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Assignment 3

Diversity and International Relations

Diversity conversations have become a staple in business today; International Business is today’s
economic climate. Employers identify diversity education as a profound investment in the workforce
today. Understanding what diversity means in the workplace assists employees in making effective
contributions to the organization.


Step 1. Locate a free podcast or video that discusses diversity in the workplace. Searching for an
effective topic will mean using proper search criteria. This means reading the chapter to understand the
nature of diversity and its implications in an organization.

Step 2. To ensure the concepts of diversity management and workplace culture are established, watch
the textbook video found in the learning objectives heading of this week’s folder. This should visually
illustrate the main notion.

Step 3. Reflecting on this topic in its entirety, search for information through podcast or video elements
for diversity in the workplace. Some helpful links to get you started could be:

 Podcasts:

 Video

*(notice the videos length, and source credibility)

Absorbing all this information should mean students have come to identify one or all the following; a
particular element of diversity management, have formed an opinion on how this fit into the
organization, have recognition of the benefits in the workplace, or can analyze barriers with solutions.
Put this into a discussion online, in a professional atmosphere to your peers for review and commentary.
Using the outline from the discussion board activity instructions, provide a summary that contains your
opinion for your peers to review. This summary outline should contain the medium you got your
information from; the message of the medium, and your view of what you watched or listened to.

Follow Up: Once you have completed this task, take a step back. Take time to let your peers read your
work, and you to read theirs. Then having completed this reflection, comment on a particular post that
interests you. This comment should have comprehensive content, not a mere statement. The
commentary you write to your peer should practice and demonstrate professional language use and
writing skill, constructive feedback, alongside critical assessment of one’s opinion.

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