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Language Test A

Name: ___________________________________________ Class: ______________

1 [Track 1] dopasuj osoby 1 5 do miejsc a f.
0 Brian _g_ 3 Mr Fisher ___
1 Sybil ___ 4 Gloria ___
2 Derek ___ 5 Ms Anderson ___

a b c

d e f

______ / 5
2 .
Today is Wednesday. Every Wednesday at nine 0 French. Our teacher comes into the
classr Du Boi 1 d_____________ for this lesson. At ten
2 G_____________. We learn about different countries and we look at 3 m_____________.
At eleven we have Maths so I need my 4 c_____________. At twelve we have 5 S_____________, my
favourite subject! We do a lot of interesting experiments. In the afternoon, I 6 p_____________ basketball.
Some students 7 d_____________ judo.
______ / 7

English Class A1+ Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Language Test A

Name: ___________________________________________ Class: ______________

3 .
computer room gym canteen staff room hall

0 The students have Computer Studies in the computer room.

1 The teachers and students meet in the _____________ every day before lessons start.
2 Everyone has lunch in the school _____________.
3 The _____________ is for teachers, not students.
4 We do P.E. in the _____________.
______ / 4
4 .
0 always / get up / I / on / early / Monday morning
I always get up early on Monday morning.
1 lessons / are / for / late / we / never / Music
2 walk / Lucille and Jon / sometimes / school / to
3 lunch / you / at / have / home / usually
4 with / hang out / often / my friends / I
______ / 4
5 w czasie Present Simple.
My friend Larry
Larry 0 comes (come) home from school at half past three. He 1________________ (have) lunch and then
he 2________________ (do) his homework. He 3________________ (not watch) TV. Larry has got two
sisters, Adele and Frances. Adele is twenty and Frances is nineteen. They 4________________ (not go) to
school. They 5________________ (work) in a shop.
______ / 5
6 .
do do does she they what yes

A: 0 Do you have a History lesson on Tuesdays?

B: 1________________, I do.
A: 2________________ Howard listen to music in the evening?
B: No, he plays computer games.
A: 3________________ Lois and Matt ride their bikes to school?
B: Yes, 4________________ do.
A: 5________________ does Samantha do in the evening?
B: She plays chess.
______ / 5

English Class A1+ Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

Language Test A

Name: ___________________________________________ Class: ______________

7 .
A: 0 your name?
B: Marina Chelsky.
A: How do you 1________________________________?
B: M A R I-N A, C H E L S K Y.
A: How old 2________________________________?
B: Twelve.
A: Where do 3________________________________?
B: 34 Albany Road, Cambridge.
A: 4________________________________?

A: 5________________________________?

B: 049123456.
______ / 5
8 Przeczytaj tekst. .
0 There are lessons every day at the Blanchard School of Ballet. P / F
1 Michelle has breakfast with the other students at the school. P / F
2 Michelle has dance classes at school. P / F
3 Michelle has a big lunch on school days. P / F
4 Michelle studies acting in the afternoon. P / F
5 Michelle does her homework before she has a shower. P / F
______ / 5

A day in the life of a ballet student

Michelle is a student at the Blanchard School of Ballet. She has lessons six days a week.
On school days she gets up at seven and has breakfast in the canteen. The students and teachers eat
together. Michelle has eggs, bread, jam and a glass of milk.
Lessons start at half past eight. Michelle studies Maths, Science, Geography, History, Music, English,
French and Italian. Michelle has one
lot of food because she does ballet after lunch too. She practises from two to five.
Then the last lesson of the day is an acting class. After that Michelle has a shower and she does her
homework. Dinner is at eight and bedtime is at nine.

goes to bed early and the school week begins again.

English Class A1+ Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

Language Test A

Name: ___________________________________________ Class: ______________

9 Przeczytaj zadanie i napisz tekst.
Write 60 70 words about your typical school day. Use the questions to help you.

lessons begin?














______ / 10
Total: ______ / 50

English Class A1+ Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

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