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1. How many languages can you speak?

I can speak three languages.

The first is Indonesian as the officer language of this nation and also daily language that I used.

The second is Buginese, which is where I come from and the tribe that grew up in the South Sulawesi

The third is English because in my opinion English is an universal language that is currently being
used and is really needed so we can continue to develop and add insight.

2. How useful will English be to you in your future?

In my opinion, English is the most widely used language in the world, this language is the mother
tongue for more than 400 million people around the world.

In this global era, there will be more and more developments that will occur in this country. Starting
from free trade, there are more and more foreign companies standing in Indonesia so that the use of
international languages such as English is very widespread, of course for prospective entrepreneurs
and job seekers it is a must to be able to master English

3. What do you remember about learning language at school?

I started learning languages since I was in elementary school starting from Indonesian, English,
Buginese. even Japanese and Arabic. Learning Language is very interesting, of course, because by
having the ability to speak we can open windows to the world means be able to interact with each
other and develop our skills and knowledge.

4. What do you think would be the hardest language for your learning?

In my opinion, one of the languages that is quite difficult to learn is Mandarin.because Mandarin has
a different writing system and does not use letters of the Latin alphabet, but thousands of characters
or Chinese.

In addition, each word spoken has a different tone and a different meaning.
5. Describe a website that you bought something from?

i frequently use Tokopedia because it provides anyone like business owners easily to expand their
business without charge. As the third part between customer and seller, Tokopedia give us
guarantee and the detail of information about the store. For example, Tokopedia provides us many
information about trusted store by marking it in the website, and revealing the reviews from other
customer. These are factors that can influence in making-decision when they want to buy something

The easiness provided by Tokopedia encourage me to buy my daily needs here. It is because we can
buy everything through our devices. Moreover, Tokopedia also gives us many benefits when we buy
something. For instance, there are cashback, promotion, and discount offered by Tokopedia if we
often buy products in this marketplace

6. what kind of things do people in your country often buy from online shops

in my country, the people often buy is clothes and all about fashion. Because through the online
shop, people can buy goods at lower prices and a variety of choices.

7. what do you thing online shopping has become popular nowadays?

In my opinion, online shopping is currently very popular in all walks of life. Before there was an
online buying and selling site, to shop, we had to go to the shop first. To arrive at the shop, we must
be willing to spend time standing still in the vehicle because of traffic jams. Arriving at the store,
sometimes the desired item is out of stock. These problems will not be encountered while shopping
online. Young people can save time, energy, and immediately see the availability of goods and
models via their cellphone screens. It is natural that young people are increasingly involved in online

8. What are the possible disadvantages of buying things from online shops?

Possible losses in shopping at the online shope are that the goods received do not match the
description or photos posted on the website so that it can cause losses and disappointment to the
buyer, but this is already a solution offered by the online shope by providing the option to return the
item if it is not appropriate

9. Why do many people today keep buying things they don't need?

many people today keep buying things which they do not need because the attraction of buying and
selling online shopping sites is the many attractive promos offered. The promos offered also vary, in
the form of discounts, cashback, point rewards, to free shipping for certain purchases. So that it can
influence people to keep buying things which they do not need

10. Do you believe the benefits of a consumer society outweigh the disadvantaged?

I believe that the benefit of a consumer society outweighs the disadvantage because online shops
have quite an influential contribution to the Indonesian economy. As a new economic sector, online
business in Indonesia has had a tremendous impact on people's mindset which is still traditional. In
this case, Indonesia as a developing country trying to develop its economy, of course really needs
new sectors that help to stimulate its growth. And this business is one sector that is considered
capable of growing for the Indonesian economy

11. How is it possible to avoid a culture of consumerism?

in avoiding oneself from a consumptive lifestyle is to make a priority list of needs. You can make a
priority scale by first determining what activities or items you really need. Instill in yourself that you
will not buy anything before the things you need are fulfilled. The habit of making a list of priority
needs later will help you reduce consumptive behavior.

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