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Plo t no :38 ,39 & 43 ,44
Da te :2 1. 09 .2 3

Sec: JR(JI-o• &J I-0 )
an ideal liqu id is bein
A container containing eler atio n a. Fin d Load
izon tal acc
accelerated wit h uniform hor
with the horizon tal. ------
--- ------ 7
inclination of its top surface ---
--- ---
--- - 20k g
e ---- - - --
- - ---- 1.5 m
hal f filled wit h wat er is mad
2 A bea ker of dep th h is of sym met ry at angular
rotate about its ver tica l axis
ace will assume a concav
velocity m. The water surf
shape as shown in the figu re.
j Wh at is the abs olut e and
above the liqu id surface in 3
gauge pre ssu re of the gas
the tan k sho wn in the figu
mer cur y Pm =
kgm - den sity of
Den sity of oil, p0 = 820
heri c pre ssu re p 0 = 1.01 x
13.6 x 1Q3 kgm-3, atm osp ome ter
cury levels in the man
Pa. The difference in mer mn in the left arm ,
of oil colu
tub e h is 1. 75 m, the leng th
--- ---
--- ---
--- ~--
h 1 is 1.20 m and the level
of oil inside the rese rvo ir is at

--- ---
----.-- --- ---
_ _ . _ _ l a t __
a heig ht h 1 = 1.00 m abo ve the man ome ter tube.
(a) Ass ume a coo rdin
ate frame atta che d with Gas
the sect ion of the liqu id
d equ atio n of
con tain er. Fin
surf ace in the x-y plane.
tha t
(b) Fin d rati o of volume
occupied by the liquid and
ion of the con tain er above
occupied by the air in sect
hed line .
the ~-axis and below the das
sides 10 m eac h contains
3 A tan k of squ are bas e of ht of 8 m. Cal cula te
to a heig
liquid of rela tive density 1.2
vertical sides.
thru st on the bas e and on the
ities 2 and 10 respectively
as. shown in the figure. It
is Two bodies of specific grav the
A trou gh has cross section d the thru st on length l
balance eac h oth er when
susp end ed in wat er from
er up to top. Fm m of a common
filled wit h wat of and the righ t of the bea
sidewalls. Assume density two ends the left
on the bottom and on the r wei gh~ in air.
balance. Fin d the rati o of thei
wat er to be p.

~~:~~!:~: : ----~~-:~~~~~~~: l h
9 When a large ston e of mas
floating iceberg, it just sink
iceberg? Relative density of
0.9 and 1.02 resp ecti vely .
s 240 kg is placed on a
What is the mas s of the
ice and tha t of sea wat er are

--:-:-:-:-:-_-____________ - ts with a par t of its total volu
10 A body of density d floa den sity d 1 which is above
V immerse d in a liqu id of
. The rem aini ng par
t of the
ano ther liquid of density d 2 d volumes of
in the seco nd liqu id. Fin
s- body is imm erse d
into a U-tube of uniform c~os the body imm erse d in both
the liquids.
t!./ Enough water is poured its length. Now an 011 of
to occu py 22 cm of of its
..J' section·
to occupy ano ther 22 cm of 11 A uniform rod of mas
s 48 g suspended from one
specific gravity 0.8 is poured ll size but of mas s 6 g is
the levels hw and h 0 otw ater end s A and nail of negligibly
length of the tube. Find The rod floa ts in wat er with
driven it its othe r end B. er and stri ng vertical as
and the oil. half its leng th outs ide the wat
the tension in the stri ng and
shown in the figure. Fin d
the mat eria l of the rod.
the specific gravity of

--------- ---
the pr~ss .:=:=:=:=:=:=-- -_ .: ~-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:
s a hydraulic press with
6 'l'he figur~ show 35 cm at a heigh.t 1.5 m above its -=-===·
plunger of diam eter
10 9m. Weight paced on the ==;=;-~~--_--=~=~=~-~-~---_-_-_-_-_-_
smaller piston of diameter --- --- --- --- --- ---
20 kg. Wh at is the force exerted on the Fig. 7
, smaller piston is
i.n equilibr~~m state? 'I'he
load by the Jar~er piston
pres s 1s 750 kgm •
density of the oil m the
17 Dam design: You are to <lor,1v,n a clam of rectaJ1gt
cross section (bx 11), ensuring that the dam does no,
12 A thin rod is pivoted at one end of a vessel while the
over even when the water level h reaches the top of th
other end is submerged in a liquid. The rod can freely
turn about the end A which is above the liquid level. dam (h =ll). Take the specific weight of concrete to be 0.
Find the density of the material of the rod is, at Consider the following two scenarios for your design. 1.
The downstream bottom edge of the dam is plugged so
equilibrium, if 1/n length of the rod is outside the water
that there is no leakage underneath. 2. The downstream
and density of the liquid is p1.
edge is not plugged and the water leaked under the dam
bottom has full pressure across the bottom.

d . person is in a boat in a pool with surface area A. She

~ : holding a ball with volume V and mass m ma still
--- --------
- - .... - - -........ - • - ·B-

- --- ------ - ---

___________ -. pool. The ball is then thrown into the pool, no water is
splashed out and the pool comes to rest again.
13 A rubber ball of density p and radius r is submerged into 18.tAssuming the ball floats, by how much does the pool
water to a depth h and released. What height will it level go up or down?
jump above the surface of water? Neglect resistance of
water and air. Take density of water p1. 18.2Assuming the ball sinks to the bottom by how much
does the pool level go up or down?
14 A uniform solid cylinder.of mass m =12 kg, diameter d = "level of
O. lm and height h =2m floats in water (density p =1000
kg/m3). (a) Assuming the cylinder floats vertically, find
the submerged height of the cylinder. (2) If the cylinder
floats longitudinally (its longitudinal axis parallel to the
water surface), what will be the submerged section of
the cylinder? Fig (Q.18)
. . / A steel boat with mass m and density p, is floating in a
pool of water with density p..,, and cross-sectional area A.
By how much does the pool level go up or down when the
boat sinks to the bottom?

- --
15 Forces on a submerged sluice gate: A rectangular
plate is used as a gate in a tank to prevent water from ,_

draining out. The plat.e is hinged at A and rests on a

frictionless surface at B. Assume the width of the plate Fig (Q.11)
to be 1 m. The height of the water surface above point A
is h. Ignoring the weight of the plate, find the forces on
20 Two cups of water are balanced. You then gently stick
the hinge at A as a function of h. In particular, find the
vertical pull on the hinge for h 0 and h 2 m. = your finger into one of them. Does this upset the
balance? This experiment can be set up with two cups
and a hexagonal-cross-section pencil. The cups need not
be identical, they just need to be balanced at the start.

M l H
16 Tipping of a dam: The cross section of a concrete dam
tj l
t:I Fig (Q.12)
is shown in the figure. Take the weight-density r(= pg)
of water to be 10 kN/m8 and that of concrete to be 25
kN/m 3 . For the given design of the cross-section, find the
ratio hill that is safe enough for the dam to not tip over
(about the downstream edge E).


t 1
l._ .·
, i a (b) 1 : l
3. l.96x 10 N. L 184xl()7 N
tnn 7
Jl l 2.

h0 = 20 cm nnd '2 fi = 16 cm
4. (Pu + 1"JUl1)bl ~(Pu+ JWhfl)hkK.etJ 5.

8. 9:5
6. 1.34 x 10 N

V2 =( dcl, -d
J' V
l l. 0.14 N, 0.6
1800 kg , I
9_ 10 .

(a) 1.5 3 m, (b) de pth d 8 == r

+ r cos 8, wh ere
e-. !.. sin 20 -0. 73 8 = 0 lS . 2.89 kN; 11.55 k.N
14 .

h 0.91 blH > 0.41

-s _ Sc enario 1 blH > 0.33~ scenario 2
H 17
16 .

m g- P, V m(-1- -1)
- _ Yes
(i) O~ (ii) decreases by
P, A 19. A Pu., P~ 20
18 .

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