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Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 27 (2003) 339–347

Choral speech: the amelioration of stuttering via imitation

and the mirror neuronal system
Joseph Kalinowski*, Tim Saltuklaroglu
Stuttering Research Lab, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, East Carolina University, Oglesby Drive, Greenville,
NC 27858-4353, USA

Received 5 August 2002; revised 8 January 2003; accepted 30 May 2003

‘Choral’ speech or speaking in unison is an undeniable phenomenon that immediately induces fluent and natural sounding speech in almost
all people who stutter, regardless of linguistic content, situation or audience size. We propose that the choral speech effect is a form direct
imitation, a primitive and innate human capacity that is possibly mediated at the neuronal level by ‘mirror neurons’. Mirror systems link
observations and actions are considered by many to be a neuronal substrate for gestural language acquisition, as well as forming the basis for
many learned behaviors, thus possibly playing a vital role in ensuring survival during infancy. The engagement of these systems allows
gestural sequences, including speech, to be fluently replicated. Choral speech and its permutations use the capacity for fluent imitation in
people who stutter via a ‘loose’ gestural matching system in which gestures in the external signal possessing cues found in the intended
utterance can serve as stuttering inhibitors. We suggest implementing these innate gestural mirrors to provide immediate and effective
amelioration for stuttering.
q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Stuttering; Fluency; Inhibition; Speech; Gestures; Perception

1. The choral speech phenomenon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
2. Neurological evidence for the ‘normalization’ of cerebral activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
3. Examining the behavioral data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
4. Towards a gestural model of fluency enhancement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
5. ‘Mirror neurons’: necessary precursors for the imitation of gestures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
6. Mirror neurons, imitation and the onset of stuttering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
7. Gestural mirrors for fluency enhancement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
8. The flexibility of gestural mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
9. From parlor game to therapeutic reality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346

1. The choral speech phenomenon defined as a centrally originating involuntary block [8,54,66]
that manifests during speech production. Its core primary
To the best of our knowledge, with the exception of symptoms consist of speech disruptions in the form of part-
stuttering, no other neurological pathology with extreme word repetitions, sound prolongations and complete
overt symptomatology can be immediately neutralized via blockages in the forward flow of speech. Ancillary behaviors
the simple presentation of an external speech signal. such as nostril flaring, facial grimacing, rolling of the eyes,
Stuttering, the debilitative disorder of communication is blinking, irregular breathing, and any number of other bodily
contortions may also accompany these primary speech
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 1-252-328-1986; fax: þ1-252-328-4469. disruptions. Furthermore, the continued manifestations of
E-mail address: (J. Kalinowski). such overt symptomatology usually leads to the development
0149-7634/03/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
340 J. Kalinowski, T. Saltuklaroglu / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 27 (2003) 339–347

of secondary covert behaviors such as word, sound or and the provision of an external timing mechanism [57].
situational avoidances, word or phrase substitutions, or Yet attempts to confirm any of these postulated hypotheses
circumlocutions around difficult words [8]. Simply put, the have essentially failed [25] and the choral speech
fear of stuttering permeates almost every utterance of those phenomenon has remained enigmatic. We will examine
so afflicted, negatively impacting nearly every aspect of life. the neurological and behavioral data and present an
However, these overt speech disruptions and concomi- explanation of choral speech founded in the presence of
tant facial manifestations that have proven to be highly a mirror neuronal system for action recognition and
resistant to behavioral treatments [11,12] are almost imitation.
invariably, immediately transformed into natural sounding,
smooth flowing, fluent speech when a second speaker
produces similar linguistic material in unison with the 2. Neurological evidence for the ‘normalization’
person who stutters [8,10,30,54]. In the field of stuttering, of cerebral activity
this phenomenon is known as ‘Choral Speech’ and is
considered a benchmark for all other methods of fluency Brain imaging studies over the last decade or so have
enhancement. Under choral conditions, that require no been conducted and continue to be conducted on those who
training whatsoever to enable and are functional in front of stutter in attempts to map regions of the brain associated
any sized audience [5], stuttering is inhibited to the extent with stuttering and reveal possible neurophysiological
that speech is nearly indistinguishable from the speech of differences between those who stutter and normally fluent
those who do not stutter, a standard that is rarely met by any speakers. Of particular interest are studies that have
other form of fluency enhancement. Witnesses to the choral employed choral speech as a means of inducing fluent
phenomenon often stare in wonderment as they observe speech productions in those who stutter for the purposes of
alternating patterns of fluent and stuttered speech with the comparing and contrasting levels of cerebral activation
presentation and removal of the choral second speech when producing fluent versus stuttered speech. It should be
signal. They are truly witnessing neurological symptoma- noted that the majority of neuroimaging studies that require
tology being turned ‘off’ and ‘on’ in the presence or absence stutterers to speak fluently employ choral speech for its
of the choral signal [25]. The true hallmark of this choral unfailing effects and immediacy of inducement, over any
speech phenomenon is a sense of invulnerability to other method of fluency enhancement, behavioral or
stuttering that is seldom observed elsewhere. By invulner- otherwise [19,20,25]. The relative normalization that is
ability, we imply that the possibility of stuttering will likely observed behaviorally is also observed in neuroimaging
not factor into speech production as long as the choral signal studies that employ such designs. However, we caution that
is maintained, unlike in all other ameliorative strategies in brain mapping in the field of stuttering appears to still be in
which this possibility remains a salient and constant fear. As its infancy and the implications of these studies appear to be
such, nearly all covert secondary behaviors (such as far from conclusive. Ingham [25] succinctly summarizes the
avoidances, substitutions and circumlocutions) are also relatively consistent findings from positron emission
removed. When a person who stutters speaks under choral tomography studies that appear to be associated with
conditions, their speech behaviors become relatively stuttering and its immediate amelioration via choral speech.
‘normalized’, making them almost indistinguishable from Overall, stutterers tend to show increased right side
normally fluent speakers as the discrete core symptoms and activation [9,16,19,20,25,28,69], that may be considered to
compensatory strategies used to hide the disorder almost be consistent with early theories of incomplete cerebral
cease to exist. For those who stutter this phenomenon is dominance for speech [63,64]. However, prominent
undeniable and simply amazing. It represents everything researchers in this area tend to agree that the disorder
that an ameliorating condition should encompass. is much more complex than a simple question of laterality
Though its effects are undeniable and well documented, [25,42,52].
choral speech has never achieved clinical popularity. Not surprisingly, stuttering appears to be associated with
Stuttering treatment paradigms have changed numerous the hyperactivation relative to normally fluent speakers in
times over the last 75 years, from the use of psycho- motor regions such as the supplementary motor area,
analysis to strict behavioral speech retraining, which has superior lateral premotor area [16,19,20,28]. Abberant
dominated for the last 30 years [8,26]. Under each reigning activation patterns have also been found in the anterior
paradigm, choral speech was seen as no more than a insula [16,19,20] and the anterior cingulate cortex [9,16].
‘parlor’ game to demonstrate the stutterer’s capacity for Suppression or deactivation relative to normals has been
producing fluent speech and the idealized potential of the found in the primary auditory cortex as well as areas
therapy du jour [1,27,29]. Various explanations for the involved in language processing such as Broca’s and
immediate and spontaneous fluency enhancement derived Wernicke’s areas [19,20,28] suggesting that stuttering may
from choral speech have been offered. These have in some way be related to deficits in sensory motor
included the reduction in communicative responsibility integration, possibly related to auditory feedback and speech
[18], the inducement of novel patterns of vocalization [67], monitoring [13,42], a notion that finds additional credibility
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in magnetoencephalography (MEG) studies [52,53] and in suggesting that it provides the most potent sensory input that
behavioral studies using altered auditory feedback [58 – 60]. somehow compensates for any presumed sensory motor
One point of concern when interpreting the data from deficits in those who stutter. Behavioral studies involving
neuroimaging studies in stuttering is the separation between permutations of choral speech cast significant light onto the
state-induced effects and trait-induced effects [42]. During choral speech phenomenon. Shadowed speech (direct
periods of silence, the regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) imitation) also induces almost complete stuttering inhibition
data collected from people who stutter cannot be differ- [10,23], thus implicating the power of imitation in fluency
entiated from those who are fluent [25] suggesting that at enhancement. More recently, a series of studies by
least some of the differences in activation levels (we suggest Kalinowski and colleagues, using various other permutations
those associated with motor areas) may be the neurological of choral speech or ‘second speech signals’ leads to the
by-products of the covert anticipatory reactions and overt parsimonious explanation involving mirror neuronal systems
manifestations of stuttering. Simply put, they may reflect in humans that are predisposed for the imitation of gestures.
stuttering at the neurological level and not is neural cause. Delayed auditory feedback (DAF) has been used in the
Regardless of the neurophysiological discrepancies amelioration of stuttering for over 50 years. Originally
found during stuttering, to us the most impressive finding used to establish a reduced speech rate deemed necessary
from neuroimaging studies seems to be the relative for those who stutter to produce fluent speech [45], this
normalization of cerebral activity under choral conditions. paradigm was essentially discarded when it was proven
When fluency is immediately induced using choral speech, that people who stutter could speak just as fluently at
rCBF studies indicate that speech immediately becomes fast rates as at slower rates while under the effects of DAF
normally lateralized in the left hemisphere, hyperactivity in [31,35]. Frequency altered feedback (FAF) makes use of
the motor areas subsides and activation levels are increased digital signal processing (DSP) to create online perceived
in the primary and association auditory cortices [19,20,25, pitch changes to a speaker’s own voice, allowing people
52]. However, at a behavioral level, this normalization of who stutter to listen to themselves at higher or lower pitch,
activity is implicit. Gone are the aberrant speech patterns, without making motoric changes to their speech patterns
facial tension and excessive effort. These communicative [24,61]. The use of DAF and FAF induce similar levels of
anomalies are immediately replaced by smooth flowing, stuttering inhibition [21,24,32,54]. Hence we suggest that,
natural sounding speech. The question remains as to why. rather than inducing novel motor speech patterns, sensory
Neuroimaging data alone have yet to answer this question as changes caused by alteration to auditory feedback create
the combined spatial and temporal resolving capacities of the illusion of a second speaker producing similar
currently available technology seem to fall short of linguistic material, mimicking choral speech. In a some-
capturing the true essence of stuttering at a neuronal level. what similar vein, stuttering was reduced by over 70% in
We are optimistic that future technological advances will the presence of auditory stimuli consisting of a continuous
solve this problem, yet at present we suggest that these data vowel /a/ or a vowel train /a-i-u/, yet no significant
be assimilated with behavioral data from stuttering research improvement was noted when a more noise-like, fricative /
and contemporary theories of speech perception and s/ was presented [33], suggesting that a voiced feature in
language acquisition to produce a compelling explanation the external signal may be sufficient for significant
for the choral speech effect. stuttering inhibition. These data seem to suggest that
sensory stimuli most associated with the immediate
amelioration of stuttering contains speech or speech-like
3. Examining the behavioral data properties. In this case, the acoustic properties of the
isolated continuous voiceless fricative /s/, devoid of
Stuttering is a complex disorder that is amenable to contextual information, were deemed to be perceived as
temporary overt symptom reduction by almost any form of less speech-like than those of the vowels. To further
sensory or motoric change. Behavioral speech therapy makes expound on this theory, a study in which a person who
use of motoric changes to induce novel speech patterns. stuttered spoke while watching another person silently
Unfortunately, these speech patterns are often highly mouth the linguistic material yielded reductions in
unnatural, require a great deal of effort to produce, and are stuttering of approximately 80%, a level of stuttering
subject to breakdown [14]. Sensory modalities have also inhibition that is more impressive than those achieved by
been targeted for stuttering inhibition. The introduction of non-speech signals (such as oscillating light sources)
masking noise and pure tones has resulted in significant presented through visual modalities [34]. This ‘visual
improvements in fluency, yet these sensory stimuli fail to choral’ effect demonstrated that sensory input need not
meet the levels of fluency enhancement induced by choral even be presented via the auditory modality for it to be
speech when attacking the disorder through the auditory effective in enhancing fluency. In this study, the fluency
modality [8]. Choral speech is and always has been the most enhancing condition was the presence of frontal, dynamic
potent of stuttering inhibitors. Its immediacy and almost articulatory gestures that were congruous with the
complete removal of stuttering symptoms is unmatched, intended speech stream.
342 J. Kalinowski, T. Saltuklaroglu / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 27 (2003) 339–347

The common element in sensory based stuttering allow the remainder of the sentence to be uttered. Yet, It is
inhibition seems to be presence of an external speech signal also highly likely that that the percept of other similar
that allows gestures in the intended utterance to be loosely gestural sequences (such as ‘on’, ‘an’ ‘it’, etc.) may
matched to those in the external signal [54]. Though choral accomplish this block release as these gestural sequences
speech presents the optimal signal, the effectiveness of its possess some of the same speech cues (e.g. voicing) found
many permutations suggests high levels of flexibility in the in the word ‘in’. Block release becomes less likely to occur
temporal and linguistic parameters of the exogenous signal when the externally provided gestures deviate significantly
for the purposes of stuttering inhibition. Furthermore, the from the intended utterance. However, if linguistically
absence of an ‘invariant’ cue or feature that is necessary and equivalent external gestures were presented in unison
sufficient to inhibit stuttering alludes to a gestural model of (chorally) from the onset of the utterance, it is most likely
stuttering inhibition based on the Motor Theory of Speech that stuttering would not even factor into the production of
Perception [40,41]. this sentence. It follows that in more severe cases of
stuttering in which stuttering is prone to extend across
several words, the external inhibitory gestural sequence
4. Towards a gestural model of fluency enhancement would be required to be a better match to the intended
utterance providing an extended inhibitory framework of
The Revised Motor Theory of Speech Perception [40,41] gestures, from which the speaker may continually draw
states that the invariant objects of both speech perception salient cues to inhibit stuttering.
and production are gestures representative of the coarticu- The question that remains is how salient cues from
lated dynamic trajectories of the human vocal tract. exogenous speech gestures allow for stuttering to be
However, no single speech cue, acoustic or otherwise has centrally inhibited without the use of any cognitive
been found to be both necessary and sufficient for gestural strategies or the volitional imposition of motoric control.
speech perception. Rather, a specialized phonetic or The argument that follows is founded in the notion that
linguistic ‘module’ allows communicative messages to be the choral speech effect is simply a goal directed
shared between senders and receivers by working efficiently imitation of speech gestures. We posit that the presence
in a parallel manner, transposing between invariant speech of a mirror neuronal system in humans, predisposed for
percepts and speech products that are defined according to action recognition and paramount to imitation, is
vocal tract trajectories for specific patterns of coarticulation. activated in people who stutter during choral speech.
Thus, at a central level, speech perception and production Mirror neurons may act as the ‘gestural matchmakers’
are tightly linked and share the same encoding and decoding during choral speech, bridging the gap between incoming
mechanism. speech gestures and the production of fluent speech,
The behavioral evidence for sensory derived stuttering temporarily restoring central integrity during speech
inhibition also converges on a gestural model. Regardless of production.
the modality of presentation, choral speech and its
derivatives, working in parallel with speech production,
provide an external matrix of speech gestures that is rich in 5. ‘Mirror neurons’: necessary precursors
redundant speech cues. As long as the external signal is for the imitation of gestures
perceived as speech, the presence of a particular cue (e.g.
voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation, What is choral speech if not a form of direct imitation?
intonation or temporal pattern) in the external gestural When two people speak in unison, two very similar
sequence that is complimentary and therefore, may be sequences of overlapping fluent speech gestures are
matched to one of cues found in the intended utterance, produced, with one signal imitating the other in a loosely
within a loosely defined temporal window, appears to be defined temporal window. The imitative ability of humans
sufficient to inhibit stuttering [54]. An exact match between may have its genesis in the mirror neuronal system [2 – 4,47,
external signal and intended utterance is not required and 65,68]. Evidence for this system began to mount when it
the inhibitory system is endowed with the observed was observed that neurons in the rostral inferior premotor
flexibility. However, we can predict with relative confi- cortex (F5) of monkeys were activated upon the execution
dence that the closer the external gestural representation is of specific goal directed actions [48]. Later these neurons
to the intended utterance, the more likely it will be to were observed firing, not just when the specific actions were
enhance fluency (explaining why true choral speech is executed but also when they were observed [17,36,49]
unsurpassed as a stuttering inhibitor). For example, if a establishing a ‘link’ between sender and receiver [47],
person who stutters produces the utterance, I am i-i-i-in possibly forming the basis for primitive forms of communi-
trouble (stuttering and showing increased tension on the cation [2,3,47]. The communicative function of mirror
word ‘in’), the external presentation of the word ‘in’ neurons has been further supported by discovery of mirror-
immediately prior to or while in the stuttering block would like properties in numerous human cortical areas, including
meet the gestural demands for the block to be released and circuits within Broca’s motor speech area [6,22,43,44,50,
J. Kalinowski, T. Saltuklaroglu / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 27 (2003) 339–347 343

51]. Interestingly, Broca’s area in humans is considered to elementary level, the activation of mirror neurons appears
be the homolog of the F5 region in monkeys, laying the to be innate and reflexive [46], requiring no training of any
ground for a compelling gestural theory of language form, yet showing specific patterns of activation pertaining
acquisition in humans [2,3,43,47]. Simply put, the import- to the motoric goal it intends to accomplish. Any imitative
ance of mirror neurons in our ability to communicate may behaviors that consist of observation –action sequences that
be that they represent the neuronal substrate that links the communicate vital goal oriented [7] needs such hunger or
perception and production of speech gestures under the thirst seem to be strengthened by repeated exposures. At
tenets of Motor Theory [47]. this basic level, a neuronal link between observation and
However, monkeys generally do not imitate or speak and action may be strengthened if the gestural sequence being
apes are only capable of imitating simple sequences. The observed or produced helps to ensure the survival of the
ability to imitate seems specialized to humans and is infant.
paramount in the acquisition of complex motor sequences
required for many artistic and athletic endeavors, as well as
speech. Thus, speech seems to reflect an evolutionary 6. Mirror neurons, imitation and the onset of stuttering
capitalization of the mirror system [3]. In other words, with
enhanced cognitive abilities and via the mirror system, According to Piaget, early infant communication during
humans appear to have gained the ability to dissect motor the ‘pre-operational’ stage between birth and 2 years is
sequences and reassemble them from an acquired gestural characterized by being reflexive and imitative [46]. We
repertoire into meaningful actions that form the basis for suggest adding one further characteristic pertaining to
language, social interactions and culture [2,3]. Thus, while speech. It is a period of fluency. Simply put, ‘reflexive
the ability to imitate cannot be solely linked to the presence imitation is fluent’ [56]. The presence of mirror neurons
of a mirror neuronal system, increasing evidence suggests may ensure that the motoric sequences of speech gestures
that it plays an integral role in this evolutionary landmark. are faithfully and fluently replicated. This fluent imitation
Imitation of gestures seems to dominate the earliest may be observed regardless of linguistic knowledge or
phases of language acquisition, ‘forging the link between cognitive development. It is found in communicatively
[speech] perception and production’ [37,38]. However, disabled populations such as those with autism and mental
even throughout this stage, imitative actions progress from retardation, suggesting that the ability to immediately
gross to fine motor movements as the infant gains imitate a sequence of coarticulated speech phones is not
increased coordination over the peripheral musculature. dependent on higher cognitive functions, assuming that the
By 6 months of age, most infants are capable of sequence in question is represented within the individual’s
‘babbling’, replicating the intonation patterns of their gestural repertoire. During this preliminary linguistic stage,
caregivers [38,39]. At approximately a year old, parents speech gestures are observed and fluently reproduced in a
are often awed when their infant gains sufficient labial reflexive manner to the extent that is motorically possible
coordination to fluently produce the gestural sequence [38] by virtue perhaps, of simple input –output neuronal
‘mama’, a gestural action sequence that appears to have circuits that are the mirror neurons.
been readily primed for production at the level of the Considering that the earliest phases of language devel-
mirror neurons by repeated observations of the sequence. opment are characterized by reflexive fluency, it should not
It appears that speech gestures generally emerge in infants be surprising that stuttering generally develops in children
as soon as the peripheral speech motor system develops between the ages of 2 and 6 years [8] loosely coinciding
sufficiently to at least approximate articulatory targets of with the termination of Piaget’s pre-operational stage. We
stored representations, even if the representation is not suggest that with an increased gestural repertoire and
completely accurate (as may be the case during early cognitive abilities, a child’s reliance on mirror driven
developmental stages), allowing us to marvel at the rapid imitative linguistic forms for communicative purposes
increase in phonemic repertoire and the concurrent diminishes [46]. With the continued neuronal development
exponential vocabulary growth. Gestural representations and increased mental capacities, children generally become
appear to have been stored and primed for production capable of forming more complex utterances and using
since birth via the duality of mirror neuronal circuitry that increasingly more complex linguistic forms, while at the
strengthens the link between perception and production same time relinquishing the use of imitation for the purposes
[38]. Although developmental sequences show some of speech and language acquisition. It is during this later
variation and initial productions may not be completely phase that any predisposition to stutter may be exposed in
accurate, the refinement of gestural representations and children. Without the use of fluent imitation, speech
motor sequences is generally forthcoming. disruptions that characterize stuttering are free to surface.
It is almost inconceivable to imagine a form of learned It may also be fair to state that if cognitive and linguistic
behavior that could be more elementary than a simple development never surpassed the stage of reflexive imita-
input –output neuronal system that creates an immediate tion, the mirror neurons that seem to drive this system would
link between an observation and an action. At this almost ensure the continuation of fluent speech, possibly
344 J. Kalinowski, T. Saltuklaroglu / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 27 (2003) 339–347

preventing the chronic disorder from ever manifesting in speech phenomenon operates at the central level of phonemic
those who are later susceptible. execution (i.e. enactment of the motor speech plan), rather
Of considerable interest are the early symptoms of than impacting encoding and decoding strategies at semantic,
stuttering. Incipient stuttering is generally marked by the syntactic, or phonological levels. Thus, when choral speech
presence of easy, part-word or syllabic repetitions [8,15] operates, linguistic representation is not affected at these
that are free from tension and sometimes go unnoticed by higher levels. Simply put, the compromise in the system
the child producing them. It is not until later in the during stuttering, and hence, the facilitation of fluency via
developmental course that sound prolongations, silent choral speech occurs at the central level of execution.
blocking, ancillary and secondary behaviors develop. As Transition form speech percept (gestural representation) to
such, these elementary syllabic repetitions seem to speech product is immediate, since at a neuronal level, these
represent the canonical form of stuttering. At this early two tasks may be one and the same. Such is the parallel nature
stage, the involuntary stuttering block seems to be most of the specialized phonetic or linguistic ‘module’, as
easily overcome by the simple self-generated syllabic described by the Motor Theory [40,41]. During choral
repetitions or the canonical forms of stuttering. Hence, the speech, this transition seems to be aided by mirror driven
production of syllabic repetitions appears to be the imitative circuitry. Furthermore, the recruitment of mirror
system’s most efficacious means of counteracting the neurons does not impose any motoric control over production
stuttering block [15]. This leads us to speculate: why a during choral speech. Mirror neurons simply allow for an
syllabic repetition? Could the involuntary repeated pro- external speech model to serve as a loose framework for
ductions of these simple dynamic speech gestures be an fluent imitation, temporarily rectifying the possible compro-
attempt to access circuitry responsible for fluent imitation? mise in sensory motor integration in those who stutter [55].
Could it be an attempt to reengage a mirror system of As the external model is more closely matched to the
neurons? Surely it is not coincidental that these preliminary intended production with respect to the presence of common
symptoms of stuttering are repetitive or imitative in nature. speech cues, the chances improve for engaging the mirror
We suggest that they are endogenous attempts to imitate system and inhibiting stuttering by fluent imitation. Simply
internal gestural speech representations by reengaging put, the choral speech effect is a simple input – output reflex
mirror driven imitative circuitry. taking place in a specialized phonetic module and mediated
by mirror neurons. The only cognitive tasks required are
perceiving and attending to the external signal during speech
7. Gestural mirrors for fluency enhancement production.
Reengaging mirror systems via choral speech to induce
Mirror systems appear to drive the period of reflexive fluency in people who stutter seems logical. The primacy of
fluency during the initial phases of language development this method over even the most severe of stuttering symptoms
[46] and their relatively diminished use at later stages may is apparent. Perhaps it is the fact that these systems are
expose a predisposed vulnerability to stuttering. However, primitive that they usually override the later developing
simply because these primitive neuronal circuits no longer involuntary stuttering block. Human and animal nature
reflexively predominate over cognitive and linguistic dictates that primordial systems override later developing
acquisition processes at later stages, does not imply that systems if the drive or goal is sufficient. For example, since the
they are inactive and cannot be reengaged. Even in later dawn of time, our innate, primordial drive to feed and
years, people learn by observing others and imitating their reproduce seems to overpower any cognitive, religious,
actions [2,3]. This is evident in athletic, musical and artistic spiritual, behavioral, psychoanalytical, or other psychologi-
endeavors, as well as the learning foreign languages. When cal needs that have been created. By the same token, by
needed, at almost any stage in life, mirror systems appear to simply perceiving speech gestures from the second signal,
be available and provide the inherent capability to fluently choral or imitated speech provides gestural mirrors that when
imitate motoric actions. Obviously, every action recognition employed in a manner that is directed towards imitating
does not lead to an imitation, suggesting that this mirror speech gestures seem to almost invariably preclude the
circuitry can be cognitively mediated [2,3] and called to occurrence of the central involuntary stuttering block. Simply
action when required to either learn novel gestural put, gestural imitation via choral speech seems to inhibit
sequences or facilitate ingrained motoric gestural sequences stuttering by supplanting the disorder, at least to some extent.
that are prone to breakdown. We suggest that the latter However, once the signal is removed, fluency is revoked and
explains the effects of choral speech. When a person who stuttering once again permeates the speech output.
stutters speaks in unison with another speaker, a goal
directed imitation of speech gestures is once again being
implemented that allows these gestures to be fluently 8. The flexibility of gestural mirrors
The human propensity for fluent imitation regardless of We have discussed the ability of mirror neurons to
cognitive or linguistic [56] ability suggests that the choral fluently imitate speech gestures and their role in choral
J. Kalinowski, T. Saltuklaroglu / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 27 (2003) 339–347 345

speech. It is at this point that the flexibility of this fluency who stutter; and, why many people who stutter observe a
enhancing mechanism should be noted, accounting for the short period of ‘carry-over’ fluency following the removal
effects of choral speech derivatives such as DAF or of a choral signal. Thus, the leeway in the choral fluency
incongruous linguistic material, in which the imitative enhancing mechanism may be an interactive effect of mirror
process may not be overtly apparent. First, the term ‘choral’ neuron flexibility and a central priming of the auditory
speech is truly a misnomer. Rarely, if ever during a unison cortices for speech production once speech has been
production of the same linguistic material are the two initiated. Put simply, in people who stutter, fluency primes
speakers in temporal synchrony. The two speakers may take fluency. However, from our clinical observations, it appears
turns leading the speech production. The two signals that severe stutterers appear to be less susceptible to carry-
become intertwined. The originator may become the over. Here, flexibility may be compromised and therefore,
imitator and vice versa. Even though the choral signal due to the relative frequency and potency of their
may be out of phase, the flexibility of the system ensures involuntary stuttering block, higher degrees of linguistic
that stuttering inhibition is constant and generally unfailing. and temporal synchrony in the choral signal may paramount
Thus, the temporal inconsistencies in the choral signal to the maintenance of fluent speech.
suggest some flexibility in the proposed mirror neuronal For practical purposes of enhancing fluency in people
architecture for accommodating imitation of speech. This who stutter, this leeway in the mirror system may be put to
flexibility should be somewhat expected in a system that best use by employing permutations of choral speech such
may initially function to ensure the survival of the infant. In as DAF, FAF, reverberation, or echo speech [54]. These
developing children, actions may not always directly follow choral speech derivatives rely on the production of speech
observations, observation and action may overlap, or after by the person who stutters to generate the choral effect. That
continued exposures, an action may even precede the is, once speech is initiated, perceiving alterations to the
expected observation. We suggest that each of these incoming auditory signal creates the illusion of a second
scenarios would serve the imitative purpose and engage speaker and fools the brain into immediately engaging
the direct input – output mirror neuronal circuitry. Not only gestural mirrors to inhibit stuttering. In the past, these
is flexibility observed in the temporal domain under choral permutations of choral speech were acknowledged, but
conditions, but it may also be extended to the linguistic never considered clinically viable. Nowadays, technological
domain. As previously stated, fluency enhancement is advances in digital signal processing and miniaturization
observed in people who stutter when linguistically incon- have allowed the power of choral speech derivatives and the
gruous second speech signals are presented concomitantly engagement of mirror neurons to be accessed in the form of
with speech, as long as relevant speech cues are extracted inconspicuous self-contained, all in the canal, ear-level
from the gestural sequence. This generalization of effects devices, that produce combinations of DAF and FAF. For a
may be loosely analogous to the generalization shown by more complete description of this technology, see Ref. [62].
the mirror neurons in monkeys that show visual generaliz-
ation for the proximity of the intended action and size of the
agent (e.g. hand) performing the action [3]. 9. From parlor game to therapeutic reality
However, this flexibility in the fluency enhancing
mechanism, especially in mild to moderate stutterers may Clearly, the fluent speech derived from choral conditions
also result from contributions made by a ‘normalization’ of possesses qualities such as naturalness, spontaneity, and
sensory to motor priming once fluent speech production has stability that instill a sense of invulnerability to stuttering.
been initiated. A recent MEG study showed a significant When incoming speech gestures are verbally mirrored by
delay and reduction in amplitude of the M100 response in the person who stutters, primitive neuronal circuitry that
both auditory cortices (but more prominently in the left) perhaps once ensured the survival of the infant is put to
when normally fluent subjects produced vowels compared optimal use in the generation of fluent speech. After 75 years
to listening to replays of these self-produced vowels [13]. of failed attempts to bring an involuntary neurological
These data were interpreted as being indicative of motor to disorder under voluntary motoric control by creating
speech priming resulting from inhibition of the auditory tenuous and laborious speech patterns, is it not time to
cortices, a process that may be disrupted in people who simply endow the person who stutters with gestural mirrors
stutter [13,52,53,60]. Once fluent speech production is and allow them to exercise their innate ability for fluent
initiated in people who stutter by engagement of the mirror imitation? To the best of our knowledge, this innate and
driven imitation system, it is possible that enhanced central flexible neuronal encoding stratagem is the only true means
speech priming allows fluent speech to be self-sustained in of inducing invulnerability to stuttering that is paramount to
the presence of an asynchronous choral signal. This may the complete removal of overt and covert symptomatolgy.
also explain why stuttering occurs most frequently during Humans are born with an innate capacity for fluent imitation
the initiation of speech [8], prior to the possibility of speech of complex gestural sequences, a capacity that seems to
priming by one’s own voice; why reading, once initiated is have been refined through optimization of a mirror neuronal
an easier task than conversational speech for many people system for action recognition. In people who stutter this
346 J. Kalinowski, T. Saltuklaroglu / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 27 (2003) 339–347

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