Informative Speech

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‘Behind the Scrubs’

An informative speech

Did you know that approximately 100,000 registered nurses (RNs) in the US left the
workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic in the past two years due to stress, burnout, and
retirement? This data revealed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is a
threat to the national healthcare system at large if solutions are not enacted, hence, In the
demanding world of healthcare, nurses serve as the unsung heroes, dedicating their lives to the
care and well-being of others. However, the very nature of their profession often places them on
the front lines of stress, burnout, and emotional exhaustion. Recent events, such as the COVID-19
pandemic, have highlighted the tremendous pressures faced by nurses as they work tirelessly to
provide care in the face of challenges. To ensure the health and lifespan of our healthcare system
and the well-being of our nurses, we must address the issue of their welfare. So today, we will
delve into the crucial topic of nurses' well-being, exploring the factors, consequences, and
strategies that can be employed to sustain those who wore those scrubs and truly dedicate their
lives to healing others.

I want to shed light on a critical issue in healthcare which is probably the most experienced
by most nurses which is burnout. Burnout is a term that encompasses physical and emotional
exhaustion. Now, what's causing this troubling trend? Well, a primary culprit is the heavy workload
that our nurses bear. They often find themselves handling overwhelming patient loads, working
long hours, and getting little time for rest. Moreover, exposure to trauma, whether through patient
stories or personal experiences in critical care settings can take a heavy toll on their mental well-
being. Perhaps the most alarming consequence is the direct impact on patient care. When nurses
are burnt out, their ability to provide high-quality care is compromised. They become more
susceptible to making medical errors, which can have severe implications for patient safety and
outcomes. Furthermore, patients may experience decreased satisfaction with their care, as they
sense the emotional distance that burnout can create between nurses and their patients.

But amidst these challenges, it's crucial to emphasize the importance of self-care for nurses.
Self-care isn't a luxury but it's a necessity. Just as we expect our nurses to provide care and support
to patients, we must also empower them to care for themselves. Self-care isn't selfish but it's a
means to ensure that nurses can continue to provide the best possible care to their patients. The
emotional demands of the nursing profession, the stress of high-stakes situations, and the constant
exposure to suffering can lead to burnout. However, when nurses prioritize self-care, they build
resilience. They are better equipped to manage the emotional toll of their work and to navigate the
challenges they face daily.

So, what are some effective self-care strategies for our nurses? First and foremost,
encouraging regular breaks and adequate rest is essential. Nurses should have the opportunity to
step away from their demanding roles and recharge, even if it's just for a short time during a shift.
Research conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) revealed that healthcare
workers who consistently practice self-care, such as getting adequate sleep and maintaining a
healthy work-life balance, are 30% less likely to experience symptoms of depression and anxiety,
significantly contributing to their overall mental well-being. This statistic underscores the
powerful connection between self-care practices and mental health outcomes among healthcare
professionals, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing self-care for their emotional and
psychological resilience. Additionally, stress management techniques, such as mindfulness and
meditation, can be incredibly beneficial. These practices help nurses manage the emotional
demands of their profession and build resilience in the face of stress and trauma. Physical well-
being should not be overlooked either. Promoting regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient
hydration can contribute significantly to a nurse's overall health and ability to cope with the rigors
of their job.

Above all these things, nurse burnout is not just a concern for healthcare professionals but
it is a matter that affects us all. We must recognize the vital role of self-care in the lives of our
nurses and actively promote these strategies within our healthcare institutions. By doing so, we
can reduce burnout rates, increase job satisfaction, and ultimately enhance patient care. Their
dedication and compassion shine brightly, but behind the scrubs, they are individuals who need
care and support too and embracing self-care strategies and fostering a culture of well-being, we
not only protect the health and happiness of our nurses but also enhance the quality of care they
can provide. So, as we support them, let's also bear in mind that one day, we may find ourselves
in their shoes, relying on the care and expertise of these exceptional individuals. This realization
underscores the urgency of taking action now to ensure the well-being of our healthcare heroes
and the sustainability of our healthcare system. Thank you!


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