Oct 30-Nov 3rd Reflection

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Oct 30-Nov 3rd Reflection

This week’s reflection will center around the changes that I’ve seen in my classes ever
since I’ve rapped for them. As I talked about before, when a teacher raps or performs
for their students it shows the students that you’re willing to be vulnerable and silly.
When I rapped for my physics 20s, the mood in the class shifted a little bit. I think before
I did this many of the students sort of saw me as a scary teacher because a lot of them
never came and asked me any questions. After performing, many students who were
not asking me questions began to ask questions and students were more willing to have
friendly conversations. After my performance the view of me in many students' eyes
appeared to have changed. This helped many of the students who were struggling to do
really good on the unit exam which I wasn’t expecting as much. I wasn’t expecting my
rap to rap as far as it did.

I also allowed my science nines to create their own hip hop projects based around
pollution. This had some relatively decent pick up from students and some of the
projects turned out amazing.

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