Midterm Reviewer For Readings in PH

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Midterm Reviewer for Readings in Philippine History

A. Lesson 1: Meaning of History

• History has existed for 2,400 years and it is as old as mathematics and philosophy

• Historia means knowledge acquired through inquiry or investigation

• History can refer to the following definitions:

➢ Everything that had happened in the past

➢ A kind of research or inquiry

➢ An investigation that is concerned with human activities done in the past

• Herodotus, Father of History, used history to describe the deeds of men in the past and

finding out & explaining the reasons behind such deeds. He also suggested that history

should be used for posterity or future use – learning from the mistakes of the past.

• According to Thucydides, history should be written or done with evidences from the

testimonies of eyewitnesses. This methos is called oral history

• The elites, nobles, and monarch were the only one included in the traditional way of writing


• Positivism asserts that real knowledge lies in actual observation of facts.

• “No document, No history” means that unless the written record can support a specific

historical event, then it cannot be considered as a historical fact.

• Historiography is the history of history. Example of historiographical questions

➢ Who wrote it?

➢ How was a specific text was written?

➢ What was the context of its publication?

➢ What were the sources used?

B. Lesson 2: History and the Historian

• Historians decide what part of the past makes it in history

• Traditionally, wars, revolutions, and regimes are included in writing history

• Historians should ask questions and answer it through collection and selection of facts and

evidences. Once they have the necessary information from those evidences, they are required

to interpret them through meticulous investigation.

• They have the responsibility to employ research and methodology, give meaning to historical

facts and organize them into a timeline.

• To validate the claims and arguments of historians, they should present reliable evidences to

support them.

C. Lesson 3: Historical Sources

• To prevent fraud and establish truth in writing history, historians are required to criticize,

examine, and observe the sources used.

• Validating historical sources is crucial because of the following reasons:

➢ Unverified, falsified, and untruthful sources & evidences can lead to equally false


➢ Primary materials may have undergone various degrees of deterioration due to age or

even forgery

➢ Deceptions and lies will be highly probable

• The classification of sources depends on the historical subject being studied,

• The 2 classifications of historical sources are (a) primary sources and (b) secondary sources.

• Primary sources are sources produced simultaneously as the subject being studied. Common

examples of these are memorabilia, archival documents, and census.

D. Lesson 4: Philippine Historiography

• In the ancient Philippine society, kasaysayan were stories that were transmitted orally in the

form of epics, songs, and rituals.

• In Spanish historiography in the PH, our history is in bipartite view. The first is the period of

darkness. This period was before the arrival of the Spaniards. The second is the period of light

– Spaniards has arrived in the country and introduced Christianity

• Ilustrados’ intended audience was the sympathetic Spaniards. That’s why they wrote and

spoke in Spanish – but they were still critical of what the colonizers passed off as historical

truths. They also believed that ancient Philippine society is similar to the greatness of

Europe’s civilization during the same period.

• The secret brotherhood, Katipunan, decided to use arms and violence to overthrow and evict

the colonizers and establish an independent nation. They wrote exclusively in Filipino for they

were trying to gain the support of their countrymen for the revolution.

• In American historiography, education become the medium to instill American consciousness

among the Filipinos because American want them to think like them.

• Philippine Insurrection is the term American historians and scholars use instead of referring it

to Filipino-American War. Because U.S. has the legitimate power to govern the islands and

anyone who revolt against them will be considered rebels.

• In the Philippine Nationalist Historiography, there were 3 noted Filipino Nationalist historians.

➢ Teodoro Agoncillo claimed that the 1896 Revolution of the Katipunan was due to the

oppression and injustices experienced by the Filipinos. He believed that Bonifacio has a

greater contribution than Rizal

➢ Renato Constantino suggested that the 1896 revolutions was not unique and not new, in

fact, there were pre-colonial leaders who attempted to evict the Spaniards since the 16th

century. An example of this was the Battle of Mactan

➢ Reynaldo Ileto argued that the Pasyon was the reason why Filipinos revolted against the

Spaniards as they saw their suffering comparable to the struggles of Christ.

• Pantayong Pananaw is from-us-to-us perspective; it means that our history should be written

and taught in Filipino language for the Filipinos.

E. Lesson 5: Early Philippine Society and the First Spanish Contact

• Laguna Copperplate Inscription was the oldest written source wherein the content was about

the acquittal of debt. According to Antoon Postma, the LCI is 20 by 30 cm.

• Chau Ju-kua wrote Chu Fan Chi which translates to “Records of Various Barbarous Nation”.

Ma-i was the name of Mindoro between 13th & 15th centuries

• Chau Ju-kua describe the Hai-tan (Aeta or Negritos) as people with small stature, curly hair,

and their teeth showing.

• Ferdinand Magellan is a Portuguese who circumnavigated the world and it was documented

by Antonio Pigafetta.

• When the Pigafetta arrived in the Philippines, he was amazed and fascinated with the palm

tree that bore a fruit called cocho.

• Homonhon island was given the name of Watering place of Good signs by Pigafetta because

he found the first signs of gold in that location.

• On March 31, 1521, the First Mass was held in the Philippines.

F. Lesson 6: The Philippines Under Spain

• Customs of the Tagalog by Juan de Plasencia is the earliest descriptive written work on early

Filipino society. In this document, Plasencia stated that dato was the title given to the revered

chief who is also serving as the war caption of the Tagalogs. The Tagalogs have their caste

system also in 3 classes: (a) maharlica or nobles, (b) aliping namamahay or commoners, and

(c) aliping saguiguilid or slaves that could be sold.

• In the Customs of the Tagalog, particularly about loans, the debtor with unpaid debts will

become a slave and their children will pay double the amount of their debt once.

• Antonio de Morga wrote Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas which translate “Events in the

Philippine Islands”. In this document, the datus were considered to be cabeza de barangay

who job is to collect taxes. The dato ruled as “tribal” gathering called barangay.

• Moreover, Filipinos are required to render services to high officials or Spaniards such as

serving in the mansions of alcalde, services on occasions of war, and building ships for the

• Governor-General Francisco de Sande wrote Letter to Estevan Rodriguez de Figueroa. He

stated that Figueroa should negotiate with the Moros and bring the leader of this tribe and his

followers to his Majesty and stop the spread of Islam.

G. Lesson 7: Revolts and Revolution

• Diego Silang’s Letter to the British was sent to British governor, Dawsonne Drake. Silang

proclaimed his allegiance to the British crown. In order to prove Silang’s allegiance, he would

gift Drake a kind of wine produced from grapes called Bassia, 200 cakes or balls of chocolate,

12 baskets of calami and 12 loaves of sugar. He negotiated to help him fight the Augustinian


• Before sending the said letter, Silang imprisoned Bishop Bernardo Ustariz because he

resisted his anti-Spanish endeavors and declared themselves the head of Ilocos.

• Cofradia de San Jose was the confraternity led by Hermano Pule. In this confraternity, dalit

were distributed as prayer pamphlets among the members.

H. Lesson 8: The Philippines Under the United States

• Kartilya ng Katipunan was written by Emilio Jacinto. Its original title was a. Manga Aral Nang

Katipunan ng mga Anak Nang Bayan. This helped us understand the values, ideals, and

aspirations of the Katipunan.

• Tejeros Convention was the breaking point of the rivalry between Bonifacio and Aguinaldo.

• Filipino Grievances Against Governor-General Wood is a joint resolution to express the hatred

Filipino leaders felt against the Governor during 1921 and the way he ran the country’s affairs.

The governor that time was Leonard Wood.

• Public Land Act of 1903 was the law used by the United States to takeover and bring the Moro

under them.

• Alfred McCoy compiled political cartoons published in the newspaper dailies and periodicals

during the American Era.

• The Tribune was known and trustworthy Filipino newspaper during the American period

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