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Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question.

Be sure you understand

the concepts involved. Test yourself again by answering the questions for the second time.

1. Of the following numbers, which is closer to 62 than it is to 358?

a. 168 c. 224
b. 210 d. 234
Solution: We get the midpoint between 62 and 358.
Midpoint= 62  358  420  210
2 2
The number less than 210 is closer to 62 than to 358. Therefore the answer is 168. (Ans. A)
2. Find the result when 52 is subtracted from the sum of 45 and 63.
a. -56 c. 56
b. -160 d. 160
N= (45+63)-52 = 108-52 = 56 (Ans. C)
3. The product of 8 and 96 is
a. Greater than 800 c. less than 800
b. An odd number d. a prime number
Since 8 x 96 = 768, then the product is less than 800. (Ans. C.)
4 3 10 9
4. Of the fractions , , and which one is the smallest?
15 51 18 29
4 3
a. c.
15 51
10 9
b. d.
18 29
The easiest way to solve this type of problem is to convert the fraction to decimal;
4 3
=0.27 =0.06
15 51
10 9
=0.56… = 0.31
18 29
By comparing we see that the smallest is . ( Ans. C)
5. Find a number such that of it is 48.
a. 2.25 c. 164
b. 1024 d. 628
(Hint: Translate to Mathematical expression)
3/64 of it is 48
3/64 (of means to multiply) (the number) (=) 48
x N = 48 ( find for the value of N)
N= 1024 (Ans. B)
6. Find the value of 18(160-110)-3(160-110)-6(160-110).
a. 45 b. 450 c. 50 d. 90
Solution: Since (160-110) is common, we can factor out
=450 (Ans. B)
7. What is the least common multiple of a, b, and c, if a, b and c are prime numbers and a≠b≠c?
a. a  b  c c. abc
b. ab c d.
2 3
( a  b)  c

Solution: The Least Common Multiple(LCM) of prime numbers is their product. Therefore the
lcm of a, b, and c is abc.( Ans. C)
8. If x is positive and y is negative, which of the following is positive?
a. x y c.  x y
b. xy d.  x y
- x

(negative) x (positive) x (negative) = postive (Ans. D)

1 1
9. If   0 , then a = ?
a a
a. 0 b. -1 c. 1 d. no real value
1 1
  0
a a
1 1
 
a a
2 2
 1   1 
     
 a   a 
1 1


 a

 a  0
a (a  1)  0
a  0 ; a  1
1 1
  undefined
0 0
1 1
  0
1 1

Therefore, there is no real value. ( Ans. D)

10. When two numbers a and b, are added, the sum is x. The smaller number is y less than three
times the larger number. What is the smaller number?
x y x y
a. c.
4 2
3x  y 3x  y
b. d.
2 4
Solution: let a be the smaller number
B be the larger number
a+b=x → b=x-a
a=3b-y → a=3(x-a)-y
3x  y
a (Ans. D)
11. What is the measure of the acute angle determined by the hands of the clock at 4:30?
a. 30° c. 45°
b. 37.5° d. 47.5°
Solution: formula for finding the degree measure determined by the hands of the clock:
Degree= 30h  5.5m , where h is the hour and m is the minute.
Given: h=4, m=30
Degree= 30( 4)  5.5(30)

= 120  165
=  45
=45° (Ans. C)
12. If the sum of the lengths of any three consecutive sides of a square is 36 units, its area is?
a. 48 sq. Units c. 144 sq. Units
b. 81 sq. Units d. 12 3 sq. Units
Solution: s+s+s=36
s= 36/3=12
A s

A  12
(Ans. C)
A square
 144

13. If the sides of a triangle have lengths 5, 12 and c, then

a. 5<c≤12 c. 12<c<17
b. 0<c≤17 d. 7<c<17
Solution: the length of the third side of a triangle is greater than the difference of the
lengths of the other two sides but less than their sum.Therefore,
7<c<17 (Ans. D)
14. If  x  2, then x=?
a. 1 b. 0,4 c. 1 or 2 d. x  , x  2
 x2
4  ( x  2)( x  2)
4 x  2 2

4  4x  4

44   4x

 4x  0
x ( x  4)  0
x  0; x  4 (Ans. B)
15. If A(1,2) and B(-3,-4), which of the following is not an equation of the lines that contain A
and B.
3 3
a. y2 ( x  1) c. y  2  ( x  1)
2 2
b. 3x  2 y  1  0 d. y  4   x  3
Solution: One way to approach this type of problem is to express the equation of the lines
in the given choices in its general form, then identify the equation that is not the same as
the other three.
a. y  2  ( x  1)  2 y  4  3 x  3  3 x  2 y  1  0
b. 3 x  2 y  1  0
c. y  2  ( x  1)  2 y  4  3 x  3  3 x  2 y  1  0 (Ans. C)
d. y  4   x  3  2 y  8  3 x  9  3 x  2 y  1  0
16. which of the following is not an equation for the same line as each of the others?
y x y
a. x 1  0  1
2 1 2
b. y  2x  2 d. y  2 x  2
Solution: Express each equation in the y  mx  b form and compare.
a. x   1  0  2 x  y  2  0  y  2 x  2
b. y  2 x  2
x y
c.   1  2 x  y  2  y  2 x  2
1 2
d. y  2 x  2 ( Ans. D)
17. Which of the following sets lists all the y- intercepts of y   x  4  8 ?
a. 12 b. 4 c.   d.  4,12
Solution: to solve for the y- intercept we set x=0 and find y.
y   x4 8
y  04 8
y  4 8
y   ( 4)  8
y4 4(Ans. B)
18. If the sum of the exterior angles of a certain polygon is divided by the number of sides of
the polygon, the result is 12. How many sides does the polygon have?
a. 25 b. 30 c. 18 d. 24
Note: The sum of the exterior angle of any polygon is always 360°.
Let n be the number of sides.


One ext. Angle=



n  360


n  30
(Ans. B)
19. If two angles of a triangle are acute, what could be concluded about the third angle?
a. It is acute.
b. It is obtuse.
c. It is a right angle.
d. It can have any measure between 0° and 180°
Solution: Choices a, b and c can be conclusions to the third angle, so to have a more
generalized conclusion we say that the third angle can have any measure between 0° and
20. A rectangle has a width of 9 and a diagonal of 41. what is its perimeter?
a. 40 b. 98 c. 100 d. 360
By Pythagorean formula the length(L) is,
d w
2 2

41  9
2 2
L  1681  81
L  1600
L  40
P  2l  2 w
P  2(40)  2(9)
P  80  18
P  98 (Ans. B)
21. If three numbers are added in pairs, the sums equal to 21, 32, and 47. the least of the
three numbers is
a. 1 b. 3 c. 18 d. 29
Solution: let a, b and c be the numbers.
a  b  21
b  21  a
b  c  32
(21  a )  c  32
c  32  21  a
c  11  a
a  c  47
a  (11  a )  47
2a  47  11
2a  36
a  18
(Ans. B)
c  29
2 3 1
22. Express 8x y 3 4 2 in simplest radical form.

xy xy
3 2 3 2
a. 44 c. 84

xy xy
3 3 2
b. 44 d. 4
2 3 1 2 3 2

8x y y xy
 2  3  x 4
3   3
3 4 2 4  44
23. A pebble is dropped form the height of 1936 feet. Find the time it will take for the pebble to
reach the ground. Use the formula 4 , where t is the number of seconds it takes for
the pebble to reach the ground and s is the distance it will fall in feet.
a. 11s b. 18s c. 44s d. 484s
s 1936 44
t t t  t  11 s (Ans. A)
4 4 4
24. One factor of a  2 a  a  2
3 2
is a 1 , find the other factors.
a. ( a  2 )( a  1) c. ( a  2 )( a  1)
b. ( a  2 )( a  1) d. ( a  2)( a  1)

Solution: factor out by grouping:

a  2a  a  2
3 2

 (a  2a )  (a  2)
3 2

 a ( a  2 )  1( a  2 )

 a  1a  2 

 ( a  1) ( a  1)( a  2 )
(Ans. A)
25. Find the value of k so that the remainder upon dividing  8x  k by ( x  4)
is zero.
a. 4 b. 48 c. -48 d. 64
Solution: use the Remainder theorem:
x40 x4

x  8x  k  0
f ( x) 
f ( 4 )  ( 4)  8( 4 )  k  0

16  32  k  0
48  k  0
k   48
(Ans. C.)
26. A certain renovation job can be done by 18 workers in 28 days. How many more workers
are needed if it is desired to finish the whole job in just 12 days? ( Assume that every
worker works at the same rate as the others.)
a. 12 b.18 c.24 d. 42
Solution:let x be the number of workers.
1 1
( x  18 ) :  18 :
12 28
1  1 
( x  18 )   18
28  12 
 1 
x  18    18  28 
 12 
x  18  42
x  42  18
(Ans. C)
x  24
27. Give the equation of the axis of symmetry of the graph of f ( x )  x  12 x .

a. x=12 b. x=-12 c. x=6 d. x=-6

For the parabola f ( x )  ax  bx  c , the equation for the axis of symmetry is

2a . For f ( x )   12 x , a=1, b=-12 and c=0.

 x
 12   x  6
(Ans. C.)
2a 2 (1)
28. Which of the following is false for every real number?
a. x 2  16  16 x c. x 2  16  0

b. x  16  16 x
d. x  16  0
 16  0 , is always false, since a square of a number is always greater than or equal
to 0 and when added to a positive number will never give a negative result. (Ans. D.)

29. What is the remainder when is divided by 5?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

Solution: Since 8
divided by 5 has a remainder of 1, by Modulo congruence, we say
that 8  1 (mod 5 ) where 1 is the remainder, and. 82  50  1(mod 5) Therefore the

remainder is 1. (Ans. A)
 3  2

30. If n 2  18   3n what is the value of n  

 2  ?
a. 20 b. 20 c. 21 d. 22
Solve for n using factoring:
 3 2
Use any of the value to solve for  n   use n=3
n 18  3n
 3  2
 n  
 2 
n  3n 18  0
 3  2
  3  
 2 
(n  6)(n  3)  0  9  2
 
 2

 (Ans. B.)
n  6; n  3 
or 20
4 4

31. In the series 1,5,10,16,23…,the eighth term is

a. 40 b. 50 c. 61 d. 73
40+10=50 (Ans. B.)
32. How many integers between 299 and 401 are divisible by 4 and 9
a. 11 b.26 c. 34 d. 37
a  a
Formula 1
,where n is the total number of integers that are divisible by d
n  n
an a
from1 ato
n . and is the first and last integers divisible by d respectively,
and d is the divisor.
Total number of integers divisible by 4 between 299 and 401:
n  na a 1
400  300
n 4

 1  26

Total number of integers divisible by 9 between 299 and 401.

a n  a1  1
n 9

396  306
n 9

 1  11

Total number of integers divisible by 4 and 9 between 299 and 401.

a  a1
n 4
 n

396  324
n 4 and 9

1 3

Total number of integers divisible by 4 or 9 between 299 and 401.

n 4 or 9
 n4  n9  n36

n  26  11  3  34
4 or 9 (Ans.) c.
33. find the value of m for which the graph of y=mx+9 is perpendicular to the graph of
a.  4 b.  1 c.3 d. 1
15 3 3
Transform x+3y=14, into slope intercept form:
x  3y  14 (Note: two lines are perpendicular if their slope is negative reciprocal of
the other)
3y  x 14
1 14
y  x
3 3
1 1
m  3
m 1
 1
 
(Ans. C.)
 3
34. If 1:7=x: 0.35, what is the value of x?
a. 0.05 b.0.5 c.5 d. 100
1:7=x: 0.35
X=0.35/7=0.05 ( Ans. A.)
35. How many factors of 2000 are perfect squares?
a. 5 b. 6 c. 10 d. 44
Solution: get the prime factors of 2000
2000  2 x2 x2 x2 x5 x5 x5 2 x 5
4 3

the perfect square factors are

1 , 2
, 2 , 5 , 2 5 , 2 5   1 , 4 ,16
4 2 2 2 4 2
, 25 ,100 , 400  Thus, there are 6 perfect square
factors.( Ans. B)

36. Visayas State University has more than ten students in each class. In one of the classes
the sum of the squares of the number of boys and the number of girls equals 100. How
many students are there in the class?
a. 8 b.10 c. 12 d. 14

6 8
2 2
 100
6  8  14 (Ans. D.)
37. Find the dimensions of the rectangle with maximum area whose perimeter is 24cm.
a. 2cm x 12cm c. 6cm x 6cm
b. 12cm x12cm d.4cm x 6cm
Solution: Note that with the given perimeter the rectangle formed with the maximum area
is a square.
s= P/4
s=24/4=6cm, therefore the dimensions are 6cm x 6cm. (ans. C)
38. State the sum of roots of the quadratic equation x  18 x  120  0

a. -18 b. 18 c. -120 d. 120

Solution: the form of the quadratic equation using its roots form is x  r  r x  r r  0
1 2 1 2

For x  18 x  120  0 the sum of the roots is 18. (ans. B)


39. Of the following numbers, which is the greatest?

a. 1 b. 18 c. 8 d. 8
8 8 8

Solution: Of the above choices the greatest is 8 .

40. Rosalie can clean the room in x hours. Renalyn can clean the same room in y hours. If
they work together, how long will it take them to clean the room?
x y
a. x  y b. x 1 y c. x xy y d. xy

Solution: Let t be the time it takes for them to finish the whole job.
1 1
   t  1
x y (Ans. C.)
x y
41. There are 75 questions in a college entrance examination. Two points are awarded for
each correct answer and one half point is deducted for each wrong answer. A score of
100 indicates how many correct answers, assuming that all questions are answered?
a. 10 b. 20 c. 55 d. 65
Solution: let x= the number of correct answers
75-x= the number of wrong answers
2x  (75 x)  4x  75 x  200
 5x  200 75  5x  275
(Ans. C.)
 x  275/ 5  55
42. There are 70 questions on a test. The questions are either multiple-choice, true-false or
fill-in. There are twice as many as true-false as fill-in and five more multiple-choice than
true-false. How many multiple choice questions are there?
a. 13 b. 26 c.31 d. 40
Solution: let x be the number of fill-in questions
2x be the number of true-false questions
(2x+5) be the number of multiple choice questions
(2x+5)=2(13)+5=26+5=31 (Ans. C.)
43. If b is an odd integer greater than one, which of the following must be an even integer?
a. b  2 b. b  b c. b  4 d. b  4
2 5 3 2


Solution: assume for the value of b. let b=3

a. b  2  3  2  11 odd
2 2

b. b  b  3  3  243  27  216 even

5 3 5 3

c. bb 24  33 24  55  1
2 2

d. b  4  3  4  6561  4  6557
8 8
odd (Ans. B)

44. Collin has a collection of of match boxes. If he counts the match boxes by twos,threes,
fours, fives and sixes, there is always one left-over if he counts the match boxes by
sevens, none remain. What is the fewest number of match boxes could Collin have?
a. 81 b. 211 c. 301 d. 411
Solution: This is a problem on LCM (Least Common Multiple).
The lcm of 2,3,4,5 and 6= 3 x 4 x 5 = 60
Find the smallest Multiple of 60 which when added to 1 is divisible by 7.
60+1=61 is not divisible by 7
120+1=121 is not divisible by 7
180+1= 181 is not divisible by 7
240+1=241 is not divisible by 7
300+1=301 is divisible by 7 (Ans. C.)
45. The number of diagonals in a polygon of n sides is given by the formula d  n ( n  3)
Find the number of sides of a polygon with 35 diagonals.
a. 7 b. 10 c. 35 d. 560
Solution: d  n ( n  3)  35  n ( n  3)
2 2
(Ans. B)
 70  n ( n  3 )
 70  10 (10  3 )
 n  10

5x 25 x  5x
3 k 1 3 k 7
46. Solve for k:
a. 5 b. 8 c. 10 d. 12

5 x 25 x  5 x
3 k 1 3 k 7

5 x 25 x   5 x
k 1 k 7

125 x  5 x 
2 k 1 7 3

125 x  125 x
2 k 1 21

2 k  1  21 (Ans. C.)
2 k  21  1
2 k  20
k  20 / 2  10
47. The diagonal of a square has length of 16 2 . Find its area in square units.
a. 16 b. 64 c. 256 d. 512
Solution: By Pythagorean,

d  s  s  2s
2 2 2 2

 2s  16 2
  2

 2s  512
(Ans. C.)
 s  256

48. If N is the square of a positive integer, which of the following must be equal to the square
of the next lesser integer?
a. N  1 b. N 2  1 c. N  1 d. N  2 N  1
If N is the square of a positive integer, then N is the integer and  N  12
is the square of the next lesser integer.
 N  12  N  2 N  1 (Ans. D)
49. The earth, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus all revolve around the sun. The earth takes one
year, Jupiter takes 12 years, Saturn takes 30 years, and Uranus takes 84 years. In how
many years will these four planets align themselves exactly as they are this evening?
a. 12 b. 30 c. 84 d. 420
Solution: This is an LCM problem we take the LCM of 1, 12, 30 and 84=3 x 4 x 5 x 7=420.
(Ans. D)
50. A piece of wire 168 cm long is to be cut into two pieces, each to be bent to make a square.
The length of a side is one square to be 2 cm greater than the length of a side of the other.
What is the area of the smaller square in sq. cm?
a. 20 b. 22 c. 80 d. 400
Solution: Let s be the side of the smaller square.
4 s  4 ( s  2 )  168
s  s  2  42
2 s  40
s  20

A s

 20
(Ans. D.)

A cm
 400

51. When x is divided by 5, the remainder is 4. when divided by 7 the remainder is 0. which of
the following is a possible value for x?
a. 24 b.94 c. 144 d. 154
Solution: The number must be divisible by 7 first. From the choices the only number that
is divisible by 7 is 154.
154÷5=30 remainder 4. (Ans. D)
52. If k is a positive integer less than 26, what is the total number of integral solutions for the
equation x  10 x  k  0 ?

a. 7 b. 8 c. 9 d. 10
Solution: The sum of the integral solutions must be 10 and their product must be less than
1,91  9  10 1x9  9
2,82  8  10 2 x8  16
3,73  7  10 3 x7  21
4,64  6  10 4 x6  24
5,55  5  10 5 x5  25
There are 9 possible integral solutions. These are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9. (Ans. C)
53. Simplify . 3 x  9  x  9 

a. 3  x  3  b. 3  x  3  c. 3  x  1  d. 3  x  1 
Solution: Factor and cancel out common factors
3 x  9  x 2  9 
3( x  3) ( x  3) ( x  3)
(Ans. B.)
3 ( x  3)
54. What are the prime factors of 120?
a. 2×2×2×6×5 b. 2×4×3×5 c. 2×3×4×5 d. 2×2×2×3×5
Solution: Only choice d contains all prime factors.
120=12×10=3×4×2×5=3×2×2×2×5=2×2×2×3×5 (Ans. D.)
55. What is the least common multiple of 12 and 60?
a. 340 b. 140 c. 120 d. 360
Solution: Divide each of the choices by 12 and 60 starting from the smallest number.
120÷60=2 (Ans. C.)
56. The least common multiple (LCM) of 2, 3, and 4?
a. 13 b. 14 c. 24 d. 12
Solution: Divide each of the choices by 2, 3 and 4 starting from the smallest number.
12÷4=3 (Ans. D)
57. Simplify  x  y   x  y 
2 2

a. y-x b. x-y c. -x-(-y) d. -x+y

Solution: Factor and cancel out common factors
 2  2   x  y 
  x  y  x  y   x  y  (Ans. B)
 x y

58. Simplify: 3(x4y) (4y 3x) (2x y)

a. 4x+17y b. -4x+17y c. 4x-17y d. -4-17y

3( x  4 y)  (4 y  3x)  (2x  y) (Ans. C.)

 3x 12y  4 y  3x  2x  y
59. The sum of the sides of a polygon is the ___________.
 3x  3x  2x 12y  4 y  y
 4x 17y a. Area b. Volume c. legs
d. Perimeter
Solution: Perimeter is determined by adding all the sides of a polygon. (Ans. D.)
60. The altitude of triangle is 5 meters and the base is 20 meters. What is the area of the
a. 50 sq. m. b. 60 sq. m. c. 20 sq. m. d. 24 sq. m.
Solution: formula for area of triangle is ½bh, where b is the base and h is the
A=50 sq. m. (Ans. A.)
61. The measure of an angle is 25 more than its supplement. What is the measure of the
larger angle?
a. 110.5 degrees b. 102.5 degrees c. 95.5 degrees d. 77.5 degrees
Solution: The sum of two supplementary angles is 180.
Let x be the measure of the smaller angle and
(x+25) be the measure of the larger angle
x+25=77.5+25=102.5 ( Ans. B)
62. In how many ways can 5 girls be seated in a row of 5 seats?
a. 95 b. 120 c. 105 d. 100
Solution: The permutation of n objects given by r at a time is equal to n! if n=r (Pr=n!
if n=r).
Given: n=5; r=5
nPr=5P5=5!=5×4×3×2×1=120 (Ans. B)
63. What percent of 75 is 15?
a. 20% b. 30% c. 38% d. 40%
Solution: Formula
Percentage= Base x Rate
Given: P=15
r= ?
r=P/B=15/75=0.2 or 20% (Ans. A)
64. How long will it take A and B together, to finish a job which can be done by A alone in 6
days and B alone in 3 days?
a. 2 ½ days b. 2 days c. 3 days d. 3 ½ days
Solution: Formula for work problem
 1
BT  AT  AB Where T is the total time that A and B can finish the task
T ( A  B )  AB together, A is the time for person A to finish the task alone and B is
T 
AB the time that person B can finish the task alone.
AB 6(3) 18
T    2days (Ans. B)
A B 63 9
65. Guzman Company manufactures beds. In its catalogue, a double bed is priced at
P5,000.00 less a discount to the trade if 20%. What will Rosan Department Store have to
pay for the bed?
a. P4,000.00 b. P4,500.00 c. P4,200.00 d. P4,980.00
Solution: Sale price-(sale price x trade discount)
5,000.00-(5,000.00 x 0.20)
=P4,000.00 (Ans. A)
66. A receipt calls for 2 eggs for every cup of flour. If a head chief uses 28 cups of flour, how
many eggs will he need?
a. 56 eggs b. 14 eggs c. 65 eggs d. 55 eggs
Solution: Use Ratio and Proportion
2 eggs:1 cup of flour=x eggs: 28 cups of flour
x= 56 eggs (Ans. A)
67. What is the total amount after adding interest of 8% on P10,000.00 for 3 years?
a. P12,400.00 b. P11,000.00 c. P13,400.00 d. P15,000.00
Solution: Get the interest first and add it to the principal amount.
Formula for simple interest:
I=Prt, where I is the interest, P is the Principal amount, r is the rate of interest and t is time
expressed in years.
Given: P= P10,000.00
r= 8% or 0.08
t= 3 yrs.
Total amount=P+I=10,000.00+2,400.00=P12,400.00 (Ans. A)
68. The fraction halfway between 3/7 and 4/7.
a. ½ b. 1/3 c. ¼ d. 1/8
Solution: get the sum of 3/7 and 4/7 and divide it by 2.
1÷2=½ (Ans. A)
69. The slope of a line described by the equation 3x=(y+4)2 is ________.
a. 6 b. 3/2 c. 4 d. 8
Solution: transform the equation to slope- intercept form (y=mx+b)
y=(3/2)x-4 Slope=3/2 2
40 (Ans. B)
70. The simplest expression of 4
a. 1 b. 4 c. ½ d. 2

2 2 2
40 40 40

   1
4 2 2
20 2 ( 20 ) 40

71. If the ratio of women to men in a meeting is 4 to1. What percent of the person in the
meeting are men?
a. 80% b. 20% c. 33 1/3% d. 25%
Percent of men= men/(women+men) x 100%
=1/(4+1) x 100%=1/5 x 100%=20% (ans. B)
72. If f ( x )  x  2 and g ( x )  3 x  18 , for what value(s) of x does g(f(x))=0

a. 0 only b. ±1 only c. ±2 only d. 0 and 1 only

g ( f ( x ))  0
3 ( f ( x ))  18  0
3 ( x  2 )  18  0

3 x  6  18 

3 x  12  0

x 40

x 4 (Ans. C.)

x  4

x  2
73. If f ( x )  x and, and f(2b)=2f(b), the b is______
a. b   b. 0,±1,±2 c. 6 d. no real numbers
f ( 2 b )  2 f (b )
2b  4 b4
 2 
2b  b 
2 (b  2 ) b4
 2 
(Ans. C)
2b  b 
b  2  2b  8
2b  b  8  2
b  6

74. Joel repacks a 60kg of sack of sugar into small packs of 750g. How many small packs
can be made?
a. 90 b.45 c. 55 d. 80
Solution: 1kg=1000g
60,000g/750g=80 (Ans. D)
75. How much bigger is 9 than 2 ?
2 3

a. 175 b. 73 c. 45 d. 431
Solution: 9  2  81  8  73 (Ans. B)
2 3

76. What is the average of ½, ¼, and 1/3?

a. 13/36 b. 13/29 c. 13/27 d. 13/24
Solution: average=(½ + ¼ + 1/3)/3
=13/36 (Ans. A)
77. The product of two whole numbers is 36, and their ratio is 4 which of these is the smaller
a. 9 b. 12 c. 3 d. 2
Solution: Let x and y be the two numbers
xy  36
 4  x  4 y

( 4 y ) y  36

4 y
 36

y 
36 / 4

y  (Ans. 3)

y  3  smaller number
xy  36
x ( 3 )  36
x  36 / 3
x  12
78. The ratio 1/16:1.5 is equal to the ratio of 35 to_______.
a. 840 b. 360 c. 420 d. 450
Solution: 1/16:1.5=35:x
x=840 (Ans.A)
79. An arithmetic book is 2 ½cm thick. How many copies can be placed in a meter-long shelf?
a. 44 b. 40 c. 36 d. 45
Solution: 1m=100cm
100cm/2.5cm=40 (Ans. B)
80. What is the smallest positive number that is a multiple of both 12 and 14?
a. 36 b. 42 c. 84 d. 168
Solution: Get the Least Common Multiple(LCM) of 12 and 14.
lcm(12,14)=2x2x3x7=84 (Ans. C)
81. 40% of 35 is what percent of 140?
a. 28% b. 29% c. 10% d. 14%
Solution: get 40% of 35, first
14/140=0.1x100%=10% (Ans. C.)
82. An employee earning P9,200 a month will receive 15% increase next month. How much
will his new salary be?
a. P10,500 b. P10,530 c. P10,580 d.10,560
Solution: 9,200+(9,200 x 0.15)=9,200+1,380=P10,580 (Ans. C)
83. In a certain school, the ratio of boys to girls is 3 to 7. if there are 150 boys and girls in
school. How many boys are there?
a. 45 b. 90 c. 105 d. 75
Solution: Number of boys=(3/10)(150)=3(15)=45 (Ans.A)
84. A park has a triangle shape. It has base of 12 meter and a height of 9m. What is its area?
a. 122 sq. m b. 42 sq. m c. 108 sq. m d. 54 sq. m
Solution: A=½bh
=54 sq. m (Ans. D)
85. If 50% of x is 20. what is 30% of x?
a. 30 b. 12 c. 20 d. 16
0.3(40)=12 (Ans.B)
86. Which of the following is divisible by 3 and 11?
a. 357404 b. 114345 c. 991111 d. 135792
Solution: use divisibility rules for 3 and 11
1+1+4+3+4+5=18 (3 divides 18, therefore 114345 is divisible by 3)
(1+4+4)-(1+3+5)=9-9=0 (11 divides 0, therefore 114345 is also divisible by 11)
(Ans. B)
87. Which of these numbers is greater than ¼?
a. 0.04 b.  1  c. 1/8 d. 1/5

 2 
Solution: Since ¼=0.25
½=0.5>0.25 (Ans. B)
88. If x is odd, which of these statement is true?

i. x is odd
ii. x is odd

iii. x  1 is odd
a. II only b. I and II only c. I only d. I and III only
Solution: Assume for values of x such that x is odd

Let x=3
x  3  27 : 27 is an odd number
3 3

x is odd :True, because 3 is an odd number

x is odd : x  3  9 True
2 2 2

x  1 Is odd : x  1  3  1  9  1  10 result is even, therefore false.

2 2 2

89. Three times the first of three consecutive odd integers is 3 more than twice the third. Find
the first integer.
a. 9 b. 13 c.11 d. 15
Solution: let x be the first odd integer
x+2 be the second odd integer
x+4 be the third odd integer
x=11<-- first odd integer (Ans. C.)
90. A senior class of 50 girls and 70 boys sponsored a dance. If 40% of the girls and 50% of
the boys attended the dance, approximately what percent attended?
a. 44% b. 46% c. 42% d. 40%
Solution: Percent of the class who attended
50 x 0.4 = 20
70 x 0.5 = 35
(20+35)/(50+70)=55/120=0.46 or 46% (Ans. B)
91. What is the smallest positive integer that has 6, 8 and 10 as factors?
a. 300 b. 240 c. 80 d. 120
Solution: Get the least common multiple of 6, 8 and 10.
Using prime factorization:
6= 3x2
lcm(6, 8, 10)=2x2x2x3x5=120 (Ans. D)
92. What percent is 14 of 24?
a. 14% b. 41 2/3% c. 62 1/4% d. 58 1/3%
Solution: formula for finding the rate
Given: P=14 ; B=24
r= 14/24= 0.58333…=58.33...% or 58 1/3% (Ans. D)
93. Michael is 15 years older than his brother Rafael. However y years ago Michael was twice
as old as Rafael. If Rafael is now x years old and x>y, find the value of x-y.
a. 13 b. 14 c. 15 d. 16
Present age: Michael= x+15
Rafael= x
Ages y years ago:
Rafael= x-y
x-y=15 (Ans. C)
94. What percent is 3/4 of 5/6?
a. 65% b. 90% c. 80% d. 75%
Solution: Formula for finding rate
r= P/B
Given: P=3/4; B=5/6
r= (3/4)/(5/6)=(3/4)(6/5)=9/10=0.9 or 90% (Ans. B)
94. What is the median of the following numbers? 8,5,7,5,9,9,1,8,10,5 and 10
a. 9 b. 8 c. 7 d. 5
Solution: arrange in ascending or descending and get the middlemost.
1,5,5,5,7,8,8,9,9,10 and 10. Therefore the median is 8. (Ans. B)
95. A certain pole casts a shadow 24 foot long. At the same time another pole 3 feet high
casts a shadow 4 feet long. How high is the first pole, given the height and shadow are in
a. 20ft b. 24ft c. 18ft d. 21ft
Solution: Use ratio and Proportion
x=72/4=18ft (Ans. C)
96. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 42in. The 2 equal sides are each 3 times as long
as the third side. What are the lengths of the three sides?
a. 18,21,3 b. 21,21,21 c. 6,6,8 d. 18,18,6
Solution: x+3x+3x=42
3x=3(6)=18 ,therefore the sides are 18,18 & 6 (Ans. D)
97. Which of the following will give the same value as a(b+c-d)?
a. ab-ac+ad b. abc-d c. ab+ac-ad d. abcd
Solution: use distributive property ti simplify
a(b+c-d)=ab+ac-ad (Ans. C)
98. If x+6=9, then 3x+1= ______.
a. 3 b. 10 c. 9 d. 34
Solution: x+6=9
3x+1=3(3)+1=9+1=10 (Ans. B)
99. A certain job can be finished by 18 workers in 28 days. How many workers are needed to
finish the job in 12 days?
a. 42 b. 39 c. 24 d. 30
Solution: Use inverse proportion
N= (18x28)/12=504/12=42 workers (Ans. A)
100. A box is 12 inches wide, 18 inches long and 10 inches high. How many square inches ,of
paper is needed to cover it on all side?
a. 192 b. 1032 c. 360 d. 900
Solution: Get the surface area of the box
SA= 2(18x12)+2(10x12)+2(18x10)
SA=1032s sq. in. (Ans. B)

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