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Technical Note

Discharge Efficiency of Reservoir-Application-Specific

Labyrinth Weirs
B. M. Crookston1 and B. P. Tullis, M.ASCE2

Abstract: Published labyrinth weir design methods, which have primarily been developed on the basis of labyrinth weir test data from
laboratory flumes, are specific to in-channel labyrinth weir applications in which the approach flow is oriented normal to the weir axis.
Consequently, some uncertainty exists regarding the hydraulic performance of labyrinth weir configurations that are specific to reservoir
applications (i.e., projecting, flush, rounded inlet, and arced labyrinth weirs). The discharge efficiency, as characterized by the weir discharge
coefficient, of laboratory-scale projecting, flush, rounded inlet, and arced labyrinth weirs with 12 degree sidewall angles, were evaluated as a
function of H T ∕P and compared with in-channel labyrinth weir discharge efficiencies. The arced labyrinth weir configuration had a higher
discharge efficiency (∼5 –11% higher than an in-channel labyrinth weir orientation). In general, the projecting, flush, and rounded inlet
orientations were less efficient than the in-channel labyrinth weir configuration. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943–4774.0000451. © 2012
American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Weirs; Reservoirs; Water discharge; Laboratory tests.
Author keywords: Labyrinth weir; Arced labyrinth weir; Reservoir labyrinth weir; Head-discharge relationship; Weir approach flow.

Introduction the weir crest elevation). A weir's discharge efficiency is character-

ized by C d, which is representative of the weir discharge per unit
The sustainability of existing spillways has been improved in recent length (Q∕Lc ) at a specific value of H T .
years by replacing linear weirs with nonlinear weirs (e.g., labyrinth In addition to the in-channel configuration, as shown in
weir), increasing the total weir length within a given channel width. Fig. 1(d), several additional labyrinth weir installation options
Most labyrinth weir design methods are based on physical model- (Crookston 2010) may be considered for reservoir spillway
ing conducted in laboratory flumes, in which the approaching flow applications {e.g., partially or fully projecting [Fig. 1(a)], rounded
field is relatively uniform and is perpendicular to the weir inlet [Fig. 1(b)], flush [Fig. 1(c)], and arced [Fig. 1(e)]}. Houston
(e.g., Crookston 2010; Tullis et al. 1995; Magalhães and Lorena (1983) reported that a two-cycle, partially projecting labyrinth weir
1989; Hay and Taylor 1970). Design guidance for applications orientation increased Q by 10.4% relative to a flush orientation with
(e.g., reservoirs) in which the approaching flow field is nonuniform
rounded abutments. Traditionally, labyrinth weir cycles are placed
and is not perpendicular to the weir axis (e.g., Prado Spillway;
in a linear configuration; the cycle configuration, however, may be
Copeland and Fletcher 2000), however, is not included in current
arced [Fig. 1(e)] to better align the cycle orientations with the con-
design methods.
verging approach flow vectors and to further increase the weir crest
The labyrinth weir design method presented by Crookston
(2010) utilizes the general weir equation [Eq. (1)] and presents dis- length. The hydraulic efficiency of the Prado Spillway could have
charge coefficient data (C d ) for quarter-round and half-round been increased had the cycle configuration been curved to improve
labyrinth weirs for 6° ≤ α ≤ 35° as follows: alignment to the approaching flow (Falvey 2003). Avon (Darvas
1971), Kizilcapinar (Yildiz and Uzecek 1996), and Weatherford
pffiffiffiffiffi 3∕2 (Tullis 1992) are examples of arced labyrinth weir spillways.
Q ¼ 2∕3 C d Lc 2gH T ð1Þ

where g = acceleration constant of gravity; Lc = total weir crest

length; and H T = total upstream head, which is defined as H T ¼ Geometric Layout of Arced Labyrinth Weirs
V 2 ∕2g þ h (V = average cross-sectional velocity at the upstream
To fully describe the geometric layout of an arced labyrinth weir
gauging location; and h = piezometric head measured relative to
[Fig. 1(e)] compared to a traditional labyrinth weir, additional arced
Postdoctoral Researcher, Utah Water Research Laboratory, Dept. of
labyrinth weir-specific geometric parameters have been defined as
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Utah State Univ., 8200 Old Main shown in Fig. 1(e): the downstream cycle width (w0 ), The arc radius
Hill, Logan, UT 84322-8200. E-mail: (R), the central arc angle (Θ), the cycle arc angle (θ), the down-
Associate Professor, Utah Water Research Laboratory, Dept. of stream cycle sidewall angle (α), and the upstream cycle sidewall
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Utah State Univ., 8200 Old angle (α0 ), with α equal to α0 for nonarced labyrinth weirs.
Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322-8200 (corresponding author). E-mail: Page et al. (2007) conducted a study on the María Cristina Dam (Castellón, Spain), in which two labyrinth weir geometric designs
Note. This manuscript was submitted on February 15, 2011; approved
for the emergency spillway were examined: A nine-cycle labyrinth
on December 14, 2011; published online on December 19, 2011. Discus-
sion period open until November 1, 2012; separate discussions must be weir with four of the cycles following an arced configuration, and a
submitted for individual papers. This technical note is part of the Journal seven-cycle labyrinth weir featuring five arced cycles. The physical
of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 138, No. 6, June 1, 2012. model study found that weir discharge efficiency increases with the
©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9437/2012/6-564–568/$25.00. number of arced cycles.


(plan view)]. The labyrinth weir installations tested included flush,
rounded inlet [the radius for the rounded inlet abutment walls was
equal to the cycle width ðRabutment ¼ wÞ], projecting, and arced
projecting. A two-cycle, α ¼ 12° in-channel labyrinth weir con-
figuration with a half-round crest was also tested in a 1.2-m-wide,
1-m-deep, 14.7-m-long rectangular flume. The cycle geometry of
the in-channel labyrinth weir was geometrically similar to the
cycles of the reservoir labyrinth weir cycle geometries, with a scal-
ing factor of 1.5; the C d data for the in-channel labyrinth weir are
consistent with the support data associated with the Crookston
(2010) labyrinth weir design method. The in-channel labyrinth weir
data were used to determine the relative discharge efficiency of the
reservoir-specific labyrinth weir geometries and the channelized
labyrinth weir application data used in the published labyrinth weir
design methods.
Experimental data were collected under steady-state conditions.
Flow rates were determined using calibrated orifice meters in the
supply piping. The head box was lined on three sides with a plenum
and a baffle located between the water supply and the test section to
create relatively uniform and tranquil flow conditions entering the
headbox. The point gauge instrumentation (0:15 mm), located in
a stilling well hydraulically connected to a pressure tap in the floor
of the head box (located away from the weir in a region of negli-
gible velocity head), was carefully referenced to the labyrinth weir
crest. All labyrinth weirs were tested without any artificial nappe
aeration; the nappe behavior and head-discharge relationship can
vary between natural (air entrainment caused by turbulent mixing
of the flow) and artificial (e.g., nappe breakers or vent pipes) nappe
Fig. 1. Summary schematic of tested labyrinth weir geometries and aeration conditions (see Crookston 2010 for a discussion on
arced labyrinth weir-specific parametric notation: (a) projecting; labyrinth weir nappe aeration influences). A system of checks
(b) rounded inlet; (c) flush; (d) in-channel; (e) arced was established, in which at least 10% of the data were repeated
to ensure accuracy and to determine measurement repeatability.

The purpose of this study is to provide a relative comparison of

the discharge efficiency associated with various labyrinth weir con- Experimental Results
figurations relevant to reservoir spillway applications. The reservoir
labyrinth weir discharge efficiencies are also compared with the in- Flow Characteristics
channel configuration to give some indication of the potential varia-
When the approach flow angle deviates from perpendicular to the
tion in discharge efficiency that can exist between reservoir
labyrinth weir applications and the discharge efficiencies predicted labyrinth weir axis (nonarced weir configurations), abutment-
by the published in-channel labyrinth weir design method pre- induced flow separation can reduce discharge efficiency and pro-
sented by Crookston (2010). Note that the results presented in this duce wake-induced flow turbulence near the upstream apexes [see
study are representative of the specific labyrinth weir geometries Fig. 2(a)]. An example of abutment-induced flow separation is
tested and are presented as examples of the variation in hydraulic shown in Fig. 3(a) with the flush labyrinth weir. At higher dis-
performance between channelized labyrinth weirs and reservoir- charges, converging streamlines in the reservoir approach flow
specific labyrinth weir configurations. and abutment wall-induced flow separation caused a portion of
the flow that would normally enter cycles I1 and I5 to be carried
into cycles I2 and I4 (see Fig. 3), reducing the overall weir dis-
Experimental Method charge efficiency. The relative significance of abutment-induced
flow separation on discharge efficiency diminishes as the number
Physical modeling of reservoir-specific labyrinth weir configura- of cycles (N) increases. Where appropriate, improved abutment
tions, consistent with the weir geometries shown in Fig. 1, was con- geometries, such as the rounded inlet (Fig. 2), are recommended
ducted at the Utah Water Research Laboratory (Utah State to reduce abutment flow separation.
University). The laboratory-scale labyrinth weirs were fabricated Arcing a projecting labyrinth weir increases α0 relative to α and
from high density polyethylene (HDPE) sheeting, featured a increases the inlet cycle flow area, creating a higher and more uni-
half-round crest shape, and were tested in an elevated head box form discharge efficiency in the labyrinth weir inlet cycles. If the
(7:3 × 6:7 × 1:5 m deep). The labyrinth weirs were leveled arced labyrinth weir inlet cycle discharge capacity exceeds the out-
to 0:4 mm. let cycle free-flow discharge capacity, part or all the water surface
With the exception of the in-channel configuration, all labyrinth gradient in the outlet cycle, beginning with the upstream apex, may
weir cycle geometries remained consistent for all configurations exceed the labyrinth weir crest (i.e., local submergence; see Fig. 2).
tested [α ¼ 12°, weir height ðPÞ ¼ 203:2 mm, wall thickness Local submergence differs from traditional weir submergence in
ðt w Þ ¼ 25:4 mm, Rcrest ¼ t w ∕2, inside apex ðAÞ ¼ 25:4 mm, that partial weir submergence is possible, and a downstream control
N ¼ 5, cycle width ðwÞ ¼ 134:9 mm, Lc ¼ 634:6 mm, θ ¼ 10° point does not cause the elevated tailwater. Local submergence
(arced only) half-round crest shape, and trapezoidal cycles reduces the labyrinth weir discharge efficiency; consequently,


Fig. 2. Examples of labyrinth weir flow: (a) surface turbulence; (b) local submergence

Fig. 3. Examples of flow conditions for labyrinth weir geometries at H T ∕P ¼ 0:4  0:6: (a) flush; (b) rounded inlet; (c) projecting; (d) arced
(α ¼ 12°, θ ¼ 10°)

discharge efficiency associated with an arced labyrinth weir. Local

submergence also occurs with nonarced labyrinth weir geometries;
at very low H T ∕P values, however, local submergence does
not occur.

Hydraulic Performance
The Cd data for the five-cycle, reservoir-application-specific,
labyrinth weir geometries (half-round crest shape) were determined
using Eq. (1) and are presented (Fig. 4) in terms of the dimension-
less headwater ratio H T ∕P. As expected, the flush orientation was
the least efficient labyrinth weir geometry, being the most suscep-
tible to abutment wall flow separation effects. The arced configu-
ration was the most efficient because of the improved orientation of
the labyrinth weir cycles to the approach flow. The decreasing trend
of C d with increasing H T ∕P (H T ∕P ≥ 0:1) is caused, in part, by the
progressive development of local submergence. With sufficient lo-
cal submergence, the projecting labyrinth weir head-discharge con-
Fig. 4. C d versus H T ∕P for α ¼ 12° half-round trapezoidal labyrinth trol section can eventually move from the labyrinth weir to the
weirs outlet channel transition [see Fig. 2(b)].
To illustrate the variations in discharge efficiency between res-
ervoir and channel labyrinth weir applications, the C d data from
each α ¼ 12° reservoir labyrinth weir geometries (C d-res ) were nor-
additional modifications to the downstream cycle geometry and malized by the in-channel α ¼ 12° C d data and are presented in
channel may be warranted (e.g., lower or sloped downstream apron; Fig. 5 as a function of H T ∕P. The abrupt increase in C d that occurs
increased upstream apex length) to maximize the improved at H T ∕P ∼ 0:25 is caused by a sudden decrease in the reference


verify the hydraulic performance of a reservoir-application-specific
labyrinth weir design.

Summary and Conclusions

This study provides weir C d data for four labyrinth weir reservoir
application geometries (α ¼ 12°; half-round crest shape): flush,
rounded inlet, projecting, and arced. The C d data, which are
representative of the weir discharge efficiency, were presented as
a function of H T ∕P for each reservoir-specific labyrinth weir con-
figuration (all reservoir labyrinth weir cycle geometries were con-
sistent) and were compared with the corresponding C d data for a
geometrically similar (cycle geometry) in-channel labyrinth weir
configuration. Additional arced labyrinth weir geometric parame-
ters were also introduced [see Fig. 1(e)]. The results of this study
produced the following conclusions:
• The flush labyrinth weir had a maximum hydraulic efficiency
reduction of ∼11% relative to the in-channel labyrinth weir con-
figuration and a 5% reduction relative to the rounded inlet,
which featured rounded abutment walls. Projecting reservoir la-
byrinth weir configurations were ∼5–7% less efficient than the
Fig. 5. Comparison of discharge efficiency (Cd ) for reservoir-specific in-channel configuration. The discharge efficiency of the arced
labyrinth weir geometries relative to a channelized labyrinth weir labyrinth weir exceeded the in-channel labyrinth weir efficiency
(α ¼ 12°) by ∼5–11% (the most efficient geometry tested). The improved
hydraulic efficiency of the arced labyrinth weir is primarily re-
lated to the improved orientation of the labyrinth weir cycles
(in-channel configuration) C d data caused by the nappe shifting
relative to the approach flow from the reservoir. The relative
from a nonaerated (i.e., clinging) to an aerated nappe condition.
influence of the abutment detail on discharge efficiency will de-
Relative to the α ¼ 12° in-channel labyrinth weir configuration,
crease as N increases.
the flush discharge efficiency decreased by as much as ∼11%. The
• Local submergence causes the discharge efficiency of labyrinth
rounded inlet and projecting geometries performed similarly, being
weirs to decrease; local submergence occurs when the discharge
slightly more efficient than the in-channel labyrinth weir at small
carrying capacity of the outlet cycles is exceeded by the dis-
H T ∕P values and less efficient (∼5–7%) at higher H T ∕P values.
charge capacity of the inlet cycles.
The discharge efficiency of the rounded inlet labyrinth weir con-
• The discharge capacity of the arced labyrinth weir (the most
figuration should improve with an increased abutment wall radius.
efficient configuration tested) can further exceed that of a chan-
The arced labyrinth weir configuration provided increased dis-
nelized labyrinth weir as a result of the longer weir lengths that
charge efficiencies of ∼5–11%. The decrease in efficiency gains
can be achieved using an arced labyrinth configuration.
at higher H T ∕P values for the arced labyrinth weir is caused by
The results of this study are limited to the specific labyrinth weir
the growing influence of local submergence. Fig. 5 also demon-
geometries and configurations tested. Because discharge perfor-
strates that the improved approach flow conditions associated with
mance may change with differing labyrinth weir cycle geometries,
this specific arced labyrinth weir configuration more than compen-
further testing of additional arced labyrinth weirs is recommended
sate for the negative effects of local submergence on discharge ef-
to further develop the knowledge base and provide additional de-
ficiency, producing an overall net increase for the arced labyrinth
sign guidance and insights for arced labyrinth weirs.
weir over the traditional linear cycle configuration. Because C d rep-
resents the labyrinth weir discharge per unit weir length, the addi-
tional weir length achievable with an arced labyrinth weir layout Acknowledgments
provides additional hydraulic benefit.
A single-sample data uncertainty analysis was performed as out- The State of Utah and the Utah Water Research Laboratory (Utah
lined by Kline and McClintock (1953). The average single-sample State University) provided funding for this study.
uncertainties for all data sets ranged from 1–1.9%. Uncertainties
were largest (∼5% for H T ∕P ≤ 0:075) for very small values of
Q and h (instrument accuracy) and were smallest (≤ 0:9% for Notation
H T ∕P ≥ 0:3) for large values of Q and h.
The intent of this study was to show the relative differences and The following symbols are used in this paper:
general trends associated with representative reservoir-specific A = inside apex width;
labyrinth weir configurations relative to the in-channel labyrinth C d = discharge coefficient, data from current study;
weir configuration. The labyrinth weir discharge efficiency C d-channel = discharge coefficient specific to a labyrinth weir
(i.e., Cd ) data presented are specific to the labyrinth weir configu- located in a channel;
rations tested and are not representative of the discharge efficien- Cd-res = discharge coefficient for a labyrinth weir spillway
cies for all reservoir-specific labyrinth weir configurations. The located in a reservoir;
relative performance of the flush, rounded inlet, projecting, and g = acceleration constant of gravity;
arced labyrinth weir geometries in reservoir applications may vary h = depth of flow over the weir crest;
as the site conditions α, α0 , N, and other labyrinth weir geometric H T = unsubmerged total upstream head on weir;
parameters change. A physical model study is recommended to H T ∕P = dimensionless headwater ratio;


I = inlet cycle number (e.g., I1, I2, …I5); Crookston, B. M. (2010). “Labyrinth weirs.” Ph.D. dissertation, Utah State
Lc = total centerline length of labyrinth weir; Univ., Logan, UT.
N = number of labyrinth weir cycles; Darvas, L. (1971). “Discussion of ‘Performance and design of labyrinth
O = outlet cycle number (e.g., O1, O2, …O5); weirs’ by Hay and Taylor.” J. Hydrol. Eng., 97(80), 1246–1251.
P = weir height; Falvey, H. (2003). Hydraulic design of labyrinth weirs, ASCE, Reston, VA.
Q = discharge over weir; Hay, N., and Taylor, G. (1970). “Performance and design of labyrinth
weirs.” J. Hydrol. Eng., 96(11), 2337–2357.
R = arced labyrinth weir arc radius;
Houston, K. (1983). “Hydraulic model study of Hyrum Dam auxiliary
Rabutment = radius of rounded abutment wall;
labyrinth spillway.” Rep. No. GR-82-13, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,
Rcrest = radius of rounded crest (e.g., Rcrest ¼ t w ∕2); Denver, CO.
tw = thickness of weir wall; Kline, S. and McClintock, F. (1953). “Describing uncertainties in single-
V = average cross-sectional flow velocity upstream of weir; sample experiments.” Mech. Eng. Soc. Mech. Eng., 75(1), 3–8.
w = width of a single labyrinth weir cycle; and Magalhães, A., and Lorena, M. (1989). “Hydraulic design of labyrinth
w0 = cycle width for the arced labyrinth weir spillway. weirs.” Rep. No. 736, National Laboratory of Civil Engineering, Lisbon,
Page, D., García, V., and Ninot, C. (2007). “Aliviaderos en laberinto. Presa
de María Cristina.” Ingenieria Civil, 146, 5–20 (in Spanish).
References Tullis, P. (1992). “Weatherford spillway model study.” Hydraulic Rep. No.
311, Utah Water Research Laboratory, Logan, UT.
Copeland, R., and Fletcher, B. (2000). “Model study of Prado Spillway, Tullis, P., Amanian, N., and Waldron, D. (1995). “Design of labyrinth weir
California, hydraulic model investigation.” Rep. ERDC/CHL TR-00- spillways.” J. Hydrol. Eng. 121(3), 247–255.
17, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Research and Development Center, Yildiz, D., and Uzecek, E. (1996). “Modelling the performance of labyrinth
Vicksburg, MS. spillways.” Int. J. Hydropower Dams, 3, 71–76.


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