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Questions on Lesson Two

Interactive test

Important guidelines ~-<..-:,00,:-:,0,.,:,0-:-~ ~-~ -~ - : , .••: ~ - ~

~ Resistors in series :
• To determ.ine the equivalent resistance (R ): I R1 R2 R3 I
I I I 1
R= Rl + R2 + R3 1----0----:---0-----:----0---i
If N equal resistors each of resistance R are I
connected in series, then : R= NR '- -----v I

• To determ.ine the total voltage (V): V = V 1 + V2 + V3

(Where the voltage is different across each resistor)
y V V V
• To determine the current intensity (I): I= -:::-- = f= R2 = R 3
R l 2 3
(Where the current intensity through all resistors is the same)
=:> Resistors in parallel : I
• To determine the equivalent resistance (R ):
- 1,- = I- + - I + - 1
R R1 R2 R3
--- - -v- - --
• If N equal resistors each of resistance R are connected in
' R
parallel, then : R = N
• If two different resistors R 1 and~ are connected in parallel; R= RR
l + 2

• To determ.ine the potential difference (V): V = IR = I 1R 1 = ½~ = I 3R 3

(Where the voltage is the same across each resistor)
• Understand O ~ ••• Higher Order Thinking Skills
,4: : :: : :: : ::: : ::::: :: ~

• To determine the total current (1): I= 11 + 12 + 13

(Where the current is distributed on the resistors)
• To calculate the current intensity in a branch:
R= R1 R2
Rl + ~
V 1 = V2 = Vab ' Il R l = 12 Rz = IR
- •- a___,WNIN'#M.-......b
Il = Rab ' ½= Rab
I 2
R2 R1
• In the case of having two branches only: 11 =I CRi + R ) , 12 =I CR, + Rz)

• In the case where the terminals of a resistor are connected together by a conducting
wire, its resistance is ignored when calculating the equivalent resistance because
there is no potential difference between its terminals.


. l ~ -------1
Simple form for the circuit

• In the case of having a connecting wire of no resistance, its ends can be considered
as one point.

R• z R3
Simple form for the circuit
y X y X


• When the potentials at the terminals of a resistor are equal, the value of this resistor
is ignored when calculating the equivalent resistance .

Simple form for the circuit

at constant electric current at constant potential difference

t t
(Pw)1 - R l
cPw)2 - R2
~ : : c :: ~: : :::: :: : :, : : = ~ :e : ::::::: ::::: :: : -000,::,000,:

► Questions on Chapter 1 I Lesson Two ,

Multiple choice questions
0 Three resistors are connected in parallel, if one of them equals one ohm then their
• equivalent resistance is ·· · ··· · one ohm.
® less than
® greater than
@ equal to
@) the answer can' t be determined unless knowing the values of the other two resistors
e* Three resistors have resistances of 40 Q, 60 Q, 120 Q, so their total equivalent
• resistance when connecting them:
(i) In series will be ··-······· ·
® s20 Q ® 220 Q @) 110 Q @ 34 Q
(ii) In parallel will be •••·•••••• •
@ 10 Q @ 20 Q @) 30Q @ 40Q

8 The opposite figure represents a part of an electric

• circuit, which of the resistors whose removal from
the circuit leads to the increase of the value of
the equivalent resistance?
@ R1 @ Ri
@) R4 @ R1, R2, R3

0 * You have three resistors, the resistance of each is 3 Q . The resistors are connected in
• four different methods as shown in the following figures @, @, @) and @;

3Q 3Q 3Q
-----W -

so , the method of connection in which the equivalent resistance equals:
(i) 4.5 Q is ·········· •

®® ®® @© @)@)
(ii) 2 Q is ·········· ·
®® @ @
(iii) I Q is ·········· ·

®® @ @)
• Understand O ~ ••• Higher Order Thinking Skills

'6) What is the equivalent resistance between the two points a and b in each of the following
(i) (ii)

~~ 30 :Jffi

l~ Q

6Q ' 3Q '

15Q '

/ -

a 15 Q ~ 16Q ~ ] Q (li) 1.5 Q
5' 17 Q @) 18 Q \~ 2Q @) 2.5 Q
(iii) (iv)

a -------MtMWN
'ff,_s-,Q a 18 kQ

"'~ 'fit,;
12 kQ
( ) 3Q

4Q si ., _ '"' (}
,1-,.._ 9kQ

7 kQ

'a 5 Q ,}1) 10 Q ~ 13kQ @ 6kQ

5 15 Q ·@: 20 Q ~ 9kQ @) 12 kQ
(v) (vi) 30 Q

"b a ~
50Q <O b '- ,p 24 Q


N •
30 Q 12 Q

@4Q ~ 13 Q ® 11 Q
@) 8 Q r-:S 20 Q @) 25Q

G The equjvalent resistance for the opposite electric circuit when

com1ecting an electric source to the circuit between the points: A

(i) A and B equals ·········· ·

~ 20Q
(ii) B and C equals
<? 1.25 Q __.,1 2.5 Q
rf J3.75Q @) 6.3Q
► Questions on Chapter 1 I Lesson Two ' )

G In the opposite figure:
(i) The equivalent resistance when a battery of negligible 40Q y
internal resistance is connected between X and Y is .......... •
12 Q
X 4Q
(ii) If a battery is connected instead of the 7 .Q resistor, the
equivalent resistance of the circuit becomes ·····.. ·· · ·
@ 40 .Q @ 41 .Q @ 42 .Q @ 43 .Q

0 A wire of resistance 48 .Q is reshaped as a closed circular ring, then A B

••• a battery is connected between two points on the circumference
of the ring and along its diameter as in the figure. The equivalent
resistance between points A, B is .. · ...... · ·
@ 96 .Q @ 48 .Q @ 24 .Q @ 12.Q

Q; A straight wire of resistance R is wrapped

• in the form of a circular ring then connected
in two different methods to an electric
source as in the opposite figure, so the ratio + +

between the equivalent resistance in the two

(1) (2)
cases(~) equals •······... •
®l ®1 @) 1-
* A wire of uniform cross-section carries a current of intensity O.1 A when the potential
difference between its terminals becomes 1.2 V. If the wire is bent into the shape of
a square of consecutive vertices a.bed, so the equivalent resistance of the wire if:
(i) the terminals of the source are connected to points a and c equals •••...... • •
@ 2Q @ 3Q @ 4Q @) 6Q
(ii) the terminals of the source are connected to points a and d equals .......... •
® 6 Q @ 4.5 Q @) 2.25 Q @) 1.5 Q
~ The opposite figure represents a part of an electric circuit, 6Q
if the equivalent resistance between the points A and B is 5Q
7 .Q, the resistance R equals ·· ........ . A R B

® 1 .o @ 2n
@) 3 Q @) 6.Q

• Understand O ~ l e Higher Order Thinking Skills

~ In the electric circuit shown in the figure , the value SQ

of R equals•········· • V = 120V
8 R SQ
® 2o n @ 40 Q r =O

@) 60Q @) 80Q

~ The opposite figure represents a part of an electric

circuit , if the equivalent resistance between the points
x and y is 8 Q , the resistance R equals ······· ··· . X y

@ 4Q @ 6Q l2Q ] 2Q

@ 12n

~ The opposite figure represents a closed electric circuit in

which there is an unknown component X , if the reading
of voltmeter is 5 V, the component X is represented by
the form ··········•
®~ 20 V
@) ~

~ The opposite figure represents a part of an electric 2R

circuit. If the equivalent resistance between the 60 R
points A and B is 9 Q , which of the following A 2R B

represents the value of the resistor R ?

@ 8Q @ 6Q © sn @) 3Q

~ * A number of resistors (N), each of 40 ohms, are connected together either in series or
• in parallel with an electric source of potential difference 120 V, so an electric current of
intensity 15 amperes passes through the circuit, so the number of resistors (N) equals ·········· ·
@3 @ 4 ©s @) 6


* An electric circuit in a house consists of an electric source that has a terminal potential
•• difference of 110 V, a fuse whose wire can't withstand a current greater than 5 A and
other components of equivalent resistance that equals 2 Q. What is the maximum number
of similar lamps that each has a resistance of 620 Q , where they can be turned on at
the same time without damaging the fu se wire?
® 10 @ 27 @ 31 @) 40
► Questions on Chapter 1 I Lesson Two ,

~ A number of equal resistors are connected in series, so their equivalent resistance was
100 Q and when they are connected in parallel, their equivalent resistance becomes 4 Q ,
then the resistance of each resistor of them is ··· ·· ····· •
® 2on @ 25 n © 10o n @) 104 Q
~ * When two resistors R 1 and R2 are connected in parallel, their equivalent resistance
equals 6 Q and when they are connected in series, their equivalent resistance equals
27 Q , so the value of one of them is ••· ··· •·· • •
@ 12Q @ 15 Q @) 18Q

~ In the opposite electric circuit, the difference between

the equivalent resistance of the circuit in the cases of
opening and closing the switch (K) equals .••· ...... •
-- c:::::J
~ ~ -- 6Q

~ In the opposite circuit, the ratio between the equivalent

resistance of the circuit in the cases of opening and
closing the switch (K) equals •••••••••• • 30Q

®1 @~
©1 @t
~ In the opposite electric circuit, the values of
the equivalent resistances of the circuit before and
after closing the switch (K ) respectively are ·········· •
@ 10 Q,22.5 Q @ 25 Q,22.5 Q
@ 25 Q , 7.5 Q @ 30 Q , 15 Q

~ From the opposite circuit, through which resistor

• does an electric current pass?

@ R1 , R2

@ R1 , R2, R 3

• Understand O ~ ••• Higher Order Thinking Skills

~ What is the equivalent resistance between points a and b in each of the following cases?

•• (i) (ii)

a b

~ 2Q @ 3Q ~ 7Q
C 3Q @) 4 Q (0 9Q @ 11 Q
(iii) a
] 8Q
a ............- -- NW>NI-NM- ------,

J2Q 4Q
6Q 1.5 Q


f ,1 Q (I)\
" . 1.5 Q
:S) 2 Q :if) 2.5 Q
(v) (vi)

12Q 30Q
~ WWW./lr-1--';'W,WNW
3Q 6Q a b
a b

~) l Q
~cf',s Q

~ What is the equivalent resistance before and after closing the switch K respectively in
each of the following cases?

(i) (ii)

a' 9Q10Q
~ , IIJl 9 Q 9 Q
---::.✓ ,
,' a' Q2Q
'-..,/ ' ~ 2Q , O

r ,,
c :6 Q ' 3 Q '-' 6 Q , 6 Q
:ct) _£,I 8 Q, 0 @ 4 Q,O
► Questions on Chapter 1 I Lesson Two ,

(iii) (iv)

® sn,2n (ii) 9 Q, 4 Q @ 7.5 Q, 6 Q (~) 3 Q, 6 Q

© 8 Q,4Q @ 36Q,6 Q (§) 15 Q , 7.5 Q @) 7.5 Q , 3.5 Q

~ * In the opposite circuit, when the switch is closed, R

the equivalent resistance of the circuit decreases to
half its initial value, hence the resistance of R I 45Q 5Q

equals .......... · r=Ol

@3n @ sn 5Q 30Q
@ 7Q @) 11 .Q
15 Q

~ * In the electric circuit shown in the figure,

• if the resistance of each resistor = R,
the equivalent resistance of the circuit = ...... ·.. •
@ 6R •~ 3R
@_) R @R
2 6
~ * The opposite figure represents a part of an
=> electric circuit, if the ammeter reading equals zero ,
4Q 8Q

the resistance of resistor R equals •........ · ·

(~ 8Q @ 9Q
@ 12Q @) 24Q

~ The following figures represent four electric circuits. So, the circuits in which the resistor
:. of the value 5 Q caiTies no cunent are ........ • •




(1) (2)

• Understand O ~ l e Higher Order Thinking Skills


5Q 3Q 6Q



(3) (4)
® (1) and (2) only @ (3) and (4) only

@ (1), (2) and (3) only @) (2), (3) and (4) only
~ In the opposite electric circuit, the ratio between
the equivalent resistance of the circuit in the
cases of opening and closing the switch (K)
3Q 3Q
equals .......... ·

~ In the opposite electric circuit, the reading of

the ammeter (A) equals ··· ······· · 6Q 6V
r= O
@ IA @ 2A
@) 3A @ 4A

~ The opposite electric circuit shows four lit lamps, if the

• lamp X is blown up, how many lamps remain lighted?

®o X

@ 2

~ In which of the following electric circuits the intensity of the electric current which

.. passes in one of the two resistors differs from the other resistor?
R 1 =lOQ 12 V
12 V
R 1=4Q R 2 = 6Q

R 1 =6Q 12 V
12 V
R1=lOQ R 2 = IOQ
R 2 =4Q

® @ © @

► Questions on Chapter 1 I Lesson Two -:)

~ In the electric circuit shown in the figure, if the reading of

•• the ammeter A 1 equals 1.2 A, the reading of the ammeter Ai
equals .......... •

@ 0.2A @ 0.4A
@ 0.6A @ 0.8A

~ Four resistors are connected in parallel to a battery

of emf 9 .2 V, hence the current intensities through E
them are 4 mA, 14 mA, 45 mA and 150 mA as 9.2V
r =O
shown in the opposite circuit, so:
o (i) The total resistance of the circuit equals ••••••···· ·
® 9.71 Q @ 13.35 Q @ 29.53 Q @) 43.19 Q
••• (ii) If the largest resistance is replaced with another of double its value, the total current
intensity through the battery, will equal •········· •
® 105.5mA @ 211 mA @ 422mA @ 633 mA

~ In the electric circuit shown in the figure:

(i) The reading of ammeter A 1 equals ·· ········ ·
@ 2A (hl 4A
(c) 6A @) SA 20V

(ii) The reading of ammeter A2 equals · ········· ·

@ IA @ 2A @ 3A @) 4A

* In the opposite circuit: JOQ

(i) The equivalent resistance of the circuit equals •·· •· •·· •· ·

@ SQ @ 9Q
@ 11 Q @ 13 Q

(ii) The total current intensity passing in the circuit equals · ······•·• ·
@ 0.5A @ 2A
@ 3.5 A @) 4A

(iii) The current intensity passing through the 6 Q resistor equals •••••••••• •
@ 0.13 A @ 0.91 A @ 0.33 A @) 0.45 A
i1 • Understand O~ e\ Higher Order Thinking Skills

~ In which of the following figures , the potential difference across the 4 Q resistor equals 4 V?
2Q 2Q 2Q

1~ 4Q 3~ 4Q 3A 2Q
~ 3Q

(1) (2) (3) (4)

® Figure (1) @ Figure (2) @ Figure (3) @ Figure (4)

~ In the opposite electric circuit, the ratio of ( f)

equals······· ··· · 11 2Q 2Q
0 ® i @ j .------NNNIWM-.WW7
@} @! I 2J
~ What is the value of the current intensity I in each of the following cases?
(i) (ii)

2Q , I
~~ 'l 6Q
24 V
r= O

~ lOA (hl 8A @ 9A @ 8A
@ 6A @) 4A @) 6A @) 3A
(iii) (iv)
R 2A

18Q 9Q 6Q

@ 4A

@ 2A

3V ,r=O
$ In the opposite electric circuit, the ratio of ( : )

... equ als ·········· · 3

½ 12Q

► Questions on Chapter 1 I Lesson Two ,

@i The opposite figure represents a part of 2R 2R I,l
••• an electric circuit, then the ratio between
the two currents (-~!_) equals •· •· •· ••·• • R 4R
®+ ®f @ 1-

~ In the opposite figure, if the ammeter reading 3Q

is 1 A, then the electric current intensity through
the 12 Q resistor equals ·········· • 12Q 4Q

@ O.SA @ IA
@ 1.5 A @) 2A

~ In the opposite simple electric circuit, the ammeter reads

5 A when the switch (K) is closed but when a 2 Q resistor
is connected in series with resistor R in this circuit, the
ammeter reading gets decreased to 4 A. So, the value of
the resistor R is •.. ••••...
@ 4Q @ 8Q
© 12Q @) 16Q

~ In the opposite circuit if the reading of the ammeter

• A 1 equals zero, then when the switch K is opened
the reading of the ammeter A2 · · · · · · · · · · ·
® increases
@ decreases
@ remains unchanged
@ becomes zero

* From the opposite circuit: IOQ

(i) What is the reading of the ammeter when

the switch K is opened? 20Q
12 V
@ 0 .21A @ OJA K

@ 0.43A @) 1.6 A
(ii) What is the reading of the ammeter when the switch K is closed?
@ SAA @ I.52A @) 0 .34A @) 0.22A
• Understand O ~ : . Higher Order Thinking Skills

@, Which of the following graphs represents the relation

• between the ammeter's reading and the value of
resistance S?

Ammeter's Ammeter's Ammeter's Ammeter's

reading reading reading reading

'--- - - - s ~
'----► S

* If the ammeter reading in the opposite circuit is 2 A , so: R

(i) The current intensity that passes in the circuit

equals·········· • 6Q
J;.,,, 9A r= O

'"c--i •3A
(ii) The resistance of R equals .......... ·
~\, 4Q Jv 2Q
2 0.5 Q
* Three resistors of 1 Q , 3 Q and 6 Q are connected to an electric source where
the electric current intensity through them are 0.3 A, 0.2 A, 0 .1 A respectively, so
the equivalent resistance of the circuit equals .......... •
® in ~ 2n ~ 3Q
~ In the opposite circuit, the ratio ( -1) is .......... •
• R2
___, 1-
'a' 2 b' 1-l

~ In the opposite electric circuit, ifl 1 = 12 , then ........ ..

• ~
.. (Pe)3 = (Pe)l + (Pe)2
:B (Pe)3 = (Pe)l + 2 (Pe)2
- 2l -
c" (pe3
) = 2 (p) + (Pe)2
el 2

I44 I
► Questions on Chapter 1 Lesson Two ,

~ In the opposite circuit, the ratio between
••• A
the readings of ammeters ( -1 ) is ------.... •

~ In the opposite electric circuit, when the value of the variable s

••• resistor S increases, the ammeter reading .......... • Rz
® increases @ vanishes
® remains constant @ decreases but does not vanish

~ The opposite figure represents three resistors x, y and z that are R

• connected in parallel, so the ratio of the current intensity that

passes in each of them respectively is .......... · 2R y

® 2:3:6 @ 1:2:3 3R z
@ 1: 3:2 @) 6:3:2

~ Which of the following graphs represents
• the relation between the readings of the two
ammeters A 1 and A2 when changing the resistance 6Q

of rheostat (R)?
(Notice that: 11, 12 are drawn with the same scale) 6Q

(0 @
~ The opposite figure represents three resistors x, y
R 2R 3R
••• and z that are connected in series, the ratio between
X y z
the potential differences across each of them
respectively equals .......... ·
® 1: 2:3 @ 1:3:2
® 1:1:1 @ 3:2:1
• Understand O ~ ••• Higher Order Thinking Skills

~ In the opposite electric circuit, three identical resistors

• are connected to an e lectric source, so when switch K is
closed, .......... · R
® the cun-ent in R decreases and in Q increases
~ the current in R decreases and in Q decreases
© the current in R increases and in Q decreases
Gf,the current in R increases and in Q increases
~ * Wire ab carries an electric cun-ent of intensity 3 mA. The wire is connected in parallel
1• to another wire of the same material and the same length but its diameter is three times as
large as the first wire (ab), so the total current intensity which is required to be passed to
keep the potential difference between the tenninals of wire ab constant is · ··· ····· · ·
@ 0 .02 A @ o.1 A @) 0 .03 A @) 0 .5 A
~ * Two wires A and B which have the same length are made of the same material,
• the cross-sectional area of wire A is double that of B. The two wires are connected
together in parallel in an electric circuit and when the circuit is closed, the intensity of
the passing current in the circuit becomes 3 A, so the current intensity through each of
them; IA and 18 , is .......... respectively.
@ 2A , 1A @ 2A,3A @) 3A,3A @) 2A,2A

~ * An electric curTent of intensity 8 mA was passing through a thin metallic wire and
••• when another wire of the same metal and the same length is connected in parallel with
the first wire, the current has increases to 10 mA. To keep the potential difference across
the wire unchanged , the ratio between the radii of the two wires ( f) must be ········· · ·
@ .l @2 @ 1- @) 2
2 2 1 3
~ In the opposite electric circuit, the ammeter reading
• equals ··

~ In the opposite figure, if the intensity of the passing electric Va = 12V

r, current in resistor R 1 is 2 A , the equivalent resistance of the

circuit is ··········
@ 4Q
@ 12Q
► Questions on Chapter 1 Lesson Two ,

~ The reading of the ammeter in the opposite electric circuit 2Q

• is•·········•
(Knowing that the resistance of the ammeter is negligible)
@ IA @ l .2A
@) 2A @ 2.4A 12V

~ In the opposite electric circuit, the electric current

••• through the battery becomes minimum value when R
closing switch ·· ··...... ·
@1 R

~ In which of the following electric circuits, one of the two bulbs lights up when the two
• switches are closed?

@ @
* From the opposite figure, the ratio between the voltmeter
. V1
readmgs (- )equals .......... •
V2 R
@ -1 @ -1
2 3
@ 1. @) 2
1 1

{j,i The opposite figure represents a part of an electric circuit that r - - - -- ----- ----- ,
••• consists of a battery of electromotive force 2 V and negligible J I

internal resistance and a voltmeter, which of the following

figures complete that circuit at points X, Y and Zin order for
the voltmeter to read 1.5 V?
~~~~J 2V

(Consider the resistance of the voltmeter to be infinite)

• Understand O ~ ••• Higher Order Thinking Skills

@i In the opposite electric circuit, the ratio between

o . V1 .
the readmgs of (V) 1s ··.. ······ ·
1 fi:'\ I
®1 ® 2
@l (<!) l 2R
3 6


~ In the opposite electric circuit, if the reading of the 2Q 6Q

voltmeter is 4 V, the electric current intensity that
passes through the 6 Q resistor equals · ········· ·
@ 0.8A @ IA
@ 1.2A @ 2A

0 In the opposite figure, if the resistance of the voltmeter is

100 kQ, how much does it read?
.....',) O 'b" 2V
\.'V 6V
~) 3V @ 4V

~ The opposite figure represents a part of an electric - - -- 12V-------► •

circuit, so:
(i) The voltmeter reading (V) equals·········· ·
~) 8V C~) 4 V R=4Q

~ 2.5V (~ l.3V
(ii) The resistance of Ri equals ·········· ·
@ 3Q @ SQ @) 9Q @) I6Q

In the opposite circuit, the potential 30Q IA R
difference between the terminals of
the source (V) is ••••••-••• •

® 2sv @ sov 3A r= 0

@ 75y @) lOOV

► Questions on Chapter 1 I Lesson Two ,

e,• *In the opposite figure: .--- - - 9 V- - -- - .

•• There are two fixed resistors x and z and a variable

resistor y changes from zero to 3000 Q , so the range
of potential differences between the two points a and
----- - v - - -
bis from•········· ·
® oto6V @ 3 Vto 6 V
@) 4.5 Vto 6 V @) 4.5 V to 9 V

~ The opposite figure represents a part of an electric circuit. R

• If the voltmeter reads 1V, then the potential difference

between the two points X and Y equals ···· •••••• •

@ IV @2v
@ 3V @ 4V

In the opposite electric circuit: 2 SQ
ISY , r=O

(i) The total resistance in the circuit equals •••••••••• • a b
SQ ~
@ 3Q @ SQ ...
@) 9 Q @) 11 Q ~

(ii) The total current intensity passing in the circuit equals •••••••••• •
@ 12A @ SA @ 3A @) 2A

(iii) The potential difference between the two points a and b equals ····· ··· •· ·
@ 2.5 V @5V @) 6 V @ 7 .5 V

* In the opposite circuit, the reading of the voltmeter when: 30Q

(i) Switch K 2 is closed and switch K 1 is opened equals ···· ······ ·

® 2ov @3ov 30 Q

@) 60 V @ 40 V K2
- - -- 1 i - -- - ~
(ii) Switch K 2 is closed and switch K 1 is closed equals ·········· ·
@ 30V @ 40V
@9ov @ 60V
(iii) Switch K 2 is opened and switch K 1 is closed equals •········· •
®o ~ wv © ~v (~) 60 V
• Understand O ~ l e Higher Order Thinking Skills

G, The opposite figure represents a part of an electric

circuit, so if the potential difference Vab equals 200 V;
(i) The equivalent resistance of this part of
the circuit equals ······· ··· ·
@ 100 Q Cli) 80 Q
~ 75Q @ 54Q
(ii) The current intensity passing through resistance R 1 equals ·········· ·
@:) 5 A ® 3 .5 A @2A @ 1.6 A
(iii) The current intensity through resistance R5 equals ·········· ·
@ 0.1 A @ 0.4 A @ 1.4A @) 1.6A
(iv) The potential difference between the two points e and d equals ·· ···· ··· · ·
@ 16v @ 12v ® 10v @) 8v

e* 0
Three resistors of 60 Q, 40 Q and 20 Qare connected to an electric source where
the potential difference across them are 30 V, 20 V and 50 V respectively, so the
equivalent resistance of the circuit equals ·········· ·
@ 16.67 Q @ 12.23 Q @) 10.53 Q @ 9.75 Q

e* A voltmeter of 500 Q resistance is connected in parallel to an unknown resistance, then

Q an ammeter of negligible resistance is connected to them in series and when the terminals
of this circuit are connected to an electric cell, the ammeter reading becomes 0.01 A and
the voltmeter reading becomes 3 V, so the value of the unknown resistance is ···· ·· ·· ·· ·
@ 900 Q (0 800 Q (s 750 Q (<V 620 Q

- In the opposite circuit, the readings of the ammeter and the voltmeter at:
• (i) Closing the two switches S 1 and S 2 together equals ·········· ·
2 V. r = 0
The ammeter reading The voltmeter reading
® 0 .67 A 0 .2 V
@ 0 0.3 V
© 0.67 A 0
@ 0.5A 0.3 V
(ii) Closing switch S I and opening switch S2 equals ········· · ·
The ammeter reading The voltmeter reading
® 3.2A 1.2 V
@ 0 .25A 1.25 V
© 1.25 A 3.2V
@ 0.25A 2 .05 V
► Questions on Chapter 1 I Lesson Two ,

~ In the opposite electric circuit:
~ (i) When closing the switch in direction (1),
a current of intensity 2 A passes in the ammeter, 15V
thus the value of the resistance of R is ···· ······ •
@ 30Q @ sn A >--~ - -~
@:) 7.5 Q @
(ii) When closing the switch in direction (2), a current of intensity ·········· passes in
the ammeter.
@ 2A @) 3A @) 4A

~ * In the shown electric circuit, the potential difference SQ SQ b

••• between the two points b and d equals .. ···· ··· · ·
@ 2v @ 4v 5Q 5Q

@) 6V @) 8V
d C

~ * In the opposite figure:

••• The potential difference between x and y equals ··· .... ·· · ·

@o @ 3m b
@) 6m @m

~ The opposite figure represents a prut of an 12Q y 6Q

••• electric circuit, which of the following is

X z
correct regarding the ratio of the potential
differences between the shown points? k
6Q 10 Q 2Q
@ ykf > Vxy @ Vyz > Vxk
(c) Vxy =Vkz @ V xz =2 Ytz

In the opposite figure, if the reading
of the voltmeter is 4 V:
a b R C
(i) What will be its reading when it is
2R 2R
connected between the two points b and c?
® 10v @ 8V @) 6V @ 2v
(ii) What will be its reading when it is connected between the two points a and c?
@ 14 V @ 15 V @) 16 V @ 17 V
• Understand O ~ ••• Higher Order Thinking Skills

- The opposite diagram represents a closed
••• electric circuit, if V 1 = V 2 , the resistance
R 3Q
of resistor R equals ••••.. •••• • 'INN

@ 9Q
~ '\ 15 Q
] 6Q

In the opposite circuit, if V =
i ,the value J8 Q R

of the resistor R equals •••••••••• •

(~) 6 Q ,1\ 12 Q 9Q 2R

18 Q Isf' 24 Q
0, In the opposite electric circuit, if you know that the electric 15 Q
potential of the point connected to the Earth is zero,·········· ·
The value of I The electric potential of point x

l_ A lOV
B 2
,·· r= 0
,~ l IA 5V Earth

(ct1 IA lOV
- -~
~ The opposite diagram represents a closed elect.lie circuit, so when
••• the variable resistance (S) is doubled, the voltmeter reading ••· ••· ••· • •
1JD increases but doesn't reach the double of its initial value
\. hl is doubled
--...., decreases but doesn' t reach half its initial value
(ct\ decreases to half its initial value

r= 0
0 Which of the following graphs represents the relation

.. between the reading of the voltmeter and the resistance R

taken from S? s

Voltmeter's reading Vo!Lmeter's reading Voltmeter's reading Voltmeter's reading

~ ,0' 11
s s
, /
s s
( ci \

► Questions on Chapter 1 I Lesson Two ,

~ Which of the following graphs represents the relation
••• between the reading of the voltmeter V I and the reading of
6Q 3Q
the voltmeter V 2 when changing the value of the resistance R
which is taken from the rheostat?
(Noticing that: V I and V2 are represented with the same drawing scale)

~ * Figure (1) shows a graph that represents the potential differences across the parts of
.-. the electric circuit in figure (2),

B C lQ D

4 3Q
Points of
..___ __ _ _ _ _ ___._ the electric
A B C D E F circuit R
Figure (1) Figure (2)

so, from studying the two figures (1) and (2):

(i) The ammeter reading equals ··· •··••· • •
@ IA @ 2A (c) 3A @ 4A
(ii) The resistance of R is •••· ••· •· · ·
'E) 10 Q @9 Q ~6 Q
• Understand O~ I. Higher Order Thinking Skills

~ * In the opposite electric circuit when switch S 1 only is

... closed, the reading of the voltmeter becomes V 1, when
switch S 2 only is closed, the reading of the voltmeter
becomes V2 and when both switches S 1 and S2 are closed
., then ......... .
together, the reading of the voltmeter becomes V~,

~ 'i VI <V2 <Y3 @ V3<Y1 <V2

~ ) V2<V1 <V3 @ V3 <V2 <V1

0 * In the opposite electric circuit, the intensity of current 20 Q

• passing in resistance 20
.. Q doesn't change in the case of
closing switches K 1 and K2 together or opening them IOQ
together, so the resistance of R equals ·········· ·

@ SOQ @ IOOQ 50Q 6V

@) 150Q @) 200 Q
~ * In the opposite electric circuit, when closing a b C

• the switch K , what will happen to the b1ightness

of the two bulbs a and b ·· ········ ·

Bulb a Bulb b
® mcreases decreases
~ I
I vanishes increases
© increases increases
@ vanishes decreases

0 In which of the following electric circuits, closing the switch K does not affect
• the brightness of the lamp?



® @)
► Questions on Chapter 1 Lesson Two ,:)

~* In the opposite circuit, if the four bulbs A, B, C and D

••• are identical, what happens to the illumination intensity of

the bulbs A and B when closing the switch K?
Brightness of bulb A Brightness of bulb B
® Increases Decreases
® Remains constant Increases
@ Remains constant Decreases r=0

@ Decreases Increases
~ In the opposite electric circuit two rods x and y of the same L_ y
••• metal have the same length but the cross-sectional area
of y is double that of x and they are connected together
via a copper slider (S), if the slider is moved in the shown
direction, the brightness of the lamp ·· ·· ··· -- ·
® increases ® decreases till it vanishes
® doesn't change @ decreases but doesn't vanish
0 * In the opposite electric circuit, the two lamps are identical (2) (1 )
••• and when the slider is positioned in the middle of the resistance
wire XY, the brightness of the two identical lamps (1) and (2)
become equal, so if the slider is moved slightly towards X,
what will happen to the brightness of the two lamps?

Brightness of lamp (1) Brightness of lamp (2)

® Increases Increases
@ Increases Decreases

© Decreases Increases
@ Decreases Decreases

~ * In the opposite circuit, rod XY of resistance 10 Q and two

r= O
:. identical lamps A and B each of resistance 10 Q, what happens
r--------1 ~~ t-----,
to the light of the bulbs A and B when the slider P moves from
its position towards point Y? A y X
Bulb A BulbB
® Does not change Increases
@ Increases Increases
© Decreases Does not change
@ Increases Decreases
e Understand O ~ ••• Higher Order Thinking Skills

~ * In the opposite electric circuit, what happens to the

Electric source

••• brightness of the bulb and the reading of the voltmeter
when the slider moves from P to Q?
The brightness of the bulb The voltmeter reading
'a )
\___<J' Increases Decreases Slider

@ Increases Increases

~ Does not change Decreases

@ Does not change Increases

~ Two electric bulbs 1 and 2 ofresistances R 1, R2 respectively are connected in series with
• an electric source, if R 1 < R 2 , then ·········· ·
® the brightness of bulb l is greater @ the brightness of bulb 2 is greater
@) the two bulbs have the same brightness @ the answer is indeterminable

~ Two electric bulbs 1 and 2 of resistances R 1, Ri respectively are connected in parallel

• with an electric source, if R 1 > R2 , then ·········· ·
~ the brightness of bulb 1 is greater @ the brightness of bulb 2 is greater
:C:: the two bulbs have the same brightness
@ the answer is indeterminable

~ * In the opposite electric circuit, the electric bulb is

••• labelled with (30 V, 45 W), so the resistance of R that makes
the bulb glows according to its labelled specifications of
voltage and power equals ······ ···· •
'~ I.SQ @ IOQ
~ 15 Q @) 67.5 Q 45 V , r = O

~ Three resistors x, y and z whose values are R, 2 R and 0.5 R respectively that are
••• connected in series in a closed electric circuit, the ratio of the consumed electric power
in each of them is ·········· respectively.
~ 4:2: 1 ® 2 :3: 1
@ 2:3 : 4

* In the opposite electric circuit, if the consumed electric
power in resistor R is 12 W and the value of I 1 = 2 A, so:
(i) The potential difference between the terminals of
the battery equals ·········· .
~ ) 24 V (G,112 V (_§) 6 V
► Questions on Chapter 1 Lesson Two ,

(ii) The total current intensity in the circuit equals •........ • •

@ ±A @ llA @ 1-A @) 1 A
3 3 3
(iii) The resistance of R equals .... -.... • .
@ 24 Q @ 18 Q @ 12 Q @ 9Q
~ When two resistors R , 4 Rare connected in parallel with a battery, then
• the consumed power in resistor R is .......... the consumed power in resistor 4 R.
0 four times @ double @ equal to @ quarter
~ * Two resistors have resistances of 10 Q and R, the consumed power through them
when they are connected in parallel with a battery of negligible internal resistance is four
times the power consumed through them when they are connected in series with the same
battery, then the value of R equals ········ •• .
@ 10 Q @ 7 .5 Q @5 Q @) 2.5 Q
~ Two different conductors that are made of the same material are connected together in

.. parallel with a potential difference that equals 220 V. If the length of the first conductor is
double that of the second conductor and the diameter of the first conductor is double that
of the second conductor, then the ratio between the consumed electric powers in the two
conductors ( (Pw) 1 ) equals .......... .
@± @ 1- ® .l @) .l
1 1 2 4
~* In the opposite electric circuit, if the potential difference 6 V,r=O
between the terminals of the bulb is 1.5 V, the equivalent
resistance between the two points x and y equals •••....... •
® o.45 Q @ 1Q
@ SQ @) 3Q

4D, From the opposite circuit:

(i) The total consumed power in the circuit equals .......... .
® 12ow @ 240W
@ 360 W @) 480W
(ii) The ratio of the consumed power in R to that in
(P ) y
R ( _:!!J__)
equals .... •·••·· - 120 V
x (Pw\ r= 0

®i ®1 ©~
• Understand O ~ ••• Higher Order Thinking Skills

(iii) Which of the following graphs shows the ratios of the consumed power in
the three resistors x, y and z?
® 3:1:2 ® 1:1:1 @ 2:3:1

~ * In the opposite electric circuit, three identical electric bulbs X y

••• x, y and z are connected together with a battery of negligible

internal resistance, then the ratio between the consumed power z

in the three bulbs (Pwx·

) · (Pwy·
) · (P wz
) respectively is ··········
® 1:1:4 @ 1:1:1
® 4:4:1 @) 1:1:2

~ * Three identical bulbs are connected once in series and another in parallel to the same
O e1ectnc
· source, so the ratio
· (-
w)series ) equa1s ••········ •
@± @ .2. @ l. @2
3 5 9 4
~ * In the opposite electric circuit, if you know that when
••• closing the switch, the consumed electric power in the circuit
increases to the double, so the resistance of R is ··· ··· ···· • 30Q

@ 3Q @ 6Q
@) 8Q @) IOQ

ii4+1&1 I
Essay questions
0 The opposite figure shows an electric
• heater which is equipped with two heating
components. Are the two components
connected in parallel or in series? And why?

a When do the electric current intensities passing in two different resistors connected
• together in a closed electric circuit equal each other?

'8, The opposite figure represents an electric circuit. Wirey

• Explain why the thickness of wire x is preferable

to be greater than that of y.

Wire x
► Questions on Chapter 1 I Lesson Two ,

0 A wire of uniform cross-section and resistance R is b a
• reshaped in the form of a rectangle abcd that its length
ab is double its width be as shown in the opposite figure,
which two points are connected to an electrical source to
obtain the greatest equivalent resistance? C d

8 Two non-isolated identical wires, each of uniform

y (1)
••• cross-sectional areas, length f and electric XI

resistance R , touch each other side by side in

ways (1) and (2) as shown in the opposite figure .
What is the ratio of the equivalent resistance
between point x and y in the two cases (RR 1) ?

Qi From the opposite figure, calculate the equivalent resistance between points A and Bin
iiJ each of the following cases:
(a) (b)

3Q 20Q
A - - t - - --+---w-llWNVW.--t--. B


a Calculate the intensity of current (I) in each of the following two circuits:
~ (a) 6Q c (b) 6Q
,-----NNWIMMr-- - ----,

20Q 4Q
lOQ 12Q

12 V SQ


a 3Q


0 From the opposite electric circuit, explain what

• happens to the reading of the ammeter when
switch K is closed?
e Understand O ~ / e Higher Order Thinking Skills

Gi An electric circuit consists of a source whose electromotive force is 130 V and its internal
resistance is negligible. It is connected to two resistors 300 Q , 400 Qin series, calculate
the reading of the voltmeter whose resistance is 200 Q if it is connected between
the terminals of:
(a) Resistor 300 Q.
(b) Resistor 400 Q.

~ The opposite figure shows a sliding rheostat

• connected in series to an electric lamp and
a battery 9 V of negligible internal resistance,
what happens to the potential difference
between the terminals x and z when the slider 9V
moves towards terminal z? Why?

~ Two resistors R and 2 R are connected together in parallel Q

.. with an electric cell of negligible internal resistance, the
opposite graph represents the relation between the quantity
of charge (Q) that passes through a cross-section of each of
them and time (t).
Find the value of the angle (8) which is shown
in the figure.

~ From the opposite electric circuit, calculate - --' A ,____ _

1• the ratio between the readings of the 12Q 6Q

ammeters(~)- ' - - ----j A1 '--- _ .

Y3 = 12 V

~ From the opposite electric circuit, explain

... what happens when increasing:
(a) The variable resistance R 1
(b) The variable resistance Ri

► Questions on Chapter 1 I Lesson Two -:)

~ The opposite figure represents a closed electiic
••• circuit, explain why a change in the readings
of the ammeter and voltmeter occurs when the
resistance of the variable resistor (S) increases.

~ From the opposite circuit, if the ammeter R

,:, reading is l A. Calculate the equivalent

resistance in the circuit.


~ The opposite figure represents a part of

• an electric circuit, calculate:
(a) The current intensity (1 1).
(b) The current intensity (12). +IOV ,
X 4Q

~ In the opposite figure, when a battery is

~ connected between the two points A and B
an electric current of intensity 2 A passes !SQ SQ

through the resistance 12 Q. Find the potential B

difference between the terminals of the battery.

A - - - ' - -- WHJWN~,.___ __,
+ SQ

~ In the opposite electric circuit, explain what

happens to the reading of the voltmeter when
changing the switch position from position (1)
to position (2).
~ _____,
- R


~ The opposite figure represents a part of an electric m

'!I circuit where the potential difference between the two
points k and f equals 50 V and the current intensity
passing in the resistor R equals 1 A, calculate:
(a) The potential difference between the points k and m.
(b) The resistance of resistor R. k

8 Understand O ~ ••• Higher Order Thinking Skills

~ In the opposite figure, if the potential difference between

a the points x and y equals 20 V and the ammeter reading
is 1 A while the voltmeter reading is 5 V. Calculate the
value of each of resistances R and S.

$, In each figure from the following, if the voltmeter reading V 1 equals 12 V. Calculate
the reading of voltmeter V2 :
(a) (b)


R 2R
40 Q
4R 16 Q

(c) (d)


$ Calculate the electric current intensity (n passing in the 6 Q resistance in each of the
• following:
(a) (b)
3A I
6Q 6Q
... .. 18 Q

(c) (d)

a: 2Q : 3Q
30 Q

9Q 6Q I L..M/WJ,Mw,,-l I
I I 2Q
4Q !---15 y -----!
► Questions on Chapter 1 Lesson Two -:)

y R f

~ In the opposite electric circuit, arrange X R

••• the points X, y, Z, k , edescendingly

according to the electric potential of R R
each one.
z k

~ Six identical bulbs, each one works on a maximum potential difference of 100 V. The
• bulbs were required to be operated on a potential difference of 200 V, explain how these
bulbs can be connected together such that each of them carries its maximum current?

~ Three resistances 10 Q, 20 Q and 40 Q are connected together in a certain method to

an electric source, so electric currents of intensities 0.4 A, 0.5 A and 0.1 A pass in these
resistances respectively. What is its equivalent resistance?

~ The opposite graph illustrates the relation between the potential V(V)
• differences (V) across two wires A and B and the electric A
current (I) which is passing in each of them.
(a) Which of the two wires has larger electric resistance?
And why?
(b) If the two wires are connected together in parallel with an electric
source, which of them consumes higher electric power? And why?

~ Four lamps each of resistance 6 Q are connected together in parallel. Then the combination
is connected to a battery of an emf 12 V and negligible internal resistance, calculate:
(a) The total charge which is leaving the battery in 10 s.
(b) The consumed power in each lamp in 10 s .

~ In the opposite circuit, deduce the ratio between R

••• the consumed power in the circuit in the case of
closing the switch in position ( 1) and that in case R R
of closing the switch in position (2) .


~ Three lamps x, y and z of resistances R , 2 R and y

0 4 R respectively are connected with an electric
source VB of negligible internal resistance as z
shown in the opposite figure. Determine with
explanation which of the three lamps consumes
larger electric power.
• Understand O ~ ••• Higher Order Thinking Skills

~ In the opposite circuit, if the consumed
power in the 6 Q resistance is 24 W,
l 2Q 2R
calculate the consumed power in
resistance R.
36 V,r= 0

~ Two students (N) and (M) constructed an electric circuit using three identical lamps,
• a switch and an electrical source as shown in the following two figures:

yr B
r=O _
....I..._ vt'
B ....I...
r=0 _

Figure (1) Figure (2)

The circuit of student (M) The circuit of student (N)

(a) Compare between the brightness of lamps in each of the two circuits when closing
the switch K .
(b) What happens for the brightness of lamps in each of the two circuits when one
of them is damaged?

~ In the opposite electric circuit, explain

• what happens to the brightness of the
lamp when:
(a) Moving the slider of rheostat from
A banery of
position A to position B. neglected
Lamp resistance
(b) Replacing the positions of lamp and
battery and moving the slider from
Ato B.

~ In the opposite electric circuit, how to

••• increase the brightness of the lamp by
two different methods?

Questions on Lesson Three

Interactive test
Important guidelines

0 ( Ohm's law for the closed circuit )

VB = V + Ir = IR + Ir = I (R + r)
To determine the electric current intensity (1) in a closed electric circuit:
VB V8 - V
l=R +r = r
• In the case of the absence of electric current (I =0) then: V = VB
( 1) In the electric circuit shown in the figure if switch K is:
[ Opened ) [ Closed )

A l

VB VB - Vl
1 =0
l=R+r = r
V 2 = IR

V 1 = VB - lr
• Understand 0 ~ I . Higher Order Thinking Skills

f (i)·Wb:;;~~'aJ resistor R which carries electric current ;i;;;~i'fyi7·❖·~.,,

I 1

is replaced by another R the passing electric current intensity in the circuit

I changes to 1 when using the same battery:


j cfj
Thus the two equations are solved algebraically to find the unknown values .
(3) When two electric ceUs are connected as follows:

~ - - t~\,. , _ _ - ~
I = (VB) l - (V B)2 ;
(Discharging) R+r 1 +r2 ~
V 1 = (VB)i - lr 1 (Discharging) i
V 2 = (V B)2 - Ir2 (Discharging) r
V 2 = (V8 ) 2 + Ir2 (Charging) ~
V3 =V 1 +V2 =1R
V3 =V 1 - V2 =IR
t..._>--,"'°°'~X.❖:~:-:❖X.,.::..X~--X.._-.c--:;,c-::,,X,,0.0.0.........,:,,·--x..x-:,o..~ ,oo,oo,c.-.-◊~"X<"X-- ",x,o.:,oo..."'-0<•·•;"'·• •, •.•:•.:,.:-c«•)v..•·•.'~ •X«-X•X•~❖._.:-:•xo:;.,.:x;.,._,f

Multiple choice questions

0 If the emf of an electric source whose internal resistance is r equals 8 V, the potential
• difference between its terminals during the flow of electric current in its circuit ··· ....... -
a equals 8 V
b is less than 8 V
c is more than 8 V
d the answer can't be determined without knowing the value of r

a• In the opposite electric circuit, when the variable resistor (S)

increases, then the reading of the voltmeter ········· -
r s
a increases li1 decreases until it vanishes
c remains constant ? decreases but doesn ·r vanish R
<----fN'IN,~V'rl,- - 7 -~
► Questions on Chapter 1 I Lesson Three ,:)

f)i * If a battery of emf 6 Vis connected to a 10 Q resistor, an electric current of intensity
0 .5 A passes in the circuit, so the internal resistance of the battery equals ·········· ·
~ •E' 1n :si I 2n
0 * Three resistors 3 Q , 6 Q and 4 Q are connected in series to a battery V8 of emf
30 V and internal resistance 2 Q , so:
(i) The total resistance of the circuit equals ····· ····· ·
~ llQ Q J 13Q @) 15Q @ t9Q
(ii) The intensity of the e lectric current in the circuit equals ···· ·· ···· ·
@ 0 .5 A l.b) 1 A & 1.5 A \ Q) 2 A
(iii) The potential difference between the terminals of the 6 Q resistor equals ···· ······ ·
~6V .Q.l 8 V ~ 12 V <!) 18 V
'6} In the opposite electric circuit, when Rv decreases,
the voltmeter reading (V) •••••••••• •
~ increases
':E decreases till it vanishes R
,-,. .
S remams constant
~ decreases but doesn't vanish

(ti The intensity of the current that flows through the battery after closing its external circuit is
inversely proportional to ••··· •· ··· •
~ the emf of the battery ~ the internal resistance of the battery
-£,, the external equivalent resistance J the total resistance of the circuit

0 What is the change that could be done in the opposite circuit

• to increase the intensity of the passing electric current in
the electric bulb?
~ Adding a resistor in parallel with the resistor which is in the circuit. p

.£, Adding a resistor in series with the resistor which is in the circuit.
~ Removing one of the two batteries.
~ Moving the bulb to point P.

0 In the opposite electric circuit, if the filament of one of

the lamps is blown up, then the voltmeter reading·········· ·
·.~a mcreases
'~ .

~ decreases but does not equal zero

1) remains constant
? becomes zero
• Understand O ~ ••• Higher Order Thinking Skills

f) In the opposite electric circuit when the switch Sis closed, then the Ya

readings of the voltmeter and ammeter .......... , .......... respectively.

a decreases, decreases R2
,Ji) decreases, increases
2 increases,decreases R3 s
~ increases, increases

~ * The opposite graph represents the relation between

the potential difference across the terminals of

a battery (V) and the current intensity (I) that passes
through it, then:
(i) The internal resistance of the battery is ·········· · 6

I 1n ~ 2n 4
s oAsn J o.9 n 2
(ii) The emf of the battery is •••••••••• •
a7V Q 7.5V
S 8V ,~' 9 V

~ In the electric circuit shown in the figure, if V 8 = lOV

the reading of the ammeter is 1 A, the reading
of the voltmeter is ···· ••· ••· · A

1 9V

~ The opposite diagram represents a closed electric circuit,

so which of the following figures represents the component X
that makes the pointer of the voltmeter deflect to 4 V?
R ri:\ 4R
~ - - 'h\lM'h\lMW,IMW,- - \Qj - ----"M

20 V
4V 16V
r=O r= 0

~ * A metal wire has a length of 30 m , a cross-sectional area of O.3 cm2 and a material
resistivity of 5 x 10-7 n.m, is connected in series to a resistor of 8.5 Q and a battery
whose emf is 18 V and its internal resistance is l Q. So, the electric current intensity
passing in the circuit equals •········· •
~ 0.9A "' l.8A
\Q; ,;:,_
\.S, 3 .6A ~ 4.2A
► Questions on Chapter 1 I Lesson Three ,

* A battery that has emf of 6 V and internal resistance of 1 Q is connected with an
ammeter of negligible resistance , a constant resistance R and a rheostat together in series
and when the slider is adjusted at the beginning of the rheostat, an electric current of O.6 A
passes in the circuit and when the slider is moved to the end of the rheostat, the current
that passes in the circuit becomes 0.1 A, so:
(i) The resistance of R equals ······•· · · ·
@ 3Q @ 6Q @) 9Q @) 12.n
(ii) The maximum resistance of the rheostat equals •··· · ····· ·
® 1sn @ 21n @) 38Q @son
~ * Two resistors, R 1 = 6 Q and R 2 = 4 Q , are connected together in parallel between
the terminals of an electric source that has emf of 6 V and internal resistance of O. I Q, so:
(i) The intensity of the passing electric current in the circuit equals •· •·· ••· •• •
@ 1.3A @ 2.4A @ 3.6A @) 4A
(ii) The consumed electric power in the circuit (inside and outside the source) equals •··· ······ •
@ 14.4 W @ 15 W @ 18 .3 W @ 21.9 W
(iii) The electric power that is consumed in R 1 equals ········ •• ·
@ I2.2W @ 9.3W @ 6.lW @) 5.53 W
~ * In the opposite circuit: If the reading of ammeter
a A 1 = I A while the reading of ammeter A 2 = 2 A and
the internal resistance of the battery (r) = 1 Q, so: 4.SQ _I._
(i) The resistance R equals ··· ······· ·
® 2n
@ 9Q @) 13Q
(ii) The emf of the battery equals •••••· ••·· •
@ 14v @ 12v @ 9v @) sv
~ In the opposite electric circuit, if the voltmeter 4Q

"' reading is 6 V, the resistance R equals •· ······•• •

® 2n
V 8 = 12 V
'b) 3Q V R
--.c;,, r= IQ

@ 4.8Q
(cf) 6 Q
• Understand 0 ~ I . Higher Order Thinking Skills

~ * In the circuit shown in the figure, the potential difference

between band c equals ········· · · SQ
a' 5y
b ' lOV

S 15 V
]) 20 V

~ In the opposite electric circuit, if the cunent that passes

in the 6 Q resistor equals 1 A, then:
(i) The reading of the ammeter (A) equals ........ ..
a 3.4A
b' 3 A
, C,/

c~2.8 A
l, 2 A r= I Q
(ii) The reading of the voltmeter (V) equals ·...... ·.. ·
~ ll V i_Q) 3V @ 6V
(iii) The emf of the battery equals .......... ·
~ 11 v ,~ 13v Cs) 15v @ 19V

~ * Three resistors of 8 Q , 6 Q and 16 Qare connected together in a definite way and with
an electric source of internal resistance 1.2 Q. When the circuit is closed, the potential
differences across the resistors become 2 V, 6 V and 4 V respectively, so the emf of
the source equals .......... •
<~, 6 V ,~ 17_5 V ~ ) 12V

$ In the opposite electric circuit, the voltmeter

reading is .......... •
~ 7.64 V ,j v 2.36 V
~ 1.64 V

~ In the opposite electric circuit, if we remove one of

• the battery cells and connect another resistance in series
to resistor R , the reading of the voltmeter ...... ··.. · r=O r=O
~ increases @ decreases
@ remains unchanged @ cannot be determined '------M!W,'NWIJ..---__J

~ * In the opposite electric circuit, if the internal resistance


,o of each electric cell is 2 Q , then: 30Q

(i) The total external resistance of the circuit equals .......... · 20Q 40Q
@ sn @ ion
~ 20 Q @ 25 Q I,- -- ---l ._____,
(ii) The total current intensity in the circuit equals .......... ·
(i) 0.25 A @ 0 .5 A @ 0 .75 A @ 1A
► Questions on Chapter 1 I Lesson Three ,

~ * The opposite figure shows four identical electiic cells, each
c of emf 12 V, where they are connected with an electric bulb,
when the intensity of the electric current that passes in the circuit
was 0 .5 A, the consumed electric power in the bulb was 23 W, so
the internal resistance of each cell equals •··· ••· ••· -
@: 0 .5 Q ~ I Q @ 1.5 Q ~2Q

~ * In the shown electric circuit, when opening switch K 1 and closing switch K 2 , which of
:. the following choices shows what happen to the direction of the current in resistor R and
the reading of the ammeter?
Current direction Ammeter reading
® Remains unchanged Increases
® Gets reversed Decreases
© Remains unchanged Decreases
@ Gets reversed Increases

~ In the opposite electric circuit, the reading of

• the voltmeter equals •··•··•· ••
® vB-2 1r @ v 8 +Ir
'cl - @ 2IR
'-=- 2
~ In the opposite circuit, if the internal resistance of the battery
c is 1- R then the voltmeter readin° equals·········· ·
4 ' 0

@ 2- y @ ±y
4 B 5 B

~ In the opposite electric circuit when the switch K is closed , then the ammeter (A) and
.\ voltmeter (V) readings are ·-••-•••••, ••......•- •
The ammeter reading (A) The voltmeter reading (V)
® increases decreases
@ decreases increases
© increases increases
@ decreases decreases

~ The opposite diagram represents a closed electric

:. circuit, so when the variable resistance (S) is increased,
the readings of the two voltmeters V I and V 2 are
.......... , .......... respectively.
® increases, increases @ decreases, decreases
@ increases, decreases @ decreases, increases
i1 e Understand O ~ ••• Higher Order Thinking Skills

~ In the shown electric circuit, if the value of the variable

••• resistance (S) is decreased, which of the following
ratios decreases?
,,-... V V V V
~ -- 1
@- 2 ©~ @ -'
VB VI v2 v2
,-Q); * In the opposite electiic circuit, if the reading of the voltmeter
l• V when the switch K is opened is 4 V, so if you know that
(VB)z > (VB) , then the readings of each of the two voltmeters
1 (V 8 ) 1= 8 V
V 1 and V 2 after closino
the switch K are········ ·· · r 1=0.5Q
The reading of V1 The reading of V2
~ ) 3V 11.5 V
~i; 3V 8V
-C 11 .5 V
a 4 .5V 8V

~ If you have a group of resistors each of value 8 Q, what is V 8 = 24 V


the number of these resistors and how can you connect them
with each other between the two points X and Y in order to
get a current intensity of 2 A passing in the circuit?
_a 2 resistors, in series (li.13 resistors, in series X y
c 4 resistors, in paraJlel '.sl 6 resistors, in parallel

~ In the opposite electric circuit the current intensity that passes 7.5 Q

• in the circuit in the case of closing the switch K is greater than

the cuITent intensity that passes in the case of opening the switch K
by O.5 A. So, the emf of the battery equals ····· ····· ·
~ ' 8 .2 V & 9 .4 V

r=l .5 Q
~-' 10.3 V @, 11.7 V
~ * The opposite figure shows four resistors which are connected
••• in the form of a square ABCD:
(i) So, the two points which have to be connected to a battery
whose internal resistance is 1 Q to let a current of O.25 A
pass in all resistors are •••••••••• •

(ii) The emf of the battery which is connected in (i) equals .......... ·
a 13 V I b , 26 V \_c_.,, 35 V (d 40 V
► Questions on Chapter 1 I Lesson Three ':)

~ In the opposite figure an electric circuit consists of a battery
VB whose internal resistance is 1 Q. The battery is connected to
four resistors R 1, R2 , R 3 and R4 that are carrying 0.3 A, 0.3 A,
0.4 A and 0.2 A respectively, so:
(i) The emf of the source VB equals ----······ ·
@ 5.4y @ 6.9V @) 7.13V @ 9.51 V
(ii) The total resistance of the circuit equals ·· -·· .. ·· · ·
@ 30 Q @ 14 Q @ 7 .67 Q @ 13.34 Q

In the opposite electric circuit, the readings of the voltmeters
. 1
V and V are .......... , . ........ respective y.
I 2
@ 2.25 V, 5.5 V @ 4.8 V, 4.8 V
@) 2 .25 V, 2 .25 V @ 4.8 V, 2.4 V

* In the opposite electric circuit, the reading of the voltmeter K
is 12 V when the switch K is opened and when the switch K
is closed, its reading becomes 9 V where the reading of
the ammeter is 1.5 A, so:
(i) The internal resistance of the battery equals ·· ··· ····· ·
@ 0 .5 Q @ 1Q @) 1.5 Q @) 2 Q
(ii) The resistance of R equals ·· ··· ··· ·· ·
@ 2.Q @ 4,Q @) 6.Q @) SQ

G * In the opposite electric circuit, if the internal

resistance of the battery is 2 Q and the reading of
the voltmeter is 12 V when the switch (K) is opened
and it becomes 10 V when the switch (K) is closed, , so:
(i) The electric current intensity that passes in the circuit
when the switch (K) is closed equals ·· ··· •·· •· ·
@ 4A @ 3A @) 2A
(ii) The resistance of R equals ······ ···· ·
@ 5n @ 10 n ® 15 n @ 2on
e Understand 0 ~ / e Higher Order Thinking Skills

~ * In the opposite electric circuit :

(i) The current intensity passing in the circuit equals ··· ···· ··· ·
\.::., 1.
3 A
1"' .1
, _1/2 A
c .l A
,_,, 2
:cf, _l_
~ 4

(ii) The potential difference between the points a and b equals •••· •· ---- •
,,~a 22 V '~
E', 2-
3 V "2, ±
, 9 V
ct., 1.
___. 3 V
(iii) The potential difference between the points b and c equals ••· •· •••-• •
.-t 0.4 V ~ ) 2.25 V ':s 0.625 V ~ 1.6 V

~ * In the opposite electric circuit, if the pointer of 3Q 9Q

the ammeter (A 2) is at zero, then the reading of
the ammeter (A 1) is ······· ··· ·
~ 3.5 A J;',2.5 A
~ 2A Q'·1.5 A

G The opposite graph represents the variation of the potential V(V)

... difference between the two poles of two electiic cells (x), (y)
with respect to the electric current intensity that passes in
the circuit of each of them, then the ratio between their internal
resistances (rrx).1s · ········· ·
-a _1 -~b -1
·- 2 '-' 3

- fJ2
C -

$ In the opposite electric circuit, the magnitude of I,___ _ __

••• the electromotive force of the battery is •········· •

r= ..l. R
R 2R
a' 25 V
~ 45V
~ A rechargeable battery of electromotive force 8 V and internal resistance 0.4 Q is
connected to a source of internal resistance 0.4 Q , so a cun-ent of intensity 2 .5 A passes
in the circuit. By ignoring the resistance of the wires in the circuit, the electromotive
force of the source that is used to charge the battery is -- -••••· • •
► Questions on Chapter 1 Lesson Three ,

~ In the opposite electric circuit, if the consumed power in
22 V 10 V
the 4 Q resistor is 16 W, then the value ofr equals •········· • r r

® o.2s n 4Q
© in @) 2n
~ * A battery of emf 12 Vis connected to two identical bulbs which are connected in
••• parallel, so the potential difference between the terminals of the battery becomes 10.8 V.
If each of the bulbs consumes an elect1ic power of 12 W, then the internal resistance of
the battery equals ·
@ 0 .25 Q @ 0 .54Q @) 0.72Q @:i 1 Q

* In the opposite circuit, the ratio V

= ··········
.~ l._ ,l )'.1. (YB)1=2 VB
~ 11 ~ 3
r = J_R
I 2

~ In the opposite electric circuit: 2Q

• (i) The ammeter reading (A 1) equals ·········· ·

@ 2A @ SA
@ 7A @ 10A IQ
(ii) The ammeter reading (A2 ) equals ····· ··· ·· · 1---- [1
@ 0.5A ~ ) 1A 2V 12V
r= IQ r=2Q
@ 1.5A @) 2A

* From the opposite circuit:
(i) The current intensity passing through the 12 V battery ]8Q
(V8 ) 2 =7Y
r2 = J.5Q

equals•········· •
@ ±A
9 (V8 ) 1=12Y
(ii) The consumed power in the 9 Q resistor equals ••· ••··••· • r 1 = I.SQ

@ 2-w @ -1w © §__w @ iw

4 7 5

~* An
electric cell was connected to a 1.9 Q resistor, so an electlic cmTent of intensity
0 .5 A passed in the circuit and when this resistor was replaced by another of 10.6 Q ,
the current intensity decreased to 0.125 A, hence the emf of the cell equals •········· •
@ 5.3y ~ 3 .31V i ) 2.7V '~ 1.45V
e Understand O ~ ••• Higher Order Thinking Skills

~ * An electric cell was connected to a resistor of resistance R, so the resistor R carried

.-. a cunent of intensity I and when another resistor of resistance ~ was connected with
the first resistor in parallel, the current intensity passing in the ciTcuit was doubled , hence
the internal resistance of the electric cell equals ...... ···· ·
~ 3R @R @) 6R @R
3 6

~ * Two identical wil-es are made of the same material, each of 50 cm long and cross-
••• sectional area of 2 mm 2 . They are connected together in series with an electric cell of
internal resistance 0.5 Q to form an electric circuit, so the intensity of the passing cunent
was 2 A and when the same two wires were connected in parallel with the same electric
cell, the total electric cutTent intensity became 6 A, so:
(i) The emf of the used electric cell equals · ...... ·.. ·
@ 3y @ 6V @ 9y @ 12v
(ii) The conductivity of the wire's material equals .......... ·
® 125 X 103 Q - 1.m- l ® 250 X 104 g-l .m-l
§) 396 X 106 g-I .m- l. . . . . . @) 431 8
X 10 Q - l .m- l

In the electric circuit shown in the figure:
Essay questions

• (a) Write the relation between the electric cun-ent intensity I

passing in the circuit and the readings of V 1 and V 2
(b) Deduce what happens to the readings of each of V 1 and V 2
when the value of the rheostat resistance S increases.
(c) What is the reading of each of V 1 and V 2 when the switch K is opened?

,f) From the opposite electric circuit, calculate the

:a electromotive force of the source if its internal SQ

resistance equals 2 Q . 30Q


'8 In the opposite electric circuit, if the emf of the K ]2Q

battery is 12 V and its internal resistance is 2 Q ,
find the reading of each of the ammeter (A),
the voltmeter (V 1), the voltmeter (V2 ) when
the switch K is:
(a) Opened. (b) Closed.

► Questions on Chapter 1 I Lesson Three - )

0 In the two opposite figures (1) and (2), a variable
• resistance R is connected once to an electric source
of an electromotive force VB and neglected internal
resistance and again connected to a source of
electromotive force VB and internal resistance r,
when the resistance R increases in the two circuits Figure (1) Figure (2)
the voltmeter reading V 1 remains constant, while
the voltmeter reading V2 increases. Explain.

'8, In the following electric circuit, if resistor R 1 is equivalent to double the internal
resistance (r) of the source and the reading of the voltmeter (V) across the source
is five times as the reading of the voltmeter (V 1) across R 1 ,

find the resistance of R 2 in terms of the internal resistance of the source (r).

~ In the opposite circuit, what happens to X y

••• the voltmeter reading when the slider moves s
from point x to point y ?

0 An electric circuit consists of a battery whose electromotive force is V 8 , internal resistance r,

• variable resistance R and an ammeter, when the resistance R is doubled, the reading of the
ammeter doesn't decrease to its half. Does this agree with Ohm's law ? Explain.

0, In the opposite circuit, is the internal resistance 15 V

of the battery considered or neglected ? Explain

your answer. IA 6Q ~


The two figures (1) and (2), each one represents 10V,r= 4Q
a of a closed electric circuit, find the ratio - - ---1 ~- -•-•
( l )x
2A Y
between the potential differences ( /Y). 10 V,r= 4Q
zk (2) z- - - --,1. -- 2-A- k

• Understand O ~ e\ Higher Order Thinking Skills

~ In the opposite electric circuit, if the potential difference of (VB)2 (YB)1= lO Y

point x is greater than the potential difference of pointy and the H

ammeter reading is 2 A and the internal resistance of each battery
is 1 Q . Calculate the electromotive force of the battery (V8 ) 2 3Q

{Di F rom the opposite figure, which is greater with

• an explanation:
(a) (V 8) 1, V 1
(b) (V 8)2, V 2

~ The opposite figure shows a closed electric circuit

C 2osAJ
9V 3V
4Q ~ 2Q
1• containing an unknown component Z . Considering the

internal resistances of the electric sources are negligible,

present two assumptions for the unknown component Z .

~ In the opposite electric circuit , if the voltmeter

reading V 1 equals zero, find:
( a) The emf (V8 ) 3 JOV,2 Q JOV, 2Q

(b) The reading of voltmeter V 2

~ From the opposite two circuits ( 1) and (2),

• what is the effect of closing the switch X X

on the brightness of lan1p x in each of

the two circuits ?

(1) (2)

G In the opposite electric circuit, what happens to

• the b1ightness of lamp x when the switch K 1 is
opened and switch Ki is closed? y

~ Two identical electric lamps taped on each of them ( 12 V, r -----

• 60 W) connected to a battery whose electromotive force is : ~ :
: 12 ~ :

12 V and internal resistance is 0 .5 Q as shown in the opposite

fi gure, why is the power consumed by each lamp not 60 W?
i O.SQI i
r_ _ _ __ _ _ ,

Questions on Lesson Four

Interactive test

~ Kirchhoff's laws:
• Kirchhoff·s first law:

+ +

I Iin = :E l out
11 + 12 = 13
• Kirchhoff's second law:
You must consider the following sign rules when applying Kirchhoff 's second law
in a closed loop:
( 1) When using the mathematical formula: 1: VB = L IR

In the resistor In the battery

Path direction Path direction

7 ,__-
V=+IR V = VB

i1 • Understand O ~ ••• Higher Order Thinking Skills

Path direction Path direction


V = -IR

(2) When using the mathematical formula: I V = 0

In the resistor In the battery
Path direction Path direction

+ R
~ ~I=--

Y =- IR V =- VB
Path direction Path direction

+ R -
~ ~I=--
V= IR V = VB

Multiple choice questions

Kirchhoff's first law

0 In the network shown in the figme,

C d
Electric current (I) Current direction (I) I 8A
® 3A from a to c
@ 3A from c to a
@) SA from a to c
@ 5A from c to a f

0 In the opposite figure, if 11 = 12 = I 3 = 14 = I5 ,

• then I 6 =
® 11

e In the opposite figure , the value of I is ·········· ·

@ 2A @ 4A
@) 6A @) I2A

12 0 2A
► Questions on Chapter_1 Lesson Four ,

The opposite figure represents a part of an electric circuit,
hence the value of I is ······ 4A
12A 9A

@ I9A a

@ 23A 4A
@ 27A
@) 31 A I

The opposite figure represents a part of an electric circuit, 3A

hence the value ofl is ······· ··· ·

@ 2A @ 4A IA
@ 6A @) 8A

The opposite figure represents a part of an electric circuit,
hence the value of I is ······ ·· ·· ·
@ 2.SA
@ 3.SA
@ 6.5 A
@ 7.5 A

0 In the opposite circuit:

(i) The intensity of current 11 is ·· ··· ···· · ·
@ - 2.5A @ 3.5A @ 4A
(ii) The intensity of current 12 is ·········· ·
@ -2.5A @ 3.5A @ 4A
G, In the opposite electric circuit, if the electric potentials of 6V
••• the points B , C and Dare 4 V, 10 V and 6 V respectively,
then the electric potential of point A equals •••••••••• •
@ 4v @ sv
@ I2V @ I6V A

f), The opposite diagram represents a part of a closed electric circuit,

.-. so if each resistor has a resistance of 3 n, the value of V I is ·········· ·
® 10v @ 2o v
@) 15 V @) 12 V +.iH'NNMIM-,-+-,IWNfllfMI+
3V 12 V
• Understand O ~ ••• Higher Order Thinking Skills

~ In the opposite figure, the c01Tect arrangement for the potential
> difference at points x , y and z is ·· ······· · ·
~ Vx>Vy > V2 '---~ Vy > Vx > V 2 IA SQ
~_ V2 >Vx>Vy _Q Vx > V 2 >Vy I A

r = O~ y
Kirchhoff's second law
~ In the shown circuit, the values of ···· ·· ··· · ·
Vl v2 12V

10 V
[ :
v,] ] ~
+ 8V
- I 6V +
d lOV 7V

~ In the opposite electric circuit, the reading of SQ SQ

the voltmeter is ·· ········ ·
30V 3Q 20V
a 20V ~" 15 V r=O r=O
c 5V ct o

~••• *In the opposite. circuit,

the powers (Pw)x and (P)y
are•········· respecttve y ·
a 4 W , 12 W ~ 12 W, 4 W
c 16 W, 12 W sf 4 W, 14 W
~ The opposite diagram represents a part of an electric circuit,
• so the voltmeter reading is ·· ·· ·· ···· ·
-a 20V (f 15 V 20 V
- r =O
c 5V ,] , 1 V

~ The opposite figure represents a pmt of an electric circuit IA SQ 2A

through which an electric current is passing, so the value
ofVBiS·········· ·

c 40V
20 V g, 30 V
,__<.i SOY
.~.[ JF 15 V
► Questions on Chapter 1 Lesson Four ':)

~ The opposite figure represents a part of an electric
• circuit, so the magnitude of the electromotive force V 8
equals• ········· - b
(a .,,., V
12 V 4Q

"i, If the potential difference between A and B in the opposite

••• electric circuit equals 4 V, then the value of resistance R
equals .......... ·
1--.a J 5 Q A
Cc') 15 Q (~) 20 Q

~ * In the electric circuit shown in the figure, if the value

:. of R is 7 .5 Q, the potential difference between points a 15VR
L c RJaR
and b equals •·•••••••• -
12) 5v
1 15 V

15 V b R d

~ In the opposite electric circuit: l OQ

" (i) The current intensity I 1 equals ····· ·· ··· ·
~ IA ~ 2A
- "- 20V
'c 3 A

(ii) The current intensity 12 equals ·········· ·

@ IA l}?) 2A

~ The opposite figure shows a closed electric circuit, so the resistance

••• which carries the greatest electric current intensity is ·· ········ ·
~ RI
I R2
@:'; R3
rJ : Ri, R2

* In the opposite circuit, if the ammeter
reading is 4 A and the voltmeter reading is 3 V,
the electromotive force (VB) equals ••· •·· ···· ·
i 1
4V ,Ei 6V
(c: 10 V '.?, 14 V
• Understand O ~ l e Higher Order Thinking Skills

~ * In the opposite electric circuit: b 3Q C

• (i) The intensity of cmTent 11 equals ··· ···· ··· ·

@ 4.01 A ~ 8.02A 0
@ 0.77 A @) 1.ll A
(ii) The intensity of current 12 equals ······· ··· · 9V

@ 0.77 A @ 4.01 A @) 8.02A @) l.11A

(iii) The electromotive force V8 equals ···· ·· ··· · ·
@ 2.01 V @ 4.03 V @) 6.01 V @) 8.02 V

$ * In the opposite electric circuit: a R 1=20Q b R 3= 10 Q c

(i) The intensity of the current that passes in resistor R 1 equals ········· · () Ri= 6 Q
@ o.22A @ - o.23A
JOV~~+/ 8V

@) 0.45A @
d 0.53A V
(ii) The intensity of the current that passes in resistor Ri equals ··· ··· ·... · d

~ 0.22A
1 ® -0.23A @) 0.45A @) 0 .53A
(iii) The intensity of the current that passes in resistor R 3 equals ····· ··· ·· ·
(E·0.22A @ -0.23A @) 0.45A @) 0.53A
~ * In the opposite electric circuit: a
(i) The electromotive force (V8) 1 equals .......... ·
® sv @ gv
© 1sv @) 2ov
f e d
(ii) The electromotive force (V 8 ) 2 equals ·········· ·
® sv @ sv @) 1ov @) 12v
(iii) The magnitude of potential difference between points e and b equals ···.. ····· ·
~ 5V @ 6V @) 7V @) 8V

$ * By applying Kirchhoff's laws on the opposite circuit, 3V 6V

15Q l3
you can find that:
(Knowing that : The directions indicated on the figure are
hypothetical directions and are not necessarily the correct

directions for the cmTent) 4Q

(i) The intensity of electric current 11 is ·········· ·

@ 0.36A @ 0.6A @ - 0.36A @ - 0.6A
(ii) The intensity of electric current I2 is ········ ·· ·
@ 0.96A @ 0.6 A @ - 0.96A @ - 0.6A

► Questions on Chapter 1 Lesson Four ,

(iii) The intensity of electric current I 3 is ···· ··· ·· · ·

@ 0.36A @ 0.96A @ - 0.36A @ - 0.96A

* From the opposite circuit diagram:
(i) The magnitude of potential difference between
2A a 0.5A
the two points a, b equals·· ·· ······ ·
@ JV @ 2v
@ 4V @) 6V
(ii) The electromotive force (V8 ) 1 equals ·········· ·
- --
@ 9v @ 6v © 4v @ 2v
(iii) The resistance R is •••••••••• •
@ @ 2n @) 4Q @ 7.SQ

~ * From the opposite circuit, the ratio (VB) 1

I , equals··
21 R
b R I

I R (Vs)
®1 2 . 2R T I

- - -- ~ ~v~ d
@) ~ e


* In the opposite electric circuit:
(i) The intensity of the electric current
R 1=10Q R = 20QI
A ,----, 2

that passes in resistor R 3 is ·.. ····· .. ·

@ ~A @ ~A
@ ~A @ iA
(ii) The consumed power in the circuit is · ·· ··· ·•·· •
@ 8.57 W @ 4.42 W @ 3.51 W @ 2.31 W

~ The opposite circuit contains multiple identical electric

1• cells of negligible internal resistances , so which resistance

doesn't carry any electric cun-ent?

@ R1 @ R2
@) R3 @ R1,~
* The opposite figure represents an electric circuit.
If V 2 = 4 VI' then the value ofI equals •••••••••• •
@ 2A
@ 4A
@ 6A
@) 8A
• Understand O~ e\ Higher Order Thinking Skills

~ The opposite diagram represents a closed electric circuit, SQ X

12V,r = O

so ......... .
r --lMIMW'IWI •
r1:,"' V = V xz SQ
~ vxy > vxz ~ xy I--- ./WM'N!l#.' llr--- ----1

§ vxy < vxz ~

cf',v xy -- v yz
IOV, r= O

~ In the following electric circuits, all resistors are identical and all batteries are identical

•• and have negligible internal resistances, so in which of these circuits the ammeter reading
A 1 is double of the ammeter reading A 2?

'9--11-I w;,w.-i r-A 1 -1 1 e--1 1 - /11'-WN# 11----iH NIIJl.'t

v..w,~· 1-------N NN.',

'MWM/W w,._\"INN~ NllHMI'.

ri,,,i fc d
~ * In the opposite electric circuit, if wire ab has
.-. a homogeneous resistance of 10 Q and point c is
the point of contact between the slider and wire ab
which divides the wire into two resistors R 1 and R2
where R2 = 1.5 R 1, so:
(i) The intensity of current 11 equals ·· ··· ····· ·
~ 0 .93 A ._E 1.09 A :£ 1.64 A (d 2.73 A
(ii) The intensity of current 12 equals ······· ··· ·
~~.., 0.93 A 1~ 1.09 A (0 1.64 A @ 2.73A

(iii) The intensity of current I equals · ········· ·

1 0.93 A E 1.09 A
':0 1.64 A @ 2.73A

~ * The opposite figure represents a part

:o of an electric circuit, using Kirchhoff 's
laws and considering the shown data and
the directions of currents and loops on
the figure, so:
(i) The potential difference bet\veen
the points X and Y equals ...... •••• •
@ 5v @ 1v @) IOV @) 11 V
(ii) The magnitude of emf of battery (V8 ) 2 equals ·········· ·
(~ 4 V @ 8V @) 9.5 V @) 11 V
► Questions on Chapter 1 Lesson Four ~

~ The opposite figure shows a part of an electric I=lA 1.5 Q 2.sQ
Q circuit through which a current of intensity 1 A A B
passes, so .......... ·

The potential at point A (VA) The potential at point B (VB)

® -1.5 V 2V
® 1.5 V 2V
© -1.5V 0.5 V
@) 1.5 V -0.5V

~ * The following figure shows a part of an electric circuit, if the consumed power
••• between the two points a and b equals 210 Wand the internal resistances of the elect.lie
cells are negligible, so:

(i) The unknown electromotive force (V8 ) equals .......... ·

@ 30 V (li) 20 V @ 10 V @) 5 V
(ii) The potential difference between the two points a and b equals .. •...... • •
@ 20 V (~ 30 V @ 40 V @ 50 V
* In the opposite electric circuit, the readings of the ammeter
and voltmeter are ........ •• •

The ammeter's reading The voltmeter's reading

® 2A 5V
Ctv lA 5V
© 2A 3V
@) IA 3V

~ In the opposite electric circuit: 1i 6V

Q (i) The readings of the ammeter and voltmeter are .... •·· •.. •
The ammeter's reading The voltmeter's reading 0.4A
18 V
,_____.. 1- - .WfNN'VV'I>-- --,
® 0 .067 A 5.6V
+ 12Q _
@ 0 .067 A 3 .7V
@ 4 .067 A 5.6V
@) 4.067 A 3 .7V
• Understand O ~ •\ Higher Order Thinking Skills

(ii) The resistance of R is .. ···.. ··· ·

@ 11Q @ 12Q @) 31 Q @) 36 Q

e* In the opposite electric circuit, the total resistance a

• · of the circuit equals •••••••••• •

® o.s Q 13V
@ 1Q
@) 1.18 Q
@ 1.25 Q

~ In the shown figure , 12 resistors each of resistance R,
••• are connected together in the form of a cube, so
the equivalent resistance of the shape in terms of R
equals•········· ·

,,,,.,a., Essay questions

0 Mention the scientific principle on which the following is based:
(a) Kirchhoff's first law.
(b) Kirchhoff's second law.

0 The opposite figure represents a part of a closed 30V

r= O
electric circuit, calculate the current intensity 12

e From the opposite circuit, calculate the current 2Q a
intensity passing through the resistor 3 Q.

l sv
d e f
► Questions on Chapter 1 Lesson Four ' )

0 The opposite figure represents an electric circuit,


• calculate the emf (V8 ) of the battery with

neglecting its internal resistance.


i---- --

0 In the opposite electric circuit, the reading of

ammeter A 1 is 1 A and the internal resistances of
the batteries are negligible, calculate the ratio SSV 2SV
f e I d
between the readings of ammeters A2 and A 3 ( ~;).
6Q 13
g A

~ In the opposite electric circuit, V8 ,r=0

a b
o V1 1
prove that : V =


v 8 , r= 0
e d

fji The opposite figure represents a part of an electric

circuit, if the potential difference between the points
x and y equals 16 V, calculate the current intensity I.

0 In the opposite electric circuit, if the ---- ~ v 1--- - - ,

G internal resistance of the batteries is Iz SQ X IOQ IA
k rJ..<A't, z
negligible , calculate :
(a) The voltmeter reading (V). 20Q 40V

(b) The emf (VB). I,

f) In the opposite electric circuit,

. (CVa)1
find the ratio (V ) ).
8 2
• Understand O ~ I . Higher Order Thinking Skills

~ From the opposite circuit, calculate the current


intensity passing in the 12 Q resistor.

~ In the opposite electric circuit, find the reading of

each of the ammeter and voltmeter. (Vg)i = 2 V
r2 =1Q

$ From the opposite electric circuit, if the current intensity is Ri 20V JOY Ri
& WNWl\lr--l ~ V
the same in each of the two batteries and equals (I) ampere,
find the ratio between the two resistances ( : ) .

~ From the opposite electiic circuit, by using 13

the two Kirchhoff's laws, calculate the I 2 A 11

potential difference at point A.

2Q G 4Q ~ SQ

(V 8 ) =7V (Y s\=I0.SV
r 1= IQ r2 = IQ


~ In the opposite electric circuit, calculate the 1 l

• current intensity passing in the 10 V battery. IOVl
r= 0 4V
I° ' f
I 2v

~ The opposite figure illustrates an electric circuit VB

• that contains identical batteries of negligible

internal resistances and also contains multiple
identical bulbs, which of the bulbs' filaments
glows more intensely?
:1 ~ vB

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