Small Group Lesson Plan Fishing

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Dakota State University


**Be sure to reference the Lesson Plan Rubric for prompts and guidance for each section!**

Name: Kailey Wixon

Grade Level: Kindergarten
School: Luverne Elementary School
Date: 11.02.23
Time: 12:50-1:10

Reflection from prior lesson: (Even if you did not teach the previous lesson, what did you observe that will
help you prepare and teach this lesson? Were prior objectives met? Were students engaged? How will you
remediate any problems? This should be one paragraph or longer.)

● Overall I thought my lesson went very well. The students have caught onto learning about shapes and
they have enjoyed doing different activities that we have done throughout the lesson. The one thing that
I want to work on is trying to call on different students and make everyone involved. Whole group
lessons are going very well in the afternoons and it is fun to see the students making progress with
these lessons.

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics: (Eg. How many boys vs. girls, students on IEPs, ELLs
[English Language Learners], students on behavior plans, characteristics of the class such as talkative, high-
poverty, etc.).

● 3 students on IEPs.
● There are 10 girls.
● There are 9 boys.
● A couple boys who like to talk a lot.
● A handful of girls who do like to talk a lot.
● Our class is starting to get very familiar with each other and tend to distract each other.
● Have 1 student who is not potty trained yet.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:

● Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten texts with
peers and adults in smaller and larger groups.
○ D. Follow basic oral directions.
● Demonstrate understanding of the basic features of print:
○ b. Recognize and name all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
● Demonstrate one-to-one letter-sound correspondence.

Lesson Objective(s): (The objective(s) should be measurable).

● The students will be able to identify and label each lowercase letter with assistance by the end of the
● The students will be able to echo back each letter on the paper after seeing the letter being shown by
the end of the lesson.
● The students will be able to match uppercase and lowercase letters together at the end of the lesson.

Assessment: (The assessment should directly measure the objective).

● Students will take turns picking up a letter from the “pond”. They will then tell me what letter they have
and they will have to match the uppercase letter from the pond to the lowercase letter on their paper.
Once they find the correct letter and name it correctly, they will then color in the bubble. After their turn
is done, they will continue to listen to the letters that the other students have picked to be able to color
them in on their paper as well.

Materials Needed:

● Fish letters
● Fishing paper
● Pencil Box
● Clipboards

Connection(s) to Research & Theory: (What learning theory or research-based method supports your
chosen methodology or assessment? Explain how this theory was used to help develop this lesson.)

● Activate Prior Knowledge

○ I will talk to the students about why it is important to learn about the letters in the alphabet. We
will also talk about how it is important to learn uppercase and lowercase letters because
sometimes we will see words in uppercase letters and sometimes they will be in lowercase
letters and then there can always be a mix of letters as well.
● Provide Meaningful Context
○ I will talk to the students about why it is important for them to be able to recognize uppercase
and lowercase letters because when we are reading, not all words are in uppercase or
lowercase letters, there sometimes is a mixture.
● Formative Assessment
○ During this lesson, the students will be picking cards that are face down in a pile. Once they pick
up one letter, they will then tell the other students what letter they pulled out of the “pond”. The
letters they are pulling out are capital letters and they will need to match the uppercase letter to
the lowercase letter that is on their sheet.
● Scaffolding
○ It is important for the students to know uppercase and lowercase letters. We want them to be
exposed to both uppercase and lowercase letters because they will always be seeing letters
throughout their whole lives and they need to be able to know how to read them.

A. The Lesson

● Introduction (include time allotment) 3 minutes

○ getting attention: I will ask the students who lunch went and how they are feeling.

○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge:

○ We will talk about in the past how we have been doing different activities and matching the
letters and today we are going to pick up an uppercase letter and try to find the lowercase letter
on our paper.
○ creating a need to know:
○ We need to know our letters because this is how we will learn how to read and write.
○ sharing objective, in general terms:

○ We are going to learn our uppercase and lowercase letters to make learning easier for you.

● Content Delivery (include time allotment & instructional methodologies)

○ The students will grab their pencil boxes from their table spots in the classroom.
○ After they have grabbed their pencil box, we will then walk together out to the large carpet area
○ After we all sit down, I will have the students take out their pencil.
○ I will pass out their clipboards that have their papers on them.
○ After they take out their pencil, I will have them put that away and they can pick out their favorite
color crayon.
○ The students will only use one color for this activity.
○ Then, I will tell the students who is going to start.
○ This student will then draw a card and tell us what letter it is.
○ After the letter is said, the students will then look at their papers and try to find that letter.
○ Once they find the letter, they will then start to color it in.
○ After they are done coloring, they will sit and wait for everyone to be done.
○ We will continue to do this until all the letters are gone or time is up.

● Closure (include time allotment) 2 minutes

○ I will have the students turn in their papers to me, close their pencil box, and pick up the letters that
are still on the ground. 2 of the girls will come back to the classroom with me and 2 of the students
will then go to RTI with their teacher.

B. Differentiated Instruction
● Adaptations for students with special needs or not meeting expectations
○ For the students who are not meeting expectations, I will continue to work with them 1:1
throughout the day when we have down time to really try to get them to learn these letters.
● Adaptations for those exceeding expectations
○ For the students who are exceeding those expectations, I will have them tell me the letter name
and I will have them tell me the letter sound as well.
● Language Support (IF you have ELLs (English Language Learners))
○ No ELL students.

C. Resources (links/copies of all materials used; resources referenced for information/curriculum)

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