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1.1 Overview

Technology has become inevitable in our day to day activities, as technology is

developing rapidly, particularly the information and many other fields related to
technology. One of the areas is the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT refers to the things
around us that are connected by the internet and are able to communicate with each
other. Most sensors are mounted on objects directly such as ovens, refrigerators,
and others. IOT is the relationship between objects and other objects and with
users. IoT can be implemented in several domains such as smart city, industry,
medical services, and others. With a very broad scope of space, the type of data
generated by IoT is heterogeneous. The data generated by the IoT application is the
Big Data which can be further analyzed to optimize the resources used. One device
that is often used in making Internet of Things (IoT) applications is ESP wifi
module and Arduino, this device is usually used as an access center or can also be
a link between the internet and sensors so that data from these sensors can be
accessed via the internet, or if connected with a microcontroller, it can be used to
regulate the behavior of certain physical objects.

Today people want the world on their hands, It outlets the revolutions of
computing and smart environment. Some technologies like ambient intelligence
satisfy the maximum need of smart world but these technologies are not tightly
coupled with internet, so the people need another technology extension. Internet of
Things (IoT) is an ideal emerging technology to influence the internet and
communication technologies. Since the concept of Internet of Things is reliability,
sustainability, and efficiency by improved access to information, the fundamental

services required for performing smart systems are full filed by the current work by
providing visibility of sensor data with the help of android application remotely.

In this project, IoT based temperature and humidity monitoring system is proposed
in this system, temperature and humidity values of the environment will be
monitored, stored and displayed on LCD and web via the Internet. The stored old
values can also be done for predictions. In reality though, it's a tough task to alter
computers to acknowledge pictures of various objects. Devices and objects with
intrinsic sensors unit associated to an online of web platforms that merges
information from the various devices and uses analytics to share the foremost
worthwhile info with implementation to handle specific desires. These powerful
IoT platforms will pinpoint precisely what info is helpful, and what will safely be
neglected. This data may be accustomed to notice patterns, create
recommendations, and notice attainable issues before they occur. The
implementation of IoT based temperature and humidity monitoring system
includes two sections: hardware and software implementation. Figure 1.0 depicts
the block diagram.

Power Supply Unit

Temperature Sensor Unit Microcontroller Unit

Unit Display Unit

Wifi Module Unit


Fig 1.1 Block diagram of IoT based humidity and temperature monitoring

1.2 Problem Statement

The major challenge facing some of factories in Nigeria is lack of accurate

measuring instruments, most of these instruments are analog which is time
consuming, no accuracy and requires human labor. The world has been digitalized
through technology; therefore there is need for the industries to use accurate,
reliable and faster instruments especially when dealing with temperature because
heat damage many products.

1.3 Project Objectives

The aim of this project is to design and construct IoT based humidity and
temperature monitoring system.

The objectives of this project are as follow:

i. To design and implement a temperature and humidity monitoring embedded

ii. To Design and implement a communication interface between the user and
the sensor.
iii. To implement a smart way to monitor temperature and humidity, using low
cost embedded system.
iv. To study the principle of operation of ESP wifi module and Arduino

1.4 Project Scope

The scope of the IoT temperature monitor using an Arduino, DHT11 sensor,

ESP8266, 1602 LCD, and Thing speak web server would include the design and

implementation of a system that can measure and display both temperature and

humidity data. The system would utilize the capabilities of the Arduino board, the

DHT11 sensor, the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module, the 1602 LCD, and the Thing speak

web server to collect, store, and display the temperature and humidity data.

The delimitation of this system would include the specific hardware components

utilized (Arduino, DHT11, ESP8266, 1602 LCD, and Thing speak), the limited

range and accuracy of the DHT11 sensor, and the limitations of the Thing speak

web server in terms of data storage and retrieval. This system may also not be able

to account for other environmental factors that may affect temperature and

humidity readings. Additionally, the system will only be able to display data

locally through the 1602 LCD and remotely through the Thing speak web server.

1.5 Project Justification

Many of the industries need to know the degree of hotness and coldness of the

production room and warehouse, since some of their products could be spoilt in hot

temperature, therefore this device could be used in pharmaceutical and food


1.6 Project Constraint

The following limitations are inherent in the project;

i. Unavailability of Arduino Nano used in this project in local electronics

components vendors shop.
ii. Unavailability of DHT sensor in Birnin-Kebbi metropolis also delays the
course of the construction.

iii. There were hurdles in programming the software of this project due to its

1.7 Project Timeline

The circuit is built to measure the temperature and humidity of any environment

been placed, the measured quantities can be seen on LCD also it could be

accessible through internet.



2.1 Introduction

Nowadays people need things to be done in less time and free accessible, It outlets
the revolutions of computing and smart environment. Some technologies like
ambient intelligence satisfy the maximum need of smart world but these
technologies are not tightly coupled with interne, so the people need another
technology extension. Internet of Things (IoT) is an ideal emerging technology to
influence the internet and communication technologies. Simply "Internet of
Things" connects "living and nonliving things" through "interne". Since the
concept of Internet of Things is reliability, sustainability, and efficiency by
improved access to information, the fundamental services required for performing
smart systems are full filed by the current work by providing visibility of sensor
data with the help of android application remotely.

2.2 The Related System

Khin (2011) Designed “PIC-Based Temperature Controller”, the design and

construction of PIC based temperature control system with digital readout up to
600° on 2-line 16-character LCD display will be constructed. The output
temperature is described as decimal number form. This device can control the
temperature of the specific system when the temperature of the system is beyond
the specified limit. The permissible maximum temperature can preset by this unit.
Setting can be done by using 3x4 keypad and LCD display. The design will be
used in the temperature industrial field (eg: crucible furnace, plastic factory and
etc) with extension and other standard features. The MPASM assembly language is
used in this system.
May (2012) design and simulate “IoT based Temperature, Movement and Light
Monitoring System for Smart Building” he use Node waterproof match box full of
sensors to sense light, temperature and movement of a particular place and the data
through the Gateways to the Things Network (ITN). Devices use low power
networks like LoRa WAN to connect to the Gateway, while the Gateway uses high
bandwidth networks like WiFi to connect to The Things Network. The updated
data from the implement system can be accessible on the TTN console via internet
from anywhere in the world and stored database Firebase via Node-Red. And then
users can display at sensor information on the smart phone application which is
crucial helpful and importance in smart things.

Maureira (2011), present paper on "Thing Speak– an API and Web Service for the
Internet of Things," the paper describes Thing Speak API (Application
Programming Interface) and web service for IoT. Practical examples of Thing
Speak interfacing is provided for the Arduino microcontroller. To communicate
with the graphical interface, python script is used. Authors discuss the strengths
and weakness of the platform along with its potential applications. The paper
suggests Thing Speak for small hardware projects where dedicated communication
server is not practical. But the system necessitates continuous connectivity over the
internet. As a result of both the hardware and software used in this system are fully
open source, there is no need to pay even a little and the modification of the system
to be updated is quite freely.

Rahaman et al.(2012) presented paper on weather forecasting using Arduino and

Cube-Sat. This proposed system uses temperature and humidity sensor (DHT11),
pressure and altitude sensor (BMP180) and accelerometer (ADXL-335). The data
processing unit Arduino Uno is used. Cube satellite is used to provide information
of weather from anywhere without using network. A gas balloon is used to hold

and carry the Cube satellite. This system is simple to construct, portable, cost
efficient, low power consuming and reliable. But there are some limitations such as
device may not communicate at long distance without powerful transceiver section,
at higher altitude record of data with the help of gas balloon may be a problem and
components may be damaged by rain or long time use.

Prof. Satyashil et al.(2013) proposed the weather monitoring system using real
time data transmission. The proposed system uses VAISALA weather transmitter
sensor WXT520 to transmit the data to the control room. It sense the parameters
like wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, temperature,
relative humidity. This real time data is transmitted wirelessly through GSM over
long distance. This system provides flexibility as needs changes.

Ferdoush et al (2014) proposed their system for environmental monitoring

applications. This system includes an in-situ base station and a number of
distributed wireless sensor nodes. Base station is designed using Raspberry Pi
Model B. networked sensor nodes are developed using Arduino and Zigbee
modules. To access the sensor nodes and data from the outside world, a web
application is developed on the base station using the Apache HTTP web server.
This system is low-cost, compact, scalable, easy to customize, easy to deploy and
easy to maintain. This system can be expanded by integrating additional sensing
modalities to sensor nodes. Also web interface can be further developed.

Godwin (2014) design and implement a “Domestic Room Temperature Monitor”

with the help of IoT which provide information about Temperature and Humidity
in a domestic environment. There are various types of sensors present in the
prototype, using which the parameters can be measured. It can be used to monitor
the temperature or humidity of a particular Room or a Place. The Proposed system

continuously sends the data to the cloud to monitor the data from anywhere. For
local monitoring, system uses a LCD to display the room temperature and humidity
at that instant dynamically. The brain of the prototype is the ESP8266 based Wi-Fi
module node mcu (12E).Temperature and Humidity sensor (DHT11) is connected
to the node mcu. Whenever these values exceed a chosen threshold limit for each a
notification is given to the user mobile through SMS. Based on the notification
user can regulate the room temperature remotely using the Google assistant which
is controlled through Artificial Intelligence. This system is effectively monitors
and dynamically controls using voice and text commands.

Rahshed et al (2015) proposes temperature and humidity monitoring system for

agriculture with the help of IoT. In this project a single channel relay on real time
basis is controlled which can further be used to control water flow on the field. The
main hardware of this system includes Raspberry pi with internet connectivity,
Temperature and Humidity sensor. The data monitored is collected at the Web
server with accurate date and time. The system is designed in such a way that
system can work 24x7 and give precise data of temperature and humidity on real
time basis. It can also be used in precision farming. The same system setup can
also give facility to operate different kinds of devices such as water pumps, located
remotely using a Mobile phone from anywhere using internet connectivity. Using
these system farmers can switch on and off their pump from their home or where
ever they want using their mobile phone.

Presented here is IoT based temperature and humidity monitoring system, the
system monitor temperature and humidity based on the current situation of the

The hardware monitoring system is composed of Arduino nano, esp Wi-Fi module
and DHT 11 sensor and LCD. This project deals with the automated temperature
and humidity monitoring for industrial purposes which make it outstanding from
the previous works mentioned above. As a result of both the hardware and
software used in this system are fully open source, there is no need to pay even a
little and the modification of the system to be updated is quite freely.


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