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Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous

Department of English
B.A (Double Major Programme under NEP)
Syllabus for English Literature- Paper V
British Literature Upto 1800
(Elizabethans to Pre- Romantics)
(Academic year 2022-23 onwards)
Total Number of Hours: 45
Course Code:
Course Credits: 03
Formative Assessment Marks (Internal Assessment) – 40
Summative Assessment Marks (End Semester Exam) - 60
Teaching Objectives:
• Appraising the growth and development of British Literature.
• Examining canon formation through major periods in the history of British
• Understanding Literary movements from the Elizabethan Age to the Pre-
Romantic Age.
Learning Outcomes:
• Enhancing the students’ spirit of enquiry and sharpen their analytical skills.
• Assessing the different genres for a deeper understanding of the canon.
• Cultivating a liberal, humanistic and critical mind.
William Shakespeare : As You Like It
Christopher Marlowe : The Jew of Malta
Ben Jonson : Volpone
Francis Bacon : Of Travaile
Amelia Lanyer : Eve’s Apology in Defense of Women
Edmund Spenser : From ‘The Amoretti’-
One Day I Wrote Her Name…
John Donne : The Sunne Rising
Visual texts : The Merchant of Venice-
Directed by Michael Radford
The Merchant Of Venice (2004) FuLL MoVie -YouTube
Hamlet- Directed by Laurence Olivier
HAMLET - Laurence Olivier - 1948 - HD Restored - 4K -
John Milton : Extract from Paradise Lost Book I
Joseph Addison : Sir Roger at Church
Aphra Behn : Oronooko
Jonathan Swift : Gulliver’s Travels
Alexander Pope : Extract from The Rape of the Lock
Lawrence Sterne : The Life and Opinions of Tristram
Shandy, Gentleman
Oliver Goldsmith : She Stoops to Conquer
Thomas Gray : Elegy Written in a Country
Background Reading:
1. Daiches, David, A Critical history of English literature : In Four Volumes,
Secker and Warburg, 1960.
2. Greenblatt, Stephen, The Norton Anthology of English Literature, W. W.
Norton & Company, 1962
3. Ford, Boris, The Pelican Guide to English Literature, Vol 1-7, Penguin
Books, 1991
Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous
Department of English
B.A (Double Major Programme under NEP)
Syllabus for English Literature- Paper VI
Indian Writing in Translation
(Academic year 2022-23 onwards)

Total Number of Hours: 45

Course Code:
Course Credits: 03
Formative Assessment Marks (Internal Assessment) – 40
Summative Assessment Marks (End Semester Exam) – 60

Teaching Objectives:
• Introduce students to the origins and development of Indian literatures in
• Engage with issues and concerns of various historical periods
• Familiarize students with the variations of genres in the principal literary
Learning Outcomes:
• Students get familiarised with the area of Indian Literatures in Translation
which focuses on Bhasha or regional literatures that attempt to ‘rewrite’
the nation, breaking away from dominant narratives.
• Students get sensitised to issues reflecting significant historical and social
• Students become aware of socio-political tensions within the social fabric
viz. Partition, caste conflict, political unrest, issues of identity, voices from
marginalized spaces, women’s issues, the nation state
UNIT I: Poetry (14 HRS)
Chapter 1: Overview and writers: Sangam Literature, Bhakti Movement,
Kuvempu, Amrita Pritam, Gaddar, JP Das, Daya Pawar
Chapter 2 : Illustrative texts
Iqbal: Verses
Gopalkrishna Adiga : Do Something Brother
Parimal Hansda: Which Way do I Go?
Namdeo Dhasal: Kamathipura
Perumal Murugan: Songs of a Coward
Naoram Bidyasagar: Barak River, I Love You
UNIT II: Prose (16 HRS)

Chapter 3: Overview and Writers: Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, Premchand,

Shivram Karanth, Bhisham Sahni, Maitreyi Pushpa, Naiyer Masud

Chapter 4: Illustrative Texts

Sadat Hasan Manto : The Dog of Tetval

Mahasweta Devi : Mother of 1084
Damodar Mauzo : Theresa’s Man
M T Vasudevan Nair : Little Earthquakes
J K Chakravorty : A Dip in the Sangam
UNIT III: Drama (9 hrs)

Chapter 9: Badal Sirkar, Mohan Rakesh, Girish Karnad,

Rabindranath Tagore : Post Office

Chandrashekhar Kambar : Siri Sampige
Habib Tanvir : Charandas Chor
UNIT IV: Visual Texts (6 HRS)
Samskara directed by Pattabhirama Reddy, based on UR Ananthmurthy’s novel
Gulabi Talkies directed by Girish Kasaravalli, based on Vaidehi’s story
Dev D directed by Anurag Kashyap, based on Saratchandra
Chatterjee’s Devdas
Supplementary Readings:
Kunwar Narain: Ayodhya 1992
Kaifi Azmi : Somnath
Bama : Karukku
Vijay Tendulkar: Kanyadaan
Background Readings:
1. Anathmurthy, UR, Towards the Concept of a New Nationhood: Languages
and Literatures in India, (Talk delivered at Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar,
India on 3 September,2006)
2. Kothari, Rita, Translating India, St Jerome Pub, 2003
3. Devy, GN, After Amnesia, Orient BlackSwan, 2017
4. Bhakti and Vachana: Interview with H.S. Shivaprakash, Kannada Poet,
Writer and Translator

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