6 The Truth About Lying

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Questions 1-6 ‘The reauing passage has six paragraphs, A-F. (Choose the correct hending for each paragraph Fron te hist of headings Helo List of Headings | Some of the things liars really do | ii When do we begin to lie? Hl How wrong is it wo lie? iv Exposing some false beliefs v Which form of communication best exposes a lie? vi Do only humans lie? Dealing with known liars A public test of our ability to spot a lie 1 Patagraph A 4 Paragraph D 2. Paragraph B 5 Paragraph E 3 Patagrapks C 6 Paragraph F Over tha years Richard Wiseman has tried to unravel the truth about deception ~ investigating the signs that ive away a liar. A, In tha 1970s, as part of a large-scale research programme exoiring te area of nterspecies munication, Or Francine Paterson from Stanford University attempted to teach two leaané gol called Vic! and Koko a sinpifed version of Sign Language crording to Paterson, the great apes were capable of nolding meaningful conversations, and cculd even reflect n profounétooies, such as lve ard death, During the orject, thee trainers believe they urcovered instances ‘te the two gorilas”ingusticshlls seemed to provide relable evéence of intentional deve n one exarple, Koko brake & to rat, and ther signed to indicate that tha breakage had been caused by one of her trainers In another episode, Michael ripped a jacket belonging te atraner and, when asked who was resporsble for the incident signed Koko: then the trainer expressed ‘sme Seeaticism, tchael enpeares ta change his mic, ‘and indicated that Dr Patterson wes actually responsi, belore fea confessing B Other researchers have exlored the development of deception n chieren. Some ofthe most interesting experiments have involved asking youngsters rot io take 2 peck at thei favourite toys. Dunn these studies, 2 child is led into slbboratory ard asked to face one ofthe wal ‘The expermenter thon explains that he is going to set up ‘an elavorata toy afew feet behing them, After set uo ‘the toy, the experimenter says tat he has to leave the laboratory, ard asks the chit not to tun eraurd and peek atthe ty. The chs secretly med by faddon camaras ‘ore few minutes, and then the expermenter eetures and asks them whether ‘ney peeked, Alnost all tree year lds do, ad ten half of then lie abou it tothe exper menter By the tene the chicren have reached the age of five, sf them peek and all of them lie. The results provide ccompaling evidence tat lying tars to emerse the romart we ina ta speak. at are the tele sigs that pve away a ie? in 1994, the psychologist chard Wisernan devisd a large scale experment ona TY programme called Toraew’s World ‘As part of tre experiment, viewers watched two interviews in which Wiservan askee a presenter in front ofthe camoras to deseribe his favourite fim. In one interview, the presenter picked Same Lite ff Hot arc he told the truth; nthe othe Inlorviow, he picked Gove wis the Hind an ied. The viewers were “hon inited ta make a choice — to telephone into say ahi fim he sas ying sar, More than 30,000 calls were receive, but viewers were unable to tl the dlference andthe vote was 9 50/50 spl, Ir simlor experiments, the resus nave been rerrarkably consistent when it comes te le detection, people might as wal simoly uss 2 coi. doasnit matter you re mile of fal, young or od; very few people are abe to detect deception, ‘Why is this? Professor Charles Bond from the Tas Christin University nes conducted surveysinto the sorts ct betaviour ‘opie assoe ale wit ying, He has interviewed theusands of ‘eape fora more then 60 countries, askr: them to descrbe how hey set about teling whether somenne ising, Peoples answers are remarkably cansistert. Amast everyone thinks lays tend to avert ther gazo, nervously wave ther hands arcund ard snift about m ther seats. There, hawover, ‘one smal problem, Researchers have spent Four upon howe ceateluly comparing fims of fars and trutntelers. The results are lear, Liars do not necessarily look way from yous they ‘do nol appear eras and move ther hands accund a shit ‘out n ther seats, People fal to detec les because they ‘are basing thir opinions on behawours thal are not actually assoc ated with decapton. So what ere we missing? Ris obvious tht the more information you giveaway, he preator te chances of some of iteaming bac to haunt you. Asa vesul lars land to say less and proude fewer detais thar tuthteles, Locking beck atthe transcripts ofthe ntersiaws with the prosenter, hs he about Gone with the Wind contained about 40 words, whereas the ‘ruth about Some Like t Hat was nearly tice as long. People whe le also ty psychologcally to Keep a distance from ‘thar flsehoods, and so tend te include fewer references to themselves inthe stories. nis ene interview about Gono wah the Wind, the preseniar only once mentioned how th tra ‘made iin feel, compared yt te several relerences to his ‘ceings hen he taked about Some Like It Hot. The sine factis that ine real clues to deceit are the ‘words that eoole use nol te body language. So do people become bette le detectors when they listen tv lit, or even lustresd a transernt of tow comments? The interviews with ‘he presontor were also teoarcast en radio aid pulsed in a newsoapor, and aithough the fe detecting abilities of the {elevsion viewers weee no beter than chance, the newspaper readers were correct 64%! ofthe time, and the radio isieners scored an mpressive 73% accuracy ate.

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