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Professional Goals: Taylor Dunning-Horvath

Goal 1: Goal 2:
To work on developing classroom To develop engaging classroom activities that
management skills get students excited to learn about

Rationale: Rationale:
During the first few weeks of PSIII I have Over the first few weeks of PSIII I feel that my
been having problems maintaining control of lessons have become stagnant as I Teach
my grade 9 class and would like to work students and then they do work. I would like
towards gaining skills that will help me to add more activities to my lesson to help
maintain control of my grade 9s. engage students in learning.

Timeline: Timeline:
Throughout the course of the fall semester I Throughout the semester I hope to make
hope to make steady improvements improvements by gradually adding more and
more activity based learning as I become
Conversations weekly about how more confident.
management has been going with UC.
End of each class reflection of how activities
worked to engage, motivate, and inspire
students to learn and about how effective that
learning may have been.

Strategies: Strategies:
-researching strategies for dealing with -end of each class reflection of how activities
particular issues worked to engage, motivate, and inspire
-conversations with teacher mentor and other students to learn and about how effective that
staff learning may have been.
-observing other teacher’s practices to gain -research activities that other teachers do
ideas about how to deal with management online
issues -reach out to Doug Checkley for ideas about
-conversations with other staff that teach 9-6 demonstrations/mini labs
to see how they manage their classroom -reach out to other staff members to see what
-regular check ins with UC their ideas they may have

Evidence: Evidence:
Evidence of goal achievement will be Evidence of goal achievement will be
demonstrated by the ability to maintain demonstrated by an increase in my
control throughout a lesson and a reduction confidence and use of classroom activities to
of management issues. have students learn rather than simple
lectures and notes.

Collaborators: Collaborators:
-teacher mentor -Doug Checkley (University Science C and I
-other staff (particularly that teach grade 9 as Instructor)
well) -other staff members
-other staff that teach 9-6

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