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PARTYGOER: Howdy, ma’am.

EMCEE: Alright! How about that for a couple of snowboarders?

The audience cheers and the teens leave the stage.

EMCEE: Who's gonna rock the house next? Huh?

TROY: I can’t sing. No you go.

The emcee reaches a hand out to Gabriella.

EMCEE: And you! Yeah, come on.

Another partygoer with a horned helmet and noisemaker pushes Gabriella up. Gabriella is nervously led to the

TROY: Look, I don’t sing, I can’t sing. No guys…

The boys with Troy push him onto the stage.

PARTYGOER: Get up there!

TROY: you have an amazing voice.
GABRIELLA: Well that was the first time I did something like that. I mean it was so cool.

TROY: I know! Completely!

GABRIELLA: (tipping mug towards Troy) You sounded like you’ve sung a lot too.

TROY: Yeah, sure my showerhead is very impressed with me.

The New Year’s Eve countdown begins
GABRIELLA: I guess I better go find my mom and wish her a happy New Year.

TROY: Yeah, me too. I mean, not your mom. My mom… and dad.

TROY: Uh, I’ll call you! I’ll call you tomorrow.

TROY: Here, put your number in. Here

TROY: Oh, okay.

Troy takes a selfie with Gabriella’s phone and puts in his number as Gabriella types on his phone.
TROY: Here you go.
TROY: Just so you know, uh, singing with you was the most fun I’ve had this entire vacation. So um... Where do
you live?

Troy turns to look at Gabriella, but she is gone.

TROY: Gabriella.
School bell rings.
MS. DARBUS: I trust you all had splendid holidays. Check the sign-up sheets in the lobby for new activities, Mr.
Bolton. (Troy lowers into his seat) Especially our winter musicale. We will have singles auditions…
Troy pulls out his phone and calls Gabriella. Her phone begins to ring.
MISS DARBUS: We have zero tolerance for cell phones (Gabriella looks at her phone with a picture of Troy as
Miss Darbus comes behind her) in class, so we weill get to know each other in detention. Cell phone! Mr. Bolton,
I see your phone is involved. So, we will see you in detention as well.
MISS DARBUS: Shall the carnage continue? Holidays are over people. Way over! Now, any more comments,

Jason raises a hand.

JASON: So, how were your holidays, Miss Darbus?

The class groans and looks at him.

JASON: What?

Miss Darbus sighs. The school bell rings and the students exit class.
Gabriella finally exits and Troy leaps to reach her and grabs her shoulder.

TROY: Hey!


TROY: Beleive it!

GABRIELLA: Well, me-

TROY: Either. But how?

GABRIELLA: Well my mom’s company transferred her here to Albuquerque. I can’t believe you live here. I
looked for you at the lodge on New Year’s Day.

TROY: We had to leave first thing.

Troy and Gabriella began walking down the hallway.

GABRIELLA: Why are you whispering?

TROY: What? Oh, uh.. Well my friends know about the snowboarding. Um, I haven’t quite told them about the
singing thing.

STUDENT: Hey what’s up Troy?

TROY: (to student) Hey

Troy points to the audition sign-up sheet for the winter musical tacked on a bulletin board.

GABRIELLA: I won’t be signing up for anything for a while. I just wanna get to know the school. But if you sign
up, I’d consider coming to see the show.

TROY: Yeah, yeah. That’s completely impossible.

Gabriella chuckles. Sharpay suddenly appears from behind the bulletin board.

SHARPAY: What’s impossible Troy? I wouldn’t think “impossible” is even in your vocabulary. Oh, so nice of you
to show our new classmate aound.

Troy and Gabriella share a look. Sharpay signs her name in red ink in huge letters under “Pairs audition”. Troy
and Sharpay grimace.

SHARPAY: Oh, were you going to sign up too?

Troy and Gabriella look at each other.

SHARPAY: My brother and I have starred in all the school’s productions and we really welcome newcomers.
There are a lot of supporting roles in a show. I’m sure we could find something for you.

GABRIELLA: (shaking her head) No, no, no. I was just looking at all the bulletin boards. (Troy crosses his arms,
smiles and nods)
Gabriella walks off and Troy begins to walk off too.

SHARPAY: So, Troy, (Troy stops and looks back as Sharpay approaches) I missed you during vacation. What’d
you do?

TROY: Oh, you know, uh, played basketball, snowboarding, more basketball.

SHARPAY: When’s the big game?

TROY: Uh, two weeks. (Troy holds up two fingers)

SHARPAY: You are so dedicated… Just like me!

TROY: Ah, ha.

SHARPAY: I hope you come watch me in the musical. Promise?

TAYLOR: Our scholastic decathalon team has its first competition next week, and there is certainly a spot for you.

GABRIELLA: Where did those come from?

TAYLOR: Didn't you put them in my locker?

GABRIELLA: Of course not.

TAYLOR: Oh, well, we'd love to have you on our team. We meet almost every day after school. Please?

GABRIELLA: I eed to catch up on the curriculum here before I think about joining any clubs.

Sharpay steps forward.

SHARPAY: Well what a perfect way to et caught up, meeting with the smartest kids in school. What a generous
offer, Taylor.

MS. DARBUS: So many new faces in detention today. I hope you don't make a habit of it, but the drama club can
always use an extra hand. And while we are working, let us probe the mounting evils of cell phones.


COACH BOLTON: (as he walks down the line of players) West High Knights have knocked us out of the playoffs
three years running, and now we are one game away from taking that championship right back from 'em! It's time
to make our stand.
The team is you. You are the team. And this team does not exist unless each and every one of you is fully focused
on our goal. Am I clear?

CHAD: (extending his arms) Hey, what team?


MS. DARBUS: This is where the true expression of the artist is realized, where inner truth is revealed through the
actor's journey where - (school bell rings) was that a cell phone?

Students check their pockets.

KELSI: No ma'am, that was the warning bell.

MS. DARBUS: Ah,Those wishing to audition must understand that time is of the essence. (Troy walks though the
auditorium still hiding behind the mop in the janitor's cart, stopping to hear.) We have many roles to cast and final
callbacks will be next week. First you will sing a few bars and I will give you a sense of whether or not the theater
is your calling. (tipping her glasses) Better to hear it from me now than from your friends later. Our
composer (gesturing towards her) Kelsi Nielson will accompany you and be avaliable for rehearsals prior to
callbacks. Shall we?

GABRIELLA: So you decided to sign up for something?

TROY: Uh... No! You?

GABRIELLA: No. Why are you hiding behind a mop?

Troy gives a chuckle and moves the cart away.

GABRIELLA: Your friends don't know you're here, right?

TROY: Right.

Onstage a student opens her mouth to sing, but hesitates, standing still.

MS. DARBUS: Thank you, next.

The student runs off.

TROY: Uh, Ms. Darbus is a little... harsh.

GABRIELLA: The wildcat superstar is afraid?

TROY: No, no. I'm not afraid. I'm just, scared.

GABRIELLA: Me too... usually.

MS. DARBUS: Any last minute sign-ups?

Gabriella looks at Troy.

TROY: (whispering) We should go.

MS. DARBUS: No? Good. Done.

Ms. Darbus starts to leave. Gabriella steps out.

GABRIELLA: I'd like to audition, Ms. Darbus.

TROY: (whispering) What!

MS. DARBUS: Timeliness means something in the world of theater, young lady. The individual auditions are long
over and there are simmply no other pairs.

TROY: I'll sing with her!

Troy steps out and puts his hand up.

MS. DARBUS: Troy Bolton, where is your sports possee or whatever it's called?
TROY: Team.

MS. DARBUS: Ahh. (walking towards the pair)

TROY: But I'm here alone. Actually I'm here to sing with her.

MS. DARBUS: Yes, well, we take these shows very seriously here at East High. I called for the pairs audition and
you didn't respond. Free period is now over.


Sharpay fans herself as she and her brother stare at the callback sheet.

RYAN: (reading from the Call Back sheet) Callback for roles Arnold and Minnie next Thursday, 3:30 PM. Ryan
and Sharpay Evans. Gabriella Montez and Troy Bolton.

SHARPAY: Is this some kind of joke? They didn't even audition!

RYAN: Maybe we're being punked.


RYAN: Maybe we're being filmed right now. Maybe we'll get to meet Ashton.

SHARPAY: Oh shut up Ryan!

Zeke, Chad, and Jason walk up beside them and laugh.

CHAD: What's wrong?

The basketball players read the list. Chad's face falls and the boys looks confused.

CHAD: What?

Chad glances at Ryan and Sharpay in disbelief before walking away. Sharpay storms off and the others step up for
a closer look.

Troy waits at the garden rooftop as Gabriella climbs up the stairs, smiling widely.

GABRIELLA: So this is your private hideout?

TROY: Yeah, thanks to the science club. Which means my buddies don't even know it exisits.

GABRIELLA: You pretty much have the school wired, don't you Troy? Seems to me like everyone on campus
wants to be your friend.
TROY: (laughs) Unless we lose.

GABRIELLA: Well I'm sure it's tricky being the coach's son.

TROY: Makes me practice a little harder, I guess.

I don't know what he's gonna say when he finds out about the singing.
TROY: Sometimes I don't wanna be the basketball guy. I wanna be a guy. You know?

GABRIELLA: I saw the way you treated Kelsi at the audition yesterday. Do your friends know that guy?

TROY: To them, I'm the playmaker dude.

GABRIELLA: They don't know enough about you Troy. At my other schools I was the freaky math girl. It's cool
coming here and being anyone I wanna be. When I was singing with you, I just felt like a girl.

GABRIELLA: Remember in kindergarten how you'd meet a kid and know nothing about them. Than ten seconds
later you play like you're best friends because you didn't have to be anything but yourself?

TROY: Yeah.

GABRIELLA: Singing with you felt like that.

GABRIELLA: You're a cool guy Troy. But not for the reasons your friends think. And thanks for showing me your
top secret hiding place. Like kindergarten.

They smile at each other and look away. The bell rings. Troy grabs Gabriella's hand and they hurry down the
<thoại 2 người tập chăm chỉ>

COACH BOLTON: (walking down the line as the basketball players practice passing the ball) Let's go guys!
Make it sharp! To the chest, come one! Pop it! Come on guys, step with it! Let's go!(pointing) Come on, move it!
Let's go! Come on, guys focus! Focus! Get your head in the game! Move it!

Coach Bolton turns to Jason.

COACH BOLTON: You seen Troy?

JASON: No, coach.

Coach Bolton gives him ball, whistles, and walks away.

COACH BOLTON: Again, let's go.

Troy arrives as the team leaves. Chad hands him a basketball.

TROY: I, uh, think I'm gonna stay awhile. Work on some free throws.
COACH BOLTON: Well since you missed practice, I think your team deserves a little effort from you today.
You're the team leader.
What you do affects not only this team, but the entire school. And withut you completely focused, we're not gonna
win next week. The championship games, they don't come along all the time. They're something special.

TROY: Yeah, well, a lot of things are special Dad.

COACH BOLTON: But you're a playmaker, not a singer, right?

TROY: Did you ever think that maybe I could be both?

Troy leaves

<Chad và Taylor lên kế hoạch chia rẽ 2 người>


Troy walks with a confused expression. He finds his teammates surrounded by various pieces of Wildcat
memorabilia, including many trophies. Chad holds up a framed photo.

CHAD: "Spider" Bill Netrine. Class of '72. He was the MVP in the league championship game.

ZEKE: holding up picture frame Sam Nedler, class of '02. Also known a "Sammy Slamma Jamma". Captain MVP
of the league championship game.

JASON: The "Thunder Clap" (team claps) Hap Hadden, '95. Led the Wildcats to back-to-back city championships.
A legend.

CHAD: Yes, legends, one and all. But do you think that any of these Wildcat legeds became legends by getting
involved in musical auditions just days before their league championships?

BASKETBALL TEAM: Get your head in the game!

CHAD: No. These Wildcat legends became legends because they never took their eye off the prize.

BASKETBALL TEAM: Get your head in the game!

CHAD: Who voted him our team captain this year?


CHAD: And who is gonna get their sorry butts kicked in Friday's championship game if Troy's worried about an


TROY: Guys, come on. There's twelve people on this team, not just me.

CHAD: Just twelve? Oh no.

CHAD: I think you're missing a very important thirteenth member of our squad.

Chad hands an upside down picture frame to Troy. Troy flips it over and sees a teenage basketball player in a
Wildcats uniform.

TROY: My dad.

CHAD: Yes, Troy. Wildcats basketball champion, class of 1981. Champion, father, and now coach. (shaking his
head) It's a winning tradition like no other.


Gabriella sits on a stool. Taylor fronts the braniacs and presents on a laptop to her.

TAYLOR: From lowly Neandrathal and Cro-Magnon, to early warriors and medevial knights. All leading up to...

A student reveals a poster of a basketball player with a picture of Troy's head pasted on top.

TAYLOR: ...lunkhead basketball man. Yes, our culture worshipped the aggressor throughout the ages and we end
up with spoiled, overpaid, bonehead athletes who contribute little to civilization other than (gesturing to the
poster) slam dunks and touchdowns. That is the inevitable world of Troy Bolton.

Gabriella looks amused. A student puts up the poster.

TAYLOR: But the path of the mind, the path we're on, ours is the path that has brought us to these people: (each
person mentioned appears on the slideshow) Eleanor Roosevelt, Frida Kahlo, Sandra Day O'Connor, Madame
Curie, Jane Goodall, Oprah Winfrey, and so many others who the world reveres.

GABRIELLA: Ah, but what is... I've got Kelsi waiting for me to rehearse.

TAYLOR: Gabriella! Troy Bolton represents one side of evolution. And our side, the side of education (slams
pointer) and accomplishment (slams pointer) is the future of civilization. This is the side where you belong.


TROY: Guys, if you don't know that I'll put 110 percent of my guts into that game, then you don't know me.

CHAD: But we just thought-

TROY: I'll tell you what I thought. I thought that you're my friends. Win together, lose together, teammates.

CHAD: (propping up the laptop) But suddenly the girl, and the singing.

TROY: Man, I'm for the team! (a teammate discreetly records Troy) I've always been for the team. She's just
someone I met.


Gabriella waches a livestream of Troy talking and furrows her brow.

TROY: All right, the singing thing is nothing. Just a way to keep my nerves down. It all means nothing to me.
You're my guys and this is our team. Gabriella is not important. I'll forget about her. I'll forget the audition and
we'll go out and get that championship. Everyone happy now?

TAYLOR: Behold, lunkhead basketball man.

A tear rolls down Gabriella's face. The braniacs walk away, except Taylor.

TAYLOR: So Gabriella, we would love to have you for the scholastic decathalon. Did you wanna grab some

Gabriella smiles solemly and shakes her head.

<cảnh Troy buồn lướt qua bạn bè và Gabriella ko bắt chuyện vs Troy>
<taylor và Chad cảm thấy có lỗi liền đi giải thích với 2 người tất cả chỉ là do họ dàn dựng để chia cắt 2
người, sau đó troy tìm đến gabriella để cùng nhau tiếp tục theo đuổi đam mê>


In her room, Gabriella reads as her phone starts ringing. She picks it up and answers it.


TROY: What you heard...

TROY: ...the other day, none of that is true. I was sick of my friends riding me about singing with you so I said
TROY: I knew would shut them up. I didn't mean any of it.

GABRIELLA: You sounded pretty convincing to me.

TROY: Listen, the guy you met on vacation is way more me than the guy who said those stupid things.

GABRIELLA: Troy, the whole singing thing is making the school wack.

GABRIELLA: You said so yourself, everyone's...

GABRIELLA:...treating you differently because of it

TROY: Maybe that's because I don't only want to be the basketball guy. They can't handle it. That's not my
problem, it's theirs.

GABRIELLA: But your dad?

TROY: And it's not about my dad. This is about how I feel and I'm not letting the team down. (Gabriella walks to
her bedpost and leans) They let me down. So I'm gonna sing. What about you?

GABRIELLA: I don't know Troy.

TROY: It's a pairs audition.
<Thoại 2 người lại tiếp tục cùng nhau tập luyện sau giờ học, Ryan và Sharpay vì ko muốn 2 người tgia hoà
nhạc nên đã thuyết phục cô giáo chuyển dời lịch trùng vs lịch bóng rổ và lịch thi môn khoa học j j đó>

A message on the callbacks sheet reads "Callback auditions rescheduled to Friday beginning at 3:30 PM". Kelsi
reads it as Troy and Gabriella walk past with their friends.

CHAD:... No problem at all, it was crazy man.

Troy and Gabriella step up to read it.

TROY: Callbacks the same time as the game?

GABRIELLA: And the scholastic decathalon.

TAYLOR: Why would they do that?

CHAD: I smell a rat named Darbus.

KELSI: Actually, I think it's two rats, niether of them named Darbus.

CHAD: Do you know something about this, small person?

KELSI: (stepping up to Troy) Ms. Darbus may think she's protecting the show, but Ryan and Sharpay are only
concerned with protecting themselves.

CHAD: (shoving his basketball to another guy) Do you know what I'm going to do to those two overmoussed
show dogs?

TROY: (as Zeke and another guy hold back Chad) Nothing. We're not gonna do anything to them. Except sing,
maybe. Alright, now this is only gonna happen if we (motioning to all) all work together. (putting a hand towards
the center) Now who's in?

Gabrielle puts her hand on Troy's. The friends stack their hands on top. Chad and Taylor give a high-five.
<thoại Gabrielle hack hệ thống tính điểm của cuộc thi bóng rổ và khoa học để 2 người có thể đến buổi musical
thành công>
MS. DARBUS: (walking onstage as a young students passes her a clipboard and props are put away) Do you see
why we love the theater, people? Well done. (Sharpay and Ryan step out as Ms. Darbus looks down at her
clipboard) Ah, Troy Bolton, Gabriella Montez. Troy, Gabriella!

KELSI: (frantically) They'll be here.

MS. DARBUS: The theater, as I have often pointed out, waits for no one. I'm sorry.
Looking hurt, Kelsey darts off.

MS. DARBUS: Well, we are done here. Congratulations to all, the cast list will be posted.

TROY: (running in) No wait! Ms. Darbus wait! We're ready, we can sing.

GABRIELLA: (running up the stage steps) Ms. Darbus please, please.

MS. DARBUS: Rules are rules.

People from the Decathalon and basketball game pour into the theater.

SHARPAY: (with an excited expression) We'll be happy to do it again for our fellow students Ms. Darbus.

MS. DARBUS: I don't know what's going on here, but in any event, it's far to late and we have not got a pianist.

RYAN: Well, that's show biz.

TROY: We'll sing without a piano.

Kelsi runs up.

KELSI: Oh no, you won't. Pianist here Ms. Darbus.

MS. DARBUS: Now that's show biz.

<suggest bài rewrite the stars>
<thoại sau buổi trình diễn, hệ thống đc sửa, 2 người quay trở về cuộc thi của mình và chiến thắng>
COACH BOLTON: (As he runs to the team) Coming through, coming through!

Coach Bolton hands the trophy to Troy and they lift him up.

CHAD: Hey, what team?


BASKETBALL PLAYERS: Get your head in the game!

The crowd cheers and there is a big commotion all around.

COACH BOLTON: I'm proud of you, son.

MS. DARBUS: Bravo!



Coach Bolton and Ms. Darbus step away as Gabriella runs up to Troy.
GABRIELLA: (wrapping her arms around Troy) Congratulations Wildcat!

TROY: What about your team?

GABRIELLA: We won too!

Troy walks off and Chad grabs hold of Taylor in his arms as she runs past.

CHAD: So.. you're going with me to the after party, right?

TAYLOR: (happily surprised) Like on a date?

CHAD: Must be your lucky day.

Taylor turns to join Gabriella and Troy breaks away from her.

TAYLOR: Chad just asked me out.

They spin and laugh happily. Sharpay and Ryan step up to Gabriella.

SHARPAY: Well, congratulations. I guess I'm going to be the understudy in case you can't make one of the shows,
so break a leg.

Sharpay laughs and walks away, with Ryan behind her. Zeke runs up to her with a gym bag in hand.

ZEKE: Hey Sharpay, I'm sorry you didn't get the lead, but I think you're really good. (touching Sharpay's
shoulder) I admire you so much.

SHARPAY: And why wouldn't you? Now, buh-bye.

Sharpay and Ryan begin to walk away.

ZEKE: Uh, wait, (reaching into his bag and pulling out a bag with cookies) I baked you some cookies.


Ryan takes the cookies with a smile.

RYAN: Nice game!

ZEKE: Thanks

Zeke runs off. A boy shakes the trophy beside Kelsi. Troy hands her a basketball.

TROY: Composer, here's your game ball. You deserve it playmaker.

We're All in This Together

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