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Ex 2: The chart below shows the percentage of men and women who did various free-time

activities in England in 2006.

tỷ lệ phụ nữ xem TV vào lúc rảnh rỗi

= the rate of females / women + watching TV (in their free time / idle time / leisure
= tỷ lệ phụ nữ dành tgian rảnh cho việc xem TV
= the percentage of women + spending their (free/leisure/idle) time + (on) + watching
going shopping = shopping
spend time on sth = allocate time for sth
attract sb = appeal to sb = be chosen by sb (v): thu hút ai = được lựa chọn bởi ai
The line graph illustrates the rate of men and women spend spending their free time in many
activities in England in 2006
Overall, women were likely to spend time on family and shopping compared to men while the
reverse could be seen in other activities.
Specifically, about 75% of women spent most of their free time watching TV, attending family
gatherings and shopping. The trend was not too different in the percentage of men watching TV
and allocating time for family, approximately 75%. Meanwhile, only 30% of men went shopping
in their leisure time.
Moreover WC, in comparison to other activities, reading and doing exercises were seen to be
less attractive to women, which shared the same figure at 70% , but attracted compared to 75%
of men.The noticeable disparity was observed in using the Internet and playing computer games.
The percentage of men using the Internet was approximately 75% while the equivalent rate in
women was just 42%. Similarly, the rate of men allocated allocating time for playing games was
18% and doubled the rate of women which was only 8%.

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