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The following rules shall be applicable for Internal Eliminations conducted by the Moot Court
Association, and by way of Nomination, to select students to represent the Government Law
College, Mumbai at various External Moots:

1. Internal Eliminations & External Moots

For the purposes of the Rules Stated in this Chapter:

1.1. 'Internal Eliminations' shall include all Common Eliminations and Nomination
Notices (for one or more moots) held from time to time, the Grand Moot Court
Competition, the International Arbitration Grand Moot Court Competition and the
International Law Grand Moot Court Competition.
1.2. 'External Moots' shall include all inter-collegiate moots that the Government Law
College, Mumbai participates in, including moot court competitions hosted by the
Government Law College, Mumbai. A student may qualify to participate in an
External Moot through Internal Eliminations.
1.3. All teams that are to represent Government Law College, Mumbai, in any External
Moot shall be formed by way of Internal Eliminations organised by the Moot Court
1.4. The Moot Court Association, in accordance with clause 1.2 will be forming teams to
represent Government Law College, Mumbai of 3 positions. These positions will
include 'Speaker 1', 'Speaker 2' and 'Researcher'. The selected team will be given
discretion as to whether they would want any 'Additional Researcher' in their team.
The position of ‘Additional Researcher’ is in accordance with the maximum number
of participants allowed per team, as per the rules of the said External Moot. If the team
would require an 'Additional Researcher' they would require intimating the Moot
Court Association about the same. After which, the Moot Court Association would
select an 'Additional Researcher' according to clause 1.2 or by following the same
ranking list under which the other members of the team had been selected.

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1.5. Only those students who have participated in the Freshers’ Moot Court Competition
or Introductory Moot Court Competition will be allowed to participate in Internal

2. Participation & Withdrawal of Participation from an Internal Elimination

2.1. Students may register for an Internal Elimination in accordance with the procedure
laid down by the Notice for an Internal Elimination, within the stipulated time period.
2.2. After registering for an Internal Elimination, a student may withdraw his/her
participation before registration for such Internal Elimination shuts by intimating the
General Secretary of the Moot Court Association by sending an email to
2.3. Students who fail to participate in Internal Eliminations after registering for such
Internal Eliminations, without prior intimation in accordance with Clause 2.2 shall
face a moot ban for periods as follow:
• Withdrawal from Common Eliminations - 1 month
• Withdrawal from IL Grand, IA Grand & Grand Moot Court Competition
- 2 months
• Withdrawal from the Ranking Round of IL Grand, IA Grand & Grand
Moot Court Competition - 3 months

An exception to Clause 2.2 may be in consideration of extenuating circumstances.

3. Participation through Nomination

For the reason of inadequacy of time to conduct a Common Elimination for an External
Moot(s), or for any other reason, the Moot Court Association may put up an External
Moot(s) for Nomination, by way of a notice. Students may make an application within the
stipulated time period, with their mooting records. The final team shall be declared on the
basis of the mooting records of the applicants, in accordance with the criteria laid down.
Points will be given on the basis of Annexure I.

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4. Restriction on Participation in an External Moot(s)

A student who is already participating in an External Moot is prohibited from participating

in another External Moot when the difference between the date of submission of memorials
of one External Moot and the dates of final rounds of another External Moot, or the dates
of final rounds of one External Moot and the date of submission of memorials of another
External Moot is twenty-one (21) days or less. If and when such an action is performed, it
shall result in the withdrawal of the student’s participation in both the moots and the student
shall face a moot ban of 6 months.

5. Withdrawal of participation from an External Moot

5.1. After being declared as a part of the final team for an External Moot, a student who
withdraws participation shall be penalized according to Clause 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6
and 5.7.
5.2. If such withdrawal is made after the students consent to the release of a Vacancy
Notice, the students shall face a moot ban of 3 months.
5.3. In the event of non-participation in any of the rounds of the said External Moot, the
student shall face a moot ban of 3 months.
5.4. If such withdrawal is made after consenting to participate in the said External Moot
and the team decides not to register and fails to inform the Moot Court Association,
the student shall face a moot ban of 6 months.
5.5. If such withdrawal is made after consenting to participate in the said External Moot
and before the Registration form and Team Composition is sent to the participants via
email or to the organizers of the External Moot, the student shall face a moot ban of
6 months.
5.6. If such withdrawal is made after the Registration form and Team Composition is sent
to the organisers of the External Moot, the student shall face a moot ban of 12 months.
5.7. An exception shall be made to Clause 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6 only considering
extenuating circumstances that a student may face such as medical emergencies,
direct clash with examinations, which by no means are exhaustive and shall be dealt
on a case-to-case basis at the discretion of the General Secretary.
5.8. In the event of withdrawal of participation by a student, the Moot Court Association
shall fill up the empty position by way of an Internal Elimination.

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6. Regulations for Vacancy Notice

6.1. If the minimum team requirement has already been fulfilled, the remaining team
member(s) to fulfil the maximum team requirement can be selected from the
registered students in the vacancy notice, irrespective of their mooting records, by the
team already selected for the said External Moot.
6.2. If the minimum team requirement has not been fulfilled, the remaining team
member(s) shall be selected through the release of vacancy notice, wherein the
standard procedure shall be followed as per clause 3 to fill such vacant position(s).

7. Request to Participate in Unlisted External Moots

7.1. In the event, that a student/s is desirous of participating in an External Moot that the
Moot Court Association does not conduct Internal Eliminations (for reasons of
inadequate funds for Registration or otherwise), such student/s may approach the
Moot Court Association with an application to participate in such moot via email.
7.2. The Moot Court Association will then conduct Internal Eliminations, if deemed fit.
The final team will be selected in accordance with the procedure laid down by the
Moot Court Association. However, the cost of Registration of such a Moot may have
to be borne by the final declared team.
7.3. Students are prohibited from registering themselves independently for any External
Moot, without the consent of the Moot Court Association. Any such act will be
penalized in the manner prescribed in Clause 5.7.

8. Blacklist Register

8.1. The Moot Court Association shall maintain a Blacklist Register, which shall contain
details of all persons who have been penalized in accordance with Clauses 2.3, 5.2,
5.3, 5.4, 5.5 5.6, 5.7 & 7.3. This register will be accessible to students on request and
will be available with the Internal Mooting team.

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9. Redressal Mechanism

9.1. In case of redressal, the participants are supposed to approach first the Internal
Mooting Team (i.e., the Secretary Coordination and Mooting & Research
Coordinator), then the General Secretary or Assistant General Secretary, followed by
the Professor In-Charge of the Moot Court Association.

10. Power of Scrutiny of Progress of Selected Teams

10.1. The progress of teams that have been constituted by way of Internal Eliminations to
represent the college at External Moots is subject to scrutiny by the General Secretary
of the Moot Court Association. If the General Secretary has reasonable cause to
believe that such team selected is under-prepared, or that a member/s of the team
selected has/have not put in adequate effort towards such moot, or that sending such
an under-prepared team to an External Moot may be detrimental to the reputation of
the college, they may, in extreme cases, issue a notice restraining the member/s or the
entire team from participating in the said External Moot.

11. Right to Amend & Power of Interpretation

11.1. The Moot Court Association reserves the right to vary, alter, modify, or repeal any of
the above Rules without any prior notification, if so required and as they may deem
11.2. The final power of interpretation of the above-stated Rules rests with the General
Secretary and Professor in-Charge of the Moot Court Association.
11.3. If there is any situation, which is not contemplated in the rules, the General Secretary’s
and the Professor in-Charge’s decision on the same shall be final and binding.

Prof. Dilip A. Shinde Prof. Umesh Aswar Prof. Nuzhat Shaikh

Chairman Vice – Chairperson Prof- in- Charge
Moot Court Association Moot Court Association Moot Court Association

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Annexure 1

City State National International

Best Team 5 9 12 15

2nd Best Team 4 7 10 12

Best Speaker 4 7 10 12

2nd Best Speaker 3 5 8 10

Best Researcher 4 6 8 10

Best Memorial 3 6 8 10

2nd Best Memorial 2 4 6 8

Honorable Mention/ Other

1 2 3 4
awards #


Qualification to the World Rounds of an International Moot (with an

India qualifying round)

Semi-Final Rounds of International Moots, Semi-Final Rounds of

National Rounds of International Moots, Semi-Final Rounds of 7
International Moots held in India

Semi-Final Rounds of National Moots 5

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Preliminary Rounds of International Moots (without an India
Qualifying Round), Preliminary Rounds of National Rounds of
International Moots, Preliminary Rounds of International Moots held
in India or National Moots

State / City moot 2

Members of a Standby Team / Dummy Team 1

Mooting Workshop/ Demo Moot/ Mock Moot 1

Unofficial Researcher 0

1st Rank - 4
Final Ranking Round (IL Grand, IA Grand & Grand Moot Court
2nd Rank - 3
Competitions) & Other Intra-College Competitions
3rd Rank - 2

1st Rank - 3

Freshers' Moot and Introductory Moot Court Competiton 2nd Rank - 2

3rd Rank - 1

Bench Memorial Points

Bench Memorial for Internal Eliminations 1

Bench Memorial for City/State Moots 2

Bench Memorial for National/International Moots 3

* Participation points are to be added irrespective of whether the team wins any award.
However, if a moot has a memorial round, in order to qualify for the oral rounds,
participants will not be awarded participation points if they do not qualify past
the memorial rounds to the round of oral arguments.

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# Other awards include an award for the 3rd Best Memorial or 2nd Best Researcher or any
other award at the discretion of the General Secretary of the Moot Court Association.

^ Bench Memorial Points are to be added for those who have drafted Bench Memorials
for the various Moots organized by the Moot Court Association. Bench Memorial
Points shall only be awarded if the Bench Memorial is submitted to the General
Secretary in the given timeline.


It is mandatory for the participating teams in the External Moots to furnish relevant Certificates
of Participation, upon receiving the same, immediately to the Moot Court Association by
replying to the respective team composition mails.

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Annexure II

Equity Guidelines

1. Objective

The general purpose of this Equity Policy is to ensure all members and persons working
with/ associated with the Moot Court Association are treated with respect and
consideration for their safety and dignity. The Equity Policy will state prohibited
conduct and outline the procedures for raising and addressing complaints when an
individual feels that their equity has been breached. It will protect people from being
excluded from participation in Moot Court Association activities on the basis of the
following characteristics: (a) Sex; or (b) Race; or (c) Gender identity; or (d) Age; or (e)
Sexual orientation; or (f) Nationality; or (g) Disability status; or (h) Socio-economic
background; or (i) Religion; or (j) Marital Status.

This Policy is applicable to all individuals participating in all Internal and External
Moot Court Competitions organized by the Moot Court Association as well as
individuals representing Government Law College, Mumbai in any External Moot.

2. Scope

The implications of this Policy are applicable during all stages of a Competition – pre-
moot, during the moot, post-moot and in every mode – online, offline, and hybrid mode.
These include any and all interaction with any core member or volunteer of the Moot Court
Association, at any point, as well as with participants.

2.1. Prohibition of Discriminatory Content:

Any instances of bullying, intimidation, direct discrimination, indirect discrimination,

harassment, exclusionary or explicit language, sexual harassment, victimization or
vilification are prohibited behaviors. The breach of any of these prohibited behaviors
will require the Moot Court Association to take disciplinary action against such

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Any sort of Political, Religious, Violent, or any commentary that is perceived as
intolerable by the Moot Court Association is strictly discouraged and condemnable.

2.2. Complaints and Grievance Redressal Mechanisms:

If any individual feels that their equity has been breached by another person/group in
any capacity, they are advised to formally issue a complaint, which shall first go
through the General Secretary of the Moot Court Association and if the issue persists,
then it shall be brought before the Professor In-Charge of the Moot Court Association.

All formal complaints should be in the form of an e-mail to,

addressed to the General Secretary of the Moot Court Association. The subject of the
e-mail must be-
“Equity Complaint”

It is to be noted that any action can be taken against the offender(s) as deemed fit by
the General Secretary of the Moot Court Association and the decision of the General
Secretary will be deemed as final pertaining to all matters regarding, but not limited
to, cases of breach of equity, violation of Prohibited Behavior guidelines, events of
misdemeanor and misconduct, etcetera.


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