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U Different types of families
A Look at the families in the pictures. What's different about each type of family?

The Wangs, Vancouve r

"We're an extended family now
that Grandma has moved in. The big
advantage of having her at home is
that she can babysit more often."

The Watsons, Sydney The Patels, london

"My wife and I both work now, and the "We're a typical nuclear family- it's
extra money is great. The only trouble just my sister, my parents, and me.
with being a two-income family is we The only bad thing about living in our
don't spend as much time together." house is there's only one bathroom!"

B Pair work What are some more advantages and disadvantages of each type
of family in part A? Compare ideas.
"In a nuclear family, you might not see your grandparents every day. That's a disadvantage."


How are their families different?
t44A Listen to Paul and Andrea talk about their families. What kind of family did
each person grow up In? How have their families changed?

'4,t B Listen again. Match the people on the left with the phrases on the right.
1. Andrea b a. has two daughters.
2. Andrea's husband b. doesn't know her in-laws very well.
3. Andrea's sister-in-law c. has three brothers.
4. Paul's sister d. is looking forward to seeing the family.
5. Paul e. will be cooking for 12 people.
6. Paul's mother f. is a law student.

C Pair work Is yo.ur family similar to Paul's or Andrea's? How is it similar?

How is it different?

6 1ij¢j1lf Friends and family

Noun clauses after be
A noun clause is a part of a sentence with :a subject and a predicate that functions as a noun.
That is optional in noun clauses after be. AJso notice the prepositions followed by gerunds in
the first part of the sentences.
The only trouble with being a two-income family is (that) we-don't spend as much time together.
The big advantage of having Grandma at home is (that) she can babysit more often.

A Look at the Starting Point on page 6 again. Can you find the noun clause in the
last paragraph? Which preposition is used in the first part of the sentence?

B Combine the sentences. Then compare answers with a partner.

1. I'm the youngest in the family. The nice thing is I get a lot of attention.
The nice thing about being the youngest in the family is that I 9et a lot
of attention.
2. I have a younger sis.ter. The trouble is she always wants to borrow my clothes.
3. I'm away at college.The bad part is that I miss my family.
4. I work at night.The worst thing is I can't have dinner with my family.
5. I'm the oldest in the family. One bad thing is that I always have to babysit.

C Complete the sentences with your own ideas.,

Then compare answers with a partner.
1. An advantage of being a twin is....
that you always have someone to hang out with.
2. A problem with being an only child is ...
3. One benefit of being the oldest is ...
4. A big disadvantage of having an older sibling is .•.
5. The best thing about having a big family is •••

� ----------
Family matters
A Choose at least three questfons you'd like to talk about with your group.

0 What's the best thing about spending time with your family? What's the worst thing?
0 What's one advanta-ge of having a close family?
0 What are some rules that people have to follow in your family?
D Wha,'s a benefit of having strict parents?
0 Are you most likely to confide in a parent, a sibling, or a friend?
0 Do you believe mothers and fathers should do the same chores?
D What are the advantages and disadvantages of havmg a two-income family?

B Group work Discuss the ques.tlons you chose in part A . Ask follow-up
questions and make sure everyone In your group participates.

4•:J..i-i•)a,f Every family is different. 7

� Compound family terms
A Match the family members on the left with the definitions on the right.
1. Your great-aunt is __ a. your father's or mother's grandmother.
2. Your granddaughter is __ b. your mother's or father's aunt.
3. Your sister-in-law is c. your son's or daughter's daughter.
4. Your great-grandmother is __ d. your wife's or husband's sister, or your brother's wife.

B Pair work Which of the family members in the box can be combined with a prefix or
suffix in the chart? Complete the chart with a partner. What does each term mean?

aunt daughter mother niece son

brother father nephew sister uncle

great- grand- great-grand- -in-law

aunt daughter mother sister

"Your great-nephew is your brother's or sister's grandson."

. . :

• Family reunion
'4,&A Listen to Victor tell a friend about his family reunion. What were they
celebrating at the reunion?

llltlJ B Listen again. In addition to Victor, who else was at the reunion? Select the
people mentioned.
D 1. his grandfather D 4. his sister-in-law D 7. his mother-in-law
D 2. his uncle's cousin D 5. his niece D 8. his cousin
D 3. his brother D 6. his son D 9. friends of the family

8 1ij¢j1lf Friends and family

Every family is different.

Read the blog entry. Then underline the noun clauses.

May 15, 2014

I love my family so much, and I really get along
with everyone – my parents and my four brothers
and sisters. However, sometimes they drive me
crazy. There are both good and bad things about
coming from a large family. One of the best things
about coming from a large family is that I always
have someone to talk to. Unfortunately, one of the
disadvantages is that I never have any privacy. And
of course, the trouble with not having any privacy is
that I never have any space I can call my own. Our
house is big, but sometimes not big enough!

Combine each pair of sentences into one sentence using noun clauses.

1. I’m the youngest in my family. The best thing is I’m the center of attention.
The best thing about being the youngest is that I’m the center of attention.

2. I have a lot of kids. The disadvantage is I can’t give each of them the individual
attention they want.

3. I live with my father-in-law. The problem is we disagree about everything.

4. I have two younger sisters. The worst thing is they always want to know all
about my personal life.

5. I have an identical twin. The trouble is no one can ever tell us apart.

4 UNIT 1 Friends and family

Use noun clauses and your own ideas to complete these sentences.

1. A disadvantage of having siblings who are successful is that my parents expect me

to be successful, too.

2. The problem with having a large family is

3. The best thing about having grandparents is

4. The trouble with being part of a two-income family is

5. One benefit of living far away from your family is

6. The worst thing about taking a family vacation is

7. An advantage of living with siblings is

Are the statements true or false? Choose the correct answer.

True False
Sylvia’s mother has a great-uncle named Martin.
1. Sylvia is Martin’s great-granddaughter. ✓
2. Sylvia’s mother is Martin’s grandniece.

Hal’s wife, Nikki, has a sister named Joanne.

3. Joanne is Hal’s sister-in-law.
4. Joanne is Hal’s grandmother.

Hugo’s niece Diana has a son-in-law named Jason.

5. Jason’s wife is Hugo’s granddaughter.
6. Diana is Jason’s mother-in-law.

Molly’s nephew Tom has a daughter named Jennifer.

7. Molly is Tom’s aunt.
8. Molly is Jennifer’s great-aunt.

Irene’s father, Roberto, has a grandfather named Eduardo.

9. Eduardo is Roberto’s grandson.
10. Eduardo is Irene’s great-grandfather.

LESSON B Every family is different. 5

A Read the article. Then choose the main idea of each paragraph.

Is it Better or Worse to Be an Only Child?

f you are an only child – someone with no brothers attention for the
or sisters – you have probably been the object of simple reason that
both sympathy and suspicion. “Oh, you poor thing!” there are fewer
some people say. “You must have been so lonely!” demands on the
Other people might not say much, but you know they parents. The same
are thinking that you are selfish, spoiled, and have no goes for educational
idea how to get along with others. People assume that opportunities –
only children are somehow at a disadvantage because there tend to be
of their lack of siblings, and this idea has probably been more resources available in single-child households.
around as long as only children have. However, there is little evidence that this has long-term
Recent studies, however, have shown that the benefits for only children.
stereotype of the only child is really just a myth. Only For some reason, though, popular opinion and
children show very little difference from children with culture seem to have a hard time accepting the fact
siblings, and as adults they are just as likely to be well that only children are just like everyone else. Movies
adjusted. One slight difference they show from children and TV shows still portray “onlies” as socially awkward
with multiple siblings is that they often score higher and expecting to get whatever they ask for. What keeps
on intelligence and achievement tests. But first-born the stereotype alive? Could it be that most of us have
children and those with only one sibling have similar wished – at one point or another – to be an only child?
results, so we can’t really say this is a characteristic of At least we wouldn’t have had to deal with siblings
the only child, either. The one undeniable difference is playing with our toys, borrowing our clothes, and eating
that only children get more of their parents’ time and that last piece of cake we had saved for later.

1. First paragraph:
a. Only children all wish they had siblings.
b. Only children think other children are selfish.
c. Many people make assumptions about only children.

2. Second paragraph:
a. Only children really are different from children with siblings.
b. Only children are basically the same as those with siblings.
c. No one has really studied only children.

3. Third paragraph:
a. The popular view of only children seems difficult to change.
b. The popular view of only children has changed recently.
c. The popular view of only children is based on facts.

B Are the statements true or false? Choose the correct answer. Then rewrite
the false statements to make them true.
True False
1. Some people feel sorry for only children.

2. When only children grow up, they are less sociable than children with siblings.

3. Only children are more intelligent than children with siblings.

4. According to the author, people’s ideas about only children need to change.

6 UNIT 1 Friends and family

1B Noun clauses after be
The downside of, the upside of, the hard part about, the good thing about, the only thing about, >
the trick to, the secret to, and one difficulty with are used in complex phrases that introduce noun lJ
clauses after be.
The downside of sharing a bedroom is (that) it's hard to have any l)rivacy.

The hard part about being a twin is (that} people a·re a lways calllng you by the wrong name, 0
The trick to livin_g in a crowded house is (that) you have to find a private space of your own,
One difficulty with being the youngest is.(that) everyone Is always telling you what to do.

The phrases ending with a preposition can be followed by a gerund phrase, not+ a gerund phrase,
or a noun phrase.
The secret to getting along with your siblings Is (that) you have to respect their privacy,
The good thing about not being in a big family is (that) you always get to choose what's on TV.
The upside of a large family is (that) you always have someone to spend time with.
The only thing about working moms is (that) they have less time to spend with you.

1 Complete the sentences with about, of, with, or to.

1. The best thing ------
about my grandmother llvin91 with us is that she's a great cook.
2. The upside ------ being a two-income family is we can afford a few
small luxuries.
3, One difficulty ______ living with my In-laws Is that they want everything
their way.
4. The trick ______ Jiving in a large famfly is you have to learn to respect
each other.
5, The hard part ______ strict parents is you always have to remember the rules.
6. The problem ______ not going to our famfly reunion is f won't see my cousins.

2 Rewrite the sentences. Change ithe noun phrases in boldface to

gerund phrases.
1. The trouble with a big family is it's expensive to feed everyone.
The trouble with having a big family is it's expensive to feed everyone.
2. The trick to a two-income family is you have to schedule family time together.
3. The hard part about a big house is there's so much work to do.
4. The upside of a big house is no one has to share a room.
5. The only bad thing about little brothers is I always have to babysit them.
6. One good thing about little s isters is they really look up to you.
7. One problem with an extended family is we had to get a bigger car.
8. The greatest thing about a small house is the bills are a lot lower.

#•Ulilf Grammar Plus 107

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