishes
Area ID Requirements (m²) (m x m) (m)
9 - Electrical 9.140 Communications _ _ Comply with Comply with 3.00 and to TPSS Comply with _ Refer to TTC-DM–0402-04,
Substation Equipment Room4 the the comply with the 4.4.6
(TPSS) requirements requirements the requirements
of the of the requirements of the
equipment equipment of the equipment
arrangement. arrangement equipment arrangement.
9 - Electrical 9.160 Electrical Room4 To house the switchgear, _ Comply with Comply with Comply with TPSS Comply with Fire Refer to TTC-DM–0402-04,
Substation panelboard, lighting the the the the suppression/sprinkler 4.4.1
(TPSS) controls and or portable requirements requirements requirements requirements System shall not be
transformers of the of the of the of the implemented in rooms
equipment equipment equipment equipment with LV, HV and DC
arrangement. arrangement. arrangement. arrangement. traction equipment.
9 - Electrical 9.170 Water Meter Room4 _ _ Comply with Comply with Comply with TPSS Comply with _ _
Substation the the the the
(TPSS) requirements requirements requirements requirements
of the of the of the of the
equipment equipment equipment equipment
arrangement. arrangement arrangement. arrangement.

9 - Electrical 9.180 Misc. Traction Power _ _ Comply with Comply with 5.00 and to TPSS Comply with To house: drain _
Substation Equipment Room4 the the comply with the switches, blocking
(TPSS) requirements requirements the requirements diodes, ground bus,
of the of the requirements of the negative bus and
equipment equipment of the equipment FNAGS.
arrangement. arrangement. equipment arrangement. Fire
arrangement. suppression/sprinkler
System shall not be
implemented in rooms
with LV, HV and DC
traction equipment.
1 [Note to Dev Co: under discussion] The room requirements were received from TTC and are subject to change through future coordination and review with TTC.
2 [Note to Dev Co: under discussion] The room requirements were received from Metrolinx Non-Fare Revenue group and are subject to change through review and coordination with Metrolinx Non-Fare Revenue group.
3 [Note to Dev Co: under discussion] The room requirements are dependent on Operation and Maintenance allocation and are subject to change based on future Operation and Maintenance agreements.
4 [Note to Dev Co: under discussion] The room shall be designed to meet Systems, Electrical, Mechanical, Operation and Maintenance requirements and to comply with the requirements of the equipment arrangement.
5 [Note to Dev Co: under discussion] The room requirements and standards applicability are subject to coordination with the City of Toronto.
6 [Note to Dev Co: under discussion] Requirements under discussion and subject to change.
7[Note to Dev Co: under discussion] Room requirements relating to YRT are under discussion and subject to change based on further coordination between Contracting Authority and YRT.

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D.1.5 Number of Rooms - Passenger and Customer Facilities

Table 4.8-20. Number of Rooms - Passenger and Customer Facilities

Room Programming Summary Minimum Number of Rooms

Room Type Room ID Room Name Lawrence East Station Scarborough Centre Station Sheppard East Station

1.010 M 1 for Male

1- Public Area - Paid Public Washrooms - Male & Female 0 0
1.010 F
1 for Female
1- Public Area - Paid 1.020 Universal Public Washroom 0 0 1

1 - Public Area 1.030 Main Entrance 1 1 1

1 - Public Area 1.040 Secondary Entrance 1 0 0

1 - Public Area 1.060 Emergency (2nd) Exit Per design Per design Per design

1 - Public Area 1.070 Fare Control Areas Per design Per design Per design

1- Public Area - Paid 1.080 Subway Platforms 2 2 1

1 - Public Area 1.090 Bus Platforms Per design Per design Per design

1 - Public Area 1.100 Enclosed Bus Waiting Area Per design Per design Per design

1 - Public Area - Unpaid 1.120 Integrated Secure Bike Room3,4 1 1 1

1 - Public Area 1.130 Concourse 1 1 1

1 - Public Area 1.140 Area of Refuge5 Per design Per design Per design

1 - Public Area - Bus Terminal 10.070 F Public Washrooms

10.070 M Male & Female 0 1 0

1 - Public Area - Bus Terminal 10.080 Public Washroom 0 1 0

2 - Staff Room 2.010 Station Attendant Booth1 1 1 1

2 - Staff Room 2.040 Train Operator's Lunchroom1 0 0 1

2 - Staff Room 2.050 Train Operator's Universal Washrooms 0 0 1

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Room Programming Summary Minimum Number of Rooms

Room Type Room ID Room Name Lawrence East Station Scarborough Centre Station Sheppard East Station

2 - Staff Room 2.060 Bus Operator's Lunchroom1 Per design Per design Per design

2 - Staff Room 2.070 Bus Operator's Washrooms – gender neutral1 Refer to Schedule 15- Refer to Schedule 15- Refer to Scheduled 15-

2 - Staff Room 2.080 Bus Operator’s Universal Washroom1 Refer to Schedule 15- Refer to Scheduled 15- Refer to Schedule 15-

2 - Staff Room 2.090 Bus Supervisor's Room (previously 0 Per design Per design
Inspector's Room)
2 - Staff Room 2.100 Staff Universal Washrooms 1 1 1

2 - Staff Room 2.100a Staff Washroom (gender neutral) 0 0 1

2 - Staff Room 2.100b Staff Shower Room (gender neutral) 0 0 1

2 - Staff Room 2.100c Staff Change Room (gender neutral) 0 0 1

2 - Staff Room 2.110 Emergency Response Room (ERR) 2 2 1

2 - Staff Room 2.120 Security Office1 0 1 0

2 - Staff Room 2.160 End of Line Cleaners Bin Storage1 0 0 1

2 - Staff Room 2.170 End of Line Cleaners Bin Storage1 0 0 1

2 - Staff Room 2.180 End of Line Cleaners Equipment Storage1 0 0 1

(North and South)
2 - Staff Room 2.190 End of Line Cleaners Forepersons Room1 0 0 1

End of Line Cleaners Locker and Uniform

2 - Staff Room 2.200 0 0 1
Storage Room (gender neutral) 1

2 - Staff Room 2.210 End of Line Cleaners Supervisors Room1 0 0 1

2 - Staff Room 2.230 Station Staff Lunchroom1 1 1 1

2 - Staff Room 2.240 Zone Hub Room1 0 1 0

2 - Staff Room 2.260 End of Line Cleaner's Stock Room1 0 0 1

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Room Programming Summary Minimum Number of Rooms

Room Type Room ID Room Name Lawrence East Station Scarborough Centre Station Sheppard East Station

2 - Staff Room 2.280 Zone Hub Kitchenette1 0 1 0

2 - Staff Room 2.290 Zone Hub - General Station Manager Room1 0 1 0

2 - Staff Room 2.300 Zone Hub – Deputy Station Manager Room1 0 1 0

2 - Staff Room 2.310 Zone Hub – General Office Room1 0 1 0

2 - Staff Room - Bus Terminal 10.100 Dispatcher's Room 0 1 0

2 - Staff Room - Bus Terminal 10.180 GO Staff Back of House 0 1 0

2 - Staff Room 10.10Y YRT Supervisor’s (Inspector) Booth6 0 0 1

3 - Leased Area 3.050 Retail Vending Hub Per design Per design Per design

3 - Leased Area 3.070 Mobile Coffee Carts2 Per design Per design Per design

3 - Leased Area 3.080 Containers2 Per design Per design Per design

3 - Leased Area 3.090 Pop-Ups Retail2 Per design Per design Per design

3 - Leased Area 3.100 Pop-Ups Retail2 Storage Per design Per design Per design

3 - Leased Area 3.110 Mini - QSR2 1 1 1

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.010 Passenger Station Electrical Room (AC 1 1 1

Switchboard Room)
4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.020 (AC) Switchgear Room 1 1 1

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.030 Emergency Power (Battery) Room 1 1 1

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.060 Communication Equipment Room 1 1 1

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.070 Telephone Equipment Room 1 1 1

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.080 Traction Power Cable Room 1 1 1

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Room Programming Summary Minimum Number of Rooms

Room Type Room ID Room Name Lawrence East Station Scarborough Centre Station Sheppard East Station

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.090 Communication Maintenance Room 0 0 1

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.110 Wiring and Service Electrician's Storage 1 1 1

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.120 Wiring and Service Electrician's Change 0 0 1
Room – gender neutral
4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.130 Wiring and Service Electrician's Maintenance 0 0 1
4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.140 Wiring and Service Electrical Staff Office 0 0 1

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.150 Communication Cable Pull Room Per design Per design Per design

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.160 Communications Satellite Rooms Per design Per design Per design

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.170 UPS Room 1 1 1

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.200 Electrical Closet Per design Per design Per design

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.250 AC Cable Pull Room 2 2 1

5 - Service Room - Mechanical 5.010 Sump Pump Rooms Per design Per design Per design

5 - Service Room - Mechanical 5.020 Scrubber Machine Room 1 1 1

5 - Service Room - Mechanical 5.040 Valve Room Per design Per design Per design

5 - Service Room - Mechanical 5.060 HVAC Room Per design Per design Per design

5 - Service Room - Mechanical 5.070 Subway Ventilation Room 2 2 2

5 - Service Room - Mechanical 5.090 Subway Ventilation Control Per design Per design Per design
Equipment Room
5 - Service Room - Mechanical 5.100 Green Roof Irrigation Room Per design Per design Per design

5 - Service Room - Mechanical 5.110 Equipment Removal Shaft Per design Per design Per design

5 - Service Room - Mechanical 5.120 Ventilation Shaft Per design Per design Per design

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Room Programming Summary Minimum Number of Rooms

Room Type Room ID Room Name Lawrence East Station Scarborough Centre Station Sheppard East Station

5 - Service Room - Mechanical 5.140 Boiler Room Per design Per design Per design

6 - Service Room - Signal 6.010 Operations Supervisor Room 1 1 1

(name in TTC DM: Local Tower Room)
6 - Service Room - Signal 6.020 Signal Relay Room 1 1 1

6 - Service Room - Signal 6.030 Signal Power Supply Room 1 1 1

6 - Service Room - Signal 6.040 Zone Control Panel Room 0 0 1

6 - Service Room - Signal 6.050 Signal Inverter Room 1 1 1

6 - Service Room - Signal 6.060 Signal Maintainer's Storage Room 0 0 1

6 - Service Room - Signal 6.080 Signal Maintainer's Change Rooms – gender 0 0 1

6 - Service Room - Signal 6.090 Signal Maintainer's Maintenance Room 0 0 1

6 - Service Room - Signal 6.100 Signal Equipment Room 1 1 1

7 - Service Room - Miscellaneous 7.010 Janitor Closet Per design Per design Per design

7 - Service Room - Miscellaneous 7.020 Janitor's Change Rooms – gender neutral 1 1 1

7 - Service Room - Miscellaneous 7.050 Fire Prevention Room 0 0 1

8 - Ancillary Room 8.020 Elevator Control Room (MRL Passenger Per design Per design Per design
8 - Ancillary Room 8.040 Escalator Service Rooms Per design Per design Per design

Ancillary Room 8.050 Escalator Storage Room 1 1 1

8 - Ancillary Room 8.100 Refuse Storage Room 1 1 1

8 - Ancillary Room 8.110 Line Mechanic's Service Room 0 0 1

8 - Ancillary Room 8.120 Track Patrol Room 0 0 1

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Room Programming Summary Minimum Number of Rooms

Room Type Room ID Room Name Lawrence East Station Scarborough Centre Station Sheppard East Station

8 - Ancillary Room 8.160 Elevator Shaft Per design Per design Per design

8 - Ancillary Room - Bus Terminal 10.060 Maintenance Room 0 1 0

9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.010 Utility Incoming Line Metering Room 1 1 1

9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.020 Control Room and AC Switchgear Room 1 1 1

9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.040 Traction Power Substation Battery and 1 1 1

Charger Room
9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.050 Staff Universal Washroom 1 1 1

9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.070 Rectifier Room 1 1 1

9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.080 Transformer Yard/ Room 1 1 1

9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.090 Storage Room 0 0 1

9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.100 Mechanical Room 1 1 1

9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.140 Communications Equipment Room 1 1 1

9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.170 Water Meter Room 1 1 1

9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.180 Misc. Traction Power Equipment Room 1 1 1

1 [Note to Dev Co: under discussion] The room requirements were received from TTC and are subject to change through future coordination and review with TTC.
2 [Note to Dev Co: under discussion] The room requirements were received from Metrolinx Non-Fare Revenue group and are subject to change through review and coordination with Metrolinx Non-Fare Revenue group.
3 [Note to Dev Co: under discussion] The room requirements are dependent on Operation and Maintenance allocation and are subject to change based on future Operation and Maintenance agreements.
4 [Note to Dev Co: under discussion] The room requirements and standards applicability are subject to coordination with the City of Toronto.
5 [Note to Dev Co: under discussion] Requirements under discussion and subject to change.
6[Note to Dev Co: under discussion] Room requirements relating to YRT are under discussion and subject to change based on further coordination between Contracting Authority and YRT.

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D.1.6 Number of Rooms – Non-Passenger Facilities

Table 4.8-21. Number of Rooms - Non-Passenger Facilities

Room Programming Summary Minimum Number of Rooms

EEB-03 EEB-08
Room Type Room ID Room Name TPSS #1 EEB-01 EEB-02 EEB-04 EEB-05 EEB-06 EEB-07 KEVS
ESB-01 ESB-02

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.020 (AC) Switchgear Room 0 0 0 Per design 0 0 0 0 Per design Per design

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.030 Emergency Power (Battery) Room 0 0 0 Per design 0 0 0 0 Per design Per design

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.050 D.C. Tie Breaker Room / D.C. Section 0 Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design
Breaker Room
4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.060 Communication Equipment Room 0 0 0 Per design 0 0 0 0 Per design Per design

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.080 Traction Power Cable Room 0 Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.150 Communication Cable Pull Room 0 Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.260 Electrical Closet 0 Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.270 Tunnel Ventilation Electrical Room 0 0 0 Per design 0 0 0 0 Per design Per design

4 - Service Room - Electrical 4.290 Electrical Room 0 0 0 Per design 0 0 0 0 Per design Per design

5 - Service Room - Mechanical 5.010 Sump Pump Rooms 0 Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design Per design

5 - Service Room - Mechanical 5.060 HVAC Room 0 0 0 Per design 0 0 0 0 Per design Per design

5 - Service Room - Mechanical 5.070 Subway Ventilation Room 0 0 0 Per design 0 0 0 0 Per design Per design

5 - Service Room - Mechanical 5.120 Ventilation Shaft 0 0 0 Per design 0 0 0 0 Per design Per design

9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.010 Utility Incoming Line Metering Room 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.020 Control Room and AC Switchgear 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.030 Traction Power Substation Cable 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.040 Traction Power Substation Battery and 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Charger Room
9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.050 Staff Universal Washroom 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Room Programming Summary Minimum Number of Rooms

EEB-03 EEB-08
Room Type Room ID Room Name TPSS #1 EEB-01 EEB-02 EEB-04 EEB-05 EEB-06 EEB-07 KEVS
ESB-01 ESB-02

9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.060 Staff Lunchroom 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.070 Rectifier Room 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.080 Transformer Yard/ Room 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.140 Communications Equipment Room 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.160 Electrical Room 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 - Electrical Substation (TPSS) 9.170 Water Meter Room 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

1 [Note to Dev Co: under discussion] Requirements under discussion and subject to change.

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D.1.7 Allocation of Washroom Fixtures

Table 4.8-22. Allocation of Washroom Fixtures

Washroom Designation Washroom Designation:

Fixture Type and Number A. 2.100 – Staff Universal Washroom
A B C D E F G B. 2.100a Staff Washroom – gender neutral
C. 2.100b Staff Shower Room – gender neutral
Water Closet 1 1 1* ** ** 1 D. 2.050 – Train Operator's Universal Washrooms
E. 2.080 – Bus Operator's Universal Washrooms
F. 2.070 – Bus Operator's Washrooms – gender-neutral
Washbasin 1 1*** 1 1 *** 1 G. 9.050 – Staff Universal Washroom (TPSS)

Grab bars 2 2 2 2 * One Train Operator's Universal Washrooms shall be provided at each end of the Platform.
**Refer to Schedule 15-3, Section for Bus Operator Washrooms requirements.
Liquid Soap Dispenser 1 1*** 1 1 *** 1
***One per water closet shall be provided.
Toilet Paper Dispenser 1 1*** 1 1 *** 1 ****A space for Adult Change Table (810mm x 1830mm) to be provided for future installation.

Feminine Napkin Dispenser 1 1*** 1 1 *** 1

Mirror 1 1 1 1 *** 1

Vanity Shelf 1 1 1 1 *** 1

Paper Tower Dispenser 1 1 1 1 *** 1

Waste Receptacle 1 1 1 1 *** 1

Feminine Napkin Disposal 1 1 1 1 *** 1

Shower Stall 1

Adult Change Table**** 1 1 1 1

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APPENDIX E Kennedy Enabling Works

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[Refer to external files Appendix E-0 to Appendix E-6

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APPENDIX F Scarborough Health Network


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F.1 Overview
(a) This Schedule 15 APPENDIX F identifies requirements applicable to design and construction
activities on or in the vicinity of the SHN Lands.
(b) SHN Lands shall consist of 3030 Lawrence Avenue East, 3040 Lawrence Avenue East, 3050
Lawrence Avenue East and 3060 Lawrence Avenue East.

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F.2 General Requirements

(a) The Contractor shall:
(i) comply with the responsibilities derived from the Construction Agreement between
Contracting Authority and SHN, in which basic principle for the design and construction
of the Project is that “there will be not unreasonable or material negative impact on
SHN’s operations and provision of Patient Care Services including Emergency services
from the construction or operation of the Transit facilities” (the “Basic Principle”);
(ii) provide a Communications Protocol to SHN which will ensure that SHN will be given
adequate and timely notice of impending construction scheduling and possible disruption
to SHN operations and the facilities on the SHN Lands;
(iii) provide a schedule to SHN and Contracting Authority no later than the earlier of Second
Checkpoint or 90 days prior to first construction activity on SHN Lands including:
(A) all works impacting SHN;
(B) works on SHN Lands;
(C) traffic impacts and staging; and
(D) pedestrian impacts;
(iv) provide monthly updated schedules to SHN and Contracting Authority; accompany
Contracting Authority, as requested to meet with SHN to review schedule updates;
(v) to chair progress meetings for the duration of the project while undertaking Work on
SHN lands, frequency of meetings as agreed to with SHN;
(vi) provide pre- and post- condition surveys of the SHN buildings in accordance with
Section 3.33 to record by means of a written report and photographs such existing
conditions. The pre-condition survey will be provided to SHN with sign off by the
Contractor prior to the commencement of construction. When construction is completed,
the post-condition survey will be provided to SHN with sign off the Contractor will be
responsible to make good any resulting damage to SHN Lands;
(vii) design and construct new SHN infrastructure in accordance with the SHN Basic Principle
and SHN specifications, or in absence of such standards, apply Municipal Standards;
also, engage with SHN to coordinate the design to meet the SHN Basic Principle as
(viii) submit to SHN for review and comments, elements of the design that may require
construction on the SHN Lands, access and impact to the SHN Lands or the use of the
SHN Lands, including drawings, specifications and construction staging plans and
schedules in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review Procedure; also, keep SHN apprised
of any changes to the design and construction schedules;
(ix) meet with SHN, if requested by SHN or Contracting Authority, after any submission is
made to SHN to review the design;
(x) provide detailed responses to SHN comments on any submissions made to SHN within
15 Business Days followed by arranging a meeting to discuss the responses;

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(xi) design and construct temporary and permanent infrastructure listed herein addressing the
Scarborough Hospital Operational constraints and requirements;
(xii) design and construct new civil structures required to build the Works in accordance with
Section 3.19 (Geotechnical and Foundation);
(xiii) identify and avoid potential disruptions to any SHN service. Prior to any required
disruption consult immediately with SHN on the implication and the severity of the need
for the disruption and determine how to best mitigate any disruption in accordance with
the principles of the Construction Agreement;
(xiv) The Contractor shall avoid disrupting any SHN services until mitigation measures are in
place and SHN has provided written approval;
(xv) in the event of an Emergency related to or arising from the construction of the Project,
take immediate action as necessary to address the Emergency and notify SHN
immediately. In the event that the Emergency creates an unsafe condition for occupiers or
invitees of the SHN Lands, materially and negatively impacts SHN’s operations, or if
SHN determines it cannot adequately deliver some element of its Patient Care Services
and so advises the Contractor, the Contractor must immediately correct the unsafe
condition or take necessary action, as applicable in consultation with SHN, at the
Contractor’s own cost;
(xvi) take over care and custody of the air intake extension completed by Advance Tunnel
Contractor, as outlined in Schedule 41, and provide a Warranty on the air intake once
handed over to SHN;
(xvii) work with SHN to mitigate construction impacts and develop construction logistics
strategy that minimizes the overall impacts on the SHN Lands;
(xviii) restore the SHN Lands to their pre-existing condition (including removal of any
temporary arrangements) or as agreed with SHN; and
(xix) upon total completion of the Works on SHN Lands provide a complete set of As Built
and Record Drawings to SHN in accordance with Project Agreement Section 23.4 –
Phase Completion Certificate.

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F.3 Design Requirements

(a) For the Contractor Construction Activities impacting roads, including access roads, driveways,
facilities or operations on SHN Lands, the Contractor shall:
(i) design and remove the areas impacted by the Works in accordance with the Municipal
(ii) design and construct a pedestrian walkway around the construction area per minimum
width requirement listed in Section 4.8 (Traffic and Transit Management);
(iii) design and construct the alignment, road width, pavement structure, drainage provisions
and illumination requirements of any impacted access road in accordance with SHN
access road standards or other existing access road at the specific location or, in the
absence of such standards, apply Municipal Standards per the road classification;
(iv) design and construct any Utility Infrastructure treatment required to perform the Works in
accordance with Section 3.24 (Utilities);
(v) design and construct any utility services infrastructure treatment required to perform the
Works in accordance with the Utility Company standards, and according to SHN
constraints listed in APPENDIX F.4;
(vi) design and construct mitigation measures to protect the SHN fresh air intake structure
located northwest of the proposed parking replacement area, as required to prevent
contaminants from entering the intake structure that supplies 100% of the fresh air to the
tower of the hospital; also, monitor the air quality at the SHN air intake on a continuous
basis, including remote alarm notifications for levels above regulated limit;
(vii) design and construct temporary and permanent street and pedestrian lighting in
accordance with Schedule 15, Section 3.24.13 (Street Lighting) Requirements, and
always maintain illumination levels to meet pre-existing conditions or better;
(viii) design and construct the finishing of the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) building façade
to match the existing façade appearance following the demolition of the CKD building
canopy entrance, in accordance with applicable codes and standards and to the
satisfaction of SHN;
(ix) prepare and submit a demolition plan to Contracting Authority and SHN prior the
execution of the CKD building canopy demolition;
(x) design and reinstate the SHN access roads impacted by the Works to their original
condition prior to commencement of the Works, or as agreed upon with the SHN,
including landscaping streetlighting and access parking gates;
(xi) design and restore all SHN Lands occupied temporarily to their pre-existing condition, or
as agreed upon with the SHN;
(xii) design relocation of all SHN infrastructure including lighting, utilities and signage in
coordination with SHN and obtain approval from Contracting Authority and SHN prior to

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(xiii) provide temporary storage of any SHN infrastructure that is removed from SHN Lands
unless disposal approval is obtained from SHN;
(xiv) prepare and submit a noise and vibration mitigation plan in accordance with Schedule 17
requirements to Contracting Authority and SHN prior to commence of any activities
within the SHN Lands;
(xv) design and obtain approval from SHN for any alteration to its driveways or laneways
during construction;
(xvi) design and construct the Works within the SHN Lands in accordance with the Schedule
17 – Environmental Obligations, and submit weekly Noise and Vibration Reports to
Contracting Authority and SHN, including mitigation measures; and
(xvii) ensure the functional and operational needs are maintained for the duration of the Project.

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F.4 Construction Requirements

(a) The Scarborough Health Network (SHN) – General Hospital will be impacted during the
construction of the Station box of Lawrence East Station and the Secondary Entrance. The areas
of SHN that will be impacted, and the requirements associated with these areas are as follows:
(i) SHN retaining wall
(A) the Contractor shall remove and reconstruct the existing retaining wall at SHN's
southeast parking lot to accommodate construction staging of the LES Station
(ii) southeast parking lot
(A) minimum of 28 standard parking spaces and two accessible parking space - a
total of 30 spaces will be provided for the final restoration of the southeast
parking lot;
(iii) loading dock area on the northeast corner of SHN off McCowan Road
(A) minimum of 10 parking spaces will be maintained during construction;
(B) minimum of 13 parking spaces will be provided for the final restoration of the
loading dock area parking lot; and
(C) the Contractor shall ensure that no construction activity will impede with SHN's
operations at the loading dock area;
(iv) disruption to utility services
(A) the Contractor shall provide a work plan and mitigation measures for any
scheduled service disruption or service disconnect to Contracting Authority and
SHN for review no later than 90 days prior to anticipated impact date;
(B) relocation of or interference with any utilities or SHN Services within or onto the
SHN Lands, shall require the prior written approval of SHN;
(C) the Contractor shall not cause disruption or perform any service disconnect
including water, sanitary, stormwater, electrical or communication without prior
approval from SHN;
(D) the Contractor shall address any unscheduled or accidental service disruptions
within two hours, or a shorter period as mandated by SHN; and
(E) if the Contractor identifies potential for disruption of any of the SHN Services, it
shall immediately consult with SHN on the implications and the severity of the
need for the disruption so the Parties can immediately determine how to best
mitigate any disruption. No SHN Services will be disrupted until the process set
out in this section has been completed.
(b) During the construction within the SHN Lands, the Contractor shall:
(i) minimize the overall impact of construction on SHN Lands;

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(ii) prepare and submit an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) prior to the commencement of
construction on SHN Lands;
(iii) work with Contracting Authority and SHN to develop the ERP to be implemented in the
event of a mass casualty occurrence resulting in a significantly higher than normal
presentation of people for treatment. The ERP must address notice, assembly of a
response team and emergency liaisons, traffic management and work suspension (when
required), all with the objective of minimizing the interference of the construction of the
Works on SHN ability to respond to a disaster level emergency. The ERP must, however,
reserve SHN rights to make such decisions and to take actions, as it determines in its sole
discretion at the time of the emergency, required for SHN to deliver patient Care Services
on SHN Lands, but not on the Site or with respect to the construction of the Works;
(iv) address specific SHN Operational constrains and requirements, as follows:
(A) loading dock area: it is the only SHN emergency staging location to support
logistics, emergency refrigeration, back up power, etc. Therefore, the Contractor
must always:
(I) maintain vehicular access to the SHN Lands including two-way access
from McCowan Road;
(II) maintain the entrance to the loading dock area open and operational;
(III) maintain loading bays operational and without any obstruction by
construction activities;
(IV) being the only SHN loading dock area allowed to be used as part of the
construction laydown area, elect to use, the parking area (3 standard
parking spaces) located on the south side of the loading dock area access
road on McCowan Road, within Appendix A of Schedule 20 – Lands –
3030 Lawrence Avenue E; and
(V) refer to Appendix A of Schedule 20 – Lands, for the use of the lands;
(B) for access to the CKD entrance, which is not directly connected to the main
entrance of the SHN:
(I) demolish the canopy at the CKD entrance prior to construction of the
(II) mitigate the impact of the Works on the SHN fresh air intake. This is the
only SHN fresh air intake;
(III) refer Schedule 20 – Lands for the use of the Lands at 3030 Lawrence
Avenue East; and
(IV) remove parking gates at the SHN driveway entrance as required by the
(C) remove any temporary construction equipment and material associated with the
canopy removal upon construction completion;

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(D) if relocation of or interference with any utilities or SHN services within or on the
SHN Lands is required, obtain written approval of SHN and prior to construction,
determine if any additional measures are required to ensure that existing backup
plans are sufficient to always provide uninterrupted utilities and services to SHN
during construction of the Works;
(E) for the SHN operations and maintenance within SHN Lands:
(I) control and mitigate dust; and
(II) control and mitigate noise.
(F) coordinate with SHN to monitor and implement control and mitigation measures
as required for vehicle exhaust fumes impacting the fresh air intake and air
(G) control, mitigate and coordinate with the hospital any the Contractor activities
that involve vibration due to the potential impact on the SHN equipment and test
(H) ensure appropriate street and pedestrian lighting;
(I) ensure snow removal is feasible;
(J) satisfy all requirements specified in Schedule 17 – Environmental Obligations, as
applicable to Works performed within the SHN Lands; and
(K) supply, install and maintain hoarding, fencing and other barriers on Site during
Construction Activities to effectively separate the Works area from the balance
of the SHN Lands and to control access to the Works area;
(v) design and implement Temporary Traffic and Transit Management in accordance with
Section 4.8 of Schedule 15. The Contractor will be responsible for all traffic management
near SHN Lands, within the following boundaries:
(A) McCowan Rd between 50 m south of Mackinac Crescent and one signal north of
Lawrence Avenue East; and
(B) Lawrence Avenue East between 100 m west of McCowan Road and McCowan
(vi) comply with the temporary traffic details and the permitted lane closures near SHN,
identified in Section 4.8 of Schedule 15;
(vii) coordinate with SHN, regarding the Contractor Construction Activities, potential SHN
services interruptions and impacts to operations due to the Works in accordance with
Schedule 18 – Communications and Public Engagement, and the responsibilities derived
from the Construction Agreement between Contracting Authority and SHN to give
adequate and timely notice of impending construction scheduling and possible disruption
to SHN operations and the facilities on the SHN Lands;
(viii) follow the SHN patient management protocols, hospital operations protocol and any
emergency protocols for on-site and off-site emergencies; SHN must provide to the
Contractor a copy of its patient management protocols, hospital operations protocol, and

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any emergency protocols for on-site and off-site emergencies; also, before construction
commences, provide to SHN copies of the site management protocols for the construction
period, including health and safety obligations and emergency protocols and procedures;
(ix) promptly remedy any impact to SHN building, improvements or infrastructure resulting
from the Contractor Construction Activities as required. This remediation will be in
consultation with SHN;
(x) restore the SHN Lands to their pre-existing condition (including removal of any
temporary arrangements) after completion of the Works, including any altered driveway
or parking areas if required by SHN;
(xi) in the event of an emergency related to the construction of the Project, take immediate
action as necessary to address the emergency and notify SHN immediately. In the event
the emergency creates an unsafe condition for occupiers or invitees of the SHN Lands,
materially and negatively impacts SHN’s operations or SHN determines it cannot deliver
some element of its patient care services and so advises the Contractor, the Contractor
must immediately correct the unsafe condition or take necessary action, as applicable in
consultation with SHN;
(xii) in the event of a potential for disruption of any of SHN’s Services, avoid disrupting
SHN’s Services and immediately consult with SHN on the implications and severity of
the disruption so SHN and the Contractor can immediately determine how to best
mitigate any disruption in accordance with the SHN Basic Principle; and
(xiii) if SHN or SHN contractors require access to the Works area, cooperate and act
reasonably to permit SHN and such contractors access to and, where applicable,
coordinate activities in the Works area.
(c) In the event SHN determines, acting reasonably, that the Contractor’s construction of the Project
materially and negatively impacts SHN’s ability to respond to an Emergency situation or results
in it being materially and negatively unable to adequately deliver its Patient Care Services, SHN
must immediately notify the Contractor and the Contractor shall consult with SHN to determine
the best way to immediately restore SHN’s ability to provide Patient Care Services.
(d) The Contractor and SHN shall work together to identify, as soon as reasonably possible, the
negative impacts the construction and operation of the Project will likely have on SHN’s
buildings, facilities and ability to deliver Patient Care Services. The Contractor must provide
SHN with reports addressing how those impacts are mitigated to ensure SHN is able to operate
and deliver its Patient Care Services without unreasonable or material negative impact, including
without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any unacceptable delay, interferences, or
interruption for review by SHN’s peer reviewers in each discipline. The reports must detail how
monitoring of the impacts and established parameters will be carried out and shared during
construction of the Project and afterwards to ensure the Project meets those anticipated
performance standards. Relevant reports must inform the design of the Project and its
performance standards, and the Contractor must act reasonably in considering comments from

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APPENDIX G Additional TTC Requirements

[Note to Dev Co: During the DPA Term, Contracting Authority and Dev Co shall, in accordance with
Section 3 of Schedule 3 – DPA Submissions and Project Development Process, negotiate and agree to
costs that the Project will incur for TTC staff and equipment related to commissioning of the Works.
These costs shall be developed in consultation with TTC. The Parties shall also develop and agree to a
suitable mechanism that motivates the Parties to minimize these costs to the Project for the
commissioning of the Works.]

[Note to Dev Co This Appendix G is under review for duplication.]

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(a) Not limiting the application of any applicable item of Schedule 15, this Appendix G, Schedule 15
identifies additional design, construction, testing and commissioning requirements applicable to
New TTC Infrastructure and Existing TTC Infrastructure.
(b) Except where explicitly indicated otherwise, where there is a conflict between this Appendix G
and Schedule 15, for New TTC Infrastructure and Existing TTC Infrastructure, this Appendix G
shall take precedence.

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G.2.1 Instrumentation and Monitoring

(a) Without limiting the general provisions of Section 3.19, the Contractor shall apply G.2.1 to
Existing TTC Infrastructure.
(b) The Contractor shall:
(i) define the ZOI of Construction Activities in the vicinity of Existing TTC Infrastructure
by application of engineering methods and identify the TTC structural elements which
could be impacted by Construction Activities in accordance with Section 3.19 of this
Schedule 15;
(ii) protect and monitor Existing TTC Infrastructure against construction impacts to always
ensure continuous and safe transit service;
(iii) protect construction work adjacent to TTC's operations with hoarding and signage
designed and erected to TTC's standards;
(iv) perform deformation analysis and prepare a Construction Impact Assessment Report -
Level 1 (CIAR-1) for Existing TTC Infrastructure by application of engineering methods
and determine the potential movements of piers, station structure and other TTC owned
facilities in the ZOI, due to ground movements caused construction related activities.
Report is to be sealed by two Professional Engineers;
(v) perform deformation analysis and prepare a Construction Impact Assessment Report -
Level 2 (CIAR-2) for Existing TTC Infrastructure;
(vi) revise and modify the results of CIAR-2 based on actual monitoring instruments reading
results, as required;
(vii) perform the analysis:
(A) in accordance with the TTC Design Manual; and
(B) using finite element/difference analysis, with small strain soil hardening soil
model or Mohr-Coulomb soil model, with the soil parameters supported by
geotechnical testing;
(viii) ensure the independent structural design check certificate is prepared by an independent
engineer who has not been involved in preparing the original design;
(ix) submit all pertinent records of the independent checking of structural design calculations
along with the structural design check certificate; and
(x) the checking engineer may be from the same firm as the engineer that produced the
original design.
(c) The Contractor shall submit a TTC specific Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring Plan

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(i) the Contractor shall prepare and submit a monitoring plan – Review and Alert Levels and
Action Protocol for construction activities that impact Existing TTC Infrastructure,
(A) Review Level and the Alert Level and the corresponding Action Protocol. Note
that the Review Level and the Alert Level for differential movement of the
structural units of the TTC structure are shown in table G-1;
(B) Action Protocols are:
(I) Review Level: if the displacement reaches the value of the Review
Level, the Contractor shall conduct a review of the work completed with
the area noted for the movement and shall assess whether it is necessary
to alter the method or sequence of construction. The Contractor shall
inform the TTC of the review level reached and of the outcome of the
alert review and conclusions; and
(II) Alert Level: if the displacement reaches the value of Alert Level, the
Contractor shall contact the TTC immediately, and make the works
secure and cease further work in the “affected” area. The Contractor shall
conduct a review of the monitoring and the work completed within the
area of movement and issue the results and comments to the TTC. The
Contractor shall develop a remedy that is satisfactory to the TTC. The
TTC will allow the Contractor to resume work in the “affected” area only
after corrective measures have been implemented;
(ii) for excavations adjacent to Existing TTC Infrastructure, the Contractor’s monitoring
system shall include pile target surveys, inclinometers in the soil/piles, tiltmeters attached
to the inside of each affected TTC box/tunnel structure (continuous measurements),
electro levels across each joint of the TTC structure (continuous measurements), and
continuous measurements of changes in lateral earth pressure within the soil (i.e., spade
cells, pressure cells, etc.); and
(iii) for excavations below the Existing TTC Infrastructure, the above monitoring is required
to continuously monitor changes in deformation (to less than 0.5mm accuracy) and
integrity of the TTC structure.

Table 4.8-23. Review Level and the Alert Level for Differential Movement of the Structural Units
Review Level Alert Level
station and tunnel  2mm movement, includes  3mm movement, includes
box structure displacement, deformation displacement, deformation and
and rotation rotation
circular tunnel  3mm differential movement  5mm differential movement
over 9.4m track length over 9.4m track length
 6mm movement, includes  10mm movement, includes
 displacement, deformation  displacement, deformation and
and rotation rotation

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Review Level Alert Level

Ballast track  5mm differential vertical  6mm differential vertical
movement over 9.4m track movement over 9.4m track
length length
 3mm differential horizontal  5mm differential horizontal
movement over 9.4m track movement over 9.4m track
length length
 10mm maximum movement  16mm maximum movement
shoring, where TTC  10mm maximum movement  15mm maximum movement
structure is within
shoring Zone of

(iv) the Contractor shall perform the following at the time of construction of the Works as it
may be applicable based on whether the TTC SRT is permanently out of operation,
decommissioned or demolished:
(A) update the corresponding GIMP, including Review and Alert Levels and the
Action Protocols;
(B) submit the updated GIMP for review in accordance with Schedule 10 – Review
Procedure; and
(C) implement the updated GIMP only after acceptance by TTC.

G.2.2 Reference Plans and Other Survey Plans near TTC Subsurface Structures
(a) General
(i) The Contractor shall employ an Ontario Land Surveyor (OLS) to perform surveys related
to New TTC Infrastructure and Existing TTC Infrastructure.
(ii) The Contractor shall present surveys indicating, as a minimum:
(A) all surveyed objects and features compatible with Metrolinx CADD/BIM
Standards Manual - Subways Program Edition (draft), SBY-MX-DES-MAN-
00001 Revision P02, dated February 21, 2022;
(B) which control points and benchmarks were used together with the coordinate and
elevation values of same;
(C) coordinates of property corners in 3 degree MTM NAD27 74 adjustment (per
existing City control network);
(D) any other coordinates required by the Province or by the Municipality;
(E) reference lines (RL) both existing and proposed, as applicable;
(F) RL ahead & back chainages at RL PI's;
(G) RL chainages at RL intersections with street lines and other property lines;
(H) ties to property corners from RL intersections with street lines; and

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(I) in the depiction of TTC underground structures, the Contractor shall:

(I) general:
1. show outlines of existing subsurface TTC structures in plan, profile
and section views;
2. show expansion joints and wall outlines in plan view;
3. show expansion joints, floor slab outlines and roof slab outlines in
profile view;
4. show wall outlines, floor slab outlines and roof slab outlines in
section view;
5. label TTC structure unit numbers in all views, and label RL
chainages at all expansion joints;
6. show TTC structure plan views at various elevations as required;
7. show TTC structure profile views and section views as required; and
8. show relationship of TTC underground structures to property lines.
(II) depiction of TTC structures less than 3m from adjacent property lines
and structures, both existing and proposed:
1. show TTC structures based on field survey; and
2. survey interior faces of structures and compile exterior faces of
structures from construction drawings (cite drawing numbers);
(III) depiction of TTC structures greater than 3m from adjacent property lines
and structures, both existing and proposed:
1. show TTC structures based on mathematical compilation; and
2. compile both interior and exterior faces of structures from
construction drawings (cite drawing numbers);
(IV) for clarity, in the determination of less than 3m or greater than 3m status,
the Contractor shall:
1. use “less than” if there is any doubt or possibility of being less than
3m (this mitigates the risk of rejection during TTC review);
2. in the alternative, prior to formal submission of plans, submit request
to TTC Engineering for determination of status; and
3. allow three weeks for status determination; and
(V) all plans shall be up-to-date and signed by the same Ontario Land
(b) Condition Survey of Existing TTC Structures

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(i) The Contractor shall complete a Pre-Construction Condition Survey, a Post-Construction

Condition Survey, and a construction condition survey during construction as required, of
the Existing TTC Infrastructure within the ZOI and in accordance with the OSIM and
Section 3.33:
(A) the Contractor shall include a survey to confirm locations of existing walls, roof
and foundations of the structures; and
(B) the extent of the condition survey shall include the entire part of the TTC
structure in the ZOI and at least one TTC structural unit (typically 12-18m long)
beyond each end of the construction activity.
(ii) The Contractor shall prepare and submit a condition survey report which includes
sketches showing the locations and type of the “defects”, in addition to a photographic
(A) present photo description, including location, direction, structural element
number, station number and any defect.
(iii) in addition to a hard copy of the report, the Contractor shall provide electronic files with
all the actual photographs (original JPG or TIFF files) to allow for zooming in, and for
post-processing, if necessary, to improve visibility. All photographs must include
locations on the plans.
(iv) The Contractor shall measure the size of the cracks with a gauge and identify them in the
written text of the report.
(v) The Contractor shall follow MTO guidelines for structure inspections:
(A) according to MTO, the cracks are defined as narrow only if they are smaller than
or equal to 0.3mm; and
(B) between 0.3mm and 1mm, cracks are defined as medium; larger than 1mm,
cracks are called wide. All cracks over 0.3mm shall be measured, indicated and
shown in the survey. All new cracks over 0.3mm shall be repaired. All existing
cracks that “open up” (and end up being over 0.3mm) shall also be repaired.
(vi) The Contractor, Contracting Authority, the property owner(s), and the Contractor's
photographer shall jointly examine the finishes of existing structures (Contracting
Authority’s or TTC’s), including ceilings, walls and floors.
(vii) The Contractor shall prepare a ‘Condition Survey Photographic Report’ to include a
detailed photographic record and a written report.
(viii) The Contractor shall ensure that all photographs are numbered, dated, and labelled with
the property name and identify the location from which the photograph was taken.
(ix) The report, when completed, shall be signed by both parties before distribution.
(x) The joint survey shall be conducted prior to the commencement of Works at Site.
(xi) The Contractor, Contracting Authority, the property owner(s), and the Contractor’s
videographer shall jointly examine the existing properties adjacent to the Works prior to
the start of construction.

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(xii) The Contractor shall prepare a ‘Condition Survey Video Report’ to include a detailed
video record and a written report of all properties and shall record found conditions for
all properties, which may be affected by the adjacent Works.
(xiii) The Contractor shall ensure that all videos shall be dated and labelled with the property
name and identify the location from which the video was taken.
(xiv) The report, when completed, shall be signed by Contracting Authority, the Contractor,
and all affected property owner(s) before distribution.
(xv) The survey shall be conducted prior to the commencement of Works at Site.
(xvi) The Contractor shall employ an experienced photographer/videographer to document
existing conditions.
(xvii) In all cases, the photography/video shall be good, clear, in focus, and comprehensive
enough to adequately document the appearance of the existing property.
(xviii) The Contractor, Contracting Authority, and the property owner(s) shall jointly re-
examine each of these properties after construction is completed to record condition
(xix) The joint examination to specific properties does not relieve the Contractor of the
responsibility to examine, protect, and restore of all property adjacent to the Works, or
that which may be affected by the Works.
(xx) The Contractor shall present photo description, including location, direction, structural
element number, station number and any defect.
(c) Condition Survey of Roads and Other Surfaces
(i) The Contractor, Contracting Authority, authorities having jurisdiction, and the
Contractor’s photographer shall jointly examine the conditions of all roadways and other
surfaces within the subway Right-of-Way.
(ii) The Contractor shall prepare a Condition Survey Photographic Report.
(iii) The report, when completed, shall be signed by the Contractor, Contracting Authority,
and authorities having jurisdiction before distribution.
(iv) The joint survey shall be conducted prior to the commencement of Works at Site.
(v) The Contractor, Contracting Authority, and authorities having jurisdiction, shall jointly
re-examine each of the relevant roads and surfaces after construction has been completed
and record condition differences.
(vi) The restriction of joint examination to specific surfaces within the subway Right-of-Way
does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for the examination, protection, and
restoration of all properties adjacent to the Work or that which may be affected by the

G.2.3 Cutting and Remedial Work

(a) The Contractor shall submit a Cutting and Remedial Work Proposal:

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(i) at least 22 Business Days before the date Cutting and Remedial Work is to be performed;
(ii) describing procedures for review by Contracting Authority prior to Cutting and Remedial
Work at structural elements, as well as for Cutting and Remedial Work that will be
exposed to view in the completed Work.
(b) Before cutting steel reinforcement or other structural elements, the Contractor shall:
(i) notify Contracting Authority, request approval in writing from Contracting Authority
prior to commencing Work, and do not proceed until the written approvals have been
provided; and
(ii) provide Contracting Authority with details describing what needs to be cut, the reason for
the procedure, and drawings indicating existing conditions.
(c) The Contractor shall submit in accordance with this section:
(i) where existing electrical equipment must be relocated, either permanently or temporarily,
request approval in writing from Contracting Authority prior to commencing Work and
do not proceed until the written approvals have been provided;
(ii) provide Contracting Authority with details describing what electrical equipment must be
relocated, the reason for and duration of the relocation, and drawings indicating existing
location(s) and intended location(s);
(iii) where existing mechanical equipment must be relocated, either permanently or
temporarily, request approval in writing from Contracting Authority prior to commencing
Work and do not proceed until the written approvals have been provided; and
(iv) provide Contracting Authority with details describing what mechanical equipment must
be relocated, the reason for and duration of the relocation, and drawings indicating
existing location(s) and intended location(s).

G.2.4 Independent Structural Design Check Certificate

(a) The Contractor shall submit independent structural design check certificate for all submitted
design calculations for any design of structure or geo-structure within 30 m distance of TTC
(b) For projects near existing TTC infrastructure where risk to public safety exists due to nature of
design or construction activities, an Independent Structural Design Check Certificate is required
as stipulated in Table 4.8-19, prepared by an independent engineer. To maintain independence,
the independent engineer providing the Independent Structural Design Check Certificate must not
have been involved by any means in preparing the original design. All pertinent records of
Independent Checking of Structural Design Calculations will need to be submitted along with the
Independent Structural Design Check Certificate.

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Table 4.8-24. Requirements of Independent Structural Design Check Certificate

Independent Technical
Category Description
Certificate submissions
0 Design of structure or geo-structure Not required Not required
outside 30m horizontal distance of TTC
1 Design of structure or geo-structure Required. to include
within 30m horizontal distance of TTC Structural
structures Design Check
Any design of structure that may require
modifications to or change of support
conditions of TTC structures.

G.2.5 TTC Station Closures

(a) Prior to the Phase Completion of all three Phases described in Section 3.1.1(d)(), Section
3.1.1(d)(i), and Section 3.1.1(d)(iii), the Contractor shall be entitled to:
(i) a maximum of 6 TTC Station weekend closures to facilitate the Works at the Kennedy
TTC subway station; and
(ii) a maximum of 1 TTC Station single day closures at Kennedy TTC station.
[Note to Dev Co: the Contractor shall obtain agreements with the TTC on all closures
at Kennedy TTC station during the DPA Term.]
(b) Prior to Substantial Completion, the Contractor shall be entitled to:
(i) a maximum of 9 TTC Station weekend closures to facilitate the Works at the Kennedy
TTC subway station; and
(ii) a maximum of 1 TTC Station long term closures for 30 days to facilitate the track tie-in
works at Kennedy TTC subway station;
[ Note to Dev Co: the Contractor shall obtain agreements with the TTC on all closures
at Kennedy TTC station during the DPA Term.]
(c) TTC Station weekend closures, single day closures and long term closures (collectively “TTC
Station Closure”) shall be subject to the following:
(i) the Kennedy TTC subway station, the Kennedy TTC rapid transit station, the
Scarborough Centre TTC rapid transit station and the McCowan TTC rapid transit station
shall not be the subject of a TTC Station Closure during the same weekend; and
(ii) no TTC Station Closure shall be permitted on the following:
(A) Toronto marathon;
(B) Scotiabank run;
(C) Becel Ride for Heart;

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(D) Don Valley Parkway/Gardiner Expressway spring and fall weekend clean-up
(E) Pride weekend;
(F) Canada Day long weekend;
(G) Honda Indy weekend;
(H) Caribbean Carnival;
(I) Santa Claus Parade;
(J) Nuit Blanche;
(K) New Year’s Eve;
(L) Canadian National Exhibition;
(M) St. Patrick’s Parade weekend;
(N) FIFA World Cup, for the duration of tournament in June and July 2026;
(O) the Toronto International Film Festival;
(P) Taste of Lawrence Festival;
(Q) Taste of the Danforth Festival; or
(R) Scarborough Afro-Carib Fest.
(d) Scheduling TTC Station Closure
(i) On or before January 1 of each year prior to the year in which the Contractor plans for a
TTC Station Closure, the Contractor shall submit to Contracting Authority a TTC Station
Closure schedule for such subsequent year (the “Initial Annual TTC Station Closure
(ii) On or before June 1 of the year prior to the year in which the Contractor plans for a TTC
Station Closure, the Contractor shall submit to Contracting Authority a proposed final
TTC Station Closure schedule for such subsequent year (the “Proposed Final Annual
TTC Station Closure Schedule”). The Contractor may cancel or reschedule any TTC
Station Closures set out in the Initial Annual TTC Station Closures Schedule provided
that such cancellation or rescheduling meets the requirements set out in Section G.2.5(c).
(iii) The Contractor shall, as part of the submissions required in Section G.2.5(d)(i) and
Section G.2.5(d)(ii), include a TTC Station Closure schedule for all TTC Station Closure
that the Contractor is then planning until the Substantial Completion Date. The
Contractor shall use the table format as specified in Table 4.8-25. Format for TTC Station
Closure Schedule.

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Table 4.8-25. Format for TTC Station Closure Schedule

TTC Date(s) of Location of TTC Description of Duration of Revised

Station TTC Station Closure Activity TTC Station beyond Initial
Closure Station Closure Annual TTC
Number Closure (“Start and Station
End”) Closure
1 Kennedy
2 Kennedy
3 Kennedy
4 Scarborough Centre
or McCowan
5 Scarborough Centre
or McCowan
6 Scarborough Centre
or McCowan

(iv) Contracting Authority shall review the Initial Annual TTC Station Closure Schedule and
Proposed Final Annual TTC Station Closure Schedule in accordance with Schedule 10 –
Review Procedure and shall accept any proposed TTC Station Closure that meet the
requirements of Section G.2.5(a), G.2.5(b), and G.2.5(c). Contracting Authority may
reject any proposed TTC Station Closure that does not meet the requirements of Section
G.2.5(a), G.2.5(b), and G.2.5(c). The Contractor may resubmit a Proposed Final Annual
TTC Station Closure Schedule on or before June 1 of the year prior to the year in which
the Contractor plans for a TTC Station Closure. For greater certainty, Contracting
Authority shall be under no obligation to accept any proposed TTC Station Closure that
was not included in a Proposed Final Annual TTC Station Closure Schedule submitted
after June 1 of the year prior to the year in which the Contractor plans for a TTC Station
(v) Once a Proposed Final Annual TTC Station Closure Schedule has been accepted pursuant
to Section G.2.5(d)(iv) it shall be deemed to be a “Final Annual TTC Station Closure
(vi) Contracting Authority may, but shall not be obligated, to review and comment on the
additional TTC Station Closure schedule submitted by the Contractor pursuant to Section
(vii) The Contractor may, at any time, request to reschedule a TTC Station Closure included in
a Final Annual TTC Station Closure Schedule and Contracting Authority may accept or
reject such request in its sole discretion.
(viii) If the Contractor no longer requires a TTC Station Closure that is included in a Final
Annual TTC Station Closure Schedule, it shall promptly cancel such TTC Station
Closure by providing written notice to Contracting Authority. For greater certainty, any
cancelled TTC Station Closure that is not subsequently rescheduled shall not count

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towards the maximum number of Initial TTC Station Closure set out in Section G.2.5(a)
and Section G.2.5(b).
(ix) If the Contractor cancels a TTC Station Closure that was included in a Final Annual TTC
Weekend Closures Schedule less than 30 weeks but more than 20 weeks in advance of
the date set out in the applicable Final Annual TTC Station Closure Schedule the
Contractor shall pay Contracting Authority in accordance with the terms of this Project
(x) If the Contractor cancels a TTC Station Closure that was included in a Final Annual TTC
Weekend Closures Schedule less than 20 weeks in advance of the date set out in the
applicable Final Annual TTC Station Closure Schedule, the Contractor shall pay
Contracting Authority in accordance with the terms of this Project Agreement.
(xi) Contracting Authority may, at any time, on or before the day that is 10 weeks prior to a
TTC Station Closure included in a Final Annual TTC Station Closure Schedule, change
the dates of such TTC Station Closure to dates that are either one week before or one
week after such Scheduled TTC Station Closure, and the Contractor shall not be entitled
to any additional compensation or extension of time in relation thereto.
(xii) Contracting Authority may cancel or reschedule a TTC Station Closure included in a
Final Annual TTC Station Closure Schedule in which case the Contractor shall, subject to
and in accordance with the terms of this Project Agreement, be entitled to compensation
(A) where such rescheduling is in accordance with Section G.2.5(d)(xi); or
(B) to the extent such cancellation or rescheduling arises, directly or indirectly, out
of, or in consequence of, or involve or relate to, any breach of the Project
Agreement by the Contractor or any subcontractor of the Contractor.
(e) The Contractor may request overnight TTC station access for inspections and construction
activities during non-operating hours at Kennedy TTC subway station, Kennedy TTC rapid
transit station, Scarborough Centre TTC rapid transit station, and McCowan TTC rapid transit
station. An overnight access is during the non-operating hours from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. Monday to
Saturday and from 2 a.m. to 8 a.m. Sunday. The Contractor shall provide Contracting Authority at
least 90 calendar days’ notice of all overnight TTC station accesses and the Contractor shall
coordinate Works with TTC.
(f) The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that TTC may coordinate its maintenance and
rehabilitation work to occur coincident with the Contractor initiated TTC Station Closure and that
there are significant preparatory and mobilization logistics for TTC in respect of any TTC Station
Closure. The Contractor shall coordinate such preparatory and mobilization logistics in planning
its cancellations.

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G.2.6 Hoarding

G.2.6.1 General
(a) The Contractor shall ensure that hoarding placement does not impact the safety and security of
TTC passengers and employees.
(b) The Contractor shall paint outside of hoarding grey or colour compatible with the background
finish as approved by Contracting Authority and mark with ‘POST NO BILLS’ signs.
(c) Where hoarding changes direction, the Contractor shall avoid blind corners by building hoarding
on a 45-degree angle or providing shatterproof security mirrors to provide proper sight lines
around the corner.
(d) The Contractor shall:
(i) immediately repair hoarding, fencing, and barriers that have been deemed unsafe;
(ii) maintain hoarding and barriers graffiti-free. Immediately remove or paint over graffiti;
(iii) wash the surface of the partitions when required; and
(iv) at substantial completion, remove installed and existing hoarding, fencing, barriers, and
dust tight partitions unless otherwise noted on the drawings during Non-Operating Hours.
(e) The Contractor shall repair and restore to original condition any part of the structure or equipment
broken or damaged because of installation or removal of hoarding and barriers.
(f) The Contractor shall construct hoarding for substations of non-conductive material only and to be
self-supporting without any parts driven or installed into the soil. Provide supports at 2100 mm
to 2400 mm on-centre with top, intermediate, and bottom horizontal rails.
(g) The Contractor shall provide plywood hoarding in accordance with Standard Drawing
SD015000.01 to .02 in this Schedule 15 (Scope and Technical Requirements - Appendix E-4).
(h) For chain link fence, the Contractor shall:
(i) before commencing operations, provide chain link fence 2440 mm high around entire
perimeter of Site to protect public and private property from injury or damage;
(ii) ensure lockable gates are provided within hoarding or fence for access to Site by workers
and vehicles;
(iii) maintain chain link fence until Works is complete; and
(iv) provide chain link fence in accordance with Standard Drawing SD015000.03 to .06 in
this Schedule 15 (Scope and Technical Requirements - Appendix E-4).
(i) For lockable gates, the Contractor shall provide lockable gates or doors to prevent unauthorized
entry to the Site.
(j) The Contractor shall barricade, guard or lock access points to the satisfaction of Contracting
Authority or Contracting Authority’s Representative and post ‘DANGER DUE TO
(k) The Contractor shall:

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(i) provide all barriers and guards around openings; and

(ii) provide secure, rigid guard rails and barricades around deep excavations, open shafts,
open stair wells, open edges of floors and roofs as required for protection of Works,
workers and the public.
(l) For covered walkways, the Contractor shall provide barriers and covered walkways required by
governing authorities for public rights-of-way and for public access to buildings.
(m) For tree protection, the Contractor shall provide barriers around trees and plants designated to
remain for the protection from damage.
(n) The Contractor shall ensure no entry point from the operating subway line to the Site or from the
Site to the operating subway line.
(o) During erection and removal of the hoarding, the Contractor shall provide full protection to the
aboveground cables on messenger wire.

G.2.6.2 Main line Hoarding

(a) For main line hoarding, the Contractor shall:
(i) design, supply, erect, and maintain main line hoarding to ensure the safety of subway
operation and to always separate construction Site from operating area;
(ii) before commencing operations, install hoarding during Non-Operating Hours; and
(iii) ensure that the minimum setback of barrier from edge of subway platforms as indicated
on drawings.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure the main line hoarding resist all forces (dead or live loads) including
a horizontal wind load of 2.0 kPa (unfactored, moving train effect included), the dynamic effect
of objects rolling down the slopes caused by construction activities in the vicinity, and other
effects that may occur during construction.
(c) Main line hoarding shall have a fire rating as determined by the Contractor but shall in no case be
less than one hour.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure that the main line hoarding is not to restrict train operator's line of
sight to signals or prevent access to signal equipment for maintenance.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure that the main line hoarding is not to restrict the swept path of the
clearance envelope.
(f) The Contractor shall submit hoarding - swept path plan to Contracting Authority or Contracting
Authority’s Representative for review prior to commencement of Works, in accordance with
submittal requirements.

G.2.6.3 Right-of-Way Hoarding

(a) For railway Right-of-Way Hoarding:

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(i) the Contractor shall notify Contracting Authority and TTC when flag persons are
required when working on railway Right-of-Way or when Works affects railway
(ii) the Contractor shall notify Contracting Authority a minimum of seven Business Days in
advance of working on, above or immediately adjacent to the railway Right-of-Way or
when Works would otherwise affect railway operations, to have the presence of a railway
flag person arranged;
(iii) TTC will provide flag persons for any operations outside the hoarding or operations
which require temporary removal of the hoarding. TTC will provide flag persons when
the Works affects the railway Right-of-Way; and
(iv) communication between the Contractor and the TTC to be made through Contracting
(b) A minimum area of 15 m² shall be provided in the vicinity of Site for the Contractor’s
Compound. At this location, the Contractor shall provide the following for the duration of the
Works in a general arrangement subject to approval by Contracting Authority:
(i) perimeter fencing with two lockable traffic gates; parking for the Contractor forces and
no less than three parking spaces for Contracting Authority;
(ii) a trailer to function as the Contractor’s office, adequate for progress meetings up to ten
(iii) storage as required by the Works;
(iv) sanitary facilities (portable toilets);
(v) a generator for all power required for the Works; and
(vi) a concrete pump and water pump.

G.2.7 Cleaning
(a) The Contractor shall dispose of waste materials in accordance with Schedule 17 – Environmental
(b) The Contractor shall not:
(i) burn waste materials;
(ii) Bury debris or excess materials on Contracting Authority's property;
(iii) deposit any construction waste in Contracting Authority’s waste disposal facilities; and
(iv) discharge volatile, harmful or dangerous materials into drainage systems.
(c) The Contractor shall comply with Federal, Provincial and local regulations, by-laws and
(d) The Contractor shall make arrangements with, and obtain permits from, authorities having
jurisdiction for disposal of waste and debris.
(e) The Contractor shall remove waste materials from Site and dispose of lawfully.

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(f) The Contractor shall verify that cleaning agents and methods do not remove finishes and
permanent protective coatings on surfaces being cleaned.
(g) Cleaning products shall be approved by Contracting Authority prior to use on Site.
(h) The Contractor shall use cleaning products certified through one of the following environmental
certification programs as applicable:
(i) EcoLogo® Certification;
(ii) Green Seal® Certification;
(iii) Envirodesic™ Certification; and
(iv) any other environmental certification authority.
(i) The Contractor shall employ experienced workers or professional cleaners for final cleaning.
(j) The Contractor shall clean each surface or unit to a clean and sanitary condition.
(k) The Contractor shall comply with the manufacturer's written cleaning instructions.
(l) The Contractor shall coordinate repair or replacement of broken or damaged materials with
original installer.
(m) The Contractor shall ensure that the cleaning materials meet the following requirements:
(i) Quality assurance requirements specified in this section;
(ii) use only compliant cleaning materials accepted by the manufacturer of the Product to be
cleaned; and
(iii) use compliant cleaning materials only on surfaces recommended by the cleaning material
(n) The Contractor shall ensure that the Site is always kept clean and tidy throughout the construction
(o) The Contractor shall remove all rubbish and debris promptly as it accumulates.
(p) The Contractor shall ensure that all sub-trades conform similarly.
(q) The Contractor shall promptly clear snow and ice from any areas affected by the Works to
maintain public and Contracting Authority and TTC access to the facility.
(r) The Contractor shall remove and dispose of snow, ice and slush off Site as specified.
(s) The Contractor shall bank or pile snow only in areas approved by Contracting Authority’s written
(t) The Contractor shall promptly remove from Site and dispose of surplus materials.
(u) The Contractor shall request use of work car if required to remove debris.
(v) The Contractor shall not transport rubbish and debris through station during revenue hours unless
authorized by Contracting Authority.
(w) The Contractor shall dispose waste concrete and alkali washout materials on and off Site in
designated facilities and locations as directed by Contracting Authority.

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(x) The Contractor shall remove concrete and alkali wash-offs on surfaces to prevent etching of glass
and/or metal.
(y) The Contractor shall not accumulate scrap piles at any time.
(z) The Contractor shall prohibit fires on the Site.
(aa) The Contractor shall remove waste material and debris from Site and deposit in the Contractor
provided waste containers at end of each workday.
(bb) The Contractor shall store volatile waste in covered metal containers and remove from premises
at end of each workday.
(cc) The Contractor shall vacuum clean interior work areas when ready to receive finish painting and
continue vacuum cleaning on an as-needed basis until work area is ready for Substantial
Completion or occupancy.
(dd) The Contractor shall provide adequate ventilation during use of volatile or noxious substances in
accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and applicable regulatory standards. Use of
building ventilation systems is not permitted for this purpose.
(ee) The Contractor shall, daily, remove dropped screws, metal filings and metallic clippings from
floors and roof surfaces.
(ff) The Contractor shall schedule cleaning operations so that resulting dust and other contaminants
will not fall on wet, newly painted surfaces.
(gg) The Contractor shall protect equipment from construction debris.

G.2.8 Failure Reporting

(a) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC and Contracting Authority to develop and implement
failure reporting for all New Metrolinx Infrastructure and all New Third Party Infrastructure on
the Project.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure the failure reporting is compatible with TTC requirements for data
analysis, and fault categorization.
(c) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC and Contracting Authority to establish a format for
failure reporting data related to the New Metrolinx Infrastructure and all New Third Party
(d) The Contractor shall coordinate exchange of the failure reporting data with TTC during the RAM
Performance and Evaluation period (as defined in Schedule 29 - Safety, System Assurance and

G.2.9 Planned Work to be Executed by TTC

(a) TTC representative coordinated by Contracting Authority will remove all existing cables and
equipment interferences within the Work Zone prior to the commencement of the Work. If this
work has not been completed prior to the commencement of the Works, the Contractor shall
provide 21 Business Days advance notice to Contracting Authority for coordination and
scheduling of TTC representative to attend the Site and perform the requested Works.

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(b) TTC representative coordinated by Contracting Authority will make all electrical and
communication disconnections, connections, and reconnections with existing energized panels
and equipment.
(c) Only TTC representative are authorized to enter, alter, make final terminations, or isolate TTC
electrical panels or switchgear.
(d) The Contractor’s personnel found to be in violation of this instruction shall be removed from Site
and the circumstances immediately reported to Contracting Authority.
(e) The Contractor shall make arrangements with Contracting Authority for isolation and final
termination within TTC electrical installations.
(f) The Contractor shall include details of the services required from TTC forces in request for such
(i) for each service request, the Contractor shall complete and submit to Contracting
Authority a Wiring & Service/Traction Power Work Request form. The required form
will be provided upon request; and
(ii) the Contractor shall provide 21 Business Days advance notice to Contracting Authority
for coordination and scheduling of TTC representative to attend the Site and perform the
requested Works.

G.2.10 Electrical Coordination

(a) The Contractor shall stop both wiring and conduit within 1 m of the existing service.
(b) The Contractor shall leave sufficient wiring to extend into and wrap once around the panel and
complete connections.
(c) The Contractor shall arrange with Contracting Authority to make the final connections.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure that the access to electrical yards, rooms and equipment is in
accordance with the Ontario’s Building Code (OBC), Electrical Safety Authority (ESA)
regulations, Occupational Health and Safety Act – Industrial Establishment Regulations and
authorization from Contracting Authority.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure that no rooms containing live electrical wires or equipment are to
have doors blocked open or left unlocked allowing unauthorized entry.
(f) The Contractor shall forward copies of passed ESA electrical inspection certificates to be
forwarded to Contracting Authority, along with requests for connection of electrical equipment.

G.2.11 Temporary Utilities and Services

(a) The Contractor shall provide controls of temporary utilities in order to execute the Works
(b) The Contractor shall make the necessary arrangements for temporary services including the
(i) equipment for utilities consumed; and

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(ii) permits for temporary utilities.

(c) The Contractor shall make the necessary arrangements for a temporary electrical service
including the costs of energy consumed.
(d) The Contractor shall provide the type and quantity of lighting equipment in each location to
ensure adequate, continual illumination 24 hours per day, seven calendar days per week.
(e) The Contractor shall illuminate the barriers, signs, stairs, and public passageways and areas in
accordance with Ontario’s Building Code.
(f) The Contractor shall install neatly and support adequately the electrical plant and distribution in
locations accepted by Contracting Authority.
(g) The Contractor shall arrange for inspection by Electrical Safety Authority.
(h) The Contractor shall prepare inspection reports and certificates for Contracting Authority to
review prior to use.
(i) Upon contract completion, the Contractor shall remove temporary installations.
(j) The Contractor shall provide and maintain electrical power and necessary electrical equipment
and systems, including overhead and underground feeders, transformers, motors, starters,
protective devices, and lighting equipment.
(k) The Contractor shall fit outlets with ground fault circuit interrupters where they are used as a
supply for tools and portable equipment outdoors or in wet locations.
(l) Where temporary lighting system is not removed, the Contractor shall indicate on Shop Drawings
electrical and lighting installations to remain, to be replaced, and to be demolished.
(m) Electrical power from duplex convenience outlets (wall receptacles on 15 A, 120 V circuits)
within the Site may be used upon Contracting Authority approval and with exception of those
being actively used by TTC or Contracting Authority. Where these outlets are used as a supply
for tools and portable equipment outdoors or in wet locations, fit outlets with ground fault circuit
(n) The Contractor shall provide a temporary water meter at connections to existing water supply
piping. Location of such connections to be as approved by Contracting Authority.
(o) The Contractor shall ensure that no connections are made to existing taps, hose bibs or faucets
without prior approval of Contracting Authority.
(p) If in the performance of Works, it is necessary to shut-off the facility water supply either
completely or partially, the Contractor shall inspect and operate before and after the shut off, in
the presence of Contracting Authority, plumbing fixtures, devices, and equipment affected by the
shut-off to ensure their proper operation.
(q) The Contractor shall provide temporary heating required during construction including
attendance, maintenance, and fuel.
(r) The Contractor shall ensure the temporary fuel-fired heating devices meet OHSA requirements.
(s) The Contractor shall ensure that the construction heaters used inside buildings be vented to the
outside or be flameless type. Solid fuel salamanders are not permitted.

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(t) The Contractor shall maintain temperatures of minimum 10°C in areas where construction is in
progress unless otherwise indicated in the contract documents.
(u) The Contractor shall repair any such services, buildings or other utilities disrupted by freezing.
(v) The Contractor shall ventilate heated areas and keep structures free from exhaust combustion
(w) Permanent heating system of the building or portions thereof may be used when available upon
written permission from Contracting Authority. When Works takes place in an occupied area of
an existing facility, and the permanent heating system is reduced or cut, the Contractor shall
provide sufficient temporary heating for the adjacent occupied areas.
(x) The Contractor shall define the optimal environment for installation and application of Products
in accordance with their respective specifications and manufacturer’s instructions.
(y) To the extent practical, the Contractor shall schedule Works to periods where ambient conditions
are optimal for installation of the respective product(s).
(z) Where ambient conditions are not optimal, the Contractor shall provide temporary heating,
cooling, humidification, and dehumidification as required.
(aa) The Contractor shall provide ventilation in accordance with applicable regulations and product
(bb) The Contractor shall supervise operation of environmental controls (such as HVAC equipment)
where the Works may be damaged by exposure to ambient conditions.
(cc) The Contractor shall provide and maintain a temporary drainage system of sufficient capacity and
efficiency to maintain excavations free of water from flooding due to rainfall, watermain or
firemain break, etc., during construction.
(dd) The Contractor shall provide and maintain temporary pumping equipment to relieve flooding in
the subway system from a potential watermain or firemain break. Pumping equipment to include,
at a minimum, two sanitary submersible pumps with 100 mm diameter suction and discharge, 300
m hose with 100 mm diameter, 300 m extension cords, and power generator to provide power for
both pumps at the same time.
(ee) The Contractor shall provide additional equipment and means identified in the Contractor’s site
specific emergency response plan.
(ff) The Contractor shall provide and maintain a temporary sewage system of sufficient capacity to
serve the temporary building(s).
(gg) The Contractor shall not use any portion of the permanent drainage system without prior written
approval of Contracting Authority.
(hh) The Contractor shall remove the temporary drainage system upon contract completion.
(ii) The Contractor shall ensure that usage of the drainage system meets the City of Toronto Sewers
bylaw including debris.
(jj) The Contractor shall ensure that elevators and escalators are not to be used by construction
personnel or for the transport of construction materials or equipment.

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(kk) The Contractor shall provide and maintain in a clean condition, in accordance with the OHSA and
Regulations for Construction Projects, the following:
(i) potable drinking water;
(ii) sanitary facilities; and
(iii) remove accommodations upon Substantial Completion.
(ll) Contracting Authority may provide keys as follows:
(i) one master key shall be issued for access to the station washroom facilities. This key
remains the property of Contracting Authority and is to be returned to Contracting
Authority promptly upon completion of the Works. Washroom facilities shall not be
used for purposes other than personal hygiene.
(mm) The Contractor shall prohibit smoking on Contracting Authority and TTC property.
(nn) The Contractor shall power wash and videotape storm and sanitary drainage systems in
accordance with this Section on two occasions:
(i) prior to construction activities, and
(ii) prior to scheduling commissioning for final acceptance.
(oo) The Contractor shall coordinate and schedule with the Works by plumbing trade.
(pp) The Contractor shall power wash to remove existing drainage system debris and construction
(qq) The Contractor shall protect drainage systems from debris at all times during construction.
(rr) The Contractor shall repeat power washing and videotaping process where debris is not cleared to
the satisfaction of Contracting Authority.
(ss) The Contractor shall notify Contracting Authority a minimum of two weeks in advance of
scheduling power washing and videotaping. Contracting Authority may attend at their
(tt) The Contractor shall prepare the following:
(i) a schedule for power washing and videotaping;
(ii) a power washing report identifying level of debris encountered;
(iii) a videotape confirming drainage system is clear of debris;
(iv) a videotape index correlating videotape counter with drawing entry points and distance
travelled through drainage system (refer to standard drawings SD015000.11 and
SD015000.12 attached in Appendix E-4 as a template); and
(v) drawings indicating system entry points (video start points) and extent of videotaping
(video stop points) corresponding to videotape counter (refer to standard drawings
SD015000.11 and SD015000.12 attached in Appendix E-4 as a template).
(uu) For the storm drainage system, the Contractor shall identify the following fixtures and equipment
on drawings:

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(i) roof drains;

(ii) cleanouts;
(iii) rain water leaders;
(iv) drainage piping;
(v) underground storm mains; and
(vi) maintenance holes and catchbasins.
(vv) For the sanitary drainage system, the Contractor shall identify the following fixtures and
equipment on the drawings:
(i) cleanouts;
(ii) floor drains;
(iii) area drains and catchbasins;
(iv) drainage piping;
(v) underground sanitary mains; and
(vi) maintenance holes.

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G.3.1 General
(a) The Contractor shall engage TTC in Safety, system assurance and Security for the Works related
to New TTC Infrastructure.
(b) The Contractor shall comply with Schedule 29 for Safety, System Assurance and Security.
(c) Under no circumstances shall any person descend to or enter onto Track Level unless prior
arrangements are made with TTC by Contracting Authority.
(d) The following Hazards and restrictions may be encountered during work:
(i) movement of rail or wheeled vehicles and equipment in any direction, including tail
swing area such as:
(A) subway trains and work cars; and
(B) equipment with rotating parts; and
(ii) subway Track Level hazards include:
(A) electrical 600 V DC traction power rail (third rail);
(B) signal voltage;
(C) negative return voltage;
(D) moving parts (for example, switches);
(E) non-clearance areas;
(F) devil strip;
(G) trip arms; and
(H) high air velocity areas throughout the tunnel.
(e) The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that:
(i) access to the Track Level by the Contractor and any Contractor Party shall always be
subject to this Schedule 15 and the direction of Contracting Authority and Contracting
Authority Representative as to Track Level safety matters and any applicable railway
operating rules;
(ii) all questions, matters or disputes which may arise affecting the safety of track operations
shall be referred to Contracting Authority, which shall in its sole discretion decide all
such questions, matters and disputes;
(iii) Contracting Authority shall have the right to conduct audits and inspect the operations of
the Contractor, any of the Contractor Parties, and those engaged by any of them,
performing work on the Track Level, to ensure compliance with this Project Agreement;
(iv) TTC transit system operations and passenger flow, safety, security and convenience take
precedence over performance of the work;

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(v) work (including set up and removal of barricades, and clean up) on stairways, escalators
and within 6 m of stairways and escalators shall be performed during Non-Operating
Hours; and
(vi) existing exits and proper and safe means of egress shall always remain clear.

G.3.2 Safety Reporting Requirements

(a) The Contractor, as “constructor” under the OHSA, shall immediately notify Contracting
Authority Representative if any of the following events occur in respect of the Project:
(i) any violation of the TTC Subway/SRT Rule Book, Track Worker Safety Instructions, or
unauthorized or impermissible entry into the rail ROW; and
(ii) any event with the potential to affect, or that affects, rail or bus operations, including
access by the public to rail or bus services.
(b) The Contractor shall report the occurrence of incidents listed in Section G.3.1 to Contracting
Authority Representative as follows:
(i) no later than one hour following any incident, the Contractor shall verbally notify to
Contracting Authority Representative of the occurrence of the incident;
(ii) no later than 24 hours following the incident, the Contractor shall provide a written status
update to Contracting Authority Representative that includes a description of:
(A) all details of the incident, including immediate causes, that are known by the
(B) all corrective actions that the Contractor has taken or plans to take; and
(C) all other time sensitive information, including the names of all persons directly or
indirectly involved in the incident, witness statements from all persons involved
in the incident, video and photographic evidence and toxicology results for
employees involved in the incident;
(iii) no later than 72 hours following the incident, the Contractor shall provide a Final
Incident Report (as defined in Schedule 29 - Safety, System Assurance and Security); and
(iv) no later than five Business Days following receipt of the Final Incident Report,
Contracting Authority shall provide comments to the Contractor.
(c) The Contractor shall respond to Contracting Authority’s comments no later than five Business
Days after receipt of Contracting Authority’s comments.
(d) Following the Contractor’s resolution of any comments provided by Contracting Authority, to
Contracting Authority’s satisfaction, acting reasonably, the Contractor Representative shall sign-
off on the Final Incident Report and provide a copy to Contracting Authority.
(e) Each Final Incident Report shall be in a form satisfactory to Contracting Authority, in its sole
(i) the Contractor, as “constructor” of the work and the Site under the OHSA, shall always
remain responsible for any remedial actions in respect of incidents and the reporting

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requirements, including remedial actions that arise in response to, or resolve, any
comments provided by Contracting Authority.

G.3.3 Worker Training to Specific Hazards

(a) The Contractor shall provide worker training to specific Site hazards, including safe work
practices and safe job procedures as well as TTC SRB901 (TTC Contractor Rulebook).
(i) TTC will provide the contact information to the Contractor to enroll employees in this

G.3.4 Hot Work

(a) The Contractor shall provide a specific safe work procedure which shall outline control measures
to perform hot work for the work area to prevent disruption to facility and transit vehicle
(b) The Contractor shall ensure the fire watch is always in place when hot work is being performed.
(c) The Contractor shall notify TTC of all planned hot works at least 24 hours ahead of time and
follow up with approvals at least 12 hours prior to the scheduled work.

G.3.5 Site Security

(a) The Contractor shall ensure all personnel employed at the Site, whether its own employees or a
subcontractor’s, wear an identification badge. At Site, where access is restricted, Contracting
Authority shall supply the identification badges. At all other locations it shall be the Contractor’s
responsibility to provide the identification badges.
(b) The Contractor shall maintain a daily Site log of all persons granted access to the Site under the
control and custody of the Contractor.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that all required documentation is available upon request by
Contracting Authority.
(d) The Contractor shall not allow unauthorized persons to access the Site.
(e) All Contracting Authority employees and Contracting Authority Representatives shall be
permitted to access the Site or work locations where the work is being performed or scheduled to
be performed on behalf of Contracting Authority at any time upon request. Contracting Authority
will provide the Contractor with notice beforehand if it is reasonable to do so.

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(a) The Contractor shall engage TTC in operations-enabling and maintenance-enabling activities
within for the Works related to New TTC Infrastructure.
(b) The Contractor shall comply with Schedule 15, Section 2-4 for operations-enabling and
maintenance-enabling activities with TTC.

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G.5.1 Access Management Plan

(a) Refer to Section 4.6.3 for Access Management Plan requirements.

G.5.2 Access / Notification

G.5.2.1 General
(a) The Contractor shall comply with the TTC’s Rail Operating Rules and Operation Procedures
when involved with the TTC’s rail operations (e.g., access).

G.5.2.2 Work at Track Level

(a) The Contractor shall perform work at Track Level during Non-Operating Hours with planned
traction power cut.
(b) The Contractor shall coordinate with TTC, as much as possible, to plan work closures of existing
subway and station services to align with the TTC’s scheduled closure dates/periods.
(c) Before any work commences at Track Level without a power cut, the Contractor shall prepare a
safe work method.
(d) When work is performed at Track Level during Non-Operating Hours, the Contractor shall clean
and vacate by 4:30 a.m. Monday to Saturday, (6:00 a.m. on Sunday).
(e) The maximum work period during the Non-Operating Hours:
(i) Monday to Saturday: one-and-a-half hours; and
(ii) Sunday: three-and-a-half hours.
(f) The Contractor shall perform night shifts for portions of the work during Non-Operating Hours.
(g) During night shifts, the Contractor shall ensure a minimum of one TTC staff is present for any
work, except two TTC staff for any work requiring traction power cuts and establishment of
Work Zones at Track Level.
(h) The Contractor shall schedule work to minimize the amount of night shifts or need for traction
power cuts and establishment of Work Zones at Track Level.
(i) The Contractor shall give Contracting Authority at least 15 Business Days written notice prior to
the need for night inspection and access or traction power cuts and establishment of Work Zones
at Track Level.
(j) Should cancellation of a night shift or power cut and establishment of Work Zone at Track Level
be necessary for any reason caused by the Contractor, the Contractor shall provide a minimum of
72 hours written notice to Contracting Authority.
(i) Failure to provide this notice will result in either a deduction from the night shift or
power cut and establishment of Work Zone at Track Level allowance or the stated charge
being made against the Contractor's progress payment.

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(k) Failure of the Contractor to be present or to have sufficient workers to perform the work
scheduled shall be deemed to be a cancellation of a night shift or a power cut and establishment
of Work Zone at Track Level allowance and accordingly will result in either a deduction from the
night shift or power cut and establishment of Work Zone at Track Level allowance or the stated
charge being made against the Contractor's progress payment.
(i) Charges may be deducted from the amount owed to the Contractor.
(l) If the Contractor requires to work on a designated statutory holiday or on weekends, the
Contractor shall notify Contracting Authority in writing not less than 15 Business Days prior to
such time.
(m) For work on a designated statutory holiday and notice has not been provided to Contracting
Authority, the Contractor shall not perform any work which requires the presence of the TTC.
(n) The Contractor shall schedule work to minimize the number of shifts for work outside of regular
scheduled working hours.
(o) Should cancellation of a shift for work outside of regular scheduled working hours be necessary
for any reason caused by the Contractor, the Contractor shall provide a minimum of 72 hours
(i) Failure to provide this notice may result in the stated charge being made against the
(p) Failure of the Contractor to be present or to have sufficient workers to perform work scheduled
shall be deemed to be a cancellation of the shift and accordingly will result in the stated charge
being made against the Contractor.
(q) Work undertaken outside of normal working hours shall not contravene the requirements of local
noise by-laws or any other regulatory requirements.
(r) The Contractor shall place wayside equipment and objects outside swept path of clearance
envelope of vehicle as defined in TTC Design Manual Section DM-0205-01 Fig.1.1.2.A and
(s) When performing swept path, the Contractor shall account for any tilt of vehicle envelope on
superelevated portions of track as well as any inswing and outswing of vehicle envelope on
curves and on tangents within 30 m of a curve.
(t) The Contractor shall place products, construction equipment or other objects within boundary of
the static envelope of vehicle as defined in TTC Design Manual Section DM-0205-01 Fig.1.1.2.B
and Fig.1.1.2.C, when transporting on a work car.

G.5.2.3 Work at Platform Level

(a) The Contractor shall perform work in public areas at station platform levels during Non-
Operating Hours.
(i) Work in public areas at station platform levels which does not interfere with passenger
movement, may commence earlier upon written approval by Contracting Authority.

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(b) Unless noted otherwise, and with the written approval of Contracting Authority, the Contractor
shall perform work in the public areas other than at station platform levels during Off-Peak
(c) The Contractor shall perform work which interferes with transit vehicle operations during
nonoperating hours. This includes any work which may be deemed by Contracting Authority to
be hazardous or unduly inconvenient to the public.

G.5.2.4 Work in Transit Roadways

(a) When work is performed in transit roadways during nonoperating hours, the Contractor shall
clean and vacate by 4:30 a.m. Monday to Saturday, (6:00 a.m. on Sunday).
(i) Times given herein are approximate only and may vary depending on TTC operational
needs, movement of TTC maintenance work vehicles and the specific times of revenue
service vehicles through each station.
(b) The Contractor shall maintain existing exits and ensure proper and safe means of egress are
always clear.

G.5.3 TTC Subway/SRT Rule Book Training

(a) Prior to accessing the Site, the Contractor shall ensure workers participate in TTC safety training
and Contractor awareness programs as follows:
(i) TTC Subway/SRT Rule Book Training and mandatory annual re-certification training for
all workers who will be performing work and require access to Track Level, including
subway yards and carhouses;
(ii) duration of one Business Day; and
(iii) TTC to determine dates, times, and locations of training.
(b) Workers attending TTC Subway/SRT Rule Book and Surface Rule Book Training shall:
(i) provide necessary personal protective equipment;
(ii) present a photo ID for admission to the course;
(iii) pass a written test for certification;
(iv) be aware that the course and test are given in English only; and
(v) be aware that anyone who fails the test or is absent without authorization will not be
permitted to rewrite for one year.
(c) The Contractor shall submit a request for Training to Contracting Authority 21 calendar days in
advance of the anticipated date of Training.
(d) The Contractor shall include employer’s name, list of workers’ names, and union affiliation on
the submission.
(i) expect confirmation of Training by Contracting Authority seven calendar days in advance
of the date of Training.

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(e) The Contractor shall inform Contracting Authority a minimum of seven calendar days in advance
of any changes to the list of workers identified for Training:
(i) any changes to the list of identified workers may not be accommodated by TTC on the
date of Training.

G.5.4 Security / Authorization

G.5.4.1 Access
(a) The Contractor shall pre-authorize all workers before they enter the Site.
(b) Pre-authorization records for everyone shall include:
(i) name, date of birth and current address (substantiated by two pieces of valid photo
(ii) name of current employer;
(iii) proof of employment with current employer; and
(iv) police clearance letter.
(c) The Contractor shall maintain pre-authorization records and provide to Contracting Authority or
Contracting Authority’s Representative upon request.
(d) Contracting Authority will provide the Contractor with a list of all Contracting Authority and
Contracting Authority’s Representative who will require access to the Site and are pre-authorized.
(e) The Contractor shall furnish Contracting Authority with names of workers, one week prior to the
commencement of work on TTC property, and submit updates to this list as required, so that
individual property passes may be issued.
(f) The Contractor shall notify the workers that:
(i) workers will not be allowed to access or egress to TTC property unless such passes are
presented to Contracting Authority daily or as requested;
(ii) the property passes are issued only to permit access and egress to TTC property and will
not be honoured for transportation purposes;
(iii) the property passes do not allow access to Track Level; and
(iv) the property passes are required to be worn for identification at all locations.
(g) All passes shall be returned to Contracting Authority upon Substantial Completion or when a
worker is no longer required on Site.
(h) The Contractor shall ensure all personnel employed at the Site, whether its own employees or a
subcontractor’s, wear an identification badge:
(i) at Site, where access is restricted, Contracting Authority to supply the identification
badges; and
(ii) at all other locations, the Contractor’s responsibility to provide the identification badges.

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(i) The Contractor shall maintain a daily Site log of all persons granted access to the Site under the
control and custody of the Contractor.
(j) The Contractor shall ensure that all required documentation is available upon request by
Contracting Authority.
(k) All Contracting Authority employees and Contracting Authority Representatives shall be
permitted to access the Site or work locations where the work is being performed or scheduled to
be performed on behalf of Contracting Authority at any time upon request. Contracting Authority
will provide the Contractor with notice beforehand if it is reasonable to do so.
(l) The Contractor shall ensure that individuals who are not pre-authorized (such as visitors, etc.) are
accompanied/supervised during their Site visits by pre-authorized individuals.
(m) The Contractor shall not allow unauthorized persons to access the Site.
(n) The Contractor shall immediately report to Contracting Authority and Transit Control any
individual who is not authorized to enter the Site or does not display a valid agreement specific
photo identification badge.

G.5.4.2 Keys
(a) During the work, if Contracting Authority issued keys are required, the signing of a non-
employee key request form shall be required to ensure control over the assignment and
safekeeping of Contracting Authority issued keys.
(b) The Contractor shall notify Contracting Authority in writing no less than 21 calendar days prior
to keys being required.
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that:
(i) loss of keys must be reported to Contracting Authority immediately;
(ii) keys not to be duplicated;
(iii) keys issued not to be loaned to another person; and
(iv) keys must be returned to Contracting Authority upon Substantial Completion.
(d) The Contractor shall report deficiencies in the condition of the keys so that adequate replacement
may be arranged:
(i) in the case of a broken key, present the remaining pieces of the key to Contracting
Authority and a replacement key will be issued.

G.5.4.3 Site Security

(a) The Contractor shall provide Site security orientation training to workers, Subcontractors,
Suppliers and Contracting Authority and TTC's staff and others identified by Contracting
Authority and TTC who will be working at the Site.
(b) The Contractor shall keep records of individuals who have attended orientation training.
(c) The Contractor shall develop and maintain a Site Security program to protect against theft,
vandalism or unauthorized entry at the Site (including all field office trailers).

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(d) The Contractor shall submit a written Site Security program in accordance with Schedule 10 for
review by Contracting Authority at least three weeks prior to commencing of work.
(e) In the Site Security program, the Contractor shall include, as a minimum:
(i) a description of the Site Security program to be employed for the Work detailing the
means and procedures to be employed and how these means and procedures will ensure
that only authorized individuals will be permitted access to the Site;
(ii) a description of the Site Security orientation training to be provided to all workers,
Subcontractors, Suppliers, Contracting Authority and Contracting Authority’s
Representative who will be working at the Site;
(iii) example of entry log forms to be used;
(iv) example of Agreement specific photo identification to be used; and
(v) shop drawings of Site perimeter security lighting, stamped by a professional engineer,
licensed to practise in the province of Ontario.
(f) The Contractor shall provide sufficient security guards licensed under Bill 159, Private Security
and Investigative Services Act, for coverage 24 hours per day, seven days a week at the Site or as
required by Contracting Authority.
(g) The Contractor shall ensure security guards must be fluent in English, both oral and written.
(h) The Contractor shall provide communication devices for guards to maintain contact with
Contracting Authority.
(i) The Contractor shall ensure one guard is stationed at each Site access/egress point during working
(j) The Contractor shall ensure sufficient guards patrol the Site during non-working hours.
(k) Guard posted at access points shall:
(i) monitor all individuals and vehicles entering and leaving the Site;
(ii) ensure that all individuals are authorized to enter the Site and display photo identification
badges; and
(iii) direct individuals not authorized to enter the Site or not displaying photo identification
badges to the Contractor for application for authorization to enter the Site.
(l) Outside regular working hours, guard shall patrol and monitor the Site, including the entire
perimeter fence, at least once per hour.
(m) The guard shall be required to verify this surveillance by keyed recording time clock.
(n) Any unauthorized individual found within the Site or attempting to access the Site shall be
reported to Contracting Authority.
(o) Security guards shall be always neat in appearance and dress in a company uniform while on
(p) Guards shall be provided by a licensed security company.

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(q) Each guard shall receive Site specific security orientation training provided by the Contractor
prior to starting work on the Site.
(r) Security guards shall provide daily Site Security reports to the Contractor including:
(i) all incidents of attempted or actual unauthorized entry to the Site; and
(ii) all incidents requiring contact with TTC Transit Control, local police services, fire
department or emergency medical services.
(s) Reports on all incidents requiring contact with TTC Transit Control, local police services, fire
department or emergency medical services shall be provided to Contracting Authority within 24
hours of the incident.
(t) Copies of daily security reports shall be provided to Contracting Authority on a weekly basis,
together with copies of the entry log for that week (due by 10:00 a.m. on every Monday or
Tuesday if the preceding day is a holiday).

G.5.4.4 Work Car

(a) Arrangements may be made with Contracting Authority for the limited use of the TTC rail-
mounted locomotive and flat-car.
(b) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 18 Business Days’ notice for use of the work car.
(c) Deliveries may be made to Greenwood for loading during the day but final delivery within the
subway system will be made between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 4:45 a.m. Monday to Saturday
(6:30 a.m. on Sundays).
(d) Products and debris may be moved to TTC Greenwood via these vehicles during the above hours
and removed immediately from Greenwood Yards by the Contractor.
(e) Place debris in containers and to be loaded and unloaded in a manner satisfactory to the vehicle
(f) Provide labour and equipment for loading and offloading.
(g) Use of the work car is limited.
(h) TTC will have priority in the use of vehicles.

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(a) The Contractor shall follow an external agreement provided in the DPA Term that outlines the
Project lifecycle scope split for the headend modifications.

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G.7.1 General
(a) The Contractor shall follow the Handover Strategy and Plan provided by TTC that outlines the
requirements for the Handover of New TTC Infrastructure to TTC for operations and
maintenance. [Note to Dev Co: the Handover Strategy and Plan document is under
development by TTC]

G.7.2 Special Tools

(a) The Contractor shall include keys, tools, and special devices and materials required for operation
and maintenance.
(b) The Contractor shall supply special tools, undamaged, and non-defective.
(c) The Contractor shall deliver and hand over special tools prior to commissioning, including
identification of their associated function and equipment in the operation and maintenance

G.7.3 Extra Stock Materials

(a) The Contractor shall supply extra stock materials, undamaged, non-defective, and of same quality
and manufacturer as Products provided in the work.
(i) Defective extra stock materials will be rejected and replaced at no cost to Contracting
(b) The Contractor shall deliver and hand over extra stock materials prior to Substantial Completion
or Phase Completion, whichever occurs first.
(c) The Contractor shall store in a manner to prevent damage or deterioration.
(d) The Contractor shall store in original and undamaged condition, packaged in original wrapping
with manufacturer's seal and labels intact.
(e) The Contractor shall store components subject to damage from weather in weatherproof
(f) The Contractor shall store paints and freezable materials in heated and ventilated room, as
directed by Contracting Authority.
(i) Extra stock materials to be whole pieces and identified for material and location within
the building.

G.7.4 Early Handover

(a) Where work is performed that replaces or modifies existing TTC equipment or systems critical to
the operation of TTC Line 2, the Contractor shall, in coordination with Contracting Authority and
the TTC, develop a plan for the early Handover of the assets for operation.
(b) Where the early Handover of a portion of the Works to TTC is required for the construction
sequencing and/or improved system safety, the Contractor shall, in coordination with Contracting
Authority and TTC, develop a plan for the early Handover of the assets for operation.

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(c) Prior to the early Handover, the assets shall be tested and commissioned as required.
(d) Warranty shall commence on the early Handover of the Assets in accordance with the
requirements of this Project Agreement, Sections 11.15, 11.16, 11.17. For System elements that
will require further modifications or integration with other system elements by the Contractor
after early Handover, the Contractor shall provide an extended warranty to align coverage with
the entire completed System warranty.
(e) The Contractor shall, in coordination with Contracting Authority and the TTC, develop a plan for
the maintenance of the Assets from the time of the early Handover through to project Substantial
(f) The Contractor shall abide by TTC rules and policies for access and operation of all SSE Assets
after early Handover as part of TTC’s operational transit infrastructure.
(g) After early Handover, the assets shall be considered operational transit infrastructure.

G.7.5 As-Built CADD Files

(a) Where work is performed for new or modified TTC Infrastructure, the Contractor shall submit
As-Built CAD Files to conform to TTC CADD Manual (“TTC_CADD-Manual_2010-
2016_6RevPgs.pdf”) including:
(i) all CAD digital drawing files in native Bentley MicroStation “.dgn” file format;
(ii) geographic coordinate system to match requirements for TTC; and
(iii) drawing Submittal requirements to be in 2D.
(b) If conversion from the design software selected does not meet TTC Requirements, the Contractor
shall submit and produce CADD digital drawings to meet TTC CADD Manual (“TTC_CADD-

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