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Agrupamento de Escolas de São João da Pesqueira

Argumentative Writing
Genetic modification of organisms


Reduced Ethical and

pesticide use Health Concerns

of organisms

Controversy and environmental,
contrasting ethical, and
viewpoints health-related

Fig.1- Brainstorming ideias

Are you FOR or AGAINST the genetic modification of organisms?

Agrupamento de Escolas de São João da Pesqueira

The debate surrounding genetic modification of organisms has generated

significant controversy and contrasting viewpoints. In this essay, I will argue against
genetic modification, presenting the concerns related to this technology and its
potential consequences for our environment and well-being.

One of the main reasons I oppose genetic modification is due to the

environmental risks it poses. Modifying the genes of organisms, particularly in
agriculture, can have unintended consequences. The creation of genetically
engineered crops, resistant to pests and herbicides, may disrupt local ecosystems. This
can lead to the development of super-weeds and pests, which are more challenging to
control and can harm non-modified plants and wildlife. Additionally, the long-term
environmental impact of genetic modification remains uncertain, and the potential
harm it can cause to our delicate ecosystems raises valid concerns.

Genetic modification also raises ethical questions and health concerns. The
manipulation of genes to enhance the traits of organisms, including food, may have
unintended health consequences for humans. Allergic reactions or unknown health
risks associated with consuming genetically modified products could be problematic.

On the other hand, many GMO (Genetic Modified Organisms) crops have been
altered to be less vulnerable to insects and other pests. For example, Bt-corn is a GMO
crop that has a gene added from Bacillus thuringiensis, a naturally occurring soil
bacteria. This gene causes the corn to produce a protein that kills many pests and
insects, helping to protect the corn from damage. This means that farmers don't need
to use as much pesticide on crops like Bt-corn – a 2020 study found that farmers with
GMO crops reduced their pesticide use by 775.4 million kilograms (8.3%) between
1996 and 2018.

In conclusion, the genetic modification of organisms carries substantial

environmental, ethical, and health-related risks. While it offers the potential for
benefits, including increased food production, less use o pesticides and improved
medicine, we must carefully consider the associated drawbacks and consequences. A
cautious approach, prioritizing the safety and well-being of our environment and
society, should guide our stance on genetic modification.
It is essential to address these concerns and explore alternative, more sustainable
solutions that safeguard our future and the planet.

Agrupamento de Escolas de São João da Pesqueira

Work done by: Ana Filipa Fonseca Veiga 11ºA Nº2.

Teacher: Ana Paula Carmelo.

Date: 09/11/2023

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