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STEAM Diploma

STEAM Diploma
Assignment (1)
Reflect on your competencies and main skills then state two of the major skills you
master doing currently and other two you wish to master in the future for content,
pedagogy and technology
Name: Amira Omar Okasha

Subject: Information Technology


The competencies and major skills that I perfectly master teaching, applying or using
currently in Information Technology

Content 1- Word Module

2- PowerPoint Module
I perfectly teach …ICDL(International 3- Spread Sheet Module
Computer Driving License ) 4- Windows Module

Pedagogy 1- Bloom’s Taxonomy (Remember , Understand , Apply ,

Analyze , Evaluate and Create) ( I make sure that the
I perfectly apply…Bloom’s Taxonomy students during my class apply the Bloom’s Taxonomy)
2- Make students relate what they took in class to real life

Technology 1- Zoom
2- Office
I perfectly use ………. 3- Windows applications
4- Google classroom
5- Prezi
6- Wix

The competencies and major skills that I wish to master teaching, applying, or using
in the future in…………..

Content 1- Simulation programs

2- Programming Languages ( C++,Python)
I wish to teach …………. effectively

Pedagogy 1- Critical Thinking problems

2- Coding challenges
I wish to apply…………… effectively 3- Participating in informatics competitions with students
4- Introducing robotics to class
5- Online privacy, cybersecurity, digital footprints, and the
ethical implications of IT decisions.

Technology 1- Introduce the Linux to students.

2- Electronics simulation applications
I wish to use …………… effectively

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